Eternal Security

“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil.” (Hebrews  6:19)

An Important Distinction: Security vs. Assurance

  1. Eternal Security Defined: The everlasting and unchanging position of every true believer in Christ, due to the power and faithfulness of God, whether realized by the saint or not.
    • John 10:28
  2. Assurance of Salvation Defined: An experiential confidence that one is genuinely and eternally saved.
    • I John 5:13 – we can and should KNOW.
    • This knowledge is not presumption, but FAITH.
  3. Every true believer in Christ is eternally secure, although NOT every true believer experiences the assurance of that salvation. Because of ignorance, many believers (who ARE eternally secure) do not know it, do not believe it, and thus cannot experience the rest of soul this doctrine was intended to bring.
  4. Prerequisite for assurance of salvation: a biblical understanding of God’s character, God’s promises and the nature of salvation.
  5. Examples of believers who were “sure” they were going to heaven:
    • Daniel (Dan. 12:13)
    • Paul  (II Tim. 1:12; 4:6-8)
    • David (II Sam. 12:23)
  6. Hindrances to assurance of salvation:
    • A lack of knowledge of the Scriptures
    • Sin: defeat, unconfessed sin, repeated failures
    • Trusting exclusively in our own works for assurance
    • Trusting in our feelings for assurance
    • Dwelling on our condition rather than our position
    • Can you think of some others?
  1. Regeneration
    1. Defined: the impartation of eternal life at the moment of saving faith.
    2. The life given is ETERNAL. (John 3:16; 10:28)
    3. Those regenerated will NEVER PERISH (John 10:28)
    4. Those regenerated will never come into CONDEMNATION (John 5:24)
  2. Propitiation 
    1. Defined: The infinite satisfaction of Divine justice based upon the all sufficiency of the  shed blood of Jesus Christ.
    2. I John 2:2 – The present tense indicates that Christ CONTINUALLY is the propitiation for our sins.
    3. His shed blood has eternally satisfied the Father with respect to judgment on the believer.
  3. Redemption
    1. Defined: The work of God through the blood of Christ whereby He paid as a ransom the price of human sin, and delivered the believing sinner from the penalty and power of sin.
    2. Heb. 9:12 – an eternal redemption
    3. Eph. 1:13-14 – a promise of future glorification.
  4. Justification
    1. Defined: To declare righteous
    2. Rom. 8:29-30 – the promise of future glorification
    3. Rom. 5:9 – saved from any future wrath.
  5. Reconciliation
    1. Defined: The work of God through the death of Christ, whereby He provided for the changing of man from the state of enmity to friendship and fellowship.
    2. Rom. 5:10 – those reconciled have the promise: we SHALL be saved.
    3. Col. 1:21-22 – those reconciled have the promise of being presented holy and unblamable before God.
  6. Sanctification (Positional)
    1. Defined: the once for all setting apart of the believer FROM his former position in Adam, his sin and condemnation and TO his new position in Christ and in His righteousness.
    2. Heb. 10:10 – The believer has been sanctified once and for all. It never needs to be repeated.
    3. Heb. 10:14 – those sanctified have been perfected forever.
      • Every aspect of salvation is clearly revealed to be forever… eternal… secure.
  1. Things Which “Shall Be” true of  Every Believer 
    1. Rom. 5:9 – we shall be saved
    2. Rom. 8:18 – glory shall be revealed in us
    3. I Cor. 1:8 – He shall confirm you unto the end
    4. I Cor. 15:49 – we shall bear the image of the heavenly
    5. I Cor. 15:51 – we shall be changed
    6. II Cor. 4:14 – we shall be raised and presented before God with the apostles
    7. Phil. 1:6 – God will finish the work of transformation in us
    8. Col. 3:4 – ye shall appear with Him in glory
    9. I John 3:2 – we shall be like Him
      • These are not things that might occur, or could occur. God said that they SHALLbe! This could not be said if it were possible to lose one’s salvation.
      • There is no uncertainty in any of these promises.
  2. Promises of Life/Salvation
    1. John 3:16 – Whoever believes shall have everlasting life.
    2. Acts 16:31 – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou SHALT be saved.
    3. Rom. 10:13 – Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    4. Rom. 10:9 – If thou wilt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
  3. Promises of NO Condemnation
    1. Rom. 8:1 – there is therefore now NO condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
    2. John 5:24 – He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent Me… shall not come into condemnation.
    3. John 3:15-16 – Whosever believeth in Him should not perish.
    4. John 10:28 – They shall never perish.
    5. John 3:18 – He that believeth on Him is not condemned.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”   (Eph. 2:8-9)

