
  1. If someone who never read the Bible asked what the book is about, how would you answer?
  2. Some would say it is a rule book from God on how to live.
  3. Others might say it is the book that tells us how to be saved.
  4. Some might say it is a book of Christian doctrine.
  5. Others might describe it as a spiritual history of the world.
  6. While there might be an element of truth in each of these answers, they have all missed the mark.
  7. The Bible is about God. Period.
  8. The book of Colossians is no exception – it too is about God. In particular, it is a book about Christ – His Person and His work.
  9. In Colossians, Paul holds up the Lord Jesus Christ… He is elevated… magnified… presented as Deity to be worshipped…
  10. His Person.
  11. He is Divine (1:15)
  12. He is Creator (1:16)
  13. He is the One FOR whom all things were created (1:16c)
  14. He is the One who holds all things together (1:17)
  15. He is called the Head; the beginning; Firstborn; Preeminent One (1:18)
  16. He is the One in whom all Divine fullness dwells (1:19)
  17. He is the fullness of the Godhead bodily (2:9)
  18. His Work.
  19. He is the Deliverer (1:13)
  20. He is the Redeemer (1:14)
  21. He is the Reconciler (1:20-22)
  22. In relationship to our personal walk and Christian life:
  23. He is the Source of all wisdom and knowledge (2:3)
  24. He is the One in whom we are complete (2:10)
  25. He is the One who blotted out the handwriting against us (2:14)
  26. He is the Victor over Satan and the powers of darkness (2:15)
  27. He is the Source of our growth (2:19)
  28. He is the glorified Savior and the One in whom our affections are to reside (3:1-2)
  29. He is the One in whom our life is hidden (3:3)
  30. He is our Life (3:4)
  31. He is the One whose Word is to dwell in our hearts (3:16)
  32. He is the One we are to serve heartily (3:23)
  33. He is the One to whom we are all accountable (4:1)
  34. He is the One about whom we are to speak (4:3)
  35. Clearly the book of Colossians is about Christ.
  36. Don’t ever let this thought fade from the forefront of your thinking as we study Colossians.
  37. If ever there was a book designed to cause us to become refocused on Christ, it is the book of Colossians.
  38. If ever there was a book that utterly refuted the modern notion that the church’s primary purpose is to minister to men, to cater to men, entertain men, it is the book of Colossians.
  39. If ever there was a book designed to shake us out of our earthly, temporal mindset of Esau and cause us to mind eternal things, it is the book of Colossians.
  40. If ever there was a book designed to humble self and exalt Christ, it is the book of Colossians.
  41. If ever there was a book designed to replace our earthly affections with heavenly affections, it is the book of Colossians.
  42. If ever there was a book designed to protect us from error and false teachings, it is the book of Colossians.
  43. If ever there was a book designed to teach us how to glorify God in our daily lives, it is the book of Colossians.
  44. I think those are good reasons to study this book. SO if it takes us a year or two to go through these four short chapters – it will be time well spent.

Colossians and Hebrews

  1. The book of Hebrews was also about Christ. Isn’t that a fair assessment?
  2. He was the logos of God (1:2)
  3. He was the brightness of God’s glory (1:3)
  4. He was the express image of the Father (1:3)
  5. He upheld all things by the word of His power (1:3)
  6. He purged our sins (1:3)
  7. He is better than the angels (1:4)
  8. He is called God (1:8)
  9. He is creator (1:10)
  10. He is eternal (1:12)
  11. He is greater than Moses (3:3)
  12. He is greater than Aaron (ch. 4-5)
  13. His sacrifice is greater… His blood is greater… His priesthood is greater…
  14. He is our Redeemer, our hope, our confidence…
  15. In this sense, Colossians is similar to Hebrews… they both are about Christ – His person and His work.
  16. Hebrews also holds up the Lord for all to see:
  • 3:1 – Consider Him – the Apostle & High Priest
  • 12:2 – looking unto Jesus…
  • Both books challenge us to keep our eyes focused on Christ throughout life.
  1. Colossians also holds up the Lord Jesus for all to see; behold; consider…
  • 3:1-2 – set your affection on things above where Christ sits at the right hand of God…
  1. Hence, both books exalt the Lord Jesus and exhort their readers to look to Him… but reveal Him in a different role
  2. Hebrews exalts the Lord Jesus as the Great High Priest… interceding in the heavenly sanctuary on our behalf. (Heb. 3:1)
  3. Colossians exalts the Lord Jesus as the Head of the Body… the One who, from heaven, directs His body which is on the earth.
  • 1:18 – the head of the Body
  • 2:19 – not holding the head
  1. Hence, Christ is exalted – but in a different role in each epistle.
  2. Hence, both books exalt the Lord Jesus and exhort their readers to look to Him… BUT — for different reasons.
  3. Hebrews exhorts us to look to Jesus:
  • 3:1, 12 – lest we depart from God and backslide…
  • 3:13 – lest our hearts become hardened in sin
  • 5:6 – He is our great High Priest, therefore, (6:1) let us go on to perfection!
  • 10:14 – He is our perfect redeemer, (vs.20) therefore, let us have boldness to enter into the holiest by Him… (vs. 22) and draw near
  • 12:2 – looking unto Jesus, we are exhorted to run the race with patience.
  • 12:3 – consider Him – lest we be wearied.
  • Throughout Hebrews, the author elevates Christ’s work and Person in order to challenge us to keep on running the race… not to grow weary… but to go on to perfection.
  • The problem the Hebrew believers faced took on many shapes and forms: departing; bitterness arises; heart becoming hardened; slipping away; not going forward; growing weary…
  • But whatever form the problem took, the answer was always: Christ! Look unto Jesus! Consider Him!
  • Hence, Hebrews was a book of exhortations – but those exhortations were borne up by many chapters of doctrine concerning the Person and work of Jesus Christ.
  1. Colossians also points us to Christ… Paul exhorts us to consider Him, but for a different reason.
  • In Colossians, the believers are also exhorted to look unto Jesus… but not to keep them from growing weary in the race, but rather to keep them from running off course
  • Colossians points us to Christ in order to keep us from doctrinal error.
  • Paul was in prison and had never been to the city of Colosse (1:4; 2:1)
  • 1:7 – Epaphras reported to the imprisoned apostle on the condition of the believers in Colosse.
  • Paul heard about a growing disease in the body… an error that was beginning to foment… and would eventually develop into full blown Gnosticism. (We will examine this in detail at a later date…)
  • But for now, suffice it to say that there were at least three important elements to the incipient Gnosticism in the church.
  1. Jewish legalism
  2. Greek philosophy
  3. Pagan asceticism
  • We will look at each of these errors in much more detail as we approach those portions in our study.
  • But for now – it is enough for us to see HOW Paul dealt with those three issues.
  • For each error, Paul pointed his readers to Christ – the exalted Head of the Body.
  1. Jewish legalism and traditions: 2:16-17 – the problem was Jewish holy days, Levitical dietary laws, Sabbaths, etc. The answer was Christ! A proper understanding of Christ IS the answer to those issues!
  2. Greek philosophy: 2:8-10 – the problem was the influence of philosophy on their faith. It was wreaking havoc on the faith of some. What was his answer? He points them to Christ! He is all we need! We are complete in Him!
  3. Pagan asceticism: 2:20-23 – the problem here was the influence of asceticism in the church. Paul answered this problem by pointing out that the real error was that they were not holding the Head! (2:19)
  4. It didn’t matter what kind of error the church faced, the answer was always to know Christ – His person and His work!
  5. Christ is STILL the answer to all of our problems today too… and just as much today as in the first century.
  • Whether we are weary and sliding backwards spiritually, the answer is to focus on Christ: His Person and His Work!
  • Or whether we are being attacked by false teachers, the answer is to focus on Christ: His Person and His Work.
  • Or if we seek to grow and mature as a believer: behold the glory of the Lord, we are changed into the same image!
  • Christ is always the answer… with our eyes on Him… single-minded focus on the Risen Savior – we will be held up and protected…
  1. The problem was false teachers in Colosse.
  2. The church is STILL plagued by modern forms of Jewish legalism, philosophy, psychology (man’s wisdom), and asceticism (a religion that dotes on external things).
  3. The error that existed in the Colossian church developed into Gnosticism – which is exactly the same basic error as is repeated today by the Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and many other cults.
  • Their problem? They don’t know Christ – His Person and His work.
  • The answer for us? How are we protected? Know Christ!
  1. Is it necessary for us to study all the cults – to know what they believe – so that we can answer all their objections? (That can be a bit intimidating… overwhelming… there are so many – and new ones are being formed every day!)
  2. The real value comes in knowing Christ… who He is… His finished work…
  3. If we learn WELL what Colossians says about Christ and His finished work on Calvary – we will have all we need to answer any objection from one of the cultists.
  4. In order to spot a counterfeit, you don’t spend all your time studying the counterfeit. You study the original – and know it like the back of your hand… so that when a counterfeit comes along, you can instantly identify it as a fake.
  5. We don’t need to become experts in all the religious beliefs out there. We simply need to know Christ (Phil. 3:10).
  6. Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (I Pet. 3:18).
  7. The key to staying on course and sound in the faith is not to allow the devil to distract us on to side issues: keep focused on Christ. Know Him. Seek Him. Set your affection on Him. Be single-minded.
  8. When that is the case, we are safe indeed. We will not be deceived.
  9. Even the simple minded believer… the feeble one who is not well educated… doesn’t possess superior intellect… is he going to be left to the wolves to devour him spiritually? Will the false teachers deceive him and lure him away? Did the Lord simply leave us with a book – and only those that are good at book learning will be preserved from error?
  • No! Knowing Christ is NOT an intellectual pursuit.
  • It is a relationship to a Person…
  • 3:1-2 – if we are seeking Christ and our heart affections are on things above, then we will simply REST in His arms… safe as a baby in his mother’s arms.
  • 2:19 – as we hold the Head, we grow and mature in Christ.
  • The feeblest of saints, as he holds on to Christ and rests in Him, is surrounded by and hidden away in One in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3).
  • John 10:3-4 – those sheep who have a living relationship to Christ KNOW Him… they know His voice – and will not follow another.
  • When Christ has the preeminence in our lives and in our assembly, we will automatically be delivered from all kinds of errors that otherwise might be threatening.
  • All of this safety is ours as we KNOW Him… and knowing Him EXALT Him… and exalting Him LOVE Him…
  • Even the feeblest of saints who knows Christ in that way will never be deceived by another Jesus… another spirit… another form of worship… a philosophy of men… a man centered ministry…
  • They will smell that stench a mile away! That doesn’t smell anything like the sweetness of the Lord Jesus!
  • No matter how simple minded they may be, you could never deceive such an one with the philosophies of man… or with Jewish legalism… or with religious ceremonialism… or with asceticism…
  • They may have no idea of what those philosophies are – but they know it doesn’t smell like the Lord they love! It leaves a funny taste in their mouths. They may not be able to put their finger on it – but they know something is wrong…
  1. A different audience:
  2. Hebrews was written to Hebrew believers of the first century…
  3. Colossians was written to a predominantly gentile church
  4. It didn’t matter what their background was – Christ was the answer for them… and for us too!
  5. Red, yellow, black or white; rich or poor; male or female; bond or free – Christ is the answer… to know Him and the power of His resurrection!

Colossians and Galatians

  1. Ephesians is book which is rich in doctrine concerning the Christian life.
  2. Romans is a lengthy treatise on the gospel — the doctrine of justification by faith (1-5) and sanctification by faith (6-8)… and some practical applications of those truths.
  3. Galatians also deals with the same subjects: justification (Gal. 3:11) and sanctification by faith (Gal. 3:1-3).
  4. But the purpose of the two books differs.
  5. Romans is a treatise on those subjects.
  6. Galatians is a polemic – in which Paul wages war against the Judaizers who were introducing false doctrine (legalism: salvation and sanctification by works).
  7. Romans is longer and outlines these wonderful doctrines. Galatians is much shorter and (like a little attack dog) attacks those who are introducing error into the churches.
  8. Someone once put it this way: Colossians is to Ephesians, what Galatians is to Romans.
  9. Colossians is like the smaller attack dog that attacks those who are introducing error.
  10. There is much similarity between Romans and Galatians, but Romans is a teaching book; Galatians is polemic – attacking error.
  11. There is much similarity between Ephesians and Colossians. Ephesians teaches many of these marvelous truths about Christ and our relationship to Him. Colossians attacks those who introduce error.

Colossians and Ephesians

  1. These two books are similar in MANY ways.
  2. They both emphasize our union with Christ – IN Christ. (Col. 1:2 cf. Eph. 1:3)
  3. They both begin with a lengthy prayer for believers to be strengthened with God’s power (Col. 1:9-11 cf. Eph. 1:16-19)
  4. They both emphasize the relationship between the Head and the Body. (Col. 1:18 cf. Eph. 1:22)
  5. They both have a section on the family (husband/wife; parent/child; master/servant). (Col. 3:18-25 cf. Eph. 6:1-9)
  6. They both begin with a lengthy section on doctrine, explaining our position in Christ – followed by a section of exhortations, relating to the condition of our lives. (doctrine, then practice; position, then condition)
  7. Yet there are some important distinctions between the two books.
  • Ephesians emphasizes the BODY of Christ. (Eph. 4:12-16)
  • The BODY is the fullness of Him that filleth all in all (1:23)
  • Colossians emphasizes the HEAD of the Body. (Col. 1:18)
  • The HEAD is the fullness of deity (1:19; cf. 2:9)
  • Ephesians emphasizes the believer in Christ. (Eph. 1:4, 6, 7, 11 – in Him)
  • Colossians emphasizes Christ in the believer. (Col. 1:27)
  • John 14:20 – Jesus said, “ye in me, and I in you.”
  • Ephesians emphasizes “Ye in Me.”
  • Colossians emphasizes “I in you.”
  • Ephesians emphasizes us IN Him in heavenly places. (Eph. 1:3)
  • Colossians emphasizes Him in us down here on earth. (Col. 4:5 – and warnings against the influence of earthly men and worldly wisdom)
  • Ephesians mentions the Holy Spirit many times (about a dozen times). (Filled with; grieving; sealing; access to the Father by the Spirit; habitation of God through the Spirit; the sword of the Spirit; praying in the Spirit; etc.)
  • Colossians mentions the Holy Spirit only once. (Col. 1:8)
  • This is by design – not an oversight.

*** The whole point of the book of Colossians is to exalt Christ… to magnify Him. Hence, the Holy Spirit is only mentioned once in passing.

*** This is in keeping with the Spirit’s ministry. (John 16:13-14 – He will glorify Christ.)

*** Whenever the emphasis is placed on the Holy Spirit, you know that it is not the HOLY Spirit who is in control… it is some other spirit. (I Cor. 12:3 – the Spirit’s ministry is to exalt the Son.)

*** A book designed to exalt Christ places the Spirit in the background.


  1. After a year or two in Colossians, it is my goal that we as a congregation will be more fully occupied with Christ and His interests… and less occupied with ourselves and our interests.
  2. It is my goal that after a year or so in Colossians, we will be a more Christ centered church – and less man centered.
  3. It is also my prayer that in each of our individual lives, we will personally become more Christ centered and less self centered.
  4. He must increase – we must decrease. That in all things HE might have the preeminence. And isn’t that the point of this book?
  5. I can’t think of a more noble pursuit in the next few years than that.
  6. Rest assured, the enemy will not be happy with the direction we are taking. He will oppose. He will perhaps use some here today to oppose this goal… or others will come into our midst who have a different agenda. (If so – get him a tape of this lesson!)
  7. Folks will be wanting us to lighten up on the worship…
  8. Folks will be wanting us to get some more peppy music… something that will excite the kids…
  9. Folks will be seeking after all sorts of ministries that cater to men… a long menu of programs and “offerings” for themselves… social activities… church soccer teams for their kids… support groups… groups that minister to every imaginable group on earth… youth, teens, preteens, pre-preteens, empty nesters, then the 30-somethings… and 40s, 50s, etc… etc…
  10. What we are going to offer folks is CHRIST – the crucified, and risen, and glorified Savior… who is OUR life.
  11. Those who love Christ will love it.
  12. We are going to DE-emphasize programs designed to cater to men and emphasize Christ and Him crucified.
  13. Those who are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God will quickly become discontented here.
  14. Some will leave huffy… others will just leave.
  15. But some will come and will find this church a breath of fresh air… an oasis in the midst of modern churches that more closely resemble houses of entertainment rather than houses of prayer and worship.
  16. The church growth movement folks will say, “Ok Delany. You’re shooting yourself in the foot. You’re not going to get a crowd that way.”   To which I will reply, “I’ll gladly take a shot in the foot if Christ is honored in it all. Pursuing a route that is designed to please men is taking a deadly shot in the spiritual heart of the church.”
  17. We aren’t here to please the crowd. We are here to please Christ.
  18. Our goal is that in all things pertaining to our individual lives… and in all things pertaining to Salem Bible Church – that HE might have the preeminence. May God help us to be faithful.
  1. Someone once put it this way: Colossians is to Ephesians, what Galatians is to Romans.
  2. Romans is a lengthy treatise on the gospel — the doctrine of justification by faith (1-5) and sanctification by faith (6-8)… and some practical applications of those truths.
  3. Galatians also deals with the same subjects: justification (Gal. 3:11) and sanctification by faith (Gal. 3:1-3).
  4. But the purpose of the two books differs.
  5. Romans is a treatise on those subjects… didactic… teaching…
  • It has a lengthy section dealing with WHY man needs justification: He is a condemned sinner – regardless of his background: heathen, religious man, or the Jew – all have sinned. (1-3)
  • It has a lengthy section on justification by faith (4-5) Paul elaborates on the fact that justification is not by the law… and he proves it with OT references.
  • It has a section on sanctification by faith (6-8) Here   is found the most comprehensive section in the Bible on how to live the Christian life…
  1. Galatians is a polemic – in which Paul wages war against the Judaizers who were introducing false doctrine (legalism: salvation and sanctification by works).
  • Gal. 1:6-9 – he begins immediately with a diatribe against those promoting a false gospel of works.
  • Gal. 3:1-3 – he rebukes them for listening to the false teachers.
  • Gal. 4:17-20 – Paul warns again and states that he was perplexed at how easily they were deceived!  (Doubt = to be perplexed; to be at a loss)
  • Gal. 5:8-12 – his strongest words yet – he wishes the false teachers were “cut off.”
  • While Galatians does teach about justification by faith, it attacks those who oppose this basic doctrine.
  1. Romans is longer and teaches these wonderful doctrines. Galatians is much shorter and (like a little attack dog) attacks those who are introducing error into the churches.
  2. Ephesians is book which is rich in doctrine concerning the Christian life.
  3. Colossians is like the smaller attack dog that attacks those who are introducing error.
  • Col. 2:4 – he warns that they were in the process of being beguiled by false teachers…
  • Col.2:8 – he warns about the methodology of these false teachers: philosophy; traditions of men…
  • Col.2:16 – he warns of those judging others about holy days and foods…
  • Col.2:18 – he warns about an overemphasis on angels and visions…
  • He uses the same approach in Colossians as in Galatians, although he is less abrasive in this book.
  1. There is much similarity between Romans and Galatians, but Romans is a teaching book; Galatians is polemic; one promotes truth; the other attacks error.
  2. There is much similarity between Ephesians and Colossians. Ephesians teaches many of these marvelous truths about Christ and our relationship to Him. Colossians attacks those who introduce error.
  3. Each book has its place in the cannon of Scripture… each is necessary.
  4. Of course, Colossians is not exclusively polemic. It does much more than attack error. It highlights rich, important doctrinal truths too!

Colossians and Ephesians

  1. Similarities
  2. They both begin with a lengthy prayer for believers to be strengthened with God’s power (Col. 1:9-11  cf. Eph. 1:16-19)
  3. In each of these epistles Paul teaches us HOW to pray… and WHAT to pray for.
  4. I think we will discover here that our prayer life needs some adjusting… refocusing… from the earthly to the heavenly… from the physical to the spiritual… from temporal to the eternal things.
  5. We are so inclined to pray for our physical lives – sometimes almost to the exclusion of spiritual things. (Listen to the prayer requests at prayer meeting some time – it sounds like an organ recital.)
  6. Consider what Paul prayed for in Col. 1:9-11:
  • knowledge of His will
  • a worthy walk
  • increasing in the knowledge of God’s person
  • spiritual strength
  • patience, longsuffering, joyfulness
  1. They both emphasize the relationship between the Head & the Body. (Col. 1:18  cf. Eph. 1:22)
  2. Both epistles deal extensively with the church as a Body and the relationship of the Head to the Body.
  3. As we go through these sections we will discover how far the evangelical world has strayed from this Christ centered view.
  4. We will discover how selfishwe have become… and how warped a concept has developed with respect to the purpose of the local church.
  5. Colossians makes it clear that the church members gather together to hold up Christ – to worship Him – to give Him the preeminence.
  6. We are not here primarily to “get”, but to “give” worship and praise… obedience and service as an offering to Christ…
  7. The Head is what gets all the attention… not the kidney or the toe!
  8. We have such a tendency to put ourselves first… to put our needs in the preeminent position. That is like putting body upside down – with the body on top, and the head on the bottom… a body standing on its head. That makes for a difficult walk… and not a very noble or worthy walk either!
  9. They both speak about the church as a mystery.  (Eph. 3:3,4,9; Col. 1:26,27; 2:2; 4:3)
  10. We will be looking into the church as a mystery… and hopefully demystifyit! It is no longer a mystery. It is now fully revealed.
  11. It is our pleasure to study God’s program for the church in this age.
  12. Col. 1:27 – While Ephesians tells us much about the mystery, the “riches of the glory of the mystery” is revealed in Colossians: Christ in you!
  13. They both emphasize our union with Christ – In Christ.  (Col. 1:2 cf. Eph. 1:3)
  14. Col. 3:3 – our life has been hidden away– united to – Christ.
  15. Col. 2:12-13 – we are unitedwith Him in His death, burial, and resurrection.
  • Col. 2 expands on this subject in a way Ephesians does not.
  • Col.2 is like a condensed version of Romans six.
  1. They both include a lengthy section on the relationship between the old man and the new man in Christ.
  2. Col. 3:9-10 – we have put off the old man…
  3. Eph. 4:21, 24 – the same truth is taught in Eph.
  4. In each epistle, the position of our old man (dead) and the position of our new man (raised up – alive in Christ)  is the BASIS for walking in newness of life… it is the basis of having victory over sin… it is the basis for his exhortations to a high and holy walk.
  5. We don’t HAVE to live as if we were still enslaved to sin. We have been set free by means of our union with Christ in His death… and are ABLE to walk in newness of life because of our union with Christ in His resurrection.
  6. Our old man is dead… we are new creations in Christ… complete in Christ – with new privileges and new capabilities.
  7. They both have a section on the family (husband/wife; parent/child; master/servant).  (Col. 3:18-25 cf. Eph. 6:1-9)
  8. As our culture declines, we are seeing more and more families fall apart…
  9. And this is not just happening in the world. It is happening in the churches… even men in the ministry… elders, deacons, pastors…
  10. It isn’t even shocking any more… it’s almost expected.
  11. But not in the WORD.
  12. In both Ephesians and in Colossians, Paul sets forth the Biblical pattern for the home: the husband is the head; the wife is in a role of submission. This is anathema in many circles today — and is even being questioned in so called Christian circles.
  13. Children are to obey their parents.
  14. These are the only two sections in the NT dealing with the Christian home. There are scattered verses dealing with related issues – but Ephesians and Colossians have the only sections where the entire household is addressed.
  15. They both follow the customary Pauline format: the epistles each begin with a lengthy section on doctrine, explaining our position in Christ – followed by a section of exhortations, relating to the condition of our lives.   (doctrine, then practice; first position, then condition)
  16. Distinctions
  17. Body / Head Emphasis
  18. Ephesians emphasizes the BODY of Christ.
  • The BODY is the fullness of Him that filleth all in all (1:23; 3:19c)
  • Eph. 4:12-16 – Ephesians includes a lengthy section on how the body functions.
  1. Colossians emphasizes the HEAD of the Body. (Col. 1:18)
  • The HEAD is the fullness of deity (1:19;  cf. 2:9)
  • In Colossians the emphasis is on Christ the Head.
  • In 2:19, even when Paul DOES mention the functioning of the Body, it is in relationship to the Head.
  1. Relationship to Christ
  2. Ephesians emphasizes the believer in Christ.
  • Eph. 1:4,6,7,11 – in Him.
  1. Colossians emphasizes Christ in the believer. (Col. 1:27; 3:11)
  2. John 14:20 – Jesus said, “ye in me, and I in you.”
  • Ephesians emphasizes “Ye in Me.”
  • Colossians emphasizes “I in you.”
  1. Heavenly / Earthly
  2. Ephesians emphasizes us IN Him in heavenly places.
  • Eph. 1:3 – In heavenly places in Christ.
  • Eph. 2:2,5-6 – we were part of the world system, but now have been raised upin Christ.
  1. Colossians emphasizes Him in us down here on earth.
  • Col. 4:5 – and warnings against the influence of earthly men and worldly wisdom.
  • Col.2:20 – “as though living on the earth…”
  • Col.3:5 – “your members which are upon the earth…”
  • Whereas the emphasis in Ephesians is on “the believer in Christ in heavenly places”, the emphasis in Colossians is on “Christ in you and manifesting His life down here on earth.”
  1. The Holy Spirit
  2. Ephesians mentions the Holy Spirit many times (about a dozen times).
  • Sealing – 1:13
  • Access to the Father by the Spirit – 2:18
  • Habitation of God through the Spirit – 2:22
  • Revelation from the Spirit – 3:5
  • Strengthened by the Spirit – 3:16
  • Unity of the Spirit – 4:3
  • Grieving – 4:30
  • Fruit of the Spirit – 5:9
  • Filling – 5:18
  • The sword of the Spirit – 6:17
  • Praying in the Spirit – 6:18
  1. Colossians mentions the Holy Spirit only once.  (Col. 1:8)
  • This is by design – not an oversight.
  • The whole point of the book of Colossians is to exalt Christ… to magnify Him. Hence, the Holy Spirit is only mentioned once in passing.
  • This is in keeping with the Spirit’s ministry. (John 16:13-14– He will glorify Christ.)
  • Whenever the emphasis is placed on the Holy Spirit, you know that it is not the HOLY Spirit who is in control… it is some other spirit.   (I Cor. 12:3– the Spirit’s ministry is to exalt the Son)
  • A book designed to exalt Christ places the Spirit in the background.
  • In Colossians, Christ has all the preeminence.
  • That should be the case in our personal lives too… spiritual growth is based upon this premise: He must increase and we must decrease…


  1. After a year or two in Colossians, it is my goal that we as a congregation will be more fully occupied with Christ and His interests… and less occupied with ourselves and our interests.
  2. It is my goal that after a year or so in Colossians, we will be a more Christ centered church – and less man centered.
  3. It is also my prayer that in each of our individual lives, we will personally become more Christ centered and less self centered.
  4. He must increase – we must decrease. That in all things HE might have the preeminence. And isn’t that the point of this book?
  5. I can’t think of a more noble pursuit in the next few years than that.
  6. Rest assured, the enemy will not be happy with the direction we are taking. He will oppose. He will perhaps use some here today to oppose this goal… or others will come into our midst who have a different agenda. (If so – get him a tape of this lesson!)
  7. Folks will be wanting us to lighten up on the worship…
  8. Folks will be wanting us to get some more peppy music… something that will excite the kids…
  9. Folks will be seeking after all sorts of ministries that cater to men… a long menu of programs and “offerings” for themselves… social activities… church soccer teams for their kids… support groups… groups that minister to every imaginable group on earth… youth, teens, preteens, pre-preteens, empty nesters, then the 30 somethings… and 40s, 50s, etc… etc…      something wonderful for everyone!
  10. What we are going to offer folks is CHRIST – the crucified, and risen, and glorified Savior… who is OUR life.

 .                    Those who love Christ will love this emphasis.

  1. We are going to DE-emphasize programs designed to cater to men and emphasize Christ and Him crucified.
  2. Those who are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God will quickly become discontent here.
  3. Some will leave huffy… others will just leave.
  4. But some will come and will find this church a breath of fresh air… an oasis in the midst of modern churches that more closely resemble houses of entertainment rather than houses of prayer and worship.
  5. Clearly, the emphasis today is to entertain men… man has the preeminence in the average evangelical church today.
  6. We are going to fight against that trend with every ounce of strength God gives. (And His resources are limitless – so I expect it to be quite a battle in the next few decades…)
  7. The church growth movement folks will say, “Ok Delany. You’re shooting yourself in the foot. You’re not going to get a crowd that way.”   To which I will reply, “I’ll gladly take a shot in the foot if Christ is honored in it all. Pursuing a route that is designed to please men is taking a deadly shot in the spiritual heart of the church.”
  8. We aren’t here to please the crowd. We are here to please Christ.
  9. Our goal is that in all things pertaining to our individual lives… and in all things pertaining to SBC – that HE might have the preeminence. May God help us to be faithful.
  10. Studying Colossians will be edifying in the following ways:


  1. It will teach us about the significance of the gospel
  2. It will teach us how to pray…
  3. It will teach us of so great salvation…
  4. It will teach us of the mystery…
  5. It will teach us of our position in Christ…
  6. It will teach us about victory over sin…
  7. It will warn us about false teachers… and false philosophies
  8. It will challenge us to set our affections on things above…
  9. It will help our family life…
  10. It will challenge us to be faithful testimonies in the world…
  11. But above all – it will teach us of the all sufficiency of Christ… and His preeminence in every realm… and in every nook and cranny of our hearts.
  12. It is a book worth studying.

Notes on Colossians Chapter 1

Colossians 1:1

An Apostle by the Will of God


Paul introduces himself to the Colossian believers.

    1. The first word in this epistle in both English and Greek is PAUL.
      1. For years during our study in Hebrews, I referred to “the author.”
      2. Now, I can freely name the author: Paul!
      3. It says Paul… there is no question as to the identity of its human author. It is Paul, the apostle.

Paul an Apostle


The title of apostle is how Paul introduced himself in many of his epistles. Twice as “servant” (Philippians & Romans); once as “prisoner” (Philemon);  once simply by name – no title (I Thessalonians); once as apostle AND servant (Titus 1:1); and seven times as “apostle” (Corinthians; the Galatians, Colossians, Timothy).

The term “apostle” = a sent one; one sent on a mission. The term literally means “one sent from”; it implies one sent on a mission… But it also is similar to our ambassador, in that it implies one sent as a representative and with authority.

Paul’s view of the PURPOSE of the apostles’ ministry: Eph. 2:20 – the apostles were the foundation of the church. Eph. 3:5 – the holy apostles were given revelation of the church. Eph. 4:11 – they were sent by the risen Christ as apostles to minister to the early church… and build up the Body.

Paul’s view of THE POSITION of an apostle: He held the position in high esteem. Rom. 11:13 – Paul magnified his office as apostle to the gentiles, ONLY because their salvation magnified God. I Cor. 12:28 – the apostles were set forth FIRST in the church.

Paul’s view of himself as an apostle: I Cor. 15:9 – he was the LEAST of the apostles because he persecuted the church. II Cor. 12:11 – his office was something in his eyes, but he was NOTHING.

The world’s view of an apostle: I Cor. 4:9-13 – the offscouring…(dirt rubbed off; scum). When Paul introduced himself as an apostle, this was not a title that would make men stand up and applaud… not in the world! Just a generation or so ago, a Bible believing minister of the gospel was held in high esteem in the community in this country. Today it is edging closer and closer to offscouring. Paul wasn’t ashamed of Christ or of the gospel or of his ministry as an apostle… but it was NOT highly esteemed in the world.

Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ

Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ… sent from Christ… with a message from Him… as His representative… and carrying the full weight of His authority. Though Paul was a “sent one” like the other twelve original apostles, Paul’s apostleship was a bit different.

The term implies one sent on a mission, but says nothing about what that mission was. Paul’s mission was a bit different than the mission of the other twelve. His mission and apostleship were different from the other apostles. This truth is KEY in dispensational theology…

  • It is key in keeping Israel and the church distinct…
  • It is key in keeping the gospels and the epistles distinct…
  • It is key in keeping law and grace distinct…
  • Paul’s message, ministry, and mission were NOT like the other apostles as we read of them in the gospels.

Acts 9:15: The Lord said unto him, “Go thy way; for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to BEAR MY NAME before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. The other apostles were not sent to bear the name of Christ before foreign kings… and before the Gentiles. They were sent to PROCLAIM His name in Israel. Paul was sent to BEAR His name before the world… in a unique way.

Not by men…not of men… but by Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:1,15). Not OF men – of = apo = from… which speaks of source. He didn’t come FROM men with a message, but from Christ Himself! Men were not the source of his message, authority, or commission. Paul was not an apostle because the leaders at the church at Jerusalem ordained him and sent him out. His apostleship did NOT have a human source. It was NOT the laying on of hands in Acts 13:2 that made him an apostle. That was men acknowledging God’s choice.

Neither BY man – Neither = not even… By = dia = here speaking of an intermediate agency. Paul is stating that his apostleship did not originate with men… in fact, men were not even used as the agents in God’s choice! Paul’s apostleship came DIRECTLY from the Lord Himself! (Gal. 1:16-17) Not of flesh and blood – but from Christ in the Arabian desert.

But by Jesus Christ… By = dia – agency – Christ was the direct channel of Paul’s apostleship. Paul’s apostleship was not of human origin, but DIVINE, Jesus Christ being the Divine agent in that call.

And God the Father. Paul’s apostleship was DIVINE… It came to Him from God the Father… and the Son – mediate… agents… I Tim. 1:1 – “Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

And an apostle by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 13:2) It was the Spirit who sent Saul and Barnabus on their missionary journey. This was God’s doing all the way – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! I Cor. 15:9-10 – “By the grace of God I am what I am.” God appointed him; called him; chose him; gave him the gift of ministry and being an apostle. He didn’t win a contest to become an apostle; he didn’t beat out the competition; there was no showmanship; he didn’t show off his talents and public speaking skills. He wasn’t chosen because he was talented. He was chosen by GRACE… undeserved favor! He wasn’t chosen as a called apostle because he was gifted. Rather, he was gifted because he was a called apostle. Paul’s call to the ministry was DIVINE – not of men neither by man, but by Jesus Christ.

Application: His call was not of men, but of God. So too is the call to the ministry today. There is no supernatural call or appearance of the Lord or audible voices from heaven… But my recommendation to young men today is DON’T go into the ministry unless you are certain that it was the LORD who called you to do so! If one’s concept is that men called you, then you end up serving men… and serving in order to please men1:10-12 – not so with Paul. He serves Christ, not men. 3:23-24 – me too! “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Unfortunately, church leaders seem to have lost sight of this call of God… and as a result have become man-centered… The ministry is seen as a job (job fairs!) Men hire you so you feel obligated to do what they say and what they want—instead of what GOD says and what God wants… Men often look for all the wrong qualities in calling a pastor. (Who is the most talented (Moses?); who is the most popular among the people (Jeremiah?); who wins the most souls (Noah?); who is the most eager beaver (Jonah?) who commands the best presence? (Saul or David?) Men look after the outward appearance… (tallest; strongest; smartest; most talented; most successful; best looking. God looks at the heart. Men go about choosing in all the wrong ways.

Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the Will of God (Col. 1:1)

By the will of God (Col. 1:1)

The will of God – Will: what one wishes or has determined shall be done; purpose; intent. The term speaks of God’s plans, purposes, intentions, will. God DOES have a will… a purpose and a plan for Paul’s life and for yours. Paul was an apostle because of the will of God. This was God’s plan for this man’s life… God intended for him to be an apostle… It was God’s purpose for his life… This is not simply the sovereign will or His permissive will (he permitted it – God permits many things to occur that He does not desire – sin!). Rather, this was the sovereign will AND it was the desire of God’s heart for Paul to be an apostle.

Paul was an apostle because God WANTED him to be so. Paul was a Pharisee, but God saved him and didn’t want him to be a Pharisee any more. God’s will was for Paul to be an apostle. I Tim. 2:7 – God ORDAINED him to be a preacher and apostle. II Tim. 1:11 – he was APPOINTED an apostle.

BY the will of God (Col. 1:1) (via) The very same Greek construction appears in four other epistles:

  1. Through the will of God (I Cor. 1:1)
  2. By the will of God (II Cor. 1:1)
  3. By the will of God (Eph. 1:1)
  4. By the will of God (II Tim. 1:1)

By = dia = because of; or by means of; Paul became an apostle because of God; because of God’s will; because God chose him to be an apostle. By the will of God (Col. 1:1) (via).

Paul did not become an apostle for reasons that men often use for changing their jobs: His point is that he was not an apostle because he decided to make a career change… from a Pharisee to an apostle. He did not become an apostle because the position became available and there was a great need and he felt he could resolve that need. He did not become an apostle because men convinced him that he was the man for the job. His family didn’t groom him for this position. He did not become an apostle because the position was more lucrative than his last job as a Pharisee. He did not become an apostle because the job description sounded appealing to him. He didn’t become an apostle because that’s what his degree was in. He didn’t become an apostle because of personal ambition. He did not become an apostle because he had grown disenchanted with his last position and just needed a change of pace… a change of scenery. Nor did he become an apostle because he lost the fire in his belly for his last job.

Paul lists ONE reason here for him becoming an apostle: because it was God’s will. Paul lived by the will of God. God’s will became his will. His will was merged together with God’s will. Oh that God might give us that kind of a heart!

The first thing Paul tells these folks about himself is that he is what he is because of God and God’s will. I hope we can all say this about ourselves: we are what we are because of God’s will. Your job: I work at _________ by the will of God. He led me. He guided me. He has confirmed it to me. Your ministry in the Local Church: I am a Sunday school teacher or _________ by the will of God. I am serving as pastor because of the will of God. (My position should be the same as yours in that sense! Being in the will of God is not just for pastors and missionaries!) I have decided to go to _________ school to study _______ by the will of God.

Paul, an Apostle Called to Suffer IN the Will of God

Acts 9:15-16 – Being a called apostle meant a life of suffering for righteousness sake for Paul. That was his calling. His calling was not to celebrity status… but to be viewed by the world as its offscouring.

II Cor. 11:23-28 – Paul suffered the rest of his days after having been called to the apostleship. He was whipped, beaten, humiliated; imprisoned; stoned; slandered; and the list goes on. Paul never had the opportunity to walk with Jesus on earth… see His miracles… listen to Him preach to multitudes. Paul became an apostle when being an apostle meant suffering… opposition…

Walking in the will of God does NOT mean that we live happily ever after. Walking in the will of God did not mean that for Paul… nor for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego… nor for Daniel… nor for Joseph… nor for Jesus. Sometimes we SUFFER according to the will of God.

Take this a step further. We are what we are by the will of God. But I just broke my leg! I just realized I have an awful disease! I just got laid off from work! My son just got in an auto accident! I Kings 12:24 – this thing is from me! Rehoboam just lost his kingdom… torn in half before his very eyes. Civil war… brethren against brethren. He went to fight in order to get it back and reverse the awful circumstances, but God said NO. This thing is from me! Rehoboam tried to fight against God’s will, but the Lord made him to learn to accept it… submit to it… Rehoboam now ruled over a portion of a divided kingdom… and this was “by the will of God.” It would be a difficult pill for Rehoboam to swallow, but he would learn that “this thing is from me.” The division in the land… was “by the will of God.” This ugly civil war… a nation broken up and divided, was the will of the Lord.

Sometimes God’s will for our lives is difficult to swallow. God’s will for Rehoboam was the LAST thing Rehoboam would ever have chosen for himself. God’s will for Paul as an apostle also included many sorrow filled days and nights… but there was a comfort in resting in the fact that he knew that this was the will of the Lord. Acts 9:15-16 – I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake. Yet Paul didn’t fight against it. He submitted to it… knowing that Gods’ call included much suffering.

I Pet. 4:19 – “let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing.” If we suffer while doing the will of God – commit your soul to God as to a faithful Creator! Your soul will NEED comfort when God’s will for your life takes a tragic turn. God is the God of all Comfort – not for the world – but for those who suffer according to His will… for righteousness sake. When you walk with God, follow His Word, and men turn against you – you are suffering according to the will of God.

This thing is from me. The Lord Jesus told His disciples that if you are going to follow Me, be ready to pick up a cross. If we are going to follow the One who carried the burden and the weight of the sins of the whole world, then we too must be willing to carry a burden… a weight…

Paul was an apostle by the will of God. His apostleship would prove to be a most difficult task. He would suffer unimaginably because he was an apostle. Of course, he would experience joy unspeakable on many occasions too. And Paul learned that all this was by the will of God. He lived and died by the will of God. He learned that the purpose of his life was to live out God’s will… and for him – that included apostleship – which included much suffering…

Do you think Paul would have ACCEPTED the position as apostle if he knew EVERYTHING God had in store for him? Perhaps not. Perhaps if he knew ALL of the suffering, all the grief, the humiliation, the burdens that were part of it, he might have said, “No thanks. I’ll stick to tent making.” But God didn’t reveal ALL of the suffering to him up front… Neither does God reveal all of what His will for our lives includes when we are new believers. It might scare us away. God waits until we grow, and mature, and are able to handle it… But He never gives more than we can handle… God gives us grace for each part of His will… strength for each day we walk in His will… As thy days, so shall thy strength be. Paul’s unique life proves this to us all.

Paul, A Unique Apostle of Jesus Christ

His Unique Calling: He was called… (Rom. 1:1) Called: invited; divinely selected and appointed. The term is used in 8:28 – “the called” according to His purpose. Chosen by God… handpicked. Paul was an apostle by the will of God; and by the call of God – by divine appointment… divine choice… he was elected or selected to the position of an apostle—by God!

He was a called apostle… but unique. His unique calling:

  • The other apostles were chosen by Christ during His period of humiliation.
  • They were called to be WITH Jesus in His earthly ministry to Israel. (Mark 3:14)
  • They walked with Jesus, and listened to Him teach.
  • They ministered with Jesus…
  • Paul never met the Lord in His period of humiliation.

The Lord Jesus in His earthly body walked up to the other apostles and called them one by one. Paul’s calling was unique. (Acts 9:3-6) His was a supernatural appearance of the glorified, eternal Son of God in power and great glory… Paul was blinded by the sight of Him… Paul was called from heaven.

A Unique Sending – The other apostles were sent to the lost sheep of the tribes of Israel exclusive and were specifically told NOT to go to the gentiles. (Mt. 10:5-6) Jesus too was sent exclusively to the house of Israel. (Mt. 15:24) Paul is an apostle sent on a mission TO the gentiles! (Gal. 2:8-9; Rom. 11:13) Acts 13:2 – sent by the Holy Spirit…  men merely recognized the call.

A Unique Relationship to Christ. Paul met Christ only after His glorification. (Acts 9:3-6) Paul’s conversion took place only AFTER the cross and resurrection… and after the church age had begun. Paul only knew Christ as the God-Man in Glory… the Risen, glorified Savior… who (at the time of Paul’s conversion) was the Head of the Body, the Church… Born out of due time…Paul stands alone among the hand-chosen apostles as the only one chosen on resurrection ground. (I Cor. 15:8)

  • Paul was unique, in that he was chosen by the Risen, ascended, glorified Savior.
  • Paul never thought of Jesus as a carpenter… as a frail human being.
  • Paul always thought of Christ in His radiant glory… as John saw Jesus in Rev. 1… and fell down at His feet as a dead man!
  • II Cor 5:15-16 – We know Christ no more as the carpenter from Galilee. We know Him as the Lord from Heaven… the Lord of Glory… the glorified God Man… as the Great High Priest in heaven… the HEAD of the new creation, the church which is His Body.

His Unique Message – Unlike the other apostles, Paul never preached “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matt. 10:7) Read through the gospels: the original 12 apostles never preached, “Jesus died for your sins and rose again on the third day.” In fact, they were reluctant to believe that! Peter outright denied it! (Matt. 16:21-22) Paul’s gospel was uniquely the gospel of the grace of God. (Acts 20:24) Paul received his message from Jesus FROM HEAVEN… not the Jesus upon the earth… an earthly message for His earthly people Israel… a message of an earthly kingdom and its Messiah King. Paul received a message from heaven, for God’s heavenly people, the church… Christ, the Head of the new creation… the New Man… the church… a unique place in God’s program.

His Unique Revelation – Paul was also the primary vessel used of the Lord in revealing the mystery, the church. (Eph. 3:2-6) Paul revealed the mystery of Christ in you—the hope of glory.

His Unique Ministry – Gal. 1:16 – God called Paul to reveal His Son IN him. God revealed Christ IN Paul, that he might communicate the GLORY of this mystery to the whole world – Christ in you! (Col. 1:27) This is the mystery of the indwelling Christ. The fact that God would be WITH His people was no mystery. The apostles knew that during Jesus’ earthly ministry. (“Even the Spirit of Truth… he dwelleth with you, and shall be IN YOU.”) Paul revealed that Christ would be in—even believing Gentiles! A marvelous mystery, now revealed… the glory of this age.

Gal. 2:8 – God worked IN Paul and that resulted in his unique apostolic ministry. God worked IN Paul… God working IN YOU both to will and to do of His good will. Hebrews ended with the words, God “makes you perfect/mature… to do His will working IN YOU that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ.”

Paul was sent out as an apostle in a unique way. His calling was unique – supernatural appearance of the glorified God Man. His sending was unique – sent to the Gentiles to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. His relationship to Christ was unique – he knew Him not in His earthly ministry as King, but in His heavenly ministry as Head of the Body. His message was unique – the gospel of the grace of God… His revelation was unique – called to revealed the mystery of the Body of Christ = Jew and Gentile in one Body on equal footing in Christ! His ministry was unique – sent not just to preach ABOUT Christ, but to manifest the LIFE of the indwelling Christ to the world!

The book of Colossians is a reflection of Paul’s unique apostolic ministry.

Application: Does this have any impact on our lives today? It sure does. We too are called of God – called saints! Called to suffer for His name’s sake… Called to be His witnesses… to bear His name… to represent Him… to be His ambassadors… Called to tell others the good news of a risen and glorified Savior who died for their sins and offers them life as a gift of grace. Called to manifest His marvelous indwelling LIFE to a world that needs a clear witness of who He is… that they might be attracted to our Savior… called to be a savour of LIFE… unto life.

God will call each one of us to suffer for righteousness sake sooner or later. We need to KNOW and experience the unsearchable riches of the indwelling LIFE of Christ and His resurrection power IN US… This is the ONLY way we will be able to continue on… the only way we can bear the burdens and suffering God has called us to. “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” He is not just with us… He is IN us… We don’t need help holding up our old man. Reckon him to be dead. What we need is His resurrection life… to walk in newness of life. The stronger our knowledge of and faith in this indwelling LIFE and power are – the better equipped we are to face whatever God shall call us to suffer for His name.

To the Saints at Colosse


The Believer’s Relationship to God: Saints

A. What a Saint is Not

1. Roman view of a saint…

a. St. Joseph Catechism: A very holy person; one who loves God perfectly and is now in heaven; especially one who died with perfect love and did not have to pass through purgatory.
• To qualify, they have to have been dead for a certain amount of time…
• They have to have performed a miracle.
• In the Bible saints are NEVER dead and in heaven. They are always alive and on earth.
• Col. 1:2 – he is writing a letter to the saints in the city of Colosse. You don’t write letters to dead people.
• I Cor. 1:2 – secondly, saints in the Bible were not always very holy people practically. The Corinthians were saints, but were NOT very holy.
• Their definition got off to a bad start.

b. Catechism question # 171 – “What can the “saints” in heaven do for the souls in purgatory and the faithful on earth?” … The saints in heaven can help the souls in purgatory and the faithful on earth by praying for them.”
• Rome’s doctrine of saints seems to be specifically designed to undermine our relationship to Christ.
• The Bible says that it is CHRIST who is in heaven and who ever makes intercession for us… not the so-called saints! (Heb. 7:24-25)

c. Catechism question # 172: “Should the faithful on earth… honor the “saints” in heaven and pray to them?” The faithful on earth… should honor the saints in heaven pray to them because they are worthy of honor… and will help the faithful on earth.
• This too is designed to undermine one’s relationship to Jesus Christ.
• This doctrine once again undermines a person’s relationship to Christ…
• It suggests that honor goes to a dead human being, rather than to Christ Himself. (Remember the theme of Colossians!)
• It also places the so called “saint” between the person and Christ… as a mediator. Instead of praying to God directly, they are told to pray to the saint who will relay that message to God.
• What does the Bible say? There is ONE mediator! Only one… (I Tim. 2:5)
• Besides – THINK about this. They are teaching that a dead human being must take on God-like qualities. He must be able to listen to potentially millions of people praying to him in hundreds of languages at the same time! Omniscience and omnipresence would be required for that!
• In stark concrete terms, they are teaching that not only do dead people pray for you, but you are to pray TO dead people.

d. Catechism question #216: “How can we honor the saints?” We can honor the saints by imitating their holy lives, by praying to them, and by showing respect to their relics and images.
• Again, this undermines a relationship to Christ and violates Scripture.
• Praying to them violates I Tim. 2:4.
• The catechism goes on to explain that praying to the saints means talking to them… and that they are willing and able to help us.
• Think about what is being said here. They are telling their people to talk to dead people! And not only so, but that the dead people will help them somehow!
• The Bible says that we are to pray to God and Him alone… and only HE is able to deliver us…
• Should we honor their relics and images? This is a violation of the first commandment – which not only forbids showing honor to an image or an idol, it forbids making them! (Ex. 20:1-5)

2. The common Protestant View of a saint: many protestants who reject the Catholic notion of a saint have defined a saint as “one who has struggled with sin and was victorious and has been received triumphantly into heaven.”

a. At funerals, they speak of the Christian dead as “sainted.”

b. This is an improvement over Rome’s view, in that it removes the superstition and idolatry, and it does not undermine the work of Christ…

c. However, it too falls short of what the Bible says about a saint.

d. In the Bible, a saint is not someone who has been memorialized in a stained glass window. A saint is a vile sinner saved by grace… like me… and you, if you know Christ as your Savior.

e. The terms Paul uses in Col. 1:2 are the most common terms for believers… for Christians in the Bible.
• The term Christian only appears 3 times!
• The term “Saint” appears over 100 times in Bible and mainly as a synonym for “believer.”
• Brethren almost 250 times in the NT alone!

f. For those who know the Bible, referring to living people as saints is perfectly normal. For those who do NOT know the Bible, but have been indoctrinated in traditions of men – it sounds quite strange.

g. Note in Col. 1:2 that Paul is NOT addressing saints in heaven… he is addressing saints in Colosse! The folks who received and read this epistle were all very much alive.

B. What a Saint Is: The Term – hagiois 

1. Means: set apart; one who is sanctified; consecrated; separation

2. The verb form of saint is “sanctify.” A saint is simply a person who has been sanctified.

3. But what does sanctify mean?

a. The term has nothing to do with cleansing or purification; it has nothing to do with the extinction of evil in the flesh…
• Gen. 2:3 – God sanctified the Sabbath.
• It wasn’t dirty and was made clean; rather, it was put in a special position… separate from all other days.
• God did the work of sanctifying the Sabbath. The Sabbath was separate from other days because God declared it to be so.
• Saturdays LOOKED like every other day… the sun came up and went down the same… it had the same weather pattern as other days… it was still 24 hours.
• An onlooker might observe the days and not notice anything special or different about the Sabbath. No celestial halo appeared in the sky on Saturdays.
• Very often the Jews did not observe the Sabbath properly. They bought and sold and went about their daily business as if this day were NOT separate from the other days.
• But it didn’t matter what others thought of the Sabbath… it didn’t matter whether the Jews observed the Sabbath… it was sanctified because God separated this day from all others.
• It was a unique day… special… set apart to God… whether acknowledged, practiced, believed, or not.
• God sanctified the Sabbath. It was God’s work of setting this day apart from all others… and putting it into a unique position as a day separated unto Him… consecrated unto His service…
• The Sabbath was HOLY (sanctified) because God set it apart.
• However, God later commanded His people, the Jews to remember to KEEP the Sabbath holy… to observe the Sabbath…
• But regardless of whether the Jews obeyed God or not – the Sabbath was holy… because God sanctified it.

b. The term does not mean to “make pure.”
• Jesus Christ “sanctified” Himself. (John 17:19)
• Jesus Christ was sanctified by the Father (John 10:36)
• This does not mean that He had sin that needed to be cleansed or purified.
• Rather, it means that Christ was set apart to a special ministry by the Father… and He set Himself apart to that ministry.
• It means He was consecrated to divine service.
• Just as Old Testament priests were consecrated to divine service… they were sanctified. (Ex. 28:41)
• The Old Testament priests did not always live a consecrated life… but regardless of their lifestyle, they WERE consecrated to the priesthood.
• It wasn’t their lifestyle that MADE them consecrated or sanctified for divine service. It was their calling… it was their position…
• Some priests honored God by their consecrated service and godly lives.
• Other priests (like Eli’s sons) were a disgrace to their calling… They were anointed and set apart to the priestly service, but their lifestyles were abominable!

c. Num. 20:12 – Moses was rebuked for not sanctifying God.
• God was already holy… infinitely so… pure… sinless.
• But Moses was expected to put God in a special place in the minds and hearts of the people by the way Moses lived… by his faith – trusting in the Lord.
• When Moses smote the rock, he demonstrated a LACK of faith… and a LACK of reverence toward God.
• His actions declared that God was NOT special…
• An interesting thought – by our actions, we can either sanctify God in the eyes of those around us… or bring dishonor to Him.
• That’s why we are a little old fashioned around here. Our goal is not to please the people and have lots of fun. Our goal is to sanctify God – by our worship, our reverence, and respect we show in this place, we set God apart from all else…
• This is part of our testimony as believers… to sanctify God.

d. The main gist of the term is separation…
• In the Bible, the setting apart has two sides:

1. Set apart FROM… sin, self, the world, Adam, old life

2. Set apart TO… God…

C. The Believer’s Position as a Saint

1. Sanctified (Positionally)

a. Every born again believer is a sanctified one… a saint.

b. This does not refer to an elite group of believers, but ALL believers are saints.

c. Even the carnal Corinthian believers were sanctified… (I Cor. 1:1-2) Their lives were not excessively virtuous, but they were sanctified positionally. (I Cor. 6:11)

d. At salvation, God sets us apart from sin and condemnation and puts us in a position that is acceptable unto Him…

e. The unbelieving sinner, at the moment of saving faith is separated from his sin, condemnation, and his unsaved position and is placed or separated UNTO the status of a saved person… with all that that implies (regenerated; justified; redeemed; reconciled; etc.)

f. We are separated from our former position in Adam and placed in Christ… set apart unto God.

g. Sanctify: to set apart unto God.
• We were in Adam, and God set us apart from our former relationship to Adam and placed us in Christ…
• We were in the world, now we are in the church, the Body of Christ.
• We were in the family of Satan, and are now set apart from that and set apart unto God’s family.
• At the moment of saving faith, God changes our position… and we are forever set apart unto God.

h. Positional sanctification occurs ONCE for all! (Heb. 10:10, 14)
• This kind of sanctification never needs to be repeated. It is a “once for all” sanctification.
• We are completely and eternally separated unto God!
• Vs. 14 – them that are sanctified never need to be sanctified in this sense again.

i. Being positionally sanctified is God’s work for us… not our work for God.
• Heb. 10:10 – By the which will — by God’s will – HIS choice.
• Heb. 10:10 – through the offering of the Body of Christ. HIS work on our behalf.
• Cf. I Cor. 1:30 – But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us sanctification…
• Christ is our sanctification. It is God’s work through His Son.
• All those in Christ have been sanctified… separated unto God…

j. And HOW do we become sanctified?
• Heb. 13:12 – we are sanctified by the blood of Christ. Christ died and rose again. His shed blood was the payment for our sins.
• II Thess. 2:13 – God hath chosen us to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit… and BELIEF of the truth. Our job is to believe. God’s Holy Spirit will then set us apart unto Himself… sanctify us… hence, we are saints.
• Acts 26:16-18 – we are sanctified BY FAITH in Christ! (not by performing miracles or an exceptionally holy life). Faith: nothing more… nothing less.
• Becoming a saint:
» Is entirely God’s work…
» We believe; and God does the work of saving and sanctifying.
» Sanctification is based upon the shed blood of Christ.
» The Holy Spirit sets the believing sinner apart unto God when he believes the gospel.
» The one thus set apart is a SAINT…
» Sanctification, like any aspect of our great salvation is entirely God’s work.
» It is not earned or merited. It is ours as a grace gift through faith and no other way.

k. No one becomes a saint by trying to live a saintly life. (Eph. 2:8-9)
• Becoming a saint is not the final reward for a life full of sacrifice, good works, and virtue… that one obtains at the end of life when one enters heaven.
• Rather, becoming a saint occurs the very moment our new life in Christ begins!
• The person who puts his trust in Christ – God saves! God sanctifies once and for all!
• God promises that if we place our FAITH in His finished work on the cross, then God will save us…
• God promises to put that believer in a new position –
» Separated from his former life in Adam…and separated unto a new position in Christ.
» Separated from his former state of condemnation to a position of being justified!
» Separated from darkness unto light.
» Separated and removed from your former position as a child of the devil to a son of God.
» Separated from our former state of spiritual death to spiritual life in Christ! (Eph. 2:1, 5)

As individuals, we are saints. The church corporately is referred to as a holy nation — or a nation of saints… and a royal priesthood. (I Pet. 2:9) This is an awesome position we possess in Christ.

2. Consecrated

a. As Old Testament priests were consecrated to divine service by an anointing, so too, New Testament priests are also consecrated to divine service by an anointing of the Holy Spirit at salvation. This sets us apart unto God.

b. Every believer (male, female, young, old, new believer or mature) is a consecrated priest before God.
• I Pet. 2:5: “Ye also, as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
• This makes our entire life sacred… hence, whatever we do is to be done for the glory of God…

c. Sanctification sets us apart unto God’s service. As such, we are priests.

d. This means that our lives are no longer ours, but are devoted to God and His service.

e. Consecration or an official dedication to God’s service is PART OF our sanctification.

3. Called

a. We are saints by calling, and not so much by practice. We are called saints – whether we live up to our calling or not!

b. Rom.1:7 – Called to be saints

c. Called: called to (the discharge of) some office. Divinely selected and appointed.

d. It is GOD who calls men to the position as a saint.

e. It is not conferred by men… but a calling from God.
• To be — not in original.
• Saints === we were called to the office or position of a saint… divinely selected and chosen to be a saint.
• Sainthood is our sacred calling…
• The Bible knows nothing of clergy and laity… all true believers in Christ are called to His service… as priests.
• I Thess. 4:7 – We are CALLED to holiness…For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. (sanctification or sainthood)
• Eph. 1:18 – Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian saints was that God would open their eyes that they might KNOW what is the glorious hope of their calling… and their marvelous inheritance as saints… (not all saints understand or appreciate their sacred calling!)

D. The Believer’s Responsibility as a Saint

1. We are called saints – walk worthy of our high calling (Eph. 4:1)

a. Vocation = same word as calling in Eph. 1:18 – our calling and virtually the same word as in I Cor. 1:2, “called saints.”

b. In Eph. 1-3, Paul spent 3 chapters describing the marvelous calling of the saint in Christ Jesus…

c. Now, after teaching the believers about their high calling, he challenges them to walk worthy of it! (You are called saints… now live like it!)

d. The word “worthy” (axios) means “equal weight”; one’s calling and conduct should be in balance…
• Our calling is high and heavenly… our walk should be the same… equal… in balance with…
• Eph. 4:2-3 – Paul then describes the proper attitude of the believer – a Christlike attitude… in whatever God, in His sovereign love, sends our way.
• That is how we walk worthy – by allowing the indwelling life of Christ to be manifested through our mortal members.
• This is ever the way of grace. We walk NOT in order to obtain a calling to sainthood, but rather, we are to walk a worthy walk because God has already called us to this position as a saint… by grace… not merit!

2. We are holy… therefore, we ought to BE holy…

a. I Pet. 1:15 – we are called saints… holy ones… separated unto God.
• However, that holy position in Christ carries with it certain responsibilities…
• We are responsible to BE holy in practice, not merely in position.
• The Corinthians were good examples of what NOT to be: they were saints, but did not behave very saintly!
• Here Peter states that we should BE holy… saintly… because we ARE saints… we are sons of God and God is holy, so His sons should be holy… a reflection of HIM!
• It is very poor testimony… we put God in a bad light when we who are saints behave like the world…
• A person who has been called OUT of the world and has been called UNTO God ought to be different… separate…

b. Eph. 5:1 – be followers of God. Vs. 3-4 – and don’t let these sinful practices be once named among you as becometh (is fitting) saints! These practices are unbecoming to a saint! Walk worthy of our high calling.

c. Being a “called saint” is the highest calling imaginable. There is some kind of behavior that may not necessarily be sinful in and of itself, but it is not becoming to one who is a saint! Stay away!
• Titus 2:3 – The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness.
• I Tim. 2:9-10 – ?In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; ? 10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
• Phil. 1:27 – Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ.
• Rom. 16:2 – that ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you.
• Certain kinds of behavior is expected of those who have been called as saints of God. It should affect our behavior, our dress, our conversation, our treatment of other believers…
• Is YOUR behavior becoming holiness? Is your behavior such as becometh saints?
• If not, then perhaps we need to make some changes!

d. This is NOT a matter of law or legalism. It is a matter of being in tune with God… close to Christ like a branch on a vine… and desirous of only that which is Christlike to be manifested through us.
• Are there certain expressions or words you use that may not be outright swears, but perhaps unbecoming a saint?
• Are there things you watch on TV that are not fitting for a saint of God?
• Are there places you go that might not be suitable for a saint of God?
• Are there books you read that are not fitting for one in your position?
• Are there activities you are involved in that may not be evil or wrong, but simply not fitting for a saint?
• On the flip side, there may be things that are fitting for a saint to be involved in that we are NOT presently involved in… and perhaps we should be!
• Perhaps we should be praying before our meals – and we are not. That is becoming for a saint.
• Perhaps we should be getting involved in church ministries – that is fitting a saint.
• Perhaps you should be telling others about Christ… that is fitting for a saint.

e. Don’t you love the way these exhortations are worded in the epistles?
• The Holy Spirit addresses us as sons… full grown sons of God… saints…
• Then He challenges us to walk worthy of so high a calling.
• Religion says, “Do this and that and you might become a saint one day.”
• The Bible says, “By grace through faith you are already a saint… now walk worthy!”
• Our walk as a saint is never in order to obtain a spiritual blessing from God — never to obtain life or in order to become a saint.
• But rather, we are exhorted to a worthy walk out of gratitude for the position God has already given us… and on the basis of indwelling life that we already possess.

3. We are consecrated priests…

a. Rom. 12:1 – hence, we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God… in His service… for His glory…

b. This presenting our bodies (ourselves!) to God IS consecration’s practical side. It is our personal responsibility.

c. God set us apart to His service at the moment of saving faith. God made us kings and priests.

d. Now, it is our responsibility as a believer-saint to put that into practice in our daily lives.

e. In other words, the condition of our lives ought to be commensurate with the position to which we have been called.

f. As consecrated priests, we are to live every moment of every day in that attitude of yieldedness… full surrender… having presented the members of our body to God for His use and service.

g. That’s the life of a saint… one set apart from self and sin and set apart unto God’s service – as a consecrated priest.

h. This isn’t a crisis experience that we do once and for all. It is to be an ongoing attitude of mind and heart – yielded…surrendered… ready to serve Christ… moment by moment… day by day…

i. The more we think about… meditate upon… understand… and learn to appreciate our glorious calling as saints… the more this will have an effect on the way we live!

j. And there will not be one ounce of legalism in any of it.

k. No wonder Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians was that God would give them the spirit of revelation and wisdom to understand what is the glorious hope of their calling.

l. Knowing and believing this will change us forever. It will transform our service for God from toil and joyous service… from duty to a glorious privilege… from a burden to a delight.

m. Rather than taking out a whip and beating his readers into subjection to God (legalism), Paul chose to point his readers to Christ and His finished work on the cross… AND to its marvelous results: our high calling in Christ!

n. Meditate on this high calling… study more of it in the Word… let it sink in… the height, length, and depth, and breadth of God’s love for us demonstrated in our calling… and we will begin walking a high and worthy walk to match… not because we have to… but because we WANT to!

o. Spiritual understanding of our high calling as saints in Christ results in a worthy walk! (Col. 1:9-10)

Faithful Brethren


1. Paul addresses the Colossians with two expressions: saints and faithful brethren.


2. Saints: the believer’s relationship to God (set apart unto Him)

3. Brethren: the believer’s relationship to each other (family)

Saints and Faithful Brethren

1. Saints: refers to the believers in the city of Colosse, not in heaven.

a. They are saints because they are sanctified: set apart unto God at the moment of saving faith.

b. We are saints of God…set apart unto His service…

2. The term “faithful brethren” does not refer to a different group of people. They are one and the same as the “saints” mentioned earlier.

a. The Granville Sharpe rule of Greek grammar states that when two nouns are joined by kai (and) and the first noun has the article and the second does not, then the two nouns refer to the same thing.

b. Paul is writing to all the believers in the church at Colosse. Each one of them is referred to as a saint AND a brother.

c. This second term does not divide them into two groups… one that is sanctified (but not necessarily faithful) and another that is faithful member of the brotherhood.

d. That is not the point. The rules of Greek grammar dictate against that interpretation.

e. The church at Colosse, like any true body of believers is referred to as saints and brethren. So too is Salem Bible Church.

f. If you are born again, you are a saint and part of the Christian brotherhood.

3. In the New Testament, the brethren are called: Faithful brethren (Col. 1:2); Holy brethren (Heb.3:1); Beloved brethren (I Cor. 15:58).

a. These are not three different kinds of brothers either.

b. ALL believers… all brothers and sisters in Christ are to be characterized by holiness, by faith, and by love.
• The brothers in Colosse were faithful… not perfectly, but they were faithful. They were believers… brothers… sheep. Sheep follow the Shepherd. “My sheep know me and follow Me.”
• The Hebrew believers were “holy brethren.” They were set apart unto God. They were not perfectly holy practically – but positionally they were sanctified once for all.
• The Corinthian believers were called “beloved brethren.” They were loved by God and one another. They didn’t always act too lovable, but they were beloved.
• These things are true of every brother in Christ: positionally their lives are characterized by holiness, faith, and love.

c. At any given moment, a brother might not be demonstrating those qualities, but over all, his life is characterized by such.

d. This brotherhood is different from any earthly fraternity. God’s fraternity, the family of God is characterized by genuine faith, holiness, and love. You can tell that they are my disciples by their love…

The Christian Brotherhood

1. The family of God.

a. Our Christian Family
• God is our Father; we are sons of God.
• We are also brothers and sisters.
• Eph. 2:19 – we used to be foreigners to God and His family. Now we are fellowcitizens with the saints and of the household of God… God’s family… a brotherhood of believers in Christ.
• Col. 1:2 – brethren with all those “IN Christ”…
» This includes EVERY person in this age who is born again.
» This includes those of like precious faith… in doctrinally sound, Biblical, Christ exalted churches.
» It also includes those who are mixed up in their understanding of the Scriptures – there are some folks still in the mainline denominations who may not be taught well from Scripture, but some are genuine believers in Christ… and part of the family of God.
» It’s a BIG family… brothers in Christ worldwide.

2. Entered by means of the new birth (John 1:12-13)

a. One does not become a son of God because his parents were Christians.

b. One does not become a son of God through the will of mere human flesh… a desire to be a Christian and attendant efforts.

c. One does not become a son of God because of the will of man. It is not conferred upon a person by a priest or a minister.

d. The new birth is a supernatural work of God. It is a BIRTH.

e. We are born sinners (and as Jesus said, “ye are of your father the devil)… and must therefore be born again into God’s family.

f. God’s promise is this: if we will BELIEVE on Christ, God will give us eternal life… a spiritually dead man is made alive… that is likened to a birth… when our spiritual life begins… at the moment of saving faith.

Family Problems

1. The early church family had its share of disputes…

a. Acts 15:5-11 – the brethren were disputing – arguing over issues that arose about circumcision… which really impinged upon the doctrine of justification by faith alone.

b. The brotherhood in Jerusalem was battling over doctrine. This battle nearly resulted in TWO churches: one Gentile and one Jewish.

c. Jews and Gentiles have very different views on virtually every issue under the sun.

d. It was resolved when Peter and James stood up as God’s spokesmen and spoke forth God’s Word. End of debate!

e. Interestingly, in Acts 15, the chapter that deals with the difficulties that arose in the early church, the author uses the term “brethren” 15 times – as a reminder to all!

f. Paul warned the elders at Ephesus that doctrinal error would arise from among them! (Acts 20:29-30)

g. We should expect it here too… and be ready to deal with it in a Biblical manner.
• In the early church there was ONE doctrine… the truth.
• If a church strayed from the truth, the apostles descended upon them and straightened out the error… as in Acts 15.
• Today, we have no apostles, and error abounds… and so does denominationalism… each with their own doctrinal positions.
• That never would have been tolerated in the early church… but we don’t live in the early church. We live in the end times… God’s egg has been scrambled… and there is no way to completely unscramble an egg. So, in many ways, we have to deal with what is… rather than with what should be.
• If doctrinal error is rejected in one church, the teachers will start another church down the road… with a new teaching.
• We can’t change what our brothers are doing in other churches, but we ARE responsible to protect the doctrinal position of this church.
• And that is SURE to cause strife sooner or later. The best way to be ready to refute error is to KNOW the truth.
• We are a brotherhood of those who stand “one in hope and doctrine, one in charity!”

2. The early church family included spiritually minded believers and carnal believers.

a. I Cor. 1:11 – divisions because of carnality.

b. Problems arose because some brothers in the church family liked one speaker better than another… this was the early stages of denominationalism… a plague and blight on the churches!

c. But the carnality did not stop there. They actually were suing one another! (I Cor. 6:1)

d. The church at Corinth was a brotherhood… a family… but not a healthy family. It was at times a dysfunctional family.

e. They were brothers in Christ, but brotherly love did not always continue in that assembly.

f. The family members were divided… and often butting heads.

g. What a miserable testimony to the young people growing up in that church and to the community!

h. Is Christ divided? That was the message they were sending. What a miserably sick condition the Body of Christ is in today. God help us!

i. It’s amazing that anyone got saved in that city with the track record of that church… but they did.

j. Being carnally minded upsets the brotherhood. Being spiritually minded is like the balm of Gilead applied to the assembly.
• The carnal Israelites were constantly murmuring and causing trouble for Moses in the camp…
• The carnal believer is constantly murmuring and causing trouble in the local church today too.
• But he who is spiritual discerns all things. He is discerning enough to see how destructive carnal, self-will is to an assembly… to the brotherhood of believers.
• The spiritually minded man is willing to be personally defrauded for the good of the brotherhood… he is willing to suffer loss for the good of the family of God…
k. What kind of a brother are you? Problems WILL arise in the family of God at Salem Bible Church.
• Are you going to be like the carnal believer who murmurs and adds fuel to the fires of controversy?
• Or are you going to be like the spiritually minded man who is willing to suffer for the good of the brotherhood… the Body?

3. The family included brothers with differing convictions

a. Rom. 14:10 – some brothers judged one another wrongly.

b. Some of the issues that caused trouble to the brotherhood were eating meats offered to idols, supporting widows, Jewish holy days, to name a few.

c. There has always been a whole host of issues about which believers have held various convictions.
• Convictions based on Scripture are GOOD.
• Last Sunday it was good to hear how the Lord led our brother Ron and his family to develop their personal convictions.
• We can only pray that more of God’s people held convictions based on Scripture.
• Yet if we have been saved for five minutes or longer, we are all acutely aware of the fact that not all believers AGREE on their convictions… even though their conflicting convictions are based on the same Biblical principles.
• We are brothers, but brothers often hold differing convictions… because convictions are personal application of principles… and one principle can be applied in many different ways.
• This caused trouble for the brethren in the 1st century, and it is still causing trouble for the brethren in the 21st century.
• Even in this little church, I am aware of at least a dozen or so areas where believers here hold differing convictions on various issues.

d. Rom. 14:15 – Paul made it clear that the issues themselves were relatively insignificant. What mattered was the effect it had on our brothers and sisters in Christ! Sometimes our actions can grieve a brother… or cause him to stumble… ruin him! (vs. 20)

e. Vs. 19 – we ought to be seeking to build up our brothers, not tear them down… even if they have a different set of convictions on non-doctrinal and non-moral issues.

f. What kind of a brother are you?
• One who demands his own way even if it hurts another brother? This is the mind of the flesh.
• Or one who is willing to sacrifice the exercise of his rights for the good of our brothers in Christ? This is the mind of Christ.

4. The family included both rich and poor; bond and free.

a. Can you imagine the family problems that arose in the early churches when one considered that some in the church might be the wealthy land owners who lived in luxury… and others those who worked their fields all day in the hot sun and were paid precious little?

b. Can you imagine the controversies that might arise in a church where one man in the church might OWN another man and his family?

c. Slaves and masters were part of the household of God… the brotherhood… (Col. 3:22; 4:1)

d. Imagine the undercurrent of grumbling… slandering… complaining… resentment and bitterness that must have flowed out of this unseemly situation in the early churches?

e. In Colosse, there WERE such distinctions in the brotherhood.

f. Yet, in Christ, there were no such distinctions. (Gal. 3:28)

g. There can still be a measure of trouble that enters the brotherhood over money, social status, and position in the local church.

h. May it never be the case here.

i. “My brethren, have not the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ with respect of persons.” (Jas. 2:1) This should never be because we are BRETHREN!

j. We live in the world and there will always be different levels of income… different positions in the workplace… differing social status among believers… but when we gather for worship – we leave it all at the door. Here, we are family… brethren… and the only important Person in this place is Christ – the HEAD of the Body.

k. And He is not ashamed to call us brethren! (Heb.2:11-12 – ?“For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,? 12?Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.”

Family Responsibilities

1. Faithful to do good to our brothers and sisters in Christ

a. Gal. 6:10 – we are responsible to do good things to ALL men, but especially to the household of God… the family… to the brotherhood of the saints!

b. I Tim. 5:1 – we are to treat believers like family… (the context means that we should treat one another with respect and purity).

c. Philemon 16 – no longer just a servant (earthly relationship) but a brother (a heavenly and eternal relationship).

2. Faithful not to offend or cause to stumble

a. Rom. 14:13, 21 – don’t put a stumbling block before a brother
• Even if you’re in no danger of stumbling over that stone, what about others?
• How will your actions affect your brothers in Christ?
• We are not islands. We are a family… a brotherhood.

b. I Cor. 8:11 – your knowledge of your liberties in Christ could cause a weaker brother to stumble. It is better to give up the exercise of that right for his sake.

c. I Cor. 8:12 – When we DO offend the brotherhood, we sin against Christ. There is an inseparable union between Christ and the “brethren in Christ Jesus”, His Body.

d. What kind of a brother are you?
• Are you the kind of brother who doesn’t care that he is part of a brotherhood of believers… and acts in such a way that might hurt or harm a brother in the Lord?
• Or are you the kind of brother who loves JC so much that you are willing to forgo a liberty for the good of your brother… just because he is a brother… and because sinning against a brother is sinning against Christ!?

3. Faithful in exhorting

a. Acts 15:3 – bring great joy to the brethren.
• We are not traveling missionaries, but we can share what great things God is doing in our lives.
• We do that virtually every Sunday night… in our testimony time.
• I consider our testimony time on Sunday nights like a family sitting around the kitchen table sharing what took place during the day… only this is the family of God sharing together in the things of Christ…

b. Acts 15:32 – exhort (parakaleo) and confirm (render firm; strengthen; establish).
• Don’t you want a strong, vibrant family?
• If you see a family member going astray – go get him!

c. Acts 20:32 – faithful in commending one another to the Word of God which is able to build you up.
• We are brothers. Our brotherhood is a spiritual fraternity built upon the Word of God.
• We are not an earthly fraternity… built upon the fact that we attended the same school… or are all engaged in the same earthly occupation…
• Our brotherhood is based upon our like precious faith in God’s Word.
• The best thing we can do for one another is to commend others to God’s Word… share a passage that God used in your life… point out a verse that might be a help to our brother in the Lord…
• The Bible is able to build him up in the faith.

d. Rom. 15:14 – able to admonish one another – but first be full of goodness… good intentions… good methods… a good spirit… and to admonish, one must know Christ and His Word.
• Are you able to admonish?
• II Thess. 3:14 – admonish AS a brother.

4. Faithful in ministry

a. I Cor. 15:16 – saints and brethren – addicted to the ministry of the saints.
• We have folks here who are addicted to ministering to the saints. That’s how the Body works. Aren’t you glad your heart is addicted to pumping your blood… and your organs are addicted to functioning as designed by God?

b. II Cor. 11:9 – faithful in providing for the needs of the brethren.

c. I John 3:17 – if you have this world’s goods… and shut up your bowels of compassion on a brother…

d. III John 5-6 – thou doest faithfully… to the brothers.

5. Faithful in warning

a. Rom. 16:17 – warn brethren to avoid false teachers – because you love the brethren.
• Those who warn are often accused of NOT loving the brethren and being judgmental.
• In reality, those who warn are demonstrating a love for the sheep by warning of wolves…
• A brother won’t let a brother get torn apart by a wolf if he can help it! That’s brotherly love…

b. Psa. 141:5 – let the righteous smite me and it shall be a kindness.

c. Prov. 27:6 – faithful are the wounds of a friend

6. Faithful in showing brotherly love in other ways too…

a. I Thess. 4:9-10 – they knew this instinctively, but were to increase in it more and more.

b. Philemon 7 – the bowels of the saints are refreshed by this brother

c. I John 3:16 – we ought to be willing to lay down our lives for the brethren.

d. I John 4:21 – if you love God, you must love the brothers. The two are connected.

e. I John 3:14 – loving the brotherhood is a mark of a true believer (we KNOW that we have passed from death unto life…)

f. I Pet. 1:22-23 – being born again, one is able to demonstrate unfeigned love of the brethren. It comes naturally.

g. I Pet. 2:17 – love the brotherhood. That’s an order!

h. II Pet. 1:7 – add to godliness brotherly kindness…
• If not, we are blind and cannot see afar off (lose discernment).
• Holding grudges against the brethren is not only harmful to the brotherhood (a bad spirit), but it will RUIN you spiritually!
• You will regress spiritually… and become blind and dull of hearing… setting yourself up for a big fall.
• For your own spiritual well being – be a faithful brother… and continually be adding to godliness, brotherly kindness.

i. I have observed countless expressions of brotherly kindness in this assembly… and I say this to the glory of God working in us.
• And I am also prepared for the person who comes with a grumbling spirit and says, “There is no love here.”
• I know just what I’ll say: “If I can show you a list of 400 expressions of brotherly love and kindness in the last year or so, will you publicly apologize to the congregation for your self-centered words of slander against your brethren?” (I wouldn’t really say that to anyone… but I might be tempted to!)
• But as Paul said to the Thessalonians, let’s increase, more and more. There is no ceiling for expressions of brotherly love. And what a powerful testimony that is to the world.

7. Faithful in bearing one another’s burdens

a. Gal. 6:1, 2 – brethren bear one another’s burdens.

b. Why should we bear the burdens of others when we have plenty of our own? Because we are brethren! Family!

c. “He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother.”

d. If a brother is down and hurting, it is our responsibility as family… as his brother to help carries that burden.

e. A warning concerning the brotherhood of believers: it COSTS you to get involved in the lives of this family.
• As Christians our greatest joys are going to be found in helping and ministering to our brothers in Christ.
• But it is also true that some of our deepest wounds and greatest sorrows will also be found in our involvement in the lives of our brothers in Christ.
• As a family, we rejoice with those who do rejoice – their joys and victories become ours!
• As a family, we weep with those who weep because their sorrows are shared by us.
• Joy and sorrow are both included in being a part of the family of God… at least an involved member of the family.
• Unfortunately, many believers enter into the family wrongly assuming that it should be all roses and sunshine… they want to share in all the family joy… but are unwilling to enter into the family sorrows and suffering.
• Those who are unwilling to suffer in being part of this great family will be excluded from sharing very deeply in the true JOY of the Lord.
• Christianity will be quite bland and superficial to them… they won’t experience the great sorrows the family experiences, and neither will they experience the great joys either!
• The two go hand in hand… as we invest our lives into the lives of our brethren.
• Theirs will be a lukewarm Christian life… uninvolved… standing off on the sidelines… at an arm’s length from their brothers… a cordial acquaintance perhaps, but not experiencing all that is involved in a true BROTHERHOOD.

f. Does that sound like YOU?
• If so, then perhaps some changes are in order.
• I know that believers often have painful experiences – with other believers… and for some, that has caused them to turn inward… to stay away from involvement in the brotherhood of believers… so as to avoid being hurt again.
• I can’t tell you that you won’t be hurt again. In fact, to be honest, the Bible indicates that you probably WILL be hurt again… but it’s worth it!
• No pain, no gain. Glory is always preceded by a cross… enjoying the resurrection life… the abundant life is always preceded by death to self… death to the world…
• God never intended the believer to live the Christian life alone… or me and my family alone…
• Of course we have responsibilities to our earthly family. How much MORE to our spiritual family in Christ?
• III John 4 – no greater joy — than to see his children walking in the truth.
» It is legitimate to apply this to our earthly, biological children. That is a great joy. That is a good application.
» But the interpretation is that the greatest joy comes from watching our spiritual children… our spiritual family grow and walk in the truth!
» John was speaking of believers in Christ… an assembly of Christians…
» Since our greatest joy will come from watching our spiritual family grow and walk in the truth, then doesn’t it make sense to be INVOLVED in all that is needed to keep that family walking in the truth?
» Doesn’t it make sense to pour our lives into the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ… since their well being results in our greatest joy?
» I Thess. 3:8 – Consider Paul’s words: “Now we LIVE if ye stand fast in the Lord.”
» Paul experienced a level of joy in the Lord that few will ever experience. Why? Because he invested his life and soul into the lives of his spiritual family… He spent and was spent for them.
» Phil. 2:17 – Paul joyed and rejoiced with them all. Why? Because he poured out his life as a drink offering… as a sacrifice and a service to aid in their faith. The result: a joy few will ever know.
» I Thess. 2:2-8 – But don’t forget his sufferings at Philippi! This man poured his heart and soul into the family of God in that city…
» Involvement in the lives of our brothers in the Lord gives meaning, depth, satisfaction, and contentment to life. Sure, it means suffering with them, but also rejoicing in all their joys.

g. Do you remember our missionary sister in Christ who came last Sunday night, Tory Barret?
• As she ministers in Zambia, and pours her life into the suffering saints in that place, she is going to experience grief and sorrow beyond anything we could imagine.
• But she will also experience a JOY in the Lord and an abundant life that will result from her involvement in believers in that place. That’s a life worth living.
• She doesn’t have to go there. She doesn’t have to suffer, watching young people she grows to love in the Lord die of aids, one after another.
• She doesn’t have to put herself through all that… but she will… because that young lady knows something that God wants us ALL to know: Believers in Christ worldwide are a FAMILY of God… our brotherhood… and being part of any family has its times of sorrow and also times of great joy… and it also carries with it certain responsibilities.
• She is going to Zambia that others might come to know Christ in a saving way, and be brought into the family of God by faith… and so that she can minister to them for the glory of God.
• Their sorrows will become hers. Their burdens will become hers. Their joys and victories will also become hers.

h. God calls some to be missionaries. But you know, God may not want everyone to go to Zambia. But He does want every one of His children to be involved in the lives of those who are part of His spiritual family… involved in the lives of this great brotherhood in Christ. That is a life worth living – regardless of the geography.

8. Faithful to the Local Church

a. Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph. 4: )
b. Ps. 133:1-3 – how pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity!


Settling Family Problems

a. In our earthly families, you settle family squabbles at the kitchen table. You don’t blab your problems all over town… unless you are trying to hurt your family and “burn your own house down.” Sensible people settle family squabbles at home… and those squabbles don’t ever leave the walls of that home.


b. In the local church there will be family squabbles too.

c. I Cor. 6:1-8 – in the family of God we aren’t to blab our problems all over town.
• Why? Because we are saints and brethren. We ought to be able to settle such problems “at home”… in the church.
• Family problems in the church family ought to be resolved at the church’s kitchen table too…
• And even if you think the outcome wasn’t fair, it’s better to turn the other cheek and be defrauded rather than to ruin the testimony of the local church.
• We are a family… a brotherhood. Every family will have its spats and squabbles. Not every family deals with them in a proper manner… a manner FITTING those who are saints and brethren. That is what destroys our testimony in the world.

d. I John 2:9 – if you hate your brother, you are walking in darkness.

e. Gen.13:8 – the reason Abram gave for not disputing was the fact that they were brethren.


1. The Bible indicates that the believer has two addresses… one earthly, and one heavenly… two spheres of existence… our earthly city and our heavenly position…

2. Paul introduced many of his epistles in this manner:

a. Col. 1:2 – “at Colosse… in Christ.”

b. I Cor. 1:2 – “at Corinth… in Christ Jesus.”

c. Phil. 1:1 – “saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi.”

d. Eph. 1:1 – “at Ephesus… in Christ Jesus.”

3. Today we are going to take a look at this dual citizenship Paul so often speaks of… and take a look at some of its implications.

At Colosse

1. First of all, Paul addresses the believers as living in the city of Colosse.

2. Colosse was located:

a. Lycus River Valley in what is now Turkey.

b. 80-100 miles inland from Ephesus.

c. Only a few miles from Hierapolis (13 miles northwest) and Laodicea (11 miles west).

3. The CITY of Colosse.

a. At the time of this epistle, Colosse was not a large and important city like Ephesus.

b. It was not a cultural center; neither a political center; neither was it an economic center.

c. The church at Colosse was not a center for the faith – like the church in Jerusalem or Antioch.

d. The book of Acts which outlines the early church history doesn’t even mention the church at Colosse.

e. At the time of this writing, it was a rather run down city that had been outstripped by its two close neighboring cities, which also had churches (Hierapolis and the wealthy Laodicea).

f. The only reason we know of the city of Colosse today is because of the problems and divisions that arose in the church in this run down city… a problem that later developed into Gnosticism.

4. The saints and faithful brethren were at Colosse.

a. Most of them were probably born there. Many lived there all their lives. Some were transplants from other regions.

b. The men worked in Colosse. The children went to school in Colosse. The women shopped in the marketplace at Colosse. They built homes there. They established businesses in Colosse.

c. Some of the believers in Colosse probably did quite well selling their goods. Others struggled to put food on the table. Some built large, comfortable homes. Others lived in dreary apartments.

d. Some of their children went on to live for the Lord… some of the young people went off into the world and broke their parent’s hearts.

e. Some of the brethren in Colosse lived long, healthy lives. Others were sickly all their days… and struggled with one illness after another.

f. Some of the saints in Colosse were running around like a chicken with their head cut off… they were so busy they didn’t have time to think. Others sat around their homes lonely with no one to talk to all day…

g. Some had large families working the farm. There were probably some widows trying to make ends meet. Some of the old grandpas sat around the marketplace and told stories all day long…

h. When they went away to the big city of Ephesus on a family vacation, everyone could tell they were from Colosse – their Colossian accent gave them away!

i. They looked like Colossians… they talked like Colossians… they dressed like Colossians… you’d never mistake them for a Greek or an Egyptian.

j. Colosse is where these folks LIVED – day in and day out. It was HOME to these brethren.

k. And even though their city wasn’t famous, wasn’t prosperous, wasn’t a center for much of anything – it was HOME for these folks. It’s where they brought their kids up. It’s where grandma and grandpa were buried. It’s where they paid their taxes. It was home!

5. We are the saints and faithful brethren in Salem, New Hampshire.

a. Of course, there are other faithful brethren in this city who go to other Bible believing churches… we recognize that.

b. But like the folks addressed in this epistle, we are saints and brethren living in Salem… central New England.

c. We too have to live here on earth in our earthly city…

d. Our wives shop in local marketplaces… our kids go to school here… the men work in the factories, offices, run businesses here…

e. Some of the saints here run around like chickens with their heads cut off… too busy… and others sit around bored and lonely…

f. And when we go to Florida or Texas for vacation, they can tell we’re neither Floridians nor Texans. We have Yankee stamped on our foreheads.

g. Some of the saints do quite well economically. Others struggle to pay the bills month to month.

h. The believers in Salem aren’t much different than the saints and brethren at Colosse.

i. Times have changed. The geography is different. The culture is different. But basically, we are believers living in our earthly city… just like the believers at Colosse 2000 years ago.

6. The city of Colosse, like the town of Salem, is part of the world system… what Paul calls the “present evil world.”

a. Gal. 1:4 – the present evil world…

b. II Cor. 4:4 – Satan is the god of this world system.

c. I John 2:15-17 – we are not to love this world, for nothing in the world system is of the Father. None of it is eternal. It is all passing away… and we will leave it all behind. Don’t love it!

7. God has a purpose for His sons in the world… in their local Colosse:

a. Acts 1:8 – Here Luke states that God would send the disciples into the world and that they function as His witnesses…
• God has strategically placed His saints in neighborhoods, in office buildings, in schools, in factories, and even on soccer teams and baseballs teams… to function as a witness for Him before the lost.
• Everything we DO in our little Colosse ought to be done with this in mind. Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God! Your fellow Colossians; or your fellow Salemites…are watching.

b. Phil. 2:15 – God has left us in this world to SHINE as lights in the world…

c. Matt. 5:16 – Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

d. God reared up a small body of believers in the city of Colosse. They were His witnesses in that location… to represent Him… to demonstrate the indwelling life of Christ to that community… to demonstrate what Christ can do in a yielded heart… how He can transform men, women, and children into His image… and to attract others in the city to their Savior.

e. That’s why we are here in Salem too… God’s purpose for the local church has not changed… God’s purpose for His saints and brethren has not changed…

f. We are God’s witnesses… a testimony to the truth…

g. We’re not here to change the world – but rather as a witness TO the world – and to call men OUT OF the world.

8. God not only has designed our presence in the world as a testimony FOR the world… He has also a purpose FOR US – as believers…

a. John 16:33 – in the world ye shall have tribulation.
• In Colosse, believers would experience all kinds of trials and tribulations.
• But Christ has overcome the world… and they were IN Him.
• Hence, knowing this marvelous position in Christ will enable us to deal with the world better… more level headed… clearer…

b. 1:10 – In Colosse, they WALKED. That’s where they lived their lives.
• They went to work there, school there, church there, and spent their days there.
• Their walk in Colosse was to be WORTHY – worthy of their position in Christ!
• We live in Salem – or Nashua, Atkinson, and some live in Mass.
• Yet, as believers, we are all in the same place – in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
• Our walk here on earth is to be WORTHY of that glorious position.
• Is your walk worthy?

c. 2:2 – in Colosse, their hearts needed comforting.
• Some of these folks had to bury their parents… some had to bury their children there…
• In Colosse, there were cases of adultery and immorality, some of the families they grew to know and love in the Lord broke up – and left many of these folks broken hearted…
• In Colosse, they had years when there was no fruit on the vine, the figs trees did not blossom, and there was no herd in their stalls… and they needed comfort and encouragement in those dreary days…
• And it isn’t any different today. We too get our hearts broken in Salem… in our little corner of the world. We too face the death of loved ones; we sorrow and grieve over the messes we see people make of their lives spiritually… our hearts needed comforting in our Colosse too.

d. 2:8 – Spiritual danger existed in Colosse too.
• There were false teachers who had influenced the believers in unbiblical ways.
• They introduced a blasphemous view of the Person of Jesus Christ… like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons of today…
• They were replacing sound doctrine from the Scriptures with the traditions of men.
• And sadly, some of the saints were gullible enough to swallow it… some were ignorant enough of the Bible to be led astray by them…
• There is spiritual danger as we live in our Colosse too.
• I Peter 5:8 – Satan still walks about Salem, (or other fallen spirits in his army) seeking to devour the believer… destroy us spiritually… to get us all mixed up spiritually and doctrinally. And sometimes, he is quite successful.

e. 3:5 – In Colosse, they had to deal with SIN in their lives.
• In Colosse, there was fornication… the filthiness of the flesh…
• In Colosse, there was covetousness… which is far worse than fornication… this is filthiness of the spirit… idolatry!
• They had to deal with their sin natures every single day… just like we do.
• Some of the saints in Colosse struggled with certain sins… and walked around as if they were defeated, spiritually.
• Some of us are still struggling with one sin or another at any given time… in the world… in our Colosse, we shall have tribulation.

f. 3:18-20 – this is recorded because in Colosse, there were believers who were experiencing family problems too.

g. 4:5 – In Colosse, some of the believers were not using wisdom; they were wasting their time on frivolous things…
• We do that today too…
• Too much time wasted on TV, games, pleasure, sleeping, amusements…
• Not enough time used for the Lord – witnessing; serving in the local church; ministering to the Body; doing good to all men…

h. 4:6 – in Colosse, some of the saints opened their mouths too often and got themselves in trouble… and stirred up trouble.

9. Colosse is where they lived, breathed, walked, talked, and died.

a. Colosse was their earthly home… and their earthly testing ground… their earthly training grounds…

b. Colosse is where they had to deal with all the issues of life…

c. Colosse is where they spent the time of their earthly sojourn.

d. The saints at Colosse (God bless them all!) walked with God and were faithful brethren… in varying degrees of faithfulness… in varying degrees of usefulness in God’s service… in varying degrees of maturity… in varying degrees of fruitfulness… but they lived their days in their earthly city… and then died — and went to be with the Lord.

e. Absent from their earthly body…and their earthly city – is to be present with the Lord.

f. We too are going to live the time of our earthly sojourn in our earthly city… being prepared for glory… prepared to stand before the Bema seat of Christ… and if the Lord should tarry – die here!

g. Our time on earth is important… God’s university, preparing us for eternity…

h. Only one life, will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last!


1. I Cor. 12:13 – At the moment of saving faith, the believers whose physical bodies were in Colosse were placed IN CHRIST spiritually.

a. Ron dealt with this subject a couple of weeks ago, so we won’t spend a lot of time on it today.

b. It is Spirit Baptism that places the believer IN Christ… we were IN Adam… and are now IN Christ – a new, eternal, and irreversible position.

c. Spirit baptism began on the Day of Pentecost, and at that time the entire group of believing Jews in Jerusalem were placed into Christ – the Body of Christ – the Church.

d. Pentecost marked the birthday of the church – and it began with Spirit baptism.

e. Each and every believer experiences Spirit baptism the MOMENT he places his faith in Christ today.

f. It isn’t something that is felt… (not that kind of experience).

g. It is the work GOD does in us… whether we are aware of it or not.

h. The only way we KNOW that it occurred is by reading the New Testament – and BELIEVING what God said.

i. If you are born again – if you have received Christ as your personal Savior – then you have already been baptized by the Spirit … placed IN Christ… made a member of the Church universal.

2. Some other results of being IN Christ…

a. 1:18 a – Those in Christ are UNITED with Him as members of His Body

b. 2:12-13 – we died, were buried, and rose again with Him.

c. 2:20 – he bases his teachings on the fact that we died with Christ.

d. 3:1 – he also bases his exhortations on the fact that we rose with Christ… because we were IN HIM… fully identified with Christ…

e. We died to our old relationships (our old city – this world is not our true home)… and we are now alive as new creations in a NEW sphere of existence: IN Christ…

3. Things are very different in Christ.

a. Eph. 1:3 – they were seated in heavenly places in Christ – and blessed with all spiritual blessings!

b. II Cor. 5:17 – they were new creations in Christ Jesus.

c. Col. 3:3 – Their new lives were hidden with Christ in God.

d. Col. 3:4 – Christ was now their life.

e. Col. 3:10 – in Christ, they had already put on that new man.

f. Col. 3:11 – in Christ, there were no divisions, no social elites, no bond or free… but they were all one in Christ – and Christ was all in all TO them all!

g. Col. 2:10 – we are complete in Christ!

h. Col. 2:1 – in Christ, they had already put off the sins of the flesh. Positionally, the battle has been won. It is finished!

i. Col. 2:15 – because they were in Christ, they had already spoiled and triumphed over Satan and the host of evil. They were more than conquerors in Christ!

j. In Christ, things were very different than life in Colosse.

4. The Colossian believers (like all believers – even us!) had a DUAL citizenship.

a. They were citizens of Colosse… with all the implications of dwelling in an earthly city.

b. Phil. 3:20 – They were also citizens of heaven… seated in heaven in Christ positionally. (conversation = citizenship)

c. Not only were they citizens of heaven, but positionally, they had already been seated in heavenly places. It was as if they were in heaven already… in God’s mind.

d. The same is true of believers today. Our citizenship is in heaven… and it is so sure for believers, that the New Testament speaks of us as being there already… even though for the present time, we continue to dwell in our Colosse…our earthly city.

e. Everything is perfect in our heavenly home in Christ.
• There is no sin there… no suffering… no struggling.
• There are no divisions among God’s people there.
• There is no strife… no debate… no division.
• There are no false teachers… no confusion.
• There is no divorce… no family problems…no wayward children.
• There are no dreary days… no fruitless vines.
• In Christ, all of our enemies have been defeated.
• Seated in heavenly places in Christ.
• In Christ, there is no more suffering, no death, no more sorrow, no more tears.
• In Christ, the battle is won… the strife is o’r.
• Our position in Christ is perfect, settled, eternal, and unchangeable.

5. What a contrast between the believer being in Colosse (earthly city) and being in Christ (citizens of our heavenly city; seated; glorified; complete). Paul spoke of the two spheres in which we live:

a. At Colosse… In Christ

b. Earthly… heavenly

c. Physical… spiritual

d. Physical birth, spiritual birth

e. Local… universal

f. Temporal… eternal

g. Body… heart and mind

h. Tribulation; battles, conflict; fighting the good fight… eternal REST and peace!

The Conflict

1. This dual citizenship always causes conflicts in the believer’s life.

a. There always has been and always will be (till the Lord comes) a conflict of interests… conflicting motives… conflicting schedules… conflicting purposes… conflicting viewpoints…

b. Phil. 1:21-24 – Paul felt these inner conflicts acutely.
• To him, Christ was life. His life was hidden with Christ.
• On the one hand, to die and depart his earthly city would be great gain. He had an inward DESIRE to depart and be with Christ.
• Yet, on the other hand, he knew that God had a purpose for his life in his earthly city – to minister to others for the glory of God.
• This was not a morbid desire to die – nor was this an expression of discouragement, like Elijah. This was a godly desire to be with Christ which grew out of a love for the Lord. Period! It was healthy!
• We have probably all felt this conflict at one time or another.
• Perhaps what it takes is some bad news from the doctor to make this a bit more vivid… news that you have cancer and might not make it much longer… news that you have some other disease, and you probably won’t live long…
• That has a way of awaking us to a whole new outlook on life…
• Kids – even spiritually minded kids – don’t think of the closeness of heaven… as being but a breath away. They can know it intellectually – but it takes age and maturity and time for it to really sink in… that we are but mere mortals!
• The conflict Paul describes is NOT between staying here on earth and leaving because you are sick and tired of all your troubles… but rather, the conflict is between a love for serving God in our earthly city… and an inner longing to be with Christ in glory!

2. Consider some of the conflicts that arose because of the difference between being IN Christ, and yet still AT Colosse.

a. Earthly… heavenly city
• Matt. 6:19-20 – conflict in laying up treasures… for our retirement on earth, or for our eternity in heaven?
• Let’s face it. We have conflicts in this area. We are often pulled in two different directions.
• In Colosse, we often love the world; in Christ, we love the things of the Lord – and there is often a PULL…
• But our heavenly city is home… we are to be seeking that city which hath foundations – whose builder and maker is God!
• We are pilgrims and sojourners in our earthly city. Are you growing in your recognition of this truth?

b. Physical… spiritual city…
• Are we more concerned about our physical health or our spiritual health?
• Listen to the prayer requests on Wednesday night.
• Are we more concerned that our children make in the world – with a good paying job, or are we more concerned that they “make it” spiritually?
• But as time goes on – we are to be continually abiding in Christ… entering into that holy place of communion – where our hearts are weaned away from the physical realm – and where we learn the value and importance of the spiritual realm…

c. Physical birth, spiritual birth
• We entered our earthly city by means of a physical birth.
• We enter into our new relationship to God… we are new creations “in Christ” by means of the new or spiritual birth.
• And doesn’t this create conflicts between our earthly family (who may not understand our faith in Christ) and our spiritual family…
• They may not understand why you put going to church to be with your spiritual family BEFORE going to their annual Superbowl party on Superbowl Sunday! You always USED to go to their party before you were saved!
• Jesus said that a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. Being born again… the spiritual birth and our spiritual family creates conflict at times with our earthly families…
• This is especially true in countries like China and Saudi Arabia where Christians are persecuted openly.
• As we mature in the Lord, we discover that our spiritual family is our real family…
• Immature believers come to a church looking for people their own age… with their own interests… sports… activities etc. But as we mature, we discover that fellowship is based upon our love for the Lord – where age or gender means nothing… where social status and race mean nothing… but Christ is all and all!

d. Body… heart and mind
• Our Colosse is home for our body… it needs to be fed, bathed, clothed, and cared for in our Colosse.
• But as believers, while our bodies live in our earthly city, our hearts and minds ought to be in our heavenly position in Christ…
• Col. 2:20-23 – here Paul states that the Colossians died to the world’s way of doing things…
» Yet some of the Colossians were still acting in a worldly manner –
» They were thinking the way the world thinks: if I don’t taste this, and don’t touch that, and don’t handle this – if I concentrate on the externals – and LOOK the part, then I will be holy and acceptable to God.
» That is a legalistic form of asceticism… it is a false humility and a false spirituality… and it is one of main purposes for the book of Colossians – to expose that error.
• Our bodies dwell in our earthly cities – and God’s Word tells us HOW to deal with the issues of living in a body of flesh in a sin cursed earth.
• The world’s methods do not help – they hinder! Check the Bible!
• Our bodies struggle to remain pure in a filthy world… and our hearts and minds are more and more attracted to that far better land…
• Col. 3:1-4 – we need to continually remind ourselves that we died to this world, and we have been raised into a new sphere of living…
• We have a continual conflict between setting our affection on the shiny new and attractive things of our earthly city… vs. setting our affection on things above.
• Our bodies live down here… but our hearts and minds dwell above.
• This creates tension and struggles at times.
• Sometimes in one home, there are some family members who are more heavenly minded than others… conflicts arise!
• Sometimes within our own hearts conflicts arise… we want to seek things above – but keep on getting dragged back down to earth…
• We want to serve one master, but, by the choice we make, we find ourselves serving two masters…
• You want to serve the Lord, but you have to work to survive… and your boss is making you work on Sundays next month… or you have to work late on Wednesday’s and can’t make prayer meeting… an inner conflict.
• You want to honor Christ – and your children who are not yet very heavenly minded want to skip church and go to an amusement park on Sunday… or a dog show… or a soccer game… or some other activity going on in Colosse… an all too common conflict…

e. Temporal… eternal
• Colosse was their temporal home; being in heavenly places in Christ is forever.
• II Cor. 4:16-17 – as we grow in the Lord, we discover that more and more we are looking not at the things which are seen (in our earthly city – I see the sights that dazzle; the tempting sounds I hear) but at eternal things…
• As time goes on, and our hearts are more and more attached to things above, our trials here seem light “for a moment”… and we focus more and more on things that really matter… on eternal things…
• Finally, the things of earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace!
• This is the process of spiritual growth… what Paul wanted for the Colossian believers… and what God wants for all of us.

f. Local… universal
• Another contrast between being in Christ and at Colosse had to do with the church in that city.
• The saints in Christ Jesus mentioned in this verse were members of the Body of Christ.
» They were members of the universal church – the Body of genuinely born again believers worldwide… from the Day of Pentecost until the rapture.
» That was their position… unalterable… eternal.
» Thus, they were brothers with the believers in Ephesus, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Rome, Antioch, and wherever true believer might be found.
» They were also brothers with those believers in Christ who had died and were now in glory.
» Being in Christ meant they were part of the universal church…

• But they were also members of the local church – at Colosse

» Being part of the universal church is a wonderful truth…

» But when it comes to practical everyday living, the principles in the New Testament are only practiced at a local level.

» Members of the universal church, (ex: believers in China) aren’t the ones who are likely to gossip about you… or step on your toes… or offend your sensibilities…we don’t get upset over what believers in Moscow say… or what believers in Tahiti wear… or the kind of music believers in India listen to… or what kinds of entertainment believers in Ethiopia engage in…

» But we are acutely aware of those issues in our own local church – the church at Colosse or Salem!

» We don’t have to practice forgiveness with believers in Brazil; we don’t have to overlook an indiscretion of believers in Alaska; we don’t have to bear the burdens of believers in Argentina… but we DO have to practice those principles/responsibilities for believers in our own local setting…

3. We are dwelling above in Christ – but we practice our Christianity in Salem… in our earthly city.

a. Here in the local setting is where the rubber meets the road… where we put our faith into action…

b. There will always be a bit of tension between our position and our condition… between the earthly and the heavenly… between our eternal home (heaven) and our temporal home… between being in Christ… and at Colosse…

c. There will always be a source of conflict between the two – between living for this world… and the world to come… laying up treasures on earth as opposed to laying up treasures in heaven…

d. We will always sense a pull in both directions… having a desire to depart and be with Christ… yet a need to remain here and serve Him…

e. Hence, we need to be careful to maintain a proper balance in our Christian lives.

» Some might tend to live in the theoretical… in the heavenly city… so caught up in our glorious position in Christ… that we are of little practical use at Colosse… and hence, some don’t get involved in the local church for that reason. They live in an ivory tower and forget that our feet are upon the earth.
» But far more likely is the probability that we are too caught up in our earthly home – and are not dwelling in the heavenlies as we ought!
» Too often, we as believers are dragged down to earth and live a very mundane, earthly life – with little attention given to heaven and spiritual things… we live for today and forget about tomorrow… like Esau.
» Oh for that holy balance… where our minds and hearts dwell in heavenly places… yet we never forget that our feet… our bodies… and our brethren… dwell at Colosse… in our earthly city – with all of its struggles and needs.

4. What will KEEP us in that proper balance?

a. Heb.10: Entering into the holy of holies with God – day by day… communion… fellowship… worship…

b. John 15: Abiding in Christ… abiding in the Vine and partaking of all that He is…

c. Rom. 6:13 – reckoning self to be dead to the world and alive unto God… and yielding our members to Him…

d. Gal. 2:20 – remembering that we are crucified with Christ, nevertheless we live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me…

e. Gal. 6:14 – But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world…

f. Eph. 4:1 – walk worthy of our high calling in Christ…

g. Phil. 1:21 – for to me to live is Christ… and to die is gain

h. Col. 3: seek those things which are above… for ye are dead and your life is hidden with Christ in God

i. The New Testament repeatedly reminds us that we are IN CHRIST… and that truth should capture our minds and hearts…

j. When it really sinks in – it will transform our lives in our earthly city… and it will produce fruit…

k. By abiding in Christ and communing with Him – learning of His ways – we will thus manifest His life through our mortal bodies in our little Colosse.

l. The more heavenly minded we become, the more of the sweet character of Christ and fruit of the Spirit will be manifested through us…

m. Our real life is hidden with Christ in God. The distractions of Colosse – our earthly city seek to draw us away from that place of communion and fellowship.

n. HEREIN lies the real battle of the Christian life: Abiding in Christ… and refusing to allow the cares of life below to distract us from that sweet fellowship and worship… out of which flows a spiritually fruitful life… Christ in us – the hope of glory!


1. Vs. 1-2 contain the salutation to the epistle.


2. Beginning in vs. 3, Paul begins the body of the letter.

3. As he did in Ephesians, Paul begins by blessing God and praying for God’s people.

4. The sentence begun in vs. 3 ends in vs. 17. (Run-on sentence by modern English standards!)

5. Paul thanks God in his prayers for three things mentioned:

a. For the faith of Colossians in Christ Jesus

b. For their love to all the saints…

c. And for their hope which is laid up for them in heaven.
• Some may want to outline this a bit differently – and see only two causes for the thanksgiving: faith and love…and hope as that which motivates the faith and love…

6. This is a common trilogy in the New Testament: faith, hope, and charity or love.

The Giving of Thanksgiving (vs.3)

A. The Term: εὐχαριστέω – eucharist-é-oh

1. Defined: Thankful; to express gratitude; to show oneself grateful; give thanks.

2. WE: First person plural: Paul and Timothy his brother (vs.1).

3. Present indicative: indicates continual action…

a. Paul and Timothy prayed and thanked God continually for the believers in Colosse.

b. Paul prayed and thanked God for believers daily… consistently… week after week, month after month… continually.

B. The Form of thanksgiving: Prayer

1. The form of this thanksgiving was prayer; a prayer of thanksgiving.

2. Praying:

a. The sentence reads: We give thanks to God… praying…

b. Prayer is the WAY Paul thanked God here.

c. It was a prayer of thanksgiving.

3. Praying: proseuxomenoi

a. Present participle: continually praying…
• The present participle tells us two things:
• It tells us that the action is continuous (present tense).
• It tells us that the action of the participle occurs simultaneously with the action of the main verb: giving thanks.

b. Hence, the thanksgiving and the praying occurred concurrently. In other words, it was a prayer of thanksgiving.

c. Also, Paul continually gave thanks… and continually offering prayers of thanksgiving.

C. The Duration of the Prayer: Always

1. The present indicative indicated the continual nature of these prayers. The word “always” intensifies the thought.

2. Actually, the word “always” could be connected either to the prayer or to the giving of thanks.

a. It makes perfect sense either way…

b. It is grammatically correct either way…

c. And the meaning is quite similar either way… (since they occur together…)

3. It is mentioned often in the epistles that Paul prayed and thanked God “always.”

a. Eph. 1:16 – “I cease not to give thanks for you…”

b. Eph. 5:20 – “giving thanks always for all things…”

c. I Cor. 1:4 – “I thank my God always on your behalf…”

d. Phil. 1:3 – “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…”

e. I Thess. 1:2 – “We give thanks to God always for you…”

f. II Thess. 1:3 – “We are bound to give God thanks always for you brethren, as it is meet…”

g. Philem. 4 – “I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers…”

h. He practiced what he preached: he “prayed without ceasing.”

i. HOW could he pray always for all the saints in all those places?
• Consider his life… he wrote from prison! He had nothing but time. He chose not to waste that time in jail. He prayed. They could lock up his body – but his mind and heart were in the heavenlies… and he took the saints to the throne of grace daily.
• Consider his life when he was free… he walked from city to city… all over the region… and he prayed as he walked… praying for the believers in Colosse… in Ephesus… in Philippi… etc.
• We too should utilize our time like this… in prayer!
• Pray for the saints as you drive down 93 all alone and are stuck in traffic. As you do your exercise routine… as you wash the car… mow the lawn…
• Pray for the saints as you mop the floor or do the dishes. Pray for the saints as you do other tedious chores around the house. Redeem the time for the days are evil!
• We could murmur about the traffic… or complain about the dishes to do… OR we could PERCEIVE that to be precious time God has afforded us to PRAY… that our brothers in Christ might be strengthened… and would continue to walk by faith.
• We all know way too many believers who are no longer walking by faith. Perhaps things would be different if we prayed.

4. Consistency ought to characterize our prayer lives too.

a. It should be a habit… a good habit.

b. Prayers of thanksgiving ought to be daily…

c. Prayers of thanksgiving ought to continue in sunshine and in rain… in times of joy and in times of sorrow.

d. I Thess. 5:18 – In EVERYTHING give thanks. This is God’s will concerning YOU (and me!)
• Prayers of thanksgiving are not be sent to heaven only when God blesses us with good days. We are to continue our prayers of thanksgiving in EVERYTHING…good days and bad.
• This is God’s will.
• We seem to stress out over whether it’s God’s will for us to buy a Chevy or a Ford… whether we should buy the green house or the yellow house…
• I don’t know if it’s God’s will for you to buy the Chevy or the Ford – but I do know this. It is God’s will for us to give thanks to God… whether that car runs well or turns out to be a lemon!
• Continual prayers of thanksgiving – that’s God’s will.
• Are you walking in God’s will? Are prayers of thanksgiving coming forth from your lips on a regular basis?

D. The One Addressed: God the Father

1. His prayers were to “God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2. The word “and” does not appear in some manuscripts. (Not God AND the Father, but God the Father…)

3. The prayers are addressed to God the Father – just as the Lord Jesus told us to pray.

a. John 16:23-24 – Jesus taught His followers not to pray to Him after His resurrection. Rather, we are to pray to the Father — in His name… and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

b. The “form” of prayer He left for His disciples also used this address: Our Father who art in heaven…

c. Thus the prayer, “Dear Jesus, please help me…” is not according to the pattern of prayer Jesus Himself left for us!

d. As the God-Man, Jesus is the Mediator between God and Man.

4. Paul prayed according to the pattern left by Christ – he prayed to the Father… not to the Holy Spirit and not to Jesus.

5. It just makes sense to pray to God the way He said to pray.

First Cause of Thanksgiving: For Their Faith (vs.4)

A. The Beginning of the Prayer: Since We Heard

1. Since we heard of your faith…

a. Paul heard a message concerning the church at Colosse.
• He heard a message concerning their faith, love for each other, and hope they had for future glory.
• Vs. 7-8 – The report came from Epaphras…
• Once he heard this report – he never stopped thanking God for the saints and faithful brethren in Colosse.

b. I Thess. 3:6-10 – Paul heard of the faith and love of the Thessalonian believers too.
• This report brought him great comfort…
• It enabled him to live (vs. 8).
• It brought him great JOY (vs. 9).
• It caused him to pray night and day – continually – that he might be able to see them and minister to them personally.
• Reports that the saints were walking with God is what made Paul tick… it is what he lived for…his LIFE revolved around their spiritual well being.

c. Eph. 1:15-16 – Paul also heard a similar message concerning the Ephesian believers.
• He heard of their faith and ceased not to thank God for them in his prayers.
• But Paul knew many of the Ephesian believers. He had spent much time in the city of Ephesus.

d. But apparently, Paul had never been to Colosse. (2:1 – they had not seen his face)
• He had never been there… he did not know those saints personally…
• But he heard a report… all he had to go on was a report…
• And the content of that report was cause for continual prayers of thanksgiving.

2. Reports concerning believers walking with God brought comfort, joy, and LIFE to Paul…

a. John had no greater joy than to hear that his spiritual children walked in the truth.

b. As we walk with God and demonstrate faith – we too can bring comfort, joy, and encouragement to those who are watching…
• To the pastor and elders in the local church; to your Sunday school teachers; to the other members of your local church; to all concerned!

c. We all know how discouraging it is to hear that brother in Christ has fallen into sin… or has stopped going to church… and is no longer walking with God… it discourages others.

d. But it is an encouragement to hear a good report about the new church starting up in Manchester… or a new believer that is growing like a weed…

e. That’s the kind of Christian we should strive to be… one whose faith and faithfulness encourages others… Is that you?

B. Your Faith in Christ Jesus

1. This is the first of 3 causes for Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving: their faith in Christ. (and love and hope)

2. The thanksgiving is offered because they were genuine believers: they had placed their faith in Christ Jesus.

a. We sing the song, “Thank you Lord for Saving My Soul.” Paul’s prayer was, “Thank you Lord for saving their souls!”

b. Paul was thanking God because he heard that their faith was real… they were genuinely born again… they were saints… and faithful brethren… cause for thanksgiving.

3. Paul never met these folks – but he knew that they were believers… brethren… family… he rejoiced in that.

4. We too should be continually including thanksgiving in our prayers for those who know Christ in a saving way… for the faith of each member of this body… and for those in other assemblies who are born again.

5. Now no doubt there were some believers in the Colossian church who were hard to get along with…

a. Some who probably talked too much…

b. Some who offended the sensibilities of others by their speech, clothing, or mannerism.

c. There were probably some believers who were grumblers… some who had a bitter spirit… a few who were holding grudges…

d. Paul didn’t have to know ALL those details. He didn’t know all the funny little quirks the believers in Colosse might have had. Sometimes it’s better not to know… but Paul was thanking God for the fact that they did have saving faith… they had faith in Christ Jesus.

6. Faith IN Christ.

a. There are two prepositions used to describe the relationship between faith and Christ.

b. Eis – a preposition of motion… “into” (going into something…)
• This is used in verses like John 3:16 – the passage literally speaks of believing INTO Christ…
• It speaks of the initial act of faith – putting faith INTO Christ…
• It sounds awkward in English, so it is translated “in” instead.

c. En – a preposition of resting… (not going into something… but BEING in already…)
• This speaks not so much of faith entering into… but faith resting IN its object… namely, Christ.
• They have already placed their faith into Christ, and now their faith rests in Him…
• This is the preposition that Paul uses in Col. 1:4.
• He speaks of their faith resting comfortably in Christ… on the Solid Rock.
• We might think of this as “trusting in”…

d. This may imply that Paul was not only thankful that they were saved… but that they were still trusting in Christ day by day… long after their salvation.

e. They were not only saved by faith, but were still walking by faith. (Cf. Col. 2:6 – this is a theme he later revisits.)
• We enter INTO life by faith… and our faith is to continue to rest on its solid foundation…
• We received Christ by faith – we put faith INTO Him.
• We are to walk in the same way – even so – by faith… faith should continue to rest in Him.
• We only need ONE initial act of faith to be saved (putting our faith INTO Christ).
• But once our faith is placed INTO Christ, it is to rest there… settle down there…
• Christianity is a life of faith…

f. Paul was thanking God in His prayers for the Colossians because they were LIVING this truth. He thanked God for their faith in Christ Jesus.

7. And note also the OBJECT of their faith: Christ Jesus.

a. Faith doesn’t save anybody. Only the Savior saves.

b. People in the world use the word “faith” incorrectly all the time… they speak as if faith itself had some merit or value. (You gotta have faith; keep the faith; everybody’s gotta have faith in something; have faith in yourself; and other clichés).

c. The world doesn’t understand what faith is… but WE should!

d. When it comes to being born again, often new believers worry about their faith… (did I have enough faith to be saved? Was my faith of the right caliber? A good enough quality? Strong enough?)

e. None of that is relevant in the least.

f. A person can have a ton of faith in his church… or a ton of faith in his own goodness… or a ton of faith in religious observances… but you will end up in the Lake of Fire forever – because your faith is resting on the wrong foundation.

g. Faith has no intrinsic value itself. Faith has no substance; no value; It only derives its value from the object upon which it rests.
• A man might have the utmost faith in a bank… and may put all of his savings in that bank.
• But it isn’t faith that keeps his money safe – it’s the bank! IF the bank is good, his money is safe.
• And if the bank is unreliable, he could lose his shirt – no matter how much faith he has in that bank.
• The same is true in the spiritual realm.
• Rom. 10:11 – “Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.”
» The one who puts his life’s savings in a bank that goes under… or the man who invests his life’s savings in a fraudulent get rich quick scheme – and looses it all WILL be ashamed. “How could I have been so foolish as to fall for that?”
» But the one who places his faith in Christ… a rock solid foundation… will never be ashamed.
» He will be happy and will be rejoicing forever that he made such a wise choice!
» Those who put their faith in a church to save them… or put their faith in religious observances… or in their own sense of self worth WILL be ashamed… when they end up in the Lake of Fire forever… and regret forever their folly – “How could I have been so foolish as to ignore the gospel message?” Ashamed forever.

» But none who put their faith in Christ will ever be ashamed.

h. The strongest faith in self effort will only condemn a man. But the feeblest faith placed in the Person and finished work of Jesus Christ will save a man forever!

i. The Colossians had placed their faith in Christ – and their faith was resting comfortably upon the Solid Rock.

j. Paul was sure that the faith they placed INTO Christ was still there… proof that the initial act of faith was genuine!

k. Col. 2:21-23 – their faith CONTINUED… proof that it was genuine… it wasn’t just a superficial, an instant outward display of faith… like the seed planted on rocky soil – that seemed to have life – but when the sun came out, it vanished away!

l. Their faith was genuine…it continued… and Paul knew that they were “saints and faithful brethren.”

m. And that was cause for a prayer of thanksgiving!

8. So why praise God for their faith? Shouldn’t Paul have praised the believers for their faith? After all, it was they and not God who exercised that faith!

a. Our faith has no value whatsoever. Its only value lies in the object upon which it rests… upon the Solid Rock of the finished work of Christ.

b. Salvation is of the Lord… from start to finish.
• It was the Father who sent His Son to die for us…
• It was the Father who planned our great salvation…
• It is God who works IN us both to will and to do of HIS good pleasure.
• It is GOD who promised “He that began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
• Hence, God gets all the glory for salvation – from start to finish.
• Paul wasn’t praising the believers for their mighty displays of faith. Rather, he was thanking God that their faith continued… as God assures us it will. Christ prays “that our faith fail not.”
• Gratitude goes to GOD for the salvation and continuance of the faith of the Colossian believers. To God be the glory… and to God be the praise and thanksgiving!

9. Note that the Father in this verse is not called “Our Father,” but the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. This is an especially Christian title for God…

b. In the Old Testament He was often referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

c. Neither one of the Biblical titles for God are politically correct today… because God is linked to either Judaism or Christianity.

d. Today folks like to speak about God in vague, fuzzy, generic terms… so as not to offend anyone… and not to associate God with anything specific…

e. Yet in the Bible, the titles GOD uses for Himself are quite specific – and intentionally offensive for those who reject the truth.
• He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – NOT of Esau. (Jacob have I love; Esau have I hated!) That’s quite offensive to the line of Esau, wouldn’t you say?
• He is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ – NOT of Buddha, Mohammed, or Confucius… but of Jesus Christ! All others are “thieves and liars” Jesus said. Quite offensive to non-Christians… and designedly so!
• The titles for God in the Bible are designed to put the God of the Bible in a class by Himself. (I am the Lord – and there is no other!)
• Don’t be fooled by cleverly worded language – (There is only one God right? Therefore, we are all worshipping the same God – just by different names!) That is a lie.
• The God who is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the same god as the Allah of Islam… or of any other religion.
• There are NOT many ways to God. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way… (John 14:6)

C. Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Faith of the Saints

1. Paul prayed always for the saints, AND he prayed specifically… for their faith.

a. Eph. 1:15-16 – Paul ceased not praying when he heard of the faith of the Ephesian believers.

b. Rom. 1:8 – Paul prayed and thanked God because the faith of the Romans was spoken of throughout the world! They trusted God – and the testimony of that spread… to the glory of God.

c. I Thess. 1:2 – Paul thanked God because the faith of the Thessalonian believers was expressed in good works!

d. I Thess. 3:6-7 – Their faith comforted Paul in his time of affliction. Thank God for that! It’s a good reminder in times of trials to have a fresh glimpse of the fact that other believers are facing trials – and they continue to walk by faith! So can we… for the same Christ lives in us!

e. II Thess. 1:3 – Paul thanked God when he heard that their faith was growing!

f. Philemon 4-6 – Paul thanked God for his faith and prayed that the sharing of his faith would be effectual…

g. Paul was interested in the FAITH of the believers… not so much their sore toes and aching backs… but their FAITH. That consumed much of his time in prayer and thanksgiving.

6. The Ephesian believers — like the Colossian believers — like us here in Salem, had their problems.

a. However, there is always cause to thank God for their faith.

b. Even those believers who rub you the wrong way… or who may have mistreated you in the past… there is always something for which you can thank God concerning their walk of faith.

c. Don’t let the failures and frailties of the saints BLIND you to the good work that God is doing in them.

d. Paul knew of some of the failures of the Colossian believers… but he thanked God for their faith… that much was good and worthy of thanksgiving.

e. There is always something in the life of another believer for which we can be thankful concerning their faith!
• Are they still walking with the Lord? Thank God!
• Are they still reading their Bibles so that God is able to strengthen their faith? Thank God!
• Are they still clinging to sound doctrine… THE faith? Thank God.
• Are they still going to church? Thank God!
• Do they still look to God in their trials? Thank God!
• Thank God for their faith…
• In spite of their many shortcomings – God is still at work in them… their faith is still resting on a solid foundation.
• Thank God for the faith they have – and pray that it would be strengthened!

f. I Cor. 1:4-8 – Paul found plenty of fault with the Corinthians. But he also found many things for which he could praise God! And he did so… and let them know about it too!

g. Paul addresses some of the faults of the Colossian believers too. BUT — he also thanks God for their good points: faith, hope, and love!

h. It’s easy to gossip about them… point out their bad points… or to ignore them… Paul prayed for them and thanked God instead.

i. This is a good reminder to parents as well…
• As parents, it’s easy to constantly dwell upon the faults of our children… constantly pointing them out – even nagging… because you want to see them corrected. Your intentions may be good… but consider your methodology.
• Don’t forget to thank God for their good points… if they are believers, for their faith… as weak and feeble as it may appear at times – thank God for it!
• And it’s not a bad idea to let our kids know that we are thanking God for their good points too! They need that word of encouragement… not just constant reminders of their failures!

3. WHY should we pray and thank God for the faith of the saints?

a. Because Satan walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

b. Satan seeks to undermine our faith in Christ… and cause us to put our faith and confidence in SELF… to lean on our own understanding… our own strength… so that we will FAIL.

c. We all know believers whose faith has grown weak… believers who are no longer walking by faith… and are thus being lured back to the ways of the world…

d. Eph. 6:12 – Paul prayed when he thought of their faith – because he knew that the believers in Colosse – like us – wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
• And sometimes the spiritual wickedness wins the battle.
• They have lost the war – but they do win some of the skirmishes along the way.
• We have seen believers fall by the wayside in this spiritual battle.
• PRAY… who knows how many of US sitting here today might NOT be here… were it not for the prayers of the saints… that our faith fail not!


Paul heard of their love to the saints

1. Paul had not been to this church and did not know the people personally. But he HEARD a good report about them.

a. The report came from Epaphras (vs.7-8)

b. News of folks demonstrating the love of God travels!

2. Vs. 3 – Since he heard, he continually thanked God for it.

a. Cf. Eph. 1:15 – Paul said the very same thing about the saints in Ephesus. He also heard of their faith and love for all the saints.

b. The report of the love of the Ephesian saint’s caused Paul to thank God in his prayers.

c. God was thanked, praised, and thus glorified because these saints loved one another!

d. The same thing was true in Colosse… and the same thing can and should be true in Salem!

e. Their love for one another caused others to thank and praise God! (Cf. II Cor. 9:12)
• Their love offering caused the immediate recipients to praise and glorify God for the gift… they attributed it to the Lord!
• And others who heard of the marvelous provision of God – and how God worked in the hearts of others to bring this to pass – also glorified God.
• This one love offering had a ripple effect… and each ripple brought glory to God in a wider circle…
• And the folks who gave to that offering had no idea what a marvelous effect it would have… but it did!

3. Our love for one another can bring glory to God… in ways we may not even be aware of!

a. Bringing glory to God sounds a bit nebulous and ethereal… and perhaps out of our reach. However, this passage makes it clear that there are some very down to earth ways in which we can bring praise and glory to God: show love to His people!

b. This can have a “ripple effect”… that continues to travel on and glorify God – in ways and in places we might not be aware of!

c. Simple deeds of love to the brethren redound to the glory of God…

d. It results in MANY thanksgivings to God… and serves to enhance the testimony of Christ in the region.

e. It is like a sweet-smelling odor… that wafts off in all directions… and who knows who will get a whiff of it…

f. Paul heard of the love of the Colossian believers for one another – and it was like a sweet smelling savor to him.

g. Eph. 5:1-2 – And so it was to the Lord too!

h. To bring glory to God it is not necessary to do some great thing… just a small thing – even a glass of water given as an expression of God’s love brings glory to the Lord… every little act of love for the brethren glorifies God.

The KIND of Love They Had

A. Agape Love

1. They had agape love for each other.

a. Defined: Agape love is the kind of love that is produced in the heart of a yielded believer by the Holy Spirit and is expressed in a willingness to sacrifice self for the spiritual well being of another.

b. This kind of love is more related to the WILL than it is to the emotions.

c. It is a choice to bestow that which is best upon another, and does not always include warm feelings.

B. Distinctly Christian Love

1. John writes about the commandment to love one another.

a. I John 2:7 – John states that he is NOT writing a new commandment, but an old one which they had from the beginning.

b. I John 2:8 – Then he says that he is writing a new commandment.

c. How do we reconcile these two statements? Is it a new commandment or an old one? This was not a mistake or an oversight on his part. He put it this way on purpose.

d. There is something old AND something new about the commandment to love one another.

e. It is the same old commandment (love one another) – but there is an entirely NEW basis for the command under grace.

2. The old commandment (Lev. 19:18)

a. Under the law, men were commanded to love one another.

b. Under the law, the basis or standard for that love was self-love. (Love others as you already love yourself!)

c. That is a pretty high standard for God’s earthly people Israel. It was a high standard because we really love ourselves… don’t we?! We take excellent care of self…

d. When Jesus taught the disciples the law in the Sermon on the Mount, the standard was the same: self love: do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

e. That was the old commandment – love others – and use self as the standard or measure of that love.

3. The new commandment: (John 13:34)

a. Jesus said that the new commandment to love one another had a new standard… AS Christ loved us!

b. Jesus was about to be crucified as He spoke these words to the disciples. John heard all of this… and was taking mental notes.

c. After Christ died on the cross… and the reality of what occurred began to sink in… the words of this new commandment began to radiate in a whole new light…

d. John 15:12 – loving one another AS Christ has loved us: without limits; with no strings attached; expecting nothing in return; selfless; sacrificial; even unto death!

e. And Christ loved us when we were yet sinners! He died for the ungodly. This kind of love is shown even toward enemies!

f. The commandment to love one another is the same old commandment – but taken to new levels… levels impossible in the flesh. It requires the operation of the Spirit of God in our hearts.

g. This elevates love as high as the heavens are high above the earth! Love under grace is infinitely superior to love under the law.

h. This makes the new commandment distinctly Christian… as opposed to the old commandment which was Jewish.

i. Eph. 5:2 – we are to walk in love AS Christ loved us…

j. Eph. 5:25 – husbands are to love their wives AS Christ loved the church… and gave Himself for it.

4. The Colossian saints were demonstrating a NEW kind of love… appropriate for those living in the age of grace.

a. They loved one another AS Christ had loved them.

b. This was a powerful testimony.

c. John 13:34-35 – by this NEW kind of love onlookers would know that they were distinctly followers of Christ… that their love was modeled after Christ – and not after the format of love left by Moses in the Law.

d. Demonstrating the old kind of love – with self as the standard – men might assume they were followers of Moses… but the new kind of love made it clear that they were followers of Christ!

e. Christian love has the CROSS right at the center of it all… the love of Christ should be our standard… selfless… sacrificial… wanting the very best for others… gracious…

f. The love of God demonstrated at Calvary is our new standard of love. This is distinctly Christian love.

C. Brotherly Love

1. Their faith was placed in CHRIST; their love was for the SAINTS (for believers; not the community at large…)

a. Paul is thanking God for the love that the believers in Colosse have for the BRETHREN.

b. The love Paul is speaking of in Col. 1:4 is agape love; distinctly Christian; and it is brotherly… for the family of God.

c. Gal. 6:10 – Yes, we are to do good to all men…but especially to the household of faith… the Christian brotherhood.

d. The bulk of our good deeds and love is to be shown towards God’s people.

e. It is our testimony in the world. (How they love one another! By this, shall all men know that we are disciples. John 13:34-35)

2. Consider humanitarian efforts that are NOT distinctly Christian… and are not aimed at the Christian brotherhood.

a. Humanitarian efforts are aimed at mankind in general.

b. The world’s religion, humanism, defies God and spiritual things…you might find yourself aiding a community of men who are in rebellion against God.

c. Sometimes giving money or working for a humanitarian agency might be unwise.

d. Some of them have agendas that are distinctly ANTI Christian. (Promote abortion clinics; gay rights; etc.)

e. Philanthropy (love of mankind) is good, but its benefits are only earthly… temporal… addressing social issues rather than spiritual ones.

f. The love for mankind is not always an expression of the love of God. It could be just the opposite.

g. The antichristian will create a “brotherhood”… working together for the common good of mankind… but in rebellion against God.

h. Philanthropy and humanitarian efforts are earthly and their value limited.

i. Be careful where you send your money. Some humanitarian fund raising agencies have agendas that are quite radical from the Christian point of view.

j. The only lasting value humanitarian efforts can have is if there is a Christian testimony or message attached.

k. What good is sending aid, food and medicine to a people – only to enable them to die and go to hell on a full stomach?

l. But if it comes with a Christian message – THEN it becomes an expression of Christian love… and is thus valuable. (Grace Dental Mission)

m. And be careful in sending money to a “Christian” fund raising organization (orphanage; hospital; etc). They may have a message attached to their good works… but WHAT message? Is it sound doctrinally?

n. Phil. 1:9-10 – in showing love – be discerning! Don’t be duped… don’t be fooled… don’t be misguided… be careful!

o. A well meaning believer might attempt to help and show love… but that misguided believer might actually be aiding organizations whose agendas are antichristian in nature.

3. Do good to all men… but be careful. But ESPECIALLY demonstrate deeds of love towards the household of faith… towards the brethren.

a. Heb. 13:1 – let brotherly love continue…

b. Brotherly love is the love of God produced in the heart of a yielded believer and expressed toward other members of the family of God… just because they are a brother.

c. The real value of brotherly love is in its testimony to the world!

d. John 13:35 – “by THIS (love) shall all men know that ye are my disciples.”

e. Acts 4:32-33 – herein lay the real power behind their testimony in the world – their love one toward another!

f. We too need to practice this kind of love one toward another.
• It is a great help to the recipient of those deeds of love…
• But more importantly, it is a powerful testimony to the world!
• It attracts others to our Savior. Folks want to be a part of something that is genuine…
• The love of God is a powerful attraction. The gospel points men to the CROSS – where both the righteousness and the love of God are demonstrated.
• Our lives as Christians, living out that kind of love, is a proof of the reality of the message we proclaim!
• So keep it up! This kind of love is a fundamental of our faith!

D. A Manifestation of LIFE

1. I John 3:14 – Loving the saints is a sign of life.

a. John gives a sure sign that a person has been born again: a genuine love for the brethren.

b. It is a FAMILY kind of love – that is part of the new nature. The new creature in Christ is naturally going to love others of like precious faith.

c. This love is not something that WE manufacture. Rather, it is the result of indwelling LIFE. It is supernatural… the fruit of the Holy Spirit… the result of the LIFE of Christ in us.

2. I John 5:1 – if you love the Begetter, you will love the ones He begets.

a. These two go hand in hand – a love for God AND a love for God’s people.

b. If we claim to love our invisible God, we must show love to His visible representatives!

c. Anybody can CLAIM to love God. The test comes in loving His people.

d. I John 4:20-21 – the one who says he loves God and hates his brother is a liar!
• “If any man SAY…” This is a warning against pretending… against hypocrisy…
• If we SAY… there ought to be something to back it up… or it is just words… empty words.
• This COMMAND applies in the Christian home too!
• If a husband claims to love the Lord – but doesn’t love his wife – he is a liar! The reverse is true too.
• Nobody can claim to love God if they are holding grudges against a brother… or if there is bitterness or an unforgiving spirit in them. They are lying to themselves…
• The way we treat believers is a reflection of the way we treat God.
• Some folks SAY they love God… but don’t treat His people very well.
• But they are not fooling God. God sees right through our phony little sham. He knows our hearts better than we do.
• We can put up a big front… we can devise our own calculated, cleverly formulated lines of reasoning (which really serves as a smokescreen in our attempt to cover up bitterness and sin in our heart) … and conclude that this doesn’t apply to me… but God knows better.
• God can see right through all the smoke and mirrors. His word is able to pierce into our heart dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and INTENTS of the heart.

e. If you don’t love God’s people, you don’t love God. It’s that simple. It is the same LIFE… God’s life!

f. This love is not based upon similar interests or hobbies in the world. It is not based upon anything but a relationship to God!

g. Believers love God and God’s people. The reverse is true too. The world loves neither God nor His people!

h. When a person comes to faith in Christ, that faith CHANGES a man… from selfishness to thinking of others…

i. Faith in Christ also changes our former affinity we had towards the world and sin… and produces an inner attraction for the people of God.

E. Unfeigned Love

1. I Pet. 1:22 – a true, unfeigned love for the brotherhood of believers is the natural result of the new birth…

a. The main command in this section is “love one another…” (agape love)

b. HOW were they to love one another?
• With a pure heart.
• With their WHOLE heart… fervently…

c. HOW is a pure heart obtained?
• By obeying the truth, their hearts had been purified.
• By walking in obedience with ALL of the Word of God.
• By confessing their sins… and forsaking them.
• By DEALING with impurity in their hearts… not by brushing it under the rug.
• That purified heart will RESULT in unfeigned love of the brethren.

d. In other words, the obedient believer will have a pure heart.
• His heart has been cleansed by the Holy Spirit… and is under the control of the Holy Spirit… and will thus produce the FRUIT of the HS: love.
• His heart has been purified – all JUNK has been removed… all the filth… all the debris that HINDERS love… (anger, wrath, bitterness, malice, grudges, resentment, an unforgiving spirit).
• All that junk has to be removed from the heart before REAL love can be manifested.

2. Notice that the result of a pure heart is UNFEIGNED love (pure love… not the phony kind).

a. This unfeigned love is philadelphia – brotherly love.

b. This is the kind of love that includes warm affection, brotherly fondness… not a cold, compassionless, Stoic choice to do good for someone – but a warm hearted love, because the person is a brother.

3. In other words, a defiled heart CAN produce FEIGNED love… a phony love… a superficial love…

a. The feigned, phony love says, “Well, I’ll love him because I have to, but I don’t have to like him!”

b. This passage uncovers the lie behind that kind of thinking.

c. A PURE heart produces pure love… unfeigned affection and brotherly fondness.

d. An impure heart produces an impure, phony love…

4. But for the real thing to occur, sins must be removed… real love cannot flow from a defiled heart.

a. What a rebuke to us is found here.

b. When we are having a hard time loving a brother, it’s not their fault. Don’t try to put the blame elsewhere.

c. If love is not flowing out of our heart for a brother, don’t blame them. Don’t say: well you don’t know how he/she treated me! You don’t know what he did… or said… or what he put me through! It’s his fault I can’t love him/her.”

d. In reality, if love for a brother is not flowing from our heart, it is because there is impurity in OUR heart!

e. Something WE have allowed to simmer in our heart is preventing love from flowing out: something called SIN.

f. It may be bitterness, anger, jealousy — any number of things. And that impurity must go before the love can flow!

5. When those sinful things which defile the heart are removed – the heart is purified.

6. THEN, from a purified heart and soul flows the pure, genuine, unfeigned love of God.

7. The word for “unfeigned” is the Greek word for hypocrite… (with a negative prefix). It was used of the masks worn by play actors in ancient times.

8. Don’t kid yourself. If there is bitterness, or a grudge, or anger, or cold hearted resentment in your heart – REAL love will never flow from it.

9. Whatever kind of love does flow is not the product of the Holy Spirit, but is the product of the flesh – wood, hay, and stubble. And it is phony.

10. God can see right through our hypocritical mask. You can’t fool a God who is omniscient.

F. Then comes the COMMAND: see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently!

1. Thus, the order Peter sets forth is this:

a. Get your heart and soul right with God. Remove all the impurities that will hinder the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

b. Then brotherly affection and fondness will flow from your heart. (Philadelphia love)

c. But don’t stop there: in addition to the Philadelphia love, add agape love… which translates the affection into action based upon grace…

d. And don’t be content with a little agape love. Do it FERVENTLY… with intensity… not a mere dribble here or there!

2. In other words, God requires BOTH kinds of love for the brotherhood; brotherly kindness and agape love.

3. In fact, in his next epistle, Peter DEMANDS it! (Add to your godliness brotherly kindness (Philadelphia)… and to brotherly kindness… charity… or agape.

G. A Product of the Holy Spirit

1. I Pet. 1:23 – being born again…

a. Peter states in vs. 23 – that this kind of fervent love for the brethren is the natural result of the new birth… being born again.

b. The new birth results in a new heart… a regenerated heart… a new capacity for love – supernatural love… God’s love.

c. This verse ADDS to the sense of the previous command, “love one another with a pure heart fervently SINCE you are born again!”

d. The new birth ought to naturally produce such love.

e. Only the person who has a regenerated heart… and whose regenerated heart is purified (right with God – filled with the Spirit) can produce this kind of supernatural love.

f. Those who ARE born again WILL produce it. It’s how you can tell if someone is truly born again…

2. The work of regeneration is attributed to the Holy Spirit in the New Testament: born of the Spirit.

3. Peter states here that it is BECAUSE the Spirit regenerated us that we are ABLE to love with agape love.

4. Loving the saints is an indication of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

a. Gal. 5:22 – love is the FRUIT of the Spirit… a proof that the Spirit is working… operating…

b. Rom. 5:5 – the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

c. Col. 1:8 – love in the Spirit = love produced in them BY the Holy Spirit. It is supernatural fruit…

d. The flesh can only produce a cheap imitation… a feigned love… that is not gracious in nature, but selfish.

e. This is a heaven-high concept – a supernatural kind of love that God expects of us… one that only God can produce in us.

f. Our job? We can’t produce it… we can’t imitate it. But we CAN yield to God… and allow God’s Spirit to take control of our members… yield our members unto God – and God will use them for His glory… by manifesting the fruit of the Spirit THROUGH us.

g. Again – if the love of God is not flowing out of our hearts – we need a heart exam. Either there is sin and impurity preventing the love from flowing out… or we are not yielded to God.

h. If we keep on confessing our sin… and keep on yielding our members, God’s love WILL flow out of our hearts.

i. It may take a while for the feelings to get back to where they ought to be… but that will come in good time.

H. Without Respect of Persons

1. Col. 1:4 – love which ye have to ALL THE SAINTS.

a. It’s easy to show love to the saints whose company you enjoy.

b. It’s not so easy to show love to the saints who aren’t so kind… who rub you the wrong way.

c. But it is precisely THERE where genuine love is demonstrated…

d. Agape love gives, expecting nothing in return.

e. Agape love gives regardless of the worth of the recipient.

f. Agape love demonstrates its true colors toward the unlovely.

g. It’s easy to love lovable people. It’s not easy to love the unlovable… but that is the true test of agape love!

h. Evidently, there were no divisions in Colosse as at Corinth. (I am of Paul; I of Appollos) They loved ALL the saints in Colosse.

i. Brotherly love is to be extended to ALL the saints – it knows no denominational limits.

2. If a person is born again, we should have genuine agape love for that person… wanting that which is spiritually BEST for him.

a. And sometimes that means separation. (Separation IS an expression of love… when done in a right spirit…)

b. But even if that brother is disciplined by the Body because of doctrinal deviation or disobedience – we still LOVE him as a brother! (II Thess. 3:6, 14-15)

c. We are to love ALL the saints… even though that is sometimes expressed in ways which are misinterpreted. The world and worldly believers define love as “embracing everyone and everything.” Not so! That’s not agape love.

3. The world had never seen such love.

a. In paganism, there was a love for one another… on a human level.

b. They loved others like them…

c. The Romans loved other Romans; the Hittites showed love for other Hittites; the wealthy landowners were kind towards each other.

d. Christianity was a new thing in the world: a community of folks who were held together NOT by geography, politics, language, ethnicity, economy, or social status…

e. Rather, Christianity was a community of folks held together by a bond of LOVE… for each other regardless of their background: Jew and Greek; bond and free; male and female; rich and poor; learned and ignorant; red, yellow, black, white; none of that mattered.

f. They were all ONE in Christ. They could all come to the communion table together as ONE…as brothers… family.

g. They were one because they shared a common faith… and a common love… for the Lord and one another.

h. In those days, there were a lot of loved-starved people to whom that kind of communion was quite attractive.

i. Today there are even more such people…

j. People who are looking for a love that is real…

k. A love that works… and is not merely words…

l. The early church won many converts by displaying this kind of unfeigned… brotherly love.

m. There is no reason why we can’t do the same today.

n. You have no idea how powerful even the smallest deeds of kindness done in the name of Christ can be to a visitor who comes in our midst.

o. And the accumulation of a whole body of people living that kind of life can be overwhelming… and attractive.

p. The love of God manifested in the yielded life of a believer can be more effective in communicating the gospel than any sermon I can preach.

q. The love of God manifested through the body of believers here is PROOF of indwelling life… it is PROOF of the new birth… it is PROOF that our Savior who was crucified is yet alive!

r. We would do well to take heed to Paul’s exhortation to the Thessalonians: (I Thess. 4:9-10) You are already practicing brotherly love but INCREASE more and more!

s. God’s love knows no limits…
• There are no limits in degree to which it can be manifested.
• There are no limits on the effect it can have on those who are recipients.
• There are no limits on the power of evangelistic persuasion it can create in the hearts of unsaved onlookers.

t. Paul continually thanked God in his prayers when he heard of the love that the Colossians had toward all the saints.

u. Let’s follow that example – and increase more and more.


1. HOW do we show love to God? He’s invisible… He’s in heaven.

a. God doesn’t NEED anything from us.

b. We can’t improve His quality of life.

c. He isn’t sick; lonely; short of money; in the midst of a project where He needs a helping hand; He doesn’t have a fence that needs painting;

d. We can show love to God THROUGH the God-Man, Jesus Christ.

e. Christ is the Mediator between our invisible God and men upon the earth.

f. Our access to God is THROUGH Christ… the God-Man… He is the link. The way we show love to God is THROUGH Christ and through His Body in particular.

g. Helping Christ’s Body is the way we show love to Christ… to God. Ministering to the saints… edifying the Body… is the only way we can minister to God Himself…

1. Why persecutest thou Me?

2. Ministering to one of His “brethren” is ministering to Him.

• But ministering to the Body of Christ has eternal value.
• Aiding the Body of Christ is aiding those who love the Lord
• Loving the brethren is an expression of the love for God
• Loving the brethren is the WAY we show love to God
• This makes the local church the most important institution on earth
• The local church is where the saints gather… where we are ABLE to minister to one another on an ongoing basis… it is where the rubber meets the road… where real life applications are in play… where Scripture is practiced… the life and love of Christ is demonstrated…
• How we treat the Body is an expression of our heart’s attitude towards God Himself.
• If you don’t love the brethren whom ye see, how can you love God whom you can’t see?
• “To dwell in love with saints above, that will indeed be glory; to dwell below with saints we know, well, that’s another story!”
• Love which you are HAVING… ongoing love… it’s never “done.”

2. Relationship between the faith and love.

a. Gal. 5:6 – faith is proven to be real by works of love.

b. If our faith is real… it WILL be expressed towards the brethren in DEEDS of love.

c. Faith is never alone. It always results in deeds of love…

d. If faith is genuine, it will produce fruit – the fruit of the Spirit – namely, LOVE for the brethren.


1. Paul mentions an oft-repeated trilogy of Christian graces in this passage: faith, love, and hope.


2. There is an important relationship between these three… mentioned in nearly all the commentaries – author unknown…

a. Faith looks upward to God; love looks outward to others; hope looks forward to the future.

b. Faith rests upon the past work of Christ; love operates in the present; and hope anticipates the future…

3. This morning we are going to look at HOPE…

This Hope Is Objective

1. Paul is speaking about a hope that is laid up in heaven.

2. That which is laid up in heaven is hope in the objective sense.

a. It is not the attitude of waiting or looking forward to something (subjective) but the hope here refers to that for which a person waits… anticipates… the object of our hope.

b. Hope in the subjective sense speaks of our personal sense of hope… our possession of a hopeful spirit…

3. Now of course, hope in the objective and subjective senses are related closely.

a. The glorious future promised us (our objective hope) creates in us a feeling of hope… a confident expectation (subjective).

b. The more we focus on the heavenly hope laid up for us… the more hopeful we will be as a person!

c. If we fill our minds with hearts with our objective hope… we will become FILLED with hope… we will become hopeful people… characterized by hope.

4. We are going to see in this passage that when our minds are filled with heavenly things, then the love for all the saints will be rekindled… Hope is extremely beneficial in the Christian life.

5. Let’s consider what the Bible says about our HOPE… what our hope is in the objective sense… and KNOWING more of this hope will make us more hopeful people.

This Hope Is In Christ

1. Hope Defined:

a. Hope: anticipation of good in the future… confidence of good prospects in the future…
• Zodhiates: a desire for good and an expectation of obtaining it.
• Vines: the happy anticipation of good

b. The term Paul uses for hope here does not imply uncertainty as the English term sometimes does. (I hope so…)

c. It is a confident expectation of good…

d. Sometimes we think of hope as a hope so.

e. At an accident scene a person is severely injured, and we try to comfort them by saying, “It’s going to be all right.” However, we don’t KNOW it is. Those words may have no basis in fact whatsoever. It may NOT be all right! Such words though well intentioned are meaningless.

2. Our hope in Christ is based upon truth… the truth of the gospel… gospel truth.

a. Hence, it is not a hope so… but a certainty.

b. Our hope is rock solid… resting on the promises of God.

3. I Tim. 1:1 – our hope resides in a Person – the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. The only reason we have any hope is because of Him – and because of what He accomplished for us on Calvary.

b. All of our hopes for the future are attached to Him… to His work on the cross… to His resurrection and ascension… to His present High Priestly intercessory ministry…

c. Our hopes are linked to His promises for tomorrow…

d. Our hopes are linked to the Person, the Provision (cross), and the Promises of Jesus Christ—He is our hope.

The Hope of Glory

1. Col. 1:27 – Christ in you, the hope of glory!

a. Paul speaks of the indwelling Christ… the riches of the glory of the mystery of this age…

b. The indwelling life of Christ is a foretaste of glory divine… a foretaste of future glory that we will one day share WITH Him in glory itself…

c. We get a taste of that now… Christ with us… IN us… and we in Him… an eternal union with our Savior… His LIFE manifested through us…

d. Glory belongs to us for all eternity, yet that glory is all future.

e. It is HOPE that links us to that future glory… and THROUGH the indwelling Person of Jesus Christ… the hope of glory… a foretaste of glory divine—today!

2. Heb. 6:18-20 – Christ, our High Priest is our HOPE.

a. This hope that He engenders in us is an anchor to our soul…

b. This hope connects us directly to Christ who is already in the inner sanctuary of heaven… already in glory…

c. And we are connected to Him by this hope… which is like an invisible cord attached to our soul… and the other end is safely anchored in heaven…

d. What an awesome picture is painted here!

3. Col. 3:4 – we shall appear with Him in glory!

a. Here Paul speaks of our future as believers…

b. When Christ returns for the church, we will appear WITH Him in glory…

c. We will one day share in His glorified state…

d. The heavenly sphere is our position already… We have already been raised into heavenly places in Christ Jesus!

e. Our citizenship is there… our inheritance is there… and one day we too shall be there! Oh that will be glory for me!

4. Rom. 8:17-18 – suffering now… glory later.

a. The sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us.

b. The sufferings are only for a time; the glory is forever.

c. We suffer in this lifetime… but as we suffer, this hope enables us to endure…

d. Vs. 24-25 – The suffering we experience in this life is due to living in a cursed earth, in a corruptible body with a sin nature…
• However, one day all that will be reversed for the believer… a regenerated earth; a redeemed body with no sin! Until then we HOPE.
• Hope enables us to endure the sufferings of this life
• vs. 23 – we also have the glorious hope of a redeemed body one day… a body suited for eternity in the heavenly city…

e. Many folks here today are dealing with health issues… some with daily aches and pains; others with effects of aging; others are bearing some serious internal diseases;
• Here Paul says that part of the hope of future glory is obtaining a new body! A resurrection body… clothed with immortality… an incorruptible body!
• Paul says if we had that body now, we wouldn’t need hope. But since we DON’T have it now… then because of hope, we can with patience wait for it.

f. But even the world has to endure this kind of suffering resulting from corruptible bodies in a cursed earth.
• Their hope is not the same as a Christian hope.
• Their hope is that someone will find a cure for their disease…
• Their hope is that their company will do better next quarter…
• Their hope is that a new medication for their arthritis will be found…
• Their hopes are grounded entirely on life on the earth… relating to earthly suffering.
• Our hope is heavenly. It relates to suffering on earth… but especially to suffering for righteousness sake…
• And our hope is not simply that the suffering for righteousness we are experiencing will STOP…
• But rather, that God will give the grace and strength to endure SO THAT this suffering will result in eternal rewards… that will so far outweigh the pain that it will not be worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us!

5. I Thess. 1:3 – hope produces patient endurance through life’s trials. (faith produces works; love results in labor; hope results in patience!)

a. An earthly kind of hope will make you feel good and might help you get through life’s trials on an earthly level. Psychologists encourage people to use hope as a “self help.” That is a completely SELF centered approach—where as true hope MUST be Christ centered.

b. Our Christian hope is based on the assurance of our future glory with Christ… and that is as far above their hope as heaven is above the earth!

c. Hope in Christ results in patient endurance… through physical suffering AND through suffering for righteousness sake.

d. Believers who fall away into sin and backslide – have somehow or other lost hope… given up hope… have allowed hope to dwindle away in their hearts… and that has resulted in unmitigated suffering—the only escape from which seems to be to return to the world.

e. Beware – our adversary is ever present… trying to cause us to lose hope in Christ.

f. If we are abiding in Christ, focused upon HIM… who is the hope of glory… we will patiently endure… looking unto Jesus, we will be enabled to run the race with patience.

g. Hope is strengthened in our hearts by keeping our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ.

h. Focused on circumstances, we will lose hope… and will find our hands hanging down and our knees too feeble to run!

The Hope of His Coming

1. In one sense, all of our hopes are connected to that which is referred to as Our Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13).

a. Read Titus 2:11-14 – this passage looks back at God’s grace revealed at Calvary… and it looks ahead to Christ’s coming.

b. Both aspects of Christ’s work (past and future) will have an effect on the way we live… if we are looking…

c. The one who gave Himself to redeem us from iniquity is the same One who is coming again!

d. As we LOOK for His coming… it engenders HOPE in us… and that coupled with an appreciation of His grace enables us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.

e. As many times as we struggle in the flesh with the lusts of the flesh in this life, we need to have that HOPE set before us – that this struggle is not forever… we have HOPE of being set free eternally from ungodly and worldly lusts… no more sin!

f. But of course, that which is MOST blessed about Christ’s coming is seeing Him face to face… being with Him forevermore… in His very presence…

g. Ps. 16:8-11 – in His presence is fullness of joy! Pleasures forever more! That truly IS a blessed hope… to be with the One we love… forever.

The Hope of the Resurrection

1. Acts 23:6 – Paul was called into question because of his HOPE of the resurrection.

a. The Sadducees and Pharisees were divided on this issue. The Pharisees believed in resurrection… the Sadducees did not. That’s why they were sad, you see! (vs. 8)

b. Paul had great hope in the resurrection… based on the promises of the Old Testament… and the new revelation he was given.

c. Paul was willing to face death in defense of his beliefs. This was his hope… and he wasn’t going to back down from it!

2. I Cor. 15:16-20 – Later Paul wrote of his hope of resurrection… and what effect it had on his life.

a. If our hope in Christ goes no farther than this life only – then we are of all men most miserable…

b. Why miserable? Because the apostles gave UP their earthly lives to follow Christ.

c. They suffered much in following Him. If there is no resurrection and no afterlife, then they were fools! They should have lived it up… eat, drink, and be merry!

d. They lived their entire earthly lives in hopes of being raised to glory… resurrected into glorified bodies… and receiving rewards in glory for their suffering on earth.

e. This hope enabled them to persevere by giving them REASON to suffer in this life—KNOWING that it will be worth it all!

f. Hope in the resurrection will do the same in our lives as well… IF we believe it… trust in it… live by it… saturate our minds and hearts with it…

g. But since Christ rose from the dead, we too have a glorious hope of being raised ourselves one day… in a resurrected body – into that heavenly city! What a hope!

The Hope of Meeting Loved Ones in Glory

1. I Thess. 4:15-18 – Here Paul speaks of that grand reunion in the sky!

a. When Christ returns, all those who died in Christ before us will be returning with Him…

b. The dead in Christ will be raised into glorified bodies first.

c. Then that generation of Christians alive at His return will be translated into a glorified body…

d. And then we will meet Christ in the air…

e. And we will meet all those saints in Christ who have gone before us…

2. I know folks who will be in that crowd. Do you?

a. That godly grandmother… who prayed for you while you were growing up…

b. That child who died in a tragic accident…

c. That good friend whose life was taken early by cancer…

d. That one who waited till the last days of his life to surrender to Christ and believe on Him… he’ll be there.

e. That deacon who lived for Christ… that lady who suffered so with polio will be there…

f. And on and on it goes… they’ll all be there… and so will we! What a reunion!

g. For some of you it will be a spouse… a child… a mother, father, brother… a friend… one you led to the Savior… or perhaps the one who led you to Christ…

h. We all know folks there; what a day of rejoicing that will be!

3. It is our great hope – an assured, confident expectation to meet all those folks again.

a. And this is not just a wish… but based upon the promises of God! Rock Solid!

b. Jesus is coming again… maybe morning; maybe noon; maybe evening and maybe soon! And all those who died in Christ will be with Him!

The Hope of Our Calling

1. Eph. 1:18 – Paul prayed that the Ephesian saints might KNOW what is the HOPE of their calling.

a. Our calling is a high, heavenly, calling…

b. Our calling includes being IN Christ; accepted in the Beloved; redeemed; forgiven; holiness; seated in heavenly places; citizens of heaven;.

2. Understanding their glorious calling – their position in Christ would create HOPE in them.

a. That in turn would have an effect on the way they lived here and now!

b. PRAY that God would open OUR understanding concerning our glorious position in Christ… that it will SINK IN…

c. PRAY that we would learn to REST in our glorious position and from that position of rest, we would have confidence expectation of good—and bright hope for tomorrow…

3. We can have a hope of resurrection. But we are already called to live a resurrection life! This is a foretaste of that future glory…

The Hope of Being Like Him (I John 3:1-2)

1. Vs. 1-2a – We are right now (by faith) called the sons of God!

a. We are sons of God, but the world doesn’t recognize us as such.

b. Why? Because we look just like them. That’s why they didn’t recognize the Lord either.

c. Unfortunately, we sometimes behave like the world too…

d. They don’t recognize us as the sons of God… because we are like them.

2. But when Christ appears, we shall no more be like them, we shall be LIKE Him. What does it mean to be LIKE Him?

a. Throughout this life we are gradually being transformed into His image… glory to glory… but we have a LONG way to go…

b. As we contemplate, meditate, and ruminate on who we are in Christ… our glorious heavenly calling and position… we will be changed more and more into that image.

c. As a matter of fact, we fall infinitely short of His glory today.

d. Positionally, we are like Him… holy…sanctified… blameless… without spot or wrinkle…

e. But practically, we are quite spotted—every one of us—by the world around us and by sin within us.

f. One day that gradual transformation will be finalized… when we are raised up with Him… new bodies… with no sin nature!

g. He that began a good work in us WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ… until the work is done—until we are truly LIKE HIM!

3. To be like Him means sinless… holy…

a. The real struggles we face as believers are not so much from the world or the devil… but from the sin that resides in us!

b. Isn’t that where we agonize? Don’t we often come to the place where we cry out, “Oh wretched man that I am. Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”

c. The real struggle is learning to walk by faith… and having a life of victory over our thoughts… the intents of our heart… over self-righteousness… over envy, jealousy, lust, anger, pride, bitterness… etc.

d. When He shall appear – those battles will be over forever! Praise the Lord… we shall be like Him.

e. That too is part of our hope… no more sin!

4. I John 3:3 – this hope in us has a purifying effect…

a. The hope of His coming… and the hope of our being made like Him one day… our struggles all over… sin no more… holy… pure!

b. Hope purifies…

c. The discouraged believer is going to throw in the towel a lot sooner than the one who is filled with HOPE… the one who is expectantly awaiting the consummation of his faith…

d. You NEED hope to keep you going… to face the difficulties of the day… and the trials that you know are coming tomorrow!

The Hope of Heaven

1. Paul says that our hope is laid up for us in heaven.

a. Our hope is heavenly… not earthly.

b. Our hopes for the future are tied up with God’s promise to the church of a place on high…

c. Israel’s hope was earthly. They hoped for land… a kingdom…a fig tree… and bountiful crops.

d. Our hope is heavenly… not at all related to this earth and its ways.

e. In fact, as Christians, our ALL is heavenly! Our hope, our calling, our home, our future, our blessings, our inheritance… are all found above… where Christ sits at the right hand of God…

f. Our hopes are found in the person of Christ… He IS our hope!

g. And this hope is not a theory or speculation. It is a spiritual reality…

h. And those heavenly realities can be enjoyed TODAY by faith…
• We are by nature tied to this earth and its ways.
• It is our DEATH with Christ that breaks that link for us and enables us by faith to enjoy our spiritual blessings… and heavenly realities…
• Not until we are willing to be made conformable to His death will we fully appreciate our heavenly hope…
• The hope of our resurrection life is experienced first by reckoning self to be dead… and then alive to walk in newness of life… that sees, understands, and appreciates our heavenly hope.

2. John 14:1-3 – the hope of a home in heaven… finally home!

a. Jesus was about to go to the cross and leave His disciples on their own… He would leaving this world for glory.

b. Jesus wanted to encourage His disciples by leaving them with bright HOPE for tomorrow…

c. He told them He was coming again (our Blessed Hope)… and He assured them of a place in heaven with Him for ever! A mansion (dwelling or abiding place)…

d. Earlier Peter asked the Lord, “Behold, we have forsaken all and followed thee. What shall we have therefore?”

e. What shall they have? Among other things – Jesus that every one who has forsaken houses or brethren in this life shall have a mansion in glory! What makes it a mansion? There are no tall white pillars… it is an abiding place close to Christ!

f. It will be more than worth it all!

3. Rev. 21:3-4 – God shall dwell with us… and be our God… and shall wipe away all tears… no more sorrow or crying… no more pain…

a. This is also our blessed hope for the future!

b. Ours is a heavenly hope…

c. II Peter 3:10-13 – our hope is NOT in this world.
• This world will one day be melted with a fervent heat… and all that is in it.
• How vain and how foolish to put all our hopes in temporal things of earth that will one day be turned to ashes…
• Our hopes are not tied to the kingdoms of this world… our hope is not to make the world a better place in which to live… (although it is true that the church’s presence in the world does retard the corruption of sin – like salt).
• Our true hope is in the world to come… heavenly… eternal…

d. How much better to have our hope is in Christ… and in our eternal home… in things that have eternal value…

e. It’s nice to have a home here on earth; it’s nice to have good health; it’s nice to own things on earth… but every bit of it will be gone one day.

f. Don’t place your hope in that which is corruptible and temporal… but in that which is eternal.

The Hope of Rewards

1. I Pet. 1:3-4 – Peter says that the believer has been born UNTO a living hope…

a. The new birth produces HOPE… in the regenerated heart.

b. The born again person is alive… alive unto God… alive unto the hope we have in Christ…

c. This living hope is tied to our heavenly inheritance… which (like our hope) is laid up for us in heaven! Reserved in heaven for you!

d. This brings great hope to the believer…

e. We have an inheritance in heaven. In fact, we are joint heirs with Christ!

2. II Tim. 4:6-8 – Paul was aware that one day he would receive rewards in heaven for his faithful service on earth.

a. This produces hope. Paul was full of hope to the very end of his life.

b. In fact, this motivated him to serve to the very end.

c. Oh how we all need that bright hope for tomorrow! Glorious rewards to look forward to!

This Hope Is Secure (Laid Up)

1. Laid up defined: reserved; put in store; deposited out of the reach of all enemies.

2. The tense: perfect: this hope was laid up for you with the present result that it is STILL laid up for and awaiting you…

3. I Pet. 1:4 – our inheritance is also laid up… reserved in heaven.

4. Heb. 6:18-19 – our (objective) hope is laid up within the veil in heaven… and we are to lay hold of it (subjective hope)… it is an anchor… sure and steadfast… hope connects us to heavenly realities.

5. The believer has such rewards LAID UP for him in heaven.

a. II Tim. 4:8 – Paul’s crowns for faithful service were “laid up” for him. (same word – laid up)

b. Matt. 6:19-20 – treasures laid up in heaven…

c. They are reserved in heaven for us.

d. This is a solid rock assurance to support our hope… and keep it going.

e. Nothing can ever hinder or undermine our heavenly hope.

This Hope is Heavenly

1. Their hopes were laid up in heaven… not on the earth.

a. This is what differentiates between a worldly believer and a spiritually minded believer: where does your real hope lie? What are you hoping for?

b. The Colossian heresy related to earthly philosophies and earthly ordinances… which tended to place man’s hopes on the things of earth.

c. They were being warned … beware lest they allow earthly things to occupy their minds and hearts… and lose hope in future heavenly glory…

d. While the form of the attack against us today is different than it was 2000 years ago, in essence it is the same: an attempt to get us to become worldly minded… earthly minded… and to put all of our treasures and hopes in this life only…

2. This basic principle of the Christian life is foolishness apart from our heavenly hope.

a. The Christian philosophy is this: we suffer on earth and receive glory in heaven; we forsake the here and now for rewards in the by and by; we use our earthly treasures to lay up treasures in heaven;

b. But if this earthly life is all there is, then we are of all men most miserable!

c. We should ALL live like Esau – who cared not for future rewards.
• He lived for today… he wanted his porridge now.
• Why? Because future glory meant nothing to him.
• We are FOOLS for giving up the pleasures in this life for some future hope that will not be fulfilled! Fools!

d. The Christian LIVES his entire life with this frame of mind: Our hope is Christ…
• He is the ONE in whom all our hopes reside…
• He is the ONE in heaven…
• He is the source of all of our hope… His work; His word; His person; His promises…
• Without Christ, we have no hope…
• In fact that is exactly how the lost gentiles are described today… without Christ and without hope in the world.

