Questions to Consider:
a. Who is being addressed?
b. What is the context?
c. Falling from what?
d. Falling into what?
* led away into error = same word as carried away in Gal. 2:13 – Barnabas
* Cf. usage in Jas. 3:1 – teachers receive greater condemnation – scrutiny…
¨ Intellect (understanding the correct facts of the gospel)
¨ Emotion (assent to the truth of the facts of the gospel)
¨ Will (choose/receive Christ to be one’s personal Savior – John 1:12)
If a believer could lose his salvation, then we must conclude the following:
¨ Eternal life is not eternal (John 3:16).
¨ Those who heard God’s Word and believed on Christ DID come to condemnation. (John 5:24)
¨ Christ cast out the one He said He would never cast out (John 6:37)
¨ Jesus was mistaken when He said we would never perish. (John 10:28)
¨ Someone (Satan? Self?) was, in fact, able to pluck us out of the Father’s hands. (John 10:28-29)
¨ Some who come to Christ WILL be cast out. (John 6:37)
¨ The Father will refuse to answer the High Priestly prayer of His Son when He prays for our future glorification. (John 17:24)
¨ Because He lives, we might perish. (John 14:19)
¨ Someone overpowered God and He was not able to keep us (I Pet. 1:5)
¨ God repented (changed His mind) concerning His gift of life (Eph. 2:8-9) and His calling us to Himself (Rom. 11:29)
¨ He will confirm us only until we sin. (I Cor. 1:8-9)
¨ The Body of Christ would be dismembered.
¨ God is not faithful to His promises.
¨ Our citizenship in heaven will be revoked. (Phil. 3:20)
¨ God forsook those He claimed He would never forsake. (Heb.13:5)
¨ The promise of appearing with Christ in glory will not be kept. (Col. 3:4)
¨ Salvation is dependent upon our works (Eph. 2:8-9)
¨ God’s everlasting love for His chosen people did not last forever. (Jer. 31:1)
¨ Christ was not able to save to the uttermost those who come unto God by Him. (Heb. 7:25)
¨ Those justified by His blood shall NOT be saved from wrath through Him. (Rom. 5:9)
¨ Much more, being reconciled, we might be saved by His life. (Rom. 5:10)
¨ God who was for us, turned against us. (Rom. 8:31)
¨ In the final analysis, salvation is based upon human merit and works. (Eph. 2:8-9)
¨ Christ died and rose again for us, and is presently interceding for us, but someone laid something to our charge that was not covered by Christ’s work and we were condemned. (Rom. 8:33-34)
¨ Something separated us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:38-39)
¨ Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall NOT be saved. (Rom. 10:13)
¨ We shall be sealed only until the day of a big sin. (Eph. 4:30)
¨ We can NOT be confident that He that hath begun a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:6)
¨ Eternal redemption is not eternal (Heb. 9:12)
¨ We cannot have assurance of salvation and must live in fear of losing it daily. There is no rest for our souls.
¨ God’s Word is not reliable, for it made many promises that were not kept.
¨ Our inheritance in heaven may become corruptible, may be defiled, may fade away, and the reservation may be broken. (I Pet. 1:4)
¨ The Father is not entirely satisfied with the work of His Son on the cross. (I John 2:2)
[Some of the illustrations used in this lesson were gleaned from Chafer’s Systematic Theology and from the excellent book by Harold Barker entitled Secure Forever, published by Loizeaux Brothers.]