  1. If salvation were obtained by our       good        works, (but it is not!) then it could be lost by our       bad       works.
  2. Eph.2:8-9 speaks about the      past        tense of salvation.
    • Salvation has          already been completed, finished          
  3. The past tense of salvation is not a       process        that is carried on and is to be completed later.
  4. What words or expressions indicate that salvation does not take into account human merit?         gift; grace; not of works;              
  5. Note that Paul did NOT write “By grace are ye       being        saved.” Nor did he write “By grace ye        will be       saved.”Rather, he wrote that “By grace       ye              ARE      saved.”
    • The salvation Paul describes is looked upon as a:      completed              action      .
    • The tense of the word “saved” in the original indicates a past completed action with present continuing results.
  6. Salvation by grace…. the kind of salvation God has planned, leaves men with absolutely no room for        boasting        .   Cf.(Rom.3:27)
    • It demands that 100% of the glory goes to       God       .   (I Co.1:29)
    • Salvation by grace means that human               merit               or human        effort        is not even a consideration on God’s part with respect to the eternal destiny of men. (Titus 3:5; Rom.4:5)
    • Paul states that salvation is a “gift of God.”  A gift is not earned.What does God say about His gifts in Rom. 11:29? God’s gifts and calling are WITHOUT REPENTENCE.  When God gives a free gift, He doesn’t change His mind!
    • In Romans 4:16, Paul states that “it is of faith, that it might by by grace, to the end that the promise might be sure to all the seed.” This promise is sure because it is of faith and by grace.
      • Paul’s point: If salvation is of faith by grace (and it is!) then it is sure!
      • If it were any other kind of salvation (of works; dependent upon human  merit even to the tiniest degree)  then salvation is NOT sure. That  kind of salvation could be lost!
      • Since human merit has NOTHING TO DO WITH eternal destiny, then salvation rests totally upon what GOD has done, and is thus sure!

    “Every argument against the eternal security of the believer is based on the human element. As God definitely and clearly excludes all human element in salvation, every one of these arguments is thereby ruled out.” (Strombeck, Shall Never Perish)

  1. God Cannot Lie
    1. Num. 23:19 – God cannot lie.
    2. Heb. 6:17-18 – God’s unilateral promises rest upon HIM and Him alone for fulfillment.
  2. God Will Not Repent
    1. Num. 23:19 – God does not change His mind.
    2. Rom. 11:29– the gifts (like salvation!) and calling (our heavenly calling too) are secure because with respect to giving gifts, God does not change His mind.  (Eph. 2:8-9; II Tim. 1:9)
  3. God Performs What He Promises (Rom. 4:21)

The next time you are discouraged and thinking about YOUR unfaithfulness to God, think of HIS faithfulness to His Word!  (II Tim.2:13)

  1. Kept By the Power of God (I Pet. 1:5)
    1. What is OUR responsibility? To believe!
    2. What is GOD’S responsibility? To keep! Just believe and leave the keeping to Him! 

    Cat & monkey believers: In a region of the Amazon, the natives divided believers up into two groups: cat & monkey.  The “cat” believers view of salvation viewed their safety as a cat carries her kittens. Their safety depended upon her grip on them. The monkey group believed they could lose their salvation. They saw their security in their ability to hold on to their mother – like a baby monkey holding on to its mother’s back!  (author unknown)

  2. No One Can Pluck Us From His Hands (John 10:29)
    1. Who could over power Christ or the Father? No one!
    2. He never casts us OUT of His hands or care either. (John 6:37)
  3. He Is Able to Keep That Which I Have Committed Unto Him (II Tim. 1:12)
    1. What did Paul commit to the Lord? (His own eternal destiny!)
    2. Of what is Paul persuaded? That God is ABLE to keep. 
    3. For how long of a period of time does God “keep” in this passage?  Until that day… of His coming. (Cf. II Tim.4:18 – Paul was assured of being in the future Kingdom!)
  4. He Is Able to Save to the Uttermost (Heb. 7:25)
    • Uttermost is translated “unto the end” in John 13:1.
  5. He Is Able to Keep Us From Falling (Jude 24)

The believer is kept by the infinite power of God! Our salvation rests NOT upon our feeble ability to “hold on” to God. Our salvation rests upon God’s ability to “hold on” to us. He is able!