3. You can’t live the Christian life without HOPE. Consider its effects:

a. Hope has a purifying effect on our lives (I John 3:3)

b. Hope links us to Christ behind the veil in the heavenly sanctuary – and brings assurance to our soul. (Heb. 6:18-20)

c. Hope produces patient endurance (I Thess. 1:3)

d. Our heavenly hope gives us a sensible reason for living a sacrificial life… to obtain future glory.

e. Hope also is a motivating factor which energizes our faith in Christ and love to all the saints.

4. Therefore do whatever you can to stir up hope in your heart!

a. This is one reason why the local church is so necessary – to encourage one another to keep on hoping in Christ…

b. Stay in the Word – for there our hope is put before us daily—even when we think we aren’t getting anything new out of our reading – hope is revitalized… whether we realize it or not…

c. Set your affection on things above… where Christ is – who is our HOPE!


This Hope Is the Source of Faith and Love (Col. 1:5)

1. Some might accuse us of having a heavenly hope… that is no earthly good. Nonsense!

a. Our passage teaches us just the opposite.

b. Col. 1:5 teaches us that it is BECAUSE of our hope for a glorious future that we are able to endure today… AND because of that hope we continue trusting in Christ and demonstrating deeds of love to the brethren… unto the glory of God!

2. FOR: dia: through… because of… on account of…

a. This expression is to be linked back to the Colossian’s love to all the saints…

b. Paul is saying that the Colossian believers were able to love one another BECAUSE of the hope they had!

c. Hope was the motivating factor behind their faith and love.

d. Wuest says that the preposition (for – dia) is a preposition of intermediate agency. This shows that the hope is an active thing… working in the believers… and energizing that faith and love to a greater intensity.

3. Hope isn’t the ONLY motivating factor, but it is a legitimate one… and an active one.

a. Paul writes to the Colossians and not only did he know about their love and their faith… he also knew WHY their faith and love were active: because of their hope!

b. As the Colossians (and us!) contemplated their glorious position in heavenly places in Christ, and what marvelous glories God has in store for us… those thoughts of HOPE stirred up in them a love for the brethren… for other citizens of heaven.

c. Hope became a fountain, out of which faith and love flowed.

4. Faith, love, and hope are all interrelated. They have an effect on each other.

a. Faith works by love (Gal. 6:6).

b. Hope is a motivating factor behind both faith and love.

5. Hope is that which enables believers to lead a life of sacrifice… a living sacrifice.

a. Because of a glorious hope for tomorrow, we are able to sacrifice today… and to us it is worth it!

b. Because of hope for a glorious tomorrow – we won’t live for today. We live for tomorrow… with eternity in mind.

c. Hope teaches us that it makes good sense to be willing to suffer today… for future glory.

d. Hope teaches us that whatever we suffer in the present is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us.

e. Hope of future glory motivates the believer to give up in this life to gain in the future.

f. This kind and depth of hope is unable to be understood by the world… because they have no such hope for the future.

g. The world understands this principle in earthly things… but not when it comes to spiritual and eternal things.
• Ex: When a student gives up his today (his money; time; pleasure) to get a good education, the world understands the value of that… he gives up now to gain in the future.
• Ex: Or making a monetary investment in a fledgling company now for a greater dividend to be paid later.
• The world understands that – because in those cases both the giving up and gaining are here one earth… in this life.
• But they can’t understand one who gives up this life for some pie in the sky by and by. That is folly to them.
• But it is wisdom to the believer. It is our HOPE.


• You do if you have received Him as your Savior.
• But if not, then you are without hope…
• Believe on Christ and be saved today!


1. Last week we looked at the marvelous hope we have in Christ:

• The Hope of Glory
• The Hope of His Coming
• The Hope of Resurrection
• The Hope of Meeting Loved Ones in Glory
• The Hope of Our Calling
• The Hope of Being Like Him
• The Hope of Heaven Itself
• The Hope of Rewards and eternal inheritance

2. This morning we want to look at another aspect of our hope: that it is actually part of the gospel message itself!

a. Paul states here that this hope which was laid up for them in heaven they heard… and they heard it in the word of the truth of the GOSPEL!

b. This hope is part of the good news… part of the message we are to preach to the lost.

c. Today we want to look at that one fact and some of its implications.

This Hope (objective) Is Part of the Gospel

A. The Hope of Heaven = the expectation of believers

1. Notice that in verse 5, Paul states that the Colossians heard about this hope IN the word of the truth of the gospel!

a. In other words, whoever preached the gospel to them (Epaphras) told them much MORE than simply, “Jesus died and rose again.”

b. The presentation of the gospel message they heard included our Christian hope: our hope of heaven… our hope of resurrection, etc.

c. This is all PART of the gospel… not an adjunct to it.

d. One cannot really tell the gospel message without mentioning the glorious future hope for those who believe in Christ!

e. It is only reasonable that if we are going to ask folks to believe on Christ and align themselves with One who was despised and rejected of men on earth… that we let them know about the glorious hope we have for the future!

2. For someone to make an intelligent decision to believe on Christ and entrust one’s eternal destiny into His care, it is incumbent upon the one preaching the gospel message to INFORM the person as to what that eternal destiny IS! That is our hope!

a. Of course, a person could get saved WITHOUT hearing very much about this great hope in Christ.

b. He may not have heard of the rapture… or of the heavenly city with streets of gold… or of the Bema Seat and the crowns that will be given… he may never hear of the mansion (dwelling place) that Christ is preparing for believers in heaven… he may not know about the inheritance that awaits him and is reserved for every believer in heaven…

c. He may not know any of this. It is not a requirement in order to be saved.

d. However, consider HOW the gospel was preached in the New Testament. The apostles didn’t pare it down to the bare minimum. They preached the WHOLE counsel of God for men to hear.

e. In this passage, Paul informs us that when the Colossians heard the gospel, they were informed of the great hope that is laid up for them in heaven!

f. When the apostles preached the gospel, they wanted people to know the ADVANTAGES of being saved…

g. When the apostles preached the gospel, they wanted people to know what they were being saved UNTO…

h. This hope has a motivating factor built in…

i. If I thought that getting saved – obtaining eternal life meant living forever in a body like mine… in a world like this… struggling against sin, disease, and the world forever, I would have said, “No thank you! Let me die!”

j. But to know that one day all tears will be wiped away… all sorrow and suffering will be over… no more sin… no more violence… no more disease… just perfect bliss in the presence of our loving heavenly Father – that would interest me… and anyone else who hears such a message of hope.

k. Remember, the word gospel means “good news.” All of this is good news! Don’t leave it out of the gospel!

l. Of course, this takes time to teach the whole counsel of God… and in our culture we want everything instant… even instant conversions.

m. Far better is it to take a little extra time with a person teaching them… showing them in the Scriptures… weeks, months, years if necessary — than to pressure a person into making a quick decision for Christ… when he is not ready… when he really wants to know MORE…

n. This is the way Jesus preached the gospel in His day too.

• He included all kinds of people as His disciples.

• Not all disciples were true believers… not all disciples were saved.

• The term disciple is different from believer. A disciple means a “student.”

• Many students enrolled in Christ’s teaching ministry. They sat and listened.

• Many loved what they heard – stuck with it – and in time BELIEVED and were saved.

• Other disciples learned for a while… decided they DIDN’T like what they heard… rejected it and departed. (John 6:66)

o. This will always be the case in the local church as well.
• There will always be folks who attend church here… with interest… for a while.
• They may believe the facts of the gospel… intellectually and think they are saved… but eventually, they hear something from the Word that turns them off – and they depart.
• It is not that they lost their salvation. They never had it! They were disciples… students for a while… but ultimately rejected the message.
• Others will attend church for a while because they too are interested… curious.
• God will be working in their hearts, attracting them to truth and to Christ.
• They may want to hear MUCH taught from the Bible before they are ready to receive Christ as their personal Savior.
• It is my conviction that if God is NOT working in their hearts, all the altar calls and pressure-type evangelism in the world isn’t going to produce LIFE in those folks.
• It is also my conviction that if the Lord IS working in their hearts… HE will continue to draw them to Himself… and to convince them of the truth.
• It is our job to continue TEACHING the whole counsel of God… and inviting men WITHOUT pressure to receive Christ along the way.
• Just two simple facts (Jesus died and rose again) may not be enough for some folks. They may want to hear MORE before receiving Christ.
• They may want to hear some good REASONS to be saved… like our glorious future hope of heaven… and being with the Lord Jesus forever… His coming again…
• The Colossians heard all that when the gospel was presented to them.
• They were told what they were being saved UNTO…
• They were told about the hope of glory… which is the hope of the believer… our expectation for the future…

B. The Fear of Hell = the expectation of unbelievers

1. While it is not stated in this verse, it IS stated elsewhere that when the apostles preached the gospel, they not only include the hope of future glory — they also included the horror of future Divine wrath!

2. The apostles preached the whole counsel of God. They told folks what they could expect if they received Christ (the hope of glory)… AND what they could expect if they rejected Him (eternal condemnation!)

3. The apostles told their listeners what their future held for them… if they were saved… and if they remained lost… either heaven or hell.

4. The same gospel that promises heaven also threatens with hell! BOTH are part of the gospel message.

5. In fact, before a person can ever understand the “good news” – he must first be confronted with the bad news: he is condemned and on his way to hell!

a. Rom. 3:10 – there is none righteous… no not one! Bad news!

b. Rom. 3:12 – there is none that doeth good!

c. Rom. 3:23 – The bad news is that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That’s pretty bad news – news that nobody wants to hear… but it is part of the gospel message!

d. Rom. 6:23 – the wages of sin is death – including the second death… that’s bad news too.

e. Rev. 20:12-15 – those who reject the gospel will one day be raised up in bodies suited for eternity – and will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever! A place of eternal torment.

f. Rev. 20:10 – The torment never ends…

g. Even mentioning this Bible truth is anathema in most circles today. It is a fundamental Christian doctrine that is under attack today… and no wonder – it is part of the gospel!

h. Nobody wants to hear what God has to say. They would prefer to listen to men… men who do not know God or His Word.

i. They want to hear nice things… that God would never send anyone to hell… that God is too loving for that…

j. They want to hear that all religion is good and that there are many ways to heaven… and they are in fact hearing that in many churches today – sadly.

k. But that is NOT the gospel. The gospel is clear:
• Mat. 7:13-14 – There is a heaven and a hell… a way that leads to life everlasting and a way that leads to everlasting destruction…
• MANY will end up in eternal destruction and condemnation; FEW will enter into eternal life…
• John 14:6 – And Christ is the ONLY way… the exclusive way…
• Apart from Christ there is no hope… nothing but eternal condemnation.

6. The consequences of rejecting Christ — or ignoring Him… putting Him off… are immeasurable… eternal… and irreversible.

a. The Lake of Fire is an eternal place of torment…

b. Jesus spoke of it more than anyone else in the Bible.

c. Acts 17:20-31 – When the apostles preached the good news they included this bad news. God commands all men to repent…FOR He will JUDGE the world one day!

d. II Pet. 3:3-10 – in the last day men will MOCK and ridicule the concept of Divine judgment – just as they did in the days of Noah… but judgment day is coming whether men believe it or not.

e. God is dead serious about the consequences of rejecting the salvation offered by His Beloved Son.

f. The hope offered in the gospel message is like a beautiful diamond. The ugly and painful consequences of rejecting Christ – eternal torment in the lake of fire – is like the black velvet backdrop to a diamond… that brings out all the glitter and shine of the diamond.

g. The bad news of eternal condemnation must be understood and believed BEFORE the good news of salvation can be appreciated…

h. BOTH are part of the gospel message. Each part serves its purpose.

i. Some will be saved simply on the hope of eternal life.

j. Others will be saved by fear… (Jude 22-23)

7. Thus, this aspect of the gospel includes a sense of URGENCY…

a. There is no urgency about the gospel if we consider only the glorious promise of eternity in heaven…

b. The urgency enters in when we consider the following:
• We could die and face eternity at any moment…
• There is no second chance to be saved after that…
• Apart from Christ there is nothing but condemnation in the Lake of Fire.
• That is what gives a sense of urgency to the message.

c. For that reason Paul writes: NOW is the accepted time; behold NOW is the day of salvation! (II Cor. 6:2c)

d. On the one hand, we don’t want to RUSH people into making a decision when they are not ready; on the other hand, we don’t want to encourage people to POSTPONE it needlessly either!

C. The Concept of Salvation (from what; to what)

1. Don’t try to pare the gospel down to its bare minimum! That seems to be the emphasis today… perhaps so as not to offend anyone.

2. Consider the meaning of the word SAVED… it implies BOTH aspects… the hope of glory and the fear of condemnation.

a. If a person is told he needs to be saved he naturally would ask, “Saved from what?” The answer is part of the gospel: saved from eternal condemnation!

b. That same person would also likely as, “Saved UNTO what? Where will I end up?”

c. That too is the gospel – the Colossians heard about the hope of glory IN the gospel message they heard.

d. It is NOT wise to strip the gospel down to a few facts and to plead with men put pressure on them to make a decision based on ignorance.

e. That kind pressure might lead to a lot of decisions… but not likely many true conversions.

3. The gospel message… and God’s plan of salvation includes BOTH the positive and the negative… both the hope of glory AND the horror of hell.

a. We have not adequately presented the gospel unless BOTH elements are presented.

b. Folks need to know what they are being saved FROM and what they are being saved UNTO.

D. The Gospel Is Broader Than the Two Facts Found in I Cor. 15:3-4

1. Mark 1:1-2 – the gospel is about Jesus Christ…

a. He IS the good news. Everything about Christ is good news.

b. He is the Son of God who became a Man. That is good news!

c. He revealed the Father. That’s good news.

d. He brought grace and truth. That’s good news.

2. Acts 20:24 – the gospel is about God’s grace…

a. Grace isn’t mentioned directly in I Cor. 15:3-4…

b. A person will never understand the facts of the gospel or have any context in which to place those facts unless we spend time explaining to him the amazing grace of God!

c. It sometimes takes time for this concept to really sink in.

3. Rom. 1:16-17 – for therein is the righteousness of God revealed.

a. The righteousness of God is also part of the gospel message – though not directly mentioned in I Cor. 15:3-4.

b. In explaining the gospel it is wise to explain to folks how a righteous God cannot simply brush sin under the rug. He has to deal with it in a righteous fashion – which is exactly what He did at the cross!

4. Eph. 6:15 – it is called the gospel of PEACE. We were enemies of God – and through the gospel message we have made peace with God!

a. Rom. 5:10 – we were enemies of God and were reconciled by the gospel!

b. Rom. 5:1 – being justified by faith we have peace with God.

c. Truly the concept of enemies making peace with God is part of the glorious gospel message.

5. Eph. 6:19 – Paul speaks of the mystery of the gospel.

a. Paul speaks here of the relationship of the mystery – the revelation of the church which is His Body…

b. The good news preached today can include a reference to the fact that those who believe are made new creations IN Christ!

c. Believers today not only have the future hope of glory – but have the ineffable privilege of being united with Christ NOW… as a member of His body…we in Him and He in us!

d. This was a mystery in ages past… and this truth is also related to the gospel of God’s grace in this age…

e. If the gospel is good news about Christ – then it must include what Christ is doing NOW… in this age…

f. Today, believers are fully accepted in the Beloved… baptized into the Body of Christ… treated as full grown sons… and seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

g. Of course folks don’t need to know all this IN ORDER to be saved… but it is part of the good news concerning Jesus Christ.

h. This truth may be just what it takes to woo someone who is sitting on the fence… to woo them over to receive Christ personally… they may sense a need to be a PART of something genuine… pure… everlasting…

6. II Cor. 4:4 – But most often it is called the Gospel of Christ.

a. In other words, it is a message about the Lord Jesus Christ.

b. That would include who He is; what He has done; what He has said.

c. It would include the virgin birth; the incarnation; His sinless life; His substitutionary death on the cross; His resurrection; His ascension to heaven; His enthronement at the right hand of the Father; His high priestly ministry; His headship over the Body; the blessed hope of His coming again; His future Kingdom…

d. The gospel is all about HIM… His grace; His mercy; His love; His holiness; His truth; His righteousness; His justice; His purity; His church; His indwelling LIFE; His judgments; His forgiveness — the gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ.

e. Everything about Christ is good news.

f. It could take a long time to preach all the good news there is in the Scriptures about Jesus Christ.

g. To try to boil it down to the two (albeit infinitely important) facts about Christ in I Cor. 15:3-4 does not do justice to the glorious gospel message.

h. So we just keep on preaching Christ… and praying that God would open the understanding of folks here to the importance of the gospel message… and that the LIGHT of the glorious gospel of Christ would shine unto them…

This Hope (subjective) Is the Result of the Gospel

A.)Begotten UNTO a Living Hope (I Pet. 1:3)

1. Those who have been born again have been born INTO a new realm.

a. This new realm is characterized by a living hope…

b. The resurrection of Christ is that which gives the believer great hope… a confident expectation that one day we too will be raised from the dead!

c. This hope includes our objective hope – the inheritance described in the following verses.

d. But it also includes a subjective hope… it is a LIVING hope… as Wuest called it: “it is actively alive…an energizing principle of divine life in the believer.”

e. The person who has been born again has been born into the spiritual realm – where the hope of glory reigns.

f. The normal Christian breaths in an attitude of expectation of good from his heavenly Father…

g. The RESULT of the gospel message is that it puts hope in the hearts of those who were formerly “without Christ and without hope.”

h. This is just what Paul tells the Colossians in 1:23 – the HOPE of the gospel… the hope that the good news engenders in the regenerated heart!

i. Cf. II Thess. 2:14 – The Thessalonians were called to the obtaining the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the Christian hope – and one that we are called TO BY MEANS OF the gospel.

B. Hope Residing in Us (I Pet. 3:15)

1. The HOPE that the gospel message produces in our hearts also provides opportunity to present the gospel to others.

2. Peter notes that in a world with 6 billion people – most of whom have no bright hope for tomorrow – when they come in contact with a person of great hope – it will spark an interest in them.

3. Some will ASK you about that hope…

a. Peter is addressing the believer and exhorts him to sanctify the Lord in his heart. (set Christ apart as LORD in your heart.)

b. When Christ is in that special place in our hearts – when He has all the preeminence in our lives, it will SHOW…

c. When Christ is on our mind and heart… we will be people of great HOPE… our affection will be with Christ – on things above… and we will be rejoicing in the Lord… gladly anticipating His return… and our hearts will be full of the hope of glory.

d. People will notice that we are different.

e. Some will ask you about that hope that is so evident in your heart.

4. Peter exhorts us to be READY to give an answer when someone asks about our blessed hope!

a. Now in context here, the one asking is not necessarily a person who is hungering after truth.

b. It is more likely a critic… even a persecutor!

c. Nevertheless, the point is this: when Christ is the Lord of our lives, we will be demonstrating through our lives this LIVING HOPE… and others will become curious.

d. They may ask us to DEFEND (give answer) that hope…

e. Regardless of what their motive is in asking (whether they are seeking truth – or seeking to criticize) – we should consider this a great opportunity to speak up for the Lord and share our hope with them… tell them the good news about our Savior!

f. So sanctify the Lord Jesus in your heart – and be ready to defend this great hope!

5. The gospel message is a message all about hope.

a. It produces hope in our hearts. (begotten again UNTO a living hope)

b. And that hope in our hearts provides opportunities to tell others the good news about Christ…

c. The gospel presents us with hope… fills us with hope… and causes us to overflow unto others with hope.

This Hope Is NOT Found in Another Gospel

A.)They Heard Paul’s Gospel “Before”

1. Paul states that the Colossians heard the gospel he preached BEFORE they heard something else. (but before what?)

a. Epaphras brought the true gospel message to Colosse. He heard it from Paul (vs.7-8)

b. This was the gospel of the grace of God – a SAVING message!

c. It came to them in the Word of the truth… it was communicated from God to the apostles… and it made its way to Colosse.

d. They were taught the TRUE version of the gospel first. (vs. 6c)

e. After that, others came, claiming to have the gospel of God’s grace, but it was a bootleg version… an imitation… a fake gospel. It was not the grace of God in truth. It was a gospel of error.

2. Some time subsequent to the time they heard the true gospel, they heard ANOTHER message… from the false teachers who sought to undermine the teachings of the apostles.

a. Part of the purpose of this epistle is to warn the Colossian believers against a “new message”… this new teaching that was being infiltrated into the church.

b. This new teaching included an amalgamation of Jewish traditions and legalism, angel worship, pagan asceticism, and Greek philosophy.

c. This strange mixture later developed into what we know as Gnosticism.

d. It was heretical teachings that Paul felt needed to be exposed for what it was: another gospel… or teachings ADDED to the gospel.

e. The original message they heard was contained in the “word of the truth of the gospel.” This new message was not found in the word of truth… it was not part of the gospel the apostles preached.

f. This new message was not the original… it was added to the gospel… it was a perversion of the gospel… it was invented by men.

3. Paul warned the Corinthians of another gospel. (II Cor. 11:3-4)

a. Some folks actually believed in this other gospel… but it didn’t save them. Those who trust in a false gospel end up in the Lake of Fire forever!

b. It doesn’t matter how sincere they were in their beliefs; it didn’t matter how strongly they believed; or how much energy and effort they put into their faith… or how many believe it… how faithful they are in practicing it…

c. Faith that rests upon the wrong foundation does not save.

d. Paul states clearly that there is only ONE true foundation: Jesus Christ! (I Cor. 3:11)

e. Another gospel is like snake oil being sold by a charlatan. They make all kinds of claims (cures cancer, baldness); they have a whole host of testimonials as to how well it worked for me; they have slick videos, nicely printed literature, they might even have a popular celebrity endorsing their views;

f. Snake oil does not really cure cancer or baldness. Neither does “another gospel” save.

g. But snake oil is not nearly as dangerous as another gospel.
• With snake oil you won’t be seriously hurt… just your wallet… and your ego when you realize you’ve been had!
• With snake oil, the proof’s in the pudding. Just rub it on… and you will know soon that it does NOT take away baldness or cancer. You can find that out in a hurry.
• However, with the gospel, the ultimate proof is not to be realized in this life… but when we stand before God… and it is too late to make any changes then.
• A false gospel will NOT get you into heaven. It will condemn you to the Lake of Fire forever! A fearful prospect!

h. This new teaching that had made its way into the church at Colosse was DIFFERENT from the message they heard before… in the gospel the apostles taught.

B.)A False Gospel Produces a False Hope

1. One of the dangers of a false gospel is that it produces a false hope in its followers.

2. Notice that Paul states that the hope he preached (the genuine hope that is laid up for believers in heaven) is founded on TRUTH.

a. At an accident scene a person is severely injured, and we try to comfort them by saying, “It’s going to be all right.” However, we don’t KNOW it is. Those words may have no basis in fact whatsoever. It may NOT be all right! Such words though well intentioned are meaningless.

b. This false hope may be well intentioned…

c. This false hope may actually be believed by the one presenting it… and by the one hearing it… but their faith in this hope does not affect reality one bit.

d. This false hope may actually help the person cope better in the present…

e. This hope may make them all FEEL better.

f. However, any hope that is not based on TRUTH is a false hope… and in the end will be proven to be false… and it will result in great disappointment… those hopes will be dashed.

3. This is exactly what the false teachings at Colosse did… The false message and false teaching at Colosse would have had two effects:

a. For the believers, it would have given them a false hope:
• By practicing certain ascetic practices (2:21 – touch not, taste not, handle not) they would be right with God. A false hope!
• For other believers they created a false hope by hoping that the Greek philosophy (2:8) could make them better people – holy in God’s sight. It did nothing of the sort.
• 2:16 – Others wrongly hoped that either by the foods they ate or holy days they kept or did not keep, that they would therefore be more sanctified before the Lord. It was a false hope!
• 2:18 – Others had hoped that by means of visions or angels they could get closer to God. Those too were false hopes.
• All of these false teachings created nothing but false hopes – which would be dashed at the Bema seat!
• They would have great hopes of rewards at the Bema – but those hopes would be dashed! There is no reward for following error!

b. For the unbelievers the stakes were even more dangerous!
• By listening to and receiving a false gospel they might have hopes of heaven throughout their whole life… but end up in the Lake of Fire forever!
• This is exactly what the false religious systems of today create: a false sense of hope of heaven!
• Nothing could be more dangerous.
• It is far better for a man to have NO church… NO religion than to be enticed by a false one.
• At least with NO false teaching folks are often more OPEN to the gospel. They don’t have any preconceived ideas about God or salvation.
• Nothing is more difficult than trying to present the gospel message to someone who has all their hopes resting in a false gospel…
• When they have this sense of a false hope… a false security… they are usually NOT open to even hearing the gospel. They assume that things are fine with God… because my priest, or minister, or Rabbi said so!
• But when folks stand before God, no such excuses will be accepted. No one can say to God, “But my church told me that salvation was by works… they told me that God was too loving to send anyone to hell… they told me I didn’t have to worry about eternity!”
• To which God will reply, Perhaps THEY told you all that… but why didn’t you listen to ME? You listened to their word, why didn’t you listen to MY WORD?
• Matt. 7:21-23 – Many will stand before God with all of their excuses. Jesus said that NONE of those excuses will suffice.
• In that day their false hope and false sense of security will be stripped away forever. They will stand naked, exposed, and condemned before a holy God… with no hope in that day.


1. Paul was thanking God that the Colossians had a genuine Christian hope of future glory with Christ… and that they had Christ in them in the present.

2. This glorious hope was part of the gospel message…

3. Do YOU have such a hope of glory? You can… Christ died for you and rose again… and by simple faith you too can be RESCUED from eternal condemnation – and be brought INTO this glorious hope… a heavenly hope… with the Lord Jesus Christ forever!

4. Won’t you come to Him in simple faith today?

5. Whether it is the allure of heaven or the fear of hell, or BOTH… each one is a Biblical motivation to come to Christ.

6. And He invites you to come today: Come unto Me…


The Gospel in Colosse

1. Which is come unto you…

a. Come = to be by, be at hand, to have arrived, to be present.

b. The gospel arrived in Colosse probably by means of Epaphras (vs.7-8).

c. He came to the city of Colosse and sowed the seed of the word of the truth of the gospel.

d. This message is quick and powerful… and a number of people responded in faith and were saved.

2. HOW did the gospel come to Colosse?

a. Do you think Epaphras first took a survey of the people of the city to see what kind of a church they would like to have?

b. Do you think he began by bringing in a big band to get the young people to listen?

c. Do you think he hired some actors and put on a play?

d. Do you think he put on a public debate with the local pagan priests?

e. Do you think he hired a few celebrities and Olympic athletes to say something nice about Jesus to attract some attention?

f. How DO you think the gospel came to Colosse?
• It came from a faithful servant of God who knew NOTHING of Madison Avenue tactics… who cared not to please men…
• It came from a servant of God who knew the Word of God…and was willing to follow the pattern found in the Word.
• What is God’s method? (It’s simple; you could memorize it right now!)
• II Tim. 4:1-2a – preach the Word! This is not a difficult concept to understand. (Note that there is no mention of big bands, celebrities, plays, skits, etc… just the WORD!)
• I Cor. 2:1-5 – a simple man came preaching a powerful message…
• God’s servants preached the word and cared NOT for excellency of speech.
• They came in fear and trembling – not trusting in their own abilities, but trusting in the power of the gospel message itself.
• I Cor. 1:18, 23-24 – They came preaching the word knowing full well that most would call it foolishness… but that SOME would respond in faith and see in it the very power of God!
• I Cor. 1:21 – it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe!
• I Thess. 2:2-5 – When Paul brought the gospel to Thessalonica, he came without guile, without tricks or gimmicks, and without trying to please men. His only desire was to preach the Word accurately and please God…
• He preached, knowing that work of preaching was his responsibility, and the work of saving was God’s responsibility.
• I Thess. 2:10 – and he came with a testimony of holiness and purity and separation from the world that backed up the message he proclaimed!

g. Col. 1:7 – Since Paul calls the man who brought the gospel to Colosse a “faithful minister of Christ,” it is fair to say that the gospel came to Colosse… in the same way that Paul brought the message to these other cities…
• The message came to Colosse after the same pattern we read in the Scriptures!
• He came preaching the Word… a simple man with a glorious and powerful message of hope…
• You see, if one really BELIEVES that the gospel is the power of God – he realizes that the gospel doesn’t NEED any gimmicks… it doesn’t need some slick new method of presenting it.
• It simply needs to be proclaimed for what it is!
• MOST true evangelism takes place one on one… one simple believer concerned about the spiritual well being of a friend or neighbor… and telling him the good news…

3. The city of Colosse was part of God’s grand and glorious plan to extend the testimony of Jesus Christ.

a. The gospel message came to Colosse and souls were saved.

b. The gospel message came to Colosse and lives were changed.

c. The gospel message came to Colosse and FRUIT was manifested…

d. The gospel message came to Colosse and a church, an assembly of fruitful believers in Christ, was established.

The Gospel in All the World

1. God’s eternal plan for the church was that it extend worldwide.

2. Matt. 28:18-20 – The Lord Jesus commanded His disciples to carry the good news of the risen Savior worldwide.

3. All the world is hyperbole that Paul often used.

a. Cf. Rom. 1:8; 10:18…

b. It was an expression for the known world.

c. Obviously the message had not yet reached China or what is now known as Australia or Antarctica.

d. But the gospel HAD arrived in the world and was available to the whole world… to whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord!

e. This good news was not limited to the lost sheep of the house of Israel any more. It was not limited to the Middle East. It was sent out for the whole world to hear!

f. The task of world evangelization was certainly not complete at that time… or even today!

g. In Paul’s day, the gospel was being sent out to all the world – wherever the Holy Spirit led.

The Gospel Brings Forth Fruit

1. The gospel… bringeth forth fruit…

a. Bringeth forth = bears fruit…

b. What is the fruit of the gospel? LIFE! The indwelling life of Christ manifest in our mortal bodies… and His character expressed through us… that’s fruit!

c. The gospel message reproduces the life of Christ wherever it goes… wherever it is received.

d. Wherever the life of Christ is reproduced, Christlike character is reproduced by the Holy Spirit – which is, the FRUIT of the Spirit.

e. This is the FRUIT of the gospel – Holy Spirit produced, Christlike character!
• We often hear the term “fruit” used as a synonym for winning souls.
• Are you fruitful as a Christian? Is your church or ministry fruitful?
• Often people mean, “Are many souls being won?”
• That meaning is found RARELY in Scripture.
• Most often fruit refers to inward character and the works that proceed from it… the fruit of the spirit… the fruit of righteousness… a holy life… Christlikeness… etc…
• Wherever the gospel goes – this kind of fruit is produced.

f. What a remarkable contrast between the law and grace.
• The law is a ministry of condemnation and death. (II Cor. 3:7,9)
• The gospel of God’s grace is a ministry of life and fruit!
• The law was restricted to one nation: Israel. The gospel of God’s grace is for the entire world!

2. This fruit was reproduced corporately in the church at Colosse.

a. “As it doth also in YOU…” (plural – the body of believers in Colosse).

b. There was evidence of spiritual fruit manifested in the assembly… evidence of life…

3. This fruit is produced in the individual lives of believers.

a. Paul states that when the gospel message “comes” to a person or a group of believes, it produces fruit.

b. The gospel, when received, ALWAYS produces fruit!
• It can’t HELP but produce fruit.
• The gospel is a seed of life. When it takes root in good soil, it always reproduces that life… that’s fruit!
• The seed of the gospel is sown… received in good soil (a believing heart) and germinates into a manifestation of LIFE… the life of Christ. That’s fruit!

c. There aren’t any exceptions to this rule either. There is no such thing as a true believer without any fruit.

d. I Thess. 2:13 – the word of the truth of the gospel EFFECTUALLY works in believers. It always works and produces fruit.

e. Heb. 4:12 – It is powerful and life giving. The word of God is quick = life giving! It always accomplishes God’s purpose in the heart… whether conviction… illumination… guidance… encouragement… and results in fruit.

f. Every true believer has experienced the life transforming power of the gospel. The gospel produces fruit wherever it goes… and into EVERY heart it enters by faith.

g. And this is universal. It produces the same fruit in Salem that it produces in the lives of believers in China or Uganda.

h. The gospel has gone into all the world and produces the very same fruit everywhere.

4. I Cor. 4:5 – every (Christian) man shall have praise of God!

a. When does every believer have praise of God? At the coming of Christ.

b. This refers to the time of the Bema Judgment Seat – when every true believer will stand before God to have his works judged.

c. This is NOT to see if he is going to heaven or not. In fact, the judgment seat occurs IN heaven! He is already there!

d. This is for believers who will be rewarded for their works done in the power of the Spirit and for the glory of God.

e. In that day, EVERY believer will have praise of God…

f. Yes, even the Corinthians! Yes even the carnal believer. Yes even the backslidden believer.

g. Every believer has done SOMETHING for the Lord in their lives.

h. Of course, there will be a great variation in the AMOUNT of praise and rewards believers will receive – but EVERY man shall receive some.

i. In context, Paul is defending his ministry.
• He had to say some pretty harsh things to the Corinthians because of their sins. He was quite critical in this book.
• Some of the believers evidently were judging Paul’s motives… they said he was just out for their money… that he was egotistical, taking too much power to himself.
• They criticized him because he was rebuking them… and they didn’t like it.
• Hence, Paul states here that one day the Lord will come and will reveal the “hidden things of darkness” and the “counsels of the heart.”
• The believers wrongly judged the hidden counsels in Paul’s heart… they didn’t KNOW his motives… and they accused him cruelly of all kinds of awful things.
• Paul says that at the Bema Seat, Christ will judge his motives perfectly… and the motives of other believers who were wrongly judged. And in that day – ALL men shall have praise of God… even if they received scorn on earth by men!
• At the Bema every man shall receive some praise from God… some reward… for even the carnal believer did SOMETHING right… he wasn’t ALWAYS carnal!

5. Matt. 13:1-9 – the parable of the soils

a. Jesus taught a parable about the relationship between the word of the truth of the gospel and fruit.

b. Vs. 18-19 – the word sown in soil by the wayside.
• This is soil that is hard packed… along side of a garden area where all the people walk.
• The seed lands on the hard soil, stays there, and is eventually eaten by birds.
• This individual hears the word, does not understand it, and the devil takes away what little understanding he did have.
• This seed produced NO FRUIT.
• This man is not a believer. The gospel produces fruit when received.

c. Vs. 20-21 – the word sown in rocky soil…
• This seed is sown in shallow soil… with a thin layer of soil over rock.
• A seed might begin to sprout there, but its roots cannot sink in.
• When the sun comes out, it withers up and dies.
• It produces no fruit.
• Hence, it pictures the man who hears the word, receives it superficially, but as soon as a trial comes, he departs, because his faith was not genuine. It was merely superficial.

d. Vs. 22 – the seen sown in thorns.
• This seed is sown in a thorn patch.
• As soon as it begins to sprout, the strong thorns choke it and it’s growth is thwarted.
• It might grow up tall and spindly… but does not develop properly.
• No fruit is produced. It becomes an unfruitful plant.
• This pictures the man who claims to receive the gospel, but because of the cares of this life… he is choked spiritually.
• This is not a true believer. No fruit is produced.

e. Vs. 23 – the seed sown on good soil.
• Here the Lord describes the one genuine believer.
• He is like the good soil. He receives the seed. The seed takes deep root… and it produces fruit.
• He understands the gospel and he bears fruit.
• True believers will bear fruit in differing capacities.
• Not all true believers produce much fruit… but all produce SOME fruit… every man shall have some praise of God.
• True believers exist in varying degrees of faithfulness and fruitfulness.
• Some believers waste precious time on things that do not result in fruit. Carnality… worldliness… sin… selfishness… or just trivial things…

f. Jesus clearly teaches here that when the gospel message takes root… when there is a genuine conversion… there will ALWAYS be some amount of fruit generated.
• A good tree bears good fruit.
• The branch that abides in the Vine bears MUCH fruit.
• John 15:8 – the Father is glorified when we bear much fruit… because the fruit borne reflects His image and His character… it is His work in us.

6. The fruit of the gospel is a demonstration of the power of God.

a. Rom. 1:16 – it is the power of God.

b. Only the power of God can take a sinner like me or like you – and transform that sinner into the image of His dear Son!

c. Only the power of God could take a cold, self centered, lifeless heart, and regenerate it… and then produce love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temperance in it!

d. The gospel is the power of God.

e. Only the power of God can so completely win over a man’s heart… that He causes a former enemy of God to love the Lord with all his heart!

7. The fruit of the gospel is a demonstration of its veracity… its truthfulness.

a. A false gospel cannot produce Christlike character…

b. A false gospel cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit …

c. A false gospel cannot produce life or substantiated hope…

d. But a false gospel CAN produce imitation fruit…
• Consider the wonderful works of the Catholic charities… cf. Matt. 7:23…
• Consider the wholesome family values being promoted by the Mormons… which is but a cheap veneer for the underlying evil of polygamy which they have promoted for many decades – covertly and overtly!
• Consider the holiness movement in Colosse which were being promoted under the guise of ascetic practices (touch not; taste not; handle not). They assumed that this was the fruit of holiness. Paul exposes it as the fruit of self righteousness!
• The true gospel always exalts the Lord Jesus… not the flesh… not our works… not the traditions of men… but Christ!
• The fruit of Christlike character is a demonstration of the reality of the supernatural power of the gospel.
• The real gospel produces real fruit… when planted in good soil… namely, a receptive heart.

e. The fruit of the gospel proves that the message is genuine.
• II Cor. 3:1-3 – Paul didn’t need letters of recommendation. The Corinthians themselves were his letter!
• The fact that they were alive unto God – born again – was the proof of Paul’s apostolic ministry. It was proof that he was an apostle of Christ and that the message he preached was the genuine gospel.
• The proof: it saved! It transformed lives! It gave new life and produced new creations in Christ!

The Gospel Brings Forth Fruit Immediately and Continually

1. Since the day ye heard of it…

a. The very MOMENT a person is saved, there is evidence of it.

b. The moment a baby is born he begins to cry – evidence of life.

c. There isn’t any maturity there… but there is FRUIT… evidence of LIFE.

d. It does not take 10 years to produce fruit…

e. Some fruit will be instantaneously demonstrated… as evidence of genuine life.

f. That’s why at the Bema seat EVERY man shall have some praise from God… every believer has evidenced SOME fruit.

g. One of the first things a new converts says or thinks is THANK YOU LORD for saving my soul! That thankful heart is fruit… Holy Spirit produced.

h. Gal. 4:6 – Remember – the new believer is indwelt by the Spirit at the moment of saving faith… and he will instantly cry Abba Father! That too is fruit… a newborn son acknowledging God as his Father!

i. Rom. 8:15-16 – in addition to acknowledging God as our Father, there will be an acknowledgement of our position as SON… the witness of the Spirit that we now belong to God!

j. I John 3:14 – Instantly, there will be an appreciation for other believers in Christ. This too is fruit – the supernatural produce of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.

k. All of this is FRUIT… the product of indwelling life… an evidence of a genuine conversion… of saving faith.

l. Religion can attempt to imitate this fruit, but can never produce it!

m. The fruit of brotherly love was evidenced in Colosse: showing love one to another…

2. This fruit was exhibited BEFORE the false teachers ever arrived!

a. Paul begins his epistle by subtly and gradually introducing ideas to support his purpose in writing: to oppose the false teachers in Colosse who were promoting “additions” to the gospel.

b. These false teachers were promoting angel worship; Jewish traditions and legalism; pagan asceticism, and Greek philosophy…

c. Paul carefully words this introduction to make it clear that the TRUE gospel they heard was BEFORE those false teachings later arrived in the city. (vs. 5)

d. Now in vs. 6 Paul states subtly, that the fruit of the Spirit was being manifested SINCE the very day they responded to the gospel in faith!

e. In other words, the message that SAVED them… the message that resulted in spiritual FRUIT was operating in and through them long BEFORE these other teachings came along…

f. They were already saved and bearing fruit long before these false teachers came along.

g. His point is clear: the word of the truth of the gospel is sufficient. You don’t NEED these other teachings. They are NOT going to help you bear fruit for the Lord. They will only hinder!

h. Worshipping angels isn’t going to bring you closer to God.

i. Touch not, taste not, handle not isn’t going to produce fruit.

j. Obsessing over foods and holy days isn’t going to produce holiness.

k. It will only produce self righteousness!

l. Paul begins this epistle by reminding his readers that the REAL fruit in their lives is to be traced back to the gospel message they heard long before the philosophers… and the legalists… and ascetics came along.

m. Their salvation, their spiritual growth, and the fruit borne through their lives was completely independent of these new teachings…

3. Paul lets the Colossians know that they didn’t NEED anything else… contrary to what the false teachers were telling them.

a. False teachers often scare new converts by stating that they are the ONLY ONES who have the key to heaven… the key to Christian living… the key to understanding truth…
• Ex: Mormons – adding another book to the Bible…
• Ex: 7th Day Adventists – adding Jewish law
• Ex: Rome – adding church tradition and ritual
• Ex: Many false teachers claim to have some special key that only they have… and that you need…

b. Paul strikes that down by stating that the true gospel came to Colosse AND it also is going throughout the whole world!

c. The truth of the gospel is not confined to one little elite group… no matter how loudly they claim it is so!

d. Truth doesn’t need to be amended!
• These false teachers came saying that it was good that the Colossians were saved, but they needed something ELSE in addition…
• Whether Jewish law or tradition… help from angels… Greek philosophy… etc…
• Their claims always imply that what we have in Christ isn’t enough… some special key is needed.

e. Col. 2:10 – they were complete in Christ.
• They didn’t need anything new added to their faith. He is ALL we need.
• That new born babe in Christ is complete in Christ.
• He has all he will ever need to grow, mature, and bear fruit.
• He has the indwelling Christ… the Scriptures… and now, eyes to see… and the illuminating & teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit!
• And he is part of the Body of Christ… the church… designed to help promote spiritual growth and maturity… till we all come into the fullness of the stature of Christ.

4. The gospel produced fruit from the very moment they KNEW the grace of God.

a. Knew: epignosko… (ginwskw with an intensifying preposition connected)
• It implies a FULL knowledge of; a deep understanding of…
• Lightfoot calls it: “a larger and more thorough knowledge; advanced knowledge through appreciation.”
• I Cor. 13:12 – now I know (gniskw) in part, but then, I shall be know (epignwskw) even as I am known.”

b. The Colossians heard the gospel and came to fully grasp the concept of grace. (Eph. 2:8-9)

c. Their salvation was genuine – for one MUST understand this concept before he can be saved… not of works… by grace through faith…

d. What does it mean to fully grasp the concept of grace?
• They recognized that they were unworthy…
• They recognized that they deserved hell and condemnation.
• They recognized that they were spiritual paupers and had nothing to offer God…
• They were destitute and could do nothing but to cry out for mercy… that’s understanding grace…
• They were like the publican in the temple. What a contrast to the proud Pharisee! He cast himself down in humility before God and cried for mercy… he knew he had no other hope!
• That is RELYING upon God’s grace… that’s faith!

e. Paul states that as soon as they understood and relied upon God’s grace – FRUIT was borne in their lives!
• At the moment they came to that full apprehension of… a full understanding of… from the moment the concept of salvation by grace really sunk in… and they received it… from moment on, they began bearing fruit.
• From the moment of saving faith, Holy Spirit produced fruit was evidenced in their new lives in Christ.
• Abba Father!
• Loving one another as brethren! That’s fruit! (vs. 4)

f. Thus, the Colossians – and anyone who truly grasps the concept of the amazing grace of God realizes that whatever men ADD to the gospel is not needed… it is not helpful… it can only be harmful!
• Hence, they should know that they didn’t need the traditions of men…
• They didn’t need the ascetic practices…
• They didn’t need the Greek philosophy…
• They had the truth of the gospel and they had Christ. They were complete.
• And the proof was all around them… they were spiritually alive and fruitful!
• And this new life and fruit was to be traced back to the gospel of God’s grace… and to nothing else.

5. The gospel bears fruit CONTINUALLY…

a. Brings forth fruit (one word) – present participle…continual action…it keeps on bearing fruit…

b. The bringing forth fruit BEGAN the moment they heard, and fully understood the gospel of God’s marvelous grace… and it CONTINUED to bring forth fruit… in the assembly… and in the individual lives of believers.

c. He who has begun a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

d. Consider the illustration Paul uses here of the gospel.
• The gospel is like a seed… a living seed.
• This living seed is sown… received into good soil…
• It then grows and bears fruit… a fruit which contains the same living seed in it.
• And that fruit which carries in it the same seed, has the potential to spread the seed and further propagate this life…
• Some translations add the word “and increases” in vs. 6.

e. Paul then prays that these believers would continue to be fruitful in every good work… (vs. 10)
• Has the gospel come to you?
• Have you fully grasped the concept of the grace of God?
• Have you received this grace into your heart… like a soil receiving good seed?
• If not – then you need to be saved! You MUST be born again!
• If you are saved, is the word of the truth of the gospel producing fruit in your life? Is there evidence of the life of Christ in you?
» Yield yourself unto God and HE will produce fruit in your life for His glory.
» Abide in Christ… draw near to Him… the result of that relationship is FRUIT…
» The natural result of this close relationship to Christ (illustrated by marriage!)… is fruit. (Rom. 7:4)
» The closer we get to Him in our daily walk… the more of His character will be reflected in our lives. That’s fruit… the kind that glorifies God.


A Teacher of the Truth

1. As ye also learned of Epaphras.

a. Epaphras was the one who brought the gospel message to the city of Colosse…

b. Evidently, Paul had not been to that city (2:1).

c. But Epaphras taught the people in that city about the gospel.
• Taught – μανθάνω – manthan-oh = to teach; the verb form of disciple…
• Epaphras enrolled many people in his discipleship class and he began to teach them the word of the truth of the gospel.
• Just as when the Lord took in disciples, some received it superficially and later departed; in others, it took root in good soil and they were saved! They became disciples indeed!
• They produced fruit… and much fruit!
• This was part of the Lord’s commission to spread the good news of the resurrected Savior… make disciples of all nations… and all cities – including Colosse.

d. God used this man, Epaphras, to bring the gospel there, and it is likely he who was used of the Lord to start the church in Colosse… and perhaps also in Laodicea and Hierapolis.

e. Some time after the church was established in Colosse, Epaphras visited Paul in prison in Rome. When Paul heard news of conditions in the church, (namely the false teachers), he was moved to write the Epistle to the Colossians… and wanted the church of Laodicea to read it too…

2. Col. 4:12a – Epaphras was a Colossian… one of them… and he brought the good news of Christ to his home town…

a. Hence, we learn something about this man. He had a heart to see people SAVED!

b. He was from Colosse. He grew up there. He had family there.

c. He was the perfect man for the job. He knew the language; the culture; the people; the problems; the manner of life; he WAS a Colossian!

d. He knew many people in that city… and now that he was saved, he realized that all of his old friends were still UNSAVED!

e. That’s one of the first things a new believer realizes… he perceives that those around him are still in darkness… just as he once was.

f. Someone brought the gospel to Epaphras and he was saved.

g. Now he had a desire to bring the gospel to others… especially to his hometown – Colosse!

h. John 1:40-42 – This was just what we saw in the lives of the other apostles… Andrew was introduced to Christ, and the first thing he thought of was bringing the good news to his brother, Peter!

3. Col. 4:13 – Evidently, he not only had a heart for the Colossians, but he also had a heart for other nearby cities – Laodicea and Hierapolis.

a. These 3 three cities were only about 10 miles apart – a tri-city region.

b. Hence, it is likely that Epaphras knew people in each of these other cities too… perhaps relatives.

c. He would have had many contacts… many opportunities to speak to people about Christ…

d. And the language and culture would have been the same…

e. The Lord chose Epaphras for this ministry… the perfect man for the job. Unbeknown to him, God ordained before the foundation of the earth for him to be reared in that region… for such a time as this – to be used as God’s instrument to bring the gospel there!

f. And note that vs. 13 states that he had ZEAL for these people.
• Zeal – excitement of mind, ardor, fervour of spirit
• He was eager… excited… full of enthusiasm to bring the gospel to these cities. He had a genuine zeal for those people!
• And not only zeal – but GREAT zeal… much zeal…
• He “hath” great zeal – continual action… this was his character… not just a passing spurt of excitement… continual zeal…

4. Application:

a. One of the first things that God puts in the heart of a new believer is a concern to see others saved.

b. Do YOU have that desire? Is it a ZEAL? Great zeal?

c. Perhaps you used to… but you have allowed that zeal to die down… the coals became cold… STIR UP those coals!

d. One of the best ways to stir up an interest in evangelism is to DO it… take advantage of the opportunities God does give – and you will soon see how exciting it is to share the good news… and to point men to Christ.

e. And who better to begin with than those closest to you? Relatives… coworkers… neighbors…

f. Mission boards spend lots of money and take years to train a person to go overseas, learn the language, learn the culture, make friends, try to “fit in,” so that they can then have opportunities to evangelize.

g. That wasn’t necessary for Epaphras. He was “one of them already!” So too with you… you are a New Englander! One of them! You know the language… you have contacts here already…

h. Take advantage of this great privilege – and share the gospel of Christ with those around you!

A Dear Fellowservant

1. Fellowservant: sundoulos – a servant with; an associate of a slave; one who serves the same master with another

a. Col. 4:12 – a servant of Christ – doulos of Christ… a servant.
• Here he is called a “sun-doulos”… this implies that he is a servant “along with others.”
• He served Christ… but not alone. He did so WITH many others, including the apostle Paul.
• Epaphras was a servant along WITH many other servants of the Lord.

2. Paul saw this man as his co-worker… a fellow worker… a fellow slave of Jesus Christ… and a fellowservant WITH Paul and Timotheos.

a. Paul saw Epaphras as doing the same work that he was… a fellow slave.

b. In most of Paul’s epistles, he begins by referring to himself as a “servant of Jesus Christ.” (Romans; Titus; Phil.; II Cor.; Gal.)

c. He sees Epaphras as doing the same work… for the same Lord… and accomplishing the same thing: the planting of local churches around the world… a fellowslave of Christ…

d. Paul, perhaps more than anyone, could appreciate the work that was involved in planting a church in a pagan land.
• Paul came into many cities, preached the gospel, and suffered greatly for it!
• He knew of the risks… of the dangers…
• He knew of the opposition that would be faced… local idol makers have their crafts and livelihoods put in jeopardy…
• Paul was stoned and left for dead in Lystra… beaten in Philippi… nearly torn in pieces in Jerusalem…and in Ephesus…
• Paul knew all about the danger and trouble that would face a man planting a church in such hostile territory…
• In fact, he was writing this letter from prison – for doing the very same work that Epaphras was doing in Colosse!

e. Thus, Paul referred to Epaphras as a fellowslave… one who was sold out to serving the Lord by preaching the gospel to the lost and supporting the planting of local churches for the glory of God.

3. This term OUGHT to characterize EVERY believer!

a. Unfortunately, it does not. Not every believer is a servant of Christ… a slave… even though we ought to be.

b. Too many believers serve OTHER things… other masters.

c. Rom. 6:16 – some yield themselves to sin and are servants of sin.

d. Titus 3:3 – Some serve pleasures and lusts…

e. Some serve their job… their family… their friends… but not Jesus Christ.

f. Some serve the world.

g. Rom. 1:25 – some serve the creation rather than the Creator

h. Matt. 6:24 – Some serve mammon.

i. Some are SELF-serving…

j. This was not the case with Epaphras. He served Christ… he was a slave of Christ… he had no will of his own… his meat was to do the will of the one who sent him! (John 4:34) A servant is to be selfless… attending to the needs of others… Epaphras was such a man… serving Christ…

4. As a “fellowslave,” this man saw himself as “one of many servants.”

a. He was not a maverick… not a lone cannon…

b. Rather, he worked with others in this great endeavor for the Lord… he was a slave… and there were many others.

c. Paul saw him as one of his personal colleagues… a fellowlaborer… with PAUL… doing the same work for the Lord, but in a different location.
• This may well have been said by Paul to help give more credibility to Epaphras in the church at Colosse.
• Once the false teachers invaded, they all claimed to have divine authority. Any fool can make such a claim.
• However, Paul sent Epaphras back to Colosse with this letter – a divinely inspired letter – from the hand of the most beloved apostle Paul… an indisputable authority figure known to ALL the churches.
• And in this letter, Paul puts Epaphras on the same level as himself – a FELLOWservant… he stands shoulder to shoulder with the great apostle on this account…
• This would prove to be quite valuable, as they would soon face an onslaught of false teachers…
• Perhaps some questioned his authority since he was not an apostle.
• This was Paul’s letter of recommendation to the congregation concerning Epaphras.
• If the believers in Colosse were to set aside the teachings they originally heard from Epaphras, now they were put on notice, that they were not only rejecting his authority, but also that of Paul and Timothy!
• Rejecting the authority of one was rejecting the authority of them all – for they were agreed!
• Not only would these words give credibility to Epaphras in the church, but it would serve another purpose too. It would serve to abolish the concept of a hierarchy in the local church. Paul – the ultimate authority – saw himself on the same level as Epaphras. He was no pope… but a fellowslave… standing shoulder to shoulder with this lesser known servant, Epaphras.

d. There are fellowservants of Christ all over the globe! We know some of them… Victor Ho in China; Luis Alfredo Lopez in Montevideo; Christian Sears in Germany; Mike Brunk in So. Africa; Dave McKee in West Africa; John Peront in Manchester NH; Bob DePue in Argentina;

e. There are fellowservants doing the same work all over the globe… preaching the gospel… the whole counsel of God… and establishing Bible believing and Bible teaching churches wherever the message takes root…

5. And note that Epaphras was called a DEAR fellowservant.

a. Dear = beloved (agapatos) – (as in My Beloved Son!)

b. Epaphras not only had authority in his position – authority that was recognized and commended by Paul… but in addition to having authority over the people, he was beloved BY the people!

c. He was a DEAR fellowservant… beloved.

d. Why wouldn’t the people of Colosse love him? He gave his all to bring the gospel message to them… and he poured his life into establishing a church there… and now he visits Paul and brings them a letter from the apostle – written for their edification.

e. They loved him and no doubt, he loved them.

f. I think it’s fair to say that many of the fellowservants we know as missionaries around the world are also DEAR to us… beloved… as we have grown to know them over the years… pray for them… pray with them… hear them share their ministry during missions conference…

A Faithful Minister of Christ

1. These two terms speak of the relationship Epaphras had with the apostles AND with the Colossians.

a. To Paul and Timothy, Epaphras was “our” dear fellowservant. He worked WITH Paul.

b. But FOR you (the Colossians), he was their faithful minister.

2. Epaphras was a servant (doulos – sun-doulos). He is here called a “minister” – diakonos…

a. Diakonos: one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master, a servant, attendant, minister.

b. This is a term that is used of those who perform a service… a ministry… it is the word normally translated “deacon.” Epaphras was a deacon of Christ…

c. Both doulos and diakonos speak of a servant, but doulos is a bondservant… without a will in the matter. Diakonos speaks of willing service…

d. This speaks of the willingness of Epaphras to put himself into subjection to the will of God in serving Christ… and ministering to God’s people.

3. Paul emphasizes that Epaphras was a FAITHFUL servant.

a. He was faithful to the task to which God appointed him.

b. He was faithful in bringing the gospel to that city.

c. The fact that a church existed in Colosse was a testimony to his faithfulness.

d. In fact, it may be that Paul was also commending him for establishing churches in the nearby cities of Laodicea and Hierapolis. (Col. 4:13)

e. We know the trouble that later arose in Laodicea… and we know the trouble that had already arisen at the time of the writing of this epistle in Colosse…

f. As its leader, Epaphras could have quit when the going got tough… many leaders do.
• When the invasion of false teachers stirred up trouble…
• It seemed that there must have been several waves of false teachers – for there is quite a variety of doctrinal issues he raises in this book…
• One gets tired of fighting one battle after another in the local church…
• He could have given up and let the wolves take over… but he didn’t.

g. He stuck it out in good times and in bad times… and Paul praises him here for it.

h. He was a teacher and a servant – but what really made him valuable in the ministry was his faithfulness. (A faithful ambassador is health – spiritual health to the believers in that place!)

i. God would have each one of us to be faithful ministers in the local church – whatever our ministry might be… be faithful… reliable… trustworthy… dependable… consistent… be not weary in well doing…

4. Once again, Paul was putting the full weight of his own apostolic authority behind Epaphras.

a. Paul begins this epistle by letting the whole congregation know that Epaphras was a faithful deacon of Christ.

b. Thus, he is setting him apart from the false teachers… who did NOT serve Christ but their own bellies.

c. Paul identifies him as a “faithful minister.”

d. Paul did NOT identify all “ministers” as “faithful.” (Cf. II Cor. 11:13-15)

e. Some were unfaithful… some were actually false apostles who only posed as faithful ministers of Christ. They were in reality ministers of Satan.

f. Paul was not afraid to identify false apostles and ministers of Satan.

g. And when there was a faithful minister of Christ, Paul stood up for him… endorsed him… stood with him… and commended him before the people. That is just what Paul did for Epaphras.

h. I’ve been in the ministry long enough to know that not all ministers are faithful ministers…

5. Col. 4:12 – Epaphras was a faithful minister to the Colossians in part because of his faithfulness in prayer.

a. He labored for them fervently in prayer…

b. And notice what he prayed FOR:
• That they would stand perfect and complete in the will of God. (4:12)
• Paul’s prayers for the people were that they would be FILLED with the knowledge of His will… (1:9)
• Imagine if all of us here were FILLED with the knowledge of God’s will… and walked accordingly?
• This kind of praying puts God and His will at the center of everything.
• Epaphras taught and led this church – but not according to his own will… not according what he THOUGHT or FELT would be best… but rather, fervently sought the will of the Lord… “if the Lord will, we shall do this or that…”

c. In reality, it’s impossible to BE a faithful servant of God’s people without laboring in prayer… faithfully.

d. If prayer isn’t paramount, then God is not at the center of a ministry… and if that is not the case, then the ministry is operating in the power of the flesh.

e. That occurs far too often…

f. Our prayer meeting is the backbone of this church… my goal is to continue to teach on the importance of prayer until we see 100% of the body coming out to pray together… seeking God’s will… God’s mind… guidance… and just to praise Him!

g. It is also how the hearts of the people here are knit together…

A Reporter of the Church’s Progress (vs.8)

1. While Epaphras was with Paul in Rome, he reported to Paul about the condition of the church at Colosse… and in particular, about the love of God that was demonstrated there.

a. It’s one thing to be doctrinally sound… orthodox.

b. But that orthodoxy ought to be accompanied by the love of God for the brethren…

c. Without this kind of love in the Spirit the church may have all their paper work in order… sound, orthodox, fundamental… but cold! Let’s not be that kind of church.

d. God is truth… but He is also love…

e. The Colossians had the love in the Spirit…

2. Vs. 4 – Paul heard of the love that they had toward all the saints… brotherly love… (agape love directed at believers)

3. Now Paul states how Epaphras reported to him that their love was “in the Spirit.”

a. Where the truth is received… there ought to be a life filled with the love of God manifested – in real deeds… action…

b. It is good for a church to contend for the faith. That is what this epistle is all about… but it is also important for a church to demonstrate the life and love of God towards each other in every day living.

c. The Colossians demonstrated evidence of life…Spiritual fruit… produced by the Holy Spirit who indwelt them: love, joy, peace…

d. This was part of the progress report that Epaphras made to Paul as he shared what God was doing in Colosse… how the saints there had been demonstrating genuine love in the Spirit…

e. This was not a phony, showy kind of love – done to be seen of men. This was supernatural… the love produced in the life of a yielded believer… the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit. This was the real thing.

4. No doubt Epaphras had told Paul MANY other things about the church…

a. As you read this epistle it is clear that he also reported about those who were teaching Jewish tradition; Greek philosophy; pagan asceticism; and the like…

b. Paul addressed all those issues later.

c. But for now, he seems impressed with this one fact: that the Colossians had been manifesting agape love in the spirit…

d. Evidently Epaphras had talked much about this to Paul… and Paul was impressed with what he heard…

e. Thus, the apostle praises these folks for their love. Imagine getting a letter from Paul praising you for your love in the Spirit? That must have been a great encouragement to these folks!

5. Consider also the fact that with all the problems attacking the church at the time of the writing, Epaphras’ report highlights their love in the spirit in the midst of it all!

a. That is a remarkable quality for a church to have in such a time of attack…

b. Often when a church is attacked, and there are problems in the assembly, one might expect to see backbiting, division, gossip, and infighting.

c. That was NOT the case in Colosse. In the midst of their attack, what impressed Paul was their love in the Spirit…

d. And this says a lot about Epaphras too. Other men might have faced all the problems and attacks in the assembly and would have become discouraged… and reported to Paul about the problems exclusively… not Epaphras.

e. Isn’t that human nature to see only the problems? To see only the stains? Some men (and women!) have a nature such that they see only the problems… and not the good… only the bad in people and not the Christlike qualities…

f. There were PLENTY of issues in the church at Colosse… and they would all be dealt with in good time. But Epaphras was the kind of man who (in the midst of trying times and spiritual attacks) was still able to see the love of God being manifested in the saints.

g. BE that kind of person!

6. In spite of the problems that arose in that church, Paul was thanking God for its existence… (vs. 3)

a. He knew of their problems… he knew of the controversy brewing there…

b. But he also knew of their faith in Christ and the love which they had to all the saints…

c. He knew that the gospel Epaphras preached was producing fruit in that place…

d. And he knew that Epaphras was a faithful servant of Christ… and that if the saints rallied behind his leadership, refocused on Christ as Paul exhorts them… that the problems could be resolved…

e. Thus, Paul was thanking God for them, praying always for them. (vs. 3)

f. Paul wanted God’s best for these folks. He had never met them, but from prison he was doing what he could to encourage them in the truth… to support the man God sent there and the truth he was teaching… and to expose and reject all those who sought to undermine the work of God.

g. Can’t you see in this man Paul a LOVE for the local church? Can’t you see in this man Epaphras a love for the work of the Lord? They were servants… slaves of Jesus Christ… servants of God’s people… and God was glorified through it all.

h. May that be the case in this local church!

HOW do we show love to God? He’s invisible… He’s in heaven.

God doesn’t NEED anything from us.

We can’t improve His quality of life.

He isn’t sick; lonely; short of money; in the midst of a project where He needs a helping hand; He doesn’t have a fence that needs painting;

We can show love to God THROUGH the God-Man, Jesus Christ.

Christ is the Mediator between our invisible God and men upon the earth.

Our access to God is THROUGH Christ… the God-Man… He is the link.

The way we show love to God is THROUGH Christ and through His Body in particular.

Helping Christ’s Body is the way we show love to Christ… to God.

Ministering to the saints… edifying the Body… is the only way we can minister to God Himself…

A. Why persecutest thou Me?

B. Ministering to one of His “brethren” is ministering to Him.

But ministering to the Body of Christ has eternal value.

C. Aiding the Body of Christ is aiding those who love the Lord

D. Loving the brethren is an expression of the love for God

E. Loving the brethren is the WAY we show love to God

F. This makes the local church the most important institution on earth

G. The local church is where the saints gather… where we are ABLE to minister to one another on an ongoing basis… it is where the rubber meets the road… where real life applications are in play… where Scripture is practiced… the life and love of Christ is demonstrated…

H. How we treat the Body is an expression of our heart’s attitude towards God Himself.

I. If you don’t love the brethren whom ye see, how can you love God whom you can’t see?

J. “To dwell above with saints above, that will indeed be glory; to dwell below with saints we know, well, that’s another story!”

Love which you are HAVING… ongoing love… it’s never “done.”

Relationship between the faith and love.

K. Gal. 5:6 – faith is proven to be real by works of love.

L. If our faith is real… it WILL be expressed towards the brethren in DEEDS of love.

M. Faith is never alone. It always results in deeds of love…

N. If faith is genuine, it will produce fruit – the fruit of the Spirit – namely, LOVE for the brethren.


1. Epaphras brought a report to the apostle Paul about the spiritual condition of the church in Colossae.


2. He reported that they heard the gospel, they put their faith in Christ Jesus, that it effectually worked in their lives, that fruit was being borne by them, and that it was evidenced by their love in the Spirit.

3. Paul stated that since he heard this good report, he was constantly giving thanks to God and praying for them…

4. In vs. 9 and following he tells us exactly WHAT he prayed for…

5. We have before us a divinely inspired pattern of prayer for the Christian life.

a. The Lord Jesus left a pattern of prayer for His Jewish disciples as they anticipated the earthly kingdom.

b. Here the apostle Paul leaves a pattern of prayer for the Christian church… for those who have been raised into heavenly places in Christ… and have already been blessed with all spiritual blessings… whose citizenship has been transferred from earth to heaven…

We Do Not Cease to Pray for You

1. Paul and Timothy continued to pray for the Colossians since they heard the report from Epaphras.

2. After hearing the report concerning all the doctrinal attacks that had descended upon this little church, Paul saw the urgency of bringing them before the Lord in prayer daily…

a. Although many of them were probably dealing with sicknesses, and financial struggles, those issues were not the content of his prayers.

b. From heaven’s perspective, Paul had more important things to be praying about… their SPIRITUAL condition…

c. The real problem and danger facing these folks was not the fact that Fred was losing his vision, and that Alice might end up in a wheelchair… or even that the bank was about to repossess the farm from the McDougal family.

d. Their problem was not a lack of health or money…

e. The real danger was a lack of spiritual understanding and power!

3. Paul prayed that they would be FILLED with the knowledge of God’s will… because he sensed that they were being FILLED with other things.

a. 2:8 – someone was filling their heads with philosophy… a world view that was not compatible with their Christian faith. (A problem for us today too!)
• What could be more useless than human philosophy – even a religious philosophy designed to teach a Christian how to THINK… when we have the mind of Christ… and through His Word our mind is being renewed day by day?!

b. 2:16-17 – someone was filling their hearts with religious ceremonies, rituals, and traditions…
• What could be more useless than the Jewish rituals which were designed to give Israel a faint access to God… when we as Christians are already united with Christ… and indwelt by Him?
• What good is a mere symbol of access to God when we have genuine access to Him through the Spirit?

c. 2:18 – someone was replacing communion with Christ with angel worship.
• What possible good is it to be obsessed with angels, when we know the One who made the angels… the One whom angels adore?

d. 2:21 – they were filled with external legalism rather than with the grace of God in truth (cf. 1:6c)
• What good are rules designed to help make us holy, when in Christ, we are robed in HIS holiness?

e. 2:19 – they were being filled with all these other things – and were not holding the Head – Christ.

4. The particular KIND of philosophy or tradition was relatively insignificant.

a. What really mattered was that they were being filled with things other than Christ Himself!

b. They were occupied with angels rather than with Christ… with the religious symbols and shadows rather than Christ…

c. Other things were occupying their minds and hearts and souls… and those other things were hindering their communion with Christ… and growth in Him.

d. All of these “other things” passed off by the false teachers as special “keys” to aid in the Christian life, were in reality hindrances to the Christian life…

e. In our day and age there are groups still offering their special “keys” without which one cannot either be saved or walk with God. (Funny the early church seemed to do OK without these modern keys!)

f. It might be a new fad course being offered; it might be a new book; a tape series; a seminar; video; a new Bible teacher; a new fellowship of churches; secrets of psychology; the latest scientific discovery;

g. Many in Christendom today are being FILLED with all of these new religious fads… and their time, energy, money, and resources are poured into them… often times these fads are quite lucrative, making the promoter a wealthy man…

5. Paul knew of all these dangers, hence he did not cease to pray for the Colossian believers.

a. We ought not to cease to pray for one another – for we are surrounded today by MANY MORE fads, isms, cults, videos, philosophies, and new teachings than ever before in church history.

b. The new believer today is instantly bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information and literature to digest.

c. Sometimes we can innocently be part of the problem rather than the solution.
• We might give a new believer a pile of good tapes and doctrinally sound literature in hopes that he will get off on the right foot…
• We may mean well and may have good intentions… but what he really needs is to be encouraged to read the WORD!
• Point him to the Gospel of John or Romans rather than a book by Charles Ryrie or a tape by some radio preacher.
• As helpful as those tapes and books are, they are NOTHING compared to the inspired Word of God!
• Point him to Christ and His Word – and don’t cease praying for him… that he would be FILLED with what God wants him to be filled with.
• If we want to see a new believer get off on the right foot – encourage him to read the Scriptures for himself!
• FILL his mind and heart with it!

d. Having heard of all the doctrinal attacks on the church, the apostle Paul could foresee the real danger: believers would be filling their minds and hearts with the WRONG things.
• Paul knew that these new believers, now alive unto God would have a natural hunger and thirst for communion with Christ… and a longing for spiritual growth.
• Paul feared that the false teachers would take advantage of that hunger – and feed them full of their chaff… legal ordinances and traditions – rather than the Person of Christ.
• This is always the danger in the life of a new believer unless Christ is presented to him early on as the object of our faith… as the satisfaction of our hearts… as the rest for our souls… as the Bread of life…our all in all.
• Paul knew that if they didn’t start feasting on Christ, they would soon be filling themselves with other things.
• Hence, he prays for them to be filled with knowledge… the knowledge of God and His will…
• Paul prays, leaves these dear believers in God’s care, and trusts the Lord to work this in them.

e. Paul did not cease to pray for them – for he was aware of the potential danger to their new found faith in Christ…

The Knowledge of His Will

1. Paul’s desire was that the Colossian believers know God’s will.

2. Knowledge: epignoskw = a full or deep knowledge of; more than a superficial acquaintance.

3. These believers already knew the grace of God in truth. (vs. 6c)

a. They understood well the marvelous, saving grace of God.
• They heard the word of the truth of the gospel, responded in saving faith, and there were initial signs of life… fruit was borne…
• The Colossians were taught about salvation – the glorious truths of the amazing grace of God.
• These are truths that relate to the spiritual birth: regeneration; reconciliation; redemption; justification.

b. They knew of the saving grace of God… but now Paul wants them to come to a DEEPER knowledge of spiritual things; to a full knowledge of His will.
• It is possible to have a genuine and accurate knowledge of God, yet not deep.
• A newborn baby knows his mother… but that knowledge is not deep… yet. In time that knowledge will deepen… and grow.
• That was the case with the Colossians – they had a genuine knowledge of God… but not deep yet… and hence, the reason for Paul’s prayer.
• Paul prays that their knowledge would increase… and that it would grow deeper… fuller…
• There are many truths that relate to salvation… and then there are deeper truths that relate to HOW TO LIVE the Christian life… truths that relate to growth.
• Most of Christendom today glories in the truths that relate to spiritual birth – but when it comes to living the Christian life, in ignorance cry out, HOW TO PERFORM it I find not!
• Ignorance is not at all bliss in the Christian life. It is downright dangerous!
• Hearing salvation messages 52 Sundays a year does not promote spiritual growth.
• Paul knew the danger of the Colossians remaining babes… doting over the grace that saved them… and not going on to learn about the REST of the will of God… and how to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing!
• Thus, he prays that they would come to a FULL – not a superficial knowledge of God’s will…
• He wanted them to go BEYOND the grace of God that brings salvation to a deeper knowledge of God and His will.
• This is similar to the writer of Hebrews urging his readers to leave the principles (first things) of the doctrine of Christ and to go on to perfection – maturity!
• Paul put it this way in I Cor. 14:20 – “be not children in understanding… but in understanding be men.”

4. Most of God’s will has already been revealed… in the Scriptures.

a. It is fair to say that 99% has been revealed in the Word of God.

b. Somehow, believers seem to obsess over the few 1% that is not revealed, and are concerned less about the 99% of His will that is CLEARLY revealed.

c. We worry about what job to take, what house to buy, what school to attend, etc… aspects of God’s will not revealed.

d. However, if we paid as much attention to the other 99%, we would probably do just fine in ANY school – or at ANY job!

e. God is much more concerned about what KIND of person you are than in what house you live in… or which office you work in!

f. Even if we made ALL the wrong decisions in the unrevealed will of God, and got the rest right, we would be doing quite well. Getting a 99% on a test is not bad.

5. God’s will revealed in Scripture is all encompassing.

a. It includes His will for our lives; our character; commands both positive and negative.

b. But it also includes His whole marvelous, eternal plan for the universe… and how we fit in to that plan. (Eph. 1:5, 9, 11)

6. God’s will includes God’s plan and purpose for the world and for our lives in particular…
• I Pet. 2:15 – ?For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.
• I Thess. 5:18 -?In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
• I Thess. 4:3 -?For this is the will of God, even your sanctification.
• God’s will is for us to grow… mature… become more and more like Christ… set apart from the world… set apart unto God… sanctified.

7. Being ignorant of God’s plan and purpose results in spiritual weakness, worldliness, and will make us susceptible to the false teachers… and to a spiritual FALL!
i. In Eph. 4:13-14 – Paul states that a lack of knowledge results in immaturity… and liable to be ruined by the false teachers.
ii. Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”

8. John 7:17 – God’s will is not merely intellectual.

a. If any man will DO His will, he shall KNOW.

b. Jesus states that knowing His will is not just an intellectual exercise. It is an exercise of the heart.

c. One must be WILLING TO DO… before he can know.

d. Only the surrendered heart can have a deep and experiential KNOWLEDGE of God and His will.

e. If we are unwilling to put our all on the altar… unwilling to yield or surrender… then we will have just a superficial knowledge of God and His will.

f. Shallow at best. The average Christian seems satisfied with that level of relationship to God.

g. The hungry believer will want MORE… something deeper… richer… fuller… and his hunger and thirst will be FILLED.

9. Col. 2:3 – Having a full knowledge of God’s will requires a full, rich, and deep knowledge of and relationship to Christ… for in HIM are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Knowing Christ is true spiritual knowledge…

Filled With the Knowledge of His Will

1. Filled:

a. That ye might be filled = subjunctive — suggests an experiential filling. Paul wanted them to be filled… but it was not certain that all would be.

b. Passive indicates that they themselves were not the ones who did the filling. The one doing the filling was outside of them… obviously, the Lord.

c. The term means: controlled by…
• Luke 4:28 – filled with wrath… so full of it that it becomes a controlling factor…
• Acts 13:52 – filled with joy and the Holy Spirit = full in the sense of being controlled by it…
• Eph. 5:18 – filled with the Spirit = controlled by.
• Col. 4:12 – Epaphras prayed that they would stand COMPLETE (same word) in the will of God.
• Epaphras was praying for the very same thing Paul prayed for – and for the same people. Both of these men saw the need for this kind of filling.
• I Pet. 4:2 – That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.? Our whole lives are to be lived in the will of God. This is not an insignificant issue…

d. Thus, Paul and Epaphras not only wanted the Colossian believers to have knowledge of God’s will — but to be filled with it… to be controlled by it… consumed by it… so that it governs their every thought, word, and deed.
• The prayer is for believers to be controlled by knowledge… a deep knowledge. (not by feelings, circumstances, fads, pressure, or experiences…)
• This is spiritual growth… maturity… governed and controlled by a deep, spiritual understanding of God and His will.
• Col. 3:10 – The new man is to be continually renewed in knowledge…

e. This is the life of a man who has reckoned himself to be dead to sin and self. He is dead to self will and alive unto God’s will.
• Here is a man who walks about every day thinking, “Not my will but thine be done.” (Christlike thinking; God’s will for His sons).
• He is dominated by… controlled by… a full, DEEP, comprehensive knowledge of God’s will…
• This governs all of his choices…all of his actions… the whole direction of his life… his goals… purposes…

2. We need to be filled with the knowledge of His will because the devil always attacks the MIND… how we think…

a. II Cor. 4:4 – The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not…

b. II Cor. 10:5 – Our minds need to be brought under subjection… captivity to Christ…

c. Rom. 12:2 – Our minds need to be renewed day by day…

d. The false teachers were attacking the minds of the believers in Colosse… and the devil will attack our minds too…

e. If our minds are not filled with the knowledge of His will, they will be filled with something else…

f. The devil exploits our ignorance… and Paul knows that.

3. If a man is filled with his own will, he cannot be filled with the knowledge of God’s will. Self-will interferes with the knowledge of God!

a. Nobody ever needed to learn how to exert self will. It comes naturally – and that is the problem. It is natural.

b. Little babies come right out of the womb exerting self will… crying for this and that… as if they were the center of the universe… demanding attention… demanding their own way… and usually getting it!

c. As believers we need to LEARN HOW to be delivered from a life of self will… a life that is dominated by our own selfish desires…

d. We need to learn what “not my will but Thine be done,” really means in everyday life. This IS Christlikeness.

4. This all requires KNOWLEDGE…

a. God does not treat us like babies, but as full grown sons.

b. Neither does God treat us as dumb animals… but as thinking, intelligent being… able to take in knowledge and use it aright.

c. Psalm 32:8-9 – the Lord wants to teach and guide each of His children. He expects that we respond more intelligently than a dumb animal which needs to be FORCED into proper action.

d. Paul tells the Colossians that God wants them to be filled with knowledge which will enable them to learn how to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…

In All Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding

1. The terms:

a. Wisdom: (Sophia) – the general term for wisdom of all sorts.
• This is the wisdom that is from above… and is characterized by Christlike qualities. (James 3:17)
• This wisdom stands in contrast to the wisdom of the world…

b. Understanding: this is a more particular term, referring to the application of wisdom to real life.
• Expositors define sunesis as: “the special faculty of intelligence or insight which discriminates between the false and the true and grasps the relations in which things stand to each other.”

c. Spiritual: this term applies to BOTH the wisdom and understanding. (controlled by the indwelling Holy Spirit)
• The Holy Spirit gives the believing sinner LIFE.
• The Holy Spirit indwells the believer.
• The Holy Spirit illuminates our minds to the knowledge of God’s will in His word.
• The Holy Spirit enables us to apply that truth to life.
• The Holy Spirit controls the yielded believer… and the result is that the believer is thus “spiritual”…

d. This spiritually minded believer will be discerning…
i. He is FILLED – with the Holy Spirit… and with the knowledge of God’s will.
ii. This kind of filling or control results in the knowledge of God’s will operating in the realm of discernment…
iii. What a powerful life – when the believer is filled with BOTH – knowledge and the discernment to put it to good use.
iv. Truth is not merely an intellectual pursuit. It involves and requires the intellect, but truth is not fully grasped until it is LIVED. Then it becomes ours. That’s when it sinks in.
v. That is true wisdom… and spiritual understanding… to KNOW truth… in head and heart…
vi. Eph. 5:17 – spiritual wisdom demands that we KNOW the will of the Lord… a deep knowledge of God’s will.

2. Paul was not content to know that the Colossians were saved. Nor was he content to know that they were saved and well taught.

a. It is possible to be saved and to be well taught… and not have the discernment to put that knowledge into practice.

b. It is possible to be saved, to know God’s will – and to lack the discernment to know HOW to use it…

c. Solomon was saved. He had lots of knowledge and wisdom… but did not have the discernment to LIVE it…

d. Phil.1:9 – Paul prayed this for the Philippians: “that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment” — knowledge plus discernment to use it wisely…

3. The natural man can know nothing of this kind of wisdom and spiritual understanding it is foolishness to him.
• The carnal, worldly minded believer will also scoff at it as foolish.
• I Cor. 2:15 – The spiritual man is understood by very few people… his wisdom and spiritual understanding is foreign to them… he is discerned of no one.

4. In some circles in Christendom, knowledge is considered a second class citizen… as if knowledge were almost UN-spiritual.

a. Men glory in ACTION… and care little for thought.

b. Men want to know what to DO… and care little for what they should BE…

c. Men are more concerned about how they FEEL rather than how they should think…

d. Too often we hear Christians say, “I don’t care about theology. I just care about Jesus.”

e. Some look at studying and knowledge of theology to be mere academics. Now it CAN be… but it should not be. It ought to be a very SPIRITUAL exercise…

f. The charismatic movement today has exalted experience and feelings OVER knowledge.

g. They seek to bypass the intellect and aim directly at the heart and emotions. Not so with the apostle Paul. He appeals to the head first… so that truth is understood… and THEN and only then can it sink in and affect the heart.

h. Bypassing knowledge and learning is not at all spiritual. It is spurious! It is dangerous!

i. Here Paul peels off the superficial veneer so all can see how shallow, shameful, and spurious is their claim.

j. Paul prays that believers would be filled with a deep knowledge of the will of God… nothing shallow or superficial about that!

k. Paul prays for believers to be FILLED with knowledge of God’s will IN all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

l. There is nothing unspiritual about studying a book – we are spiritual beings, consisting of intellect, emotion, and will. A spiritual man is spiritual in all areas of life.

m. Sometimes believers today shy away from doctrine… from knowledge of the Bible… they view studying theology as useless and unrelated to life as studying some of the courses they took in college – which information they have never had any practical need for. Not so with doctrine. We will see in the next passage that the purpose of this knowledge is THAT we might walk worthy!

• Luke 11:34 – When the eye is single, the whole body shall be full of light…
• When the believer is single-minded and focused only on Christ, he is FULL of illumination… full of wisdom and discernment…
• Spiritual understanding is not the result of study ONLY. It is the result of study PLUS a close relationship to Christ…

5. Paul prays for a filling with deep knowledge of God’s will.

a. AND he prays that that knowledge would operate in the SPHERE of spiritual wisdom and understanding.

b. It is one thing to have knowledge – even a deep knowledge.

c. It is another thing to have the spiritual wisdom and understanding (discernment) to put it into practice…

d. This part of the prayer is that the believers would not only have the knowledge, but would KNOW what to do with it!


1. The false teachers who had begun their evil work in Colossae gloried in what they viewed as their special knowledge.


a. They told the Colossian believers that if they followed their teachers, they too could have this special knowledge…

b. Their teachings later developed into Gnosticism… (gnosis was a favorite word of the Gnostics.)

c. Paul prays for the Colossians using the very language of the cult… however, giving it distinctly Christian meaning — true knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

2. Paul’s desire was that the Colossian believers know God’s will.

a. Knowledge: ἐπιγινώσκω – epiginōskō = a full or deep knowledge of; more than a superficial acquaintance;

b. These believers already knew the grace of God in truth. (vs. 6c)

c. They understood well the marvelous, saving grace of God.

d. But now Paul wants them to come to a DEEPER knowledge of spiritual things; to a full knowledge of His will.

3. Paul prays that they would be FILLED with this deep knowledge of God’s will… in other words, that it would have a controlling effect on their lives.

a. God wants us to be intelligent Christians and KNOW His word and will.

b. God wants this knowledge of His will to RULE in our lives… control our decisions… and choices…

c. To be filled with the knowledge of His will means that we must be willing to leave our will behind – not my will but thine be done… (that is a pre-requisite to knowing His will!)

4. Paul takes his prayer request a step further.

a. It is possible to know much about God’s will… to know much about what the Bible says, and still not have the DISCERNMENT to know how to put it to use in real life.
• Knowledge and wisdom are not the same.
• In January 1970, Max Born died. A close friend of Albert Einstein, he was one of the great minds of the twentieth century. In an interview on German television before his death, Born commented: “I’d be happier if we had scientists with less brains and more wisdom.”
• Knowledge and wisdom are not the same.

b. Paul prays for believers to be filled with knowledge… but also that that knowledge would be operative in the sphere of wisdom and spiritual discernment for the believers at Colossae.

c. May this be the prayer request we continually pray for one another too… (this is HOW to pray…)

All Wisdom

1. The term: Wisdom: (Sophia) – the general term for wisdom of all sorts; the general principles of wisdom.

2. The word spiritual that appears before understanding in English grammatically is linked to BOTH wisdom and understanding.

a. This spiritual wisdom stands in contrast to the wisdom of the world…

b. Men of the world have wisdom… in earthly things.
• Men use wisdom to build successful businesses… to build empires… in conducting their earthly lives… and dealing with other people.
• In fact, most of the book of Proverbs deals with wisdom that the unsaved could incorporate into their earthly lives and improve their earthly lives immensely.
• Consider the many proverbs that deal with diligence; the safety that comes from a moral life; avoiding criminals; careful use of one’s tongue; good stewardship with one’s material goods; carefully choosing one’s friends.
• But that is not spiritual wisdom… until it is applied in the spiritual realm.
• The natural man CANNOT understand the spiritual realm. It is foolishness to them. They are dead to the spiritual realm.
• Men in the world have discussed the subject of wisdom and philosophy for centuries… the world has produced many wise philosophers and sages – wise in the ways of the world.
• But that is a different kind of wisdom… one which deals with life on earth… life in the natural realm.
• Paul’s prayer is that believers would have the knowledge of God’s will – and that that knowledge would be governed by spiritual wisdom… the wisdom to know how to put that knowledge to good use for the glory of God.

3. Examples of SPIRITUAL wisdom:

a. Psalm 107:43 – wisdom enables a man to see the lovingkindness of God in the everyday affairs of life.
• Can you see God’s lovingkindness in your declining health?
• Can you see God’s lovingkindness in that bitter experience you just endured?
• Can you see God’s livingkindness in your recent failure… when you fell flat on your face spiritually?
• True, spiritual wisdom enables us to see God’s grace and kindness everywhere and in all things… not just when He rescues us from trouble or tragedy, but even when He allows us to go right THROUGH those deep waters!

b. Hosea 14:9 – the wise understand the ways of the Lord
• Who is wise? The one knows that the ways of the Lord are right…
• The ways of the Lord include… returning to the Lord after a fall (14:1), praising Him (vs. 2), being healed from backsliding (vs. 4), experiencing God as the dew (vs. 5), dwelling under His shadow (vs. 7).
• It is the way of wisdom to realize that we are going to fall on occasion… but wisdom demands we get back up and continue on in the ways of the Lord…
• It was spiritual wisdom that enabled Paul to understand the ways of the Lord when he struggled and failed… and finally cried out, “O wretched man that I am…” – and from that failure LEARN God’s ways… of faith…

c. Psalm 51:6 – a God-taught wisdom is known deep down in our gut… and often through the worst of circumstances…
• In this Psalm David repents of his sin with Bathsheba.
• Through this awful experience David LEARNED wisdom… deep down in his soul… like he never knew wisdom before…
• He now knew experientially how sinful, painful, and damaging his sin really was… that is wisdom… to learn to hate evil and depart from it.
• Nobody has a more thorough, experiential knowledge of the dangers of alcohol than an alcoholic…
• Nobody has a more thorough, experiential knowledge of the awful consequences of immorality than one who has failed in that arena.
• David learned the hard way… that God desires TRUTH in our inner parts… perhaps David had been lying to himself… knowing that he had been lustful, but always believing he was above falling in that area. He learned the ugly truth about himself… way down deep in his soul.
• Through his failure came spiritual wisdom. He learned that lesson… like a little boy who is told 1000 times that the stove is hot… but doesn’t REALLY learn the lesson till after he burns his hand. Burnt hands hurt!
• David learned a spiritual lesson – about being honest with himself about himself… that’s spiritual wisdom.

d. Psalm 90:12 – teach us to number our days… (for the Lord) so we may apply our hearts to wisdom…
• Wisdom must be applied from the heart… not just intellectual data… but knowledge that is applied… right from the heart.
• Wisdom includes an acknowledgement that our days on earth are limited, and it is eternity that really matters.
• It is one thing to know this intellectually (that our days are numbered) – it is quite another thing to LIVE like we knew it… and use our time wisely.
• That’s wisdom… realizing that our time on earth is short… precious… and to be handled with care… and used for the glory of God.

e. Prov. 11:2 – true wisdom is with the lowly… proud men know nothing of this kind of wisdom…
• Wisdom walks humbly with God…not in egotism or self will, but walking humbly and softly before the One who is able to make the simple wise… before the One who is able to shine light and illumination on our spiritual pathway… /
• Wisdom bows humbly and reverentially before God’s Word… in those areas that we don’t understand… or seem hard to believe… or seem contrary to experience… wisdom bows before the inspired Word of God… and lets God be God.
• Wisdom recognizes that that which seems so puzzling to us and so difficult to us is not difficult at all to the Lord.
• Wisdom accepts that… and bows humbly before it…
• Peter tells us that if we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, He will exalt us in due time.
• Spiritual wisdom says that the way to be lifted up is to bow down… all our dreams and ambitions in ashes at His feet…
• With the lowly is wisdom… spiritual wisdom.

f. Prov. 9:10 – the fear of the Lord is the beginning of this kind of wisdom.
• Spiritual wisdom begins with the fear of God.
• A godly fear and reverence is the backdrop for all the thoughts, words, motives, goals, and deeds…
• The man with spiritual discernment never steps outside of the realm of godly fear… reverence…

g. Col. 1:28 – it is the responsibility of church leaders to TEACH the saints about wisdom… the ways of wisdom… it is part of maturity.
• Here Paul acknowledges that the saints need to be taught in the ways of wisdom…
• Spiritual wisdom doesn’t just descend on us from on high… like the dew of heaven. It is to be taught… and learned…
• One of the reasons for the local church is that the church leaders – who ought to HAVE discernment… are to teach that discernment to the Body…
• As we study through Colossians, the concept of spiritual wisdom and understanding appears over & over again!
• Col. 3:16 – let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.
• Col. 4:5 – it is our testimony to the world – to walk in wisdom.

h. Jas. 3:13 – spiritual wisdom is SHOWN in a meek, Christ-like life…
• James acknowledges here that problems DO arise among God’s people…
• Sometimes God’s people – yes even in the local church – can bring strife and envy and confusion into the Lord’s House… (vs. 14-15)
• This is the result of applying earthly, sensual wisdom.
• Jas. 3:17 – But God’s wisdom is first pure… etc… this wisdom is characterized by Christ-like qualities…
• Remember that the next time trouble brews in the local church… true wisdom is not to be found in the proud know it all who demands his own way.
• True wisdom is to be found in the humble saint whose wisdom is manifested in purity… peace… gentleness… easily entreated… etc…
• True wisdom is Christ-likeness.
• Remember that the next time trouble brews in your home… or at the office.
• You may not know what to DO right away… the course of action might not be immediately apparent… but what to BE is paramount… that is true wisdom…
• When family problems arise, there is a lot of wisdom in being lowly enough to say, “I don’t know what to do. Let’s ask God for help and guidance. And let’s manifest Christ-like qualities until we KNOW for sure which way to go and what to do…”
• THAT is wisdom from above: meek; humble; God- fearing; humbly seeking wisdom; no partiality; and easily entreated and submissive when God is ready to guide… “speak Lord, for thy servant heareth…”
• Wisdom is more than knowledge. It is a spirit… an attitude… like the wisdom of a little child holding out his hand for his father to lead him along…

5. ALL wisdom…

a. All wisdom refers to all kinds of wisdom…

b. All kinds of applications of spiritual wisdom…

c. Spiritual wisdom needs to be operating in EVERY area of our lives.

d. Is there any area of your Christian life where you DON’T need spiritual understanding? (home; office; getting along with the unsaved; working in the world; dealing with problems in the local church; problems in the family; making decisions;

Spiritual Understanding

1. Understanding: While the term sophia is a more general term for wisdom, this is a more particular, specialized term, referring to discernment… the application of wisdom to real life.

a. Expositors’ defines sunesis as: “the special faculty of intelligence or insight which discriminates between the false and the true and grasps the relations in which things stand to each other.”

b. We might think of this term as discernment… sound judgment… a good sense of smell… able to smell the difference between that which is spiritually healthy and that which is foul and corrupt…

2. Spiritual understanding as discernment:

a. Spiritual understanding is able to SMELL fleshly wisdom (II Cor. 1:12). (I smell something foul in the church growth movement today – using Madison Avenue techniques to get people into the church… marketing Christianity… and molding it and changing it to meet the demands of the market…)

b. Spiritual understanding is able to SEE through the outward show (appearance) of wisdom (Col. 2:23)… and an outward show or a “form” of godliness in the ecumenical movement… getting along with all religions… the awful, corrupting influence of the charismatic movement has penetrated even as far as fundamental circles…

c. Spiritual understanding can SENSE when worship is of the flesh or the Spirit. (Phil. 3:3) I can sense something terribly wrong with the new wave type worship spreading across our country in the past decade or so… worldliness in worship… rock music… casual dress… dumbing down of the sermons… emphasis on entertainment rather than learning God’s Word… and growing in the knowledge of His will…

d. Spiritual understanding can SPOT a counterfeit and isn’t fooled by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness used by false teachers to confuse and ultimately capture ignorant, untaught believers. (Eph. 4:14) Can you spot a counterfeit? Study the original!

e. Spiritual understanding can DISTINGUISH the spirit of truth from the spirit of error. (I John 4:1,6)

f. Ezra 4:3 – Zerubbabel had discernment… when the Jews adversaries offered to help them build the temple, Zerubbabel had the discernment to say, “Ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God…”

g. Neh. 6:2 – Nehemiah had enough discernment to know not to cooperate with Tobiah and Sanballat — he knew they were enemies of God, that they wanted to distract him from the Lord’s work, and to cause him to compromise… Nehemiah knew that they had nothing in common… no basis for working together…

h. Paul was trying to drill some discernment into the heads of the Corinthians by warning them that the enemy attacks through counterfeiting the truth… another gospel, another Jesus, another spirit…

How Spiritual Discernment is Attained:


1. Spiritual understanding is what we commonly refer to as discernment. Not all believers have it… hence Paul constantly prays for discernment for the saints in all the churches.

a. For the Colossian believers (Col. 1:9) – discernment in the will of God… and walking in it…

b. For the Philippian believers (Phil. 1:9-10) [that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment].

c. For the Ephesian believers (Eph. 1:17) – that God would open their eyes with respect to their position in Christ…

2. ASK – through personal prayer (Jas. 1:6-7)

a. God GIVES discernment… but not every believer has discernment. Not every asks.

b. We proudly assume we don’t need spiritual wisdom in this situation or that… until we fail repeatedly…


1. It is necessary to PRAY for discernment, but don’t stop there. Discernment GROWS out of a clear understanding of God’s Word… the knowledge of His will… there are no shortcuts.

a. SEEK – Those who seek wisdom shall find her – if we seek her like those who seek for precious metals (Prov. 2:2-6)
• Dig for it in the word… like gold diggers who are hungry for a deep mine full of gold!
• God feeds us in proportion to our hunger. The hungry soul is fed.
• The soul that feeds on the chaff won’t be hungry for what God offers.

b. STUDY – Through studying the Word of God – coming to a full knowledge of His will in His Word!
• Study to show thyself approved of God!
• Knowledge of God’s will and Word isn’t automatic in the Christian life. We are to study and learn.
• The Bible says that even Jesus had to grow in wisdom…


1. Such wisdom and discernment is only ours through dedication to Christ… an abiding relationship TO Him…

a. Jesus said that “Without Me ye can DO nothing.” But not only can we DO nothing… in another sense, we will not experience true spiritual wisdom either.

b. Col. 2:3 – In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

c. Luke 11:34 – When the eye is single, the whole body shall be full of light… a single eye brings supernatural illumination…

d. When the believer is single-mindedly focused on Christ, he is FULL of illumination… full of wisdom and discernment…

e. I Cor. 1:30 (Cf. vs. 20-21) — in Christ, He (Christ) is made unto us WISDOM…
• Spiritual understanding is not the result of academic study ONLY.
• It is the result of study PLUS a close relationship to Christ… study PLUS a life that revolves around Christ… that is constantly looking unto Jesus… seeking His face… His guidance…
• No wonder the man who wrote Col. 1:9 stated as his life’s goal: “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection!”

c. The heavenly-minded believer, focused on Christ and things above, who is filled with or controlled by the knowledge of God’s will, will be discerning in spiritual things.
• He is FILLED with the Holy Spirit… and filled with the knowledge of God’s will…
• This kind of Spirit filling or control is a prerequisite for the knowledge of God’s will to operate in the realm of discernment…
• What a powerful life – when believer is also filled with BOTH knowledge and the discernment to put it to good use… because he is connected to God… filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit.
• Truth is not merely an intellectual pursuit. It involves and requires the intellect, but truth is not fully grasped until it is lived out in the spiritual realm… where it is experienced. Then it becomes ours. That’s when it sinks in.
• That is true wisdom… and spiritual understanding… to KNOW truth… in head, heart and life.

2. Paul was not content to know that the Colossians were saved. Nor was he content to know that they were saved and well taught.

a. It is possible to be saved and to be well taught (intellectually) and not have the discernment to put that knowledge into practice.

b. It is possible (it happens all the time!) for a believer to have much good, Biblically sound doctrine and knowledge in his head, and to be BUSY doing things for God… and omit that close heart communion and relationship to Christ… hence, he will lack discernment.

c. He knows doctrine and is busy serving – and to do it all APART from the realm of spiritual wisdom and understanding.

d. This believer LOOKS like he is a wise and faithful servant… but he may be desperately lacking spiritual wisdom and discernment… and easily tossed to and fro… or become a follower of men…

e. It is possible to be saved, to know much about God’s will – and to lack the discernment to know HOW to use it…

f. Solomon was saved. He had lots of knowledge and wisdom… but did not have the discernment to put it into practice…

g. Phil.1:9 – Paul prayed this for the Philippians: “that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment” — knowledge plus discernment to use it wisely…

3. I Cor. 2:14 – The natural man can know nothing of this kind of wisdom and spiritual understanding it is foolishness to him.
• The carnal, worldly minded believer will also scoff at it as foolish.
• I Cor. 2:15 – The spiritual man DISCERNS all things… but is understood by very few people… his wisdom and spiritual understanding is foreign to them… he is discerned of no one.

a. There is a direct connection between being spiritual and being discerning…

b. The spiritual man is yielded… surrendered… walking by faith… leaning on Christ for every step… looking to the Lord… focused on Christ and things above… and thus his whole body is FULL of light… wisdom… discernment…

c. Discernment includes the intellect, but is far more than mere intellect. It is called SPIRITUAL discernment… and is the possession only of a spiritual man.

d. It cannot be possessed by the unsaved… NOR by the carnal Christian.

e. The flesh knows nothing of it. To the carnal mind it is foolishness… this is so even of the carnal Christian.

f. They LAUGH at us and mock us because of some of our practices which stem from spiritual discernment…

g. Phil. 1:9-10 demands that we discriminate between things that mediocre and things that are excellent… and when we sacrifice to chose the excellent things, we are ridiculed…

h. Lev. 10:10 – the Old Testament priests had to teach people the difference between holy and unholy… clean and unclean. Some things were obvious. Other things were not so obvious and required spiritual discernment.

i. We are discriminate and use sound judgment in areas of dress… music… what we read and watch… where we go…

j. The unbelieving liberals mock us. But so do the New Evangelicals!

4. In some circles in Christendom, knowledge is considered a second class citizen… as if knowledge were almost UN-spiritual.

a. In some circles, men glory in ACTION… and care little for thought.
• Men want to know what to DO… and care little for what they should BE…

b. In other circles, believers are more concerned about how they FEEL rather than how they should think…
• Too often we hear Christians say, “I don’t care about theology. I just care about Jesus.”
• Some look at studying and knowledge of theology to be mere academics. Now it CAN be… but it should not be. It ought to be a very SPIRITUAL exercise…
• The charismatic movement today has exalted experience and feelings OVER knowledge.
• They seek to bypass the intellect and aim directly at the heart and emotions.
• Not so with the apostle Paul. He appeals to the head first… so that truth is understood… and THEN and only then can it sink in and affect the heart.
• Bypassing knowledge and learning is not at all spiritual. It is spurious! It is dangerous!
• Here Paul peels off the superficial veneer so all can see how shallow, shameful, and spurious is their claim.

c. Paul prays that believers would be filled with a deep knowledge of the will of God… nothing shallow or superficial about that!

d. Paul prays for believers to be FILLED with knowledge of God’s will IN all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

e. There is nothing unspiritual about studying a book – we are spiritual beings, consisting of intellect, emotion, and will. A spiritual man is spiritual in all areas of life.
• Obtaining spiritual wisdom and understanding is not a mystical experience.
• Rather, it is a stewardship of the intelligence God gave us… and expects us to use.
• Being spiritual does not mean we leave our brains at the front door. We are NOT to “let go” of our mind and emotions and let God take over.
• In fact, the evidence of true spirituality is self control – which includes control over our mind. The Spirit filled man has complete control over all of his mental faculties … and is using his intellect to THINK… reason, test, discriminate, evaluate, compare, analyze, and ultimately judge.

f. Truth is aimed at all three parts of man – but it must enter the head first… then the heart… then the will… order matters.

g. Sometimes believers today shy away from doctrine… from knowledge of the Bible… they view studying theology as useless and as unrelated to life as studying some of the courses they took in college – which information they have never had any practical need for.

h. Not so with doctrine. We will see in the next passage that the purpose of this knowledge is THAT we might walk worthy!

i. Knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding are all directly related to our walk.

6. Paul prays for a filling with deep knowledge of God’s will.

a. AND he prays that that knowledge would operate in the SPHERE of spiritual wisdom and understanding.

b. It is one thing to have knowledge – even a deep knowledge.

c. It is another thing to have the spiritual wisdom and understanding (discernment) to put it into practice…

d. This part of the prayer is that the believers would not only have the knowledge, but would KNOW how to apply it! That’s discernment.

7. Discernment is needed in our day and age. (Matt. 10:16)

a. When Jesus sent His disciples into the world, He did so after teaching them for 3½ years. He taught them the knowledge of the will of God.

b. However, He also challenged them to be discerning.

c. He reminded them that they were sheep among wolves. The world is a hostile place to the believer and to Christianity.

d. Wolves tear sheep to pieces and feed off their flesh. That is Jesus’ picture of the relationship between false teachers and the believer.

e. Yet believers today disdain the Biblical concept of separation and seem to embrace anyone who says something nice about Jesus. False teachers look nice – they look like us – but they are really ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing.

f. Therefore the disciple is to be as wise as a serpent… don’t be foolish.

g. And what a great and necessary balance Jesus strikes between on the one hand — the wise cunning of a serpent (which if taken to the extreme could lead to craftiness, trickery, and manipulation) — and on the other hand, the harmless, innocence of a dove (which if taken to an extreme could easily become gullible and be duped).

h. This balance prevents the believer from becoming an extremist… in either direction… balanced discernment!

i. A good part of Christendom today demonstrates a great lack of discernment and is appalling.
• God commands us to be separate from the world and not to be conformed by it. It is our enemy! Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
• Yet most of Christendom today ignores this fact – and has adopted much of the world’s lifestyle… music… and has brought much of the world into the churches.
• AW Tozer wrote a little book back in the 50’s because he saw this incipient form of what we see today. The book was entitled: “The World: Our Playground or Battleground?”
• God didn’t place the church in the world to have fun. Our purpose here is not be “fulfilled and happy.”
• Our purpose here is to represent the TRUTH of Jesus Christ… in a world that is just as hostile to Christ today as the very crowd that 2000 years ago chanted, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”

8. There are COUNTLESS issues to distract us from God’s purpose for our lives.

a. The Calvinists vs. the Arminian controversy… continues unabated… confusing Christians and dividing churches as it has since the 1500’s!

b. What used to be a relatively simple war to understand in the 1920’s between the fundamentalists and the modernists got a bit more complicated in the late 60’s and 70’s… because it expanded and included a third group: neo evangelicalism.

c. Today, new evangelicalism has morphed into countless varieties…

d. Dispensationalism is under attack from extremes WITHIN the dispensational camp! – progressive dispensationalism and ultra dispensationalism… be discerning…

e. There is the ever-growing problem of the dumbing down of the church… cutting short the preaching of the Word and substituting entertainment… now even comedians…

f. In addition there is the ever growing influence of the charismatic movement – which just a few decades ago was considered the radical fringe… but now seem to exerting their spiritually unhealthy influence virtually everywhere…

g. Church music which was always such a blessing to the churches has now become the most explosive and divisive issue… dividing churches all over the country… who ever would have imagined that rock music would ever be allowed in the churches? Even the world condemned Elvis Presley when he first came on TV in the 50’s. The world immediately recognized the music as sensual and sexual – and he was banned… but the tide turned in the world… and now in the 21st century – that which is far worse is accepted in the churches… and offered to God as a sacrifice?!?

h. People without a good foundation in the Scriptures will be lacking in discernment… will not see the importance of such issues… they will see all of these things as “much ado about nothing… and consequently, will easily be tossed to and fro… by every wind of doctrine and every new fad that comes down the pike.

i. So while some churches choose to swell their ranks by offering an endless series of concerts, shows, videos, plays, skits, comedians, celebrities, and all the latest Christian fads… we choose the old fashioned route: preach the Word… the whole counsel of God… even the parts that might not seem so interesting or exciting…

9. This was exactly the problem the believers faced at Colossae.

a. They faced 3-4 different forms of corruption of the truth.

b. Today, we face hundreds of forms of corruption of the truth… with new ones cropping up every day… and expect this corruption to accelerate in the years ahead.

c. More than ever, our most urgent need is to be praying for spiritual discernment… wisdom and spiritual understanding to keep us safe from the wiles of the devil.

d. It’s worth setting Wednesday nights apart for that!

e. But what do we pray for? Uncle Fred’s sore back; Aunt Millie’s arthritis; Alice’s depression; a better paying job for Tom; new car for Phil…

f. That was definitely NOT the emphasis in any of the recorded prayers of the apostles.

g. Pray for Aunt Millie if she’s sick – but especially pray for God to open the eyes of our understanding and give us spiritual wisdom and discernment… that is our greatest need today… by far!

h. Being healthy and financially stable is good – but it isn’t our greatest need… not by a long shot!


A Walk Worthy of the Lord

A. The Terms:


1. Walk:  περιπατέω – peripateo –

a. Literally = to walk (πατέω – pateo) around (περι – peri);

b. Used in a figurative sense by Paul – with a moral emphasis: to live; to conduct one’s self; to pass one’s life; one manner of life.

2. Worthy:

a. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: bringing into equilibrium.” and therefore “equivalent.”

b. It means “of equal weight, value, or worth”

c. Luke 10:7 – the workman is worthy of his hire…

d. Rom. 8:18 – the sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us. They are not equivalent… unbalanced!

e. Rev. 4:11 – thou art worthy to receive glory, honor, and power…FOR thou hast created all things.

3. Worthy of the Lord.

a. A walk worthy of the Lord is a walk whose moral quality and weight is equal to the Lord Himself!

b. The Lord is put on one side of the scale, and our walk is put on the other side, and the scale balances out… equivalents.

c. Anything LESS than that is unworthy of the Lord.

d. When you put the Lord Himself on one side of the scale, how much moral weight and value do you suppose is there?

B. Its Impossible Nature

1. How could our walk ever be worthy of the Lord? Isn’t this an impossible command?

a. Yes it is! Nevertheless, it IS what God requires.

b. God’s commands to us are way beyond our ability to perform.

c. Consider what God requires of the sinner in order to be saved:
• Matt. 5:48 – Be ye perfect as your father which is in heaven is perfect!
• Matt. 5:20 – exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees.
• Gal. 3:10 – cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them. (Continuous perfect obedience to ALL the law or a curse!)
• Phil. 3:9 – No wonder Paul wanted to be found in the righteousness which is of God!
• God requires a righteousness that is equal to HIS righteousness. Nothing less is acceptable to God.
• For a person to be SAVED, God requires something of the sinner that he is totally unable to produce: Righteousness! Perfection!
• The standard is impossible. It will NEVER be produced by the sinner… and God knows it.
• But God in His perfect justice refuses to lower the bar.
• Instead, He waits for the sinner to realize that he could never produce a righteousness equal to God’s and cry out for mercy and grace.
• And God is DELIGHTED to GIVE His own righteousness to the sinner who does so in faith.
• Rom. 3:22 – By faith we receive God’s righteousness.
• Hence, the sinner is ROBED in righteousness—God’s righteousness.
• The sinner’s righteousness is now equal to God’s righteousness… because it IS His righteousness.
• God accepts nothing less. Anything less would be unworthy of the Lord.
• So if YOU want to be saved, quit trying to produce a righteousness that will never suffice; admit you are completely unable because of your sin; and come to God in faith – ask HIM to save you and GIVE you His righteousness… and He will!
• In Christ, we are as righteous as God Himself… not because of self, but rather because of God’s marvelous gift of grace.
• What the sinner could never produce, God provides… if the sinner will just receive it by faith!

d. Now that we are saved, God’s impossible requirements continue!
• Now God demands that our walk as a Christian be WORTHY of Him… the moral quality of our new life in Christ is to be of equal weight with God Himself.
• It kind of makes you want to quit doesn’t it? It’s hopeless. Impossible.
• If God is infinitely holy (and He is) then how could our walk ever be worthy of Him?
• Nothing we could ever do would qualify as being worthy of Him!
• If that’s the standard, we are doomed to failure.

2. Eph. 4:1 – our walk is also to be worthy of our vocation wherewith we were called.

a. Vocation and calling are the same Greek words… (noun and verb)

b. Here God requires that our walk as a believer be of equal weight and moral quality to our high calling in Christ.

c. What IS our calling? If we are going to walk worthy we must have knowledge… knowledge of God’s will. It is God’s will that our walk be worthy or of equal weight to our calling. What IS our calling?
• Eph. 1:4 – chosen; holy; blameless…
• Eph. 1:5 – adopted as a full grown son
• Eph. 1:6 – accepted in the Beloved…
• Eph. 1:7 – redeemed; forgiven;
• Eph. 2:6 – raised into heavenly places… alive unto God
• Eph. 2:8 – saved…
• Eph. 2:10 – ordained to walk in good works…
• Eph. 2:13 – nigh to God…
• Eph. 2:16 – reconciled to God…
• Eph. 2:19 – fellowcitizens of heaven; saints; the household of God;
• Eph. 2:21 – a holy Temple indwelt by the Lord
• Eph. 2:22 – the habitation of God through the Spirit
• And this is just two chapters in one book!
• God expects that our earthly walk be EQUAL to our position as a holy, blameless saint, seated in heaven, and indwelt by God Himself.
• Our position is as high and as holy as heaven!
• How could our walk down here ever be worthy? In equilibrium with?
• Are you discouraged yet? Are you ready to throw in the towel? Have you decided that this kind of life is impossible? Have you concluded that you’ll never make it?
• If so, then you are right where God wants you.

d. If God’s calling is as high as heaven (and it is) then how could we ever live up to it? How could we ever walk a walk that is worthy… of equal weight? Isn’t that an impossible standard?
• Yes it is impossible for us.
• And just like the unsaved sinner who has to come to the place where he realizes that the righteousness God requires is totally beyond him to produce, we too as Christians need to come to the place where we also realize that the high and holy walk God expects of us is totally beyond our ability to perform.
• The sinner must come to Christ and say, “Lord, I can’t produce a righteousness equal to yours… Lord I can’t save myself. I need YOU to save me!
• So too, we as Christians must come to the Lord and say, “Lord, I can’t manufacture the kind of life you require. I can’t even walk without you. I need YOUR power… YOUR presence… YOU to work in me…
• Col. 2:6 – AS we received Christ Jesus (by faith; not trusting in self but in Him), EVEN SO we are to walk in Him. (by the same kind of faith… that recognizes our total inability and rests completely on Him to work in us.)
• THIS is the worthy walk… a walk of faith… not trusting in our own understanding or our own strength… but relying completely upon the Lord…

e. Knowing that God’s standard for the Christian life is heaven-high… equal in moral weight to God Himself makes us want to quit trying! We’ll never do it, so why bother trying? It is impossible.
• In fact, that is exactly what God’s infinitely high standards for the Christian life are DESIGNED to do!
• Heb. 4:9-11 – we are to LABOR to enter into rest… God’s rest.
• Rest = work has ceased; work is the opposite of rest.
• In other words, rest means no more work!
• If you are still working and struggling, in hopes of pleasing God, then you are not resting.
• It is one or the other. (rest and work are mutually exclusive)
• There are 3 different aspects to God’s rest (salvation; glorification; and sanctification). The author is referring to the rest of sanctification here.
• We need to learn to STOP struggling and striving to produce holiness… and admit that it is beyond us… impossible…
• We are to CEASE from struggling in the flesh to produce fruit on our own, and are to REST in our position in Christ…our position was eternally settled at the cross… abide in the Christ the Vine… and allow God to work in us… both to will and to do of His good pleasure… and produce the kind of fruit that only He can produce.

3. How impossible can it get?!

a. We are to walk a walk that equal in weight to the infinite power of God… a walk that is worthy of God Himself and our heaven-high calling in Christ!

b. We are to walk (that speaks of the earthly condition of our lives) in such a way that it is equal to our calling (our eternal, heavenly position).

c. We are exhorted to lead a life whose standards are humanly impossible.

d. We are required to bear fruit that we are unable to produce…

e. And the harder we try, we quicker we fail… like a man struggling to get out of quicksand… who only sinks deeper with every movement…

f. We have been commanded to walk a walk that requires supernatural power…
• Remember what we said earlier about the unsaved sinner seeking salvation?
• God commanded of him a righteousness he could never produce…
• What the sinner could never produce, God provides… as a GIFT of grace…SALVATION… if the sinner will simply and humbly receive it by faith!
• What the saint could never produce, God provides: SANCTIFICATION! This too is ours by grace through faith.
• The impossible, supernatural, resurrection life in Christ that God demands of us, which we could never lead on our own, God provides all we need as a GIFT through grace… if we keep on coming to the throne of grace for help in time of need…

An Impossible Walk Made Possible

A. Prayer

1. A worthy walk is an impossible walk on our own. Hence, the need for prayer. A worthy walk begins with prayer.

2. Paul’s desire for the Colossians that they would be filled with knowledge SO THAT they might walk worthy of the Lord.

a. Therefore he prayed! (Vs. 9)

b. How else could this supernatural walk be manifested?

c. Those who want to walk worthy of the Lord will be faithful in praying for this every day… and often throughout the day!

d. Pray when you sense you especially need God’s help—when you are about to get mad at a co-worker: “Lord, give me strength. Help me to control my tongue. Lord, fill me with the Spirit… self control!” You don’t have to say it out loud…

3. The worthy walk always begins in the prayer closet… seeking God… God’s guidance… God’s power… God’s strength… God’s wisdom… God to work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

a. If the requirements were humanly attainable, then all that would be required would be a pat on the back… or some self-confidence…

b. But since the worthy walk is supernatural and impossible in the flesh, we need to start with God in the prayer closet!

4. Eph. 3:16 – Paul prayed similarly for the Ephesian believers, that God would GRANT to them to be strengthened with might in the inner man BY HIS SPIRIT…

a. Spiritual strength is granted… given…(committed; handed over; supply; furnish; to give as a gift of grace…)

b. It is not for the proud, self-confident believer who thinks he can handle the trials and troubles of life on his own. He’s left to his own self… to discover how weak he really is.

c. It is rather granted to the weak believer – the one who acknowledges his weakness, and comes as a child to ask his heavenly Father… for HIS strength.

d. God thus “grants” DIVINE power and strength to his weak, humble children who walk by faith and SEEK His strength…

5. And remember that the God who set these heaven high standards is the same God who said, “Ask and ye shall receive!”

a. I John 5:14 – we can have confidence that when we ask according to His will, He hears us and answers our prayers.

b. Is praying for a worthy walk according to His will?

c. Remember the context on Col. 1:9-10 – prayer to be FILLED with the knowledge of His will… SO THAT we might walk worthy!

d. If we are sincere and honest with God – and willing to yield our all to Him, He will answer this prayer… and enable us to walk worthy of Him!

B. The Knowledge of His Will

1. The first part of Paul’s prayer was that the believers would be FILLED with the knowledge of God’s will…

2. The goal of that prayer was not actually just the knowledge, but the worthy walk that emanates from the knowledge of His will!

a. Lightfoot wrote, “The end of all knowledge is conduct.”

b. Spiritual knowledge is not an end in itself… just to make us sound smart. It is to be practical… incorporated into our spiritual lives.

c. In fact, knowledge without conduct only makes us more accountable to God and more worthy of chastening… for it is far worse to know and not do than it is to not do because of ignorance.

d. When God gives light and knowledge of His Word and will He expects us to act upon it… to walk accordingly.

e. Spiritual knowledge should affect the way we walk.

f. We need to pray for this… AND study the Word… learn of His will.

3. And as we said last week, this is not merely a cold, academic, intellectual pursuit. It is exceptionally practical!

4. We are to pursue the knowledge of His will SO THAT we might walk worthy of Him!

5. If we don’t KNOW His will, we will never be able to walk in it.

6. Ps. 86:11 -?Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.”

a. If you are going to ever arrive at where you want to go, you need accurate directions.

b. If you don’t know the right way, you can’t walk in it!

c. We need to LEARN God and His ways and His will… only THEN will we be able to walk therein.

d. And note that David includes the concept of a “united heart”—similar to the concept of a single eye… united and singularly focused… not off in all directions at once.

e. They say, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” But Paul DID know where he wanted the Colossians to be headed… and he knew the way. Hence, he PRAYED that they would be filled with the KNOWLEDGE of His will and ways.

f. If you are lost in the woods, your heart is not going to be united. It will be scattered. You will be full of anxiety… and waste time and energy wandering.

g. But if you have the KNOWLEDGE of where you’re headed… and you know how to get there, the walk is so much easier… you don’t have to worry, panic, run and fall… you can relax… rest and walk… even enjoy the walk!

h. Knowing where you’re going and HOW to get there will set your mind and heart at ease.

i. So let’s pray for one another – that WE would be filled with the knowledge of His will… SO THAT we might walk worthy… a walk of faith… resting in the Lord… single-mindedly focused on Christ… our heart united…

C. Power (Col. 1:11)

1. What could be more frustrating than being commanded to do something that is totally beyond our ability to perform!

a. If God is infinitely holy (and He is) then how could our walk ever be worthy of Him?

b. If God’s calling is as high as heaven (and it is) then how could we ever live up to it?

c. Nothing we could ever do would qualify as being worthy of Him… of equal weight and worth as our heavenly position… of equal weight and worth as our heavenly Father!

2. The resurrection life may be impossible on our own, but God has not left us on our own.

a. God has not left us to struggle in vain on our own and try to produce a life worthy of Him.

b. Rather, God LIVES IN US… and EMPOWERS us to live that otherwise impossible resurrection life!

c. A worthy walk would be impossible in our own puny weakness… but rather, we are strengthened with ALL might… according to HIS glorious power!
• This does not mean that we become almighty. Only God is almighty.
• But it does mean that we have the power of the ALL mighty in us… Christ is in us… we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit…

d. Hence, those commands which seemed so impossible before (love your enemies; love one another as I have loved you; walk worthy of your calling) are no longer impossible… not when we have access to omnipotence!

e. Those old commands are no longer impossible… and that means that our old excuses are no longer plausible! (I can’t! It’s too hard! I’m not strong enough for that!”)

f. We CAN walk worthy when we are strengthened with HIS might.
• If we are trusting in self, then weakness prevails.
• But nothing is too hard for the Lord. Trust in Him. Lean on Him. Walk in the Spirit and you won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh!
• When we by faith keep that old self-life on the cross, our new man – empowered by the Lord Himself is manifested.
• Any command God gives – the new man empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit is ABLE to obey. He is ABLE to walk in newness of life…

3. And this kind of a walk really is WORTHY of the Lord.

a. Eph. 6:10 – (His strength) – A walk worthy of the Lord is a walk whose moral quality and weight is equal to the Lord Himself!

b. The Lord is put on one side of the scale, and our walk is put on the other side, and the scale balances out… equivalents.

c. How can OUR walk be equal in weight and worth to the Lord Himself? When it is the Lord Himself who is working in us… but to will and to DO… He provides the desire to do His will… and the POWER to do it…

d. When we walk by faith, yield ourselves to God, filled with the knowledge of His will and filled with the Spirit… God’s power in us enables us to DO those impossible commands under grace.

e. So on one side of the scale is the infinite value, weight, and worth of the Lord Himself… and on the other side of the scale is the infinite value, weight, and worth of the very same Lord in us! Equal! It is truly worthy… equilibrium has been achieved.

f. A supernatural worthy walk (equal in moral character to the Lord Himself) is not hyperbole or exaggeration. It is a spiritual reality in the lives of yielded believers…

g. It is Christ manifesting Himself in our weak, mortal bodies… to His honor and glory.

h. The worthy walk is not only our work for Him, but it is even more so, His work in us… and hence, HE gets all the glory.

i. HE is the One who opens our eyes and illuminates our way so that we can be filled with the knowledge of His will… and know which way to walk…

j. HE is the One who fills us with His power and enables us to walk in newness of life… giving victory over sin… and manifesting Christ’s life through us…

k. HE is the One who guides our every step… keeps our feet from slipping…

l. As believers we have the awesome privilege of the indwelling presence and power of Christ and the light of the knowledge of God in earthen vessels SO THAT the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us! (II Cor. 4:7)

m. The resurrection life or the worthy walk requires supernatural power without which, is impossible. But that indwelling supernatural power is just what God supplies for each one of us (II Cor. 4:9-10).

n. Christ’s life IN US is equal in every way to the moral character of the Father…

o. When Christ’s life is lived through us, our walk is worthy… and powerful…

p. When the flesh is in control however, there is nothing at all equal – not even close. The scale is hopelessly tipped!

4. And yet, when we are filled with the knowledge of His will and filled with the Spirit… and strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, we will not be aware of the power, but of our weakness.

a. Divine power isn’t something that we will FEEL.
• Don’t wait until you FEEL strong enough to take that step of faith in obedience to an impossible command. Those feelings may never come!
• And if they DO come, and we begin to FEEL strong, then we are even WORSE off. When we think we are strong, we are in reality, spiritually weak! (II Cor. 12:9)

b. We walk by faith, not feelings. Feelings will often lead us astray. We walk by FAITH which rests upon the immutable and infallible FACTS of Scripture… not by passing feelings which come and go.

c. Even when we are strong, we are going to FEEL quite weak.

d. Paul made it clear that when the believer is strong… strengthened with all might according to God’s glorious power… he is going to be conscious of his own personal weakness. (When I am weak, then am I strong…)

e. I Cor. 2:3-4 – Paul came preaching in the power of God.
• His words were filled with supernatural power…
• Yet he FELT weak… afraid… trembling…
• But his ministry was one of great power regardless of how weak he FELT.
• He did not allow his feelings of weakness and inadequacy to prevent him from doing what God wanted him to do.
• He served the Lord – cognizant of his own weakness… and unaware of the power of God working in and through him.
• The man who is strengthened according to His glorious power FEELS weak, but he takes a step of faith… (weak, fearful, and trembling) and God holds him up… empowers… and blesses that feeble effort…
• The man who takes a step of faith in obedience to the known will of God may FEEL weak, but in reality, by faith, he is undergirded by omnipotence!
• I’m sure Peter felt a little timid stepping out of the boat in the midst of a storm to attempt to walk on water…
• Ex: we have had folks sing in the choir who have felt terrified standing before the congregation to sing… they FELT weak and inadequate… yet because the Lord led them in that ministry, they marched up in weakness, fearful and trembling, but they sang to the glory of God – and God used the message of that song in a supernatural way to touch the hearts of His people…
• Ex: most of us are afraid to speak up for Christ and witness in the office, in the neighborhood because we are painfully aware of our inadequacies. (I don’t know enough; what if I can’t find the verse?) The power of God is not seen in our eloquence or brilliance… but in the message itself!
• God prefers to use weak, frail vessels for His glory!
• If He can use a little boy’s lunch to feed 5000, He can use you and me!
• God isn’t looking for beautiful gold vases… He’s looking for old clay pots… in which Christ dwells by faith—so that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us!
• Heb. 11:32-34 – The heroes of the faith were weak men in themselves who trusted in an omnipotent God for deliverance!

5. The believer who is strengthened with all might according to HIS glorious power truly is walking WORTHY (of equal weight) of the Lord.

a. The power of the Almighty God is on one side of the scale – and as we walk by faith, we are strengthened with ALL might on our side of the scale too… omnipotence made available to us as we walk in the Spirit… walk by faith… The power on both sides is truly equal.

b. Hence, when God says, “Be ye holy for I am holy” – He expects us to walk in the kind of holiness that is equal to or in harmony with His holiness.

c. When God says, “Walk worthy of your heaven-high calling… walk worthy of the Lord Himself – He means it!”

d. For with Almighty God on our side, nothing shall be impossible!
• That besetting sin that you have been struggling with is not impossible to defeat… as we walk by faith we are more than conquerors in Christ!
• At the cross Christ has already defeated our enemies – the world, the flesh, and the devil. By faith we can experience that victory in our daily lives. That’s the worthy walk!
• That bitter experience that has caused you such internal torture does not have to dominate your mind and heart forever… there is great freedom in Christ… when we are strengthened with ALL might according to HIS glorious power!
• Our minds can be renewed… our affections can be on things above… it is possible for the peace of God to rule in our lives.
• If we have been struggling and failing over and over, perhaps it’s time to STOP struggling and START trusting.
• Stop doting over your own personal weaknesses and failures… and starting resting in His omnipotence… available to us by faith.
• Walk worthy of the Lord.
• We can never use that old excuse again: it’s impossible! I can never have victory over this or that. It’s too hard!
• Nothing is too hard for the Lord. And nothing is too hard for the believer who by faith is strengthened with ALL might according to HIS glorious power!
• All things are possible with God!
• I can do ALL things – through CHRIST who strengtheneth me!
• We can even have a walk that is truly WORTHY of the Lord.

A. A Walk That Manifests Faith in Him (Col. 2:6)

B. A Walk That Manifests His Wisdom (Col. 4:5)

C. A Walk That Manifests His Life (Rom. 6:4)

D. A Walk That Manifests His Love (Eph. 5:2)

E. A Walk That Manifests His Message (Phil. 1:27)

F. A Walk That is Separated Unto Him (Ps. 1:1-3)

Issues for NEXT week:
Vs.11 – strengthened with all strength (repetition of same term in Greek. It indicates that we are strengthened within with a strength that comes from without.


1. The prayer for being filled with the knowledge of His will is so that we might walk worthy.


2. The worthy walk is UNTO all pleasing… so that our lives might be pleasing to the Lord.

3. Not every Christian walks in such a way as to be pleasing to the Lord. Paul prays that the walk of the Colossians WOULD be. That should be our prayer request too.

UNTO: The Goal of a Worthy Walk

1. This speaks of the GOAL of a worthy walk: pleasing God.

2. UNTO = eis: into; unto; towards; extend into an area; speaks of direction

a. The worthy walk is to be aimed at or directed towards pleasing God… a worthy walk is headed in that direction.

b. Pleasing the Lord ought to be the motivating factor in every decision we make!

c. It ought to be the goal of every decision we make.

d. Every step we take in a worthy walk is a step taken for the purpose of pleasing God… with that goal in mind.

e. Think of your life as a long pathway – with “pleasing God” at the end of that road. That is the direction our life is to take.
• There will be many forks in that road (pleasing self; pleasing the world; pleasing men; etc.)…
• But at every fork, we should choose to walk in the direction of pleasing God.
• That pathway may be difficult… wrought with many troubles and trials… but it is always the right way for the believer to walk.
• And when we come to a fork in the road, and it might be a bit confusing as to which road to take – “pleasing God” ought to be a leading factor in making that determination.

3. Pleasing God ought to be our GOAL in life.

a. II Cor. 5:9 – we labor that we might be acceptable to Him. (that’s what we are working towards…)
• Labor – love of honor (ambition; a holy ambition); that which a man strives for…
• Paul had a holy ambition – his driving ambition, was to please the Lord in all things.
• Whether he lived in his earthly mortal body (absent) or whether he was in glory (present with the Lord)… dead or alive… his goal is always to please the Lord.
• Everything he does in his life was to be filtered through that lens… is it pleasing to the Lord?
• What was true of the apostles ought to be true of our lives as well.
• What IS your driving ambition in life? (to make it in the business world? To make a name for yourself? To die with the most toys? To leave a big nest egg for your family? To have a happy family life?
• Our driving ambition in life ought to be to please the Lord.
• If that is NOT our driving ambition… if pleasing the Lord is NOT the goal of your decisions… then perhaps it is time to sit back and re-evaluate your Christian walk. PONDER the path of your feet.

b. II Tim. 2:3-4 – the single-mindedness of a soldier, dedicated to his duty pleases God.
• In this passage, the apostle uses the soldier’s life as an illustration of a Christian life.
• Vs. 3- He is called to endure hardships… soldier’s don’t expect their lives to be easy.
» They have willfully accepted the hardships as part of their duty.
» If your goal is to do your own thing and please self, you don’t join the army!
» Those who join the army put personal pleasure aside…
• Vs. 4 – A soldier is also expected to set aside his own personal affairs… his business; his family; his hobbies;
» Like a soldier, a Christian is not to become “entangled” with the affairs of this life.
» Soldiers leave the world behind when they join the army. Everything else is put on the back burner while serving in the military.
» This is what the disciples had to do when they followed the Lord.
» And if we are going to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ, we cannot become entangled in the affairs of this life…
» Entangled people aren’t free for service. Soldiers need to be freed up to respond to the orders of the commander in Chief.
• The soldier subjects himself to all of that so that he is free to please his superiors – those who put him in his position as a soldier.
» Like a soldier, the Christian is motivated by a desire to please his superiors…
» The good soldier puts pleasing self, pleasing family, pleasing his business partners, etc… behind.
» He has but one concern now: to please the one who entrusted him into military service.
• The Christian too is to put everything else on the back burner, and dedicate his life to pleasing God… the One who has called us to war a good warfare.
» Once again, Paul makes it clear that pleasing God ought to be our priority in life.
» We are told this because it is human nature – even as Christians – to let things get in the way of… to cause us to lose sight of… to hinder us from… that which ought to be our real goal in life: pleasing God.
• Perhaps some of us here today have been drawn away from this holy ambition… perhaps pleasing self or pleasing the world has clouded what should be a clear and simple goal: to please God.

4. Col. 1:10 – In our passage in Colossians 1, the preposition eis (unto) declares the same truth.

a. A worthy walk is UNTO… all pleasing… pleasing God in all things.

b. If pleasing God isn’t the goal of our walk, then our walk is NOT worthy… it is not equal in moral weight and value to God Himself.

c. A walk that is worthy of the Lord has pleasing God as its driving ambition… as its ultimate goal. It ought to be the direction of our lives.

d. In that sense, the life of EVERY single believer worldwide is to be the same.
• The details of our lives will vary widely…
• Our backgrounds, interests, cultural practices, forms of entertainment, style of clothing, hobbies, careers, nationalities, opportunities, languages, etc… will vary widely.
• But our goals ought to be the same: to please God.
• It will be expressed in different ways in different places – but the goal is the same.

5. Revelation 4:11 – bringing pleasure to God is the reason we were created!

a. Every aspect of creation – including human beings – was created for His pleasure.

b. Eph. 1:5 – “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.”

c. Before the foundation of the world, God determined that He would have sons who would be created for His good pleasure.

d. Phil. 2:13 – says that He works in us to assure that that will come to pass… He gives us a will and an ability to perform His good pleasure.

e. Rev. 4:11 tells us that He created us for that purpose… for His own good pleasure.

f. Do you want to experience of a life of fulfillment?
• Then BE what God designed you to BE…
• LIVE as God intended for you to live…
• DO that which God ordained for you to DO…
• Fulfillment comes only when we willingly submit to the role He designed for us…
• He created us for His good pleasure.
• He chose us and saved us for His good pleasure.
• He lives in us that we might have the indwelling power to do that which is pleasing in His sight.
• When we come to the cross – and leave our old, self centered man there – and are willing to walk in NEWNESS of life… we will experience an abundant life… a life of true fulfillment… living for the glory and pleasure God! That is truly satisfying.
• OR, we could live for self… live for today… live for the here and now – how shallow, short sighted, empty, hallow…

g. The GOAL of a worthy walk is to bring pleasure to the Lord. And as we submit to that purpose, we too will experience pleasure… satisfaction… UNTO all pleasing…

All: The Scope the Worthy Walk

1. ALL – Refers to pleasing God in all things… all areas of life… from the big down to the downright trivial… from bringing the gospel message to the lost… down to brushing our teeth!

2. “Unto all” means that every step of our “walk” ought to have pleasing God as its goal.

a. Not just our actions and deeds, but even in our thoughts and the intents of the heart!

b. Ps. 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable (pleasure, delight, favour, goodwill) in thy sight.

c. Ps. 139:21 – ?Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:? ?And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. ?

d. In light of what Jer. 17:9 states about our hearts, it is fair to say that there ARE things in our hearts that do not please God.
• We may not even be aware of most of them.
• But, if we are honest, and genuinely DESIRE to please the Lord, then we should seek to find them out…
• We should want God to shine His light upon them… so that we can deal with them… and forsake them… or add things we are not doing…

e. Here the psalmist PRAYED that he would be pleasing to the Lord – not just in what he DID… but in what he THOUGHT… in his ATTITUDES… in the meditation of his heart…

f. Sometimes, because our hearts are deceitful, it is hard to know for sure if our thoughts are right… or our attitudes are right before God.

3. Eph. 5:10 – PROVING what is acceptable (pleasing) unto the Lord

a. Context: we are children of light living in a dark world. Be careful where you step and what you do!

b. Put everything to the test… and there is one litmus test by which all of our actions are to be examined: “Does it please God?”

c. The term for “acceptable” is the Greek word for “well pleasing.”

4. How can we tell if it pleases the Lord? How can we put it to the test?

a. Some folks test their actions by their feelings.
• If it feels good, do it!
• Story of couple living together who were sure that they were pleasing to the Lord… because of their “love.”

b. Others test their actions by what others are doing.
• If this many people are doing it, it must be right!
• Actually, when most people are involved in something, it is usually a good indication that it is NOT pleasing to the Lord!
• Broad is the road that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat!

c. Others test their actions by what the church practices.
• This too sounds spiritual and religious, but when you stand before the Lord you won’t be able to use that for an excuse: this is the way our church did it!
• Church leaders can be wrong. The real test is, “does it please the Lord?”
• God’s Word is the authority. It alone is able to define with perfect accuracy what does and what does not please the Lord.

d. Still others test their actions by a utilitarian or pragmatic basis… if it works, it must be right.
• This is the principle by which new evangelicalism operates… but that doesn’t make it right.
• A little white lie might work at saving our skin, but it isn’t right.
• Changing the worship service into an entertainment format might WORK at bringing in a lot of people… but it doesn’t make it right.

e. Some test their actions according to what they feel is best for their family. (that does not always please God… God first!)
• Was it good for their families for these men and women to be vocal about their faith in Christ? (Acts 9:2)
• Was it good for the apostle’s families to leave their fishing ships and families behind to follow Christ?
• Is it good for missionaries to leave behind the wealth of this country, and all the educational advantages, to bring up their children in a village where the natives walk around naked, and sin and debauchery is all around them?
• Ask Daniel’s 3 friends. Which would be better for their families? For dad to compromise a bit and bow his knee for 10 seconds to an idol… and live to provide for his family, or should they have put God first… refuse to bow to the idol… and be killed – only to leave their wife and children destitute in a foreign land to fend for themselves?
• Putting what we think is best for our families above the will of the Lord does not always turn out well… for our families. Ask Lot.
• Sometimes when we live so as to please God, our families may even turn against us! Jesus warned us of that. (A man’s foes shall be of his own household! – Cf. Mt. 10:34-37)

f. Others test their actions by whatever is considered acceptable cultural practices.
• By that standard, almost anything would be acceptable… somewhere in the world.
• As our culture continues to slouch toward Gomorrah, more vile practices will be acceptable to society… but not necessarily to the Lord.
• Society has become comfortable with divorce; God isn’t.
• Society has virtually accepted the homosexual lifestyle. God hasn’t.
• Society has approved of abortion. The Author of Life hasn’t.
• Cultural or societal norms are not to be the test of our actions as Christians.
• Rom. 1:24-27 – immoral lifestyles… and yet the society not only tolerated it, but had pleasure in it (vs.32).
• Just because a culture is pleased, that does not mean that God is. That which society approves is often hated by God.

5. There is really only ONE way to PROVE whether something is pleasing to the Lord or not… READ what He said – in His WORD.

a. Let God speak for Himself! He is plenty able to communicate His will to us.

b. He has spoken in His Word.

c. Knowing His will… (vs. 9) and the knowledge of God Himself… knowing the PERSON… will enable us to determine if something is pleasing to the Lord or not.

d. We are to be pleasing unto ALL – in all areas of life. And this book has principles that cover ALL areas of life… it is ALL WE NEED for life and godliness… a life that pleases God.

e. But be careful reading…and be careful praying, because God might just answer that prayer for discernment and shine light on the subject… and KNOWING makes us accountable to respond.

6. We are to prove EVERYTHING we do to see if it is acceptable… well pleasing to the Lord.

a. Eph. 5:10 – put all to the test.

b. Eph. 5:11 – if God shines light on the subject, and it fails the test… then we are responsible to reject and reprove it.

c. I Thess. 5:21-22 – test everything… and embrace only those things that are pleasing to God.

7. Our goal ought to be to please God in ALL… all areas of life.

a. Pleasing God is relatively easy. He isn’t hard to please.
• He tells us exactly how to please Him. He has revealed what pleases Him and what doesn’t in His Word.
• Here’s a little check list:
» If we are obeying God’s Word to the best of our understanding… (things are right vertically)
» If we are not violating our conscience – if it’s clear and if we are not grieving the Holy Spirit… (if things are right internally)
» If we have done what we can to live peaceable with all men… (if things are right horizontally)
» Then we are pleasing to God.
» If something doesn’t pass the test, then confess it and forsake it… and return to the place of communion.

b. Pleasing man is impossible! Frustrating!
• No matter what you do, someone is bound to be unhappy about it!
• There are 6 billion people on earth… and they all have different ideas. Trying to please everybody is a lesson in futility.
• Running a church by trying to please the people is also a lesson in futility. That’s not our goal here. Our goal is to please the Lord. Most in Christendom today will not be happy with that… so be it.
• This view simplifies my life immensely. I have one Person to please… and that is the ONLY measure of success at Salem Bible Church.
• That will simplify your life too!
• Nothing could be more frustrating than trying to live life and keep everybody happy. It isn’t going to happen!

8. God has delivered us from that sort of futility. There is only ONE God… and if we please Him, we are doing well!

a. We are to be single minded… focused upon one Lord… trying to please ONE Person (Jesus Christ)…

b. And every decision in life we make ought to be based upon whether He is pleased or not.
• All issues of life… all areas of life… all decisions in life… every choice we ever face ought to be screened through the filter of this question: is it pleasing to God or not?
• This is akin to knowing His will…
• It is based upon our love for Him…
• It is completely selfless – not my will but thine be done…
• And the better we KNOW HIM… the better equipped we will be to KNOW what pleases Him and what displeases Him.
• Thus, spiritual discernment is related to knowing Christ
» Should I go here? Do this? Read that? Watch this? Listen to this kind of music? Wear this kind of clothing? Should I work at this kind of place? Should I join this organization?

9. The Christian life all boils down to a PERSON… knowing Christ… knowing His Word… knowing His will… knowing what pleases Him… what displeases Him… loving Him and wanting to please Him… choosing those things that are pleasing to Him…

a. Christ knew His Father intimately and always did those things that were pleasing in His sight.

b. We should strive to know Christ that way… and strive to please Him in all we do.

c. Christianity is a relationship to a Person.

d. Pleasing Christ ought to affect ALL areas of our lives…

PLEASING: The Determining Factor of a Worthy Walk

1. Pleasing: The Term

a. Used only here… in Col. 1:10

b. Implies pleasing another; anticipating his will.

c. One Greek scholar (Moule) translated the expression “unto all pleasing” as “unto the anticipation of His will.”

d. T. Bentley defined pleased as “complete satisfaction.”

e. The expression refers to pleasing God… anticipating His will because we KNOW HIM… and then doing it in order to bring Him pleasure. That’s our goal.

2. Things that please God…

a. A life of praise…
• Heb.13:16 – God is well pleased with sacrifices of our lips… praise (Ps. 69:30-31)
• How hard is that? Praise God for the little things in life, and the Creator is pleased.
• Give God the glory in everyday situations of life – and He is pleased.
• To please God, it is not necessary to become a missionary; to give a million dollars to the church; to lead 1,000 people to Christ; or to preach a sermon before 50,000 people.
• To please God, all we have to do is praise Him! Thank Him!
• An attitude of praise – whistle “Thank you Lord For Saving My Soul” as you work. That pleases the Lord.

b. A life of faith…
• Heb.11:6 – without faith it is impossible to please Him.
• Heb.11:5 – Enoch had this testimony: he pleased God.
• We often think of missionaries or others who have no steady source of income as “living by faith.” (“I lost my job; I guess I’ve got to live by faith now.”)
• That kind of thinking illustrates one who does not know what it means to walk by faith.
• Do you really think that living by faith is only for missionaries? Or for the unemployed? Isn’t it rather what is expected of EVERY believer – rich or poor, steady income or unpredictable income.
• Every believer is to live by faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him!
• Walking by faith means much more than trusting God for our earthly goods (food; clothing; money; etc.).
• It means trusting God for our next breath… for victory over sin… for strength moment by moment… for wisdom… trusting Him for grace… for guidance… and everything!

c. A life of sacrifice…
• Micah 6:7-8 – God is not pleased with the sacrifices, but with a humble walk…
• Eph. 5:2 – a sacrificial life is a “sweet smelling savor” to God.
• Phil. 4:18 – giving to the Lord’s work…
• Rom. 14:18 – serving God by giving up our rights is pleasing to God.
• Rom. 12:1-2 – presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice to God

d. A life of functioning in the Body…
• I Cor. 12:18 – God is pleased with the order and function of various ministries in the local church.
• It made God happy… pleased to give each believer a gift in order that he might function in the local church… using that gift to manifest the indwelling life of Christ… by ministering to the members of the Body.
• Do you want to please God?
» Function as designed!
» Be faithful to the assembling together of the saints.
» Use your gifts for His glory… don’t hide them under a bushel.
• Whatever your ministry is in the local church – if it is performed faithfully and to the best of our ability and for His glory—then God is pleased!

e. A life of functioning in the family…
• Col. 3:20 – children obeying their parents pleases the Lord.
• I Tim. 5:4 – showing piety at home (here = supporting parents)
• God is pleased in the home – when each one functions in the home as designed… in their proper role and place…
• When God’s order is maintained in the home, God is pleased.
• When Christ’s life is manifested in the home, God is pleased.
• When spiritual fruit is produced in the home, God is pleased.

f. A life of service…
• Heb. 12:28 – serving God in fear and reverence.
• I Pet. 2:5 – offering up spiritual sacrifice.
• I Tim. 2:1-4 – praying and witnessing.

3. I Thess. 4:1 – “Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.”

a. The Thessalonians are exhorted to walk in such a way so as to please God.

b. Paul had TAUGHT them HOW… and they received the teaching.

c. Now Paul is exhorting them to continue… and to grow and expand in their life dedicated to pleasing the Lord.

d. Once a person begins walking so as to please God, he is to continue to GROW… to abound more and more…

e. Perhaps your life is pleasing to the Lord right now. That’s good… but don’t ever be satisfied. Strive to please Him more!

f. Being pleased comes in all sizes and shapes… there are widely varying degrees of pleasure.

4. What “pleasing God” is NOT:

a. Living so as to please God is not like life in the world.
• The world cannot understand a life dedicated to pleasing the Lord.
• The world operates on a totally different principle: live for yourself… you only live once – grab for all the gusto you can… take care on #1… live for today and don’t worry about tomorrow… this life is all there is, so eat, drink, and be merry.
• The worldly man has himself at the center of his universe.
• The Christian has Christ at the center of his universe.
• The world doesn’t understand how a person can be happy and joyous serving God… to them happiness is being served… not serving… pleasing self, not others.
• The world knows all about standing up for our rights and fighting for our rights. It knows nothing about surrendering the exercise of our rights for the good of others and the glory of God!
• But our citizenship is not of this world. We are citizens of heaven… and life is very different there.
• If pleasing God is your goal in life, you WILL be different from the world. You won’t have to try to be different… you just are. You are headed in a different direction; you think differently; you have different goals; you walk a different pathway…
• A Christ-centered life – a life dedicated to pleasing Him – will make us different from the world.

b. Living so as to please God is not like living under the law.
• Under the law, the Judge was satisfied if the requirements were met.
• The law-giver is happy if the bare minimum requirements are met. (Ex: paying taxes…pay what you owe and the IRS is happy.)
• The ways of grace are unlimited… worthy of the Lord unto ALL pleasing…
• However, we can always increase and please Him MORE.
• In a marriage, a husband and wife may be pleased to live together. However, the pleasure in that relationship can and should be increasing and growing… more and more.
• Rom. 7:4 – our new life is likened here to a marriage relationship. Christ is the groom and we are the bride.
» Marriage is about pleasing our partner.
» Of course, we can be selfish in a marriage relationship, but by doing so, we pollute the atmosphere… sour the relationship… and life is not very pleasing for anyone.
» But when we are selflessly serving our mate… showing love by our life… going the extra mile to please our partner… that relationship is going to be sweet… the way it ought to be.
» I Cor. 7:33c, 34c – Paul speaks of the married man who is responsible to please his wife; and the married woman who is responsible to please her husband.
» The more dedicated a husband is to pleasing his wife, the better the relationship will be. The more dedicated a wife is to pleasing her husband – the better the relationship will be.
» And there is always room for improvement in every relationship.
• The same is true in our walk with God. We may be dedicated to living for the Lord and pleasing Him… but we can always please Him MORE.
» If pleasing God is our goal in life… we will never fall prey to legalism.
» Our relationship is always with a Person – Christ – not a code or a law.
» Our goal in life is to know Christ and please Him… out of love… because we want to… not because we have to.
• If this is truly our goal in life, it simplifies the Christian life.
» We walk in such a way as to please God… our heavenly Father.
» A little child can understand that… perhaps better than we can.
» A child knows the JOY of pleasing his dad. We could learn something from the children in this area.

c. Living so as to please God is not negative (like the law – don’t do this; don’t do that)… A life that is geared towards pleasing God is primarily positive.
• We are to make choices based on whether they PLEASE God… not on the basis of whether it will make Him angry or not.
• Our goal in life is to not just to avoid making God angry at us.
• Rather, we are to lead our lives in such a way that the things we do are positively pleasing to the Lord!
• Just because we are not committing sin, that does not mean we are pleasing to the Lord. That simply means we are not DISpleasing to Him.
» Pleasing God is not merely the absence of corrupt fruit… rather, it is the bearing of good fruit…
» To put it another way, pleasing God is more than just leaving the wilderness… it is entering the Promised Land!
» Or to put it another way, pleasing God is not merely putting away the old life… it is the addition of the new life…
‣ It is based not on knowing that our old man is dead; but it is based upon knowing that our new man is ALIVE unto God.
‣ Do you think a wife would be pleased if her husband came home from work and said, “Honey, I didn’t steal any money out of your wallet; I didn’t curse your name today; and I didn’t gossip about you; and I didn’t commit adultery against you today.”
‣ Just because a factory worker didn’t break any equipment on the job, doesn’t mean that he was pleasing to his boss. What did he DO?
‣ The absence of sin and failure is not what is pleasing. It is the presence of something positive…
• Col. 3:7-13 – putting off and putting on
» Vs. 7-9 – God expects the believer to put off sinful behavior… because his old man was crucified.
» Evil, corrupt fruit is to be put off.
» But the Christian who has put off the old man has done nothing positive to please the Lord.
» Vs. 10-13 – we have also put ON the new man…
» Therefore, we are expected to behave in a positive way… Christ-like behavior…
» God expects that we actively and positively demonstrate by our actions: mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, forgiveness, love… that is good fruit.
» Putting off the deeds of the old man is not what is pleasing to God.
» What is pleasing to God is putting ON the deeds of the new man… a Christ-like spirit pleases the Lord…
• Col. 1:10 – It’s not enough to stop sinning. God wants us to be FRUITFUL in every good work.
» That is what pleases Him. Good fruit… Spirit produced fruit…
» Fruit that is a manifestation of the indwelling life of Christ…
» God is the Husbandman. It is not the absence of blight or disease on the tree that causes the Husbandman to be pleased. It is the presence of fruit.
» OK – so you stopped swearing and you stopped drinking… that’s all good and fine in its place.
» But that does not mean your life is pleasing to God. It just means He is not displeased.
» What are we doing that pleases God? Is there positive FRUIT in our lives?
» Fruit does not refer to how many souls we have led to Christ. It refers to how much Christ-like character is being manifested in our lives through the Holy Spirit.
• That is to be our GOAL in life… a worthy walk… a fruitful life… aimed at pleasing God.
• John 8:29 – Jesus said, “I do always those things which please my Father.
• Matt.3:17 – The Father said, “This is my well beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

d. There is something quite SATISFYING about pleasing someone outside of self.
• A life that is lived to please self is quite hollow… shallow… empty… (read Ecclesiastes- Vanity of vanities!)
• A life that is lived to please the Lord is rewarding… satisfying… and in a round about way – pleasing to self… to the new creature we are in Christ… though our old self is reckoned to be dead.
• It is better to give than to receive… especially when we give to the Lord… give of ourselves… of our time… talent… resources…
• Our lives are truly fulfilled when we arrive at the point where doing the will of God is sweeter than doing our own will…
• It sometimes takes a long time for some of us to learn that true joy and happiness in life comes through doing God’s will…
• Col. 1:9 – pray to be filled with the knowledge of His will. And when we know His will – DO it… live it. This is what it means to please God… being eager to know His will and eager do it… anticipating His will – so as to please Him! That’s love… That is a satisfying life!
• Not my will but thine be done… when we arrive at that attitude – what peace floods our heart… what liberty… what freedom from the bondage of self will.
• How liberating to be able to look beyond me, myself, and I… to be able to look beyond me and my household… and enabled to see others… other households… other believers… other people…

e. Heb. 13:21 – God … working IN YOU that which is well pleasing in His sight THROUGH Jesus Christ…
• When we come to the place where we are WILLING to put our will on the cross… and yield ourselves to God to do HIS will, THEN we can expect GOD’s power operative in our lives.
• Then and only then GOD will work in us.
• If we allow the Lord to lead us, mold us, shape us, work through us – of course the end result will be well pleasing to Him! It is HIS work…
• They that are in the flesh CANNOT please God. God is pleased with the fruit of the Spirit and is never pleased with the fruit of the flesh – no matter how cultured, sophisticated, religious, or good it appears to be.
• God isn’t pleased with ANYTHING that comes out of a dirty fountain.
• God IS pleased with the kind of works… the kind of fruit that is borne in the life of a believer who is completely dedicated to God… as a living sacrifice… dead but alive…
• The Holy Spirit works in that believer and spiritual fruit is borne… Christ-like character radiates out of that life… and God is PLEASED.
• WHY? Because God is pleased when He sees His Son manifested in and through us! It is His Beloved Son… in whom He is well pleased!

f. Phil. 2:13 – it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of His good PLEASURE.
• God works in us in such a way that we desire to do that which is pleasing to Him.
• Let to our own, we would live to please self.
• But when God works in us – He changes us… from self pleasing creatures… to God pleasing creatures! What an improvement!
• It is the difference between our old self and Christ-likeness!
• The believer who is filled with the fullness of God is not only going to DO that which pleases God – but he will also be pleased doing it!
• Christ not only did His father’s will. He said, “I DELIGHT to do thy will O God!”
• O to be truly delighted in doing that which pleases God. What a life of satisfaction…


1. In this opening prayer, we have already considered the following:


a. To be filled with the knowledge of His will…

b. Wisdom and spiritual understanding…

c. A worthy walk…

d. Divine strength…

e. This morning we are going to consider the importance of the knowledge of God… a key part of Paul’s prayer for the saints.


1. John 17:3 – this is life eternal: that they might KNOW Thee!

a. In the Bible, knowing God is a common expression of salvation…knowing God in a saving way.

2. Jer. 31:33-34 – one day all of Israel shall know the Lord.

a. The New Covenant promised to Israel—and to everyone under its blessings – LIFE.

b. In this, it differed drastically from the old covenant. NOT everyone under the old covenant knew God. In fact, most did not know Him.

c. But everyone related to God through the blood of the New Covenant is saved!

d. The Old Covenant only required a physical birth. The New Covenant requires a new birth… regeneration.

3. Jer. 24:7 – I will give them a heart to KNOW ME…

a. In Jer. 24, God carried the Jews away into captivity in Babylon. There He promised to preserve them… and He promised one day to bring them BACK into their land.

b. His promise here is that also—one day in the future—associated with the Second Coming of Christ—all Israel shall be saved… shall enter into the full blessing of the new covenant… AND they shall receive a new heart.

c. With this new heart (regeneration) they would be able to KNOW God in a personal way.

d. Without a new heart, it is IMPOSSIBLE to know God.

e. Not everyone can know God. Only the heart of a man who has been made alive spiritually is equipped to know God, who is a Spirit…

f. God gives such a heart as part of our salvation package.

4. Hos. 4:1 – That was a constant problem with Israel. They did NOT have a knowledge of God.

a. The tragedy in the land was that the people lacked the knowledge of God!

b. This was tantamount to saying, they were not saved! They didn’t have a heart for God… or for spiritual things. Spiritual things are foolishness to the natural man.

c. They had plenty of religion and ceremonies, but they were not saved. Most of the Israelites had no personal relationship with the Lord. They knew about God, but they didn’t know HIM.

5. Matt. 7:23-24 – I never knew you… and you never knew Me.

a. Here Jesus points out to religious men that they too were not saved.

b. They believed intellectually on God… the right God.

c. They did many wonderful works.

d. But Jesus said, “I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

e. They were rejected because they didn’t KNOW Him in a saving way… He didn’t know them as His sheep… as His children. There was no relationship there.

f. Jesus said that His sheep know His voice… (John 10:4). He also said, “My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow Me.” There was a relationship between the Shepherd and His sheep.

g. If someone is saved, that person knows God and God knows them.

h. They instantly cry, Abba, Father! There is an inborn witness of the Spirit that we are the children of God.

i. A little child knows his father. He knows his father’s voice—and can pick it out in a crowd of voices. He responds to his father’s voice. The same is true of a sheep and his shepherd…

6. When a person is born again, he knows God.

a. Of course, that person is expected to GROW in the knowledge of God… but there is an inborn knowledge of Him right from the moment of the new birth.

b. He knows God and God knows him.

c. The new birth is a new relationship… a father/son relationship. Fathers and sons know each other.

d. Jesus’ High Priestly prayer: This is life eternal … that they might know thee… the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent…

7. If you are not born again, you can NEVER know the Lord.

a. You can know facts about Him… but you can’t know Him.

b. You can memorize the Bible… but you cannot know God in a personal way.

c. You can go to seminary and be tops in your class—but accumulating facts about a person is NOT the same as knowing a person.

d. If you are not born again, you are DEAD spiritually. Until your spirit is regenerated… made alive unto God… you can never know the Lord in a saving way.

e. To have a relationship, both parties have to be ALIVE.

f. You can read all the books written about George Washington and become an historic expert on him… but you can never know HIM. You can never have a relationship with the person. His death made that impossible.

g. Eternal life is to know God. All those who are related to God through the blood of the New Covenant KNOW God in a saving way.

h. That is the ONLY way to know God… through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.

i. I John 5:20 – Christ came so that we might be able to know God.

j. II Cor. 4:6 – the knowledge of God comes in the face of Jesus Christ.

k. John 14:6 – There is no way to know God apart from Jesus Christ.
• This claim of exclusivity is not a popular notion today. In fact, it is hated by the world…
• Some will even call us hate mongers because we believe what the Bible says: that no man comes to the Father expect through Jesus Christ.
• There is only one way to come to the Father… there is only one way to know God…
• In the FACE of Jesus Christ… NOT in the face of Mohammad… or Buddha… or Confucius… or Mother Earth…
• Vs. 7 – the only way to know the Father is to know the Son.


1. Col. 1:9-10 – I do not cease to pray for you…

a. Paul prayed for the believers to grow in their knowledge of God.

b. Getting to know God is not like getting to know your neighbor. We don’t see God. It is a spiritual relationship… our spirit (made alive) communing with His spirit… but it is a very REAL relationship nonetheless.

c. Thus, since it is a supernatural relationship, it requires prayer. We have to ask God to nurture this relationship.

d. The atheist tells us that there is no God to know. The agnostic tells us that if there is a God, He is unknowable.

e. Yet the Bible tells us that there is a God and that He is knowable… and that knowing God is the highest form of knowledge… and the Christian’s greatest pursuit in life.

f. Therefore, we are to pray that we WOULD know God… and increase in that knowledge.

g. God is knowable, but He is a spirit…and is known in the spiritual realm… through a human spirit that has been made alive unto God… who comes to God in faith, praying in the Spirit…

2. Eph. 1:17 – PRAY that God would give us the wisdom and understanding of the knowledge of Him.

a. Note that this wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of God is GIVEN to believers BY God.

b. Hence, the need for prayer. Ask and ye shall receive…

c. The Holy Spirit is our teacher… He is the One who illuminates the truth to our minds… opens our understanding. PRAY!

d. Vs. 18 – without divine enlightenment, we are UNABLE to know God. He reveals Himself to us…

e. The kind of knowledge of God for which Paul prays is knowing God intimately… personally… experientially.

3. Psa. 119:18 – Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things from thy law.

a. Here the psalmist makes a prayer request for divine illumination as he reads God’s Word.

b. What is the Bible about? It is a book about GOD. In the beginning, God!

c. We too should pray that as we read His Word, God would enable us to learn about HIM.

d. The hymn writer put it this way: “Beyond the sacred page, I seek thee Lord… my spirit longs for thee, the Living Word.”

e. The knowledge of God Christ… the Living Word is recorded for us in the written Word… BUT it requires supernatural illumination by the Holy Spirit for our eyes to be able to see… to understand… to learn of Him…

f. That’s why we should PRAY as we read. The Bible is a supernatural book…

g. Col. 1:11 implies that it requires divine STRENGTH… God’s power working in us… to be able to understand.

4. Contrary to the atheist’s claim, there IS a God. And contrary to the claim of the agnostics, He CAN be known. He WANTS us to know Him… and He tells us how. Come to Him in prayer.

a. The believer who genuinely WANTS to know God… and who is willing to follow God’s pattern… WILL come to God in prayer.

b. He will spend much time in prayer… talking to God… seeking His face… asking for illumination… guidance… seeking to know God better.

c. AND—as we do this… as we spend time with God in prayer, we WILL come to know Him better.

d. How DO you come to know a person? By spending TIME with that person.


1. Prov. 2:5 – if you seek her as gold THEN shall thou find the knowledge of God.
a. The knowledge of God is only available to those who are alive unto God through the new birth… AND for those who seek to know God in prayer.

b. However, more is required of us. When it comes to our daily bread, we should pray… but don’t stop there! We are to seek it… go after it… and if we don’t have a job—seek one!

c. Solomon tells us here that obtaining the knowledge of God does not come by dabbling.
• Have you ever met a dabbler? There’s nothing wrong with dabbling into things.
• Some people dabble with the piano. They never take learning the piano very seriously… they never take lessons… never devote a portion of their life to it… but on occasion, when it is convenient, they may sit at a piano and pluck out a few tunes. By dabbling you can pick up a few skills… but you’ll never go very far.
• Some people dabble with a foreign language. They may learn a few Italians words here… a few French words there… and a few Spanish words… but they never get serious enough to study the language… to learn all the verb tenses and endings… they are content to dabble with a few words here and there.
• There’s nothing wrong with dabbling in music or art or a language… as long as it is not essential to your life or your life’s work.
• But the knowledge of God IS essential. And dabbling just isn’t going to cut it. You’ll never know God in a very deep way or a meaning relationship to the Lord by dabbling…
• But unfortunately, that’s how many Christians approach their faith – dabbling with Christianity!
• If you come to church once a week, hear a sermon, and then go off for the rest of the week without any serious study of God’s Word… fellowship with God’s people… prayer… or Bible reading… then you are just dabbling with knowing God. And you’ll never go anywhere spiritually.
• By dabbling, you can learn enough words to get by…and to please men… to make you look reasonably in tune with the church family…
• Many believers live their entire lives just dabbling in the faith… and also never experience much spiritual growth… or depth… and never really know the Lord in a deep way… all is surface… their faith is real, but superficial… no depth…
• And their lack of knowledge of God… their lack of a deep relationship to the Lord has nothing to do with intellect. It has to do with the heart… and the heart’s desire.

d. The knowledge of God is obtained only when we SEEK it with our whole heart… like gold diggers seek after gold. They were thirsty for gold… they could almost taste it…
• How much effort did the gold diggers in the days of the California gold rush put into their enterprise?
• They left their comfortable east coast lives behind… they put everything else aside—and traveled out to the wild, wild, west in search of gold… and paid an incredible price. The Alaskan gold rush cost the lives of countless men!
• Solomon’s point is that to really know God – it requires a sold out effort on our part… not just a week end dabbler.

2. Ps. 42:1-2 – my soul thirsteth for the Living God.

a. Not His blessings; His help; His gifts… but HIM.

b. The psalmist compares his thirst for God to the thirst of a deer thirsting after water. The deer can’t LIVE without water… and seems to sense that.

c. So too the believer ought to thirst after God… thirst to know Him more and more… seek to increase in the knowledge of God…

d. No deer would ever be satisfied with yesterday’s drink… she seeks a constant renewal of water… every day… many times during the day… whenever she can, she stops for a drink.

e. No believer should ever be satisfied with yesterday’s drink from Gods’ Word. We need a FRESH supply every day… a FRESH look into the Scripture… fresh insight… fresh application… a fresh glimpse of God in His Word…

f. A spiritually minded believer is also going to sense that he NEEDS the water of God’s Word for his very survival, spiritually! Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word of God! It is our “necessary food”… living water…

g. The believer who seeks the Lord this way will discover the knowledge of God. This isn’t dabbling. This is whole hearted searching… longing… thirsting…

h. God is delighted to reveal Himself to the one who seeks after Him as a deer pants after water… as a gold digger seeks after buried treasure…

i. God waits to see a yearning heart before he opens our eyes to behold wondrous things from His law!

j. He feeds us in direct proportion to our hunger…

k. Another interesting note here is that most believe that this psalm was written by David when banished by Absalom his son out of the land.
• This had to have been one of the lowest points in David’s life… treason and treachery—by his own son!
• Now he is away from the Temple… and MISSES the times of worship and communion with God…
• Perhaps David never LONGED for communion with God and fellowship with God’s people so much as when he was far away… (You don’t miss your water till your well runs dry).
• God can use these DRY times to cause us to appreciate the value of knowing Him… and communing with Him.
• This was illustrated in the wilderness wanderings, when the children of Israel began to loath the manna. It was so plentiful… and so available… that they grew tired of it. (Same old thing!)
• I’m afraid we too might lose our hunger and thirst for the knowledge of God because it is so plentiful here… so available…
• We don’t have to drive two hours in a snow storm in a horse and buggy to sit on a cold hard bench for church. It is all so easy and comfortable for us. We have books, bibles, tapes, CD’s, bible software—everything we need…
• Yet none of that will help us know God without a driving inner burning to know Him… an insatiable thirst…
• When we get good and thirsty, God will be ready to reveal Himself to us.

3. Hos. 6:6 – we shall know if we follow on (chase; pursue) to know…

a. In Hos. 6, we have EITHER the words of the prophet exhorting the people to repentance OR the words of the people exhorting one another to repent…

b. Either way, they are an exhortation to repentance. (Let us return unto the Lord!)

c. God, like an angry lion tore them up in judgment… but they acknowledge that if they repent, He will heal them and revive them.

d. His conclusion to this thought is found in vs. 3 – “we shall KNOW—if we follow on to know the Lord.”

e. If we return to God and pursue a relationship to Him… if we seek to know Him… we WILL know!

f. A LACK of the knowledge of God is what brought them to ruin in the first place.
• Hos. 4:6 – God’s people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge of God.
• Hos. 4:14 – those who don’t understand this shall fall.

g. The speaker acknowledges that that can all be reversed, IF they follow on to know the Lord… pursue the knowledge of God… and where it leads I will follow!
• Follow on: follow after, harass; pursue, persecute, run after; eagerly aim to secure.
• If that is our attitude, we too shall know the Lord… in a deeper way… a closer way…
• Knowing God is not just intellect. It is primarily HEART attitude.
• Knowing God requires an ongoing attitude of heart… a driving force in one’s life… thirst…

h. Ps. 37:4 – delight thyself in the LORD and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart.
• Again—we are so earthly, we miss the point here too often.
• We all have desires in our hearts… things we want the Lord to do or to change… to heal… “I don’t want much, I just want __________.”
• The promise is not to give us what we want.
• The promise is that IF we delight ourselves in the Lord… if HE Himself becomes the desire of the heart… then He will give us our desire! Our desire WILL be fulfilled!
• When knowing he Lord becomes the overwhelming desire of our heart… THEN our heart’s desire will be fulfilled. That’s a promise! That’s the only means to true satisfaction.

