Proverbs 15:5b

He that Regardeth Reproof is Prudent

1. Regardeth:

a. Strong’s: to keep; guard; observe; give heed.

b. Dict. of Bib: obey a command with diligence and in detail; respect and revere.

2. Reproof: rebuke; correction; punishment; chastisement. (It is a different term than instruction, but in context is used as a virtual synonym.

3. Prudent: to be subtle; be shrewd; be crafty.

4. Context:

a. This expression stands on its own and could have a wide application to anyone’s response to any kind of reproof.

b. But since it is the second half of a proverb, it must be understood in light of the proverb in which it is found.

c. Solomon is speaking about a son who is reproved by his father…
• Only this son is wise… prudent. This son takes heed!
• This son doesn’t treat his father’s words with contempt. He VALUES the admonition.
• He doesn’t HATE to be admonished. He appreciates the genuine love of a parent that is seen behind the rebuke… he knows that his father only wants the best for him.
• He knows that his father has wisdom and his counsel is beneficial.
• He doesn’t reject the advice. He obeys.

The Proper Response to Reproof

1. Prov. 1:8 – HEAR the instruction of thy father.

a. The wise son responds first by hearing.

b. The first step towards obtaining wisdom is to LISTEN to your father.

c. While Proverbs was written as a father to his son, it also applies to a father and his daughter… or a mother and her son…

d. The first step towards wisdom is to listen to the instruction of BOTH of your parents.

e. Proverbs15:5 says that the one who regards reproof is prudent/wise. But it is impossible to regard reproof if you don’t hear it!

f. Early on, young people learn to tune out that which is unpleasant… that which they don’t really want to hear.

g. Hearing implies more than just being bodily present as your father speaks to you. Hearing implies more than that the sound waves vibrated your eardrums. Hearing implies an attitude of being WILLING to hear… AND willing to obey.

h. If you hear and DON’T respond… then you may have heard with your ears… but not with your heart. It is the heart that counts.

i. Prov. 4:1 – HEAR, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.
• For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. (vs.2)
• The first reason Solomon gives to his children to obey is a very positive one: it is GOOD doctrine!
» Once again, Solomon seeks to make wisdom and obedience attractive to his children. (The wise shall inherit glory! 3:35)
» The doctrine or instruction that he is giving them is first and foremost GOOD!
» Note that his approach is positive—he does not tell his children to obey or he’ll knock their lights out!
» He was not afraid to use discipline or to warn his children of the consequences of disobedience—he does that often in this book.

j. But—FIRST he chooses to make wisdom and obedience attractive. It is GOOD! Hear it—pay attention—for it is GOOD!

k. So too when teaching God’s Word. We are not to bang people over the head with the Word. Rather, we are to be like a shepherd feeding the flock… making the food attractive… and to be desired… not something fearful and painful!

l. Fathers should instruct their children for the good of the child—not just for the pleasure of the parents!
• Example: chores around the house—kids should learn these things, but not just to make it easier on the parents, but primarily because it is good for the child!
• Children don’t often understand HOW some instruction is good for them—any more than they understand HOW broccoli is good for them—but it is!

m. The wise son will regard reproof. He will see that his father reproves him for his own good…

2. Prov. 23:12 – APPLY THINE HEART unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.

a. This proverb also takes the concept of hearing into the heart.

b. What the ear hears, the heart is to apply.

c. This implies a hearing that is diligent, eager to learn, and desirous to obey.

d. Applying your heart to instruction is the way of wisdom. It is like saying “pay attention.”

e. Prov. 22:17 – bow down thine ear to hear…
• This implies a HUMBLE hearing…
• It is also translated “incline” in incline your heart unto the LORD God. (Josh. 24:23) (implying turning in the direction of…)
• It is also translated “stretched out” (as a hand)… (this implies eagerness to hear).
• It is translated yield… implying a submissive hearing.

f. Regarding reproof involves all of this: submission; humility; eagerness; inclination toward…

3. Prov. 4:13 – TAKE FAST HOLD OF instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.

a. The wise son who regards reproof… not only regards it… he takes fast hold of it and won’t let go!

b. He grabs a hold of it with a firm grip… determined not to let it go. (As when you’ve got a big fish on the line… it is something you really WANT… so you take a firm grip on the pole… determined not to lose it!)

c. In other words… a father’s instruction is not to go in one ear and out the other. Grab hold of it! Keep it!

4. Prov. 12:1 – Whoso LOVETH instruction loveth knowledge

a. The fool… the brutish person, HATES instruction.

b. The wise son LOVES it.
• He loves to be corrected… because he wants to do things right.
• A young girl making a pie might need to be corrected by her mother. She may need some instruction (there’s a difference between baking soda and baking powder!) If she wants the pie to come out… she should WANT to be corrected!
• A young boy may be doing a math problem all wrong, and dad has to correct him. If the son is wise… and wants a good grade in math, he should LOVE to be corrected. (Because it’s better to be corrected by dad at home… than by the teacher’s red pen on your test!)

c. Do you LOVE to hear instruction from your mother or father? How about your teacher?
• Be honest. God knows.
• Or do you chafe when corrected… grind your teeth when dad tells you to do something… do you get angry when told what to do?
• Examine your own heart. Is your reaction towards your parent’s instruction closer to that of a wise man or a fool?

d. Prov. 9:8 – a wise son will love the one who rebukes him! That is the right response.
• “Thank you dad! Had you not corrected me, I might have flunked my math test!”
• “Thank you mom. Had you not corrected me, that pie I was going to bring to the party would have tasted awful!”

5. Ps. 141:5 – we should APPRECIATE and even desire reproof…

a. David didn’t resist reproof. He invited it!

b. He saw it as an excellent oil… a sweet smelling anointing!

c. To anoint a person with oil was a sign of friendship. It was refreshing. It made you smell good—as opposed to dirty and sweaty without any deodorant! It was considered a great blessing.

d. Hence, David appreciated those who rebuked him. He saw it as a sign of love, care, concern, and something that would remove an unpleasant odor and replace it with something sweet smelling.

e. Young people—that’s what dad and mom are doing every time they correct you! They are trying to improve your character…


1. Prov. 13:18 – Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.

a. The one who regards reproof receives honor. (weight; value)

b. The fool gets poverty and shame. The wise son who regards reproof gets the opposite: honor… and perhaps wealth is implied.

2. 15:31 – he gets understanding

a. The son who does NOT regard his father’s instruction THINKS he already has understanding. He has the understanding of a child.

b. As long as he is willing to humble himself… and LISTEN to his father… he will gain REAL understanding… mature understanding.

3. 6:23-24 – will keep you from immorality and all the problems associated with it

a. Here Solomon states another benefit of listening to reproof and counsel: it will keep you from falling into immorality.

b. There are many problems associated with immorality: broken home; disease; heartache.

4. 19:20 – he will be wise in the latter end.

a. The son who listens to and obeys his father’s advice may be made fun of for a while… but in the end, his true wisdom will be seen.

b. This may refer to the end of his life OR it may refer to the end of the particular situation.

c. It is always better in the end to follow instructions… to regard reproof…

Application: our Heavenly Father has given 66 books full of instructions.

a. What kind of son are we?
» DO we despise His instruction? Do we despise His chastening?
» Do we read God’s Word READY to be admonished? Looking for areas where we can make improvements?

b. II Tim.3:16-17 – the Bible is given to us for REPROOF… and that is for our profit.
» Every time we read God’s Word… be ready to HEAR what the Spirit wants to say to you… and apply it… and be admonished by it…
» And make the necessary adjustments too!