  1. The Life God Gives Believers Is Eternal
  2. Eternal Life Lasts Forever… It Never Ends
  3. Eternal Life is a Present Possession of Every Believer 
    1. John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
      • Hath = present tense; the believer already has everlasting life – NOW!
      • Eternal life is nothing something we receive when we die and go to heaven.
      • The true believer has life NOW.
    2. John 5:24 – Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
      • Hath = present tense (hath everlasting life now)
      • Is passed = perfect tense, which speaks of a past completed action with present continuing results. (He STANDS passed from death unto life with the continuing result of now still possessing life.)
    3. John 6:47-Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.  (Hath = present tense – now!)
    4. John 6:54   Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
      • Hath = present tense – now.
      • Will raise = Regeneration is present; resurrection of the body is future
    5. 1 John 5:11   And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
      • Hath given = aorist act. ind. = speaks of action completed in the past.
      • God has already given the believer LIFE.
    6. 1John 5:12   He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.   (Hath = present tense) Those who have received Christ presently HAVE life. (Cf. John 1:12)
    7. 1 John 3:14   We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
      • Have passed = perfect active ind. = past completed action with present continuing results.
      • Perfect indicates that we have passed from death to life and STAND in that position.
    8. 1 John 5:13   These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
      • Have = present tense
    9. 1 John 3:14   We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
      • Have passed = perfect active
      • We STAND passed from death unto life with the continuing result of ongoing LIFE.
    10. Eternal life is not something we gain when we die and go to heaven. It is a present possession and it never ends.
  4. Our Life Is Connected to His Life
    1. John 14:19 – “Because I live, ye shall live also.”
      1. His resurrected life is the foundation or basis for our new life.
      2. If His life could end, then our life in Him would end. Both are impossible.
      3. “The life which He has we have; the life of the head in glory is the life which is in every one of His members on earth, and we are the members of His body, His flesh, and His bones. His life can never die, never be affected or destroyed by enemies, and such is our life. It is hid with Christ in God.” (Arno C. Gaebelein)
    2. John 6:51-58 – “If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever.”
      1. The one who eats (receives by faith) Christ he shall live forever.
      2. To have Christ is to have eternal life.
    3. I John 5:11 – God gave us eternal life and this life is in His Son.
      1. vs. 12 – He that hath the Son hath life (eternal life)
      2. Do you have the Son? Then you have life eternal.