4. Jer. 9:23-24 – Men glory in all kinds of things. We set our hearts on all kinds of things…

a. We glory in wisdom… wealth… power… and a whole host of other earthly things.

b. Philosophers seek after wisdom… they thirst after it… they pursue it… their lives are devoted to it.

c. Men who love riches seek after material gain… they thirst after it… they pursue it… their lives are devoted to it.

d. Some men crave power… they thirst after it… they pursue it… their lives are devoted to it.

e. Here we are told NOT to glory in such things… or crave after them.

f. But there is one thing… one desire of our heart that we CAN and should glory in: that we know the Lord!

g. And, the Lord DELIGHTS in these things!
• Do you want to please God?
• Then dedicate your life to knowing Him… develop a relationship with Him… pursue the knowledge of God with every ounce of strength God gives…
• As we “increase in the knowledge of God,” we are “unto all pleasing.”


1. II Tim. 2:7 – consider the words taught to you in church and PRAY that the Lord would give you understanding on those issues…

a. This is a divine work. It is not just one human being teaching another.

b. It is GOD using a Spirit filled man to teach other Spirit filled men… and the Spirit of God using that truth in the heart of the hearer… and illuminating his mind… and opening his eyes… and ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit who is the real teacher.

c. IF the believer considers (takes to heart) the things Paul just said (about the necessity of a sold out life—a soldier, willing to endure hardships, willing to put the world aside, willing to be dedicated to doing the will of his commander in Chief)…

d. THEN the Lord will give the believer a good understanding in all things.

e. Spiritual understanding is GIVEN by the Lord—but not to all believers. Heart dedication is required!
• If we chose to cast aside the things Paul just said, then don’t expect the Lord to give us spiritual understanding.
• This is why in good churches—where the Word of God is faithfully taught—people can sit under the ministry of the word for YEARS… and walk away and live as if they had no discernment or spiritual understanding at all…
• They sat under the ministry of the Word, but they did not CONSIDER what was being said!
• “Consider” = to put your mind to something… (present active imperative…)
• THIS is the man or woman who will (at the end of the day) have a full, rich, deep knowledge of God…
• But just because your body is here on Sunday that does not guarantee that you will actually grow in the knowledge of Christ.
• For that to occur, it requires that you participate… that you receive the Word taught… and that you CONSIDER what is said… take it to heart… put your mind to it… that you THINK… put aside the cares and distractions of life… set your mind and heart on things above…
• I can’t do that for you. My job as a shepherd is to lead you to the water… but I can’t make you drink. That’s your responsibility before the Lord.
• This is one of the main reasons I am so opposed to the new wave worship services being held across the nation… where the sermon is truncated and trivialized… and skits, performance music, jokes, stories, anecdotes, and entertainment. They have created an atmosphere NOT CONDUCIVE to learning about God.
• And that has replaced the traditional church setting—which WAS conducive to learning about God… and that’s why we’re here!
• We’ve had folks that weren’t happy with our old fashioned approach. They have complained that “It’s too deep; the sermon is too long; I don’t get it…”
• I disagree. My sermons can be understood by your average fifth grader…
• BUT—it requires thinking and thirsting… considering… meditating and musing… praying and persistence… comparing Scripture with Scripture…
• And we have far too many TV generation believers who don’t want to think… they want to come to church, relax, be stroked, have their ears tickled, feel good, have a few laughs, and go home… but leave with almost NOTHING that helped them to know the Lord any better!
• “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts, heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears…” (II Tim. 4:3)
• We are living in such an age.
• And while catering to that mentality fills churches today, that is not our goal here.
• Our goal is to teach the whole counsel of God… to feed the sheep… so that men leave knowing God, His will, and His Word better than when they came. Increasing in the knowledge of God…

2. Phil. 3:10 – that I may know Him…

a. Knowing God WAS the driving force in the life of the apostle Paul.
• It was a constant burning desire in his heart.
• That’s why he knew the Lord as well as he did!

b. But coming to this deep knowledge of God does not come easy.
• Vs. 8 – he suffered great earthly loss in coming to Christ.
• But he considered possessing all those earthly things a LOSS because it had kept him from the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord.
• Anything we suffer in this life isn’t worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us. So too, any earthly loss we suffer is not worthy to be compared to the knowledge of God we gain in Christ.

c. Knowing Christ was the holy desire of Paul’s heart—and God granted him the desire of his heart.

d. We are all familiar with this part of Paul’s goal (to know Him. But are we as familiar with the phrases that follow?

e. “The fellowship of His sufferings.”
• This is one of the WAYS in which we come to know Christ… through fellowshipping in His sufferings.
• We could never share in his sufferings on the cross, but we can share in His sufferings for righteounsess sake…
• As we walk with the Lord, we can expect the enemy to attack. We can expect people to laugh, ridicule, call us names, and seek to harm us, etc… just like they did to the Lord Jesus.
• The sufferings of Christ here refer primarily to suffering for righteousness sake… suffering because a hostile world hates light and righteousness… and the stand we take for the truth.
• We will be enabled to know Christ in an experiential way to the degree that we are willing to fellowship (joint participation; to share) in suffering for righteousness sake…
• Don’t get the wrong idea here. We are not to TRY to irritate people with our faith. NO! Jesus suffered quietly for the most part.
• I Pet. 2:23 – “When he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not.”
• If we are willing to stand for truth and suffer for it, we too will get to know Christ in a deeper way.
• We will learn experientially:
» What He went through for us…
» What He felt like when people mocked… ridiculed…
» What it’s like to have one’s family turned against you…
» What it feels like to be despised and rejected of men…
» What He experienced as He lived in a sin cursed earth… and saw sin and evil all around Him… the inner grief…
» How He agonized in Gethsemane over sin…
» How He groaned in His spirit as He saw expressions of sin everywhere He looked…
» To the degree that we are willing to suffer like that, we will experience a deeper knowledge of Christ.

f. “Being made conformable to His death.”
• Being conformed: symmorphizomenos, which means “being conformed inwardly in one’s experience to something”
• Paul knew the Lord because he was willing to lead a crucified life.
• Through a daily life of being identified with Christ and suffering for righteousness sake, Paul was gradually MADE more and more conformable to Christ’s death…
• An inward change was taking place… wooing him more and more away from the things of the earth… and he was being wooed by the Spirit into a genuine affection for things above.
• Paul experienced a death…a death to self… a death to sin… and a death to the world… (Gal. 6:14)
• When his eyes were opened to his riches in Christ, he saw all the glories of his past life as nothing but dung.
• By coming to Christ, Paul left all of his earthly trophies behind… and whatever he lost, he found it to be GAIN!
• He had to be willing to reckon himself to be DEAD before he could experience the resurrection power… and before he could enter into a deep and precious knowledge of Christ.
• The worldly believer who is unwilling to suffer outside the camp… who is unwilling to come to the cross, and see himself as crucified to the sights and sounds of the world… will never suffer much… nor will he experience much of what it really means to KNOW Christ…

3. If we really want to know the Lord in such a way that our relationship to Him is deep, rich, and rewarding, it will COST us.

a. This is just what Jesus meant when He told His disciples that if they were going to follow Him, they would have to pick up a cross—an instrument of death.

b. Getting saved is free. Becoming a disciple… a student of the Lord… and knowing Him… is costly.

c. Anything of value is costly… this is especially so in the Christian life.

d. The more we are willing to spend of ourselves in pursuit of the knowledge of God, the more precious will be the knowledge of God.

e. It is the most important… and the most rewarding pursuit in the world.

f. And it is more than worth the cost.

g. Paul said, “When compared to the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, the earthly price is but dung.”

h. Phil. 3:8 – Paul would consider himself a LOSER had he clung to all he had as a Pharisee… if he did not experience this rich knowledge of Christ Jesus.

4. No wonder Paul prayed for the Colossians, that they would continually increase in the knowledge of God.

a. Nothing is more satisfying in this life… and rewarding for all eternity.

b. Easy to say… not so easy to do.

c. He also prayed that they would be strengthened with ALL might according to God’s glorious power… that knowing God might become a reality in their lives.

DO YOU KNOW GOD in a saving way? You can—through faith in Christ Jesus!



1. Once again, we are looking at Paul’s prayer for the Colossians.


2. He prayed for:
• Them to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will
• Wisdom and spiritual understanding (discernment)
• A worthy walk
• Divine strength
• Pleasing to the Lord
• The knowledge of God

3. This morning we are going to look at another aspect of Paul’s prayer: for the believers to be fruitful and increasing.

The Terms

A. Being Fruitful

‣ Defined – bearing fruit; (fruiting)
‣ Present, active, participle
• The worthy walk is characterized by fruitfulness.
• In fact, the present tense indicates that a worthy walk is continually characterized by fruit bearing.
• A barren life is not a worthy walk.
• A worthy walk is a fruitful walk… a fruitful life.

1. Col. 1:6 – fruit is the result of the gospel. Every believer produces some fruit… some time… in some form… The gospel, when believed, never fails to produce fruit.

a. Luke 8:15 – seed on good ground brings forth fruit unto patience.
• Good fruit is to be borne in our lives… unto patience.
• We are never to grow weary in well doing… nor are we to grow weary in our walk… our maintaining our testimony…
• Good seed continues to bring forth good fruit – patiently… with endurance… through good times and bad…
• The true believer hears the gospel, responds in faith, produces fruit… and CONTINUES to produce fruit… unto patience…endurance… it lasts…
• Fruit bearing characterizes a living branch… it is the distinguishing mark of a believer. It’s how you can tell the wheat from the tares… the true from the imposter…

b. Matt. 13:23 – seed on good ground brings forth fruit, some 100 fold, some 60, and some 30.
• The Lord states that all true believers will bring forth fruit… but in different degrees.
• Some are more fruitful than others.
• The difference is due to the fact that not all believers are faithful in their walk… not all walk worthy consistently. Some bear fruit all the time… some most of the time… and others some of the time.
• Don’t be content with 30 fold! Strive for 100 fold!
• Some believers are up and down… Some are constantly wandering off the straight and narrow on to some dead end street and then return… you don’t make much progress that way…
• We should be praying for one another that we would be consistently bearing fruit for the glory of God…

c. All believers will produce fruit… and that is encouraging. To the degree that we are fruitful… we are pleasing to the Lord.
• There is no such thing as a fruitless believer.
• There are lots of fruitless professors… but not true believers.
• We may go through a barren stretch in our walk… but the Lord will not allow us to stay there.
• If a man be IN CHRIST, he is a new creation. That indwelling life cannot be covered up forever. If there is life there – it will manifest itself sooner or later.
• Sin shall NOT have dominion over you!
• Wherever the gospel is received – it bringeth forth fruit – as it doth also in you, since the day he heard it!

2. Heb. 12:11 – fruit is the result of chastisement.

a. God chastens His sons SO THAT we would once again bear fruit.

b. Chastening often hurts, but afterwards, it produces good fruit… to those who are exercised thereby. (If we let God work in us!)

c. Remember – chastening doesn’t necessarily mean punishment. It can be… but it is often a very positive kind of discipline…
• It = “child-training.” (There are all kinds of disciplines in life.)
• Strong’s: the whole training and education of children (which relates to the cultivation of mind and morals, and employs for this purpose now commands and admonitions, now reproof and punishment.)
• God chastens us in order to make us more fruitful…

d. John 15:2 – the Father purges even the fruitful branches to make them even MORE fruitful… and pruning hurts too!
• As God prunes us, we become more fruitful…
• Pruning involves cutting away useless growth on a vine’s branch… growth that is not unhealthy, but simply takes away the fruit bearing capabilities.
• This should be the focus of our prayer life: “God take away that which hinders me from bearing more fruit for thee!”
• Do we DARE to pray like that? Be careful – God may answer that kind of prayer!
• It may not be evil, but just excess baggage that hinders us in running the race.
• Too often our hearts become attached to that baggage… and we become quite fond of all the things in that baggage… and the very things our hearts become attached to – are the very things that are weighing us down. Our adversary is quite clever.
• Are we willing to lay aside every weight and whatever else may be weighing us down and hindering our spiritual progress?
• God’s child training “convinces” us to WILLINGLY lay aside such baggage for the glory of God. Fruit is the result.

4. Rom. 7:4 – Fruit is the result of a relationship to Christ.

a. We died to the Law by the Body of Christ.
• Because of our faith, we are united to Christ in His death.
• We died with Him. We died to the Law.
• The Law has no jurisdiction over a dead man.
• This is Paul’s point: the Christian is NOT under the Law as a rule of life.

b. We died to the Law SO THAT we could be married to another – even to Christ.
• In context, Paul stated that a woman is bound to her husband so long as he lives (vs. 2)
• But if a death occurs, she is free to marry another.
• His point: under the Old Covenant, believers were married to the Law.
• But since we died with Christ, we are no longer bound to that Law. Death changes everything!
• The old relationship to Law is over. It has ended forever.
• Hence, we are free to marry another: Christ.
• Going from law to grace is like going from Moses to Christ…
• We are no longer under the old Mosaic law system. Rather, we are in a new relationship to Christ.
• What did the law produce? (vs. 5 – fruit unto death.)
• What does this new relationship produce? (vs. 4 – good fruit unto God!)
• The old dispensation was like being married to the Law. The new dispensation is like being married to Christ.
• Believers who follow the teachings of Covenant Theology miss this vital point. They see the opposite of being under the Law as lawlessness. Paul sees the opposite of being under the law as being under a new relationship to Christ: marriage.
• We are still to submit to Christ – but the motivation is not law or fear, (do or die!) but love and gratitude… living a LIFE!
• This new relationship results in good fruit… hence, this is what we ought to be praying for – that we would all grow in our relationship to Christ.

c. John 15:1-3 – fruit is the result of an abiding relationship to Christ, the true Vine.
• When talking about bearing fruit you have to go to John 15!
• Vs. 4 – the branch CANNOT bear fruit of itself. It is a supernatural work. It is the life of the VINE that flows through the branch and produces good fruit.
• Vs. 5 – if we ABIDE in the Vine… in Christ… rest in Him… remain in Him… stay close to Him… then fruit WILL be borne in our lives. He will do the work in us.
• Our job is to concentrate on our relationship to Him. His job is to produce the fruit.
• We don’t produce fruit. We BEAR it… AS we abide.

5. Gal. 5:22-23 – Fruit is the result of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

a. Fruitfulness is the work of God in us.

b. It is a supernatural work that ONLY the Holy Spirit can produce.

c. We can attempt to imitate His fruit – but the Lord is not pleased with the works of the flesh…

d. We can do all kinds of good deeds… helping others… giving… sacrificing… showing kindness… but if it is not empowered by the Holy Spirit, then it is nothing but wood, hay, and stubble.

e. All of our works are either produced by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit OR by our own fallen flesh.

f. NOTHING the flesh produces can ever please God… and none of it is ever considered good fruit by God.

g. God isn’t pleased with flesh, even if it is religious or moral. They that are in the flesh CANNOT please God. Good water can never come from a polluted fountain. An evil tree cannot produce good fruit. Our sinful nature is incapable of producing good… in my flesh dwells NO good thing.

h. BUT, when we yield ourselves to God and GOD works in us… those deeds done in the power of the Holy Spirit are good in God’s sight… and pleasing to Him… a sweet smelling savor.

6. James 3:17 – fruit is the result of God’s gift of wisdom.

a. Note here spiritual wisdom is FULL of good fruit.

b. This is what Paul prayed for the Colossians: that they might be filled with the knowledge of God’s will IN all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

c. Note also in this passage, that this wisdom is from above. This is not natural wisdom, but supernatural.

d. It is a gift of God! It is the product of the Holy Spirit in us.

e. DO you need this kind of wisdom? PRAY. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not.” (Jas. 1:5)

f. Pray for the wisdom that results in good fruit…

g. If we want to be bearing fruit for the glory of God, then PRAY… for this kind of wisdom… because it produces good fruit.

h. And since it’s from above, we need to pray for it.

7. Phil. 1:9-11 – fruit is the result of spiritual discernment… a gift of the Spirit.

a. Note here that the discerning believer, who approves things that are excellent, is the one who will be “filled with the fruits of righteousness.”

b. Note also that this is the kind of fruit that is unto the glory and praise of God.

c. Which believer will be manifesting good fruit in his life? The one who puts everything to the test… he accepts the things that are excellent… and he rejects the things that are not.

d. He is discriminating… discerning… not gullible… he wants to get to the truth… he tests everything according to the word of God.

e. Believers who aren’t so careful… who don’t put things to the test will find themselves getting involved in things that weighs them down spiritually… and waste time…

f. Since we know this – let’s PRAY for discernment… so that our lives can be more fruitful for the Lord.

8. Jas. 5:7-8 – fruit requires longsuffering and patience.

a. God has patience in waiting for fruit… so should we.

b. Fruit takes time. Fruit trees don’t become productive overnight.

c. So too with new believers. It takes time to grow…it takes time for a new believer to be chastened, disciplined and trained by God… it takes time to develop a deep, abiding relationship to Christ… it takes time to accumulate spiritual wisdom and discernment…

d. And there just isn’t any way to speed up the process of spiritual growth… though we might like to.

e. God is at work in each believer… doing a work that only HE can do…

f. As a family… or as a church family… the best we can do is to provide an environment CONDUCIVE to spiritual growth. We can teach, train, and guide, but ultimately, it is the LORD who must produce fruit in the lives His people.

g. Like a fruit farmer – his job is to break up the fallow ground, keep the soil from getting hard, sow, water, weed, add nutrients… and then wait, rest, and trust in the Lord for a good harvest.

B. Increasing
• Defined: Strong’s: (auxaunw) to grow, increase: of plants; of infants; of a multitude of people; of inward Christian growth.
• The term is used 22 times – and translated either grow or increase (about 50/50)
• It is the normal word used of spiritual growth.

1. I Cor. 3:6-7 – growth or increase is of the Lord.

a. It is the Lord who gives any increase in His work – either in a church or in an individual life.

b. We can minister, but only God can give the increase.

c. When it comes to being saved, only God can give life.

d. When it comes to being sanctified, only God can sustain life…

e. If we want to see our children growing in the Lord… if we want to see church members increasing in wisdom, and growing in Christlikeness… then we have a role to play – we are to teach, exhort, rebuke, minister, encourage, etc. But ultimately, increase is of the Lord. We are but a tool God uses… for His good end.

f. The case was the same in the Old Testament when the Israelites went out to battle. They had to pick up their swords and shields, march out against the enemy and fight… BUT ultimately, the battle is the Lord’s!

g. Vs. 9 –Paul told the Corinthians that THEY were God’s husbandry (cultivated field)…where fruit was expected to grow… also called God’s building… the church.
• In context, his point is that the pastor and teachers can sow, water, and cultivate, but ultimately, only the Lord can produce fruit and spiritual growth in believers.
• We are but tools in God’s hands. The emphasis here on fruit and growth is on GOD – and not the ministers…
• BUT – these are the tools that God uses…if you want to be growing spiritually then participate in what God is doing in the local church. It is HIS means for spiritual growth!
• The local church is the PRIMARY place where God’s life, character, wisdom, and FRUIT are manifested… to men and angels… so BE INVOLVED in God’s program for this age.
• Eph. 4:11-14a – the local church ministry is designed BY GOD for your edification… growth/increase… and maturity.

2. I Pet. 2:2 – growth comes from a thirst for God’s Word.

a. Here Peter lets us know that God’s Word sustains life… nourishes life… it is vital for a spiritually healthy walk with the Lord.

b. Just as a baby desires its milk – the believer should crave after God’s Word…

c. We need it for our spiritual growth, just as a baby needs milk for its physical growth.

d. It is a sign of health when a baby cries after its milk. We would be concerned if the baby had no desire for milk. So too with the believer! We should be concerned if we have no desire for God’s Word! It’s healthy to be hungry.

e. There are things that will HINDER our thirst for the pure milk of God’s word… and Peter exhorts us to lay them aside. (vs. 1)
• If we allow these poor attitudes to fester in our hearts, it will erode all thirst for the milk of the Word… and it will hinder spiritual growth.
• If we stop feeding on the word, we stop growing.
• (vs. 3) But if we keep on tasting, we will develop an appetite for God’s Word, for His grace, for Himself!
• In vs. 3, Peter likens their present knowledge of Christ to a tasting. Every believer has tasted the Lord’s grace in salvation. We are to keep on tasting… feasting… feeding our souls on His Word.
• As we do, we develop a taste for it… and a love for it… and we will continue to come… like a sheep being led to green pastures and still waters… like a hart panting after the waterbrooks… these are healthy signs of spiritual growth.

3. Col. 2:19 – Increase in the Body stems from holding the Head.

a. As the body holds on to Christ the Head, it increases with the increase of God.

b. As members of the Body, we should “hold fast” to Christ the Head (abide in Him; married to Him; looking unto Him) we experience a spiritual increase…
c. Read the verse backwards to trace the SOURCE of spiritual growth:
• The body increases with the increase of God -divine increase.
• There is a knitting together of members in that body
• The joints and bands are ministered to in the Body and thus receive nourishment.
• When all the body is “holding the Head” — holding fast to the Head… embracing Christ… abiding in Him.

e. Now read it forwards: When the Body holds fast to the Head, each member of the Body is ministering, and nourishment for the Body is provided… the members are knit together… and the whole Body increases… with a supernatural increase that comes from God! The HEAD is the Source of the growth… like the Vine.

f. Note once again, that whether in the life of an individual, or corporately in the Body, increase is of the Lord… spiritual growth is God’s work in us.

g. So PRAY for that… for your family… for your church family… that each one of us would hold on to the Head and as a result, experience what Paul calls “increase with the increase of God.”

Fruit and Increase By Means of the Knowledge of God

1. Instrumental case, “by means of the full knowledge of God.” This rendering is held by many good Greek scholars, such as A.T. Robertson; Vincent; Wuest; Darby; and Lightfoot.

2. One Greek form is shared by three different functions: dative, locative, and instrumental.

a. Our English version translated it perfectly accurately…

b. The difference here is not one of translation, but of interpretation… sometimes they by necessity overlap.
‣ Our English version ascribes the locative to the form… increasing in the sphere of the knowledge of God.
‣ The instrumental gives it a slightly different meaning: increasing BY MEANS OF the knowledge of God.

3. Darby captured this in his translation: so as to walk worthily of the Lord unto all well-pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing by the true knowledge of God.

4. Also, the word order is a bit different in the original.
• In the Greek: Unto all pleasing in every good work; being fruitful and increasing by means of the knowledge of God.

5. Wuest’s captured the word order in his translation: “So that you may order your behavior worthily of the Lord with a view to pleasing Him in everything, in every work which is good, constantly bearing fruit and increasing by means of the thorough and perfect knowledge of God.”

6. The point is that a deep knowledge of God is the means by which we grow spiritually… and have a fruitful Christian life. It comes through knowing God…

a. In order for spiritual growth to occur, it is necessary to KNOW God, His will, His word, His plan for sanctification.

b. Ignorance of God and His word is no premium in the Christian faith.

c. We get to know Christ, the Living Word through the written word. The Bible was meant for reading… and studying… growing comes through knowing.

7. Now this is not to say that growth NEVER occurs in the lives of those who are ignorant of God and His Word.

a. A sincere believer who is ignorant of the Bible can still have a genuine and meaningful relationship to God… but not very deep.
• They will stumble over many stumbling-stones that they could have avoided… but they can get up and keep walking.
• They may struggle over sin longer… and experience more frustration in their Christian walk, but they can walk with God.
• They are more likely to become a prey to the wolves and false teachers… or to get entangled in one of the many isms out there… to be tossed to and fro…
• Knowing God will keep us from wandering down many dead end streets… spiritually.

b. True spiritual growth will be greatly hindered or curbed through ignorance of God and His ways.
• To a certain degree, our ability to grow depends upon what we know.
• There is a right way to grow spiritually which produces good fruit. God’s methodology is spelled out for us in Scripture.
• There are also wrong methods of spiritual growth which do NOT produce good fruit.
• That is part of the reason for the epistle to the Colossians – to combat the false teachings which were having an adverse effect on the believers.
• They were introducing Jewish law as a means of growth; and pagan asceticism; and neither one would ever produce good fruit.
• But if the believers were ignorant of God and His plan… they would be trapped into religious systems that were dead end streets…
• What is needed is wisdom and spiritual understanding… which is just what Paul prayed for.
• Believers need to KNOW God… His Word… His truth… and that truth will set them free… set them free from the bondage of legalism or asceticism… or Gnosticism… or any other ism that might come down the pike in the future.
• The key is not to study all the cults and become an expert at all of their doctrines. Rather, Paul says, get to KNOW GOD!
• If you know Him… you will have discernment… and you will grow and increase. Knowing God is the MEANS by which we grow, mature, and have discernment.

8. Everything is based upon knowing God – a relationship to God through Jesus Christ.

a. How do we come to a full knowledge of God’s will? By getting to know Him…

b. How do we come to please God? By getting to know Him!

9. Gal. 4:9—Paul asks the Galatians: how can you turn back to law if you know God?

a. This thought sounds preposterous to Paul… he has a hard time digesting it…

b. After you have known God… and were known by God—after you have had a close, personal relationship with the Lord, how could a person ever turn back to the law as a rule of life?

c. Knowing Christ IS spiritual discernment.

d. Increasing in our knowledge of Christ IS increasing in spiritual discernment… for in HIM are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

e. Paul figured that if they really knew God, they would never turn back to the law!

f. Paul assumes here that a healthy knowledge of God would have PREVENTED them from ever departing from the truth.

g. Knowing God is a form of spiritual discernment that enables us to recognize truth from error…
• EX: I know my wife. I know her likes and dislikes. I know her character. I even know the KINDS of things she would do… and the kind of things she would never do.
• I know the way she talks. I know the kinds of things she would say, and the kinds of things she would never say.
• If someone told me “Your wife told me to tell you to meet her inside Joe’s Bar at six tonight”… I would instantly recognize that they are either lying or they got the story mixed up.
• If someone told me that they saw my wife at Buchika’s looking for a new ski sweater – I would believe that. It sounds like her.
• Even though I wasn’t there, I can instantly recognize the difference between truth and error because I know my wife.

h. How do we as believers GROW and INCREASE in wisdom and spiritual understanding? Increase in the knowledge of God! Get to know Him better.
• I don’t need a master’s degree in music to know that there’s something wrong with bringing rock music into the church… I know who God is… He is holy…
• You don’t need to be an expert in ecclesiology to know that there’s something wrong with the ecumenical movement today… you just have to know God. He hates mixture! Read the Old Testament!
• If someone claims to be a prophet of God with some new and important message – we don’t have to waste time investigating. I know God. He is no longer speaking to men as He did in ages past. He has spoken in these last days through His Son. The doctrine has already been delivered!

10. Being fruitful and spiritual growth occur BY MEANS OF the knowledge of God.

a. It is possible to be saved without knowing very much about the Bible. Little kids can get saved. One only needs to know the gospel message.

b. But spiritual growth and maturity requires a deeper knowledge of God… and a continual increase in that knowledge… never satisfied… always hungering for more…

c. There is a direct link between learning and living; between wisdom and walking; between knowing and growing;

d. II Pet. 1:2, 3 – grace and peace THROUGH the knowledge of God…
• Grace and peace = Christlike character; good fruit.
• Vs. 2 – How is it obtained? Through the knowledge of God!
• Vs. 3 – we receive everything we need for godliness (a holy, sanctified life) THROUGH the knowledge of Him…
• We can’t walk with the Lord if we don’t know Him.
• Experiencing His grace and peace is THROUGH the knowledge of Him.

11. The better we come to know Christ, the more like Him we will be

a. II Cor. 3:18 – as we BEHOLD HIM and His glory in the word, we are transformed into that same image. Spiritual growth comes through getting to know Christ.

b. The knowledge of God that produces spiritual growth and fruit is an ACCURATE knowledge of God as found in the Scriptures –
• Too often our knowledge of God is based upon circumstances… our condition.
• If things are going well, then God loves us and cares for us.
• If things are going poorly, then God has abandoned me… maybe His love doesn’t extend to me…
• Our knowledge of God should never be based on our feelings… what we FEEL He is like… or what we feel He is doing for us. It is to be based on the WORD…

c. When we have an accurate knowledge of God, then we can rest in Him… and enjoy His fellowship regardless of our circumstances.
• And as we rest in Him… commune with Him… then spiritual growth IS taking place… one bit at a time…
• If we know who God is… THEN we can trust Him no matter what the circumstances… for to know Him is to trust Him.
• If we really know Him – He who loves us with an everlasting love… and in whose hands we are… He who will never leave us nor forsake us… if we know Him, we don’t have to fear what man will do to us.
• If we really know Him – the One who crushed the head of the serpent as He died on the cross – then we need not fear the powers of darkness… and even though Satan walks about to devour us – we need not live in fear… not if we know Christ… for to know Him is to trust Him… and faith in Him will always quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one!
• If we really know Him – the One who picked up Peter as he began to sink in the sea… the one who prayed for Peter when his faith began to falter… the one who sent His angel to deliver him from prison… if we know Him… then we need not worry about sinking… or failing… or not making it to the finish line…
• If we know God… the Husbandman who prunes His vines… and lifts up that branch that is hanging low… and cuts and trims here and there… then we can have assurance that we too will grow… and produce good fruit.
• If we know Him as our Father… the One who chastens every son whom He loveth… so that once again we become partakers of His holiness… and once again yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness… then we can be assured of the Father’s love.
• If we know Christ as our Good Shepherd… then we can be assured that when we do wander, He will bring us back to the green pastures and still waters…
• If we know Him as the Bread of life… then we will feast upon Him… and be nourished and strengthened…
• If we know Him as our Great High Priest – then we will continually come to the throne of grace for grace and strength to help in time of need…
• If we know Christ as the Vine… then we know that He continually supplies us with all we need… we are complete in Him… then we can be assured that fruitfulness and spiritual growth will be our in direct proportion to our abiding in Him.
• To know Him is to trust Him. To know Him is to rest in Him. To know Him is to fear Him. To know Him is to love Him. To know Him is to abide in Him.
• THIS is how spiritual growth and fruit occur: by trusting, resting, fearing, and abiding in Him.


1. God is known through teaching. (From others to us)


2. God is known through commitment. (Between us and God)

3. God is known through living. (From us to others)

…from others to us…

In the Old Testament

1. Some in Israel came to the knowledge of God partially by observation: they SAW God’s marvelous works which were designed that we might know Him

a. Ps. 9:16 – the Lord is KNOWN by the judgments which He executeth. (consider the fall in Eden; the flood; Sodom)

b. Ex. 29:46 – The exodus enabled them to KNOW that I am the Lord

c. Deut. 29:5-6 –The wilderness wanderings… the preservation of their clothes and manna provided—THAT they might know Him… that He is the Lord your God.

d. Josh. 3:10 – in the parting of the Jordan River, God’s power was displayed to teach them that God was among them… His presence with His people…

e. Josh. 4:23-24 – God dried up the Jordan THAT all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord that it is mighty… and that He is to be feared.

f. By observing the judgments of God—the knowledge of God was disseminated throughout Israel and the known world.

g. However, throughout the Old Testament period MOST Jews never saw a miracle. Over all, miracles were quite rare.
» They were TOLD about the marvelous works of God in past generations from their fathers…
» In time, the observation of God’s marvelous works became the content of their teaching.

2. Parents taught their children the knowledge of God.

a. Deut. 11:1-7 – you KNOW all the great things God has done… but your children do not know…

b. Vs. 18-20 – THEREFORE teach them to your children who have NOT known the Lord this way…

c. I Chron. 28:9 – David’s desire for his son was that he would KNOW God. (I hope this is the greatest desire of each parent here!)

3. The Priests and Levites taught the knowledge of God to the people

a. II Chron. 30:22 – the Levites taught the good knowledge of the Lord
» Hezekiah was king. He did not teach, but he spoke comfortably to those who did.
» Hezekiah appreciated those who taught the people about God… he valued their work… he understood how vital it was to the nation for the people to know the Lord.

b. Mal. 2:7 – the priests should teach knowledge…
» The knowledge that was to be on the lips of the priests was the knowledge of God.
» The priests were messengers of the Lord. They were to deliver a message ABOUT God (who He is) and FOR God.

4. In the Old Testament, the Jews came to know God by observation of His mighty works, through parental teaching, and the teachings of the priests and Levites. This was God’s method in Old Testament times.

In the New Testament

1. The Lord is KNOWN by the judgment which He executeth.

a. Some men SAW those judgments and learned of the Lord.
» Most men HEARD about them.
» Today we READ about them… in the Bible.
» Either way, the purpose is that we might KNOW the Lord!

2. From the Parents

a. Eph. 6:4 – parents—especially fathers—are to teach the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

b. Little children can learn about God—right from the time you are able to communicate with them.

c. A parent’s job is to TEACH the young ones about the Lord… and to teach them to fear Him… honor Him…serve Him… trust in Him.

d. Don’t wait until they are saved to begin teaching them the knowledge of God!

3. From the Pastor/Teachers in the Local Church

a. Eph. 4:11-13 – pastor/teachers are to teach the congregation SO THAT each member might be brought into the full knowledge of the Son of God… (vs. 13)

b. The purpose or goal of a church’s teaching ministry is not just to teach doctrine… or the church’s creed. That has its place.

c. The purpose of the church’s teaching ministry ought to be that the members would become MATURE… and that they would come to a full knowledge of Christ…the Son of God.

d. The goal is to KNOW HIM… to know a Person, not just information.

e. That’s why we are to teach the WHOLE counsel of God…
» Many churches highlight one favorite aspect of the Person of Christ… some emphasize His love and grace; but that alone is a twisted concept of who He is and could easily lead them into embracing error…
» Others emphasize His judgment and severity; they preach separation and point out error… to the exclusion of other aspects of His Person. This too is a twisted concept of who He is.
» If we really want to KNOW HIM, then we will want the WHOLE picture of Him in the word…

f. Some emphasize His earthly ministry; (II Cor. 5:16)
» But that’s NOT the way we are to know Him any more.
» We are now new creations and see Christ from that perspective—as those who are alive unto God… seated in the heavenlies.
» We see Him not as the carpenter from Galilee, but as the Risen, Ascended, and Glorified Savior; our heavenly High Priest!
» We want to know Him as He is, not as He was; a babe in a manger… a carpenter… a dying savior on the cross.
» Cf. Rev. 1:13-17 – this is Christ as He is…

from us to others…

Our Purpose as a Witness

1. Isa. 43:10 – ye are my witnesses… that ye may know Me.

a. Israel was God’s witness and servant.

b. What was God’s PURPOSE for His servants and witnesses?
» Ask this question in your typical Bible believing church today, and you will get an answer such as:
· To knock on doors and lead men to Christ…
· Witnesses need to be busy witnessing… passing out tracts… dragging men out to church…
· To be busy serving in this ministry and that…
· Perhaps involved in this evangelistic campaign or that…
· They might list all the things that we should be DOING for the Lord…
· In many circles witnessing and serving is what Christianity is all about!
· And they are right. Witnessing and serving IS what God has called us to.
» But according to this verse, what is the primary FUNCTION of a witness and a servant? (It’s always better to look into the Bible than to ASSUME that we know the answer…)
· He is to KNOW God… and BELIEVE and UNDERSTAND.
· None of those are action verbs.
· Doing things FOR the Lord is good… in its time and place.
· However, before we ever DO for the Lord, He wants us to spend time with Him… to get to know Him… to know His will… to be FILLED with the knowledge of His will… to grow and increase in relationship to Christ…
· Then and only then are we going to know WHAT to do… and HOW to do it in such a way as to please Him…
· I don’t doubt that a lot of what goes on in neo evangelical circles today is done with good intentions…
· BUT…let’s not ignore the PRIMARY function of a witness…
· There are far too many believers serving God in ways that are NOT pleasing to Him… because those posing as God’s witnesses and servants don’t really know the Lord very well!
· The better we come to know the Lord, we better witnesses we will be.
· Have you ever been embarrassed by something a new believer has said or done in Christ’s name? I have. They had good intentions… but if they were more mature and knew the Lord and His Word better—they never would have said or done what they did…
· You may work your fingers to the bone trying to please someone while they are in the hospital… (you paint their house blue for them; when they arrive at home you cook them a turkey dinner; you take out the trash from the backyard… only to discover that they hate turkey, blue is their least favorite color; they didn’t want their house painted; and you threw away the antique collection they spent all summer collecting!
· Your intentions were good; you tried hard; you put a lot of effort in… BUT === you didn’t know the person very well… or you never would have “served” him the way you did!
· If we want to be witnesses and servants of Christ—there is no substitute for spending time with Him… in worship… in the Word… in prayer…
· Only when we KNOW Him are we really qualified to be His witness and serve Him.

2. John 15:26-27 – Jesus describes TWO witnesses of Him.

a. Vs. 26 – the Holy Spirit’s ministry was to bear witness of Christ. Who better than the Holy Spirit could testify of the Person of Christ?

b. Vs. 27 – The disciples were also witnesses of Christ BECAUSE they spent time with Him! They knew Him!

c. They were qualified to serve as His witnesses, not because they went to seminary… or because they demonstrated some great skills in teaching or preaching… or because they have demonstrated a knack for bringing people to salvation.

d. They were qualified to serve as His witnesses, because they spent time with Him… they knew Him… they had a deep, personal relationship to Him. That made them WELL qualified.

e. YOUR effectiveness as a witness for Christ has nothing to do with your talents… socials skills… your spiritual gifts… your education… your ability to have every Bible verse on the tip of your tongue…

f. Your ability to function as a witness for Christ has everything to do with whether you spend time with Him… whether you have grown in your knowledge of God…

g. Jesus sent the disciples out with confidence that they would be good witnesses… because they had been with Him from the BEGINNING… throughout His entire earthly ministry… they knew Him better than anyone!

3. II Cor. 2:14 – and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

a. This illustration was also taken from the Roman Triumph. As the parade progressed through the city, garlands of flowers were cast upon the ground… and incense was burned along the parade route.

b. Thus, when the triumphant general marched through the city, there was the accompany “smell of victory”! A beautiful fragrance.

c. The fragrance in the air sent out a message to all present. The message was victory! It was a message that caused everyone to recognize the triumphant general… even if he was relatively unknown in the city before the parade, he would be well known during and after the parade!

d. When the people of Rome smelled that fragrance, they would KNOW that the man at the head of the parade, the general, was a victor!

e. Paul uses the Roman Triumph as an illustration of his ministry as a witness for Christ… a servant of the Lord.

f. As Paul followed Christ (The Triumphant General) in this victory parade, he saw himself as one who “made manifest the savour (odor) of Christ everywhere he went!

g. Paul speaks of himself as one who was like an incense bearer in this victory parade! Everywhere he went, he sent out this aroma… he caused people to know Christ, the Victorious Conqueror!

h. Everywhere Paul went, people got a “whiff” of Christ!
» Through Paul, the knowledge of Christ was being spread abroad like a sweet perfume…sweet incense…
» It was as if the smell of Christ had rubbed off on Paul.
» The same sweetness that characterized the life of Jesus radiated from the life of Paul. It was the same scent… the same odor… holiness; grace; mercy; righteousness; purity; love; truth.
» The aroma of Christ ascended up out of Paul’s life. For Paul, to live was Christ!
» The life of Christ was manifested in Paul. Paul’s goal was to KNOW Christ more and more… and to be like Christ… to radiate Christ-likeness wherever he went… to manifest His indwelling life… (Christ liveth in me!)
» He uses here the illustration of incense or an aroma…
» We might compare this to Mary who poured a fragrant ointment on Christ and wiped it with her hair. For days to come, Mary smelled as sweet as Jesus! It was the same odor!
· Vs. 14c – Paul knew that in “every place” he went, the knowledge of Christ was being made known… like a sweet, fragrant odor that followed him.
» And since Paul’s only purpose in life was to KNOW HIM… and to manifest Christ, he could thank God even when his own personal plans failed. God’s plans do not!
» Christ is being made known. He is a successful servant.
» To the degree that we come to know Christ… and develop a deep, personal relationship to Him… we will be qualified to function as His witnesses and His servants.
» We are fruitful and increasing as this savor becomes more and more pronounced in our lives.
» It is more pronounced the more time we spend with the Lord.

4. Hos. 6:6 – God desires that we KNOW Him more than He desires that we OFFER something to Him… or DO something for Him… by way of service or action or offering.

a. Here God states it plainly—He is more interested in us spending the time to get to KNOW HIM… than anything we could GIVE Him.

b. He is more interested that we spend time WITH Him… than doing things FOR Him…

c. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. She wanted to get to know Him more.

d. Martha was busy doing this and that. She rightly wanted to serve Him, but omitted the most important part: being still and getting to know Him.

e. Of course Mary would serve Christ… but first she wanted to learn HOW… what would please Him?

f. Once we know Him… and His will… and what it is that pleases Him, THEN we are ready to serve!

g. It is possible to serve Him without knowing Him well. But it is not possible to know Him and have a deep relationship and NOT SERVE Him.

5. Ps. 46:10 – a pre-requisite to knowing God: BE STILL!

a. How much energy we waste on trivial pursuits.

b. How often we ignore life’s most important pursuit: the knowledge of God!

c. Get apart… go up on a mountain top of you have to… get up before the kids… or stay up after they go to bed… but spend time alone with the Lord… get to KNOW Him…

d. That is the source of fruitfulness… and growth…

e. What a lesson to learn – that we are but a branch on the Vine… and our big job in life is just to abide… remain… rest… stay plugged in… and HE will produce fruit through us.

between us and God…

1. II Tim. 2:7 – consider the words you learn in church and PRAY that the Lord would give you understanding on those issues…

a. This is a divine work. It is not just one human being teaching another.

b. It is GOD using a Spirit filled man to teach other Spirit filled men… and the Spirit of God using that truth in the heart of the hearer… and illuminating his mind… and opening his eyes… and ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit who is the real teacher.

c. IF the believer considers (takes to heart) the things Paul just said (about the necessity of a sold out life—a soldier, willing to endure hardships, willing to put the world aside, willing to be dedicated to doing the will of his commander in Chief)

d. THEN the Lord will give the believer a good understanding in all things.

e. Spiritual understanding is GIVEN by the Lord—but not to all believers. Heart dedication is required!
» If we chose to cast aside the things Paul just said, then don’t expect the Lord to give us spiritual understanding.
» This is why in good churches—where the Word of God is faithfully taught—people can sit under the ministry of the word for YEARS… and walk away and live as if they had no discernment or spiritual understanding at all…
» They sat under the ministry of the Word, but they did not CONSIDER what was being said!
» “Consider” = to put your mind to something… (present active imperative…)
» THIS is the man or woman who will (at the end of the day) have a full, rich, deep knowledge of God…
» But just because your body is here on Sunday, does not guarantee that you will actually grow in the knowledge of Christ.
» For that to occur, it requires that you participate… that you receive the Word taught… and that you CONSIDER what is said… take it to heart… put your mind to it… that you THINK… put aside the cares and distractions of life… set your mind and heart on things above…
» I can’t do that for you. My job as a shepherd is to lead you to the water… but I can’t make you drink. That’s your responsibility before the Lord.
» This is one of the main reasons I am so opposed to the new wave worship services being held across the nation… where the sermon is truncated and trivialized… and skits, performance music, jokes, stories, anecdotes, and entertainment. They have created an atmosphere NOT CONDUCIVE to learning about God.
» And that has replaced the traditional church setting—which WAS conducive to learning about God… and that’s why we’re here!
» We’ve had folks that weren’t happy with our old fashioned approach. They have complained that “It’s too deep; the sermon is too long; I don’t get it…”
» I disagree. My sermons can be understood by your average fifth grader…
» BUT—it requires thinking and thirsting… considering… meditating and musing… praying and persistence… comparing Scripture with Scripture…
» And we have far too many TV generation believers who don’t want to think… they want to come to church, relax, be stroked, have their ears tickled, feel good, have a few laughs, and go home… but leave with almost NOTHING that helped them to know the Lord any better!
» “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts, heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears…” (II Tim. 4:3)
» We are living in such an age.
» And while catering to that mentality fills churches today, that is not our goal here.
» Our goal is to teach the whole counsel of God… to feed the sheep… so that men leave knowing God, His will, and His Word better than when they came. Increasing in the knowledge of God…

2. Phil. 3:10 – that I may know Him…

a. Knowing God WAS the driving force in the life of the apostle Paul.
» It was a constant burning desire in his heart.
» That’s why he knew the Lord as well as he did!

b. But coming to this deep knowledge of God does not come easy.
» Vs. 8 – he suffered great earthly loss in coming to Christ.
» But he considered possessing all those earthly things a LOSS because it had kept him from the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord.
» Anything we suffer in this life isn’t worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us. So too, any earthly loss we suffer is not worthy to be compared to the knowledge of God we gain in Christ.

c. Knowing Christ was the holy desire of Paul’s heart—and God granted him the desire of his heart.

d. We are all familiar with this part of Paul’s goal (to know Him. But are we as familiar with the phrases that follow?

e. “The fellowship of His sufferings.”
» This is one of the WAYS in which we come to know Christ… through fellowshipping in His sufferings.
» We could never share in his sufferings on the cross, but we can share in His sufferings for righteousness sake…
» As we walk with the Lord, we can expect the enemy to attack. We can expect people to laugh, ridicule, call us names, and seek to harm us, etc… just like they did to the Lord Jesus.
» The sufferings of Christ here refer primarily to suffering for righteousness sake… suffering because a hostile world hates light and righteousness… and the stand we take for the truth.
» We will be enabled to know Christ in an experiential way to the degree that we are willing to fellowship (joint participation; to share) in suffering for righteousness sake…
» Don’t get the wrong idea here. We are not to TRY to irritate people with our faith. NO! Jesus suffered quietly for the most part.
» I Pet. 2:23 – “When he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not.”
» If we are willing to stand for truth and suffer for it, we too will get to know Christ in a deeper way.
» We will learn experientially:
· What He went through for us…
· What He felt like when people mocked… ridiculed…
· What it’s like to have one’s family turned against you…
· What it feels like to be despised and rejected of men…
· What He experienced as He lived in a sin cursed earth… and saw sin and evil all around Him… the inner grief…
· How He agonized in Gethsemane over sin…
· How He groaned in His spirit as He saw expressions of sin everywhere He looked…
· To the degree that we are willing to suffer like that, we will experience a deeper knowledge of Christ.

f. “Being made conformable to His death.”
» Being conformed: symmorphizomenos, which means “being conformed inwardly in one’s experience to something”
» Paul knew the Lord because he was willing to lead a crucified life.
» Through a daily life of being identified with Christ, and suffering for righteousness sake, Paul was gradually MADE more and more conformable to Christ’s death…
» An inward change was taking place… wooing him more and more away from the things of the earth… and he was being wooed by the Spirit into a genuine affection for things above.
» Paul experienced a death…a death to self… a death to sin… and a death to the world… (Gal. 6:14)
» When his eyes were opened to his riches in Christ, he saw all the glories of his past life as nothing but dung.
» By coming to Christ, Paul left all of his earthly trophies behind… and whatever he lost, he found it to be GAIN!
» He had to be willing to reckon himself to be DEAD before he could experience the resurrection power… and before he could enter into a deep and precious knowledge of Christ.
» The worldly believer who is unwilling to suffer outside the camp… who is unwilling to come to the cross, and see himself as crucified to the sights and sounds of the world… will never suffer much… nor will he experience much of what it really means to KNOW Christ…

3. If we really want to know the Lord in such a way that our relationship to Him is deep, rich, and rewarding, it will COST us.
» This is just what Jesus meant when He told His disciples that if they were going to follow Him, they would have to pick up a cross – an instrument of death.
» Getting saved is free. Becoming a disciple… a student of the Lord… and knowing Him… is costly.
» Anything of value is costly… this is especially so in the Christian life.
» The more we are willing to spend of ourselves in pursuit of the knowledge of God, the more precious will be the knowledge of God.
» It is the most important… and the most rewarding pursuit in the world.
» And it is more than worth the cost.
» Paul said, “When compared to the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, the earthly price is but dung.”
» Phil. 3:8 – Paul would consider himself a LOSER had he clung to all he had as a Pharisee… if he did not experience this rich knowledge of Christ Jesus.

4. No wonder Paul prayed for the Colossians, that they would continually increase in the knowledge of God.

a. Nothing is more satisfying in this life… and rewarding for all eternity.

b. Easy to say… not so easy to do.

c. He also prayed that they would be strengthened with ALL might according to God’s glorious power… that knowing God might become a reality in their lives.

Knowing in Degrees

1. In certain disciplines, getting to know the material has different levels of complexity.

a. A beginning kindergarten course in math may include learning to count to 100 and to identify the letters. There is a finite number that can be known completely by the students.

b. While one kindergartner may know that course completely, he does not know mathematics completely. There is much more to know and learn.

c. I know my dog pretty well. He is not a very complex creature.

d. Getting to know a human being is much more complex. There is communication… speech… there are motives… sometimes hidden… human beings put on masks… don’t always say what they are feeling or thinking…

e. Some people we know casually… others we know pretty well… others we know quite well. Our spouse we know intimately.

f. Sometimes people live together for years and don’t really know each other very well. Human relations are complicated…

g. But when we are talking about knowing GOD—He is infinite. We can know God in a saving way… and grow in our knowledge of God… but as deep as we get—we are just scratching the surface.

h. We will be learning of Him for all eternity…


 Strengthened With All Might

1. A worthy walk is characterized by divine strength.

a. “Worthy” means “of equal weight, value, or worth”

b. A walk worthy of the Lord is a walk whose moral quality and weight is equal to the Lord Himself!

c. If God is infinitely holy (and He is) then how could our walk ever be worthy of Him?

d. If God’s calling is as high as heaven (and it is) then how could we ever live up to it?

e. If God demands that we be holy as He is holy… what chance do we have? The demands are impossible.

f. The answer is that the God who makes the impossible demands also backs them up with His own omnipotence… for those who are willing to trust in Him.
» When He tells the children of Israel marching around Jericho to blow their trumpets, He causes the walls to fall down.
» When He tells the children of Israel to march through the Red Sea, He opens up the sea.
» When He tells Peter to walk on water, He holds him up.
» When He tells us to walk in newness of life, He provides the power of the resurrection to do so.
» When He tells us to love our enemies, He backs that command up with omnipotence.
» When He tells us to love as Christ loved us – He backs that command up with His omnipotence… so that we are strengthened with ALL MIGHT to do what God has commanded.

2. God provides all might for the weak, but trusting sinners to be able to walk worthy… to walk in newness of life…

a. Strengthened with all might according to His glorious power. (Col. 1:11)

b. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. (Eph. 1:19)

c. That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. (Eph.3:16)

d. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. (Eph. 3:20)

e. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Eph. 6:10)

f. God’s power is available to be operative in us… but only when the vessel is emptied of self and full of HIM. Then His power operates in and through us…

g. And ALL MIGHT is available… the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available… omnipotence…

h. All the power we need is available to us to walk a worthy walk… to please Him…

i. It is divine power that enables us to be FILLED with the knowledge of His will. It is also divine power that enables us to FULFILL His will… to walk in obedience to His known will… the only way to please Him.

3. According to His glorious power…

a. We are strengthened (continually—present participle—as we abide in Christ the Vine, we are strengthened… as we hold the Head, we increase…
» This strength is steady; consistent; abiding; continuous.
» God does not zap us with power on Sunday, which power is supposed to last us all week… like charging up a battery!
» Rather, God’s power is more like the continuous supply of electricity—but requires the lamp to be plugged in… for a moment by moment supply.
» That’s how God supplies our power… as we abide in Him.

b. According: in accord with; that which corresponds to; equal to;
» Note that the strength supplied is not in accordance with our need, but rather is in accordance with HIS power…
» In other words, when we face a trial that would require, say, 10 pounds of strength… it is not that God makes exactly 10 pounds of strength available to us… that would be strengthened according to our need.
» Rather, when we face a trial that demands 10 pounds of strength, God provides the power of His glory to us… His omnipotence is made available to us… that’s how we can REST as we face our foes!
» God’s method of enabling us to face our foes and to face adversity is not to give us what we think we might need… but rather He provides overwhelming force… that which is supplied is not in accordance with what we need… but with what God has!
» The branch that is abiding in the Vine has access to ALL the strength and nourishment and power of the Vine!
» There is no measuring the amount of strength God provides when we trust in Him.
» The strength supplied is = the power of His glory!
» This means that there is no trial, no circumstances, no foe, no battle with the powers of darkness that could ever force a trusting believer to fall.

c. As we walk by faith – no fiery dart of the wicked one can harm us. We are protected by omnipotence. This is an awesome thought!

d. Thus, the expression teaches that we have an unending, continual resource of unlimited power to enable us to walk in His will, produce fruit, grow spiritually, and please Him.

4. A literal rendering of this phrase: according to the power of His glory.

a. There is power associated with God’s glory… God’s glory can have a powerful effect on the believer. That’s the point here.

b. But what IS God’s glory? It might sound a bit nebulous to some…
» It is the sum of His divine attributes and excellencies: His majesty, His infinite holiness, purity, dazzling brilliance, righteousness, omniscience, His everlasting love, grace, mercy, and especially here, His omnipotence… power to the degree of infinity!
» That’s God’s glory. Everything about Him is glorious.

c. There is a POWER to God’s glory… it can and should have a powerful effect on the believer.
» Moses sought to know more and more of God’s glory.
· He got a glimpse of God’s glory in the burning bush… and realized that he was then standing on holy ground.
· Ex. 24:20 – God called Moses up in the mount with Him.
· Ex. 24:16-18 – Moses went right up in the midst of the visible manifestation of the glory of God—for 40 days and nights.
· II Cor. 3:7 – the children of Israel could not look at Moses’ face when he came down—because spending time in the glory of God caused Moses’ face to radiate… it had an effect on him!
· Ex. 33:18 – Moses later sought to know MORE of God’s glory.
» John got a glimpse of the glory of the Risen Christ too. (Rev. 19:17)
· Why was John given a glimpse of His glory?
· John was an old man at this time… and exiled to a lonely rock pile for his testimony for Christ.
· To encourage Him and embolden him to continue on standing for the truth, Christ appeared to him as He is in His Risen state…
· John needed strength to continue…
· A glimpse of the glory of God provided that strength…
» Paul got a glimpse of His glory and was transformed… he never recovered! It transformed his life. Acts 9:3-6
· It emboldened him to speak up for Christ… to live for Him… to endure much suffering… and never give up.
· Paul got a glimpse of God’s glory from which he never recuperated…
· A vision of the glory of God so GRIPPED Paul’s heart, that it motivated him… and emboldened him… and strengthened him to endure nearly unbelievable circumstances.
· Acts 9:15-16 – and he would NEED this divine strength in his inner man to face all the trials and sufferings that God had planned for his life.
· If Paul was going to endure… and suffer long… he would need divine strength.
· This vision of God’s glory had a strengthening effect on him.

5. The glory of God can have a powerful effect on believers today too…

a. We will never SEE a vision of the glory of God pass by us as Moses did in the cleft of the rock… or as Isaiah did when he was before the throne high and lifted up… or as Paul did on the road to Damascus… or as John did on the isle of Patmos.

b. BUT — we CAN get a glimpse of the glory of God in His Word… and it CAN get a hold of our hearts in such a way as to be life transforming… and strengthening in the inner man… so that we too are never the same!

c. II Cor. 3:18 – this is the kind of strength and growth that is ours as we BEHOLD the glory of the Lord…
» As we behold the glory of the Lord in the Scriptures… and it grips our hearts… we are transformed… into that same image…
» To really BEHOLD it is to be gripped by it! How could it be otherwise?
» As God’s glory grips our hearts and minds… it has a strengthening effect on our lives.
» This work of transforming a sinner into the image of Christ is the greatest demonstration of divine power…
» As this process occurs, believers are strengthened with ALL might… and this strengthening is in accord with the power of His glory…
» When grasped and seen for who He really is—the glory of God has a life transforming effect on the believer.
» There is a direct connection here between power and glory.
» And note here that we are to behold the Lord Jesus Christ… in His glory!
· Not the weak Jesus of the gospels… who hungered and wept, and died…
· When it is comfort we need, God emphasizes this aspect of Christ’s earthly ministry. (Heb. 2:17-18)
· But when it is strength we need, we are to behold Christ in His glory… the resurrected, ascended, and glorified Savior in heaven!
· That is the “vision” that transforms us… and strengthens us with might in the inner man…

d. As believers, it is possible to hear certain truths repeated hundreds of times, before that truth really sinks in…
» Most believers in sound churches would agree on paper that bringing glory to God is the main purpose for our lives.
» If we were all given a multiple choice test, virtually all believers would get the right answer… because we have SOME understanding of its significance… we have it in our heads.
» But when it sinks deep down into our hearts, and grips our hearts, and dominates our thoughts… and overshadows all other motives in life… THEN it changes us forever… when we REALLY get it…
» Pastor Carlton Helgerson from The Church of the Open Bible used to say, “If they only knew who God is…” I think what he meant by that was exactly what Paul states in different terminology in Col. 1:11 – “the power of His glory…”
» God’s glory IS who He is… and when we know God that way… when who He is really sinks in—when His glory grips our soul… it has a strengthening and life transforming effect on the believer…
» Sometimes folks sit under such teaching for years and never get it… it never sinks in… and other times, it DOES sink in… from the head to the heart… and sets that believer’s life ablaze for God.
» God’s revelation of Himself to us is the source of our strength.

e. Paul prays for this for the Colossians… that the POWER of God’s glory would be like DYNAMITE in their inner man!
» In the phrase “strengthened with all might” strengthened and might are the same root… (verb and noun)… and it is the word from which we get our English word “dynamite!”
» What an awesome prayer… that the believers would behold the glory of God in such a way that it have POWER over them… and be like dynamite in their inner man…
» Strengthened—because they got a glimpse of who God is… of His glory… His majesty… power… truth… sovereignty… grace… omnipotence…
» Once you get a glimpse of who God is, you’re never the same again…
» Let’s pray that each one of us here would come to know God this way… and be moved… challenged… changed…strengthened… and transformed by that vision.
» As the hymn writer wrote: Be Thou my vision!

Patience and Longsuffering


1. For what purpose is divine power made available to us?

a. If one looks to the charismatics, one might assume that God makes His power available to us that it might be displayed in some magnificent and miraculous way for all to see… perhaps speaking in tongues… raising the dead… making the blind see… and the lame leap…

b. If one looks to the Catholics one might assume that God makes His power available so we can see a picture of Mary suddenly appear in a cloud formation… or on a factory wall…

c. But if one looks in the epistles addressed to us… the church… one finds God’s power is made available UNTO patience…longsuffering… and joy… in other words—it is ours that we might produce fruit…

d. God’s power is manifested in Christlike character… not Christlike miracles!

e. UNTO = in that direction; patience is the goal of the strength…

2. Patience:

a. Defined: hupomene…
» hupo = under; mene = remain; abide; hence, to abide under… to remain under…
» It speaks of one who remains under pressure; under a heavy weight.
» He doesn’t quit… he doesn’t cave in… he doesn’t turn back…
» The term means endurance… patient, steadfast endurance… perseverance…

b. Charles Spurgeon wrote that it was this kind of perseverance that enabled the snail to make it to the ark…

c. As Christians, we are to run the race with patience… (Heb. 12:1)
» This is why Divine strength is provided. Not so that we can raise the dead or walk on water… but rather so we can run the race with patient endurance… and not quit.
» And how much power is made available to us for this race? The POWER of His glory… ALL might from the Almighty…
» And HOW are we to run? Looking unto Jesus… the heavenly, resurrected, ascended and glorified Savior… as we behold Him in His glory… we are strengthened to continue running with patient endurance…
» There is a connection between power and beholding the glory…

d. Spiritual strength is given that we might STAND… and withstand in an evil day… against spiritual opposition… and when the battle and the conflict is over, to remain standing…

3. ALL patience.

a. Consider the “alls” in this prayer: all wisdom; all pleasing; all might; and all patience…

b. All patience speaks of endurance that perseveres through ALL of life… all of life’s trials and troubles… all of life’s difficulties…

c. And we are able to have ALL patience because we have ALL might!

d. Therein lies the real power of Christian testimony… endurance…

e. Anyone can muster up a flash of strength here and there. But the power of God available to the one who abides in Christ enables us to endure through ALL… through everything… through anything… without quitting.

f. Winston Churchill spoke at his alma mater, Harrow University in his older years. The old man stood up to make his speech and said, “Young gentlemen, never give up. Never give up. Never give up. Never, never, never.” And then sat down.


1. Longsuffering defined: makrothumia; long fused; self-restraint which does not hastily retaliate.

a. Trench distinguished the two terms this way:
» hupomene = endurance without succumbing
» makrothumia = endurance without retaliating

b. Another Greek scholar made this distinction:
» patience/endurance (hupomene) or endurance relates primarily to patience with trying circumstances
» longsuffering relates to patience with trying people

c. Self restraint when provoked; not striking back; not complaining

d. It takes divine power to demonstrate these qualities in our fallen hearts, doesn’t it!? This is a far greater display of Divine power than walking on water.

2. Here Paul says that longsuffering is characteristic a walk worthy of the Lord.

a. Eph. 4:1-2 – it is characteristic of the walk that is worthy of our high calling in Christ.

b. I Pet. 2:19—20 – God is pleased when believers patiently endure through persecution… through trying circumstances and trying people!
» Even when doing well, we may suffer… wrongfully…
» When we suffer for well doing and take it patiently…longsuffering… without blowing up… without striking back… but willing to take the abuse and even turn the other cheek…– this is “acceptable” to God (grace; pleasing).
» This IS fruit… (Cf. vs. 21-23 – Christlike behavior that pleases the Father!)

c. This is a walk worthy of the Lord… worthy of our high calling… one that is “unto all pleasing”… and fruitful…
» This is NOT the way the flesh wants to react. The flesh says, “I’m not going to take it any more! I’m going strike back… I’m going to seek vengeance… I’m going to get even… and then some!”
» The walk of the flesh is proud, self assertive, demanding, short fused, putting self first, and disruptive.
» The worthy walk is with “all lowliness, and meekness with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love.” (Eph.4:2)

d. That’s why it takes the power of God working in us to produce a Christlike response to evil and to mistreatment… Christlike behavior is UNLIKE us…
» It is a demonstration of the power of God…and a manifestation of the indwelling LIFE of Christ…
» And how practical and helpful when this spirit is demonstrated in the home!
» How many arguments and fights could have been avoided with a little longsuffering… a longer fuse… how many hurtful things were said that could have and should have been left UNSAID…
» What awful examples we set for our kids when we choose to blow up at our spouse right in front of them… rather than rely upon the power of God to strengthen us UNTO all patience with longsuffering!
» The power of God is not just for Sunday morning when you teach a Sunday school class or sing in the choir; it’s available to us every day of the week, because we NEED it every day of the week!
» We need it at home… with our kids… our spouses… we need it all day long in the office… during the commute… we need it with our relatives…
» We need it in the local church… to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace!” (Eph. 4:3)
· There will be times when folks right here in the local church will rub one another the wrong way… step on toes… perhaps gossip… offend… hurt feelings…
· How do we deal with that? The flesh has its way.
· God provides POWER… divine power whose purpose is to bring us UNTO all patience and longsuffering!
· God provides ALL might that produces ALL patience… patience to enable us to endure the most difficult circumstances… longsuffering to enable us to endure the most difficult people…


1. God’s infinite power is made available to us as believers through faith UNTO all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.

a. It takes divine power to enable us to endure difficult situations and difficult people.

b. But it REALLY takes divine power to enable us to do so with JOYFULNESS!

c. If vs. 11 stopped with the word “longsuffering” one might conclude that Paul was promoting a harsh Stoicism… that God’s power would enable us to grind our teeth, bite the bullet, and bear it…

d. The British Isles are known for this quality… keeping a stiff upper lip… not showing any emotion… just grind your teeth and bear it!

e. Stoics pride themselves in their sheer grit to endure… to plow though difficulties… but knew nothing of doing so with JOY.

f. Christianity takes endurance to a whole new level…

2. We have illustrations of the terms Paul uses from the Bible:

a. Job and Abraham are used as illustrations of patient endurance… in spite of all odds and adverse circumstances, they kept on walking by faith… undaunted… unshaken… trusting… faithfully enduring difficult situations.

b. Stephen is a good example of longsuffering… when persecuted prayed for those who mistreated him… that’s longsuffering… not striking back…

c. Acts 16:22-25 – Paul and Silas illustrate for us endurance, longsuffering with JOYFULNESS… as they sang in prison… beaten, bound, bleeding, but buoyant with joy!

d. This is the ultimate example of the power of God operating in the life of a trusting believer… JOY!

e. And what a testimony that was… what power displayed! How different from what people are accustomed to seeing… and what an impact it can have on the lives of others… consider the Philippian jailor!

f. Consider the Hebrew believers: The Hebrew believers took joyfully the spoiling of their goods… knowing they have a better and enduring substance in heaven. (Heb. 10:34)

g. When trials come, we are not told to grind our teeth and bear it. We are told to “count it all JOY!” That takes the power of God…

h. It is not a phony kind of joy—it is not pretending to be happy. It is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the believer. Fruit! It is not pretending to be happy—

i. Joy is not happiness… happiness is dependent upon favorable happenings… JOY is the fruit of the Spirit… and is not related to circumstances.
» JOY is a deep, settling, stable, contentment, and an inner sense of well being that comes to us by means of the power of God and is based faith in the knowledge of God…
» We can count it all joy KNOWING that the trying of your faith worketh patience…
» The Hebrew believers who lost their earthly goods could have joy KNOWING that they have a better and more enduring substance in heaven…
» We can glory in tribulation KNOWING that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience… and experience hope…
» We can KNOW that God uses these awful situations for our eternal good… and we can KNOW that God will never leave us… we can KNOW that God will provide the grace and strength to endure… and we can KNOW that it will work together for good…
» Hence, we can have a deep, inner sense of well being… KNOWING we are in the hands of our heavenly Father who loves us with an everlasting love… and is shaping us into the image of His dear Son!
» We can JOY, not because God promises to make the trial go away, but because He promises His presence and His power to endure through it all!
» This is a joy that is traced back to God’s power: it is the joy of the Lord!
» God’s power produces joy in adversity; and at the same time, the joy of the Lord has a strengthening effect on us! The joy of the Lord is our strength! (Neh. 8:10)

j. “Oh JOY that seekest me through pain…I cannot close my heart to thee!”

k. God’s power isn’t seen today in the tongues movement, or in the phony faith healers… or in supposed miracles. God’s power is seen in your average Joe Christian who faces the difficulties of life with patience… with longsuffering toward difficult people… and does so with JOY… a supernatural joy that is completely unrelated to circumstances.

l. Even when there’s no fruit on the vine, “yet will I rejoice; I will joy in the God of my salvation!”

m. There isn’t any more powerful demonstration of God’s power… there isn’t any more powerful witness on earth… than the simple believer who trusts God through all the trials of life… and does so with joy—and a peace that defies understanding!

n. That’s real power… that effect demonstrated in the life of the believer is strengthened in accord with the POWER of the GLORY of God!

o. The one whose heart is gripped by the glory of God—like Paul and Silas in prison—will demonstrate patience and longsuffering WITH joyfulness…

» You can have this kind of power in your life too…
» But first you must come to Christ in faith—and as Paul said to the Philippian jailor who asked “What must I do to be saved?—BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!


1. Paul is praying for the Colossian believers. He prays that they might walk worthy of the Lord.

2. The worthy walk is characterized by divine strength… divine empowerment…

3. The believer who walks by faith is strengthened with ALL MIGHT… omnipotence is made available to us… the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead enables us to walk in newness of life.

4. This strength is given to us not in accordance with OUR need, but rather in accordance with HIS glorious power.

5. We also noted last week that the expression “according to His glorious power” literally reads, “according to the power of His glory.” His glory has a strengthening and transforming effect on those who behold it… focus on it…”

6. And we also looked at the PURPOSE of divine strength: God strengthens us UNTO patience and longsuffering… endurance through difficult circumstances… and endurance with difficult people…endurance without succumbing… and endurance without retaliation… that takes POWER.

7. This morning we want to look at what is arguably the greatest demonstration of divine power: joyfulness.

Joyfulness Defined

1. Defined: xara = joy; gladness

a. Joy is not happiness… happiness is dependent upon favorable happenings… JOY is the fruit of the Spirit… and is not related to circumstances.

b. JOY is a deep, settling, stable, contentment, and an inner sense of well being that comes to us by means of the power of God and is based on faith in the knowledge of God…

2. Joy is often misunderstood as bubbliness.

a. This has caused many unnecessary heartaches to well meaning, but misinformed, believers.

b. A misunderstanding of the meaning of joy could easily result in discouragement, disillusionment, and even hypocrisy.

c. It can even cause a believer to question his salvation!

d. Here’s how:
» Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit of God is controlling us, His fruit will be evident…
» If we are not filled with the Spirit and we are walking in the flesh, then we will NOT experience the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
» The fruit of the Spirit should be manifested in our lives ALL the time… 24-7… day in and day out… that’s the norm for the Christian—to be filled with the Spirit.
» It is a command. If we are NOT filled with the Spirit, then we are not walking in obedience. We are living in sin.

e. You can see the case I’m building here.
» Many new believers have thought through this issue this way.
» They know a few facts from the Bible… and what it says about joy… as a fruit of the Spirit…
» Someone quoted him Jas. 1:2 – Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations and trials… and he assumes that when bad things happen to him, God expects him to be happy and joyous.
» Someone else quoted Phil. 4:4 – rejoice in the Lord always!
» They realize they are commanded to be filled with the Spirit… and they know that the manifestation of that filling is JOY… then they also know that God expects them to be JOYOUS all the time…
» Now if you have a wrong definition of joy… you can draw some terribly wrong and hurtful conclusions!
» If one assumes that the joy of the Lord is equal to the world’s concept of joy… that can be devastating to a young Christian’s life!
» If a person believes that God demands that we be bubbly, upbeat, and happy… even giddy… 24-7…all year long… then we are in big trouble.
» Before too long that new believer is going to be questioning whether he IS walking with the Lord when he discovers that he’s not always bubbly and giddy…
» He may question his salvation…
» He may question whether Christianity really works… if God has let him down… or whether he has let the Lord down…
» He is going to feel like a failure… he will not only be sad by the event which brought on the sadness… but on top of that he heaps upon himself GUILT… thinking that he has let the Lord down…
» And then to help alleviate some of that guilt, he will take it a step further… and begin to FAKE it… to PRETEND that he’s happy and bubbly… and put on a phony smile… and say things he doesn’t really mean… even lie!
» Then after living a lie for so long… he may quit trying… and walk away… considering himself a failure… thinking that Christianity is too hard…

f. And what a shame when a believer begins to live a lie… a phony kind of life…
» I have seen believers FAKE joy… because of peer pressure… and because of a lack of understanding, and it is a pitiful sight.
» Especially when tragedy strikes… and the pastor comes to visit… some have assumed that God expected them to be HAPPY… even during very sad events!
» God doesn’t expect us to be HAPPY when sad things happen. He doesn’t expect us to put on a phony smile when your son is in an awful car accident… or when you have been diagnosed with cancer… to try to look spiritual.
» It doesn’t look spiritual. It looks abnormal. It looks phony.

3. Joy is NOT happiness (or bubbliness or giddiness)

a. Joy is not happiness… happiness is dependent upon favorable happenings…
» If a person is surrounded by favorable circumstances, he is going to be happy. The sun is shining; he feels good; he just got a promotion; his son just graduated tops in his class; your doctor gave you clean bill of health; the Red Sox just won the World Series…
» If a person is surrounded by unfavorable circumstances, he is NOT going to be happy. If a man gets laid off at work; if the washing machine breaks down; bad news from the doctor; family problems; car breaks down; bills pile up…
» When bad things happen, and we pretend to be happy and giddy… it could be lots of things, but it is NOT the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is not normal behavior.
» One of the definitions of insanity is when our words and actions do not properly correspond to reality… and what is happening around us.

b. JOY is not happiness; it is the fruit of the Spirit and is not related to circumstances… whether they be favorable or not.
» Hab. 3:18 – Though no fruit on the vine…
· Things seemed pretty bleak…
· Habakkuk was not happy with his circumstances, but he did have JOY.
» II Cor. 8:2 – joy with affliction and poverty…
· Nobody in their right mind would be happy about affliction and poverty.
· But you CAN have joy in the midst of it all.
» II Cor. 6:10 – sorrowful, yet rejoicing.
· Paul saw nothing inconsistent from being sorrowful and joyous at the same time.
· “O joy that seekest me through pain.”
· Our Savior never stopped rejoicing in the Lord. He always had the joy of the Lord in His heart… and yet, He was also called a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief.
» Phil. 4:4 – rejoice in the Lord always.
· Paul wrote this from prison! Circumstances were not favorable for him!
· If we are expected to rejoice always, then we are expected to rejoice in times of favorable AND unfavorable circumstances… ALL circumstances!
» Grief and sorrow… trial and tragedy might bring an end to our happiness, but it need NOT bring an end to our joy!
· Joy—the fruit of the Spirit—is unrelated to circumstances.
· We can and should have JOY and rejoice in the Lord always—whether there is fruit on the vine or not.

JOY is Related to Knowledge

1. Joy is a deep, abiding, contentment and sense of well being… that comes from knowledge…

2. Paul prayed that the Colossians would be filled with the KNOWLEDGE of God’s will… in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

a. A lack of wisdom and a lack of spiritual understanding can bring lots of unnecessary grief in the life of a Christian.

b. But on the other hand, a wise application of God’s Word… with spiritual understanding and discernment can prevent a lot of heartaches too.

3. I think of that well meaning, but ignorant believer, who just bought a new house, and now gets a pink slip at work—laid off… and his well meaning but untaught friend… who tries to cheer him up with a Bible verse: Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations!

a. When something terrible happens, are we expected to focus on the terrible event and REJOICE over it?

b. Is the man who just got laid off to count all joy because he got laid off?

c. Is the woman who is diagnosed with cancer supposed to count her cancer all joy?

d. Is the father who answers a knock on his door only to hear that his son was killed in Iraq to count the death of his son all joy?

e. Do you think God wants these folks to be happy? To be joyous about the awful circumstances they face?

f. Hardly. Remember—true joy is UNRELATED to circumstances, whether they be favorable or unfavorable.

g. It’s ok for those folks to be sad… to experience grief… to cry. In fact, that’s pretty normal and natural!

h. Jas. 1:2 does NOT command the believer to count his trial all joy. That’s quite near insanity!

4. James 1:2 – count it all joy… but what does the IT refer to?

a. The “it” of verse 2 does not refer to the trial. We are not commanded to count the trial all joy.

b. When you quote a verse—and stop a sentence in the middle, we may unintentionally alter the meaning…

c. It always helps to finish the sentence!

d. James isn’t saying that we should count the trial all joy. Rather, he is saying that we should count the OUTCOME of the trial all joy…

e. The joy is not found in the cancer, or the flat tire, or the pink slip. The joy is found in KNOWING how God will use the trial… to perfect our faith… and produce patience… and ultimately bring us to maturity (vs. 4)

5. There are several Bible passages where this error could easily be made…

a. Rom. 5:3 – we glory in tribulations, KNOWING the end.

b. I Pet. 4:12-14 – when persecuted, we can rejoice NOT because of the suffering, but because when we do suffer with Christ… we can KNOW that when Christ returns, we will be richly rewarded!

c. I Pet. 1:5-7 – we rejoice in our salvation (future tense)…
» We can rejoice because we KNOW that the trying of our faith will be found unto praise and honor at the appearing of Christ… future rewards!
» Though in the meantime, we are in HEAVINESS! Sorrow… grief… anguish… not giddiness!
» Peter acknowledges that joy can co-exist with heaviness and grief…

d. Heb. 10:34 – the Hebrew believers lost all their earthly goods… and they counted it all joy… KNOWING that they have in heaven a more enduring substance!

e. Matt. 5:11-12 – Jesus told His disciples to rejoice when they were persecuted FOR great is your reward in heaven! We can KNOW that our present suffering will be greatly rewarded in glory.

6. Don’t ever PRETEND. Don’t try to FAKE the fruit of the Spirit.

a. It’s okay to be sad when sad things occur. It’s okay to grieve in times of sorrow.

b. And yet through it all, there should also be genuine JOY… KNOWING that God can use even those trials and times of great sorrow to produce good… to produce patience and maturity in us… to make us more like His Son… and to glorify His holy name.

c. Count THAT joy… the joy does not come because of the trial or trouble. The joy comes when we KNOW the outcome of it all.

JOY is Related to Faith

1. Joy comes through knowing… knowing is essential. However, BELIEVING is equally as essential.

a. It is quite possible to be TAUGHT these truths and know the facts… have the data stored away in your gray matter somewhere.

b. But the level of joy experienced is going to be directly connected to our FAITH. Do you really BELIEVE those things?

c. Rom. 8:18 – you may have memorized this verse and know it well. But do you BELIEVE it? Are you resting in it?

d. This doesn’t mean that the sufferings become “pleasant.” But it does mean that we can have joy in the midst of those sufferings.

e. But if you don’t believe it… if you are not operating on the basis of faith… and heavenly things seem too distant… and eternal rewards are doubtful… then that knowledge is not going to bring any joy to our hearts.

f. This joy is based upon knowledge… but more importantly, on faith… and our faith is based upon God’s Word.
» Jer. 15:16 – Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name.”
» Ps. 19:8 – “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.”
» Ps. 119:111 – “Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart.”
» Does God’s Word bring joy to your heart? When our heart is in tune with God it will…

2. Joy… in believing… (Rom. 15:13)

a. “In believing” = literally, “in the believing,” interpreted, “in the sphere of the act of habitually believing.”

b. This joy and peace that passes understanding is ours only “in the sphere of habitually believing.”

c. Step out of that sphere of faith—and the peace and joy evaporate into thin air.

d. But, AS WE WALK IN FAITH… trusting in the Lord… we experience this joy and peace… God FILLS us with it… and it is THROUGH the Holy Spirit.

e. Our job is to walk by faith… trusting in God through thick and thin… and as we lean upon the Lord and not our own understanding, we are FILLED with the Holy Spirit… and FILLED with the fruit of the Spirit… joy… and peace… and hope…

f. I Pet. 1:8 – BELIEVING, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory!
» If this is all true (an inheritance that fadeth not away; kept by the power of God; the soon appearing of Christ)—and we believe it—then we REALLY have something to glory in!
» If it’s not true, then we are of all men most miserable, if we sacrifice in this life for a future with Christ that will never come to fruition… we are fools!
» But since it is true, and since we believe it—then we have an unending source of JOY! Unspeakable joy!
» The reason our joy and peace fluctuates wildly from week to week or day to day speaks not of our fluctuating circumstances so much as it speaks of the frailty of our faith!
» To experience this peace and joy, it is not necessary for our outward circumstances to change… it is necessary for our hearts to change… from trusting in self to trusting, leaning, resting, and relying upon the Lord!
» BELIEVING ye rejoice with joy unspeakable!

g. Acts 16:32 – the Philippian jailor “rejoiced… believing in God.”

Joy is Related to God

1. Phil. 3:1, 3 – Joy is related to knowing God’s plan. Joy is related to believing the promises God has given. Joy is related to God Himself!

a. Paul commands the believers to rejoice IN THE LORD. (vs. 1)

b. He states that as believers, we are they who worship God in spirit and rejoice IN CHRIST. (vs. 3) Christ is the basis of our joy. To know Him is to have cause for joy.

c. We are not to rejoice in our health; or in our financial well being; or in our family; or in our possessions; or in our country; or in our position at the office; or in our popularity; or in our talents; or in our intellect, or in our accomplishments. That is the essence of worldliness – glorying in such things.

d. We are to rejoice in the Lord! HE is the cause of our joy…

e. Jer. 9:23 – let not the wise man… the rich man… the mighty man glory… “but let him that glorieth, glory in this, that He understandeth and knoweth ME, that I am the Lord!” (glory is used as a synonym for rejoice)

2. Phil. 4:4 – once again Paul commands the believers to rejoice IN THE LORD.

a. Vs. 6-7 – don’t let worry and anxiety rob you of your joy in the Lord!

b. Come to Him in prayer… believing… resting…trusting… and leave your anxieties with Him… and He will replace them with an indescribable peace… and a joy that no man taketh from you!

3. This is the joy of the Lord… and no man can take it from us because it is completely unrelated to circumstances.

a. A joy that is related to circumstances CAN be taken from us.

b. People can rob our possessions; kill our loved ones; overtake our country; inflict physical pain upon us; they can bind us up; take away our freedom; they can make earthly circumstances miserable.

c. But our joy is in the Lord. No man can take the Lord from us—and hence, IF our joy really is in the Lord—it is unshakable.

d. Happiness is directly linked to happenstance… circumstances. But the JOY of the Lord is not.
» II Cor. 7:4 – I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.
» II Cor. 8:2 – great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded.
» II Cor. 6:10 – As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.
» I Pet. 4:13 – But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings.
» Acts 13:52 – And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost (after having been persecuted and expelled from the countryside! Vss. 49-51—joy because the word was preached—regardless of the response!)

e. Hab. 3:18 – Even with no fruit on the vine—the prophet could still rejoice—because his joy truly was in the Lord.
» The Lord, high and lifted up, seated in the heavenlies, is completely unaffected by the affairs down here on earth.
» God isn’t affected by the stock market; the economy; an outbreak of disease; the issues of war and peace; life and death.
» Our God—our source of joy—is immutable—a solid Rock! I am the Lord—I change not!
» This is a hard lesson to learn—but one that is exceptionally profitable… to be reduced to nothing… to be brought to the place where all we have left is the Lord… and then to discover that He is all we need!
» And to think that as a Christian, regardless of how bleak things look from an earthly perspective, we need to focus on our glorious position in Christ—raised up into heavenly places; blessed with all spiritual blessings; complete in Christ; forgiven; accepted in the Beloved.
» No man can rob us; no circumstances of life can take away our glorious position and our joyous relationship to our blessed Savior.
» And as long as we have a single eye for Christ—our whole body will be full of light and joy…
» When we rejoice in the Lord… and delight ourselves in the Lord… sooner or later the light will dawn upon us: eureka! “I already HAVE that which I delight in! I HAVE that which is the constant source of JOY! My joy IS the Lord… and He will never leave me nor forsake me!”

Joy is Related to Divine Power (Col. 1:11)

1. God’s infinite power is made available to us as believers through faith UNTO all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.

a. It takes divine power to enable us to endure difficult situations and difficult people.

b. But it REALLY takes divine power to enable us to do so with JOYFULNESS!

c. If vs. 11 stopped with the word “longsuffering” one might conclude that Paul was promoting a harsh Stoicism… that God’s power would enable us to grind our teeth, bite the bullet, and bear it…

d. The British Isles are known for this quality… keeping a stiff upper lip… not showing any emotion… just grind your teeth and bear it!

e. Stoics pride themselves in their sheer grit to endure… to plow though difficulties… but knew nothing of doing so with JOY.

f. Christianity takes endurance to a whole new level…

7. We have a great illustration of patience and longsuffering WITH JOY!

a. Acts 16:22-25 – Paul and Silas illustrate for us endurance, longsuffering WITH JOYFULNESS… as they sang in prison… beaten, bound, bleeding, but buoyant with joy!

b. This is the ultimate example of the power of God operating in the life of a trusting believer… JOY!

c. And what a testimony that was… what power displayed! How different from what people are accustomed to seeing… and what an impact it can have on the lives of others… consider the Philippian jailor!

d. Consider the Hebrew believers: The Hebrew believers took joyfully the spoiling of their goods… knowing they have a better and enduring substance in heaven. (Heb. 10:34)

e. When trials come, we are not told to grind our teeth and bear it. We are told to “count it all JOY!” That takes the power of God…

f. It is not a phony kind of joy—it is not pretending to be happy. It is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the believer. Fruit! It is not pretending to be happy—

g. Joy is not happiness… happiness is dependent upon favorable happenings… trials are just the opposite of favorable happenings.

h. JOY is the fruit of the Spirit… and is not related to circumstances.
» JOY is a deep, settling, stable, contentment, and an inner sense of well being that comes to us by means of the power of God and is based on faith in the knowledge of God…
» We can KNOW that God uses these awful situations for our eternal good… and we can KNOW that God will never leave us… we can KNOW that God will provide the grace and strength to endure… and we can KNOW that it will work together for good…
» Hence, we can have a deep, inner sense of well being… KNOWING we are in the hands of our heavenly Father who loves us with an everlasting love… and is shaping us into the image of His dear Son!
» We can JOY, not because God promises to make the trial go away, but because He promises His presence and His power to endure through it all!
» This is a joy that is traced back to God’s power: it is the joy of the Lord!

8. God’s power produces joy in adversity; and at the same time, the joy of the Lord has a strengthening effect on us! The joy of the Lord is our strength! (Neh. 8:10)

a. By God’s power, He fills us with JOY. We are strengthened unto JOY… by the power of God working in us.

b. And even in the worst of circumstances, God’s power is available us to… ALL MIGHT…

c. God gives us JOY in the midst of pain… and that JOY enables us to endure… to patiently persevere… and to be longsuffering… with JOYFULNESS!

d. “Oh JOY that seekest me through pain…I cannot close my heart to thee!”
» God’s power isn’t seen today in the tongues movement, or in the phony faith healers… or in supposed miracles.
» God’s power is seen in your average Joe Christian who faces the difficulties of life with patience… with longsuffering toward difficult people… and does so with JOY… a supernatural joy that is completely unrelated to circumstances.
» Even when there’s no fruit on the vine, “yet will I rejoice; I will joy in the God of my salvation!”
» Even when Paul & and Silas were unjustly beaten, bound, and imprisoned, they made a joyful noise to the Lord in that cell.
» When the city walls were finished, and the people then looked at the overwhelming task that lay before them—rebuilding the city of Jerusalem—Nehemiah said, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” That joy will enable you to continue.
» There isn’t any more powerful demonstration of God’s power… there isn’t any more powerful witness on earth… than the simple believer who trusts God through all the trials of life… and does so with joy—and a peace that defies understanding!
» That’s real power… that effect demonstrated in the life of the believer is strengthened in accord with the POWER of the GLORY of God!
» The one whose heart is gripped by the glory of God—like Paul and Silas in prison—will demonstrate patience and longsuffering WITH joyfulness…

9. If we are going to continue to run the race with patience… if we are going to finish our course and be faithful to the end, then we NEED the joy of the Lord.

a. This joy is our strength.

b. This joy is needed to overcome discouragements and disappointments that lay ahead.

c. Ps. 119:92 – “Unless the law had been my DELIGHTS, I should then have perished in mine affliction.”
» In times of affliction, we NEED something to delight in… we NEED a source of joy.
» The Lord is our joy and our strength.
» We need to know how to come to Him… seek His face through His Word… and allow the Word of God to BE our delight…
» If not, we too will perish—be overtaken in our afflictions.
» The human spirit can only take so much pain before it wilts… afflictions without an inner joy can ruin us… what Solomon calls “a wounded spirit.” “A wounded spirit, who can bear?
» The joy of the Lord is NEEDED to enable us to deal with affliction… and to endure…

d. This joy is needed if we are going to be able to justify in our own mind and heart living a sacrificial life… and giving up everything in order to follow Christ…

e. This joy is needed if we are going to live outside the camp… if we are going to pick up a cross to follow Christ…

f. Heb. 12:2 – it was the joy set before Him that enabled Christ to endure the cross.
» Endurance is related to joy. No joy—no endurance.
» If your Christian life is nothing but the suffering of the cross, you won’t make it—not without the JOY of resurrection and the resurrection life!
» A runner needs to keep focused on the JOY of crossing that finish line… and so do we.
» Christ set the JOY of being with His heavenly Father before His eye… and that enabled Him to endure the ultimate suffering of the cross.
» A heavenly focus will also fill our minds and hearts with joy—and the joy of the Lord will be the strength we need to keep on running till Jesus comes.

10. Let’s pray as Paul did for the Colossians—that we too would be strengthened with all might… UNTO patience and longsuffering WITH joyfulness!

» You can have this kind of power and joy in your life too…
» But first you must come to Christ in faith—and as Paul said to the Philippian jailor who asked “What must I do to be saved?—BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!”


1. I couldn’t have chosen a better verse to land on for Thanksgiving week!

2. However, the concept of thanksgiving wasn’t a national holiday in Colossae. It was a way of life… it was an everyday attitude… not a once-a-year celebration.

3. So while I am thankful that our country has a holiday that at least ostensibly is designed to give thanks to God (that’s a good thing!), I’m also a bit concerned that our traditional celebration of Thanksgiving might give some folks the wrong idea about the Biblical concept of thanksgiving… that Thanksgiving comes once a year!

4. Our passage in Colossian addresses that concern—
» And we could not have lighted upon this verse at a better time.
» I’d like to say it was good planning on my part… but you know better than that!

Characteristics of a Worthy Walk

A. The Context

1. Paul has been praying for the Colossian saints.

2. He prayed that they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will and that they would have wisdom and discernment (vs. 9).

3. Paul also states the PURPOSE of this knowledge, wisdom and discernment: that they might walk worthy of the Lord.

a. Paul does not pray that they would be filled with knowledge and wisdom just to “look smart”… or for mere academic purposes. He is not interested in cold orthodoxy.

b. Rather, he prays that this knowledge and wisdom would become practical in their every day lives—that it would have a direct effect on their walk… that they would put the knowledge of His will to work in their lives…

c. Doctrine and knowledge should always translate into godly behavior.

4. Grammatically, the apostle connects four participles to this main verb, WALK: being fruitful, increasing, strengthened, and giving thanks.

B. The Four Present Participles

1. Being Fruitful (vs. 10) – a walk worthy of the Lord is one that bears fruit…

a. Fruit is borne in the life of a believer who is surrendered and yielded to Christ…

b. Fruit is only borne as we abide in Christ… and yield the members of our body to Him in service…

c. Being fruitful means reckoning self to be dead… and allowing the indwelling life of Christ to be manifested in and through us… that’s fruit… Christ-like character called the fruit of the Spirit.

d. God isn’t looking for mere activity and busyness… for service…done in the power of the flesh… but real fruit.

e. Present participle: a worthy walk is one that is continually bearing fruit… day by day Christ is seen in us… and glorified through us.

2. Increasing (vs. 10) – a worthy walk is one that is continually increasing.

a. Increase means “grow”… a worthy walk is characterized by continual spiritual growth…

b. We are to be constantly growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

c. A worthy walk is never content with pass progress, nor does it morbidly dwell on past failures… but desires to be continually growing nearer, still nearer to Christ… ever coming to the throne of grace… into the holy of holies with Him…

d. A worthy walk is constantly bearing fruit… and growing… increasing in fruit bearing… from 30 fold to 60 fold to 100 fold! First the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear!

e. A worthy walk never stagnates, but is constantly growing… into the image of Christ… from glory to glory…

f. Even Paul realized that he had not yet attained, but he pressed on toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

g. A worthy walk is continually pressing on… increasing with the increase of God… hungering and thirsting for more.

3. Strengthened (vs.11) – a worthy walk is also one that is divinely empowered.

a. It is a walk that is strengthened with ALL might!

b. It is a walk that is divinely empowered SO THAT it perseveres… patiently endures… with longsuffering and joyfulness!

c. For a walk to be worthy of the Lord Himself, it requires supernatural power… and that is exactly what God provides: the power of the resurrection!

d. We can’t lead a life worthy of the Lord on our own power. We are utter failures on our own.

e. To walk worthy of our high calling in Christ requires God working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

4. Giving thanks (vs. 12) and the final participle that describes the worthy walk is giving thanks.

a. A worthy walk is one that is characterized by thankfulness.

b. Present participle indicates that this is continuous action… not just on a holiday… but every day!

c. It speaks of an ongoing attitude of thankfulness… which finds ample opportunity to openly express words of thanksgiving to the Lord.

d. A worthy walk is characterized by a thankful spirit.

e. If we have a bitter, resentful, complaining, murmuring, or ungrateful spirit, then we are not walking worthy of the Lord.

C. Thanksgiving and the Worthy Walk

1. A life that is worthy of the Lord is characterized by thankfulness. (Col. 1:12).

2. Thankfulness is fitting for a saint and a worthy walk. Eph. 5:2-4).

a. vs. 2 – Paul is talking about our WALK as a believer… it should be characterized by self sacrificing love.

b. Vs. 3 – the works of darkness have no place in our lives. We are SAINTS. That kind of behavior is not becoming a saint!

c. Vs. 4 – our walk is not to be characterized by filthiness, foolish talking or jesting… they are not FITTING…

d. But rather, the giving of THANKS. That is fitting for a saint… that is becoming… suitable… appropriate for a saint… and fitting for a worthy walk.

e. From God’s perspective, nothing could be more appropriate in our lives than thanksgiving… a thankful spirit…

f. Off colored humor and filthiness of spirit are out of place for a saint… but a thankful spirit is always appropriate!

g. Perhaps this section sounds like the people you work with at the office… filthiness; foolish jesting; etc… and sometimes they try to draw you into it.

h. A great antidote for that is for the believer to be constantly PRAISING and THANKING GOD…

i. If they hear you thanking the Lord and praising Him daily, they are less likely to tell you that off colored joke…

3. A Spirit-filled life is characterized by thankfulness (Eph. 5:18-20).

a. In this section, Paul describes the Spirit filled life by four participles too: speaking, singing, giving thanks, and submitting.

b. Just as a worthy walk is characterized by giving thanks… so too is a Spirit filled life. (No surprise—a worthy walk is a walk empowered by the Holy Spirit… ALL might)

c. When filled with the Spirit we will be thanking God ALWAYS for ALL things. WOW! That takes some power, doesn’t it!

d. We can and should be always thankful…
» And I know that some folks here have gone through some pretty painful experiences in life…
» The loss of a loved one; serious health issues; divorce; a wayward child; financial ruin…
» The worthy walk is one that is strengthened unto patient endurance through awful trials and tragedies with joyfulness…
» Even so, the worthy walk is one characterized by thankfulness—for ALL things… no matter how painful.
» Bring those painful experiences to the Lord—“in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
» Be thankful, not for the cancer or the accident—but thankful for GOD—that through it all, HE will never leave thee nor forsake thee!
» Thankful for how God can use your trial to magnify Himself… to manifest the indwelling LIFE of Christ through you… as you bear it with God’s power…
» There is no way we could be thankful for ALL things when we are occupied with self. This requires an end of self… and becoming occupied with Christ… His will… His purpose… and His glory…
» When HE becomes our all in all… when we can genuinely say, “For to me to live is Christ…” THEN we can have a thankful spirit in everything…
» That is a life FILLED with the Holy Spirit… and one that radiates with Christ.

4. A life filled with the knowledge of God’s will is characterized by thankfulness (I Thess. 5:18).

a. A worthy walk is characterized by perpetual thanksgiving: in everything!

b. Note here that this perpetual spirit of thanksgiving IS the will of God for every one of us!

c. Paul’s prayer was that the Colossians might be filled with the knowledge of His will… so that they could walk worthy of the Lord.

d. This is God’s will: a thankful, grateful heart! We make ourselves sick over God’s will sometimes: should I work here; buy this house or that; when God is concerned about our heart. THIS is His will concerning you: Be a thankful person!

e. If there is no gratitude in our hearts, we are NOT walking in His will. Period.

Thanksgiving in Colossians

A. Paul and Timothy Thanked God for the Colossian Believers (1:3)

1. He thanked God for three qualities in their lives:

a. Faith in Christ Jesus… (vs. 4) this is like being thankful that they were saved!
» We too should be constantly thanking God for the salvation of our brethren in the local assembly.
» As you go down your prayer list for the saints at church, do you just stop and thank God for saving them? Do you thank God for their faith? I hope so!
» I am so grateful for the believers in this church. I thank God daily for you… for your faith—faith that is evidenced in a worthy walk.
» I see that faith expressed day in and day out…

b. Love which ye have to all the saints (vs. 4)
» This too is something we should value—and constantly praise God for!
» This love is the fruit of the Spirit… characteristic of the worthy walk…
» We should be thankful to God for the acts of love and kindness that we see…
» Don’t just thank God for the deeds of love bestowed upon YOU (how selfish!)
» Rather, we should thank God every time we see a believer performing a deed of love regardless of who the recipient is!
» We are members of the Body of Christ. When the Body is ministered to… ALL of the members benefit from it… and should be thanking God for it.
» In the Body, we all have an influence on one another. If one member suffers, it affects us all. If one member is edified, we can all share in the encouragement of it!
» Hence, when you see an act of agape love done for any member in the Body—rejoice and thank God—just as if it were done to you personally…
» For in a round about way, we all benefit from a body that is strengthened, encouraged, and edified!
» Paul thanked God for the love that the Colossians had for each other… not just for him personally.
» Perhaps a parent could better understand this concept as we consider our kids. When you see your son showing love to his sister, isn’t that cause for thanksgiving? Even though it had nothing to do with you—you are grateful for that display of love.
» In the local church we should have the same sense of gratefulness when we see one member ministering to another.
» I thank God when I walk by the clean up list… when I come into choir practice… when I see kids going up to the nursery…
» Those are all deeds of self sacrificing love done for the good of another and the glory of God. We should ALL be thanking God for this! Daily!
» II Thess. 1:3 – Paul thanked God because their faith was growing and their love was abounding!
» Be LOOKING for such evidences of life in the brethren—and thank God for it!
» Too often we look for things to criticize. The Bible says we should look for things about which we can thank God!
» Perhaps we really ought to ask God to open our eyes that we might SEE expressions of faith and love being manifested in the saints. It is a cause of thanksgiving.

c. Hope which is laid up for you in heaven… (vs. 5)
» Here is a different expression of thanksgiving…
» Paul thanked God for the hope laid up in heaven for the believers at Colossae.
» The believers (we too!) have a marvelous hope in heaven… Christ is coming… our Blessed hope… we have an inheritance in heaven… a place is being prepared for us…
» When you see another believer in Christ… thank God that there is a substance in heaven that corresponds to his present hope… and one day he will be there.

2. We might see a believer who is a thorn in our side at times. We may have a hard time getting along with this brother… and can’t quite figure out how to handle him or her.

a. Why not start thanking God that he’s saved?

b. Thank God when you see evidence of life in him…

c. Thank God when you see him show love to others… or when you see others show love to him… and why not try to show him love yourself?

d. And thank the Lord that he has a marvelous heavenly hope.

e. We might begin to see one another from a different perspective.

f. And even if that brother rubs you the wrong way… like sandpaper… thank God that the Lord may be using him to smooth off some of YOUR rough spots… that’s what sandpaper does!

g. Don’t grumble about him… thank God for him.

h. This might change your relationship to that brother too… and his relationship to you.

i. You never know how much GOOD can come out of obeying God. Try it!

3. In Col. 1:3, Paul thanked the Lord for the Colossian believers… every last one of them.

a. Be thankful for God’s people.

b. It’s hard to hold a grudge against someone when you are praying for them daily and thanking God for them!

c. And even those believers who seem to have their funny little quirks and idiosyncrasies… be thankful for them. God can use that believer… quirks and all!

d. And about that believer who rubs you the wrong way… God is at work in him too… thank God for that.

e. Phil. 1:3-6 – Thank God and be confident that God is doing a good work in each and every believer here at Salem Bible Church. He is making us more like His Son.

f. If we love the Lord, we should be thankful for that!

g. In spite of all of our differences, what really matters is that we have the same Lord, the same faith, the same hope!

B. Walk… Abounding in Thanksgiving (2:6-7)

1. Once again Paul tells us HOW to walk:

a. AS ye received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him!

b. This means by FAITH… the worthy walk is a walk of faith.

c. The worthy walk of faith is also characterized by thanksgiving…

2. Here Paul states that not only are we to be thankful, but we are to be ABOUNDING in thanksgiving.

a. We all thank God sometimes… but abounding means more than “sometimes.”

b. Abounding: to be present over-abundantly or to excess; to exceed a fixed number of measure; to furnish one richly; overflow…

c. The worthy walk is a walk of faith (trusting not in our own wisdom or strength but in the Lord)… a walk that is rooted and established in the faith (not tossed to and fro)… and a walk that is abounding in thanksgiving!

d. There is a connection between faith and thanksgiving.
» As we grow and are established in THE FAITH… we come to understand more fully how COMPLETE we are in Christ.
» Finally, it begins to sink in how that we are already blessed with all spiritual blessings… already seated in the heavenlies…
» Our glorious position in Christ as redeemed ones; forgiven ones; reconciled ones; saints; indwelt; in Christ; joint heirs with Christ; possessors of the resurrection life of Christ; … and on and on it goes — as these truths begin to sink in… we are becoming ESTABLISHED in the faith… the body of Christian doctrine…
» Col. 1:12-14 – Here we are to be giving thanks for the following:
· Made meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. (vs.12)
· Delivered from the power of darkness (vs.13)
· Translated into the kingdom of His dear Son
· In Him we have redemption (vs.14)
· The forgiveness of sins
» Notice that we already HAVE each of these blessings! These are all present possessions. (3 haths and a have!)
» Each one of these is our unalterable position in Christ… nothing can ever change any one of them!
» Faith enables us to experience the reality of this in our daily lives…
» And the better we understand who we are in Christ… the more we will appreciate it. The more we grasp these truths… the more thankful we will become—naturally… automatically!
» Thanksgiving will OVERFLOW in our hearts in direct proportion to the degree to which we understand and appreciate all we have and are in Christ!
» Strong, mature, established, discerning, believers are believers who ABOUND in thanksgiving.
» The more we learn of the wonderful work of Christ on the cross… the more we learn of His marvelous grace… the more we learn of our glorious position in Him… the more thankful we will be. How could it be otherwise?

e. As believers, we should be continually growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
» We should be continually growing and increasing in our understanding of the faith – the body of Christian doctrine.
» Hence, this continual growth process allows for continual thanksgivings to God.
» When the thanksgiving stops—that means that we have stopped learning and growing and appreciating who Christ is and who we are in Him.

C. For Peace and Unity in the Body: Give Thanks (3:15)

1. God has made us members of the Body of Christ.

a. We have been taken OUT of Adam and placed IN Christ.

b. We have been organically UNITED to Christ… He is our Head…

c. We now share His LIFE. The life of the Head flows through His Body.

d. We all share the same heavenly calling…

e. In the Body, we have been made members one of another.

f. Eph. 4:4-6 – every born again person shares in this unity and calling.

g. This is an awesome calling and position. It has nothing to do with denominationalism. It has only to do with LIFE: is the person born again or not? If so, then we are one in the Spirit… and share one faith… one Lord.

h. And when this calling is PRACTICED in the local church, it is a taste of heaven on earth! The sin nature has a tendency to disrupt this peace and unity…

i. BUT—when it rules in our hearts… and it rules in the local church, we should be THANKFUL! There is nothing like it!

j. As a shepherd, I am going to do whatever I can to protect this assembly…
» endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…
» unity around the Person of Christ… as revealed in the truth of God’s Word…

k. The more we come to understand and appreciate the local church… the more thankful we will be!

l. When we see how PRECIOUS it is to God… (Bride! Body! Temple, then it should become precious to us too… and cause of great gratitude and thanksgiving.

m. We have been called into the very Body of Christ! Be ye thankful!

D. In Whatever We Do: Give Thanks (3:17)

1. Thanksgiving should accompany everything we DO… everything!

2. Actually, Paul states that everything we do or say should be done or said in the NAME of the Lord Jesus and with thanksgiving.

3. In the NAME of Christ…

a. We bear the name of Christ wherever we go… and in whatever we say or do.

b. We have been identified with Him… associated with Him… connected to Him…

c. The Head is in heaven, but the Body is on earth. We represent our heavenly Head. What we do and say is a reflection on our Head.

d. That carries with it a great responsibility… like an ambassador who represents his country.

e. That means that we should be CAREFUL about our testimony… BECAUSE we bear the name of Christ.

f. Business and companies are concerned about their name. Restaurant chains send out inspectors to inspect the restaurants that bear their name… to make sure they are living up to their name… lest they damage that name and the reputation of the chain. Even McDonalds does this! They don’t want people coming into a McDonalds and see dirty windows and poor service. Sloppiness or poor service is a bad reflection on ALL the McDonalds! It damages their reputation.

g. If they are concerned about their name, certainly the Lord’s servants ought to be concerned about God’s holy name! We bear His name in whatever we do or say. Whatever we do or say, we do in His name… and it is a reflection on HIM… hence the need for care concerning our testimony.

4. The second thing Paul states here is that in whatever we do or say, it should be done or said with THANKSGIVING.

a. If you are ashamed to thank God for it—then perhaps we shouldn’t be doing it!
» After each conversation can you say, “Thank you Lord for the opportunity to share that with this person?”
» After each video we watch, after each book we read, we should be able to say, “Thank you Lord.”

b. But if we are doing it for His glory, then we ought to be thanking Him for it…
» Thanksgiving should accompany EVERYTHING we do.
» Thanksgiving in the Bible is not a once a year holiday. It is a way of life; it is to be pervasive in the Christian life.
» God has sent us out into the world to be His witness… His representative… His ambassador. What an honor and a privilege!
» We should be thankful for such privilege.
» And as we GROW in our understanding of our purpose here on earth… AS His representatives… as those who bear His holy name… then we will also grow in thankfulness!
» A deepening of this sense of privilege and honor will deepen our sense of thanksgiving.
» Whatsoever ye do in His name—be thankful!

E. Thanksgiving in Prayer (4:2)

1. The last expression of thanksgiving in Colossians is in connection with prayer.

a. Paul exhorts the believers to continue in prayer… don’t ever stop… pray without ceasing… don’t let a day go by without prayer!

b. He exhorts us to be faithful in our prayer time…

c. The early church is our example of prayer.
» Acts 1:14 – The pre-church disciples met for prayer, both men and women and CONTINUED in one accord…
» Acts 2:42 – The early church continued steadfastly in prayer…
» It is normal for a church to meet together for corporate prayer… not just as individuals in our own prayer closets… but as an assembly!
» The early church continued steadfastly in prayer… this was not a “once in a while” occurrence.
» Prayer meeting was the norm… for men and women… and it continued faithfully. A good example for today!

2. Included in prayer was THANKSGIVING… (Col. 4:2)

a. Paul exhorts us to continue in prayer (don’t quit)… and to always include thanksgiving.

b. Phil. 4:6 – in everything by prayer and supplication WITH thanksgiving…

c. Every time of prayer should include thanksgiving…
» If we just ask for things, our prayers can be quite selfish.
» Prayer should always include a time of thanking God… in everything…in good days and bad… in sickness and in health…
» Prayers should not sound like: Gimme; gimme; gimme… but rather, thank you Lord!

d. But it takes maturity to be able to genuinely thank God for difficulties and troubles in life.
» Anybody can thank God for bounty and blessings.
» Not just anybody can thank God for a flat tire… or a sickness… or an accident… or a job loss.
» But the worthy walk of Col. 1:10-12 is characterized by continually giving thanks unto the Father…
» Anybody can be joyous and thankful when the sun is shining and all is going well.
» It takes divine power to patiently endure those dark and gloomy days… with JOYFULNESS.
» It takes spiritual maturity to be able to thank God in everything.
» But for the believer who is filled with the Spirit of God will overflow with BOTH joy and thankfulness.
· Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22)
· Thanksgiving is an evidence of Spirit filling (Eph. 5:20)
· That means that thanksgiving is the NORM for the believer.
· While others grumble and complain… while others grow bitter… we should be thanking God for His goodness… His mercy is new every morning. Thank God for that. Thank Him every morning… noon and night.


The Inheritance of the Saints in Light 

A. Inheritance

1. κλῆρος  (klay-ros):

a. An object used in casting or drawing lots, which was either a pebble, or a potsherd, or a bit of wood.

b. The lots of several persons concerned, inscribed with their names, were thrown together into a vase, which was then shaken, and he whose lot fell out first upon the ground was the one chosen.

c. That which is obtained by lot, an allotted portion.

d. In the New Testament it is used of that which is given or assigned rather than won… “a portion allotted to someone.”

e. Acts 1:17 – Judas was “assigned” a portion or a lot (part) with the apostles. He was hand chosen by the Lord.
· Acts 1:26 – they cast their “lots” (same word)

f. Acts 26:18 – an inheritance (same word) of those who are sanctified… the saints. Here it has to do with our position in Christ.

2. What IS our inheritance?

a. As believers, we have a spiritual inheritance in Christ.

b. Matt. 19:29 – our inheritance includes eternal life! LIFE!

c. Heb. 6:12 – our inheritance includes all the promises of God.

d. Rom. 8:17 – we are joint-heirs with Christ!

e. Rev. 21:7 – we shall inherit ALL things!

f. I Cor. 3:21-23 – for all things are yours… already!

g. Heb. 9:15 – it is an eternal inheritance!

3. This inheritance is our PRESENT POSSESSION.

a. I Pet. 1:4 – there is a portion of our inheritance that is yet future. It is “in heaven” and reserved. When we enter into heaven, we will be able to experience this portion of our inheritance. But even now, it is OURS.

b. Eph. 1:11 – in whom we have obtained an inheritance!
» Aorist – we have already obtained this inheritance.
» In Christ we have already obtained our inheritance. (For He is in heaven… at the Father’s right hand… and we are in Him.)
» The WE (and us) in this chapter refer to Paul and ALL believers of this age. (Cf. vs. 4,5,7)
» All believers have been allotted this inheritance by virtue of the fact that we are in Christ.
» We have already obtained it. It’s ours. It is a present possession.

c. Eph. 1:3 – we have already been blessed with all spiritual blessings.
» Our inheritance includes all our possessions in Christ.
» In Christ we have already obtained ALL spiritual blessings.
» Several of those blessings are listed in Eph. 1: chosen; predestinated; accepted; redemption; forgiveness; Holy Spirit; members of His body; filled with the fullness of God; etc.

d. Eph. 1:13-14 – the Holy Spirit is the seal of our inheritance… down payment… proof…
» In Christ we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. (vs. 13b)
» The Holy Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance. (down-payment)
» The seal of the Spirit is God’s proof that this inheritance is ours… even though we cannot see it… His presence is our proof… and the down payment for our final and future inheritance in glory.
» We have obtained our inheritance. It is ours. Even the future aspect is our possession – and is already reserved for us.
» The bulk of it we are able to experience now—by faith.
» ALL of it belongs to us now. The Holy Spirit is God’s proof to us of the reality of this inheritance.

4. The inheritance is “in the light.”

a. “In the light” does not refer to the saints but with the inheritance.
» Perhaps if the expression were re-worded more closely to the way we normally speak in English, it would help.
» “The saints inheritance in the light.”
» It is our inheritance that is “in the realm of light.”

b. Light: implies several things… broad meaning…
» Knowledge; truth… (as opposed to ignorance and error)
» Goodness; purity… “unsparing holiness” – Wm. Kelly (as opposed to evil and impurity)
» Joy; blessedness… (as opposed to depression and grief)
» God is light; light is His character.
» Contrasted to Satan’s kingdom of darkness (vs.13) (as opposed to the Son’s kingdom of light)
» Our inheritance is not in this earthly, temporal, physical realm of darkness. It is in the heavenly, spiritual, eternal realm of light.

c. I Tim. 6:16 – God dwells in the light of His radiant glory; hence, our inheritance is wherever God is! (Not just earth or heaven… but wherever God is…)
» Because of God’s infinite holiness, He is unapproachable.
» Ex. 33:19-23 – No man can come into the full glory of His presence and live…
» In fact, at His Second Coming, His glory will be the destruction of His enemies. “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the GLORY of His power.” (II Thess. 1:9)
» The law always put man at a distance from God; they could NOT approach His glorious light. We have been made MEET for our inheritance in God’s light… not physically, but spiritually. We still have a mortal body that could not stand in the full blazing glory of God’s presence… but we are made MEET spiritually to enter into His presence.
» Heb. 10:19 – That is why in the book of Hebrews the Christian believer is seen doing what no Old Testament saint would even think of: entering into the holy of holies – the place where God’s Shekinah glory dwelt… that dazzling light that no man dared approach lest he die. We can enter… every day… because we have been fitted for God’s very presence! Awesome!
» We are IN Christ, who is at the Father’s right hand.
» This of course, is due to the power of the blood of Christ (Heb. 10:18-19b) (Col. 1:14).
» I John 1:7; 2:10 – it is our privilege PRESENTLY to walk in light; to abide in the light… a place of purity, truth, righteousness, holiness, joy, goodness…
» We are not trying to get there… we ARE there… we LIVE there… that is our inheritance… our glorious position in Christ… Who is in the Light…

Partakers of the Inheritance

1. Partakers: Lit: unto the portion.

a. Peter used both terms in Acts 8:21 when he rebuked Simon – “ye have neither part (partakers) nor lot (inheritance) in this matter.”

b. Simon had no inheritance in this matter—not even a portion of the inheritance!

2. The concept of a lot (portion) of an inheritance came right out of the Old Testament..

a. Num. 26:52-56 – Canaan land was given to Israel as their inheritance… and each tribe was appointed a “lot.” (an appointed portion; a part; a share)

b. Paul uses this familiar Old Testament concept to describe OUR inheritance. We too have an inheritance—and each one of us has his share in it…

c. Every believer shares in redemption, the shed blood, a place in heaven, a glorious position in Christ… heirs…

d. In the Old Testament, Israel had an earthly inheritance… our inheritance is not earthly or physical. Our inheritance is in the realm of light… holiness… a heavenly position in Christ.

e. Israel’s inheritance was in Canaan—and Israel had to enter the land and fight against the enemies and drive them out before they could lay hold of their inheritance. (Num. 33:51–54)

f. Paul uses this terminology to describe our inheritance in Christ.

3. BUT—don’t misunderstand this Old Testament type…Far too many Christians make the wrong application from the Old Testament illustration—to the detriment of their worthy walk!

a. A common view:
» Exodus pictures salvation
» Wilderness wandering pictures our earthly life
» Crossing Jordan pictures death
» Entering the Promised Land pictures heaven

b. Problems with that view:
» It sees enemies and battles in heaven! Not so! It misrepresents heaven.
» But more dangerous is the view that our Christian life is viewed as “wandering in the wilderness”—and that that is normal Christian experience.
» It is NOT the norm for the believer. Unfortunately wandering may be an accurate picture of many Christians’ lives, but it is not the norm. It should have been a short journey from the Red Sea to Canaan Land… Beulah Land!
» Most Christians today view the Christian life in just this manner: we get saved… and are thankful for salvation… and want to tell others how to be saved… but they STOP SHORT of entering into the Promised Land… into their inheritance… into God’s rest… they fail to fully enter into their heavenly blessings in Christ… they POSSESS them but they do not experience them by faith.
» Instead, they wander in the wilderness… subsiding on the earthly food… murmuring because they are not content… complaining about a lack of water… opposing God’s leaders… continually coming short of the inheritance God WANTED them to enter into… because they were afraid of the giants and refused to trust God.
» Hymn # 805 (Because He Lives)—verse 3—poor theology!
· This poor soul sees himself as fighting and struggling all through this life—no rest.
· He does not see victory till heaven.
· He doesn’t KNOW until he arrives in glory: no assurance
· Bill Gaither is not the world’s best theologian…

c. The right view of the illustration:
» Exodus = redemption in Christ.
» Israel was redeemed out of bondage to slavery in Egypt –the world. We were redeemed out of the world—and out of slavery to sin.
» Moses was their redeemer; Christ is ours.
» It was just an 11 day journey to cross the wilderness—and COULD have and SHOULD have entered into their inheritance early on… but refused to trust God.
» Wilderness wanderings = chastening… the only alternative to entering into Canaan… wander in a dry and weary land… this was NEVER intended to be the norm.
· It didn’t have to happen that way.
· They could have entered into their inheritance right away, but it was a lack of faith that resulted in them being condemned to the wilderness for 40 years.
· Unfortunately, too many believers today waste much of their Christian life wandering in a spiritual wilderness, going in circles and not going on to perfection: maturity.
· They didn’t HAVE to wander. The inheritance in the land was THEIRS. It was their possession—they simply had to walk in by faith and possess their possessions!
· The land was theirs for a long time before they finally got to experience it—a land flowing with milk and honey.
· Instead, they wandered in a dry, parched, weary wilderness—when they COULD have been and should have been enjoying the riches God promised them!
» Crossing Jordan pictures not our physical death, but our death with Christ… our old man being crucified.
· Not until we come to this point of reckoning SELF dead are we able to enter into our Canaan land.
· Before the Christian can ever enter into the full appreciation of and experience of his riches in Christ—he must come to an end of himself…
· We need to acknowledge that our old man DIED with Christ…
» Canaan does not picture heaven, but the heavenlies – our PRESENT experience of our heavenly blessings.
· Christ is in heaven and we are in Him.
· But physically, we are on earth—but are to ABIDE in Him and DWELL in our Canaan… dwelling our Beulah Land… by faith.
· We have been raised up already in Christ… and hence, the heavenlies are OURS already! That is our inheritance…
· We are joint heirs with Christ. It is glorious position in Christ.
· This is our present possession, but we only experience its riches as we abide in Him by faith, a heavenly experience is ours… now… a foretaste of glory divine!
» Entering the Promised Land pictures the believer, once redeemed, entering into BY FAITH a full experience of what he has in Christ… our inheritance in Him… entering into our REST.
» It isn’t necessary to wander spiritually for years; and waste years of our Christian life.
» We can and should enter in as soon as we get there! Pursue it… seek it… LEARN about our riches in Christ through studying the Word… and then enter in by faith… and settle in and enjoy it! LABOR to enter into His rest! Hunger after it…
» We get so occupied with seemingly innocuous things in this world… but they are actually weights HINDERING us from marching forward and going on to maturity… preventing us from appreciating our HEAVENLY riches and resting in our spiritual inheritance!
» It was natural and right for the Jews to take time on the other side of the Red Sea to sing and praise God for His deliverance… but after that initial burst of JOY, it was time to move on and enter into the Promised Land!
» It is natural and right for a new believer, having just experienced redemption to linger a while and praise God for the deliverance… but after that initial burst of JOY, time comes to move on to perfection… to grow up… to CONTINUE walking by faith… to face the foes by faith… to experience God’s power and victory… and to enter into a deep appreciation for and experience of our heavenly and spiritual inheritance in Christ… a deeper experience; grow up IN HIM.
» The worthy walk is not characterized by wandering in a dry and weary wilderness… going in circles. A worthy walk is characterized by entering into the Promised Land… resting in our riches in Christ… claiming that land by faith… and actually setting the souls of our feet upon it!

4. As Christians, we possess our inheritance already, but it is only experienced by faith.

a. When Israel marched into the Promised Land, there were enemies who opposed them… and hindered them from RESTING in the inheritance which was really theirs… God gave it to them…

b. But they had to drive out the Canaanites and break down their altars before they could enjoy it.
» So too, we as believers have a rich inheritance in Christ, but we cannot enjoy it until we drive out our enemies… sin, worldliness, self, the idolatry of covetousness…
» Before we can enjoy our rich inheritance in Christ, we need to put our enemies to death…
» Worldliness, covetousness, sin, and self will all hinder us from enjoying our riches in Christ. Those enemies MUST be put to death.
» And this is not done through our own strength or effort. This victory is ours only by FAITH.
» To experience this victory, we must come to the Cross… and by faith we RECKON self to be dead; reckon that the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world; that sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more!
» Sin, self, and the world will only BLIND us to our inheritance in the light… our true riches in Christ.
» But when we come to the cross, the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!
» We have already OBTAINED our inheritance and have already been blessed with all spiritual blessings… but we often fail to enjoy them… or experience them.
» They are ours by faith.

c. It was FAITH that enabled Israel to have victory over their enemies, drive them out, and then REST in their inheritance…
» Josh. 1:2-6 – march into the land by faith; I have given it to you for an inheritance; no man shall be able to stand against you IF you walk by faith… enter the land… and trust ME for the victory.
» We too are to march into the land by faith… go on to perfection and maturity…
» BELIEVE what God said: all things are yours! No enemy has the power to withstand us when we walk by faith—no fiery dart of the enemy is able to pierce our armor…
» God gave the WHOLE land to Israel, but they only experienced it bit by bit… as their feet tread upon the ground… as they faced the foes along the way… God continued to give victory after victory… and they grew and expanded in the land.
» So too with the believer in Christ. We already have our inheritance… it is our privilege to LEARN more and more about it in God’s Word… face the foes along the way… see God give victory after victory… and march in and claim that land by faith… it’s ours!

d. In the Old Testament, Israel had an earthly inheritance. In the New Testament, we have a heavenly inheritance… a hope laid up for us in heaven… enjoyed NOW through faith.
» As Israel BELIEVED God (even though it didn’t SEEM, or feel true)… it SEEMED like they would never defeat the Canaanites… but as they believed God, God gave them victory.
» As they walked by faith, their feet marched over new land and that which was theirs by inheritance was theirs experientially. They took possession of their inheritance.
» Christ’s LIFE in us, redemption, entering into the Holy of Holies; priestly ministry; coming to the throne of grace; dwelling in God’s presence; complete in Him; accepted in the Beloved; forgiven;
» As we walk by faith, our heavenly blessings and inheritance becomes our daily experience.
» By faith, our eternal inheritance can be experienced and enjoyed… the deeper our faith, the deeper our experience.
» If you don’t really BELIEVE what God has said about our inheritance, then this is just a bunch of religious gobbledygook.
» But if you DO believe it, this is precious! This is life… and joy and peace and rest!

e. Therefore, we need not pray for God to bless us… but rather, believe that He already HAS!
» Eph. 1:17-18 – pray that God would open our eyes to SEE and experience some of our riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints…”
» We have a heavenly calling… a heavenly and eternal inheritance—our present possession.
» Lord, help us to know this… believe this… and experience this in our daily lives! Lord, open our eyes of faith to see!
» Don’t we often pray from an earthly perspective?
· Lord, protect me—instead of “Lord, help me to see how safe I am in thee!”
· Lord, provide for me—instead, “Lord, help me to see how rich I am in thee!”
· Lord, defeat all my foes—instead of, “Lord, thank you for defeating my foes at the cross and making me MORE than a conqueror in thee!”
· Lord, improve my earthly condition—instead of “Lord, help me to see my glorious heavenly position in thee!”
· Lord, bless me—instead of “Lord, thank you for having blessed me with all spiritual blessings in Christ. Help me to see how rich I am in Christ.
· Lord, THANK YOU that I am already a partaker in an eternal inheritance.”

Made Meet to be Partakers

A. The Term

1. Made meet: (ἱκανόω – hikan-ó-oh) – “to make sufficient, to authorize, to make fit; render fit, qualify”

a. Used only here and in II Cor. 3:6 – made us ABLE ministers of the New Covenant.
» II Cor. 3:4 – all their confidence and trust was in God.
» Vs. 5 – their sufficiency was not of self, but from God. (same term – different form…)
» Vs. 6 – it was GOD who made them ABLE (meet) ministers.
» God made them meet to be apostles. He appointed them to that position. It was not a vote of men, but the calling of God. (I wish young men thinking of going into the ministry would take this to heart!)
» It speaks of being authorized and thus qualified for a position.
» It is the LORD who does the authorizing and qualifies a man for the ministry.
» Transplant that meaning into Col. 1:12.

b. Every genuinely born again believer in Christ has been made MEET to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints.
» We all have been authorized and are thus qualified to be partakers.
» This is true of the believer who has just recently accepted Christ as Savior as well as the believer who has known Christ for many years!
» It is true of the carnal believer as well as the spiritual believer.
» EVERY believer has been made MEET to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints.
» This rich inheritance belongs to ALL of God’s saints… from the feeblest to the strongest.

c. It is the Father who makes us meet… who authorizes and qualifies us.
» We are not authorized or made meet by self effort…
» This authorization and qualification is the work of God the Father through the shed blood of Christ on the cross on our behalf.
» The Father sent His Son to be the propitiation of our sins.
» The Father makes us meet on the basis of the merit of His Beloved Son… on the righteous basis of the cross…
· Christ has delivered us (vs. 13)
· Christ provided redemption and forgiveness (vs. 14)
· THIS is the basis upon which we are made MEET.
» It is by His merit, not ours that we are able and meet to enter into he rest and rich experience of our glorious inheritance… our calling as saints.
· I stand upon His merit, I know no other stand;
· Not e’en where glory dwelleth, in Immanuel’s land.

d. Hath made us meet = the action is finished.
· This is an aorist participle: “Giving thanks to the Father, to the One who hath made us meet…”
· He is not presently “making us meet” but has already “made us meet.”
· Because Christ’s finished work on the cross is complete… we have thus been made meet… fully meet… fully. authorized and qualified to enter into our Promised Land.
· This speaks of our position, not condition… we are complete in Christ—and completely qualified and completely authorized to partake of this rich inheritance.
· Until we get it settled in our minds and hearts that we really ARE qualified, we will be afraid to enter in… perhaps we will feel it presumptuous to do so… perhaps some will (through false humility mingled with unbelief) not FEEL qualified—even though God said we ARE!
· The blessings and inheritance are all ours… but unbelief and fear and ignorance of our glorious position will KEEP us from claiming them by faith!
· Ignorance, fear, and unbelief will keep us wandering in a spiritual wilderness… afraid to take God’s hand and walk right into the land… face our foes… drive out our enemies… and settle down into the inheritance God wants us to have!
· We don’t have to FEEL meet or sufficient… authorized or qualified. We are simply to BELIEVE what God said and act accordingly…

2. When this truth becomes YOUR experience—be constantly giving thanks to the Father—for HE is the One who made us meet to be partakers of this inheritance! My Father planned it all!

3. If you are not born again… this inheritance is NOT yours… but it can be.

a. Christ died for you and paid the penalty of your sins.

b. God simply wants you to BELIEVE Him… trust in Christ and be saved TODAY.

c. John 1:12: But as many as RECEIVED Him… to them gave he power (AUTHORITY) to become the sons of God.


1. In this section, Paul is describing a worthy walk.

2. It is described by four participles: being fruitful, increasing, being strengthened, and giving thanks.

3. The giving of thanks is here directed to the Father…

4. The Father is being thanked because He is the One who does the following:

a. He made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. (we looked at this last week)

b. He delivered us from the power of darkness

c. He translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son

d. As believers, we have been delivered and translated!

Delivered Us from the Power of Darkness

1. The Term: ῥύομαι [rhuomai]

a. Strong’s: to draw to one’s self, to rescue, to deliver

b. Greek – English Lexicon: draw out of danger, to rescue, save, deliver

c. The term is not used frequently (Only 15 times—and ½ of those are used in quoting the Old Testament.)

d. The term itself implies danger… rescued, saved, drawn out of danger: like a person who is drowning and is drawn out of the water.
» The danger is eternal condemnation in the Lake of Fire!
» The danger is that God is a consuming Fire… and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God apart from faith in Christ.
» The danger is that all men everywhere are on their way to hell unless they are born again. That’s why Jesus said, “Ye MUST be born again” to a religious man!
» The danger is that there is opportunity for a man to be saved in this life, but once this life is over—all hopes of salvation are lost forever, and that one will be cast into a literal place of torment forever.
» The danger is REAL—even though most men mock at God’s Word and joke about it.
The danger is real—and the deliverance is absolutely necessary.

2. The Subject: The Father

a. Most often Christ, God the Son, is spoken of as the One who delivered us… who rescued us from danger.

b. Christ is our Redeemer… our Savior.

c. But the Father is also our Savior… (I Tim.1:1)

d. The Father is the Author of our deliverance, for the Father planned it all.
» He chose us before the foundation of the world; He predestinated us to be conformed to the image of His Son; He planned the work of redemption.
» Often in the Old Testament God is referred to as the “God of my salvation.”

e. The Father delivered us in the sense that He sent His Son to be our Savior. (I John 4:14)

f. God is the Savior. Only God can save.
» As sinners, we NEED a Savior.
» As sinners, we are UNABLE to save ourselves—no matter how hard we try. (Eph. 2:8-9)
» The Savior saves. We are the recipients of that salvation through FAITH… and no other way.

3. The Object of the deliverance: US!

a. Here the Father is the Deliverer… the One who rescues from danger.

b. And WE are the recipients of that deliverance.

c. “Us” = Paul and the Colossian believers—and all believers of this age.
» Us refers to the saints and brethren of faith in vs.2…
» Us refers to those who put their faith in Christ Jesus (vs. 3)
» Us refers to every believer of this age… Christians… born again believers…

d. The fact that this deliverance is focused upon this narrow object (us – a small minority) indicates that the rest of mankind is still in danger!
» We have been delivered… but THEY have not!
» That means that our friends, relatives, coworkers, and neighbors who are not born again are STILL in danger… danger of eternal condemnation!
» We have a responsibility to tell them the good news: that the same God who will one day be their Judge WANTS to be their Savior… and has provided for them to be saved…
» BUT—they need to come to Christ in faith… and be saved.

4. The Sphere of the deliverance: The Powers of Darkness.

a. Power: exousia: authority…

b. The power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed).

c. Jurisdiction, the sphere of authority (Luke 4:6; 23:7 – Herod’s jurisdiction….

d. Control – Acts 5:4 – “after it was sold, was it not in thine own power?”
» Power over; authority… (Matt. 28:18 – all power is given unto Me in heaven and earth.” – speaks of His universal authority)
» Authority to rule over – Luke 19:17 (And he said unto him, Well done, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.”

» Power of darkness…
• This refers to Satan’s authority over this earthly realm.
• Jesus used this term to describe both the evil human forces and demonic forces that worked together at His arrest which ultimately led to His murder on the cross (?Luke 22:53?).
• Eph. 2:1-3 – the unsaved all WALK according to the world system designed by Satan.
· Their whole manner of life is part of this cleverly planned system—which leaves God out…
· The prince of the power of the air WORKS in each one (energizes). He has power and influence over the whole world system. He’s got the whole world in his evil hands!
· I John 5:19 – he is presently lulling the world to sleep spiritually.
· II Cor. 4:4 – he is the god of this world who blinds men to truth. He controls darkness… lord over that realm.
· If you can keep a people in the dark—you can exert a huge influence over them.
‣ Darkness causes men to stumble; they don’t know where they are going;
‣ But men with sinful natures LOVE the darkness because their evil deeds are not exposed.
‣ Thus men are trapped in darkness—it hinders them from knowing how to walk; but they love it… for it enables them to continue in their sin.
· Ignorance is a powerful weapon. That’s why many evil dictators seek to control the press and propaganda…and they do whatever they can to keep their people in the dark.
· Ignorance of God and His Word is one of the greatest weapons the devil has ever used!
‣ Roman Catholic Church; sermonettes;
‣ The things that God has said and done are quite surprising to the natural man. Such things would NEVER pop into his mind naturally.
‣ Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared…
‣ Paul spoke of the powers of darkness when he mentioned the “rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places” in Eph. 6:12.
‣ Satan is able to control men to a certain degree through ignorance.
· Ex: in jungle tribes of Africa and South America, Satan keeps men ignorant of God’s Word… blinded!
· Ex: in the cities of America Satan uses materialism and pseudo intellectualism to keep men in the dark about His Word… blinded!
· He also uses false teachers in church pulpits feeding the flocks with useless chaff… to confuse truth…blinded!
· He keeps the churchgoers busy with soup kitchens and political rallies… rather than getting into the light of God’s Word. (social and political rather than spiritual)… Blinded!
· The power of darkness speaks of Satan’s authority over all within that realm—every unsaved man, woman, and child on earth.
· This realm also includes a hierarchy of fallen angels: thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers of darkness.

5. Delivered OUT OF the power of darkness…

a. EK = out of the sphere…

b. It is possible to receive deliverance in a couple of different ways.

c. It is possible to be delivered from a trial by means of special strength to endure.

d. It is also possible to be delivered from a trial by being taken OUT OF that trial.
» When it comes to the power of darkness, God delivers us OUT OF that sphere. We are no longer IN that sphere. We have been removed from Satan’s sphere.
» Eph. 5: 8 – we are now children of light… positionally, we have been taken OUT OF that sphere entirely and eternally.
» This means that Satan no longer has AUTHORITY over us.
• Col. 2:14-15 – Satan and all the powers of darkness have been defeated at the cross.
• Spoiled: taken away as booty
• Triumphed over them… complete, absolute, eternal victory!
» Heb. 2:14-15 – Christ died and delivered us from Satan—who has power of death…
• Satan has the power of death in the sense that he is the author of sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death.
• One of Satan’s greatest weapons against us (fear of death) has also been overcome by the resurrection of Christ! The sting of death is removed for the believer.
• Christ “destroyed” the devil (does not mean annihilate); it means to render inoperative.
• This is the same word as used in Rom. 6:6 – that the body of sin might be destroyed… SIN is rendered inoperative… by faith.
• So too our other foe: Satan and his authority over us has been rendered inoperative by faith.
• We have been delivered from his authority. We have a new master now: Christ.
• Just as the old sin nature may try to convince us that we are powerless before him—we have VICTORY as we trust God and believe what God said: we have been set free!
• We are to believe what God said about Satan too—this foe, though still alive and well, has no more power over us. He cannot FORCE us to do, say, or think anything.
• We have been delivered from his authority over our lives.
• As we walk by faith, the shield of faith will quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked One (Eph. 6:16).
» Acts 26:18 – Christ died and delivered us from… from his realm of darkness… and from his power over us.
• Those who trust in Christ have been FREED from the power of darkness! (exousia)
• And note that our inheritance is also mentioned here – the inheritance of the saints (those sanctified)
• This is the power of the gospel of God. It provides complete deliverance… from Satan… his authority over us… from his world system… and his kingdom of darkness… FREE!
• I John 2:8 – for the believer, the darkness is PAST. It’s over. We are now children of light and are to walk in the light.
» Gal. 6:14 – it is the CROSS that ends our relationship to the world and its prince, Satan.
• We DIED with Christ… we were crucified unto the world… and its prince.
• It has no more power over us… its former reign over us has ended at the cross…
• We have been set free from Satan and his system.
• We ALL once walked according to the prince of the power of the air and were “energized” by him. No more! Chains have been torn asunder!
• I was once a slave to Satan and his world system, but no more! Praise the Lord for that!

6. The Tense: Aorist –

a. This speaks of action as having already been completed…

b. Paul is not asking God to deliver them, but is thanking God because He DID deliver them.

c. Paul and the Colossian believers (and us!) have already been delivered!

d. We are not progressively being delivered. We ARE delivered! That is cause for thanksgiving!

7. The importance of this point: the Gnostics were teaching that the world was governed by an hierarchy of spirit beings, most of whom were considered evil…

a. They referred to them as thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers of darkness…

b. In this epistle Paul makes it crystal clear that believers in Christ need not fear such spirit beings.

c. 1:16-17 – Christ made them all! They are all under HIS authority.

d. 2:10 – Christ is the Head of all such powers. He is the ultimate Authority over all other lesser authorities… good and evil.

e. 2:15 – Christ utterly defeated all the powers of darkness on the cross.

f. Thus, we are IN Christ—the One who made those spirit beings (angels) and under whose authority they are.

g. The Gnostics were obsessed with these lesser authorities… angelic beings… (as are many today… esp. the charismatics – good and evil)

h. Paul presents Christ in this book as the answer to the gnostic objections.

8. The cause of thanksgiving:

a. Paul is thanking THE FATHER – the SOURCE of our deliverance… the Well of our salvation… the One who planned it all.

b. Paul is thanking the Source of our salvation because the work is FINISHED… the deliverance has been accomplished…

c. The great work of salvation that the Father planned before the foundation of the world has come to pass and Paul and the Colossian believers have appropriated it through faith…

d. The danger of a Christian being sent to hell is over forever!

e. There is therefore NOW no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…

f. It was the FATHER who planned our salvation; chose us; sent His Son; and assures us that our sin and guilt were taken away eternally by the cross, that He is fully satisfied with His Son’s work on our behalf, accepted us in His Son; that we are complete in His Son, and He assures us of our glorious position in His son… in the heavenlies in His Son and in the kingdom of His dear Son!

g. That is cause for rejoicing… cause for thanksgiving.

Translated Us into the Kingdom of His Dear Son

1. This is the third thing for which Paul thanks the Father: He translated us.

2. Translated: μεθίστημι – methist-aymi

a. To transpose, transfer, remove from one place to another. 1a of change of situation or place. 1b to remove from the office of a steward.

b. Used by Josephus of Tiglath-pileser’s removal of the Transjordan tribes into his own kingdom; a mighty king deporting a whole population of people into another kingdom. (II Kings 15:29)

3. Translated INTO the kingdom of His Dear Son

a. This states that God the Father (through the work of His Son on the cross) has completely CHANGED our status or position as believers.
» We were delivered OUT OF the kingdom of darkness and translated INTO the kingdom of God’s Dear Son.
» It was our DEATH with Christ that changed our position OUT OF the kingdom of darkness.
» It was our RESURRECTION with Christ that changes our position INTO heavenly places… and INTO the kingdom of His dear Son positionally.
» We were in Adam, but are now in Christ… who is in heaven.
» We were in Satan’s realm… in his kingdom of darkness… but are now translated out of that realm and into God’s realm of light.
» We were earthbound earth dwellers, but are now citizens of heaven.
» We were “children of the devil” but are now children of God.
» We were under the authority of the god of this world (Satan); now we are under the authority of Christ, the Lord of all!
» A REAL change took place when we were saved… because God now see us IN His Son.

b. There are two possible ways to understand this concept of being “translated” into the KINGDOM.
» If the term kingdom means the Messianic kingdom (as it normally does in the New Testament) then Paul is saying that we have been translated into that kingdom positionally… in the same sense that we have been seated in the heavenlies positionally; our citizenship is there.
» OR Paul may be using the concept of a kingdom in a slightly different sense here – meaning a “rule or authority.” That would mean that believers have been brought OUT from under the authority of Satan and placed under a NEW MASTER: Christ!
» OR, there may be some overlapping of the concepts in this sense: that because of our new position in Christ… we are also under new authority… and in that sense Christ REIGNS over us…
» What it does NOT mean is that this age IS the Kingdom and that the reign of Christ in our hearts is God’s replacement for the Messianic Kingdom. The Kingdom is future and certain.

c. As believers in Christ, we WILL share with Him in His coming Messianic reign on earth…
» Rev. 2:26-27 – Christ will share His rule over the nations with us!
» Rev. 1:6 – He has made us KINGS and priests… to rule with Him and minister in the coming Kingdom age.
» Rev. 3:21 – Christ will let us sit with Him in His throne to rule and reign with Him in the coming Kingdom!
» Rev. 20:4, 6 – we shall reign with Christ 1000 years!
» This is our future as believers in Christ. We WILL share in the reign of Christ in the coming Kingdom.

e. And we have been made meet for that kingdom ministry already!
» Col. 1:12 – we have been “made meet” to be partakers of the inheritance in the light.
» I Pet. 2:9 – we have been called OUT of darkness and INTO God’s marvelous light. A new position… suited for the kingdom of light.
» Note that part of this calling includes being a ROYAL priesthood.
» That implies that even NOW we are suited for the kingdom… royalty… awaiting our royal inheritance in the Kingdom.
» It is ours now… we have been made meet for it… because of the blood of Christ.
» In Christ, we are a ROYAL priesthood… called out of Satan’s realm of darkness… and translated into the kingdom of light.

4. This verb is a very natural adjunct to the one before it (delivered).

a. We were delivered FROM the power of darkness.
» But that was not an end in itself.
» God didn’t rescue us from Satan’s domain and release us from bondage to sin, self, and the world, just to let us run around in circles and do our own thing.
» Rather, God has a PLAN for our lives.
» He delivered us OUT of the authority of darkness SO THAT we might enter into a new realm: the kingdom or reign of His Son.

b. We have been translated INTO the kingdom of God’s Dear Son.
» We have been brought OUT of one domain so that we could enter into another… one far better!

c. We were under the power of darkness… under the tyranny of that evil realm of spiritual ignorance, unbelief, rebellion, and sin…
» But now we have been translated out of tyranny and into the sovereign and orderly reign of one characterized by His relationship to the Father’s love… the Beloved Son…

d. This transfer from one realm to another was illustrated with Israel’s redemption from bondage in Egypt.
» God brought them OUT of Egypt (slavery to Pharaoh) so that He might bring them INTO their inheritance in the Promised Land!
» They were brought out of the authority of Egypt and under the authority of God in the new theocracy which was to be established.

e. So it is with us. God has brought us OUT of our former bondage under the power or authority of darkness so that He might bring us INTO a new realm and under a new authority: the kingdom of His Dear Son… under the authority of Christ.

f. This concept is found elsewhere in Paul’s writings:
» Rom. 6:7 – freed from bondage to sin nature. The Sin nature was our previous master—an evil master or king.
» Rom. 6:12 – therefore sin shall not REIGN as king… Christ should have authority in our mortal body!
» Rom. 6:14 – sin nature is no longer to have dominion—Christ is to have dominion over us! A new Master!
» Rom. 7:4 – we have been released from all obligation to the law… not so that we can do our own thing. But rather, so that we can now submit willingly and lovingly to Christ—the Bridegroom!
» In each case, God releases us from an old relationship—not to do our own thing, but so that we might enter into something new and better…
» Just as Israel was redeemed from bondage in Egypt so that they might enter into their inheritance in the Promised Land… and just as the church has been released from the Law to enter into a new relationship to Christ… and as every believer has been set free from bondage to our sin nature—so too we have been set free from the power of darkness… SO THAT we might be translated into the kingdom or new REIGN of Christ over our lives.

5. We are citizens of heaven and royal priests for the coming Kingdom. And the blood of Christ has already equipped us for this exalted position.

a. Col. 1:12 – this is HOW God made us MEET to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints!

b. We have already been delivered out and translated into—made meet!

c. Yet we hear of believers longing for something more… longing for God to do something special to their soul—to better equip them for heaven. And that produces anxiety… and a lack of assurance.

d. God wants us to REST in His finished work and BELIEVE that we are already made meet for our inheritance!

e. The trials and afflictions and chastening in this life are designed to purify us along the way and enable us to be partakers of His holiness—but we are NOT being made meet for our eternal inheritance. We already have been made meet! Rest in that fact… We have already been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son… and raised into heavenly places in Christ. Trust God.

6. This exalted position carries with it some responsibilities!

a. Eph. 5:8 – we have been taken out of darkness and are now children of light. WALK as children of light!

b. We are not to seek to be delivered. We are to walk and behave and act as if we ARE delivered… because we are!

c. I Thess. 2:12 – That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

d. Our position and our calling should affect our walk! All this talk about positional truth isn’t just head knowledge… it isn’t merely an academic pursuit. It should be exceedingly practical too!



1. Vs. 9-12 – In the context, Paul described a worthy walk with four participles:

· being fruitful, increasing, being strengthened, and thanking.

2. Just after mentioning our need to be continually thanking God, Paul lists four REASONS for thanksgiving:
· delivered; translated; redeemed; and forgiven.

3. Last time we looked at vs. 13 – delivered and translated.

4. This morning we want to look at vs. 14 – redeemed and forgiven.

5. This is cause for thanksgiving for every born again believer.

Redemption Defined

1. DEFINED:  πολύτρωσις – redemption, ransom, release

a. From the noun lutron = a ransom price paid.

b. Ransom price: 1a paid for slaves, or prisoners of war. 1b for the ransom of life. 2 to liberate many from misery and the penalty of their sins.
» Matt. 20:28 – Jesus said that He came not to be ministered unto but that His life might be a ransom (lutron) for many…”

c. Its basic root word “luw” means to loose.

d. Hence, the ransom price paid results in a “loosing” or setting free (of the slave, prisoner of war, or to ransom a life).

2. OTHER TERMS for redemption in the New Testament

a. Agorazo = to purchase in the market place. (from agora). This is the often used, normal, everyday term for buying or purchasing anything.

b. Exagorazo = to purchase OUT OF the marketplace.
» This term adds a prefix to agorazo (ex = out of)
» Hence, it speaks of a purchase made, but also of removing that which is purchased… taking it out of the marketplace.
» This was a common term used for paying a ransom price to deliver and set free a slave.

c. Lutrow = This term for redemption (which has its root in luw and lutron) speaks of releasing upon the receipt of a ransom price paid.

d. Apolutrosis = this is the noun used in our text in Col. 1:14.
» Thayer: a releasing effected by payment of ransom, deliverances, liberation procured by the payment of a ransom.
» This term speaks of the ransom price paid, and a release.
» But it also adds a prefix meaning “away from.”
» It speaks of the ransom price paid and the deliverance away from its former relationship.
» It is used of the emancipation of slaves.
» There were 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire. Paul’s readers knew well this language of slavery.
» They understood the concept of a slave standing in the marketplace; the purchase of a slave; a change of ownership; and for those fortunate ones, who had someone who loved them enough to pay the price of redemption for them… they also understood the concept of emancipation too… set free…
» All of this is set forth in the terms Paul uses for our redemption in Christ: slaves to sin; the ransom price paid; the deliverance; emancipation… set free… perfect language to use for our great salvation in Christ.

3. SUMMARY: Putting all the terms for redemption together, a rich definition emerges:

a. A ransom price is paid

b. That which is redeemed is taken out of the market place.

c. That which is redeemed is taken away from its former relationships…

d. It speaks of being rescued; delivered from bondage; set free!

e. That which is redeemed is thus under new ownership and has entered into a new relationship.

f. Two main aspects: the price paid and the deliverance acquired.

4. Redemption is needed by all men. (Briefly…)

a. Slaves to Sin.

b. Sin’s Sentence…the curse of the Law.

c. Subject to Satanic bondage

The FREEDOM of our Redemption

A. The Law

1. The curse of the law. Gal. 3:13.

a. The curse of the law was clear: death.

b. Everyone who seeks to become religious in hopes of earning a good standing in God’s sight puts himself under the Law… and thus, unwittingly, under its curse.

c. Gal. 3:10 – The curse of death and condemnation is upon “every one that continueth NOT in ALL things which are written in the book of the law to do them.”

d. The law’s curse was this: one slip and you’re condemned forever!

e. The law required perfect obedience in ALL that it said—or else the curse of the Law falls upon us: death!

f. James 2:10 – the one who tries to be good and yet fails in one point is guilty of ALL. He is a law-breaker and thus condemned.

g. Gal. 3:13 – Christ became a curse FOR US…
» For us = substitution.
» This is the good news of the gospel. The curse that we earned… that we deserved… that should have fallen on us fell on Jesus Christ instead… as our Sin Substitute.
» We deserved to die… but Christ died FOR US… in our place.
» Rom. 5:8 – when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
» God’s wrath fell on His own Beloved Son…
» God’s righteous judgment against MY sin fell upon His own Beloved Son…
» God’s justice was executed against His own Beloved Son.
» The Law’s curse—death—the wages of MY sin was death—and Christ died for me… and for you. He took the curse in my place and yours.
» The penalty for MY sin was death—the curse of the Law for my sin demanded death—and Christ died for me… and for you. O glorious substitution!
» God’s justice demanded that the curse of the Law be executed… and God manifested His love for you and for me by sending His own Beloved Son to die in our place… to be made a curse FOR US.
» This is WHY Jesus sweat as it were great drops of blood in Gethsemane… as He contemplated being made a curse for us.
» He was made SIN for us… (II Cor. 5:21)

h. In bearing the curse of sin… by dying in our place, Christ REDEEMED us from the curse.
» God is just and fair. The curse has already been paid.
» You and I can BENEFIT from Christ being made a curse through faith… by receiving Him by faith.
» Those who have received redemption IN CHRIST also have the promise that there is therefore now NO condemnation to those in Christ Jesus!
» Gal. 3:13-14 – Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law SO THAT (vs. 14) we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
» The promise of the Spirit is the promise of LIFE… eternal life… the blessing God promised to Abraham is available to us Gentiles too… but only BY FAITH.
» Christ became a curse for us—but that avails us nothing UNLESS we receive Him personally through faith.

2. The bondage of the law. Gal. 4:4-5.

a. Before salvation, Israel was under bondage to the Law.

b. The emphasis in this passage is NOT on the curse of the law or its penalty. Rather, the emphasis is on OBLIGATION to the law as a rule of life.

c. Paul emphasizes here that the believer in Christ has not only been redeemed from the law’s curse and penalty… but also he has been redeemed or set free from obligation to the law!

d. The believer in Christ is NOT under the law… but has been freed from the law.

e. Even gentiles who put themselves under the Law (10 commandments) are putting themselves under the whole law.

f. Hence, religious men are putting themselves in bondage or slavery to a legal system they will NEVER be able to keep.

g. Christ redeemed us to take us OUT of such slavery… to deliver us… redeem us… set us free—once and for all!

h. We have been set free from obligation to the Law… and have been brought into a whole NEW relationship to God… the adoption of sons!
» Adoption of sons is different from regeneration or being BORN into God’s family. (salvation)
» Adoption has to do with our position before God… adopted as a FULL GROWN SON.
» Regeneration looks at our salvation as a birth—and pictures a long growth process ahead… growing into maturity.
» But adoption looks at the believer from a different perspective: our position in Christ.
» As a redeemed one… we are adopted into sonship… and hence IMMEDIATELY (every true child of God) already possesses ALL of his riches in Christ.
» God treats the believer as a FULL GROWN son… and we all possess all the privileges of sonship.
» Under the Law, Israel was treated as young children under tutors (Gal.4:2)
» In Israel as well as in ancient Roman society, there was a prescribed age when a child would formally be considered an adult—and at that time he would be accepted into adulthood and would assume the responsibilities of adulthood and the privileges of it.
» This is what Paul refers to here—the redeemed one—in God’s sight—is adopted and thus accepted as a full grown son… with full rights and privileges as such.
» Gal.4:1 – as long as a child in a wealthy house is a child, he really isn’t much different from a slave in that household. He doesn’t have access to any of the privileges, the wealth of that home… even though in time he shall inherit it all.
» As adopted sons, God treats us as full grown sons… heirs who by faith get to experience our inheritance in Christ now. God has already given us all spiritual blessings in Christ.

i. Christ has redeemed us from bondage to the law which kept Israel and those under the law in a position no different than a servant.

j. Gal. 4:7 – but now in Christ, we are redeemed—and as redeemed ones, we are no more a servant but a SON—a full grown son—with the full rights and privileges of a son… heirs of all in Christ.

k. Rom. 7:4 – freedom from obligation to the Law does NOT mean a life of lawlessness.
» We have been set free from the law SO THAT we might be married to Christ.
» This is a NEW kind of relationship that results in good fruit unto God.
» Being under the Law resulted in fruit unto death (vs. 5)
» Redeemed and set free—free to marry Christ…
» Redeemed and so happy IN JESUS! In Him is life… and freedom… free from the law of sin and death.
» Do YOU want to be free from a religious, ceremonial law that only binds and produces frustration? Come to Christ in faith. He will set you free!

B. The Present Evil World

1. Gal. 1:4 – Christ died for us SO THAT He might deliver (redeem) us from the world system.

a. The present evil world = the spirit of the age; the system masterminded by Satan.

b. Trench defines as follows: “All that floating mass of thoughts, opinions, maxims, speculations, hopes, impulses, aims, aspirations, at any time current in the world, which it may be impossible to seize and accurately define, but which constitute a most real and effective power, being the moral or immoral atmosphere which at every moment of our lives we inhale, again inevitably to exhale.”

c. This world system had a GRIP on every one of us prior to salvation.

d. We were held captive by the world and its evil ways… its fads, fashions, its philosophies, and trinkets.

e. “All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world” (I John 2:16).

f. God rescued us from the world at a great price — His own Son! Christ died to deliver us OUT OF the present evil age.
» We were held captive to this evil age and Christ died to set us free!
» He didn’t redeem us so that we could then go BACK to the world and its ways!
» He redeemed us that we might be DIFFERENT from the world… and separate from the world.
» He redeemed us that we might be HIS.

g. Eph. 2:2-3 – we ALL walked according to the course of this world.
» As we did, Satan WORKED IN each one of us (energew)…
» There was Satanic influence operating in the world… and that influence kept us blind to spiritual reality and truth…
» It was a selfish, self-centered life—seeking to fulfill and gratify all the desires of our flesh and mind.
» And because of that, we were children of wrath. God’s wrath justly abode above each of our heads.
» It was a broad road to destruction, but one which held us captive… captive to a system that fanned the flames of our own lusts and selfish desires.
» Every one on that road was blind—and also spiritually dead in his sins (vs.1).
» That’s the road we ALL traveled before being redeemed. Perhaps some here today are still on that road. If so, you NEED to be redeemed.
» The world system is a system of slavery to its evil ways. It woos us back… but we don’t HAVE to return to that awful slavery.
» Remember when Israel was redeemed from bondage to slavery in Egypt? After a few trials in the wilderness, they wanted to RETURN to Egypt. They FORGOT what awful bondage was there… and that whole generation DIED in the wilderness.
» What a lesson for us: don’t ever forget the bondage that life in the world really is. PITY those believers who have been deceived and have returned! Rescue the perishing!

2. A Vain manner of life in the world. 1Pet. 1:18.

a. Peter tells us that we were also redeemed from a “vain conversation” = an empty way of life.

b. I Pet. 4:3 – we USED to walk like them… but God rescued us from that VAIN and empty way of life.
» The world might THINK it is great fun and that their life is full—but it is really EMPTY compared to what they are missing in Christ!
» Since they have never experienced the abundant life in Christ, they have nothing of substance to compare it too. That vain life is all they know.

c. But those redeemed KNOW experientially how BLESSED and abundant is our new life in Christ.

d. The life of the Christian is NOT boring as the world imagines, but it is full… satisfied… content… a purged conscience… and rest for the soul!

e. Redemption means that a life of emptiness is over… replaced with something much better! Redeemed and so happy in Jesus! No language my rapture can tell!

f. I have known the emptiness of life in this world—and I now know the fullness and abundance of new life in Christ. Blessed redemption!

g. “All my life long I had panted for a draft from some cool spring; that I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I felt within. Hallelujah I have found HIM whom my soul so long has craved!”

h. HE is not far from every one of us… and He, the Lord Jesus Christ invites you to come to Him in faith: come unto ME all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for your soul!

i. Redemption delivers us from the present evil age and from a vain manner of life.

C. The Slavery of Sin.

1. Rom. 6:20-21 – we WERE slaves to sin – the sin nature.

a. We were slaves to the lusts and desires of the flesh and mind.

b. When we fulfilled those lusts we THOUGHT we were doing our own thing… that we were our own boss.

c. Actually, Paul says by fulfilling those lusts, we were demonstrating that we were servants or slaves to those desires. (lust of the flesh; lust of the eyes; pride of life)

d. We were all slaves of sin at one time. The particular sins we were beguiled by may have differed, but in this sense we were all the same: unwitting and unwilling slaves!

e. The only freedom we really had was freedom from righteousness!

f. Sin at one time had DOMINION over us!

2. Rom. 6:18, 22 — freedom from sin and self —

a. Because of our Redeemer and His work on the cross, He has procured FREEDOM for us through faith.

b. Christ died to redeem us — not only from sin’s penalty—but also to redeem us from sin’s power!

c. Our old man WAS a slave of sin, but God put that old man to death! (Rom. 6:6) SO THAT we should no longer SERVE sin as a slave!

d. Rom. 6:7 – because we died with Him, we are FREE from sin!

e. Chains have been torn asunder, setting our spirit free!

f. God saved us once and for all—and God has already provided all we need to LIVE A LIFE in freedom from sin!

g. Yet sometimes we ACT as if we were NOT free.
» Some believers live as if they were still enslaved to a loose tongue…
» Some act as if they were enslaved to alcohol or drugs…
» Some acts as if they were enslaved to sexual sins…
» And they have tried and tried to experience freedom only to fail repeatedly…
» Failure CAN be good—IF it brings us to the place where we cry out, “O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me…!?”
» Then, at the end of our own resources, we reach out in faith to Christ—who DELIGHTS in lifting us up out of the miry clay…
» When we are weak, then are we strong. Admit your weakness. Admit your NEED of God’s power. Admit that you are unable to redeem yourself from the power and grip sin has in your life… and THEN and only then will you begin to experience the power of God—and the deliverance from the power of sin!

h. We are no longer servants of sin unto death, but now we are servants of God unto righteousness… and the end of this road is everlasting life!

i. We deserve death, but because of God’s great grace, we receive eternal life! An abundant life… a life of liberty and freedom from sin. Blessed redemption!

j. Freedom and deliverance from the power of sin requires the cross just as much as deliverance from the penalty of sin.

k. It is completely beyond our ability and beyond our grasp on our own… but when we acknowledge that… and lean not on our own strength or wisdom… and learn to lean on the might hand of God in faith—He holds us up.

3. All iniquity. Titus 2:14 —

a. Note that Paul here states that Christ died to redeem us from ALL iniquity.

b. There is no sin so powerful that Christ cannot give us deliverance.

c. Sometimes believers who are ensnared in a sin for a long time see their plight as hopeless—as well it is on our own.

d. But nothing is too hard for the Lord. In fact, nothing is even HARD for the Lord!

e. If we will but choose to trust in Him—He will give us deliverance from ALL iniquity—even your besetting sin.

f. He redeemed us to take us OUT OF the world… and to take the world OUT OF us…

g. He redeemed us to save us AND to purify us a people UNTO Himself.

h. Just get out of the way and let God take charge of your life! What great things He desires to do—to replace the man we were in Adam (sp. Dead; slave to sin; sinful; wretched) and replace that old image with the image of His dear Son! The indwelling Christ and His life and character to be manifested in our mortal bodies!

i. What glories are ours in Christ—as those redeemed—and so HAPPY in Jesus!

j. God didn’t redeem us to let us wander in the wilderness. He redeemed us to bring us into the Promised Land… to give us VICTORY over our foes… over sin, Satan, the powers of darkness, the flesh, over all iniquity… and to bring us into the kingdom and freedom of His dear Son!


1. This passage is part of Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving:

a. Because God has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints.

b. Because God has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.

c. Because we have received redemption in Christ.

d. Because we have the forgiveness of sins.

2. This is great cause for thanksgiving… and is the topic of our lesson for this morning.

Forgiveness of Sins and Redemption

1. Forgiveness of sins stands in apposition to redemption.

a. It is like saying that forgiveness of sins is the essence of redemption… the central feature of it…

b. Redemption and forgiveness go hand in hand.

c. To be forgiven is to be redeemed; to be redeemed is to be forgiven. You can’t have one without the other.

2. Redemption Defined

a. A ransom price is paid

b. That which is redeemed is taken out of the market place.

c. That which is redeemed is taken away from its former relationships…

d. It speaks of being rescued; delivered from bondage; set free!

e. That which is redeemed is thus under new ownership and has entered into a new relationship.

f. Two main aspects: the price paid and the deliverance acquired.

3. The blood of Christ that purchased our redemption (ransom price paid) also provided forgiveness of sins.

a. It is BECAUSE our sins are forgiven that we are redeemed; delivered; set free; and under new ownership.

b. The one who puts his faith in Jesus Christ receives a salvation package… which includes both: redemption and forgiveness of sins.

c. He is washed in the blood—cleansed—forgiven — and thus delivered from sin, self, and condemnation!

Forgiveness of Sins and our Position in Christ

1. IN WHOM speaks of our Christ and our POSITION in Christ.

a. The antecedent of “whom” is “His dear Son” in vs.13.

b. The Colossian believers (and us!) are seen as being “In Christ”… in God’s dear Son.

2. Redemption and forgiveness are seen here as related to our having been placed into a vital union with Christ… by means of Spirit baptism.

a. By faith, we have been brought into a living union with the Son of God… the risen, glorified Savior at God’s right hand.

b. The moment we place our faith in Christ, God the Holy Spirit immerses (baptizes) us INTO the Body of Christ…

c. We are “In Him” … who is in heavenly places.

d. In Him, we are blessed with ALL spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3).

e. Among those many spiritual blessings are redemption and forgiveness! (Eph. 1:7 – a parallel passage).

f. In Him we receive ALL the spiritual benefits of the cross.

3. In Him, we HAVE redemption… even forgiveness.

a. Not we hope to obtain some day, but we presently possess both redemption and forgiveness!

b. This brings assurance and the JOY of salvation to the heart of the believer who KNOWS these things.

c. Because we are in Him, we Have REDEMPTION.

d. I Cor. 1:30 – “But of Him are ye IN CHRIST JESUS who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.”

4. Paul’s point in Colossians – to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in every way.

a. Actually, this section in Colossians is not really about our salvation, but is about our Savior! It is not about our redemption, but is about our Redeemer!

b. Whatever we have, it is because of our union with HIM.

c. Whatever we have, it is because of HIS work on the cross.

d. In HIM we have redemption; HE is the image of the invisible God (vs.15); by HIM were all things created (vs.16); HE is before all things and by HIM all things consist (vs.17); HE is the head of the body (vs.18) that in all things HE might have the preeminence!

e. So as we look at the wonders of forgiveness of sins—our eyes should remain on Christ our Savior; Redeemer; Friend!

Forgiveness of Sins Defined

1. The term:  φεσις aphesis; a sending away; to send off; to hurl; dismissal, release, pardon: — forgiveness;

a. This term is used of prisoners set free from prison.

b. This term is the term used to describe the concept of “divorce” in I Cor. 7:11 – a husband “putting away” his wife.

c. But when used in the noun form as in Col. 1:14 – it always refers to forgiveness of sins…

d. It speaks of the fact that sins forgiven are SENT AWAY! Gone! Forever gone!

2. This concept is attested to in various illustrations describing the forgiveness of sins.

a. Isa. 38:17 – our sins are cast behind His back.

b. Isa. 43:25 – sins are blotted out and remembered no more.

c. Micah 7:18-19 – cast our sins in the depth of the sea.

d. Psalm 103:12 – as far as the east is from the west…

e. Lev. 16:21-22 – the scapegoat released into the wilderness, never to return.

3. Lev. 4:8-12 – speaks of the place where the ashes of the offering are poured out.

a. This offering pictures our sin and guilt placed on the animal sacrifice and burned to ashes.

b. The ashes are then taken outside the camp and poured out.

c. The ashes tell us that the fire of judgment has done its work… and the work is finished… the sacrifice was completely consumed and turned to ashes.

d. This illustrates for us that God’s wrath and judgment has been fully spent… finished.

e. The shame, disgrace, guilt, and humiliation of our sin was completely CONSUMED by the fiery wrath of God at the cross…

f. A fire is only satisfied when the fuel is completely consumed. God’s wrath against sin was satisfied at the cross—His fiery wrath fell upon His own Beloved Son as He bore our sins… and there is nothing left to burn.

g. Nothing is left but ashes… not even any embers.

h. You can stir up embers and make them glow in fire again, but not ashes. They are completely spent… they cannot be burned… the fire has already done its job fully.

i. So too on Calvary—our sin and guilt was placed on Christ and He bore it entirely, eternally, and completely.

j. God’s wrath toward our sin is completely spent… and cannot be stirred up again. Utterly spent… burned out… finished. Hallelujah!

k. This pictures that sin is GONE… there is nothing left to consume… God’s justice and wrath has been fully executed and is FINISHED…

l. And this all points ahead to the cross—where the work of bearing our sin and guilt was finished in the ONE perfect sacrifice of Christ.

4. Col. 1:14 states that the Colossian believers were FORGIVEN!

a. They were sinners…
» Col. 1:21 – alienated and enemies by wicked works!
» Col. 2:13 – dead in sins.
» Col. 3:8-9 – they committed sins such as these!
» They were sinners just like we are sinners.

b. But they were sinners saved by grace… forgiven…
» If you have received Christ as your Savior, God cast your sins behind His back; to the depth of the sea; blotted out; remembered no more…nothing left but ashes…
» My sin O the bliss of this glorious thought; my sin not in part but the whole; is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more; praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul!

c. God forgives our sins and remembers them no more. (Heb. 10:18)
» This does NOT mean that God literally “forgets.” He is omniscient.
» God never learns anything; nor does He ever forget. His understanding is infinite. Nothing ever slips His mind.
» This is an anthropomorphism – putting a concept relating to God in human terms that we might understand…
» God forgets in the sense that He BEHAVES as if He forgot…
» God CHOOSES to NEVER bring up our sin again—ever!
» It is buried… gone… never to be dug up and rubbed in our faces… aren’t you glad?!
» When sin is forgiven, God never holds it against us; He doesn’t treat us as second class citizens; He doesn’t see us as perpetually stained by that sin; it’s as if it never happened;

5. When a sinner comes to God in faith… God grants forgiveness of sins. All of them!

a. The same is true of the Christian who has sinned—and comes to God in repentant faith—confessing his sin.

b. God grants forgiveness… complete forgiveness… no strings attached. That sin is GONE… sent away.

c. Let’s admit it: we’ve all failed the Lord. At times we have all sinned, and sinned grievously.

d. Perhaps it was something cruel you said to your spouse or your child… and the guilt eats away at you—for you know you can’t take it back…

e. Perhaps it was some awful offense against a brother… that has caused you much shame…

f. Perhaps it was an act of lust… or greed… or pride… foul language…cheating… lying… slander…

g. Perhaps it was stealing… drinking… adultery… divorce… drugs… sexual sins… sins of violence…

h. It’s hard to believe that God would simply GRANT us forgiveness. Surely there is some kind of suffering that I must endure… some sort of penance to pay…

i. It seems too easy to say that all we have to do is CONFESS our sins and He will forgive us…

j. If you think for one moment that God is treating our sin lightly… then take a long hard look at the cross… where ALL of our sin was laid on Christ… where He became sin for us… where Christ bore the full weight and fury of divine wrath against sin… where my guilt, shame, and condemnation fell upon Him… and He WILLINGLY bore it… for me… for you…

Forgiveness of Sins and the Blood of Christ

1. Redeemed THROUGH His blood.

a. Through His blood = dia = preposition of intermediate agency.

b. God redeemed us and the agency He used in our redemption was the precious blood of Christ.

c. The blood of Christ is the only GROUND upon which sins can be forgiven. Nothing less, nothing else could ever suffice.