God’s Sovereign Purpose for the Believer

  1. Eph. 1:3-6 – He chose us that we might stand before Him holy and without blame.
  2. God’s purposes are not thwarted by man’s frailty. God’s purposes are not dependent upon man’s ability. God’s purposes for the believer SHALL be carried out.
    1. Phil. 1:6 – He will perform that good work in us until the day of Jesus Christ.
    2. I Cor. 1:8-9 – He will confirm us to the end, that we may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    3. Rom. 8:28-30 – God’s purpose is to transform all those He called into the image of His Son and to glorify them.  Nothing and no one will ever hinder this purpose from being carried out (vs. 31).
  3. God’s purpose is that no true believer ever be lost. (John 6:37-40)
  4. Heb. 6:13-18 – The Abrahamic Covenant is an example of the unconditional nature of God’s promises.
    1. God has promised eternal life to all those who believe. He has also promised that they shall not come into condemnation. (John 5:24)
    2. Heb. 6:13 – the covenant was unilateral (Cf. Gen. 15:8-17)
    3. Vs. 14 – “I will”  demonstrates the unconditional nature; God did all the work; God makes all the promises.
    4. Vs. 15 – fulfillment was delayed, but it was sure.
    5. Vs. 16 – once ratified, there can be no more arguing over the terms or changing of terms.
    6. Vs. 17 – God reassured Abram by an oath – it is confirmed and unchangeable.
  5. Rom. 4:16 – Grace/faith make the covenant 100% dependent upon God and thus SURE!
    1. The subject of this context is salvation: justification by grace through faith (4:1-9)
    2. Paul’s point is that salvation is either by law/works or it is by grace/faith.
    3. These two are mutually exclusive. There can be no mixing of these two concepts or systems.  (vs.4-5,14; 11:6)
    4. Paul then explains that salvation is by the grace/faith system. (vs.3,5)
    5. Abraham is used as an example. God’s promise to Abraham was not according to the law, but according to faith. (vs.13) That’s the way God works. That’s the way God makes promises.
    6. Paul’s conclusion:  (vs. 16)
      • God’s promise of salvation is by FAITH… so that it might be by grace… and not according to man’s ability to keep the law.
      • What is the reason or purpose for making salvation by faith/grace? SO THAT it might be SURE!
      • The moment one introduces works (man’s effort/ability) then salvation becomes uncertain… unsure.
      • But when it is by means of faith/grace… then it is sure, because it does not depend upon man’s ability, but it depends upon God’s ability and His faithfulness. That makes it certain.
      • The only system that guarantees SECURITY is a system of grace – that removes man’s ability and effort totally from the equation.
      • Paul’s point: because salvation is by grace, it is therefore SURE… certain… secure…
  1. God’s Justice Demands Death
    1. Ezek. 18:4 – the soul that sinneth it shall die
    2. Rom. 6:23 – the wages of sin is death
  2. Christ Died in Our Place
    1. Christ died for us  (Rom. 5:8)
    2. The Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all (Isa. 53:6).
    3. Christ suffered for our sins (I Peter 3:18)
    4. Christ bore our sins on the cross (I Peter 2:24)
  3. The Penalty of the Law Has Already Been Paid in Full 
    1. Christ bore the curse of the Law (Gal. 3:13). The justice of the law has been satisfied.
  4. The Judge, the Law, and the Accuser
    1. The Judge has been eternally satisfied that His justice has been upheld.
      1. Christ’s sacrifice satisfied the Father, the Judge (I John 2:2; 4:10)
      2. We are justified in the eyes of the Judge. (Rom. 5:1)
      3. The Judge is now FOR us. (Rom. 8:31a)
      4. The Judge now sees us as “righteous” before His throne. (Rom. 3:22)
      5. The law does not condemn the righteous. (Deut. 25:1)
      6. Therefore the Judge says of all those in Christ, “There is therefore now NO condemnation.” (Rom. 8:1)
    2. The Law has also been upheld and its justice satisfied.
      1. The law demanded death and its penalty was paid in full. The law was fulfilled and satisfied.
      2. Not only did Christ die for us, but our old man was crucified with Him (Rom. 6:6).
      3. Hence, the law has nothing to say to a dead man. It has no jurisdiction over a dead man.  (Rom. 7:4)
      4. The law cannot come after us. It has been settled at the cross. (Col. 2:14)  Christ blotted “out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross.”
      5. “My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought; my sin not in part but the whole; is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh, my soul.” (Horatio G. Spafford)
    3. The Accuser – has nothing against us.
      1. The devil may accuse us before the Judge, but his charges are dismissed out of God’s court.
      2. No one can lay anything to the charge of God’s elect. (Rom. 8:33)
      3. No one can bring an accusation against us before this Judge. The Judge is now FOR US.  (Rom. 8:31)
      4. No one can condemn us because of the work of Christ on our behalf – His past and present ministries for us. (Rom. 8:34)
      5. No man or angel could ever bring forth a charge that could ever condemn the believer in Christ. God is for us.
    4. Our Advocate – we have an Advocate in heaven (I John 2:1)
      1. If we sin (and we will!), we are not condemned.
      2. Rather, we have an Advocate – the Lord Jesus. The Advocate is on our side. When an accusation comes, our Advocate says, “I died for that sin. That sin cannot condemn this child. The penalty for that sin has already been paid in full. No condemnation!”
      3. In addition, He is in heaven interceding on our behalf.
      4. He is our Propitiation (I John 2:2)
      5. The Father, the Judge, is FOR US.
      6. Even our sin cannot condemn us.
      7. There is nothing and no one left to condemn the blood bought child of God.
      8. Divine justice has been fully and eternally satisfied at the cross.
      9. Psalm 127:1-3
  1. Regeneration 
    1. Regeneration: the impartation of eternal life.  (John 3:3,5,16)
    2. The life God gives is eternal.
  2. Indwelling 
    1. Indwelling Defined: The Holy Spirit’s permanent residence (abode; dwelling) in the body of every believer of this age until the day of redemption. (John 14:17)
    2. Its permanence:
      1. I Cor. 6:19 – if the carnal Corinthians did not lose their salvation or the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Even sinning Christians are indwelt by the Spirit. The FACT of indwelling was the BASIS for the exhortation to a godly life.
      2. II Cor. 5:5 – the presence of the Spirit is a “gift” of grace. Hence, if it is of grace, it is sure. It is not merited by good works. It is not lost by bad works.
      3. Rom. 8:9 – if a man is not indwelt, then he is not saved. Hence, we are indwelt by the Spirit every moment of our salvation. The presence of the Spirit is proof of salvation.
      4. John 14:16 – He will abide with us forever.
  3. Sealing
    1. Defined: The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit IS the seal.
    2. The concept of a seal in the Bible and its implications
      1. A seal speaks of a finished transaction  (Jer. 32:9-10)
      2. A seal speaks of ownership.  (Jer. 32:10-11)
      3. A seal speaks of security.  (Esther 8:8; Dan. 6:17)
      4. A seal speak of reaching a final destiny (registered mail)
    3. Eph. 4:30
      1. Even sinning believers whose lives grieve the Spirit are “sealed.”  (Not just spiritual believers)
      2. The seal lasts “until the day of redemption.” (The day when Christ returns to take us home forever.)
    4. Eph. 1:13-14 – the Spirit’s seal is our security
      1. Earnest: a down payment; a deposit; a guarantee that the transaction WILL be completed one day.
      2. Redemption of the purchased possession
        • The purchased possession: our body
        • Redemption of our body: will occur at the Rapture
        • We are sealed and secure UNTIL Christ takes us home
        • Our inheritance in heavenis secure.
        • Our eternal destinyis sealed and secure.
        • The sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit is God’s personal guarantee.
  1. Christ’s Work on the Cross
    1. His ONE offering of His precious blood on the cross was sufficient to save us to the uttermost. (Heb. 7:27)
    2. His blood provided for eternal redemption. (Heb. 9:12)
    3. He put away our sin once and for all. (Heb. 9:26
    4. The question is, are personal grounds for condemnation (as the Arminians believe) or has Christ’s death paid fully the debt of sin and thus removed sin as a ground for condemnation?
    5. According to John, what IS the ground for condemnation today? (John 3:18)
  2. Christ’s Resurrection and Resurrection Life
    1. Christ rose and every believer of this age has already been raised up with Him into heavenly places.
    2. Our salvation will continue as long as He lives. (Rom. 5:10)
    3. Our position is in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph. 2:6)
    4. Our life is hidden with Christ in God in heaven. (Col. 3:4)
    5. Our inheritance is reserved for us in heaven. (I Pet. 1:3-4)
    6. Our citizenship is in heaven. (Phil. 3:20)
  3. Christ’s High Priestly Prayer For Us
    1. John 17:1-26
      1. Christ did not pray for the world. (vs. 9b)
      2. Christ prayed for the disciples (vs.9)
      3. Christ prayed for us (vs.20)
    2. Christ prayed for preservation (vs.11) He prayed that the Father would KEEP those whom He gave to the Son.
      • Will the Father keep them? (I Pet. 1:5)
    3. Christ prayed for sanctification (vs.15)
      • Will they be sanctified? (Heb. 10:10,14)
    4. Christ prayed for glorification (vs.24)
      • Will they be glorified? (Rom. 8:30; Heb. 2:10; Rom. 8:18)
    5. When does God answer prayer?  (I John 5:14)
      1. God answers prayer when it is prayed according to His will.
      2. Were the motives of Jesus selfish or according to God’s will?
      3. Was there sin in His life which would prevent the prayer from being answered?
  4. Christ’s Ongoing Heavenly Ministry
    1. Rom. 8:34 – He won’t condemn us. He is continually upholding us in prayer before the Father. (Cf. Heb. 7:23-25)
    2. What does Jesus pray for us? (Luke 22:32)
      1. Can a believer ever cease to be a believer?