2. Nothing but the blood of Christ can set us free!

a. Heb. 10:1-4 – the law with its animal sacrifices could NEVER take away sin.
» The law could provide atonement—a temporary covering up of sin… lasting only 12 months… and then needed to be repeated… because it was not effective in REMOVING sin.
» The law required continual sacrifices—because none of them could send our sins away permanently.
» There was always a remembrance of sin…
» And thus, the conscience was never settled on this issue… no real REST for your soul.
» Why? Because deep down inside they all knew that the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin… they knew that their sin was not sent away…
» But when Christ came, He DID take away sin (John 1:29 – Behold the Lamb of God…)
» I Pet. 1:18-19 – we were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ…
» Heb. 10:18 – where (forgiveness) is there is no more offering for sin. Hence, REST… the continual offerings have ceased…
» The law with all of its religious offerings could never take away sin; and could never purge the conscience; and thus could never offer rest to the soul.
» The law was but a shadow… Christ—the Substance has come!

b. “A shadow of a key cannot set a prisoner free. A shadow of a meal cannot satisfy the hungry. A shadow of Christ (Law; sacrifices) cannot redeem.”

c. But Christ died on the cross, shed His blood… and offered ONE sacrifice for sin that COULD provide redemption and forgiveness of sins…

d. To those who were heavy laden and burdened under the endless, frustrating system of religious works… Christ offered REST… the work is finished… at the cross.

e. Not until a person sees clearly that the work of salvation is FINISHED at Calvary can he or she enter into God’s rest… and by faith REST upon that finished work… and come to realize that there is NOTHING for the sinner to DO but believe… believe that the work is DONE…

f. As long as we think that there is something left for us to DO… we are not believing that the work is done.

g. Faith BELIEVES that what Christ did on the cross was sufficient to save us forever… and that His shed blood ENDED all religious sacrifices for sin… only then can he CEASE from all his dead works… and TRUST in one sacrifice of Christ.

h. Do you see that friend? Have you come to see how there is nothing YOU could do to earn your way into God’s presence?

i. Have you come to BELIEVE that Christ died and rose again for YOU… and left YOU with nothing to do but believe… receive Christ by faith? Then trust in Him today!

3. Ultimately, it is the blood of Christ that brings rest to our soul and joy to our hearts.

a. There is no rest to our soul until we see clearly the blood of Christ as the GROUND of our redemption and forgiveness.

b. The JOY of our salvation and the REST of our soul is dependent upon our understanding of this truth and our belief in it.

c. Vague thoughts about God’s love or mercy will not suffice.
» It is not the love of God that purges our guilty conscience and brings rest to our soul. It is the JUSTICE of God that does.
» Such vagaries about God’s love leave men with the impression that God overlooks sin because of His mercy. Not so. He spared not His Son!
» It is the justice of God that demanded that the penalty of our sin be paid in full… and that His wrath against sin be executed fully… and that He as a just Judge be fully SATISFIED with that judgment…
» God’s outraged holiness and justice could be satisfied with nothing less than the precious blood of His own Beloved Son – the God-Man who could offer a sacrifice of infinite value.
» Nothing less would suffice.
» And if the blood of Christ was enough to satisfy the Father’s justice, it should be enough to satisfy our conscience and put the sin issue to rest once and for all!
» There is nothing in ourselves that could ever satisfy divine justice—nothing but the blood of Jesus!

d. The blood of Christ is the ONLY ground upon which sin could ever be forgiven.
» Christ’s blood took away all my sins committed before I was saved.
» Christ’s blood takes away all present sins… and even those sins I will commit in the future.
» Actually, ALL of our sins were future from God’s perspective when Christ died to pay for them.
» TO God time is nothing. All of our sins (past, present, and future) were before God’s eye when He dealt with them in perfect justice at Calvary.
» There they were ALL nailed to the tree and I bear them no more! There God’s fiery wrath against sin burned in infinite zeal… and turned them all to ashes… GONE!
» And it is all because of this ONE SACRIFICE that was all-sufficient.

4. Until the divine method of dealing with sin is understood and believed, there is no rest; no peace of God; just anxiety.

a. God’s method of dealing with our sin is the cross: where His own beloved Son died… He gave His life… and shed His blood as a sacrifice for sin…

b. There on the cross, Divine justice was satisfied; wrath burned in fiery fury against sin; there Satan our accuser was forever silenced; there were our sins removed as far as the east is from the west…

c. And not until that is understood and believed will the previously guilty conscience ever be purged; and will rest enter our souls.

d. Rom. 15:13 – there is joy and peace in believing…

5. Forgiveness of sins—justification from all sins brings joy and peace with God. (Rom. 5:1)

a. And KNOWING this fact brings assurance and thus the peace OF God… peace in our heart.

b. The JOY of salvation is related to our ASSURANCE of salvation… KNOWING that our sins are forgiven. (As Jesus said to the man He healed of palsy: Son be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee!)

c. It is not presumptuous of to KNOW that our sins are forgiven. Col. 1:14 states that we HAVE redemption—even the forgiveness of sins!

d. Rom. 4:6-8 – There is a BLESSEDNESS (happiness) that comes from being forgiven… washed… cleansed…
» When it finally sinks in that those in Christ are really forgiven forever—the burden, guilt, and shame of sin is replaced with a pure joy… there is an elation that comes from being cleansed… and knowing it!
» Sin and shame weigh heavy on a guilt ridden conscience… and there is nothing like the joy of having guilt removed
e. The joy of forgiveness is also related to our understanding of the DEPTH of our sin…
» The sinner who does not understand how wicked is his heart… deceitful above all things and desperately wicked… incurably sick…that out of his heart flows all kinds of sins… the one who does not see the exceeding sinfulness of his own sinful heart will NEVER experience the full depth of joy that is ours through forgiveness.
» It is by FAITH that we experience the depth of this divine joy… and it is by FAITH we understand how sinful we are in God’s sight…
» It is only as we understand what a wretch we are before God that we can fully appreciate His amazing grace that saved us from sin and self…
» To the degree that we know this—we will experience the BLESSEDNESS David described.
» A shallow concept of our sinfulness breeds a shallow concept of forgiveness… and a shallow experience of the joy and blessedness of forgiveness.
» BUT—as we GROW in the Lord and learn OUR sin to be exceedingly sinful (not just Judas’ sin or Ahab’s!)… our concept of sin deepens… and so does our appreciation for forgiveness… and a deeper appreciation for the price paid at Calvary… and THEN a deeper experience of this joy!

6. Redemption, even the forgiveness of sins is offered to each one of us sitting here today…

a. Acts 10:43 – remission of sins (same word as forgiveness).

b. Forgiveness of sins is available to the whole world—but is only experienced by those who put their FAITH in Christ Jesus.

c. Whosoever BELIEVETH in Him shall receive forgiveness of sins! And the blessedness that goes along with being forgiven… cleansed… washed…

d. Acts 10:38-39 – the forgiveness of sins is preached when Christ is preached—and it is available to all who believe… forgiveness of sins and justification from all condemnation!

e. Have you trusted in Christ as your personal Savior? Why not do so today?

Forgiveness of Sins and Fitness

A. Redeemed and Forgiven: MEET to be partakers!

1. Made meet: (ανοω) – “to make sufficient, to authorize, to make fit; render fit, qualify”

a. Used only here and in II Cor. 3:6 – made us ABLE ministers of the New Covenant.
» II Cor. 3:4 – all their confidence and trust was in God.
» Vs. 5 – their sufficiency was not of self, but from God. (same term – different form…)
» Vs. 6 – it was GOD who made them ABLE (meet) ministers.
» God made them meet to be apostles. He appointed them to that position. It was not a vote of men, but the calling of God. (I wish young men thinking of going into the ministry would take this to heart!)
» It speaks of being authorized and thus qualified for a position.
» It is the LORD who does the authorizing and qualifies a man for the ministry.
» Transplant that meaning into Col. 1:12.

b. Every genuinely born again believer in Christ has been made MEET to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints.
» We all have been authorized and are thus qualified to be partakers.
» This is true of the believer who has just recently accepted Christ as Savior as well as the believer who has known Christ for many years!
» It is true of the carnal believer as well as the spiritual believer.
» EVERY believer has been made MEET to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints.
» This rich inheritance belongs to ALL of God’s saints… from the feeblest to the strongest.

c. It is the Father who makes us meet… who authorizes and qualifies us.
» We are not authorized or made meet by self effort…
» This authorization and qualification is the work of God the Father through the shed blood of Christ on the cross on our behalf.
» The Father sent His Son to be the propitiation of our sins.
» The Father makes us meet on the basis of the merit of His Beloved Son… on the righteous basis of the cross…
» Christ has delivered us (vs. 13)
» Christ provided redemption and forgiveness (vs. 14)
» THIS is the basis upon which we are made MEET.
» It is by His merit, not ours that we are able and meet to enter into the rest and rich experience of our glorious inheritance… our calling as saints.
» I stand upon His merit, I know no other stand;
» Not e’en where glory dwelleth, in Immanuel’s land.

d. Hath made us meet = the action is finished.
» This is an aorist participle: “Giving thanks to the Father, to the One who hath made us meet…”
» He is not presently “making us meet” but has already “made us meet.”
» Because Christ’s finished work on the cross is complete… we have thus been made meet… fully meet… fully authorized and qualified to enter into our Promised Land.
» This speaks of our position, not condition… we are complete in Christ—and completely qualified and completely authorized to partake of this rich inheritance.
» Until we get it settled in our minds and hearts that we really ARE qualified, we will be afraid to enter in… perhaps we will feel it presumptuous to do so… perhaps some will (through false humility mingled with unbelief) not FEEL qualified—even though God said we ARE!
» The blessings and inheritance are all ours… but unbelief and fear and ignorance of our glorious position will KEEP us from claiming them by faith!
» Ignorance, fear, and unbelief will keep us wandering in a spiritual wilderness… afraid to take God’s hand and walk right into the land… face our foes… drive out our enemies… and settle down into the inheritance God wants us to have!
» We don’t have to FEEL meet or sufficient… authorized or qualified. We are simply to BELIEVE what God said and act accordingly…

Sanctification makes us meet

Acts 20:32 – among them that are sanctified
Acts 26:28 – sanctified
Jude 1:1 – sanctified and preserved
Positional sanctification—Hebrews style… not progressive sanctification.
I Cor. 1:30 – Christ is our sanctification. We are in Him.
Col. 2:10 – complete in Him… we are meet IN Him…

Justification makes us meet

I Cor. 6:9-10 – only the righteous inherit
Eph. 5:5 – only the righteous… justified by faith
Gal. 5:21 – those who prove by their lifestyle that they are justified

Regeneration makes us meet

Rom. 8:17 – IF children (born again ones) THEN heirs.
The Father leaves this inheritance to ALL of His children… not to an elite few… as some are saying today.
We have been made “meet” for God’s presence because we have been raised from the dead, spiritually. (Eph. 2:6)

Rev. 5:9-10 – We have been made kings and priests to reign with Christ on earth.

Glorification will ultimately make us meet

Rom. 8:30 – all those sanctified will be glorified.

Rom. 5:12, 17-18 – We inherited darkness, ruin, condemnation, and death from Adam… because of our identification with the first Adam. We inherit light, salvation, glory, and LIFE from the Second Adam.

Salvation makes us FIT for light. We have been fit for heaven itself!
» Unbelievers are uncomfortable in light.
» Believers love it.
» Hence, worship that is Christ exalting, reverend, spiritual, in spirit and in truth, is a delight to the one who has been made FIT for it.
» For those who have not been fitted for it—it is a pain in the neck… a bore… a chore… and hence, church needs to get spiced up…
» Those unfit for spiritual worship demand that which is carnal… and soulish…
» Those unfit for Christ-exalting ministry demand ministries that cater to the self life… (self help courses; touchy-feely ministries)
» Those unfit for light will find reverence in worship boring and will want to make it entertaining… and just CALL it worship…
» Those unfit for the light will not be valiant for the light… the truth… but will tolerate other points of view… they will want to turn the light down a bit… to make it more comfortable. Light is blinding to those in darkness… or those attracted to darkness.
» But those who have been made meet for an inheritance in light will LOVE the light… and come to the light… walk in the light and worship in the light… and will want no darkness at all.
» It is impossible to appreciate the light unless one has been made FIT for it.


1. The book of Colossians is a book that exalts the Person of Jesus Christ.

2. It does so for a reason:

a. First of all—because He is worthy! Worthy is the Lamb!

b. But in context, Christ is exalted in order to combat a heresy that had reared its ugly head in this region: a seed form of Gnosticism.

3. The false teachers in taught that matter was evil and the spirit world was good.

a. They believed that matter was evil—the whole earthly, physical realm was evil and that contact with it was defiling.

b. This was the underlying principle… but two polar opposite practices grew out of this principle:
» Since matter was considered evil, one group became ascetic—and tried to avoid all contact with the world and physical things. (touch not; taste not; handle not)
» Another group arose which took the opposite view: hedonism. They believed that since matter was evil—and we live in the evil realm. There is therefore no escaping it in this life… therefore, we might as well live it up… and indulge in every form of sin imaginable.
» Both groups were equally wrong… and both practices are exposed and rebuked in this epistle.

4. Another ramification of this philosophy that matter is evil had to do with the PERSON of Jesus Christ.

a. These false teachers denied His true humanity.

b. They argued that if Jesus was good He must be a spirit being; if He had a physical body, He would be evil.

c. They believed that Jesus was a spirit being… an emanation from God—a sort of demi-god… half god; half angel or spirit.

d. Thus, Paul had to deal with the issue of angel worship… the root problem of which is a wrong concept of who Christ is.

5. This heresy also affected the doctrine of salvation.

a. They also tried to put believers under some of the ceremonial laws of Judaism… Jewish dietary laws. (touch not; taste not; handle not)

b. They also taught that the gospel was not enough. A special mystical “knowledge” was required.

6. Paul addresses each part of this heresy in the epistle to the Colossians.

a. His method of dealing with this heresy is primarily to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ… in every way.

b. He demonstrates that Christ IS the fullness of the Godhead BODILY… that He is the God-Man… the all sufficient One… He nailed the law to the cross… and that no secret knowledge beyond Christ and the gospel is needed: In HIM are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge!

c. Look no farther than Christ.

The Invisible God

1. I Tim. 1:17 – God is invisible.

2. I Tim. 6:16 – God dwells in a light no man can approach to; and no man can see.

a. John 4:24 – God is a spirit.

b. Luke 24:39 – a Spirit does not have flesh and blood

c. Heb. 11:27 – by faith, Moses was able to “see” the invisible God. He is seen only by the eyes of faith.

3. Everything about God is above and beyond us.

a. Isa. 55:8-9 – His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts.

b. He is in heaven; we are on earth; He is infinite, we are finite.

c. He is invisible and immaterial, and we live in a visible, material world.

d. He could never be found in a space ship or a microscope…

e. He cannot be known by the physical world… only His existence and power.

f. I Cor. 2:9 – eye hath not seen; nor ear heard; neither have entered into the heart (mind) of man… things about God. If we are to know ANYTHING about God—it must be revealed to us. Knowledge of God could never be obtained through natural means…

g. Even His basic attributes are beyond our ability to grasp: omniscient; omnipresent; omnipotent; eternal; transcends time as the Great I Am…

h. God is invisible.

4. This is what has caused men throughout the ages to turn to idolatry…

a. God has stated many times over in the Old Testament that He is invisible… no man can see Him and live.

b. Yet, through the ages, men have attempted to MAKE God visible… by means of some sort of idol or image in His likeness.

c. Ex. 20:1-5 – God emphatically warned Israel NOT to make any likeness of Him. He is jealous.

d. Any attempt would always be a gross distortion of who He is…a degradation of His Person… a hideous caricature… even if painted by a master artist like Michelangelo…or formed by a master sculptor.

e. God commanded them NOT to make any image of Him—for the very best attempt to make His image or likeness would be a lie.
» Why? Because God IS invisible! Any attempt of man to make Him visible is a lie. It is NOT like God… who is invisible.
» God is omnipresent—not limited spatially—as any image would naturally be.
» God is omniscient—even a likeness with a computer for a brain would be a gross insult to God.
» God is LIVING—no man-made likeness could ever have life… eternal life…
» Isa. 46:5-10 – To what could we ever liken Him?

f. No image could ever suffice to adequately represent God.
» God is invisible, and men don’t like that. They want a god they can see…
» They prefer one that looks like them… not to big… not too powerful… one that can be stored away on a shelf for when you need it… one made in the image of man… (rather than vice versa!)
» Rom. 1:23 – (same word – eikon – image)—man changed the glory of God into an image made like to corruptible man.
» Man really is incurably religious. There is deep in the human breast a longing for God.
» Yet sinful man does not want God as He has revealed Himself: invisible. Sinful men want a god made after their degraded image… a god who is more like a creature.
» Hence, religious men worldwide make idols, icons, and images of one sort or another…
» There is something unnerving about an invisible God; an omniscient God; an omnipresent God… from whom we can never escape…
» And thus men make a visible god…an image of God… an idol of one sort or another… in hopes of satisfying that inner longing…
» The human heart is designed for fellowship with God… and without that fellowship it is empty… barren… hollow… and unsatisfied.
» Mere images of God can NEVER satisfy the human heart.
» Only God Himself can do that.


1. Image Defined: eikon

a. The very substance or essential embodiment of something or someone.

b. The term speaks of “image” and “representative.”

2. In the New Testament there are four passages where the DEITY of Christ is presented clearly… and those 4 passages use four terms to describe Christ’s relationship to God the Father. They all speak of a likeness with God—and express some sort of manifestation of Deity.

a. Col. 1:15 – eikon – the image of God

b. Heb. 1:3 – character – the express image of God

c. John 1:1,14 – logos – the Word of God

d. Phil. 2:6 – morphe – the form of God

3. Image always implies a likeness.

a. But image and likeness are two different Greek terms:
» “Image” (eicon) involves “likeness” (homoiosis)
» There is a likeness or a resemblance in every “image.”
» An image looks LIKE that which it represents. (a coin with the emperor’s face; a statue of a horse; etc.)

b. But not every likeness necessarily involves an image.
» Two people may have a “likeness.” They may look alike… but they may have no relationship whatsoever to each other.

c. Image (eikon) is more than a similarity or likeness.
» Image always involves a prototype from which it was drawn or taken… an exact counterpart.
» Ex: coin stamped out of a dye; (the coin is an eikon. It was derived from the original dye; if you see the coin, you have seen the dye… they bear the same likeness.
» Ex: a king’s ring and a wax seal made from it…
» Likeness involves mere resemblance; but eikon/image involves an exact counterpart and derivation.

4. Image implies representation…

a. This term for image does not speak of a likeness that was accidental… (two unrelated people who happen to look alike).

b. It speaks of a representation from either natural causes (a son in the likeness of his father—the spittin’ image of his dad!)

c. Or it might speak of a representation by design (a statue of Geo. Washington—designed to be in his likeness).

d. As the image of God, Christ represents God… there is a likeness that is not accidental.

e. And the likeness is not bodily or physical, but in His nature, character, and attributes.

f. He perfectly represents the Father because He came from the Father. There is a relationship between Him and His Father. They are the same in nature. He is the IMAGE of God.

5. Image implies visible manifestation…

a. God is invisible. No man can see God and live.

b. But Christ is the image of God – a visible manifestation of an otherwise invisible God.

c. The dye from which coins were stamped was never seen by the population. The coin is what they see. And to see the coin was to see the dye. They are the same. The coin is the image of that dye.

d. “He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father” (John 14:9; 12:45).

6. Image contrasted to a shadow

a. Heb. 10:1 – the Old Testament sacrifices were mere shadows of Christ and not the very image.
» Image was a CLEAR representation… a shadow was but a vague outline…
» Col. 2:17 – here a similar contrast exists between the shadow and the Body (the actual body is a much better representation of the substance and essence than a mere shadow)
» Christ is a perfectly CLEAR representation of the Father.

The Image of God in Man

1. The Bible uses this term of men also.

a. I Cor. 11:7 – man is the “image” of God.

b. Jas. 3:9 – even fallen, sinful men are said to be in the image of God.

c. But (and this is a huge difference!) men are said to be MADE in the image of God.
» This certainly does attribute deity in men!!!
» We were made in the image of God. (Gen. 1:26-27)

1. Jas. 3:9 – we were MADE after the similitude of God.

2. I Cor. 11:7 – man is the image and glory of God BECAUSE He was “made” in that image.

3. Christ was never MADE in the image of God. He eternally IS the image of God!
» Man is made in the image of God in that, like God, man possesses: intellect; emotion; will—in this sense we are made in the image of God…
» But each aspect of our personality has been affected by sin… depravity reaches to every part of our being.
» Morally, the image of God has been spoiled by the fall. He is holy and we are sinful.
» Men do NOT reflect the image of God in the sense of His divine attributes: omniscience; omnipotence; omnipresence; immutability; etc.

d. However, when a person is SAVED, God begins a process of restoring that marred image.
» Col. 3:10 – the new man is renewed in knowledge after the image of God.
» II Cor. 3:18 – in the meantime, during our earthly pilgrimage, we are gradually being transformed into that image… from glory to glory.
» Rom. 8:29 – we were predestinated to ultimately be conformed to His image.

e. It is possible for men to be a dim reflection of God’s character. Glimpses of holiness and goodness are demonstrated in the lives of Spirit filled Christians as we walk by faith.

f. This is God’s work of restoring that broken image in man…

7. BUT — Jesus Christ is entirely DIFFERENT from other men. He IS the image of God innately. It is His nature… it is who He is.

a. He was not ever in a process of being “changed” into the image of God.

b. He was the express image of the Father from eternity!

c. Nor did He become the image of God when He took on human flesh in Bethlehem. He was always the perfect image of God.

d. His essential character is “the image of God.” It is who He is.

e. Man is only a finite image of God… subject to many limitations.

f. But Christ is the infinite image of God—perfectly and eternally reflecting ALL of the divine attributes, qualities, and character of the Godhead.

g. Thus, there is an infinite difference between man being “made” in the image of God, and Christ BEING the image of God.

h. At a point in time, man was MADE in the image of God. At a point in time, God STAMPED His image in man.

i. But Christ eternally IS the image. There was never a time when this image was “stamped” in Christ. Forever He is and was and will be that same image of the Father.

j. Calvin: The question is as to the perfect wisdom, goodness, righteousness, and power of God, for the representing of which no creature were competent.

k. Christ revealed the Father perfectly… whereas, as men, we are but imperfect reflections of His life and character.

The Image of God in Christ

1. The perfect and complete image of God the Father is seen in Christ and in Christ ALONE.

a. Thus, we are not to look elsewhere for THE image of the Father than in the Person of Christ.

b. Anything else that claims to be THE image of God is an IDOL.

c. Some claim to find God on the golf course… or on the ski slopes… or lying on a beach looking up into the sky to see the glory of God!

d. Now it is true that there is something about God that can be seen in nature… His existence and power.

e. BUT God can NEVER be known through nature. There can be no fellowship or communion with God through nature.

f. Rom. 1:20 – the invisible things of Him are clearly seen… but that revelation is extremely limited.

g. Nature reveals the existence, power, and wisdom of God; but nature cannot reveal the PERSON of God to us.

h. It is only in Jesus Christ that the invisible God is revealed perfectly.

i. God as a PERSON cannot be known through nature.

j. To seek God in nature is to be seeking an idol.

k. God’s image is to be found in the Person of Jesus Christ… and nowhere else. He is the ONLY visible manifestation of the Father.

2. “The express image of His Person” (Heb. 1:3).

a. “express image” = character = the impress left by a die on a coin or a seal on wax; (typewriter)…

3. “He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father” (John 14:9).

a. This is tantamount to saying, “You want to see God? Look at Me.” It is a claim of equality with the Father.

b. This would have been the height of arrogance (and blasphemy) for a mere man to say!

c. We can say, “May a glimpse of Christ’s indwelling life be manifested in some feeble way through my mortal body”… but that is a far cry from what Jesus said!

d. We can say, “He that hath seen me hath seen the work of God in progress in a clay pot.” That is a far cry from saying, “to see Me is to see God… the Father!”

e. We bear the image of God and were made in the image of God. Christ IS the image of God.

4. No man can SEE the invisible God, but Jesus Christ has revealed Him to us (John 1:18).

a. It is in Christ alone that the invisible God is able to be revealed… perfectly and accurately… and is manifested to men.

b. Christ—the image of God—makes the invisible God known.

c. Christ “declares” God (declares: (exegesis— to lead out, metaph., to draw out in narrative, unfold a teaching; the things relating to God; used in Greek writing of the interpretation of things sacred and divine.)

d. Christ is the exegesis of God. He came forth from God. He is the same as God. And He reveals God… because He IS God!

e. He is the image of God—the visible manifestation of Deity.

5. And we BEHELD His glory — the glory as of the Father (John 1:14)

a. The same essence as the Father…This is what is taught in these passages…

b. No one who did NOT share the essence of deity could genuinely be the “express image” of the Father… or the “image of the invisible God.”

c. Christ is able to manifest the Father’s nature and glory because He SHARES that nature and glory… that divine essence.

d. John 17:5 – they shared the SAME glory…

e. The glory of the invisible God is seen in the person of Jesus Christ.

f. That glory was veiled in human flesh—but at times radiated right through His humanity—that men might BEHOLD the glory of God… not the full blazing glory, but a veiled manifestation of it.

6. Note that Paul states that Christ (continually) IS the image of the invisible God.

a. This was true in the incarnation. (I Tim. 3:16 – God was manifest in the flesh…)

b. But this does not refer to the incarnation only. (Or it would have said, “He became the image of God.”

c. Rather, it refers to His eternal relationship to the Father…

d. It speaks of the very nature of deity that Christ has always possessed.

e. Even in the Old Testament, when God manifested Himself, it was the SON of God’s role… as the Angel of the Lord. The Rock in the wilderness… and that Rock was Christ. When God manifested Himself, it was through the eternal Son. He is and always was the image of God.

f. Ellicott wrote: “that Christian antiquity has ever regarded the expression “image of God” as denoting the eternal Son’s perfect equality with the Father in respect of His substance, nature, and eternity.”

g. Christ IS the image of God. This was true in His pre-incarnate state. It was true during His earthly incarnation. And it is true in His present heavenly glorified state… the glorified God-Man at the right hand of the Father.

h. He eternally IS the image of God… the very nature of deity.

i. There never has been, nor ever will be a point in time when Christ is NOT the image of the invisible God.

7. The IMAGE of God is necessary because the finite (us!) cannot understand the infinite (God).

a. We are thus dependent upon this image of God (in Christ) that we might KNOW God.

b. Through Christ we can know God… and there is no other way to know Him.

c. II Cor. 4:6 – salvation is described as coming to the knowledge of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ.

d. An idol of any sort—a man-made image can NEVER satisfy the human heart…

e. That inner longing for God is not satisfied by US making an image of God in our likeness. (That’s what the gentiles did in Rom. 1:23.)

f. Rather, that inner longing for God is satisfied only in the Person of Jesus Christ—THE image of God.

g. As men, we seem to need an image to be able to relate to God who is invisible: Here is God’s means of dealing with that: His Son—the image of the invisible God!

h. Christ gives expression to the invisible God.

i. We can SEE God through the Person of Jesus Christ. (John 14:9)

j. Christ came to earth and dwelt with men… talked to men… mingled with men…

k. As our Great High Priest, He has experienced every aspect of being human… in our humanity and frailty, we can relate to God through Jesus Christ… who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities…the image of God became flesh!

l. In the person of Christ, the human and divine were united in one theanthropic person — the image of God—God manifested in human flesh—that we might KNOW GOD…

8. Christ is the image of the Father.

a. Christ is the image of the Father — the Father is the prototype; Christ the exact counterpart.

b. As Christians, we can reflect Gods’ image to a limited degree.

c. But Christ did not merely reflect the glory and image of the Father. He IS the image of the Father… the express image.

d. Man was “made” in the image of God. Christ eternally WAS the image of God.

e. This speaks of the fact that He is the perfect representation of the Father.

f. This speaks of His superiority OVER all of creation… including spirit beings.

9. Christ is the mediator between God and man. He is the image of God – a visible manifestation of the invisible God to man. He is the logos of God – communicating an infinite God to finite men.

a. Throughout His earthly life, Jesus Christ manifested who God is to mankind. “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; for the life was manifested and we have seen it.” (I John 1:1-2)

b. Somehow, someway, the divine and the human were perfectly blended together in the person of Jesus Christ—in such a way that did not diminish His deity one iota… nor did it diminish His true humanity. He was truly the God-Man.

c. As such, He is the image of God – a visible manifestation to the human race of what God is like… of who God is…

d. God is KNOWN only through the person of Jesus Christ.

10. Consider the importance of this truth to the theme of the book… Paul is proving that:

a. Christ is NOT one of many emanations from God as the false teachers were declaring. He was GOD HIMSELF! The eikon of God—exact image.

b. He is the STAMP of God… the same stamp He always was.

c. The Colossians didn’t need to be initiated into the special knowledge of the Gnostic cultists. The knowledge of God is seen in the face of Jesus Christ! He is all sufficient!

d. They didn’t need to look anywhere else for salvation. Christ is the Redeemer… the Savior… the God-Man.

e. HOW did Paul combat the error of the Gnostics?
» His primary means of combating the error was to hold forth the glory of the Person of Jesus Christ!
» Sure, there is a time and a place for hammering away at the evil and false doctrine.
» But it is FAR more effective to exalt Christ. He is the answer.
» Sometimes in our zeal to see people avoid worldliness, sin, and error, we harangue folks about the evil. How much better to exalt our Lord and Savior—Jesus Christ. Cause folks to fall in love with Him… and want to please Him.
» Separation FROM evil will never be accomplished by constantly hammering away at the evil.
» Separation FROM evil is accomplished by encouraging folks to be separated UNTO Christ.

f. II Cor. 3:18 – When it came to spiritual growth—they could gaze upon Christ—and as they beheld His glory, they would be transformed into that same image even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

g. Christ is all they need. Christ is all you and I need too.

h. It would take forever and be extremely confusing to try to point out and warn against ALL the false religious systems that have arisen over the years.

i. How much better to simply preach the truth… point men to Christ… Neither is there salvation in any other. (Acts 4:12)

j. Have you received Him by faith? Is He YOUR Savior?


1. This section is the meat of the book of Colossians.

2. This section is the basis or the foundation for all the arguments the apostle makes later on in the epistle.

3. In this small portion of Scripture (vs.14-20) we have one of the most concise passages anywhere in which the deity and glory of Christ are lifted up for all to see…

The Firstborn of Every Creature

1. Firstborn:  πρωτότοκος – prō-tótokos

a. Greek/English Lexicon of the New Testament gives firstborn two related possible meanings:
» Pertaining to superiority to all else —‘superior to, above all.’
» Pertaining to existing prior to something else—‘existing first, existing before.’

b. The basic meaning of the term is as it sounds: the firstborn.
» It often spoke of the first son born… and thus would connote TIME… sequence… he was before all the others in that he was born first… chronologically.
» But it developed another meaning: RANK
» The firstborn son in ancient society was a special son; it was a special rank or position of prestige to be firstborn; they were given a double portion of the inheritance; they had rank over the other sons; they were the head of the tribe;

c. Firstborn speaks of RANK, not just time… although both are often involved. In any one context, one or the other meaning is usually emphasized: time or rank.

d. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: does not simply denote the priority in time of the pre-existent Lord; what is meant is the unique supremacy of Christ over all creatures.

2. The firstborn son usually emphasized RANK rather than chronological order.

a. The position as firstborn was understood as a rank in Judaism.

b. The most prominent example was Jacob and Esau—where it was said that the elder shall serve the younger.
» The one born first (Esau) did not end up as the firstborn.
» Jacob was the son born second, but became the firstborn son in rank—with all the privileges, blessings, and prestige of the position.
» This was true of Ishmael and Isaac; Reuben and Joseph; Manasseh and Ephraim…
» For one reason or another, the first one born was set aside, and the second one took the position as “firstborn.”
» Hence, Adam because of sin was set aside; Christ, the second Adam is called Firstborn.
» It doesn’t mean Christ is the first man born; or the first creature created. It means He is the preeminent One.

c. Ps. 89:27 – the Messiah was said to be God’s firstborn – which means “higher than all the kings of the earth.”

d. The terms firstborn and only begotten are often twisted by the cults… and too often they fool believers who are not versed in the meaning of these terms.
» The cults love them because they don’t mean what the English word appears to mean.
» Firstborn does not mean the one born first.
» Only begotten does not mean the only one born. (Isaac was Abraham’s only begotten son—yet he had other sons too!)
» They are terms of RANK meaning (1) supreme and (2) unique.

3. The context in Col. 1 implies that RANK is what Paul had in mind. The concept of time (while present in the term) seems to be in the background while the meaning of RANK takes center stage.

a. He is SUPERIOR to every creature! (vs.15)

b. He is HEAD of the church. (vs.18)

c. He is to have the PREEMINENCE (vs.18)

4. Several different translations picked up on this nuance:

a. New Century Version: He ranks higher than everything that has been made.

b. New King James: the firstborn over all creation.

c. New Living Translation: He existed before God made anything at all and is supreme over all creation.

d. Wuest: who has priority to and sovereignty over all creation.

e. Today’s English Version: superior to all created things.

5. The firstborn OF every creature

a. What the Jehovah’s Witnesses have done with this verse in their New World Translation:
» “The firstborn of every other creature.” (added “other”)
» There is no word for “other” in the Greek text—in ANY Greek manuscript.
» In fact they add this word “other” 6 times in the context of Christ as Firstborn… to promote their heresy… that Jesus Christ is a mere creature.
» They say that He is firstborn in that He was the first creature God made… and the most important one. (But a mere creature!)
» Quote from the official Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower publication: “Jesus was God’s first creation, and so he is called the “firstborn” Son of God. (Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14) Jesus is the only Son that God created by himself. Jehovah used the pre-human Jesus as his master worker in creating all other things in heaven and on earth.”
» They say that after God created Jesus, Jesus then created the rest of the world.
» To the Jehovah’s Witnesses, firstborn means “the first one created.”
» Paul used the word firstborn, prototokos. If he meant to say that Christ was the “first-created,” he would have used the term: protoktisis.

6. Rev.3:14 –The Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same sort of thing with this phrase: “Beginning of the creation of God.”

a. In what sense is Christ the “beginning” of the creation of God?

b. Was He the first creature created? That’s what the cults would have us to believe.

c. Beginning—arche—Strong’s: that by which anything begins to be, the origin, the active cause.

d. Wm. Burkett: the principal and efficient cause of the creation,

e. AT Robertson: the originating source of creation

f. Christ is the active CAUSE of creation – because He is the Creator! He is the Word – He spoke and caused it to be!

g. Heb.12:2 -a similar term is used which refers to a leader or one who is first. Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith… from start to finish… our faith rests in HIM!!

h. Wm. Burkett translated it: The Beginner of creation…

i. Thus, Christ is the Beginning of Creation… and the GOAL of creation!

j. All things were created BY Him and FOR Him…
» This is exactly what Peter meant when he said that men twist the scriptures to their own destruction. (II Pet. 3:16b) They add words. They pervert the meaning of terms. And the average Christian doesn’t know the Word well enough to spot it!

7. Firstborn of every creature means that Christ is SUPREME OVER all of creation.

a. Paul put it this way in Phil. 2:9: God hath given Him a name which is above every name: Firstborn of all creation!

By Him Were All Things Created

1. FOR = because…

a. Christ is SUPERIOR to all of creation BECAUSE He is the Creator!

b. The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that “firstborn of every creature” means that Jesus was the first creature created.

c. However, Paul makes it plain that that could not be. He isn’t the first creature… FOR He created all things!

d. The gist of the passage is this: He is supreme OVER all creation BECAUSE He is the Creator!

2. Created BY Him…

a. En autw, in Him (vs.16a)

b. This is locative, not instrumental. (Locative = in the sphere of…)
» Di’ autou, in this expression Paul uses the instrumental Cause = by Him (vs. 16c).
» God created the world BY MEANS of the Second Person of the Trinity: Christ.
» But “in Him” is a unique way of speaking of His relationship to creation.
» Creative power resides IN HIM.
» Wuest: In Him, within the sphere of His personality, resides the Creative will and the creative energy, and in that sphere the creative act takes place.”
» If you are looking for the source of creation—it is to be found in Christ.
» Creation was “in Him” in the sense that a building was created first in the mind of the Architect.

c. Thus, the truth about Christ as Creator is stated in two ways in this verse (in Him; by Him) so as to be certain no one missed the point!

d. Heb. 1:2 – the same thought: The Father created the world by means of Christ the Son.

e. John 1:3 – another passage that speaks of the Son as the Creator of all things.

f. Everything that was ever created was created by Him.

g. The false teachers believed that all matter (the created world) was evil—and therefore it could not have been created by God… it must have been created by some lesser being… one of the emanations from God.

h. Paul refutes this teaching by showing that Jesus is both DIVINE and CREATOR…

i. Created: used in two different tenses here:
» The first one (vs.16a) is aorist – a past event…
» The second (vs.16c) is perfect – speaking of the past action with continuing, settled results – it STANDS created by Him; (it isn’t ever going to change… He IS creator; it will always be HIS creation)

3. All things means ALL things.

a. All things that were created were created by Christ… the eternal Son. Cf. John 1:3 – and without Him was not anything made that was made!

b. In all PLACES:
» Things in heaven (in the heavens – plural)
· This includes all the galaxies of the universe!
· This includes the sun, moon, stars, and planets and anything else that is floating about in the galaxies that we have not yet discovered…
» Things in earth
· This includes mankind; the animals; the plants; rocks; hills; streams; etc…
c. All SORTS: visible and invisible
» Things that are visible—whatever the astronauts and the space ships can see in outer space, God made it all.
» Things that are not visible –
· realms the human mind has not yet entered… a whole universe in an atom… in inner space and outer space yet undiscovered…
· All the hosts of heaven – holy and fallen angels.
· These are the only two possibilities: either something is visible or invisible. This covers everything!

d. All RANKS:
» The angelic hierarchy.
· thrones (thronoi)
· powers (kyriotetes)
· rulers (archai)
· authorities (exousiai)
» These terms speak not so much about different kinds of angels or spirit beings, but rather different RANKS of spirit beings… different realms of authority…
» Perhaps we could liken these terms to mayors, senators, governors, and presidents…
» The angelic realm is well organized… orderly—and this is true of both the holy angels and the fallen angels.

e. There were many different ranks in the angelic realm. And the Colossians were involved in angel worship. (2:18)

f. Christ defeated all fallen principalities and powers and spoiled them at the cross! (2:15)

g. Paul is preparing to deal with this heresy. (2:10) Christ is HEAD over all these angelic ranks—both holy and fallen angels.
» He is not one of the angels. He is the image of God!
» He is OVER all the angels—He is the firstborn—the Supreme one over created beings… including angels.

h. In fact, the angels of God WORSHIP the Son… the firstborn! (Heb.1:6)
» Christ was not an angel. The angels worshipped the Son as GOD… the angels were God’s servants and ministers. (vs. 7)
» The Father addressed the Son as “God.” (vs. 8)
» The Father continues addressing the Son and speaks of Him as “Creator.” (vs. 10) (Cf. 1:3 – creator)
» The Jehovah’s Witnesses may think of Christ as an angel, but the angels don’t think of Him as an angel. They worship Him as God!
» And the Father doesn’t think of Christ as an angel. The Father calls Him “God,” “Creator” and “Lord.”

i. Eph. 1:19-21 – Here Paul states that Christ was raised up FAR ABOVE all angels… all principalities and powers!

j. I Pet. 3:22 – Peter concurs! All angelic authorities are subservient to Jesus Christ. He is Lord of ALL.

k. Phil. 2:10 – one day every creature (men and angels; holy and unholy) will bow before Christ and acknowledge Him as Lord.

l. How does Paul deal with the heresy of angel worship in Colossae?
» He exalts the Lord Jesus Christ… He is HEAD over all principalities and powers…
» He is the firstborn of all creatures—including angels.
» He is the Creator of the angels…
» He and He alone is to be worshipped—not angels!

All Things Were Created FOR Him

1. For Him = eis auton = unto as a goal or purpose.

2. Christ is the One FOR WHOM the entire creation was made.

3. Rev. 4:11 – The Lord is the Creator—and all things were created FOR His pleasure.

a. All things were created in Him, by Him, and for Him. (en, dia, eis)

b. Created IN Him (as a creation appears in the mind of an Architect); BY Him (as the Builder; construction); and FOR Him (as the Owner of all—for His pleasure)

c. Creative power resided IN HIM… operated actively THROUGH HIM… and is ultimately aimed FOR HIM.

4. Rom. 11:36 – for of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things.

a. Here Paul uses one different preposition:

b. Of Him = ex (out of Him as a Source); + dia & eis (same as Col.)

c. This speaks of Christ as the Beginning and the End… the Alpha and Omega…

5. Putting this passage in the purpose of the epistle:

a. Christ created the angels.

b. They were created FOR Him. They serve Him. They are in subjection to Him. He is not one of them!

c. Angels are not to rob Christ of any worship. They worship Him. They ascribe praise to Him. They bow before Him. They chant day and night, Holy, Holy, Holy!

6. The created world shouts out of God’s glory! (Ps. 19:1)

He is Before All Things

1. This expression speaks of the fact that Christ pre-dated ALL things—including the angels… including all of creation.

2. The fact that this verse begins with the word “and” (kai) is another indication that the word firstborn indicates RANK rather than time.

a. This term highlights TIME.

b. Christ was before all things in TIME.

c. As firstborn He is before all things in RANK.

d. Here He is said to be before all things chronologically.

3. Before all things speaks of eternity past… before the creation.

a. Before the creation, there was only GOD. Christ was there—before all things. He is God.

b. The only being who could possibly predate all of creation is God Himself—in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God… and the Word was God! He then became creator! (John 1:1-3)

c. He is the great I AM. “Before Abraham was I am.” Before creation was, “I Am.” He is the Great I Am – the eternal, self existent One: God!

4. Micah 5:2 – His goings forth have been from old, from everlasting. He existed before time began. He is eternal. He is God.

By Him All Things Consist

1. Not only is Christ the One who created all things, but by Him all things consist.

a. Consist: to place together; band together; hold together.

b. Christ holds all things together.

c. Tense: perfect – they continue to hold together because of Him.

2. In other words, all things came into being by means of Christ and all things continue to exist by means of Christ.

a. Christ created the world and He continues to maintain it.

b. He is a God who is near and not afar off. He was not the god of the Deists… He is not like the ancient concepts of Baal…

3. Heb. 1:3 – He upholds all things by the Word of His power.

a. Now we discover that this same One also He sustains it… The world is kept in its creative ORDER by Him…

b. The world was created by Him and is being maintained by Him! He built the house and he takes care of it! (pres. tense – continuous action)
» Not a sparrow falls to the ground without His notice…
» He gives life and breath to all men—and continues to provide life and breath for them…
» He sends rain for the crops to maintain the food chain…for the good and the evil… He causes the sun to shine…
» He is the ultimate Cause behind the maintenance of the universe!
» He maintains His world faithfully – like clockwork… (aren’t you glad!?!? Gravity always works; the sun shines every day; the sun stays in its place without wandering away; the earth continues to rotate…
» The world maintains its perfectly delicate balance because the SON maintains and sustains the world He created.


1. Consider the awesome things stated about Christ in this passage:

a. His relation to sinners:
» He is Redeemer; the one whose blood provides forgiveness of sins.

b. His relationship to God:
» The IMAGE of God –the very same…

c. His relationship to Creation:
» The firstborn over all creation…
» BECAUSE He is Creator…
» IN HIM were all things created – in Him reside all the creative powers of God… as Architect… as Author… as the Logos of God…
» BY HIM all things were created – as Builder… the Beginner… the active agent through whom God created the worlds.
» FOR HIM all things were created… He is the goal… the end… the purpose of creation… for His glory and pleasure.

2. What this means to us…

a. Christ is the preeminent One…

b. He is all we need…

c. We are not to give our attention or devotion to an image… but to Christ—THE Image of God.

d. We are not to be caught up in the present day frenzy over angels. Our attention should be given to Christ.

e. He is over the spirit realm. We are not to be overly concerned about Satan and his spirit world. Christ has defeated them all… and one day they will all bend the knee and acknowledge their defeat and Him as Lord… our focus should be on Christ.

f. He holds the universe together. He cares for the world He created. He knows if a sparrow falls to the ground—how much MORE concern does He have for His own children and the troubles we all face in life…

g. Our Savior can take care of the universe… He can certainly take care of me.
» Whatever we face; whatever trials we have to deal with;
» Whatever the future may hold for us…
» The Creator is also a tender Shepherd who cares for our souls…
» Isa. 40:11 – He shall feed His flock; gather the lambs in his arms; carry them in His bosom; gently lead those that are with young…
h. He not only made us, but He became One of us.
» He is Creator and Great High Priest.
» He created us, and He entered into His creation in the form of a man. He knows all about life on this cursed earth.
» We can come to Him… (Heb. 2:17-18) And He WANTS us to come to Him… and to no other!
i. We need to know Christ that way… and rest in His love… embrace Him… surrender to Him… yield… and let HIM be God in our lives too.

3. If you do not know Christ as Savior—He WANTS to be YOUR Savior too. He died and rose again. He paid the penalty for your sins… but you are commanded to repent… and to receive Him by faith!

a. One day every creature will bend the knee to Christ… some on earth, some in heaven, and some in hell.

b. It is too late for repentance in Hell!

c. Bend the knee today. Come to Christ and be saved! BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.


1. This section of Colossians exalts the Person of JESUS CHRIST.

2. He is over the original creation as Firstborn.

3. He is over the new creation as the Beginning and Head of the Body, the church.

4. In every realm (what God is doing in His Body and in the rest of the universe) He is to have the preeminence.


Christ is the Head of the Church. He has absolute authority.

1. Headship is used in this sense in the New Testament. (Cf. Eph. 5:25 – the husband is the head of the wife. The emphasis is on his authority in the home.

2. In Col. 1:18, the emphasis is on Christ’s authority in the Body. The Head is in charge.

Christ Is Captain in the Promised Land (Josh. 5:13-15)

1. Vs. 13 – Joshua met the Lord Jesus (a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ).

2. Vs. 1 – context = the children of Israel entered into the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership.

3. Vs. 12 – this was a transition period for the Jews. The wilderness experience was coming to an end, and now they were IN the Land of milk and honey…

4. Vs. 13 – immediately upon entering the Land, Joshua is confronted by a MAN with a sword—the eternal Son of God.

5. Review the typology:

a. Exodus = redemption in Christ.
• Israel was redeemed out of bondage to slavery in Egypt –the world. We were redeemed out of the world—and out of slavery to sin.
• Moses was their redeemer; Christ is ours.
• It was just an 11 day journey to cross the wilderness—and COULD have and SHOULD have entered into their inheritance early on… but refused to trust God.

b. Wilderness wanderings = chastening… the only alternative to entering into Canaan… wander in a dry and weary land… this was NEVER intended to be the norm.
• It didn’t have to happen that way.
• They could have entered into their inheritance right away, but it was a lack of faith that resulted in them being condemned to the wilderness for 40 years.
• Instead, they wandered in a dry, parched, weary wilderness—when they COULD have been and should have been enjoying the riches God promised them!

c. Crossing Jordan does not picture our physical death, but our death with Christ… our old man being crucified.
• Not until we come to this point of reckoning SELF dead are we able to enter into our Canaan land.
• Before the Christian can ever enter into the full appreciation of and experience of his riches in Christ—he must come to an end of himself…
• We need to acknowledge that our old man DIED with Christ…

d. Canaan does not picture future heaven, but speaks of our PRESENT experience of our heavenly blessings.
• Christ is in heaven and we are in Him.
• But physically, we are on earth—but are to ABIDE in Him and DWELL in our Canaan… dwelling in our Beulah Land… by faith.
• We have been raised up already in Christ… and hence, the heavenlies are OURS already! That is our inheritance…
• We are joint heirs with Christ. It is our glorious position in Christ.
• This is our present possession, but we only experience its riches as we abide in Him by faith, a heavenly experience is ours… now… a foretaste of glory divine!

e. Entering the Promised Land pictures the believer, once redeemed, entering into a full experience of what he has in Christ BY FAITH … our inheritance in Him… entering into our REST.
• It isn’t necessary to wander spiritually for years; and waste years of our Christian life.
• We can and should enter in as soon as we get there! Pursue it… seek it… LEARN about our riches in Christ through studying the Word… and then enter in by faith… and settle in and enjoy it! LABOR to enter into His rest! Hunger after it.

f. Contrast between Old Testament and New Testament
• In the OT, Israel had an earthly inheritance… our inheritance is not earthly or physical. Our inheritance is in the realm of light… holiness… a heavenly position in Christ.

6. The message of the vision in Joshua 5:13

a. Joshua and the people are about to enter into their rich inheritance in the land—where he can enter into rest… and rest under his fig tree… and rest from his physical enemies when God gives them victory. The land was Israel’s all the time they wandered—but not until they were ready to trust God were they able to enter in.

b. This pictures the believer entering into and experiencing by faith his rich inheritance in Christ where we too can enter into rest for our soul… This inheritance is the property of every believer the moment they are saved, but not until they are ready to surrender to Christ… yield fully to Him… and reckon themselves to be dead are they able to experience their spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ…

c. In this picture, as soon as Joshua and the people enter the land, they are confronted by a Man with a sword…

d. The Israelites were about to begin their battles—fighting in Jericho in chapter six… but BEFORE they could ever experience victory — it was necessary for them to be confronted—face to face—with this Man with a sword.

e. This Man is the Lord Jesus Christ… the Angel of the Lord… the eternal Son… the image (visible manifestation) of the invisible God.

f. Joshua’s question: (vs.13c)
• Joshua didn’t know who this man was at first.
• “Are you on OUR side or are you on THEIR (our enemies’) side? Whose side are you on?”
• Joshua saw himself as the leader… and the adversary as having a cause… and a leader. Joshua wanted this man to pick sides: either you are with me or with my enemies.
• The Man’s answer: (vs.14)
• Nay (no). A strange answer for an either/or question.
• The Lord made it clear that Joshua’s question was wrong! His thinking was wrong.
• Joshua asked “Are you on my side or their side? Which one?”
» Meaning: if you want to be on OUR side, then you can join our army and fight alongside us. You can be one of our soldiers…
» You can HELP us fight… one of our helpers. You can add a little more strength to our side.
• The Lord answered: NO. I’m not on your side OR their side. I’m not joining anybody’s team.
• I am the Captain. I am Captain of all the Lord’s armies. I am Captain of all the hosts of heaven.
• Previously the children of Israel experienced defeat and frustration as they wandered in the wilderness for a generation. In the wilderness they were concerned about who was in charge… and they murmured against Moses and Aaron. They didn’t want anyone over them.
• But now that they have entered the Promised Land, the Lord makes it clear that things are different in this realm. I AM CAPTAIN in this land. I am in charge of this realm.
• I don’t join your army. You are to join my army and to submit to Me. I am Captain… Lord…
• Joshua understood exactly what the Lord meant—and fell down to worship… and acknowledged that He was Lord and Joshua was his servant.
• The Lord also said, that when you are in My presence, you are on HOLY ground. Take off your shoes!

g. What this illustrates:
• As believers, we have been made meet to be partakers of our rich inheritance in Christ. (Col. 1:12c)
• Christians are positioned IN CHRIST… In His Body, the church.
• IN HIM we have all spiritual blessings and our spiritual inheritance.
• But if we as individual believers are to experience our inheritance… and enter into rest… and have victory… then we are expected to BOW in submission before the Captain…
• We are to acknowledge Christ as Lord… as HEAD of the Body.
• In the spiritual realm… in our heavenly position… as we dwell in the heavenly sphere… it is no longer I but Christ. He’s the Captain of this land… He’s the Head of the Body.
• As we face our foes, Christ doesn’t “help” us fight. He doesn’t add a little more strength to what we can muster up already. He IS our strength! He doesn’t “help” us fight. The battle is the LORD’s! He is our strength, our shield, our fortress, our Captain, our LIFE!
• Before we can ever enter into our rest… and experience the blessings of our inheritance in Christ, the issue of AUTHORITY needs to get settled once and for all.
• Unless we come to an end of SELF… reckon self to be dead… and yield our members to Christ… surrendered completely to Him… there IS no victory!
• The Man with the sword demands submission… we must acknowledge Him as Lord… as Head of the Body… and Head over each member of that body—namely, ME… and you!
• As we put our all on the altar in total submission, and enter into this close personal relationship to Christ, we are entering holy ground… (Heb. 10:19).
• In the church, we are coming into His realm… holy ground… a fellowship or assembly of God’s heavenly people… and into the presence of our heavenly High Priest… into the heavenly sanctuary… the holy of holies… this is holy ground…
• And in this realm… in this land… on this holy ground, Christ is Lord… Captain… Head…
• In this relationship to Christ, we enter with reverence and humility… bowing before Him as Lord… as Head… as Sovereign. WE take off our shoes as servants…
• He is not joining our cause, we are united to Him.
• He is not our Servant. We are here to serve Him.
• We don’t come to Christ so that He can do us favors. Rather, we come to Christ with self placed on the cross and out of the way… so that we can serve Him unhindered, unrestricted, unentangled, unencumbered.

7. Paul presents Christ this way in Colossians one.

a. He is HEAD over all creation…

b. He is HEAD over His Body… the new creation.

c. First and foremost, the church—the Body—is a place where Christ is HEAD.

d. We are privileged to be members of His Body. We are placed in HIS Body.

e. Just as the Captain of the Lord’s hosts didn’t join Joshua’s army, Christ doesn’t join our church organization. He doesn’t join our team. Rather He is Captain. He is Head.

f. We are joined to Him… united to Him… baptized into HIS Body…

g. We are joined to Him and He is HEAD over us all.

h. Headship speaks of Christ’s absolute authority OVER the Body… the church.


1. The BODY Paul mentions here is not any particular local church—or an association of churches. It speaks of the universal church.

a. This refers to believers worldwide—anyone who is born again in this age is a member of the universal church.

b. Christ is HEAD over the universal Body of Christ.

c. Therefore, He is also HEAD over every local manifestation of the universal body of Christ—including this little church: SALEM BIBLE CHURCH!

2. Vs. 18 is translated word for word from the original.

a. The only possible change that one might want to make would be to emphasize the auto/self… The subjective pronoun is not needed because it is included in the verb. But when it is added, it is added for emphasis.

b. He Himself is the Head.

c. It sounds a bit clunky or awkward to translate it that way, but it does bring out a shade of meaning that Paul INTENDED here.

d. Christ is the Head of the Body. He Himself—and no other!

e. Christ is not a mere angel. Angels serve as servants to the church (Heb. 1:6-7). Christ is head OVER the church… and is Head over all angelic realms too! (Col. 2:10).

f. The One who is Creator of the universe is also the Head of the Body!

3. There is no POPE over the body of Christ.

a. Rome states that apart from the pope, the body of Christ would be “headless” on earth.

b. Not so. God did not set up a human hierarchy over all the churches.

c. The pastor is not a protestant pope. The board of elders does not RULE the church. Christ does. He is Head… all power is given unto Him.

d. The earthly leaders have authority only in so far as they submit to Christ and His Word… submit to Christ the Living Word and the Written Word. Apart from that earthly church leaders have NO power… no authority.

e. The church is not to revolve around an earthly personality… yet sadly in our generation we are seeing super churches developing around a super personality… a celebrity-like leader with a big name with lots of charisma…

f. The church is not to revolve around a pastor or any member. Christ and Christ alone is the Head of the Body.


1. There are many members in the Body. (I Cor. 12:14)

a. This is by God’s design and they all serve a valuable function to the Body. (I Cor. 12:11,18)

b. But this fact can also be problematic in that the many members, with many differences, CAN produce friction in the Body… disunity…

c. I Cor. 12:31 – they were coveting the best gifts for themselves. Paul wanted to show them a better way to function in the Body: selfless, humble, love (ch.13).

d. The Body functions because of unity in the midst of diversity. BOTH are absolutely essential for the Body to function properly… diversity AND unity.

e. Unanimity would severely LIMIT the Body’s ability to function (I Cor. 12:19). If we were all the SAME… with the same background… the same spiritual gifts… the same outlook on life… if every member were identical—the Body of Christ would be as handicapped as a physical body that only had one big eye… or one giant foot… Unanimity does not make a body. It makes for a hideous monstrosity!

f. The Body of Christ NEEDS diversity of function.

g. But if a body has 100 different functions all operating at the same time… we would say that that body is spastic.

h. All of those different functions must be coordinated… and there must be unity in the midst of diversity.

2. Christ is the HEAD of the Body. He is the UNITY of the Body.

a. In our physical body, it is the head that tells the legs to walk or the arms to lift… or the tongue to speak.

b. These valuable functions (walking; lifting; talking) are not be operating independently of the other members, or independently of the body corporately.

c. Each member… each function is to be submitted to the Head and the Head gives the orders.

d. Real unity occurs in the Body only when each member is in harmony with the Head.

e. In recent years, there has been much emphasis on psychology in the churches. There have been many seminars on counseling, resolving conflicts, dealing with interpersonal relationships, all aimed at dealing with problems that arise among men. There is a certain amount of benefit to that.

f. However, it is FAR better to teach church members to learn to submit to Christ… to surrender to Him… when that is the case, conflicts in the Body will dissolve away into insignificance.

g. By putting all our efforts into working out the problems in the church among men, we are basically spending our time putting out fires.

h. By spending time with the Lord, submitting to Him, abiding in Him, surrendering our will to Him, we are preventing the fires from erupting in the first place… a far better approach.

i. Illustration: if we each have a watch and are trying to get all of our watches in sync, we could spend forever going from person to person making adjustments. What is needed is a Standard—and all the watches are to adjust to that ONE Standard… one Head… or we are wasting our time.

j. If there were 50 pianos in this room and we wanted to tune them all, we could tune pianos with each other for 50 years before getting it right. But if they are all tuned to a single tuning fork, then they will automatically be in tune with each other.

k. At SALEM BIBLE CHURCH, we choose to point men to Christ… as Head… and to teach all of us to submit to Him… to be in tune with Him. If that is the case, we will automatically be in tune with each other.

l. And even if we disagree about observing certain days, or eating meat, certain forms of entertainment, or some other non-doctrinal issue… as long as our goal is to eat the meat or not eat the meat as unto the Lord… then we really are on the same page… in unity with each… BECAUSE we are in unity with the Head… the mind of Christ the Head rules.

m. The Head organizes, coordinates, orders, arranges, and facilitates all operations in the Body so that the Body functions smoothly… effectively… and rationally.

n. All of this requires each member to be in selfless submission to the Head.

o. A lack of submission or surrender to the Head means that members will be functioning independently of the Head and of the Body on their own.

p. When a physical body moves and operates independently of the brain, it is called either “insanity” or a “convulsion.” It is NOT normal behavior.

Our Resurrected Head


1. The Church is a New Creation.

a. It was a mystery. (Col. 1:26)

b. Corporately, it is a body organically connected to Christ the Head… Christ’s Body. (Col. 1:18)

c. Individually, its members are called “New Creations.” (II Cor. 5:17)
• This speaks of regeneration…
• But more than regeneration… it speaks of a new position… “In Christ.”
• The new creation is created in Christ… (Eph. 2:10)
• The body is called “one new man.” (Eph. 2:15)

2. The Church, the new creation, has been raised up with Christ in His resurrection and ascension.

a. Eph. 2:4-6 – The believer today shares justification by faith with Abraham and Old Testament saints. But in this dispensation, salvation brings us into new territory: heavenly places…

b. The same power that raised Christ from the dead has raised us from the dead… and has seated us with Him in glory positionally.

c. The church has entered into holy ground… a heavenly position not attained by any Old Testament saint… no matter how godly.

d. The LEAST of the Christian believers is exalted in his position, far above the godliest Old Testament saint… far above David, Moses, Elijah, etc.

e. The church shares with Christ in His position in heaven. We have been RAISED UP with Him.

f. We are CITIZENS of heaven… something that could not be said of Old Testament saints. They LONGED for that heavenly city… but were never called “citizens of heaven.”

g. Their inheritance was in the land of Israel. Ours is in glory!

h. In the evangelical world, most Christians glory in the cross… in the finished work of Christ at Calvary (and rightly so!) They rejoice in the fact that they are forgiven and saved!

i. Yet few seem to recognize the emphasis in the epistles on the ascension of Christ… and the new position to which He has elevated those IN HIM…

j. And this is SO unfortunate, for this position is really the BASIS of our victory in Christ… and the basis of the believer experiencing the spiritual blessings…

k. It is what Christ hinted at when He spoke of the believer ABIDING in Him… the Vine… and the FRUIT that would result from resting in our new relationship to Him… the RISEN Savior!

3. Christ brought many sons into glory because of our UNION with Him (Heb. 2:9-11).

a. Christ, the eternal Son of God became a man… subject to mortality.

b. As such, He was made lower than the angels (they can’t die!) Angels are over man in his fallen condition. Christ became a man so that He might experience death in order to DELIVER fallen men from sin and condemnation.

c. But Christ did not remain in that mortal state, lower than the angels!

d. He was crowned with glory and honor, as the Man in glory.

e. Christ rose from the dead and entered into the glorified state… a glorified human body… then ascension… and exaltation.

f. He rose from the dead FAR ABOVE all principality and powers…

g. Christ entered into a new realm, never before entered by a Man… glory! AND He brought many sons with Him!

h. Vs. 11 – He and we were UNITED.
• He became part of humanity so that glorified humanity might be united to Him… and brought to glory.
• This union occurs by means of Spirit baptism INTO the Body of Christ, the church.
» Those “In Christ” have been organically united to Christ in such a way that CHANGE is now possible…
» We are in union with One who is able to change us… transform us… empower us… enable us…
» It is not just a member of an organization, but a member of an organism… through which flows the very LIFE of Christ!
» The power that raised Him from the dead and brought Him into resurrection LIFE is now operative in US… in the person of the indwelling Christ!
» His life becomes our life.
» Those baptized into Christ are thus ABLE to walk in newness of life! (Rom. 6:3-4)
» This is new life… resurrection life… all based upon Christ’s resurrection.
• All those IN HIM are seen by God as if “in heavenly places already.”
• All those “In Him” have been united with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, and have a new position… in heavenly places…
• And thus, all those in Him are blessed with all spiritual blessings available to those who are IN HIM.
• This is far superior to the position of Old Testament saints. They were God’s earthly people. The church is God’s heavenly people.

i. It was God’s eternal purpose to identify many sons with His Son in glory! (Eph. 1:4-5)
• God chose us and determined before the foundation of the world that SOME would be like His Son.
• God WILL carry out His plan for some to be like Christ.
• It took many ages for this plan to come to fruition… (Old Testament days; earthly ministry; cross; resurrection, ascension).
• THEN, finally, the Risen Christ was able to bring many sons into union with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection… and bring many sons to glory… to a new realm…

4. Christ’s Headship over the New Creation was contingent upon the Resurrection.

a. Christ was not made Head of the Body by virtue of the incarnation. Nothing He did or said during His earthly ministry made Him Head of the Body. Nor was He made Head of the Body by virtue of the cross.

b. It was the resurrection and ascension that made Christ head of the Body.

c. Eph. 1:20-23 – It was resurrection power that raised up Christ from the dead AND cause Him to ascend into heaven.

d. From His position in heaven, He became Head over the Body, the church… and entity that did not exist before the ascension… and COULD not exist before the ascension.

e. It was when Christ was raised up into heavenly places (ascension) that it was GIVEN to Him to be Head of the church, which is His Body. (vs.22)
• This Body is the FULLNESS of Him… (vs. 23)
• It is the completion of Him…the Body in a sense completes or complements Christ in glory…
• In this figure, a Head would be incomplete without a Body. The Body is the complement of the Head.
• Vs. 23 – And He fills the Body with Himself… His life…
• And He fills ALL of His Body—every part… (Be careful how you treat members of His Body!)

f. Eph. 4:7-11 – Christ ascended to heaven before He gave any gifts to the church…
• The gifts are in fact spiritual gifts… capacity to function in the Body… (teachers; pastor; evangelists; etc.)
• The Body could never function without these gifts… hence, the church could not have existed in the Old Testament.
• It would be a body without any capacity to function.
• It would be a body without a head…
• It required Christ’s entrance into glory.

g. Acts 2:31-33 – It was the ascended Christ who sent the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost to BEGIN the church.
• The Body would have no spirit… no life before the ascension.
• Christ sent the Holy Spirit to begin the work of Spirit baptism… baptizing believers INTO the Body. (I Cor. 12:13)
• Spirit baptism is HOW people get INTO the Body… how men are placed “IN Christ.”
• This did not begin… could not begin… until after the ascension.

h. UNION with Christ was not the result of incarnation, but of resurrection.
• Union with Christ did not occur because Christ came down below to become one of us.
• Union with Christ occurred because Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and took believers up to glory with Him.
• Our union is with the RISEN Savior…
• In His earthly body He had a ministry to His earthly people, Israel. He offered them an earthly kingdom. (Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth…)
• In His glorified body, He has a ministry to His heavenly people, the church… the Body of Christ…
• This is our new position and where we are to dwell by faith.


1. Firstborn of the dead…

a. This term is the same as we saw in vs. 15 – the firstborn of every creature.

b. There it spoke of Christ as being preeminent… as being superior to all of creation. Why? (vs.16) FOR He is the Creator!

c. Firstborn can emphasize either first in time or first in rank.

d. In vs.15 it spoke of RANK. (His being BEFORE all creation in time is mentioned separately in vs.17)

e. In vs. 18 the term firstborn also speaks of RANK.

f. Of all those involved in God’s resurrection program… Christ is SUPREME… Highest in rank… superior… over all.

g. The bodies of all the saints of all ages lie in the ground today. Their souls and spirits are with the Lord, but their bodies await resurrection.

h. In God’s order, the body of every human being will be raised from the dead—some to honor, some to dishonor… some to the resurrection of the just… some to the resurrection of the unjust.

i. But of them all, Christ stands in a unique position as firstborn… the highest in rank… supreme… preeminent.

2. In the middle of verse 18, Paul states that Christ is “the beginning, the firstborn from the dead.”

a. The grammatical relationship of these two terms to each other (apposition) indicates that Paul is speaking about the same thing… the same concept.

b. The term for beginning (arche) is a term that can have a couple of different meanings. The context must determine its meaning.
• Arche can mean “ruler; prince; chief.”
• It can also mean “beginning; first; originator or origination point.”
• It is the term John uses to describe Christ’s relationship to creation: the beginning of the creation of God.” (Rev. 3:14) In this passage it implies the Originator… the One who began creation – Creator!
• In Col. 1:18, it has a similar meaning. Here it relates to Christ’s relationship to God’s resurrection program.
• With respect to God’s resurrection program, Christ is called the “Beginning” (time; source; beginner) and the “Firstborn.” (rank)

3. The Beginning… speaks of Christ as the first one in God’s program of resurrection chronologically.

a. Jesus Christ was the first human being (God-Man) to experience resurrection… and enter into the glorified state.

b. There were several examples of individuals in both Testaments who were raised from the dead—but that is not exactly the same as resurrection.

c. Lazarus was raised from the dead; Elijah and Elisha each raised a young boy from the dead. Tabitha was raised from the dead.

d. However, these folks were raised from the dead into the mortal state… to eventually grow old and die again. That is not resurrection.

e. Resurrection is being raised from the dead into incorruption… immortality… into the glorified state… to die no more.

f. Christ’s resurrection was far more than a mere reversal of His death. He was raised FAR ABOVE the estate He occupied on earth before His death.

g. Christ was the FIRST to be raised to glory… the very first to experience resurrection.

h. He has won for man a position of honor and glory that changes not… incorruptible forever!

i. When Christ rose from the dead, He was the BEGINNING of something new. He was the first Man in the glory! Awesome thought!

j. God has a plan for resurrection… and it all BEGAN with Jesus Christ.

k. And when united by faith to Him – to the Risen Savior, we become partakers of that glory in Him! What a privilege!

l. Jesus said, “The glory which thou gavest me, I have given them.”

4. Firstfruits of the resurrection – (I Cor. 15:20-24)

a. There is a planned order to the resurrection program. Christ is the firstfruits.

b. “Firstfruits” implies the first one, but also implies that there are many more to come!

c. Then, every man in his order. First Christ, then the resurrection associated with His coming (Rapture and Second Coming) and then the “end” – the final resurrection of the unjust. You don’t want to be part of the END resurrection! Be saved today!

d. This term is similar in meaning to the way Paul uses “the beginning” the Firstborn from the dead.

e. When Christ rose from the dead, He blazed a trail in new territory… He paved the way for others to follow… the way to glory!

5. Forerunner: Heb. 6:19-20 – The author of Hebrews expresses this concept with yet another term: forerunner.

a. Christ rose from the dead and entered into the heavenly sanctuary… within the veil… into the Holy of Holies

b. Forerunner: Strong’s: prodromos: one who is sent before to take observations or act as a spy, a scout, a light armed soldier. 1b one who comes in advance to a place where the rest are to follow… a trailblazer.

c. Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven… and in doing so, opened the way for those who believe on His name to do the same…

d. He paved the way… through the veil and right into the heavenly holy of Holies with God… an awesome privilege!

e. He paved the way for our physical resurrection…

f. AND He paved the way for us to enter into REST now… into a holy, communion of a heavenly order!

6. Each of these terms speak of Christ… as Head of the Body… and His relationship to the New Creation.

a. As Head, He is sovereign over the new creation.

b. As the Beginning, He is the Originator of and the first Man to enter this new realm.

c. As Firstborn from the dead, He is Superior to all others who shall experience resurrection and enter into this new realm.

d. As the Forerunner, He paved the way for others to follow.

e. As Firstfruit, He is the choice one… and an indicator that there are many more to come.

f. Paul writes all these things about Christ the Head of the Body so that it should be clear that in all things HE might have the preeminence.

g. All of these terms speak of Christ’s relationship to the new order of things… the New Man… the New Creation… the Church… God’s heavenly people.

7. Christ, the Head of the New Creation.

a. Christ is the beginning of a new order of spiritual life in the Church, by His resurrection and ascension.

b. Adam was associated with the original creation.
• The first Adam dragged humanity down into depravity and degradation.

c. Christ, the Second Adam is Head of a new race… and the beginning of a new creation.
• The Second Adam lifts up this new humanity with Him.
• Christ is now seated in the heavenlies, and He shares His position with the new creation… His body, the church.
• As Head of the church, the new creation, Christ is exalted in heaven as MAN… a glorified Man…
• What security! The first Adam fell and dragged us all down with him.
• But now, there could never be another fall… not with Christ as our new Head! Secure forever!

d. Christ died on the cross and settled the sin question and satisfied the Father’s justice. Forgiven… what a wonderful blessing.

e. But in His resurrection, He brings us beyond forgiveness to a foretaste of glory divine!

f. In God’s mind, when Christ ascended into heaven, He took us with Him… positionally.

g. Christ has entered into the holy of holies in heaven, and has paved the way for US to enter too… by faith!

h. This new relationship to God is infinitely superior to what Old Testament saints experienced.

i. We can by faith enter into God’s REST—knowing the score has been settled once and for all and forever…

j. We can dwell upon this new position in Christ… knowing that we are in Him… part of His Body. What marvelous things God has planned and provided for His Body!

k. We are united, not with the Jesus of the gospels… in His earthly ministry… in His period of humiliation and weakness. Rather, we are united with Christ in His resurrection power… and in His heavenly position!

l. It is His resurrection life and power that flows through His Body today. This is our great joy and delight!

m. IN Him, we have access to the Father… to that heavenly holy of holies… to the throne of grace…

n. And as we abide in Christ… abide in our high calling, FRUIT will be borne through us… not by mere human effort, but by the indwelling life and the power of the resurrection that is now ours!

o. This new order is not a restoration or reformation of the old man. Rather, the old man was crucified with Christ—and we are completely NEW creatures in Christ… a new man… a new race… following the Second Adam.

p. Christ is the Head, not of a restored or revised order… but of a NEW order… a new creation… soon to be followed by a literal creation of a new heavens and a new earth.

q. The New Testament revelation of Christ as Head of the Body is always seen in a context of resurrection and glory.

8. The practical side…

a. Since the church is a heavenly assembly, God has certain expectations from us…

b. Col. 3:1-2 tells us to set our affection there – on things above.

c. Col. 3:8-11 – having been raised with Christ the Head of the New Creation means we have new responsibilities.

d. Col. 3:15 – let the peace of God rule in our hearts—we are one Body!

e. We are told to store our treasures there… not on the things of the earth… where moths and rust doth corrupt.

f. We are to be looking unto Jesus… who is there… not the earthly Jesus of the gospels, but Jesus Christ as He is NOW: glorified, exalted, at the Father’s right hand… in heaven.

g. As we behold Christ in His present glory – we will be transformed into that same image by the Spirit of God.

h. These are not ethereal thoughts with little to no practical meaning in our everyday life. These truths ought to CONTROL our thoughts and motives and actions in this life! When this truth really sinks in, it is life dominating… life controlling… and life transforming!


1. The Headship of Christ over His Body is more than a theory.

2. It is intended to be exceedingly practical when one considers that Christ is called the Word in John 1:1.

a. The One who presides as Head of the Body is called the Word of God… and He has also revealed His will for that Body in the written Word… the Scriptures.

b. John 5:39 – The Scriptures bear witness of Christ.
• In the Word we have the mind of Christ… His will…
• If we truly seek to carry out the will of the Head, we MUST be sold out to the idea of being as Biblical as we can possibly be!
• The question that we should seek to answer is not “what are all the other churches doing?” OR “what do the people like or want us to do?” but rather, what saith the Lord? What does God’s Word say about the local church?

3. A local church can be said to be in submission to the Headship of Christ only insofar as it submits to the written Word of God.

a. All authority resides in the Word of the Head.

b. The church is not a democracy. Christ rules.

c. Congregational rule is not what the Bible teaches. The people don’t rule — Christ rules! The church is not governed through a popular vote.

d. When the people rule, God’s purpose for the local church is violated (Rev.3:14-20). Christ is no longer in a position of preeminence… but is on the outside looking in…

e. Christ rules! And He does so through His objective Word.

f. It is not up to us to come up with our own ideas as to what is church or what it is to emphasize.

g. It is not up for us to decide. It is up to us to READ what is written and thus follow the will of our Head.

h. The pastor and the board of elders are said to rule in I Tim. 5:17 – but only inasmuch as they are submitted to the Word of God. And thus, the real authority does not reside in them, but in Christ through His Word.

4. The will of the Head has been recorded. The Head has TOLD us what His Body is to emphasize…

a. The pattern for the local church was established in the book of Acts (2:41-47) and its function, mission, ministry, and purpose are revealed in the epistles.

b. Evangelism, doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread—the Lord’s Table, and prayer.

c. This is God’s pattern. Let’s stick to it.

d. In fact, the Scriptures contain ALL that is needed for the life and godly growth of a church (II Pet.1:3-4).

e. Modern churches are altering that pattern—so that the church is becoming a country club… a social club… a soup kitchen… a political action committee… sports zone… entertainment center…

f. That is wandering from the pattern. The pattern the Head recorded for us is clear: the emphasis is on SPIRITUAL things…

5. Since the Head of the Body has given us His Word, the will of the Head can be known and practiced.

a. Most of it is recorded for us in the Word.

b. His will doesn’t need to be discovered (as if it were hidden); it needs to be read and obeyed.

c. As the members of the Body saturate their minds and hearts with His Word, they are transformed into the image of Christ (II Cor.3:18). As we follow His pattern – His purpose for our lives is carried out.

d. The thinking of those believers will be in harmony with the mind of Christ (I Cor.2:15-16).

e. Instead of being conformed to the philosophies of the world, they will be transformed into Christlikeness (Rom.12:1-2).

f. Their minds being renewed will thus be enabled to prove (practice) that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

g. The Head rules in an assembly when its members have offered themselves to His service as living sacrifices are filled with the Spirit, and are (by faith) dead to self will.

h. When the Body members get self out of the way—the will and life and character of the indwelling Christ will be manifested through us—which in turns exalts our Head – the Lord Jesus.

Head and Body


1. We looked at the concept of headship a couple of weeks ago and noted that headship involves authority and unity.

2. There is ONE Head. That one Head is in absolute authority over the body. That Head is Christ… and He rules the Body.

3. One Head also implies unity… unity around the Head. There are many members with many various functions, but they are in sync with each other because they are in sync with the Head.

4. Today we are going to look at a few other aspects of Headship:

a. One Head; one will… not my will but Thine…

b. One Head; one life… Christ in you… to live is Christ…

c. One Head; one purpose… with one mouth may glorify God…

d. One Head; one power… power of the resurrection…


A. The Gap Between the Head and the Body

1. The Head has been raised from the dead into a new realm – into the heavenlies.

a. Col. 1:18 – the firstborn from the dead.

b. There was no church when Christ was on earth during His period of humiliation… His earthly ministry.

c. Christ was not the Head of the Body. There was no Head or Body.

d. But Christ rose from the dead into a new realm: glory!

e. He arose from the dead in a glorified human body as HEAD of this New Man… the church.

f. Eph. 1: 20-23 – it was the resurrected Christ who was GIVEN as Head of the Body.

2. The Body has been raised into a new realm spiritually and positionally.

a. Eph. 2:5-6 – the born again believer of this age has been raised up spiritually WITH Christ in heavenly places.

b. Col. 3:1 – we have been raised up with Him…

c. The church, the Body is an assembly of born again believers… every one of which has been raised up spiritually.

d. Hence, the church is a heavenly body… God’s heavenly people.

e. Heaven is our home; our citizenship is there; it is our position by virtue of the fact that we are now IN CHRIST who is there.

3. But the Body is still living in a cursed earth, physically.

a. Our head is in heaven, but the Body is on earth.

b. The Head has been raised into immortality; to incorruption; to a glorified human state as the God-Man.

c. But the Body is still on earth, in mortal bodies, dealing with corruption… both physically and spiritually.

d. The Body is still infected with SIN… every member has a sin nature… and yet, every member also has a new nature as part of the new creation.

e. The Head dwells in the blissful environment of heaven, while His Body lives (physically) in a world system that is anti-God; anti-Christ; and takes out its wrath against Christ on any manifestation of Christ-likeness demonstrated through His Body.

f. This creates massive problems for the Body today: sin, worldliness, manifestation of the flesh rather than a manifestation Christ, and often persecution when the Body does manifest Christ.

g. In one sense, there is a huge disconnect between Christ the Head who is in heaven, and the Body which is on earth.

h. The Head and its Body are in two completely different environments… in two different realms.

i. What an apparent disparity:
» Heaven for the head/earth for the Body;
» immortality/mortality; incorruption/corruption;
» glorified human body/suffering and sickly human body; heavenly bliss/cursed earth;
» sinless perfection/struggling sin nature;

4. Dwelling on this disparity is cause for great discouragement.

a. One might be led to believe that the Head is far away; disengaged from His Body;

b. One might develop a “detached” mentality that is so prevalent in the evangelical world today:
» The Head is way up in heaven and He is coming some day for His Body.
» Until then we are on our own to struggle the best we can until He returns to take us home.
» Hence, an attitude is developed that sees this life as almost a waste of time… just bidding our time until it’s over…and THEN real life begins.
» Not so. This life is important to God. Our new life… our abundant life in Christ… our eternal life does not begin when we die and go to heaven. It begins the moment we are born again!
» God does not want us to live as if we were “detached” from the Head! He wants us to be engaged with our Head… involved with what He is doing… so that we can say, “For to me to live is Christ!” Today! Now! This life is Christ… or should be!
» Christ is near and not afar off. The whole concept of head and body is designed to highlight this truth!

c. Some turn to one form of legalism or another.
» They are hoping that if we can behave better… perhaps we can get closer to Christ our Head… and bridge the gap.
» This is what the Judaizers were teaching in Colossae.
» Some assemblies develop a set of do’s and don’ts, and if you follow that list meticulously, then you are allegedly closer to Christ.
» Being obedient to a set of man made rules does not mean that we are close to the Head. The Sadducees and Pharisees were obedient to their rules… but they were far from God! They drew nigh with their mouths, but their heart was far from God!
» It is so very possible to be busy DOING things for Christ and yet have no close personal relationship to Him! Martha was guilty of that.
» Service FOR Christ is no substitute for a relationship WITH Christ.
» Service alone isn’t going to bring us close to Christ our Head.

d. Some struggle and fail so many times they give up… and some eventually return to the world.
» If our concept of the Head/Body relationship is that Christ is far away… detached… and the only way to draw near is by being good…
» And if we think that being good is something that rests on our shoulders… by our efforts… then we are doomed for failure.
» As believers, we KNOW the heavenly walk that the Head expects for His Body…
» And how discouraging to KNOW what kind of walk the Head expects… and to DESIRE to walk that way… and yet to discover that that heavenly walk is way beyond our grasp… and every effort we exert to produce such a life eventually leads to failure!
» A close relationship between the head and Body will never be accomplished through self effort.

e. Others know virtually nothing about the Risen Savior, and devote themselves to learning about Christ in the gospels and attempt to imitate His earthly life…
» With the best of intentions, they hope to develop a relationship to Christ by imitating His earthly life.
» Imitating Christ’s earthly life is SELF attempting to demonstrate how Christ like it can be.
» God doesn’t want us to imitate Christ’s life. He wants our life to BE Christ… not I but Christ! For to me to live is Christ!
» The Christian life… being close to our Head is Christ living His life through us… and manifesting His life through His Body… so it is no longer I but Christ.
» We are not to IMITATE His life by self effort. God doesn’t want us to imitate Christ’s life.
» Rather, God wants to REPRODUCE Christ’s life in us as we yield to the Holy Spirit.
» It is God working in you… not you working for God.

B. God’s Means of Closing that Gap: FAITH

1. The Head is in heaven and the Body is on earth…

a. To the natural eye, there is an infinite gap between the two. Never the twain shall meet! God seems afar off… as far as the heavens are above the earth!

b. The works system is so INGRAINED in us!
» The unsaved man thinks he has to DO something to earn his way up to God.
» Even the untaught believer adopts this view. Even after being saved by faith, we often assume that to have a close relationship to God we have to DO something spectacular to prove to Him our love and dedication.
» Martha as an individual was BUSY DOING FOR the Lord… and she missed out on the one thing that was necessary… fellowship and communion WITH the Lord!
» Churches make that same mistake… assuming that the more activity that takes place… the more LIFE of Christ is being manifested through the Body. Not so.
» Activity is not necessarily demonstrations of LIFE… of the life of Christ.
» It CAN be a demonstration of the flesh… human effort… misguided zeal…

c. The church at Laodecea is an example of an assembly where there was much activity… (Rev. 3:14-22)
» They were busy working and Christ observed their works… their activity… their business… (vs.15a)
» They were evidently ministering to each other on a horizontal level… man to man — for all their earthly needs were being met… they had need of nothing.
» Vs. 20 – but this body was not connected to Christ the Head. He was on the outside… desiring fellowship… desiring communion with them… but they were too busy with their programs and their own plans to spend time with Him!
» Their activity made the church APPEAR to be alive and healthy… but the spiritual reality was far different. They were in fact wretched, miserable, blind, and naked!
» This is an ever present danger in our day and age… and in our culture… a culture of self sufficiency… a culture of success… to substitute business with life.
» This is why I stand so opposed to the church growth movement… which thrives on using business techniques in the church.
» And they DO seem to work on an organizational level… business skills are put to work… administrative skills are put to work… advertising is incorporated… proven Madison Avenue techniques are put to work…
» Human talent and skill can MAKE an organization successful… but that successful organization could at the same time be DEVOID of the life of Christ and the power of God… forms of godliness that deny the power thereof!
» I have seen it work. I have read their books describing how others can put these techniques to work in their church… and become a successful business organization.
» But successful business techniques often translate into a miserable failure when it comes to the functioning of the BODY of Christ as a spiritual organism.

2. The Body is healthy ONLY to the degree to which its individual members are yielded… surrendered… and submissive to the Head…

a. Eph. 1:23 – When that is the case, the body is full of the fullness of HIM… not full of itself, but full of Him… not full of its own ideas or activities… or its own will… but full of Christ…

b. This body is healthy when we all walk in humility before God, yielded, and demonstrate the mind of Christ: Not my will but Thine be done! Not I but Christ! He must increase but I must decrease!

c. When the members share that mindset, the Body is full of Christ.

d. When the Body is full of Christ, there is NO GAP between the Head and the Body… perfect union and intimate connection… the way a body SHOULD be!
» His power is operating
» His life and His character are manifested
» His will is being carried out
» His name is exalted and glorified

3. But God has provided the means for that gap to be closed…FAITH; trust; resting; abiding.

a. Rom. 12:1-2 – It involves putting our all on the altar of sacrifice for God’s glory.
» Have you come to that place in your Christian life?
» Is there something you are withholding from the Lord? Something you are unwilling to let go of?
» If so, you are missing out on the very power of God in your life!
» AND you are hindering what God wants to do through His Body!
» Yielding to God involves an end to our earthly self life… it is the crucified life…
» Until we let go of self will… and put our all on the altar, we will be earthbound… left to struggle in the flesh… and unable to experience the power of the resurrection in our lives… and unable to experience a close relationship to the Risen Savior…
» There is a disconnect between the Head in heaven, and a member of His Body on earth. That hinders God.

b. I John 3:6 – Abiding in Christ by faith is God’s answer.
» The one who abides in Him sinneth not!
» That place of full surrender… yieldedness… putty in God’s hands… willing to do, say, or be whatever He desires for us… is a place of spiritual safety and health.
» Notice that “sinning not” is linked to our relationship to Christ… an abiding relationship…
» By faith, the yielded member… and therefore, the yielded Body, will experience Christ… His power and life will flow through that Body… and that Body will manifest the life and character of the Head.
» The branch that abides in the Vine will produce much fruit. The believer who abides in Christ will not be sinning.
» Are you struggling with sin? Then stop trying to conquer that sin on your own… and START believing Christ.
» Christ has already defeated our foes… the world, the flesh, and the devil… our sin nature is a defeated enemy.
» BELIEVE it. Trust God. Rest in Christ. And allow yourself to be FILLED with the fullness of God. And by faith – the power and fruit of the Spirit will be manifested in your life. This is God’s means of victory
» That which is true for the individual member is also true for the assembly of believers corporately too.
» If we want to fulfill God’s purpose for us as a church – that goal will be fulfilled only to the degree that we are abiding in Christ… and thus by faith, connected to the Head… resting in our heavenly position.
» THEN fruit is produced in us by the Holy Spirit.
» As a church, we can be busy starting soup kitchens, establishing a school, forming committees and countless ministries… and it COULD all be for nought…
» This is naught but useless frenetic energy of the flesh – unless the Body is being directed by the Head, empowered by the Spirit and filled with the fullness of God.

4. All of this is involved in individuals ABIDING in Christ…

a. When that is the case, the Body is as close to the Head as a branch is to the Vine…

b. When this is the case, then Christ’s life, power, and will is manifested in and through the Body…

c. FAITH enables the Body which is on earth to experience a connection to our Head which is in heaven.

d. As a church, a body of born again believers, we ARE connected to the Head. Each one of us has been baptized into His Body by the Spirit.

e. This is our heavenly calling… IN Christ… Positionally, we are as close to the Head as one can get: we are His Body!

f. But not every believer DWELLS in his position. Not every believer sets his affections on things above… or reckons himself to be dead to this world… and that HINDERS the Body from being filled with the fullness of Christ.

g. But when we DO concentrate on Christ and our relationship to Him, THEN His life and power will RADIATE through His body…

h. And that is what we are here for…

i. This results in fruit to His glory because it is His work in His Body.

j. His love for the lost being manifested through us will result in personal evangelism… each one of us…
» Some churches have one evangelist come to speak to the church.
» I prefer to have the assembly gather for worship and edification… and then send out 150 taught and edified evangelists into the community when this service is over!
» If we are connected to Christ, then His love for the lost will be manifested through us…
» This doesn’t require renting out the local football stadium for a high pressure evangelistic meeting once every couple of years. This is how a business organization operates.
» Rather, it means that there will be hundreds of evangelistic meetings… perhaps over a cup of coffee at a coffee shop with a neighbor… perhaps at a soccer game… perhaps in the cafeteria at work… perhaps after school with some classmates, one on one…
» This is how the church as a living organism works…


1. It is not just an individual finger connected to the Head; or a knee connected to the Head, or a hand connected to the Head… it is the WHOLE BODY that is to be connected to the Head.

a. What a hideous picture – a head with a finger or a knee attached randomly to it…

b. One would look at such a sight and remark, whoever designed such a thing? What was he thinking?

c. Well, that’s NOT the way God designed the Body.

d. But it is the way many believers operate today… the ones who go to St. Mattress church on Sunday… or perhaps they attend the Church of the Living Room… or Home Baptist Church…

e. There is a movement of believers today who are attempting to by pass the local church… and seek to have a relationship to God as individuals… or as individual families.

f. Some of this has arisen from the home school movement… which has blossomed into a home church movement…

g. This is contrary to God’s plan… the local church… His Body… His Bride…

h. Imagine the audacity of a finger attempting to bypass the body and connect itself directly to the Head… and refusing to submit to the place in the Body God designed it to fit? (I Cor. 12:18) That’s the folly of an individual believer attempting to abide in Christ on its own in this age!

i. Imagine the audacity of a hand (with several fingers) attempting to connect itself directly to the Head… and refusing to submit to the place in the Body God designed it to fit? That’s the folly of a family rejecting God’s plan for the local church and having their own “family Bible church.”

j. That is NOT God’s plan.

k. I can understand the frustration of some. Some folks have had some pretty bad experiences in churches. Some have been stung… burned… and hurt. Some see much carnality in the churches.

l. But you don’t throw the baby out with the dirty bath water.

m. The local church—with all of its shortcomings… is STILL God’s plan for this age.

n. Eph. 5:26-27 – And in spite of all the wrinkles we see in the local church, how does God view the church… His Body? From His heavenly vantage point, it is “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing!”
» God sees the church in its heavenly position… cleansed… pure… holy…
» And it is PRECIOUS to Him; as a bride to the bridegroom!
» So be careful how you treat the Body…
» I Cor. 3:16-17 – He that defiles the Temple of God shall be destroyed by God! I’m not sure I understand all of what’s involved in that—but I know enough to not want to be found guilty of that!
» The Body is precious to God… holy and pure… chaste… heavenly.
» DO you see the Body of Christ in that light? We should… we should view God’s plan from our heavenly position… from eternity’s perspective… from heaven’s vantage point.
» To ignore the local church or treat it lightly is to ignore or treat lightly Christ Himself. It is His Body.
» We can’t see the Head; He’s in heaven. But we can see His Body on earth. We can’t minister to Christ directly… but we can minister to members of His Body.
» Our attitude towards Christ is reflected in our attitude towards His Body.
» I’m convinced that the believer who really loves Christ and desires to spend time with Him and be with Him, will also love His Body, the local church… and will desire to spend time with His Body as it assembles together.
» Christ and His Body are inseparable… like the bridegroom and his bride!
» Our love for Christ will be demonstrated and manifested in our love for and ministry to His Body… the local church.
» May God help this truth to sink deeply into our minds and hearts.
» Eph. 3:9-10 – God manifests His wisdom to men and angels as they observe how the BODY functions and fellowships together… not just a couple of Hebrew Christian families meeting together… nor is it a few wealthy upper crust, blue blood families meeting together… nor is it an ethnic community meeting together to share their ethnicity and culture… nor is it an assembly of Harvard grads, home schoolers, factory workers, baseball fans, nor is it a group of poor migrant farmers meeting together to pray.
» The church is a body of believers from ALL walks of life meeting together… folks so different from each other, they really shouldn’t be ABLE to get along, but they do…
» And this diverse Body functions in harmony and unity when the individual members are all focused on Christ… the Risen Savior… walking the same narrow way… helping each other in love… as a spiritual family…
» Diversity tears things apart in the world. Look at Iraq. Look at America! But diversity works beautifully in the Body of Christ… when we acknowledge His Headship…
» And this is the glory of this age! Christ in you, the hope of glory!


1. The Headship of Christ over His Body is more than a theory.

2. It is intended to be exceedingly practical when one considers that Christ is called the Word in John 1:1.

a. The One who presides as Head of the Body is called the Word of God… and He has also revealed His will for that Body in the written Word… the Scriptures.

b. John 5:39 – The Scriptures bear witness of Christ… who He is… what He is like… how He thinks…
» In the Word we have the mind of Christ… His will…
» If we truly seek to carry out the will of the Head, we MUST be sold out to the idea of being as Biblical as we can possibly be!
» The question that we should seek to answer is not “what are all the other churches doing?” OR “what do the people like or want us to do?” but rather, what saith the Lord? What does God’s Word say about the local church?

3. A local church can be said to be in submission to the Headship of Christ only insofar as it submits to the written Word of God.

a. All authority resides in the Word of the Head.

b. The church is not a democracy. Christ rules.

c. Congregational rule is not what the Bible teaches. The people don’t rule — Christ rules! The church is not governed through a popular vote. — Christ rules!

d. When the people rule, God’s purpose for the local church is violated (Rev.3:14-20). Christ is no longer in a position of preeminence… but is on the outside looking in…

e. Christ rules! And He does so through His objective Word.

f. It is not up to us to come up with our own ideas as to what a church is or what it is to emphasize.

g. It is not up for us to decide. It is up to us to READ what is written and thus follow the will of our Head.

h. The pastor and the board of elders are said to rule in I Tim. 5:17—but only inasmuch as they are submitted to the Word of God. And thus, the real authority does not reside in them, but in Christ through His Word.

4. Since the Head of the Body has given us His Word, the will of the Head can be known and practiced.

Most of it is recorded for us in the Word.

His will doesn’t need to be discovered (as if it were hidden); it needs to be read and obeyed.

As the members of the Body saturate their minds and hearts with His Word, they are transformed into the image of Christ (II Cor.3:18). As we follow His pattern – His purpose for our lives is carried out.
» The thinking of those believers will be in harmony with the mind of Christ (I Cor.2:15-16).
» Instead of being conformed to the philosophies of the world, they will be transformed into Christ-likeness (Rom.12:1-2).
» Their minds being renewed will thus be enabled to prove (practice) that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

5. The Head rules in an assembly when its members have offered themselves to His service as living sacrifices are filled with the Spirit, and are (by faith) dead to self will.

When the Body members get self out of the way – the will, the power, the character, and the indwelling life of Christ will be manifested through us—which in turn exalts our Head—the Lord Jesus.

The heavenly Christ LIVES in and through His Body on earth – as a witness of His power to save a soul… and transform a life… and brings glory to God.

With all of the problems and difficulties involved in Body life and functioning together—this goal is worth it all!

If you love God, you will be involved in what He is doing on earth today: manifesting His Son through the local church!

If you love the Head, you will be faithful to assemble together with and minister to His Body… the local church.

This is a life worth living… the crucified, yet resurrected life.

The church… the Body is dead to this world, yet functions in the world and is connected intimately and organically to the Risen, ascended, glorified, ascended Savior!

When we as members of the Body of Christ are willing to put our all on the altar, put self out of the way, THEN the resurrection power and indwelling LIFE of our Risen Head is manifested to the world for His glory!

The Preeminence of Christ:

In Creation and the New Creation

The Divine Purpose: That He Might Become Preeminent

“In order that He Himself might become the preeminent One.”

a. “He” is the intensive autos, and should be understood to mean “he himself, he and no other” has become the Preeminent One.
• The idea is preeminence belongs to Him and only Him.
• This is highlighted here to serve Paul’s purpose in writing the letter.
• Paul’s purpose in Colossians:
» The Gnostic like false teachers were teaching that Christ was merely one of many emanations from God and that He was NOT the preeminent One.
» Paul affirms that Christ IS in fact the preeminent One—in all things and in every realm!

b. That: the final clause which speaks of God’s purpose: να γένηται ν πα̂σιν ατς πρωτεύων.
• God’s purpose is stated here.
• Christ rose from the dead SO THAT He might become the preeminent One…
• God had a plan for His Son – to make Him the Preeminent One.

c.  Γίνομαι – Ginomai – the word translated “might have” is ginomai in Greek, and means to “become.”
• This is different from saying that Christ always was preeminent in all things.
• The particular KIND of preeminence is linked back to Christ as the Firstborn from the dead.
• Christ is BOTH the firstfruits of the resurrection (first one) and firstborn from the dead (most important one).
• He was the first human being to experience death and then to be raised into the glorified state. He is first both in time and in dignity.
• Here Paul states one of God’s purposes for Christ’s resurrection: so that Christ might BECOME preeminent.
• This implies that He was NOT the preeminent One… but BECAME so in His resurrection.

a. Paul is not saying that Christ’s nature changed. He has always been Divine and preeminent in that sense.

b. But something DID change for Christ in His resurrection: His role and position.
• In the resurrection and ascension, Christ BECAME the HEAD of the Body.
• In His resurrection and ascension, it was God’s purpose that His preeminence would extend to realms beyond… in the heavenlies… as the God-Man.
• It was the Father’s purpose to raise the Son from the dead SO THAT the Son might once again be seated at His right hand in that place of preeminence in glory itself!

c. On earth, Christ demonstrated His preeminence in the old creation.
• Col. 1:15 – even during His earthly period of humiliation, He was still the firstborn of every creature.
• He was first over the old creation.
• He demonstrated that He was Lord of the old creation. The wind and the waves obeyed Him. Sickness melted away at His voice.
• Vs. 16 – In fact, He was Creator! All things were made by Him. (note the connection between 15c & 16a – FOR)

d. By rising from the dead He extended His preeminence into the new creation… into the heavenly sphere… the realm of glory.
• In rising from the dead, His preeminence became universal… over the old and new creations. He is exalted above all—and in every realm!
• This was one of God’s purposes in the resurrection of Christ: that He might become the preeminent One in ALL things… and in every realm… on earth and in heaven…
• BECAME: (ginomai) – Christ BECAME the Head and Preeminent One in the church by means of the resurrection. With respect to the old creation, He was ALWAYS the preeminent One… the Great I Am… Lord.
• But He BECAME Head over the church… the new creation… and new creatures… by means of His bodily resurrection out from among the dead.
» He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven so that He might take that position as the Preeminent One… over all creation… and the new creation… visible and invisible… over all creatures… heaven and earth… all things!
» Phil. 2:9 – He was raised from the dead and then ascended into heaven where He was exalted above all and given a name above every name!
» Heb.1:4 – He obtained a more excellent name than any angel!
» Of course, Paul is speaking about Christ here as the God-Man.
a.) He was eternally LORD of heaven.
b.) Angels worshipped Him as Creator and God before the incarnation.
c.) But Paul is speaking about Christ with respect to His relationship to humanity… as the God-Man.
d.) When He became a man, He emptied Himself and entered a period of mortality and humiliation.
e.) But when He rose from the dead – He BECAME the Preeminent One in glory as MAN—the Man in glory—the God-Man and Redeemer!
f.) And having gained this victory, He is able to bring many sons to glory too! He is thus the forerunner… the firstfruits of the resurrection… and has paved the way for us to follow. Praise God!


In all things:
a. The clause (that he might have preeminence in all things) seems to relate back to the entire section on the glory of Christ—way back to verse 15.

b. By means of the resurrection, the Son was exalted far above all principalities and powers.

c. He extended his preeminence into ALL realms… and ALL things.

Salvation: He alone is the Redeemer (vs. 14)
a. In HIM we have redemption and in no other!
• It was HIS blood that procured forgiveness of sins—and no other sacrifice will do.
• There is no other name under heaven (Acts 4:12).
• He is THE way (John 14:6) He isn’t one among many religious founders: Mohammed; Confucius, Moses… He is in a class by Himself. He is the ONLY Savior. Preeminent.

b. Later Paul notes that Christ as Savior and Redeemer is the preeminent One in that His reconciliation also extends to “all things” both in heaven and on earth. (1:21)

c. He is preeminent as Savior. In fact, the ONLY ONE! (Isa. 43:11)

Creation: He is Creator! He is before all things! He is the firstborn of all creation (vs.15) Preeminent!
a. Note that this section dealing with His supremacy in the old creation begins with “who is” (vs.15).

b. In the realm of physical creation, He is preeminent: Creator; before all; by Him all things consist; firstborn! Lord!

c. The only creatures who don’t seem to grasp this fact are humankind—fallen, sinful creatures like us… who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.

4. New Creation: (vs.18a)
a. Note that this section dealing with His supremacy in the New Creation also begins with “who is”… the beginning of a new paragraph which speaks of the new creation (vs.18b).
b. In this new realm… in the New Creation, Christ is:
• Head of the Body—a whole body of new creatures.
• He is the beginning (arche – ruler; chief; first one)!
• He is the firstborn from the dead!
• All of this speaks of His preeminence in this new realm.


1. The church is part of this New Creation.
a. It is called the New Man in Eph. 2:15.

b. Each member has been spiritually raised up WITH Christ in His resurrection: the new birth.

c. They have also been raised into a new position: In heavenly places (Eph. 2:5-6)

d. It consists of born again members who are called new creatures in Christ (II Cor. 5:17).

e. All of this “newness” is linked to Christ’s resurrection. In fact, the church itself was NEW in that sense. It did not exist before the ascension.

f. Paul states that Christ BECAME the Preeminent One in this new realm… in the church by means of resurrection and exaltation.

g. We have a RISEN Savior who has entered into a new sphere… the realm of glory… and raises up His Body to SHARE in His heavenly position.

h. In that new realm, Christ is to have all the preeminence: in the church.

i. This is awesome truth revealed.

2. But it is not just doctrinal information. It is quite practical too.
a. That He might have all preeminence in this new realm: the Body of Christ in the church… in THIS church!

b. This is really what it means to be a separatist: we are separated UNTO HIM. (from sin, the world, apostasy, yes, but UNTO Him)
• We so often think of separation from the negative perspective. (One who doesn’t participate in ecumenism; rejects neo-evangelicalism; the charismatic movement; heresy.) (separation FROM)
• But it is the POSITIVE side of separation that is most important: separated UNTO CHRIST.
• The separated one has his eyes on Christ.
• Separation stems from an absolute love for Christ and a desire to please Him in everything… to honor Him… and to give HIM preeminence in all things.
• If other folks don’t want to be separated unto Christ, that’s up to them. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord… give HIM first place AS LORD… He gets the preeminent position… in our lives and in this church.

c. Col. 3:23 – whatever we do here is to be done heartily as UNTO HIM… and not unto men. We serve the Lord Christ (vs. 24).

d. We are commanded to be HOLY for He is holy.
• Holiness is being separated unto Him.
• As holiness and purity is upheld here, in individual lives and corporately as a church body, we are giving Christ the preeminence that He deserves.

e. He doesn’t have the preeminence here because we painted the words on the wall.
• That is an expression of our desire to give Him preeminence, but it is certainly not a fulfillment of that desire.
• It is a mockery to SAY Christ has preeminence here… and then for us to behave as if WE had the preeminence.
• Christ has preeminence in the church we walk before Him in humble obedience… bowing before His word and His will. (Why call ye me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say?)

f. Christ has preeminence here when each one of us keeps SELF on the cross… and the resurrected Christ expresses His LIFE and will in this body through yielded, surrendered, Spirit filled members.

g. We demonstrate our desire to give Him preeminence when we sing hymns that are in harmony with His Word and exalt Him… not by singing sensual or worldly music that appeals to the flesh… self reigns then.

h. We demonstrate our desire to give Him preeminence by our deportment in the Lord’s house… by what we say… what we wear… how we behave… and the respect we give to Him here.

i. When the church body assembles together, it isn’t like going to McDonalds. We come here to honor God; show respect to Him; to express worship; reverence; to be still and know that He is God. This is different than anywhere else in the world.

j. This is REALLY what’s wrong with the new way of worship today: the casual, come as you are, anything goes, don’t rock the boat, emphasis on entertainment, psychology and meeting felt needs, user-friendly, non-confrontational kind of church. It is man-centered rather than Christ-centered. MAN has preeminence in that setting, not Christ. And it is all so VERY obvious… Do they really think the Lord doesn’t notice?

3. If Christ is to have preeminence here, then MEN are NOT to have preeminence here. The very meaning of preeminence forbids it’s being “shared.” You can only have ONE master.
a. II John 9 – Diotrephes loved to have the preeminence and is soundly rebuked by John for his self-centeredness, pride, and divisiveness and for treating members of Christ’s body so poorly.

b. No man is to have preeminence in the church: Christ only. Churches built around the personality of the pastor or any other man, do not exalt Christ. They exalt man.

c. Gal. 6:3 – we think we are something; God says we are nothing! (Imagine preaching this verse in Schuller’s Glass Cathedral?!) Christ is something… we are nothing.

d. Eph. 3:8 – we are to be like Paul and consider ourselves to be the least… and give Christ the proper place He deserves.

e. Col. 3:11 – in the Body, Christ is all. Period.

f. Martin Luther once said, “God created the world out of nothing and as long as we are “nothing” God can make something out of us!”

g. Our real value comes only in our relationship to Christ… we are in Him… We are but dust… but a piece of dust for whom Christ died to raise up… and indwell… and manifest HIMSELF through us!

4. The preeminence of Christ in our lives is demonstrated by the preeminence we give to His Body.
a. Good Samaritan illustration… (Imagine if you saw Fred lying on the side of the road, beaten, wounded, bleeding, writhing in pain. Could you really say, I love Fred but I don’t like his body, therefore, I will not help him. Fred is my preeminent friend, but I am not so concerned about his body, so I think I will walk on by and ignore his body… but I really like Fred!)

b. If Christ is preeminent in our thinking, then will His Body be. The Head and the Body are inseparable. Don’t try to separate them in our thinking.

c. When Saul of Tarsus was persecuting the Body of Christ, Jesus said, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou ME?!”

d. As we minister to members of the Body of Christ, everything is to be done on the principle of grace.
• We minister to that member for his good… but ultimately, and above and beyond that, we minister for the glory of Christ!
• The member himself may not be worthy of such good treatment and care, but Christ is! By exercising grace to His Body, we are demonstrating the preeminence Christ has in our lives.
• We want CHRIST to be magnified.
• Our goal of ministering to His Body is not the individual member alone, but that “Christ be formed in you”… so that Christ is magnified… that that member might be conformed to HIS image for HIS glory.

e. If Christ is preeminent, we should desire that the Body be a good witness OF CHRIST in the community…
holy, pure, just, chaste, gracious… (I Pet. 2:9 – to show forth HIS praises)

f. We should BE and DO everything we can toward that end… as God so leads.

5. A Church where Christ is truly HEAD… the Preeminent One will not go over well in our country in our day and age.
a. Here’s a warning, a heads up: this kind of church is not what people are looking for today in the me generation.
• Folks call all the time seeking what they can GET out of the local church. How will it benefit me, my needs, my family, my goals in life?
• Folks are looking for friends, social activities, things for their kids to do; soccer teams; games; programs; etc.
• Folks call looking for a school; a day care center; etc.
• Folks call looking for the now well-entrenched expectation of a long menu of specialized ministry offerings to make them happy.
• I have yet to have a family call inquiring about the church and ask, “Is Christ central there? Is He the preeminent One in Salem Bible Church?”

b. We highlight only one item on our menu: Christ… the Risen and glorified Savior. If folks don’t like that, they will never like it here.

c. Christ IS to have all the preeminence… and by God’s grace it will stay that way.

d. All those “other things” people are looking for are just that… other things… minor sub points… peripheral issues… footnotes… not that they are wrong or evil… but ancillary to the Preeminent One.

e. The Bible is exceptionally clear. The church is to be Christ-centered, not man-centered. Pleasing Christ is our goal, not pleasing men. Putting the will of Christ in the central place, not the will, desires, and expectations of men.
• The Bible plan and pattern is exactly the OPPOSITE of what is being taught in Christian schools today: where the church is marketed like a product… and caters to the whims and wishes of the “customer.”
• The problem with the church marketing that has taken over the evangelical world (and in many fundamental circles!) is not that it doesn’t work. It is that it isn’t right. It is thoroughly MAN-centered… to the core.
• What could be more opposite the simple Christ-centered plan that God has ordained?

f. And this man-centered thinking has become nearly universal in the evangelical world. I am not exaggerating.
• Willow Creek. Their influence is stunning.
• Willow Creek Community Church (near Chicago), pastored by Bill Hybels, has formed its own association of churches, with 9,500 members. Last year, 100,000 church leaders attended at least one Willow Creek leadership conference.
• Saddleback Valley Community Church (south of Los Angeles), pastored by Rick Warren has had more than 250,000 pastors and church leaders from over 125 countries attend Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Church seminars. More than 60,000 pastors subscribe to his weekly email newsletter.

g. I thank God for the godly men who warned me about this 25-30 years ago. They saw the early traces of man-centeredness in infiltrating into new-evangelical ministries way back then, and it disturbed them… and they warned us.

h. I could easily have been swept up by this new wave were it not for God’s grace in giving me such discerning teachers.

i. I thank God that they had the discernment to see it coming. But today you don’t need much discernment to see it: It is blatant… open… it is everywhere in the evangelical world. It has taken over the evangelical world… because it is so successful in the eyes of men. The flesh can do great things on its own… it can build empires, but in God’s sight it is but wood, hay, and stubble.

j. And churches who stand opposed to that tidal wave coming over our country—like this one—will eventually be relegated to the realm of the insignificant… only a tiny remnant hardly noticed by the world.
• But God notices. (Mal. 3:16-17)
• When we were on vacation the Lord led us to such a remnant of godly believers in Utah… tiny, but significant in God’s eyes—for CHRIST had the preeminence in that place and it was obvious.

k. Another problem we face as an assembly is that now that this new way of “doing church” has been around for a while, it has become the “norm” in the minds of many. It has created unbiblical expectations in the minds and hearts of many believers who know of nothing else.

l. Folks coming to our assembly and increasingly will consider it boring, quiet, lacking excitement, old fashioned, and not offering them the long menu of ministries they have grown to expect. I expect to see, as we have, a constant flow of such folks who come to sip, taste, and discover that we are not meeting their expectations, so they will drift on till they find what they are looking for.

m. But every once in a while, folks will come here who are genuinely hungry for truth… for His Word… for Christ.
• They will be tired of milk and will hungering for meat.
• They will grow weary of hearing men talk about what great things they did or are doing FOR Christ… and will hunger to learn about Christ Himself!
• There will be a few whose goal it is to KNOW HIM and the power of His resurrection!
• They will be tired of the external excitement of loud music and high-energy programs… and will find true DELIGHT in God working in their hearts… thrilling them with a deeper knowledge of who HE is…
• And they will find real satisfaction in a ministry that lacks the high tech glitz, but centers on and focuses on CHRIST… the Risen, glorified Savior who alone can feed the hungry soul!

n. This church exists for such folks.
• We are committed to preaching Christ and giving HIM the preeminence.
• And folks looking for something other than that will never be happy here. But that’s okay. We are not trying to be all things to all men.
• But there will always be a remnant of folks who are looking for just this kind of emphasis…tired of feeding on chaff and hungry for the Bread of Life.

o. What other churches do is up to them. That’s not my responsibility. This church is. I only bring this up because we are surrounded by this new influence. It is not only in Chicago and LA… it is here in the Merrimack Valley too! And I don’t want to see our folks look horizontally to find out how a church should function.

p. We should look to Christ and His Word and follow His pattern for the local church regardless of what other churches are doing and regardless of how successful those other methods seem to be.

q. Jesus Christ is the Living Word. This book is the written Word. It is HIS will in print. It is His character and life in print. We give HIM the preeminence when we give His WORD preeminence…
• That’s why we have full-length sermons from the Word and not mini sermonettes.
• That’s why every time we meet we have a Bible study.
• That’s why we approach the Bible in a reverent manner.
• And every one of us can participate in exalting Christ and giving Him preeminence by BOWING our hearts in humble obedience and reverence before His Word every time we open it together!
• Unto HIM be glory in the church… throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.


  • He invites you to come to Him and trust in Him.
  • BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved.
  • He shed His blood and died on the cross and paid the penalty for all of your sins. They are already paid in full… once and for all.
  • He rose again… proving that the Father accepted His payment.
  • He finished all the work… and has left NOTHING for you to do but by faith RECEIVE the gift… eternal life.
  • Jesus said, “He that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”
  • Won’t you come to Him today?

The Preeminence of Christ:

Divine and Human Responsibility

The Biblical Basis for a Christ-Centered Life

1. Ground we have covered in vs. 18:

a. Head of the Body – authority over the Body

b. The Resurrection and our Resurrected Head

c. A Heavenly Head and an Earthly Body

d. His Preeminence in the Body Corporately

2. Today we will look at Christ’s preeminence over individual members of His Body.

A Christ-Centered Life Is the Work of the Holy Spirit

1. It is not natural for CHRIST to have preeminence in a life. It is supernatural.

a. It is natural for SELF to have the preeminence.

b. Let’s face it, the three most important people in your life and mine are “me, myself, and I.”

c. It is natural to give self first place. It is not right, but it is natural. It is the way man in his natural state self operates.

d. And this isn’t learned behavior either. It is innate. Our fallen nature is programmed to think and operate this way. Little children behave this way: all by themselves!

e. This is universal. It is human nature. It is the same in every age and in every culture.

f. In the life of every son of Adam, SELF rules. Self has all the preeminence.

g. Matt. 6:1-2: This is true even in the lives of those who seem so sacrificial and have given their lives for others.
• Behind the good works of every unsaved man is SELF-reigning… self taking preeminence.
• In the life of every unsaved religious or moral man, there is inner craving for recognition, approval of men, applause, making a name for oneself, or even personal satisfaction.
• Every ounce of this is motivated by the old nature… the self life… which is always contrary to God… an inner desire for self exaltation.
• Jesus exposed this in the life of Pharisees. They were such men.
• Whether it is a Mother Theresa, a Mahatma Gandhi, good works are often done with impure motives… mixed motives at best.
• I Cor. 13:3 – Paul said that it is possible to give away all your goods to the poor and have your body burned as a martyr, and still do it without any real love…which is self sacrificing. No love for God… it can all be done out to EXALT self… so that people will think highly of you… admire you… praise you… perhaps write a book about you… make on the six o’clock news!
• It is human nature… it is NATURAL to give SELF the place of preeminence.
• It doesn’t help to pretend that this is not so. It is so.

2. The genuine manifestation of the preeminence of Christ in a life requires the supernatural work of God to overcome that ingrained tendency of the flesh within us. It requires the work of the Holy Spirit.

a. Even if a person truly DESIRES to make Christ preeminent in his life, and tries as hard as he can, he is doomed to failure.
• For whatever WE do, is in the end, a manifestation of OUR efforts and of the natural powers of the flesh…a manifestation of self and not a manifestation of Christ.
• The harder we work at it, the better imitation we can produce, but it’s still an imitation… a counterfeit Christian life.
• A religious man who is dedicated and works hard at it… even a saved man who is untaught and works hard at it, might be able to manufacture a life that could be passed off as a life where Christ is preeminent…it might look like the real thing… and he might be able to fool men.
• But God knows the difference between that which is genuine and a counterfeit Christian life… a counterfeit attempt at exalting Christ.
• NO matter how hard we try to produce “A Christ-like life wherein Christ has the preeminence” ourselves, the end product is always a work of the flesh… man’s best effort perhaps, but a counterfeit.
• Man at his best state is altogether vanity.
• There is nothing the flesh can produce that is ever pleasing to God.
• The old self life can be cultured; made religious; reformed; dressed up; become sophisticated… but its selfish nature can NEVER be changed by our efforts. That which is flesh is flesh. A leopard cannot change his spots.

b. The flesh can NEVER produce a Christ-centered life. It is the very nature of the flesh to be SELF-centered.
• The flesh is not opposed to producing a counterfeit Christ-centered life…
• But the flesh is always opposed to exalting Christ… though not at all opposed to religious efforts which ultimately exalt self.
• Rom. 7:18, 22-23 – And even in a regenerated mind, where a believer genuinely DESIRES to lead a Christ-centered life, on his own, how to perform it always escapes him… and he is doomed to failure.
• There is no good thing in the flesh, and the flesh is simply unable to produce REAL Christ-likeness… a life where Christ truly has preeminence.
• It isn’t a matter of will or desire. It is a matter of ability. They that are in the flesh CANNOT please God.

3. Christ is preeminent in our lives ONLY when we are filled with the Spirit… controlled by the Spirit of God.

a. The Holy Spirit came to fill us… but the purpose of Spirit filling is not to accentuate the Spirit, but Christ.

b. John 16:13-14 – the Spirit came to exalt Christ in every way.

c. Rom. 8:2 refers to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus. The role of the Holy Spirit is to make the indwelling life of Christ PREEMINENT in our lives… so that HIS life is manifested, not our old self life.

d. When the Spirit is in control of our lives, Christ will be on our heart.
• HE will be the preeminent One in our affections and our thinking.
• He will be the Object of our attention.

e. As we yield to the Holy Spirit and are filled with the Holy Spirit, then Christ’s life is magnified in and through our mortal bodies… to the glory of God.
• At any given moment, either Christ or SELF has preeminence in our lives.
• He has all the preeminence and we have none—or vice versa.

f. The Spirit’s ministry is to gradually conform us more to the image of Christ (II Cor. 3:18).
• Hence, there is a sense in which the place and preeminence of Christ in our lives ought to be GROWING and increasing.
• The longer we are filled with the Spirit… the more of Christ will be manifested in our lives… and the less of self.
• He increasingly has the preeminence in our lives until we can say, “For to me to live is Christ.”
• When that is the case, the preeminence of Christ is not just a slogan but a reality.
• And yet in another sense, we will NEVER arrive at that point completely… there is always MORE to go…
• There will always be more ugly expressions of self and our old man that need to be put back on the cross…and kept there by faith.
• We should always be pressing toward the mark of our high calling… which is Christ-likeness… till we reach glory.
• While we will NEVER obtain perfection in this life, as we grow in Christ, those periods where self is reigning should be less and less frequent… with Christ reigning for longer periods uninterrupted…

g. When we are filled with “self,” the ugliness of the flesh is manifested.

h. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that our old nature is held in check… reckoned to be dead… so that instead of SELF sitting on the throne and having the preeminence, it is CHRIST sitting on the throne and having preeminence.

i. In the life of the Spirit filled believer, it is CHRIST who is to have the preeminence, not self… not even the Holy Spirit, but Christ.

j. The power of the Holy Spirit enables us to keep our eyes on Christ… and in turn, as we keep our eyes on Christ, we can count on the power of the Holy Spirit to keep on filling us…

k. Sir Robert Anderson: “In proportion therefore as mind and heart are fixed on Christ, we may count on the Spirit’s presence and power, but if we make the Holy Spirit Himself the object of our aspirations and worship, some false spirit may counterfeit the true and take us for a prey.”

4. A life where Christ is truly PREEMINENT… a life where Christ is exalted and not self… requires the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit… the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

a. As we keep our eyes on Christ by faith… as we behold His glory, we are changed into that same image… even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

b. The more we are changed into His image… the more of Christ is manifested through us… the more preeminence Christ really HAS in our lives.

c. Gal. 4:19 – the ministry of the Spirit is to FORM CHRIST in us… His character, holiness, love, mercy, justice, righteousness, grace and truth.

d. The goal is that Christ is seen in us… no longer I but Christ. He is to have all the preeminence.

e. This is all the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.

A Christ-Centered Life Involves the Human Will

1. The example of salvation/regeneration.

a. Regeneration is completely the work of the Holy Spirit.

b. We are born of the Spirit. (John 3:6)

c. It is a supernatural work we will never fully comprehend. It is like the work of the wind… we see its effects and know of its reality… but we don’t know how…

d. The new birth is not of blood, of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man… but of God. It is a supernatural work. (John 1:13)

e. Yet man’s responsibility is to believe and receive (John 1:12).

f. If man will BELIEVE (trust God), then the Spirit of God will regenerate that person… and in that order!

g. God does the work, but we are to BELIEVE… we are to entrust our eternal destiny into God’s hands…

h. If we come in faith, the Spirit of God will regenerate us. If we believe, God will save us. He saves ANYONE who will come and turns none away.

i. Jesus put it this way: “Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:29)

j. All those who come to Christ in simple, childlike faith will be saved… and experience peace with God… and rest for their soul.

k. So COME and be saved is the gospel message. It is that simple.

l. When we come, the Spirit regenerates us and Christ is now our Savior… not our Judge to condemn us, but our Savior.

2. When a person DOES come to Christ and is saved, he is simultaneously regenerated by the Spirit, indwelt by the Spirit, baptized by the Spirit into the Body of Christ, and filled with the Spirit.

a. All of these supernatural works of the Spirit are once and for all works and are permanent… except the filling ministry.

b. As every true child of God sadly experiences, as time goes on, we often drift away… and lean on the flesh… and return to a life of flesh and self-centeredness.

c. Sometimes that occurs because of ignorance of God’s Word; sometimes it occurs gradually and is not even noticed… sometimes it is because we are tripped up by this or that sin…

d. But it happens…

e. And the result is that we have a child of God—a genuinely born again person—who is not filled with the Spirit… and hence Christ is not preeminent in his life.

f. A true believer: but carnal, worldly, self-centered.

3. Theologians from all different perspectives have some up with all kinds of methods of dealing with this problem:

a. Some revert to legalism—as did the false teachers in Colossae.

b. Some revert to psychology—as do many believers today.

c. Some revert to an unhealthy emphasis on the Holy Spirit—as do folks in the charismatic movement today.

d. Some rely on human ingenuity and goodness—as do the liberal theologians.

e. Religion seeks to reform this old man… and prune him down… but never gets at the root of the problem.

4. It is a very real problem… it occurs all too often. (Christ is Savior, but not preeminent… believers who are alive spiritually but are not living for the Lord…)

a. Theologians have invented a lot of different TERMS to describe ways to deal with this problem.

b. Some in Reformed circles even seem to imply that the problem doesn’t exist—they say that if you are justified you are sanctified… and if you are not sanctified, then you are not justified. (lack of recognition of positional truth)

c. It doesn’t help to pretend. The reality is that there ARE true believers in whose lives (at any given point) Christ is NOT preeminent.

d. It boils down to a simple choice: who is going to RULE in my life? Self or Christ? Who is the preeminent One in YOUR life?

5. Preeminence does not exist in degrees.

a. The term for preeminence in Col. 1:18 is only used once in the New Testament… and it means “to be first; to hold first place.”

b. There is no such thing as being “almost” preeminent or “partially” preeminent…

c. Christ is to be preeminent… He is Lord and doesn’t share that role with us!

d. One man noted a distinction between prominent or preeminent
• Would you say to your wife, “honey, you are prominent in all my affections?” She would then want to know, WHO ELSE is prominent in your affections?
• But if you said, “Honey, you are preeminent in my affections,” that would settle it. She is the ONLY one!
• Prominent conveys the idea of one important entity among other important entities.
e. Another man made distinction between three terms: place; prominence; and preeminence.
• Christ has a place in my heart. This is the believer who has a place for Christ in his life… and when convenient, and doesn’t interfere with other activities, Christ might even have first place. But if not, He always has some place… often tucked away and hidden… but present. Christ is one of many masters in this life. On occasion He is taken out, dusted off, and shown some respect!
• Christ is prominent in my life (among other prominent aspects of my life) This is the believer who is generally faithful… and Christ plays a prominent role in his life. Of course, there are other prominent slices of his life… while Christ is usually chosen over other things… He has general control over that life… but that is not always the case.
• Christ has preeminence – there is no other; he IS my life. This is the place of total surrender, where the believer walks in the Spirit consistently and Christ is thus given the preeminent position He deserves. Christ rules in that heart. There is no other.
» God is a jealous god. He tolerates no rivals.
» Isa. 45:21-23 – no others!
» This is the position Christ demands in the church and in the lives of every member of the Body of Christ. BOW before Him as Lord.

6. There is really only ONE rival to Christ having preeminence in our lives: SELF!

a. We sometimes think of His rivals as things in our lives: golf; skiing; money; entertainment; clothes; career; music; art; hunting; etc…

b. But those things are not really the problem. The game of golf isn’t the problem. The existence of money in the world isn’t the problem. Nor are the various forms of entertainment the problem.

c. Those are only SYMPTOMS of the problem. The real problem is SELF-rule… those “things” are merely manifestations of HOW we express self-rule in our lives.

d. The battle in the Christian life… that which hinders Christ from having the place of preeminence in our lives is not any of those things. It is not a battle between Christ and golf. It is a battle between Christ and me, myself, and I!

e. Legalism teaches: stop doing this or that…and then Christ will be preeminent. Not so. You are only dealing with the symptoms; you haven’t dealt with the ROOT of the problem.

f. The ROOT of the problem… the main hindrance to a Christ centered life is SELF.

g. If we want a Christ centered life, then we have to deal with the ROOT of the problem.

7. Theologians have come with all kinds of terms to describe how to deal with the self-life.

a. Second work of grace – used by various groups with several different—and confusing—meanings

b. A crisis experience: which implies that this occurs during a crisis in one’s life.

c. Making Christ Lord of our lives… even though such language never occurs in the Bible. He IS Lord. We don’t make Him so.

d. Keswick has come up with the terms, the crucified life.

e. Ron Hession refers to it as brokenness…

f. Hudson Taylor spoke of coming to an end of self.

g. Lewis Sperry Chafer called it dedication/consecration.

h. Andrew Murray called it Absolute Surrender.

i. Each of these expressions is legitimate and attempts to give a biblical concept a “name.”

8. Rather than inventing more terms and adding to the confusion, let’s just look at what the Bible actually SAYS and let the Scriptures speak for themselves.

a. The Scriptures DO address this issue… and we ought to KNOW what the Bible says.

b. A balanced, Christ-centered life – a life wherein Christ is truly exalted and glorified IS the work of the Holy Spirit. He conforms us to the image of Christ and exalts the Lord Jesus in our lives.

c. BUT—it also requires personal involvement on our part.

d. We don’t just let go and let God.

e. God expects us to USE our faculties: to think, trust, yield, and obey.

The Preeminence of Christ:

The Yoke


§ Last week we discussed the fact that a Christ-centered life is the work of the Holy Spirit… a supernatural work.

§ We also noted that WE have personal responsibility in this as well. It is God’s work in us, but it requires a response of faith.

§ We also discussed at length the one obstacle to that in the Christian life: SELF.

§ The battle for preeminence is between Christ and Self… who will rule and reign in our lives?

§ Self is the problem. Theologians have invented lots of different terms for ways to deal with this problem… and sometimes the terms are confusing.

§ Christ will NEVER be in the position of preeminence in our lives experientially until self is dealt with at the cross.

§ Let’s look at the Bible itself and the language GOD uses to describe our responsibility is living a Christ-centered life.

A. SUBMITTING TO HIS YOKE: Matt. 11:29-30—It is possible to be saved—to receive Christ’s salvation, but not to submit to His yoke.

1. Jesus uses the illustration of a YOKE… an illustration the people would be familiar with.

a. The people He addresses here were Jews who had lived under the bondage of the law and Pharisee’s form of legalism.

b. The Sadducees and Pharisees “bind heavy burdens and grievous to be born, and lay them on men’s shoulders.” (Mt. 23:4)

c. In the days of the early church, the apostles referred to the law as a “yoke.” (Acts 15:10)

d. In the Old Testament, the law was a heavy yoke… bondage… that they were unable to bear. Those living under the law were heavy laden with the rigors of the law… and the traditions of men that were added to it.

e. The weariness of religion arises from the fact that its work is never done… no matter how many good works a man does, it’s not enough… the law demonstrated that with its system of continual sacrifice.

2. Christ made it clear in this passage, that there are TWO commands He gives.

a. Come unto Me – come in faith and be saved… and experience rest of soul… peace with God. This happens in a moment of time.
• The invitation to COME is an invitation to salvation.
• The Scriptures often use this concept as a synonym for “believe”
» John 6:37 – He who comes to Me I will in no wise cast out.
» John 6:35 – I am the bread of life. He that comes to me shall never hunger.
» Rev. 22:17 – The Spirit says, “Come; and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.”
» Isa. 55:1 – “Ho every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters…”
» Salvation really is that simple: COME to Christ in simple faith…
• Christ offers men RELIEF from the heavy burdens of the Sadducees and Pharisees.
• Christ invites men to come to Him and to enter into a personal relationship with Him.
• In vs. 20-24 Jesus rebukes cities of Israel for their unbelief and for their refusal to repent at the revelation given to them.
• Next Jesus turns to individuals and calls them to repentance… to change their minds and come to Him in faith.
• It is not an invitation to join a church; to change religions; or to a program.
• It is a call to come to Christ in faith—and all who come will be received and none turned away.

b. Take my yoke upon you – submit to my will completely; come to an end of your own will… your own goals and plans; your own life… This takes a lifetime to master…
• MY yoke; in contrast to a yoke of Law or the Sadducees and Pharisees.
• Our Reformed friends accuse us of being “lawless” because we teach the believer is not under the law.
• Not so. True, we are to throw off the yoke of the law… but we are not abandoning ALL yokes.
• Rather, we are exchanging yokes… from the law to Christ… from being yoked to stone tablets of Law to being yoked to a gracious Person.
• Paul put it this way: we are dead to the law so that we might be married to Christ. (Rom. 7)
• Jesus invites us to be yoked in HIS yoke… yoked together with Him.
• This yoke represents not salvation, but discipleship… submission to Christ in all that is involved in being a disciple.
• I Tim. 6:1 – “Let as many servants who are under the yoke count their own masters worthy…” A yoke speaks of being in submission to a master.
• “Learn of Me” = verb form of the noun for disciple. Take my yoke and be my disciple.
• Just as in the Great Commission: they were to make converts (salvation) and then to teach (make disciples). One can become a convert in a moment of time. But it takes a lifetime to LEARN of Christ… and to implement all that is involved in discipleship.

3. Christ was speaking here about the distinction between salvation and discipleship.

a. It is possible to be a disciple (a religious student) and not a true believer. Judas was such a man. Judas was a disciple for 3 ½ years—and was well taught—but was not saved. Churches are filled with such folks today.

b. It is also possible to be a believer (one who is born again) and not be a disciple… a disciplined one… not a well-taught student.
• Lot was a true believer… he was a just man… but not a dedicated disciple.
• The Corinthians were genuinely saved, yet not very dedicated to Christ. They were saints positionally, but not very sanctified saints! Christ was not preeminent in the lives of many of those believers. Self was!
• The thief on the cross was a true believer, but not very well taught… not a student… a disciple. There was no time for discipleship there.

4. It is possible to come to Christ for salvation… and then, after a while, to BALK about submitting to His yoke.

a. This is what Christ speaks about in Matt. 11:30 – wearing His yoke.

b. Consider what is involved in submitting to His Yoke:
• Putting our head in His yoke is an act of our will… it is our choice. Will I choose to submit or not?
• To do so is an expression of a Christ-like attitude as when Christ said, “Not my will but Thine be done.”
• It is an acknowledgement that my life is no longer my own. There is a surrendering of your own life… your own way… your own will when you submit to a yoke.
• Submitting to that yoke means it is no longer I but Christ.
• It is recognition of a new authority in one’s life.
• It is the place of absolute surrender… submitting to the yoke of slavery to Christ…
• All of this and more is intentionally implied by our Lord’s use of the concept of a yoke.

5. It is a fearful thing to surrender your life… your time… all you are and all you have… to another.

a. Christ is not preeminent until we bow before Him and submit our neck to His yoke.

b. That means that He has veto power over all decisions.

c. It means He is the absolute authority over EVERY aspect of our lives… every day… all things…

d. This does not come to us naturally. It’s not an easy choice.

e. It is natural for us to want to be the masters of our own destinies… to be in charge… to have preeminence in our lives.

f. The yoke was a symbol of yieldedness or submission.

g. The opposite of that spirit was illustrated by the concept of being stiffnecked – like a lazy, stubborn bull who stiffened his neck so that the yoke could not be put on…
• Acts 7:51 – being stiffnecked is likened to resisting the Holy Spirit…
• II Chron. 30:8 – don’t be stiffnecked, but yield yourselves to the Lord.

6. Of course, it is only fearful to submit to Christ’s yoke when we have a shallow concept of who He is.

a. The lazy, stubborn bull was afraid to put his neck in the yoke because he learned by experience that the burden was heavy. He would have to plow fields.

b. The one who doesn’t know Christ very well might be intimidated to put his head in that yoke.
• And rightly so! Who would be so foolish as to turn over absolute control of their entire life to a total stranger?
• That’s why Jesus invites men to come to Him… also to LEARN of Him.
• We are to come to Him in faith and be saved… trust Him as Savior.
• Then we are to continue learning of Him… and growing in faith… entrusting more and more into His care… as we learn of Him.

c. When we realize that He is omniscient – He knows the end from the beginning… and that He loves us with an everlasting love and wants that which is BEST for us… and that He is omnipotent and has all power to enable us… when we learn that He is sovereign and has a plan for our lives… for good… and is working all things together for good… and when we realize that He is faithful – He will never leave us nor forsake us…

d. The more we learn of Him… the more confident we become in entrusting more and more of our lives to His control.

e. When we KNOW HIM… then submitting to Him… surrendering our lives to His care is no longer fearful… but we feel quite safe and secure. He’s a Good Shepherd, leading us to green pastures and still waters.

f. As times goes on and we come to know Him better and better, submitting to Him in new areas of our lives will not be fearful either. We learn by experience that His way is perfect!

g. Christ is the perfect Teacher.
• He does not unload everything on the new believer all at once—and expect perfection and a level of dedication that it took older believers a lifetime to grow into…
• He does not show us His will for the rest of our lives… all the difficulties ahead on life’s pathway.
• Rather, the yoke is worn moment by moment; step by step; giving us grace and strength that is needed moment by moment. As thy days, so shall thy strength be.
• We don’t have to worry about where this yoke might lead us next year or in five years… or whether we will be able to “make it.”
• He promises never to give us a temptation or a burden greater than we will be able to bear… remember we are yoked to HIM… He bears the weight.
• It would be terrifying to turn over one’s life to a stranger… but not to One who continually proves Himself to be a Good Shepherd…

7. When viewed from this perspective, it would be quite fearful NOT to follow His will and leading.

a. Who knows where our fallen nature would lead us?
• Why not entrust your life into His care?
• It is not in man to direct His steps.
• I was in charge of my life for a while, and didn’t do so well.
• I was more than happy to step aside turn over the steering wheel to someone infinitely more competent than I.
• As we learn more of Him, we learn that His way is perfect. Man’s way is anything but perfect.

b. If we know Christ, it is not a fearful thing to submit to His yoke.
• His yoke is easy!
» Easy: fit, fit for use, useful; virtuous, good; manageable. mild, pleasant (as opp. to harsh, hard sharp, bitter).
» It speaks of a yoke that is suitable for us; fitted to each one of us uniquely…
• The burden is light
» Light: light; agile;
» This term is used only here and in II Cor. 4:17 – “our light affliction.” It is light when we see it from eternity’s perspective…
» Our burden is also light because when yoked with Christ, we WILL see life from eternity’s perspective.
» That makes our trials and burdens easy to bear… light… when we see they are temporary… and not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us!
» The burden is light because when yoked together with Him in submission, we have access to omnipotence in bearing that burden! HE is our strength!
• He invites us to come to Him and He replaces the weariness and heavy burdens with REST… peace of mind and heart…
• The weight doesn’t go away. Trials don’t end because we enter the yoke, but in that trial we can KNOW that the weight will never crush us… no testing will be more than we care bear… we are now yoked to Christ… omnipotence!
• It does make GOOD sense to submit to His yoke. (Or as Paul put it, presenting our bodies as a sacrifice to Him is a REASONABLE service.)
• It might be fearful and might sound crazy to those who do not know the Lord… but when we know Christ and are learning more of Him, then, submission to His yoke is perfectly reasonable.

8. There is no Spirit-filled life apart from submission to Christ’s yoke. They go hand in hand.

a. Not until we submit to His control will we experience God’s power in our lives.

b. But when we DO submit, we experience a closeness to Christ never experienced outside of that yoke…

c. When we lose our life (our control over our life) and submit to His yoke…then we truly FIND our life… abundant life!

d. When we submit, and insert our head in His yoke, we are no longer pulling the load of life alone. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

e. Christ is in that yoke with us. We are strengthened with ALL might according to HIS glorious power… unto ALL patience; we are strong IN THE LORD… this is the power of the Holy Spirit.

f. It is not that God makes US stronger.
• Actually our real strength is in recognizing our weakness.
• Rather we experience HIS strength and HIS power in HIS yoke.
• Christ pulls the weight. Our job is simply to walk by His glorious side in humble submission… When we do that, His yoke is easy… His burden light.

g. Christ’s yoke yokes us together with Him… His power… His wisdom… His will… His strength… His guidance…His presence… His fruit.

h. He leads the way; He pulls the load; He carries the burden, and He gives us rest.

i. The branch abiding in the Vine has access to all the power of the Vine. The branch that is yielded, abiding submission to the Vine is FILLED with all the Vine is!

j. That little branch finds that when it is yielded to the Vine, it has all it needs and is at rest and is perfectly content… even if it is stormy outside. Good fruit is the result of that relationship.

k. Whatever we accomplish when submitted to that yoke will count for eternity… gold, silver, and precious stones… we will be walking in the works He has ordained for us… and will receive a WELL DONE…

9. When we bow our head to insert it into His yoke, we are turning over our will to His… our life to His care… our self to Himself…

a. The control and authority we formerly exercised over our lives is turned over to His control… it is no longer I but Christ from that point on.

b. The yoke is a symbol of the ABANDONMENT of self will and self rule…

c. Only when self and self will are put out of the way can we be submitted to His yoke.

d. This is an either/or situation. Preeminence knows no degrees.

e. Either “I” am outside the yoke… refusing to submit and thus “I” am ruling my life… OR I bow in submission, and Christ has preeminence.

f. Only THEN can we say that Christ is preeminent in our lives… when we choose to submit to His yoke.

g. Only when we come to an end of self and self will are we ready to bow in submission to Christ as Lord… insert our head in His yoke… is Christ preeminent in our lives.

10.Have you done that? Is there something you are holding back? Is there an area of your life where you are NOT ready to yield to the Lord?

a. If so, then don’t run away from Him

b. Come and LEARN of Him…

c. Learning of Him is God’s means of breaking down our resistance.
• The law says, “Do or die.” It demands submission… but offers no power or incentive other than judgment.
• Grace says, “Learn of Me.” Whatever level of discipleship you are at… whatever level of understanding… or what ever level of dedication… there is MORE to learn of Christ.
• As we learn of Him, we are attracted to the Savior…
• The more we learn of Him the more we learn how we can REST in His finished work…rest because we know our work is done and the victory is won!
• As we learn of Him, the things of earth grow strangely dim… in the light of His glory and grace!
• Grace also demands submission—of a different sort. It is a yoke, but not the yoke of the law – it is the yoke of Christ.
• Grace demands submission, but also provides the POWER of the Holy Spirit to walk… and grace provides another kind of motivation: LOVE.
• As we learn of Christ, our love for the Savior increases… and God changes us from the inside out… so that we genuinely WANT to submit to His will and follow His way…
• In fact, we find DELIGHT in submitting to His will.

And in a strange way—when we lose our life by surrendering it over to Him… we actually FIND our life… and abundant life…


a. Jesus made a distinction in this passage between two lines of thought:
• Salvation and discipleship…
• Coming to Him in faith to be saved and taking on the yoke – submitting to Him…
• Two kinds of rest: one is “given”… and one is “found.”

b. I will GIVE you rest.
• Those who come to Christ for salvation are given rest.
• Rest: the war is over; no longer enemies of God; peace WITH God…
• The sinner who is struggling with the burden of sin, the guilt, the shame, the weight of trying to DO something to take away the sin… and the weight of frustration because nothing works…
• When that sinner comes to Christ in faith, he is saved and GIVEN rest… this is part of his salvation package…
• His sins are forgiven; the war is over; his conscience is at rest.

c. Take my yoke… learn of Me and ye shall FIND rest…
• This is rest on a new level…
• Those who come to Christ as Savior discover over time, that the storms of life can take their toll upon us… and weariness and discouragement and anxiety can set in all over again.
• This believer, when submitted to Christ’s yoke, also discovers an increasing depth, awareness of, and appreciation for REST in Christ…
• The more we learn of Him… the more we experience this deep, abiding rest…
• Into this rest, we can enter… deeper and deeper… it is an endless reservoir of living water…
• This is a deeper experience of rest the carnal believer knows nothing of… it requires a surrendered life.
• The more we learn of Christ… the more willing we will become to turn one area of our lives over after another… “the longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.”
• The sweeter He grows… the easier His yoke becomes… and the more REASONABLE it seems to wear that yoke.
• Coming to Christ in salvation brings rest… peace WITH God. Putting on His yoke brings a deeper experience of His rest: the peace OF God… that passes all understanding! This is ours when we reach the point where we are no longer willing to carry the burden alone… and we come to Christ and take on His yoke.
• The carnal believer cannot fathom how he could ever be happy if he surrenders his whole life over to the Lord… and so he continues to stiffen his neck and resist the leading of the Holy Spirit.
• The surrendered believer learns of God working in him both to will and to do of His good pleasure…
» He looks back at those wasted years when he had stiffened his neck against God… resisted His will… and refused to submit… and he laments his folly.
» The very earthly things he loved so… and was UNWILLING to hold loosely… are meaningless to him now that he is yoked with Christ.
» He now discovers that God has not taken away anything from him. Rather, God has given him a NEW WILL… a desire for things that are right in the center of God’s will…
» The sorrow we THOUGHT we would experience by turning over those areas of our lives to God is replaced with unspeakable JOY…
» The surrendered believer experiences CHRIST in that yoke…he LEARNS of Christ…
» The song writer wrote: “Sweet will of God; still fold me closer; ‘till I am wholly lost in Thee.”
» What a wonderful paradox! The old nature, so rebellious and stiffnecked, refusing to submit to the Yoke of Christ… wrongly assumes that complete surrender results in grief and misery…
» Yet when that person through faith, keeps the old self life on the cross… our new nature, yoked with Christ REJOICES in the closeness of communion with Him… and DELIGHTS to do His will…
» The very thing that person so feared becomes his delight!
» Maybe YOU are struggling with an area of your life you are afraid to turn over to the Lord… thinking that the loss will leave you empty… unfulfilled.
» Here’s a wondrous secret the Lord wants us to know: in giving up our life we FIND it…
» And this LIFE we find is an abundant life… a life in which Christ has all the preeminence!

12.Submitting to Christ’s yoke is an illustration of the prerequisite for a Christ centered life:

a. It is God’s method of dealing with SELF…

b. Self and self will… walking our own pathway… doing our own thing… being the master of our own life… all comes to an END when we submit to Christ’s yoke.

c. And it is the BEGINNING of a life where Christ has the preeminence… it is HIS yoke… He guides… directs… leads… and His way is perfect.

d. True joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction do not come through GETTING our own way or DOING our own will.

e. Rather, true joy comes through abandoning the self life… submitting to Christ’s yoke… and learning of Christ… learning to DELIGHT in HIS will… when we learn of Him, delight ourselves in the Lord, THEN God grants us the desire of our heart… true satisfaction… and it is found in a Person.


§ If you come to Him in childlike faith, He will save you. He will GIVE you eternal life.

§ Christ paid the penalty for your sins on the cross and the work is finished.

§ There is nothing left for you to do but to BELIEVE and be saved.

§ Don’t be concerned about HOW TO LIVE the Christian life… or whether you will be able to make it… or whether you have what it takes to be a Christian… you DON’T! Nobody does. We are sinners and are in need of a Savior.

§ It is not necessary to clean up your life in order to come to Christ. He will do that IN you if you come. Come and none are turned away. We sing, “Just as I am” – a sinner undone… hopeless… helpless… but Christ will give you NEW LIFE if you come in faith.

§ The issue of the gospel does not revolve around us, but around what Christ has done. He has paid it all.

§ “Nothing in my hand I bring; simply to thy cross I cling.” That’s the gospel. We come empty handed, because we have nothing to give. We are recipients of His grace and salvation by faith…

§ Undeserving sinners like you and me can come to an infinitely holy God because Jesus Christ has paid the penalty of ALL our sins.

§ And if we come to Christ in FAITH – He will forgive us ALL of our sins and give us eternal life.

§ Jesus didn’t say, “Come when you’ve cleaned up your life.” “Come when you think you’re able to live the life.” Rather, He says, “Come… come as you are—a sinner undone—and I will give you new LIFE.”

The Preeminence of Christ:

The Altar

Presenting a Sacrifice (Rom. 12:1)

The term “present”: lit = to place beside; to place a person or thing at one’s disposal.
· Luke 2:22 – It was used of Jesus offered to the Lord as a baby.
· Acts 23:33 – It was used of Paul being presented before the governor.
· II Cor. 11:2 – for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
· Acts 9:41 – he raised her and “presented” her alive.
· Col. 1:28 – that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus

a. Infinitive: it is an infinitive, but used as an imperative
• I beseech you to present…
• This makes it clear that it is OUR responsibility to do the presenting!
• We have to CHOOSE to present our bodies a living sacrifice.
• This is not optional. It is a command.
• The fact that it is a command also reveals that NOT every believer will always obey this command.
• In a sense, when we were saved, we were made a priest unto the Lord. And at that time we were consecrated to God and God’s service positionally. We ARE priests.
• This is a command to ACT upon our position… to PRESENT our bodies as a living sacrifice… consecrated to the Lord’s service.

b. Aorist: does not indicate that it is to be done once for all, but indicates that this is to be done decisively. (Do it!)
• Some have gone overboard on the interpretation of the tense here and have assumed that this “presenting of self” to God is a once for all act.
• They speak of it as a crisis point in life.
• It may well BE that it takes a crisis to get us to turn self over to God. (A good kick in the rear!)
• But the aorist does not demand that meaning. It just speaks of the action as a “do it.” Do it… and do it decisively!
• We should present our bodies on the altar with the INTENT of leaving it there… but we are aware of human nature as well.
• We know that our old nature can creep in and exert itself… and inserting self will at any moment…
• Nevertheless, when we put our all on the altar, we are to do so decisively—and MEAN it…

2. Presenting our BODY…

a. Paul uses the language of priesthood here.
• I Pet. 2:5 – As a Christian, we are priests…who are to offer up spiritual sacrifices… living sacrifices.
• This priesthood consists of ALL that are born again; male; female; young; old; mature; immature;
• God EXPECTS sacrifices from His priests.
• There are several types of spiritual sacrifices mentioned in Scripture: fruit of our lips; testimony; praise; our finances; our talents; our service.

b. Rom. 12:1 speaks of ONE particular kind of sacrifice: SELF.
• As a priest, we are to present or to OFFER a sacrifice to God.
• The sacrifice is our BODY.
• By presenting our BODY a living sacrifice, we are obviously presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice… we are presenting the person IN the body!
• Presenting the BODY means we are presenting to God the vessel in which our entire life is lived.
• In one sense, it is no great sacrifice on our part. The Lord has REDEEMED us and already OWNS our bodies. Offering it up to Him is an expression of faith… an acknowledgement that we BELIEVE that we are God’s possession and that He has a RIGHT to our all.
• This is the MOST BASIC and fundamental sacrifice we offer as a priest… without which, no other sacrifice is ever acceptable… no matter how big a sacrifice; no matter how costly.
• II Cor. 8:5 – the gift that the Macedonians gave to the poor saints was pleasing to God because the Macedonians “first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God.”
• Without having given themselves to the Lord, their money would not have been acceptable to the Lord.
• Without having given themselves, they probably would not have GIVEN so generously to the poor saints in Jerusalem.

c. In this illustration, Paul views the believer as both the priest (the one making the offering) and the sacrifice itself: WE offer SELF to God.
• The cost of this sacrifice is substantial: we offer ourselves… all we are and all have… the entirety of our being.
• In doing so, we are simply acknowledging by faith what we know to be true… we belong to the Lord and we are not our own, we were redeemed! We are His purchased possession.
• Just as when a man puts his head in a yoke, there is a cost, so too when presenting our bodies as a sacrifice—there is a cost involved.
• Even though we are offering to God what is His anyway… it still involves a cost on our part…

3. Presenting our bodies to God is an act of our will.

a. This is NOT automatic in the Christian life.
• And not every believer is willing to make this choice…
• Some are willing to put ALMOST their all on the altar…
• Others will put a substantial part of their lives on the altar
• And we try to convince ourselves that we have been obedient… or NEARLY obedient… (Samuel; Agag; Saul)

b. Only the Holy Spirit can produce a Christ-centered life and reproduce the life of Christ in us.

c. However, there is a pre-requisite to being filled with the Spirit: yieldedness!
• Andrew Murray called this absolute surrender!
• Jesus referred to it as submitting to His yoke.
• Paul uses another illustration to teach a similar truth: presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice to God.

d. By presenting our bodies on the altar of sacrifice, we are CHOOSING to yield EVERYTHING over to the Lord.

e. By presenting our bodies on the altar of sacrifice, we are removing the only OBSTACLE to a Christ centered life: SELF.

f. It is our responsibility as a believer-priest to YIELD self to God by presenting our bodies a living sacrifice.

4. Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice to God is a FREEWILL offering.

a. It is of no value unless it is offered freely and willingly… as an act of LOVE to God.
• Not only are we priests offering sacrifices to our Great High Priest…
• But we are also the church… the bride… offering up our love to Christ – the bridegroom.
• To do so out of a sense of duty, obligation, or compulsion destroys the NATURE of the offering. It loses its value to God.

b. You cannot FORCE someone into making a freewill offering… the two concepts are contradictory.
• Hence, Paul is careful in his wording here.
• “I beseech you by the mercies of God!”
• He pleads with them on the basis of God’s mercy AND on the basis of its “reasonableness.”

c. You cannot FORCE someone into making a LOVE offering.
• If it’s forced, it’s not love.
• The law can make demands from without.
• But it is the LOVE of Christ that constrains us from within.
• Offering ourselves to God ought to be a freewill act of love… therein lies its value to God.

d. It is a heavy burden and painful to be FORCED into putting an area of our life on the altar…
• When this occurs, the offering isn’t given freely… it isn’t given out of love… and it isn’t done out of personal conviction. It is FORCED…

e. This sort of thing occurs all the time in Christendom—and with the very best of intentions.
• It is the quickest way to make changes in people’s lives: demand it! Make it a rule! Law! Do or die. Conform or else.
• Christians universally recognize that our lives need to change… that we need to be obedient and submissive to Christ.
• But HOW to perform it—that understanding is not universal.
• Some men out of frustration beat on the pulpit, and scream—hoping that their zeal and fervor will cause people to surrender.
• Some groups put peer pressure on folks… put guilt trips on people… some constantly berate those who do or don’t… (don’t do this; this is worldly; this is carnal; etc.)
• But when the pulpit is constantly hammering away at issues, it comes across to the people like LAW… and is often obeyed like LAW… even if that was not the intent.
• The best way to convince believers to submit to Christ’s yoke is to cause them to fall in love with Christ!
• The best way to convince believers to put their all on the altar is to demonstrate the DELIGHT this brings to Christ, our Great High Priest!
• The best way to convince the church to obey Christ is to get them to KNOW HIM… for the better we know Him, the more LOVE we will have for Him…
• The best way to produce submission to Christ is to learn to DELIGHT ourselves in the Lord… then submitting to His yoke is easy… putting our all on the altar is a reasonable sacrifice…
• God’s love and grace constrains us to do that which the law could NEVER do: willingly, lovingly SUBMIT… yield… present our bodies as a living sacrifice.

A Living Sacrifice

1. A sacrifice is SLAIN… dead. Presenting our bodies to God is an END of SELF.

a. Animal sacrifices were slain before they were offered to God.

b. The dumb animal was led away to the slaughter, unaware of what was about to transpire.

c. It was killed and then offered up to God.

d. As believers, if Christ is to have preeminence in our lives, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice is a prerequisite.

e. And since we are both the priest and the offering, we are to offer ourselves as a sacrifice willingly and freely…

f. God shouldn’t have to drag us to that altar… led to the slaughter.

g. It is an act of our will… a choice we must make. Will I put my head in Christ’s yoke, or not? Will I present my body a living sacrifice to Him or not? Am I willing to come to an end of self or not? Will I yield to the preeminence of Christ… or will I refuse to yield?

h. This will be tested COUNTLESS times in our lives… life is one continuous test… in which our willingness to yield to God… to keep self on the cross crucified by faith… is TESTED.

i. The various areas where we might fail are only the symptoms. (smoking; drinking; pornography; gambling; greed; stealing; etc.)

j. The disease is SELF-will, opposing or ignoring the will of God.

k. God’s method of dealing with the self-life is DEATH… a sacrifice of my body and the old man in it—slain and placed on the altar.

2. Offering a sacrifice…

a. A sacrifice is offered in its entirety. We can’t offer ½ of self to God… We can’t offer our bodies… everything except our eyes… or hands…

b. The sacrifice is HOLY… dedicated to God and God’s service; a life set-apart unto God; a sacred vessel; the body is a sacred temple… no more secular, but holy…

c. Once offered, all rights and claims to that sacrifice are released forever.

d. Isaac is a good illustration of what it means to be a “living sacrifice.” He willingly put himself upon the altar; and when he climbed off the altar, he was a living sacrifice—willing to surrender his all—even unto death.

e. We sing the songs, “Is Your ALL on the Altar of Sacrifice Slain?” or “I Surrender All.” Easy to sing; not so easy to live.

f. Not until we are ready to put our ALL on the altar can we say that Christ has preeminence in our lives.

g. If we are holding back, then SELF is still reigning… self is preeminent.

h. And it is impossible to have TWO preeminent persons in our lives. You can’t have TWO masters.

3. Rom. 6:13 – the word YIELD is the same word as PRESENT in 12:1. (However, there are a couple of minor differences…)

a. That which is yielded/presented…
• This yielding/presenting is exactly the same concept as in chapter 12, but practiced on a different scale.
• 12:1 – present your BODY
• 6:13 – We are to yield our individual members to God…
• The believer who presents his body to God as a living sacrifice today may discover tomorrow that his “hand” has wiggled down off that altar… and needs to be YIELDED all over again to the Lord’s service.
• The believer who has presented his body a living sacrifice may discover that a month later his “eyes” have begun watching things that they ought not… and need to be yielded all over again to the Lord.
• We may present our bodies—our all—to the Lord today… and perhaps down the road a bit, the Lord will reveal to us through His word that there is another area of our lives that perhaps we never thought of yielding to the Lord… and once the Lord shines His light upon it – it too needs to be yielded.

b. The Tenses…
• 12:1 – present your BODY… (aorist) (dot – action)
• One other difference is that 6:13 is a present imperative… speaks of continual action.
• This is NOT something we do ONCE in an altar call or at a crisis point in our lives.
• This is to be an ongoing attitude of yieldedness… something we have to deal with every single day for the rest of our lives!
• We are to present our bodies and all we are to God decisively.
• And if a hand tries to drag itself off that altar—yield that hand to God—again and again if need be.
• This is the real struggle of the Christian life. MAINTAINING this attitude of selfless… yieldedness… surrender to God and His will.
• This is a moment-by-moment responsibility… continually yielding our lives and every aspect of our lives over to God.
• And this is not a matter of personal willpower either. It is a matter of FAITH… reckoning self to be DEAD unto sin and self, and yet ALIVE unto God.
• This is a matter of BELIEVING God… who said that our old man is dead… and that we no longer HAVE to give self the preeminence in our lives… and believing that we are ABLE to lead a new kind of life—walk in newness of life—a life wherein Christ has all the preeminence—and where HIS will is paramount…
• This is a life where we no longer live unto ourselves, but unto him which died for us, and rose again.”
• This sacrifice is dead but alive; a LIVING sacrifice.

4. Not until we are ready to put our all on the altar…including each and every member of our body… as slain… dead…get self out of the way… are we going to be filled with the Spirit… and thus filled with a Christ centered life.

a. The Spirit can’t fill us when we are already full of self.

b. If we are holding back from God—in ANYTHING… unwilling to yield… surrender… present our body as a living sacrifice, then we are living a self-centered life… the flesh and not the Spirit.

c. And no matter how well we dress up the flesh, it is ALWAYS contrary to the Spirit…

d. Christ does NOT have preeminence where the flesh reigns.

e. Putting our all on the altar is an act of the will, and is also a prerequisite to a Christ centered life.

5. And what is OUR responsibility?

a. To get self out of the way BY FAITH… and keep him out of the way… by faith.

b. This is ALWAYS the method God’s Word conveys as the way for Christ to have the preeminence.

c. Whether it is conveyed in the illustration of the yoke, the altar, reckoning self to be dead; presenting our body, yielding our members… the bottom line is always the same.
• When it comes to living a Christ-centered life… where Christ has the preeminence… the problem is always the same: ME!
• And God’s answer is always the same too: the cross… death… and end of our old self-life…

d. And oh, how our old self hates the cross.

e. But when we do decide to put our old self-life on the cross by faith… the hindrance is removed.

f. THEN God’s Holy Spirit fills us with His power and He reproduces the sweet character of Christ in our lives… more and more Christ is formed in us… and more and more HE has the preeminence… unto His glory.

6. In the practical sense, this requires some difficult choices in life…

a. Are you willing to put all of your TIME on the altar… for the use of God as HE sees fit? Can we surrender our time to the Lord… that He might function as LORD of our time?

b. Are we willing to reckon ourselves to be DEAD with respect to ENTERTAINMENT? Are we willing to bow in absolute surrender to Him in this area? (What we watch; read; listen to; participate in…) Are we willing to abandon anything He makes clear is displeasing to Him?

c. Are we willing to put our CLOTHES on the altar?

d. Are we willing to submit to His yoke when it comes to the use of our FINANCES? Are we willing to give Him authority over it all? Remember, He said, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

e. Are we willing to place our FAMILY on the altar of sacrifice to God? Remember, He said, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.”

f. Are we willing to put our MUSIC on the altar?

g. Are we willing to put our CAREER on the altar?

h. We can make all kinds of promises to God; we can claim that He is Lord in all things… that He has the preeminence. We could even have an altar call for folks to publicly declare it so… but that does not MAKE it so.

i. Time will tell. God will reveal to us who really has preeminence in our lives. God will put all of our claims to the TEST… one by one… to give us opportunity to PROVE our love to Him… to PROVE whether we are surrendered to the perfect will of God… or whether we are still living in self will.
• I don’t consider this to occur as a once for all crisis experience. Rather, we ought to put our all on the altar every day… sometimes moment by moment.
• Once for all would be great, but it doesn’t work that way.
• We vacillate in our willingness to allow Christ to have the preeminence in our lives. Yielded one moment; rebelling the next. Experientially, we all know whereof I speak.
• Maintaining this attitude of surrender… yieldedness… submission to His will… keeping the old self life on the cross… and trusting our all to His care is the struggle of our lives as Christians.
• Don’t be so arrogant as to say, “Oh, I’ve done that. I walked the aisle at a revival service. I already committed my life to Christ. He already has preeminence in my life.”
• The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. We may honestly put our head in His yoke and genuinely INTEND to keep it there… and then a moment later in a spirit of rebellion, raise up our neck in rebellion against Christ’s authority… and walk in our own way. Don’t think it can’t happen to you.
• Just like when we sin, we are to keep on confessing our sins—for the rest of our earthly sojourn.
• So too when it comes to submission to Christ as Lord and giving Him first place in our lives… we have to acknowledge this every morning when we get up… and perhaps yield and re-yield throughout the day.

j. Deep down inside, we all know who is preeminent in our lives at any given moment.

k. Spiritual growth… growing up in Him occurs this way: He increases and we decrease. His preeminence in our lives becomes more and more evident… and self diminishes… and that too becomes more evident.

l. We all go back and forth in this area. But spiritual growth occurs when those flips and flops between self and Christ occur less and less frequently… with longer gaps in between.

m. We will never reach perfection in this life, but we should be STRIVING to reach the mark… where more and more, Christ has preeminence in our lives.

n. Are you making progress in this area?

o. Maybe some folks here need to do some business with God today… you know what needs to go… and what needs to be added. There is no better teacher in this realm than the Holy Spirit.

p. If self has been on the throne for a while… then there is no better time than NOW to make some changes… put your head in His yoke… present your body as a living sacrifice… yield your members. You choose the illustration, just DO IT!

The Goal of Presenting Our Bodies

1. The GOAL of presenting our bodies is NOT external conformity.

a. This is the world’s way of dealing with the flesh.

b. This is also religion’s way of dealing with the flesh.

c. The world has its “norms of behavior” and religion also has its “accepted standards of behavior.”

d. Men make up the rules… and then attempt to conform human behavior to those rules.

e. This is called behavior modification.
• A smoker learns to stop smoking; an adulterer stops committing adultery; a thief stops stealing; a liar stops lying; and a curser stops cursing.
• They successfully conformed that person to an acceptable code of behavior.
• When that occurs, the world and its religions say, “Isn’t this great! Mission accomplished!”
• On a human level, and on an earthly level, that is quite an improvement.

f. But Paul’s point is that this kind of outward conformity is NOT what God is after. This is NOT Christianity.
• But it IS the way the world works. And the world and its religious systems are often quite successful in accomplishing their goals.

g. There are lots of effective ways to outwardly conform to a code of behavior.
• Hypnosis has been effective in getting smokers to stop smoking.
• Fund raising schemes are effective in getting church folks to give more money.
• The peer pressure of an Amish colony can cause young people to conform to their standards of dress.
• Hiring Michael Jordan to speak at school to encourage kids to stay off drugs could be quite effective too.
• Cutting off hands has been a successful way of dealing with thieves in Saudi Arabia.

h. The world and its religions deal with the problem of the flesh by various means… and their goal is outward conformity to their ways.
• When a person has conformed to their ways, they view that as success.
• They are often successful in reaching their goal.
• But “outwardly conforming” is NOT the goal of God.
• It is possible that the smoker stops smoking, the adulterer stops committing adultery, and the thief stops stealing… and the real issue has never been addressed: the heart!
• Cf. Matt. 23:25-26—outwardly conformed—but NOT inwardly transformed!
• The world’s way is to DOTE over the externals… and when all LOOKS clean on the outside—to pat itself on the back for a job well done.
• BUT – when the outside has been conformed to a man made standard… and the person was quite successful in cleaning up the outside of the cup, the REAL problem has not only NOT been dealt with… in fact, the REAL problem has been exacerbated.
• The real problem is SELF is ruling.
• SELF does have the capacity to reform… to clean the outside of the cup… to put up a good front… and then to GLOAT over how shiny the cup is.
• But SELF is still reigning… the flesh loves to DO and then GLORY in what it did!
• This is being CONFORMED to the world. The world looks on and is always flattered by what the flesh can do without God.

i. But God is never pleased with what the flesh can do.
• The flesh is nauseating to God.
• God is not impressed with outward conformity.
• Outward conformity often serves to merely COVER UP the deeper, inward problem: dead man’s bones!
• Outward conformity is worldly because it seeks to impress men… and puts on a good show… but is impotent to deal with that which is VITAL: the heart!
• The world and the flesh make valiant efforts to conform us to better standards… but it exacerbates the real problem because it only intensifies the self-life… it is SELF help… SELF-improvement… improving SELF’s quality of life…
• SELF is still very much in control. Christ does not have the preeminence in any of this.
• It is impossible to improve the moral quality of one’s life; to improve the quality of one’s life; to cease from many bad habits; and STILL be an ungodly, proud, self-righteous, rebel against a holy God… a person who exalts self…

2. The goal of presenting our bodies is internal transformation.

a. God’s goal for us as His children is quite different.

b. God’s goal for our lives is not external conformation, but internal transformation.

c. This kind of transformation is a supernatural work. It is God working IN us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
• Transformation stands in contrast to conforming.
• Transformed: present; passive; imperative
• God does it; (passive)
• But it happens BY MEANS OF the renewing of our minds. God does that too… but the means He uses is His Word… and it is OUR responsibility to fill our minds with Christ and His Word and His glory.
• Beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into that same image. (same word as transformed!)

d. God wants SELF placed on the altar… a slain sacrifice… out of the way SO THAT the Spirit of God has liberty to begin His inward work of transformation.

e. Until the self-life is dealt with properly, God’s Spirit is not at liberty to transform us.
• God’s method of dealing with the self-life is not to dress it up… reform it… improve it… fix it… or bring culture, religion, and sophistication to it.
• God’s method is to crucify it! The cross!
» This is the ONLY acceptable way of getting self out of the way so that Christ might be preeminent in our lives.
» This occurs by FAITH… believing that our old man was crucified with Him…

» By FAITH, place our old self-life on the altar…

f. Paul says here: Present your bodies a living sacrifice… and be transformed… (one active; one passive)

g. When we present… He transforms. If we hold back on presenting… no transformation occurs.
• This cup is to be cleaned from the inside out… when the inside is clean, the outside will take care of itself.
• The end result of this work of transformation is a believer who is PROVING the will of God… practicing it… walking with his head in Christ’s yoke… submitted, surrendered, and in the process of being transformed.
• The goal of this transformation is NOT behavior modification. The goal of this transformation is Christ likeness.
• We present our bodies to Him—a shell—and He fills it with Himself… the fullness of God… the fullness of the Spirit.
• Presenting our all to Him isn’t some great thing we are giving to Him; rather, it is some great thing HE will do IN us.
• When we present our body to Him, we are merely giving him an empty container to fill… emptied of self… to be filled with His character, power, and grace.

h. When we put our all on the altar, we are removing everything that would hinder the LIFE of Christ from being manifested THROUGH us… so that the life of Jesus may be made manifest in our mortal bodies.

i. This person is being transformed into the image of Christ… his life is being gradually transformed – to the place where Christ has the preeminence.

j. This is a supernatural work of the Spirit IN us… but the pre-requisite is PRESENTING our bodies as a living sacrifice.

k. When we present self as a sacrifice (crucified; slain)… THEN and only then are we experiencing the transforming power of Christ’s indwelling LIFE… a LIVING sacrifice…

l. Self is dead… (by faith; by presenting) Christ’s life REIGNS in us. Christ has the preeminence.

“Will you please tell me in a word,” said a Christian woman to a minister, “what your idea of consecration is?” Holding out a blank sheet of paper the pastor replied, “It is to sign your name at the bottom of this blank sheet, and to let God fill it in as He will.”

The Preeminence of Christ:

The Cross


1. We have been looking at what the Bible says about HOW to have a Christ centered life.

2. If that is to be the case, SELF must be dealt with by God’s ordained means… and God’s means is an END to self.

3. We looked at the yoke… and the altar. Today we will look at the cross.

4. And while there are shades of differences in meaning between these three Biblical illustrations, there is also a thread of unity: they each speak of the end of self.

a. Yoke: the end of self will… submitted

b. Altar: the end of the self life… delivered over to another

c. Cross: the end of self… dead

5. Until the self-life is dealt with – we can never say that Christ has the preeminence in our lives. This is a must.


1. We don’t LITERALLY put our bodies on an altar, slay it, and offer it to God. (That is suicide! Don’t do that! This is figurative language.)

2. The offering up of self on the altar is done by an act of the will and it is also an act of FAITH.

3. In Romans 6, Paul emphasizes the FAITH aspect of it.

a. We ARE dead if we are born again. We died with Christ. This is a spiritual reality.
• We were baptized into His death. (6:3)
• We were buried with Him by baptism into death. (6:4)
• We have been planted together in the likeness of His death. (6:5)
• Our old man was crucified with Him (6:6)
• We are dead with Christ (6:8)
• Our faith united us with Christ in His death.
• This is a chapter about God’s means of victory for the believer.
• It is also a chapter about death: our death… with Christ.
• The prerequisite for a victorious, Christ centered life is DEATH.
» No death, no experiencing resurrection life.
» No death, no victory.
» No death, no resurrection power.
» Self MUST be dealt with… and death is God’s means.
» Hence, God says that our old man was crucified.

b. We are told to RECKON it to be so. (Rom. 6:11)
• Reckon: count it as a fact; believe it; accept it as truth;
• Even though it doesn’t always SEEM or FEEL like our old man is crucified, God commands us to RECKON it to be so… because He said it is so! Trust Him.
• God wants us to believe that we died…
• Faith BELIEVES what God has said.
• We died to sin and self.
• We died to the world… all of our former attachments to the world system are ended. We are now a new creature.
• It takes an act of the will to CHOOSE to reckon this to be so.
• This is an act of faith –
» BELIEVING that my life came to an end… (God said it did; do you believe that?)
» Now it is no longer I but Christ…
» Believing that it is not my will but Thine that counts
» It is FAITH that keeps our old self-life on the cross.
» Faith believes that my old self-life died with Christ and by faith we experience the reality of that death in our lives.

4. The concept of DEATH adds a new level of depth to the concept of dealing with our self-life.

a. There are no shades of death; no degrees of death. Death is absolute.

b. Either one is dead or alive… one cannot be ½ dead; 2/3 dead…

c. Consecration is like that…at any given moment, either we are yielded or we are not yielded to God.

d. God demands ABSOLUTE surrender… DEATH to our self-life… and nothing less will do.

e. One man put it this way: Would a husband be satisfied to hear that his wife was 95% faithful to him?

f. Neither would the Lord be satisfied if his bride, the church – was 95% consecrated to Him.

5. If we are ever to experience a Christ centered life… where Christ truly has preeminence, the old way of life needs to be dealt with… and dealt with in a Biblical manner.

a. Self-will needs to be taken out of the way… so that we might submit to Christ’s yoke.

b. Self must be offered upon the altar of sacrifice… slain…

c. Self must be kept on the cross by faith… reckoning it to be so…

d. This is not some strange, obscure, back-burner kind of truth. This is CENTRAL to living the Christian life. It is oft repeated in the Scriptures.

e. Christ can never have the preeminence when “I” am in the way… when self is seated on the throne.

f. But when we reckon self to be dead and YIELD to God, THEN the Spirit of God controls us, fills us, and produces a Christ centered life in us.


A. Overview of Verse

1. This is NOT the plan of salvation—as John MacArthur and our Presbyterian brothers are trying to tell us. (GAJ; pg. 196)

a. This is not the way of salvation, but is the way of the discipleship… and there IS a huge distinction between the two!

b. You don’t get to heaven by following Christ; through self-denial; or by suffering persecution. That’s salvation by works!

c. Once saved, this is the way God wants us to LIVE the Christian life… not how to OBTAIN the eternal life.

d. God expects believers to follow Him; to deny self; and to be willing to suffer for His name’s sake… but that is not the way to OBTAIN eternal life.

2. Vs. 21 – Jesus just told the disciples that He was going to suffer. Now He tells them that if they were going to follow Him, they too would suffer.

a. Vs. 22 – Peter didn’t think that Jesus suffering and dying was a good idea. Why not assert your authority, your rights, and your power? After all, you are important!

b. Vs. 23 – Jesus rebuked Peter and noted that he was serving as a mouthpiece for Satan.

c. Peter savored the things of MAN (as opposed to God). God’s ways are not our ways.

d. Man’s way is to be self-assertive and fight for our rights… demand our own way.

e. God’s way was to be willing to suffer for righteousness’ sake… the way of self-denial.

B. Let Him Deny Himself

1. When we are following our own way, SELF has preeminence in our lives.

2. When we are following the Lord, HE has the preeminence in our lives. It is as simple as that.

3. Jesus told His disciples that if they were truly going to follow Him, they would have to DENY SELF.

a. Self is ever and always a hindrance to following the Lord.

b. It’s our nature to want to go OUR way; any way but His way.

c. Self-will always prevents Christ from having His way in our lives… and prevents Him from being preeminent.

d. Here Jesus challenged His disciples to a life of self denial.

e. This is not a means of obtaining life… but rather an attitude that ought to characterize our lives as we follow Christ.

4. Denying self means different things to different people.

a. The Catholic version of self denial is giving up things: as in Lent… or paying penance…

b. The ascetic version of Jesus’ call to self denial was a call to an austere lifestyle; but Jesus was not calling us to give up all of our material goods and live in a cave…

c. Poor people are not necessarily selfless or free from materialistic views. Nor are rich people selfish and materialistic.

d. It is entirely possible to live an austere lifestyle… to give up all material goods, and still have SELF sitting on the throne.

e. The Lord never called us to abandon material goods or even pleasure. (“God hath given us richly all things to enjoy.”)

f. Self denial does not mean that we must give up all of our earthly pleasures or material goods.

g. But it DOES mean that we must be WILLING to do so should the Spirit so lead you as an individual… and God puts our willingness to the test from time to time…

h. Self denial means we are willing to put our head in Christ’s yoke. It means we are willing to put our all on the altar. It means we are willing to hold all we have in an open hand… and not a closed fist.

i. Self denial means that we are willing to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ.

j. Self-denial is further defined by Paul as “not I but Christ” in Gal. 2:20.

k. Self-denial is being totally committed to the will of God – willing to deny self by putting our head in His yoke… willing to suffer for righteousness’ sake… willing to change… willing to be humbled…

l. Read “dying to self” paper…

C. Take Up a Cross

1. Once again, the Lord speaks of that which ought to be the ongoing attitude of the believer… of a true disciple…

2. The cross was a symbol of cruel torture and death… it doesn’t always conjure up that image today, but that is what was meant when Jesus spoke those words.

a. This cruel form of punishment was reserved only for the lower class and for slaves.

b. The convicted criminal was forced to carry his cross (or at the least cross beam…) to the place where it would be attached to the standing beam.

c. As he carried the cross, he would be ridiculed and scorned by all the bystanders along the way.

d. Carrying the cross was humiliating; to be followed by the cruelest form of horrific suffering.

3. We abuse this language today.

a. Folks often refer to a nagging backache, or a chronic disease, or poverty, etc… as the cross they have to bear.

b. Not all suffering is a “cross” in this sense.

c. That kind of suffering is better described as a thorn in the flesh, but NOT a cross to bear.

4. Bearing a cross is used figuratively here as a reference to an attitude of being WILLING to suffer for righteousness sake, as Jesus did.

a. The world vented its hatred towards Christ by nailing Him to a cross… an instrument of suffering and death… persecution.

b. When we take up a cross, it means to accept the place of rejection with Christ… accept the hatred and scorn from the world.

c. Christ could have recanted at any point and the suffering would have ceased… but that was unthinkable.

5. If we are NOT WILLING to suffer for righteousness sake, then that means that our personal comfort and well being has preeminence over Christ. Self is ruling and reigning.

a. The martyrs were forced to decide WHO is preeminent in their lives: self or Christ.

b. They were forced to see this issue with a clarity few of us ever realize:
• As the breadwinner in the family, who will take care of my wife and children?
• Wouldn’t I be able to do more good alive than dead? Why not recant… avoid the unjust suffering… and go about doing good?
• Lots of excuses can be devised to avoid suffering for righteousness sake.
• Self denial doesn’t come up with excuses. Self denial bites the bullet and denies self… it always chooses to honor Christ above personal comfort or pleasure…

c. When Jesus told His disciples that if they were going to follow Him they would have to take up a cross, He was demanding from them each a willingness to suffer for righteousness sake… even to the death of the cross if need be.
• Few believers have actually had to die for their faith… but every one of us is to be WILLING to do so.
• That attitude of being willing to suffer for Christ is an expression of selflessness… and it is the spirit of what Jesus meant when He said, “Take up a cross and follow Me.”
• And only in that kind of life can we say that Christ has the preeminence.

D. Whosoever will lose his life will find it (Matt. 16:25)

1. The way of discipleship is the opposite of the way of the world.

a. For the world, there is immediate gain, but ultimate loss.

b. For the disciple, there is immediate loss, but ultimate gain.

2. The one who SAVES his life will LOSE it.

a. It is our nature to want to SAVE our lives.
• The flesh hates the cross… and the way of the cross.
• The flesh wants to better its condition by avoiding persecution for Christ’s sake…
• Wherever there is pain, we want to save our lives.
• Wherever there is sorrow, grief, suffering, cost, difficulty, we want to SAVE our lives… spare self from anything painful.
• The flesh wants to save itself from the narrow way… save itself from any loss…
• Even Paul wanted his thorn in the flesh removed…
• And do you remember Peter’s initial words to Christ when Jesus predicted His death and resurrection? “Be it far from thee Lord!” To which Jesus replied, “Get thee behind me Satan; thou savorest not the things of God, but those that be of men.”
• It is the way of man to want to save our lives… men want to escape suffering and death; but escaping it is not always God’s will.
• The flesh doesn’t want to sacrifice… to give… to yield or to surrender. It doesn’t want to lose its life… or control over its life.
• The flesh wants to keep its life… health… prosperity… happiness… pleasure… resources…
• The believer who lives this way may not be living in gross sin.
• The believer/disciple who saves his life may not see his behavior as especially sinful or rebellious.
• What’s so sinful about buying a boat? Or about going fishing? Or about taking a good job offer in Butte, Montana? Or about taking the family to the lake for the weekend?
• Those things are perfectly good and decent in themselves IF the Lord so leads.
• But if it is SELF making all the decisions… if we are grabbing at things to make us happy, without regard to what God wants… and we are refusing to sacrifice self… then we are “saving our lives” and we will lose in the end.
• If we are living in such a way as to spare ourselves from the cost (time and energy) sacrificing for the Lord’s service… spare ourselves from giving to others (to keep it for self)… spare ourselves from persecution by caving in… then we are “saving our lives.”
• If our goal in life is to ENJOY life, have fun, be happy, healthy, and prosperous… then we are thinking like the world. We are “saving our lives.”
• We pursue our goals in life with a lot of zeal and gusto. And obtaining those goals usually involves compromising our spiritual lives.
• In the immediate, we may save our lives from the cost and suffering involved in sacrifice for the Lord… but in the end, we are the losers.

b. But in saving our lives, we actually LOSE.
• By holding on to life (our time; resources; natural talents; spiritual gifts; our energy; capacity to serve; etc.) … we lose out on REAL LIFE… the abundant life… and rewards in glory.
• We loose out on the rewards we COULD have had for a selfless life of sacrifice… a life of giving… ministering… a life of Christlikeness!
• In fact, those who try the hardest to be happy are usually the most miserable!
• Those who desperately try to become happy by making their business successful at any cost end up losing… their marriage… their children… their hope…
• Lot thought he was saving his life by choosing the lush green valley… but he really lost it. He lost his wife, his family, and ultimately all! And he was miserable—a righteous soul vexed daily!
• They often end up with broken lives… but in the afterlife is when their REAL LOSS is seen.
• Those who aren’t saved, end up in Hell…
• Those believers who lived for self lose out on eternal rewards… their lives go up in smoke as wood, hay, and stubble. They are spiritual losers.

3. Jesus told His disciples that the way to FIND LIFE was to LOSE it.

a. How do disciples LOSE their lives?
• By putting their all on the altar… by putting their head in Christ’s yoke… by reckoning self to be dead…
• By living every day by thinking: Not my will but Thine be done! I must decrease and He must increase.
• By being willing to yield; give up; surrender our will and our ways; to follow Christ regardless of the cost; by denying self in the everyday practical things of life…
• We lose our lives when we chose to have our family turn on us rather than offend our Lord…
• We lose our lives when we are bypassed for the raise and promotion because we refuse to sin against God by lying…
• We lose our lives when we for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
• We lose our lives when we donate Sunday afternoons to go to choir rehearsal and sing songs for the edification of the saints and the glory of God…
• We lose our lives when we sacrifice our career for a life of missionary service…
• We lose our lives when we sacrifice a career or put it on hold for a decade or two to bring up our children…
• We lose our lives when we drive our children to Christian school every day and pay the big bills each month… or by teaching them at home… because God has so led…
• We lose our lives when we sacrifice the cruise in order to give generously to the Lord’s work…
• We lose our lives when we get up a half hour early each morning to have our quiet time with the Lord…
• Very few believers actually lose physical lives for Christ in our country today… but every believer ought to be willing to lose his life… yield over his life… in these practical ways…

b. In losing his life, he really FINDS it!
• It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive.
• Only the believer who is willing to lose his life will find an abundant life in Christ…
• All others will have to settle for a self-centered, earthly, worldly life, barren of spiritual fruit and contentment or joy.
• But what joy belongs to the one who is willing to lose his life for Christ and Christ’s glory!
• Happiness is based on fluctuating circumstances. We don’t need happiness. We really need JOY – the fruit of the spirit!
• That is what makes life worth living.
• The believer who loses his self-centered life gains a Christ centered life… which is far better.

c. John 12:24-25 – Jesus applies a principle to His own life, death, and ministry… and to His followers.
• It was necessary for Jesus to die, to be buried, and then to rise again.
• Like a seed, it must first die and be buried before it can rise into a fruitful state!
• Resurrection life only comes from death. Fruitfulness in the Christian life comes only through death to the self life.
• If you really want to FIND life… you must first LOSE it!
• If we want to hold on to our life (a seed), we can grasp it tightly and keep it to ourselves, and at the end of 25 years we will have one, lonely, barren seed.
• But if we let go of the seed, let it die and bury it, then it will sprout up and become a fruitful tree… producing season after season of good fruit!
• But the way to fruitfulness is death. The way to an abundant life is death. The way to victory is death. The way to finding life is losing it.


1. For Christ to have preeminence in our lives, we need to have the MIND of Christ… His mind ruling, not ours.

a. Paul gives this command for a very practical and specific purpose: believers were fighting!

b. Phil. 4:2 – they needed to have the same mind… the mind of Christ.

c. Phil. 2:2 – evidently, there was some discord in the assembly… strife… (vs. 3) selfishness (vs. 4).

d. Where there is pride, contention, strife, and selfishness, it is obvious that Christ does not have the preeminence in the lives of the believers Paul was addressing.

e. The problem: Christ was not preeminent; self was.

f. The answer: “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 2:5)

2. What MIND did Paul want in the individual believers at Philippi?

a. He wanted them to have the same mind (mindset; attitude) that the eternal Son of God demonstrated in the incarnation.

b. Vs. 6 – Christ existed for an eternity in the past in the form of God. His outward glory and radiance were manifestations of His inward nature. Myriads of angels worshipped at His feet.

c. Vs. 6 – He thought it not robbery to be equal with God: He did not esteem it necessary to grasp on to this visible, outward manifestation of His internal divine essence. He was willing to “let go” of this outward expression of His glory.

d. Vs. 7 – He made Himself of no reputation: lit = He emptied Himself… and took on the outward form of a servant… and became a Man.
• Emptied Himself = kenosis
• Christ emptied Himself of His outward manifestation of His divine glory when He became a Man.
• He emptied Himself of His RIGHT to exercise His divine powers when He became a Man…
• It was a self renunciation… a refusal to use what He had for His own advantage… for personal gain…
• He still possessed all of His divine powers and attributes, but chose not to exercise them… and He did so for us!
• He still possessed all of His divine essence and glory, but chose not to manifest it outwardly.
• This was an emptying of SELF.

3. Vs. 10 – Christ demonstrated this selfless spirit even unto the death of the cross.

a. This attitude of utter selflessness that knows no limits… is what Paul is talking about when he says, “Let this mind (attitude) be in you.”

b. If we want to manifest Christ in our lives… to manifest the mind, heart, and compassion of Christ… then we need this attitude: selflessness demonstrated in the kenosis experience…
• When He left the outward show of His glory behind…
• When He humbled Himself to become a servant of men…
• When He put OUR spiritual well being ahead of His own comfort and ease.

c. “Let this mind be in you” is a command. Hence, obeying it is an act of our will.
• Will we CHOOSE to manifest this Christ-like, supernatural attitude of selflessness… or will we choose to manifest the much more natural attitude of selfishness?
• There was strife and pride which indicated to Paul that SELF was reigning. Christ was pushed aside.
• Paul’s answer: the believers need to push self aside… by manifesting the holy and humble attitude of Christ.

d. This command is in essence quite the same as the others we have looked at.
• If Christ is to have the preeminence in our lives, we need to STOP allowing self-serving motives to control our thinking, our hearts, our attitudes, and hence our behavior… and START allowing the selfless attitude of Christ to take over.
• Only THEN can we say that Christ has the preeminence in our lives… when we have the mind of Christ.
• The mind of self or the mind of the flesh will ALWAYS take the position of preeminence…
• That is unless we by faith put him back on the cross… reckon self to be dead…so that we no longer are enslaved to that selfish nature… but the new nature that exalts Christ can rule and reign!
• And oh how practical! If we want to get rid of the strife and vainglory in our lives… if we want to learn to stop butting heads with people we love… then here is one awesome lesson: Consider Christ’s kenosis experience.

4. Are you willing to empty yourself of self? Are you willing to put aside your so-called rights… be willing to esteem others better… lowliness of mind?

a. This is what occurs when Christ has the preeminence.

b. And even if we differ on the details – we can still be of one accord… likeminded… because we have the mind of Christ.

c. Christ has preeminence in our lives when we have the mind of Christ. So let it be in you!

5. As Christians, we ought to be armed with that same mind… that same attitude. (I Pet. 4:1-2)

a. Arm yourself: this verb speaks of a soldier putting on his weapons and armor for battle.

b. We are to be armed with the same mind as Christ had: unswerving allegiance to doing God’s will—regardless of the personal cost.

c. Christ is our example of an attitude of being willing to suffer for righteousness sake. (I Pet. 3:17-18) He suffered for well doing.

d. Whether we are living in a day of persecution or a day of relative ease, we are ALWAYS to walk about with this same mind: an attitude of being willing to suffer for righteousness sake… willing to do God’s will…

e. Peter states that if we are willing to be identified with Christ in His sufferings by faith, then we too will experience victory over sin—he hath ceased from sin!

f. If we are unwilling to identify with Christ on the cross—we died with Him—then we will never experience victory OVER sin. We will never experience the power of the resurrection in our lives.

g. The cross speaks of a BREAK with our old life of sin. He that is dead is freed from sin! (Rom. 6:7)

h. This is an attitude of selflessness… even to the death of the cross. This is the mind of Christ… and we are to be ARMED with it daily. How incredibly powerful is this attitude!

i. Maintaining that attitude is our responsibility. We are to take that position of mind/heart/attitude… and WALK that way… moment by moment… day by day…

6. Conclusion: If we want victory over sin; if we want to live in the will of God; if we want a life in which CHRIST truly has the preeminence, then there is a prerequisite: the cross!

a. The old self-life must be faced and dealt with—God’s way.

b. God’s way is the cross… death. Nothing less will suffice.

c. When self is out of the way, then and only then will Christ be able to manifest His life and character through us… through an empty yielded vessel… to be filled with the fullness of God… filled with a Christlike character by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit… a walk in newness of life… a new creature!

d. God’s way of victory is not so much dealing with this issue or that… giving up this practice or that. Rather, God’s method is dealing with SELF:
• Yoke: the end of self-will… submitted…
• Altar: the end of the self-life… surrendered…
• Cross: the end of self… dead… delivered over to the death of the cross

e. Until the self-life is dealt with – we can never say that Christ has the preeminence in our lives.

f. But when we ARE submitted to His yoke… surrendered our all on the altar… and delivered over self to the cross… THEN we experience God’s power in our lives… a life truly worth living!

IF YOU ARE NOT SAVED: God’s message is: BELIEVE and be saved today!

The Preeminence of Christ:

The Mind


1. For Christ to have preeminence in our lives, we need to have the MIND of Christ… His mind ruling, not ours.

2. Paul gives this command for a very practical and specific purpose: believers were fighting!

a. Phil.4:2 – they needed to have the same mind… the mind of Christ. Here was a case of believers butting heads over some unspecified matter. (The color of the curtains?)

b. Phil. 2:2 – evidently, there was some discord in the assembly…
• Paul shared his desire for them…
• Like-mindedness – which he defines in the following verses as the mind of Christ.
• The same love: love for Christ alone… which would affect their relationship to the members of His body. Perhaps their love for Christ had begun to wane… leaving their first love…
• Phil. 1:21 – Paul just shared his personal testimony… his heart for Christ… single-minded devotion to Christ.
• The things of earth had grown strangely dim to Paul… to him, life was about the resurrected, glorified Savior. He had a mind for Christ.
• Evidently, Paul was NOT seeing this same single-mindedness for Christ in some of the believers.
• The Philippians were NOT carnal believers. Paul praised them for the GOOD he had observed among them.
• Phil. 2:1 – “If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies…”
» Wuest: The word “if” is the translation of a conditional particle referring to a fulfilled condition. One could translate “since,” or “in view of the fact.”
» The Philippians were encouraged in the Lord; comforted one another; had good fellowship in the Spirit; and had compassion.
» Paul had experienced their comfort, their care and their fellowship. They had sent him a love offering… he was fully aware of their love towards him.
» Now he wanted them to show the same kind of Christlike spirit towards one another.
» Yet there was one thing lacking – the mind of Christ!
» Their minds were occupied with themselves… vainglory… and things other than Christ…

c. There were some telltale signs that the mind of Christ was not preeminent in their thinking too:
• There was strife… (vs. 3) selfishness (vs. 4)
• Where there is pride, contention, strife, and selfishness, it is obvious that Christ does not have the preeminence in the lives of the believers Paul was addressing.

d. The problem: Christ was not preeminent; self was.

e. The answer: “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 2:5)
• In vs. 2 Paul states his desire for them to be likeminded.
• People who are disputing, debating, arguing, fighting, and stirring up strife can resolve all of that if only they were LIKE minded.
• Paul’s answer: they could be like minded if their minds were all set upon ONE object: Christ Jesus!

3. Paul’s mind was set and settled on that ONE object: Christ.

a. Phil. 1:21 – for to me to live is Christ.
• Paul had ONE OBJECT in life: to magnify Christ (vs. 20)
• His life or health or ease was not of such great concern. What mattered was magnifying Christ.

b. Phil. 2:16-17 – Paul’s whole life was lived in the service of Christ… preaching the gospel… preaching Christ… holding forth the word of Christ…
• He saw his life as a drink offering poured out and offered to Christ…
• His entire life was directed by his single eye for Christ. Christ was his life.
• He looked forward to the day of Christ—standing before Him to receive a WELL DONE…

c. Phil. 3:8 – Paul was willing to sacrifice ALL for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. Clearly that vision of Christ had so grasped his heart and mind that he was willing to surrender all for the knowledge of Christ. Christ had completely captured his mind and heart.

d. Phil. 3:13-14 – this one thing I do: striving towards Christ-likeness. His life was focused on Christ—and being like Him.

e. Phil. 3:15 – Paul’s desire for every believer is that we share his single-mindedness for Christ.

f. Phil. 4:11-13 – Paul’s mind was set on Christ.
• It mattered not so much whether he was well fed or hungry; in good health or poor; abounding or in need.
• Paul’s mind was on Christ… and hence, in whatever state he was in – he KNEW that Christ was all sufficient.
• He could do ALL THINGS… because he was single-mindedly focused on ONE THING… Christ the Lord.

g. Paul lived and demonstrated the power and JOY of a Christ centered life.

h. His MIND was on Christ… and he refused to allow anything else to capture his mind.
• Because his mind was captured by Christ, he THOUGHT like Christ. He had the MIND of Christ.
• This is what the Philippians (and us!) needed as well.
• The person who has a Christ centered life will demonstrate the mind of Christ.

4. What MIND did Paul want in the individual believers at Philippi?

a. He wanted them to have the same mind (mindset; attitude) that the eternal Son of God demonstrated in the incarnation.

b. Phil. 2:6 – Christ existed for an eternity in the past in the form of God. His outward glory and radiance were manifestations of His inward nature. Myriads of angels worshipped at His feet.

c. Phil. 2:6 – He thought it not robbery to be equal with God: He did not esteem it necessary to grasp on to this visible, outward manifestation of His internal divine essence. He was willing to “let go” of this outward expression of His glory.

d. Phil. 2:7 – He made Himself of no reputation: lit = He emptied Himself… and took on the outward form of a servant… and became a Man.
• Emptied Himself = kenosis =
• Christ emptied Himself of His outward manifestation of His divine glory when He became a Man.
• He emptied Himself of His RIGHT to exercise His divine powers when He became a Man…
• It was a self renunciation… a refusal to use what He had for His own advantage… for personal gain…
• He still possessed all of His divine powers and attributes, but chose not to exercise them… and He did so for us!
• He still possessed all of His divine essence and glory, but chose not to manifest it outwardly.
• This was an emptying of SELF. (made Himself of no reputation).
• There was not a trace of self exaltation in this. Christ had been exalted in glory… and He willingly chose to leave behind that outward display of exalted glory … and He humbled Himself for us.
• There was nothing of self interest or self-will in the incarnation… in Christ becoming a Man to die the awful death of the cross. That was an act of pure selflessness.
• This was the unselfish mind of LOVE… that seeks nothing of its own… but seeks the good of others.

5. Vs.10 – Christ demonstrated this selfless spirit even unto the death of the cross.

a. This attitude of utter selflessness that knows no limits… is what Paul is talking about when he says, “Let this mind (attitude) be in you.”

b. If we want to manifest Christ in our lives… to manifest the mind, heart, and compassion of Christ… then we need this attitude: the kind of selflessness demonstrated in the kenosis experience…
• When He left the outward show of His glory behind…
• When He willingly laid aside His rights…
• When He humbled Himself to become a servant of men…
• When He put OUR spiritual well being ahead of His own comfort and ease.

c. “Let this mind be in you” is a command. Hence, obeying it is an act of our will.
• Will we CHOOSE to manifest this Christlike, supernatural attitude of selflessness… or will we choose to manifest the much more natural attitude of selfishness?
• In Philippi, the strife and pride indicated to Paul that SELF was reigning. Christ was pushed aside.
• Paul’s answer: the believers need to push self aside… by manifesting the holy and humble attitude of Christ.

d. This command is in essence quite the same as the others we have looked at.
• If Christ is to have the preeminence in our lives, we need to STOP allowing self-serving motives to control our thinking, our hearts, our attitudes, and hence our behavior… and START allowing the selfless attitude of Christ to take over.
• Only THEN can we say that Christ has preeminence in our lives… when we have the mind of Christ.
• The mind of self or the mind of the flesh will ALWAYS take the position of preeminence…
• That is unless we keep our old man on the cross… by faith…reckon self to be dead…so that we no longer are enslaved to that selfish nature… so that the new nature that exalts Christ can rule and reign!
• And oh how practical! If we want to get rid of the strife and vainglory in our lives… if we want to learn to stop butting heads with people we love… then here is one awesome lesson: Consider Christ’s kenosis experience.

6. Timothy demonstrated the mind of Christ. (Phil. 2:19-21)

a. Vs. 19 – Paul was prepared to send Timothy to Philippi for their edification and encouragement in the Lord.
• This was an example of the mind of Christ on Paul’s part.
• We know how much Paul loved Timothy… and at this time… to send him to minister to others was an act of pure, selfless love on Paul’s part.
• Paul was not concerned about his own condition, but was concerned about THEIR comfort and their state.

b. Vs. 20 – Paul could trust Timothy to care for them… because Timothy was likeminded (like – souled) with Paul on this essential matter: the mind of Christ… selfless, humble, love.

c. Vs. 21 – Timothy was different from most men.
• Most men are self seeking, and do not seek after the things of Christ…
• But Timothy was the exception to that rule.
• This is quite an indictment on believers… but Paul probably meant of all the people that were near him in Rome, only Timothy was of such a mind… an attitude.

7. Are you willing to empty yourself of self? Are you willing to put aside your so-called rights… be willing to esteem others better… willing to demonstrate a genuine lowliness of mind?

a. This is what occurs when Christ has the preeminence.

b. And even if we differ on the details – we can still be of one accord… likeminded… because we have the mind of Christ.

c. Christ has preeminence in our lives when we demonstrate a humble, selfless, servant’s attitude of love… esteeming others better than yourself.

d. So let this mind be in you!

e. A Christ centered life is characterized by the mind of Christ.


1. As Christians, we ought to be armed with that same mind… that same attitude. (I Pet. 4:1-2)

a. Arm yourself: this verb speaks of a soldier putting on his weapons and armor for battle.

b. We are to be armed with the same mind as Christ had: unswerving allegiance to doing God’s will—regardless of the personal cost.

c. Christ is our example of an attitude of being willing to suffer for righteousness sake. (I Pet. 3:17-18) He suffered for well doing.

d. Whether we are living in a day of persecution or a day of relative ease, we are ALWAYS to walk about with this same mind: an attitude of being willing to suffer for righteousness sake… willing to do God’s will… willing to submit to Christ’s yoke…

e. Peter states that if we’re willing to be identified with Christ in His sufferings by faith, then we too will experience victory over sin—he hath ceased from sin!

f. The believer who is identified with Christ in His sufferings… (the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death) – will experience the power of the resurrection in his life! (Phil. 3:10)

2. This is the believer who has CEASED from sin.

a. Ceased: perfect passive…
• He has been released from sin and stands released…
• When a man is saved, God breaks the power of sin… and we are no longer slaves to sin.
• He that is dead is freed from sin…
• This is not sinless perfection… but a victorious life.

b. The victory is linked to our identification with Christ… by being armed with His mind… that attitude of being willing to suffer for righteousness sake…
• Heb. 13:12-13 – Willing to go forth unto Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach!
• When this attitude reigns, we cease from sinning.
• The believer who is thus identified with Christ in His sufferings IS the believer who has ceased from sin.

c. The context here indicates that the “sin” would be the sin of compromise… refusing to suffer for righteousness sake…
• The believer would not be suffering persecution if he was still sinning… if he were still going to their drunken parties… (vs. 3)
• The world only causes believers to suffer when they are walking in OBEDIENCE… hence, they are not sinning.
• If we are unwilling to identify with Christ on the cross—[we died with Him]—then we will never experience victory OVER sin. We will never experience the power of the resurrection in our lives.

d. The cross speaks of a BREAK with our old life of sin. He that is dead is freed from sin! (Rom. 6:7)

e. This is an attitude of selflessness… even to the death of the cross. This is the mind of Christ… and we are to be ARMED with it daily. How incredibly powerful is this attitude!

f. Maintaining that attitude is our responsibility. We are to take that position of mind/heart/attitude… and WALK that way… moment by moment… day by day…

3. I Peter 4:2 – this believer is no longer living in order to satisfy his own selfish lusts… but rather he is living to the will of God.

a. This is a death to self-will… and alive unto God’s will.

b. The contrast here is between living for lusts and living for the will of God… the desires of self or the will of God.

c. This is the believer who is willing to submit to Christ’s yoke… absolute surrender of his will to the will of God… regardless of the cost… knowing that His yoke is easy.



1. Paul is not speaking of his own thought life or the thought life of any of the believers in Corinth.

a. He is fighting the good fight of THE Faith.

b. He was not talking about the battle going on in his own mind… or bringing his own thoughts into captivity—or the thoughts of the Corinthian believers…

c. Rather it was a conflict between the TRUTH he was preaching and the ERROR the enemy was sending into the newly formed churches.

2. Paul was entering into gentile territory – spiritual darkness…

a. He was fighting not against the Hittites or Amalekites, but against spiritual wickedness in high places…

b. He was fighting against the doctrines of demons… demons who appear as angels of light to deceive…

c. He was engaged in real spiritual warfare… Satan who blinds the minds of those who believe not.

3. Therefore, he could not war after the flesh. (vs. 3)

a. He would not use carnal weapons…

b. He wasn’t fighting a battle with carnal weapons: swords or spears.

c. Nor was he fighting a battle with human weapons such as human wisdom, human intelligence, human powers of persuasion, or human talent or showmanship.

d. The Judaizers tried to LURE Paul into such a battle – pitting their philosophy against his gospel… pitting their human accomplishments against his… pitting their letters of recommendation against his… matching their oratory skills against his…

e. Paul would not engage in a mere human battle with carnal weapons.

4. Therefore, Paul did not want to use carnal weapons in such warfare! (vs. 4)

a. Carnal weapons are useless in a spiritual conflict.

b. His weapons were mighty through God!

c. His weapons were not very impressive to the carnal man – prayer; reliance upon God; faith; humility; truth; righteousness; the Scriptures.

d. But they were mighty through God—God stands behind every one of the weapons He gives for this conflict…

5. These weapons were able to produce real spiritual results (vs. 4b-5)

a. Pulling down the strongholds of the enemy (vs. 4b) – false doctrines that captivate ignorant minds…

b. Casting down imaginations – human reasoning – philosophies – (vs. 5)

c. Casting down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God – namely, anything that exalts itself against the truth of God’s word is obviously based in human pride.

d. Bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. (5c)

6. The three steps of the apostle’s spiritual warfare are: (1) It casts down and demolishes that which is opposed to Christ; (2) It leads captive; (3) It brings its captives into obedience to Christ.


• The underlying point behind Paul’s argument here has to do with the POWER of the weapons God has given us in the spiritual conflict: such as PRAYER, FAITH, the SPIRIT, and the TRUTH.
• To the world, relying on such things is FOOLISH… but in reality, it is the power of God unto salvation and sanctification!
• His underlying point is that TRUTH is mighty through God – is able to cut through error… false doctrines… worldly wisdom… and human reasoning. It can cast down and knock down erroneous thinking…
• Truth is also able to captivate minds and hearts and bring them into submission and obedience to Christ.
• Now, if God’s Word can do that to those who oppose the gospel – it can do the same in OUR lives!

1. Pulling Down Strongholds (vs. 4c)

a. It is used metaphorically of the strong points of an argument; in which someone trusts; like a fortress they hide behind for safety.

b. Our adversary, the devil has many strongholds…
• Various philosophies… ways of thinking… various false doctrines that are close to the truth, the thinking of the world; religion; etc… but they are all wrong…

c. Even though we are saved, our minds can still be motivated by the fleshly nature… and manifest the mind of the flesh.
• When that is the case, our minds and thoughts are going to be just like that of an unbeliever – because our flesh does NOT improve!
• If we walk in the flesh, we will THINK like the world.

d. Yet, if we keep our minds and hearts saturated in the Word – TRUTH will cast down such strongholds!
• Truth exposes wrong thinking; wrong concepts; wrong philosophies; wrong doctrine…

e. Just as the preaching of the gospel can break down the walls of resistance… pull down the fortresses of human thinking that men hide behind… it can do the same in OUR MINDS too.
• Truth can expose OUR wrong thinking… renew OUR minds… pull down any strongholds that we have been hiding behind… using as an excuse…
• The Word of God is powerful—it pulls down those strongholds and exposes what we are… we stand naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
• The Bible is not just a book. It is a spiritual book that is used in a powerful way by the Holy Spirit of God. HE uses His Word to convict our hearts… point out where our thinking is off base…

f. Truth will PULL DOWN such strongholds: (pull down = tear down; demolish; destroy utterly…)
• That kind of thinking is not to be tolerated at all in the Christian.
• Don’t even TOY with such thoughts. Allow God’s Word to pull them down… destroy…

2. Casting down Imagination… (vs. 5a)

a. Imagination = (logismous) – [calculation; argument; reasoning; consideration; conclusion; etc.]

b. Refers to the reasonings of the flesh… which is a CARNAL weapon!

c. Even though saved, human reasoning can control our thought processes… if we are not filled with the Spirit.

d. If we are not careful, human reasoning will infect our daily thought life too.
• The devil wants to control the way you think. If he can capture you mind… he has YOU!
• He will give you 1001 excuses why its OK for you to disobey what the Bible plainly says… or what the Spirit leads you to do…
• He will enable your mind to come up with all kinds of ways to rationalize your way around simple obedience.
• Imaginations… reasoning that is of the world and the flesh and is not of God is to be CAST DOWN.
• It cannot be tolerated in the Christian life.

e. Does your imagination… your human reasoning run away with you at times?
• It will if we let it! It will take us FAR away from God if we let it.
• Rationalizing will lead you to believe that you are better off going to the beach on Sunday instead of church; better off keeping your offerings to yourself than throwing it away to the church; better off sleeping a little later than getting up early just to read the Bible; better off caving in to your unsaved relatives wishes, rather than obeying God and rocking the boat; better off letting your kids decide for themselves if they want to go to church rather than forcing them; better off not speaking up for Christ at work rather than risk being ridiculed.
• We can rationalize our way around anything… rationalize ourselves far away from God… far away from obedience… far away from where we ought to be spiritually… and according to the wisdom of the world – it will just FEEL RIGHT doing it!

3. We too as believers have so called “high thoughts” (proud thoughts)… which exalt themselves against the knowledge of God! (vs. 5b)

a. We sometimes think ourselves smarter than God…

b. We get taken in by the world of science falsely so called – and swallow the world’s view of the origin of the universe…

c. We think OUR way of rearing children is superior to the archaic method spelled out in the Bible…

d. We think OUR concept of husband/wife relationships is superior to the old fashioned, culturally biased, male dominated, view of Paul!

e. We think that WE can lead holy lives on our own – with submitting to the Spirit of God – we can forsake the assembly of ourselves and it won’t affect us… we can skip reading the Word and still be strong… we don’t need to pray with the saints… we can rely on our own strength to get through life…

f. We don’t really need to be coming to the throne of grace daily for grace to help in time of need. We can stand on our own—and while we may need assistance from God time to time… we can handle life on our own…

g. We don’t like God’s view: the cross—that means that we are completely powerless to live the Christian life! Our hearts are desperately wicked and deceive us when the flesh is in control! Without Christ, we can do nothing!

h. We have proud, arrogant, high thoughts that reject all that… somehow; we think that we are an exception to the rule. We can handle it.

i. Let’s face it – we think this way at times – although we don’t like to admit it…

j. It is human pride, self-will, and arrogance. They are like walls that separate us from God, truth, and spiritual victory! They must be cast down!

4. Proud thoughts exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.

a. If our minds are proud… then Christ does NOT have the preeminence in our thinking.

b. Herein lies the battle being waged in our minds: will we allow our proud thoughts to be seated in the throne… exalted… preeminent… OR will Christ have preeminence in our minds?

c. It is one or the other.

d. Vs. 5 – Proud thoughts are to be CAST DOWN… destroyed (verb form of the noun “the pulling down of” in vs. 4)
• Vs. 5 – casting down = present participle…
• This is an ongoing battle… continuous action…
• Such thoughts pop up in our minds like pop ups on our computers… out of the clear blue sky!
• Each one is to be cast down…
• Each proud thought that says, “I WILL”… needs to be cast down… one by one… day by day… moment by moment… till glory.

5. Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (vs. 5c)

a. The obedience of Christ is a new “prison.” (in the illustration used)
• The minds of the unsaved had been held up in a stronghold (prison fortress) of the devil.
• But the power of the gospel pulled down those strongholds… led the prisoners in that fortress out (the truth shall make you free!)… and now they are free… saved… regenerated!
• Truth has now captured that regenerated mind… and made it subservient to a new master—to Christ and His Word!

b. Freedom from the devil’s stronghold does not mean we are free to do and think whatever we want. It means we are free to SERVE Christ.

c. Paul’s point in II Cor. 10:5 is that God’s spiritual weapons are able to set our minds free from the strongholds of the devil… from darkness… AND bring it into a NEW CAPTIVITY… captivity to a new master – to Christ and His Word!

d. These spiritual weapons (faith; prayer; truth) are able to bring every one of our thoughts into obedience to God and His Word!

e. As long as we are yielded to God – our mind will be obedient to Him!

f. Our mind is one of those members that needs to be yielded to God. (Rom.6:13)
• The end result? Our mind will become an instrument of righteousness…
• When yielded to the flesh… our old nature… our mind is an instrument of evil thoughts.
• The promise? (vs.14) Sin SHALL NOT have dominion over you… or your mind –
• We CAN have a mind that is obedient… that is under control… that is subservient to Christ… victorious…
• God has given us spiritual weapons – which if used – result in VICTORY! (grace; faith; truth; prayer)
• Is Christ LORD of your thought life? Do we MIND things above? Do we have a single EYE for Him?
• Or, are we DOUBLE minded? The double minded man is unstable in all his ways!

6. Our thought life can and must be brought into the captivity of a new master… from one stronghold to another.

a. You want victory over your thought life?

b. Victory is obtained not by gritting our teeth and TRYING with all OUR might to think good thoughts and to get rid of the evil thoughts.

c. It is NOT a matter of self discipline. (That leads to self righteousness!)

d. Victory is ours by faith in and allegiance to the New Master – Christ!

e. Yield to God and be filled with the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is self control… even over our mind.

f. Victory over our mind comes through a RELATIONSHIP to a new master…
• Total surrender to His will… the yoke… the altar… the cross… bringing every thought into CAPTIVITY…
• Don’t expect the Lord to produce a holy thought life… to give you control over your mind IF deep in our heart we are unwilling to submit to Him, not fully surrendered!
• You can’t have a self controlled, holy, pure thought life… no matter how much we may want one… IF we are harboring SIN in our heart… and if we are unwilling to YIELD our all to Him…
• Pure hearts and pure minds go together. The answer is to surrender to this new master…
• You want a better thought life? Work on your RELATIONSHIP to Jesus Christ!

» True knowledge makes men humble. Where there is exaltation of self, there knowledge of God is wanting [Bengel].

The Preeminence of Christ:

and the Will



1. Can you say that “in all things Christ has the preeminence” in my life?


a. This is a matter of the will. It is a choice we make.

b. And while anyone can SAY those words, God will put this to the test repeatedly in our everyday lives.

c. Who has preeminence in your life? Regardless of what we might say, in reality, our choices in life demonstrate who really has preeminence.

2. Preeminence of Christ in our choices: that which we choose demonstrates our priorities and who is preeminent in our lives.

a. Do we give Christ an important place in our lives (a large piece of the pie, a certain %) or can we say Christ IS our life. Only then can we say that in all things He has the preeminence in our lives.

b. If Christ truly IS our life, then we will CHOOSE Christ over other “things.”

c. Our will is seen in the choices we make; and the choices we make demonstrate who or what has the preeminence.

3. We looked at several illustrations used for dealing with the self life in the Bible (yoke; altar; cross).

a. Each of these illustrations involves an act of the will.

b. One must be WILLING to submit to the yoke; WILLING to present his body a living sacrifice; WILLING to reckon himself to be crucified with Christ.

c. This can never be forced. If it is forced, it isn’t grace. It isn’t the love of God working in us. It isn’t real!

d. The law can beat a person into submission to a code… for fear of the consequences. The apostle Paul was “blameless” under the Law before he was even saved! His heart was not willingly submitted to God… but he DID obey the Mosaic Laws.

e. Children might obey their parents—because they fear the consequences of disobedience. But that does not assure that they have a submissive, willing, spirit.

f. Anger, resentment and rebellion might be simmering on the inside—even though there is outward conformity to the rules.

g. Many young people brought up in Christian homes come to church every week; go to Sunday school; and seem to be decent, obedient children… yet do so out of constraint… not willingly. And once they are out on their own—they never go to church or read their Bibles again.

h. A child can go through their adolescent years living in obedience to all the rules set by dad and mom, and SEEM to be submissive… yet deep down inside, be in REBELLION against their parents… There wasn’t one ounce of WILLINGNESS in their external submission.

i. A Jew could live under the law and be blameless… yet be living in REBELLION against GOD. They obeyed the law of Moses because they had to, but there wasn’t one ounce of WILLINGNESS in their external submission.

j. Forced submission to a law is not at all like willing submission to a person.

4. The WILL is essential to Christianity. The will is necessary in order to be saved.

a. Man consists of intellect, emotion, and will.

b. Intellect: A person might believe in his head all the facts of the gospel and still go to hell. Simon the sorcerer believed.

c. Emotion: A man might believe the facts of the gospel and be stirred emotionally; be moved to tears… and still go to hell.

d. Will: unless that men CHOOSES to receive Christ by faith, he is lost… even if his intellect has been convinced of the facts of the gospel… and his heart moved by the message.

e. He can still REJECT Christ the Person… and say, “I am convinced that it is all true. But I don’t WANT to be saved. I don’t WANT Christ in my life.”

f. God OFFERS salvation to all, but He doesn’t force salvation on anyone.

g. Faith must be evident in the whole man: intellect, emotion, AND will! Believing on Christ is ultimately a CHOICE.
• The gift is offered to you. Will you receive it or not?
• The invitation to come to Christ is extended to you. Will you come or not?
• The charge to receive Christ is commanded to you. Will you receive Him by faith or not?

5. And once saved, as a believer, the human will is still vital in our relationship to Christ.

a. Christianity is not a law… a code book. It is a relationship to a PERSON.

b. One can maintain a good relationship to a law without a spirit of willing submission, but NOT with a Person.

c. Christ is the Bridegroom and the church is the Bride. That is a relationship of love and grace.

d. In a love relationship, the wife is to submit to her husband NOT because of a dread or fear of the consequences of disobedience… because she fears getting beaten… What an awful relationship that would be!

e. In a healthy relationship, the wife submits willingly because she WANTS to… because she LOVES her husband and wants to PLEASE him. Of all the men in the world, her husband is the preeminent one to her.

f. In a healthy relationship the husband also loves his wife… and esteems her better than himself. And when their anniversary comes, he buys her a present, not because he is required to… forced to… but because he WANTS to. LOVE motivates this relationship.

g. The nature of love is such that it requires the WILL… love cannot be forced or demanded. Love WILLINGLY sacrifices self for the good of another.
• When the will is removed, the act of love is quite meaningless to the recipient. It is no longer love.
• Submission to Christ’s yoke cannot be forced.
• If it is forced… (if we go along with the will of God out of peer pressure; shamed into it; embarrassed to be the only one not going along with it…) then it is phony.
• It is not real submission. It is external conformity to rules. And that person will NOT find his yoke easy. It will be the most burdensome yoke imaginable… and he will seek every way imaginable to get OUT of that yoke.
h. But when it is a WILLING submission to Christ’s yoke motivated by a genuine LOVE for the Lord… because of the LIFE of Christ in us… then that yoke will be easy… and His burden light!

i. The will makes all the difference.

j. Christ does NOT have preeminence in our lives until we WILLINGLY submit to Him… not until we CHOOSE to say, “Not my will but Thine be done.”

k. His preeminence in our lives is an act of the will. It is a CHOICE on our part.
• Will we choose Christ to be the preeminent One in our lives… or will we choose SELF?
• Who do we love more? That’s the one we’ll choose.
• It is one or the other. There can be no compromise or middle ground.
• You can’t serve two masters. The one we obey is our true master. The other one is actually DESPISED. One HAS to make a choice.

6. Doing the will of God is characteristic of a true believer.

a. Christ came not to do His own will, but the will of His Father.
• Jn. 4:34 – “My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me.”
• Jn. 5:30 – “?I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”
• Jn. 6:38 – “?For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.”
• Matt. 26:39 – “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

b. This ought to characterize the life of a believer too.
• Matt. 12:50 – “?For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
• It is an identifying mark of a true believer… it is a proof of conversion… the fruit of regeneration.
• The believer no longer lives to satisfy his own will. Rather, he lives to do the will of God.
• In fact, the closer we get to Christ, the more we will be able to say: I delight to do Thy will O God!
• We will be able to say with the Psalmist, “I delight in thy statutes”… or with Jeremiah, “Thy words were found and I did eat them, and thy word was unto me, the joy and rejoicing of my heart.”
• God changes us from within. Believers delight in doing the will of God. That yoke is easy… delightful.

c. The new nature delights in God’s will… BUT—we all have to deal with another nature too: SIN.
• Rom. 7:22 – I delight in the law of God after the inward man… ?But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.”
• Our delight in God and His Word will be challenged by our old nature which delights in self-will.
• This is an ongoing battle we face every day… a battle of the wills… my will vs. God’s will… Christ vs. self…


1. The language of the Bible is clear. Walking with God has always involved making CHOICES in life.

a. Josh. 24:15 – “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve.”

b. I Kings 18:21 – “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”

c. I Sam. 7:3 – And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, “If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only.”

d. Luke 16:13 – “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

e. Rom. 6:16 – “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”

f. Gal. 1:10 – “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.”

g. Jas. 4:4 – Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

h. I John 2:15 – “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

2. The everyday choices we make in life reveal to us if Christ is preeminent in our lives or not.

a. Is Christ LORD in your life? Do we give Him the place of preeminence?

b. Do we halt between two opinions? Are we double-minded? Are we tossed to and fro like a wave of the sea? Is our heart united or is our allegiance divided? Do we have a single eye?

c. God will allow situations to arise in our lives where we will be forced to decide between Christ and self; between the will of God and self-will.

d. While the contest is ALWAYS between Christ and self, the particulars may vary.
• It may appear to be a contest between Christ and other things: idols of our heart.
• Between Christ and a besetting sin; the things of the world; money; pleasing men; sports; music; family; education; career; entertainment; pleasure; hobbies; friends; popularity; health; travel; etc.

e. When those situations come upon us, we are forced to decide.
• Until we are actually IN that situation, we may not really KNOW if Christ is preeminent or not.
• We may think so… hope so… even say so… but the choices we make PROVES it (one way or another) and ends the debate.
• This is like the wife who THINKS she is submissive to her husband… because her husband always chooses that which pleases her… and she always submits. It is not until he chooses otherwise that her submission to him is challenged.
• She discovers that that which she THOUGHT was submission was really self-will.

f. Every new situation that comes up in life is a test of our will. Will we choose to please self or Christ? Will we choose to give Christ the preeminence or something else?
• Life is one long, continuous string of choices.
• And while the particulars may vary (Christ vs. skiing; Christ vs. money; Christ vs. friends; etc…) the bottom line and real test is always one of the WILL—HIS will or MY will.
• It is either “My will be done” or “thy will be done.” Choose ye this day! This is a choice: an exercise of will.


A. Preeminence of Christ and our tongue…

1. The tongue is a tough animal to tame. No man hath tamed it!

a. The Bible also tells us HOW to use our tongues, and how NOT to use our tongues.

b. Obedience is a choice… an act of our will. We CHOOSE the subjects we speak about.

2. Do we glory in the Lord in our speech or do we glory in self? (I Cor.1.31)

a. What is the theme of our speech? Self?

b. Our accomplishments, deeds, talents, what we’ve done; where we’ve been; the important people we know?

c. Stop and listen to yourself sometime.

d. What is the preeminent theme of our speech, self or Christ?

3. What is the motivation behind our speech, to exalt self or Christ?

a. Prov. 27:2 – “Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth.”

b. Ps. 51:15 – “O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.” (Ps. 63:3-5)

c. Ps. 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

4. Of course we will talk about other issues in life: baseball; politics; current events; the war in Iraq; the economy; your job; your grandchildren… that is perfectly normal and natural.

a. But what is the THEME of our lips? What is the grand topic of our life? Who or what has preeminence in our speech?

b. Do we delight in talking about the Lord and the things of the Lord? Or are we uncomfortable talking about Christ? Do we try to shift the conversation back to baseball?

c. Are we uncomfortable talking about the Lord because we are on unfamiliar territory?

d. We can’t share answered prayers if we are not praying.

e. We can’t share blessings from the Word if we are not reading.

f. We can’t talk much about Christ if we don’t know Him well…

g. The answer is to GET to know Him; spend more time in the Word and in prayer;

h. Learn to DELIGHT yourself in the Lord—and then His praises will be more and more on our lips. Christ will have preeminence in our speech.

i. And even when we are talking about “other things” (economy; family; sports; job; etc.) is Christ lifted up by our conversation?

j. And our speech is important because it is a direct link to the heart.

k. What we SAY is an act of the will… what we say to our children… parents… spouse… boss…

l. Does Christ have preeminence in our speech?

B. Preeminence of Christ in our finances… (Matt. 6:19-24)

1. It is common thinking to divide life into two realms: sacred and secular or spiritual and material.

a. The Bible knows of no such division. For the believer ALL is sacred.

b. As believer-priests, every aspect of life is spiritual… including our finances.

c. Whether a person is poor or rich has NO bearing whatsoever on whether they are carnal or spiritual… Christ centered or self centered. Wrong thinking!

d. That which is problematic for the believer is not the fact that we possess material goods. But it is problematic when they possess us!

e. That is covetousness… and that is called idolatry!

f. Being “possessive” is sin. (This is mine!) That is self exalting.

g. This selfish attitude can be manifested either through spending OR hoarding.

h. Covetousness displaces Christ from His position of preeminence in our lives. It is an idol…

i. At any given moment, either Christ is LORD or materialism is lord. It is one or the other.

j. When one is ruling, the other is displaced. You can’t have two masters simultaneously.

k. John Calvin said, “Where riches hold the dominion of the heart, God has lost His authority?.”

2. A master: he owns you; controls you; and you are obligated to him; the one owned by a master has no will of his own.

a. We are servants to one or the other. We take our orders from our master. Who gives you orders?

b. Eventually, the commands of these two masters will conflict or contradict one another. Then the servant is put to the test.

c. Each master will be vying for our heart. “Give me thine heart, son. No, says the other. Give it to me!”

d. Jesus is not saying that it is very difficult to serve two masters. He states that it is impossible. Ye CANNOT!

e. A choice is required. You can’t serve God and money.

3. We are not owners of our finances. We are stewards.

a. And it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful… trusting God; relying upon Him; leaning on God for direction.

b. Stewards are not GIVEN the master’s material goods. Rather, those goods are ENTRUSTED to him… to be used for the good of his master. That is the essence of stewardship.

4. ALL of our money belongs to God and is to be used for the glory of God.

a. Everything we have, we have RECEIVED from God. (What hast thou that thou hast not received?) (Every good gift cometh down from above, from the Father of lights…)

b. That does NOT mean that we give it all to the church!

c. It is God’s will for you to pay your bills; mortgage; feed your family; buy clothes; education; going on vacation; insurance; etc. This is part of our testimony—and brings glory to God.

d. For most people, MOST of our money is going to be spent on these things… and that IS God’s will.

e. There is nothing selfish about that.

f. It should be spent with a proper attitude: this is God’s money that I have received from Him… and He in His grace enables me to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. Thank you Lord! God is glorified in that response.

g. Don’t be deceived by unscrupulous “ministries” that try to get your money in their pockets… and twist scripture to do so!

h. It is the Holy Spirit who leads each of us as individuals in the use of the money God has entrusted to us. We are not told how much to give… what percentage to give… be led of the Spirit… and don’t let any MAN tell you how much.

5. The real test comes in our finances through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

a. Are we willing to be led of the Spirit in EVERYTHING we do—including the use of our finances?

b. The Bible does not say what percentage we are to spend on what. No man can tell you either!

c. The use of money is between you and the Lord… period.

d. Hence, it becomes a test of our love for Him… a test of our generosity vs. selfishness… a test of whether we are really willing to submit to God’s will in the use of our money.

e. If Christ has the preeminence in our finances, then we hold everything we own in open hands before Him… WILLING to follow His will… willing to put our head in that yoke.

f. If SELF has the preeminence, we will hold on to our goods with a clenched fist and use it as WE see fit: for me, myself, and mine!

g. We have no right (no ability!) to judge another person in this area… because only he and God know how the Spirit led that individual.

h. Don’t worry about others. We have enough to do to guard our own heart in this matter.

i. As in all other areas of the Christian life, the filling of the Holy Spirit is key.

j. If we are filled with the Spirit—Christ will have the preeminence in everything…

k. Every man is a slave to something. We are either slaves to Christ—or slaves to material things… one or the other.

l. If you are enslaved to material things… the answer is to yield yourself to God and be filled with the Spirit. The Spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death… and delivers us into the willing service to a new master: Christ!

m. Choose you this day whom ye will serve!

6. And as always, the real contest is not between Christ and mammon, but between Christ and SELF.

a. But money makes a man “self-sufficient.” (Who needs the Lord?)

b. Deut. 8:11 – Moses warns the Israelites as they enter the land of milk and honey…
• Beware lest ye forget the Lord…
• Vs.12-14 – pride and spiritual amnesia sets in.
• Vs. 17 – attributing the success to self.
• The rich man is wise in his own conceit. (Prov. 28:11)
• Vs. 18 – forgetting that it is all from the Lord who GIVES us power (strength) to get wealth…
• Vs. 19-20 – if you displace the Lord and replace Him with wealth as your god… you will perish!
• God is dead serious about this. He demands His rightful position and He tolerates no rivals.
• This is pride and self-will: I did all this! To ME be the glory!

c. Who has preeminence, Christ or self-will expressed in covetousness or materialism?

d. Regardless of what we might say, the choices we make in life tell the real story.

e. Take a good hard look at your life. When there is a conflict between serving Christ and serving mammon, who wins?

C. Preeminence of Christ in our time…

1. Col. 4:5 – redeeming the time.

a. Redeeming the time means “buying up the opportunities” that time affords us.

b. Just as a business man seizes every opportunity to advance his business… he takes advantage of bargains and low interest rates… so too the believer, who is a steward of his time seizes the opportunities that time affords us to use that time for the glory of God… and to magnify Christ.

c. How do you use your time?

d. Not one second of time belongs to us. There is no such thing as “my time”… or “free time”… or “family time”… or “ministry time”… or “vacation time”… “work time”… “off time”… “God’s time.”

e. Christ is the Author and Lord of time. Every second we have is on loan from God. He is the Lord and owner of it all. He owns every second of our lives.

f. When it comes to money, there is great inequality. Some men are born into poverty; others are born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

g. But when it comes to time, there is in one sense perfect equality: everyone has exactly the same amount to work with each day.

h. It is our CHOICE how we use it.

2. And our use of time is also a contest between Christ and self… between God’s will and self-will.

a. How WILL I use my time? As I want? For my own good pleasure? Am I lord of my life? Don’t I control my time?

b. Or will I, as a good steward, lay it at the altar and seek HIS will in how I use it… and what I use it for?

c. Do I dare give up… sacrifice precious time to read the Word in the morning? Sacrificing a relaxing night on the couch to come to prayer meeting? To visit the sick? To minister to a brother going through a trial? To make a meal for someone in need? To bring the gospel to a friend? All of this takes time… and involves the priestly offering or sacrifice of time.

d. OR, will such sacrifices interfere with MY plans for my time… a baseball game… extra sleep time… lounging on the couch… going to the beach…to a restaurant…or just doing nothing… all this takes time too.

e. Who IS Lord of my time?

f. And like money, we only have so much time to work with. We are stewards of time…and must give an account.

g. It is NOT God’s will for you to give all your money to the church. Nor is it God’s will for you to spend 7 days a week at church.

h. But we ARE expected to be yielded so that the Spirit can LEAD us in a wise use of God’s time for His glory.
• God wants you to spend time at your job—a reasonable amount… and that may fluctuate at times…
• God wants you to spend time with your family… a reasonable amount of time… don’t be stingy… and not selfish…
• God wants you to spend time with your wife… time with your kids… time with your wife and kids… time with your aging parents.
• God wants you to spend time relaxing and getting refreshed… but not too much or not too little.
• God wants you to spend time taking care of your body… exercise… a reasonable amount of time… (be balanced—it profits a little)
• God wants you to spend time ministering in the local church… a reasonable amount of time… not forsaking it… and not over doing it either!

i. At times it might seem like you are being pulled in all directions – with everyone grabbing at your time.
• I feel that way often…
• Guilt often sets in when you aren’t able to give time to everything that is making demands on your time.

j. BUT – life is so much simpler when Christ is really LORD of our lives… and Lord of our time.
• Be led of the Spirit… God will lead each of us as individuals… and as individual families HOW to use our time for His glory.
• When led of the Spirit, we will experience a guilt-free existence… IF we are Spirit led… and the motive is the glory of God.
• Wake up every day and say, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do today?” There is no guilt in that.
• When that’s our attitude, then Christ has preeminence with our time.
• And this is by far the best way to live! The guilt is gone because we are doing His will.
• We need not be discouraged because we didn’t have time to do everything WE wanted to do.
• For some, that involves going to work at the office. For some that means spending all day at school. For some that means staying home and changing diapers.
• Every day there will be 1001 good things that we could have done… and sometimes we feel guilty because we didn’t do all 1001.
• But if we are led of the Spirit, we can be content because we did do what HE wanted us to do.

3. Ps. 31:15 – “My times are in thy hand.” Do you believe that? Live it!

D. Preeminence of Christ in our relationships with people…

1. Do we love the praise of men more than the praise of Christ?

a. John 12:42-43 – there were some who believed but did not act upon their faith because they loved the praise of men more than of God.

b. Here were folks who believed, but whose faith was paralyzed because the praise of men took precedence above the praise from Christ.

c. Christ does not have preeminence there. This is often a choice we are forced to make. We can either decide to win the approval of men or Christ… but not both.

d. These men were AFRAID to say anything that might displease men… they were handcuffed by fear… scared to death of offending anyone…

e. Of course we should avoid offending people unnecessarily. (I disdain the “cowboy Christian” attitude prevalent in some).

f. But certain situations FORCE us to choose… we can either do what is right (which will offend men and honor God) or we can sin by NOT offending men but dishonoring God.

2. Those situations reveal who has the preeminence: Christ—or men?

a. Sometimes this fear of man and love for the praise of men will SILENCE our witness for the Lord.

b. The fear of man caused Peter to deny the Lord 3 times!

c. It can cause us to flatly disobey the Lord. (I Sam. 15:24)

d. It can cause us to compromise our faith… and it can cause us to lead others astray by our actions. (Gal. 2:11-13)

e. It can cause us to change our message. (Gal. 1:9-10)

f. Prov. 29:25 – it brings a snare—such fear can ENSLAVE us… but us in a prison house under servitude to wishes and whims of a Christ-rejecting world…

g. Those who love the praise of men are prisoners to THEIR will. And that will often be in direct opposition to the will of God.

h. Friendship with the world is enmity with God.

3. Do we seek the acceptance of men and ignore the fact that we are accepted in the Beloved? (Eph. 1:6)

a. Some believers are obsessed with being popular… with having friends… they want more than anything for people to like them. That is a sinful attitude.

b. It is not sinful to want friends—but it is wrong to want friends more than ANYTHING… to the point where we are willing to compromise our relationship with Christ in order to obtain their friendship.

c. It is sinful to dote over being accepted by men—and ignore the fact that we are accepted in the Beloved!

d. Which means more to us?

e. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. The opposite is true as well – friendship with God will turn people in the world away from us.

f. Do we give preeminence to social friendship in the world over spiritual fellowship in Christ among believers?

g. But whose acceptance means more? Who has preeminence?

4. Whose acceptance will we CHOOSE? This too is an act of our will… that will be put to the test. …..

5. CONCLUSION — SALVATION: Will you choose Christ as Savior?

The Preeminence of Christ:

and the Heart


1. We have been on Col. 1:18 since the end of January. It is time to move on—but not until we consider one more aspect of the preeminence of Christ… in the heart.

2. The last two weeks on this verse we looked at preeminence and the intellect (mind)… and preeminence and the will. Now we are going to look at the heart of the matter—which is the matter of the heart. (intellect, emotion, and will – 3 parts of personality)

3. If Christ is going to have preeminence in your life and mine, then it has got to come from the heart.

a. If it doesn’t come from the heart, then trying to MAKE Christ preeminent in our lives (by doing this or not doing that) is going to be an unbearable, legalistic burden… His yoke will be anything but light.

b. Living a life characterized by “not my will but Thine be done” will be nigh unto torture… a most unpleasant form of slavery…

c. Some believers attempt to live such a life on sheer will power, grit, and determination… yet after putting in their best efforts, they inevitably fail…

d. Will power, grit, and determination will only take you so far…but eventually, a Christ centered life will prove to be WAY beyond our reach…

e. Many well intentioned believers try and fail several times… and then try and fail… and quit trying!

f. Such efforts really aren’t much different than the Israelites struggling to produce righteousness under the Law… which was a heavy yoke that the Jewish forefathers were not able to bear.

4. That which makes Christianity unique is the indwelling PERSON of Christ Himself! (Col. 1:27)

a. Christ lives in us. His LIFE is in us.

b. This dispensation is completely unique in this way…

c. Christianity is a living, vital, growing relationship to a PERSON.

d. The very essence of this relationship is LOVE… love for God… love for Christ.

e. This love for God is not something that we can conjure up in the flesh… this agape love is the fruit of the Spirit.

f. What is the ONE prerequisite for being filled with the Spirit? Yieldedness… surrender… a submissive heart.

g. When we yield ourselves unto God, the Spirit fills us with this fruit… and we will love the Lord our God with ALL of our heart.

h. For the believer who loves the Lord with his whole heart… the yoke that others find unbearably burdensome, he finds to be an absolute DELIGHT… he discovers that Jesus meant it when He said, “My yoke is easy, my burden is light.”

i. That which makes the difference is a HEART that genuinely loves Christ… yearns for fellowship with Him… longs to know Him more and more… craves after a closer relationship to Him.

j. When yoked together WITH Christ in HIS yoke… we are as close to Him as we can be… and that close relationship of love is what makes the burden light.

k. There is no substitute for that either.

l. Gen. 29:20 – Jacob served 7 years of hard labor for Rachel, but it seemed but a few days because of the LOVE he had for her.
• Imagine if he didn’t love Rachel? Those 7 years would have seemed like a forever… 7 years of hard labor… and he would have grumbled all the way through (you tricked me! This isn’t fair!) It would have been like a prison sentence.
• Human love took the burden out of Jacob’s labor.

1. The ground is cursed and men work by the sweat of their brow; labor is toilsome; wearisome.

2. But love can give a respite from that curse.

3. Knowing that he is working to provide food, shelter, and creature comforts for the wife and kids he loves can take a bit of the sting out of the office grind every day.

4. Human love can take the burden out of labor.
• Divine love can take the burden out of doing the will of God… and make it a delight.

» Sometimes the will of God involves much suffering, affliction, and hardship… but agape love for the Lord can make an otherwise burdensome yoke seem light.

» The believer who truly loves Christ and submits to His yoke isn’t going to be griping about the weight of the yoke; rather he will be rejoicing in the fact that he is yoked together with the One he loves: Christ Himself!

» Do you think that the holy angels who have a ministry in the presence of God complain about all the work they have to do? Being in God’s presence nullifies or makes void any concept of toil that such service might entail. It is a delight.

» II Cor. 4:17-18 – Paul’s afflictions were anything but light… but because his HEART was on Christ and on things above… it seemed light to him. (Our light affliction!?)
• Paul’s heart was on things above… on eternal things… and in particular, his heart was with the Lord Jesus Christ. His love for Christ made those afflictions seem light… and short.
• A heart that is captivated by the Person of Christ will follow Him and His will wherever it leads… regardless of the cost.
• Sheer will power, grit, and determination will peter out long before that.
• The love of God operating in our hearts, produced by the Holy Spirit, and as an evidence of the indwelling LIFE of Christ will take us to heights we could never have imagined… it will take us to higher ground…
• It will enable to say with DELIGHT, Not I but Christ without the slightest twinge of sadness… that MY will won’t be carried out.
• One who truly loves the Lord says, “I delight to do thy will, O God.” “My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me.”
• When Jesus said those words He did NOT mean that He delighted in the sufferings that God’s will contained for Him. No, He ANGUISHED over the sufferings.
• But He delighted in fulfilling the will of God because He knew it PLEASED His Father… and He loved the Father… and would do ANYTHING to please Him… whatever the cost. That’s what divine love will do.

Is our heart affection on the blessings, or on the One who gives the blessings?

The example of Job:

1. Job 1:9 – Satan wrongly assumed that Job feared God, served God, and loved God for what he could GET out of it… blessings.

a. Satan assumed that there was some self-serving interest in Job’s love for God and service to Him. (He wouldn’t do all that for nothing!)

b. Job 1:10 – Satan assumed that because God protected and blessed Job with riches… therefore Job loved the Lord.

2. Job 1:11 – Satan assumed that if God took the blessings away, that Job’s faith, love, service, and worship would disappear.

3. God was determined to prove Satan wrong.

4. It is commonly said that the purpose of the book of Job is to answer the question, “Why do the righteous suffer?”

a. Someone else has reworked that question: “Why do the righteous still worship God when they suffer?”

b. This is the question that befuddles the devil and his fallen angels.

5. Satan operates on this basis: that a human being has no higher motive or purpose in life than self interest… that all he does is based on self interest.

a. Satan understands the natural man of the flesh… but does not seem to understand the spiritual man.

b. Gen. 3:5 – Satan appealed to Adam and Eve on this basis: “ye shall be as gods!” He assumed that they would put their own self interests above the Lord. (and they did)

c. Matt. 4:8-9 – Satan tempted Jesus to fall down and worship him… and if He did, Satan would GIVE Him all the kingdoms of the world!

d. Satan badly miscalculated with the Lord. He miscalculates with many believers today too.

e. Satan does not grasp that there is a principle of LIFE in the Spirit filled believer today… and his regenerated heart LOVES the Lord… not for what He gives, but for who He is!

6. Job 13:15 – “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”

a. These words must have caused the devil’s head to spin! This is incomprehensible to the Devil… or to the world… or even a carnal Christian.

b. Remember that brethren – when God puts you through the crucible… the fiery furnace…

c. God has several purposes in it all:
• To confound our enemies…
• To bring us forth as gold…
• To magnify His blessed Son, the Lord Jesus.

d. And God DOES slay us… test us… try us… put us through the fires of affliction. The believer who is Christ centered will esteem Christ’s glory above his own comfort—and STILL trust in Him!

7. Job 23:10 – He knoweth the way I take. When Job was tested he said, “My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined.” (vs.11)

a. He refused to step OUT OF the way when the fires were applied. That too must have confounded the enemy of our souls!

b. Job’s attitude exposed the devil’s plan and attitude to be a lie!

c. Job did NOT love God just because God blessed him… and that was proven when the blessings were taken away… and he STILL loved the Lord!

d. God had the preeminence in his life…

e. And what was it that finally resolved all of these issues for Job? It wasn’t the blessings… but the One who BLESSED!

f. Job got a fresh glimpse of who God is… (where were you when I laid the foundations…) This was sufficient for Job.

g. Is it sufficient for you? Is Christ HIMSELF sufficient to keep us going… walking… yielding… surrendering to His yoke… presenting our bodies a living sacrifice?

h. OR, are we moved by self interests… what we can GET from God… what He will DO for me…

8. Job’s test proved to men and angels that God had first place in his heart.

a. It was the Giver, not the gift that had captivated Job’s heart.

b. Job had a heart for God… the only thing that could satisfy his heart was a glimpse of God…

c. Our hearts are deceitful. We might THINK that Christ has first place in our hearts… we might think that we love the Lord with all our heart… while in reality, our heart’s affection is rather on the BLESSINGS He gives us.
d. It may not be until those blessings are removed that we can know for SURE where our affections really lie.

e. Hab. 3:17-18 – Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: ? 18?Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

f. Habakkuk rejoiced in the PERSON of God… in the Lord… not in what the Lord would DO for him…

g. God will put every one of us to this kind of test at one point or another… to reveal to US what our heart condition is… and where our affections really lie.

The example of the psuedo disciples:

1. Do we really want to know HIM or is it that we want something FROM Him?

2. John 6:14-15 – many came to Christ “when they saw the bread.” (What He could do for them) They even wanted to make Him King! (A king who provides free lunch!)

3. John 6:26 – Jesus knew WHY folks came to Him. (Of course!)

a. He could see their motive.

b. They were not attracted to Him but rather to His gifts.

c. This is often the case today… hence the great interest in the charismatic movement—what Christ can do for you! (Healing; make you feel better; health and wealth; etc.)

4. John 6:60, 66 – When Christ suggested that they come to Him for who He is, the Bread of Life… most turned away.

a. When they discovered that Christ was really offering Himself to them… rather than what He could DO for them, they all went away… the congregation dwindled from 5000 to 12.

5. Christ has preeminence in our lives only when we are genuinely attracted to Him for who He is… not what He can do for us.

a. If we are attracted to Christ because we hope to have Him DO something for us… (healing; job; finances; family problems; etc.) then we are coming to Him for the wrong reasons.

b. Christ has preeminence in our lives when we are attracted to Him… and want to spend time learning of Him… praying in His name… reading His Word… fellowshipping with His people… worshipping in His house… even if our health stinks… and our finances have taken a nosedive… and we have family problems galore!

c. Is your heart affection on Christ… or is it really attached to what you hope Christ will DO for you?

Is our heart’s affection given to the Person of Christ… or to the “Cause” of Christ?

1. Christ has the preeminence when we are occupied with HIM and not a Christian lifestyle.

a. Don’t misunderstand here. We are all in favor of a Christian lifestyle.

b. The fact that a believer is occupied with a Christian lifestyle does not guarantee that he is also occupied with Christ.

c. Sometimes folks come to a Christian church, get saved, and (quite naturally!) LOVE the new lifestyle!
• They are now making friends with people who don’t drink, smoke, lie, swear, or run around!
• They are fascinated by this new clean lifestyle and it is quite appealing to them.
• They love the fact that their kids now have made some wholesome friends…
• They enjoy the church activities
• This is fine as far as it goes; but if this is as far as it goes, it is woefully inadequate!
• An unsaved man can change his lifestyle.
• And for a person who has been living a sleazy kind of life, a wholesome lifestyle with Christian values can seem attractive…
• And yet, that person may NOT be occupied with the person of Christ at all!

d. There are lots of ways that believers might become occupied with a Christian lifestyle… and promoting Christian values.
• Some folks are quite involved politically and socially in preserving Christian values.
• Some give themselves to working in a soup kitchen.
• Some become active in working to preserve the Christian view of marriage: one woman one man. (signing petitions)
• Some are active in working to preserve Christian values by opposing abortion. (marching on city hall)
• Some are active in passing out tracts and evangelizing… even serving as a missionary.

2. While there is a place for all of this earthly activity if the Lord so moves you, be aware that it is possible to be occupied with the cause of Christ and NOT be occupied with Christ Himself!

a. HE HIMSELF is to have the preeminence in our lives… not His cause… not His service… not Christian values, but Christ Himself!

b. Being occupied with preserving Christian values can be quite earthly in nature – a desire to enhance life here on earth… to make the world a better place to live. If Christ is not preeminent, then this differs not from the social gospel…

c. If that is all Christianity is to you, then you have missed the point… Christianity isn’t about promoting Christian values. Christianity is Christ… and our relationship to Him…

Christ has preeminence in our lives when we have a heart for Him and nothing else…

1. Ps. 73:25-26 – Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.? 26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

a. The psalmist’s affection for God was beginning to wane.

b. Vs. 3 – his affection slipped from God to “things.”

c. His eyes were no longer on the Lord, but he SAW the prosperity of the wicked. His eyes (and hence – his heart affection) was on the things wicked men possessed… that he DIDN’T have.

d. Vs. 13 – he actually began thinking like the devil!
• Satan believes that men serve God only for what they can GET from Him.
• Now Asaph was smitten with that twisted thinking.
• He was feeling like he served God for nothing! He kept his hands clean… and it was all in vain—because God didn’t bless him with material goods like the wicked men had.
• Now that he didn’t have the blessings, why serve God? What good did it do me?
• Asaph walked with God, hoping to be blessed—and he wasn’t!
• He was plagued and chastened (vs. 14)
• And the wicked seemed to have more earthly blessings and wealth than he did.

e. Vs. 16 – This became too painful for Asaph to contemplate.

f. Vs. 17 – This was too painful UNTIL he went into the sanctuary.
• There, God changed his thinking.
• There he got a fresh glimpse of who God is.
• There his twisted thinking… that had been influenced by the devil got a realignment.
• Vs. 18 – he realized that the wicked who prosper in this world are only a breath away from eternity in hell!
• Going into the sanctuary… spending time with God gave him a whole new perspective.

g. Vs. 25-26 – But this was Asaph’s greatest lesson.
• He learned that GOD was his portion!
• The wicked can have all the earthly blessings; Asaph really wanted God Himself!
• Asaph got it settled in his heart that there was no one and nothing in heaven or on earth that he really desired but God!
• He realized afresh that God was sufficient… that God was all he needed…
• He realized that prosperity could never satisfy his heart…
• People in the world may dote over good health and prosperity… over finances and real estate… but the believer has something infinitely better: God is our portion! And He will never leave us nor forsake us!
• Asaph went into the sanctuary of God and had a heart adjustment.
• His desires and affection were set on prosperity… but when he came out of the sanctuary, his desire was for the Lord.
• He realized how BLESSED he already was… since God was his portion!
• How much MORE should we as Christians grasp this: we who have been blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in Christ!

2. We often have the same heart problem that Asaph experienced.

a. Our affections DRIFT away from Christ to other things.

b. We too need to make heart adjustments from time to time.

c. Hence, Paul tells us to “set our affections” on things above, not on the things of the earth.

d. Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of mine own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house. (I Chron. 29:3)
• David set his affection on the earthly house of God.
• We are to set our affections in the heavenly house of God.
• David set his affection… we are to do the same.
• Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. (I Chron. 22:19)
• And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers.? 17So they strengthened the kingdom of Judah. (II Chron. 11:14)
• Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them. (Ps. 62:10)
• We can SET our heart on things we choose to set our hearts on.

e. Ps. 91:14 – God praised the psalmist because he set his love upon the Lord!
• Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
• He set his love upon the Lord… and God took notice and delivered him.
• What we set our love upon… what we set our affections upon is OUR choice.
• This kind of affection or love doesn’t just HAPPEN. It is guided… and selected… chosen… and it is our responsibility.
• And if we struggle in it, ask the Lord to INCLINE your heart towards spiritual things.
• Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. (Ps. 119:36)
• The heart can be inclined in various directions… pray! It is OUR responsibility, but it requires the power of God in us to do so!
• We are COMMANDED to love the Lord with all our heart and NOT to love the world.
• We are commanded to set our affections on things above where CHRIST sits… and not on other things.
• It is our choice.
• For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matt. 6:21)
• This is how we know where our heart is… Jesus says it will always be attached to that which we treasure.
• If we treasure earthly things, then our heart is earthly. If we treasure heavenly things, then our heart will be there – in heavenly things.
• Nobody can say, “My heart is with Christ in heaven; but I treasure the things of earth.” Our treasure and our heart will be in the SAME place.

3. Is there a heart yearning for Him?

a. Here is the real test of whether Christ has preeminence in your life or not.

b. What does your heart yearn for? Does it yearn for Christ?

c. Is your heart’s greatest desire to KNOW Him and the power of His resurrection?

d. Does your heart LONG for fellowship with Christ?

e. Does your heart look forward with great anticipation for the Lord’s Day… a time to gather with those of like precious faith to worship Christ as His Body?

f. Ps. 42:1-2 – Does your heart pant after God as a deer pants after brooks of refreshing water? Does your soul thirst for God?
• The psalmist was evidently away from the Temple and was being taunted by his unbelieving enemies.
• He remembered the joyous times of worship and fellowship… and longed for those times again.
• His heart was on the things of God; His affections were with the Lord… and he realized that NOTHING else could satisfy the needs of his heart BUT God!

g. In fact, this is the way God made us!
• God made man to worship Him and fellowship with Him.
• God made man with a hole in his heart that only GOD could fill.
• Since sin entered the world, men have been trying to fill that hole in the heart with all kinds of others things… but NOTHING satisfies long term.
• A new house won’t do it; a new spouse; a baby; a BMW; becoming CEO; becoming king wouldn’t satisfy.
• Some believers seek to bring satisfaction to their lives by seeking after THINGS. Christ does not have preeminence in their lives.
• Other believers realize what the psalmist realized: nothing satisfies the needs of the heart but God!
• That believer in whose life Christ IS preeminent will THIRST after Christ… more and more of Him… less and less of self.
• He realizes that true satisfaction comes only by knowing Christ in a deeper way… His soul thirsts for Christ…
• Ps. 63:1-2 – O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty? land, where no water is; ? 2To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.”
• He understood that only God can satisfy the heart. This man was God-centered!
• Ps. 84:1-2 – How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.”
• Jesus said: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” The only ones who are filled are those who hunger.
• Do YOU hunger and thirst after righteousness? After Christ Himself?


1. Life on earth will be unfulfilling… but your future is even worse: eternity in the fires of hell! (Heaven and hell are real…and eternal!)

2. John 3:7, 3 – That’s why Jesus said, “Ye MUST be born again!” “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.”

3. Christ died and paid the penalty of your sins.

4. He has commanded all men to repent – to BELIEVE on Him and be saved! (John 1:12)

In Him All Fullness Dwells


1. Paul has been exalting the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout this section of Colossians.

a. Vs. 14 – In Him we have redemption.

b. Vs. 15 – He is the image of the invisible God.

c. Vs. 16 – He is the creator of all things and all things were created FOR Him.

d. Vs. 17 – He is before all things; by Him all things consist.

e. Vs. 18 – He is the Head of the Body.

f. Vs. 18 – He is the firstborn from the dead.

g. Vs. 18 – In all things He is to have the preeminence.

h. Vs. 20 – He is the Reconciler between a holy God and sinful men… He and He alone made peace through the blood of His cross.

2. Why is Christ to be so exalted? Why should He have preeminence in ALL things?

a. Because of who He is!

b. In Him ALL fullness dwells.

3. Reasons for the statement in the context:

a. It serves as a sort of capstone for this section on the exaltation of Christ.

b. It introduces His ministry as Reconciler. (v. 20-22)

c. It also serves to answer the false teachers in Colossae who had some very wrong concepts about the Person of Christ.

The Fullness and Christ

A. It Pleased the Father…

1. Note that the words the Father are italicized.

a. They are not in the original, but were added by the translators.

b. There is no subject for the verb “pleased.”

c. Greek: lit = because in Him was pleased all the fullness to dwell.

d. The KJV translators translated the words perfectly accurately… but sometimes translation necessarily includes some interpretation… as is the case here.
• The KJV ADDED the words “the Father” and acknowledged this by using italics.
• They did so because in several other passages, the Bible speaks of the Father being pleased to carry out His will.
• It IS a common expression in the Scriptures… and certainly makes perfect sense here.

e. Or, it could be understood as the subject of the verb (as Darby’s translation renders it).
• Darby’s translation: “for in him all the fulness of the Godhead was pleased to dwell.”
• This translation also deals honestly with the text, fits the context, makes sense, and does not require the translators to ADD anything for it to make sense. It makes sense all by itself.
• The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were in complete agreement that Christ was the perfect vehicle for the expression of deity to both men and angels.

f. Either way, the meaning is quite similar:
• Either the Father was pleased that all fullness should dwell in the Son…
• Or the entire Trinity was pleased that all fullness should dwell in the Son.
• The point is that DEITY was pleased that this fullness should dwell in the Son.

2. It PLEASED each of the Persons of the Godhead – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that in the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity ALL fullness should reside… and be manifested.

a. This does not speak of a decree by which deity was conferred upon the Son. (as if at some point in time this fullness came upon Christ)

b. Rather, it simply speaks of the fact that the Persons of the Godhead are in perfect agreement… one accord.

c. All the fullness of the entire Godhead resides in Christ.

d. Every divine power and attribute possessed by the Father and the Spirit is also possessed by Christ.

e. Each of the persons of the Trinity are pleased with this.

3. By learning of Christ, we get to know God… the fullness of the Godhead.

a. We get to know GOD through Christ, because in Christ dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead.

b. The modern charismatic emphasis on the Holy Spirit is NOT in harmony with the Word of God. They seek to know God through the Holy Spirit.

c. If we want to know the Godhead… what God is like… we are to seek Christ… set our affections on things above where CHRIST is seated… we are to be looking unto JESUS… the Author and Finisher of our faith…

d. The modern trend towards a “generic God” in the ecumenical world is not in harmony with God’s Word either.

e. We are to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ… the only true God… all others are imposters. (Try saying that at a World Council of Churches meeting!)

f. The Bible is clear on this point: Jesus Christ is the One we are to seek, to worship, to exalt, and lift up on high.

g. And since in HIM dwells all the fullness of the Godhead, we are ALSO lifting up GOD… exalting the other Blessed Persons of the Trinity… but we are doing it God’s WAY!

h. We bring glory to God by glorifying His Son. That’s God’s method and plan for this age.

i. The Godhead is pleased when the Son of God is lifted up and magnified.

j. John 13:31 – “Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him.”

B. All Fullness

a. Fullness: pleroma
completeness, fullness, total quantity

b. The verse states clearly that in Christ all fullness dwells.
• But it begs the question: WHAT is this fullness which dwells in Christ? Christ is full of WHAT?
• Some have suggested He is full of saving, reconciling grace, which is true, but this term implies more.

2. 2:9 – seems to explain this “fullness” for us.

a. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily.

b. Godhead = deity; divine essence and nature.

c. The completeness of Deity resides in Christ.

d. Present tense: all the fullness of the Godhead CONTINUALLY resides permanently in Christ!

e. Christ has ALL the fullness of Deity… not a portion thereof.

f. “A recognized technical term in theology, denoting the totality of the Divine powers and attributes” (Lightfoot)

g. Christ possesses the totality of divine attributes. This fullness dwelt in Him.

h. This seems to be the meaning in 1:19. (Scripture (2:9) sheds light on Scripture.

3. This is the ONLY reason why Paul could say of Him:

a. All things were created by Him… and for Him (vs. 16) He is head of the old creation… because all the fullness of deity resides in Him!

b. By Him all things consist… (vs. 17) … because all the fullness of deity resides in Him!

c. He is the Head of the Body… (vs. 18) He is Head of the New Creation… the church.

d. He might have all the preeminence… (vs. 18)

e. For: (because) in Him dwells all the fullness of Deity—that’s why!

f. Christ is able to FUNCTION as Deity because He IS Deity! He possesses the TOTALITY of Deity.

C. Dwell (two different Greek terms for dwell)

1. Paroikeo – to dwell beside (one) or in one’s neighborhood, to live near; to be or dwell in a place as a stranger, to sojourn.

a. This term speaks of a temporary dwelling; sojourn.

b. Used in Heb.11:9 – of Abraham “sojourning” in the land of promise (temporary tent dwelling).

c. Used in I Pet. 1:17 – of the believer of this age who is to “pass the time of your sojourning here in fear.” (This world is not our permanent home.)

d. This term is NOT used in Colossians.

2. Katoikeo – to dwell; to inhabit; to settle down and be at home.

a. This term speaks of a permanent dwelling; settling down.

b. This is the term Paul uses of the fullness dwelling in Christ.

c. It is not a temporary sojourn or visitation, as the cults would have us to believe. It is a permanent dwelling.

d. Paul uses just the right verb to describe the relationship between Christ and the fullness of Deity.
• Christ was able to FUNCTION as Deity because all fullness dwells in Him.
• And note that Paul says that all the fullness DWELLS permanently in Him.
• The Christian Science cult states that deity only temporarily resided in Him. Paul states that the fullness of the Godhead dwells permanently in Him.
• It is not a matter of acting or functioning as Deity. The fullness of Deity resides in Him whether we see Him acting on it or not!
• As we read of Christ in His period of humiliation in the gospels… tired, weary, weak… He is choosing not to ACT upon His deity… but the fullness of Deity resides in Him nonetheless… because of who He is!

e. The fact that this fullness DWELLS (is at home) in Christ indicates also that the fullness of deity was not something that was “added” to Him.
• The fullness of Deity ALWAYS belonged to Christ.
• It is His essence as Deity… as God.
• It is not a foreign attribute that is given to Him for a time—as many of the cults claim.
• This fullness of Deity is at HOME in Him.

3. Christ IS the fullness of the Godhead. He possesses ALL the fullness bodily.

a. That cannot be said of a mere man…

b. This is one of the best and most concise expressions of Christ’s deity in the Bible.

c. Every divine attribute of the Father is possessed by the Son.

d. John 5: 19c – whatever the Father does, the Son can do!

e. John 5:21 – the Father raises the dead; so does the Son.

f. John 5:23 – all men should give the same kind of honor to the Son that they give to the Father. What kind of honor do we give to the Father? Divine honor… worship as God!

4. The fullness of the Godhead has ALWAYS resided in Christ.

a. In the beginning the Word was with God and was God (John 1:1). The Word—the Son—possessed the fullness of the Godhead in the beginning.

b. The fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Him before His incarnation, when He was ‘in the form of God’ (Phil. 2:6).

c. During His incarnation and period of humiliation, the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ. (John 1:14).

d. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in His glorified humanity in heaven as our Great High Priest… in His glorified human body. He STILL possesses the fullness of the Godhead.

e. The fullness of the Godhead has always dwelt permanently in Christ and always will.

f. This is His very essence… His nature… and His nature never changes.

The Fullness and the Gnostic

1. Vincent:

a. (Πληρωμα) (fullness) was used by the Gnostic teachers in a technical sense, to express the sum-total of the divine powers and attributes.

b. ‘From the pleroma (Πληρωμα) they supposed that all those lesser beings emanated… (angels; demi-gods, etc.)

c. The Gnostics believed that these mediatorial beings were influenced by this pleroma, or even traced their descent through successive evolutions from it.

d. But in all cases this pleroma was distributed, diluted, transformed, and diminished by foreign admixture.

e. Thus, these emanations from God were only partial and blurred images, often deceptive caricatures of their original, broken lights of the great Central Light’

f. These were less than deity… polluted forms…

g. They believed that all these lesser beings contained a part of the “fullness”… that the divine powers and attributes were divided among them… each receiving a portion.

h. Those higher on the scale (closer to God) received more; those lower on the scale, (closer to humanity) received less.

i. Christ, because He was a man (or close to a man), was considered to be ranked with these inferior images of Deity by the false teachers in Colossae.

j. They believed that there were endless genealogies of emanations from God to the material world and that Christ was an exalted emanation from a mere man’s perspective, but an emanation nonetheless… and infinitely inferior to God… He falls short of pure deity in the minds of the Gnostics.

2. Paul combats this false teaching in Colossians. He states that Christ is the very IMAGE of God… not some inferior, tainted, diminished image of God! (vs. 15)

3. Christ is the FULNESS of Deity… not a diluted emanation from it… Christ possesses the sum total of divine attributes!

a. ALL fullness dwells in Him…

b. Not just touch of it… not diminished in the slightest: ALL.

c. The Gnostics had a term to describe FULL deity: pleroma. This is the term that Paul picks up on and relates it to Christ. The Gnostics knew exactly what Paul meant by this term!

4. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily. (2:9)

5. Thus, as Paul was teaching the Colossians about Christ as our Redeemer and Reconciler… he at the same time was also combating the false teachers who were busy presenting “another Jesus.”

The Fullness and the Believer

1. II Cor. 3:18 – we are to grow from glory to glory… UNTO the image of Christ… that’s our goal.

a. But it is never said that all fullness “resides” in the believer.

b. Our goal is to become more and more godly, but we never become gods. That was the lie of the devil.

c. But the believer IS related to this “fullness.” (Col. 2:9-10 – complete = full)

d. We will look at this in more detail in ch. 2, but for now, Christ the Vine fills the believer OUT OF His infinite resources as the FULLNESS of God!

2. He is all we need.

a. Col.1:18c states that in ALL THINGS Christ might have the preeminence.
• We have ONE Savior; one Master; one will; one yoke; one LIFE… His life in us!
• Everything else is to be put aside so that Christ might have preeminence in our lives.
• The old nature will never give Him that place… hence, the old nature needs to be kept in its place by faith: reckoning that our old man DIED… we no longer are enslaved to that old manner of life.
• When we reckon SELF to be dead to sin and to the world… THEN we discover that Christ is ALL our new man will ever NEED.
• The One who takes preeminence above all else is all sufficient.
• When we come to the end of SELF (reckoning self dead; leaving our self life on the cross where it belongs)… THEN and only then does Christ have preeminence in our lives.
• And when that occurs—(yoke; altar; cross)—we discover that we begin partaking of the fullness that He has been waiting for us to enjoy…
• When we have exhausted our store of endurance; when our strength has failed ere the day is half done; when we reach the end of our hoarded resources, Our Father’s full giving is only begun!

b. As Vine… the fullness of the Godhead resides in Him. The branches abiding in Him are well cared for.
• Col. 2:9 – the Vine is full of the fullness of the Godhead…
• Col. 2:10 – the believer is FULL in Him!
• As we abide in Christ, we have all that the Godhead is available to us… moment by moment… according to our every need.
• Everything that the Vine is and has is accessible to the branch that abides in that Vine!
• Everything the branch could ever need is more than supplied out of the fullness of the Vine.
• HIS fullness becomes OUR unending resource!

c. Our Great High Priest: all fullness of the Godhead permanently resides in Him.
• John 1:16 – Christ possesses the fullness of grace and truth.
• The believer receives of His fullness. (same word).
• How much grace and truth is there for us to receive? How much can we draw upon? All the FULLNESS!
• Grace for grace = grace upon (anti) grace—like waves of the sea… unending; piling up; one upon another!
• If there is any lack in a believer, it is not because the fullness has been depleted. It is a matter of receptiveness on our part.
• Fullness of grace and truth is made available—but we must receive it… by faith…
• We can have all we able to receive… all we make room for. But if our life is full of others things—God’s grace is crowded out.
• John 1:17 – Grace and truth came through Christ… (not that they didn’t exist in the Old Testament—but they reach their FULLNESS in the Person of Christ.)
• Heb. 4:16 – we can come to Christ our High Priest and receive grace to help in time of need.
• How much grace is available through Christ? All fullness… all that God has… an unending resource!
• We don’t tire God out by coming to Him every day… or even every hour. He delights in us coming to Him!
• His resources are not diminished one bit.

d. As the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls… all the power, grace, and wisdom of deity reside in Him and is available to us.
• The Good shepherd knows every need of our soul… better than we do!
• He knows when to use the rod; when to cause us to lie down in green pastures; when to chasten our soul; when to restore our soul…
• The One in charge of YOUR soul has all the fullness of the Godhead available to be used in restoring your soul when cast down… in leading you beside the still waters…
• Our souls are in good hands in Christ.

e. As our Savior from sin… the fullness of the Godhead resides in Him.
• Christ is not only the Savior from the penalty of sin, but He is also our Savior from the power of sin in our lives.
• As we abide in Christ, there is no temptation or testing in life that can ruin us spiritually.
• The One who is presently rescuing us from sin as we rest in Him… has ALL POWER to do so! (Satan desired to sift you as wheat…)
• Sin SHALL NOT have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace – a grace relationship to Christ our Savior.

f. As Head of the Body… all fullness dwells permanently in Him.
• There is nothing we could ever possibly need to function in the Body but that our Head is able to provide!
• Holding the Head… [Col. 2:19] (and thus all the fullness of Deity) the Body grows and increases with the increase of God!
• Eph. 4:13 – the believer is to grow UNTO the stature of the fullness of Christ… though we never arrive.
» God expects the believer to be growing “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
» He never arrives at perfect Christlikeness, (that awaits His coming when we shall be like Him!)
» But we are expected to achieve a “measure” of it now… in this life… as God works in us.
» He is to mature unto a “perfect man” =full grown… mature…
» Christ grew in wisdom and stature while on earth… and He will reproduce that kind of growth in us as we yield to Him.

• Eph. 3:19 – God’s purpose for the believer is that he might be filled (eis) UNTO the fullness of God. That is our goal.
» The KJV makes it sound like the believer can be filled with the fullness of the Godhead just as Christ is.
» The believer certainly does not POSSESS the fullness of the Godhead in that sense.
» The preposition (eis) is not with but UNTO… as a goal.
» The goal of the believer is to be FILLED UNTO the fullness of God. That divine fullness is the unlimited resource from which we draw… grace after grace… all the spiritual resources we could ever need.
» Becoming more like Christ is our goal…
» God’s purpose is that we might be filled more and more, not with deity… but with God’s power, God’s mercy, God’s holiness, God’s character…
» Every member of the Body has complete, unrestricted access to the fullness of the Godhead through our Head, Jesus Christ.
» Positionally, the believer is complete or FULL in Christ… but practically, we have a long way to go. Hence, we are to be filled UNTO (eis) the fullness of God… appropriating Godly qualities in our lives by faith…
» Moment by moment as the need arises… the grace and strength is there… the fullness!

• Eph. 1:23 – the Body is full of Christ—the One who fills it.
» And Christ is full of the fullness of the Godhead.
» Hence, the Body is full of GOD Himself… His power, grace, holiness, mercy, truth, righteousness, love, etc.
» The Body is RICHLY supplied with all it could ever need… all of the resources of God Himself.
» And while we may see all the spots and wrinkles—that is NOT how God sees the Body. He sees the Body as perfectly supplied with and FILLED with the fullness of God…
» There is unlimited potential in the Body of Christ… we are thus ABLE to walk in newness of life… if we will reckon self to be dead and alive unto God.
» Even this little assembly… has access to the fullness of the Godhead… IF we will be constantly looking unto Jesus… yielded to His Spirit… submitted to His yoke… dead to sin, self, the law, and the world… and alive unto God and His will!
» But what great things God can accomplish THROUGH a yielded Body… which becomes but a vehicle for the fullness of the Godhead…

3. ALL FULLNESS is an infinite source for all of our needs.

a. All the fullness of the Godhead resides permanently in our Savior.

b. This is an infinite source of grace, strength, courage, wisdom, and resurrection power available to every believer by faith.

c. No trouble is too big for our Savior…

d. No trial is too great for Him…

e. No need we could ever have is too much for Him to supply.

f. We come to Christ as a pauper in need… and find Him to be riches untold… available freely… from one who loves us with an everlasting love…

g. We come to Christ thirsty… and discover Him to be an ocean of pure, refreshing water… from which we can drink till we are full and then some… and the supply is undiminished.

h. When we come to Christ hungry… weak and without strength, we discover that He is the Bread of Life… and that He has all the fullness of the Godhead available to feed our hungry soul… and give strength to our grip on life.

i. When we come to Christ in all of our troubles, trials, and weaknesses… He supplies all our need from His fullness!

j. And we discover as Paul said, “When I am weak, then am I strong!”

k. When we come to the end of our resources, we will discover God’s power… and not a moment before.

l. We will discover the fullness of the Godhead—all He is and all He has is ours…

m. And when we learn to LEAN rather than manipulate, to trust rather than to DO, to rest rather than resist… we will discover the fullness of God’s power is available to us in the Person of our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Reconciliation of All Things


1. In verses 19-22, Paul speaks about Christ as Reconciler.

2. This section is divided into two main sections:

a. Reconciliation of all things (restoration of creation)

b. Reconciliation of enemies (salvation for believers)

3. This morning we will look at the first section: restoration of the creation.

By him to reconcile all things unto himself…

A. By Him…

1. As Paul begins to discuss this grand theme of reconciliation, he begins with Christ! “By Him!”

2. The “Him” to which Paul refers is the Christ of vs.18-19.

a. Christ – the One who in all things is to have the preeminence.

b. Christ – the One in whom permanently dwells all the fullness… the totality of Divine power and attributes.

c. By HIM all things were reconciled. He is ABLE… He is Divine…

d. By Him… the One who created all things and for whom all things were created… By Him were all things reconciled.

3. Consider the flow of the sentence:

a. All the fullness of the Godhead was pleased to permanently reside in Christ…

b. And by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself…

c. The Trinity was pleased that all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ and the Trinity was pleased that Christ should be the one to bring about reconciliation of all things.

4. By Him – (through Him)

a. Agency – Christ was the agent through whom the Godhead provided reconciliation

b. The Godhead was pleased that all fullness reside in Christ…

c. The Godhead was pleased to bring about reconciliation through the agency of Christ – the Second Person in the Godhead.

d. God reconciled all things THROUGH Christ the Son.

e. It was by Him (Christ) that God was able to bring about reconciliation with a cursed creation and fallen creatures… because the Son of God became a Man… He entered into creation… and became part of creation as a human being.

f. God could not have brought about reconciliation in any other way… it required a special kind of agency: the God-Man, Jesus Christ.

g. I Tim. 2:5 – there is one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus.
• Christ was the Mediator between God and man because He was BOTH God and Man.
• Christ was the perfect agency for the Godhead to use to bring about reconciliation between God and cursed creation and God and fallen creatures… because Christ became a Man… (not a fallen man; but a man)

B. To Reconcile

1. Reconcile:

a. Aorist active infinitive…

b. An infinitive needs another verb to complete the thought.
• The flow of thought: It pleased God that all fullness should dwell in Christ and through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself.
• Again, that unnamed subject (God, Father, Godhead) carries over into this verse too.
• The verb PLEASED also carries over. God was pleased that all fullness dwell in Christ… and God was pleased that through Him all things should be reconciled to Himself.
• That Christ was able to reconcile a cursed earth and fallen creatures was pleasing to God. God delights in reconciling. He does not delight in judgment. He will judge because divine justice demands it… but He is pleased to reconcile.
• God was pleased to bring about reconciliation through the Son—even though the cost to Him was infinite… the death of His Son.
• “It pleased the Lord to bruise Him” = in the sense that the bruising of the Son meant reconciliation for a cursed earth and believing sinners!

2. Reconcile – There are several different words for reconcile in the New Testament.

a. Diallasso = mutual concession after mutual hostility.
• Used of making up after a fight—when both parties share in the blame.
• This term is never used of being reconciled to God.

b. katallasso = to change or exchange from one state to another.
• Used of money – changing denomination
• Used of persons – being changed from enmity to friends
• Used of being adjusted to a standard – reconciling one’s watch to the proper time if the watch drifted off a bit.

c. apokatallasso = to reconcile completely.
• This is the term Paul used in Col. 1:20.
• It is an intensive form of katallasso… and speaks of a complete reconciliation.
• To reconcile completely; to reconcile back again, bring back a former state of harmony

C. All Things

1. The Godhead was pleased to reconcile all things unto Himself through the agency of His Son, Jesus Christ.

2. What is included in the all things that are to be reconciled? This is an important expression in Col.

a. Col. 1:16 – all things were created by Him… and for Him.

b. Col. 1:17 – He is before all things and by Him all things consist…

c. Col. 1:18 – He is to have preeminence in all things…

d. Col. 1:20 – God is pleased to reconcile all things unto Himself…

3. Christ created all things… and all things (the creation) were affected by the fall.

a. Gen. 1:31- when created by Christ, all things were very good. (all things (everything) includes man and angels in their unfallen state).

b. Shortly after this pronouncement, Satan fell… iniquity was found in him. Satan lured 1/3 of the angelic realm with him in his rebellion against God.

c. Suddenly, all things in the heavens were no longer “very good.” Iniquity was found in the very heavens… the realm of fallen angels.

d. Satan is the prince of the power of the “air” and his presence has been polluting the heavens for many centuries. In fact, he even has access to the heaven of heavens… where he comes day and night to accuse the brethren.

e. Then Satan lured Adam and Eve into his rebellion… and sin entered the world of mankind. Suddenly all things on earth were no longer “very good.”

f. Because of man’s sin, God cursed the earth… (Gen. 3:17-19)

g. Because of sin and rebellion in the angelic realm and in the human realm, ALL THINGS in heaven and earth have been affected by sin and the curse.

4. Rom. 8:19-23 – the entire created world has been corrupted by the fall.

a. Vs. 19 – the whole creation is awaiting the time when the sons of God will be redeemed bodily…
• Why? Because the creation was affected negatively by man’s sin, fall, and curse.
• Creation will also be affected positively by man’s reconciliation to God… the ultimate phase of it—at Christ’s Second Coming.

b. Man’s sin brought a curse upon creation. Man’s salvation will bring about redemption and reconciliation for the created world.
• The created world here does not include holy angels (they are not subject to bondage).
• This passage does not refer to Satan or fallen angels either—for the cross and the coming of Christ do not bring liberty to them… but their final judgment in the lake of fire.
• This passage is not speaking about unsaved men who die in their sin. There is no hope for them… no reconciliation…
• Creation here refers to the realm over which Adam and Eve were given responsibility… the earth… rivers, mountains, animals, plants, etc.
• All of this was affected by their sin and fall.
• The sons of God will be manifested at the Second Coming of Christ… they (we!) will be manifested for what we really ARE: sons of God!

c. Manifested = ποκαλυψις = an unveiling…
• Today, it is not manifest to the world that we are the sons of God.
• We look just like the lost… and sometimes act like them! It is hard to tell who is who today… with moral, upright religious unbelievers and carnal, worldly Christians…
• I John 3:1 – the world does not know us today.
• But there is coming a day when Christ returns… and we shall be LIKE HIM… we shall share in His glory. In that day it will be manifest to men and angels that we are in fact sons of God!

d. Vs. 20 – the creation was made subject to vanity…
• Vanity: what is devoid of truth and appropriateness; empty; fruitless; unable to fulfill its purpose.
• God had a glorious purpose for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as co-rulers to have dominion over the whole earth…
• But that purpose was foiled temporarily by sin. God’s purpose for the creation was unable to be fulfilled… vanity set in… frustration and futility (which Solomon describes in Ecclesiastes!)
• The world as we know it today is SUBJECTED to vanity.
• It is under the power and authority of vanity.
• God subjected the world in this condition—the curse.
• And all the efforts of the environmental groups will help a little… but over all their cause is vain. Man will NEVER reverse the curse.
• Man will never conquer disease and death… or war and hostility… bigotry and hatred… pollution and energy problems…
• We need to do our best… subdue the earth as best we can, but we should not have some liberal dreamy ideas of creating a utopia on earth… eradicating sickness and death… or bringing in the kingdom by human efforts!
• God Himself has subjected the world to vanity… God has cursed the earth—and while we must struggle in this world… and do our best to eke out an existence… plant our crops among the weeds… keep as healthy as we can… but we should realize that our best efforts will NEVER reverse the curse… the world is SUBJECT to vanity.
• Yet this subjection to vanity under the curse was not done willingly. Creation had no choice in the matter. Man sinned and God decreed that the whole world would be cursed.
• Yet, the creation has been subjected in hope = hope of reconciliation and restoration one day…

e. Vs. 21 – Because the creation shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption.
• One day, creation has the hope of deliverance from the bondage of corruption.
• Of course, these are not conscious thoughts of trees and birds and mountains… figurative language.
• Some day black flies and mosquitoes won’t bite you.
• Some day vultures will no longer eat carcasses of dead buffaloes.
• Some day the lion and the lamb will lie down together…
• Disease, suffering, and death entered the world because of man’s sin—and the animal world has been affected by that disease and death… they are all under the bondage of corruption… just like us.
• And also like us—one day this bondage of corruption the world is experiencing will come to an end!
• For man, sin and the curse were his choice. Adam chose to sin. But the creation did not chose to sin.
• Because God had placed Adam and Eve as co-regents over the creation, their fall affected their realm!

f. Vs. 22 – But that day of deliverance is in the future. For now, the creation continues to groan and travail in pain.

g. Vs. 23 – And so do we as believers! We also live in a cursed earth… and suffer under the bondage of corruption.
• We all have the seed of death in us…
• Our bodies are experiencing corruption as I speak…
• Even believers groan in the body…
• But we are consciously awaiting REDEMPTION of our bodies.
• At the cross Chris provided for redemption.
• Through faith, our souls and spirits are completely redeemed… once and for all and forever! Our new man is part of the new creation.
• But our bodies are not redeemed yet. They are still part of the old creation and under the bondage of corruption.
• When Christ returns, our bodies will be redeemed—we will be MANIFESTED as the sons of God…
• Soon after, Christ establishes His earthly, millennial kingdom… and the curse of the earth is gradually lifted…

h. II Pet. 3:10-13 – After the millennial kingdom, Christ will create a new heaven and a new earth.
• The very elements of the old earth and heavens will be melted with a fervent heat.
• This will remove every last trace of sin… think of the books, videos, cave etchings, sunken ships, idols buried in king’s tombs… weapons of mass destruction buried in the sand… bones of bodies of men brutally murdered… all of which testify to a fallen race… a cursed earth.
• The entire earth is a graveyard of creatures which have been dying for centuries… because sin entered the world.
• God will melt this down to the very elements to remove the last trace of sin from creation.
• God cleansed the earth with water in the days of Noah. He will cleanse it with fire in the future.
• In the new heaven and earth will dwell RIGHTEOUSNESS! That cannot be said today.

D. Unto Himself

1. Reconciliation is defined by Strong’s as: To reconcile completely; to reconcile back again, bring back a former state of harmony.

2. When God created the world, all things were very good. All things were in perfect harmony with their Creator.

a. But then sin entered the world… and the heavens and the earth were affected by it. God cursed the earth because of man’s sin… and the earth has been groaning and travailing in pain ever since.

b. The world which was created in harmony with God fell into disharmony. Everything is out of sync.

c. Reconciliation is God’s work of making it possible to RESTORE the created world to its original harmonious relationship to the Creator.

3. UNTO Himself = God is not reconciled to the world. Rather, the world is reconciled to Him.

a. Yet regardless of how far away the world has drifted away from its original foundations, God has a plan to RECONCILE all things.

b. Paul begins dealing with this subject by talking about the created world and the heavens… the physical world… the earth, sun, moon, and stars…

c. All these things have been affected by sin… and God would be perfectly JUST in letting the world continue to groan and travail in pain forever… but God is a God of grace and mercy… and He has a plan to bring about reconciliation between the fallen, cursed creation and the Creator.

d. God does not lower His standard. He is not reconciled to the world. But He has a plan to provide for the world to be reconciled unto Him… unto His perfect original blueprint.

e. Isa. 35:1-2, 5-6 – One day… when Christ returns, the desert shall blossom and be fruitful; sickness and deformity will be eradicated.

f. Isa. 6:6-9 – One day the animal kingdom will be reconciled back to God’s original design…

g. Isa. 2:4 – One day all the effort and expense that had formerly been spend on war and defense will be spent on crops… and providing for the good of mankind.

h. One day the world WILL be reconciled back into harmony with its Creator… but that day is not today. And it will NEVER be brought about by man’s puny efforts (UN; Peace Corps; green peace.)

i. Acts 3:19-21 – Peter reminded the Jews of the times of refreshing that will come to the world at Christ’s coming… and the times of restitution of all things.
• But this is not brought about by green peace or the UN, or even the US military.
• It is brought about only by the presence of the Lord.

j. Paul tells us that GOD will reconcile all things UNTO HIMSELF and He will do so “by Him”… through Jesus Christ—at His Second Coming in power and great glory… and not before.

And, having made peace through the blood of His cross

1. We are going to pass over this expression rather quickly today—not because it is not important (it is perhaps the most important phrase in the sentence!)…

a. We will look at it in much more detail next week when we look at the reconciliation provided to mankind (vs. 21-22)

2. The context indicates that God provided reconciliation THROUGH Jesus Christ… Christ was the Divine agent used in making reconciliation for men and for the material world.

a. Here Paul states HOW Christ provided for this reconciliation: through the blood of His cross!

3. This does not mean that animals sinned and needed forgiveness… or that the material world (sun, moon, stars, rocks, rivers, trees, etc.) needed to be saved from their sin.

a. Rather, it means this: the earth and its universe are LINKED to mankind.

b. When Adam sinned, the earth was cursed… and it has been groaning and travailing in pain ever since.

c. In a sense, when man fell… his world fell along with him.

d. But when man is raised up and restored to his former glory… the world will also be raised up to its original purpose…

e. Thus, it is the CROSS that lifts man up… provides redemption for his soul and spirit… and provides reconciliation to God.

f. So… the same cross that lifts up believing mankind will also lift up the earth and the heavens.

g. Jesus referred to the millennial kingdom as the regeneration of the earth. A glorious restoration awaits this world… and it is linked to restoration of man… and thus linked to the cross.

h. The cross is the CENTER of it all… the center of God’s program and purpose for mankind and his world… the focal point of all of history.

i. Rev. 5:1-5 – John wept because no one was able to open the book (title deed of the universe)…
• then his attention was directed to Christ… the Lamb slain… the God-Man… who was able to open the book
• and take back the right to rule over the earth… which had been usurped by the devil since Adam lost dominion over the earth in the Garden.
• Christ was qualified to bring about restoration to God’s original order (Man having dominion over the earth) because He is the Redeemer…
• The CROSS provided redemption and reconciliation for believing mankind… and it provided for man (Jesus Christ) to once again defeat the enemy and gain dominion over the earth for mankind… and it also provided for the restoration of the world to God’s original purpose… and release the world from the bondage of corruption… from being subject to vanity for so many centuries.

4. In a sense, Christ brought about PEACE between the creation and the Creator… the cross made it possible to reverse the curse placed upon the earth…

By him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven

1. Here Paul states that God reconciles all things through the agency of Christ… and he amplifies what he means by “all things.”

2. He wants to make sure that we understand that the reconciliation of the world also includes a reconciliation of the heavens themselves!

3. God cursed the earth because of man’s sin… but remember that sin BEGAN in the heavens when iniquity was found in Lucifer.

4. We are familiar with the pollution on earth (air; water; land; etc.).

5. But there has also been pollution in the heavens for many millennia because of the presence of Satan and his host of demons.

a. That is his realm. He is the Prince of the power of the air. The angels are associated with the stars of heaven.

b. Satan and his demons have had full access to the heavens… and even the heaven of heavens… trampling under foot the heavenly tabernacle.

c. Job 1:6 – Satan and other angels came before the Lord’s presence.

d. Rev. 12:7 – There have been angelic wars in heaven… and there are yet more wars in heaven to come.

e. Rev. 12:10 – Satan accuses believers before God—in heaven—day and night.

f. In some sense, the presence of evil and evil angels in heaven has polluted the heavens… spiritual wickedness in high places.

6. Through the blood of His cross, Christ provided for the reconciliation of the very heavens!

a. On the cross, Christ defeated Satan and his evil hosts.

b. They are presently defeated foes.

c. They still roam about seeking to devour, but they are defeated and that because of the cross.

d. Gen. 3:15 – Christ – the seed of the woman shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.

e. Satan has already been defeated and one day will be cast of the heavens for good and ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire.

f. Heb. 9:21-23 – In the Old Testament the tabernacle pictured God’s dwelling place and man’s approach to a holy God.
• Everything in the tabernacle had to be sprinkled with the blood of bulls and goats.
• This was NOT because the tabernacle sinned… but rather because it was polluted because sinful men walked through it.
• The purifying of the tabernacle was symbolic… symbolic cleansing in a symbolic tabernacle.
• The heavenly tabernacle (which was illustrated by the earthly) ALSO needs to PURIFIED… and cleansed with blood… better blood…
• The heavenlies had to be purged… purified… cleansed… by nothing less than the precious blood of Christ…
• In some way, the blood of Christ not only dealt with the guilt and condemnation of sin, but also with its defiling effects.
• Hebrews 1:10-11 – the heaven and earth are perishing and are waxing old as a garment. (process of deterioration).
• II Pet.3:7 – the heavens and the earth are reserved unto fire!

g. Paul says in Col. 1:20: “Through the blood of His cross” God brought about reconciliation for all things… on earth and in the heavens!

h. Rev. 21:1-5 – John sees a new heaven and a new earth… for the first were passed away…
• Vs. 5 – Behold, I make ALL THINGS new.
• One day God will restore all things… He will make all things new… no longer subject to vanity… but fulfilling their God given purpose.
• Those who know Christ as their personal Savior will enter into that New Jerusalem… that heavenly city… and will experience eternal life the way God intended!
• Vs. 8 – Those who reject Christ… but choose instead to continue in their sin and rebellion against Him will NOT be permitted to enter… but will be cast into the Lake of Fire… forever.
• Rev. 22:17 – the final invitation God makes: COME!
• This is the same invitation Jesus made: Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest for your soul!
• Will YOU come to God in simple, childlike faith? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your response to God’s simple and gracious invitation: COME!

The Reconciliation of Sinners


Last week we looked at the reconciliation of all things in heaven and earth… namely, the fact that the blood of Christ provided for the ultimate restitution of all things… of the entire created world… heaven and earth.

This morning we want to look at another angle of God’s great plan of reconciliation: the reconciliation of sinful men… like me… and like you!

Those Reconciled

A. Alienated From God

1. Alienated Defined: to alienate, estrange, to be shut out from one’s fellowship and intimacy; excluded; a foreigner.

a. When man sinned in the Garden, every one of Adam’s sons (including all of us!) were born in Adam’s likeness: sinners and thus every one of us is BORN alienated from God!

b. Isa. 59:1-2 – your sins have separated you from God; hence, because of sin, we are alienated from God the Creator… so alienated that He won’t even hear our prayers!

2. Usage of the term:

a. This term appears in Col. 1:21 and only two other times in the New Testament.

b. Eph. 2:12 – Gentiles were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel.
• They were non participants… excluded from Israel, her promises, her laws, her covenants, her promises, and from her God.
• The laws and covenants of Israel had nothing to do with the Gentiles. Gentiles were not under Jewish law, nor could they expect to inherit Israel’s promises.
• They were aliens… cut off from… excluded from…
• Just like an alien in the US. If he is an alien, the benefits of US citizenship do not apply to him.

c. Eph. 4:18 – alienated from the life of God.
• Theological Dictionary Of the New Testament: “without a share in the life of God.”
• Before salvation, every one of us was an alien from God’s life.
• In other words, we were DEAD in sins and trespasses (Eph. 2:1).
• If you are not born again, you are STILL dead in your sins.
• You are STILL an alien from God and from His life. You MUST be born again!
• This is the condition of EVERY human being apart from the new birth.

3. Tense: perfect; passive; participle

a. Perfect: indicates that they were alienated in the past, and they REMAINED alienated right up until the time of their conversion… reconciliation… salvation.

b. The Colossians had become alienated from God and STOOD in that settled position before their salvation.

c. If you are not born again, you too have been alienated from God and His life… that is your settled position and you REMAIN that way until you are saved.

d. Passive: indicates that the subject is not DOING the work of the main verb, but rather, that action has been done to him from an outside source.

e. This means that a person doesn’t have to DO anything to be alienated from God and His life. We are BORN aliens… BORN excluded from God and His life… and hence the NEED for the new birth.

4. Sometime: = formerly, aforetime, at some time in the past…

a. This term means that every one of the Colossian believers were formerly alienated.

b. That “one time” refers to the time before they were saved.

c. Before 1972 I was alienated from God… and didn’t even know it! I really hadn’t given it one thought.

d. Before their conversion, the Colossian believers were alienated from God.

e. That was their FORMER position. But now, because of their faith in Christ, their position has changed.

f. They are no longer aliens from the life of God, but are very much ALIVE in Christ and possessors of eternal life!

g. I John 5:12: “he that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the Son hath not life.” How simple!

h. If you have received Christ by faith, then you have life. If you have NOT been born again… then you do NOT have the Son and you do NOT have life. You are still dead… alienated from God and His life.

B. Enemies of God

1. Enemies: hated, odious, hateful. 2 hostile, hating, and opposing another. 2a used of men as at enmity with God by their sin.

a. God views EVERY unsaved person in this condition: enemies of God!

b. This refers to the Hitlers of the world… as well as the sweet little old lady who goes to church 3 times a week… but is not born again…

c. If she has never trusted in Christ as her personal Savior she is an enemy of God.

2. Usage:

a. Acts 13:10 – this unsaved man was called a “child of the devil” and an enemy of God. This is true of every unsaved person.

b. Rom. 5:10 – before a person is reconciled to God, he is an enemy of God!

c. You don’t have to be a murderer, a bank robber, or a wino in the gutter or a prostitute on the street corner to be an enemy of God.

d. ALL men are enemies of God until or unless they are reconciled to Him.

e. Jas. 4:4 – “friendship with the world is enmity with God” –there are only two sides: God’s side or the world’s side. Whose side are you on? Friendship with one is enmity with the other. There is no straddling the fence on this issue.

3. The enmity of the mind.

a. Enmity against God begins in the mind.

b. Our thoughts PROVE God to be right… that we really are sinners and rebels against Him… enemies… and their thought lives prove it.

c. Rom. 8:7 – the carnal mind of the unbeliever is enmity with God. It is in the settled state of constant hostility against God… even though it may attempt to cover up with religion… as Adam tried to cover up with a fig leaf.

d. The carnal mind of an unbeliever may not be consciously thinking thoughts against God… but it is constantly thinking thoughts that are contrary to God’s Word… unholy thoughts… thoughts of anger, lust, impurity, jealousy, envy, pride, selfishness…

e. The carnal mind is not and CAN not be subject to God’s holy law… to God’s holy Word.

f. Unsaved men inwardly RESENT God’s Word… and usually try to discredit it… because in their minds they are hostile towards God… enemies in their mind and attitudes.

g. They CANNOT submit to it… they CANNOT obey it or live up to it, and therefore resent it… hate it… are enmity against it… because it condemns them.

4. This mental attitude of enmity against God… this resentment against God and His word will ultimately be expressed in WORKS.

a. The Colossians were enemies in their minds.

b. They expressed this inward enmity in outward works… evil works… sinful works.

c. Paul makes it clear that the Colossians (and all of us!) are sinners on the inside and the outside… in the internal mind and heart and also in the external deeds.

d. In fact, it is the alienation and enmity in the mind that LEADS to wicked works.

e. The sinful deeds that men commit are but an outward evidence that they are enemies of God within.

C. And You

1. Paul begins this verse by reminding the Colossians that this is the way THEY used to be before they were saved!

a. They were saints now… (Col. 1:2)

b. They were redeemed now… (Col. 1:14)

c. They were reconciled now… (Col. 1:21c)

d. But they WERE alienated from God and enemies of God!

e. The new birth completely changed their relationship to God. They were enemies of God, but now are His friends.

f. And a sinner will NEVER become a friend of God until he is first willing to ADMIT that he is a sinner… alienated from God… and an enemy of God.

g. There is no point in trying to cover up our sin. God knows.

h. And it doesn’t matter if we FEEL like we are friends of God. Our feelings about a relationship to God are completely irrelevant. What matters is what GOD says… not what sinful men might say or feel.

i. God says we are enemies—every last one of us!

j. And all sinners are equally enemies of God—whether you lived a life of sin in the gutter… or whether you were brought up in church and never cursed, drank, or stole.

k. ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. ALL are enemies of God.

l. Rom. 3:10-12 – There is none righteous; no not one.

The Concept of Reconciliation

A. Terms Used

1. Reconcile – There are several different words for reconcile in the New Testament.

a. Diallasso = mutual concession after mutual hostility.
• Used of making up after a fight—when both parties share in the blame. (Matt. 5:24)
• This term is never used of being reconciled to God.

b. katallasso = to change or exchange from one state to another.
• Used of money – changing denomination
• Used of persons – being changed from enmity to friends
• Used of being adjusted to a standard – reconciling one’s watch to the proper time if the watch drifted off a bit.

c. apokatallasso = to reconcile completely.
• This is the term Paul used in Col. 1:20 AND in 1:21.
• In vs. 20, it implied to reconcile completely; to reconcile back again, bring back a former state of harmony (creation will be brought back to its former state)
• In vs. 21 it implies the intense form of katalasso… a complete reconciliation.

2. The term implies that a CHANGE occurred.

a. The change is from enmity to friendship.

b. The sinner, the rebel against a holy God, the alien from God, the enemy of God puts his faith in Christ and suddenly his position is changed to that of a friend!

c. The WAR between the sinner and God is over the very moment that sinner puts his faith in Christ.

d. If you have not received Christ as your Savior, the war is still on between you and God…

B. Unto Himself (vs.20)

1. Notice that Paul says that the one to be reconciled is to be reconciled UNTO God.

a. God is not reconciled unto man.

b. God hasn’t moved. He hasn’t drifted away. He doesn’t need to be changed, adjusted, or reconciled.

c. In human relationships, there is usually a need for MUTUAL reconciliation after a fight… because there is usually blame on both sides. There is a special Greek term for that kind of reconciliation. It is NEVER used of God.

d. God doesn’t need to be reconciled because there is no fault on God’s side. All the fault lies on OUR side.

e. Hence, we need to be reconciled UNTO HIM.

f. Rom. 5:10 – We are reconciled to God by the death of His Son.”

g. Man has moved away from God. “We have turned every one to his own way.” (Isa. 53:6) And thus, we need to turn back to God… we need to be reconciled to God…

2. The term reconcile implies an adjustment to a standard.

a. We use the term of reconciling a watch to the proper time.

b. Our watches are not perfect, and tend to drift away from the proper time. It may lose a few seconds a day… and after a time, it becomes obvious that our watch is off.

c. Hence, it must be reconciled UNTO the Standard.

d. God is that standard for the sinner. The sinner has drifted away from God and God’s standards and needs to be adjusted… reconciled BACK to God and His standard.

e. Today the world seems to think that every man ought to be able to do whatever he feels is right.
• Men disdain the concept of an absolute standard of righteousness… and hence hate God who IS that Standard. Men feel they ought to be able to adjust moral standards to fit their OWN views. This is nigh unto anarchy.
• Hence, we see couples living together without getting married—it’s commonplace today… and the reason is that men have rejected God the absolute Standard of right and wrong.
• We see gay marriages taking place… because God—the Standard of morality has been rejected.
• If there is no absolute standard to which WE are to adjust, then why not go a step further to bestiality and polygamy…
• The gay marriage issue is not the real problem. It is but a symptom of the problem. The problem is that the Standard has been thoroughly and completely rejected by our society.
• When a society has no standards… no moral foundation… no accepted guidelines, God help us! Our nation is at that point.
• The sinner has drifted away from God and needs to be reconciled BACK to God.

f. We see this illustrated in the Prodigal Son.
• The son drifted away from his father and his father’s standards.
• He went off at a young age and made a mess of his life… living a life of sin… and ended up feeding pigs and having nothing to eat himself but pig slop.
• The father didn’t need to be reconciled to the son, but the son to him. The father didn’t go any where.
• The father was ready and waiting—eager for his son to be reconciled to him… but it was the wayward SON who had to return to the father.
• And when he did, he discovered that the father was only too eager to receive him back… to welcome him back.
• The father didn’t need to be changed… but the son did.
• The father didn’t go to the son. He waited for the son to come to him.
• The father didn’t lower his standards and adjust them to suit his wayward son. The father maintained his standards and waited until the son was willing to be adjusted to them.
• When the son repented, the way was open for him to be reconciled to his father.

C. Having Made Peace

1. The former relationship between a holy God and sinful men was enmity; hostility; war.

2. Man’s sin was an insurmountable barrier between God and men.

3. But Christ removed that barrier by paying its penalty in full on the cross. Thus, on the cross, He made PEACE possible… and available to whosoever will believe on Christ.

4. Peace has been created between God and man because that which rendered God hostile toward man (sin!) has been taken away! (Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world!)

5. The cross made reconciliation possible, but the sinner still needs to come to God in faith… like the prodigal son. The father was ready to receive him back… but the father wasn’t going to the pig pen where the son was. The father waited for the son to come to him… We need to come to God through FAITH in Christ and we will discover He is more than willing to take us in.

6. But when a sinner repents and believes on Christ, the enmity is replaced with friendship… he becomes a friend of God.

7. And the war is over… he is now at peace with God!

8. Rom. 5:1 – those who have believed on the Lord are JUSTIFIED… saved… and reconciled… and thus have PEACE with God.

9. This peace has NOTHING to do with our feelings. It has to do with the FACTS of God’s Word.

a. Many religious men SAY that they feel peace with God.

b. Many religious men are SURE that they are right before God. (Matt. 7:21-24)

c. But the peace Paul describes in Rom. 5:1 is not a subjective feeling of peace, but an objective declaration of peace on God’s part.

d. The war between sinful men and a holy God isn’t over until God says so… regardless of what those sinful men may FEEL or THINK.

e. God says that peace is appropriated ONLY through faith in Christ Jesus.

f. If you have not yet put your faith in Christ, the war is still on between you and God… you are still an enemy of God… even if you were brought up in this church and have been to Sunday school all your life… and you have never cursed. Enmity!

The Means of Reconciliation

A. Man’s Way

1. A Peace Offering

a. Sometimes if a husband and wife have an argument, the husband may try to “make up” by bringing his wife a present to let her know he is sorrow for what he said or did. That is basically a peace offering.

b. It is engrained in our psyche that to make up… to make peace when there has been a fight or hostility, that we must DO something…

c. Perhaps a promise to be good… perhaps try to make up for poor behavior with a gift or an offering…

d. God’s wrath towards sin MUST be pacified… must be satisfied… must be propitiated.

e. However, there is NOTHING a man could ever bring to God that would result in peace… satisfying His wrath against sin.

f. No peace offering man could ever bring could result in peace between a holy God and sinful men.

2. Good Works

a. Men assume that if there is hostility between God and man, then man has to DO something to make up.

b. Men assume that if they do a certain amount of good works that it will out weigh the bad works they did…

c. Men assume that war started because of something we did (swearing; cheating; stealing; getting drunk; etc.)… and that if they can overcome that sin, then the will make peace with God.

d. Eph. 2:8-9 – good works will NEVER produce life… nor produce peace with God! It is a hopeless and futile endeavor.

e. There isn’t anything you or I could ever do that would suffice to bring peace between the sinner and a holy God.

f. Even to THINK that exhibits a gross underestimation of just how SINFUL we are… and how HOLY God is.

g. That gap could NEVER be filled by our puny efforts.

h. This chasm… this war… the hostility between God and man is infinite… and requires a sacrifice of infinite value.

i. There is no amount of good works and no peace offering we could ever offer to God that would truly bring peace.

j. It might make a sinful man FEEL good… and it might sooth his conscience superficially and temporarily… but it is of no value to God.

k. It will never bring peace with God. It will never reconcile the sinner to a holy God.

3. When the term “reconcile” is used in this passage, the subject is GOD (or the Godhead)… NOT man.

a. Man does not provide for the reconciliation.

b. Man does not initiate the reconciliation.

c. Man does not even see the need for reconciliation until the Spirit of God convicts him of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come.

d. Man doesn’t reconcile God to himself… rather, God reconciles man to Himself.

B. God’s Way

1. In the Body of His Flesh through Death (vs. 21)

a. This would be especially meaningful to the Colossians in light of the false teachers who were infiltrating their assembly.

b. The Gnostics taught that Jesus was not fully God — Paul deals with that by stating that in Him all fullness dwells!

c. They believed that Jesus was not fully man… and that He did not have a true human body… that He was simply an emanation from God without a body… (They viewed a physical body to be sinful.)

d. Paul states that Christ indeed DID have a genuine, physical, human body… and that it was THROUGH the death of that body on the cross that God was able to provide reconciliation for believing sinners.

e. Either side of this heresy would have rendered the cross ineffective.
• If Jesus wasn’t fully God then His sacrifice would not have satisfied God’s justice.
• If Jesus wasn’t fully human, (if He was only a spirit as the Gnostics said), then He could not have had a body, could not have shed His blood, and could not have died for the sins of the world.

f. This passage contradicts many false teachers of our day too.
• Today we see liberal theologians claiming that men can be reconciled to God by following Christ’s example and obeying His teachings.
• They teach salvation by works… and they base it on Christ’s earthly ministry; the example He set for us.
• However, Paul makes it clear that it was not what Christ DID during His earthly LIFE that saves us from condemnation, but His DEATH on the cross!
• It was not His doing but His dying that saves us!

2. Through the Blood of His Cross (vs. 20)

a. Only God can declare when the war is over between Him and the sinner.

b. Only God can declare the MEANS of effecting that reconciliation too.

c. God has declared that the only acceptable means is the precious blood of Christ shed on the cross for the sins of the world.

d. There is no peace offering that WE could ever offer to God that would suffice to pay for our sins and bring peace between sinful men and a holy God… BUT reconciliation IS provided in the body of Christ’s death on the cross…

e. Christ has made peace through the blood of His cross. Christ’s blood is the peace offering… is the only sacrifice that is able to provide reconciliation.

f. And note in vs. 20 that Paul writes, “HAVING MADE peace.”

g. Peace is not something that man makes with God. It is that which God has already made for man… through the blood of Calvary’s cross.

h. Col. 1:21 – you who WERE alienated and enemies yet NOW HATH He RECONCILED.
• The Colossians were no longer what they WERE: enemies and alienated.
• Now they are friends… and close to God—made nigh by the blood of His cross!
• God has already reconciled them… AND US if we have trusted in Christ.
• Peace with God has already been made through the cross. God now wants us as believers to REST in that peace… and EXPERIENCE that peace of God IN our hearts… by faith.

i. I John 2:2 – However, what Christ offered to God DID provide for reconciliation… it did satisfy God’s wrath toward our sin and enabled us to be brought into a right relationship with God. For peace to be effected, God’s justice must be met and satisfied—and ONLY the infinite value of the shed blood of Christ could accomplish that… not our meager offerings.

j. Nothing in my hand I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling!

k. The work was finished at the cross.

3. Now God calls sinners… enemies… those alienated from Him to repent… (change your mind)… and BELIEVE on Christ and be saved!

a. If you will trust in Christ, God will save you.

b. Rom. 5:1 – Those who have been justified by FAITH have peace with God… eternal peace… the war is over…

c. Hence, the invitation is COME… unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!

d. Like the prodigal son… he came to the father… full of sin… acknowledging his sin… he came in humility… ashamed of what he had done… and the father received him as his SON!

e. Perhaps its time for you to come to the Father in faith… He will receive you… repent of your sin… believe on Christ… and He turns none away. COME!

In His Sight

The Terms of Our Position in Christ

A. Holy

1. Defined: set apart; saints.

a. This is the same term as Paul used to describe the Colossian believers in the opening of the letter (Col. 1:2).

b. Believers are set apart FROM sin and defilement and set apart UNTO the Lord.

2. The Church is holy… set apart unto God… each and every member of the Body.

a. Eph. 2:21-22 – the Body of Christ is a building that is growing into a holy Temple for the Lord… His habitation.

b. I Cor. 3:17 – the church is a HOLY temple…and WE as believers are that Temple.

c. I Cor. 1:2 – the Corinthians were saints… and sanctified. The moment they were saved, they were set apart into a new position: saints of God!

d. I Cor. 6:11 – they were justified and all condemnation was removed forever. They were washed, cleansed, purified, and sanctified once and for all. They are sanctified saints… positionally… although they were not behaving like saints!

e. If you are born again, you are part of the church. You too are holy… part of the holy Temple of God… separated from sin and the world UNTO Christ.

f. EVERY true believer is sanctified and thus holy positionally.
• We are not always holy in our daily lives… in our practical experiences…
• In our earthly condition we are often unholy!
• But that is not how God sees us. He sees us as holy… cleansed… washed… separated from the world and unto Christ.
• God sees us IN CHRIST… not in our sin. (Isn’t that great!?)

B. Unblameable

1. Defined: Strong’s: without blemish. as a sacrifice without spot or blemish morally: without blemish, faultless, unblameable; that which cannot be censured.

a. Heb 9:14; 1Peter 1:19 – used of Christ = without spot; without blemish.

2. Of course, this speaks of our position in Christ.

a. In Christ we are without spot and without blemish…

b. In ourselves we are quite spotty… blemished all over…

c. We look okay from a distance or in the dark… when the closer the light of God’s Word gets to our hearts… the more blemishes and spots appear.

d. Of course on our own, there is nothing we can do about these spots and blemishes… our sins.

e. Jer. 13:23 – as a leopard cannot change his spots (it is his nature to have spots), so the sinner cannot change his nature either. We are spotted morally… and unable to cleanse away one spot… one sin.

f. But, the precious blood of Christ can wash away all stains and cleanse us from all unrighteousness… from all spots.

g. Religion tries to cover up its spots… or pretend they aren’t there… or makes a vain attempt to eradicate them. But it will NEVER work.

h. Nothing but the blood of Christ can wash away our sins.

3. The believer in Christ stands in a position as “without blemish” in God’s sight.

a. This is not our doing… but it is our privilege… our position.

b. It is because God does not see us in ourselves with all our spots and blemishes.

c. He sees us in Christ… the Holy One… the spotless Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

d. Eph. 5:27 – God sees the church very differently than we do. He sees it as not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing… but holy and without blemish!

e. That’s how we OUGHT to view one another… but we don’t.
• That is worldliness: viewing God’s work as the world does…
• It is viewing the believer IN CHRIST as if he were no different than anyone else… when God says he IS different!
• The world sees the believer’s spots… and assumes he is just like him.
• The worldly believer sees nothing but spots on his brethren too. (He sees spots in their language; in their clothing; in their manners; in their behavior; in the choices they make…)
• Some believers have eyes for spots and seem to see nothing else.
• God doesn’t look at His people like that. He sees us IN Christ… without spot and without blemish.
• As a Christian we should view one another as God sees us: without spot and blemish.
• That is taking the HEAVENLY perspective. That will transform our relationship to one another… in the home… in school… in the local church… wherever you see believers!
• That is not a worldly or earthly perspective, but a godly and a heavenly perspective.

f. Our position is that we are unblameable… (without spot or blemish) in God’s sight.
• Sight: “to look down in,” Wuest defines as “a searching, penetrating gaze”.
• We all stand under God’s searching and penetrating gaze… and His estimate of believers is that we are holy, unblameable, and unreproveable.
• God isn’t blind; He’s gracious.
• God isn’t lenient; He spared not His own Son.
• God isn’t ignorant; He knows all about our spots, but chooses to remember our sins no more—because Christ has satisfied His wrath against sin forever.
• God sees us as in Christ… that’s what we are in His sight… robed in His righteousness… washed in His blood… and without spot.
• Unblameable – without spot is our position… and our position is unalterable. It is forever. Praise God!
• And even our failures do not change our position in Christ.
• We will continue to commit sins in this life and will need to confess our sins… but before God’s eternal throne—we stand unblameable!

C. Unreproveable

1. Defined: that cannot be called into to account, unreproveable, unaccused

2. Rev.12:10 – Satan is the great accuser of the brethren.

a. He accuses us day and night before God’s throne.

b. And even though he is the father of all lies, he doesn’t have to lie about us before God’s throne. He knows that no lie would ever stand there!

c. He simply tells the TRUTH about us… about our sin… our attitudes… our pride… our greed… lust… anger… worldliness… impurity…

d. He has plenty of material to work with in each of us. He doesn’t HAVE to make things up.

3. However, there is no charge that can ever STICK to us as believers.

a. Rom. 8:33 – who can lay anything to our charge? God has justified us. No one can trump His judgment!

b. Rom. 8:31 – if God be for us, who can be against us?

c. Rom. 8:1 – There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. Nobody can level a charge against a believer that could result in condemnation…

D. In the Body of his Flesh Through Death

1. It is the shed blood of Christ on Calvary that results in these glorious changes for the believer.

2. I John 2:1-2 – we have an Advocate (a defense attorney)…

a. He is also the propitiation for all of our sins. His sacrifice eternally satisfied the Father.

b. Whatever accusation comes against us… Christ says, “I paid for that sin. It is forgiven. He is sanctified forever.”

c. Christ work on the cross as our Propitiation means that we are unreproveable!

3. Heb. 10:10 – sanctified (made holy positionally) through the offering of the body of Christ.

a. We are completely and eternally separated unto God!

b. Vs. 14 – them that are sanctified never need to be sanctified in this sense again.

c. Every believer of this age has been set apart unto God once and for all the moment of saving faith. (Separated from being in Adam to being In Christ; from the world and into the Body.)

d. Our POSITION is that we are set apart… we are holy… sanctified!

e. Positionally, the work of sanctification is finished… we are forever separated unto Christ.

f. We have been sanctified and now stand as saints… our position is perfect, finished, and unchangeable.

g. The blood has the power to sanctify and cleanse us not just from this sin or that… but it has the power to cleanse us from ALL sin past, present, and future… once and for all and forever!

h. Christ’s finished work on the cross means that we are sanctified once and for all and forever… saints… holy in God’s sight.

4. Col. 1:22 – in the body of His flesh through death, Christ reconciled us to God that we might be presented as HOLY before God… because we ARE holy!

a. The blood of Christ is SO POWERFUL that it is able to transform sinners into saints!

b. The cross changes the believing sinner forever… he is reconciled to God… changed from being an enemy to a friend of God… not because of some great work he did, but because of the cross… which satisfied the Father’s justice.

c. The blood of the cross is so powerful that it can change a condemned man into a justified man…

d. The power of the cross is seen in this section in that it was able to reconcile ALL THINGS in the created universe back into a harmonious relationship with the Creator. But the REAL power of the cross is seen in reconciling guilty, blameworthy sinners… and making them holy… and without blame!

e. The death of Christ was SO EFFECTIVE in dealing with our sin that even God Himself can find no flaw in us!

f. He Himself looked at us in Christ and made this conclusion about us: holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight!

g. These are not the words or wishful thinking of some dreamy eyed religious commentator. This is God’s estimation of us! There is no arguing with that.

h. Now try to make this PERSONAL… for in fact, it IS personal if you are genuinely saved.
• This is not just how God sees the church… it is how He sees YOU… and me… If this sinks in, it is quite liberating.
• In fact, it is the basis… the beginning of a genuine walk with God.
• There can never be a close relationship to Christ until we see ourselves as having been cleansed and blameless in God’s sight… a guilty conscience will PREVENT us from entering into the holy place of communion with God.
• But a CLEANSED conscience… one that knows and believes that the blood has the power to cleanse us from ALL sin… that conscience is free to enter into the holy of holies with God.
• And the conscience will never experience the rest and purging power of the blood until we genuinely BELIEVE these truths concerning ourselves. Yes YOU are holy, blameless, and unreproveable in God’s sight… if you’re saved.

Past Election (Eph. 1:4)

1. God’s Choice.

a. Chose: elect; select; to pick out, choose, to pick or choose out for one’s self.

b. Paul had been speaking about our spiritual blessings in Christ. Now he tells us that they are all based upon God’s choice. He chose to bless us. Period.

c. God chose us IN Christ.

d. He did not choose us because of anything He saw in us… there was no good thing in us.

e. But He chose us in Christ… in His Beloved.

f. We are chosen in Christ and accepted in Him. (Eph. 1:6)

g. We are never told WHY He chose us… except that it was His good pleasure to do so… (vs. 5c)

h. Eph. 1:7 – It is all according to the riches of His grace… God’s goodness to undeserving sinners.

2. The Terms

a. Without blame = same word as unblameable in Col. 1:22

b. Holy = same word as holy in Col. 1:22

3. The Purpose of Election: that we should be holy and without blame before Him.

a. Apart from God’s elective choice, NO ONE would ever be holy or without blame before Him. We are all sinners… without exception.

b. But God DETERMINED in eternity past that SOME WOULD in fact stand before Him holy and without blame.

c. He chose some to that privileged position… He chose on the basis of pure grace…

d. I Cor. 1:8 – And God is also determined to see to it that His purpose is carried out.

e. One day we WILL stand before God holy and without blame!

f. This is due to the fact that God CHOSE us to this position in Christ before the foundation of the world.

g. To God be the glory… great things He hath done. Salvation is of the Lord—from start to finish.

h. Salvation begins with God. He chose us. Jesus said, “Ye have not chosen Me but I have chosen you.” (John 15:16)

i. Before the foundation of the earth, God chose you to salvation… He chose you to be saved… and to be holy and without blame before Him.

j. This is not a truth that we will ever fully grasp or fully understand all of its nuances and subtleties; but it IS a truth that we are to believe…

k. It is not a truth that we are to stumble over… or lose our focus over. But it is a truth that we are to enjoy… and for which we should be eternally grateful!

l. II Tim. 1:9 – God had a purpose in grace which was given us IN CHRIST before the world began.
• God’s purpose was to manifest HIS marvelous grace in undeserving sinners like us…
• God’s purpose was to save some… reconcile some back to Himself… and thereby manifest His marvelous grace for all eternity!
• To do that, God determined to make some holy and without blame before Him.
• I don’t understand it all… but I am grateful… I am thankful that God chose this sinner and decided to demonstrate His grace in me!
• Eph. 2:7 – that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of HIS grace in HIS kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
• This was God’s plan in eternity past. He is carrying out that plan today.

Future Presentation

1. Present: We will be PRESENTED as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable.

a. Present Defined: to place beside or near; to place a person or thing at one’s disposal.

b. Usage:
• Acts 27:24 – Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar:
• Rom. 6:13 – yield your members to God…
• Rom. 12:1 – present your body a living sacrifice to God…
• II Cor. 11:2 – that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ…

2. Col. 1:22: This seems to refer not to the judicial position of the Colossian believers, but rather, to a future eschatological time when they stand before Christ after the Bema… holy, unblameable, and unreproveable.

3. Jude 24 – faultless = same word as unblameable in Col. 1:22 – without blemish…

a. Christ will present believers to the Father one day… faultless and unblameable!

b. Note also that Jude is speaking about the awful days of apostasy… like the ones in which we live!

c. He states that regardless of how bad things get around us—morally and spiritually—we need not fear. God is able to keep us from falling… into that apostasy!

d. We needn’t be paralyzed by fear of the deplorable spiritual conditions around us. We can keep on walking by faith… trusting that God will keep us from falling into it… and that He will present us before the throne of God as FAULTLESS!

e. And not only that, but He is also going to present us faultless before the presence of His glory!
• Col. 1:22 says that we are blameless in His sight.
• Jude says that we will be presented faultless before the dazzling glory of God’s presence!
• The entire Old Testament system taught that NO MAN can approach a holy God. He dwells in a light which no man can approach… His glory is unapproachable.
• Yet one day WE will be presented before that glory… and will stand there faultless!
• At the Second Coming, unbelievers will receive everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.
• The presence of His glory is our delight in that day! We stand before it faultless!
• And with JOY!

f. God is ABLE to present us faultless! Do you believe it?

4. I Cor. 1:8 – we will be confirmed to the end and assured of being presented as blameless in the day of the Lord Jesus…

5. Eph. 5:27 = without blemish = same word as unblameable in Col. 1:22

a. The church will one day be presented to Christ as a GLORIOUS church… without spot or wrinkle… robed in pure white!

b. Vs. 25c = He GAVE Himself for the church… that He might present it to Himself a GLORIOUS church…

c. Christ died for the church; sanctifies the church; washes it in His blood and His Word… and then presents it to Himself!

d. At this point, the church will already have appeared before the Bema seat…
• All works done in the power of the flesh will be burned up… as wood, hay, and stubble.
• All works done in the power of the Spirit of God for the glory of God will be rewarded.
• We will be crowned and robed in fine linen, clean and white… prepared as a bride for the bridegroom… for the marriage of the Lamb… when we are united together with Christ forever… in unbroken fellowship!

e. “Holy and without blemish” = same words as appear in Eph. 1:4, God’s purpose for election… and in Col. 1:22.

• That which God determined to transpire before the foundation of the world WILL transpire… exactly as the Lord planned.

Present Condition

1. In the past, God CHOSE us to be holy and without blame. One day in the future, God will PRESENT us as holy and without blame before Christ.

a. In the meantime, this is our POSITION in Christ.

b. We are holy… sanctified… saints…

c. We are blameless… and unreproveable… all of our sins have been paid for by Christ.

d. He is now in the presence of God FOR US. His shed blood has eternally satisfied the Father. No charge can be leveled against us. There is no condemnation.

e. In Christ, we are pure… robed in His righteousness… justified… cleansed… washed… reconciled… accepted… forgiven… forever! That is our position.

2. God’s eternal plan for us… and our settled position in that plan ought to have an effect on our present lives.

a. We are to DWELL upon our heavenly position.

b. We are to REST in our unalterable position in Christ.

c. We are to let these truths settle down and be at home in our hearts.

d. And as we do, our position in Christ (holy; unblameable) will have an effect on the way we live today.

3. Col. 3:12 – because we are holy, we are to “put on” that which ought to accompany holiness.

a. I Pet. 1:16 – “Be ye holy for I am holy.” We are holy positionally.

b. Hence, we ought to be holy NOW in a practical sense too.

4. Phil. 2:15 – We are blameless before God’s bar of justice. Hence, God wants us to be blameless NOW… as we live before the world. Our present condition should be LIKE our position.

a. II Pet. 3:14 – be found without spot and blameless (same root to unblameable). This is all based on the glorious future God has assured to us.

5. Jas. 1:27 – keep yourselves unspotted… The church is without spot or blemish… yet we live in a filthy world, and are exhorted to keep ourselves unspotted.

6. Our glorious position is IN CHRIST… and thus holy and unblameable.

a. As we rest… abide in Him… HE will transform our daily condition.

b. Our responsibility is to REST… in our holy position in Him… and as we BEHOLD the glory of God in Christ… we will be transformed into that same image by the Spirit.

c. As the branch abides in the Vine (our position in Christ), that branch will grow… and become fruitful.

d. The more we are occupied with Christ… and the less we are occupied with self… the more like Him we become…

e. The closer our condition comes to our position. This is spiritual growth, maturity, and progress.

f. Contemplating God’s infinite, marvelous grace in our lives… the eternal and unchangeable position we have in Christ… will have a life transforming effect on each of us. Dwell on this wonderful position… rest in it… revel in it… and see what God will do in your daily life.


If Ye Continue…


1. Consider the flow of the sentence thought:

» You were enemies (vs. 21)
» Yet now He hath reconciled you (vs. 21b)
» To present you holy, unblameable, and unreproveable in His sight
» IF ye continue in the faith…

2. Those troublesome if clauses…

a. Does Paul mean that the Colossians (and us) will not be saved unless they persevere to the end?

b. Does Paul mean that there can be no assurance of salvation in this life… not until we finish our course?

c. Does Paul mean that if they do not continue in the faith grounded and settled that they lose their salvation?

d. Does this “if clause” lay down a condition for salvation? How does that differ from works?

e. If so, HOW closely must they continue in the faith? How grounded and settled must they be? 100%? What if it slips below 100%? Will 60% grounded and settle suffice? Is there a cut off point?

f. What if their faith grows weak? What if they backslide? What if they get mixed up in doctrinal error?

g. Does this mean that we can never really KNOW if we are saved until we have continued to the very end?

3. The if clauses open up a whole Pandora’s Box of potential problems to consider.

a. Misreading these clauses has caused the faith of some to falter… it has discouraged others… it has confused many… it has caused much division in the Body of Christ…

b. Regardless of how difficult they may appear, nevertheless, there they are… right in God’s Word.

c. They are inspired Scripture. They are not to be dismissed, but interpreted properly… and to be BELIEVED.

d. Rest assured… God’s Word properly understood does not cause confusion… nor does it discourage the sincere believer.

e. Rather, God’s Word properly understood ENCOURAGES, challenges, and motivates us.

Those Addressed: Ye

1. The question to be addressed first is “to whom was this written?” Who is the “ye” of vs. 23?

a. Many assume that these words were written to warn the unbelievers in the congregation… and to prick their consciences…

b. But rather than ASSUME, it is always better to READ the text.

2. Follow this “ye” backwards:

a. The same people who will be presented holy, unblameable, and unreproveable… (vs. 22)

b. The same people who WERE (but are no more) enemies of God… (vs. 21)

c. The same people who ARE reconciled – “hath” (vs. 21).

d. The same people who have redemption (vs. 14).
• Here the pronoun switches from “ye” (the Colossians) to “we” (the Colossians plus Paul).

e. The same people who have forgiveness of sins (vs. 14).

f. The same people who have been delivered from the power of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son (vs. 13).

g. The same people who have been made meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light (vs. 12).

h. The same people for whom Paul prayed to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will; walk worthy; being fruitful; strengthened with all might; etc… (vs. 9-11).

i. The same people who have love in the Spirit (vs. 8).

j. The same people in whom the gospel continued to produce fruit since the day they heard the gospel (vs. 6).

k. The same people who have a hope laid up for them in heaven (vs.5).

l. The same people about whose faith in Christ Paul heard (vs. 4).

m. The same people referred to as saints and faithful brethren (vs.2).

3. Then try following the “ye” forward!

a. 2:5 – Paul was beholding their order and the steadfastness of their faith in Christ.

b. 2:6 – they had received Christ Jesus the Lord.

c. 2:10 – they are complete in Christ.

d. 2:11 – they had been circumcised spiritually.

e. 2:12 they were dead and buried with Christ and rose with Him.

f. 2:13 – they were quickened and forgiven.

g. 3:3 – they were dead and hidden with Christ in God.

h. 3:4 – Christ is their life.

i. 3:9-10 – they had already put off the old and had put on the new man.

j. 3:15 – they were called into one Body… Christ!

4. However you slice it, one fact cannot be ignored: the YE in 1:23 refers to BELIEVERS…

a. They are already redeemed; forgiven; saints; reconciled; delivered; risen with Christ; quickened; complete in Him; they have a hope laid up for them in heaven; they are partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light…

b. This fact is undeniable.

c. The people addressed in this epistle are saved to the uttermost… complete in Christ.

d. Paul is NOT addressing a mixed multitude. Where would you ever get that idea from reading the epistle thus far?

5. This fact rules out one popular interpretation of the IF clauses, namely, that Paul is addressing a mixed multitude.

a. Ex: Harry Ironside: (whom I usually love!) said of the if clause in Col. 1:23: “Paul did not pretend to know who of the Colossians were really born of God. While he had confidence that most of them were, he wanted to stir up the consciences of any who were becoming slack…”

b. I would contend that Paul had no such thought in his mind.

c. He was not addressing those whose salvation was in doubt.

d. Rather, he was addressing believers… those he KNEW to be redeemed, reconciled, forgiven, and delivered!

6. Ironside: I Cor. 15:1-4 – “The “if” was inserted to trouble the consciences of any who, having professed to believe the gospel, were in danger of forgetting the message because they had never really received the truth into their hearts.”

a. God’s Word may have that effect on unbelievers, but it is hardly fair to the text to say that Paul was in doubt of the position of those to whom he wrote. He was not.

7. In Col. 1:23, some have concluded that Paul is speaking to believers up through vs. 22, and then warns any unbelievers in the audience in vs. 23.

a. The problem with that view is that it is an ASSUMPTION based upon language that the interpreter is uncomfortable with…

b. He assumes that the “IF” implies doubt, and that doesn’t fit into his theology… so he then assumes again that Paul is now speaking to another group: the unbelievers in the crowd… and warning them.

8. This is the argument that many folks use in teaching through the book of Hebrews.

a. They say that the author addresses a mixed multitude, and every other verse seems to be speaking to a different audience… and it is up to the interpreter to guess which group is being addressed in each verse.

b. And that “guess” is usually based upon the language… (if it sounds too harsh, it must be a word to the unbelievers—(it is impossible for those who fall away to be renewed unto repentance…)

c. It is a convoluted and subjective way of dealing with God’s Word.

9. A much simpler method of interpretation is to just let the Scriptures speak for themselves.

a. Who IS Paul addressing in Colossians?

b. Well, what does the passage actually SAY about those being addressed?

c. Does he refer to them as a mixed multitude? As a body of believers and unbelievers?

10. The argument is often given: “Well, in any congregation, there are bound to be both believers and unbelievers and the speaker needs to address each in a sermon.”

a. True, BUT — a speaker with any wisdom at all will make it crystal clear to whom he is speaking… especially when he shifts from telling believers how to live… and the unbeliever how to be saved.

b. Also, this is a LETTER, not a church service where unbelievers may enter.

c. He tells us exactly TO WHOM the letter is addressed! It is a letter clearly labeled by the author as being addressed to the SAINTS which are at Colosse… not the unbelievers in Colosse.

d. If I write a letter to you, and address it as such in the opening greeting, you don’t have to wonder who I am talking to on each page… in each sentence. It is addressed to YOU!

e. When the author spells out clearly who he is addressing, that should be the end of the argument.

11. Once that is settled in our minds, we should dismiss the interpretation that views vs. 23 as a warning to the unbelievers.

a. It is not. It is addressed to Christians…

b. It is not so much a WARNING about a Christian losing his salvation.

c. It is rather a word of assurance about the walk of a true believer… he continues or abides in the faith.

d. Paul is not trying to instill doubt into the minds of his readers. He is trying to instill confidence… faith in God… assurance in what God has promised… and he does a fine job at that… once the passage is understood properly.

If Ye Continue…

1. Now, since Paul is addressing believers, what does the IF mean? What does it imply?

a. Doesn’t an IF imply doubt? Uncertainty of one’s final destiny?

b. If a believer does not continue, does that mean that he is no longer reconciled and reverts back to being an enemy of God?

c. We will see here that “if ye continue” is not a condition for becoming saved or maintaining one’s salvation; rather, it is a PROOF of one’s salvation.

d. And what a profound difference between a condition (which makes salvation iffy and doubtful) and a proof (which brings assurance and strengthens faith).

2. IF: (A.T. Robertson) Condition of the first class (determined as fulfilled)

a. Second class condition: an unfulfilled condition
• Heb. 8:4 – “If He were on earth (which He isn’t) He should not be a priest…”
• John 11:21 – Lord, if thou hadst been here, (and you weren’t!) my brother had not died.
• John 4:10 – Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
• This kind of construction speaks of a condition which is NOT fulfilled… it assumes the condition to be untrue and the speaker knows it.
• This is NOT the conditional clause used in Col. 1:23.

b. First class condition: a fulfilled condition…
• This condition assumes the condition to be true.
• John 13:15 – If ye know these things, (and you do because I just told you!) happy are ye if ye do them.
• I Thess. 3:8 – For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. (Paul was not doubting whether they were standing fast or not. He knew they were! (vs.7)
• I John 4:11 – Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” (John was not doubting whether God loved them or not! He KNEW that God did love them… he assumed this condition to be TRUE!)
• Rom. 8:31 – If God be for us, (and He most definitely is!) who can be against us? He assumes the condition to be true… SINCE God is for us… who can be against us?
• Col. 3:1 -?If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above… There is no doubt whatsoever as to the position of these saints.
• The first class if clause assumes the condition to be TRUE!
• Hence, in Col. 1:23, Paul ASSUMES that the Colossians WILL continue in the faith, grounded and settled. He does not doubt this for one moment.
• While in English the “if clause” sounds kind of IFY… it did not have that meaning to the author… namely, Paul, and the Holy Spirit who directed his use of words, phrases, and clauses!

3. Paraphrase of vs. 21-23: “You were enemies of God, but are now reconciled, in order that one day you will be presented before God as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable. We can say all this SINCE we know that you will continue in the faith, grounded and settled.

a. HOW does he know this? Because God began this good work in them and He will perform until the day of Jesus Christ!

b. Since might be too strong of a translation… though many use that word for this kind of clause.

c. But IF all by itself is also too strong too. It is misleading.

d. Perhaps it is better to say, “If ye continue in the faith as I know you will…”

e. Wuest: “assuming indeed that you are adhering to the Faith, having been placed upon a foundation with the present result that you are on that foundation, firmly established, and that you are not being shifted away from your hope held out by the good news which you heard…”

4. Here’s where we’ve come so far…

a. Paul is talking not to a mixed multitude, but to true believers… saints… redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!

b. Paul states that these former enemies of God have been reconciled in order that they might be presented before God as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable.

c. Thirdly, since Paul knows they are saved, he rightly assumes that they will CONTINUE in the faith, grounded and settled… because that is what true believers do!

5. Paul is NOT saying that we are SAVED by means of continuing in the faith… or that we RETAIN our salvation by means of continuing in the faith…

a. Either way, that would mean that my getting into heaven was ultimately contingent upon my efforts!

b. Oh no! Salvation is of the Lord. It is HIS doing from start to finish.

c. But, by continuing in the faith, we simply give EVIDENCE of having been saved already.

d. Assurance of salvation is an encouragement to continue! We are encouraged and reminded that we WILL make it to the end.

6. True believers CONTINUE…

a. Paul uses three tools here to teach this truth.
• The meaning of the word continue = to stay at or with, to tarry, to continue, remain; to abide.
• This term is the word for “abide” with a prefix that intensifies it.
» The “Linguistic Key to the New Testament” explains the prefix this way: “the preposition in compound adds to the force of the linear action of the present tense: “to continue and then some”
• Present tense… adds a further sense of continuing…

b. Paul’s point: true believers WILL continue… there is no question, no doubt, nothing ify about it!
• Believers continue… and while we might stumble on occasion, in the end, believers get up and continue…
• Prov. 24:16 – For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.
c. Believers are overcomers. Period. We may be overcome by this trial or that skirmish, but we ARE overcomers. God said so.

The Faith

1. The next question to consider is, “What does Paul mean by faith?”

a. Is he speaking of faith objectively (The Christian faith… the body of Christian doctrine… the thing believed).

b. Or is he speaking of faith subjectively (one’s personal faith/trust in the Lord).

2. There are good reasons to believe that Paul meant faith in the objective sense: the body of Christian doctrine… the truths that we believe… and hold dear…

a. First, the definite article appears… which points to a particular faith… THE faith… (Although that alone does not settle the issue… the article could appear when faith is used subjectively, but it is most naturally used in the objective sense.)

b. Secondly, the context: Paul is addressing the issue of the false teachers that have infiltrated Colossae with their apostasy: an early form of Gnosticism, shades of Jewish legalism, and asceticism.

i. Paul is combating that error with the TRUTH of the gospel… our true Christian faith…
• The word of the truth of the gospel (1:5)
• The gospel that brings forth fruit (1:6)
• He presents Christ as the very image of God (1:15)
• He presents Christ as Creator (1:16)
• He presents Christ as the One in whom all fullness dwells (1:19)
• He presents the all sufficiency of the cross (1:22)
• In a subtle way, Paul has been weaving his attacks against the error of the false teachers throughout this epistle.

c. Thirdly, the meaning of the faith seems to be amplified in the immediate context as “the gospel which ye have heard…”
• Hence, Paul seems to connect THE faith with the gospel message… making it objective truth that he is describing, rather than the subjective faith of the individual.
• “The faith” refers to that which the Colossians believed…
• While “the faith” can be used in a broad sense in some contexts (Jude 3), it appears to be used in a narrower sense in other contexts… such as Col. 1:23.

d. The faith… the gospel truth… that which the Colossians’ believed was under attack by the false teachers… their body of Christian doctrine… the truth… the faith was under attack…
• Paul rightly assumes that they will continue in THE FAITH… and will not be swerved away from the truth.
• Paul rightly assumes that the attack of the enemy will NOT separate the believer from the truth.
• Paul assumes that true believers will ultimately recognize light when they see it… and will continue in it.
• A blind man may not recognize light, though it be all around him. But a man whose eyes the Lord has opened surely recognizes light when he sees it.
• True disciples continue in God’s Word… in God’s truth… they continue in THE faith (John 13:31).
• Sheep RECOGNIZE the voice of their Shepherd and they follow Him… (John 10:3-4,8, 27).
• John 18:37 – Jesus said to Pilate: Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

e. True believers… those who are genuinely born again WILL continue in the faith.
• There is no such thing as a believer who does NOT continue in faith.
• Believers can become confused…
• Believers can become uncertain about various doctrinal issues…
• Believers can get mixed up in erroneous teachings… charismatic emphasis… non literal, Reformed view of Scripture… can question eternal security… they can become perplexed by prophecy… entangled in legalism… go overboard on an erroneous concept of grace…
• There are all kinds of ways in which a believer can become snared in various doctrinal issues.
• BUT — a true believer WILL continue in THE FAITH.

f. In a similar sense, true believers CANNOT continue in sin.
• Rom. 6:1-2 – they cannot continue in sin because God has CHANGED them… they died to sin and are alive unto God. They have a new nature that will not allow them to continue in sin indefinitely. It will become sick of sin… and hunger after righteousness.
• Rom. 6:14 – sin will NOT have dominion over the believer.
• I John 3:9 – he that is born of God CANNOT commit (habitually practice) sin.
• Why? Because God will intervene in the life of his child.
» Conviction of the Spirit; chastening; even death.