      2. Can faith become weak? (Luke 12:28)
      3. Can faith ever cease altogether?
    3. Christ’s ministry as our Advocate
      1. I John 2:1-2 – our Advocate is also our propitiation. He is our defense attorney.
      2. He appears in heaven for us.  (Heb. 9:24)
      3. He promised that He would never no never leave us nor forsake us. (Heb. 13:5)
      4. The One who is our Defense, our Advocate, who prays for us, who died for us, who appears in heaven for us and will never leave us, will certainly never TURN AGAINST us!
  1. God’s Love For His Chosen People Is Everlasting
    1. Eph. 1:4-5 – God’s choice to place His love upon us was NOT based upon our merit, works, or “loveliness.” God’s love is extended to us regardless of what we deserve. Even sin cannot end God’s agape love for us.
    2. Jeremiah 31:3 – an everlasting love.
      1. This love was for His elect nation, Israel.
      2. Even in the midst of their apostasy, His love was everlasting.
      3. Everlasting means that NOTHING can thwart, hinder, or prevent it.
    3. Rom. 8:38-39 – Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
  2. Whom the Lord Loveth, He Chasteneth
    1. Some would argue that when a believer sins (a real big sin!) and continues in it, he will lose his salvation.
      1. That is tantamount to saying that because of sin, the Father will reject His son.
    2. As a son, we were BORN into God’s family. (John 1:12)
      1. Not every son is always an obedient son. Some sons sin. Some sons commit awful sins. (David committed murder and adultery. Peter denied the Lord.)
      2. The Father DOES deal with sin in the lives of His children, but not by removing us from His family.
      3. God deals with sin in the lives of His children by chastening them. (Heb. 12:6-7)
      4. God does NOT chasten those who are not His sons (those who are not born into His family).  (Heb. 12:8)
      5. Chastening is painful to the disobedient son, but is an expression of the Father’s love. (Heb. 12:6)
    3. Those who teach you can lose your salvation are teaching that when a son sins (a big sin, or a series of sins), then God might disown him.
      1. The Bible does not teach that. The Bible states that when a son sins, the Father deals with him “as a son.” (Heb. 12:7)
      2. The Father chastens SO THAT the disobedient son will repent, and return to the place of fellowship and fruit once again. (Heb. 12:10-11)
    4. Sin does not end our position as a son, but it does temporarily change the condition of our walk and our fellowship with the Father.
      1. God is grieved when His sons sin. (Eph. 4:30)
      2. Fellowship is temporarily cut off because of sin. (Isa. 59:2; I John 1:6-9)
      3. God “spanks” His sons when they sin.
      4. God never DISOWNS a son when he sins.
      5. Chastening is corrective. It is designed to cause the disobedient son to repent and become obedient. (Heb. 12:10-11; Luke 15:11-24)
    5. On rare occasion, a disobedient son will NOT repent. Sometimes a disobedient son will not respond to chastening.
      1. Such a disobedient believer is to be rejected from the fellowship of the assembly. (I Cor. 5:1-5a)
      2. This non-responsive disobedient believer is severely chastened of the Lord, rejected from the fellowship, and is to be turned over to the world (the realm of our adversary). (I Cor. 5:5)
      3. But even if his flesh is destroyed, his spirit is saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. He may be chastened, and the chastening may be so severe he looses his earthly life, yet, he is still saved.
      4. Sin destroyed his testimony, his usefulness, and his fellowship with God and man, but it COULD NOT take away his eternal life.
      5. I Cor. 11:29-23 – Other believers (saints!) in the church at Corinth sinned by demonstrating a lack of respect and reverence towards the Lord’s Table.
        • As a result, some of them were severely chastened.
        • The Lord even took the lives of some. God took their earthly lives, but their souls were saved.
        • They were chastened, but not condemned. (vs. 32)
        • Sons are chastened (Heb. 12:5-6). Illegitimate sons are not chastened (Heb. 12:8).
        • Illegitimate sons (those who are not genuine sons of God) are not chastened but are condemned (I Cor. 11:32).
      6. I Cor. 3:13-15 – The son whose life is not pleasing to the Father will be chastened in this life and will be judged at the Bema seat.
        • Time wasted in the flesh and sin will bring a loss of reward.
        • However, he himself “shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” (vs.15)
    6. God, as a loving Father, will deal with sin in the lives of His own dear children.
      1. He may even deal severely.
      2. But because He loves them as a Father loves a son, He will never disown them or reject them as sons.
      3. He chastens His sons “that we should NOT be condemned with the world. (I Cor. 11:32)
      4. Because He loves us, He chastens us SO THAT we will not be condemned with the world.
      5. There is therefore now NO condemnation for those whom the Lord loveth.
      6. Chastening, yes. Condemnation, never!
    1. Falling

    Questions to Consider:
    a. Who is being addressed?
    b. What is the context?
    c. Falling from what?
    d. Falling into what?

    1. II Peter 3:17
      1. Believers (called “beloved” – used 53 times – of Christ & believers only)
      2. Scoffers of the last day (3:3); false teachers (2:1-2) who lead many astray.
      3. Steadfastness – not salvation. Salvation is unchangeable; the steadiness of our walk & doctrine is not. Our condition can falter. We can fall (Cf. Prov. 24:16)
      4. The error of the wicked (lawless ones). Yes, believers CAN fall into doctrinal error, but NOT into Hell!  (Similar to the warning in James 5:19-20)

    * led away into error = same word as carried away in Gal. 2:13 – Barnabas

      1. I Cor. 10:12
        1. Believers – especially, the proud, self sufficient ones. Many of them were carnal, but they were believers – in Christ (Cf. I Cor. 3:1-3)
        2. A warning not to abuse liberty – as Israeldid and fell! (vs.8-11). Some lawful things can bring us under their power & cause us to fall! (I Cor. 6:12) They didn’t handle liberty very well… and fell into lusting.
        3. FROM the safe, wise use of liberty…
        4. INTO pride & sin… which is often the result of abusing liberty. (I can handle this!) As a result of their sin, they were severely chastened – and 23,000 FELL and were chastened of the Lord.  (Pride is a trap that causes men to fall – cf. I Tim. 3:6-7) Because of his pride, Satan was demoted… lost his position… pride brought Satan down… that is the only point Paul makes with this.  (Cf. Prov.16:18 – pride goes before destruction)
        1. Galatians 5:4
          1. Believers who had been “made free” (vs.1) & justified by faith (2:16). These folks had already been made free in Christ and were challenged to stand fast in that liberty & not to become entangled in legalistic living.
          2. Judaizers: these false teachers were trying to convince believers in Christ that they were required to put themselves under the Law of Moses. (justification 1:6; 3:11 & sanctification – 2:4; 3:1-3)
            • Acts 15:1-2; 5-11 – the apostles dealt with this issue at Jerusalem– but these Judaizers kept the controversy alive
          3. FROM grace as a rule of life… they were to walk by grace as a rule of life; in doing so, the fruit of the Spirit and the indwelling life of Christ would be manifested (Gal. 4:19; 5:22-23;  6:15)
            • For a born again believer to reject grace and return to law in hopes of earning his salvation or keeping it – would be a fall.
            • But note Paul does not say they fall from salvation– but rather from grace… used here as the method of their walk or rule of life.
            • Adding Law (works; flesh)  to Grace (faith; Spirit) = leaven. Vs.9
          4. INTO bondage to the law… (the believers were being told by the Judaizers that they needed to submit to circumcision – vs.3. That was tantamount to putting themselves under the Mosaic Law. Saved by grace – and then trying to live under the law! (Cf. Gal.3:1-3) Under the law, the fruit of the flesh would be manifested. Once you place yourself under law, you are obligated to keep the ENTIRE law…
        1. IF
          1. Col. 1:21-23
            1. The word “if” here is not ean (αν), an unfulfilled, hypothetical condition used with the subjunctive mode, presenting the possibility of a future realization,
            2. But it is ei (ε) with the indicative, having here the idea of “assuming that you continue in the faith.” (first class condition)
            3. Some chose to translate it as “since”… but that might be too strong. However, “if” is equally misleading.
            4. Paul is not questioning, but assuming that the Colossians will continue in the faith. That’s what believers do… they continue.
            5. Continuing in the faith is EVIDENCE of life…
            6. A believer can stumble and not walk with God for a while… BUT God will eventually step in… conviction; chastening; wooing; lifting up;
          2. Heb. 3:6, 14
            1. Who is addressed? Believers!
              • Holy brethren; partakers of the heavenly calling(3:1) “Whose house ARE we.” (This is the church – in contrast to the house of Israel… Christ’s house as opposed to that of Moses)
              • They ARE MADE (become; perfect tense) (not hope to become; or shall continue to be) partakers of Christ(partakers: participate with; a partner; fellows;  (vs.14)
            2. IF we hold fast… if we hold… our confidence steadfast unto the end
              • Both “ifs” here are  (3rdclass cond.) different than the one in Col. 1:23
              • It IS possible for a true believer to become discouraged and to lose his confidence… for a while. (Heb. 10:35)
              • By holding fast to their confidence to the end, they DEMONSTRATE that they are true believers. It is not a requirement for salvation so much as it is an EVIDENCE of it… PROOF of it.
              • That’s how you can tell a true believer. He continues. (John 8:31)
              • The one who does NOT continue does not lose his salvation. Rather, he demonstrates that he never had it.
              • What a warning to young people brought up in a Christian home. Sometimes parents don’t know for sure if their kids are saved or not UNTIL they move out on their own… and see if their faith continues…  OR does it cease… because it was really just an extension of their parent’s faith… and not their own?
            3. Of course, there ARE folks who appear to be Christians… but have never experienced the new birth. They are not genuine… and they will NOT hold fast to the end!
              • II Pet. 2:20-22 – 
                1. Here are folks who SEEM to be saved: They escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Christ.
                2. Yet, they end up worse than before… like dog returning to its own vomit.
                3. These folks did NOT lose their salvation. They never had it.
                  1. The message they heard: words of vanity! (vs.18)
                  2. The life they led: corruption disguised as liberty (vs.19)
                  3. Who were they following: false teachers! (vs.1)
                  4. False teachers & their followers aren’t saved unto the end, because they were never saved at the beginning!
              • I John 2:19– Some aligned themselves with the believers, but they went out from them – for one cause or another. This was proof to John that they were NEVER really with them! This happens all often in our age… especially when there is not such a heavy price to pay to name the name of Christ.
              • It is not that these folks lost their salvation. Rather, the fact that they withered up in time of trouble indicates that they never HAD salvationin the first place!
              • The fact that they did not continue was evidence that their profession of faith was not genuine.
          3. I Cor. 15:2
            1. Paul addresses them as brethren. (vs.1)
            2. They were saved by the gospel.  (vs.2)
            3. (εἰ κατεχετε). Condition of first class. Paul assumes that they are holding fast.
              • The point of bringing it up was that there were false teachers opposing the doctrine of resurrection.
              • Paul states that IF there is no resurrection, THEN they are not saved. (vs.13-14)
              • Paul’s gospel INCLUDED the resurrection. That gospel saves!
              • To reject that gospel and cling to one that rejected resurrection would be to believe in vain.
            4. However, there may have been some professing believers in their midst. Those who held on to Christian beliefs and were not saved, could easily let go of them – especially in a time of persecution.
            5. For those professing believers who did not hold fast to the Word – their actions proved that they were not genuinely saved. Their faith was VAIN (empty).
        2. Damnation
          1. I Cor. 11:28-30
            1. Here Paul speaks of a believer bringing damnation upon himself. Can that be?
            2. Damnation: it is judgment, but what kind? The context indicates that it is chastening… (whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth)
            3. Vs. 32 – defines it as such. We are chastened (κρίμα – krima) so that we are not condemned (κατακρίνω – katakrino) with the world.
            4. Play on words:
              • vs. 29 – not discerning the Lord’s Body (διακρίνω – diakrino)
              • vs. 29 – Bring damnation to himself (κρίμα – krima)
              • vs. 31 – if we judge ourselves (διακκρίμα – diakrima)
              • vs. 31 – we should not be judged (κρίνω – krino — in the sense of chastened)
              • vs. 32 – condemned with the world (κατακρίνω – katakrino)
          2. I Tim. 5:11-12 – younger widows “have damnation.”
            1. Younger widows were not to be taken “into the number” of those helped by the church financially. They were to get married. (vs.9-10)
            2. If a young widow’s bad behavior would bring a “censure” kind of judgment.