• Eph. 4:4-5 – There is ONE faith = THE faith.
» This faith is universal among believers.
» This is THE faith… the truths that are believed by ALL believers in the Body… the gospel (the narrow sense of “the faith.”)
» Believers may be divided on minor, ancillary issues. There is often division and discord over various doctrinal issues.
» But there are certain things that ALL believers share in common: one Lord… one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all…
» If you don’t share that, you’re not saved. Period.
» THE faith speaks of the essence of our Christian faith: who Christ is and what He has accomplished on Calvary.
» If someone claims to be a Christian and does not hold to THE FAITH, he is a false believer… either he is deceived or is a deceiver.
» One CANNOT be saved and not believe that Jesus is God who became a Man… and who died on the cross… and whose blood paid for our sins… and then rose again.
» THE FAITH is shared by every true believer… and he WILL continue in that faith.

• Acts 6:7 – priests were obedient to “the faith.” This means that they responded to the gospel message and believed “the faith.”
» They did not necessarily understand all the associated doctrinal issues… but they understood the faith as proclaimed in the gospel…
» The faith = who Jesus is (God-Man) and what He did (all sufficiency of His cross work).

• Rom. 1:5 – obedience to the faith = they responded in faith to the gospel… they obeyed the faith by getting saved. They believed the essentials of the faith… who Christ is… His finished work on the cross.

3. Not everyone CONTINUES in the faith.
a. All true believers will continue in THE FAITH… those who do not continue simply demonstrate that they were NEVER saved in the first place!
b. Apostates don’t continue in the faith.
• I Tim. 4:1 – false teachers shall DEPART from the faith. Apostates claim to believe, but they do not continue… proving they were never saved.

c. Pretenders don’t continue in the faith.
• I John 2:19 – True believers continue in the faith with other true believers. False professors will eventually go out… and manifest that they were not really OF us… ever.

d. Shallow professors don’t continue in the faith.
• Matt. 13:20 – seed sown in the stony place
» This ground is stony; with a shallow layer of topsoil
» The seed is sown, and immediately appears to make a good start, but things are not always as they appear.
» It withers away when the sun comes out… trials and tribulations prevent it from “continuing.”
» There is no real root. All is merely superficial.
» Every Bible believing church has seen countless such folks enter their front door… and then a year or two later, go out the back door… and it is heartbreaking…
» They did not continue in the faith—because they were never saved. They never had saving faith…

e. False teachers don’t continue.
• II Pet. 2:20-22 – False teachers CLAIMED to be saved, and did have a head knowledge of Christ…
» And that association improved their lifestyle, at least externally… for a time. By associating with believers, they escaped some of the pollutions of the world.
» But eventually, they were overtaken by their old ways… and they became entangled again in their old ways…
» They were like a washed pig… (superficial cleaning; a whited sepulcher; merely external cleansing).
» Eventually, that clean pig will return to the wallowing in the mire—because an external cleansing did not change its nature. It was a still a pig. It never became a sheep.
» Folks can superficially attach themselves to Christ and Christianity—and it WILL have a healthy effect on them… but it won’t save.
» Association with Christianity might produce enough “changes” to lead folks to believe that they were saved, when in fact, they were NEVER saved.
» They may claim to believe THE FAITH… but unless they were regenerated, it is likely that they will eventually DEPART from the faith they once espoused.
» They did not lose their salvation; they never had it!
» Judas didn’t LOSE his salvation. He was never saved.

4. While false professors may depart from the faith, a true believer can NEVER depart from the faith. A true believer will CONTINUE in the faith. God guarantees it!

a. Eph. 1:4 – He chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before Him.

b. Col. 1:22 – He reconciled us so that he might present us holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight!

c. Phil. 1:6 – He who began a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. The moment we believed, God regenerated us… gave us a new nature… dwelt within us… and began a work of transforming us into the image of His dear Son. He will never stop that work in us until the job is done!

d. Our position in Christ is SETTLED for all eternity.

e. The precious blood of Christ was SO entirely and eternally efficacious, that when the Judge of all the earth looks upon us, even HE can find no flaw… and HIS conclusion is: unblameable… unreproveable…

f. The KNOWLEDGE of this and the assurance that it brings is one of the means that God uses to motivate the believer to continue.

5. God has many MEANS available to assure that His people CONTINUE in the faith.

a. One of the REASONS why true believers DO continue in the faith is because of the influence of the Body of Christ.

b. Acts 14:22 – Believers are to EXHORT one another to continue in THE FAITH.
• This is one of the MEANS God uses to assure that believers WILL continue in the faith… because other believers in the Body are exhorting them… helping them along… warning them when they start to go astray…

c. I Cor. 16:13 – stand fast in the faith…
• Paul exhorted the Corinthians to stand fast in the faith…
• Why? Because in the life of ANY believer, there is always the danger of being temporarily swerved aside into error…
• When it comes to THE faith – we need to be exhorted to stand fast: don’t ever bend… don’t ever compromise… don’t ever wander.
• They were to be strong like men… not like babes who are easily swayed… tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Stand fast… like men.

d. I Tim. 4:16 – Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: (continue = same word as in Col. 1:23)

e. Jude 3 – we are also to CONTEND for the faith… because the faith is under attack and the attacks are real.

f. II Tim. 4:7 – Paul said, “I” have kept the faith. There is human responsibility involved… and yet God assures that the true believer WILL continue in the faith.

g. Nevertheless, God assures us, that regardless of the attacks against THE FAITH… the faith will remain. It will never be destroyed. And regardless of the attacks against us from our enemies, we will remain… abide… continue in the faith.

h. The influence of the Body of Christ on each member is essentially, CHRIST working in and through and by means of His Body… to carry out His purpose for each member.

i. And one of the ways in which God has ordained that we should continue in the faith is for the members of the body to watch out and care for one another.

6. Believers CAN depart from THE Faith in the broad usage of the term. (The faith = the entire body of Christian doctrine…) But a believer can NEVER depart from THE faith in the narrower usage of the term. (the gospel)

a. The Faith in the broad sense: the entire body of Christian doctrine. Believers CAN swerve away from some aspects of the faith.
• Be concerned when you see a brother listening to tapes from a Bible teacher in error…
• Be concerned when you hear of a brother who is reading radical “Christian” literature…
• Be concerned when you see you a brother or a sister getting involved in Reformed theology… or tending towards the charismatic experiences… or being allured toward traditionalism or legalism… or curious about the 7th Day Adventists… or whatever form of error they might be attracted to…

b. The Faith in the narrow sense: the gospel; who Christ is (God-Man) and what He did (died for our sins and rose again).
• Cf. Acts 6:7; Rom. 1:5
• No true believer can ever swerve away from this aspect of the faith.
• Paul goes on to almost DEFINE which aspect of “the faith” he means in Col. 1:23: “be not moved away from the hope of the gospel…”
• True believers BELIEVE… they all share THE faith (Eph. 4:4-5)

c. A true believer can become confused and pursue false doctrine
• When a believer begins to wander, the indwelling Holy Spirit convicts the heart… and yet, the believer may resist the ministry of the Spirit and grieve the Spirit. (Eph. 4:30)
• Jas. 5:19-20 – If he continues to wander away from the faith, God may use YOU to exhort him to come back! Do you know a believer who is beginning to wander from the faith? (BRETHREN, if any of YOU do err from the truth…)
• God may have to resort to severe chastening to get that believer’s attention… whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth…
• God has His means of accomplishing His purpose… and His purpose is that every true believer will continue in the faith… and that God will continue to work in him… and do His great work of transforming that sinner into the image of His dear Son!
• There is a mystery and a tension in play between the responsibility of the individual and the supernatural work of God IN that individual… and between our unalterable, heavenly position in Christ… and our earthly and quite changeable condition of our daily lives.
• But somehow in God’s marvelous power and wisdom, they work together to accomplish God’s eternal plan…
• Rom. 8:29 – He predestinated us to be conformed to the image of His Son… and right now that process is under way… and will continue… until glory.
• This truth is NOT revealed so that we might sit back and say, “Well, I’m going to make it anyway, why sweat it out today? Why not eat, drink, and be merry until that day!?” Some will always twist truth to their own sinful lusts.

7. Rather, this truth is revealed so that the child of God might walk by FAITH in the interim…

a. So that we might KNOW that we are redeemed, reconciled, saved to the uttermost… and that he might KNOW that by God’s grace and supernatural working in him, he WILL continue in the faith to the very end…

b. So that the believer’s PERSONAL subjective faith might be strengthened as he realizes how SAFE he is in Christ… and therefore can continue to walk… trusting, resting, believing, that as weak as I feel today… as hopeless as my fallen flesh is…
• I must KNOW that my old man is DEAD… and I can KNOW that as a new creature empowered by the Spirit of God, I am ABLE to walk in newness of life…
• I am ABLE to continue… because I KNOW and BELIEVE what God has said… HE is able to keep me from falling… and He is able to present me faultless before the throne of God… and in fact He has promised to do so.
• The believer isn’t to walk about fearful that he might not make it to the end… paralyzed by the error that teaches that my making it into heaven is contingent upon whether I can persevere to the end…
• Faith says, I believe I WILL continue to the end… because God said so. Therefore I can continue to walk by faith, trusting in His promise… trusting in His power that He said is working in me… trusting that it is GOD who is working in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure…
• The believer who does NOT know this will not have assurance… and will walk feebly… wobbly… with unsteady steps… uncertain as to whether he will make it to the end. That kind of uncertainty makes our steps falter… and breeds more uncertainty… and more faltering steps.
• But the believer who KNOWS and has assurance can walk in confidence… not self-confidence, but God-confidence (faith!)… and that results in a steady, solid, stable walk that endures.
• That believer will be empowered by that faith… motivated by those promises… and filled with the very presence and power of the God who promised…
• Once again, Paul uses our glorious, heavenly, unalterable position in Christ to motivate us to walk worthy of our high calling in Christ Jesus…
• Col.1:23 presents words of encouragement and confidence for the believer: “You have been reconciled to God and will one day be presented before Him as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable. And I can say this because I know that you will continue in the faith, grounded and settled!”

Grounded, Settled, Unmovable


1. Ground covered last time…

a. Paul is talking not to a mixed multitude, but to true believers… saints… redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!

b. Paul states that these former enemies of God have been reconciled in order that they might be presented before God as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable.

c. Thirdly, since Paul knows they are saved, he rightly assumes that they will CONTINUE in the faith… because that is what true believers do!
• Remember, the first class condition Paul uses here does NOT imply doubt or an IFY situation.
• It speaks of a condition which is assumed to be true… fulfilled… almost like SINCE.

2. Next in this passage, Paul deals with two participles and an adjective to help instill confidence and assurance in the Colossians:
a. Grounded…
b. Settled…
c. Not moved away…


A. Grounded.

1. Grounded Defined: from the verb: θεμελιόω (themeli-o-oh) – to lay the foundation, to found; to make stable, establish; be firm.

2. Perfect passive participle:

a. Perfect tense: past completed action with continuing results.
• The Colossians were grounded (established on a solid foundation) the moment they were saved.
• And that has CONTINUING results, namely, they are STILL grounded on that solid foundation… and will remain established there!
• The perfect implies that the work of “grounding” the believer is over… finished… once for all. He has been placed on the solid rock foundation by faith.
• He STANDS in a secure position of having been grounded.

b. Passive: the subject does not perform the action, but receives the action. The action is performed by an outside source.
• Thus, it was not the Colossians who grounded themselves and established themselves.
• Rather, it was done TO them by an outside source, namely, God.
• When they put their faith in Christ, the Lord established them firmly on the solid foundation that will enable them to continue in the faith… unshaken by the storms of life.
• The Colossians (because of their faith in Christ) have been established by God once and for all on a solid foundation and they remain established on that foundation…

3. I Cor. 3:11 – Christ is the sure foundation upon which we are laid. That is firm and secure.

a. I Cor. 3:11 – every true believer is ON the solid foundation, Christ. No other foundation will suffice.

b. I Cor. 3:12 – every true believer BUILDS upon that foundation. (wood, hay, stubble OR gold, silver, precious stones)

c. The quality of believers’ lives varies vastly.

d. But notice that their lives (that which they build upon the foundation) remain on the foundation until the Bema seat… and that occurs in HEAVEN.

e. At that point, the quality of the believers’ lives and ministries will be judged… for rewards or loss of (potential) rewards.

f. Believers continue in the faith grounded and settled… safe and secure… and are on the foundation until they arrive in heaven.

g. Works that are done in the flesh do not cause a believer to be MOVED AWAY from the foundation. But those works will be examined one day… and burnt up… yet the believer remains SAVED… so as by fire… and will continue (vs. 15).

h. Note that regardless of the quality of the building materials (one’s Christian life/ministry on earth), that believer continues until the Bema Seat.

i. He remains, even though there may not be much to show for his life. Much of what he “built” may be burnt up, but he himself remains.

j. Yet EVERY man at the Bema will receive SOME praise from God. (I Cor. 4:5)
• No believer can continue in sin indefinitely. God will intervene.
• Every believer has walked with God and obeyed God and has done SOMETHING for the Lord… has produced SOME good fruit. For if there is NO fruit at all, he was never saved.
• Matt. 13:18-23 – Believers are likened to the GOOD ground… and the good ground produces fruit… in varying quantities and in varying qualities… but there will always be SOME fruit in the life of a true believer. If the ground is good (true believer) there WILL be fruit.
• John 15:16 – Good fruit will REMAIN… until the Bema Seat and the believer who bore that fruit will be rewarded. Hence, the believer WILL continue (remain) until the Bema… along with his fruit.
• He will CONTINUE in the faith… and will CONTINUE grounded on the foundation of Christ to the very end. We are saved to the uttermost.
• The REASON the believer continued to the Bema had nothing to do with the quality of his “building materials” or his personal talents as a builder.
• It had to do solely with the quality of the FOUNDATION upon which he rested.
• A marvelous edifice built on the sand does not continue. But a little shack on the solid rock WILL continue and abide through the storms of life…

4. Eph. 2:20 – (noun form) the church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ being the chief corner stone.

a. Believers in the church have been built upon the proper foundation.

b. The apostles and prophets are not the foundation, but rather they laid the foundation… through the revelation given to them by God.

c. The foundation consists of the writings of the apostles and New Testament prophets… THE TRUTH… Christ being the chief Cornerstone.

d. Everyone who is born again is part of the Body, the church. Every member of the church is ON this foundation… and is thus safe and secure on THE TRUTH.

e. The believer who is on this foundation WILL continue in and on THE FAITH and IS grounded and settled… even if he stands on that foundation his whole life, knees knocking, biting fingernails, scared to death he won’t be able to endure. If he is on the right foundation, he WILL continue in the faith.

f. But the other believer on that foundation, who KNOWS God’s Word and BELIEVES it… will not stand there knees knocking. He will rest comfortably on that foundation, KNOWING that whatever storm he may face, he WILL continue in the faith… part of the church… and on the foundation.

g. FAITH in God’s promises and the assurance that brings to the heart enables the believer to REST comfortably in His Father’s hands… or on the Solid Rock Foundation.

h. It is this assurance and confidence that enables the believer to continue…

i. “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” (Isa. 30:15)

5. II Tim. 2:19 – the foundation of God standeth sure… He KNOWS who is on that foundation and who is not. No uncertainty in God’s mind whatsoever.

a. This foundation STANDS.

b. Standeth = perfect active indicative; this foundation was laid down once and for all in the past, and remains in place to the present time.

c. The foundation that God made (either the church itself or the foundation upon which the church is built) REMAINS. It stands.

d. It stands SURE= strong, firm, immovable, solid, hard, rigid. 1a in a bad sense, stiff, stubborn, hard. 1b in a good sense, firm, steadfast.

e. The REASON for the believer continuing in the faith, grounded and settled is not found within the believer.
• Continuing in the faith is determined solely by the foundation upon which he stands.
• The foundation CONTINUES… it stood, and it remains standing, and will continue to stand… immovable… steadfastly… firm and sure.

f. This foundation is safe and secure because God’s seal is on it!
• Security doesn’t get any better than that! (A product in the market might have a good housekeeping seal of approval on it… or perhaps a ladder comes with an OSHA seal of approval.)
• Those organizations put their reputations behind that product and assure you that it is safe and that it works.
• God puts His seal on this foundation… His seal indicates the integrity of the foundation. It’s been approved by God and it works.

6. Luke 6:48 – when the floods came, this house stood, because its foundation was laid upon a rock… grounded and settled.

a. Both the noun and verb form of the word appear in this verse.

b. Foundation = noun

c. Founded = verb

d. The foundation here represents “obedience as an evidence of genuine saving faith.”
• Vs. 46 – many SAY they believe, but there is no evidence of it.
• Many will come to the Lord in that day, and SAY, “Lord, Lord, have not we done many wonderful works?” Words of faith were not a sufficient substitute for faith.
• Words or a phony profession of faith will not suffice.
• The only thing that will suffice is being grounded upon a solid foundation. (Faith in Christ—evidenced by a changed life.)

e. In other words, as believers, we are safe because of the foundation upon which we rest.

f. In this illustration, both men may build solid, well built homes.
• They may both continue for a while too…
• It is not until the trials of life come in like a flood that our faith is tested as to whether it is genuine or not.
• When the floods came, one house collapsed because it was not built on a solid foundation.
• This is similar to the illustration of the rocky ground professor. He claims faith in Christ… but when the trials come (sun comes out and begins to burn…) he is gone… proving that he had no root… nothing substantive… all is merely external and superficial.
• But when the flood beat upon the home on the solid foundation, it stood fast… it continued… grounded and settled and was not moved away.
• The house built on the sand (the false professor) was NOT grounded and settled… and DID move away… proving that his profession of faith was merely superficial and not genuine.

B. Settled

1. Defined: sitting, sedentary. 2 firm, immovable, steadfast.

2. Paul pictures the Colossians as having been established on a foundation…

3. And not just established on that foundation—but hunkered down… seated… immovable…

4. The believer is not just ON the foundation, but is seated firmly on it… settled in…


A. Not Moved Away.

1. Moved away: from the verb: μετακινέω (metakineh-oh) – to move away; be removed (and no longer exist), to be displaced; be shifted from, with an implication of force.

2. Present, passive, participle.

a. Note that the word “be” was added by the translators. It almost makes this sound like a command: Be not moved away!

b. In fact, it is not a command, but a participle.

c. This term does not tell them what to DO. Rather, it tells them what has already been DONE.
• This term continues to describe who the Colossian believers ARE. They are those who are NOT being moved away…
• This is not a command or an exhortation not to move away. The exhortation section of the epistle begins after 3:1. In this section, Paul is describing their POSITION… making it clear to the believers where they stand with God: grounded; settled; unmovable!
• There is a massive difference between commanding a believer to DO something (continue in the faith)… and from assuring him that he WILL continue in the faith.
• By stating: you are reconciled IF YOU continue… and IF YOU are not moved away… and seeing that as a command, the outcome is up to the believer… whether he “makes it” or not. That breeds uncertainty and doubt. That was NOT Paul’s purpose.
• But by stating as Paul did: Since you assuredly WILL continue in the faith and since you will NOT be moved away… this instills hope, confidence, and strengthens faith. This WAS Paul’s purpose.

d. Context: You have been reconciled to God. God reconciled you so that one day you will stand before Him holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. I know that you will stand before Him holy and unblameable SINCE you WILL continue in the faith… SINCE you have been established by God once and for all on a solid foundation and they remain established on that foundation… and SINCE you are NOT in the process of continually being moved away from the hope of the gospel.

e. Paul is expressing his utmost CONFIDENCE in the believers at Colossae. He KNOWS they will continue… and that they will not be moved away from their hope in the gospel.

f. There is NO ongoing process of undermining those on the solid foundation… there is no outside source that is gradually and continually causing them to slip or move away.

g. That process is NOT occurring.

h. Others may be in a process of being gradually and continually moved away from the hope of the gospel. False teachers, false professors… but not the Colossians… for they are redeemed, reconciled, saints!

3. The city of Colosse was in a region that was often shaken by earthquakes.

a. They were familiar with earthquakes and their aftermaths… with buildings that collapsed because they were not built on a solid foundation…

b. Some believe Paul intended to bring this to mind as he wrote these words… that since they were saved, nothing could shake them… or move them.

c. They were on a solid foundation… and the foundation of God standeth SURE… unshakable… unmovable…

d. They had nothing to fear: (Ps. 46:1-3) = God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ? 2Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst? of the sea; ? 3Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.

4. What assurance is found in these two participles:

a. Grounded: perfect participle: action which was completed in the past which continues to the present. (They were grounded at conversion and remain grounded!)

b. Not moved away: present participle: action in the present which continues on into the future…

B. The Hope of the Gospel

1. The hope of the gospel = the hope that the gospel message engenders in the heart of the believer.

2. Eph. 2:12 – before we came to know Christ, we had NO such hope. We were without hope and without God. Godless = hopeless.

3. Hope: not a hope-so, but a joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation… confident expectation of eternal good… based upon truth, the promises of God’s Word, arising from the gospel.

4. This is a kind of generic statement about hope… not defining it particularly… and thus is broad enough to include MANY aspects of the believers hope in Christ that is the result of responding in faith to the gospel.

a. Col. 1:5 – the hope that is laid up for you in heaven.

b. Col. 1:27 – the hope of future glory… of which the indwelling presence of Christ is but a foretaste.

c. Col. 3:4 – the hope of appearing with Him in glory.

d. John 17:24 – the hope of being with Christ and beholding His glory!

e. Titus 2:13 – the hope of Christ’s return… and the resurrection and redemption of our bodies… that we shall be like Him…

f. I Tim. 1:1—our hope resides in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ. He IS our hope.
• The only reason we have any hope is because of Him and because of what He provided for us on Calvary… and because of His promises in the Word: His Person, His Provision, and His Promises.
• All of our hopes for the future are attached to Him… to His work on the cross… to His resurrection and ascension… to His present High Priestly intercessory ministry…
g. John 14:1-3 – the hope of a home in heaven… finally home!
• Jesus was about to go to the cross and leave His disciples on their own… He would be leaving this world for glory.
• Jesus wanted to encourage His disciples by leaving them with bright HOPE for tomorrow…
• This is the hope that the gospel brings to the one who puts his trust in Christ.

5. What awesome words of assurance the apostles leaves with the Colossians… and with us as believers:

a. We were enemies of God, but now have been reconciled!

b. God will present all those reconciled as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable in His sight!

c. Paul assures the saints that they WILL continue in the faith…

d. He assures us that we have a hope that is unshakable… unmovable… and we are grounded and settled on a foundation… salvation is irreversible!

6. In the first two chapters of Colossians, Paul describes their glorious position in Christ…

a. Then, when we get to chapter 3, Paul begins making exhortations to the believers concerning HOW they should live… and those exhortations are BASED upon their position in Christ. (Col. 3:1 – if ye then be risen… set your affection on things above!)

b. This is what he does in Ephesians too: 3 chapters of describing their position… and then in 4:1 he begins his exhortations BASED upon their position: therefore, walk worthy of your high calling!

c. This is what he does in Romans too: 11 chapters of doctrine and explaining their position as justified by faith… and then… based on that truth… he begins his section of exhortations: I beseech you THEREFORE, by the mercies of God, present your body a living sacrifice…

d. Before good fruit will be borne, God wants us to KNOW about our glorious position in Christ… when that truth sinks in, we will be able to REST in that position… ABIDE in that position… hunker down, grounded and settled… as a branch abides in its position in the Vine… and from that position FRUIT is borne… LIFE is manifested… Christ is exalted…

e. When it finally sinks in just how FINISHED the finished work of Christ on the cross really is… and how utterly SAFE we are in Him… then we will have the faith to REST in Him…

f. And from that heavenly position, we are thus able to WALK in newness of life… to walk worthy of our high calling in Christ… and to SEEK those things which are above.

g. But ever follow Paul’s inspired pattern: FIRST comes an acknowledgement of and a resting in our position, and THEN comes a worthy walk.

h. Every branch abiding in Christ (our position in Christ in heavenly places) beareth fruit.

IF YOU ARE NOT SAVED: Before you can continue in the faith, you must BEGIN in the faith. Trust Christ as your Savior today. Trusting in anything else (religion; works; lifestyle; etc.) is sinking sand… and will not endure the judgment of God.

Rejoicing in My Sufferings for You

Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you

1. Paul was suffering and he was suffering now (presently at the time of the writing).

a. Suffering:
• Internally: an inward state of affliction; passion.
• Externally: affliction; calamity.
• Rom. 8:18 – Paul used this term to describe the sufferings in this present time… suffering in the body… afflictions as a result of life in a cursed earth…

b. He was suffering because he was in prison, and writing this letter from prison in Rome.

c. In addition to the suffering of confinement, the false teachers would use this fact to ridicule Paul and attempt to discredit him… as a jailbird. (It didn’t seem very respectable!) This also was a further attempt of the enemy to make Paul suffer.

d. Paul’s opposition slandered him because of his imprisonment in order to bring shame and disgrace upon him and his ministry.

e. But the very thing the opposition hoped to use to discredit him, Paul used to magnify his office!

2. Paul was not ashamed. In fact, he REJOICED in his present sufferings.

a. Paul was not rejoicing BECAUSE of his sufferings… as if pain and suffering brought him pleasure!
• He was rejoicing in the midst of his sufferings.
• He didn’t like suffering any more than you or I would.
• Paul didn’t belong to the 700 Club… there was nothing phony about Paul. He didn’t PRETEND to enjoy affliction itself.
• But he did have JOY in the midst of suffering—as when he sang hymns in prison, as the blood from the whipping on his back began to dry up…
• James says to count it all joy when we fall into divers trials. But we don’t count it all joy BECAUSE of our trials. That is phony.
• Rather, we count it all joy in the midst of our trials, KNOWING that IN THE END… the trying of your faith worketh patience… and God is doing His great work in our heart through it.
• Trials and chastening of all sorts are never fun, but are grievous… but JOY can be experienced in the midst of it KNOWING the work God is accomplishing through it: fruit unto His glory and honor!
• The deep abiding joy comes from KNOWING the fruitful end… not from the present affliction!
• Paul had earlier prayed that the Colossians would be “strengthened with all might unto all patience and longsuffering with JOYFULNESS!”

b. Paul was suffering in prison, but he wasn’t in jail for stealing or refusing to pay his taxes. He was in prison for his faith in Christ.

c. Suffering as a Christian is nothing to be ashamed about. (I Peter 4:15–16).

d. Paul rejoiced that he was “counted worthy to suffer shame for His name” (Acts 5:41).

e. Jesus said, “BLESSED are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. REJOICE and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.” (Matt. 5:10–12)

f. This is exactly what Paul was doing: he was suffering for righteousness sake… and was rejoicing in it!

g. The false teachers thought they could shame Paul for being in prison. Paul turned the tables on them… and made it clear that he was anything but ashamed.

h. He counted it an HONOR to suffer for Christ… and one day the Lord would reward him for it in glory!

i. And it is an honor for US to suffer for Christ today too!

3. For you: His sufferings were for the Colossians.

a. He was in prison because of his ministry to the gentiles, like the Colossians…

b. Eph.3:1 – “For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles.”

c. Acts 22:21-22 – Paul was giving his testimony before the Jewish leaders, and as soon as he mentioned the fact that God sent him to the Gentiles, the Jews immediately decided he was worthy of death… and from that point on, Paul was held as a prisoner, and ultimately sent to Rome.

d. The false teachers hoped to use Paul’s imprisonment as a wedge between him and the Colossians… but Paul turned it around, and it became a point of endearment between him and the people in Colossae. He was in prison for them!

e. And he wasn’t ashamed… nor was he regretting it. Instead, he was rejoicing in his sufferings for them.

f. Paul was in prison because of his love for the Gentiles and his desire to bring the gospel message to them… that they might be saved and delivered from the bondage of sin and death. That was no cause for shame.

g. The Colossians understood that kind of love too.

That which is behind of afflictions of Christ

A. The Afflictions of Christ

1. Paul states in this verse, that in some sense, he shared in the afflictions of Christ.

2. The afflictions of Christ mentioned here do NOT refer to Christ’s suffering on the cross for the sins of the world. That He did alone. No one has or could share in that.

a. Thilipsis: a pressing, pressing together, pressure; oppression, affliction, tribulation, distress.

b. This term affliction is never used of Christ’s sufferings on the cross.

c. This term is used of earthly sufferings in the body.

d. It speaks of all the pressures, trials and tribulations of life.

3. Christ was afflicted in many ways during His earthly ministry.

a. He was afflicted as He saw the effects of sin all around Him. (John 11:33-38)

b. He was afflicted when He saw people reject Him and the life He offered. (Matt. 23:37)

c. He suffered in the flesh physically, living in a sin cursed earth. He grew tired. He hungered; He thirsted; Christ was just as susceptible to colds, viruses, and sickness as anyone else in a mortal body in a sin cursed world!

d. He was afflicted when He saw people oppose His ministry. (Mark 8:11-12)

e. He was afflicted when He contemplated the cross and the sins of the world being placed upon Him. (Luke 22:44) Christ suffered as He thought about the suffering that God’s will for His life involved.

f. God’s will always involves a degree of suffering—because it means DEATH to self-will… absolute surrender to His will.

g. He was afflicted for righteousness’ sake. He did good works and men wanted to stone Him. (John 10:31-32)

h. These are some of the various ways in which Christ suffered affliction during His earthly ministry… as He preached the gospel, radiated the light of God, stood for righteousness, and suffered for it.

i. We too suffer in similar ways as believers. And as we do, we FELLOWSHIP in His sufferings. (Phil. 3:10)

B. That Which is Behind

1. Behind: deficiency, that which is lacking.

2. The term implies that there is something LACKING in the sufferings of Christ… that His sufferings were not quite finished… that there are more sufferings to come for Him.

3. Again, Paul is NOT talking about Christ’s suffering on the cross.

a. Rome uses this passage to teach that Christ’s work on the cross was NOT finished and that there is some more suffering that WE must endure after death to help provide redemption. They use this passage to justify their false doctrine of purgatory… and claim that the sufferings of Christ on the cross must be supplemented by the merits of Mary and the saints…

b. Nothing could be further from the truth. WE can add nothing to Christ’s finished work. Our righteousness is referred to by God as filthy rags. We have no merit of our own to add.

c. Clearly Jesus believed his work on the cross finished the job. He cried out: It is finished!

d. Clearly the New Testament speaks of His cross-work as finished:
• Heb. 10:10, 14 – by ONE offering He perfected forever!
• Heb. 9:12 – through His blood shed on the cross, Christ obtained eternal redemption for us!
• There is NOTHING lacking in Christ’s work on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins.

4. But there is something LACKING in the afflictions of Christ for righteousness’ sake… in one sense.

a. I Pet. 2:21 – In all of this suffering and affliction, Christ left an example for us to follow. He suffered, but He did not strike back.

b. Christ suffered for righteousness sake. And all those who follow Him will also suffer for righteousness sake.

c. John 15:18-21 – Jesus warned that those who follow Him will suffer persecution and affliction… for HIS names’ sake!

d. Christ suffered for righteousness sake while He was on earth, but His life was cut short.

e. There is MORE suffering to be accomplished for His names’ sake.

f. Those who suffer in a cursed earth as Christ did… are in a sense, experiencing the afflictions of Christ.

g. They are the SAME kind of sufferings HE endured
• He was afflicted as He saw the effects of sin all around Him. (John 11:33-38) … AND SO WILL WE BE!

1. Isn’t it painful to watch a loved one ruin his life in sin… when you have the cure, and he won’t take it!

2. Isn’t it an awful form of suffering to watch a wayward child be carried away by his sin…

3. It is an awful form of suffering to watch families disintegrate all around you—and you have the cure, but they won’t listen.

4. It is inward suffering to watch the effects of an awful disease ravage the body of a loved one…

5. It is suffering of the heart to see a loved one die… and all death is the result of the fact that sin entered the world.
• He was afflicted when He saw people reject Him and the life He offered. (Matt. 23:37)… and so will we be.

1. Christ dedicated His life to preaching the gospel… that others might have life.

2. He brought the gospel of the Kingdom to Israel, and they rejected it.

3. That broke His heart… and our hearts are equally broken when we bring the gospel of God’s grace to a loved one… and they dismiss it… reject it… scoff at it. That is suffering.
• He was afflicted when He saw people oppose His ministry. (Mark 8:11-12)… and so will we be.

1. Christ experienced opposition to His holy life and to His ministry.

2. Today there are thousands who are quietly suffering because of opposition.

3. Perhaps it comes from an unsaved mate… or unsaved parents…

4. Most of us have no idea how difficult it is just to get to church for some folks whose family is not saved… and gives them grief every time they try to go to church or read their Bible.
• He was afflicted for righteousness’ sake. He did good works and men wanted to stone Him. (John 10:31-32)… and so will we.

1. All those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

2. The world hates us and our testimony.

3. We are not persecuted in this country at the end of a gun, but there is a lot of subtle forms of persecution that takes place…

4. Believers left out of their unsaved family gatherings… believers by passed for a job because the whole office hates their testimony… the constant barrage of jokes and innuendos at the office or the factory…

5. Paul equated his suffering (and by application, our suffering) with the afflictions of Christ.

a. Again, NOT Christ’s suffering on the cross for sin, but His earthly sufferings for righteousness sake.

b. Paul shared in that. He too suffered for righteousness sake. In fact, he was writing this letter from prison because he was arrested and imprisoned for preaching the gospel and doing God’s will.

c. That’s exactly what Christ was arrested for and ultimately executed for.

d. The suffering for righteousness sake that Paul endured was in KIND the same as the suffering for righteousness that Christ endured.

e. I Pet 4:13 – we are PARTAKERS of Christ’s sufferings.
• Partakers: koinoneo: to come into communion or fellowship with, to become a sharer, be made a partner.
• There is a joint-communion or fellowship in suffering between Christ and us! What a thought!
• Our sufferings are really His… and He enters into our sufferings WITH us.

f. II Cor. 11:23-29 – Paul knew WELL about the KIND of afflictions Christ endured. He suffered much in his ministry for the Lord.

g. In fact EVERY true believer who lives godly will suffer persecution… the same KIND of suffering Christ experienced.

h. As believers, we ALL suffer the same kind of afflictions as Christ did… though they vary greatly in DEGREE, they are the same in KIND.

i. He suffered MORE than we will ever suffer… but He left us an example to follow… an example of a life dedicated to righteousness and a life willing to suffer for it… without striking back.

j. He set the example… and expects that we follow that same path.

k. In other words, Christ expects that His body continue to live for righteousness and to continue to suffer for it.

l. He expects the church to pick up the suffering where Christ left off.

m. The Head is gone, but the Body continues to suffer on earth.

n. As the Body of Christ continues the work of Christ on earth (preaching the Word and manifesting Christ in the world), it will continue to suffer for it.

o. Christ’s earthly ministry was cut short after 3 years… but there is much more suffering for righteousness to come.

p. The world has a lot more hatred it wants to VENT against Christ. But since He is in heaven, and the world is unable to strike Him, so they strike out at His Body, the church.

q. As we live for the Lord and manifest Christ, the world will continue to strike out at us… and cause us to suffer… because it CANNOT strike out at Christ.

r. There is still more suffering to go…

Fill up that which is behind…

A. Fill Up

1. Fill up defined:

a. This term appears only here in the New Testament.

b. To fill up in turn; complete.

2. Paul is stating that he was taking his turn in sharing with Christ His afflictions.

a. This is a filling up in turn.

b. Christ suffered during His earthly life… and all those who follow Him stand in line and take their turn at suffering.

c. The world has a lot more hatred against Christ to vent… and believers are added to the church daily… willingly lining up to take those strikes and to suffer for Christ’s names’ sake… and this utterly confounds the world!

d. Every believer who lives godly SHALL suffer persecution.

e. There are no exceptions. It is as if we were all standing in line, waiting our turn to experience our share of suffering.
• Are you willing to stand in line and wait your turn to suffer for the glory of God?
• Some of you might be experiencing affliction and suffering in your life right now. You are partaking of Christ’s afflictions… fellowshipping with Him in His sufferings. This is cause for joy and rejoicing… IF we understand the END of it all… more like our Savior!
• For others, you’re standing in line… your turn is coming soon!

3. Present active indicative: (fill up) = that Paul may continually be in the process of completing the afflictions of Christ in his flesh.

4. II Cor. 1:5 – the sufferings of Christ abound in us…

5. Some see in Paul’s words the idea that God has a set number of sufferings for His Body to endure… God has a quota of suffering ordained for His Body.

a. It is true that the Lord said to Paul, “for I will show him how great things he MUST suffer for my name’s sake.”

b. The Lord knew how much suffering Paul would endure… and each of us!

c. It is as if God is giving the world time now to strike against Christ if they choose… by striking out at His Body.

d. But, that those days will be cut short. God will not allow this to go on forever.

e. One day He is coming to take His bride to glory… and to judge the world in righteousness.

f. At that point, the sufferings will be complete… nothing behind or lacking any more.

In my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church.

1. Paul suffered in the flesh.

a. This means in his body (not the sin nature)

b. “In my flesh” could refer to that which Paul suffered while in his body: which would include suffering physically, and emotionally… externally and internally. Every form of suffering we experience, we experience in our body.

c. Gal. 6:17 – Paul bore in his body (flesh) the marks of the Lord Jesus.
• These were physical scars left on his body from the whippings and the beatings that he willing submitted to for the sake of Christ.
• While the false teachers wanted to use his imprisonment and scars as displays of disgrace, to Paul they were badges of honor!
• He rejoiced to be able to suffer for Christ’s Body’s sake!

d. II Cor. 11:23-28: and he suffered more than most of the other disciples… certainly more than us!
• Physically: stripes; prisons; stoned; beaten.
• Emotionally: perils of waters; perils of robbers; perils of his own countrymen; perils among false brethren; the care of all the churches which came on him daily.
• His sufferings, like Christ’s, were internal, external, physical, mental, and emotional. And through them all, the Lord delivered him.

2. For His Body’s sake: What Paul suffered, he suffered FOR the church (huper – in behalf of the church)

a. Paul states here that he was suffering in the flesh, and that his suffering was FOR the church…

b. For the benefit of the church, the Body of Christ.
• Paul suffered because he was preaching Christ to the Gentiles… and because his ministry was to establish churches… train believers… teach the truth… and to send others out to do likewise.
• He committed the truth to faithful men who would in turn commit it to other faithful men.

c. The world hated this ministry and caused Paul to suffer much for it.

d. But Paul was WILLING to suffer, to endure all kinds of painful experiences, for the benefit of the church! (are you?)

e. In carrying out God’s Work on earth (preaching the gospel in the world; ministering in the local church; serving Christ at home)—there is always suffering involved.
• We are all called to share in this suffering.
• Every member of the Body is to carry his own burden… his share of the load of suffering.
• We all need to be willing to suffer for the sake of Christ’s Body.
• There is suffering involved in serving God in the local church.
• There is the collective grief we all share when a believer falls away from the Lord…
• There is the collective suffering we share when someone stirs up controversy and trouble in the Body… (Over something really important like the colors of the curtains…)
• There was suffering involved in putting up this church building… cuts, black thumbs, sore elbows, cuts, bruises, asthma attacks, a heart attack, and lots of sacrifice of precious time…
• There is a collective grief we share when we see carnal believers refusing to grow up…
• But mature believers, like Paul, are WILLING to sacrifice and suffer and pour their lives out as a drink offering in the work of the Lord in the local church… and not only so, but to REJOICE in it!

f. Paul was WILLING to suffer… for the benefit of the church!

g. Paul did not share the ME generation’s concept of the church: “What can I GET OUT of it?”

h. Rather, Paul’s attitude was, “What can I POUR INTO it?
• Paul decided to pour his whole life into ministering to the Body of Christ… his life was a drink offering poured out in the service of Christ for His Body’s sake.
• How do YOU view the local church? What is YOUR concept of the church?
• He was willing to suffer to incredible lengths for the sake of the Body. (II Tim. 2:10 – suffer for the elect’s sake.)
• Today we see folks who, are not only unwilling to suffer for the local church, but aren’t even willing to get out of bed to come to Sunday school… aren’t willing to drag themselves away from the golf course to gather with the saints for worship… unwilling to get off the couch to come to prayer meeting…
• There are folks who, if someone steps on their toe, or says something unpleasant to them, they are ready to quit the local church… as if their personal pleasure and feelings were more important than the Bride of Christ!
• Let’s admit it: we have a very shallow concept of the local church and of its value to God… of how PRECIOUS the local church is to Christ… it’s His bride!
• God help us!
• It is through SUFFERING for the benefit of the Body (fellowship in His sufferings) that we learn experientially how PRECIOUS the Bride of Christ really is to Christ.
• The most valuable learning only comes through suffering… through the cross… we fellowship with Christ’s sufferings and are made conformable to His death… only THEN do we experience the resurrection LIFE of Christ working in us! No suffering, no glory.

3. Acts 9:4 – When Saul persecuted the church, the Body of Christ, it was equal to inflicting suffering on Christ Himself.

a. Smiting Christ’s Body (the church) is like smiting the Head. The way we treat Christ’s Body is a reflection of our attitude and treatment of Christ Himself.

b. The Body of Christ is on earth… living in a sin cursed environment… in a hostile environment… shining forth light in the midst of darkness, where the darkness hates the light. The Body suffers for its ministry here… and the world persecutes the body in countless ways.

c. The Head feels everything the Body feels. When the Body is afflicted, Christ is afflicted. Any attack against the Body is an attack against its Head.

d. As the Body suffers on earth, Christ our Head suffers in heaven.

e. In a real sense, when any MEMBER of that Body suffers, Christ also suffers…

f. And in a real sense, when any member of the Body suffers, ALL the members of the Body suffer with it. This is part of the mystery, glory, and wonder of the Body of Christ.

g. There is a CLOSENESS in the relationship between Christ and His Body that we can only dimly understand.

h. Christ CONTINUES to suffer as His Body suffers for Him.
• This makes good sense.
• Christ dwells in His Body. His life is flowing through His Body. He lives and dwells there… and He also suffers there!
• If you punch me in the stomach, the person living and dwelling in this body feels it.
• So too with Christ. He lives in His Body and feels it when His Body is mistreated.

i. Phil. 1:29 – it is GIVEN to us to suffer for His name.

j. The world hates Christ, but since the ascension, they have not been able to vent their hatred against Him.
• Hence, they take it out on His Body, the Church.
• The suffering the church endures is in reality the afflictions of Christ. It is really meant for Him.

k. Paul REJOICED that he—he who considered himself the least of all saints… and the chief of sinners… was counted worthy to suffer for Christ and His Body. It was a privilege to him.

4. There is GLORY to follow the suffering.

a. Rom. 8:17 – if we suffer (and we do!) then we shall also be glorified together.

b. Glorification is for those who suffer for Christ.

c. A willingness to share in Christ’s sufferings on earth is a mark of a true believer. And all those who share in His sufferings will also share in His glory.

d. In fact, the MORE we are willing to share in His sufferings, the more rewards in glory we will receive!

e. Phil. 3:10 – This brings us back to the cross… living the crucified life… reckoning self to be DEAD… day by day… and moment by moment. This is the ultimate and ongoing means in which we share in the afflictions of Christ… being made conformable to His death.

f. That ongoing attitude of death to self results in the Spirit filled LIFE of Christ manifested in and through us… to His honor and glory.

A Minister of the Gospel and the Church

Paul, a Minister of the Gospel (vs. 23c)

A. The Gospel Was Heard by the Colossians

1. 1:23 – they heard about the HOPE of the gospel.

2. 1:5 – they heard the word of the truth of the gospel.

3. 1:6 – which (gospel) came unto you.

4. 1:6 – in the gospel they learned of the grace of God in truth.

5. 1:7 – they learned this from Epaphras.

6. 1:14 – they were taught about redemption through His blood.

7. 1:14 – they were taught about forgiveness of sins.

8. 1:20-21 – they were taught about reconciliation through the blood of the cross.

9. Clearly, the gospel was heard and known by the Colossians.

10. Do YOU know the gospel? It is a very simple message:

a. God the Father sent His Son to earth to become a man…

b. Christ, the God-Man, was crucified for the sins of the world. My sin and yours were placed on Him.

c. Christ paid the penalty of sin completely. The work of salvation was FINISHED 2000 years ago.

d. Now that the sin issue has been settled forever, God is free to offer salvation to the whole world… but only on HIS terms.

e. God’s terms: FAITH… believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. It really is that simple.

f. Have you trusted in Christ for salvation? He offers you eternal life… but you must come to Him in faith.

B. The Gospel Was Preached to Every Creature Under Heaven

1. This is obviously a figure of speech.

a. It does not mean that every human being on earth heard the gospel message at the time of the writing of this epistle.

b. Rather, it speaks of the fact that the gospel is to BE preached to every creature under heaven.

c. It speaks of the universal proclamation of the gospel…

d. It was God’s intention for every creature to hear the message… this was His Great Commission to preach the gospel to every creature. Paul is simply stating that that commission is in the process of being carried out.

e. Acts 2:5 – on Pentecost, there were devout men from every nation under heaven.
• This too was a figure of speech…
• It is unlikely that there were any Aborigines there from Australia or that there were any citizens of Tibet.
• Nor were there any there from the Apache nation.
• It is a figure of speech, like saying, they came from everywhere… though not literally. Or, “Everybody was there.”

f. Rom. 1:8 – Paul thanked God that their faith was spoken of throughout the whole world.
• It is unlikely that at the time of that epistle, folks in inland China heard about the faith of the relatively tiny group of Christians in Rome.
• It means in all parts of the known world to the writer… namely, north, east, south, and west…

g. The literal method of interpretation allows for figures of speech… some have referred to this as hyperbole: exaggeration for the purpose of making a point… a generalization, not requiring statistical exactness.

h. EW Bullinger lists this expression in Col. 1:23 as a synecdoche (the exchange of one idea for another associated idea.)
• Creature is put for man.
• The gospel was preached to every MAN… used in the sense of mankind… without distinction of nationality, gender, social background, etc…
• But not every single person on the planet.

2. Paul’s purpose and point:

a. The false teachers were proclaiming that truth was restricted to a few initiates…

b. Early Gnosticism was restricted to a select group of insiders with special knowledge. No one else could know their spiritual secrets.

c. The gospel message was completely UNLIKE their message. It was not just for a select few, but was for every creature under heaven! All of mankind… from every nation… every social class… every educational level… every economic background… red, yellow, black, and white…

C. Paul Was Made a Minister of the Gospel

1. Minister: diakonos

a. Strong’s: one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master, a servant, attendant, minister.

b. Dictionary of Biblical Languages: servant, one who serves, without necessarily having the office of deacon (like Phebe; Rom. 16:1)

c. This term is different from doulos, which emphasizes an abject slavery. Diakonos is also a servant, but emphasis the ministry performed.

d. It is the term for the church officer: a deacon… which implies a servant of the Body.

2. We too are ministers of the gospel… ambassadors for Christ… to us has been committed the ministry of reconciliation… we have been given the gospel message to share with others. Are we faithful in that charge?

Paul, a Minister of the Church

A. A Minister of the Church

1. Col. 1:1 – Paul introduces himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ… and this was God’s will… thus establishing his authority…

a. His authority was being undermined by the implications of the false teachers.

b. He is an apostle of Christ – a “sent one,” sent TO the church.

2. He is also a minister of the church… one sent to serve the Body of Christ.

a. Paul does not use the term here in the sense of a church officer, a deacon.

b. The term is often used in a generic, not a specialized sense… such as Phebe who is also called a servant.

c. One of the ways in which Paul served the church was through his suffering FOR them…

d. Paul was willing to take his turn in line to suffer for Christ… suffering because he was bringing the gospel to the gentiles… which thing the Jews hated.

e. Paul was a minister of the church in that he was called and given revelation concerning the distinct nature of the church, how it functions, its purpose, its glory, and its final consummation. This he was to deliver to the churches.

f. He was a servant of God to the churches.

B. According to the Dispensation of God

1. Dispensation: stewardship.

a. Oikonomia: from “house” + “manage”

b. Defined: the management of a household or of household affairs.

c. Stewards were managers of large household estates; they were often slaves or freedmen of high status.

d. Joseph was a high ranking slave, the steward of Potiphar’s house. He was given the responsibility over Potiphar’s goods… he was to manage the affairs of his household, and was trusted to be faithful to that task.

e. Being a minister to the church was Paul’s calling; his stewardship. God entrusted to Paul a special privilege of ministry to the Body of Christ.

2. Consider HOW the Lord called this man.

a. Becoming a minister to the Christian church was not something Paul/Saul wanted to be ever since he was a little boy. Hardly!

b. This was not something he had been planning and preparing for.

c. His goal was to “make it” as part of Israel’s religious upper crust… and he was well on his way toward fulfilling that goal. (Gal. 1:14)

d. As a loyal Jew, he hated Christ and Christians.
• Acts 9:1-2 – threatening and slaughtering them.
• Acts 22:4 – he persecuted believers to death.
• Acts 26:9-11 – he went to great lengths to harm if not annihilate the churches of Christ.

e. Nobody could ever say that Saul’s ambition in life was to become a minister of the Body of Christ.

f. Acts 9:3-6 – Saul was on a rampage to wipe out the church if he could.
• It was then that he met Jesus Christ…
• He trusted in Christ and surrendered his will to Him.
• Suddenly that zeal that had been bent on destroying the name of Christ was transformed and now used of the Lord to magnify the name of Christ!
• Vs. 15-16 – God CHOSE Saul to be His vessel
• His charge: to bear the name of Christ wherever he went… through his life, ministry, and message.
• And he would suffer MANY things in carrying out that stewardship.
• Paul knew up front that his call… his stewardship involved much suffering for Christ and His body.
• That is Paul’s point in Col. 1:24-25 – he was rejoicing in his sufferings for them… because he was made a minister of the churches of Christ.

3. Paul was a minister of the church, and this was God’s doing. God Himself granted him this dispensation or stewardship.

a. Eph. 3:2 – the dispensation of the grace of God was GIVEN to Paul for the benefit of the church in Ephesus.
• He was a steward of God’s message of grace.
• Oikonomia – Paul was entrusted with the message of the grace of God… that results in salvation.
• He was also entrusted with the message of the grace of God that results in sanctification and spiritual growth.
• This message of grace was GIVEN to Paul for the purpose of delivering it to the gentiles… unto you.
• Paul was called to dispense… or administer the grace of God to Jews and Gentiles.
• This stewardship was GIVEN to him… granted to him from God.
• He didn’t earn it. He wasn’t seeking it. Rather, God chose him to this ministry and GAVE him the privilege of being a steward of these marvelous truths.

b. I Tim. 1:12 – Christ PUT him into the ministry.
• The ministry = diakonia… service…
• It was Christ who put Paul in the diakonia… along the road to Damascus.
• He thanks Christ for the privilege.
• He notes that it was the LORD who enabled him to be fruitful… not he himself. He recognized that he was nothing without the grace of God… and that he had no power of his own to perform this ministry. He required the Lord’s enablement… and received it.
• He thanked God for counting him to be faithful… trustworthy… and even his faithfulness he attributed to the mercy of the Lord.
• I Cor. 7:25 – Paul spoke of himself as “as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.”
• It was the Lord who PUT him into the ministry. Put = set, fix; to establish, ordain.”

c. I Tim. 2:7 – he was ORDAINED a preacher.
• Ordained: same word as in I Tim. 1:12 – set; established; ordained… put in place…

d. II Tim. 1:11 – he was APPOINTED a preacher of the gentiles. (same term)

e. Rom. 15:15-16 – becoming a minister was a “grace gift” given to Saul.

f. Nobody had to twist his arm to become a minister.

g. He wasn’t forced to sit through countless meetings where the speakers urged, pleaded, begged, and yelled at the young men until they shamed some into becoming a minister.

h. Christ spoke to this man on the road to Damascus… and that was the end of it. There was no argument. No arm twisting. No coercing. No pressure.

i. God called and Saul responded: “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

j. Acts 26:19 – Paul later said, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.”

k. Then God answered and TOLD Saul what He would have him to do. He would preach and suffer… and all for the benefit of the Body of Christ.

4. The ministry to the church was a stewardship Paul was given.

a. Whether he felt like it or not, it was still his stewardship… his responsibility.

b. I Cor. 9:16-17 – there is a reward for willing service; but even if he is not willing, it is still required of him. It is his calling. Stewards don’t have the luxury of serving when they feel like. They are required to serve.

c. I Cor. 4:2 – faithfulness to one’s stewardship is required not requested.

d. Jer. 20:9 – Jeremiah could not stop preaching the Word if he wanted to. It was like a fire burning in his heart.

5. One of the worst things Bible colleges do is to try to convince the young men who attend to become ministers of the gospel.

a. They try to persuade young men to become missionaries or pastors.

b. Well meaning men resort to arm twisting… guilt trips… pressure tactics… trying to get young men to make a quick commitment after an emotional pitch… and leave them with the impression that they are failing God if they become an engineer rather than a missionary…

c. The worst possible scenario for any church is to have a pastor who is in that position because of the persistent persuasion of well meaning, but misguided men… and NOT because he was called of the Lord.

d. I know men in the ministry who should NOT be in the ministry. And this is from their own mouths…

e. I prefer to try to talk young men OUT of going into the ministry. If I can talk them out of it… then I know that the Lord did not call them.

f. I’m convinced that when God puts His hand on a man, wild horses couldn’t keep him away from the ministry.

g. Making known possible areas of ministry is fine and good. But going beyond that, to putting PRESSURE on a young man to accept such a position is not fine.

h. You DON’T want a man in the ministry who doesn’t belong there.
• It will save the flock from wandering without a God-called shepherd.
• It could waste years of that young man’s life… and it could damage the work of God wherever he ends up.
• What could be more frustrating for a young man than trying to function in a way God never designed him to function?
• It’s like putting an eyeball on the side of your head in hopes that it will hear… The eyeball will lead a frustrated life… and the body will suffer loss.

C. The Stewardship Was Given to Paul FOR YOU

1. Paul’s stewardship of the mystery was given to him NOT for his own personal edification, but for the good of the body.

a. I Cor. 14:5,12 – The Corinthians failed in this area. They were zealous for spiritual gifts… but wanted them for their own personal benefit… and they used them at home… but did NOT use them as God intended: for the edification of the whole Body.

b. What could be more selfish…and contrary to God’s purpose?

c. That is why God gives ANY spiritual gift to every believer. (I Cor. 12:7) (to profit withal; for the common good)

2. I Pet. 4:10 – we have ALL been given a gift and that gift is to be used to minister one to another. That means the WHOLE body… all those IN Christ…

a. This includes: Jew and Greek; bond and free; male and female… rich or poor… young or old.

b. If they are in the Body, the church, then we are obligated to use our grace gift to minister to ALL of them.

c. We don’t have the right to say, “I will minister to the rich, but not to the poor.” Nor can we say, “I will minister to the women, but not to the men.” Nor can we say, “I will minister to the young, but not to the old.”

d. Nothing could be more contrary to the purpose and nature of the local church… wherein EVERY member is important!

e. Paul was given a stewardship for the Colossian believers… each and every one of them!

3. We have not been made a steward of the revelation of God as Paul was… but we HAVE been given a grace gift to be used for the edification of the Body… to minister one to another.

a. Have we been faithful? Are we ministering to the Body… ALL of the Body… not just a select group?

b. Are we using our spiritual gifts to function in the Body as God designed… or are we using our spiritual gifts in our closet… at home… just for me, myself, and mine?

c. Perhaps its time to look beyond yourself… beyond your own family… and begin to minister to OTHERS… that is called Christlikeness… godliness.

d. If you are not functioning in the Body as God designed you to do… and equipped you to do… then you are NOT fulfilling your God-given reason for being.

e. We have a stewardship… a responsibility to function in the Body. And if one member is not functioning in the Body… then the whole Body suffers.

f. Don’t YOU be responsible for causing the Body to suffer!

g. You be responsible to build UP the Body… edify the Body…

h. Paul said that he was made a minister “for His Body’s sake.” The PURPOSE of YOUR spiritual gifts is the same: for His Body’s sake… which is the church.

D. To Fulfill the Word of God

1. Fulfill: make full, to fill up, i.e., to fill to the full. 1a to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally; to complete. 2a to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim.

2. Fulfill the word of God = to preach the Word of God fully.

a. Preaching the Word FULLY…
• To preach the WHOLE counsel of God…
• Acts 20:27 – he desired to preach the WHOLE counsel of God and considered that his ministry was not fulfilled until he did so.
• To leave no truth out…
• To preach the word of God in its entirety…
• To preach the word of God in a balanced manner: not overemphasizing one aspect of truth and underemphasizing another aspect of truth.
• To preach the WHOLE counsel of God… and the only way to do that is line by line; precept by precept.
• To preach in season and out of season.
• To preach the positive and the negative; the blessings and the cursings.
• To preach the Word and present the emphasis as it appears in the Bible… and not to invent a personal agenda.
• In Bible school I heard a preacher say that he could preach salvation out of any verse in the Bible! The only way one can do that is by twisting the meaning of the text, for salvation does NOT appear in every verse.
• The right way to teach the Bible is to just teach what the Bible says… line by line… and NOT to inject our own wishes and whims.

b. The best way to avoid a personal agenda and to present the emphasis as it appears in the Bible is to teach the Bible verse by verse… line upon line… paragraph by paragraph… and not to ever stop.

c. This way, (if the Word is taught accurately, verse by verse) then the emphasis that emerges is INSPIRED by the Holy Spirit… for He is the Author of the Word and its emphasis.

d. The emphasis that emerges is the one that GOD Himself put into His Word… and not an emphasis that biased men would like to see interjected into the Word.
• Ex: We are going through the book of Proverbs—an extremely practical book.
• I debated whether to teach it topically or verse by verse… and verse by verse won out.
• The reason I hesitated was because certain truths are repeated often in the book… and I didn’t want to sound repetitious.
• As I analyzed that thinking, I was convicted. Who am I to “cut out” truths that are repeated? If God repeated them it must be for a good purpose.
• Some truths NEED to be emphasized and repeated—and that is just what God has done in His holy Word.

e. The emphasis in the Bible is on Christ… and making Christ known in a deeper and deeper way.

f. Christ, the Living Word, cannot be known apart from a slow, steady, gradual, complete, careful exposition of the Written Word… line upon line… precept upon precept.

g. If folks don’t like the emphasis that emerges as you read through the Bible verse by verse, my counsel is to take that up with the author. I’m just an index finger, pointing to what God said.

h. Growth takes TIME… lots of time. As Americans, we want everything QUICK… and God doesn’t work on the American time table.

i. Growth takes time… it takes time to grow in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ. It takes time to learn the Written Word… line by line… and it takes time to learn about the Living Word… our Lord Jesus Christ… and to let truth really SINK IN. That takes time.

j. We spent four years going through Hebrews. We spent three years in Ezekiel before that. We spent about 2-3 years in I Kings. We spent about a year in Colossians chapter one.

k. Taking the quick approach leads to the teacher picking and choosing which gems he wants to highlight and which truths he doesn’t have time to cover. It is quick and easy, but superficial… and extremely subjective.

l. Taking your time in the Word… going line by line means that over time a pattern will emerge: GOD’S emphasis… This method takes a long time… it is not quick and easy, but it’s time consuming and difficult… but it results in depth… and is extremely objective in its emphasis.

3. Paul was given the stewardship of FULLY preaching the Word of God… the WHOLE counsel of God… exactly as God delivered it… line by line!

a. This included many truths that the Judaizers, Gnostics, and traditionalists of his day did not want to hear.

b. He was called to preach the mystery (vs. 26).

c. He was called to proclaim that the Law was now obsolete as a rule of life.

d. He was called to describe in great detail, the Body of Christ and how it functions in the world today… and how it stood in stark contrast to Israel.

e. And even though he faced opposition to the doctrinal emphasis that God gave him… he kept on going forward… preaching Christ and Him crucified… preaching the message of the cross… and all that was accomplished there.

4. And he fulfilled his ministry! He was a faithful steward.

a. Acts 12:25 – Paul and Barnabus fulfilled their ministry…

b. Acts 20:24 – Paul wanted to finish his course… and the ministry God called him to…

c. II Tim. 4:5-7 – Paul in fact DID fulfill his ministry.

d. He was made a servant of the gospel and a minister of the church… and was faithful to his ministry till his dying day.

e. Paul continued in the faith… grounded and settled… and was never moved away from the hope of the gospel… he preached it and suffered for it the rest of his life…

f. This should be our goal as well…
• Be faithful to our stewardship to the gospel… as ambassadors for Christ… to preach Christ to every creature…
• Be faithful to our stewardship to the local church… as members of the Body of Christ… and members one of another…
• By God’s grace, let us be faithful to OUR dying day!

The Mystery…


1. Paul has just stated that God called him to be a minister of the gospel (vs. 23c) and a minister to the church… the Body of Christ (vs. 25a).

2. This ministry was a stewardship… and Paul felt obligated to be faithful to the stewardship which was committed to his trust.

3. Thus, Paul now states his sense of responsibility to FULFILL the Word of God… by preaching the mystery to the gentiles—a sacred secret now revealed…

The Mystery Defined

1. Mystery: The term: μυστήριον (moo-stay-rion) – hidden thing, a religious secret, a hidden purpose or counsel.

a. The term does NOT mean something eerie or mysterious… or something hard to understand.

b. It refers to truth which, without divine revelation could NEVER be discovered or known by man.

c. In the Old Testament, no one knew about the church. Neither Adam, David, Moses or anyone in the Old Testament knew… and it was not because they were not discerning men or unspiritual.

d. It was because they COULD NOT have known it until God revealed it!

e. A mystery was a secret hidden away in the mind and heart of God. Hence, it was no secret to God… just to men and angels!

2. Basically, the mystery here is previously unrevealed truth about the Church… the Body of Christ…

a. It speaks of the believer’s UNION with Christ IN His Body…

b. This was known to God before the foundation of the world—for He chose us IN HIM before the foundation of the world! (Eph. 1:4)

c. It speaks of a new relationship to Christ… risen and seated with Him in heavenly places…

d. As a Branch and Vine; Head and Body; Building and its divine Inhabitant; Bride and Bridegroom;

e. The end of the self life and the beginning of Christ in you… the hope of glory. (Col. 1:27)

f. That is the riches of the glory of this mystery!

g. Paul was excited to preach the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles…

3. The KEY element to this mystery is the fact that Jews and Gentiles should be fellowheirs, having been united together in one Body… on equal footing…

a. Eph. 3:4-6 – Here Paul DEFINES what he means by the mystery revealed to him.
• He defines what “mystery” means. (vs. 5)
• He defines the particulars of this mystery: Jew and Gentile united in one body. (vs. 6)
• This was NOT revealed in the Old Testament. The fact that Gentiles would be saved was revealed.
• But the fact that Jew and Gentile would be united into ONE BODY… the spiritual body of Christ as equals was NEVER revealed in the Old Testament! It was a mystery.

b. Gal. 3:28 – There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one IN Christ Jesus.

The Mystery Truth Had Been HIDDEN From Ages

1. Col. 1:26 – truth which had been hidden from ages and generations, but is now revealed.

a. This truth was hidden in the mind and heart of God

b. Hidden: apo-krupto (cryptic…)
• Strong’s: to hide; concealing, keeping secret; covered up; not revealed.

c. To conceal that it is not made known until revealed;
• The term does not mean that this mystery was revealed in the Old Testament, just hidden… and hard to find… or hard to understand.
• It does not mean that this truth was there in the Scriptures… just hard to discern… and one would have to really dig hard to discover it in the Old Testament.
• The verses of the New Testament state clearly that it was hidden in the mind of God and NOT revealed in the Old Testament Scripture.
• No matter how hard one dug… no matter how discerning a man was… no matter how much he studied the Scriptures… he would NEVER discover the truth Paul refers to as the Mystery… because it wasn’t there!
• It wasn’t just hidden from the people. It was hidden (concealed) from the AGES in which they lived! This truth was not revealed in those ages.
• It wasn’t in the Old Testament. It was hidden in the mind and heart of God… UNTIL God chose to reveal it.

d. Our Reformed, Amillennial friends have a different take on this concept.
• John Gerstner, Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth, defines mystery this way: “mystery means something partly unknown.”
• He wrote: “while the details of this mystery undoubtedly the cause of great perplexity, the mystery was not a complete unknown.”
• This simply is not true. He didn’t get those definitions from any lexicon or reliable Bible dictionary.
• He CHANGED the definition of the word in order to fit his theology!
• Paul gives us an INSPIRED definition of mystery:
» Truth which was kept secret since the world began! (Rom. 16:25)
» Truth which was hidden from ages and from generations! (Col. 1:26)
» Truth which was “not made known to the sons of men.” (Eph. 3:5)

• It is inaccurate to say that this mystery was partially known when Paul wrote that it was NOT made known… that it was kept secret!
• It is inaccurate to say that a mystery is something hard to grasp. That is not what the term means.
• Actually, this truth is quite simple… once it was revealed.
• But before it was revealed, it is not only perplexing or hard to understand; it was IMPOSSIBLE to understand!

2. Eph. 3:3-5 – truth which was made known by means of Divine revelation (vs. 3)… which in other ages was not made known… but it is NOW revealed…

a. This mystery truth was NOT made known in other ages.

b. Nobody in those other ages… in Old Testament times… knew. It was not made known to them… not the whole, not even a part.

c. It was not because Old Testament saints were undiscerning. Nor was it because they lacked skills in Bible interpretation.

d. They didn’t know because God didn’t reveal it!

e. It was not made known to ANYONE in those days. It was a sacred secret… known only to God.

f. As godly and discerning as Moses was… and David… and Jeremiah and Isaiah, none of them knew this secret. It was not made known to ANY in that age.

3. Rom. 16:25-26 – truth which was kept secret since the world began.

a. Secret: to keep silence, hold one’s peace; to be kept in silence, be concealed.
• Perfect passive participle
• It was concealed and kept silent at some point in the past, and REMAINED concealed… until it was revealed… in the apostolic days.

b. This truth was kept silent by God since the world began.
• God knew about it even BEFORE the world began.
• It was part of His eternal purpose to manifest His Son through a spiritual body of believers.
• It was a secret kept by God. Not even the angels knew.
• God kept this secret in the past and it remained a secret until GOD chose to reveal it to His New Testament apostles and prophets.
• Eph. 3:5 states that in all those ages mentioned in the Old Testament… it was a secret… not made known to the sons of men. (sons of men = mankind in general)

The Mystery Truth Is Now Revealed

1. Col. 1:26 – It was hidden BUT is now made manifest.

2. Made manifest: phanerow: to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown; disclosed; displayed; revealed.

a. It was a secret, but it is a secret no more.

b. Once God revealed this truth, it was no longer a mystery. It is clearly revealed for all to read in His Word.

c. God took the cover off this mystery for the entire world to see… it was made public… made known…

d. We speak of this as the “mystery” because that is the term the New Testament uses. However, we need to understand, that it is no longer a mystery. It has been revealed! It’s not a secret any more! Or at least it shouldn’t be!

3. NOW = Paul states that this truth which had been hidden from past ages is NOW made manifest.

a. NOW tells us WHEN it was finally revealed: NOW… at the time Paul was writing his epistles… in the first century.

b. Nobody in ages past knew these truths, but NOW… in the present age… God wants His saints to know.

c. God revealed it because it is essential that we know about this mystery.

d. It was a secret and remained a secret until NOW… which refers to the time of Paul’s writings… in the early days of the church.

e. This term adds a clear line of demarcation between the past ages and the present age… the past ages in which the mystery was concealed… and the present age in which the mystery is revealed.

4. To His saints: God revealed this mystery truth to His saints.

a. The gospel is for the whole world.
• Eph. 6:19 – now there are aspects of mystery truth… church truth which are to be included in the gospel presentation… (a message for Jew and Gentile!)
• The preaching of the gospel today is a revelation of the fact that the Old Testament economy is no longer operative, but it obsolete.
• Gospel preaching is not to END with John 3:16. It only BEGINS there.
• Once saved, the believer is to be taught… discipled…

b. The deep things of the mystery are for the saints.
• The world isn’t interested in such details of divine revelation.
• To teach the mystery truths to the unsaved would be like casting pearls before swine—as Jesus put it.
• They are not born again… not alive unto God. Hence, these precious truths will be meaningless to them.
• They will not be understood or appreciated by the world.
• In fact, these precious truths will not be understood or appreciated by untaught or immature believers either!
» The wonderful secret – that we are positioned in Christ and He is in us… is the essence of Christianity and the basis for a victorious walk.
» However, some believers today balk at such teaching. They see it as a waste of time.
» They would rather be yelled at… and given a list of do’s and don’ts… outward conformity to a set of man made standards and rules.
• These deep things are actually for ALL the saints… but only Spirit filled saints… the saintly saints… those who are walking worthy… only they will appreciate these gems.

5. Rom. 16:25-26 – it was kept secret, BUT NOW is made manifest!

a. Same terms as in Colossians.

b. But Paul adds here the MEANS of making it known: through the Scriptures.

c. The New Testament apostles and prophets were given revelation from God… and they recorded that revelation for us in the Scripture… under divine inspiration.

d. Thus, in the New Testament epistles, we have the word of God FULLY taught… fully revealed… we have the whole mystery revealed for us… for all the New Testament saints…

6. These marvelous truths are right here under our noses… for our learning… that we might learn of Christ… and grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ… and be transformed into His image… from glory to glory.

a. Some saints will feast on these marvelous truths… like Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus…

b. Other saints will have a superficial understanding of them… don’t give it time to sink in… and because there is not much DEPTH of understanding, they will not value them…

c. Instead, they will desire to be busy DOING something… like Martha… who thought Mary was just wasting her time sitting around communing with Jesus… when there was work to be done.
• Mary was reveling in her position… seated with Jesus where He was… communing with Him.
• Martha was unraveling in her condition… busy doing this and that… so that she didn’t have time to be seated with Christ… or to abide in His presence.
• Martha didn’t understand that before one can ever properly SERVE the Lord and DO His will… it is necessary to first ABIDE in Christ… and learn of Him.

d. As Christians, being IN Christ IS our position… we are In Him and thus seated with Him in the heavenlies. (Eph. 2:6)
• And this is what the apostle Paul emphasizes in all of his epistles BEFORE he ever tells us what to do.
• FIRST he seats us down in our heavenly position at the feet of Jesus… for a long time of communion with Him… reveling in our position in Christ…
• When our heart is thrilled… stirred by His holiness… in awe of His grace… in love with His Person… humbled by the knowledge of our privileges as sons… THEN we are equipped to serve the Lord with gladness… and carry out His will in true delight. THEN we find JOY in serving Jesus… not drudgery!
• But first must come that time of reveling in our position… seated with Christ… abiding in His presence.
• When the branch abides in its position in the Vine THEN and then only does it bear fruit… like Mary.
• Mary wasn’t trying to get out of doing any work or sharing the burden with Martha… but for Mary, it was first things first.
• Mary… like a branch abiding on the Vine… was seated with Jesus… and was filled with His presence.
• Once FILLED with Him… she too would go forth and be just as busy serving Him as Martha… only her service would not be the nervous energy of the flesh… but the result of Spirit filling… a heart stirred to serve… and that service is not sheer business. It is a delight… a JOY in serving Jesus.
• The branch that is busy trying to produce fruit on its own… like Martha… is frustrated, barren, bitter, judgmental, and burnt out.
• Abiding in our position comes before bearing any real fruit.
• All efforts to produce fruit on our own… by ignoring this necessary time abiding in our position at the feet of Christ is truly wasted time: wood, hay, and stubble.
• But the heart that is TRULY caught up with Jesus Christ… thrilled with His presence… abiding in Him… will go forth energized to serve… as Paul did.
• The story of Mary and Martha is not the contrast between serving vs. sitting. (As if it were either/or!)
• It is a contrast between service that is sourced in the flesh… vs. service that arises out a relationship to Christ!

e. Now that this marvelous mystery truth has been revealed for the saints… God expects that we spend time letting it sink in; meditating on it; reveling in it; enjoying it; saturating our minds and hearts in it.
• And while some might complain that it is a waste of time… God says that the end result of such abiding is genuine fruit.
• Fruit for God’s glory is NEVER a waste of time. It TAKES time to be real fruit, but it is time well spent.
• When this truth really sinks in, it becomes life dominating. Christ is all in all.
• And it doesn’t just sink in with a superficial reading… it takes TIME… time spent at Jesus’ feet.
• Time spent BEHOLDING the glory of our Lord Jesus… and that always results in a transformed life. (II Cor. 3:18)
• While some will try to hurry this process along… hoping to experience growth from glory to glory WITHOUT spending time reveling in our position… abiding in Christ… they will be frustrated and fruitless in the end… for Jesus said, “Without Me ye can do nothing.”
• This kind of transformed life does not come overnight. Spiritual growth takes a lifetime.

7. Eph. 3:5 – As it is now revealed.

a. Revealed: apokalupto: to uncover, lay open what has been veiled or covered up; disclose, make bare; to make known, make manifest, disclose what before was unknown.

b. The mystery formerly… in ages past was not made known to the sons of men, but now it has been revealed.

c. WHEN was it revealed?
• Now… during the days of the early church.

d. TO WHOM was it revealed?
• To the holy apostles and New Testament prophets.
• This also tells us WHEN… during the days of the New Testament apostles… there were no apostles in the Old Testament.

e. HOW was it revealed?
• By the Spirit… through divine revelation… truth that could not otherwise be known…
• The Spirit moved the apostles to record this revelation.
• The apostles and New Testament prophets recorded this truth in the Scriptures… for us all.

f. The mystery was brand new revelation at the time of the writing of this epistle.
• It was completely new and different from the Old Testament, Jewish economy based on legalism.
• No wonder Paul—who was so caught up and thrilled with this new revelation—was also so appalled at saints who seemed inclined to revert BACKWARDS to the Old Testament legalism… “touch not, taste not, handle not…” (Col. 2:21).
• They would never grow into the image of Christ that way!
• They would miss out on experiencing the blessings that are ours in Christ… the privilege we have of abiding in Him… learning of Him…
• And they would miss out on the power of the resurrection in their lives… power for living that is only available to believers who reckon themselves to be dead to sin and self… alive unto God… and are resting in Christ…

Fulfill the Word of God (vs. 25c)

1. Fulfill: make full, to fill up, i.e., to fill to the full. 1a to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally; to complete. 2a to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim.

2. Fulfill the word of God = to preach the Word of God fully.

a. Preaching the Word FULLY…
• To preach the WHOLE counsel of God…
• Acts 20:27 – he desired to preach the WHOLE counsel of God and considered that his ministry was not fulfilled until he did so.
• To leave no truth out…
• To preach the word of God in its entirety…
• To preach the word of God in a balanced manner: not overemphasizing one aspect of truth and underemphasizing another aspect of truth.
• To preach the WHOLE counsel of God… and the only way to do that is line by line; precept by precept.
• To preach in season and out of season.
• To preach the positive and the negative; the blessings and the cursings.
• To preach the Word and present the emphasis as it appears in the Bible… and not to invent a personal agenda.
• In Bible school I heard a preacher say that he could preach salvation out of any verse in the Bible! The only way one can do that is by twisting the meaning of the text, for salvation does NOT appear in every verse.
• The right way to teach the Bible is to just teach what the Bible says… line by line… and NOT to inject our own wishes and whims.

b. The best way to avoid a personal agenda and to present the emphasis as it appears in the Bible is to teach the Bible verse by verse… line upon line… paragraph by paragraph… and not to ever stop.

c. This way, (if the Word is taught accurately, verse by verse) then the emphasis that emerges over time is INSPIRED by the Holy Spirit… for He is the Author of the Word and its emphasis.

d. When you FULLY preach the Word—line upon line – the emphasis that emerges is the one that GOD Himself put into His Word… and not an emphasis that biased men would like to see interjected into the Word.
• Example: On Wednesday nights, we are going through the book of Proverbs—an extremely practical book.
• I debated whether to teach it topically or verse by verse… and verse by verse won out.
• The reason I hesitated was because many truths are repeated often in the book… and I didn’t want to sound repetitious.
• As I analyzed that thinking, I was convicted. Who am I to “cut out” truths that are repeated? If God repeated them it must be for a good purpose.
• Some truths NEED to be emphasized and repeated—and that is just what God has done in His holy Word.

e. The emphasis in the Bible is on CHRIST… and making Christ known in a deeper and deeper way.

f. Christ, the Living Word, cannot be known apart from a slow, steady, gradual, complete, careful exposition of the Written Word… line upon line… precept upon precept… by FULLY preaching the Word.

g. If folks don’t like the emphasis that emerges as one reads through the Bible verse by verse, my counsel is to take that up with the author. I’m just an index finger, pointing to what God said.

h. To fully preach the Word, the index finger must point to verse after verse… line upon line… year after year.

i. Growth takes TIME… lots of time. As Americans, we want everything QUICK… and God doesn’t work on the American time table.

j. Growth takes time… teaching takes time… it takes time to grow in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ. It takes time to learn the Written Word… line by line… and it takes time to learn about the Living Word… our Lord Jesus Christ… and to let truth really SINK IN. That takes time.

k. We spent four years going through Hebrews. We spent three years in Ezekiel before that. We spent about 2-3 years in I Kings. We spent about a year in Colossians chapter one.

l. Taking the quick approach leads to the teacher picking and choosing which gems he wants to highlight and which truths he doesn’t have time to cover. It is quick and easy, but extremely superficial and subjective.

m. Taking your time in the Word… going line by line means that over time a pattern will emerge: GOD’S emphasis… This method takes a long time… it is not quick and easy, but it time consuming and difficult…

n. But it results in spiritual depth… and is extremely objective in its emphasis.

3. Paul was given the stewardship of FULLY preaching the Word of God… the WHOLE counsel of God… exactly as God delivered it… line by line!

a. This included many truths that the Judaizers, Gnostics, and traditionalists of his day did not want to hear.

b. He was called to preach the mystery (vs. 26)

c. He was called to proclaim that the Law was now obsolete as a rule of life. (2:20-21)

d. He was called to describe in great detail, the Body of Christ and how it functions in the world today… and how it stood in stark contrast to Israel.

e. And even though he faced opposition to the doctrinal emphasis that God gave him… he kept on going forward… preaching Christ and Him crucified… preaching the message of the cross… and all that was accomplished there.

4. And he fulfilled his ministry! He was a faithful steward.

a. Acts 20:24 – Paul wanted to finish his course… and the ministry God called him to…

b. II Tim. 4:5-7 – Paul in fact DID fulfill his ministry.

c. He was made a servant of the gospel and a minister of the church… he fully preached the Word and was faithful to his ministry till his dying day. That’s my goal in life.

d. Paul continued in the faith… grounded and settled… and was never moved away from the hope of the gospel… he preached it and suffered for it the rest of his life…

e. This should be our goal as well…
• Be faithful to our stewardship to the gospel… as ambassadors for Christ… to preach Christ to every creature…
• Be faithful to our stewardship to the local church… as members of the Body of Christ… and members one of another…
• By God’s grace, let us be faithful to OUR dying day!

5. Fully preaching the Word meant teaching the mystery. (vs. 26a)

a. Note how Paul links the “Word” with the “Mystery.”

b. The word “even” was added by the translators… but it does seem to make the proper point… that the particular ASPECT of the fully preaching the Word involved teaching the mystery.

c. His point is that to be faithful to his stewardship… to fully preach the whole counsel of God… requires that he teach and preach the Mystery.

d. And he seems to hint that he not only teach the Mystery… but that he EMPHASIZE the mystery… for this is NEW revelation given by God to Paul… a message the Gentiles NEED to hear.

e. When the mystery is not taught and emphasized, then the teacher is not fulfilling the Word of God… he is not fulfilling his stewardship.

f. I Cor. 4:1 – Paul saw himself as a steward of the mysteries of God.
• He felt obligated and responsible to preach this truth and to be a faithful steward of it.
• It was because of his faithfulness to this stewardship in preaching this truth that he suffered so!
• This mystery was so contrary to Judaism and the Mosaic system that the Jews sought to kill this man.
• But NOTHING could shake Paul from being faithful to this ministry. (Acts 20:24) Paul did not count his life dear… he was determined to finish his course and fulfill his God-given ministry.
• He was so DRIVEN by this marvelous revelation, that he risked his life and welfare in order to FULLY preach it…

Christ in You

A New Relationship to Christ

A. You in Christ

1. Eph.3:6 – Jew and Gentile… of the same body in Christ…

2. Eph. 1:4 – chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.

3. Eph. 1:3 – blessed… in Christ.

4. Eph. 2:6 – raised and seated together in heavenly places in Christ.

5. Eph. 2:10 – created in Christ Jesus.

6. Rom. 12:5 – one Body in Christ.

7. I Cor. 1:2 – sanctified in Christ.

8. I Cor. 1:30 – But of him are ye in Christ Jesus.

9. II Cor. 2:14 – triumph in Christ.

10. II Cor. 5:17 – we are new creatures in Christ.

11. Phil. 1:1 – all the saints in Christ … at Philippi.

12. Phil. 3:14 – the high calling of God in Christ.

13. Phil. 4:21 – salute every saint in Christ.

14. Col. 1:28 – presenting every man perfect in Christ.

15. Gal. 3:28 – Jew/Gentile; male/female; bond/free—are all one in Christ—on equal footing; no distinctions…

16. The mystery is a revelation of this never-before-revealed truth: that we are all ONE in Christ Jesus… the BODY of Christ… the church!

B. Christ in You

1. This is the specific CONTENT of the mystery in Col. 1:27.

a. Elsewhere, other aspects of this mystery are emphasized.

b. Eph. 3:6 – that Jews and Gentiles should be part of the same body on equal footing.

c. I Cor. 15:51-52–rapture (Behold I show you a mystery).

d. I Tim. 3:16 – the mystery of godliness… Christ manifested through His Body… indwelling life and power…

e. In Col. 1:27, the unique aspect of the mystery is the indwelling Christ. In fact, this is the riches of the GLORY of the mystery! CHRIST IN YOU!

2. Col. 3:11 – Christ is… IN all (all the members of His Body).

3. John 6:56 – dwelleth in Me and I in him.

4. John 14:20 – ye in me, and I in you.

5. John 14:23 – we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

6. John 15:4 – abide in Me and I in you

7. John 17:23,26 – I in them…

8. Rom. 8:10 – if Christ be in you…

9. Gal. 2:20 – Christ liveth in me

10. II Cor. 6:16 – I will dwell in them…

11. II Cor. 13:5 – Christ is in you.

12. Gal. 4:19 – until Christ be formed in you

a. He dwells in us.

b. The world cannot see the Christ they rejected today. But they can see Him through His Body… as we function together in harmony in the power of the Spirit…

c. His LIFE is in us.

d. His character is being formed in us.

e. Christ’s resurrection LIFE is being manifested through our mortal bodies.

f. This is not a minor issue in the NEW TESTAMENT.

g. It is the very essence of Christianity!

The Riches of the Glory of the Mystery

A. The Riches of the Glory

1. Definitions:

a. Glory: divine effulgence or blazing splendor.

b. Riches: ploutos: riches, wealth; abundance of external possessions; fullness, abundance, plenitude.

2. The riches of the glory of the mystery speak of the dazzling splendor of the truth Paul has revealed.

a. It is glorious beyond our ability to describe.

b. Then the “riches” of that glory would be riches, best part of it… the cream of the crop… the most dazzling portion of that blazing splendor!

3. The richest part of this glorious truth is Christ in you!

a. This mystery had MANY different facets… all revolving around the believers’ new relationship to Christ.

b. Head of Body; Bride and Bridegroom; Building and Inhabitant; Vine and branches; Jew and Gentile on equal footing; no distinctions in Christ; the rapture; new means of godliness — all of these aspects of the mystery are glorious. Everything about the mystery is glorious.

c. But the RICHEST part of this glorious mystery is the fact that Christ dwells in us… in ME! And you! And in every single true believer, bar none!

d. And think of WHO HE IS!
• 1:14 – the Redeemer.
• 1:15 – the image of the invisible God!
• 1:16 – the Creator of the universe.
• 1:17 – the One who holds all things together.
• 1:18 – the Risen and Glorified Head of the Body.
• 1:18 – the One who is to have preeminence in all.
• 1:19 – the One in whom all fullness dwells.
• 1:20 – The One who has reconciled heaven and earth.
• This One lives in me! This is the riches of the glory of the mystery!

e. Of all the aspects of truth related to the mystery, this is the cream of the crop: Christ dwells in us!

f. As Jesus said, Ye in Me and I in you!

4. Christ in you means the cup is being cleaned from the inside out, rather than the way of religion.

a. Religion attempts to clean the cup from the outside in… but is unable to clean the inside, and thus settles for cleaning the outside.

b. That is mere external conformity… a whitewash… that never gets to the heart of the matter…

c. Religion might leave a sinner “looking pretty good”… perhaps he looks even better than a believer—Mother Theresa. (Have not we cast out demons and done many wonderful works in thy name?)

d. But religion leaves the inside of the cup filthy… and condemned. It cleans the outside of the grave, but inside it is full of dead men’s bones.

e. Christianity is completely different. It places CHRIST IN US… at the moment of saving faith.

f. And that guarantees a gradual change… from the inside out. Christ is being FORMED in us… slowly, gradually, from glory to glory… but SURELY!

g. He who hath begun a good work in you WILL PERFORM it until the day of Jesus Christ!

h. And when changes occur on the outside… those changes are examples of REAL FRUIT… not manufactured fruit… not the works of the flesh… but they are the work of the Spirit of God… producing Christlike character in us… which eventually will manifest itself on the outside!

i. External changes in behavior that DO not arise from Christ on the inside are easy and can take place rapidly… but they are the works of religious flesh. And the flesh glories in such external changes.

j. External changes that occur as a result of Christ being formed in us take time… but the end product is GENUINE fruit… not the phony fruit of the flesh, but the real thing.

k. Religion offers one method of producing external change… and it is the work of the flesh and it glorifies the flesh.

l. Christianity results in external changes in behavior, which emanate from the Spirit of God producing Christlikness in us… and that glorifies God.

m. The changes may LOOK the same to the natural eye… (a man stops smoking) but God sees more than the natural eye sees. He sees the SOURCE of the change (flesh/Spirit) and He can tell the difference between genuine fruit and phony fruit; and He is concerned about WHO gets the glory: self or Himself.

n. These are huge issues to God and should not be overlooked. God is not only concerned about His child changing his behavior, but He is equally concerned about HOW that change occurs… methodology and motive.

o. Is it a spiritual victory if you stopped smoking because you went to a hypnotist? Is it really a spiritual victory if you conquer your anxiety with a prescription?

5. The riches of the glory of the mystery is Christ in you… and that always results in genuine Holy Spirit produced fruit… a spiritual transformation into His image… a cleansing of the cup from the inside out… for which God gets all the glory…

B. God Would Make Known this Mystery

1. Would = thelo = wills; desires; desired with intent; resolved;

a. This indicates that revealing this mystery was not just something that God WOULD do (if He had to…).

b. It indicates that God DESIRED to reveal it; it was His will; His good pleasure; His delight!

c. He “willed” to reveal it. It was part of His determinate counsel and will…

d. It was eternally part of God’s will to do so… part of His eternal plan… just waiting for the right time in history.

e. It was God’s purpose and will to conceal this mystery in ages past. It is now God’s purpose and will to reveal this mystery in this age… the age of grace.

2. A Mystery Hidden from Ages But Now Made Known

a. God chose to conceal this truth in ages past… and with good reason.

b. The cross changed everything. After the cross, there was no reason to conceal this truth any longer.

c. Consider Christ’s offer of the Kingdom to Israel.
• Matt. 4:17 – John and Jesus both preached that the Kingdom was at hand.
• IF Israel repented, the kingdom would have been established…
• But that poses a problem: how can you have an eternal kingdom of righteousness with no cross? You can’t!
• But if God had revealed that the church age was going to begin on the Day of Pentecost, then how could Christ have possibly offered an eternal Kingdom to Israel? How could His offer have been legitimate?
• If the church age had been revealed, then Christ could never have offered the Kingdom to Israel… and if He didn’t offer Himself as Messiah King, then Israel would not have crucified Him… and we would have no cross… no salvation… no church OR Kingdom!
• The fact that the church was kept secret enabled Christ to present a LEGITIMATE offer of the Kingdom to Israel… God in His Sovereignty knowing all along that Israel would reject the offer…
• Thus, when Israel rejected the offer of the Kingdom, God was not left to scramble to hastily formulate a plan B.
• Rather, He had this planned since before the foundation of the world! He knew exactly what He would do… He kept it secret and concealed from men… until AFTER the offer was made… until AFTER Christ was crucified and ascended…

C. Made Known Among the Gentiles

1. Previously, God’s revelation was sent only to the Jews. (Rom. 3:1-2)

2. The Gentiles were outside of God’s plan and had no share in Israel’s covenants. (Eph. 2:12-13)

a. Gentiles were outside of God’s family, but are now part of the household of God.

b. Gentiles had been cut off from God’s program of blessing but now have been grafted in!

c. Gentiles who had been considered dogs by the Jews are now on equal footing with the Jews.

d. Gentiles who lived in ignorance and spiritual death for centuries, now can share the light and LIFE of Christ!

e. Gentiles, who had no hope in the world, now have the hope of glory in Christ.

f. Gentiles, who were without God, now have Christ dwelling in them!

3. Gentiles, so despised by the Jews in ages past, are now not only on equal footing with the Jews, but in addition, the Jewish Messiah now dwells in Gentiles!

a. There is no way that this truth could have the same effect on us that it had in the first century. We are so accustomed to Christianity…

b. But this was truly revolutionary concept in the first century… outside the box… unheard of… radically different from the norm of that day… unimaginable!

c. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile in Christ…

4. This truth was not revealed to the early church in Jerusalem, when the church was virtually all Jewish.

a. God awaited a time when the churches were primarily Gentile before revealing this truth.

b. Only in a Gentile church would the true value of this truth be appreciated!

c. Thus, it was Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles who takes the lead in revealing this truth.

d. To the Gentiles, this was the richest part of the mystery… GENTILES are included!

e. And they don’t have to give up their culture and become Jews. God accepts Gentiles as Gentiles… and places them in Christ! There is no difference!

The Hope of Glory

1. We were “without Christ, and having no hope” (Eph. 2:12). Now we Gentiles have Christ in us and we thus have the hope of future glory!

2. The indwelling Christ is a present experience that is similar to future glory… a foretaste of glory divine.

3. His presence in us is like an anchor, which connects us to the very heavenlies… within the veil… in the heavenly holy of holies.

4. Because of this unique relationship to Christ, believers will one day share in His glory.

a. Col. 3:4 – when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we appear with Him in glory.

b. Rom. 5:2 – because of Christ we “rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”

c. Rom. 8:18 – the glory that shall be revealed in us…

5. Christ’s presence in us (Christ in you) is hope of future glory.

a. His indwelling presence is not seen or felt… but the EFFECT of His indwelling presence IS seen…

b. His LIFE is manifested in our mortal bodies as we walk by faith.

c. Every time a bit of His character is manifested in us, that is more hope of future glory… His love, holiness, purity, grace, power, etc…

d. It all points to the fact that Christ truly IS in me… and I shall one day be with Him in glory!

e. This breeds more assurance… and LOVE for the Lord… and gratitude… and motivation to live for His glory.

f. The glory we are now hoping for with confident expectation is coming in that future day when we are actually WITH Christ in glory.

g. Our position is IN Christ… IN glory… in heavenly places.

h. One day our condition will match that position… and we will actually BE there in body, soul, and spirit!

i. Until that day, Christ dwells in us… and His presence is a foretaste of that future glory… and a motivation to honor Him with our all… to put our all on the altar…

Fulfilling the Word of God (vs. 25c)

1. Fulfill the word of God = to FULLY preach the Word of God.

a. To preach the WHOLE counsel of God…

b. To leave no truth out… the Word in its entirety…

c. To preach the word of God as it was revealed by God… line by line… precept upon precept… book by book…

d. To preach the Word in a balanced manner: not overemphasizing one aspect of truth and underemphasizing another aspect of truth… the WHOLE counsel of God—as it appears in the Word.

e. To preach the positive and the negative; blessings and cursing.

f. Teaching God’s Word line by line is HOW we fully preach the Word today.

g. The best way to avoid a personal agenda and to present the emphasis as it appears in the Bible is to teach the Bible verse by verse… line upon line… paragraph by paragraph… and not to ever stop.

h. This way, (if the Word is taught accurately, verse by verse) then the emphasis that emerges over time is INSPIRED by the Holy Spirit… for He is the Author of the Word and its emphasis.

i. When you FULLY preach the Word—line upon line – the emphasis that emerges is the one that GOD Himself put into His Word… and not an emphasis that biased men would like to see interjected into the Word.
• Ex: On Wednesday nights, we are going through the book of Proverbs—an extremely practical book.
• I debated whether to teach it topically or verse by verse… and verse by verse won out.
• The reason I hesitated was because many truths are repeated often in the book… and I didn’t want to sound repetitious.
• As I analyzed that thinking, I was convicted. Who am I to “cut out” truths that are repeated? If God repeated them it must be for a good purpose.
• Some truths NEED to be emphasized and repeated—and that is just what God has done in His holy Word.

j. The emphasis in the Bible is on CHRIST… and making Christ known in a deeper and deeper way.

k. Christ, the Living Word, cannot be known apart from a slow, steady, gradual, complete, careful exposition of the Written Word… line upon line… precept upon precept… by FULLY preaching the Word.

l. If folks don’t like the emphasis that emerges as one reads through the Bible verse by verse, my counsel is to take that up with the author. I’m just an index finger, pointing to what God said.

m. To fully preach the Word, the index finger must point to verse after verse… line upon line… year after year.

n. Growth takes TIME… lots of time. As Americans, we want everything QUICK… and God doesn’t work on the American time table.

o. Growth takes time… teaching takes time… it takes time to grow in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ. It takes time to learn the Written Word… line by line… and it takes time to learn about the Living Word… our Lord Jesus Christ… and to let truth really SINK IN. That takes time.

p. We spent four years going through Hebrews. We spent three years in Ezekiel before that. We spent about 2-3 years in I Kings. We spent about a year in Colossians chapter one.

q. Taking the quick approach leads to the teacher picking and choosing which gems he wants to highlight and which truths he doesn’t have time to cover. It is quick and easy, but extremely superficial and subjective.

r. Taking your time in the Word… going line by line means that over time a pattern will emerge: GOD’S emphasis… This method takes a long time… it is not quick and easy, but it time consuming and difficult…

s. But it results in spiritual depth… and is extremely objective in its emphasis.

2. Paul was called of God to FULFILL the Word of God by preaching the MYSTERY truth.

a. The word of God would not be complete without this special, unique revelation of the mystery: We in Christ, and He in us.

b. As William Kelly wrote, even if Paul were not the last Bible author to write, when he revealed this truth, it could be said that the Word of God was fulfilled… the secret is no longer concealed.

c. Paul completed the Word of God by revealing this marvelous truth about the mystery.

3. Paul was given the stewardship of FULLY preaching the Word of God… the WHOLE counsel of God… exactly as God delivered it… line by line!

a. This included many truths that the Judaizers, Gnostics, and traditionalists of his day did not want to hear.

b. He was called to preach the mystery. (vs.26)

c. He was called to proclaim that the Law was now obsolete as a rule of life. (2:20-21)

d. He was called to describe in great detail, the Body of Christ and how it functions in the world today… and how it stood in stark contrast to Israel.

e. And even though he faced opposition to the doctrinal emphasis that God gave him… he kept on going forward… preaching Christ and Him crucified… preaching the message of the cross… and all that was accomplished there. And he fulfilled his ministry! He was a faithful steward.
• Acts 20:24 – Paul wanted to finish his course… and the ministry God called him to…
• II Tim. 4:5-7 – Paul in fact DID fulfill his ministry.

4. Fully preaching the Word meant teaching the mystery. (vs. 26a)

a. Note how Paul links the “Word” with the “Mystery.”

b. His point is that to be faithful to his stewardship… to fully preach the whole counsel of God… REQUIRES that he teach and preach the Mystery.

c. And he seems to hint that he not only teach the Mystery… but that he EMPHASIZE the mystery… for this is NEW revelation given by God to Paul… a message the Gentiles NEED to hear.

d. When the mystery is not taught and emphasized, then the teacher is not fulfilling the Word of God… he is not fulfilling his stewardship.

e. I Cor. 4:1 – Paul saw himself as a steward of the mysteries of God.
• He felt obligated and responsible to preach this truth and to be a faithful steward of it.
• It was because of his faithfulness to this stewardship in preaching this truth that he suffered so!
• This mystery was so contrary to Judaism and the Mosaic system that the Jews sought to kill this man.
• But NOTHING could shake Paul from being faithful to this ministry. (Acts 20:24) Paul did not count his life dear… he was determined to finish his course and fulfill his God-given ministry.
• He was so DRIVEN by this marvelous revelation, that he risked his life and welfare in order to FULLY preach it…
• We are in Christ and He is in us!

What Could Be More Practical? If Christ lives in me, then…

1. THEN… He sees what my eyes are looking at.

a. Remember that when you decide to watch a video… or read a book… or you pick up a magazine in the Dr.’s office.

b. Remember that when you are tempted to look after a woman to lust in your heart. Christ sees what you are looking at.

2. THEN… He hears what I allow my ears to listen to.

a. Think of that when folks begin to gossip…

b. Think of that when someone turns on a rock station on the radio…

c. Think of that when you decide to tear the Sunday school teacher to shreds…

3. THEN… He goes where I go.

a. Remember that wherever you go. Would you really take the Lord Jesus Christ to that place? If He’s in you, and you go there, then you are taking Him there!

b. Think of that when you go to a questionable setting. Would the Lord Jesus be comfortable here? I am bringing Him here…

4. THEN… He knows what is going on in my mind.

a. If Christ dwells IN me… (and He does), then He is right there in the midst of my thoughts… my imagination… the intents of my heart.

b. He knows when we are grumbling inside… murmuring.

c. He knows when we are discontent…

d. He knows when we are thinking evil of a brother…

e. He knows when we are angry…

f. He knows when we are harboring grudges…

g. He knows when we are coveting the things of the world…

h. He knows when pride arises in our mind and heart…

i. He knows the motives and intentions of my heart. He not only sees the outside (WHAT I do or say)… but He sees the inside (WHY I do what I do; WHY I say what I say; etc.)
• He knows what motives our actions (a genuine desire for holiness… or an expression of self righteousness.)
• He knows when we mean what we say… or if we speak as a hypocrite…
• He knows whether our thoughts, words, and deeds are motivated by selfish pride or by a genuine love for the Lord.
• And it doesn’t matter what other people think. Christ lives in me. It matters what HE sees… what HE thinks of me… for He knows the truth.

5. Christ dwells in our heart by faith.

a. When we walk by faith… filled with the Spirit… trusting in God… and not trusting in our own strength… following His Word… THEN Christ is not only present in us, but He DWELLS in us…

b. Dwell: to be at home… to feel at home… comfortable… resting as at home…

c. When our eyes are watching that which is displeasing to the Lord; or our tongue is saying that which is displeasing to Him; or we are harboring sin in our heart, THEN Christ is most UNCOMFORTABLE! He hates sin.

d. He is present in us even when we sin. He will never leave us nor forsake us. But He is not at home.

e. Christ is not at home in the heart of a carnal, worldly believer. The world HATES Christ. Friendship with the world is enmity with God.

f. If we really LOVE the Lord, we will want to make Him most comfortable in our hearts… We are privileged to have Him as our guest.

6. Our position is that we are in Christ and that He is in us.

a. When that truth really begins to sink in… it will have a life transforming effect on us!

b. Allow the glory of it to sink in… the riches of the glory of the mystery… consider the awesome privilege… the wonder of it all… and the responsibility that naturally follows such privilege…

c. We will not need to be FORCED to change our behavior… we will WANT to change our behavior… because it makes our indwelling guest uncomfortable… because we love the Lord and would NEVER want to hurt Him…

d. This is a change that comes from within… where Christ dwells in our hearts.

e. When Christ is on the inside, not only will we be concerned about keeping the inside of the cup clean and pure… (attitudes; thoughts; emotions; etc..) but Christ’s presence will also manifest itself outwardly… and have a cleansing effect on the outside of the cup too.

f. How could His indwelling presence NOT have an effect on our lives? It WILL… if we meditate upon the riches of these riches… if we spend time sitting at Jesus’ feet… in awe of who He is… soaking in a bit of His glorious Person…

g. The more we meditate on our glorious position in Christ… the more this marvelous truth sinks in… the more it thrills our souls… and captivates our minds and hearts, the more transformed into His image our lives will become.
• This is the essence of true Christianity: Christ in you… the hope of glory!
• This is the genius of Christianity: Christ in you!
• Christianity is not a code. It is Christ.
• For to me to live is Christ!
• Christ, who is our life!
• Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God.
• Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
• I am His and He is mine. Now I belong to Jesus!
• Christ dwells in me—and that changes absolutely everything!

7. What a marvelous effect this truth will have on a local assembly when it finally sinks in…

a. Christ dwells in every one of us… in every true believer.

b. And He who hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Christ.

c. He is IN us… and is working in us… to make us more like Himself.

d. This was exceedingly difficult for first century Jews to grasp… to swallow: that Christ dwelt in Gentiles…

e. How could a believing Hebrew of the first century ever have animosity toward his Gentile brother again… since Christ dwells in him?

f. If Christ is dwelling within and changing him from the inside out… how could he ever judge that brother by his Jewish traditions and rules? Did he think that his traditions were superior to the indwelling Christ?

g. You see, when this truth really sinks in, it has an equalizing effect on Body members: we stand on perfectly equal footing before the Lord… and all are indwelt by Christ Himself!

h. How dare we think of ourselves as being better… superior?

i. This truth really makes us BRETHREN… Jew and Gentile; male and female; bond or free; rich or poor…

j. We are truly ONE in Christ… one in hope and doctrine… one in charity… one in goal and purpose: That Christ might have the preeminence in all we do or say!

k. Self is left on the cross. Christ is all and in all. Christianity truly is CHRIST in you… the hope of glory.

The Content of the Preaching: The Indwelling Christ


1. Whom (ὁν [hon]). That is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

a. It is not just Christ in the abstract or in a generic sense, but Christ in you the hope of glory is the content of his preaching. That’s the Christ we preach!

b. We don’t preach the Old Testament message of Christ: Messiah is coming to suffer and die; and Messiah is coming to reign forever…

c. Nor do we preach the message of Christ as presented in the gospel… as the King offering the kingdom (Repent; for the kingdom of God is at hand.)

d. We don’t preach a baby Christ in a manger. We don’t preach a dead Christ on a crucifix.

e. We don’t preach about a mortal Jesus as a carpenter who was tired and weary…

f. We no longer know Christ that way. (II Cor. 5:16-17)

g. We preach the risen, ascended, glorified Christ… who makes His abode IN US… and manifests His life THROUGH us! That’s the Christ we preach… the indwelling Christ… Christ in you… the hope of glory. I know no other Jesus!

2. Christ was the CONTENT of the apostolic message… and should be today too!

a. Acts 5:42 – they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ…

b. Acts 8:5 – Philip preached Christ in Samaria.

c. Acts 8:35 – Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

d. Acts 9:20- As soon as Paul was saved: And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.

e. Acts 11:20 – when they came to the gentiles, they preached Jesus Christ… not the law or their traditions, but Christ and Him crucified.

f. I Cor. 2:1 – For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.”

g. Rom. 16:25 – Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery…

h. The content of their message was NOT: election; separation; prophecy; dispensationalism; eternal security.
• They would get to those great doctrines of the faith in time…
• But their message revolved around Christ.
• In fact, all those doctrines in the written Word relate to Christ… the Living Word.
• Eph. 3:8 – Paul was given the ministry of preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ. There is no end to learning of the riches in Christ… hence, no end to preaching and teaching of Him. All teaching is to revolve around Him. There is so much that could be taught… we will never even scratch the surface!
• Eph. 3:9 – Paul preached Christ so that believers might see (discern) how rich is the fellowship of the mystery… fellowship among the saints in the Body of Christ. The Body IS Christ! If you love Christ, you will love His Body. If you love fellowship with Christ, you will love fellowshipping with His Body.
• Preaching Christ… the unsearchable riches of Christ… results in believers learning to SEE how significant the fellowship of the Body… the mystery is to God. Today, you can’t separate Christ from His Body.

3. There was quite a contrast between the content of the preaching of the false teachers in Colosse and the content of Paul’s preaching and teaching.

a. The false teachers preached themselves. Paul preached Christ.

b. The false teachers preached their opinions. Paul preached the mind of Christ.

c. The false teachers preached their traditions. Paul preached Christ.

d. The false teachers preached philosophies. Paul preached Christ.

e. The false teachers preached their rules (touch not; taste not handle not). Paul preached Christ.

f. The false teachers preached a religious system. Paul preached a Person: Christ.

g. The false teachers preached a message designed to draw away disciples after themselves. (Acts 20:30) Paul pointed men to Christ and Him alone… and saw himself as nothing but an old clay pot to be used of the Lord at His will.

4. If a ministry is not Christ centered, it is not Spirit empowered… for the Spirit came to glorify Him. (John 16:14).

a. Paul preached Christ throughout this epistle!

b. Christ the object of our faith (1:4)

c. Christ the object of our service (1:7)

d. Christ the Redeemer (1:14)

e. Christ the image of the invisible God (1:15)

f. Christ the Creator (1:16)

g. Christ the One who holds all together (1:17)

h. Christ the Head of the Body (1:18)

i. Christ the Firstborn from the dead (1:18b)

j. Christ the One who is to have all preeminence (1:18c)

k. Christ in whom all fullness dwells (1:19)

l. Christ and His work on the cross (1:20)

m. Christ the reconciler of heaven and earth (1:20)

n. Christ the One before whom we will be presented (1:22)

o. Christ and His ongoing afflictions for the church (1:24)

p. Christ the subject of the revelation of the mystery (1:26)

q. Christ the Indwelling One (1:27)

r. Christ and His relationship to Gentiles (1:27)

s. Christ the object of our preaching (1:28)

t. And this is just chapter one!

u. “Whom we preach.” Paul meant it.

The Ministry of the Word

A. Negative: Warning Every Man

1. Warning: to admonish, warn of dangers, exhort; advise on the consequences of wrong actions.

a. Theological Dictionary of New Testament: It seeks to correct the mind, to put right what is wrong, to improve the spiritual attitude.

b. It seeks to influence the mind and disposition by appropriate instruction, exhortation, warning and correction.

c. Eph. 6:4 – fathers are told to bring their children up in the “admonition of the Lord.” (noun form) A good father would warn his sons and daughters of dangers… IF he loved them!

2. Acts 20:31 – the minister should constantly warn the flock.

a. Vs. 29 – because life in the Body is dangerous. Wolves seek to destroy us. Hence, the warning.

b. Paul warned of many false teachers and of evil men… and he wasn’t afraid to name them either! Alexander the coppersmith; Hymenaeus and Philetus; Phygellus and Hermogenes.

c. Paul warned the flock about the wolves… and did so by name. The Neo evangelicals think of the fundamentalist as being unloving and unbiblical for pointing out doctrinal errors and naming names. Yet we are in good company: Paul, John, Jesus…

d. The flock needs to be warned because some of these evil men were undermining Paul’s ministry; they overthrew the faith of some; they loved to have the preeminence; they were introducing gangrene into the Body; they were like ravening wolves (consider how wolves treat sheep!).

e. It is important that we admonish one another… and warn one another of dangers from without… and from dangers from within our own heart… which is deceitful above all things… and from our flesh in which dwells no good thing.

3. Warning and admonition applies to the wolves… but also to other forms of error too.

a. If a believer is harboring a grudge in his heart and it is obvious… he needs to be lovingly admonished to repent!

b. If a believer has not been coming out to church… if he has been forsaking the assembling together of the saints… he needs to be reminded of Heb. 10:24-25.

c. If a believer has been gossiping… he needs to be rebuked… warned of the danger… and pointed to appropriate Scripture.

d. If a believer has been starting to read literature that contains error, he needs to have that loving, and gently pointed out.

e. If a believer is wearing immodest clothing… listening to ungodly music… going to questionable places… he needs to be warned… admonished…

f. If a believer turns inward and stops fellowshipping with the brethren… he needs to be reminded of appropriate Scripture.

g. If a believer is beginning to lose his first love… and is being lured away into the world… he needs an admonition… or even a rebuke…

4. It also matters HOW we admonish one another.

a. I Cor. 4:14 – Paul warned many flocks about potential dangers… as any father would warn his beloved son.

b. II Thess. 3:14–15? – admonish him as a brother.

c. I Thess. 2:11-12 – exhorting, comforting, and charging every one of you, as a father doth his children.

d. We are to admonish one another, but NOT with:
• A holier than thou attitude; self righteous…
• Not to put someone down… or embarrass them.
• Not in public… but in private…
• Not as a self appointed policeman in the affairs of others…
• Not in hypocrisy: not with a beam in our own eye…
• To a brother we have earned the right to admonish through friendliness… and concern.
• Waiting on the Lord for the right time, place, and circumstances…
• And only after much prayer… and in a spirit of love… humility… meekness considering thyself… for the good of the brother and the glory of God.
• Gal. 6:1 – be sure you are spiritual and approach that believer in the spirit of meekness… lest YOU be tempted and fall yourself!

5. The Bible indicates that the whole BODY ought to be involved in care for one another: expressed through admonition.

a. Admonishing one another ought to be an expression of Christ’s love for His Body… if we are filled with the Spirit.

b. Rom. 15:14 – believers should be able to admonish one another. The flock should also be able to admonish one another… not just the pastor.

c. This means we need to know the Word of God… and we need to have a mature relationship with Christ.

d. Col. 3:16 – let the word of Christ DWELL in your heart… teaching and admonishing one another!

e. The better you know the Word, the more benefit you will be to the Body… the better equipped you will be to teach and admonish one another.

6. In order to KNOW what is going on in the lives of the brethren… SO THAT we can care for one another… teach… exhort… rebuke… encourage… weep… rejoice… the church leadership here strongly encourages folks to come to prayer meeting… and on a regular basis.

a. That’s where we learn of the triumphs and trials that the brethren are experiencing.

b. Hence, we are ABLE to admonish one another… ABLE to encourage or rebuke… ABLE to pray intelligently…

c. Prayer meeting is about 1 hour… 1 hour 15 minutes per week. That is not going to upset your free time… or your family time.

d. In fact, it IS family time… take the whole family… and join in with your spiritual family!

e. Prayer meeting is one of the best ways to get to KNOW and stay in tune with the Body… and if you don’t know someone… or what’s going on in their lives… you can’t get involved in teaching and admonishing one another.

f. And what better way to admonish one another… than to back it up with corporate prayer!

B. Positive: Teaching Every Man

1. He taught positive truth…

a. It is good and necessary to expose error; to warn of danger; and to rebuke when necessary.

b. But it is even MORE important that God’s people are FED!

c. It is important to know which foods to avoid. But it is even more important to eat good food!

d. A good shepherd will warn the sheep about the wolves… but he will also lead them to green pastures and still waters!

e. A pastor needs to have a warning ministry… and to admonish and rebuke… but if that is all the sheep are getting, it is an unbalanced diet… and the sheep will starve.

f. Sheep need to be fed… and as believers, we grow hungry and need to feed on Christ… the Bread of Life; we grow thirsty and must satisfy that thirst with Christ… the Living Water.

2. The sheep need to be fed; edified; strengthened with might in the inner man; and to learn to feast on Christ for themselves.

a. Teaching God’s word accomplishes all this.

b. Teaching the Word also strengthens our faith.

c. Teaching the Word magnifies Christ…

d. Teaching the Word instructs us on HOW TO LIVE…

e. The Word is more important than our necessary food.

f. That’s why the ministry is to be characterized by Bible teaching and preaching… which revolves around the person of Christ.

C. Paul’s Was a Balanced Ministry

1. He included both the negative and the positive in his preaching.

2. He was not constantly warning and exposing error… without positively teaching and building up the saints!

3. His ministry was not all teaching… aimed at the head and leaving the heart untouched.

4. Nor was his ministry all admonition… aimed at the heart without any intellectual basis for the admonition.

a. Teaching deals with doctrine and is aimed primarily at the head… the intellect. (we are tripartite beings; intellect, emotion, and will.)

b. Exhortation/admonition deals with conduct and is primarily aimed at the heart.

c. All exhortation… a ministry that aims for the heart and bypasses the head is dangerous indeed. That is the methodology of the charismatic movement.

d. They use emotional appeals with very little doctrinal teaching… and if the speaker is dynamic, his emotional appeals CAN produce results: he can whip up a crowd into a frenzy and get a response… but it is merely superficial.

e. Doting over behavior without expounding the biblical basis… without sound teaching… bypassing the intellect and aiming exclusively for the emotions and the heart always results in superficiality.

5. Both teaching AND exhortations are needed by God’s people.

a. But before you can make a MEANINGFUL exhortation, it must be preceded by teaching… and teaching takes time.

b. New Tribes approach: they do not give the simple gospel message to the tribes. First they TEACH the whole Bible… then exhort them to be saved.

c. Contemporary Christian Music: Ron could just tell us that CCM is bad and conservative Christian music is good. Therefore, don’t listen to CCM. The approach he is taking is far better… he is teaching WHY CCM is bad… and what is right about conservative Christian music.

d. WINE: I read a booklet on wine (Booze is sin!) It took a simplistic approach to the subject—and made all kinds of harsh admonitions… but never said WHY! There was no real Biblical, doctrinal, teaching to back up the exhortation.

e. Unless the head understands the Biblical basis for an exhortation… it is merely one man telling another man what to do. It is making up a rule… legalistic living… like Judaism.

f. God treated the Jews as children; He treats us as full grown sons!

g. When a believer understands the teaching behind the exhortation… when he sees clearly that this exhortation IS in fact based on Bible truth… that it IS God’s will… then the exhortation is powerful… and the believer will respond out of conviction of heart before God… not mere cowering before a man.

6. Read Paul’s epistles. This was ever his pattern. The first section was doctrinal/didactic (teaching) while the final section was practical (admonition).

a. First he teaches, then he admonishes.

b. First he methodically builds his case and presents his arguments. Then he makes exhortations BASED upon the argument he made.

c. Ex: In Col., Paul spends 2 chapters developing the theme of our position in Christ… in His death, resurrection, and ascension. THEN he makes the application: If ye then be risen with Christ—SEEK those things which are above!

d. Without making the case first, the exhortation is quite hollow… lacking power…

e. Without making the case from Scripture, it is just one man’s opinion.

f. Without making the case, it is quite hollow; empty; it comes without divine authority; no biblical basis; no substance.

g. And if the person who hears that admonition—even if he complies and takes your advice, it is NOT a heart felt conviction from God. It is rather following the opinions of men… peer pressure… following the crowd. And that will NOT do when the hour of testing comes.

h. But WITH the teaching… the exhortation is seen to be our REASONABLE service! It is reasonable because we understand the hows and whys of it all!

i. Thus, Paul’s method was ever the same: first comes a lengthy teaching section; then comes the various and sundry exhortations BASED upon truth.

j. Thus, the exhortation comes… not as Paul’s opinion, but it comes with Divine authority… for the case has been made from Scripture.

k. Thus, we always see Paul using BOTH: teaching AND warning… positive instruction; and negative warnings.

7. However, there is a tendency to go to one extreme or the other.

a. Some fundamentalists have warning ministries and their flocks are warned about error 52 Sundays a year…
• And as a result, the flock is never fed… never built up and encouraged…
• While they are discerning and would never fall for New evangelicalism… or any of the cults… they are starving for Christ! They know more about the cults than they know about Christ!
• They know what’s wrong with all the false religious systems, but they don’t know how to LIVE the Christian life.

b. Most neo-evangelicals have positive upbeat ministries… where the flock is constantly told about God’s love… care… concern…
• That flock is upbeat and encouraged… but the sheep lack discernment…
• The shepherd hasn’t warned them about wolves…
• The shepherd was too much of a milk toast to say anything negative… too afraid of offending… afraid to expose error.
• As a result, the flock is ignorant of spiritual dangers… and liable to be torn to shreds by a smooth talking false teacher.

c. Both of those scenarios are unbalanced and spiritually unhealthy.

d. It is NOT to be an either/or situation, but BOTH. The sheep need to hear the blessings AND the cursing. They need to be encouraged AND warned.

e. Paul was the right kind of minister. He “fulfilled the Word of God” (vs. 25c) = he FULLY preached the Word… the WHOLE counsel of God…

f. Paul fully preached the Word because he both warned every man and taught every man… and because he preached Christ… risen, ascended, glorified… and us IN Him, and He in us!

g. And how can we be sure that we are fully preaching the Word? How can we know if we are getting God’s emphasis? How can we be sure that we are getting the WHOLE counsel of God? When the pastor teaches line-by-line… precept upon precept… verse by verse… chapter by chapter… book by book… Old and New Testaments.

D. Every Man

1. Every man refers to every BELIEVER.

2. Every man refers to every believer without distinction: Jew, Gentile, male, female, rich, poor, bond, free… there is no difference in Christ.

3. Paul repeats this for a purpose. (repeated 3 times)

a. The Gnostics taught that they possessed a special knowledge that was only for the initiated few… for the spiritually elite.

b. Paul bends over backwards to contrast Christianity from their teachings. Christ is for EVERY believer… not an elite club. There are no elite spiritual clubs in the Body of Christ. (I’m of Paul; Peter; Christ.)

4. EVERY man is to be instructed in the Scriptures.

a. Not every believer will grasp truth to the same degree, but truth is for every believer.

b. And every believer can apply truth to the best of his capacity…

5. This also implies that every single person in the local church is important to God. NONE are to be overlooked. ALL are to be instructed and admonished. NONE are to be considered “too far gone” or “hopeless.”

6. This implies also that every believer should be concerned about the spiritual well-being of every other believer in the assembly.

a. Every member in the Body is important to God… and will be to Spirit filled believers.

b. If Christ dwells in your heart by faith, then the love of Christ will dwell in your heart as well.

c. If the love of Christ is in you, then you will be a yielded vessel that He can use to demonstrate HIS love THROUGH you… and TO other believers in the local church.

d. The love of Christ is demonstrated through us when we admonish one another… warn… remind of truth… counsel…

e. Ps. 141:5 – “let the righteous smite me.” Yes even pointing out sin in a believer’s life can be an expression of love… because it is for his good.

7. The pastor isn’t able to admonish, counsel, and minister to EVERY man in the Body.

a. It is not God’s design for that to be so.

b. God’s plan is for EVERY member in the Body to be taught and thus ABLE to admonish one another.

E. In All Wisdom

1. Both the teaching and the warning/admonition are to be conducted in the sphere of Divine wisdom… practical wisdom… discernment.

a. Col. 1:9 – filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom.

b. That’s the way to teach and admonish… filled (controlled) by HIS will and HIS knowledge (not our opinions)…

c. Eph. 1:17 = PRAY for wisdom and discernment, and God gives it.

2. He taught in all wisdom… hence, he not only preached Christ, he taught Christ… for all wisdom resides in Him (Col. 2:3).

3. He charged them to walk in wisdom too. (Col. 4:5)

4. Be careful when a believer admonishes you.

a. While he may be well meaning in his motives… he may also be dead wrong in his assessment.

b. He may have good intentions, but his counsel may be flawed… unbiblical… his own personal conviction rather than Scripture… and sometimes it may simply be “off the wall.”

c. Remember Acts 17:11 – the Bereans listened to the admonition… and searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so.

d. Sometimes believers give terrible advice!

e. Please don’t assume that because someone from Salem Bible Church counseled you in a certain way that it must be the official teaching of the church. It may be that believer’s opinion… and the church leadership may completely disagree!

f. If someone gives you counsel… if a believer tries to admonish you… (1) don’t resist, but listen carefully; (2) be gracious and assume he is out for your best interest; (3) prayerfully consider what he says and compare it to Scripture; (4) if you are still not sure, get a second opinion from a mature, Spirit filled believer; (5) if it is of the Lord, then respond in a proper manner; (6) if it is not of the Lord, then thank him, but don’t take his advice.

5. Be careful in admonishing a brother in the Lord.

a. Consider Matthew Henry’s wise counsel in this area: We must choose the fittest seasons, and use the likeliest means, and accommodate ourselves to the different circumstances and capacities of those we have to do with, and teach them as they are able to bear.”

b. Paul endeavored to manifest wisdom in the MANNER in which he taught and admonished the brethren.
• As a nurse cherisheth her children—as opposed to a bull in a china closet.
• Don’t approach a brother as an irrational zealot… but the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient?. ?In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves.

6. When Spirit filled and Spirit led teaching and admonition is conducted in the sphere of God-given wisdom… it is always fruitful.

a. Whether the brother responds in faith and obedience to the teaching or admonition is not all-important.

b. Christ is magnified when His love for the brethren is demonstrated through our yielded hearts, minds, and tongues, showing concern for members of the Body.

c. Of course, the goal is that the brother or sister WOULD respond to the admonition… take it to heart… receive the Word… and allow God to transform his/her mind and heart.

d. How healthy and strong the Body would be if we all put these important principles into practice right here…

e. The saints would mature… be edified… the Body strengthened… and Christ magnified… for it is all HIM working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. To Him be the glory.

The Goal of the Ministry:

Presenting Every Man Perfect in Christ



1. Perfect: mature; whole; complete; well rounded; adult, of full age, full grown; (like ripened fruit) brought to its end, finished; lacking nothing necessary to completeness.

a. I Cor. 14:20 – translated “men” (contrasted with children; immaturity).

b. I Cor. 13:10 – that which is “complete”… contrasted to that which is partial.

c. Heb. 5:14 – translated “of full age” as contrasted to a young age.

d. James 1:4 – “perfect and entire lacking nothing”—explains it well… having all the pieces, nothing lacking… like a completed puzzle… a car at the end of the assembly line… It is contrasted to that which is lacking.

e. Luke 8:14 – fruit being brought to perfection (full grown; nice and ripe). Contrasted to that which has not ripened… is not fully grown… hard green fruit… rather than soft, tender, sweet, ripened fruit.

f. This term does NOT refer to sinless perfection… Nor does it refer to a stage in the Christian life where we no longer sin… or there is no longer room for improvement.

g. The process called “perfection” is the process of spiritual growth and maturity. It might be referred to as progressive sanctification.

2. Perfection for the believer means Christlike transformation.

a. Christlikeness is maturity. It is being full grown… grown up… ripened to perfection… sweet… entire, lacking nothing… all the pieces are in place… Christlike fruit manifested.

b. Gal. 4:19 – Christ is being formed in you… when He is COMPLETELY formed in us… then we are conditionally perfected.

3. Phil. 3:12 – But, we are never fully perfected in this life.

a. In this life there will always be room for improvement.

b. Paul acknowledges that he has not arrived at FULL and absolute perfection or maturity. But in 3:15 he speaks of himself as mature (relatively… not absolutely).

c. As believers we can reflect His character in our lives. (Christlike maturity). But His character is SO glorious that we can only reflect it dimly… not perfectly… not entirely. There is always room for more…

d. Those (like Paul!) who acknowledge that they have not yet achieved perfection don’t use this as an excuse to not bother trying (“it’s too hard; too far beyond us; no one will ever make it, so why try?!).

e. Rather, Paul used this as an incentive to follow after (pursue; flee after; persecute; chase) perfection.

f. We are not perfected until we are completely like Him.

g. We are constantly being transformed into His image from glory to glory… yet not until we are actually IN glory will this process be complete.

h. God’s will is for that process to continue until He comes or until our dying day. (Phil. 1:6)

i. Hence, practically speaking, conditionally speaking, our earthly condition will always come short of our heavenly position: complete in Him; perfected forever.

j. That means there is always more to go… more to strive for… areas where we are lacking… blind spots… areas of weakness… hard heartedness… ignorance…

k. To say there is no room for improvement is the height of arrogance and the height of ignorance…

l. In fact, the closer we get to the Lord, the more like Christ we become, the more aware we become of how far short of His glory we fall! Hence, Paul himself as the chief of sinners… and less than the least of all the saints…

m. II Cor. 7:1 – we are to be active in perfecting holiness because none of us has! Holiness is one aspect of Christlikeness that we fall far short of… daily.

4. The purpose of the gospel ministry to believers in the local church is that they might become perfect, whole, and mature. (Matt. 28:19-20)

a. The job isn’t done when a man is converted. It has only just begun. He is to be taught and admonished!

b. When a baby is born, that is not the ultimate goal for that person. GROWTH is. He is not expected to remain a babe, but to grow up… mature… to become a man… and to be fruitful…

c. The Great Commission included not only preaching the saving gospel message, but making disciples… and teaching them all things…

d. Not just converts but disciples. Not just spiritual births… but ongoing spiritual growth.

e. A man can be saved in a moment. It takes the rest of his life to be discipled… which involves growth and maturity.

f. Don’t be content just to be saved… just to be alive spiritually. There is so much MORE! Grow up!


1. TRIALS: James 1:2-4 – the purpose of trials is to bring believers to perfection. This too is God’s means of instruction.

a. The trying of our faith works patience… and patience (endurance; perseverance) results in maturity.

b. The ultimate goal of every trial God allows in our lives is that we might become mature: Christlike, sanctified, transformed.

c. It is our nature to be spiritually childish and immature. God weans us away from childishness through trials…

d. The child doesn’t like being weaned away… but it is good for him. It is an important step toward maturity.

e. KNOWING: God wants us to know what He is doing in our trials… hence, we can rejoice!

f. LET: God wants us to LET Him work in us during trials… let patience do its work in us… allow yourself to be exercised by the trial…

g. When we KNOW that God is using it for our spiritual good, and we LET Him (yield) do His good work in us—trials are exceedingly valuable and the end result is maturity and fruit!

h. II Cor. 12:9 – His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Weakness helps mature us.
• God allows us to become weak… through trials… to reveal to us how weak we really are… how helpless our flesh really is… so that we will finally STOP trusting in our own strength, and fall upon the Lord and seek HIS strength to work in us! End of self…
• The Lord has given me a little taste of the weakness and frailty of my flesh…
• The Potter uses trials to crush the hard, inflexible spots in the clay… so that He can mould as He desires.
• He opened my eyes to see things I never saw before; He dealt with pride by humbling and humiliating me; He softened hardened areas of my heart; He showed me areas of weakness and in a clearer way… my need of HIS strength… moment by moment… and He is still working!
• While I hate the process of being ground down to powder by the Potter… I can say that it has been the best thing He could have done for me spiritually. Grind away, Lord!
• The more aware we become of our own weakness, the more aware we become of our need for HIS strength.
• Don’t complain about your weakness. See God’s goodness and grace in it… and be ye thankful!
• Be exercised by the trial… allow God to do His good work in you! LET patience do her work in us!

i. Trials bring us to maturity… and result in Christlike fruit manifested in our lives.
• It is worth every ounce of pain or grief involved!
• I Pet. 5:10 – after you have suffered a while, make you perfect… stablish, strengthen you…
• Every time the Potter smashes the clay to remove lumps… He is better able to turn that hunk of clay into His workmanship… into the image of His Son.
• Don’t fight against the trials God has allowed in your life. Submit to them… and let God do His perfect work in us…
• He is making us less like ourselves and more like Himself. That is worth it… regardless of the price.
• Yield… surrender… LET God be God in your life. SUBMIT to the trial… that ye might be perfect and entire, lacking nothing!

2. THE BODY: the purpose of the Body is our perfection…

a. Eph. 4:12 – church leaders/teachers are for the perfection of the saints…
• Pastor/teachers are for the perfecting of the saints.
• Perfecting: a different word = equipping; mending; making fit for service… made whole or complete (like mending nets).
• Different term, but similar concept: whole; complete.
• Members of the Body are lacking teaching; lacking experience; lacking maturity.
• The pastor/teacher’s job is to teach the Word that the saints might be perfected… equipped to function as God intended…
• God has given every believer a capacity to function in the Body… but that spiritual gift needs to be developed… matured… and put to good use. And the Body is lacking if that member is not functioning in the Body as God designed.
• The saints are also lacking… incomplete without the ministry of the local church…
• God’s design for the saint is his perfection… and God uses gifted men in the local church to bring about that perfection… to make the saints whole and complete.
• The pastor teaches the Word… the saints are to receive it… grow thereby… and thus ALL the saints are to DO THE WORK of the ministry… ministering one to another… and the process of spiritual growth and edification continues.
• II Cor. 13:11 – Exhortation: Finally brethren, be perfect (grow up!) Believers are to exhort one another to grow up… to provoke one another… using the Word of God.
• The end result of this kind of spiritual growth is Christlikeness.

b. Eph. 4:13 – Through the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
• The saints are to be busy serving and ministering to one another in the Body.
• This is to continue till we all come… (come = to arrive at a destination; attain…
• What is the church to arrive at? Attain unto?
» The unity of the faith…
» The knowledge of the Son of God (grow in…)
» Unto a perfect man… (perfect = the term in Col. 1 = complete; whole; mature; full grown).
• Follow Paul’s point here:
» The pastor/teacher teaches the Word to the saints.
» The saints become equipped to do the work of ministry to one another in the Body.
» The whole Body becomes MATURE… because of the ministry WITHIN the Body.
» 4:16 – the Body… makes increase of itself in love.
» God’s purpose for the local church is that the Body and each member in particular would participate in Body Life… learn… become equipped… minister… and be used to increase the Body…
» The result of that kind of Spirit led action is that the Body (and members in particular) become mature… unto a perfect man… like fruit that is full grown… ripened… tender, and sweet!
» The Body grows in Christlikeness… more of His sweet fruit manifested through its members…
» Thus, the Body grows “unto a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
» Wuest: The expression “the fulness of Christ,” refers to the sum of the qualities which make Christ what He is.”
» The Body makes progress in the direction of the fullness of Christ… more of His LIFE and character manifested through the Body.
» Eph. 1:23 – Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. The Body is to be FULL of Christ… His life and holiness manifested. That is maturity… when we are made like Him.
• God designed the local church and ministry within the local church for the perfection of the saints and that the Body would grow unto a perfect man.

3. THE WORD OF GOD: II Tim. 3:16-17 – the purpose of the Word is our perfection… it is admonition and teaching by the WORD that results in maturity… That’s why God gave us His Word!

a. It is the instruction from God’s Word that results in “perfection”… spiritual maturity.

b. Spiritual maturity is not the result of slick, efficient, organizational skills. It does not arise because the pastor read a book on church growth. It certainly is not the result of entertaining the sheep. It does not arise by little sound bite blurbs of Bible smattered about. It is the result of an ongoing, in depth, line by line exposition of the whole counsel of God.

c. For this reason it is necessary to assure that the pastor TAKES TIME to study God’s Word… and is not caught up in all kinds of programs and extraneous activities which take him away from the Word of God and prayer.

d. Acts 6 – the apostles got someone else to serve tables so they could attend the things God called them to…

e. We have ONE main program here: the teaching of God’s Word. Everything is ancillary and subordinate… and is subject too change or cancellation… everything except the Word.

f. It is the teaching of God’s Word that results in perfection and spiritual maturity… that the man of God may be perfect… thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

g. I Pet. 2:2 – desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may GROW thereby. Growth comes through the ministry of the Word. Be IN it daily… fill your mind and heart with it…

h. Heb. 5:11-14 – The apostle’s goal was that the Hebrew believers would not remain stagnant in their Christian lives, but would GROW… mature… become discerning… spiritually wise… full grown… not remain as babes.
• These believers HAD been mature and were able to digest strong meat.
• But they BECAME such as have need of milk. They had regressed spiritually… and lost ground…
• The point: if we are not progressing (going on to perfection) we are regressing!
• Hence, the need for exhorting one another daily… the need for admonishing one another…
• Heb. 6:1 – let us go on to perfection (maturity) the purpose of a teaching ministry is our perfection.
• God’s NORM for the believer is to go forward. If you are standing still… you are actually losing ground.
• If you’re trying to go upstream, you have to put effort into swimming against the current. Just treading water won’t do. You will be swept downstream by the current.
• There is no standing still in the Christian life. Life is constantly moving… and we are to go on towards perfection… Christlikeness.
• God’s Word is that which brings us to perfection (II Cor. 3:18).

4. GRACE AS A RULE OF LIFE: The law made nothing perfect… but the bringing in of a better hope did! (Heb.7:18-19)

a. In what sense is the Law of God weak and unprofitable?
• The Law of Moses was weak—but certainly it was not morally weak.
• Rom.7:12 – the law is holy, just, and good.
• Rom.7:14 – the Law is spiritual. It is a reflection of God’s holy character.

b. But, there was a weakness to the Law of Moses. It was completely weak and powerless… to save.
• The law could not justify. (Rom. 3:20)
• The law could not give life… or else righteousness would have been the law. (Gal. 3:21)

c. But not only is the law weak to save or justify. The point the author of Hebrews wants to drive home is that the law is weak and powerless to sanctify too!
• It makes nothing perfect… does not bring us to maturity.
• It cannot deliver us from the bondage of sin in our daily lives.
• It cannot transform us into the image of Christ.

d. The law is disannulled. But that does not mean that we are now lawless. The opposite of law is not lawlessness. The opposite of law is GRACE… a new rule of life… and one that does what the law could never do: it brings us into the holy place… the place of fellowship, and power!

e. The disannulling of the law was of God—and so is the bringing in of a better hope.
• God removed the shadow and introduced the substance. Our hope is not based upon a shadow, but substance… Christ!
• We dare not mix these two principles (law and grace; or law and life). They are opposite systems… and must not be mixed… One was annulled and then the other was brought in. They cannot co-exist.
• The Mosaic Law is over… and what we have in its place as our new rule of life is CHRIST… and His marvelous grace. This is the age of grace.

f. In the age of grace, we have a Great HP… who can bring us right into the heavenly holy of holies… into a close relationship to Himself… in that heavenly sanctuary.
• This close relationship and communion results in spiritual growth… from glory to glory… perfection… maturity… transformation into the image of Christ.
• The Old Testament priestly system under the Law could not make anyone perfect.
• But under grace, our High Priest CAN bring us to perfection a far better hope!

g. Reverting back to the law will NEVER produce fruit… will never result in going on to perfection… will never bring us to maturity.
• Life under grace… incorporating the principles of grace into our lives… coming to the throne of grace… developing a relationship to Christ who is full of grace and truth… that WILL result in our perfection: Christlike maturity.
• Rom. 7:4 – we are dead to the Law… and now married to Christ. This new relationship under grace produces FRUIT… Christlike character… perfection. (the law produces fruit unto death – vs. 5)

2. PRAYER: I Thess. 5:23 – one purpose for prayer is complete sanctification… maturity… (Cf. I Pet. 5:10-11; Col. 4:12)

a. If a brother or sister is demonstrating immaturity, don’t pick on them; don’t gossip about them; pray for them!

b. Pray that God would open the eyes of their understanding that they might KNOW what is the hope of their calling… and that they would choose to walk worthy of that calling for the glory of God!

3. THE MYSTERY TRUTH: Col. 1:26-28 – A believer cannot be said to be “perfect/mature” unless he has been instructed and admonished in this mystery truth:

a. The riches part of the mystery: that Christianity is Christ in you… living His life through us… working IN us both to will and to do of His good pleasure…

b. In vs. 28 Paul states that he preached this truth THAT he might present believers perfect in Christ Jesus.
• Without this kind of preaching and teaching believers would NOT be able to be presented perfect before the Lord.
• They would be LACKING something VITAL in their Christian lives.
• Spiritual growth and maturity do not occur without some understanding and experience of this important New Testament revelation (the richest part!)

c. I John 4:12 – the indwelling God… has a transforming effect. His indwelling love is perfected in us… because HE is in us.
• Because He dwells in us, (when we yield) not only will His love be perfected in us…
• But also His grace, His holiness, His truth, His righteousness, His compassion, His character will also be perfected in us… Christ is being formed in you…
• This is God working IN us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Christ in you… Christianity!
• It is the work of the Holy Spirit to manifest the LIFE of Christ in each one of us. The more of HIM that is seen… and the less of self… the more progress we are making spiritually!
• Oh how we need to KNOW that our old man was crucified… and that we are raised up as new creatures in Christ… indwelt by Him… and as we yield, the Holy Spirit produces Christlike fruit in us… for His glory.

4. GOOD WORKS: Heb. 13:20-21 – putting it all into PRACTICE… (make you perfect IN every good work…)

a. This isn’t just “theory.” It is reality.

b. James 2:22 – by works faith is brought to maturity. Without works, faith is dead.

c. Faith and love are mere theories until they are put into practice.
• Good works… when empowered by the Holy Spirit… and are expressions of Christlike fruit…
• Good works PERFECT or complete faith and love… they make it “whole”… so it is not just theory, but reality… concrete.
• They are expressions of indwelling LIFE… that the life of Jesus might be manifest in our mortal bodies.

d. There are THREE WORKS to consider:
• God’s work FOR us (salvation) (Eph. 2:8-9)
• God’s work IN us (sanctification) (Eph. 2:10 – we are His workmanship; His creation).
• God’s work THROUGH us (service) (Eph. 2:10 – created unto good works).
• God has to work IN us before He can work through us.
• But when He DOES work in us… equip us… brings us to maturity… perfection… when He changes us to so that we are a “useful vessel”… THEN He works THROUGH us…
• UNTO good works… the goal of perfection is real fruit… changing us on the inside… which inevitably will manifest itself on the outside.
• This is great progress spiritually: when the Potter has sufficiently smashed the lumpy clay, beat us, molded us… shaped us… so that now He is finally able to USE us!
• Saved, sanctified, equipped, perfected, matured, and then ready for service!

e. It’s great to have fine teaching from the Word. It is necessary to understand certain truths. It is also great to faithfully attend the local church and to be equipped for service.

f. But the time comes when it is time to put into practice all that we have learned. God doesn’t want us to be mere “hearers of the Word” but DOERS!

g. The time comes for us to WALK in the good works God has ordained for us.

h. As God works IN us… He will also work THROUGH us.

i. Being Spirit filled… and resting in Christ does NOT translate into inactivity. Rather, it always results in walking in good works… into useful service for the Master… helpful ministry to the brethren… and a faithful witness to the world.

j. If CHRIST is really in us… then His LIFE and character will be seen THROUGH us. He went about doing good. He continually ministered to the disciples. And He continually preached the gospel to the lost.

k. If Christ is in you… and you are brought to maturity… unto a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ… then this Christlike character and ministry will seen in our lives as well.

l. Christ is not inactive. Those resting in Christ will not be inactive either.

m. Walking in good works is one of God’s means of bringing us to perfection… Christlike maturity. Faith without works is dead.

Summary of God’s MEANS of perfection:
1. Trials
2. The Body
3. The Word
4. Grace
5. Prayer
6. Understanding the Mystery Truth
7. Good Works



1. II Cor. 11:2 – to present them as a chaste virgin to Christ.

2. II Cor. 4:14 – Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.

3. Eph. 5:25 – ?That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

4. Col. 1:22 – to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.

5. Jude 24 – Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy…

6. This was the goal of Paul’s ministry: to prepare men, women, and children to be presented before the Bema Seat of Christ!

7. The goal of the ministry is not just to fill a building with people; to keep folks happy and entertained; to provide lots of social activities; or to provide food, clothing, and shelter; to provide a platform for social or political activism; etc… it is to get you ready to be presented before the Bema Seat of Christ.

8. Col. 1:22 – we will be presented positionally perfected.

9. Col. 1:28 – we should strive to be conditionally perfect… because we will be presented as we are.

a. Positionally perfected: we are eternally secure.

b. Conditionally perfected: we will receive either rewards or loss of rewards… wasted time is burnt up…

A. Personal responsibility.

1. Doers of the Word and not hearers only… lest we forget.

2. Progress rather than regress… by implementing that which is learned.

3. When rebuked or exhorted, don’t kick against the pricks.

4. Be exercised by the trial… and don’t rebel against it.

5. Acknowledge personal weakness. That is real strength.

6. Spend time in God’s Word.

7. Be faithful to the local church… not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together.

8. Prayer.

9. Be caught up with the glory of the Lord… (II Cor. 3:18)

10. Striving for perfection… (Phil. 3)

11. Ultimately, perfection is the work of God.

a. Ps 18:32; 138:8

b. Heb.13:20-21

c. He that hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:6)

d. “Perform” = epitelew – to bring to an end, accomplish, perfect, execute, complete.

e. We WILL be presented holy and unblameable.

f. However, we will also be judged according to our works with respect to rewards. For this we are to strive… God working in and through us… not apart from us… or we apart from Him.


The Sphere of Perfection: In Christ

1. Perfection (maturity; spiritual growth) comes ONLY through our position in Christ…

a. One must KNOW his position… be taught in his position.

b. He must BELIEVE these truths about his position in Christ.

c. He must then REST (abide) in his glorious position…

d. By abiding in our position… Christ’s life flows through us… His fullness becomes ours… His strength, wisdom, grace, holiness, purity… REAL fruit…

2. Eph. 4:15 – grow up into Him… growth is connected to our relationship to Christ… resting In Him… abiding In Him… communing with Him… worshipping Him…

a. Spiritual growth comes as a result of our relationship to a Person… not through our efforts or merit.

b. Justification is by faith… so is sanctification by faith: FAITH in Christ… trusting in Him… resting in Him…

c. As we trust in Him… rest in Him… abide in Him… that relationship has an enormous effect on us! His LIFE is manifested through us… the fruit of Christlike character is manifested through us…

d. As we spend time sitting at the feet of Jesus, beholding His glory… we are gradually changed INTO that image, from glory to glory.

e. We grow INTO HIM… perfection (maturity) comes from being IN Christ… and abiding there!

f. The branch that is NOT abiding in Christ will never bear fruit… for without Christ, we can do nothing.

g. And when genuine Holy Spirit produced fruit IS borne by us, even that is HIS work in us… not merely our work for Him.

h. Any work that we do for Him that is of any value is a result of His work in us. The branch produces NOTHING on its own. In our flesh dwells NO good thing.

i. But IN CHRIST… that branch is exceedingly fruitful!

j. IN CHRIST that branch bears complete, mature, full-grown fruit… perfection is the result of our relationship to Christ. Period.

k. The believer does not grow spiritually nor does he become mature (perfected) in the faith by drawing up or following a checklist of rules and checking them off one by one.
• Music: I have all the right CDs
• Clothes: all my clothes have been approved by the board
• Words: my vocabulary has met all the requirements
• Entertainment: I only participate in the approved forms of entertainment.
• Therefore: I am mature!
• Not so! That kind of living results in self-righteousness rather than spiritual maturity.
• That kind of living results in flesh glorying in its own accomplishments…

l. True Christian living is Christ in us. The Holy Spirit produces His character in us as we YIELD to Him… surrender our will to His… walk in FAITH (resting; trusting)… and are willing to follow His leading wherever it takes us…
• The end results are changes that are heartfelt…
• This results in internal changes in behavior because we want to honor Christ… we truly desire to manifest Him… we want to display HIS grace, holiness, purity, love, righteousness…
• It is not FORCING behavioral changes against our will in order to “fit in” with the expectations of men… but rather, it is a WILLING submission to the yoke of Christ… listening to music that honors Him… willing to sacrifice self in order to attend church services because we WANT to… choosing clothing to please the Lord, not self (dressing up to come to church; modest clothing; avoiding outlandish styles; etc.) refusing to support questionable Hollywood movies, NOT because they are on a taboo list, but because they dishonor Christ!
• Convictions that are our own… not someone else’s… and those are the only kind of convictions that stick.
• Changes in lifestyle that is sourced in the Holy Spirit rather than the flesh…
• And a life that glorifies God, rather than our own accomplishments…

3. Present every man perfect in Christ: Perfection comes from position… knowing, believing, resting, and abiding in Christ…

4. At the presentation, our condition will finally match our position… forevermore!

The Goal of the Ministry:

The Presentation of Believers at the Bema

The Bema Seat

1. Seat: (bema)

a. In the ancient games in Athens, the Bema was a raised platform on which the judge sat and from which he rewarded the winners of the games.

b. In the Athenian games, the bema was a seat of reward, and was not used as a judicial seat.

2. Judgment: (criterion) the rule by which one judges.

a. The contestants in the games stood before the bema, and the judge scrutinized their performance on the basis of his criteria…

b. The winners were given rewards.

c. The judgment seat of Christ is a place where believers will stand before the Lord… and rewarded… for all those who believe are overcomers… winners.

3. The Bema seat is to be distinguished from the Great White Throne which is for unbelievers exclusively.

4. WHO: Only true believers will be present at the Bema Seat… judgment seat of Christ.

5. WHEN: The bema takes place between the rapture and the Second Coming. It is associated with the believer’s resurrection at the rapture… (Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me) and it is completed by the time of the Second Coming.

6. WHERE: Occurs in heaven… for the church is raptured TO heaven… and is seen in heaven crowned before the throne.

7. WHY:

a. Has nothing to do with eternal destiny. The issue is not whether a man is saved or not. (It occurs in heaven.)

b. It has only to do with rewards for faithful service.

8. The Bema Seat is a judgment seat: a judgment does occur there.

a. But WE are not being judged.
• For US (for true believers) there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
• It is not our PERSON who is being judged at the Bema.
• That is because our old man was already judged and condemned to death… at the cross.
• Our old man was crucified.
• As a person, believers have already been judged, condemned, and executed. There is no double jeopardy with God.

b. Our SINS are NOT being judged at the Bema.
• Our sins were also already judged on the cross.
• “Their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.”
• Our sins have already been forgiven at the moment of saving faith… all of them: past, present, and future.
• There is no punishment being dealt out for our sins at the Bema. The Bema is not a Protestant purgatory.
• Jesus Christ has already borne ALL of the punishment and condemnation for our sins.
• Christ already died FOR our sins. The issue of our sins has been dealt with at Calvary… and settled once and for all and forever by the precious blood of Christ.
» I Cor. 15:3 – For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.
» Gal. 1:4 – Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world.
» I John 2:1-2 – we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:? 2?And he is the propitiation for our sins.
» For this reason, as a Christian, we can experience a PURGED conscience… when we realize that our sins have already been judged and condemned… we can experience God’s rest because we KNOW our sins have been paid for and God has been eternally satisfied.
» And as we continue to live on earth, we can continue to experience this rest of mind and heart KNOWING that we will never have to face a penalty for our sins.

c. It is our WORKS as new creatures that are being judged…
• II Cor. 5:10 – “the things done in our body… whether it be good or bad…” worthy of rewards or worthless…
» Appear = be made manifest.
» The Bema seat is going to REVEAL God’s estimate of our lives and our works.
» Man has one estimate… God has another.
» The TRUTH about our works, our thoughts, our motives, and the intents of the heart will be made manifest in that day.
• I Cor. 3:13 – Our works are judged to determine their quality (what SORT) of work we have done…
» flesh or Spirit
» for self glory or the glory of God
» in humility or pride
» whether we did our best or just did a sloppy job
• Col. 3:24-25 – we will be judged and rewarded for the good and for the wrong. (rewards or loss of rewards)
• That which is the result of the Spirit of God manifesting the indwelling life and character of Christ is rewarded. It is GOD working in us.
• Those works which are the efforts of the flesh is burned up as wood, hay, and stubble.
• When God judges our works as new creatures, there will be lots of surprises… because man can only judge by outward appearance… a very shallow and superficial means of judgment.
• Heb. 4:12 – God judges much deeper. He judges the heart… the motives and intents of the heart. He digs deeper and distinguishes between the soul and spirit… that which is emotional and truly spiritual.

9. We must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ. (II Cor. 5:10)

a. There are no exceptions.

b. Every one of our thoughts, words, deeds, motives, and even the intents of the heart shall be scrutinized by the Lord Jesus.

c. Rev. 1:13-14 – standing in the midst of the 7 churches is the Son of Man… observing everything… and His piercing eyes are as a flame of fire… penetrating…

d. Rev. 19:7-8 – The purpose of this judgment is to prepare us for the Marriage of the Lamb… to remove all dross… and robe us in white linen… fit for eternity with Christ.

e. The purpose of the ministry is to prepare men, women, and children for that day… to be presented before the Bema Seat… and ultimately to be presented before the Marriage of the Lamb…
• The reward believers receive is only for that which remains AFTER the fires of the Bema seat burn away all dross, wood, hay, and stubble.
• Note that it is not the believer who burns, but his works done in the flesh.
• This is not punishment or purgatory. Actually, it is a blessing—to have the dross removed… purifying the gold that remains… pure and white for the Marriage of the Lamb.


1. The Term.

a. Defined: to place beside or near; to set at hand; to place a person or thing at one’s disposal

b. Usages:
• Acts 27:24 – Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar.
• Luke 2:22 – ?And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.
• Rom. 6:13 – neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin…
• Rom. 12:1 – present your bodies a living sacrifice…
• Rom. 14:10 –we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. (be presented before it… made to stand there…)
• Eph. 5:27 – ?That he might present it to himself a glorious church…
• Col. 1:22 – to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.
• Col. 1:28 – that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

c. One day we ALL shall be yielded over to the Lord… made to stand before Him… yielded over to Him… presented to Him… turned over to Him… to be placed at His disposal…
• A day of presenting is coming for us all as believers.
• A day of standing before His judgment seat…
• Are you ready? The purpose of the ministry of the local church is to help GET you ready!

2. Paul’s point in Col. 1:28 is that the PURPOSE of the preaching, warning, and teaching ministry is to get men prepared for that day!

a. He preaches and teaches SO THAT he might have the privilege of presenting believers PERFECT before the Lord…

b. Nothing thrilled the apostle Paul quite like the JOY of thinking about those he won to Christ, discipled, taught, and brought them to maturity in Christ… and thinking of them being presented before the Lord! (I Thess. 2:19-20)

c. As a minister of the gospel… a teacher of God’s Word, this was Paul’s real joy.

3. Heb. 13:17 – BUT, there are also some believers who will NOT bring their spiritual leaders joy, but sorrow in that day!

a. They too will be presented before the Lord… but they will NOT bring great joy to those who watch for their souls… to their earthly shepherds… they will bring sorrow and grief.

b. The wayward sheep who refuses to respond to the care of the shepherd, breaks the shepherd’s heart.

c. If they are born again (real sheep) they will all be presented before the Lord… but instead of being presented as perfect, they will be presented as babes in Christ who SHOULD have progressed… who should have gone on to perfection, but did not… who should have grown up and produced much fruit…

d. But instead of going on to perfection, they stagnated… they regressed… became carnal, self-centered, worldly, lazy, and lived for themselves.

e. There have been quite a few such folks I have dealt with over the years. In my earlier years in the ministry, I used to get upset at them. Now, the anger has turned to grief, pity, sorrow… for them… because they are missing out on God’s best for their lives… and on rewards.

f. The shepherd grieves not for himself, but for the sheep! That sheep lost out on some valuable years of his spiritual life… ruined, wasted, never to be retrieved… wood, hay, and stubble.

g. Life is too short and too precious to waste. Use it for God! Give your all to the Lord. Put your all on the altar… whatever the price.

h. Only one life; will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.

4. All true believers will be presented before the Lord in absolute positional perfection.

a. Heb. 10:14 – For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. (positionally)

b. Eph. 5:25 – ?That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

c. Jude 24 – Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy

d. Col. 1:22 – to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.

e. This is all because our sin and our sins have been eternally judged and condemned once and for all and forever at the cross.

f. Forgiveness has already been granted and there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. None.

g. The believer today is robed in the very righteousness of God. (Rom. 3:22) – “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ and is unto all and upon all them that believe…”

h. This is entirely to be attributed to Christ’s work for us on the cross. He saved us to the uttermost; He perfected us forever; we have been positionally sanctified once and for all; God sees us IN His Son… robed in the righteousness of God.

i. This is entirely by grace through faith. God’s work on our behalf.

j. Positionally, we will be presented before the throne of God faultless… blameless… unreproveable in His sight.

5. But NOT every true believer will have many rewards for his life’s service on earth.

a. I Cor. 3:15 – For some believers MOST of their works will be burnt up…

b. They will have wasted most of their Christian lives… wasted on pursuing the world’s air bubbles, and the cheap trinkets and pleasures of this life… It is not necessarily evil things… just wasted… not done in the power of the Spirit of God.

c. They will be saved, but so as by fire… rescued from the world, the flesh, and sin, but by the skin of their teeth… with precious little to show for it.

d. They blew their opportunities for rewards by living for SELF rather than living for the Lord.

e. No believer will be presented before the Lord in absolute conditional perfection

f. Hence, the PURPOSE of the ministry is to goad us all along that pathway… to exhort one another daily lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin… to provoke one another to love and good works… and to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together…

The goal of Paul’s ministry: Preparing Men for the Bema

1. Paul preached Christ… that lost, condemned men might be saved.

a. The gospel ministry first seeks to bring the saving message to EVERY MAN… to the uttermost parts of the earth. (Salvation)

b. The purpose of the ministry is ultimately, that every man might be presented before the Lord… perfect in Christ. (Glorification)

c. But in the meantime… in the interim, the purpose of the ministry is to bring men to maturity in the faith—unto a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (sanctification)

2. Paul’s goal was not to get believers ready positionally to be presented before the Lord. That work was done by Christ on the cross… once and for all… and at the moment of saving faith, a man is placed IN Christ… and IN that glorious heavenly position in Him.

3. The goal of Paul’s ministry was rather to get believers prepared CONDITIONALLY to stand before the Lord… so that they would be presented as:

a. spiritual (as opposed to carnal and fleshly)

b. mature/perfect (as opposed to immature and childish)

c. complete (as opposed to having things lacking in their faith)

d. fruitful in every good work, (as opposed to barren)

e. consistently faithful (as opposed to occasionally faithful)

f. heavenly (as opposed to earthly)

g. filled with Christ-like character as opposed to being filled with self.

4. The goal: to prepare men, women, and children for that day… when we will be presented before the Bema Seat of Christ… and thus prepared for the Marriage of the Lamb.

a. There is a HUGE gap between our perfect position in Christ… and our very imperfect condition on earth…

b. Hence the need for the believer to be striving towards perfection… maturity… Christlikeness… all throughout this earthly sojourn.

c. Bridging that gap is the goal of the ministry… slowly, but steadily, consistently, and surely… from glory to glory!

d. Paul knew that he had not yet arrived at absolute perfection. He had arrived at maturity in a relative sense, but not in an absolute sense. There was still so much more ground to go!

e. If this was true of the apostle Paul, it is certainly true of the rest of us.

f. Since we have NOT yet attained absolute perfection… maturity… perfect Christlikeness… hence, there is the NEED for the ministry…

g. The goal of the ministry is NOT:
• just to fill a building with people; (reading the church growth manuals one might make that conclusion!)
• to keep folks happy and entertained; (to observe what’s going on across the country one might assume this is the goal of the ministry)
• to provide lots of social activities;
• or to provide food, clothing, and shelter;
• to provide a platform for social or political activism;
• The goal of the ministry is not to help make life on earth more comfortable. The goal of the ministry is to prepare believers for eternity in heaven!
• The goal of the ministry is to get you ready to be presented before the Bema Seat of Christ… and ultimately that formal and eternal consummation of our relationship to Christ—the Marriage of the Lamb.

h. Col. 1:22 – Paul knew that ultimately, every true believer will be presented positionally perfected.
• Col. 1:28 – But he also knew that we sheep are often lax in striving to be conditionally perfect…
• Col. 1:29 – this was the goal towards which Paul labored his entire Christian life.

5. Paul and the other apostles always kept the Bema Seat in mind as they ministered. Any faithful Bible teacher should.

a. I Thess. 3:10 – he desired to perfect that which was lacking in their faith.

b. II Cor. 13:9 – He longed for their perfection.

c. II Cor. 13:11 – He exhorted them to be perfect.

d. II Cor. 5:8-11 – knowing the terror (a sobering reverence) of standing before the Lord motivated Paul his whole life long.
• Because he knew he would one day be with the Lord, he labored… he strove… to be accepted before him, conditionally.
• He reminds the Corinthians (and us) that we must ALL stand before the Bema one day… and that we must give an account!
• Knowing this should motivate us all.
• Our present life is God’s university for His children.
• Today is the day of preparation.
• The Bema Seat is our time final exam.
• In a sense, everything we do in this life is working toward that day… when our lives will be examined by fire. It is a sobering thought. It put the fear of God in Paul. It should in us too!

e. Phil.1:9-11 – And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment?; ? 10That ye may approve? things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; ? 11Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.

f. I Thess. 2:11-12 – As ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father doth his children,? That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

g. Heb. 13:20-21 – the apostle prayed for their perfection.

h. I Pet. 1:7 – Peter’s goal was for the suffering saints to “hang in there” during their times of trial, because he knew that at the Bema Seat, it would bring rewards to them, and praise, honor, and glory to God.
• Peter was also aware of how easy it is in a time of trial to throw in the towel, capitulate to the enemy, the test… and thus LOSE the reward we could have had.
• Peter wanted something better for his readers at the Bema Seat. He wanted them all to come forth as gold… so that they would be presented as pure gold before the Bema… rather than full of dross.

i. With respect to the world, they had the Great WhiteThrone in mind… and the salvation of the lost. With respect to believers, they had the Bema Seat in mind.

j. The apostles strove to teach God’s Word so that they might present every man perfect in Christ Jesus in that day.

6. II Cor. 11:2 – to present them as a chaste virgin to Christ

a. But Paul FEARED… because being presented to Christ in perfection… maturity… is NOT a given.

b. Though the Corinthians started off well, Paul feared that they might not end well… like Solomon.

c. He feared that they would listen to the false teachers and that their progress towards maturity and Christlikeness would be hindered… as he feared for the Galatian believers.

d. He wanted to present them before the Lord as a chaste virgin, but he feared that it might not happen.

e. He feared that MUCH of their lives would be burnt up as dross… worthless… carnal… what a waste!

7. I know exactly what Paul means.

a. I have often feared for the spiritual well being of many believers who have passed through these doors over the years.

b. I have watched believers disintegrate spiritually right before my very eyes… regress spiritually… drift away… slowly, gradually… refusing help… refusing to respond to the Word.

c. Some drifted back to the pleasures of the world… like Demas. Some drifted into false teaching like Hymenaeus. Some allowed their spiritual lives to be choked out by the riches and cares of the world. Some through neglect, just lost interest in spiritual things. Some drifted away because someone offended them. Some drifted away because they were unwilling to put away a particular sin. Others drifted away because they came under the sway of some radical and extremist teaching. Some drifted away because they were no longer the center of attention.

d. For the shepherd and the rest of the sheep observing such drifting… it is heart breaking… but that is part of the ministry. Jesus too was grieved when He observed how men in His day neglected spiritual things.

e. But we don’t quit exhorting. We continue… because God says so… and because God speaks to His children THROUGH His children… as they use the Word to exhort and admonish.

f. Jas. 5:19-20 – by exhorting a brother, we might be used of God to “convert” him… bring about repentance… and perhaps save him from the misery of a multitude of sins… and perhaps save him from many wasted years… and loss of rewards…

g. Write letters. Send cards. Send emails. Include Bible verses. Visit the brethren. Have them over your home for fellowship and encouragement.

h. One little word of encouragement or challenge… just speaking a Bible verse to a brother might be all it takes to cause a brother sitting on a fence to fall over on the right side.

i. You and I can influence the spiritual lives of members of the Body… for good.

j. God can use us to prepare them to stand before Him… and receive a well down… rather than have years go up in smoke.

k. That’s the goal of the ministry in Col. 1:28.

Personal Responsibility and Cooperation

1. The pastor and teachers in the local church can provide the most nourishing food for the sheep… food which promotes spiritual health and spiritual growth.

a. But it does no good unless the sheep EAT the food… take it in… receive the Word.

b. Believers have a responsibility to RESPOND in faith and obedience… or they will be ashamed at the Bema Seat of Christ.

2. The shepherd and the sheep have a responsibility to exhort such drifters… but ultimately, it is up to the individual to RESPOND to the exhortation.

a. We are only watchmen. Our job is to blow the trumpet and warn of danger. If we remain silent, we are guilty if the sheep are destroyed.

b. But if we sound the trumpet, and the sheep refuse to respond… God holds them accountable.

c. Those sheep will experience great LOSS at the Bema Seat…

d. The GOAL of the ministry is to prepare men, women, and children for the Bema.

e. Thus, we are to keep after one another… in love… provoke one another… exhort one another…

f. We don’t want to see believers ruin their spiritual lives… or waste time… or become ensnared by the tricks of the devil. We want to see believers go on to perfection… grow up… mature… become fruitful… Christlike… and thus be presented perfect in Christ Jesus at the Bema.

g. If folks don’t respond in faith and obedience, they will NOT be prepared to stand before the Lord. They will find themselves ASHAMED at His coming.

3. The goal of this minister and this ministry is to present every man here perfect in Christ Jesus at the Bema Seat. Consider YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in that process:

a. The sheep hear the Word in the local church, but unless they are DOERS of the Word… it is not accomplishing God’s will for sanctification in their lives. (James 1:22)

b. The sheep have a responsibility to have their senses exercised to discern good and evil. (Heb. 5:14)

c. Chastening is designed for our spiritual growth, sanctification, and perfection… but it is useless unless we are EXERCISED thereby. (Heb. 12:11)

d. It is the believer’s responsibility to go on to perfection. (Heb. 6:1) God expects him to be making progress rather than regress… by implementing that which is learned.

e. The branch is required to abide in the Vine or it will bear no fruit. Apart from abiding in a close relationship to Christ, we can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)

f. The believer/priest is required to give diligence to be continually adding Christian virtue to their lives. (II Pet. 1:5)

g. God expects the believer to continually press toward the mark… (Phil. 3:14)

h. God expects us as believers to minister one to another… and to function in the Body according to the ability that God gives. (I Pet. 4:10-11)

i. God expects us to be in the Word and beholding the glory of the Lord… if we want this perfection/transformation process to occur. (II Cor. 3:18)

j. God expects us all to be continually walking in the Spirit… and we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Gal. 5:16) This is OUR responsibility. This involves walking by faith; reckoning self to be dead and yet alive; yielding our members to God; and walking in the good works that He has ordained for us.

k. God expects us to be continually examining our hearts…and dealing with sin. Confessing it and forsaking it. Ask the Lord to reveal areas in our hearts that need changing… repentance. (Psa.139:23-24)

4. One day we will all be PRESENTED before the Bema Seat of Christ… placed at His disposal.

a. We ought to be presenting our old man over to the cross by faith on a daily basis… reckoning him to be dead.

b. We ought to be yielding our members over to Him today… we ought to be presenting our bodies to Him TODAY… in preparation of that final exam!

c. If we are faithful in presenting our old man to the cross, presenting our members to God, and presenting our bodies to God as a living sacrifice, then WE will be ready to be presented before the Bema.

d. Ready or not… Christ is coming… so be ready. Be prepared. Occupy till He comes!

5. And if you are NOT yet saved…

a. What are you waiting for? Swallow your pride and BELIEVE!

b. If you continue to postpone getting saved, one day soon you will be presented before the Great White Throne.

c. In that day, it will be too late to be saved. ALL those at the Great White Throne are cast into the Lake of Fire… no exceptions.

d. Today is the day to be saved. Today you are either completely and eternally saved… or you are completely and eternally lost and on your way to Hell.

e. The only escape is by being born again… you need NEW LIFE. And Christ offers it to you freely… by faith.

f. But you must RECEIVE Christ by faith. Do it today.


The Sphere of Perfection: In Christ (Col. 1:28)

1. Perfection (maturity; spiritual growth) comes ONLY through our position in Christ…

a. One must KNOW his position… be taught in his position.

b. He must BELIEVE these truths about his position in Christ.

c. He must then REST (abide) in his glorious position…

d. By abiding in our position… Christ’s life flows through us… His fulness becomes ours… His strength, wisdom, grace, holiness, purity… REAL fruit…

2. Eph. 4:15 – grow up into Him… growth is connected to our relationship to Christ… resting In Him… abiding In Him… communing with Him… worshipping Him…

a. Spiritual growth comes as a result of our relationship to a Person… not through our efforts or merit.

b. Justification is by faith… so is sanctification by faith: FAITH in Christ… trusting in Him… resting in Him…

c. As we trust in Him… rest in Him… abide in Him… that relationship has an enormous effect on us! His LIFE is manifested through us… the fruit of Christlike character is manifested through us…

d. As we spend time sitting at the feet of Jesus, beholding His glory… we are gradually changed INTO that image, from glory to glory.

e. We grow INTO HIM… perfection (maturity) comes from being IN Christ… and abiding there!

f. The branch that is NOT abiding in Christ will never bear fruit… for without Christ, we can do nothing.

g. And when genuine Holy Spirit produced fruit IS borne by us, even that is HIS work in us… not merely our work for Him.

h. Any work that we do for Him that is of any value is a result of His work in us. The branch produces NOTHING on its own. In our flesh dwells NO good thing.

i. But IN CHRIST… that branch is exceedingly fruitful!

j. IN CHRIST that branch bears complete, mature, full grown fruit… perfection is the result of our relationship to Christ. Period.

k. The believer does not grow spiritually nor does he become mature (perfected) in the faith by drawing up or following a checklist of rules and checking them off one by one.
• Music: I have all the right CDs
• Clothes: all my clothes have been approved by the board
• Words: my vocabulary has met all the requirements
• Entertainment: I only participate in the approved forms of entertainment.
• Therefore: I am mature!
• Not so! That kind of living results in self righteousness rather than spiritual maturity.
• That kind of living results in flesh glorying in its own accomplishments…

l. True Christian living is Christ in us. The Holy Spirit produces His character in us as we YIELD to Him… surrender our will to His… walk in FAITH (resting; trusting)… and are willing to follow His leading wherever it takes us…
• The end results are changes that are heartfelt…
• This results in internal changes in behavior because we want to honor Christ… we truly desire to manifest Him… we want to display HIS grace, holiness, purity, love, righteousness…
• It is not FORCING behavioral changes against our will in order to “fit in” with the expectations of men… but rather, it is a WILLING submission to the yoke of Christ… listening to music that honors Him… willing to sacrifice self in order to attend church services because we WANT to… choosing clothing to please the Lord, not self (dressing up to come to church; modest clothing; avoiding outlandish styles; etc.) refusing to support questionable Hollywood movies, NOT because they are on a taboo list, but because they dishonor Christ!
• Convictions that are our own… not someone else’s… and those are the only kind of convictions that stick.
• Changes in lifestyle that is sourced in the Holy Spirit rather than the flesh…
vi. And a life that glorifies God, rather than our own accomplishments…

3. Present every man perfect in Christ: Perfection comes from position… knowing, believing, resting, and abiding in Christ…

I Labor, Yet Not I

Paul’s Work For God

A. The Goal: Presenting Men Perfect in Christ.

1. Whereunto:

a. This refers back to verse 28, where Paul speaks the purpose of his ministry.

b. The purpose of his ministry was to “present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”

c. Whereunto… (eis) = unto this goal… in this direction… toward this end… Paul labored.

d. Paul’s entire life’s work was directed toward that end… to see men, women, and children come to know Christ, grow in Him, mature, and become fruitful… and thus READY to be presented before the Judgment Seat.

e. In vs. 28 Paul tells us the purpose of his ministry.

f. In vs. 29 he tells us that this goal was that for which he labored diligently… and strove to accomplish.

g. The perfection of the saints was the purpose of his ministry. It was also the goal of all his labors and efforts… to present believers perfect before the Bema.

B. The Labor:

1. The term defined: (kopiw)

a. Strong’s: to grow weary, tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief), to labour with wearisome effort.

b. Wuest: “to grow weary, exhausted, to labor with wearisome effort, to labor to the point of exhaustion.”

c. Lightfoot; “This word is used especially of the labor undergone by the athlete in his training.”

2. The verb: present active indicative.

a. Present: Paul worked continually… without ceasing… with this goal in mind.

b. Active: Paul was the subject of the action… HE did the work. There was nothing passive about Paul’s ministry.

c. This verb does NOT indicate God working in Paul. Rather, it speaks of Paul himself doing the work.

d. Paul worked in the ministry… and he worked hard… continually.

3. The ministry OUGHT to be hard work… in spite of all the jokes to the contrary… and I’ve heard them all!

4. Sometimes the ministry is hard work physically.

a. John 4:6 – Jesus labored to the point of exhaustion in the ministry.
• Jesus sat on the well… all alone… wearied (same word). He wasn’t pretending to be weary. He WAS weary!
• He had gone way out of His way to meet with this woman at the well, so that He might minister to her.
• He sat there all alone on the well… his disciples had gone into town; Christ was there alone… waiting for a private meeting with the Samaritan woman: a sinful, immoral woman who was presently living in sin…
• He had a long conversation with her about Living Water… and her soul’s need.
• Jesus labored hard. He walked many miles to get there.
• He broke the taboos of the people by speaking to a Samaritan woman. But His toil and labor paid off: she got saved and brought other men to Christ!
• But this work left Christ weary… exhausted.

4. Sometimes the ministry is hard work spiritually.

a. I Cor. 9:25 – striving for the mastery.
• There is agony and struggle involved in keeping oneself pure… fit for the Master’s use.
• Just as athletes exert much effort, energy, and sacrifice into their endeavors, the servant of the Lord is to do no less in a far more important race: the Christian life!
• This requires effort, battles to face, foes to face, and dealing with our sin nature on a daily basis…
• There is the struggle of trusting God moment by moment… (when the tendency is to trust in self)
• There is the struggle of trusting in God’s Word… rather than leaning on our own understanding…
• There is the struggle of keeping our old man on the cross by faith…
• There is the struggle of dealing with pride, anger, lust, greed, selfishness, worldliness, etc… facing the enemy within!
• This is fighting the good fight (the good struggle) of the faith…
• To do it well requires all the effort, dedication, and sacrifice of an Olympic athlete.

b. I Thess. 5:12 – there are men in the local church who LABOR over the flock… and their work is very rarely seen.
• This refers to the elders and their oversight. It is hard work… meeting with believers, discussing issues, problems, agonizing over the best way to treat delicate subjects; dealing with matters of discipline, studying the Word and teaching. It is hard work.
• Often the decisions are misunderstood by the flock because they are not privy to all the information that went into making the decision. Then there is hard work dealing with the aftermath.
• We might apply this to the deacons too. They sacrifice precious time too to meet and discuss the Lord’s work… keep the books… keep track of the building… fixing broken things… etc.
• There is much LABOR involved in serving God by ministering to the needs of His people.

6. The Bible is crystal clear on this point: those who serve the Lord are to work hard… diligently…

a. Ecc. 12:12 – “much study is a weariness of the flesh.”

b. I Tim. 5:17 – some elders labor in the Word and doctrine.

c. II Tim. 2:15 – studying and rightly dividing the word is work… it requires a workman… a laborer… and one who labors thus need not be ashamed (in spite of all the jokes!)

d. In I Cor. 15:10, Paul stated that he “labored more abundantly than them all!” He wasn’t boasting (as we’ll see later). He was simply stating a fact.

7. Hard work applies not only to the pastor and the missionary but it applies to ALL the servants of God in His work!

a. The Sunday school teacher, deacon, elder, nursery worker, clean up crew, and every other ministry in the local church…

b. But especially so with those who labor in the Word of God.

c. Rom. 16:12 – God honors those who labor in the work of the Lord. There is a long list of men and women who worked together in the things of Christ… and worked hard. God praises their labors here.

d. Perhaps some folks here are relatively new… and have no idea of how much work is involved, and how many members it takes laboring together for the services on the Lord’s Day to function smoothly. (nursery; clean up crew; Sunday school teachers; officers meetings; making bulletins; ushering; checking the parking lot; setting up chairs; preparing for the Lord’s Table; fellowship night; clean up; preparing piano pieces; choir rehearsal; taking out the trash; mowing the lawn; etc…)

e. Have you any idea of how much work is involved in putting on a church dinner? A musical program? Building maintenance? Landscaping? A ladies’ banquet? A VBS program? Mission trip? Awana?

f. Somebody has to DO all that work. It doesn’t get done by itself.

g. That’s the way God designed the Body to function—like our human body. Lots of functions and operations are going on inside quietly and unnoticed… but they are absolutely necessary.

h. I Cor. 15:58 – “Therefore my beloved brethren, be YE steadfast, unmovable, always ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord… forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

8. Resting in the Lord does not mean that we are absolved from all responsibility to WORK for the Lord.

a. One man put it this way: “Truly to rest in God is to yield oneself up to the highest activity.”

b. When we by faith enter into God’s rest, this kind of toil and labor… while it may be physically and spiritually exhausting… it does not wear us out or burn us out. It is in fact a delight!

c. We may be physically tired in the Lord’s work… we may be emotionally drained… but at perfect peace and rest in our mind, heart, and conscience!

d. That’s God’s rest. And His rest does not mean inactivity. It means powerful service for His glory!

C. The Striving:

1. The term: agonizomai:

a. Strong’s: to enter a contest: contend in the gymnastic games. 2 to contend with adversaries, fight. 3 metaph. to contend, struggle, with difficulties and dangers. 4 to endeavor with strenuous zeal, strive: to obtain something.

b. Wuest: To agonize, a favorite metaphor with Paul who is now a prisoner.

c. Lightfoot: to contend in athletic games.

d. I Tim. 6:12 – “fight the good fight of faith.” (same word)

e. II Tim. 4:7 – “I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course…”

f. A noun form of this term is used of the Lord in Gethsemane when He agonized over facing the cross. (Luke 22:44)
• Agonia: a struggle for victory. 1a gymnastic exercise, wrestling. 2 of severe mental struggles and emotions, agony, anguish.
• Fulfilling the will of God caused the Lord Jesus to experience great agony… but He submitted to it… and said, “Not my will but thine be done.”
• That is the spiritual struggle… (Contest or battle) we all face: learning to submit to “not my will but thine be done.”

2. Paul seemed to have SPIRITUAL toil and agony in mind.

a. Agonizing in prayer. (Col. 4:12)

b. Agonizing over souls.

c. The spiritual care (burden) of the churches on the heart of a minister. (II Cor. 11:28)

d. Agonizing over believers who are not getting along.

e. Agonizing over divisive issues that arise among the saints.

f. Agonizing over the influence of the world in the lives of believers.

g. Agonizing over the incredibly slow growth of the church… and of what seems like such little visible fruit…

h. If a pastor or missionary thinks of his ministry just as a “job”… and isn’t involved in the lives of the people… isn’t burdened for them… then the “job” is relatively easy… burden free. But when there IS a deep love for the sheep… and concern for them, for their families, for their growth… then the ministry is agonizing.

3. The ministry can be agonizing… on many different levels.

a. Gal. 4:11 – Paul poured his heart and soul into those folks… and then agonized over the fact that all his labor might be in vain… IF they listen to the false teachers.

b. It can be agonizing… discouraging to put so much effort into an individual, a family, a couple… and then see them wander away… turn sour over the local church… reject counsel…

c. It can be agonizingly discouraging to put much time and effort into witnessing to a loved one… and to see him reject it all lightly.

d. But we fight on… fighting the good fight… and we never, never, never give up!

God’s Work Through Paul

A. Paul’s Striving was God Working

1. This indicates that the work in which Paul was engaged was a work that was beyond his ability to perform!

a. He needed a power beyond himself… he needed supernatural power.

b. As a hunk of clay, Paul had no power to transform lives and to prepare men for the Judgment Seat of Christ.

c. Paul acknowledges that in carrying out this great work, it required CHRIST working in him… and through him.

d. And this is exactly what God has supplied: Christ in us the hope of glory!

e. I Cor. 15:10 – it was by God’s grace that Paul was able to labor for His name.

2. Paul’s striving was in reality GOD working in him.

a. The apostle is acknowledging his utter weakness.

b. In fact, it is only when we acknowledge our utter weakness that God’s power is free to operate in and through us!

c. Thus, Paul states that he labored and strove with great intensity in order to accomplish a task that was completely beyond his ability to perform. (saving souls; bringing men to perfection)

d. And the reason he is able to accomplish the impossible is because of the God of the impossible dwells within him… empowers him… and God accomplishes HIS perfect will through a weak, but surrendered vessel.

e. That’s all God needs… and that is the only vessel He will empower and use! He doesn’t need great talents and human strength…

f. God delights in manifesting HIS power and glory through old clay pots like us!

g. As Paul strove, he FELT weak and powerless.
• I Cor. 2:1-5 – Paul approached the Corinthians in his own weakness.
• He did not come with excellency of speech. He wasn’t trying to dazzle them with his skills in oratory.
• Vs. 2 – in fact, he avoided the “heady” issues and stuck to the basics: Christ and the cross!
• He came to them acknowledging his weakness; in fear and trembling.
• He KNEW that the task before him was entirely beyond his ability to perform: he can’t save souls!
• He was not going to argue folks into salvation; or persuade them to believe by his airtight arguments;
• Instead Paul came to them fearful… painfully aware of his own frailty… and the power of the enemy… and how easily he could revert to the flesh… trust in his own wisdom or his own strength… and thus nullify God’s power in him.
• Vs. 4 – Paul came to labor for the Lord conscious of his utter helplessness, and yielded himself to God so that THROUGH that clay pot might be demonstrated the POWER of the indwelling Spirit of God.
• Powerful things occurred as a result of Paul’s labors there: souls were saved; a church was established; believers grew into the image of Christ;
• But this was NOT a demonstration of Paul’s skills or wisdom. It was a demonstration of GOD working in him!
• So don’t be discouraged if you FEEL inadequate to teach Sunday school or serve in Awana or some other ministry. That fear is spiritually healthy… and will cause you to lean on the Lord and His strength…
• The end result of that kind of ministry is a demonstration of God’s power… unto God’s glory.
• God doesn’t need smart people; rich people; talented people; He needs and uses yielded and surrendered people… like a little boy with a lunch to offer Jesus!

h. I Pet. 4:10-11 – we labor and serve according to “the ability which God giveth.” Hence, when the work is done, God gets all the glory. It is HIS work in and through us. We are a mere vessel.

3. All of Paul’s efforts (or my efforts or yours!) in serving the Lord are absolutely useless apart from God working in us.

a. Whether we preach a sermon, sing in the choir, share the gospel, admonish a brother, or serve in a host of other ways… unless it is Christ working in us… it is wood, hay, and stubble.

b. Whatever we do on our own… in our own power, strength, in our own wisdom, according to our own “leading”… is of no value whatsoever in the Lord’s service… regardless of how humanly talented we are… or how much energy and effort we put into it.

c. It is nothing but a demonstration of the flesh… and every manifestation of the flesh is nauseous in God’s sight… for in our flesh dwells NO good thing.

B. God Worked in Paul

1. This made Paul’s ministry to people personal.

2. God works in the local in a very personal way too.

a. God works IN the shepherd of each individual flock and He leads the shepherd to preach, warn, and teach according to what that particular flock needs to hear!

b. I pray each morning that the Lord would lead me IN His Word to the passages and truths that I and the rest of the sheep at Salem Bible Church need to hear… so that the messages will be directed of the Spirit of God towards this particular body of believers.

c. Christ is the HEAD of the Body and He directs the Body from heaven… by using Spirit filled and Spirit led men.

d. Christ is IN us… and WORKS in us… to accomplish HIS will and to perform HIS works on earth.

e. This makes Body life exceptionally personal… intimate… a demonstration of God’s power… and the indwelling LIFE of Christ.

3. Hence, while there are much better preachers and Bible teachers on the radio, they are NOT led by the Spirit to feed THIS flock.

a. They can give food that is good in a generic sense… good for all sheep.

b. However, they cannot provide specific teaching that this flock needs to hear at this particular time.

c. There is an army of “Home Baptists” who don’t go to church, but stay home and listen to the good preachers on the radio.

d. And while they are able to hear some excellent messages, they are missing out on the personal element of the local church… something GOD ordained…

4. Christianity is PERSONAL… Christianity is Christ in you the hope of glory.

a. Hence, Paul not only taught the Colossians about this wonderful mystery truth. He also LIVED it… and practiced it as he conducted his ministry for the Lord.

b. Eph. 3:20-21 – according to the power that worketh in us. Hence, GOD gets all the glory for all the good that is accomplished. It was His power operating in us.

c. Eph. 3:7 – God gives us a gift and effectually works in us to use that gift.

d. He was no different than they were: Christ lived and worked in him too!

C. God Worked in Paul Mightily

1. Paul was able to accomplish whatever God wanted to accomplish through him.

2. Paul had omnipotence working in him. Whatever God led him to do, he was ABLE to perform!

3. If Paul failed to accomplish what God led him to do, it was not because of a lack of power. It was because of a lack of faith.

4. Paul never resorted to ministerial tricks and gimmicks in the Lord’s work. (I Thess. 2:3-6)

a. He didn’t HAVE to. By faith, reckoning self to be dead, he relied solely upon the power of God working in him.

b. And he found God’s power and grace to be sufficient for all. He had omnipotence on his side.

c. Why resort to trusting in that which is infinitely weaker? (flesh; human reasoning; tricks).

d. The neo-evangelicals of today resort to such tricks in the Lord’s work… because they are lacking the power of God.

e. We don’t have to rely on rock music to attract young people to church. We don’t have to rely upon polls and surveys to determine what people want in a church.

f. All we have to do is the WORK of the Lord… work diligently at what the BIBLE says to do. (Go into the world and preach)… and trust God for the outcome.

g. We do our part. We plant and water, but God gives the increase. Plant and water in faith… trusting and believing that it is God working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure… and trust Him for the outcome.

h. We do the work… but it is truly God’s work in us.

5. I Cor. 3:9 – we are laborers together with God.

6. ILLUSTRATION: Fighting the battles of the Lord.

a. Ps. 33:16-22 – no king is saved by his army!

b. Ps. 44:6-8 – don’t trust in your human or earthly abilities.

c. Prov. 21:31 – The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety? is of the LORD.

d. Joshua 10
• Vs. 28- Joshua and his army fought against the city of Makkedah and smote it with their swords. It was a real battle…
• Vs. 29-30 – Joshua then fought against Libnah… and God gave them a great victory. But Joshua had to fight the battle.
• Vs. 31-32 – Then Joshua and his army came to Lachish and fought against. They engaged in a real struggle… a fight to the end. God gave them victory.
• Vs. 34-35 – Joshua then fought against Eglon… and God gave them victory.
• Vs. 38 – then Joshua fought against Debir and won a great victory.
• Vs. 40-42 – Joshua fought throughout the whole land… battle after battle. They were COMMANDED and led of the Lord in each case. And they were guaranteed victory too. They won victory because the LORD fought for them!
• God did not fight INSTEAD of them… but for them AS they took out their sword and engaged in the battle.
• As Joshua and his men OBEYED the clear command of God and walked by faith in obedience to His Word… God gave them victory after victory.
• Walking by faith… and engaging in spiritual conflicts with our enemies is God’s means of victory for us too.
• God won’t fight the battle instead of us. II Tim. 4:7-8 – Paul said, “I” have fought a good fight… Paul did not say that God fought the good fight for him. Rather, he says, “I” fought a good fight.
• WE have to fight… and we may be fearful… we may FEEL powerless… it might SEEM hopeless…
• But by faith, we BELIEVE that AS we struggle, it is really God working in us… and through us… and as we TRUST in Him, He will empower us to have victory over our spiritual foes too.

D. God Will Work in Us Mightily

1. Paul noted that as he labored, God worked in him mightily.

2. When we engage in our spiritual battles by faith, God not only works in us. He works MIGHTILY!

a. Eph .3:16 – That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.”

b. Eph. 3:20: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”

c. Eph. 6:10 – Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”

d. Col. 1:11 – Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power.

e. All the power and might – the omnipotence of Almighty God is available to us as we face our foes and our spiritual battles. And NOTHING is too hard for the Lord.

f. There is no foe too big for the Lord to handle… THROUGH us.

g. Consider little David against Goliath. (I Sam. 17:45-47)
• David still had to fight against the giant.
• David had to gather stones; shoot his sling; and give it his all.
• And to David it probably FELT like he was fighting the battle all by himself.
• But he was trusting in God.
• Trusting in God means we are relying upon HIM to work through us… and trusting in HIM to give us the victory.
• The battle really IS the Lord’s. Oh that we might learn that lesson!

h. Victory is always attainable… IF we acknowledge our utter weakness, reject all confidence in the flesh, and walk by faith… trusting God to work in us… through us… and to give the increase!

i. If you are struggling with anger, pride, pornography, smoking, tongue, bitterness, covetousness… whatever spiritual foe you face – KEEP ON FIGHTING!

j. Agonize in the battle… and trust God. Nothing is too hard for the lord.

k. And if you lose a few skirmishes, just keep on fighting… and never, never, never give up. God can use even our times of defeat to teach us how utterly helpless we are… and to teach us to trust in Him more!

3. Are we willing to LET God work in others mightily?

a. What should our response be to a young girl who visits the church and is dressed inappropriately?

b. What should our response be to a young man who visits the church… and his body is covered in tattoos, with shrapnel hanging off his face, and has green hair?

c. What do we do when someone like that visits our church?

d. We should look them right in the eye and in the warmest, kindest, friendliest manner possible, say WELCOME friend! We’re glad you’re here! And have we got some good news for you!

e. Some would have us chase them out… ridicule their appearance… and speak disparagingly about them… and let them know that someone in those clothes is not welcome here.

f. And they will oblige us in that too… and we will never see them again… nor again have opportunity to tell them about the Savior. They may never step foot in a Bible believing church again.

g. But that’s NOT the way God would have us treat someone made in His image and someone for whom Christ died.

h. The last thing we want to convey to a person is that in order to come to God you have to clean up your life. That’s what Lordship salvation folks teach… and it is virtually the same as salvation by works.

i. Rather, we want to convey to folks that they are to come to God “just as they are”… and let GOD work in them mightily to clean up the cup. Cleaning up the cup is the RESULT or FRUIT of salvation… not a prerequisite.

j. Do we really believe that God is able to work in lives mightily?

k. And if a young girl comes dressed immodestly, ask God for grace and strength to overlook the skimpy clothing and warmly greet the PERSON…

l. And if a young man comes looking like a Hell’s Angel… or an anarchist… as God for the grace to overlook his appearance, and show concern for his soul!

m. Those people have souls too you know! God is able to save their souls… and give them new life… and turn their lives around for His glory.

n. I know because I was one… who visited a Bible preaching church back in 1972… and came dressed extremely inappropriately… and yet was warmly welcomed.

4. Are we willing to LET God change us in a mighty way?

1.) Consider the importance of this expression “through Jesus Christ” with respect to God’s plan for victory in our lives.
a.) I Cor. 15:57 – thanks be to God which giveth us the victory THROUGH our Lord Jesus Christ.
b.) Rom. 8:37 – we are more than conquerors THROUGH him that loved us.+
c.) Phil. 4:7 – the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds THROUGH Christ Jesus.
d.) Phil. 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
e.) I Pet. 2:5 – Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God BY Jesus Christ. (BY = dia – same as through in Heb.13:21)

Let Us Go On to Perfection – our responsibility – the will of man
May God Make You Perfect – God’s responsibility – the will of God


Great Conflict for You


A. Paul’s Conflict Defined

1. 2:1 – FOR — speaks of a continuation of thought.

a. The chapter division here is not inspired…

b. It is really a continuation of the thought in 1:28-29. (read)

2. The term for conflict in 2:1:

a. Agon: Strong’s: the assembly of the Greeks at their national games… hence the contest for a prize at their games; generally, any struggle or contest… a battle.

b. This term is used in I Tim. 6:12 two times: fight the good fight of faith…

• Verb = fight = agonizomai (to contest; to struggle; fight; agonize in conflict)

• Noun = fight = agona (a contest; battle; fight; a conflict; a struggle)

c. The term is used in Heb. 12:1 – let us run with patience the race that is set before us… (contest; struggle) set before us…

d. It is used of the spiritual battle and struggle involved in living the Christian life… running the race… fighting the good fight…

e. It is also the term Paul used in Col. 1:29 = striving according to his working…

B. Paul’s Conflict Described

1. This fact links 2:1 with the previous thought…

a. Paul said that he labored and agonized in his ministry for them… (1:29)

b. In 2:1 he continues the same thought by stating that he wanted them to KNOW about this striving or agonizing over them…

c. The agonizing in 2:1 is the same as the agonizing in 1:29.

2. Over what was Paul agonizing?

a. 1:28 – His contest, struggle, battle, agonizing, or conflict was THAT he might present them perfect in Christ Jesus.

b. In other words, Paul was engaged in real spiritual warfare; a battle… a contest… an ongoing struggle… a conflict.

c. The world, the flesh, and the devil… not to mention the false teachers at Colossae were all opposed to what he was trying to accomplish.

d. Paul strove and was in great conflict FOR THEM… for their spiritual growth and progress towards perfection… spiritual maturity.

e. That’s what he was working towards. That’s what he was in a great conflict over.

f. Paul was concerned about the influence of the Gnostic-like cult in the city of Colossae. He saw this as a struggle for the hearts and minds of men… especially the believers in that region. Paul AGONIZED in this conflict!

3. His striving for them was an expression of his love for them.

a. You don’t labor to the point of exhaustion for someone unless you want the best for them. That’s love.

b. You don’t agonize in an unrelenting struggle for someone unless the love of Christ is operating in you… unless it is Christ in you, the hope of glory… unless God is working in you mightily!

c. Otherwise you’d quit! To attempt to engage in this kind of agonizing struggle in the flesh would wear a man out.

d. It would be extremely discouraging to toil to the point of exhaustion for folks who seemed to make no progress… and did not seem to appreciate or value what you were trying to do for them.

e. The flesh might make a valiant attempt, but would never endure. The flesh cannot produce good fruit… transforming believers into the image of Christ… bringing them to spiritual perfection/ maturity.

f. It requires GOD working mightily in a man to continue to be engaged in this kind of spiritual battle.

g. This is how Paul engaged in the battle… working together with God… God working in him…

h. Paul’s willingness to continue in this conflict for them was a demonstration of God’s indwelling love that knows no bounds… which was manifested THROUGH Paul’s efforts and TO the saints.

i. His conflict for them was a demonstration of both his love and the love of Christ for them.

j. Application: any kind of toilsome ministry or spiritual battle in which we are engaged FOR someone is an expression of the Love of Christ.
• Col. 4:12 – the spiritual contest of prayer for those who are weak, sick, out of fellowship, forsaking the assembly… is an expression of love. (laboring = agonizomai)
• I Thess. 1:3 – a labor of love… laboring in the Lord’s work (conducted under the filling of the Spirit) is an expression of the love of Christ.
• Every Sunday school teacher is expressing the love of Christ to their students; every dad who leads his family in devotion time is expressing the love of Christ to them all; every Vacation Bible School worker; every one who distributes gospel tracts; etc…
• Our labor and spiritual conflict for others is an expression of the love of Christ. Labors of love!

C. Those for Whom He Agonized (Col; Laod; etc.)

1. Paul mentions the Colossians and the Laodiceans (10 miles west of Colossae) specifically. But there were probably others in the Lycus Valley too that he had in mind… like the believers at Hierapolis.

2. Evidently, Paul had never met these folks face to face… but he knew what they were facing… and their battle became his… just as believers all around the world joined together to pray for the New Tribes missionaries held hostage by terrorists in the Philippines. We didn’t know them personally, but we all agonized with them.

3. Paul didn’t know these folks, but he STILL labored and strove (agonized) for their perfection… hence, this epistle!

a. He feared the Gnostic-like cult might hinder their progress.

b. He wanted to see them grow up and mature in Christ… and that they might be presented perfect before the Bema Seat.

c. For one reason or another, he wasn’t able to meet them personally… but he still had the love of Christ for them. They were brethren!

d. And while he couldn’t minister to them face to face, because he was in prison, he wrote a whole BOOK to them!

e. This too was part of his labor and striving for their perfection.

f. He didn’t want to see them overcome by the false teachers who were mixing Christianity with Jewish legalism, traditions, and pagan asceticism.

g. He agonized over their spiritual progress and did what he could to help them. This was an expression of his love for all those believers in the Lycus Valley and it was also the love of Christ working in him.

h. We too can and should be concerned for other believers around the world… folks whose faces we have never seen. We can strive in prayer for the suffering saints in China… or the new, fledgling churches of Eastern Europe…

D. He Wanted Them to KNOW of His Conflict

1. Not only did Paul have a great conflict over these folks. He wanted them to KNOW that he did!

2. Don’t misunderstand his intent here.

a. He wanted them to know of his conflict for them NOT so that they would feel sorry for him… or that they might be impressed with his work.

b. Rather, he wanted them to know of his great conflict for them because it was an expression of the love of CHRIST for them… the love of Christ working through Paul.

c. Paul wanted them to know that Christ cared for them…

d. Paul loved them in the Lord even though he wasn’t able to be there personally. (prison bars prevented that) Paul wanted them to know the love of Christ…

3. Paul wasn’t afraid to express his love toward them.

a. Paul had never met these believers, but he wanted them to know of his love for them… expressed in deeds and laboring.

b. Don’t be afraid to express your love to the brethren. Let them know they are appreciated… missed when not here… prayed for…

c. Believers easily get discouraged and begin to think that no one cares for them. They need to be reminded.

d. People don’t know that you love them… or that you have concern for them… or that you are praying for them. Sometimes they need to be TOLD!

e. Paul had labored to the point of exhaustion for these folks; he was engaged in a great conflict for them… an agonizing struggle for their spiritual well being… but because they never met, they would never KNOW… and Paul wanted them to know.

f. And again, don’t misread Paul’s motives. It was not that he wanted personal recognition for all the work he did for them. Rather, he wanted them to experience Christ’s love for them THROUGH Paul.

g. He wanted them to grow up and to be mature… to be presented perfect in Christ… and Paul was willing to agonize on their behalf toward that end.

h. Col. 1:24 – Paul would even rejoice in his sufferings on their behalf… for their sake… for the sake of the Body… that the Head might receive all the preeminence.

i. His suffering for them… His agonizing over them in ministry was but an expression of the love of Christ for them.

j. Christ the Head DWELLS in the Body… and He expresses His life and His love THROUGH yielded members of His Body. That’s how the Body is edified… because the indwelling Christ cares for you… and HE uses His Body to prove it.

k. No wonder we are commanded NOT to forsake the assembling of ourselves together.

l. When the Body meets for doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayers—BE there! We need one another!

4. Summary: Paul’s conflict was the spiritual struggle in which he was engaged, the purpose of which was that the Colossians might mature spiritually and be presented perfect in Christ at the Judgment Seat.

EVIDENCES OF PERFECTION (Maturity; Spiritual Growth)


Paul lists four evidences of spiritual maturity:

a. That their hearts might be comforted

b. Being knit together in love,

c. Unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,

d. To the acknowledgement of the mystery

1. The flow of thought:

a. Paul warned, preached, and taught about the mystery. (Christ in you) (vs. 28)

b. He did so THAT he might present them perfect in Christ. (vs. 28)

c. His ministry was toilsome and agonizing at times, but God worked in him to accomplish this goal.

d. Paul wants the Colossians to know abut his conflict for them…

e. Now he states his conflict again more specifically.
• In general, his conflict was that he might present them perfect… mature…
• Now he expands on that thought… explaining the EVIDENCES of such spiritual maturity.
• We will look at the first two today: encouraged hearts and lives that are knit together in love.
• This is evidence of progress toward perfection… towards Christlikeness.

A. That their hearts might be comforted

1. Comforted: παρακαλέω (parakal-e-oh)

a. The term means to “call alongside.”

b. It has countless shades of meaning… because you can call someone alongside for many purposes.

c. Strong’s: to call to one’s side, summon. 2 to address, speak to, which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, comfort, console, instruction, encouragement, admonition, etc. … for the purpose of building up and strengthening.

d. The term implies the RESULT of being called alongside: that the believer might be strengthened in the inner man.
• The Colossians and Laodiceans needed spiritual strength to face the false teachers… not so much comfort.
• They needed to be encouraged to stand firm as they faced the adversary…

e. Passive subjunctive:
• Passive – the action of encouragement or comfort comes from an outside source.
• Here it appears to be Christ working through a yielded member of His Body!
• The purpose of Paul’s striving was that this potential for the encouragement and strengthening of their hearts might become a reality!
• Potential action – the strengthening of hearts could happen and it should happen, but it depends upon the response of the Colossians! They needed to LET God work in and through them.

2. Heart

a. The term heart in the Bible is broad enough to include the emotions, but primarily it refers to the MIND… the thinking…

b. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he; the fool hath said in his heart, there is no god

c. Matt. 12:40 – Christ descended into the heart of the earth. Here it speaks of that which is deep, down, inside…

d. When used of our hearts, it speaks of the inner man… deep down inside… in our inner thoughts, imaginations, intents, and emotions…

3. Paul’s concern for the saints was for their hearts.

a. He wanted them encouraged, comforted, not down in the dumps and ready to quit but strengthened and ready to stand!

b. He was concerned about their spiritual condition.

c. He did not agonize over whether they were physically healthy, wealthy, or even happy.

d. He agonized over the spiritual condition of their hearts. That’s what matters the most.

4. Individual believers (you and me!) can and should be involved in comforting… exhorting… encouraging the hearts of the saints.

a. Col. 4:8 – Paul sent Tychicus there to comfort their hearts.

b. You too can be used of God to comfort the broken hearted… to be like a balm in Gilead to the weary… to encourage the downcast…

c. And as you do, it is an expression of Christ in you. That is the very thing Christ would do if He were here physically!

d. He’s not… so He uses members of His Body to minister in His name.

e. II Cor. 1:4-6 – God allows us to suffer SO THAT we might be equipped to minister to those who will experience a similar trial. We suffer ourselves SO THAT we might experience God’s presence and comfort in our lives… so that we might be better ministers and better equipped to comfort others who will go through similar experiences in life.

B. Being knit together in love

1. Knit together: συμβιβάζω (soom-bee-badzo)

a. Strong’s: to cause to coalesce, to join together, put together; to unite or knit together: in affection.

b. Two possible ways to understand this coalescing:
• Either it means that as my individual heart (inner man) is strengthened and encouraged… my heart will be united… no longer divided… or torn in different directions… but coming together… no longer weak and waffling, but joined together… a united heart.
• Or, it could mean that as believers in general are encouraged, their hearts coalesce or are knit together with OTHER believers’ hearts. They coalesce with each other corporately… the heart of one believer knit together with the hearts of other believers in the local church.

c. Paul’s usage of this term in similar contexts leads us to believe that the term means the latter: the hearts of various believers in the local church are knit together with each other…
• Used in Col 2:19 – Here Paul uses the same term (knit together) and it refers to the closeness in relationship among the members of the Body of Christ… as they all hold the Head. The closer we get to Christ, the closer we grow towards one another… it is likened to the members of the body which are organically united one to another.
• Used in Eph 4:16 – Here it is translated “joined together.” It refers again to the organic union each member of the Body has to each other… like ligaments woven and knit around the bone…
• Hence, it is best in Col. 2:2 to understand it in the same way.
• Paul put it this way:
∗ Rom. 12:5 – ?So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another
∗ Eph. 4:25 – Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.
• These passages speak of a unity and closeness among the various members of the Body because their lives have been knit together in love.

2. EVIDENCE of progress toward perfection (Christlikeness) is that our hearts are woven and knit together with other members of the Body of Christ.

a. It is evidence that the Body is being “joined together and compacted that which every joint supplieth”… it is evidence of the church as a building “fitly framed together and GROWING into a holy Temple in the Lord”… and is being made a fit habitation for God through the Spirit! (Eph. 4:16; 2:21)

b. It is an evidence of a growing understanding of and appreciation for the Body of Christ…

c. It is evidence that a believer is beginning to VALUE what God values: His Beloved Son… His life being manifested through His Body… the church.

d. It is evidence of spiritual growth in that it demonstrates a willingness to bury the taboos, the bigotry, the national, racial, social, distinctions and barriers erected by the world… a willingness to fellowship with those of LIKE precious faith… even if in the world we would have nothing in common. In Christ we have everything in common!

e. A believer CANNOT become whole, mature, spiritual healthy… apart from the Body of Christ… any more than your finger or your hand can be whole and complete all by themselves.

f. Christ the Vine said, “Without me ye can do nothing!” A branch cannot bear fruit apart from a vital, abiding relationship to the Vine.

g. A body member cannot fulfill his reason for being apart from a vital, abiding, relationship to the Body of Christ.

h. This is what Paul looked for in an assembly to see if the Body was increasing with the increase of God. Were the hearts of the saints growing in love towards one another?

i. That’s why disunity was such a serious issue. It hindered spiritual progress and growth for the individuals and the body!

j. Were the members being KNIT together as a unit? Or was the body still functioning like an assortment of individual, independent, isolated, body parts? There is not much growth or progress in that!

k. The Body is much more than a pile of parts. It is an assortment of various parts that have been designed, organized, woven together, knit together, compacted together, united together to function together as a unit under the direction of the Head.

l. We are all ONE in Christ… (Gal. 3:28) The Body of Christ has been baptized together as a unit… made one in the Spirit… and knit together as a unit.

m. That is our position. Now God expects us to BEHAVE as if we really believed it… so that it is experienced in our daily condition.

3. Note that believers are knit together in the sphere of LOVE.

a. Believers’ lives are joined together in the service of Christ in the local church… as they minister towards the goal or Christ-likeness for each member and the body corporately. Such selfless ministry is conducted in the sphere of Christian love.

b. Col. 3:14 – love is the BOND of perfection.
• Bond: that which binds together, of ligaments by which the members of the human body are united together.
• Love has a BINDING effect in the Body of Christ. It is the glue that holds it all together.
iii. Our love for Christ brings us all together. We are united around Him… and nothing else.
• Our love for one another holds us together as a body. Blest be the tie that binds!
• In Col. 3:14, love is seen an essential part of perfection or maturity. It holds it all together… it binds the wholeness together.

c. In Col. 2:2, it is listed as an EVIDENCE of perfection or maturity.

d. Of course the kind of love of which Paul speaks is not just feelings or thoughts… but feelings and thoughts that are put into action. Deeds of love!

e. And when members of the Body show love towards another member, it is also an expression of love for the whole body… because when one member suffers, all members suffer along with it.

f. When that suffering is alleviated or mitigated by an act of kindness and love… the whole body rejoices. It is good for that individual member… AND it is good for the whole Body… for the whole body benefits from encouraged, healthy members!

g. If you’ve got a broken foot or an arthritic hand, your whole body will be glad when it is fixed! It’s good for the whole!

h. When the Body is encouraged and spiritually healthy, it grows… it is maturing… progressing towards perfection… evidencing a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ… growing up in Him… being readied to stand before the Bema seat!

4. Aorist passive participle. (Lit = having been knit together…)

a. This participle further explains the main verb, comforted.

b. The grammar here implies that the heart is comforted BY MEANS OF lives being knit together in love.

c. FIRST comes the knitting together of the lives of the saints in the sphere of love. THEN comes encouragement… comfort… strength.

d. The Body is not going to be edified, encouraged, and strengthened UNTIL the members learn to love one another… and until their hearts are knit together in love.

e. For OUT OF an atmosphere of brotherly love and care comes the word of exhortation… the word of comfort… the word of encouragement… a unity around Jesus Christ.

f. How can you comfort someone if you are NOT knit together closely to them?
• You can’t comfort them unless you are close to them… and you KNOW what they are facing.
• How do you know HOW to exhort them unless there is a blending together of lives… knowing where they need exhortation?
• How can you encourage a saint unless your life has coalesced with theirs in some way so that you know what it is that discourages them?

g. Having been knit together in love… we are then ABLE to comfort or encourage their hearts.

h. The believer who punches the time clock on Sunday morning… sips the sermon… listens to the choir and then goes home without being knit together with the other saints is MISSING OUT on God’s program for this age.

i. Church is much more than sitting through a worship service. The religious world does that every week.

j. Church is God’s program for this age in which He has designed the Body to FIT TOGETHER as a unit… hearts knit together… pieces of the building fitly framed together… because we are ONE in Christ…

k. If you come to church and don’t get involved… then you are not participating in the Body LIFE… you are participating in what God is doing in the world today: manifesting the life and character of His Beloved Son through yielded members of the Body.

l. That’s why it is so important for the Body to get together to have a church picnic and share together… to participate in the hospitality night… fellowship nights… and other functions. These are not supplementary but are VITAL to the life and spiritual health of an assembly.

m. It is at such times that we fellowship and get to know one another… and our hearts are knit together in love.

n. Instead of standing along the sidelines and complaining about the failures of others… you might get to know WHY they are like they are… know better what they are facing… and you might even learn to be more understanding and thus, ABLE to help… able to pray.

o. Instead of being a hindrance to the progress of the saints towards Christlikeness… you can be used of the Lord to HELP in that progress. (Hindrance or helper: your choice!)

p. Thus, Paul states that it is AFTER our lives are knit together in love that our hearts will be comforted, edified, strengthened, encouraged, built up… and ready to face the difficulties of life victoriously.

q. The believer who refuses to participate in Body life is rejecting God’s means of strengthening his heart.

r. You can get by on your own for a while…
• Until God sends something your way that is just too BIG for you to handle.
• Then you will become aware of the weakness and frailty of the flesh… and aware of your need for strength outside of yourself…
• Then you will be brought to the place where you cry out, “Lord I need you! And I need your people! I need to be part of what you are doing…
• I need the edification and strength and comfort that comes from experiencing the LIFE and compassion of Christ through His Body.
• That expression of need is an expression of maturity and spiritual progress towards perfection: when we realize that God’s plan really is best.

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The Acknowledgment of the Mystery

 The order of progress towards perfection/maturity:

1. The lives of believers are knit together in love with members of the Body of Christ.

2. Knit together lives brings believers in the Body close to one another… where exhortation, admonition, edification, and encouragement take place. This results in edified/encouraged hearts.

3. Strong, edified hearts result in full assurance that their understanding of the faith is true and right.

4. Full assurance of understanding of truth enables a man to acknowledge the mystery.

a. Thus, the goal or final step of spiritual maturity is a deep understanding (intellectually and experientially) in the mystery of God.

b. This is what Paul agonized over: that the Colossian saints would not be swerved away from the truth by the false teachers… and that they would progress towards maturity… and come to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God…

c. This is our goal for each and every believer here today too!

The Mystery of God, the Father, and Christ

A. Mystery Defined

1. Mystery: The term: μυστήριον (moo-stay-rion) – hidden thing, a religious secret, a hidden purpose or counsel.

a. The term does NOT mean something eerie or mysterious… in the sense of a spy novel… or something hard to understand.

b. It refers to truth which, without divine revelation could NEVER be discovered or known by man.

c. A mystery was a secret hidden away in the mind and heart of God. Hence, it was no secret to God… just to men and angels!

2. Basically, the mystery is previously unrevealed truth about the Church… the Body of Christ…

a. In the Old Testament, no one knew about the church. Neither Adam, David, Moses or anyone in the Old Testament knew… and it was not because they were not discerning men or unspiritual.

b. It wasn’t because they were careless readers of what we call the Old Testament. They didn’t see the mystery in the Old Testament because it wasn’t there!

c. They COULD NOT have known it until God revealed it!

d. God never let anyone know in the Old Testament that He had a plan to magnify His Son by establishing a spiritual union between Christ and believers in this age… called the Body of Christ, the Church.

e. But in the process of time… God’s new plan was unfolded… the veil was removed… and it was gradually revealed through the writings of the New Testament apostles and prophets.

f. It is no longer a mystery… but was recorded for us 2000 years ago. It is no longer veiled, but fully revealed…

g. Now, it needs to be acknowledged… and put into practice.

B. God, the Father, and Christ

1. There is a textual issue in this phrase.

a. The word “Father” does not appear in most manuscripts.

b. It does appear in some Greek texts…

c. The difference in meaning is quite minor.

2. The meaning if we include “Father.”

a. The mystery of God which is Christ includes the role of the Father…

b. It is the mystery of God… even the Father.

c. This certainly is in harmony with the previous thought. The Father GAVE His Son. The Father planned it all. The Father kept this secret for ages and generations.

d. Hence, the Father is certainly involved in the mystery (planning it; sending His Son; revealing it)… yet the FOCUS of the mystery is the Person of Christ.
• Christ came to reveal the Father.
• He is the image of the invisible God. (Col. 1:15)
• He is the express image of the Father (Heb. 1:3)
• To know the Son is to know the Father (John 14:6-12)
• John 1:18 – the Son “declares” the Father.

3. The meaning if we omit “Father.”

a. In those texts, we have the “mystery of God, of Christ.)

b. The word Christ, being in the same case as mystery, stands in apposition to mystery meaning that Christ IS the mystery. The mystery concerns Christ…

c. Christ IS the mystery regardless of how this verse is translated.

4. Either way, the MAIN point of the phrase is that the mystery of God… the secret God hid from ages and generations… revolves around Christ Himself…

a. Paul’s point in this all is to demonstrate to the Colossians, as they faced opposition from the pre-Gnostic cult, that true knowledge of God came ONLY through the Person of Jesus Christ… and from no other source.

b. It is folly to search for truth outside of Him… as the Gnostics were suggesting (they claimed to have special knowledge… religious secrets that only the initiated could discern…)

C. There are two major aspects to this mystery

1. The believer is IN CHRIST.

a. Eph. 3:4-6 – The first is the fact that Jews and Gentiles should be fellowheirs, having been united together in one Body… on equal footing…

b. Here Paul DEFINES what he means by the mystery revealed to him.
• He defines what “mystery” means. (vs. 5)
• He defines the particulars of this mystery: Jew and Gentile united in one body. (vs. 6)
• This was NOT revealed in the Old Testament. The fact that Gentiles would be saved was revealed.
• But the fact that Jew and Gentile would be united into ONE BODY… the spiritual body of Christ as equals was NEVER revealed in the Old Testament! It was a mystery.
• The mystery speaks of something entirely NEW… a new Body… consisting of believers of this age… baptized by the Spirit into one Body… which is the church.
• Hence, every believer is IN Christ… IN His Body… a member of the Body of Christ… the church.

c. Gal. 3:27-28 – every believer in Christ in this age is baptized INTO Christ… and are thus ONE in Christ.
• Red, yellow, black, and white; male and female; rich and poor; bond or free; all one.
• Being in Christ changes everything. In Him we are saved, secure, and sealed.

d. It speaks of our new POSITION in Him.
• It speaks of all that is ours because we ARE in Him!
• The concept of being IN CHRIST has countless ramifications for the Christian life too.
• Col. 1:14 – in whom we have redemption and forgiveness of sins!
• Col. 2:3 – in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
• Col. 2:7 – rooted and built up in Him.
• Col. 2:10 – complete in Him.
• Col. 2:11 – in whom we are circumcised; buried with him; risen with Him.
• Col.3:1 – since we are in Him, when He rose into the heavenly sphere, we rose too! That is our position.
• Col. 3:3 – we died and were buried with Him… and hence, our life is with His life.
• Col. 3:4 – Since we are in Him… as members of His body, His life is our life.
• II Cor. 5:21 – that we might be made the righteousness of God in him
• Eph.1:4 – we are chosen in Him.
• Eph. 2:21-22 – In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
• The first half of Paul’s epistles dealt almost exclusively with this truth… the believer’s position in Christ… and what that means to us.
• God wants us to acknowledge this important truth.

e. Jesus hinted at this new relationship in the gospels.
• John 15:4-5 – abide IN ME… the one who abides IN Christ bears fruit.
• This speaks of a branch IN the Vine… a new spiritual relationship to Christ that would exist after His death and resurrection.
• John 14:20 – At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me…
• This new abiding, personal relationship to the risen glorified Christ is the means of bearing fruit in the Christian life. It is the “secret” of the Christian life… though not a secret any more!

f. I Cor. 12:13 – we are IN HIM… baptized INTO His Body.
• As having been baptized into Christ’s body, we thus have a NEW relationship to Christ as Head; and a new relationship to one another: members of the same body!
• This means that as believers we have been UNITED together with Him… identified with Him…
• Hence, His death is our death. (To sin, self, the world).
• This means that our old man is crucified with Him.
• Since we are in Him, when He rose from the dead, we also ROSE from the dead. His resurrection is OUR resurrection!
• We have been raised together and seated together in heavenly places IN Christ Jesus. Our new position all revolves around the fact that God sees us IN Him.
• This in turns indicates that we are now NEW creatures in Christ Jesus.
• This means that we are now raised into heavenly places with Christ… we are now citizens of heaven… this world is not our home… the things of earth grow strangely dim from this position…

g. God no longer sees us as we were in Adam. He now sees us in His Beloved Son… found IN Him, not having our own righteousness, but the righteousness of God; eternally accepted in the Beloved; complete in Him.

h. The first part of the mystery is that we are IN Christ.

2. The second part of the mystery is that CHRIST IS IN us.

a. Col. 1:26-27 – Christ IN you, the hope of glory.

b. John 14:20 – At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me… and I in you…

c. Gal. 2:20 – I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me.

d. Col. 1:27 states that this truth is the RICHES of the glory (the wealth of it; the cream on top of the milk).

e. Gal. 4:19 states that as time goes on and we are growing and maturing, Christ who dwells within increases, makes His presence known in our character… to the point that we are changed into His image… so that HIS character is reflected more and more in our lives.

f. This too has many ramifications for the Christian life.

g. If Christ is in us… then we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

h. Then we CAN walk in newness of life! We can experience the power of His resurrection in our lives.

i. Just as the branch is IN the Vine… we are in Christ.

j. And as the life of the Vine flows through the branch, we can say that the vine is in the branch… and all that Vine is and has is available to the branch, so too, Christ is IN us: His power, life, strength, love, peace, etc…

3. This truth (called here the mystery) (the fact that we are in Christ and He is in us) forms the BASIS of living the Christian life. It is the secret of the Christian life… a secret now revealed!

a. It is the basis of sanctification—how to have victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil!

b. It is the essence of the Christian faith… it DEFINES Christianity… and separates it from all other religions.

c. Christianity is LIFE… indwelling life… Christ in you…

d. Without understanding this mystery, one has only a superficial or elementary understanding of Christianity.

e. Without this truth, Christianity is invariably reduced to a set of man made rules… a religious law of some sort.

f. Without this truth, Christianity is invariably mingled together with the Old Testament and the Law of Moses… by well meaning but misguided men.

g. And invariably, the believer is then put under the legalistic yoke of bondage as his rule of life… instead of understanding that CHRIST is our rule of life… He is our life!

h. The law invariably brings forth fruit unto death (Rom. 7:5), but this new relationship to Christ brings forth fruit unto God! (Rom. 7:4).

The Acknowledgment of the Mystery

A. Acknowledgement: The Term

1. Epignosis –

a. This term is an intensified form of the normal word for knowledge: gnosis.

b. Strong’s: full and accurate knowledge.

c. Zodhiates: to know fully; to come to know; to become fully acquainted with; a knowledge laying claim to personal involvement.

d. Vine’s: a full knowledge; a greater participation by the knower in the object known, thus, more powerfully influencing him.

2. The acknowledgement of the mystery speaks of the FULL KNOWLEDGE of Christ…

a. A full knowledge of our position in Him… as members baptized into His Body and organically united to the Head. This is the mystery.

b. A full knowledge of riches of the mystery: that Christ lives in us… and His life and character are manifested through us.

c. A knowledge of Christ that lays claim to personal involvement… not just head knowledge… but a heart involvement with Christ… with His Body… with our new relationship to Him as Head…

d. A greater participation in the object known—this speaks of the believer not just having facts ABOUT Christ in his head, but rather having a life that is personally INVOLVED with Christ… a living relationship… fellowship… communion… abiding… fruit bearing… manifesting His life…

e. A full knowledge that exerts a powerful influence in the life. Hence, this is not cold orthodoxy, but a LIVING relationship to the Savior… as the Vine exerts its influence in the branch abiding in it… as the Head exerts its influence in the members of His Body…

B. The Goal of Maturity

1. Consider the ORDER of progress toward maturity Paul reveals:

a. Knit together with other members of the Body in love. (speaks of practicing love through close relationships to believers and mutual edification).

b. Comforted or edified hearts is the result of being knit together in love in the Body.

c. The result of this strengthened, edified heart is the full assurance that comes from understanding the truth.

d. The result of full assurance of understanding is an acknowledgement of the mystery.
• This is the culmination of the progress as outlined by Paul.
• This is what the other three entries in the list are working towards…
• This is what Paul agonized over… that the believers would acknowledge the glory of the mystery of Christ!
• This would keep the Colossian believers SAFE from the inroads of the Gnostics.

e. To arrive at the ultimate goal of maturity (full knowledge of the mystery) it is necessary to start at the beginning and to follow the steps in order.
• This is GOD’S method for arriving at maturity…
• This is God’s revealed order of obtaining a full knowledge of the mystery of Christ…
• There are no short cuts… no alternative methods… no seminar will get you there… no correspondence course…
• People have come up with all kinds of LIFE seminars to try achieve this goal… but only God’s method works… because God stands behind His method with His life and power.
• Behind all other methods stand nothing but good intentions, and the wisdom and power of the flesh.

2. How it works…

a. The believer begins this progress toward maturity by practicing LOVE in the Body… which will cause his life to be entwined and knit together… compacted together… fitly framed together… with the lives of other members of the Body.

b. As your life is actively involved in the local church… ministering to others and being ministered to by others… your heart is comforted, strengthened, exhorted, rebuked, admonished, encouraged, and lifted up… your heart is strengthened. Involvement in the lives of others in the local church has a strengthening effect on YOUR heart!

c. Thirdly, as you function in the Body in love… and experience the strengthening effect of the LIFE of Christ being manifested through the members of His Body… it gives you FULL ASSURANCE that Christianity is real… it works… you have eaten the FRUIT of it… and have experienced it… this brings FULL assurance… and a heart that is fully assured can REST in Christ… like the branch that abides in the Vine.

d. This abiding relationship to Christ… which is experienced in His Body… results in a FULL KNOWLEDGE of the mystery.
• It is no longer head knowledge, but it has transformed your heart.
• It is no longer theory, but practice.
• It is no longer cold orthodoxy, but LIFE.
• It is no longer I but Christ.
• As the believer grows, it begins to sink in that “for to me to live is Christ.” Christ, who is our life…

3. It sounds a bit like circular reasoning at first.

a. To fully understand the Body of Christ… is FUNCTIONING in the Body… by getting involved in the lives of others by demonstrating the love of Christ.

b. To fully understand the importance and the glory of the local church… the Body of Christ… ye in me and I in you… we BEGIN by practicing it.

c. My first thought was, “That’s like saying the first step in fully understanding rocket science is to build a rocket.”

d. It seemed more logical to me at first that one should have a good UNDERSTANDING of how it works before you start using it.

e. Then I thought about learning how to swim.

f. To come to a full understanding of swimming… it is not enough to read books and study the techniques. To really come to a deep understanding of swimming you have to dive right in and practice!

g. This is what Paul is saying when it comes to coming to a full knowledge of Christ… of the mystery of Christ… how Christianity works: dive right in! Get involved in your local church!

h. And begin by showing LOVE to the brethren!

i. I Thess. 4:9 – ye are taught of God to love one another! This is INNATE… inborn… for the one who possesses indwelling life!

j. Of course there is much more we can learn about brotherly love… but this is something we can begin practicing without any outside help or training!

k. I have read about tiny infants being placed in swimming pools… and instantly adapting to the water… and swimming automatically. It comes naturally!

l. Loving the brethren ought to come naturally to one who is born of God… and part of the family of God!

m. This kind of ministry of love in the Body results in EXPERIENCING the truths that are being learned in Sunday school or from the pulpit…

n. The local church provides opportunities to put into practice principles and commands… in fact MOST of our commands are to be carried out within the Body of Christ… all the “one another” commands.

o. The one who sits in the pew and intellectually soaks in information… perhaps even memorizes the verses about our position in Christ… and His indwelling life… will NEVER obtain an epignosis – a full knowledge of Christ.

p. And yet he might CLAIM to have full knowledge… he can pass all the written tests… he might leave you and me in the dust with his knowledge of Bible verses and his theological arguments, but he doesn’t really KNOW the richest part of the mystery: Christ in you the hope of glory!
• A true believer not only KNOWS the truth, but he is to experience spiritual truth by living it.
• Only when truth is LIVED and experienced in real life can we say that it is truly understood.
• The believer who refuses to participate in what God is doing in this dispensation by NOT getting involved in the local church is outside of God’s will… and thus will be UNABLE to fully grasp spiritual things.
• He may have the correct facts in his head, but he will not have FULL knowledge until it is experienced and lived out in his life. Christianity is LIFE… not just orthodoxy.

• The swimmer does well to study the books on swimming techniques, but he’s not going to really understand swimming until he spends time in the pool!
• Attending church and going to Bible studies do not result in a deep knowledge of the mystery… of the Christian faith… of the Christian life.
• It is not truly understood until we put it all into practice… and begin FUNCTIONING in the Body as God designed you… fitly framed together… knit together in love… practicing that which comes so naturally for a child of God: LOVING the brethren… which causes our hearts to be knit together… as a unit… a Body…
• The simplest, weakest, most feeble saint who practices love in the Body can have a much deeper and more profound understanding of Christ and God’s plan for this age… than the greatest seminary professor… who has fellowship only with his books… and avoids being knit together in the Body!

q. To come to know the mystery… which is Christ in you… in a fuller and richer, and deeper way… follow God’s order:
• Lives knit together in love
• Encouraged hearts
• Full assurance of understanding
• Acknowledgement of the mystery
• God’s order LEADS to a full understanding of the mystery…

r. Perhaps you’re new here and you’re not quite sure HOW to start.
• Perhaps you’re intimidated because these other people seem to know everything about the Bible… and you don’t!
• Stop looking at men. Focus on Christ.
• Keep it simple. Show love… expecting nothing in return.
• A word of encouragement for the weary; a friendly smile and handshake to a visitor; a word of praise to a young person caught being good…
• And no, Paul’s methodology isn’t circular reasoning. This is learning how to swim… learning about Christ…
• You don’t really learn to swim until you spend time in the pool. You don’t really learn of Christ… until you spend time experiencing His life through the functioning of the members of the Body.

4. I see Christ at work in this Body…

a. I see Christ’s love every week when folks pull up to the church on a Friday night with mops and buckets to clean the church building.

b. I see the majesty of Christ every week and learn of it reflected in the reverence on the faces of the choir members as they sing…

c. I learn of the holiness of Christ in a deeper way on prayer meeting night when believers ask for prayer for something they are struggling with… and ask for victory.

d. I see the Christ’s sacrificial love each week when folks give generously to the Lord’s work.

e. I see the compassion of Christ… and learn of it in a deeper way every week when I see believers express compassion for those who are suffering…

f. I learn of the intimacy of Christ when a believer notices a tiny detail in a brother’s life that needs ministry, and meets that need!

g. I learn of the wonderful grace of Jesus when week after week during the evening service or at prayer meeting we hear testimonies of His grace working in the lives of saints… answering prayer and giving grace to help in time of need.

h. I learn of Christ the Great Shepherd when one of the members of the Body meet for prayer and ask prayer for an unsaved person they have been witnessing to…

i. I learn the Scriptures in a deeper way when I actually experience believers rejoicing with those who rejoice; and weeping with those who weep… supporting the weak… when I see believers being DOERS of the Word…

j. I learn of the faithfulness of God when I see the faithfulness of members of His Body showing up each week to function… as Sunday school teachers; Awana workers; clean up crew; choir; nursery workers;… and we don’t even have to THINK about it all… folks just show up! The faithfulness of Christ working THROUGH His Body.

k. Remember the Greeks who said, “I would see Jesus?” Well today if you want to see Jesus… if you want to learn of Him… observe what goes on in the local church… and better yet… dive in and get involved!

l. The local church is the Bride of Christ… His Body… His Temple… His habitation. It is precious to Him. It is what God is doing in the world today.

m. The local church is also God’s plan for YOUR spiritual growth and progress towards Christlikeness.

n. If you want a full knowledge of the mystery… of Christ and the Christian life, then get your feet wet… get involved in what God is doing in the world today: manifesting the indwelling life of His Beloved Son… through the loving ministry that occurs in a functioning Body.

o. Members in Christ… and who understand our position in Christ… and who understand that we are all ONE in Christ… organically united to our Head and to each other corporately… understanding that what is good for one member is good for the whole body… it makes sense to take care of one another! We’re all in this Body together!
• God’s method for maturity in this age is by being fully engaged in His program for this age: the local church.
• The purpose of the ministry in the local is the “perfecting of the saints… and the edifying of the Body of Christ.” (Eph. 4:13)… till we all come to a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
• Don’t miss out on God’s plan for YOUR perfection!
• Don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together!
• Don’t try to make it as a Christian on your own.
• God says you need the Body… and the Body needs you.
• When we allow ourselves to be knit together in the Body in love… our hearts will be strengthened… we will come to a deep understanding of the truth… and we will experience the FULL ASSURANCE and rest of mind and heart that truth was intended to bring. This results in a DEEP understanding of the mystery.
• This is truly part of our true riches in Christ. Don’t let it slip through your fingers.

5. Failure to come to the full assurance of understanding indicates a MORAL failure… not an intellectual failure.

a. “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Illumination is the result of being focused on and submitted to ONE MASTER, Christ. This is a moral issue…

b. This passage indicates that the PREREQUISITE to full assurance of understanding is being willing to be KNIT together and to have your life intertwined with those of other believers in the local church.

c. Sometimes a believer lacks assurance of salvation out of a lack of knowledge. He lacks information from the Scriptures to settle his uneasy heart.

d. But more often than not, the believer lacks assurance not because of a lack of knowledge, but because of a lack of APPLYING the knowledge that he already has… a refusal to LIVE the truth.

e. The believer who refuses to be knit together in love with the other members of the Body will NOT experienced an encouraged heart… NOR will he obtain true spiritual understanding… NOR will he obtain FULL assurance of heart.

f. And this is NOT an intellectual problem. It is a HEART problem.

g. An unwilling and unyielded heart, is by nature a BLIND heart.

h. John 7:17 – in order to KNOW and be fully assured of the truth of doctrine… one must be WILLING to do God’s will…
• if we are unwilling to surrender to God’s will (whatever it may be)… unwilling to OBEY His word… unwilling to participate in His program… God will be unwilling to show it to us. And why should He?
• Ps. 25:9 – “The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” (Cf. vs. 12)
• Meekness is a prerequisite for bring LED of the Lord or TAUGHT by God.
• If our heart is not meek… not submissive… not surrendered, then we will NEVER be taught of God… and will never have spiritual understanding… and thus, we will never have the full assurance that spiritual understanding brings.

i. Failure to come to a full assurance of understanding indicates a MORAL failure.

j. If that is the case in your life, it is because your heart has not been encouraged, strengthened, and edified. And the reason for that is because you have not allowed your life to become knit together closely to the other members of the local church around the things of Christ.

k. Rather than sitting around licking your wounds… or pointing the finger elsewhere, ADMIT that your lack of progress spiritually is a MORAL failure…

l. The solution? REPENT and get back to where you ought to be: fully involved in the local church… fitly joined together with other believers… where you can benefit from being exhorted daily… provoked to love and good works… hearing God’s Word… and challenged, and encouraged to be faithful.

m. Of course, it takes TIME to progress toward maturity… and to be strengthened and knit together.
• No one expects a new born babe in Christ to have progressed to great levels of maturity after having been saved only a short time. Immaturity is expected and normal for new borns.
• But if we have been saved for quite some time now, and we STILL have not progressed towards maturity, then at some point it becomes a MORAL failure… sin.
• Like the Hebrew believers who became DULL of hearing… and began to regress spiritually… it was a moral failure.
• The cure? Let us go on to perfection… Perhaps it is time to grow up in Christ… become a man… mature.

All Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge

Wisdom and Knowledge

A. Wisdom

1. Dictionary of Biblical Languages: – the capacity to understand, and hence act wisely.

2. Zodhiates: skill; tact; expertise in any art; skill in the affairs of life, shown in forming the best plans and selecting the best means, including the idea of sound judgment and good sense.

3. Most dictionaries include the concept of practical application of knowledge. (knowledge = facts; wisdom = the ability to put the facts to good use).

4. Wisdom in this passage is the enlightenment that comes from being in Christ and having Christ in us.

B. Knowledge

1. Strong’s: Knowledge signifies in general intelligence, understanding.

2. Dictionary of Biblical Languages: understanding, perception, comprehension.

3. Jamison, Faucet, and Brown:

a. Wisdom – general, and as to practical truth; related to “understanding” (sunesis) (Co.l 2:2).

b. Knowledge – intellectual, in regard to doctrinal truth; related to “the full knowledge” (epignosis) (Col. 2:2).

4. Rom. 11:33a – O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.

a. There is a depth and there are riches to the wisdom and knowledge of God.

b. These riches are found in the Person of Jesus Christ for the believer.

Wisdom and Knowledge Are Hidden in Christ

1. Hidden: Most commentators agree that Paul is using the buzz words from the Gnostic like cult to expose their teachings, and to demonstrate the Colossians the difference between their message and the message of Christ.

a. The false teachers in Colossae claimed to have special divine secrets (mysteries) that only the initiated could ever know… (not unlike the Masons and the Mormons today).

b. They also claimed that all true wisdom and knowledge was hidden away in their cult… it was “apocryphal”…

2. Using their terminology, Paul exposes their error.

a. Paul states that the real Divine secret… the real mystery, has to do with Christ… and the Body of Christ… kept secret in the mind of God for ages and generations…

b. Paul also states that wisdom and knowledge are not to be found in the gentile cult; they are to be found in Christ… and in Him alone.

3. Hidden: wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.

a. πόκρυφος (apokroo-phos) – (apocrypha comes from this term).

b. Defined: the term has two related meanings… or shades of meaning.

c. Hidden; concealed; OR — stored away; deposited.

d. This may well have been a play on words on Paul’s part.
• The cult leaders implied that truth was hidden in them.
• Paul states that truth is stored up… RESERVED and AVAILABLE in Christ… for the same term can both shades of meaning.

4. Wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.

a. Of course, God isn’t trying to HIDE wisdom and knowledge from His people!

b. Think of it this way: wisdom and truth hidden away in Christ. But they are not hidden FROM us there. They are hidden FOR us there!

c. Spiritual wisdom and knowledge are available and accessible to every believer… both small and great.

d. Don’t think of wisdom as being hidden and thus difficult for us as believers to find. Think of it as being stored up for us in Christ… reserved for us… waiting to be used.

e. This wisdom is IN Christ… and every believer is also IN Christ. Hence, wisdom and knowledge needed for living the Christian life are never far away!
• I Cor. 1:20-21 – Christ is the wisdom of God.
• I Cor. 1:30 – He is made unto us wisdom.
• To have Christ is to have true wisdom…

f. Paul speaks of this wisdom and knowledge as treasures that are “hidden” = hidden treasure is found in Christ.
• God’s wisdom is not meant to remain hidden…
• It is more like a gold mine with untold wealth… ready to be mined… all there for the digging.
• It is not hidden in the sense that God is trying to keep us away.
• Rather, God tells us exactly where it is to be found… and places us there… in Christ.
• It is like putting gold miners in a new gold mine… and letting them know that there are endless resources of gold hidden beneath the surface… there for the digging: ready, available, accessible. So dig in!

g. Prov. 2:1-7 – In the Old Testament, wisdom is spoken of as hidden treasure too.
• It is hidden just beneath the surface FOR us… but it is only for those who seek for a hidden treasure… placing great value upon it… and hence, the effort to dig.
• Vs. 2 – incline your ear toward wisdom… and you will find it.
• Vs. 3 – Cry after knowledge…
• Vs. 4 – Seek her as you would seek for a hidden treasure (the same illustration Paul uses).
• Vs. 5 – If you seek God’s wisdom and knowledge that way… that diligently… you will find it.
• Vs. 6 – God GIVES wisdom and knowledge to those who genuinely want it… as the branch that constantly thirsts for the sap and nutrients of the Vine is satisfied.

h. Spiritual truth, knowledge, and wisdom are to be found IN CHRIST… and from no other source!
• It is FOLLY to seek wisdom apart from God.
• It is FOLLY to seek to have knowledge of God apart from Christ.
• It is folly because all spiritual wisdom and knowledge are FOUND in Christ.
• Those claiming special knowledge, insight, or wisdom drawn from any other fountain are to be immediately suspect.

i. True spiritual wisdom and knowledge are not hidden from believers… for we are in Christ.
• But it IS hidden from those outside of Christ. They do not have access to this kind of wisdom.
• They have earthly wisdom which is good as far as it goes… but they do not have access to the wisdom of God.
• God’s wisdom is available to “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord”… it is accessible to all who come to Christ and are saved… to all IN CHRIST.

5. The wisdom of the world vs. the wisdom of God in Christ.

a. I Cor. 1:20-21 – A contrast between two kinds of wisdom.

b. Paul’s point is NOT that the wisdom of the world is evil… and that the wisdom of God is good.

c. Rather, it is that the wisdom of the world is incomplete… and the wisdom of God is complete.

d. The world’s wisdom is good as far as it goes.
• They have good wisdom in the field of science, technology, medicine, etc.
• But it is extremely limited. It cannot extend beyond the natural realm.
• I Cor. 1:21 – by its wisdom, the world could NEVER come to know God. God and spiritual things are beyond their realm.
•I Cor. 2:14 – spiritual things are foolish to the natural man… even if endowed with great earthly wisdom.
• The wisdom of the world CANNOT penetrate into the spiritual realm. Spiritual truth is unable to be grasped by the natural man or his earthly wisdom.
• The world’s wisdom is thus limited, imperfect, and since it does not know God and cannot know the spiritual realm, it is susceptible to drawing wrong conclusions.
• Ex: the world has made huge strides in treating various physical, natural diseases.
• But because they are ignorant of the spiritual realm, they are susceptible to drawing wrong conclusions about certain behavioral problems. They view it all as physical and natural… calling such behavior “sicknesses”… chemical imbalances that require medical treatment… drugs… chemicals… etc.
• They are thus foolish in that they are ignoring the spiritual realm.
• They are unable / unwilling to acknowledge that matters of the mind, heart, and soul are spiritual issues… and completely beyond their grasp.

e. Spiritual issues require spiritual wisdom and knowledge, and they are found only in Christ.
• When it comes to matters of the human heart…
• When it comes to matters of fears, worries, anxiety, interpersonal relationships, the thought life, etc… we are not talking about the physical/natural realm where a medical doctor might apply his wisdom.
• We are talking about spiritual issues which require the resources we have in Christ.
• If your heart (the physical organ) malfunctions—consult a wise medical doctor. But if your heart (your inner man) is sick, you need Christ, the Great Physician!
• If your brain malfunctions, (the physical organ) consult a wise medical doctor. If your mind is not thinking properly, you have a spiritual problem… and Christ is the solution to all spiritual problems.
• The world’s folly lies in its failure to acknowledge the existence of the spiritual realm.

6. And note that ALL TREASURES of wisdom and knowledge are found in Him.

a. Treasures: thesaurus; a storehouse; a treasury;

b. Note that it is Christ as the MYSTERY.
• “In whom” and marginal reading “wherein” refer either to Christ or the mystery.
• But Christ IS the mystery… so it matters little.
• Paul is saying that in the mystery… namely in Christ… in our new relationship to Him (in Him and He in us)… is a storehouse of all wisdom!
• As we function in His Body… and as His life and character are manifested in our lives… we have access to a treasury of wisdom and knowledge.

c. This means that Christ is sufficient. He is all we need.
• Christ the Living Word… and the written Word… Christ, His Person, His Word, and His body are all we need.
• Christ is the embodiment of Divine wisdom.

d. That means that all the so-called mystery secrets of the Gnostic like cult were not needed by the Colossians.
• They already had ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. If you have it all… why look elsewhere?
• This means that all EXTRA biblical writings are not needed.

e. We don’t need any additional books to the Bible:
• The secret wisdom recorded by the Gnostic cults
• Book of Mormon
• Watchtower Publications of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
• Science and Health; Key to the Scriptures, written by Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science Cult… (born in Bow, NH)
• The writings of Ellen White, founder of the 7th Day Adventists…
• Papal decrees or apocryphal books

f. II Peter 1:2-3 – Christ is all we need… the Living Word and the Written Word are all we need for life and godliness.
• Vs. 2- Peter emphasizes the importance of the knowledge of God… and the knowledge of Christ.
• Vs. 3 – We have ALL we need for life and godliness THROUGH the knowledge of Christ. (epikgnosis)
• By knowing Christ in a deep and meaningful way, we have all we need for life… and for all the issues of life that may arise.
• By knowing Christ and His Word we have all we need for godliness; for living a victorious Christian life.
• “All things” have been GIVEN to us (granted to us) by God.
• Given = It is a perfect participle, speaking of the past completed act of presenting the gift with the present result that it is in the possession of the believer.
• The believer presently possesses ALL THINGS needed for life and godliness… because we are in Christ… the Source of it all.
• He IS our life! He is the WAY of life.
• He is all we need. We are complete in Him.

g. We don’t need man’s opinion; we don’t need the latest book on pop psychology; or the newest trend in philosophy; or the latest fad in yoga or new age techniques.

h. What we need is Christ. He is all we need. This is how Paul deals with the issue of the false teachers: he wants believers SETTLED on this issue first: Christ is all we need! We are complete in Him and have all wisdom and knowledge.

i. Do YOU have that settled in your mind and heart? Or are you looking elsewhere for answers to life’s problems?

Spiritual wisdom and knowledge are linked to KNOWING Christ.

1. The relationship between spiritual knowledge and the knowledge of Christ.

a. To possess Christ is to possess wisdom.

b. To be in Christ is to have access to wisdom and knowledge.

c. To seek Christ is to seek wisdom.

d. To know Christ is to know wisdom and knowledge.

e. To abide in Christ is to abide in wisdom.

f. To love Christ is to love wisdom.

2. The one who KNOWS Christ has a special kind of wisdom. (Phil. 3:8-10)

a. Technology, culture, the medical realm, politics, and the world around us are all creating brand new ethical issues and challenges for us to consider.

b. The world is changing so rapidly that it would be impossible to keep abreast of all the latest issues in each of these areas… and it is impossible to know exactly how to deal with such changes as a Christian. (What is acceptable to the Lord and what is not acceptable…)

c. But by knowing God… knowing Christ… by knowing who He is, what He is like… what He loves and what He hates… and by knowing His Word… and by spending time in fellowship with Him… we begin to love the things He loves and hate the things He hates.

d. This is a practical wisdom that is ours because of our relationship to Christ.

e. Spending time with Him influences us: the way we think… the way we walk… and it will always lead us to walk in wisdom.

f. As we grow in our relationship to Christ, we are growing in wisdom and knowledge. The more we know of who He is… what He loves and hates… the more wisdom and discernment we will have in making important decisions in life…

g. Spiritual wisdom and knowledge come from a close relationship to Christ. The closer we draw to Him… the more like Him we become.
• We will have the mind of Christ… the heart of Christ for the lost… the compassion of Christ…
• Of course this wisdom is not entirely subjective and experiential.
• A close relationship to Christ the Bread of Life will generate a genuine hunger for the Word of Life.
• A love for Christ will manifest itself in love for His Word.
• We spend time with Christ BY spending time in His Word.

h. II Peter 3:18 – Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we grow in the knowledge of Him, we grow in spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
• As we grow in our knowledge of Christ, we are also growing in wisdom.
• Do you need more wisdom in your home life? Do you need wisdom in dealing with your kids? Do you need wisdom in getting your priorities right? Do you need wisdom in your finances? Do you need wisdom in dealing with sin and temptation? Do you need wisdom in getting along with your neighbor?

i. The popular trend today is to attend self-help seminars.
• Men have devised all kinds of methods in growing and obtaining special knowledge… only available through their seminar… for $199.99.
• Some are helpful; some are not; some are quite complicated.

j. God’s method? Simple! Draw near to Christ… nearer still nearer… into the very Holy of Holies with Him… and spend time in communion with Him… meditating upon HIS Word (forgetting the other voices shouting so loudly for your attention)… functioning in His Body…
• The heart that abides in Christ… stays close to Christ… is yielded and surrendered to Him… is the heart that is ABLE to be led, guided, and directed in the way of wisdom.

k. Matt. 6:22-23 – “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”
• Illumination is the result of being focused on and submitted to ONE MASTER, Christ. This is a moral issue
• Illumination in the way of wisdom is related to being single-mindedly focused on Christ… and submitted to Him.
• When we choose to set our eyes and affection elsewhere, our whole body will NOT be full of light… but darkness… spiritual ignorance will set in.

l. John 7:17 – in order to KNOW and be fully assured of the truth of doctrine… one must be WILLING to do God’s will…
• If we are unwilling to surrender to God’s will (whatever it may be)… unwilling to OBEY His word… unwilling to participate in His program… God will be unwilling to show His will to us. And why should He?
• If we are unwilling to surrender, we will NOT have the spiritual wisdom and knowledge needed for daily living.
•Ps. 25:9 – “The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” (Cf. vs. 12)
• Meekness is a prerequisite for being LED of the Lord or TAUGHT by God.
• If our heart is not meek… not submissive… not surrendered, then we will NEVER be taught of God…
• We will be lacking the spiritual wisdom and knowledge that is treasured up for us in Christ.
• Christ our treasure house is full of such riches. There is no lack of wisdom there. The Vine has an endless supply of all that the branch needs… and the branch will experience that rich supply ONLY as it abides in the vine.
• So too with wisdom and knowledge needed for living the Christian life. It is all stored up for us in Christ… but it is only experienced as we abide in Christ… walking by faith… yielded to Him.
• That is the place of wisdom… the yielded, surrendered, spiritual man is wise. The carnal believer lacks such wisdom.
• If the heart relationship to Him isn’t right, then our wisdom and knowledge of spiritual things will be darkened… corrupted…

The Practical Side

1. Could you imagine how massive the Bible would be if it covered every possible situation and issue that would ever arise in every country and in every generation?

2. We need wisdom and knowledge for the multitude of various issues that arise in daily living.

3. Every generation faces similar issues… but different details.

a. Entertainment: imagine such a list of all forms of entertainment in every age?

b. Clothing: imagine a list of acceptable and unacceptable styles?

4. God has NOT given us such a list. He has done something FAR better. He lives within us! And we can have daily fellowship with Him!

a. This close, personal relationship to the indwelling Christ IS our wisdom and knowledge!

b. When we face a situation not specifically spelled out in the Bible, and we are not sure what to do… our answer is our relationship to Christ, the Living Word.

c. We also have His written Word… and the principles in His Word are broad enough to give wisdom and knowledge in making God honoring decisions.

d. And we KNOW Christ! And the more we get to know Him… the nearer our hearts are drawn to His, the more wisdom and knowledge we will have in making a right decision.

e. Ex: I know my wife. After 25 years of marriage, I know what she likes and I know what she doesn’t like. Hence, when something new comes on the scene… because I know her so well, I have a pretty good idea of whether this new item would be pleasing to her or not!

f. We have never discussed moving to a tropical island before… and even though we have never discussed it, I know that she would not be in favor of it… because I know HER.

g. We have had many other related conversations… I know her… how she thinks… what she likes and what she does not like.

h. Knowing a PERSON gives knowledge and wisdom that can be exercised in making decisions that will PLEASE that person.

i. Knowing CHRIST gives us knowledge and wisdom in carrying out His will… and pleasing Him. And that should be our goal!

j. Wisdom and knowledge comes from KNOWING Christ… more and more… a deeper and deeper relationship… so that we begin to THINK like He thinks… we learn to love what He loves and hate what He hates.

k. This is growing in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also growing more and more into His image… becoming more like the Savior. This is true spiritual transformation…

l. We increase in wisdom, not simply by storing more facts in our heads, but by increasing in our relationship to Christ… for all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found IN HIM…

m. The closer we get to Him, the closer we get to wisdom… for all the treasures of wisdom are found in Him.

n. And as we DWELL IN HIM… abide in Him… and thus learn of Him… we are growing in wisdom and knowledge.

Lest Any Man Should Beguile You


1. In verse four, Paul states WHY he is writing to them.

2. He states WHY he told them the specific truths he did.

3. He states WHY he had such great conflict for them (agonized over them).

4. The reason: lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.

a. This is the first time the real danger facing the church is mentioned.

b. Paul KNEW that these believers were being attacked by false teachers skilled at using persuasive arguments.

5. Hence, from prison, Paul did what he could to keep them safe.

This I Say…

1. What specifically DID Paul say to them (lest they should be beguiled)?

a. He told them the purpose of his ministry: to present men perfect/mature in Christ. (1:28)
• This could only be accomplished in the power of Christ working through him. (1:29)
• Paul agonized over the Colossians… because he wanted to see them progress toward maturity… and feared that the false teachers might interfere with that progress.

b. Then Paul listed four necessary steps toward that end (2:2)
• Their lives were to be knit together with other members of the Body of Christ.
• Their hearts would then be encouraged and edified.
• Their hearts would also have full assurance and confidence in the faith.
• Finally, they would come to a full knowledge of the mystery (We are in Christ and He is in us)… to acknowledge the mystery… and to acknowledge that in Christ, we have all the wisdom and knowledge we need!
• The sense of assurance and our union with Christ was a safeguard against every attack of the enemy.
• This is what Paul said to them “lest they should be beguiled.”

Lest Any Man Should Beguile You

1. Beguile:

a. Defined: paralogizomai
• Used only here and in Jas. 1:22 (be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves…)
• Strong’s: to reckon wrong, to cheat by false reckoning. 2a to deceive by false reasoning.
• NAS Dict.: miscalculate, to reason falsely.
• Greek-English Lexicon: to deceive by arguments or false reasons.

b. Present subjunctive: potential action… potential for continuous action.
• They had not yet been beguiled… but the possibility certainly existed.
• Paul knew that the false teachers were relentless too. They would CONTINUALLY attempt to beguile.

2. Paul agonized over this potential. He knew how REAL this possibility was.

a. He did not start this church… nor did he meet these believers face to face. (2:1)

b. Yet, he knew OF them… and he knew of the Gnostic like cult that had infiltrated their region.

c. Paul knew that God had begun a good work in them. God’s plan for them was that they “go on to perfection”… that they continue growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ… and that they progress towards Christlikeness.

d. Because of his past experiences, Paul also knew that that progress toward maturity could be cut short… that the potential was always there for them to regress spiritually rather than progress spiritually.
• Gal. 3:1-5 – The Judaizers were introducing the law as a rule of life for the believers throughout Galatia.
» Paul was outraged, because the law did not mix with grace… and it did not provide any “power.”
» This left the believer to struggle to keep the law in the power of his flesh… which was doomed to failure.
• Gal. 4:9-11 – Paul was concerned because these believers, who started off well, turned BACK to the weak and beggarly elements of the law.
» Paul was AFRAID for them… lest his labors spent there would be in vain.
» The devil seeks to UNDERMINE every work of God. He is sometimes successful.
• Gal. 4:17-20 – The Judaizers were zealously affecting the work of God in Galatia… but not for the good.
» Paul’s goal was for Christ to be formed in them (vs. 19 – the mystery brought to maturity).
» But, he stood in doubt of them… because it wasn’t happening.
» They were being lured away from the simplicity in Christ to the LAW as a rule of life.
» Paul stood in doubt of them… perplexed as to where this might lead.
• Paul, and any leader who loves the flock of God carries a burden on his heart continually… for the spiritual welfare of the flock.
» This means that there is also the continual burden of realizing the potential dangers… and how easily men can give heed to enticing words… voices of other shepherds with other messages… to beguile and lead astray.
» This is what makes the ministry so difficult and so burdensome… realizing that there are 10,000 voices out there trying to appeal to the flock… and it just takes one of those voices resonating with one sheep… to begin a slide in the wrong direction.
» It might be interest in the charismatic movement, covenant theology, neo evangelicalism, hyper form of Calvinism, or extreme forms of Arminianism, a new prophetic view, or perhaps a solidly Biblical concept taken to the extreme…

e. Paul feared and agonized over the churches throughout the region of Galatia. Paul also feared for and agonized over the church in Colossae.
• He knew of the potential dangers to the work of God.
• He knew how fragile (from our perspective) the church is… as it sits as a tiny minority in a hostile world.
• He knew of the power of the enemy to attack… to deceive… to overthrow the faith of some.
• For this reason, Paul wrote to the Colossians… lest any one should beguile them.
• 2000 years after Paul wrote these words, I have the very same fears for the flock in Salem, NH.

f. While circumstances changes… and history marches forward, some things never change.
• We as sheep as just as susceptible to being deceived and beguiled by false teachers today as were the believers in Colossae 2000 years ago.
• Our hearts haven’t changed (Jer. 17:9)
• The devil’s goal hasn’t changed. He still walks about seeking whom he may devour. (I Pet. 5:8)
• Satan’s methodology hasn’t changed. He still uses false teachers to allure ignorant believers. (II Cor. 11:13-15)
• Ignorance of God’s plan for this age (Christ in you… empowering and manifesting His life in you) still exists in many believers too.

g. Thus, the NEED for Paul to say these things (“And this I say lest…”)
• The need still exists for pastors and Bible teachers to teach the very same things today as Paul said 2000 years ago.
• There is still the need for the saints of God to understand the mystery… HOW to live the Christian life… in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit… manifesting the life of Christ…
• There are so many voices pulling us in all different directions.
• There is still the need for us to be absolutely resolute on being focused on ONE PERSON: the Lord Jesus Christ. With a single eye… a single heart… and only ONE ear… tuning out all contrary voices.
• In Christ, we have ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

With Enticing Words

1. Enticing words: pithanologia

a. Strong’s: speech adapted to persuade, 2 in a bad sense, persuasiveness of speech, specious discourse leading others into error.

b. Dictionary of Biblical Languages – convincing speech, fine-sounding arguments

2. Paul was concerned about the persuasive speech coming from the mouths of the false teachers.

a. Speech can be persuasive. Speech can be enticing… appealing… alluring… beguiling.

b. Speech does not have to be TRUE to be persuasive. Often ERROR can be persuasive.

c. Rom. 16:18 – by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

d. People are persuaded by arguments that are based on misinformation, error, and outright lies every day!

3. In fact, men are more easily persuaded by error than by truth.

a. This is so for three reasons:
• Man is a sinner… and already inclined toward error and away from the truth.
• To the natural man, spiritual things are foolish. He CANNOT understand them.
• The earth and everything on it is under a divine curse. Just as it is much easier to produce weeds in a garden than choice tomatoes… it is much easier to convince sinners of a lie (concerning spiritual things) than it is to convince sinners of the truth. Weeds seem to be able to pop up right through the hot top, yet certain vegetables almost require greenhouse conditions to sprout up.

b. The fact that an argument is persuasive does NOT make it true.
• Just listen to all the partisan SPIN masters discuss the presidential debates.
• A crafty wordsmith can be exceedingly persuasive. Some are so talented they could talk a hungry dog off a meat truck…
• But their talent in using words and formulating arguments says NOTHING about the veracity of what they are saying.
• Skillful salesmen have convinced many unsuspecting folks into buying expensive things that they didn’t need… didn’t want… that they can’t afford… and often don’t even work!
• When we consider speech (especially in the spiritual realm)… it matters little if the speaker had a golden tongue… used flowery words… a sweet disposition… charm… style… whether he won more debate points. What ought to matter to us is this: are his words TRUE!?!
• Of course eloquence and persuasive speech can be great tools in the hands of one who knows and loves truth.
• But they can also be used to MASK error or dress up a lie. That is the warning here.
• I Cor. 2:1-5 – Knowing this, Paul determined NOT to use enticing and persuasive words in presenting the gospel.
» Obviously, he did this NOT because he didn’t want to persuade men to believe. He DID want to persuade men to believe.
» However, he wanted to be sure that it was TRUTH that persuaded them… and not his debating skills or his golden tongue.
» Vs. 2 – Paul preached a simple message: Christ and the cross!
» The power of persuasion was to come from the content of the message, not the capability of the messenger.

c. The fact that an argument is persuasive does NOT make it true. The opposite is true also. The fact that an argument is not persuasive to an individual (from man’s perspective) does not mean it is error, either!
• The gospel is preached in the power of the Holy Spirit every day all over the globe.
• Yet, the saying of Jesus is still true: narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it!
• Many are persuaded by the lies that clutter the broad road to destruction. Few are persuaded by the truth of the narrow way.
• The fact that many people believe a lie… or that few people believe the truth says NOTHING about the truthfulness of the message.
• Read Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The whole nation believed the persuasive, soothing arguments from the false prophets. Very few believed God’s prophets.
• People do not come to faith in Christ because of the clever way we word the gospel message. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict and convince the sinner of truth… not the messenger! (That sure takes the pressure off you and me as we present the gospel!)

4. The false teachers in Colossae were evidently well skilled in their ability to persuade with speech.

a. Paul knew that and feared for the Colossians.

b. Paul knew the DANGER of such persuasive arguments.

c. A wolf in sheep’s clothing can be quite persuasive to untaught, unsuspecting sheep…

d. It was for this reason that Paul wrote what he wrote.

Paul’s Antidote for Deception

1. “And this I say unto you lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.”

2. What Paul said:

a. Lives knit together with other members of the Body

b. Encouraged, edified hearts

c. Full assurance and confidence in the faith

d. A full knowledge of the mystery and an acknowledgement that in Christ, we have all the wisdom and knowledge we need!

3. Paul states here that THIS is what will protect the saint from being beguiled.

a. These are the four steps towards perfection or maturity.

b. They are also four precautions which will prevent us from being beguiled by false teachers.

c. If we are involved in God’s program for this age, we will be SAFE from deception and the beguiling of the enemy.

4. Consider each of these steps:

a. The first step is to be intimately involved in the local church… and the lives of the members… KNIT together in love.
• Eph. 4:11-13 – After all, the local church was designed by God for our perfection (equipping) for the edification of the Body, and to bring us to a greater measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
• Eph. 4:14 – The local church also is designed to keep the believer from being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine… and from being deceived by the cunning craftiness of men who use persuasive speech to lure us away!
• The wolves have a much easier time destroying a local church when the lives of the saints are NOT knit together. But by being knit together in love… bound to each other… and thus concerned about the spiritual welfare of one another…
• A bully in the playground has an easy time picking on one little kid. But when all the kids in the playground band together… that bully will run away like a dog with his tail between his legs.
• Being KNIT together in love is not only the way towards maturity. It is also a God-given means of protection for the believer against the wiles of the devil!

b. Encouraged hearts.
• As lives are knit together in love in the local church, our hearts are encouraged… and built up.
• A heart that is comforted and encouraged isn’t going to looking ELSEWHERE for answers. He will be content right in the Body where God planted him.
• A discouraged heart on the other hand, will NOT be content… will not be satisfied with Christ… and will hence be more OPEN to hearing some new thing… especially if it promises happiness… or an escape from their present trial or misery.
• But the edified and encouraged heart will not be moved away… will not be looking in other directions… will not be listening to other voices.
• A husband that is content, encouraged, and satisfied with his wife is not going to be wandering around town and looking for someone else.
• An encouraged heart is a strong, edified, and stable heart.

c. Full assurance of understanding.
• The believer who is experiencing and practicing God’s love in the Body… and as a result of this genuine Christian experience… his heart is not only encouraged, but convinced!
• This heart will be fully persuaded that his understanding of the Christian life is right and true. He not only has learned it from the Bible… but is experiencing its reality in every day life. This believer has FULL assurance.

d. Finally, the believer who is experiencing God’s love in the Body, has an encouraged heart as a result, and thus is fully persuaded… that believer is going to come to an acknowledgement (epignosis) of the mystery: his position in Christ… and Christ in him.
• The believer who has matured to the place where he understands the GLORY of this age… our position in Christ… seated in the heavenlies… blessed with all spiritual blessings… and indwelt by Christ Himself… that believer is going to have a whole new perspective.
• That believer is aware of the fact that in Christ he has ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And if he has them ALL… then he doesn’t need this new key from the Gnostic like cult… he doesn’t need the so called secrets of the mystery cult…
• He has matured to the point where he is convinced… fully persuaded that he is in Christ and in Christ he has ALL he needs…
• To follow the four steps outlined in chapter 2 by Paul leads a believer to the place where he is not likely to be beguiled… he now sees Christ as his all in all… he sees himself as complete in Christ… in possession of ALL wisdom and knowledge in Christ… ALL spiritual blessings are his in Christ.
• Hence, consider HOW Paul deals with the false teachers in Colossae:
» So far, he hasn’t even told us what they believe or what kinds of errors they are promoting.
» He doesn’t have to… just like the man who is being trained to spot counterfeit bills. He doesn’t need to know every tiny nuance of the counterfeiters.
» He needs to know the REAL THING real well! The better he knows the genuine bill… the more wisdom and discernment he will have in spotting a counterfeit.
• This is Paul’s approach in dealing with the error at Colossae. He begins by lifting up the Lord Jesus Christ before the church. Jesus said, “I AM the Truth.” Christ is the antidote to all error.
» vs. 14 – our Redeemer; forgiveness through His blood
» Vs. 15 – the image of the invisible God
» Vs. 16 – the Creator
» Vs. 17 – holds all things together
» Vs. 18 – the Head; firstborn
» Vs. 19 – in Him all fullness dwells
» Vs. 20 – reconciler
» Vs. 28 – the CONTENT of Paul’s preaching and teaching
• 2:2 – Paul’s goal is to bring the believers to acknowledge the significance of the mystery: Christ in you!
» 2:3 – in Him is all wisdom.
» 2:10 – we are complete in Him.
» On and on it goes. Paul holds up the genuine for all to see… to learn… to come to know better… to study… to meditate on…
» By learning of HIM… drawing near to Him… we have wisdom and knowledge AND we have all we need to protect us from being beguiled by some new religious fad that comes down the pike.
» A FULL KNOWLEDGE of the mystery (Christ… our new relationship to Him) will keep us safe from all the errors the adversary sends our way.

5. The believer should NOT be beguiled by enticing words and smooth arguments.

a. 1st safeguard: Spending time with Christ… the Living Word will prevent it from occurring.

b. 2nd safeguard: Spending time with the Written Word…

c. Acts 17:11 – It is the responsibility of the individual SHEEP to keep from being beguiled.
• Be AWARE as a Christian that luring you away from the truth is the GOAL of our adversary the Devil.
» Sometimes these enticing words come from an enemy… an evil false teacher purposely seeking to destroy your faith…
» Sometimes enticing words come from a well meaning but misguided believer… who seeks to convince you of his new “twist” on truth… (Reformed Theology; new view of rapture; or 1001 other ways…)
» Some Bible teachers can be exceedingly persuasive in presenting their new theory too.
• Be ready to hear God’s Word preached… but don’t be gullible! Be discerning.
• Receive it with an eager mind and heart… BUT go to the Scriptures and check out what is being said: “whether these things be so.” That’s YOUR job!
• God will hold the shepherd accountable for teaching error… but God also holds the sheep accountable for receiving error!
• There is no good reason for a true believer to be led astray… to be beguiled. We have ALL WE NEED in Christ and in His Word to protect us.
• When I preach God’s Word—be eager to receive it… but check it out in the Bible. Don’t believe ME as if I were the authority. I can make mistakes. The BIBLE is the authority… not the Bible teacher.
• If you hear me preaching something that doesn’t sound right… don’t be afraid to ask WHY I said that. I’m not a pope; I could be wrong. This is God’s checks and balances system built into the local church. You have a part to play in that.
• When Scott is teaching in Sunday school class… or if Mrs. Rudolph is teaching at a ladies’ Bible study… don’t believe it just because they said so. If something doesn’t sound right… ASK! Check it out in the Bible!
• One man put it this way: when you hear a Bible teacher… or if you are listening to a sermon… or if you are reading a book… or taking a course on a Christian theme… think of it like eating watermelon. Swallow the good stuff and spit out the seeds!

If you are not yet saved…

1. Christ invites you to come to Him and be saved.

2. The message is simple: Believe… and be saved! The work was finished 2000 years ago. Trust in Christ’s finished work and you will receive eternal life.

3. Eph. 2:8-9 – it is by FAITH… and not by works.

4. Don’t be deceived. The gospel message is simple enough for a child to understand. Don’t complicate it. Don’t let anyone try to convince you that the gospel must be “harder” than that.

5. Let God’s word speak to your heart. You are a sinner… only a heartbeat away from being cast into the Lake of Fire forever. But Christ has paid the penalty of your sins on the cross through His BLOOD. He rose again… and now offers eternal life to you… IF you will receive it by faith.

6. Be saved today!

The Order and Steadfastness of Your Faith

Absent But Present


A. Absent in the Flesh

1. The apostle Paul knew of the danger facing the church at Colossae. He knew of the false teachers seeking to beguile the saints with enticing words. (2:4)

2. He agonized over them… (2:1)

3. Evidently he was also a bit frustrated too.

a. He wanted to be there with them and confront the opposition face to face.

b. However, that was not possible for him to be there with them physically.

c. He was under house arrest in Rome and was hindered from coming to them.
• Paul had been confined for about 4 years at this point.
• Two years at Caesarea (Acts 24:27)
• 6 months on route to Rome (Acts 28:11)
• Nearly 2 more years confined in Rome (Acts 28:30)
• This must have been difficult for such an active, energetic, driven man like Paul!

4. Paul was absent in the flesh… bodily… physically.

a. Yet he was called of God to be the apostle to the Gentiles.

b. And here was a Gentile church, which was his ministry, his responsibility… and the church was under attack.

c. But he was chained in Rome and could do nothing about it.

d. This must have been a bit frustrating to him.

e. For a father, it would be like hearing that your innocent and vulnerable son was being attacked by evil men far away… and you were incapacitated, and could do nothing about it. You’d want to be there in person to stand up for him… and to confront those who are seeking him harm.

f. Paul was absent in the flesh; and this was completely out of his control. He was chained to a soldier in Rome.

g. Nevertheless, this was God’s will for his life at this time: chained… and seemingly unable to help… or was he?

B. Present in the Spirit

1. Paul had been confined and restricted for four years now.

2. Yet he did not give up. He did not have a defeatist attitude.

a. He was experiencing the frustration of being confined… and for trumped up charges!

b. It would have been easy for him to lose interest in the work of God. (poor me attitude)

c. He could easily have blamed God for his imprisonment… and his inability to DO anything to help the churches.

d. He could have put up with the frustration for a time, and then throw in the towel… realizing that (after 4 years) it was virtually hopeless for him to expect a soon release.

e. He was stuck in those awful circumstances for a long time.

f. Have you ever been in frustrating circumstances that seem to have no end? Did they make you feel like quitting… develop a “what’s the use” attitude… it’s all out of my control… there’s nothing I can do… and therefore, give up???

3. Consider the example of the apostle Paul:

a. After four years of unjust imprisonment, he did not grow bitter.

b. He accepted the fact that he could not be in Colossae in the flesh.

c. But he did not dwell on what he could NOT do.

d. Rather, he focused on what he COULD do.

e. He couldn’t be there in the flesh, but he COULD be there in spirit. (human spirit; as opposed to his human body, flesh)

f. Of course, this is figurative language. His spirit was actually with him in Rome… but in another sense, he could be there with the Colossians.

g. His mind was there with them. His heart was there with them. His soul and his feelings with there with them. He was there in spirit.

h. It was as if his inner man was there… even though his body could not be.

i. Please don’t confuse this for some “out of the body” experience. Not so! This was figurative language which describes how Paul’s thoughts, emotions, and heart were with the believers in Colossae, even though his body could not be.

4. Paul’s spirit was with them.

a. He agonized over the condition of the some of the churches. (Cf. Col. 2:2)

b. They were on his heart. (Cf. Phil. 1:7-8)

c. But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart. (I Thess. 2:17)

d. He spoke of the worst of his burdens – the care of all the churches… in II Cor. 11:28.

e. Though Paul was not physically present with the Colossian believers, he experienced all the fears, anxieties, concerns, and burdens for the well being of that assembly, just as if he were there!

5. Being absent physically limited what he could do, but it did not hinder him altogether! He DID what he could.

a. Paul was not present with the Corinthians either, but he was able to give advice and guidance “from a distance” (Cf. I Cor. 5:3-4)

b. Paul was not present with the Colossian believers either… but that did not prevent him from ministering to them.

c. 1:3 – he prayed for them continually.

d. 1:8 – he kept in touch with them through a messenger—not instant messenger, but a messenger nonetheless!

e. 1:9-12 – Again, Paul continually prayed for these folks… and what a prayer! What a ministry for these folks!

f. 2:2 – it is likely that this great conflict (agony) he had for them included much prayer!

g. Col. 4:7-8 – And what else did Paul do from Rome to demonstrate that he really WAS with them in spirit? He sent Tychicus.

h. In addition, Paul wrote them a letter!
• And in fact, this is much better (in the long run) than a personal visit there!
• Had Paul decided to visit and not write this letter, the churches would be much poorer!
• Paul would have been able to preach some stirring messages to confront the false teachers… and it would have exceedingly helpful locally… and for a short time—but would NOT have had the worldwide impact that the epistle to the Colossians has had for the past 2000 years!
• Very often, when God has us confined, restrained, restricted, and hindered—it is frustrating in the immediate… but GOOD in the long run. Don’t forget that!

6. We could apply this thought to many situations in our lives.

a. Consider the missionaries we know. We are absent in the flesh, but are we really PRESENT with them in the spirit? Do we keep up on what’s going on in their ministries and their families and lives? Do we pray? Write letters? Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice?

b. Consider our young people away at college… or in the military… We are absent in the flesh, but are we with them in the spirit? Do we continue to have a concern for their spiritual well being… or is it, “out of sight; out of mind.”

c. Consider the folks who would LOVE to come to church more often, but for various reasons (unsaved spouse; work schedule; physical ailments; etc) are not able to.
• They may be absent in the flesh as we worship (in a nursing home; on a sick bed; etc.) but we can STILL show concern for them… as Paul did for the Colossians!
• Keep in touch! Call… write… email… send a card…
• Just because some folks are away from us physically, that does not mean we cannot be with them in spirit… especially in our high tech age.
• It is relatively easy to keep contact… for the purpose of edification and provoking to love and good works!

d. Anybody can SAY they are with you in spirit. Paul DID something to prove it! (kept in touch; prayed; sent Tychicus; wrote a letter) We should not only SAY but DO something to demonstrate that we are with other brethren in spirit.

Joying and beholding

A. Beholding

1. Paul could not literally SEE them, but he could see them with his mind’s eye.

2. As he heard lengthy reports from Epaphras, he could envision what was taking place in Colossae.

3. He could not see them with his eyes, but he could PERCEIVE what was occurring there…

4. He could “see” two things there:

a. The danger of the false teachers

b. AND the steadfastness of their faith.

5. In fact, though from a distance, Paul had a pretty CLEAR vision of what was truly happening there… he perhaps had a clearer vision… more discerning perception – than some of the folks who were PRESENT in the flesh and could only SEE with their eyes.

6. Being filled with the Spirit and having spiritual discernment provides the believer with a kind of “vision”—perception—discernment—that others lack.

7. Though sitting in Rome under house arrest, Paul was “beholding” events in Colossae…

B. Joying

1. As Paul sat in Rome, and beheld the events in Colossae, he had cause for rejoicing.

2. This was not pure, unmitigated joy, however.

a. It was mingled with a taste of fear and anxiety.

b. 2:2 – he was also in great conflict (agony) over them.

c. He was genuinely concerned about the potential danger that the Gnostic like cult posed to them.

d. He “beheld” and saw a flock of sheep surrounded by a herd of blood thirsty wolves.

e. When he beheld that, it caused him great conflict.

3. But, he saw something else too that caused him great JOY.

a. In spite of the fact that the flock was surrounded by wolves, Paul saw a flock of sheep in Colossae that were all lined up in order… and were steadfast in their faith.

b. Paul seemed to have confidence that they would NOT be overcome by the attack, but that they would stand fast in the faith.

c. This was his cause for joy as he sat in prison in Rome.

d. Paul’s joy was the joy of the LORD… not a joy based on circumstances.
• He rejoiced over the faith of the Colossians… even though he was in chains.
• I Thess. 3:7-8 – we live IF ye stand fast! Paul’s enjoyment of life was linked to their walk with the Lord! (Like a father—whose joy is tied to the well being of his sons)

Causes for Paul’s Joy

A. Their Order

1. They had order among themselves.

2. Order Defined (taxis)

a. Strong’s: an arranging, arrangement; orderly condition; the post, rank, or position which one holds in civic or military affairs.

b. NAS Dict. = good discipline; orderly manner.

c. Greek English Lexicon: in military sense: the order or disposition of an army, battle array, order of battle, a single rank or line of soldiers, a body of soldiers.

d. It is used 9 times in the NT and in nearly every case it is used of the “order of Melchizedek” or the “order of Aaron.” It speaks of an order or RANK…

e. It speaks of order and rank as in a priesthood or an army.

f. It speaks of everyone being in their place… not chaos but order… not anarchy but order…

g. It speaks of everyone being in their place and submitting to authority… and FUNCTIONING in their place.

h. Paul uses this term to speak of the church as a disciplined army… soldiers of Christ… with everyone in their place… submitted to those in rank above them…

3. Paul spoke of the ORDER in the church.

a. They were knit together in love as a strong assembly of saints. (Col. 2:2)

b. They were compacted together as a strong body… (Eph. 4:16) …. With every member of the Body in its place and faithfully functioning for the good of the Body.

c. They were fitly framed together as a strong building (Eph. 2:21) Thus, when the stormy winds blow, they are solid.

d. Now Paul speaks of their ORDER… as a line of disciplined soldiers drawn up for battle… all in order… a strong army. And when the enemy attacks… they are disciplined and prepared.

e. There is to be ORDER in the church. (I Cor. 14:33, 40) (not confusion and chaos, but order).

4. There is STRENGTH in order.

a. An undisciplined army will easily be conquered.

b. An individual strand of yarn (before it is ever knit together) is easily broken.

c. A building that is not fitly framed together will easily be blown over.
• Consider a pile of building materials as hurricane Ivan strikes. (2x4s; sheetrock; glass; insulation; stacks of plywood; clapboards; etc.) When the hurricane strikes, that pile of building materials that was NOT fitly framed together doesn’t stand a chance!
• But if those same building materials WERE fitly framed together… in order… there is much strength.
• The 2x4s are all nailed in place; the joists have joist hangers holding them in place; the insulation is safely inside the walls; the plywood is all nailed in place… the roof is connected with hurricane clips.
• When the wind strikes against that building, a building fitly framed together, orderly, with everything in its place—that building will stand up to the storm much better than a pile of building materials.

5. Paul rejoiced in the ORDER of the Colossian believers.

a. He was not there, but he heard reports from Epaphras.

b. Paul had concerns about the ATTACK of the wolves.

c. However, he took courage and rejoiced when he heard of the ORDER of the sheep.

d. Paul heard how well organized they were… he heard of their discipline… he believed that it was the LORD who fitly framed them together…

e. Had Paul heard that chaos reigned in the church at Colossae… or that the believers were undisciplined… that they refused to submit to authority… that there was anarchy in the flock… THEN Paul would have no cause for rejoicing. THEN the wolves would find this flock easy prey.

f. But Paul could rejoice because of the good reports of their order… everyone in their place… in submission… all functioning as designed by God to function…

6. Application to the home:

a. There is spiritual strength in order in the local church.

b. There is spiritual strength in order in the home too.
• When the husband is functioning as head of the home… and the wife is in a helpmeet position… supporting and submitting… and the children are in obedience.
• When we violate the divine order of things… and roles are swapped… and the kids rule… we are rejecting divine order and are inviting chaos… That is not a position of strength, but weakness… fragile… and liable to be attacked… and suffer great damage.
• Order always makes for strength… a chaotic home is easily blown away.
• Just as the little foxes spoil the vine, so little details out of order can spoil the home.
• A home doesn’t go from order to chaos overnight. It is a gradual progression… of not paying attention to the little details of life…

7. Application to order in our lives as individuals

a. Paul rejoiced when he heard of the ORDER of the saints at Colossae… because he knew that it would keep them safe from the attacks of the enemy.

b. ORDER in our personal lives also has a strengthening effect…

c. When we do things decently and in order, paying attention to the little details of our Christian walk… then we too are safe from the attacks of the enemy.

d. When our devotion life is what it ought to be… when we are careful to confess sins daily… careful to forgive others… careful to watch our tongue… careful about what we read, watch, listen to… keeping our heart with all diligence… when that is the case… our lives are in order, then we are SAFE!

e. When things are NOT in order… and we become slack in these areas… then we become vulnerable, careless, disorder sets in and we are thus weakened, and therefore more susceptible to the attacks of the enemy.

f. Satan is no fool. He attacks the weak link. He attacks us when we are at a weak point.

g. When our spiritual lives are in order, and we are walking by faith—we too can rejoice as we face the attacks of the enemy, KNOWING that the shield of faith will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

B. The Steadfastness of Their Faith

1. Order among themselves, and steadfast FAITH in Christ.

2. The FAITH mentioned here is faith in the objective sense. (there is a definite article associated with faith here)

a. The term “faith” here does not refer to their personal confidence and trust.

b. The issue is DOCTRINE—THE faith… the objective body of Christian doctrine. THAT was the issue and concern.

c. THE FAITH was under attack by the false teachers.

d. The doctrine of the Person and work of Christ was under attack… nothing could be more central to our faith!

3. Their faith was under attack, but so far, they had not wavered

a. They were not halting between two opinions, but were steadfast!

b. They were STANDING solidly upon the Word of God.

c. This steadfastness indicates the SUBJECTIVE element.

d. Their personal faith (subjective) was firmly and steadfastly resting upon THE faith (objective).

4. This too resulted in STRENGTH for the flock at Colossae.

a. The fact that they were orderly—a well-disciplined army—fitly framed together—knit together—all indicated strength.

b. The fact that this orderly assembly was also firmly standing upon the objective word of God indicates strength too!

c. They had order among themselves, and a steadfast FAITH in Christ.

d. Paul explains that their strength against error lies in their CORPORATE stand against it!
• Phil. 1:27 – “Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.”
• When the church stands together against the attacks of the enemy, there is great strength.
• Imagine if the enemy attacked on a doctrinal issue, and we were all divided… unsure… untaught… confused. Chaos would set in… and weakness.
• Jude 1:3 – earnestly contend TOGETHER for the faith.

5. Steadfastness:

a. Strong’s: that which furnishes a foundation on which a thing rests firmly, support. metaph. in a military sense: solid front.

b. Theological Dictionary of New Testament: suggests a military metaphor in the sense of a castle, fort, or bulwark.

c. Paul sees the Colossian believers as being steadfast in their faith…
• Col.1:23 – not moved away from the hope of the gospel!
• Col. 2:7 – rooted and built up in Him…

d. Paul sees the Colossians as a disciplined, orderly division of soldiers—and now drawn up into a solid front.
• This solid front is not easily penetrated by the enemy!
• Perhaps Paul had in mind a common practice of front line soldiers: they would lock their large shields together and face the foe.
• The false teachers may have surrounded this church, but Paul is encouraged because of news he heard in prison, that the assembly was STRONG.
• They were orderly, each man taking on his own rank, position, and function in the Body.
• And together, knit together—they formed a solid front—not easily penetrated by the adversary.
• Paul sees the assembly as orderly, knit together, and standing on an absolutely solid foundation: the faith once delivered unto the saints.

e. This is a picture of strength:
• An army of well disciplined individual soldiers, each in his place, in order…
• And corporately, the church Body formed a solid front line of defense against the foe.
• Strong individuals and a strong Body… standing on a solid foundation.
• Paul rejoiced, because he knew that as long as that was the case, Colossae Bible Church was safe indeed!

f. Application:
• Ecc. 4:9-12 – there is strength in unity. It isn’t just a cliché.
• This principle is true in the local church, as Paul reveals in our passage today.
• Salem Bible Church will be attacked by the devil and our adversaries. They seek to devour.
• Paul’s point is that an assembly of saints that are closely knit together… standing in good order… every man in his place… functioning as designed… and corporately forming a solid front line (shields locked one to another)—that kind of an assembly is not likely to be broken up!
• Soldiers watch out for their brother soldiers. Their lives could depend upon it. And they would want their fellow-soldiers to watch their backs too!
• When knit together like that—shields locked together, we are safe.
• A wolf won’t get through that line of defense!
• A wolf could easily devour a single sheep wandering off alone… outside the safety of the fold.
• But a sheep in the midst of the sheepfold… standing in good order… and knit together with other sheep… in submission to and under the care of the GOOD Shepherd, is safe indeed!
• Matt. 16:18 – “upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
• The Church at Colossae was standing steadfastly upon that rock… and Paul could rejoice—KNOWING that an orderly assembly, standing firmly on the solid rock would NOT be moved away from the hope of the gospel… no matter HOW enticing were the words of the enemy.

6. This caused Paul to REJOICE.

a. Paul knew of the danger they faced…

b. He also knew of their order and steadfastness of their faith.

c. Their behavior caused Paul to be encouraged and rejoice.

d. Paul’s epistle must have encouraged them to continue to stand firm… and must have caused them great joy!

e. This is how fellowship works… mutual edification… results in corporate strength… results in spiritual safety.

f. I have very little toleration for folks who want to upset the fellowship of the saints here… because a lot is riding upon the fellowship of the mystery:
• The spiritual lives of individuals… and families…
• The strength of this Body…
• The exaltation of our Head, the Lord Jesus.


1. Let’s be strong; stand together; strive together for the hope of the gospel.

2. If you are not born again… COME to Christ today!

So Walk Ye In Him


1. We have in Col.2:6 the simplest and most concise explanation in the Bible on HOW TO LIVE the Christian life.

2. This is a Christian life course in a little nugget. If you can get this in your head, you’ve got it in a nutshell!

The Christian Life as a Walk

A. Walk Defined

1. Peripateo: to make one’s way, progress; Hebrew for, to live; to regulate one’s life; behave; to conduct one’s self.

2. This is an extremely common New Testament term which comes into the Greek from a Hebrew concept.

a. To the Hebrew, life was a journey… a pilgrimage…

b. To the patriarchs, life on earth was a sojourn… dwelling in tents… looking forward to our final rest in that heavenly city. (Heb. 11:9-10)

3. The concept of a walk is a good illustration for life.

a. It pictures movement and progress forward. (Putting one foot in front of the other.)

b. It implies forethought… thinking about one’s steps. (Prov. 4:26 – ponder the path of thy feet.)

c. It implies direction. (You ought to know where you are walking TO.)

d. It implies a pre-set course… a well worn path that others have traveled… following in the steps of others who have gone on before. (A great cloud of witnesses who have walked in faith and finished their course!)

e. It implies potential danger along the way.

f. It implies various road conditions. (Uphill; rocky; smooth; slippery; gentle paths; etc.)

g. It implies the possibility of stepping out of line and heading off course. (Prov. 4:27)

h. It implies diligence needed along the way. (More effort, more progress; less effort, less progress.)

i. It implies the possibility of growing weary and tired… and even quitting!

j. It implies a final destination… an end of the road.

4. Repeatedly the New Testament speaks of the Christian life as a particular KIND of walk:

a. II Cor. 5:7 – we walk by faith.

b. Rom. 4:12 – walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham.

c. Rom. 6:4 – walk in newness of life.

d. Eph. 2:10 – good works, which God hath before ordained? that we should walk in them.

e. Eph.4:1 – we are to walk worthy of our high calling.

f. III John 3 – ?I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

g. Gal. 5:16 – Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

h. Eph. 5:2 – ?And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us.

i. Col.4:5 – Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

j. I John 1:7 – we walk in the light, as He is in the light.

k. Acts 9:31 – walking in the fear of the Lord.

Walking By Faith

A. So Walk Ye AS Ye Have Received Christ Jesus

1. We are commanded here to WALK. But HOW do we walk? How are we to live as a Christian?

2. All kinds of various groups have devised their own theories about HOW to live the Christian life.

a. The 7th Day Adventists say, “You are saved by grace, but once saved, you must then keep the law. Walk according to the law.”

b. The Covenant Theologian says something quite similar:
• Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones: “The Christian must never say farewell to the law. Thank God, we are no longer under it as a way of salvation; but we are to keep it, we are to honor it, we are to practice it in our daily life.”
• J.C. Ryle: “Genuine sanctification will show itself in habitual respect for God’s law, and habituation effort to LIVE in obedience to it as a rule of life.”

c. The Roman Catholic Church has devised a rather complicated system of “how to live” the Christian life… including keeping the 10 commandments, holy days, church traditions, memorizing catechisms, keeping the sacraments, reciting prayers, rosary beads, going to confession, keeping the Mass each week, fasting, going through the stations of the cross, etc… live that way—and hope you don’t slip up and die with a mortal sin on your soul, or you’re going to hell!

d. Wesleyanism developed its own brand of sanctification… how to live the Christian life. He proposed that perfection was possible in this life… and in a moment of time! He taught that we can arrive at a place where we no longer sin. (Charles Wesley: “Love Divine all Loves Excelling” = “take away our bent to sinning”!!)

3. The church at Colossae was faced with a similar confusion concerning how to live the Christian life.

a. Col. 2:8 – the false teachers were offering their views: walk according to their philosophy of life; walk according to the tradition of men; walk according to the rudiments of the world!

b. Col. 2:16 – they seemed to include a mixture of Jewish legalism too.

c. Col. 2:22 – walk according to the commandments and doctrines of men.

d. Col. 2:23 – pagan asceticism…

e. The Gnostic like cult taught that they and they alone contained special divine secrets for life… and only the initiated would be able to partake of these special secrets… which were an integral part of their mystery religion.

f. The early church faced a whole host of corrupted views of Christianity.

g. Today, we face much more! 2000 years worth of corruption! Virtually any crazy doctrine you can imagine, and some church/denomination teaches it somewhere!

4. The Colossian believers, once saved, then had to face another important question: now that I am saved, HOW shall I therefore LIVE?

a. Other than “What must I do to be saved?” this is perhaps the next most important question one should ask.

b. Unfortunately, after asking “What must I do to be saved?” many believers stop asking and start assuming!

c. They are told to DO THIS and DO THAT. Get busy serving… oftentimes without knowing HOW to live!

d. The Colossians (like us) were bombarded with all kinds of voices offering various answers on “how to live.”

e. It is an honest question. An excellent question. One that needs answering – soon after a person is saved. (Why waste valuable months… years… struggling to walk with God the wrong way?)

f. If you’ve ever struggled with that question, you’re in good company. So has every other honest believer!

5. Rom. 7:14-24 – Even the apostle Paul himself STRUGGLED trying to the live the Christian life… before he was taught of God HOW.

a. Paul was saved out of Judaism.

b. He was groomed his whole life to live under the Law of Moses. He was trained as a Pharisee.

c. Once Paul was saved as a Christian, he continued to live as he did before as a Jew—trying to keep the Law of Moses.

d. It would have been quite natural for him to ASSUME that he was to live under the Law. After all, it was God’s law!

e. Thus, as a new Christian, ignorant of the rule of life for the believer of this age, Paul attempted to keep the law and produce good fruit.

f. Vs. 22 – We know that this section describes Paul as a believer, because in his struggle he states that he DELIGHTS in the law of God after the inward man. The old man does not delight in God’s law! He hates it!

g. Vs. 19 – Paul discovered that he desired to do good, but was incapable! He also discovered that he did not want to do evil, but found himself powerless to prevent it!

h. Vs. 22-23 – He wanted to do what was right before God, but ended up behaving like a slave to sin!

i. Vs. 24 – trying to be good seemed hopeless. He saw himself as a useless wretch… and desperately wanted someone to SAVE him from himself! He is looking for a Savior… a Deliverer, but not a Savior from the PENALTY of sin. That was settled. He was now looking for a Savior from the POWER of sin in his daily life.
• When a man first gets saved, he seems to be living on cloud 9 for a while… enjoying the new life in Christ… everything is fresh, new, and exciting.
• But eventually that bubble breaks… and he discovers that although he knows that he has new life, he is not quite sure on how to LIVE the life!
• He soon discovers the awful nature of indwelling sin: his biting tongue; his unholy thought life; wrong attitudes; anger; lustful thoughts; covetousness; jealousy… Those issues don’t disappear just because we are saved!

j. Paul too wanted to know HOW TO LIVE as a Christian. On his own, he continually failed.

k. Finally, defeated, deflated, and discouraged, he cried out to God for help… for Deliverance.

l. WHO shall deliver me? (Notice that Paul was not looking for some new theological scheme… or a new philosophy of life… He was looking for a PERSON… a Person outside of himself! Someone with the ABILITY to deliver a sinner from the power of daily sin.

m. Vs. 25 – he finally turned to the Lord Jesus Christ… the Savior from sin!

n. God brought Paul to a place of learning… some important lessons that are NECESSARY to learn BEFORE we can ever know HOW TO LIVE as a Christian.
• Paul had to learn the hopelessness of trying to live a Christlike life in the flesh. (vs. 18) This is a painful but necessary lesson.
• Paul had to learn that the rule of life for the believer was not the Law of Moses, but a PERSON.
• Paul had to learn not to RELY upon self… not to TRUST in his own strength… but to rely upon and put his total TRUST in Another… even Jesus Christ!
• Putting one’s total trust in Another, namely, Christ is called FAITH.
• Jesus Christ said that He was the TRUTH. Paul had to learn that to live the Christian life, he had to learn to TRUST in the TRUTH.
• How was he to live? By faith resting upon and relying upon Jesus Christ… the Truth. He is the WAY of life. He is the TRUTH we rest upon. He is LIFE itself! To live is Christ!
• In other words, Paul had to STOP relying upon his own efforts and works… and TRUST in Christ and Him alone!
• That’s how we are to LIVE the Christian life… by FAITH.

B. As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord

1. AS you received Christ… this answers the question, “How should I walk?”

a. We are to walk in Christ in the same way that we received Christ.

b. We are to continue living the Christian life in the same way we began.

2. How did you receive Christ?

a. John 1:12 – Here John defines receiving Christ as BELIEVING on His name… believing on Him.

b. Acts 16:31 – BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ!

c. Of course, first we had to hear the FACTS of the gospel (who Christ is; what He did).

d. Then BELIEVING, we received Christ as our personal Savior.

e. By BELIEVING Christ becomes ours… and we become His.

f. Through faith, Christ comes to dwell within us.

g. Through faith, we appropriate Christ into our personal lives. He is no longer just the Savior of the world, He becomes MY Savior! He lives in me! And I am now in Him.

h. All of this is by FAITH.

3. How DID you BEGIN the Christian life?

a. We began with that initial step of faith.

b. How are we to walk? We are to CONTINUE taking steps of faith… continue the same way you began!

c. You began by trusting in Christ and trusting in Him alone. Continue walking by the same faith! With that same intensity!

d. Gal.3:11 – We are not only justified by faith, but the just shall LIVE by faith!
• We are not only justified by faith; we are sanctified by faith too!
• The Galatian believers were in a similar situation as the Colossians. They began well—by faith.
• But false teachers beguiled them with enticing words… and turned them back to the LAW as a rule of life.
• Hence, they were no longer living by faith.
• They started off by faith (Gal. 3:2-3)
• But they did not continue by faith. They then began to WALK by the Law… and by the efforts of the flesh.
• That’s almost like saying to God, “I needed you for salvation, but now that I’m saved, I’m all set thanks. I’ll take care of the sin problems myself. I’ll just follow the law… and DO it!”

e. We trust in Christ as our Savior from sin’s penalty and condemnation. But we are also to trust in Christ as our Savior from sin’s POWER in our daily lives!

f. We need the Savior to deliver us from BOTH (sin’s penalty and sin’s power)

4. The Christian life began with FAITH attaching itself to and resting upon Christ, who is the TRUTH… the church’s one foundation.

a. The Christian life is to continue in that same way.

b. We don’t come to the Savior once for salvation, and then go off on our own strength for the rest of our days!

c. No – we come to Christ for salvation, and then continually come to him, day by day… moment by moment… depending upon Him… constantly abiding in His presence.

d. Heb. 4:16 – we are to be continually coming to the throne of grace… because we have needs moment by moment.

e. This is faith: faith is dependence upon God; an expression of need; when we were an unsaved sinner we came to Christ because we discovered we had a need we could not meet… and realized we NEEDED a Savior. Now that we are saved, we STILL have a need… to live the life. And we are equally dependent upon the Savior for that too!

f. Keep on walking with the same kind of faith resting in the same Person. He is all we need!

g. The sinner comes to the Savior at the cross, TRUSTS in His finished work, and finds forgiveness; the saint comes to the risen, ascended, glorified Savior at the Father’s right hand in heavenly places, and finds power for living… and is thus ABLE to walk in newness of life.

h. Our own efforts were powerless and futile in any attempt to produce salvation in our own strength. Our own efforts are equally powerless in an attempt to produce sanctification in our own strength.

i. The only way to be saved is through FAITH (abandoning self effort and relying totally upon Christ); the only way to LIVE the Christian life is through FAITH (abandoning all self effort and relying totally upon Christ).

j. How did we BEGIN our Christian life? How did we get saved? How did we receive Christ Jesus our Lord?
• By FAITH we appropriated Christ!
• We chose to “cease from our own works” and “enter into rest” – resting in His finished work.
• It finally sunk in that in our flesh dwells no good thing… and all my righteousnesses are as filthy rags… and if I am ever going to be accepted in God’s sight, I need to abandon my own righteousness… and receive Christ… receive by faith HIS righteousness… receive by faith HIS life… receive by faith HIM! (Rejecting self effort and trusting in Christ alone.)
• This too is how we are to LIVE the Christian life (rejecting self effort and relying totally on Christ.)
• We were saved by faith. We are to walk by faith… not by impulses… or gut feelings… or intuition… or senses… or by circumstances… or presumption… or by sight. We walk by faith… a faith that rests upon the FACTS of God’s Word.

Walking In Christ

1. In Christ.

a. Walking IN Christ means walking in UNION with Him.

b. It means that we are to walk in the consciousness of our UNION with Him.

c. By faith we were united to Christ… baptized into His Body.

d. By faith we were united to Christ in His death and resurrection. (Col. 2:12)

e. By faith we were raised up with Him into heavenly places.

f. By faith, we have been organically united to Christ as our Head… as a branch to the Vine…

g. We have been united to the One who is the source and supply for our every need. He is our LIFE.

h. Every true believer is IN Christ. That is our position.

i. Now that we are saved, God wants us to WALK in Christ… we are to walk… conscious of this glorious union… believing that we are in Him and He is in us… and thus in Him we have all we need.

j. This is what it means to walk by faith: moment by moment believing, trusting, and resting in Christ as our all in all… and coming to Him moment by moment for those needs to be met.

k. As we by faith rest in Him—as we come to Him daily, hungry, thirsty, and needy… he DELIGHTS in meeting our every need!

2. So walk ye in Him… (present tense)

a. Walk = continually walk in Him… constantly conduct yourselves… continually order your steps…

b. We received Christ Jesus in a moment of time. But our walk is ongoing…

c. We were saved in a moment… we were UNITED to Christ positionally by being baptized into His Body in a moment of time.

d. But our walk is conditional. Our walk… our abiding in Him… our daily conduct… living the life does not speak of our unchangeable position, but our very changeable condition.

e. It is our personal responsibility to be abiding… to be walking by faith… moment by moment.

f. The second a branch refuses to abide in the Vine, it is powerless… a branch that is not resting in the Vine by faith is left to its own puny resources… and is weak indeed!

g. Hence, our faith and confidence in Christ needs to be ongoing…

h. When our dependence upon Christ is interrupted, we are powerless… as a branch that is plucked off the vine.

i. One man put it this way: “Yesterday’s strength is of no support in today’s difficulties.”

j. We must be CONSTANTLY abiding… moment by moment… day by day… constantly filling our minds and hearts with God’s Word… constantly fellowshipping with believers… constantly praying… constantly assembling together and constantly being knit together with the saints. Therein lies our spiritual strength.

k. The same faith that saved us and gave us life, supports us and enables us to LIVE that life… enables us to walk in newness of life…

l. It is by FAITH that we receive Christ and thus experienced victory over the penalty of sin; it is the same faith that enables us to manifest the indwelling life of the resurrected Christ in our lives… and experience victory over the power of sin.

m. And because of that abiding faith, resting in Christ as a branch in the Vine, we can thus say, “I can do all things THROUGH Christ who strengtheneth me.”

n. His indwelling strength flows through the believer by faith… resting in Him. We are enabled to LIVE the life.

o. When that is the case, we are no longer struggling and striving. We are simply WALKING… how easy is that?

3. The danger the Colossians faced.

a. The false teachers were trying to lure them away from the truth.

b. The false teachers had ANOTHER plan for living the Christian life (philosophies and traditions of men; Jewish legalism; pagan asceticism).

c. All of this was designed by the devil to LURE believers away from the simplicity that is found in Christ.

d. Col. 2:3 – in Him are found ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We need nothing more!

e. How does Paul counteract the attacks of the Gnostic like cult? He lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ! (image of the invisible God; creator; sustainer; redeemer; reconciler; the content of God’s mystery; the means of our salvation, spiritual growth and maturity; the fullness of God; all we need! He is to have ALL the preeminence.

f. The Colossian believers didn’t need some new thing… they didn’t need the so called secret mysteries from the cultists… they didn’t need some special KEY for living.

g. They already POSSESSED all they need in Christ!

h. And AS they received Him by faith—they were to CONTINUE WALKING in that same faith… trusting, relying, resting upon Him…

i. Christ was the solid foundation that would hold them up. (He holds the universe together!)

j. They were justified by faith; now that they are justified, the just are to LIVE by faith!

k. Hold on to Christ by faith; abide in Him by faith; be sure that your faith is continually embracing and appropriating Christ who is the truth—and don’t be swerved away from Him for anything! He is all we need.

l. Christianity is very simple.
• He that hath the Son hath life!
• For to me to live is Christ.

m. Without Him we can do nothing. Yet we can do ALL things through Christ who strengtheneth us.

n. The moment you were saved you put your total reliance upon Christ and His finished work. Now keep on doing that! Walk that way… live that way…

o. We came to Him for salvation… now keep on coming to Him in faith moment by moment… day by day… for guidance… for strength… wisdom… for grace to help in time of need… for encouragement… comfort… for forgiveness… for restoration… and for every other need!

p. And when we stumble, we come to Christ in faith… in utter helplessness… in our need—and He supplies our every need. And He delights in doing so!

IF YOU ARE NOT SAVED: Come to Christ in faith! (John 1:12)
· Receive Him by faith and He will give you eternal life.
· It doesn’t matter what your walk has been. Come to Christ just as you are… a sinner… but a repentant sinner… a sinner who has changed his mind and now CHOOSES Christ!
· You could work on improving your walk for the next 50 years and end up in hell forever.
· HOW do we receive Christ Jesus the Lord? Not by good works… but through faith.
· John 6:37 – him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
· If you come to Christ in faith—just as you are—He will give you new life… eternal life!
· THEN and only then you can begin to WALK the walk! Then He comes to live within you and give you new desires… new goals… a new nature… a new life… an abundant life.
· Won’t you come and be saved today?

The Christian Walk


1. In vs.6, Paul gave the Colossians the command to walk in Him.


2. He also told them “how” = by faith… the same way you received Christ.

3. Now some more instructions are given on living the Christian life.


A. Rooted in Him

1. Defined:

a. To cause to strike root, to strengthen with roots, to render firm, to fix, establish, cause a person or a thing to be thoroughly grounded

b. The term is used only twice in the New Testament: here and in Eph. 3:17 – being rooted and grounded in love.

2. The Verb:

a. Participle: (walk) … having been rooted…
• After you have been rooted in Christ… then we are to walk in Him.
• You can’t WALK in Christ until you have been ROOTED in Him.
• Being rooted is required for the right kind of walk.
• Rooted precedes the walk…
• Being rooted in Christ is a prerequisite for walking.

b. Perfect: past completed action with present continuing results.
• The Colossians were “rooted” in the past, and they remain rooted.
• They STAND solidly as rooted ones.
• This indicates that this rooting took place at the moment of salvation… before they started their Christian walk. It is a prerequisite to a Christian walk.
• At the moment of salvation, God rooted them in Christ… like a seed or a plant planted in the ground, and thus deeply rooted in the soil.
• The planting or the rooting takes place BEFORE growth can occur.
c. Passive: the action was not performed by the Colossians, but was done TO them… from an outside source—namely, God.
• Only God can save. Only God can plant us in Christ.
• It is the work of the Holy Spirit to baptize into Christ—cause us to be rooted IN Him. (I Cor. 12:13)
• Rooting us in Christ is God’s work on our behalf. It is not something we ourselves could ever do.
• Our only responsibility is to BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ… and then GOD will place us in Christ.
• The illustration Paul uses here is a plant being transplanted. We were in Adam, but at the moment of saving faith, God transplants us out of Adam, and IN Christ… we are planted or rooted in Christ.
• This speaks of a change of POSITION… in Christ… in His Body…
• This change of position is God’s work on our behalf at the moment of saving faith.
• The passive voice indicates that we are the recipients of this great work. God is the One who performs the work of rooting us in Christ.

3. In Him

a. This expression applies to BOTH “built up” and “rooted.”

b. One would naturally think of being rooted “on Him” not “in Him.”
• Our roots are not just ON Christ, but they are actually IN Him.
• This speaks of the unique relationship we have to Christ… as part of the mystery: positionally, we are IN Him and He is IN us.
• A branch is not merely superficially attached to the surface of a vine. It is organically UNITED to the vine… it is IN the vine.
• A member of the body (say a finger or arm) is not superficially attached to the surface of the body. It is organically united to it. It is in a sense, rooted right IN the body and part of the body. (not like a Mr. Potato head—superficial attachment!)

c. The Colossians (and all true believers) have been rooted IN Christ… by means of the baptism of the Spirit.
• I Cor. 12:13 – We were placed IN Christ. Our roots are in Him…

d. Thus, “rooted in Christ” means that He is the source of all of our growth.
• To use the illustration of a rooted plant (as in Col. 2:7), the plant is rooted deeply in the soil…
• The soil is the SOURCE of all the nutrients and even the water the plant needs for growth.
• This parallels the fact, that we are in Christ—and He is the source of all of our spiritual nutrients… the Living water… the Bread of Life… He is all we need.
• We are deeply ROOTED in the source of all we need.

e. Rooted in Him speaks of security and safety. (John 10:28-29)
• Being rooted in Christ speaks of the believer as a plant with deep roots.
• That plant is safe and secure when the stormy winds assault us.
• The believer is like a tree with deep roots and is safe. A tree without roots is easily blown over.
• We are like a deeply rooted tree—not tumbleweed—carried about with every wind—and blown around at the mercy of the wind.
• Paul’s point: Having been rooted in Christ, there is no need for a believer to be carried about with every wind of doctrine! (Eph. 4:14)
• The Colossians were under assault by the false teachers. Paul wanted them to know that they need not fear. They are safely rooted in Christ.
• All they had to do was ABIDE where they were planted… and they would GROW where they were rooted.
• As soil is the source of growth and nutrients for a rooted plant, so too Christ is the source of growth for the believer rooted In Him.
• He is our sustenance. He is our Life.
• He is our safety and stability: rooted in Him.
• A plant rooted in sand might blow away in the storms of life. But not a plant rooted in One who is called the Solid Rock… a firm foundation… Rock of Ages!
• What better foundation for our roots? That’s stability.
• It was the LORD who rooted us in Christ! What God does lasts forever… we were rooted once and for all.
• We CANNOT become uprooted… any more than we can become UN-baptized out of the Body… any more than the church can be shaken off the foundation of Christ… (the gates of hell shall not prevail!)… any more than we can be plucked from the Father’s hands. (John 10:28-29)

4. Having been rooted, we are then commanded to WALK in Him. (vs. 6-7)

a. It would be folly for an unbeliever to attempt to walk in Christ if he had not first been rooted in Him.

b. It is an impossible walk apart from Christ… without Christ we can do nothing… it is impossible to attempt to live the Christian life… walk the walk… apart from being rooted in the One who is the source of all the strength needed to walk!

c. We are able to walk in Christ because we are rooted in Him!

d. With our roots deeply planted in the rich soil of Christ, we have all we need to walk… to live the Christian life.

e. And outside of Christ—in the world – is NOTHING that will aid us in our walk.

f. Our walk is designed to manifest Christ—and to bear Christlike fruit. If that is going to occur, then our roots need to be IN HIM.

g. When our roots ARE in Him… bearing Christlike fruit will be as natural as a branch on a vine bearing grapes!

5. They say that an oak tree has as an extensive a root system BENEATH the surface as it has a branch system above the ground.

a. If that is true, it illustrates well the fact that much of our life as a Christian is HIDDEN away.

b. Col. 3:3 – our life is hidden with Christ in God.

c. The world only sees the external—as the world only sees the branches on an oak tree… but its roots are hidden.

d. Our real spiritual life is hidden from the world—an extensive relationship to Christ.

e. All the world can see is the EVIDENCE of that rooted relationship: the outward fruit!

f. But all of that growth and fruit is the result of an entire HIDDEN spiritual life… rooted in Christ… spending time with Him… meditating upon our position IN Him…

g. Roots are essential to growth and fruit bearing!

h. Whatever fruit is borne is the result of the root. It all starts at the root.

i. But if our secret, hidden, devotional life with Christ is lacking… if our hidden root system isn’t functioning as God designed—it will STUNT our spiritual growth and hinder fruit bearing!

j. The hidden root system is designed to thirst and seek after water and nutrients… to soak as much out of the soil into which it has been planted and rooted as possible… for the benefit of the plant system above the soil… the life that is seen on earth.

k. In a healthy plant, the roots dig down deep into the soil – thirsting after water and nutrients… seeking, stretching, striving, reaching, extending, thirsting…

l. And all that stretching and thirsting digs the roots DEEPER and deeper into the soil—picturing that if we are healthy spiritually, we too will hunger and thirst after righteousness… we will seek more and more of CHRIST in our lives… we too will cling to Him… striving to know more of Him… we will hunger for more of the Bread of Life… we will thirst for more of the living waters of life…

m. We will be like a plant whose roots are seeking sustenance… and he that seeks shall find.

n. We will find that in Christ are hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge… all we need for life and growth.

o. Our job is to ABIDE in Him… in a close personal relationship to Him… digging our roots in even deeper…

p. And we don’t have to worry about how much sunshine we receive or how much rain. That’s up to the Lord. Our responsibility is to REMAIN where we were planted… rooted… and seek nutrients for life from Christ and Christ alone.


1. Built up = eποικοδομέω – to build upon, build up; make more able, build up, strengthen. (upon + house + build)

a. This is an architectural term. It speaks of constructing a building.

b. Paul mixes his metaphors here—as he often does.

c. Both metaphors speak of the same truth: a plant growing or a building under construction… built upon a solid foundation.

d. I Cor. 3:9 – “ye are God’s husbandry; ye are God’s building.” (same two metaphors) – teaching same lessons: growth; progress; construction; building up.

2. The Verb:

a. Present passive participle.
• This participle indicates that the WALK of vs. 6 and the BUILDING UP of verse 7 are to occur simultaneously.
• Walk… continually being built up in Him.
• As we walk in Him (filled with the Spirit) we ARE being built up!
• This means that spiritual edification occurs during the ordinary events of life… as we go about our daily business, in the home, in the workplace, as we walk in the Spirit… in Christ… we ARE being built up!
• Growth is a very natural thing. Unless there are some unusual and unhealthy circumstances occurring, a plant that is rooted in good soil will be built up and will grow naturally.
• Spiritual growth is not the result of an unusual, supernatural, mystical, or spectacular experience. It is the natural result of having roots in good soil…
• AS we walk in Christ, filled with the Spirit, we are being built up in Him… we are growing more and more into His likeness… our mind is being renewed and made more like the mind of Christ…
• Keep on walking… and we are continually being built up… even when we don’t see any growth. (Have you noticed the trees in your yard getting bigger this month? Not until we compare them with old pictures do we notice!)

b. Present passive participle.
• The work of being rooted in Christ is completed. The work of being built up in Him is ongoing.
• We are to be continually, constantly, and consistently growing and edified in the faith.
• This job is NEVER done in this life.
» It is not enough to be saved and stop there
» It is not enough to be born again… God expects growth after birth.
» It is not enough to be built upon a solid foundation. We are to be building upon that foundation…
» Think of your life as a continual construction project… (with a big sign around our neck: under construction!)
» It is not enough to put a plant in the ground. Once rooted, growth and fruit is expected.
» Which ever metaphor we use (plant or building) the process of construction or growth is to CONTINUE.
• He that began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ… at the rapture!
» The roots were planted in Christ at the moment of salvation.
» The building up process takes the rest of our lives.
• No believer can say that he has grown enough; or that he is sufficiently sanctified; or that he has attained; or is already perfect; or has been built up enough; or that he has borne enough fruit already.
• When the goal is Christlikeness, there is plenty of room for growth… always more stretching to do… more building up to do… more progress… more transformation into His image.

c. Present Passive Participle: the subject receives the action; it does not perform the action of the verb;
• We cannot build ourselves up; it must be the Lord working IN us.
• This indicates that we are totally dependent upon the Lord to build us up… to cause growth… to produce good fruit… to make us more like Christ.
• We have certain responsibilities as believers, but only God can give increase! (I Cor. 3:6)
• We don’t build ourselves up—except in the sense that we FULFILL OUR RESPONSIBILITIES as believers: (Jude 20-21)
» We build ourselves up by means of the Word, prayer, and abiding in the sphere of God’s love.
» If we abandon those things, then we are hindering the spiritual growth that God desires to produce in us.
» We can’t produce growth, but we can hinder it!

• Our responsibilities for spiritual growth:
» Feeding on His Word
· Acts 20:32 –the word of His grace is able to build you up
· I Pet. 2:2-3 – Growth comes through the Word.
· Notice that taking in the Word of God is likened to a baby thirsting after milk…
· And that is then likened to “tasting” the Lord Himself.
· Time we spend in the Bible, the written Word, is time spent with Christ… the Living Word.
· We should thirst after Christ and His Word as a baby thirsts after milk.
· We are built up in Christ AS we spend time in God’s Word. The Word is the vehicle through which spiritual growth occurs.
· Are you spending time in the Word? Why not? What is more important?
· Either we are being built up spiritually, or we are going to fall apart spiritually.
· The same is true for our families… and for the church Body!
· Walk with God or fall apart!

» Beholding His glory (II Cor. 3:18) – we are transformed (passive)
· Our responsibility is to behold the glory of Christ in His Word… looking unto Jesus.
· God’s job is to produce growth.
· We are to concentrate on Christ… and seek communion and fellowship with Him.
· As we do, it is like a planted rooted in good soil, seeking, thirsting, and hungering after the nutrients in that soil. And as we seek, we find.

3. We are built up In Him = Christ is the SPHERE in which spiritual “building” (edification) takes place.

a. Positionally, we have been rooted in Him once and for all. We have been baptized into His body once and for all. Positionally, we are IN Him.

b. Conditionally, we are to ABIDE in Him… REST in the knowledge of the truth of our position in Him.

c. Growth only occurs when we are ASSURED that we are rooted in Christ.

d. It is not just the fact that we have been rooted that results in growth. (Every believer has been rooted in Christ, but not every believer is continually being built up in Him.)

e. We must BELIEVE that we are a new creature IN Christ before we can walk in Him.

f. We must KNOW and BELIEVE the truth in Romans 6 that declares that our old man was crucified before we can walk in newness of life.

g. Paul’s desire for the believers was their “full assurance” of understanding of the Christian faith… no doubts… nothing wavering…

h. Growth occurs when we are assured that we have been raised up together in heavenly place IN Christ.

i. Growth occurs when we are assured of our position IN Christ… and are meditating upon it… upon Christ… looking unto Him… focused on Him and away from the world… resting in our position in Christ.

j. As we focus on the Word, on Christ and on things above, GOD works in us… building us up… transforming us… renewing us… until Christ like character is formed in us…

k. Being rooted in Christ (seeking; thirsting) we are built up… as we walk by faith… walk in the Spirit.

4. Psalm 1:2-3 – the tree planted by the river is one whose roots are rooted in good soil and is well watered.

a. It has all it needs for growth.

b. The result? It will bring forth good fruit; it will not wither; it will prosper in all it does!

c. And note that the growth and fruit are related to his WALK (vs. 1) A separated walk… not walking with the counsel of the ungodly… but meditating on God’s Word.

5. Being built up refers to spiritual growth and progress.

a. Being rooted speaks of being planted. (speaks of salvation—once and for all)

b. Once a planted is planted, it is to continually grow where it was planted.

c. When saved, we are planted IN Christ. He is the sphere in which spiritual growth occurs.
• When a plant digs its roots deep into rich soil, it receives all it needs and the result is growth and fruit.
• We have been rooted in Christ. When we dig our roots deeply into Him… into our position in Him… and hunger and thirst to know Him… THEN growth and fruit will occur.
• The health and fruitfulness of a plant is determined by its root system… and the soil or sphere into which it is rooted.
d. If a plant is not planted in the proper soil, it will never grow!
• Religious men, not planted in Christ by faith, may attempt to walk the walk… to live the Christian life, but will wither.

e. We cannot be built up in Christ if we are not first rooted in Him.

f. Sometimes folks struggle in their walk for years… before they finally discover that the REASON they struggle so is because they were never rooted in Christ in the first place… they were never saved!

g. Any attempt to live the Christian life apart from that initial step of faith (salvation – rooted in Him) will fail. What could be more frustrating? Be sure that you are saved!


· Matt. 7:24-27 – Are you building your life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ or on sinking sands?

· First, take that initial step of faith and COME to Him for salvation… (Positioned in Christ)

· Then and only then can you walk the walk… and live the Christian life.

Stablished in the faith


1. Paul mentioned the Christian walk in vs. 6.

2. He then lists four participles that describe this walk in one way or another.

3. We looked at two of those participles last week: rooted and built up.

4. This week we want to look at the last two: established and abounding.


A. Stablished:

1. Defined:

a. Strong’s: to make firm, establish, confirm, make sure.

b. Dictionary of Bible Languages: to cause to believe; to establish belief; to verify; to cause something to be known as certain.

c. II Pet. 1:10 – “make your calling and election sure.”
• They were already called and were elected before the foundation of the earth.
• Nothing a man can do today can change what God did before creation!
• By adding virtue to our lives, we do not make our ELECTION sure. Rather, WE become ASSURED of it!
• Our behavior can add nothing to our calling or our election. But, our behavior can make us personally certain that we are one of God’s elect.
• Our behavior doesn’t MAKE us one of the elect. But it does make us sure that we are one of the elect.
• By adding virtue to our lives, we CONFIRM in our own personal mind and heart that we are one of God’s elect!
• It brings assurance and certainty to our hearts. That is the meaning of the word “stablish.”

d. Mark 16:20 – “confirming the word with signs following.”
• The signs performed by the apostles did not MAKE the word they preached true. Rather, they confirmed the fact that it WAS true.
• It made it certain in the minds of those who observed. It was proof… evidence that validated the word spoken.
• Cf. Heb.2:3-4 – miracles confirmed the word spoken by the Lord. It did not make His word true… but they removed doubt… and brought assurance to onlookers… it confirmed the truthfulness in their minds and hearts.

e. Stablished in the faith = as the Colossians walked with God, and “lived by the faith of the Son of God”… as they experienced the glory of the mystery (Christ in you—His power, grace, strength, love, holiness, etc…) they would become more and more assured of the truthfulness of the teaching they had received!
• The FRUIT that was produced in them was evidence and further confirmation to them that the message they heard was true… accurate… real… it worked…
• This concept is similar to what Paul wrote in vs. 2 – “the full assurance of understanding.”
• Paul wanted the Colossian believers to be fully assured… fully persuaded… entirely convinced that their understanding of the Christian faith and the Christian life was correct.

2. Present Passive Participle:

a. Passive: the action is not performed BY the subject (ye) but is performed by an outside source and the subject is the recipient of the action.

b. This is the third passive participle describing the walk. (rooted and built up)

c. The Colossians were BEING established in the faith.

d. It is the Lord who establishes believers in the faith.
• Rom. 16:25 – Paul breaks out into prayer.
» He notes that it is GOD alone who has the power to establish us… (same word)
» God establishes/confirms/assures us according to (1) the gospel; (2 ) preaching about Christ; and (3) the revelation of the mystery.
» The believer is strengthened and his faith is confirmed as God illuminates our minds on these three important aspects of truth.
» Establishing the believer in the faith is God’s work in us. (passive participle)
• I Pet. 5:10 – It is the God of all grace who establishes us! Not we ourselves.

e. God establishes us in the faith (confirms our faith) by demonstrating His LIFE through us.
• This would be an experiential confirmation of the truth.
• As we LIVE the Christian life… as we walk in Him… we experience Christ IN our lives…
• As we walk, the fruit of His character is manifested through us (1:10); His power operates in us… (1:11);
• This assures our hearts that our faith is real… that our understanding of the Christian life is true.
• 2:2 – as our hearts are comforted and knit together in love… that is UNTO the full assurance.
• Christian experience results in assurance… confirmation of what we have believed… our faith is established.
• We become surer than ever of our salvation and of THE faith once delivered unto the saints… that it is real, true, living, and we are certain of it.

f. God establishes us in the faith (confirms our faith) by illuminating our minds concerning the Scriptures.
• This would be an intellectual confirmation… or persuasion… or convincing of the mind.
• God convinces our minds and hearts as we read His Word.
• Ex: perhaps you have been taught about the doctrine of eternal security and you believe it.
• Yet, God continues to teach you this truth… and as you read the Scriptures you SEE it in this verse… and in that verse…
• That is the work of the Holy Spirit illuminating your mind and opening your eyes to SEE this truth from different angles… from different passages… in a new light… a deeper understanding and appreciation for the doctrine.
• The more light the Holy Spirit sheds on the subject, the more CONFIRMED you are in that portion of THE Faith.
• The illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit does not make the doctrine any truer than it already is… but it does bring more assurance and confirmation of its truth to your heart personally.
• Whereas as a new believer, perhaps you were taught this truth… but were a bit unsure… you wavered a little… you saw other Bible verses that caused you to doubt… and perhaps you could have been led astray because you were not assured.
• That’s why we need to have the “full assurance of understanding…” That’s why we need to be “stablished in the faith” SO THAT we will not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.
• That’s also why it is not a waste of time to hear truth repeated… over and over.
• Sometimes believers sit through a sermon on the theme of “justification” or “eternal security” or “the rapture”… and say to themselves, “I heard this all before. Nothing new. Ho hum. I’m not really getting anything out of this sermon… I think I’ve outgrown this church… or this preacher.”
• Those are the words of an immature believer.
• It is ALWAYS valuable to have truth driven into our minds and hearts DEEPER…
• We might liken this to driving a nail home or giving that bolt one final twist with the wrench. The result of driving the nail home or one final twist of the wrench is that what we are making is STRONGER… more solid… more stable… less likely to fall apart.
• That is just what God is doing in our lives as we read His Word. He establishes our faith…confirms it to our hearts… gives us assurance… and that makes us STRONGER spiritually… more stable… less likely to fall apart!
• Sometimes we read our Bibles in devotion time and at the end think to ourselves, “I didn’t learn anything new today.” Who says you need to learn something NEW every day we read? Perhaps God wanted to drive OLD truth deeper into our thick skull! That is a very worthwhile proposition!

3. Present: this speaks of continuous action.

a. As we walk in Christ (ordinary events of life), we are being established… confirmed in the faith.

b. Walking is confirming!

c. We are commanded to continually walk (present) in Christ… walking in Christ means abiding in Him moment by moment.

d. This walk is also called walking in the Spirit… walking by faith.

e. And as we do, we are continually being built up and continually being established in the faith.

f. The Colossians received the truth. There ought be a growing conviction of the truth they received.

g. As life goes on as a believer, we should be becoming more and more confirmed in our faith… our convictions on God’s Word should become stronger and stronger.
• Not necessarily personal convictions that are based on application—personal convictions can even change over the years… as we grow and learn and mature in Christ.
• But convictions concerning THE faith… doctrine… truth—they never change. They just grow stronger and deeper and more settled… confirmed… until our hearts experience all the riches of the full assurance of understanding…

B. In the Faith

1. THE Faith = objectively: the body of Christian doctrine; the truth; the faith once delivered to the saints; the CONTENT of our beliefs;

a. The faith is not personal trust in God… but the foundation upon which our personal faith rests.

b. Some commentators have interpreted “the faith” to refer to personal faith and confidence in God here… in the subjective sense.

c. However, there are good reasons to understand it in the objective sense.
• The definite article appears before faith
• If the next phrase is connected to the faith it would indicate objective truth: as ye have been taught.
• Thirdly, the issue at hand was false teachers who had infiltrated the region. (Cf. vs.8)

2. It is vital that we are established in the faith…

a. If we are UNSURE of where we stand doctrinally, we are easy prey for the adversary.

b. If our assurance of doctrine is based upon the church constitution, or a denominational creed, or what the pastor said, or what you heard in Sunday school, you are easy prey for the devil!

c. You’ve all heard the song, “My hope is built on nothing less than Scofield notes and Moody Press!”

d. We need to be established in THE FAITH… our certainty and assurance of mind and heart are to come from God’s inspired Word… and nothing else.

e. The faith (doctrine) is the SPHERE in which we are to be established.

f. The more we study and learn Bible doctrine, the more assured, confirmed, and established we become.

3. Today there has been a growing trend AWAY from doctrinal teaching and towards relational teaching.

a. Throughout church history, teaching has been designed to get truth SETTLED in our minds concerning the great doctrines of the faith (justification; reconciliation; imputation; substitution; redemption; the Deity of Christ; dispensationalism; prophecy; etc…)

b. Today the trend is AWAY from doctrine (which divides) and toward SELF-HELP teachings. (anger management; emotional therapy; financial seminars; how to get a lot done in a little time; dealing with difficult people; grief therapy; conquering worry; dealing with stress; how to be happy, successful, how to lose weight God’s way;

c. It is a SHIFT from God-centered theology to MAN-centered theology.

d. It is a SHIFT away from theology to psychology.

e. It is a SHIFT in the purpose of life… from living life in a hostile world with all of its trials for the glory of God… TO living life to the fullest… finding fulfillment… (from glorifying God to helping ME… from viewing our lives as living sacrifices, to seeking to make life comfortable for me, myself, and mine).

f. This is a dangerous shift too, for when the contrary winds and the devouring wolves begin howling against us, it is far more important to be confirmed in the faith, to be spiritually established, settled, unmovable on a solid foundation, and our souls anchored to the Rock within the heavenly veil, than it is to be happy and fulfilled in our earthly circumstances… because those earthly circumstances could change in a moment.

g. The “how to” seminars and self help teachings that are so popular today are helpful in an earthly sense… and profitable on that level.

h. But the SHIFT away from doctrine TOWARD that teaching is extremely unhealthy for the churches in our day.

i. Think of those subjects we just mentioned. They are subjects that could be taught equally well in a Bible church, a Roman church, a Mormon church, a Muslim mosque, a Hindu Temple, or a psychology clinic. (And many of those seminars and new teachings lean heavily on psychology rather than theology.)

j. Those subjects are very human and earthly (and thus popular among men on earth) but there is nothing necessarily CHRISTIAN about them!

k. But the Rapture, justification by faith alone, eternal security based on the blood of Christ, the Millennial Kingdom, and the Deity of Christ are DISTINCTLY Christian.

l. Kids like candy, but wise parents know that the bulk of their food intake ought to come from GOOD food.
• In the same way, immature believers want teaching to revolve around how to make life on earth easier and more comfortable.
• Wise church leaders know that while there is a place for that on occasion, (such subjects do occur in the Bible when studied verse by verse)…
• But what the sheep really need is DOCTRINE… a healthy, steady, consistent, faithful diet of doctrine…
• And just like kids would rather live on French fries, ice cream, and Coke, what they really NEED a healthy diet of meat and potatoes… and broccoli… even if it isn’t too appealing to their immature taste buds.
• Jesus said, FEED my sheep. He meant good, healthy food that would strengthen their SPIRITUAL lives… not merely the earthly.


1. They were taught the Christian faith.

2. TAUGHT: aorist – in the past they had been taught.

a. Paul knew that these believers had been taught—and WELL taught!

b. Col. 1:7 – Epaphras taught them the Word of God… and they LEARNED from him!
• Learned – manthanw = to teach; the verb form of disciple…
• Epaphras enrolled many people in his discipleship class and he began to teach them the word of the truth of the gospel.
• Just as when the Lord took in disciples, some received it superficially and later departed… and perhaps were persuaded by the false teachers.
• Others were taught and took root in good soil… they were rooted in Christ and were saved! They became disciples indeed!
• They produced fruit… and much fruit!
• These were the members of the church in Colossae.
• While they were rooted and were being built up in Christ, there was still a danger that they too could be lured away.

3. The Gnostic like teachers were encouraging the Colossians to discard the teachings about Christ they originally heard for more “mature” truth… more enlightened teaching…

a. Paul told them to hold on to the truth about Christ they had learned from Epaphras.

b. When we grow as believers, we are not to discard the truths we learned as new believers. We BUILD upon those teachings.

c. Truth doesn’t change. It never needs to be replaced… unlike books of science falsely so called which need to be “revised” every few years to fit the latest fad in the scientific community…

d. Our very first lessons about God—even if we were brought up in the church nursery are FOUNDATIONAL… never to be replaced with something new and improved!

e. Truth cannot be improved. It can be taught at deeper levels and studied from different angles… but never changed or improved!

f. As believers, we never OUTGROW the simplicity that is in Christ. (II Cor. 11:3 – lest your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

g. From the first century until today, this has been the devil’s approach: claiming to have outgrown the simple Christian faith… for something more cosmopolitan… more enlightened…

h. They claim to have outgrown the archaic Christian doctrines, such as the existence of Hell, the exclusive claims of Christ, incarnation, a literal resurrection… and have replaced them with concepts more respectable in academic circles…

i. This is one of the dangers on campuses of universities around the country: in settings where broadmindedness is virtually gloried in, Biblical Christianity is hated, scoffed at, denigrated… broadmindedness extends to every sphere except the Biblical Christian faith.

j. And even worse, Christian young people there are subjected to the subtle smirk! (Oh, you’re one of them? Poor child. You’ll grow out of it.)

k. A young person needs to be STRONG… rooted, built up, and established in his faith BEFORE he heads off to face all that! That’s our job as parents.

l. Some pastoral advice parents: Don’t send your kids off to a university to face all that unless you know there is a good church nearby! Four years of condescending smirks with no fellowship has proven to be too much to bear for many a young person… especially if they were not firmly established in the faith before they go.

m. There was the constant pressure from the false teachers to convince the Colossian believers to abandon their “simple truths” about Christ for their more enlightened approach.

n. We face the very same kind of pressure today—especially our young people!

4. That’s why the emphasis in the New Testament is on doctrine and TEACHING the Word!

a. I Tim. 1:3-4 – charge some that they teach no other doctrine,? 4?Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying.

b. I Tim. 4:1 – Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;? ?Speaking lies in hypocrisy.

c. I Tim. 4:6 – nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.

d. I Tim. 4:13 – Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

e. I Tim. 4:16 – Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them.

f. I Tim. 5:17 – Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.

g. II Tim. 3:10 – But thou hast fully known my doctrine.

h. II Tim. 3:16 – All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine.

i. II Tim.4:2-3 – Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.? 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.

5. For the believer, the learning process is never over.

a. We are students of God’s Word till the Lord comes. No believer can ever say that he knows enough about Christ and Christian truth.

b. Paul writes to them to let them know how important teaching of doctrine is in the Christian life!

c. It is not enough to have a superficial knowledge of the truth. We are to be ESTABLISHED in the faith… firm, settled, rooted.

d. Just because we are rooted in Christ, that doesn’t mean that those roots are as deep and firm as they can be! Those roots can always dig deeper…

e. And deep, strong roots result in a tree that will stand FIRM against the storms of life… and will continue to bear fruit.

f. Paul’s goal in life was to learn MORE about the Lord: that I may know Him! More about Jesus would I know… more of His lovingkindness show!


1. Remember that Paul has been explaining HOW TO WALK since vs. 6.

a. He uses 4 participles in his explanation. (Rooted; built up; established… and now abounding.)

b. The Christian walk… the Christian LIFE ought to be characterized by thanksgiving…

c. A thankful spirit is a sign of progress in the Christian walk… a sign of maturity… advancement towards Christlikeness.

d. Being thankful is the final description of the Christian walk and is evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit. (Eph.5:18-20).

e. Walking in Christ, being established in the faith, and growing in the knowledge of Christ will ALWAYS result in thanksgiving to God!

f. How can we think of our heavenly position in Christ and our union with Him in his resurrection and NOT be thankful?

g. How can we think of His indwelling presence and not be thankful?

h. A proper understanding of truth in Christ will always result in joy and thanksgiving… regardless of our earthly circumstances. No wonder we are told to set your affection on things above!

2. Abounding: present ACTIVE participle.

a. Present tense indicates that abounding in thanksgiving ought to be the continual attitude maintained as we walk.

b. Out of the four participles describing the walk, this is the only one in the active voice… all the others are passive (God’s work in us).

c. This one is active – our responsibility. WE are to actively perform the action of ABOUNDING in thanksgiving.

d. Believers who are consistently thankful for TRUTH are rarely lured away by false teachers.
• The false teachers are much more likely to attract that believer who instead of being joyous and thankful has a chip on his shoulder! (Or maybe the Rock of Gibraltar!)
• They are more likely to devour a believer who has an unforgiving spirit… or is harboring sin in his heart.
• But the believer who is filled with the Spirit… thankful for all he has in Christ and rejoicing in the Lord isn’t going to be lured away. (He has Christ; he has everything!)

3. ACTIVE participle: God does not abound in thanksgiving FOR us. But He does give us CAUSE for abounding in thanksgiving!

a. The believer should be eternally thankful for the finished work of Christ on the cross!

b. We should be thankful for His heavenly High Priestly ministry for us.

c. We should be thankful for teaching on the importance of the Body of Christ… and the Headship of Christ.

d. We should be thankful for the teaching of the preeminence of Christ… knowing who He is…

e. The believer ought to be thankful that Christ lives in us… the hope of glory. (Col. 1:27)

f. The one who is thankful for our position in Christ and all he has in Christ will not be looking elsewhere to have his spiritual needs met…

g. We should be thankful for the TEACHING we have received from God’s Word… for truth… for light… for discernment… for the knowledge of Christ…
• I am thankful to God for the teaching I received early on in my Christian walk.
• Testimony: within one month I went from a cult, to a Roman Catholic Church, to a dead Protestant church… to a sound, fundamental Bible believing Church…
• I knew nothing about doctrine at first, but I recognized light when I saw it. I stayed in the Bible believing church and was grounded in the truth!
• Once we find the truth, our searching for truth is over (out in the world). Now we search for truth in God’s Word… seeking to be established in the faith.
• The plant rooted in good rich soil won’t be interested in being relocated to other soil. Taste and see that the Lord is good!
• The believer rooted in Christ will be thankful for the nutrient rich soil into which he has been planted.
• He will be thankful because he finds in Christ all he needs… and he finds there safety and security…
• The believer who is not continually being built up and established in the faith will be easy prey for the wolves… but the one who is rooted, growing, and stablished in the faith is SAFE indeed.
• One man summarized the passage this way: “A grounded, growing, grateful believer will not be led astray.”

Spiritually Robbed and Enslaved

Beware of Being Robbed and Enslaved (Spoiled)


1. Paul WARNS the Colossian believers about becoming “spoiled.”

2. Spoiled: the term occurs only here in the New Testament.

a. It does not mean to corrupt or to ruin as the English term implies.

b. Strong’s: to take away; to carry off booty. 1ato carry one off as a captive (and slave).

c. Dictionary of Bible Languages: take control of, take captive, carry off as booty.

d. Zodhiates: figuratively: of the destructive effects of false teachers who rob believers of their complete riches available in Christ.

e. Figuratively: to lead away from the truth and subject to one’s sway

f. Two related shades meanings:
• To rob (take away goods as booty or spoil)
• To enslave (take away people as captives; slaves)

g. BOTH of these related meanings make perfect sense in this context; both are true and perhaps BOTH are implied by Paul.
• The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. It is not necessarily an either/or interpretation.
• When the conquering army defeated their foe, they did BOTH.
• They robbed the defeated army of their goods AND took the survivors as captives… slaves.

h. The EFFECTS of the false teachers would spoil the believers in two ways.
• Their false teachings could ROB the believers of their liberty in Christ… rob them of their enjoyment and experience of their riches which belong to us in our position in heavenly places in Christ…
• And at the same time, their false teachings would ENSLAVE them to false teachings.
i. There is some overlapping between these two shades of meaning.
• The one who is taken away as a captive… enslaved… is at the same time robbed of what he formerly possessed and enjoyed.
• But the MAIN emphasis seems to be on CAPTIVATING the Colossians…

3. Hence, the WARNING from Paul to the Colossians: BEWARE!

a. Beware: blepw = to see; to look; to discern; to direct the mind to a thing, to consider, contemplate, to look at, to weigh carefully, examine.

b. The Colossians were to beware lest they be SPOILED – robbed or led away captive and enslaved to the false philosophy and mysticism of the Gnostic-like cult that was attacking them.

c. Look out! Keep your eyes open for this! Watch out! This could happen to you! It is an ever present danger.

d. Beware = present active imperative: this is a COMMAND… and one that we are to be CONTINUALLY observing… continually watching out for this.

e. Lightfoot noted that this term expresses the imminence of the peril…

f. And while the exact FORM of false teachings may vary from time to time and place to place, the reality of a similar attack is an imminent danger for us today too.