            * Cf. usage in Jas. 3:1 – teachers receive greater condemnation – scrutiny…

          3. The Greek term: κρίμα – krima  (judgment; chastening; censure)  It CAN refer to judgment on earth (chastening; censure) or eternal judgment. The context must determine.
          4. Consider Romans 8:1 & John 5:24 – there is NO condemnation (in the sense of being cast into Hell) for the believer.
        3. Believers Who Perish?
          1. Acts 8:12-23 – Simon
            1. Simon believed and was baptized.  (vs.13)
            2. Simon sought to purchase the gift of God. He obviously did not understand the doctrine of grace. (vs.17-19)  He didn’t understand salvation by grace.
            3. Peter recognized that this man was perishing (vs.20) and needed to repent (vs.22)
            4. Simon believed but was perishing. What kind of faith did he have?
              • He possessed an intellectual faith but did not receive Christ by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9)
              • Intellectual faith did not save him. Neither did his baptism.
              • Simon’s faith was not genuine.
              • Genuine faith includes the following:

          ¨      Intellect   (understanding the correct facts of the gospel)

          ¨      Emotion   (assent to the truth of the facts of the gospel)

          ¨      Will   (choose/receive Christ to be one’s personal Savior – John 1:12)

          1. Luke 8:13 – Rocky soil “believers”
            1. These folks “for a while believe” and then fall away.
            2. Their faith did not continue.
            3. John 3:16 – whosoever BELIEVETH in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
              • Believeth = present tense; this indicates CONTINUOUS action.
              • A true believer cannot stop believing.
              • His faith may become weak and FRAIL, but it can never FAIL.  (Luke 22:32)
              • If a man’s faith does not continue, it indicates that it was not genuine, saving faith.
              • It was either intellectual or emotional consentto the truth, but not saving faith.
              • If it doesn’t continue, it isn’t real. (Col. 1:21-23)
              • The rocky soil folks fell away and were lost because they were never saved!

            If a believer could lose his salvation, then we must conclude the following:

            ¨      Eternal life is not eternal (John 3:16).

            ¨      Those who heard God’s Word and believed on Christ DID come to condemnation. (John 5:24)

            ¨      Christ cast out the one He said He would never cast out (John 6:37)

            ¨      Jesus was mistaken when He said we would never perish. (John 10:28)

            ¨      Someone (Satan? Self?) was, in fact, able to pluck us out of the Father’s hands. (John 10:28-29)

            ¨      Some who come to Christ WILL be cast out. (John 6:37)

            ¨      The Father will refuse to answer the High Priestly prayer of His Son when He prays for our future glorification. (John 17:24)

            ¨      Because He lives, we might perish. (John 14:19)

            ¨      Someone overpowered God and He was not able to keep us (I Pet. 1:5)

            ¨      God repented (changed His mind)  concerning His gift of life (Eph. 2:8-9) and His calling us to Himself (Rom. 11:29)

            ¨      He will confirm us only until we sin. (I Cor. 1:8-9)

            ¨      The Body of Christ would be dismembered.

            ¨      God is not faithful to His promises.

            ¨      Our citizenship in heaven will be revoked. (Phil. 3:20)

            ¨      God forsook those He claimed He would never forsake. (Heb.13:5)

            ¨      The promise of appearing with Christ in glory will not be kept. (Col. 3:4)

            ¨      Salvation is dependent upon our works (Eph. 2:8-9)

            ¨      God’s everlasting love for His chosen people did not last forever. (Jer. 31:1)

            ¨      Christ was not able to save to the uttermost those who come unto God by Him. (Heb. 7:25)

            ¨      Those justified by His blood shall NOT be saved from wrath through Him. (Rom. 5:9)

            ¨      Much more, being reconciled, we might be saved by His life. (Rom. 5:10)

            ¨      God who was for us, turned against us. (Rom. 8:31)

            ¨      In the final analysis, salvation is based upon human merit and works. (Eph. 2:8-9)

            ¨      Christ died and rose again for us, and is presently interceding for us, but someone laid something to our charge that was not covered by Christ’s work and we were condemned. (Rom. 8:33-34)

            ¨      Something separated us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:38-39)

            ¨      Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall NOT be saved. (Rom. 10:13)

            ¨      We shall be sealed only until the day of a big sin. (Eph. 4:30)

            ¨      We can NOT be confident that He that hath begun a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:6)

            ¨      Eternal redemption is not eternal (Heb. 9:12)

            ¨      We cannot have assurance of salvation and must live in fear of losing it daily. There is no rest for our souls.

            ¨      God’s Word is not reliable, for it made many promises that were not kept.

            ¨      Our inheritance in heaven may become corruptible, may be defiled, may fade away, and the reservation may be broken. (I Pet. 1:4)

            ¨      The Father is not entirely satisfied with the work of His Son on the cross. (I John 2:2)

            [Some of the illustrations used in this lesson were gleaned from Chafer’s Systematic Theology and from the excellent book by Harold Barker entitled Secure Forever, published by Loizeaux Brothers.]

Pastor Jim Delany

(603) 898-4258