4. Our enemy is engaged in a battle for the minds, hearts and allegiance of God’s people.

a. Satan seeks to devour us spiritually by ROBBING us of our riches in Christ… and ENSLAVING us to wrong thinking… false doctrine… which results in false practice.

b. This battle for the minds, hearts, and allegiance of God’s people is really a battle between Satan and Christ.

c. Satan seeks to be LIKE the Most High God.
• He seeks worship.
• He seeks allegiance.
• He seeks to be lord… master.
• He seeks to be god… and replace the True and Living God.

d. Matt. 6:19-24 – And Christ seeks for us to submit to Him as Lord and Master. We can only have ONE master. We are to be SINGLE minded. ONE treasure. ONE heart.
• The battle is between Christ and everything else as our Master: earthly treasures; mammon.
• If Satan is successful, we are ROBBED:
» Of our fellowship with Christ…
» Of the joy of abiding in Him…
» Of the fruit that results from that relationship…
» Of the answered prayer
» Of enjoying our riches in Christ…
» Of the filling and power of the Spirit in our lives
» Of the illumination and leading of the Spirit
» Of the power of God enabling us to walk in newness of life…

• If Satan is successful, we are ENSLAVED:
» To his purposes…
» To an earthly world view…
» To the lusts and will of the flesh
» To the darkness of this world
» To the vanity of life under the sun
» To self… to a vain manner of life…

5. There is an ever present danger that any one of us could be ROBBED and ENSLAVED by our adversary… hence BEWARE!

Robbed and Enslaved through Philosophy

1. Paul writes to warn the Colossian believers that they were surrounded by enemies who sought to attack them and rob them of their riches… and carry them away as captives.

a. But this enemy was not going to attack them with swords, spears, and battle axes.

b. They would not invade the city on chariots. There would be no blockade or siege of the city of Colossae.

c. They would not be physically attacked with violence.

d. Instead, this enemy would attack them quietly, stealthily, and subtly with PHILOSOPHY and vain deceit.

e. This enemy would not attempt to pierce their armor with a sword, but would attempt to pierce into their mind with a lie… a beautiful, beguiling lie… embedded in enticing words… but a lie nonetheless.

f. The pen is more powerful than the sword. The false teachers were attempting to use the pen and their golden tongues to SPOIL the Colossians… rob them of their riches and enslave them to their way of thinking.

2. Certainly there is nothing inherently wrong with philosophy.

a. Philosophy is the love of wisdom… the pursuit of wisdom.

b. Philosophy deals with the subject of life, the world, its meaning, and its purpose.

c. Prov. 4:5-8 – Seeking this kind of wisdom is a valuable and worthwhile pursuit.
• In fact, the Bible COMMANDS us to seek wisdom…
• Vs. 6 – We are to LOVE wisdom (that is what philosophy means!)
• Vs. 6 – the right kind of wisdom will PRESERVE and keep you safe spiritually!
• Vs. 7 – We are to GET wisdom (pursue it)—that too is a good definition of philosophy: the pursuit of wisdom.
• Philosophy (as the love and pursuit of wisdom) is good, profitable, and will yield rewards in this life and in the life to come!

d. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. What could be more Biblical than that?
• In that sense, Paul himself was a philosopher!
• In his writings, Paul often deals with the subject of life and its meaning and purpose.
• There is such a thing as a Christian world view… the Christian philosophy of life…
• The Christian world view… Christian philosophy is based upon eternal TRUTH… the Word of God.
• There is nothing inherently wrong with Biblical philosophy… the love of wisdom.

3. However, there IS something inherently wrong with other philosophies.

a. Pure philosophy (the love of wisdom) is good. However, human reasoning and human philosophies are extremely limited.

b. Many truths are (by their very nature) BEYOND the realm of human reasoning. (creation; salvation; a worthy walk)

c. Philosophies NOT based on the truth of God’s Word are vain.

d. They are the empty speculations of the Satanically blinded minds of men which are darkened because of the ignorance that is in them because of the hardness of their heart…

e. Some men have gone to great universities to major in philosophy—to study the speculations of men concerning life, the world, and its meaning.

f. There is some value in the academic pursuit of obtaining knowledge… in learning about the thoughts of men throughout the ages.

g. But to study philosophy in order to DISCOVER the meaning of life is vain… an empty pursuit… that leads only to deception… vain deceit.

h. Those philosophers will spend their days “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

i. Unless, of course, one comes in contact with the Christian philosophy of life: that men are creatures who have received life from the Creator—and the purpose of life is to bring glory to Him.

j. There are in fact only TWO distinct philosophies: the Christian philosophy of life — and all others. God’s truth and man’s conflicting and contradictory views.

k. I Cor. 1:20-21 – the world loves its wisdom… the world has its philosophers… but it hates Christ and His truth.
• The wisdom of the world is foolishness in God’s sight.
• This is wisdom where human reasoning is exalted… and divine revelation is rejected.
• The world by its wisdom knew not God.
• They dazzle one another with their brilliant arguments, but it is empty… and they will never come to the knowledge of the truth, the gospel, or a saving knowledge of God.

4. THE philosophy

a. The term philosophy has a definite article before it which indicates a PARTICULAR philosophy.

b. In this context, Paul is not attacking philosophy in general, but he has in mind the philosophy of the false teachers.

c. Their philosophy was VAIN deceit.

d. Their philosophy was based upon the speculation of spiritually blind, fallen men who have rejected the light of God’s Word.

e. Philosophy has value only IF its source is the TRUTH. When it arises from another source, it is not only not valuable, it is outright dangerous!

f. 2:4 – the philosophical teachings of the false teachers in Colossae were dangerous in that they were beguiling and couched in enticing words… designed to lure away the simple.

g. There was a PARTICULAR philosophy that Paul wanted to warn the Colossians about: the philosophy of the false teachers!

h. The first of a series of attacks in this section of the book, Paul attacks INTELLECTUALISM… human reasoning… the wisdom of men. (later in the chapter he attacks ritualism, legalism, mysticism, and asceticism)

5. This particular philosophy Paul described as VAIN DECEIT.

a. Deceit: deception; trickery; illusion; fraud.

b. Vain: lit = “without something” — empty; devoid of truth; without result; without effect; without purpose.

c. AND = Kenneth Wuest noted that “and” (kai) is best translated “even” here… which equates the philosophy with vain deceit.
• Vain deceit here is NOT something separate from the philosophy. It is a description of that philosophy.
• The particular kind of philosophy about which Paul warns the Colossians is the kind that is vain: devoid of truth.

d. Vain deceit:
• Trying to discover the origin of the universe without acknowledging the Creator.
• Trying to discover how to be saved apart from divine revelation.
• Trying to discover how to live the Christian life without acknowledging the existence of sin or the Savior.
• Trying to discover the purpose of life under the sun—all is vain deceit… emptiness… hollow speculation.

6. Paul states here that the believers needed to BEWARE because the false teachers were skilled at capturing and enslaving Christians through philosophy… which amounts to nothing more than empty deception.

a. HOW could that be? How can true believers be robbed and captured by the enemy?

b. Paul warned them because it was a very real possibility. Not that they would lose their salvation… but they could fall from their steadfastness… and be led astray.

c. If so, it would be BECAUSE they were not established in THE faith. (vs. 7)

d. They have not studied THE faith… not spent time in God’s Word… and when a counterfeit arises, they are not able to distinguish between the two.

e. They have not experienced Christ in their lives… because they were not practicing THE faith… putting doctrine into practice in daily living.

f. Believers who ARE established (confirmed; settled; stable) in the faith are not going to be taken in by a man made philosophy… but ignorant and/or poorly taught believers… or believers who were taught well but didn’t listen… CAN be taken in!

Robbed and Enslaved through the Traditions of Men

Introduction: Here Paul uses three prepositional phrases to describe in more detail the empty philosophies just described. The philosophies of the false teachers were: (1) according to the traditions of men and

(2) according to the rudiments of the world and (3) not after Christ.

1. Tradition defined:

a. Strong’s: giving up, giving over, by word of mouth or in writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative, precept.

b. A handing down; passing on; that which is transmitted; often orally.

c. The term is used of the transmission of legends, teachings, doctrines, and traditions.

d. The Greek word behind the English term “tradition” speaks of the means of transmission rather than the content of that which is transmitted.

2. The usage of the term in the New Testament in a good sense.

a. II Thess. 2:15 – same word for traditions.
• Paul commanded the Thessalonians to HOLD the traditions. (hold = hold fast; don’t let go!)
• By word: Some of them were oral (passed down from the apostles preaching and teaching)
• Epistle: Some were written and passed on to the various churches… and passed on to us today!
• These traditions (teachings handed down orally or by epistle) are GOOD.

b. II Thess. 3:6 – same term
• These traditions were passed on from the apostles to the believers in Thessalonica.
• The believers were expected to RECEIVE the traditions (truth passed down…) and to WALK AFTER them. (practice them)
• Those who did NOT keep them were to be excommunicated… separated from… no fellowship… because NOT keeping these traditions was sin.

c. Tradition is not an evil thing. It can be GOOD and the term was used predominantly in a positive sense in the epistles.
• The concept of a tradition itself is quite neutral.
• It depends upon WHAT IT IS that is being passed down… handed on to the next generation.
• The apostles handed down SOUND DOCTRINE (teaching; truth).
• It was handed down orally before the Scriptures were completed.
• The truths the apostles taught were passed on to others until they were recorded in Scripture and then passed on in written form.
• These teachings were TRUTH revealed from God… and when recorded as Scripture, they became INSPIRED revelation.
• Today we have a copy of these truths handed down from God… to the apostles and prophets… to us by means of oral communication… then recorded in our inspired Bibles.
• Thank God for that kind of tradition! These were the traditions of GOD… handed down from God to us.

3. Traditions are also used in an EVIL sense in the Bible.

a. The term is used in an evil sense in the gospels.
• Mark 7:3 – tradition of the elders.
• Mark 7:5 – tradition of the elders.
• Mark 7:8 – tradition of men.
• Mark 7:9 – Your OWN tradition.

b. There was nothing inherently wrong with traditions… even the traditions of men.
• Vs. 8 – What made them wrong was the fact that they elevated THEIR traditions (teachings; rules; commandments) ABOVE the commandments of God. They laid aside God’s Word in order to keep their own traditions.
• Mark 7:13 – they made God’s word of no effect by keeping their traditions.
• Mark 7:9 – they rejected God’s Word to keep their own traditions.

c. There was nothing wrong with Jews inventing their own traditions.
• Every family, tribe, kindred, and nation has their own unique traditions.

d. But there is something terribly wrong when MAN’S traditions (teachings; commandments) are elevated above GOD’S Word.
• That puts man in a position of authority above God!
• The Jews “laid aside” God’s commandments; they made God’s commandments “of none effect” in order to keep their own traditions.
• Traditions of men become WRONG when they are contrary to God’s Word… or cause us to violate, ignore, undermine or reject God’s inspired Word.
• The problem was not the fact that they had traditions.
• The problem was using them as an excuse to disobey, ignore, of reject God’s Word.

4. Traditions OF MEN.

a. “Of men” is the real emphasis here… man’s traditions… it is man’s because man invented it.

b. Paul in effect emphasizes the human SOURCE of these traditions.

c. It is certainly not wrong to hand teaching down from one man to another. That’s God’s method of communicating His truth!
• “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (II Tim. 2:2)
• Truth is perpetuated by passing it on… but beware because error is perpetuated the very same way!
• He was NOT warning against traditional teaching, passed on from generation to generation. That’s God’s method!

d. Paul’s warning was against those traditional teachings that originated with MEN rather than with God.
• The problem with the teachings of the false teachers is the ORIGIN of it all. What they were handing down to others originated with men.
• Paul’s concern was that their teachings were of men and not after Christ.

5. The false teachers in Colossae were using traditions of men to ENSLAVE the believers.

a. The false teachers were handing down teachings and rules and demanding compliance.

b. In doing so, all those who fell under their sway were ENSLAVED by them… held captive by their teachings…
• It is a GOOD thing to have our minds enslaved to Christ and the teachings of Christ. (II Cor. 10:5 – “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”)
• It is an evil thing to have our minds enslaved by the teachings and traditions of men and NOT after Christ.

c. We are to have ONE Master: Jesus Christ… and His Word.

d. And the teaching in the local church or anywhere else has authority only insofar as it points to Christ and is in harmony with His Word.

e. Don’t allow yourself to be enslaved to any other master… or to any other teaching!

f. Beware lest ye be spoiled… lest some golden tongued speaker beguiles you with enticing words… and draws you away from the simplicity that is in Christ!

Robbed and Enslaved through the Rudiments of the World

1. Rudiments: lit: “one of a row or series.”

a. The elements, rudiments, primary and fundamental principles of any art, science, or discipline; elementary truths.

b. It had several meanings attached to it: (1) the elementary sounds or letters, the ABCs; (2) the basic elements of the universe, as in 2 Peter 3:10–12; (3) the basic elements of knowledge, the ABCs of a particular discipline or teaching.

c. That seems to be its meaning in Hebrews 5:12 – ?For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God. (the simple, basic, fundamental doctrines)

2. The rudiments of the world:

a. This is a difficult phrase to interpret. Various interpretations have been given.

b. Some have understood it to refer to the origin of the false philosophy as coming from evil spirits… since rudiments was understood as the basic elements of the spirit world…

3. It is best to understand the term as a form of legalism the Colossians faced.

a. Gal.4:3, 9 – the term speaks of the elements of the world as legalistic ordinances…
• Here Paul speaks of the same two issues as in Col: bondage/captives and elements of the world.
• The Galatian believers were influenced by the Judaizers to turn BACK to the shadows and symbols of Judaism as a way of life.
• The elements here refer to basic ceremonial, ritualistic ordinances in Israel which were (worldly) EARTHLY… as opposed to our heavenly blessings in Christ.
• They were mere shadows: Temple; animal sacrifices; ceremonies; holy days; feast days; dietary laws.
• These were all visible, tangible, and earthly.
• The Judaizers attempted to put the Galatians back under portions of the Mosaic Law… which would put them under a yoke their fathers were not able to bear.
• The false teachers in Colossae were attempting something similar.
• Their teachings were a combination of pagan asceticism and Jewish legalism.
• Going back to legalism or ceremonialism in any form was not an advance, but was spiritual regression.
• Believers need to go on to perfection… leaving the beginning principles behind and going on to maturity.
• False teachers captivate their hearers to their twisted ways which invariably leads to spiritual regression and not to Christlike maturity.

b. Col. 2:20-21 – Later Paul addresses this issue — “touch not, taste not, handle not.”
• It dealt with the outside of the cup but could do nothing to clean the inside.
• It was earthly, fleshly, and exalted self.
• Later in this chapter we will look at the CONTENT of this false teaching in more detail.
• But for now, the emphasis is on the SOURCE of it all… (from the world; earthly)

c. The expression “rudiments of the world” as the ABC’s of the world… or the basics of the way the world operates… which John defines for us as “the lusts of the flesh, the lust of eyes, and the pride of life.” (I John 2:15)
• This false philosophy appealed to BASICS of worldly thinking: the lusts of the flesh and the eyes… and especially to human pride. (Be all you can be! You’re special! Ye shall be as gods!)
• Legalistic ordinances do just that. They appeal to the flesh and to human pride.
• Keep this tradition; observe this rule; keep this holy day and then GLORY in what self has accomplished—pride of life!
• Whatever is the exact meaning and content of the term “rudiments”… one thing is certain: the SOURCE of these ABCs… of these elementary things is the world and not after Christ.
• The false teachers were teaching World Philosophy 101 instead of Bible Doctrine 101.
• The basic rudiments/elements of this world… the empty philosophy of the world is NOT after Christ. The rudiments of the world are in fact that they stand in opposition to the heavenly Christ.
• The world, its ways, its thoughts are not anything like God, His ways, and His thoughts.
• “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
• There is an infinite gap between doctrines and world views that originate in the earthbound, blinded minds of fallen men and truth that is revealed from God in heaven.

4. That seems to be the main point in BOTH these descriptions of the false philosophy: it is of men… it is of the world… and it is NOT after Christ!

a. No wonder they were to beware of it! It was a structure built on a faulty foundation.

No wonder they were told to beware of those who sought to captivate their minds and hearts—it would be like exchanging Christ (in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge) for the traditions and philosophies of men… all of which were vain… empty… hollow.

b. Those who did so were thus robbed and enslaved. Beware!


1. I Cor. 15:1-4 – the gospel message was transmitted… passed on from Christ to Paul and the apostles… and now on to us.

2. This is truth that comes to us directly from God Himself…

a. This is not a philosophy or tradition that originated with man, but with God Himself.

b. Vs. 2a – it is a message by which we are to be SAVED.

c. That implies that we are NOT saved… that we are lost sinners on our way to Hell… to face the eternal Lake of Fire.

d. But God so loved the world—even you! (John 3:16)

e. This is a message of divine origin… and God has commanded all men everywhere to repent today… to change your mind from unbelief and rejection of Christ to faith…

f. Receive Him by faith today and be saved!

The Fullness of the Godhead Bodily


1. Vs. 9 contains a wonderful description of the Person of Jesus Christ.


2. It speaks of His dual natures: divine and human—essential to the fundamental, orthodox, Christian faith.

3. All by itself, it stands a gem declaring plainly the Deity of Christ.

4. But in its context, it is presented as a REASON for the warning not to fall prey to the vain, deceitful philosophies of the false teachers.


A. The Gnostic Beliefs

1. Paul’s statement in vs. 9 is actually a refutation of the beliefs of the Gnostic like cult in Colossae.

2. They believed that Christ was one of many emanations that came out of God… a sort of “angel worship.”

3. They believed that Christ and the other “emanations” from God possessed a small portion of divinity.

4. They also taught that matter was evil, so that it would have been impossible for Christ to have a physical human body if He were truly God.

a. To them, matter = evil; spirit = good.

b. They taught that Christ was really an angel and that His body was only apparent, and not physical. (a spirit; phantom)

5. Paul counters both of these errors by stating that Christ was not one of many emanations from God: He was the FULLNESS of God! And Christ’s deity DID in fact exist in a physical body.

6. Vincent on the FULLNESS: pleroma:

a. (Πληρωμα) (fulness) was used by the Gnostic teachers in a technical sense, to express the sum-total of the divine powers and attributes.

b. From the pleroma (Πληρωμα) they supposed that all those lesser beings emanated… (angels; demi-gods, etc.)

c. The Gnostics believed that these mediatorial beings would were influenced by this pleroma, or even traced their descent from it.

d. But in all cases this pleroma was distributed, diluted, transformed, and diminished by foreign admixture.

e. Thus, these emanations from God were only partial and blurred images.

f. These emanations were less than deity… polluted forms of deity.

g. They believed that all these lesser beings contained a part of the “fullness”… that the divine powers and attributes were divided among them… each receiving a small portion.

h. Those higher on the scale (closer to God) received more; those lower on the scale, (closer to humanity) received less.

i. Christ, because He was a man (or close to a man), was considered to be ranked with these inferior images of Deity by the false teachers in Colossae.

j. They believed that there were endless genealogies of emanations from God to the material world.

k. Christ was an exalted emanation from a mere man’s perspective, but an emanation nonetheless… and infinitely inferior to God… He falls short of pure deity in the minds of the pre-Gnostics at Colossae.

7. Paul combats this false teaching in Colossians.

a. He states that Christ is the very IMAGE of God… not some inferior, tainted, diminished image of God! (1:15)

b. Christ is the FULNESS of Deity… not a diluted emanation from it… Christ possesses the sum total of divine attributes!
• ALL fullness dwells in Him…
• Not diminished in the slightest: ALL.

c. The Gnostics had a term to describe FULL deity: pleroma. This is the term that Paul adopts and relates it to Christ. The Gnostics knew exactly what Paul meant by this term!

B. The Fullness of the Godhead Used By Paul

1. Paul previously dealt with this subject in 1:19. “In Him should all fullness dwell.”

a. Fullness: pleroma

b. Completeness, fullness, total quantity

c. Consider the context of Col. 1:19 – FOR gives the reason for what is stated in the previous verses:
• Redemption comes through Christ… because all the fullness of deity resides in Him! (vs. 14)
• All things were created by Him… and for Him (vs.16) He is head of the old creation… because all the fullness of deity resides in Him!
• By Him all things consist… (vs. 17) … because all the fullness of deity resides in Him!
• He is the Head of the Body… (vs. 18) He is Head of the New Creation… the church… because all the fullness of deity resides in Him.
• He is to have all the preeminence… (vs. 18) because all the fullness of deity resides in Him.
• Paul describes Christ in this chapter as the One who is Savior, Creator, Sustainer, Head, and the Preeminent One.

d. For: (because) in Him dwells all the fullness of Deity—that’s why!
• Christ is able to FUNCTION as Deity because He IS Deity! He possesses the TOTALITY of Deity.
• The fullness of the godhead is perhaps the clearest and most concise way to state that Christ is FULLY GOD.

2. The same description of Christ’s deity occurs in chapter two, but in a different context and for a different reason.

a. In chapter one, Paul attributes divine functions to Christ as Creator, Savior, and Head of both the old and new creations. How can that be? Because the fullness of deity permanently resides in Him.

b. In chapter two, Paul explains why the believer should not be attracted to the false teachers: because the false teachers offered nothing but empty philosophy. Christ is the FULNESS of the Godhead!

3. The fullness in Col. 2:9.

a. Fullness: pleroma (same as in 1:19)

b. completeness, fullness, total quantity;

c. The fullness or total quantity of DEITY resides in Christ.

d. Not a portion thereof, but the TOTALITY of Deity.

e. He is not an emanation from God possessing a diminished, corrupted, diluted, and polluted form of deity. He is FULLY God.

4. Of the Godhead:

a. Godhead: θεότης
• Strong’s: deity. 1a the state of being God;
• This is derived from the noun “God.” (Theos)
• This term speaks of the very essence of deity.

b. Consider a similar term used in Rom. 1:20: ?
• θεiότης – Theiotes: divinity; the qualities or attributes of deity.
• This term differs somewhat from the term used in Col. 2:9.
• “deity” (used in Col. 2:9) speaks of the essence of deity , while “divinity” (used in Rom. 1:20) speaks of the quality or attribute of deity.
• For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.
• Paul states in this section that from the visible things of the created world, men are able see (figuratively speaking) the invisible things of God… namely, His Godhead…
• By means of the creation, men are able to see certain divine attributes of the Creator.
• Men are able to reason that every effect must have an adequate cause.
• When men see creation (the effect) they can reason that there must be an adequate First Cause to explain it all… namely, a Being with Divine attributes: omniscience; omnipotence; etc.
• Paul carefully chose NOT to use Theos (the term for God) because men are NOT able to see God’s Person nor can men KNOW God in a personal, saving way from the light of creation.
• Creation is a revelation… but a very limited one. It reveals that a Being with Divine power and attributes exists… but it does not reveal who He is.
• Vs. 21 – All men know about the existence of a Creator… the First Cause. (They did not know Him as Theos—as a personal God—They simply knew Him as the powerful Creator Being who caused creation to exist.)
• Ps. 19:1- the heavens declare the glory of God. (The hands that made us are divine!)
» Day and night their silent “speech” is declared.
» This speech is declared universally: there is no language group… no nation where this “speech” is not heard!
» This silent speech—declaring the existence of a Creator—is heard among all peoples of the earth.
» John 1:9 – the true light lights EVERY man that comes into the world.
» Yet this universal light—while enough to hold men accountable… is not enough light to bring men to a saving knowledge of Christ.
» If men respond properly to the little light they have received, God will send more.
• However, universally, men reject the light of creation, and exchanged what little light they had for darkness. (vs. 22-23) Men are without excuse.
• Universally, men had the knowledge of a Divine creator… His existence… His power… the fact that He is a God of beauty and design… and universally men reject that light.
• They knew of the existence of a divine person, but they did NOT know the deity in a personal way.
• Paul used the term “theiotes” (θεiότης) to denote the fact that the heathen may know about God’s qualities or attributes through creation around them.

c. BUT – Christ is NOT a revelation of God in the sense that creation is.
• Creation is an extremely limited revelation of God that cannot result in knowing God in a saving way.
• Through creation man can “see” a limited number of divine attributes. But Paul uses a different word in Col. 2:9 to denote that in Christ we can see (not just a few attributes) but the very ESSENCE of Deity.
• Christ is the FULL revelation of Deity.
• To see Christ is to see the Father. To know Christ is to know the Father. (John 14:7-9; 8:19)
• Christ is the ultimate and final revelation of who God is. He is deity incarnate.
• In Him reside not simply a few qualities of Deity, but all the fullness of the Godhead!

5. The godhead in Col. 2:9

a. Paul is stating that in Christ dwells the FULLNESS—the divine attributes… all of that which constitutes full Deity.

b. This IS the essence of deity: the fullness of divine attributes.

c. In Col. 2:9, Paul is not saying that God dwells in Christ.
• We could say that of believers: God dwells in us! We are indwelt by deity…
• Col. 1:27 – Christ in you the hope of glory!
• The Spirit of God dwells in us… and if not, we aren’t saved. Believers are indwelt by God.
• But that is not the statement here. Paul isn’t saying that GOD dwells in Christ, (in the sense that the Holy Spirit dwells in us) but that the fullness of DEITY or the fullness of divine attributes reside in Christ.
• That could NEVER be said of us, or of a mere creature.

d. ALL the fullness of the godhead.
• Lightfoot: “the totality of the divine powers and attributes.”
• That is the very essence of deity—to be distinguished from a few qualities of divinity that can be gleaned by observing the creation.
• This is one of the clearest expressions of the deity of Christ in the epistles.
• Note the progression:
» In Him dwells the godhead
» In Him dwells the fullness of the godhead
» In Him dwells ALL the fullness of the godhead

e. All the fullness of the godhead DWELLS in Christ.
• Present active indicative: continuous action.
• Not only do attributes of deity dwell in Christ… but he has the fullness of them… and not only so, but ALL the fullness of them!
• Now he states that all the attributes of Christ dwell in Christ—and they do so continually!
• Christ is always full of the fullness of every divine attribute.


1. The fullness of the Deity dwells in Christ bodily.

a. That was true before the incarnation…
• When He was in the form of God… and as the Logos (John 1:1 – the Word was God…)
• Col. 1:19 – indicates that Christ possessed this fullness when He created the world. (cf. vs. 16)

b. That was true during the incarnation…
• When He came to earth and became a Man (John 1:14 – the Word was made flesh and we beheld His glory…)
• While He was on the cross…

c. And it is true of Him in His eternal glorified state now at the Father’s right hand… and when He comes again… (He comes in power and great glory…)
• He is STILL the fullness of the godhead bodily….
• He always will be the fullness of the godhead.
• Christ has become a permanent member of the human race… the Head of the race… He will forever be the God-Man.
• This is the Christ we know and serve… the RISEN Savior… the God-Man… our Creator who became our Brother… who became our Savior… who is also our LORD…

d. One of the attributes of deity is immutability. He can NEVER change.
• He was not less than God when He became a man. His deity was not diminished.
• He merely ADDED human nature to His divine nature.
• Adding a human nature did not affect the “fullness” of deity one bit.
• As Wesley put it, “Veiled in the flesh, the godhead see! Hail the incarnate deity!”

Two Different Terms for DWELL in the New Testament

1. Paroikeo – to dwell beside (one) or in one’s neighborhood, to live near; to be or dwell in a place as a stranger, to sojourn.

a. This term speaks of a temporary dwelling; sojourn.

b. Used in Heb.11:9 – of Abraham “sojourning” in the land of promise (temporary tent dwelling).

c. Used in I Pet. 1:17 – of the believer of this age who is to “pass the time of your sojourning here in fear.” (This world is not our permanent home.)

d. This term is NOT used in Colossians.

2. Katoikeo – to dwell; to inhabit; to settle down and be at home;

a. This term speaks of a permanent dwelling; settling down;

b. Oikeo = to be at home; with the prefix “kata” implies permanence.

c. This is the term Paul uses of the fullness dwelling in Christ.

d. It is not a temporary sojourn or visitation, as the cults would have us to believe. It is a permanent dwelling.

e. Paul uses just the right verb to describe the relationship between Christ and the fullness of Deity.

f. Full deity permanently resides in Christ.

3. In Christ all the divine attributes—which combine to form the very essence of Deity – PERMANENTLY reside in bodily form.

4. Paul is extremely careful with his wording.

a. He does not want to imply (as the Gnostics) that there was just a ray of divinity in Christ — as many modernists say today. (We all have a spark of divinity in us!)

b. Nor does he say that the godhead dwells in Christ. Someone might conclude that “divine attributes” dwell in Christ… perhaps one or two.

c. But Paul is careful to say that ALL fullness dwells in Him!

d. And this fullness of deity dwells in Christ permanently.

e. This sets Christ apart from the Gnostic view of Him: not fully God; not really man.

f. They were presenting ANOTHER Jesus… not the Jesus of the Bible. Paul sets the record straight.

5. Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity existed for an eternity in the past with the Father.

a. And He continually possessed all of the attributes of deity.

b. In time, at Bethlehem, at the incarnation, this Second Person of the godhead ADDED to His divine attributes—to His divine nature, a human nature… and became Jesus Christ.

c. Acts 1:11 – This SAME Jesus is coming again. (The fullness of the godhead bodily… a glorified human body… but no longer veiling His deity.)

d. Rev. 1:13-17 – When John saw the risen Savior, he fell at His feet as a dead man!


A. The Warning Concerning False Teachers

1. Paul just warned the Colossians about the attacks of the false teachers who would use human philosophy.

a. Paul referred to those philosophies as vain deceit.

b. Paul called their teachings “VAIN… empty.”
• They were empty of anything of any spiritual value.
• They pretended to offer the answers to the meaning of life, but they were empty of truth; empty of purpose; of ultimate meaning.
• What the false teachers offered was like chaff: empty husks with no kernels of grain… useless… they provide no nourishment.
• II Pet. 2:18 – Peter described false teachers as those who offer “great swelling words of vanity.” (no substance; empty promises )
• Jer. 2:13 – in the Old Testament, the Jews rejected the truth and embraced false teachings (idols) which proved to be EMPTY cisterns… which had no water and provided no nourishment…
• They offered empty promises… empty philosophy… empty words… empty cisterns… empty chaff…
• Those who fed on empty chaff and drank at an empty cistern were condemned to eternal hunger and thirst.

c. They were also DECEITFUL, because they gave the appearance of something they did not possess.
• Chaff is the husk that contains the grain. When the grain is removed, the husks look the same as they did when full of grain… except they are empty! (husk of corn)
• The teachings of the false teachers gave quite an outward appearance of substance… but they lacked spiritual substance. (enticing words; philosophical arguments)
• Jude (vs. 12) referred to false teachers in a similar sense using a different illustration: clouds without water. They APPEAR to have what you need (rain)… but are in fact, empty.
• Therein lies their deceit… they appear to be what they are not… like a counterfeit bill. It looks good, but there is nothing backing it up… no power, authority, or resources to back it up.

2. In stark contrast to the empty deceit is CHRIST!

a. The false teachers offered DECEIT… the antidote is Christ, who is the TRUTH.

b. The false teachers offered that which was vain or EMPTY. The Colossians already possess Christ who is FULL of the fullness of the Godhead!

c. One can never come to know God through philosophy, tradition, or the rudiments of the world… ascetic practices.

d. The only way to know God is through His Son, Jesus Christ!

e. We don’t need another philosophy or a new ceremony. We have Christ, and He is all we need.

f. In HIM dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead bodily!

3. Do you know people who are feeding on empty chaff? Do you know people who are drinking from empty cisterns? We all do.

a. It is our responsibility to TELL THEM where they can find LIVING WATER and where they can find the BREAD OF LIFE.

b. Christ will save them from sin and condemnation… and from a vain manner of life… and satisfy their soul like NOTHING the world offers ever could!

c. No philosophy, no religious ceremonies, no vain traditions of men can satisfy the soul… but Christ can.

d. If you know Christ—TELL others!

4. FOR – (because) – The first word in vs. 9 gives us the REASON why the empty philosophy offered by the false teachers is to be rejected.

a. It is to be rejected BECAUSE all the fullness of the Deity resides permanently in Christ.

b. The empty philosophies, the traditions of men, and the rudiments of the world (legalistic ceremonies) were NOT after Christ.

c. Beware lest any man spoil you through these earthly means.

d. There is no need for any believer to be enslaved by such empty false teachings.

e. Why? Because we have the FULLNESS in Christ!

5. ALL FULLNESS is an infinite source for all of our needs.

a. All the fullness of the Godhead resides permanently in Christ

b. He is to us, an infinite source of grace, strength, courage, wisdom, and resurrection power.

c. This is all available to every believer by faith.

d. No trouble is too big for our Savior…

e. No trial is too great for Him…

f. We have put on the Lord Jesus Christ—and no weapon of our adversary can pierce that armor: for in Him dwells all the fullness of the godhead!

g. No need we could ever have is too much for Him to supply.

h. He does not posses but a few Godlike qualities. He possesses the FULLNESS of Deity… ALL the fullness…

i. When we finally come to the end of our resources, and come to Christ, we discover that in Him dwells ALL the fullness of the Deity… we have access to Him and all He is and all He has… like the branch has access to all the Vine possesses.

j. Come to Him hungry and be filled; come to Him weak and discover His strength; come to Him thirsty and be satisfied.

k. ALL the fullness of Deity resides in Christ. There isn’t anything we could ever need that cannot be found in Christ.

l. How foolish to seek satisfaction elsewhere: money; cheap thrills and trinkets of the world; in empty philosophy…

m. There is no need that could ever arise in your life that He is not able to meet… and exceed…

n. This is the Christ of the Bible. The Christ of the false teachers is ANOTHER Jesus… weak, beggarly, empty, powerless; unable to save; unable to keep; unable to satisfy; unable to nourish the soul.

o. Beware! Don’t let anyone rob you and captivate your mind and heart with nothing but an empty cistern… with vain words… clouds without water.

p. We have Christ. Abide in Him.

6. Do you know Him as your personal Savior? You can… through the complete revelation… the Bible! (John 3:16)


Complete In Him

The Believer is IN Christ

A. Baptized INTO Christ

1. I Cor. 12:13 – Spirit baptism – the believer is baptized INTO Christ (Body) at the moment of saving faith.

a. Spirit baptism places us IN Christ…

b. We are taken OUT OF Adam and placed IN Christ.

c. If you are born again, you are IN Christ… IN His Body…

2. Spirit baptism (and thus being IN Christ) is UNIQUE to believers of this dispensation.
a. Being in His Body means that we have been UNITED to Christ in a unique way… part of this new organism: The Body of Christ.

b. Moses was not part of the Body. Neither was David or Jeremiah… godly and saved as they were.

c. Old Testament saints were part of a different program than the New Testament church.

d. Paul stated that this wonderful truth was a MYSTERY in Old Testament times… (Ephesians deals with this aspect of the mystery).

3. It is true of EVERY believer in this age.

a. “We are ALL baptized”—even the carnal Corinthians!

b. This is God’s work, not ours.

c. This is our position which has nothing to do with the condition of our spiritual lives. Paul dealt with sin problems and immaturity problems among the Corinthians; nevertheless, they were ALL baptized into Christ.

d. Being in Christ is something EVERY believer shares in common… young, old, mature, immature, spiritual, or carnal.

e. If you are born again in this age, you are part of the Body of Christ.

4. Notice in vs.12 that Paul uses the word Christ as the equivalent of Body.

a. The human body is one with many members: so also is Christ… or Christ’s Body.

b. To be in Christ’s body = to be in Christ, for it is HIS Body.

B. Identified with Christ

1. Paul states that we have been identified with Christ in His Death and Resurrection (Col. 2:12)

2. Vs.11 – IN WHOM = in Christ, the following things are true, namely, we died and were buried, and were raised up again.

3. This is true because God sees us IN CHRIST… identified with Him… members of His Body.

4. Hence, in God’s mind when Christ died, we died. When Christ rose again, we rose again.

5. Our identification with Him changes everything.

a. We died to sin, self, and to the world.

b. We rose into heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
• A New Sphere
• A New Position
• God sees us as believers IN Christ… and IN heavenly places already!
• Positionally, we have been RAISED already.
• We will develop this theme more in vs.11-13.

6. But the main point to keep in mind as we consider vs.10 is what it means to be IN Christ.
a. By faith we have been identified with Christ in His death and resurrection. We are thus NEW creatures in Christ. Old things have passed away… all things are become new.

b. By Spirit Baptism, we have been placed IN Christ… members of this NEW MAN… the BODY of Christ… the church.

c. This means we are UNITED to Christ in a unique way…

d. We are related to Christ in a CLOSER and DEEPER way than that of Old Testament saints… as godly as many of them were.

e. We have a greater position in Christ… greater privileges.

f. They were forbidden to enter into the holy place. We are able (by faith) to enter into the very HOLY of Holies!

g. And that of course is because of the fact that our consciences have been eternally PURGED because the infinitely superior VALUE of the precious blood of Christ as opposed to the blood of bulls and goats before Calvary.

h. We are IN CHRIST… and that is unique, glorious, and holy privilege unimaginable to saints in OT times…

The Christ the Believer is IN

A. Context

1. Head of the Old Creation – Creator/Sustainer (1:16-17)

2. Head of the New Creation (1:20-21)

3. All Fullness of the Godhead (1:19; 2:9)

4. Head of All Principalities and Powers (2:10c)

B. Paul Emphasizes the PERSON of Christ.

1. He is Savior, Redeemer, (vs. 14) the image of God (vs. 15); Creator and sustainer of the universe (vs. 16-17); Firstborn of the resurrection and Head of the Body (vs. 18); Reconciler (vs. 20-21); the Theme of the Mystery of God (vs. 1:27).

2. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells permanently in Christ.

3. He is HEAD of all the spirit realm (2:10c).

4. THIS is the Christ of the Bible.

a. He is NOT one of millions of emanations from a deity as the false teachers were declaring.

b. He is not an impure, polluted form of deity.

c. He is not a relatively powerful spirit being.

d. He is Creator of and Head over all principality and power!

e. Paul wants the Colossians (and us!) to KNOW who Christ is. The better we know Him, the less likely we will be deceived by the vain deceit of those who are teaching Another Jesus!

5. But there is another reason for this revelation of who Christ is.

a. Paul wants us to know that we are IN Christ.

b. But he also wants us to know WHO IT IS we are in!

c. Our concept of who God is will determine, to a large degree, our progress and growth as a believer… or a lack thereof.

d. Our position in Christ… and KNOWING that position will have a tremendous effect in our daily lives… and the kind of FRUIT borne by us.

e. A branch grafted into a wild vine will produce wild, sour grapes.

f. A branch grafted into THE VINE… the Christ of the Bible… will produce good fruit… the fruit of the Spirit… genuine Christlike character.

6. All believers are IN Christ. And it matters intensely what our concept is of the Person in whom we have been placed.

a. A weak, impotent, little god… a polluted and diluted deity… a counterfeit deity of man’s vain imagination is not a very solid foundation upon which to rest.

b. But the Christ described in Col. 1-2 IS a solid foundation… a Vine that will produce good fruit… an unending source of all the spiritual growth, strength, and nutrition we could ever need… in whatever situation we find ourselves.

c. We are complete in Christ… and don’t ever forget WHO HE IS! He is all we need.

The Believer is COMPLETE IN Christ

A. Complete Defined

1. Definition:

a. Strong’s: to make full, to fill up, i.e., to fill to the full. 1ato cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally.

b. This is a form of the term used in vs. 9 – “fullness.”

2. Tense: perfect passive participle

a. Perfect speaks of past completed action, with present, continuing results.
• The Colossian believers were completed at some point in the past (at salvation) and remain in that settled state to the present.
• They are STILL complete in Christ. That will never change.
• The act of completion is NOT ongoing. That was finished the moment the believer puts his faith in Christ… at the moment of conversion.
• But the result of being completed lasts forever.

b. Passive – indicates that the action of completing was performed by an outside source…
• That outside source is GOD.
• The act of completing the believer is GOD’s work… for us, not our work for God. That’s why the results are lasting!
• At the moment of saving faith, God COMPLETES the believer… he is thus complete in Christ… and he STANDS complete in Christ.
• That is the position of EVERY true believer: COMPLETE!

B. Complete Illustrated (baby with all his body parts)

1. But let’s not get the concept of being COMPLETE confused with perfection or maturity.

a. We spent much time in our study of Hebrews looking at the concept of perfection… meaning maturity.

b. NOT every believer is perfect or mature. We need to be URGED on to perfection.

c. Even Paul recognized that he had not achieved perfect Christlikeness in his earthly sojourn. None of us have.

d. Perfection is Christlikeness… and with that as our standard, we ALL have a LONG way to go.

e. Every believer is complete in Christ… (Col. 2:10 = ye = ALL of the “saints” in Colossae, according to 1:2).

f. Every believer is complete in Christ, but NOT every believer is MATURE (perfect) in his faith.

2. We might liken being COMPLETE in Christ to a healthy baby being born.

a. In a sense, that healthy baby is COMPLETE at birth.

b. A baby is born COMPLETE—a complete person.
• He has a soul, spirit, body.
• Intellect; emotion; will.
• 2 arms; 2 legs; 2 eyes; one nose; etc…
• Right from birth, he is endowed… blessed with ALL of the physical faculties he will ever get.
• He is born complete in that sense. He has all of his body parts. He isn’t going to sprout any more arms or legs later—hopefully!

c. When a person is born again, he too is born complete.
• That new believer is given a nature… a new heart… a new will… a new mind… (new capacities—not new organs!)
• Right from birth, he is already endowed… or blessed with ALL the spiritual blessings we will ever get… all we will ever need!
• That new believer is the recipient of so MANY things right from birth… and he will spend many years to come LEARNING what they are… and learning to experience them to the fullest as God intended!
• He has been given a spiritual gift; a capacity to function in the Body of Christ;
• Just as the newborn baby is born physically complete, so too the new believer in Christ is born spiritually complete.
• At birth we are complete. But at birth we are NOT mature. We need to grow up.

3. Spiritual growth in a believer is, in a sense, like the physical growth of a child.

a. The baby is born with all of his body parts at birth. What he is born with is all he gets.

b. But after being born, that newborn needs to grow, mature, and develop the faculties he already has. (mind; heart; body)

c. So too with the believer… we are complete at the moment of the new birth… having been blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in Christ!
• At the moment of saving faith, we receive a new nature; new mind; new heart; new capacity of will.
• We are complete in that we already possess all the spiritual faculties we will ever get… but we are to DEVELOP those faculties… to grow up… progress spiritually… “let us go on to perfection!”

d. The baby grows (not by gaining new body parts) but by means of nutrition and exercise.
• We grow through feeding on Christ and His Word… and exercising ourselves unto godliness.

e. The baby is complete at birth—but faces a long period of growth.
• So too the believer in Christ!
• We are complete, but that does not mean that there is no room for growth!

4. I hope nobody gets the idea from this passage that salvation is the END of the process!

a. No! Salvation or the new birth is but the BEGINNING of a long, extended process of growth and maturity towards Christlikeness.

b. Phil. 3:12 – Paul had not yet attained perfection… but he kept following after it as his goal in life: to be more like his Savior! We are NEVER complete in that sense.

c. There is ALWAYS room for more spiritual growth…

d. We are complete in the sense that we have all the spiritual faculties we will ever get—BUT we are NOT complete in our DEVELOPMENT of and USE of those faculties!

e. EX: We may have the gift of exhortation. While we have the complete gift… it is not yet full grown! The more you learn God’s Word, the better exhorter you will be!

f. You may have the gift of teaching. God has already made you what you are. He created you in Christ to FIT into the body in a unique position. But you have that complete gift in SEED form. It needs to grow… develop… mature!

g. We have the mind of Christ. The capacity to THINK godly thoughts is in our possession already. We have the COMPLETE capacity… nothing is lacking. But we do NOT continually THINK like Christ. There is always room for improvement in our thought lives.

h. We have a new heart in Christ… a new capacity to LOVE as Christ loved us. God gave us all a COMPLETE new heart. The entire capacity to LOVE as Christ loved us is in our possession… but that capacity needs to be exercised… utilized… developed… applied.

5. Summary of the illustration: The baby is born COMPLETE with all of his physical faculties right from birth.

a. As believers, we too are born COMPLETE in Christ—in possession of ALL we need for life and godliness… already blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places… already gifted to function in the body.

b. We are not as the charismatics would have us believe in need of MORE blessings… so that we SEEK some new gift… or some new blessing. God wants us to walk by faith and BELIEVE that we have already received our spiritual gifts and blessings in Christ!

c. Instead, God wants us to LEARN about the blessings we already have… and then put them into practice… grow… develop…

d. Become a BETTER preacher, Sunday school teacher, exhorter, giver, helper, elder, deacon, better greeter, better evangelist…

e. Don’t ever be satisfied with the status quo.

f. We have a personal RESPONSIBILITY in spiritual growth… to strive… to run the race… to continually come to the throne of grace… to read God’s Word… pray… fellowship and worship with the saints… listen to preaching and teaching of the Word.

g. Being complete in Christ does NOT mean we sit on a rocking chair.

h. We are complete IN CHRIST. God placed us in the perfect and complete environment… where we have ALL we need.

i. Our position in Christ is perfect—because it was God’s Work. But our condition is far from perfect… and that requires effort on our part… the effort of FAITH… giving all diligence to enter into His rest!

j. By faith ABIDE in our complete position in Christ and growth WILL take place!

C. IN Christ We Share in Christ’s Fullness

1. We share in HIS fullness (pleroma).

a. Col. 2:10c – Head over all principality and power: We share in His exaltation over the angelic realm.
• As men, IN ADAM, we were made lower than the angels… even Adam before his sin!
• But IN CHRIST, we are raised up higher than the angels!
• Adam and Eve were co-regents over the earth. But now that we are raised up in Christ, we are citizens of heaven!
• We gained far more IN Christ than we had in Adam.

b. We are IN HIM and thus we are partakers of the Divine nature. (II Pet. 1:4)
• Partaker: koinonon = a partner, associate, comrade, companion; fellowship
• We are not possessors of the divine nature, but we SHARE or fellowship with Christ in HIS fullness.
• As the branch shares in all the wealth of the Vine, we share in all the fullness of divine qualities in Christ…
• The fullness of God which we as believers share does NOT consist of the divine essence (divine attributes). Divine attributes (omniscience, omnipotence, etc) are possessed exclusively by God Himself and none other.
• But we can and do share in God’s qualities such as His grace, holiness, righteousness, wisdom, strength.
• Because we are IN Christ, we benefit from all that is in Him… the divine nature… the fullness that is HIS alone.

c. And of his FULLNESS have all we received, and grace for grace. (John 1:16)
• Christ is full of the fullness of God.
• We do not possess the fullness of God, but we DO receive from His fullness!
• He is full of power, holiness, mercy, truth, purity, love, and grace.
• As we abide in Him, we RECEIVE  what He is and what He has… we participate in all He possesses.
• Heb. 4:16 – He bestows grace to help in time of need… power for daily living… strength and grace for the trials…

d. We share of His FULLNESS IN THE BODY of which He is the Head and LIFE. (1:18)
• Jesus used the illustration of the branch benefiting from being IN the Vine.
• In the epistles Paul speaks of the believer benefiting from being IN the Body of Christ…
• A body in which Christ LIVES! His life flows to every part… He directs the Body… He guides the Body by His indwelling Spirit… He empowers the Body and every member in particular.

e. Eph. 3:19 – God’s purpose for the believer is that we might be filled (eis) UNTO the fullness of God. That is our goal.
• The King James Version makes it sound like the believer can be filled with the fullness of the Godhead just AS Christ is.
• The believer certainly does not POSSESS the fullness of the Godhead in that sense.
• The preposition (eis) is not with but UNTO… as a goal.
iv. The goal of the believer is to be FILLED UNTO the fullness of God. That divine fullness is the unlimited resource from which we draw… grace after grace… all the spiritual resources we could ever need.
• Becoming more like Christ is our goal…
• God’s purpose is that we might be filled more and more, not with deity… but with God’s power, God’s mercy, God’s holiness, God’s character…
• Every member of the Body has complete, unrestricted access to the fullness of the Godhead through our Head, Jesus Christ.
• Positionally, the believer is complete or FULL in Christ… but practically, we have a long way to go. Hence, we are to be filled UNTO (eis) the fullness of God… appropriating Godly qualities in our lives by faith…
• Moment by moment as the need arises… the grace and strength is there… the fullness!

f. Eph. 1:23 – the Body is full of Christ – the One who fills it.
• And Christ is full of the fullness of the Godhead.
• Hence, the Body is full of GOD Himself… His power, grace, holiness, mercy, truth, righteousness, love, etc.
• God sees the Body as perfectly supplied with and FILLED with the fullness of God…
• There is unlimited potential in the Body of Christ… we are thus ABLE to walk in newness of life… if we will reckon self to be dead and alive unto God.
• Even this little assembly… we all have access to the fullness of the Godhead… IF we will be constantly looking unto Jesus… yielded to His Spirit… submitted to His yoke… dead to sin, self, the law, and the world… and alive unto God and His will!
• But what great things God can accomplish THROUGH a yielded Body… which becomes but a vehicle for the fullness of the Godhead…
• So you’re facing some struggles? Going through a difficult time? At the end of your resources?
• Well there’s good news. We are COMPLETE in Christ. We have continual access to grace sufficient, to all the strength and wisdom we could ever need.
• We have access to the FULLNESS of the Godhead … because we are in Christ… the One who possesses that fullness and makes it all available to us by faith.

2. We are in Christ and share in His fullness (pleroma).

a. Christ is sufficient. Thus, we do NOT need any supplementary sources of grace or power to live the Christian life.

b. He is all we need. What more could we need when we have ALL the fullness of the Godhead in Christ… and we are partakers of Him?!

c. Vincent says; “Not, ye are made full in Him, but ye are in Him, made full.”

d. Our fullness comes from our position. In Him dwells the fullness; being in Him, ye are filled. We are in a sphere of fullness… and hence, we are filled…

e. Lightfoot wrote: “your fulness comes from His fulness; His pleroma (πληρωμα) (fulness) is transfused into you by virtue of your incorporation in Him.”

f. And of what fullness do we share? How are we FULL or COMPLETE in Christ?
• The full, complete power of the resurrection is ours.
• Completed Salvation (justified; sanctified; reconciled; redeemed; regenerated).
• Completely accepted in the Beloved! (Eph. 1:6)
• Possessors of “all we need for life and godliness.”
• Full, complete and continual access to His grace, holiness, love, purity, righteousness…
• Complete Security in His hands…
• The Fullness of “Christ in us”—the hope of glory.

g. Because we are complete, we are NOT to be SEEKING for a new experience… or new blessings… or some new religious fad… or something “else” to make us complete… or to bring fulfillment.
• Rather, God wants us to seek more of CHRIST…
• Seek to experience more of what we already possess… We are complete.
• LEARN more about who Christ is… He lives in us. We are complete. Don’t seek something else. Seek a closer and deeper relationship to the One we already possess!
• LEARN more about what we possess in Him… our spiritual blessings… our heavenly position… our inheritance in Him… our capacities to serve Him… the power available to live for Him…

h. A wonderful thing happens when that is our focus… when we take our attention away from self and our earthly condition and focus on Christ and our position in Him.
• As we BEHOLD His glory, we are transformed into that same image!
• As we CONCENTRATE on Christ, the things of earth grow strangely dim… including our daily struggles and trials.
• As we are LOOKING unto Jesus, we are ABLE to walk in newness of life… and not just walk, but RUN the race set before us!
• O that we might learn not to focus so much attention on our earthly condition… and all the things we LACK down here… and would learn to focus on our position in Christ—and how COMPLETE we are in Him.
• Spiritual transformation will occur!
• Problems don’t disappear, but we are empowered with the FULLNESS of God to face them… and to do so—not stoically and grim faced, but with patience, longsuffering, and joyfulness!
• We ARE complete in Christ. By faith we can actually EXPERIENCE that completeness down here on earth!
• Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for…
• Faith enables us to BE what we ARE in Christ… redeemed… saints… heavenly… holy… sanctified…
• Faith will, over time, lift up the lowly, struggling, wretched condition of our daily lives… and make it more like our glorious position in Him: COMPLETE in Him!

i. The believer who is partaking in the fullness of Christ is not going to be attracted to “Another Jesus” or false teaching which is but chaff.
• The one who tastes and sees that the Lord is good isn’t going to be seeking after the vain philosophies of men, the empty traditions of men, or the rudiments of the world.
• He will be SATISFIED with Christ His Savior.
• Are you seeking elsewhere for satisfaction in life? (money; sex; prestige; material things)
• IF we are filled with the fullness of God, there is no room for that empty chaff… no desire for anything else.
• WE need to be feasting upon Christ, the BREAD of life. He alone can satisfy the needs of the human breast.
• We are COMPLETE in Him. DO you believe what God said?


» Then you are NOT complete in Christ.
» You are not in Christ…
» You are still in Adam… in sin… and in condemnation.
» God has one message for you: TODAY is the day of salvation!
» BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

The Circumcision of Christ


1. In this verse and the following verse, Paul uses two religious rituals (circumcision and baptism) as illustrations of what was accomplished for us on Calvary.

2. He told us in vs. 10 that we are complete in Christ.

3. Next he tells us HOW that happened… what God DID to make us complete: circumcision and baptism.

4. The Gnostic like cult in Colossae had evidently been teaching that circumcision was necessary in order to enter their ranks of the “enlightened ones.”

a. Their teachings were a strange mixture of Jewish legalism and pagan asceticism.

b. Col. 2:16 – Paul addresses other issues such as meat; holydays; Sabbath days; etc.

c. Reading Colossians is a bit like hearing one side of a phone conversation. We have Paul’s ANSWER to the Colossians, but we don’t have a copy of their questions.

d. It seems evident that circumcision arose as an issue in Colossae as it did in Galatia.

e. Perhaps the false teachers were implying that if they were circumcised, ate the right foods, and kept the proper feast days, they would be more “spiritual.”

f. Paul answers that heresy by stating that as Christians we are COMPLETE in Christ. We don’t need to submit to physical circumcision. No ritual will help us walk with God.

g. We have a BETTER circumcision… a spiritual circumcision of the heart.

5. But to understand the New Testament usages of circumcision, we need to understand the Old Testament.

The Origin and Meaning of Physical Circumcision

1. Gen. 17:9-14 – God institutes circumcision with Abraham and his seed. But consider the CONTEXT of the institution of this rite.

2. Gen. 12:1-4, 7 – God makes a covenant with Abraham.

a. God promises to make Abraham great; a great nation; land; and a blessing for all families of the earth.

3. Gen. 15:4 – God reiterates the promises He made to Abraham. Abraham had no son yet, and hoped that perhaps his servant could fulfill the promise. God promised Abraham a son of his own seed.

4. Gen. 16 – in this chapter, Abraham and Sarah were now old and grew tired of waiting for the son of promise and decided to help God out. So he leaned on Egypt… and went in unto his Egyptian handmaiden, Hagar and had a son. Ishmael. That which is born of the flesh is flesh.

5. Gen. 17 – God appeared once again to Abraham.

a. After going in unto Hagar, God didn’t speak to Abraham (as far as the record goes) for 13 years!

b. But now God appears and reiterates His original covenant.

c. God rejects Ishmael as the son of promise and assures Abraham that he will have a son.

d. At this point, circumcision was instituted…

e. Gen. 17:24-25 – Abraham was circumcised as an old man. In that day his son, Isaac and all males in his household.

6. The spiritual meaning of Circumcision.

a. Circumcision was a minor surgery administered to Jewish boys on the 8th day after his birth according to Leviticus.

b. The flesh of the foreskin on their male organ was cut off… separated from the rest of the body.

c. The reproductive organ was a symbol of life, vitality, productivity, and strength… and symbolized LIFE which was passed on from generation to generation.

d. Circumcision was God’s stamp of DEATH (separation) on the symbol of LIFE – man’s highest physical power… the power to reproduce after his kind… after his sinful self.

e. It was a symbolic stamp of death on the flesh… not on one sin in particular… not sexual sin, but the sin nature in general.

f. Circumcision highlighted man’s inability to produce the kind of life that is acceptable to God.

g. In this surgical procedure, the flesh was cut off and separated from man.

h. CONTEXT of its institution:
• Abraham had grown weary of waiting upon the Lord for the son of promise, so he went in unto Hagar.
• God didn’t speak to him for 13 years… and then God appeared and instituted circumcision, a painful reminder of the failure of the flesh…
• God didn’t need or want Abraham’s help in fulfilling His promise of a son.
• God wanted Abraham to wait and trust. Instead, Abraham acted in the flesh… fleshly thinking… lack of confidence and faith in God’s Word… the desire to DO rather than TRUST.
• That nature of man was given a stamp of death by God… and it was to be a reminder for all future generations of Jews.

7. Physical circumcision did not save.

a. It was simply a sign of the covenant relationship to God… first the Abrahamic and then the Mosaic Covenant.

b. It had nothing to do with salvation.

c. It was a Jewish symbolic ritual that is also rich in meaning for the Christian.

d. It is a shadow… a type… a picture of what God does to deliver the believer from sin… a picture of new life… a life separated from the dominion of the flesh… salvation… regeneration…

8. Physical Circumcision Described

a. It was “made by hands”—physical—the work of man.

b. It was the identifying mark of a physical son of Abraham.

c. This was the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant and later became the sign of the Old Covenant Mosaic Law.

d. It was external.

e. It was partial (cut off only a portion of flesh).

f. It was merely a symbol… a shadow of the reality.

g. It did nothing to deal with the issue of sin.

h. Not every circumcised person under the Old Covenant was rightly related to God. Most were not saved.
• It was possible to be rightly related to God through the Old Covenant and still unsaved!
• It was possible to keep all the rituals; sacrifices; etc… and still be lost… like Saul of Tarsus… who, concerning the Law, was blameless!

Overview: Circumcision Is an Old Testament Illustration of Salvation

1. Physical circumcision is a cutting away of the flesh.

2. This was an Old Testament ritual designed to teach a spiritual lesson.

a. It was but a shadow… not the substance.

b. Obviously the physical ritual could not save anyone from sin or condemnation.

c. But it did POINT ahead to salvation, a true circumcision.

3. In the Old Testament, during the age of Law, the doctrine of salvation was not revealed nearly as clearly as we have it revealed in the New Testament.

a. Almost always the word “saved” or “delivered” in the Old Testament referred to being saved or rescued physically.

b. But that does not mean that salvation was not available for Old Testament saints! Abraham was justified by faith and is our example of saving faith in Romans.

c. But not much is said in the Old Testament in answer to the question, “What must I do to be saved?”

4. But in spite of the relatively sparse revelation of the doctrine of salvation, there is one clear illustration used by Moses in the Old Testament: spiritual circumcision.

a. Deut. 10:16 – the command to circumcise the foreskin of your heart!
• Obviously this is not to be understood as a physical circumcision. This was a spiritual circumcision.
• 10:11 – God told Moses to go lead the people into the Promised Land.
• 10:12-13 – God told the people that He expected them to love Him and walk in His ways, to serve Him, and to keep His commandments.
• God was well aware of the fact that the people (regardless of their good intentions) were completely UNABLE to walk with God and UNABLE to obey His commandments!
• The commandments were never given to save, but to condemn! They were given to reveal our sinfulness and our utter need of salvation! By the commandment is the knowledge of sin.
• 10:16 – After giving the Israelites some impossible commands, which should have caused them to squirm… God then says, “THEREFORE circumcise your hearts!”
• The point: God knows human nature. The flesh can NEVER please God. It can NEVER walk in His ways. It can NEVER be obedient to His law.
• THEREFORE, what they needed was heart surgery… a cutting off of the flesh from the heart.
• They needed to submit to God’s knife… and not be stiff-necked… stubborn… rebellious… trying to produce righteousness on their own.
• The Old Testament saints had a clear revelation of both physical and spiritual circumcision.

b. Deut. 30:6a
• This is a promise to the nation of Israel in a unique context.
• Deut. 28 dealt with the blessings for obedience to the Mosaic Law and the cursings for disobedience to the Law.
• 28:64 – If Israel did not obey the Law, they would be scattered among the gentiles as judgment.
• 30:1 – Moses recognizes that his people WILL disobey the Law and WILL be scattered.
• 30:2 – But if they shall “return” unto the Lord (if they repent)….
• 30:3-5 – THEN God will turn their captivity around and bring them back to the Promised Land.
• 30:3 – Note that God Himself RETURNS –
» This refers to the Second Coming when Christ gathers them back to their land…
» In that day He will fulfill all His promises to them… including the NEW COVENANT!
• 30:6 – AND, one of the blessings God will perform on the nation is He will circumcise their hearts and the hearts of their seed.
» The whole nation is converted at the Second Coming.
» The nation sees the One they pierced and mourns for Him… and when the kingdom begins, all Israel is saved!
» The whole nation receives this spiritual circumcision of the heart.
• Ezek. 36:24-26 – The New Covenant promised to Israel provided for them a new heart.
» God promised heart surgery… cutting out the old stony heart and replacing it with a new heart.
» And when they receive this new heart, they will be ABLE to walk in God’s statues and obey Him!
» The Old Covenant made all of these demands of them… but it provided no power. The Law highlighted the NEED for an internal change, but could not produce that change.
» Thus, it could only condemn.
» The New Covenant PRODUCES that internal change… and it provides the POWER to obey via a new heart… the indwelling Holy Spirit…
• Deut. 30:6 – God promised this in Moses’ day. He promised to circumcise their hearts.
» TO love the Lord thy God. This is the purpose of the heart surgery. To “cut off” the old stony heart that was incapable of loving or obeying God and replacing it with a new heart.
» 30:8 – and when their hearts are circumcised they SHALL OBEY the voice of the Lord.
» They will have a new heart and will WANT to obey… and will have the POWER to obey!
» This spiritual circumcision of the heart is a RADICAL transformation of the person!
» The Old Covenant Mosaic Law (symbolized by physical circumcision) demanded obedience and judged all disobedience, but provided no power to obey!
» The New Covenant (symbolized as a spiritual circumcision) DOES provide power to obey.
» In fact it provides ASSURANCE of obedience. (thou shalt obey the voice… implied: or else!)
» The Old Covenant demonstrated the utter inability, sinfulness, and failure of human flesh. It is incorrigible. The Law CANNOT produce good fruit.
» The New Covenant guarantees good fruit. Every believer shall have some praise from God at the Bema.

c. The circumcised heart that Moses spoke of is an illustration of salvation.
• It is a cutting away of the flesh… heart surgery… a radical transformation of the entire person.
• It affects the ENTIRE person.

Spiritual Circumcision

1. It is “made without hands” – spiritual.

a. Physical circumcision was made with hands—the hands of a human being.

b. Spiritual circumcision was made WITHOUT the hands of a human being.

c. Spiritual circumcision is the work of God.

d. Salvation is of the Lord.

2. It is a blessing associated with the New Covenant.

a. Physical circumcision was associated with the Old Covenant.

b. Spiritual circumcision is associated with the New Covenant.

c. Spiritual circumcision speaks of salvation. Hence, it required much more than the blood of bulls and goats. That could NEVER take away sin.

d. But the blood of the New Covenant… the blood shed by Christ THE Lamb of God on the cross DID take away sin!

e. Hence, Christ was able to provide salvation to all those who through faith are related to God through the blood of the New Covenant.

f. Jer. 31:33-34 – Under the new covenant a radical transformation of the heart occurs.
• God’s law is written on the heart. That changes the heart completely! A new heart.
• Everyone related to God under the New Covenant KNOWS God in a saving way.
• And each one under the New Covenant has forgiveness of sins… salvation… something the Old Covenant could never produce.
• The Old Testament illustration of this salvation was “circumcision of the heart.”
• Paul picks up on this illustration in Col.2

3. It was the identifying mark of a spiritual son of God.

a. Physical circumcision was the identifying mark of a son of Abraham… the physical seed.

b. Spiritual circumcision was the identifying mark of a true son of God… the spiritual seed of Abraham…

c. In this sense, spiritual circumcision was an illustration of salvation (in general) and of regeneration (in particular).
• Regeneration strips the flesh of its dominance.
• Regeneration; the old man is crucified and a new man is created… a new creature…

d. Col. 2:13 – note the use of spiritual uncircumcision of the flesh.
• They were spiritually DEAD – unregenerate.
• This is likened to the uncircumcision of the flesh.
• It is seen in contrast to being “quickened”… made alive… regenerated… born again.
• If uncircumcision of the flesh refers to being spiritually dead, then circumcision refers to being made spiritually alive or regenerated… born again.
• Thus, Paul uses an Old Testament illustration, and gives a theological explanation of it in his epistles.

e. Spiritual circumcision was the identifying mark of a true son of God… one born into God’s family… spiritually ALIVE from the dead.

4. It is internal.

a. Rom.2:28-29 – description of a TRUE Jew.
• Vs. 28 – A true Jew is not merely one who is Jewish on the outside. (A physical son of Abraham who has received physical circumcision.)
• Vs. 29 – A true Jew is one who is Jewish on the outside… AND inwardly. His circumcision is of the heart… internal… in the spirit… not the letter.
• The true Jew is one who is BOTH of the physical AND spiritual seed of Abraham… saved… justified… born again… alive unto God!
• Paul’s point here is that ceremonies and religious rituals matter not. They were merely shadows. What matters is the spiritual reality: the new birth!

b. Physical circumcision was external… dealt only with the body.

c. Spiritual circumcision is internal and deals with the heart.

d. It provides the believer with a NEW heart… a new nature… new life… new capacities to love and obey God.

5. It is complete (It puts off the body of the flesh)

a. Putting off the flesh obviously does not refer to the human body. We do not put away our physical body of flesh when we get saved. It refers to the fleshly sinful SELF life… the old man… who was empowered by the sinful flesh.

b. Spiritual circumcision “cuts off the flesh.”

c. Physical circumcision was incomplete. It only cut away a small portion of the flesh.

d. But spiritual circumcision is complete. It cuts off the flesh COMPLETELY!

e. It provides for a COMPLETE separation of the flesh.

f. Spiritual circumcision cuts away the flesh so completely that it renders the fleshly nature inoperative.

6. It is not a shadow, but the substance… reality

a. Odd, isn’t it? The physical is the shadow, but the spiritual is the substance!

b. Physical circumcision was a shadow that pointed to the reality: Spiritual circumcision.

c. Spiritual circumcision of the heart is the TRUE circumcision.

d. Phil.3:2-3 – Paul warns the Philippians about the “concision” –
• These were the false teachers who relied upon religious ceremonies such as circumcision.
• He then states that we (Christians) are THE circumcision (the true circumcision).
• Those who have been circumcised with the true circumcision of the heart are characterized in the following way:
» Worship God in the spirit; (flesh is cut off)
» Rejoice in Christ Jesus; (not in self)
» And have no confidence in the flesh. (Our old man is dead!)

7. Spiritual circumcision DOES deal with the issue of sin.

a. Physical circumcision did NOTHING to provide power over sin in the daily life.

b. Spiritual circumcision provides all we need to have victory over the sin nature in our daily lives!

c. It provides all we need to walk in newness of life.

d. It provides the theological BASIS for his very practical exhortations found in chapter three (3:8-9).

e. Spiritual circumcision REMOVES bondage to the flesh… to sin… renders the sin nature inoperative and makes possible a walk in newness of life.

8. Putting off the body of the sins of the flesh.

a. This is difficult expression to interpret… so you need to follow closely.

b. First of all, the expression of the sins is not found in most manuscripts.
• It doesn’t essentially change the meaning of the passage either way…
• In context, Paul is not talking about putting off individual “sins”… but something much broader and deeper: putting off the FLESH… bondage to sinful inclinations.

c. Spiritual circumcision “puts off the body of the flesh.”
• The flesh = the old, sinful self-life.
» It is the equivalent of the old man seen as being under the dominion of his flesh… his sinful human nature… a slave to sin.
• The body = two possible meanings.
» Either: the body in the sense of the WHOLE… meaning, circumcision puts off the ENTIRE fleshly self life… the old man is entirely put off… completely dead.
» OR: (the view I prefer) the physical body. Hence, Paul is saying that spiritual circumcision cuts off or severs or separates the physical body from the bondage to the fleshly nature that previously dominated it.

d. “The body of flesh” = the physical body controlled by the fleshly nature… the sin nature.

e. This expression is similar an expression found in Romans 6:6. – the body of sin.
• The body of sin = the human body as seen as a slave to sin… a body controlled by the sinful nature… also known as the flesh.
• When a person is born again, he is identified with Christ in His death… and as a result, his old man DIED with Christ.
• The old man is the “unregenerate person”… the man we were “in Adam”—the person under bondage to sin.
• A radical transformation of the person occurs.
• The body of sin is destroyed = rendered inoperative.
• Death separated the person from bondage to his sin nature.
• The flesh, also known as the sin nature, is still present, but it has been rendered inoperative.
• The power it once held over our body has been broken. Chains have been torn asunder, setting the prisoner free!
• We have been FREED from slavery to sin. (Rom. 6:7) Hence, we don’t HAVE to sin.
• In Romans 6, co-crucifixion separates us from our old master: sin… the flesh.
• In Col. 2, circumcision separates us from the flesh… it cuts off… or puts off the flesh. (A different illustration of the same truth.)
• Spiritual circumcision separates us from bondage to the flesh and renders sin (the fleshly nature) inoperative.
• The old man who was characterized by absolute bondage to the flesh is DEAD!
• He has been cut off… we don’t have to live that way any more! Thank you Lord!

9. It is called the circumcision of Christ. Why?

a. This does not refer to the literal physical circumcision of Christ as an eight-day-old baby.

b. Christ’s circumcision is SPIRITUAL circumcision which is ours because of the blood of the New Covenant… as opposed to the circumcision of Abraham or Moses.

c. It speaks of a kind of circumcision that Christ brought in that is related to the New Covenant and not the Covenants of the Old Testament.

d. Christ’s circumcision… is related to His crucifixion…
• Circumcision and crucifixion were two different terms for His death… Christ being “cut off.”
• Isa. 53:8 – He was “cut off” out of the land of the living.
• In Col. 2:13, Paul develops the truth that His death becomes OUR death… a theme taken from Romans 6

10. The spiritual circumcision of Christ is for those IN Christ.

a. “In whom ye are circumcised.”

b. Spiritual circumcision is for ALL those in Christ… this includes women too… physical circumcision was for males only. Spiritual circumcision is for everyone!

c. Every true believer has been cut off from Adam and placed IN Christ

d. Thus, because we are IN Christ, we have been separated from Adam and separated from bondage to the sin nature we inherited from him.

e. In Christ we have provision not only of salvation and forgiveness of sins… but also provision for the power LIVE a resurrected life…


1. When God saved you, He “cut off” the flesh and thus freed you from the bondage of sin.

a. Do you BELIEVE that? If so, then ACT upon it.

b. Remember Paul’s command in 2:6 – WALK ye in Him… and walk in the same way you received Christ: BY FAITH!

c. WALK in faith…
• Believing what God said about your freedom from bondage to sin… IN CHRIST, the old man, the former slave to sin was crucified… that old relationship to the flesh was circumcised… we have been cut off from bondage to the sinful, fleshly nature.
• Believing that IN CHRIST you really ARE a new creature…
• Trusting God that IN CHRIST you ARE able to walk in newness of life.

d. Upon BELIEVING all this, then take that step of faith… and as you do, God will hold you up. It will be GOD working in you both to will and to DO of His good will!
• There is no need for a believer to live as if he were still a slave to sin.
• The circumcision of Christ has set us FREE from bondage to the flesh…

e. We have been severed from the flesh… and by faith we can experience that victory in our daily lives.
• Having a problem getting along with your boss? Your teacher? Your sister? Your neighbor?
• Do you have a problem with your temper? Do you constantly snap at people?
• Do you have a problem with your tongue… constantly spewing out things you wish you never said?
• Do you have a problem with lust, greed, covetousness, bitterness, jealousy, selfishness, pride, self righteousness, resentment?
• The flesh can manifest itself in 1001 ugly ways.

f. But we don’t HAVE to submit to the flesh any more. We have been set free… whether it FEELS like it or not.

g. BELIEVE what God said, and step out on faith… resting your foot on the solid foundation of God’s promise.
• Believe and walk. How simple!
• Faith will enable us to experience the victory Christ purchased for us… freedom from bondage to the flesh… because we have received the circumcision of Christ.

Risen, Quickened, and Forgiven


1. We saw earlier (in vs. 11-12a) that as believers, we were “cut off” with Christ—a spiritual circumcision.

a. Circumcision is used here as an illustration of death. It is similar to what Paul says in Rom. 6 – we were crucified with Christ… here he says we were circumcised with Him.

b. Thus, we share with Christ in His death—and the result is that our physical body has been cut off… severed from its former bondage to the sinful fleshly nature.

c. We are dead—and thus FREED from bondage to sin.

d. Our former master (the sin nature) has no jurisdiction over a dead man!

e. We USED to be a slave to sin, but not any more. The sin nature can no longer FORCE us to do his bidding.

f. Death severed us from that master… that old relationship has been cut off.

2. Paul states that this was because of spirit baptism which UNITES us with Christ in His death and burial.

a. Now we want to see that the same Spirit Baptism also unites us with Christ in His resurrection and ascension into heaven!

b. Because by faith we have been baptized INTO Christ’s Body… His death became our death. His resurrection also becomes our resurrection.

c. Just as his death (circumcision) cut us off from bondage to the world and the flesh… so too His resurrection brings us into a whole new realm spiritually—full of NEW capacities, privileges, power, and responsibilities… none of which were true for saints in ages past.

Risen With Him (Col. 2:12)

1. WHEREIN also ye are risen…

a. Wherein either means “in Him” or it refers back to Spirit baptism—which concepts are nearly identical in this context.

b. The simplest is to understand baptism as its antecedent.

c. In Spirit baptism, we were not only united with Christ in His death, but also in His resurrection!

d. Colossians tells us the FACT of our co-resurrection with Christ.

e. But it is the book of Ephesians which tells us the LOCATION to which we were raised.
• Eph. 2:5-6 – Our resurrection with Christ brings us up into heavenly places… at the moment of saving faith.
• We were not raised up to our previous earthly existence that we had in Adam, but rather to a new heavenly realm which is ours in Christ, the Second Adam.
• And in that realm, we are COMPLETE… blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in Christ. (Eph.1:3)

2. We have been raised into heavenly places NOW… not when we die.

a. When Paul says that ye are risen he is not talking about the future physical resurrection of our bodies.
• He is speaking about present spiritual resurrection of our souls and spirits which occurs at the moment of saving faith.
• We were raised up from spiritual death to spiritual LIFE!
• This is an illustration of a positional change which accompanies regeneration in saints of this age; the new birth; being born again.

b. We normally think of going to heaven when we die. It is our death that brings us into heaven. Paul states that it is actually the resurrection of Christ (and our identification with Him) that brings us into heaven… not our physical death!

c. Co-resurrection –
• This is a resurrection in which we SHARE in Christ’s resurrection by faith.
• This is not the future resurrection of our body, but is the present experience of every believer in Christ – the resurrection of our soul and spirit with Christ.
• We were raised up into heavenly places with Christ.
• Thus, we are not raised up to our former earthly position, but to a new sphere: heavenly.
• We are raised up as new creatures in Christ.
• Paul attempts to demonstrate in this chapter, that this new heavenly man is no longer subject to earthly ordinances.
• All such earthly ordinances are absolutely irrelevant to living the Christian life. (rituals; dietary laws; special days; etc). They are neither commanded nor forbidden.

d. This is our new position in Christ… and this new position brings with it, MANY new privileges.
• Because of the cross, we have access to God NOW…
• Access into the heavenly holy of holies NOW…
• Citizens of heaven NOW…
• Heaven is our dwelling place…
• And as we DWELL there by faith… set our affections there… abide there IN Christ the Vine…
• There we are FILLED with the fullness of God—His life, power, character… flows through us naturally.

e. Because of the cross, there is nothing between us and God, right now positionally.

f. We are perfectly ACCEPTED in the Beloved… and are able to dwell in His presence in the holy of holies with God NOW.

g. We don’t wait until we stand before God at the last day to find out whether we are accepted in His sight or not. We can know that NOW… and rest in it!

h. We have constant access to the Father… to the throne of grace… to the power of the resurrection… and to Christ our Great High Priest… our Source of grace, strength, and spiritual nourishment… all we need to walk in newness of life and bear fruit.

i. Rom. 6:4 – it is because we were RAISED up with Christ into this new realm that we are ABLE to walk in newness of life… to live the resurrected life… standards that are heaven high!

j. Our identification with Christ in His death broke the power of indwelling sin; our identification with Christ in His resurrection means that we now have been enabled to walk worthy of our high calling…

k. Col. 1:9 – We can now walk WORTHY of the Lord unto all pleasing… being fruitful…

l. Col. 1:10 – because we are raised up with Christ… the power of the resurrection is operating in us. We are thus strengthened with all might… according to HIS glorious power… the power that raised Jesus from the dead.

m. That’s plenty of power to deal with the issues in my life… and in yours!

3. Through the FAITH of the operation of God –

a. Paul has just described wonderful transactions that occur at the moment of saving faith: Spirit baptism; baptized in the Body of Christ; UNION with Christ; circumcised with Christ; cut off from bondage to the sin nature; our old man is dead; our old life is buried; we have been identified with Christ in His resurrection and thus have been raised up into heavenly places in Christ.

b. How does this all occur?
• God does all the work. He saves; He raises us up; He gives life; He dwells within.
• How does a man enter into this marvelous position and how does he acquire these wonderful privileges?
» But there is ONE responsibility on man’s part: FAITH!
• But what kind of faith? Faith in what? Faith in Whom?
» Faith in the power of God that raised up Jesus from the dead.
» Those who put their TRUST in the One who raised Jesus from the dead physically—THEY will be raised from the dead spiritually!
» “?If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved?” (?Rom. 10:9?)
» ?But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.” (Rom. 4:24)

c. What is the operation of God?
• Operation: energy; operative, active power.
• It speaks of God’s resurrection power –
• It speaks of divine energy or power demonstrated by God in raising His Son from the dead.
• That was quite a display of power… power over Satan… power over sickness… power over death!

d. Paul’s point in vs. 12
• Those who BELIEVE in the One who raised Christ from the dead will be raised up WITH Christ!
• It is THROUGH FAITH in God’s resurrection power… the one who TRUSTS in God’s resurrection power will EXPERIENCE that power!
• The one who believes in God who has power over death will be raised up into heavenly places in Christ!
• Our part is faith. God does all the rest: Spirit baptism; regeneration; spiritual circumcision—a cutting off of our old man; spiritual resurrection—raising up of a new man!

4. Once saved, we are also SANCTIFIED through FAITH of the operation of God.

a. God wants us to BELIEVE (trust; rest; rely upon His Word). He wants us to believe that His power is operating in us… energizing us.

b. He said that as we walk worthy, we WILL be strengthened with ALL might according to His glorious power.

c. All God wants us to do is to BELIEVE Him! Trust Him that there is plenty of power to control your tongue… your anger… your attitude… etc.

d. As we fight our spiritual battles, it SEEMS like self fighting against sins… it FEELS like it is I who am fighting the battle….

e. When the Jews picked up their swords and shields and fought against their enemies, it sure FELT like it was THEY fighting the battle… and in a physical sense, it was. But it was the LORD who went before them and gave them the victory…

f. And in our lives it is GOD who gives the victory, who produces the fruit, who gives the increase, as we walk by faith.

g. God doesn’t want us to live by our FEELINGS, but by the FACTS: as we walk by faith—BELIEVE that GOD is WORKING in us both to will and to DO of His good pleasure.

h. BELIEVE – have faith in the operation of God to accomplish His perfect will in YOUR Life… and God will make you perfect to do His will… WORKING in you that which is well pleasing in His sight.

i. As we take that step of faith, BELIEVE that we are in fact ABLE to walk in newness of life, not because we are strong in ourselves, but because we are strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might.

5. On the basis of the preceding FACTS (our co-death; co-burial; and co-resurrection with Christ), through faith we experience the operation (energy; power) of God in our lives.

a. This energy of God operating in us is the energy of divine indwelling LIFE—Christ in you, the hope of glory!

b. God operates in and through us… God works in us… God energizes us… His resurrection power flows through us…

c. All this occurs as we reckon upon these facts… trusting in them… believing what God said… and taking simple steps of faith accordingly.

d. As we walk by faith, trusting in the resurrection power of God, we EXPERIENCE the resurrection power of God in our lives!

e. God works in us ONLY when we trust Him and walk by faith.

f. As we trust in ourselves, He leaves us to ourselves. As we trust in Him, the operation of God… the resurrection power is made available to us… which assures us victory!

6. Eph. 1:19-20 – God wants us to KNOW experientially the exceeding greatness of His power… the power that He wrought in raising Jesus from the dead.

a. By faith we can have this experiential knowledge of the power of God working in us… giving us victory over our tongue… our anger… jealousy… pride… lust… that unforgiving spirit… covetousness… bitterness…

b. The power of the resurrection can be functioning in your life; in your home; in your marriage; in your testimony at work; in your mind and heart throughout the day; in the trials and tribulations of life; in our attitude toward circumstances; towards people;

c. So the next time you face temptation… remind yourself that you are COMPLETE in Christ.
• You are perfectly accepted in the Beloved.
• Regardless of how the temptation makes you FEEL, BELIEVE what God said: you are NOT a slave to sin. Sin shall NOT have dominion over you. You have been FREED from sin.
• Chains have been torn asunder: you don’t HAVE to sin… because your old man—who was a slave to sin DIED with Christ.
• You are now COMPLETE in Christ – a new creature in Christ—with new provisions for a victorious living.
• The Holy Spirit dwells within you: divine power available.
• The power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to you. You ARE able to walk in newness of life.
• The operation or energy of God will work IN you as you walk by faith… trusting that as we face our foe…
• It is my responsibility to dig in my heels and say NO to sin… and yet believing all the while that it is no longer I but Christ. It is GOD working in me both to will and to DO of His good pleasure.
• Take that step of faith and discover the REALITY of the operation of God in YOUR life!
• AS ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord (by grace through faith) so walk ye in Him!
• As we take that step of faith, it FEELS like it is I doing it all. But by faith I reject what my feelings tell me and I trust what God said. His power is operating in me whether I feel it or not.
• We are the TRUE circumcision… who worship God in the Spirit and have NO confidence in the flesh. No confidence in flesh… in self…
• We are to have no confidence in OUR ability to walk in newness of life… but ABSOLUTE confidence in God’s ability to hold us up and keep us going…
• And this confidence (faith) WILL hold us up and keep us going!

7. We have been raised up with Christ into a new sphere—into heavenly places—where the resurrection power of God and heavenly blessings are available to us—enabling us to live a resurrected life… if we walk by faith.

Quickened Together With Him (Col. 2:13)

1. Quickened – raise to life with, make alive with.

a. Aorist – past action; for the Colossians, and for every believer here today, this occurred at the moment of saving faith.

b. Sometimes the term is used of physical resurrection of the body.
• John 5:21 – ?For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.
• Rom.4:17 – even God, who quickeneth the dead.
• The context has to determine what KIND of “making alive” is referred to… physical or spiritual.

c. In Col. 2:13, quickened speaks of spiritual resurrection… a dead one is made alive… quickened spiritually.
• Paul has just spoken of a spiritual circumcision, baptism, death, and now a spiritual resurrection… not the physical.
• This concept is virtually the equivalent of regeneration – the impartation of eternal life.
• John 5:24 – the one who believes passes from death to life. That is a spiritual resurrection…
• And he shall NOT come into condemnation!
» Just as physical resurrection is irreversible, so is spiritual resurrection irreversible.
» Once a person is born again, that new birth can NEVER be reversed.
» We cannot become unborn again… just as a person whose body has been resurrected into glory… into immortality can never revert to mortality – or he was NOT raised to immortality!

d. Sometimes regeneration is spoken of as a birth (born again)… sometimes regeneration is spoken of as a resurrection (raised up from the state of spiritual death to the state of spiritual life). Both speak of a new life.

e. Next Paul gives two REASONS given as to WHY believers need to be quickened… or made alive:

2. The first reason we need to be quickened: We were SPIRITUALLY DEAD.

a. Paul speaks in this context about spiritual baptism, spiritual circumcision, spiritual death, spiritual resurrection, and now spiritual death.

b. He is not talking about physical rituals or physical death or bodily resurrection.

c. Spiritual death defined: spiritual death is the condition of being separated from God: separated from His life, fellowship, and friendship.

d. Dead in sins: sin is the reason for our present condition of being separated from God. And ALL have sinned!
• In sins = speaks of a sphere; we are dead in the sphere of sin; that is the sphere or realm in which every unbeliever lives.
• The unbeliever walks around in physical life, but in the state of spiritual death… completely controlled by his depraved, fallen, fleshly nature, called SIN.
• He walks, breathes, and lives in the sphere of SIN.
• There is no escaping that sphere either, apart from spiritual resurrection; regeneration!
• One who is dead is unable to respond; one who is dead spiritually is unable to respond to spiritual stimuli.
• Spiritual things are foolishness to him. (I Cor. 2:14)
• He does not know or understand the spiritual sphere.
• The only realm he understands is the earthly, the things of the world and the flesh.

e. Sin separates us from God and from the spiritual realm (Isa. 59:1-2).

f. Spiritually dead in sins is the present state of every unbeliever.

g. And if that state remains unchanged, it ends in eternal death, a final and eternal separation from God.

h. John 8:24 – Unless a man believes during his earthly life, and he dies physically, he dies in his sins (spiritually dead)… and that ends in eternal death in the Lake of Fire.

3. The second reason we need to be quickened: We were SPIRITUALLY UNCIRCUMCISED.

a. Paul is writing to a church consisting primarily of Gentiles.
• One of the Old Testament descriptions of Gentiles was the uncircumcision. (Eph. 2:11-12)
• This spoke of Gentiles as having no covenant with God and no relationship to God.
• Gentiles were not related to Abraham, but traced their ancestry straight back to fallen Adam and his sin and condemnation.
• The uncircumcised Gentile had no hope and was without God in the world.
• It was a way of describing a person with no relationship to God… no knowledge of God… no hope.
• In the New Testament, Paul uses this common Old Testament expression to describe one who is not born again… one who has not been made alive in Christ.
• Uncircumcised is the same in meaning here as a non-Christian, an unbeliever, unregenerate.

b. Col. 2:13 – being spiritually uncircumcised is equated with being dead in your sins.”
• The opposite of spiritual death is spiritual life.
• Paul thus defines for us what he means by uncircumcision here: dead in sins; unregenerate.
• Thus, the one who is dead in sins needs LIFE.

c. Those who are spiritually uncircumcised have not had the flesh severed, and thus are still SLAVES to sin.
• The old man—who is a slave to sin has not been cut off… their old man has not been crucified.
• They are still a slave to sin. They have not yet been severed from that bondage to fallen human nature.
• The cross has not yet been applied by faith.
• They have neither been crucified with Christ nor circumcised… severed from the old relationship to the flesh.
• Those spiritually uncircumcised are what Paul calls the old man… the unregenerate man… lost and dead in sin.

d. Review: Two reasons why men need to be made alive:
• Men are spiritually dead in sins = speaks of sinful deeds… men are sinners by practice.
• Men are spiritually uncircumcised = speaks of a fallen nature. Men are sinners by nature.
• One speaks of the actual transgressions, while the other speaks of the nature that produced them.

4. The BASIS for the quickening (regeneration): FORGIVENESS

a. Forgive: this is not the most common term for forgive.
• The root of this term is the word for grace.
• It means to grace a person …
• It sometimes means to grace a person by showing favor; or by forgiving a debt; or here, by forgiving sins.
• God showered us with grace by forgiving the debt of ALL of our trespasses.
• God GRACED us… and the result was our sins are gone… if we have trusted Christ as our Savior.

b. Having forgiven you… aorist participle
• The aorist participle implies that this action precedes the action of the main verb(s): raised and quickened.
• Forgiveness of sins precedes raising us up and giving us life.
• Of course, this all occurs simultaneously the moment we put our faith in Christ.
• But theologically there is a chronology.
• Before God is ABLE to raise us up into heavenly places and give us new life in Christ, He must FIRST deal with the sin issue—for sin separates us from God.
• God did that on the cross of Calvary—where all of our sins were laid upon Christ and He bore the penalty FOR us… in our place… as our Substitute.
• The divine wrath and penalty for sin that should have fallen upon you and me, fell upon Christ.
• He shed His blood, the blood of the New Covenant for us, and that makes available TO us, the spiritual blessings of the New Covenant—including forgiveness of sins.
• God did not, could not, raise up the Old Testament saints into heavenly places, for they lived before the cross. They were God’s earthly people. The church is very different. We are God’s heavenly people and enjoy a position no Old Testament saint ever imagined!
• What a privilege it is to be IN Christ… identified with Him in His death on the cross and His resurrection into glory!
• Not until the sin question was settled could we be raised up into heavenly places in Christ.

c. The BASIS of Forgiveness = the Christ’s blood. (Matt. 26:28)

d. The GROUND of forgiveness = the grace of God (Eph.1:7)

e. The REQUIREMENT for forgiveness = faith (Acts 10:43; 13:38-39)

f. God’s ATTITUDE towards forgiveness = He’s ready! (Psalm 86:5)

g. Forgiveness speaks of freedom from the ultimate consequence of sin, namely, condemnation.
• Being spiritually raised up with Christ speaks of freedom from spiritual death caused by sin.
• Being spiritually circumcised speaks of freedom from the power of sin.
• Being forgiven speaks of freedom from the condemnation of sin.
• If we are in Christ, there is NO condemnation (Rom. 8:1).
• If we have been forgiven all of our sins have been removed as far as east is from the west. Who can lay anything to the charge of those forgiven? If all of our sins have been taken away, what charged can be leveled against us?

h. We were burdened by sin; weighed down by sin; dead in sins; Christ took this burden away by bearing our sins in his own body on the cross.

i. We are now raised up with Him and made alive in Him. Hence, we have left the burden of sin behind. We have the guilt, shame, condemnation, and dominion of sin behind.

5. The RESULTS of forgiveness

a. Christ FORGAVE us our sins.
• He didn’t cover them up but took them away.
• Isa. 1:18 – though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

b. Christ forgave ALL trespasses.
• My sin not in part but the WHOLE… is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more… praise the Lord!
• Burdens are lifted at Calvary… because our sins are GONE!

c. Christ SATISFIED the Father’s justice. Hence, we are perfectly accepted; welcome in His presence; no reason to shy away.

d. The book of Hebrews speaks of some of our heavenly privileges as a result of being raised up with Christ.
• Heb. 3: 1 – we are partakers of a heavenly calling—as opposed to Israel, God’s earthly people who received an earthly calling to an earthly land and earthly promises.
• Heb. 10:19-22 – we have been raised up and enabled to enter into the heavenly holy place by faith… and draw near to God… nearer still nearer.
• We are thus able to experience the reality and the substance while Old Testament saints had merely the shadow.
• We are able to experience a closeness to God while Old Testament saints worshipped God at a distance.
• We are able to experience rest because of a purged conscience, while Old Testament saints could never enter into that rest… because they had to offer sacrifices repeatedly and without end… because they knew those sacrifices never really took away their sins.
• But because Christ provided FORGIVENESS… dealt with the sin question once and for all… eternally satisfied the Father’s justice… therefore we CAN draw near… all the way into the Holy of Holies with God!
• That which separated us from God has been REMOVED by Christ… and we can appropriate the benefits of it by FAITH.
• Christ paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world… including all my sins and all of yours too.
• HAVE you appropriated the benefits of His work on the cross by faith?
• Why not today? Why not right now?

Nailed to His Cross!


A. Definitions

1. Handwriting:

a. Strong’s: a note of hand or writing in which one acknowledges that money has been lent, and is to be returned at the appointed time.

b. New American Standard Dictionary: a certificate of debt

c. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: A document, a note of indebtedness, is written in one’s own hand as a proof of obligation.

d. It is the equivalent of an IOU… a certificate that proves a debt.

e. It was called “handwriting” because the debtor was usually required to sign it.

f. Col. 2:14 is the only time this term appears in the New Testament, but the concept appears elsewhere in the New Testament.

g. Philemon 1:18-19 – “If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account. I Paul have written it with my own hand; I will repay it.” (Different term; same concept.)

2. Ordinances: (Gr: dogma)

a. The ordinances speak of the commands and requirements of the Law of Moses;

b. The ordinances also suggest severity and judgment when ignored.

c. The term is only used a few times in the New Testament.
• Used 2 X of the decrees of Caesar.
• Used 2 X of the ordinances of the Mosaic Law

3. The handwriting of ordinances:

a. This speaks of the certificate of debt we owe because we have broken God’s laws…

b. The Jews spoke of sin as a debt; it is a debt of sin we owe. (Forgive us our debts…)

c. Eph. 2:15 – here the term ordinances appears in a similar context.
• In this verse, the ordinances obviously refer to the Law of Moses… which is contained in ordinances.
• The Law of Moses was a middle wall of partition that kept Jews and Gentiles separate.
• It is called “the Law of commandments contained in ordinances.”

4. Whose handwriting was it? Who signed this document… this certificate of debt?

a. It is possible that Paul had the 10 commandments in mind here: written with the very hand of God.
• The 10 commandments stood as representative of the whole law.
• Some see this handwriting of ordinances as that of God who wrote the 10 commandments with His own hand.

b. Ex. 24:7-8 – In a figurative sense, the Jews also SIGNED the handwriting of ordinances in front of Moses and the Lord.
• They did so by collectively saying AMEN to it…
• And God sealed the covenant by the sprinkling of blood, indicating that the penalty for NOT keeping the law was death.
• God wrote out a bill of indebtedness. Israel signed it –promising to pay the bill.

c. It is not necessary to assign a specific name to the handwriting… for both God and man have (in a figurative sense) signed this document of debt… this promissory note.

B. The Handwriting of Ordinances Were Against Us

1. Us = Paul and other Jews as well as the Gentile Colossian believers.

a. The law was never given to the Gentiles, but it WAS against us as Gentiles.

b. The Jewish law alienated all Gentiles and left us as strangers from the covenants of God, without hope and without God in the world. It was like a middle wall of partition that separated Gentiles from Jews and all of their blessings and promises.

c. The Law revealed God’s moral standards and ALL men fall short of the glory of God—not just the Jews.

d. The work of the law was written in their hearts. They were against us too. (Rom. 2:14-16)
• Those whose sins are forgiven and are related to God through the New Covenant have the LAW of God written in their hearts—the moral principles of God.
• This passage refers to unsaved Gentiles. They do not have the LAW written in their hearts as part of the New Covenant relationship, but they DO have the WORK of the law written in their heart.
• There is a difference between the law itself and the WORK of the law.
• The work of the law is something that all unsaved Gentiles have written in the heart… worldwide.
• In context, Paul is speaking about a moral consciousness that all men possess. It is part of human nature… even fallen human nature possesses the capacity to sense right and wrong… good and evil.
• This is proven in that every nation has a set of laws forbidding stealing, murder, etc.
• Vs. 14-15 – Paul proves his point again by noting that the consciences of unsaved Gentiles often condemn their own actions… proving that they had the capacity to discern right from wrong.
• This is the work of the law: to condemn actions that are contrary to God’s holiness.
• Man’s conscience is his capacity to condemn his own thoughts, words, deeds, and motives.
• Even though the lost may not have a copy of the law, the WORK of the law (to condemn sin) operates in their hearts and they are thus accountable… without excuse.
• Thus, the handwriting of ordinances which are against US—are against ALL men—Jew and Gentile.

2. The Law is AGAINST us all! It is against all of mankind.

a. The law demanded our death. Death is the ultimate enemy.

b. Rom. 3:19 – all the world is guilty before the law.

c. Rom. 4:15 – the law works wrath

d. Rom. 5:20 – the law entered that the offence might abound.

e. II Cor. 3:7, 9 – the law is called the ministration of death… and of condemnation.

f. I Cor. 15:56 – the strength of sin is the law.

g. It was against us because it made demands which we could never meet.

h. Jas. 2:10 – For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

i. It was against us because we BROKE it at every point.

j. It was against us because it was a debt we could never pay!

k. It was against us because it places every sinner under its curse. (Gal. 3:10)

l. This handwriting against us was like the handwriting on the wall that was against Belshazzar: your days are numbered; you stand condemned!

m. The law was against us because it convicts us of our sins, and thus removes our peace, joy, comfort, peace of mind, and replaces them with anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, and the burden of sin.

n. Truly the law IS against us.

C. They Were contrary to us

1. Contrary defined: Strong’s: Opposed to, contrary to, an adversary.

2. It is not that God wrote the Law to be intentionally AGAINST us.

a. It IS a hostile adversary to us, but that does not mean that the law itself is opposed to our good.

b. It is not an open, overt, designed hostility.

c. There is nothing contrary to mankind in the law itself.

d. The law itself is holy, just, and good. It is a reflection of who God is: His moral character. (Rom. 7:12)

e. The problem lies in our flesh. Our flesh is contrary to the Law. Our flesh is not holy, just, and good.

f. Hence, there is antagonism between fallen flesh and the holy law of God.

g. The role of the law as our adversary is not blatant, but latent in the nature of the law itself as a reflection of God’s infinitely holy character—a Standard we could never keep… which spells our doom… and hence, an adversary.

h. It is contrary to us in that it is a constant reminder of our sinfulness and of how far short we fall of the glory of God. It is against us because it constantly hounds us with a guilty conscience… and with threats of judgment.


A. The Law is Blotted Out

1. Blotted out:

a. Wuest: to wipe off, wipe away, to obliterate, erase.

b. In ancient times, records were often kept on parchments, and the ink could be washed off. This is the word picture Paul paints for us.

2. The blotting out of the law is a further description of the “forgiveness” mentioned in vs. 13.

a. HOW could a just God forgive the debt of sin for guilty sinners? Did He violate His standard of justice or righteousness? No! Instead He paid the debt Himself!

b. Justice was perfectly upheld at the cross.

c. In order to raise us up with Christ and quicken us together with Him, it was necessary for our sins to be forgiven.

d. In order for our sins to be forgiven, it was necessary for the demands of the law to be met… and they were at Calvary.

3. Eph. 2:15 – The Law is referred to here as the enmity in that it created enmity between Jew AND Gentile.

a. It was AGAINST US: it created enmity between Jew/Gentiles AND God, whose laws we have all broken

b. This law and its enmity were ABOLISHED at the cross:
• Abolish = to render idle, unemployed, inactivate, inoperative. 1a to cause a person or thing to have no further efficiency; 1bto deprive of force, influence, power; 2to cause to cease, put an end to, do away with, annul, abolish.
• Like an unplugged lamp, the law was unplugged and lost its power at Calvary.
• It was blotted out—it was deprived of all power against us… because the debt was paid in full.
• Thus, the law, which was against us and contrary to us, has been deprived of its former force and influence.
• It has been abolished… done away… put to an end… its purpose has already been served, and thus it is now rendered inoperative…
• The blood of Christ put an end to the Law…

4. This is NOT like brushing sin under the rug or ignoring justice.

a. God was able to blot out the law that was against us because the righteous demands of the Law against were met… paid in full… Jesus paid it all!

b. Our debt of sin was blotted out because the sacrifice of Christ on the cross was SUFFICIENT!

c. He is ALL WE NEED!

d. At the cross, our sins have been crossed out… the debt has been paid in full… once and for all and forever.

e. At the cross, the debt of sin was crossed out for the whole world…

f. YOUR sins were paid for in full… but the benefits of Christ’s work are only appropriated or received by faith.

5. Blotted out implies that there is no record of our guilt any more. Our sins and iniquities He will remember no more! All has been expunged forever.

a. The law as a handwriting against us was like a written record of our debt.

b. The obligation of the debt is still in force as long as the handwriting exists… the bill of our debt.

c. But when the record of our debt is blotted out, the debtor is set free!

d. You might liken this to a mortgage burning ceremony! Once it is paid in full, the legal document is worthless. There IS no more debt!

e. The fact that God remembers our guilt no more is the reason we are able to experience REST… because our conscience has been purged… set at ease… at rest.

f. When God blots out our sin, there is not even a trace of it left. It is GONE!
• Note here that God not only blotted out our debt, He blotted out the document on which that debt was recorded! Not even a trace!

B. The Law is Taken Out of the Way

1. It is taken out of the way: airo – to lift up or to carry away

a. Perfect active indicative: Christ took our condemnation away at the cross… and it REMAINS taken away! It isn’t coming back for the one who believes God.

b. The perfect tense emphasizes the permanence of the removal of the guilt and condemnation of sin… the permanent effects of the sacrifice of Christ.

c. That which was against us as our condemner has been permanently taken away!

d. Old Testament sacrifices could only cover sin up. They could NEVER take away sins. They merely postponed the payment another 12 months… until the next year’s Day of Atonement.

e. Jesus accomplished what the Law could never do. He FINISHED the job by paying the debt of sin in full!

f. This term is used in John 1:20 – the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. HE IS ALL WE NEED!

g. Sin is removed as far as the east is from the west: infinity!

2. The Law’s curse was blotted out… and our curse taken away.

a. It literally reads, “taken out of the midst.”

b. It is no longer hanging over our heads… in the forefront of our thinking… like a shoe ready to drop.

c. It has been paid in full. The debt is no longer to fill our minds and hearts with shame and guilt. Our minds and hearts are now to be filled with the Savior!

d. Guilt and shame and fear of judgment no longer need to be in the MIDST. Now the joy of our salvation can be in the midst of our thinking.

3. But the Law was also taken away as a rule of life.

a. Israel was required to live under the Law and to submit to all of its ordinances: ceremonial, moral, and civil.

b. These laws (605 in total!) became a yoke that the Jews were not able to bear.

c. This yoke was taken away. Law is no longer the rule of life for believers in this age.

d. We are not under law but under grace—as a rule of life… as a guiding principle.

e. Heb. 8:13 – the entire old covenant system was dying and ready to perish 2000 years ago. The cross of Calvary made it obsolete.

4. Paul uses these truths to encourage the believers AND to expose the error of the false teachers.

a. The false teachers had been re-introducing Jewish rituals to the churches…

b. But Paul lets the Colossian believers (and us!) know that once a man has received forgiveness of sins (removed as far as the east is from the west), what possible help could the law offer?

c. The law CANNOT provide forgiveness. Its sacrifices and ceremonies never took away even one sin.

d. For centuries Israel kept those laws because God said to… but they were only shadows and never took away sin and never gave the conscience rest.

e. After Christ died and rose again and SETTED FOREVER the sin question, what purpose would there be in turning back to the law for help?

f. The cross has rendered the law obsolete… defunct…

g. WHY would anyone return to a symbol or shadow of Christ when Christ Himself dwells in our hearts by faith?

h. Christ’s death and resurrection introduced a more perfect way, and rendered the observance of the Law’s ordinances and sacrifices no longer necessary, since that which they were designed to foreshadow had been fulfilled, completed, finished, finalized, and accomplished in a far better way.
• To run and work the law commands, yet gives me neither feet nor hands.
But better news the gospel brings; it bids me fly and gives me wings.
• What we have in Christ is far better!

5. Acts 15:10 – why TEMPT ye God?

a. The Judaizers were attempting to put the believers back under the yoke of the Law, just as the false teachers in Colossae were trying to do.

b. The argument goes this way:
• God has already accepted them on the basis of faith.
• They are already saved, justified, and forgiven.
• Putting believers back under the yoke of the Law was tantamount to provoking God to anger… because God said they were forgiven on the basis of what His Son accomplished on the cross.
• By imposing additional rules and laws, the false teachers were saying, “What Jesus did was not good enough. You need something MORE.”
• Paul’s response: Oh no. We are forgiven! We are complete in Him. He is all we need!
• There are only two options:
» Either we live according to the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus which sets us FREE from the LAW of sin and death…
» OR we return to the law… as a yoke… a symbol of our former slavery to our old nature… for the Law makes demands, but provides no power to obey.
» These are two very different systems (law/grace). There can be NO MIXTURE either as a means of salvation or a rule of life.

C. The Law is Nailed to the Cross

1. It was the custom in Rome when one was crucified to post the charges against him and nail them to the cross.

a. On the cross of Christ was His charge: His claim to be the Son of God… and the King of Israel.

b. That was the charge leveled against Him and for which he was killed.

c. Matt. 27:37 – That accusation was nailed to His cross—so that all who passed by could see how Rome deals with those who commit such crimes… execution by crucifixion.

2. Christ did not go to the cross alone.

a. Christ was nailed to the cross.

b. Our old man was crucified with Him.

c. Our sins was nailed to the cross. (I Pet. 2:24)

d. The Law was also nailed to the cross.

3. Our curse has been nailed to the cross.

a. That which condemned us to the cross has itself been nailed to the cross.

b. That which is nailed to the cross has no more power over us.

c. Gal. 3:13 – it was removed because Christ became a curse FOR us…

d. Who would want to bring it back? It was a ministration of death, condemnation, it worked wrath, it made all the world guilty…

e. God nailed it to the cross. Praise God! Let’s keep it there. It only spells our doom. Why go back as the Gnostic like cult was encouraging the Colossians to do?

4. The certificate of our debt was nailed to the cross.

a. Jamison, Faucet, and Brown: One ancient mode of canceling bonds was by striking a nail through the writing: this seems at that time to have existed in Asia [Grotius].

b. This is similar to punching a hole in a ticket to cancel it.

c. The law no longer hangs over us like an unpaid debt… as an unfulfilled obligation.

d. This debt was cancelled and was nailed to the cross!

e. It feels good to be debt free… especially when it comes to our debt of sin… a debt we were unable to pay.

f. Think of the worst, the most vicious, the most ungodly thing you have ever said or done.

g. Its penalty, guilt, and shame have all been nailed to the cross!

h. My sin O the bliss of this glorious thought; my sin not in part but the whole; is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more; praise the Lord; praise the Lord; O my soul!

Read Col. 2:14:
Those who have received Christ as Savior:
Our sins have been forgiven. The debt of sin has been paid in full. That which was against us has been nailed to the cross, and thus now there is nothing against us… and God is for us. We have been forever accepted in the Beloved. We are complete in Christ. What a wonderful salvation!

WHY would anyone ever want to go back to a legal system of works which could never take away sins… can never remove condemnation… can never make us accepted in God’s sight… or could never bring us to completion!

Trying to EARN one’s salvation… or trying to ADD to the work of Christ on the cross by adding our good works is UNBELIEF.
· Good works we attempt to do to help pay for our sins do not ADD to the work of Christ. It DESTROYS it.
· When we seek to earn or maintain a relationship to God through ritual and ceremony that is UNBELIEF.
· It is tantamount to saying that what Christ did was good and necessary but it was NOT ENOUGH… I need to add my two cents.
· There is no way our works could pay the debt of sin. How MANY finite works does it take to fill an infinite gap?
· You can try till you die—and you will end up in Hell.
· God is not asking men to DO something to help pay the penalty of our sins. He is commanding us to BELIEVE that what Christ did on the cross was SUFFICIENT!
· Any attempt to add it is unbelief… it is like telling God that the sacrifice of Christ wasn’t good enough… the work is NOT finished… when God said it IS finished!
· Lots of religious folks believe that what Jesus did was necessary… but God demands that we believe that it was ENOUGH… and that we in faith REST upon His finished work!
· On that basis God gives LIFE and salvation to all who believe… to all who will REST their eternal destiny on the rock-solid foundation of Christ’s finished work on the cross.

Christ is all we need!
· We seek nothing else or no one else.
· We REST on His finished work.
· We abide in His fellowship and the Holy Spirit produces His fruit – Christlike character through us…
· THIS is the Christianity Paul espouses…
· Not the phony brand promoted by the false teachers in Colossae… which was dependent upon special days; rituals; and ascetic practices.

Have YOU received Christ as your Savior? The work has been finished for 2000 years… He offers forgiveness; eternal life… but today the Savior waits for you to come to Him in faith. Christ paid the debt of your sins. They are nailed to the cross. Paid in full… but it benefits you NOTHING unless you receive Christ personally – by faith.
· Your sins, guilt, and condemnation have been nailed to the cross. Jesus paid it all.
· But you must receive God’s gift of salvation by faith today!
· Nobody ever HAS to go to Hell. Christ died for the sins of the whole world and nailed the condemnation of sin to the cross.
· Men go to Hell for one reason: UNBELIEF!
· Men REFUSE to come to God in simple, childlike faith and admit that we are guilty, vile, sinners, worthy of condemnation… and then to reach out to God as a beggar seeking His grace and mercy… and in FAITH receive Christ as His ONE AND ONLY hope of salvation.
· It’s humbling to admit that our works are useless… like filthy rags compared to God’s holiness.
· It’s humbling to admit that are helpless and needy.
· But if you will swallow your pride, and come to Christ in faith—He will FORGIVE you all your sins… and give you eternal life –assurance of a place in heaven. COME today!

The Powers of Darkness


1. Paul continues to speak of the awesome effects of the cross… where Christ defeated all our foes.

a. At the cross Christ defeated our old self life. He is dead and buried. (vs. 12)

b. At the cross Christ defeated another adversary: the handwriting of ordinances which was also against us… namely, the Law. It has been rendered idle and powerless because its demands were met and paid in full. (vs. 14)

c. At the cross Christ defeated yet more adversaries: principalities and powers: the powers of darkness. (vs. 15)

d. All of these enemies have been defeated for the believer through the work of Christ at Calvary.

2. Christ’s victory over the powers of darkness was COMPLETE.

a. Christ spoiled them, made a show of them openly, and triumphed over them.

b. And we are complete in Him. We share in His victory!

c. This is the main point of the passage at hand today.

Principalities and Powers

1. These are terms for different ranks of angelic beings, and in particular, the hierarchy of Satan… the powers of darkness.

a. Titus 3:1 – principalities and powers in this context speak of positions of power and authority in the realm of men. (Human governments)

b. But in Colossians, Paul is speaking of the angelic realm.

c. Paul speaks of this subject because the false teachers had introduced the idea of the worship of angels.

2. Col. 1:16 – Paul gives a longer list of titles for the angelic realm.

a. This list speaks of the various ranks in the angelic realm.
• Perhaps we could liken these terms to mayors, senators, governors, and presidents…
• The angelic realm is well organized… orderly.
• This is true of both the holy angels and the fallen angels.

b. Christ is Creator of all principalities and powers and the entire realm of the spirit world were created by Christ.

c. Christ is not one of them, but Creator of them.

3. Col. 2:10 – principalities and powers refer to the angelic realm, both good and evil. Christ is HEAD over them all—not one of them.

4. So how does Paul deal with the heresy of angel worship in Colossae?
• He exalts the Lord Jesus Christ… He is HEAD over all principalities and powers…
• He is the firstborn of all creatures—including angels.
• He is the Creator of the angels…
• He is the image of the invisible God and He alone is to be worshipped—not angels!

5. PRINCIPALITIES: arche = first one; chief;

a. Dan. 10:12-13, 20 – the prince of Persia was a demon – a fallen angel.
• Daniel prayed, and God sent the Angel of the Lord in response to his prayer. (vs. 12)
• The Prince of Persia (a demon) withstood the Angel of the Lord sent to Daniel. (vs. 13)
• This angelic “prince” had as his special realm of influence, the earthly principality of Persia.
• Dan. 12:1 – Michael was the name of the prince… the holy angel assigned by God over the principality of Israel.
• Angels (good and evil) were assigned (by God or Satan) particular regions of influence—principalities.
• That principality became associated with a particular angelic being. He was thus called the “prince” (principality in New Testament) of that region.
• The term for principality in Col. 2:15 = arche = chief. In the New Testament, Michael is called the “arch angel” or chief angel. He was the chief angel assigned to the nation of Israel. He was their defender.
• Evidently, Satan has also assigned particular demons to various regions of the world.
• There are wars in heaven between the good and evil angels we never see or hear. There are influences exerted by the spirit world in our physical world that we never see nor hear.

6. POWERS: authority

a. This evidently speaks of different ranks of authority given to different angels.

b. Some angels are given authority over various regions…

c. In Revelation 16:4, some angels are assigned to rivers and waters; others to the winds… (Rev. 7:1) and other forces of nature.

d. In the gospel, some angels seem to have authority over certain demonically inflicted diseases…

e. Remember, Satan is called the god of this world in II Cor.

f. Satan DOES have authority in this realm.

g. Luke 4:5-7 – He offered to Christ power/authority (same word as powers) over the kingdoms of the world if He would fall down and worship Him. Jesus never called His bluff.

h. God gave authority over the entire world to Adam and Eve as co-regents in the Garden of Eden. Man had that authority. It was usurped by Satan.

i. Satan and the powers of darkness have had genuine authority over this world for centuries.

j. Satan is the Prince of the power of the air—the aerial region above the earth.

k. The powers of darkness have inflicted pain, disease, suffering, and evil influence of every vile sort upon this world for many centuries.

l. In many parts of the world, men live in fear of the spirit world… through demonic activity and idolatry.

m. In more “civilized” parts of the world, the powers of darkness have influenced men in ways other than fear: ignorance; oblivion; unbelief; the idol of covetousness and materialism… and the doctrines of demons.

n. There isn’t one square inch of earth on this planet that is not influenced by demonic activity.

Christ Made a Show of Them Openly

1. Made a show defined:

a. Strong’s: to make an example of, to show as an example.

b. Dictionary of Biblical Languages: disgrace publicly, expose to public disgrace, to make spectacle of.

c. Used in Matt. 1:19 – ?Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. (expose her to public disgrace as an immoral woman)

2. Tense: aorist, active, indicative.

a. This is the main verb in the verse… the main action… which is why we are looking at it first.

b. The other two participles (having spoiled and triumphing) are descriptive of this main thought.

c. The main thought of the verse is that at the Cross, Jesus exposed Satan and his fallen angels as liars… He made a spectacle of them… publicly disgraced.

3. In His death followed by resurrection, Jesus exposed Satan and the powers of darkness as well as all the earthly human ministers of darkness as liars and deceivers.

a. Satan was behind the crucifixion of Christ.

b. And what were the charges?
He claimed to be the Son of God…
He claimed to be the King of Israel…
• He was put to death as an imposter and deceiver.
• Satan KNEW that the claims of Christ were true—but Satan was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

• The cross and resurrection exposed the true character of our adversary the devil: he is a liar!

c. The resurrection proved Christ to be TRUE and exposed all of His accusers—including Satan who was behind this movement—as liars.

d. Rom. 1:4 – by going to the cross according to the will of the Father and by rising again, Christ was publicly DECLARED to be who He claimed to be: the Son of God!

e. Satan attempted to take advantage of Christ in His earthly ministry, a period of mortality and humiliation.
• Satan saw that in that time, Christ was made LOWER than the angels.
• Yet in His resurrection, He was raised up far above all principality and powers! (Eph. 1:20-21)

f. By submitting to the awful death of the cross, Christ fulfilled the Father’s plan to provide salvation for sinners AND in the process defeated all our foes… exposing Satan and his host as liars.


1. Spoiled Defined:

a. Dictionary of Biblical Languages: undress, take off, strip off, disarm.

b. Strong’s: to strip off for one’s self or for one’s own advantage.

c. Greek English Lexicon: used in contexts of battle as – the stripping away of weapons and hence the removal of authority and power.

d. Some translations translate this word as “disarmed.”

2. Having Spoiled: aorist participle.

a. This participle speaks of PAST action… completed.

b. The work of spoiling the powers of darkness has been completed—2000 years ago on the cross.

c. The powers of darkness have already been stripped of their powers with respect to the believer in Christ.

d. Having spoiled the powers of darkness, Christ exposed them!

3. The power that Satan held over us has been stripped away from him…

a. Satan is like a disgraced general whose stripes and metals are taken away… and he loses his position, authority, and power.

b. Satan’s power over us is SIN and DEATH.

c. Satan is the ACCUSER of the brethren. (Rev. 12:10)

d. But the cross answers all of his accusations for the believer! (I John 2:1-2)
• Christ’s work as the Propitiation for sin (satisfied God’s justice) deflates completely the accusation of the devil.
• “I paid for that sin. The wages of that sin IS death, but the wage has been paid in full.”
• By paying for human sin in full, the grounds of death and condemnation were removed… leaving Satan’s accusations quite hollow and empty…
• Part of his power lay in his ability to accurately accuse believers of sin… and use sin to keep the believer away from a holy God.
• But Christ REMOVED the law that was against us because of our sins… and He paid the penalty for our sins. Hence, there is no charge the devil can level against a believer in Christ… none that will stick.

4. Satan held the power of death and kept men under the bondage of the fear of death. (Heb. 2:14-15)

a. But by dying for us, Christ ROBBED Satan of his authority over death.

b. Death—Satan’s greatest weapon against us—was stripped away from him by Christ! (I Cor. 15:55-57) Victory in Jesus!

c. The worst thing the devil could do is inflict DEATH upon a believer. But when he does so today, he ushers that believer into the glorious presence of God in the heavenly city to enjoy eternal rest… where there are holy pleasures forever more!

d. The cross has so turned the tables on our enemy, that the worst thing he could do TO us is in reality, the best thing he could do FOR us!

e. Death, his greatest weapon against us, has been swallowed up in victory! The sting of death has been removed! Satan greatest weapon has lost its sting!

5. Heb. 2:14 – By becoming a Man and dying for our sins, Christ DESTROYED the devil by removing his power.

a. This Does Not Mean Satan Has Been Annihilated
• I Peter 5:8 – Satan STILL seeks to devour us! (contrary to the teaching of our Reformed friends!)
• Eph. 6:11-12 – we are engaged in a spiritual battle for the truth.
• II Cor. 11:13-15 – Satan is busy engaging his ministers to pose as ministers of righteousness and seduce men into false doctrine.
• II Cor. 4:3-4 – Satan is still blinding men to the gospel message. He is still the god of this age!
• The devil is anything but destroyed in that sense. He is alive. He is active. He is out to do as much damage to us spiritually as he possibly can.
• Reformed theology does its adherents no favor in offering the false hope that the devil is bound today… and throughout the age.

b. Destroyed Defined
• Destroyed: to render inoperative; to cause a person or thing to have no further efficiency; to deprive of force, influence, power…
• This is the same term as is used in Rom. 6:6 – that the body of sin might be destroyed – rendered inoperative.
» The body of sin certainly has not been annihilated.
» But it has been rendered inoperative. Its power over us has been inactivated by the cross.
» He breaks the power of canceled sin!
» You might liken it to pulling the plug on an electric chain saw. The power is still there… and the chain saw CAN still hurt us. But it has been unplugged. As long as it remains unplugged, it cannot harm us.
» The powers of darkness cannot harm us unless we allow them! We must say YES to sin before Satan or our sin nature can exert any power over us!

c. Christ became a man that He might die on the cross, and as a result, He rendered Satan’s power over us inoperative
• Satan still exists. He still seeks to devour us. He is still powerful.
• However, he cannot harm us unless we ALLOW it to happen!

6. This participle (having spoiled) explains HOW Christ exposed the powers of darkness as deceivers and phonies.

a. At the cross Satan and his hosts were rendered inoperative… stripped of their power over the believer.

b. Eph. 6:16 – Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one – Satan.

c. Satan will still hurl his fiery darts at us—but our shield of faith renders all of his weapons inoperative… ineffective…

d. As long as we walk by faith, we are safe indeed. There is nothing our adversary can DO. He can seek to devour us. He can roar against us. He can hurl his fiery darts—but all of his weapons are absolutely ineffective when we walk by faith. Faith is the victory!

Triumphed Over

1. Defined: triumph over, conquest over opposition; to lead the defeated away as a conqueror.

2. Tense: aorist, active, participle.

a. This participle is also descriptive of HOW Christ exposed the powers of darkness: by triumphing over them!

b. After He triumphed over them, the powers of darkness were exposed… stripped of their powers against the believer…

c. Having triumphed over them, He spoiled them by exposing their weakness.

3. Roman Triumph Parade:

a. When a Roman general was victorious in battle against a foe, and gained new territory for Rome, he would take away the captives and the spoils of the battle.

b. The Roman Empire appreciated military leaders when they expanded their territory and increased Rome’s coffers and power.

c. And upon arrival back in Rome, he was honored by an official parade known as “the Roman triumph.”

d. He would march triumphantly through the city to the cheers of the people…

e. He would parade his captives and put them on public display before the people… exposing them as defeated ones… their weapons were taken away and piled up on large carts… demonstrating that they were no longer a threat to Rome.

4. This Roman Parade is likely the scene Paul has in mind.

a. Paul used this same illustration in II Cor. 2:14 of a Roman Triumph Parade.

b. In the cross and resurrection, Christ won a decisive victory over Satan and his hosts.

c. He stripped them of their authority and power over the believer… demonstrating that they have no more authority or power over the believer.

5. It at first appeared that Satan was the VICTOR at the cross.

a. Luke 22:53 – The powers of darkness conspired to have Him put to death and were successful.

b. On the cross it appeared that darkness triumphed and would reign.

c. Matt. 27:44-46 – Darkness came over the earth as the Light of the world was extinguished.

d. The cross at first seemed like a great victory for Satan and the powers of darkness. Christ was put to death! His Kingdom was not established! His ministry was cut short!

e. Satan must have gloated when Christ cried out, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!”

f. It first appeared that Satan would have control over all the earth by himself… with no opposition from Christ.

g. Satan had been working toward this goal – the death of Christ!
• Satan moved Herod to have all the children 2 and under killed… (Rev. 12:4)
• Satan tempted Christ to kill Himself! (Luke 4:9)
• Satan moved angry mobs to kill Christ. (Luke 4:28-29) (cf. vs.13) Satan could not get Christ to kill Himself, so he moved in the unsaved Jews to kill Him.
• Satan moved the Sadducees and Pharisees to plot His murder. (John 8:40,44) Jesus said of those who tried to kill Him, Ye are of your father the Devil.”
• Satan entered into the heart of Judas to deliver Christ to be killed. (John 13:2)
• Clearly Satan’s aim was to put to death the Lord Jesus.

h. The death of Christ gave every appearance of ultimate victory for the devil…

6. In reality, Satan and his demonic host were DEFEATED at the cross.

a. Genesis 3:15 – Satan’s apparent victory actually spelled Satan’s doom!
• The bruising of the heel of Christ in his sufferings meant the crushing of the serpent’s head.
• If you were going to try to step on a deadly snake, you would use your heel… for added force.
• If you did want to kill him, you would not step on his tail, but his head!
• And if you did step on his head, and he bit you, it would be on your heel!
• AS Messiah is bit by the serpent (picturing His death on the cross) Messiah crushes his head… the end for the serpent!
• The wounding of Messiah on the cross was the defeat of the devil!

b. John 12:31 – As Christ faced the cross, He said, “Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.”

c. The cross spelled out an irreversible defeat for Satan.

d. They were condemned at the cross, stripped of their power over us, publicly exposed as liars, disgraced, and ultimately, to be led away into captivity.

e. Application at Colossae: What folly therefore, to WORSHIP spirit being… fallen angels… which is what the cultists in Colossae were doing. Why worship those defeated spirits which have been disgraced, judged, condemned, and await final captivity in the Lake of Fire?

7. What an awesome victory is ours because of Calvary!

a. There our old man was crucified. (Rom. 6:6)

b. There our fleshly nature was condemned. (Rom. 8:3)

c. There the world was crucified unto me and I unto the world. (Gal. 6:14)

d. There the curse and condemnation of my sins were paid in full. (Gal. 3:13)

e. The law (handwriting of ordinances) was nailed to the cross. (Col. 2:14)

f. There Satan and the powers of darkness were exposed, stripped of their authority over me, and led away as defeated foes… awaiting execution in the Lake of Fire. (Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14)

g. Everything that was against us has already been defeated and rendered inoperative by the finished work of Christ at Calvary.

h. No wonder Paul writes: But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!

8. Our enemies are still alive and active… but judged, condemned, and defeated—awaiting execution… and stripped of their authority and powerless over the believer walking by faith.

a. Satan still walks about to devour us (I Peter 5:8).

b. We still wrestle with principalities and powers… (Eph. 6:12)…

c. But they have no power to defeat us. They CANNOT ultimately be victorious.

d. WE who are in Christ are the conquerors!

9. Nay, we are more than conquerors through Him!

a. His victory over Satan and the powers of darkness is OUR victory!

b. For the believer in Christ, principalities and powers no longer have any power over us. They CANNOT separate us from the love of God.

c. They have been stripped of former powers by the death and resurrection of Christ.

d. Having defeated our foes, a victorious Christian life is available to EVERY believer… who really wants it.

e. If we will walk by faith, there is nothing the devil can do to us… apart from God’s permissive will.

f. Eph. 6:10-17 – as we by faith CLAIM Christ’s victory, we EXPERIENCE Christ’s victory in our daily lives.

g. We have all the equipment and armor necessary to walk in newness of life.

h. We need not live in fear of the spirit world… of Satan… of demons. We are more than conquerors!
• We are complete in the One who is the HEAD over all principalities and powers!
• Christ, who was made lower than the angels for the suffering of death, has been raised far ABOVE them all… and we have been raised with Him to share in this victory.
• In His death and resurrection, we have been set free from everything that was AGAINST us!
• We have been raised up into heavenly places in Christ Jesus—and from this new position—nothing can harm us… nothing can touch us… except with God’s permissive will and for our spiritual good.

i. In many charismatic circles, the emphasis is on the spirit world.
• They emphasize the Holy Spirit rather than Christ…
• The talk of demonic activity constantly…
• They blame their sins on demons—the spirit of jealousy, the spirit of anger, etc. (how do they deal with such sins? Cast out the demon!)
• That is tantamount to the old comedian of the 60’s who used to say (every time he got in trouble)—the devil made me do it! It’s not my fault!
• Paul makes it clear that we CANNOT blame the spirit world for our sins. Satan and his hosts are defeated foes… stripped of their power and authority over us and they CANNOT make us sin.
• Demons can influence us and set up temptations for us, but they CANNOT force us to sin.
• Sinning is our choice—and thus our personal responsibility! We can’t blame it on the devil.
• Our focus is not to be on angels and demons but on Christ—the One who is HEAD over them all—who has triumphed over them all—and the One who has stripped them of all power.
• The spirit world (good and evil angels) all bow before the Risen, glorified Savior! (I Pet. 3:22)
• We should not walk in the fear of the spirit world. We should walk in the fear of God—with reverence… looking unto Jesus… occupied with Him, not angels or demons!
• How simple is the Christian life. Just trust and obey… and we can then whistle through life that little chorus: Safe am I; safe am I; in the hollow of His hands!

IF YOU ARE NOT BORN AGAIN, Christ invites you to come to Him in faith and receive NEW LIFE… an abundant life… None who come are ever refused!

Let No Man Judge You


1. Therefore: This word links the command back to the context of the previous section… which speaks of the EFFECTS of the cross of Christ in defeating all of our foes.

2. Consider what Christ has accomplished for us so far in this book:

a. Our old man died with Christ and we were raised as new creatures in Christ. (2:11-12)

b. Provision has been made for the putting off the body of the sins of the flesh. (2:11)

c. We have been quickened together with Him: Life! (2:13)

d. We have had all of our sins forgiven. (2:13)

e. The law and its demands which were against us have been met, paid in full, and taken away—nailed to His cross. (2:14)

f. Satan and the powers of darkness have been defeated, exposed as frauds, stripped of their power over us, and triumphed over… (2:15)

g. Salvation has been completed. (Reconciliation; redemption; regeneration; forgiveness of sins). Finished!

h. We are COMPLETE in Christ. Nothing needs to be added. We have all we need in Christ (2:10)… for complete salvation and for a worthy walk.

i. And on top of that, every one of our enemies: (world; flesh; the devil) have all been delivered a death blow at the cross. None of them can harm us as we walk by faith.

3. Paul gives the REASON why we should not let men judge us. The reason: because of all that Christ accomplished on the cross!

a. We are not to judge one another in such areas because we are FREE from Jewish law in particular… and from the principle of law in general.

b. Because of the absolute effectiveness of the blood of Christ to redeem us from sin and from law, STOP allowing anyone to judge you on issues like foods, observing days, and rituals such as circumcision.

c. They add NOTHING to our salvation or sanctification.

d. Therefore, stop allowing people to judge you!

4. After all Christ has done and accomplished for us, what could you possibly DO to ADD to HIS work?

a. All we need for salvation is found in Christ. Salvation is God’s work. It is finished. It is perfect.

b. All we need for sanctification is found in Christ.

c. We have ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. We have all we need for life and godliness. We have all the power of the resurrection available to us. Our position in Him is settled for eternity. We are indwelt by the Spirit. Christ lives in us. We are truly complete in Him.

d. Paul’s point: in light of the ALL sufficiency of the work of Christ on the cross—let no man judge you in the following types of issues… because what we eat, and which days we observe add NOTHING to our relationship to Christ.

e. These are non issues—irrelevant—and the false teachers were trying to MAKE a big issue of them… and were attempting to FORCE their convictions on the Colossians, which was tantamount to putting them back under a yoke of legalism.

5. Therefore: The person who judges a brother for not keeping Jewish law is in reality judging Christ.

a. He is saying that what Christ did on the cross was NOT sufficient. Something MORE is needed! (Rituals; ceremonies; submission to the law; etc.)

b. It is a far more serious issue than the sin of judging a brother wrongly.

c. It gets to the very heart of the gospel: was the cross enough?

d. Is the blood of Christ enough to save us? Is the blood of Christ enough to sanctify us? Is the blood of Christ enough to keep us? Or do we need something more? Do we need to ADD something to His work? Rituals, ceremonies, holy days?

e. Is the work of Christ FINISHED or not?

6. This is the real issue… and it is no wonder Paul was so outraged when the Judaizers attempted to put the Galatian believers under Jewish law.

a. Acts 15:1-2,5 – the problem: putting Gentile believers under Jewish law.

b. Acts 15:6, 10 – the apostolic answer: putting believers under the Law is TEMPTING God! Don’t do it!
• The Judaizers were attempting to put the believers back under the yoke of the Law, just as the false teachers in Colossae were trying to do.
• The argument goes this way:
» God has already accepted them on the basis of faith.
» They are already saved, justified, and forgiven.
» Putting believers back under the yoke of the Law was tantamount to provoking God to anger… because God said they were forgiven on the basis of what His Son accomplished on the cross.
» By imposing additional rules and laws, the false teachers were saying, “What Jesus did was not good enough. You need something MORE.”
» Paul’s response: Oh no. We are forgiven! We are complete in Him. He is all we need!

Let No Man Judge You…

A. The Command

1. John Calvin: judge: to hold one to be guilty of a crime, or to impose a scruple of conscience, so that we are no longer free.

2. When Paul says, “Let no man judge you,” he is not addressing the false teachers, but he is addressing the Colossians.

a. And this forbids us as Christians from yielding our necks to yokes of tradition and ritual that men attempt to put on us.

b. It is equal to saying: Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Gal. 5:1)

3. This command had far greater ramifications that the immediate issue under consideration: foods; circumcision; holydays; etc.)

a. The deeper issue was the RULE OF LIFE for the believer: are Christians required to cling to Jewish symbols, shadows, and rituals in order to draw near to God OR are we free from the law because we are complete in Christ?
• That’s the deeper issue here.

4. Because of the serious nature of what was at stake here, Paul makes a clear command to the Colossians with respect to how they DEAL with the false teachers who were judging them on these issues: STOP allowing them to judge you!

a. Paul was commanding the believers to take a stand AGAINST those attempting to change the rule of life from grace back to law.

b. Whether they were FORCING them to eat certain foods or FORBIDDING them from eating certain foods, the issue was the same: legalism: thou shalt or thou shalt not.

c. Whether they were FORCING them to be circumcised or FORBIDDING them from being circumcised, the issue was the same: legalism: thou shalt or thou shalt not.

d. Whether they were FORCING them to observe certain days or FORBIDDING them from observing certain, the issue was the same: legalism: thou shalt or thou shalt not.

e. The issue at hand (days; foods; etc) wasn’t the REAL issue. The real issue was this: is our daily walk based upon grace/faith or by law/works?

f. These are two opposing, not complementary systems.

g. You cannot mix them. If law is required, then grace is no more grace. If grace is applied to the law, it removes the teeth from the law… grace emasculates the law.

h. These two systems don’t help each other out; they CANCEL each other out… they nullify each other.

B. Meat and Drink

1. Lev.11:2, 4 – There were certain meats they were permitted to eat, and some were forbidden as unclean.

a. The issue of clean vs. unclean foods.

b. Evidently, the false teachers were promoting certain diets as having a spiritual benefit.
• They taught: By eating ceremonially clean foods you could become holy. By eating unclean foods you would be unholy.

c. Of course, this is NOT true—but is evidently what they were teaching in Colossae.

2. Acts 10:13 – Here we see God revealing to Peter that the Levitical dietary laws given to Israel were no longer required.

a. Unclean meats were not to be considered unclean to the believer in Christ.

b. Those dietary laws were Jewish and part of the Mosaic Law.

c. The ordinances of the Mosaic Law (including dietary laws) were nailed to Christ’s cross… inoperative… defunct…

d. I Tim. 4:3-5 – the false teachers were forbidding believers to eat meats.
• But Paul said that those who know the TRUTH are to receive them with thanksgiving!
• Every creature is good for food… and there is no reason to refuse certain meats on the basis of conscience because they have been sanctified by the Word and prayer.

3. How foolish to judge a man on what he eats!

a. Matt. 15:17-18 – Jesus said that it is NOT what a man puts IN his mouth that matters, but what comes OUT of his mouth! Food neither defiles nor purifies a man spiritually.

b. I Cor. 8:8 – Meat does not commend us to God. We are no better for avoiding meats. We are no worse if we eat meats. Foods are necessary for our bodies, but they are irrelevant to our spiritual walk with God!

c. Rom. 14:1-4 – God commands us to RECEIVE other brothers regardless of what they eat!
• The weak brother eats herbs.
• He is not weak because he eats herbs. Rather, he is weak because of what he believes. He believes he MUST eat herbs and that he is forbidden to eat meat.
• Hence, he is weak in THE FAITH.
• But his weakness in this area is not a moral weakness. Hence, he is to be received – because it is perfectly acceptable before God for a Christian to choose to be a vegetarian if he so chooses.
• The issue Paul brings up in Colossians is not about the believer who chooses of his own free will to be a vegetarian, but of the cults who were legalistically imposing their views as LAWS and forcing certain foods and forbidding certain foods. That was the error.
• It is NOT a doctrinal or moral error to BE a vegetarian or to eat meat. It IS a doctrinal error to FORCE others.

d. The Bible is crystal clear on this subject. Our relationship to God is NOT determined by our diet… or by food supplements… or by expensive vitamin regimens… they won’t make you any closer to God.

e. Rom. 14:17 – The Kingdom of God is NOT meat and drink but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
• As believers, we should be concerned with righteousness, peace, and joy… not ham, granola, or yogurt!

f. Matt.23:23 – Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. ? ?Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
• There is a tendency in us all to accentuate that which is minute and overlook the big issues in life.
• Worrying over foods and ignoring the REAL issues in the Christian life (becoming more gracious; righteous; Christlike) is like straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.

g. We don’t test a person’s spirituality by what they eat. Nor should we judge a person’s spirituality by what he eats.
• Most of us would think it quite self evident that we shouldn’t judge a brother on such an issue… but this has been a perennial problem throughout the church age.
• The ascetics doted over foods and diets.
• The 7th Day Adventists claim that believers ought to be vegetarians. They FORCE a vegetarian diet on their church goers.
• The Roman church FORBADE the eating on meats on Fridays for centuries.
• I hear Christians today promoting organic foods, food supplements, vitamins, and herbs as if they were next to godliness.
• No believer has the right to either FORCE or FORBID foods on another believer… as a requirement for either salvation or spirituality.

C. Special Days: Holy Days; New Moons; Sabbaths

1. The various special days:

a. Holy days = feast days; festival days; (these would include annual feasts – Pentecost; Passover; Tabernacles; etc.)

b. New moons = (first day of month—special offerings were given to God—Num.28;11-14)

c. Sabbaths = a Jewish day of rest.

2. Paul is dealing with the false teaching that had infiltrated Colossae.

a. Colossians is an unusual book in that we are not sure exactly WHAT the false teachers were teaching. We don’t have a copy of their systematic theology.

b. But in Colossae, this cult was in its early stages. All we know that it was a strange eclectic mixture of Jewish legalism, pagan philosophy, eastern mysticism, and a dabbling of Christianity.
• 2:8 – pagan philosophy; traditions of men
• 2:11 – circumcision is mentioned—quite likely to combat the teachings of the cult—imposing circumcision.
• 2:16 – foods; holydays; new moons; Sabbaths;
• 2:18 – worshipping of angels
• 2:21 – asceticism
• 2:23 – neglecting the body
• It’s hard to imagine how such views could fit together in one system of teaching—but then again, the teachings of cults don’t always make sense!

c. They also believed that it was necessary for men to follow the rules of their mystery cult in order to become holy.

3. The false teachers were judging the believers in Colossae for not falling in line with their program.

a. We don’t know for sure exactly what their program was, but we don’t need to know.

b. The cult Paul was dealing with no longer exists. Hence, those exact issues no longer confront the Christian church.

c. BUT – we are given commands and principles that transcend the first century and that particular cult, and are equally applicable to similar errors that we face today.

d. Some of the issues we face today (though not identical) are similar enough that this book is just as relevant and applicable today as it was in the first century!

e. The cultists were judging the Colossians with respect to what they ate and drank, holydays, new moons, Sabbaths, and other Jewish ceremonies and rituals…

f. The cultists were attempting to add Jewish dietary laws, holy days, and rituals to their brand of Christianity.

g. They were claiming (according to the implication in vs. 23) that all of these ceremonies and rituals would enable them to become HOLY.

h. Paul would have nothing to do with it! This was cultic nonsense to the apostle!

i. These were NOT issues about which we should judge a brother.

4. The FLESH loves to follow a program… to go along with certain rules.

a. Flesh loves to follow a program because adhering to such religious routines tends to inflate the ego… and enables the flesh to gloat or glory in its accomplishments… and gives occasion for self-righteousness. (“I” did this and that… aren’t I great?)

5. The real issue: law vs. grace!

a. When it comes to foods or special days, the Bible neither forces nor forbids the believer from participating.

b. It is a matter of liberty and personal choice to be based upon the leading of the Holy Spirit.

c. The issue is much deeper than just the issue of the day or the meats.

d. It is the difference between that which is earthly and that which is heavenly.

e. By forcing or forbidding such practices, it becomes a matter of law: thou SHALT… or thou shalt NOT.
• This is the exact error of the Roman church with their “holy days of obligation.” (6 of them)
• The error is not having a feast day or a holiday. The error is making an OBLIGATION!
• They say it is a mortal sin not to go to Mass on that day… on the days they invented!
• That would be like us calling it a sin not to attend our thanksgiving testimony service!

f. It removes the issue from the realm of grace and brings the believer back into the realm of law…

g. It is a reversal… going away from Christ and the grace He brought… and reverting back to Moses and the law he brought.

h. The real issue is what is the rule of life in the age of grace?

i. Even though their intentions were to produce holiness, it does the opposite.

j. Holiness is reproduced in the believer as we draw near to Christ… not as we turn away from Him and revert back to Moses.

k. It is NOT a higher standard to force or forbid foods or special days.

l. It is a LOWER standard… it is a falling from grace… falling down from Christ to Moses.

m. If we revert back to law in hopes of producing good fruit, we will be sadly disappointed. (Rom. 7:5)

n. But if we are to go on to perfection (maturity) then we are to leave the law behind and cling to Christ—our new Master… like a bride clinging to her husband. THIS is the only way real fruit is produced. (Rom. 7:4)

o. Our relationship to Christ is superior to law… more powerful than… and more life transforming… and it produces superior results: fruit unto God.

6. We don’t need the shadows. Christ is all we need.

a. We don’t need circumcision, feast days, foods and drinks, or Sabbaths.
• As with eating meats or circumcision: we are no better off if we do; we are no worse off if we do not! These are mere shadows.

b. Christ is the SUBSTANCE of those shadows; He FULFILLS what they merely pictured.
• Circumcision: our union with Christ = spiritual circumcision
• Food and drink: He is our Bread of life and our Living Water!
• Feast days: Christ is our Passover!
• Sabbath: the Sabbath meant “rest.” Eternal rest is found in the Person of Jesus Christ and His finished work on Calvary. (24-hour Sabbath rest is good, but eternal rest is better!)

7. Rom. 14:6 – Thus, in our personal walk with God, these non-doctrinal, non-moral issues are to be personal decisions based upon the leading of the Holy Spirit in the individual believer.

a. Paul makes it clear here that God is glorified by BOTH believers: the one who eats meat and the one who does not; the one who esteems a particular day and the one who does not.

b. There may be a Hebrew Christian who chooses to rest on the Sabbath. He may choose to observe his family tradition of a special Passover meal. (What a great opportunity for him to be a witness for Christ before his Jewish friends and family!)

c. It’s certainly not WRONG if that Hebrew believer chooses to do so of his own free will!
• Paul was a Jew who became a Hebrew Christian.
• After his salvation, he kept some of the Jewish feast days: Passover.
• After his salvation, he had Timothy circumcised.
• He was adamantly OPPOSED to anyone imposing such practices upon believers, OR forbidding them.
• But he was NOT opposed to believers USING such practices as an opportunity to present the gospel and for the glory of God.

d. Whether we do or don’t participate in these issues is relatively insignificant.

e. What DOES matter to God is MOTIVE: are we led of the Spirit and doing it for the glory of God? Or are we led of the flesh and doing it for other motives: self-righteousness; selfishness; peer pressure?

f. God’s purpose is that we LIVE for His glory… that we walk WORTHY of our high calling in Christ… that we are looking unto Jesus—our HEAVENLY High Priest…

g. Therefore, we are not to invent requirements or prohibitions about insignificant earthly things… that are non doctrinal and non moral in nature.

h. When we dote over earthly things, our focus is off base.

Shadows vs. the Body

1. Body: does it refer to the Body of Christ, the church?

a. It is the same term that OFTEN refers to the church as a body.

b. If it were being contrasted with Israel, that would make perfect sense.

c. But in this context, it seems to be used differently.

d. It is being contrasted not with Israel, but with the term shadow.

e. Hence, body is best understood in the sense of substance in this passage… the real thing! (as the body of a letter—the real substance of the letter)

2. The point is this: the cultists were doting over certain aspects of the Jewish law which were designed to point ahead to Christ. They were called “shadows” in the book of Hebrews.

a. Heb.10:1 – the law was only a shadow of good things to come… and could not make the worshippers perfect or mature.

b. Shadows (whether they be rituals like circumcision; dietary laws; or special holy days and holidays) cannot transform the heart. They cannot draw us nearer to God.

c. Dietary laws and special days were mere shadows, but Christ is the substance.

d. He is the body that casts the shadow. The shadow is only a transitory outline of His Body. The shadow isn’t permanent and has no substance.

e. The body that casts the shadow is far more important and worthy of our attention than the shadow!

f. The person is more important than a Kodak picture of that person.

g. The shadow had no substance and could not bring the believer on to perfection or spiritual maturity. Why turn back to that when we have Christ, the body, the substance, the real thing?

h. Turning dietary laws and special days into requirements for walking with God was like hugging a shadow and ignoring the Person who cast the shadow!

i. Now that the substance has come—now that Christ has come—all of those shadows have been relegated to the realm of irrelevant.

j. If you choose of your own free will to be a vegetarian, or to observe special days, or to practice circumcision, then do it as unto the Lord.

k. But don’t you DARE force or forbid the practice to another brother in Christ.
• For when you do, you are causing him to fall from grace (from the grace way of living)…
• And you are dragging him (not up but) DOWN from a heavenly walk of a Spirit led Christian… to an earthly walk of a religious legalist…
• You are changing his focus from Christ to a shadow of Christ…
• And when that is the case, that poor believer is going to be weighed down with a yoke he is unable to bear… rather than beholding the heavenly glory of Christ and being transformed into that same image… from glory to glory.

l. Convictions are fine. Liberty is fine. But nobody has the liberty to change the rule of life in the dispensation of the grace of God.
• Circumcision, holy days, and foods are relatively trivial issues.
• But the rule of life for the Christian is NOT a trivial issue.
• It is the heartbeat of our relationship to God.
• Let us go on to perfection—to spiritual maturity… walking by faith in this age of grace… looking unto Jesus… YOKED to Him… not Jewish law… not pagan philosophy… and not to the traditions of men.
• When our hearts are yoked to law and shadows, we will be dragged down to earth.
• When our hearts are gripped and moved by grace, and yoked to Christ, Christ in you… the hope of glory… then we will walk worthy of our HEAVENLY calling.

Let No Man Beguile You of Your Reward


1. Paul just warned the believers not to allow anyone to JUDGE you.

2. Now he warns us not to allow anyone to BEGUILE us.

The Warning Concerning Beguilers

A. Let NO man beguile you

1. “Beguile you of your reward” is one word in Greek.

a. Beguile defined: to decide as umpire against someone; disqualify for a prize, decide against giving out a reward.

b. Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament: to judge as a referee that someone is not worthy to receive a prize – to judge as not worthy of a reward, to deprive of a reward.

2. The concept

a. The concept behind this warning is a familiar one in the New Testament.

b. Paul refers to the fact that a worthy walk is rewarded in glory with rewards.

c. I Cor. 3:8 – we are all going to be rewarded according to our labor for the Lord… for the way we live, walk, and serve.

d. I Cor. 3:11-15 – faithful service for the Lord is rewarded.
• But our potential rewards CAN all go up in smoke if we are not building on the foundation properly.
• We are building our lives and ministries on a solid foundation as believers.
• But there are various materials we could use in this construction project.
• The final building project (our lives) will pass through the fire one day… the judgment seat of Christ… and only those materials that pass through the fire are rewarded.
• Believers who are taught well are taught to build only with gold, silver, and precious stones. They will receive a reward for that.
• Believers who are NOT taught well may be building with cheap materials—wood, hay, and stubble. That will be burned up as useless. There is NO reward for that.
• Paul’s warning in Colossians is that there are some teachers who are teaching believers the WRONG way to live… the WRONG way to walk… the WRONG way to build our lives.
• Those who do so are BEGUILING you of the reward you COULD have had, had you built on the foundation properly!
• There is a RIGHT way to build and wrong way to build.

e. II Tim. 2:5 – not all religious efforts are rewarded by God.
• It is possible to strive for masteries… to strive hard… and to do so in the wrong way. No reward!
• The person who taught you to strive that way has disqualified you from a reward you could have had!
• Any teacher who promotes a WRONG method of sanctification is beguiling believers of their reward.
• They are rendering us disqualified from being rewarded at the Bema seat!

f. There is a right way to run the race and a wrong way.
• The right way is to lay aside the weight and besetting sins and to run with patience, looking unto Jesus.
• The wrong way is to assume that grace means I can hold on to my besetting sins and run occasionally, and look unto myself, my pharmacist, and my therapist… instead of looking unto Jesus.
• The right way is to walk by faith; the wrong way is to walk by sight and feelings.
• The right way is to trust in Christ; the wrong way is the way of self-reliance.
• The right way is the way of grace; the wrong way is by means of the law.
• The faithful teacher will teach you the BIBLICAL way to run… to walk… to live the Christian life.
• False teachers teach the WRONG way to run… a course of his own devising… a course that is contrary to the course established by God.
• If we listen to the false teachers and stray OFF course, we are disqualified from earning a reward from the Lord.

3. There are LOTS of ways in which false teachers rob believers of our rewards.

a. Legalism; asceticism; ceremonialism; mysticism; tradition; psychology; a prescription; yoga; etc.

b. Paul gives a small list in this passage of some of the ways that the particular false teachers in Colossae were attempting to rob the Colossian believers from their rewards.

c. But there are countless ways in which men can rob US from our rewards.

d. Any time men (even Christian men) come up with a plan to deal with the sin nature and change human behavior, and that plan differs from God’s plan in Romans 6 or Colossians 3, we are in danger of being ROBBED spiritually.

e. I have seen Christians promoting 12 step programs (like AA) for dealing with sins such as alcohol and other addictive behavior.

f. I have often heard and read about the principle of substitution. (If you want to quit smoking, chew gum.)

g. Some promote acupuncture as a means of dealing with certain behavioral issues.

h. Yoga is used to deal with stress – even by believers.

i. Some have chosen to resort to a prescription pill to deal with depression and anxiety.

j. Some attempt to discipline children by using time-outs as a substitute for God’s method, spanking.

k. Even hypnosis works for helping people to quit smoking.

l. The method of robbing believers that is MOST often used today is psychology… hands down. Psychology is often sprinkled with a few Bible verses to give it an air of respectability in Christian circles.

m. All of the above are methods developed and devised by unsaved men to deal with the issue of sin and undesirable or deviant human behavior.
• They are the ways of men. Men have been dealing with these issues for many centuries, and after all this time have come up with some ways that seem to work.
• They are often successful at one level. Some are quite successful in changing human behavior.
• Testimonials abound of people who have been helped by AA, their psychologist, hypnotist, etc…
• The world deems them to be success stories because their standards are different from ours.
• Their goal is behavior modification (to get the smoker to stop smoking; to get the worrier to stop worrying; to get the alcoholic to stop drinking).
• God’s goal is infinitely deeper than that. God’s goal is transformation into the image of Christ.
• Going to AA does not make us more like Christ; taking a prescription drug for your depression does not make you more like Christ.
• In fact, it makes you more like the world—which is at enmity against God! You’re using their methods to accomplish their goals. There is no spiritual victory in that!
• This is what worldliness IS… trusting in the world and its ways… looking to the world and its ways for help, strength, comfort, elevating the world and its ways above God and His ways, it is believing the world and its philosophy when it says, “You don’t need God; we’ll take care of your problems…” when we should be turning to God.

4. But the issue isn’t “does it work.” The real issue ought to be, “Is it the RIGHT way to deal with my behavior?”

a. The world looks at life from a “this life only” perspective.
• The world’s philosophy is, “This life is all there is; it’s all that matters.”
• And worldly believers think that way too.
• If this life is all there is, then use whatever method of behavior modification will help you in this life…
• If your goal is to be more comfortable in this life…

b. A spiritual and heavenly perspective changes one’s outlook entirely.
• This life is NOT all there is for the believer.
• One day we shall stand before the Lord and give an ACCOUNT for everything done in the body.
• II Cor. 5:10 – For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
• Rom. 14:12 – So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
• God is going to judge our lives not on a superficial basis. (Did you quit smoking, drinking, worrying, swearing, did you stop your depression…)
• God digs deeper. He is concerned not only about our behavior, but our motives (WHY?)… and our methods (HOW?).
• Did you trust God and follow the instructions in His Word… or did you trust what the world said and follow their instructions?
• God only rewards TRUE, inward, spiritual transformation that stems from a heart’s desire to honor Him… and to follow HIS ways… to trust in Him… and those works which were empowered by the Holy Spirit (not outward behavioral changes that stem from a prescription or a hypnotist)…
• There is a HUGE difference to God.
• One is external behavior modification. The other is internal transformation into the image of Christ.
• One is the work of the flesh; the other is the work of the Holy Spirit.
• One is rewarded; the other burned up as wood, hay, and stubble… worthless.

c. Those who influence believers to follow a counterfeit way of life… the world’s way of dealing with human behavior… any way of dealing with sin that differs from the course God revealed in the epistles, are ROBBING us of the reward we could have had by following God’s way.
• God is delighted with the work the Spirit does in yielded, trusting believers and He rewards it.
• God is disgusted with the very best efforts of the flesh and He condemns it.
• The Sadducees and Pharisees were experts at cleaning up the outside of the cup, but Christ rebuked those efforts.
• Cleaning the outside of the cup has always been man’s way… but it never gets to the heart of the matter… INSIDE the cup. It cannot change the heart.
• God isn’t interested in superficiality, and He certainly doesn’t reward it. He’s interested in the real thing. He does reward that.
• Isa. 8:20 – To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
• Don’t let any one BEGUILE you of your reward, by deceiving you into following their man-made scheme to produce good fruit… or to lead a holy life.
• Paul warned the Galatians in 5:7: Ye did run well; who did hinder you? that ye should not obey the truth?
• It is possible to be running a race, and then follow the advice of someone who tells you to take a short cut… and thus be disqualified from any reward.

5. Present imperative:

a. Imperative: This is a command to every believer.

b. Present tense indicates that it is an ongoing issue… a constant concern.
• Continually be on guard against those who seek to beguile you… rob you of your reward…there is no letting down of our guard… because new plans and schemes are being concocted every day!
• The fact that this is a command makes it OUR personal responsibility to obey.
• It is MY job to keep myself from being beguiled. It is YOUR job to keep yourself from being beguiled.

c. That means that we need to KNOW the Biblical method of walking with God… we need to know what God says about HOW to lead a holy life… HOW to be holy as He is holy.
• Hence, the need for much Bible teaching.
• It is all recorded for us in the Word. We have all we need for life and GODLINESS in the Scriptures. We have GOD’S method of sanctification… and God expects us to KNOW it.
• The only way we can spot a counterfeit method is to know the REAL thing… in the Bible.

6. The fact that we are commanded not to let these men beguile us of our reward indicates that they WILL attempt to do so.

a. They will not only attempt to do so, but they will be successful if we are not diligent in obeying this command.

7. The world and its teachers will attack. Their attack is certain.

a. But it is OUR responsibility to NOT allow them to be successful.

b. Their attacks are certain AND also continual.

c. The present tense of the verb indicates that they will continually attempt to beguile us, and thus, we need to be continually vigilant.

d. It is good for us as believers to KNOW that there are folks out there trying to highjack our Christian faith and walk, and change it into something else.

e. And if they can get us to follow their schemes, they will have been successful in beguiling us of our rewards.

f. We are only rewarded for running the race God’s way… for staying on the course God laid out.

g. If we run some other course, we are disqualified. And those who taught us to run that way have robbed us of our reward.

h. Remember, there is no crown unless we strive LAWFULLY according to God’s Word…

i. God sets the rules in running this race and living this life: not Oprah Winfrey, or Dr. Spock, or your local pharmacist.

j. If we follow God’s program, we are rewarded. If we follow man’s program, we lose our reward. They have BEGUILED us of our reward.

8. It is MY job to warn you about those who are trying to steer you off course and thus cause you to lose your reward.

a. It is YOUR responsibility to LEARN the true way and follow it.

b. It is ALSO YOUR responsibility to recognize the false way and reject it.

c. Let no man beguile you.

d. And remember, in this section, Paul is speaking about false methods of LIVING the Christian life… wrong methods of sanctification… wrong ways of dealing with sin.

The Means of the Beguiling

A. Means of Beguiling in Colossae

1. Paul mentions three different means of beguiling used by the false teachers in Colossae:

a. Voluntary humility

b. Worshipping of angels

c. Intruding into those things which he hath not seen

2. These all deal with various aspects of Oriental mysticism.

a. One author defined this as: the belief that a person can have an immediate experience with the spiritual world, completely apart from the Word of God or the Holy Spirit.

b. It was an attempt to bypass God’s word and have an inner experience… such as a vision or some other experience.

c. After all, if you have had the experience, who needs God’s Word to test it. Their view was, “I felt it. I know it’s true.”

d. This is quite similar to some of the thinking in charismatic circles today.

B. Voluntary Humility

1. Humility defined: modesty, humility, lowliness of mind; self abasement.

a. This is a GOOD quality. It is a Christlike quality.

b. We are often exhorted to be humble and of a lowly mind.

c. However, Paul is pointing out ERROR here. He is describing the attitudes of the FALSE teachers.

d. Hence, he is describing a phony version of humility… a false humility… an outward display of humility, just for looks…

e. It is a form of godliness with no power of the Spirit behind it.

f. It is linked together with a puffed up fleshly mind.
• The contrast: between false “lowliness” and a mind that is “puffed up.”
• What hypocrisy! An outward lowliness that originates in a mind that is puffed up… proud… exalting self, yet giving the appearance of being lowly and humble.

2. Voluntary defined: to will; to desire; to delight in; to be fond of; to take pleasure in a thing.

a. Used in Mark 12:38 – Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces.

b. False teachers LOVE to be recognized as holy and special.

c. In Col. 2, the false teachers LOVED to be recognized as humble.

d. In fact, they were PROUD of their humility!

e. Voluntary humility is a phony, outward, humility which brings great pleasure to the hypocrite behind the mask.

f. It is an outward appearance of humility designed to draw attention to self… and make self appear to be humble, and thus, spiritual.

g. It is voluntary in the sense that they can turn it on or off at will. It is a humility of their own choosing…

C. Worshipping of Angels

1. Worship: religious worship, esp. external, that which consists of ceremonies; religious discipline.

a. This term is used 4 times in New Testament—once translated worship and three times translated “religion.”

b. This is not the normal term for worship… but speaks of worship in an external sense.

c. Hence, it is appropriate for Paul to use it here of that which the false teachers were promoting: a false religious practice of worshipping angels.

d. They gave angels great veneration and attempted to approach God through angels.

2. They reasoned this way: “I am too lowly to approach God… I must approach Him through an angel.”

a. This is false humility based on unbelief:
• It is unbelief because God said NOT to worship angels, but to worship God exclusively!
• It is unbelief because God said we are ABLE to enter into the holy of holies because of the blood of Christ.
• We can enter into the very presence of God IF we believe in the power of the blood to cleanse from all sin and purge the conscience.

b. It is false humility too.
• It is merely pretending to be humble.
• The apostles taught that we as believers can have direct fellowship with God and with Christ the risen Savior… because of the power of the blood of Christ.
• The false apostles then said that Paul and the other apostles are presumptuous. WE (the false apostles) are the truly humble ones who recognize we are too lowly to come into God’s presence.
• The false teachers were reluctant to approach God except indirectly.
• The Colossian heresy taught that humanity is debased by contact with matter (which they considered evil), and thus we must approach God through intermediate beings… like angels.”
• It was an attempt to make them LOOK humble in contrast to the apostles, whom they hoped to paint as presumptuous and proud.

c. In reality, the opposite was true.
• Theirs was a FALSE humility based upon PRIDE. They wanted to stand out… to appear to be humble… and to have others think highly of them for their humility.
• And it is not humility to approach God through an angel if God said NOT to do so. That is called disobedience!
• The Bible says that we approach the Father through the Son. He is the ONE and only mediator.
• It is not humility to say, “I’m too lowly to approach God through Christ. I’ll approach Him through an angel instead.” That’s not humility; that’s disobedience and unbelief!
• Rome does this with Mary.
» They say that we need to approach God through Mary.
» When clearly the Bible says “there is ONE mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” (I Tim. 2:5) Jesus said, “I am the Way… no man comes to the Father buy by Me.”
» Approaching God any other way is an act of disobedience and unbelief robed in a false humility… which in reality is fleshly, religious PRIDE.
» These are some of the methods false teachers use to rob us of our rewards.
» The false teachers were able to give unbelief, disobedience, and pride the appearance of faith, humility and worship!
» And no marvel, for Satan himself has transformed himself into an angel of light.
» They can make darkness look like light… deceive the lost… and even beguile believers!

3. Christ, not angels, is to be worshipped.

a. Angels are not above Christ, but below Him.
• Col. 1:16 – Christ created them all!
• Col. 2:9 – Christ is the head of all principalities and powers.
• Col. 2:9 – in Christ is the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
• Christ is the Creator-God to be worshipped; angels are creatures… who worship Christ.
• Heb. 1:6-8 – contrast between the Son and angels.
• Rev. 22:8-9 – John attempted to worship an angel and was rebuked. The angel’s response: I’m only a servant. Worship God!
• Angels worshipped God in Isa. 6… in Rev. 4-5…
• Jesus said to Satan; “It is written, ‘?Ye shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shalt thou serve’ ” (?Matt. 4:10?)

b. If false teachers can get our attention and focus OFF Christ and ON angels (creatures), they have succeeded in beguiling us of our reward.
• Rom. 1:25 – this is just what the pagans did earlier: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
• That is the goal of Satan and his ministers.

D. Visions

1. Intruding: “Intruding” is embateuo “to enter, investigate, search into, scrutinize minutely.”

a. These men were seeking and searching for mystic experiences, like visions.

b. This term implies that the false teachers were sticking their noses into the mystical realm… seeking something supernatural… not at all unlike the charismatics of today.

c. They abandon Christ and the objective Word and seek subjective feelings, experiences, visions, access to angels and the spirit world…

d. And it is exceedingly dangerous spiritually.

e. Very often it is an overreaction to churches that might hold to sound doctrine… but whose formality leaves them cold.

f. This is ever a challenge for us as a church:
• On the one hand to avoid cold, formal orthodoxy
• And on the other hand to avoid the other extreme: subjective emotionalism based on feelings and experiences.
• We need to maintain BALANCE in every area of the Christian life.

g. If we are going to intrude into areas… let’s intrude or search out… investigate more fully the infallible truth of Gods’ Word that we might come to know Christ in a deeper way!

h. Our emphasis should be on Christ who is the TRUTH… Christ and His Word…
• The charismatics say, “Doctrine divides, but our experience is uniting churches all over the country!”
• Of course, they are correct. Doctrine DOES divide: it separates truth from error—which is exactly what it is supposed to do!
• And they are right again—their emphasis on seeking after supernatural experiences like tongues and healing… interest in angels… IS uniting churches — evangelical churches… Catholic churches… dead liberal churches… they all have been having this new experience… some new thing.

2. Intruding into those things which he hath not seen…

a. Some texts read, “which he hath seen.”

b. The word “not” can really change the meaning of a sentence, but fortunately here it does not.

c. The point is that these were FALSE visions.

d. Whether the false teachers claimed to have seen a vision and did not… or actually DID see a vision that was Satanic in its source is not a significant difference.

e. They did NOT see a vision from the Lord… although they may have seen a counterfeit vision.

f. Remember, Satan is able to duplicate many visions and miracles… just as the magicians in Egypt were able to duplicate many of the miracles performed by Moses.

g. Jer. 22:32 – Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.

h. The bottom line: GOD did not send these false teachers visions.

i. The fact that someone SAYS they saw a vision… or even if they DID see a vision, that does not mean it is from the Lord.

j. Remember, the revelation ENDED with the completed canon of the New Testament.

k. We don’t need to SEE anything to believe. Blessed are those who have NOT seen and yet believe.

l. We don’t need to HAVE a vision. And we should not believe someone who CLAIMS that he had a vision.

The Reason for the Beguiling

1. Paul exposes the SOURCE of their so called visions:

a. What they saw or claimed to see was VAIN (empty; useless; futile; no substance). Certainly a vision from God is not vain or empty.

b. Their visions and experiences arose from their PRIDE: they were puffed up… inflated ego… sinful pride.

c. Their visions arose from the FLESHLY MIND.
• This means the mind of the flesh… a mind controlled by fallen human nature.
• And in the flesh dwells NO good thing.
• They that are in the flesh cannot please God.

d. These false teachers were mystics who gloried in personal experiences rather than in Christ who is the Truth.

2. Paul exposes the most serious problem with this Gnostic-like mysticism.

a. Vs. 19 – They were clinging to visions, angels, and experiences… but they were NOT holding Christ the Head!

b. Their motivation and theories came from their own puffed up fleshly heads… and at the same time, they were NOT holding Christ, the True Head of the Body.

c. And without Christ, we can do NOTHING… of any value to God.

d. All is wood, hay, and stubble apart from Him… to be burned up at the Judgment Seat… and thus we have LOST our reward.

3. The tendency of such a one in all this to walk by sight (namely, what he haughtily prides himself on having seen), rather than by walking by faith in Christ, the unseen “Head”.

a. Exalting His Own Head (by seducing us into following his man-made traditions; opinions; views; convictions; rituals; etc.)

b. Not holding Christ the Head.

c. It doesn’t matter what the particular method is. That will vary from time to time. If it draws us away from Christ to ANYTHING else, the adversary has won the battle.
• Gnostic Mysticism stole attention from Christ and placed it on angels.
• Rome seeks to steal the attention from Christ and put it on Mary and the saints.
• Legalists seek to steal attention from Christ and put it on the Law.
• The charismatic movement seeks to steal the attention away from Christ and put it on the Holy Spirit… and a subjective experience. (John 16:14 – He (Holy Spirit) shall glorify Me.”
• Christian psychologists seek to steal attention from Christ and His Word and put it on the writings and studies of men… and on self.
• It doesn’t matter how HUMBLE they appear to be. It doesn’t matter what great visions they CLAIM to have seen. It doesn’t matter what kind of supernatural EXPERIENCE they are offering… if it is a distraction away from Christ… it’s not valid. It’s not worth the exchange.
• Remember, we are COMPLETE in Christ. We don’t need any of those extraneous, subjective, self-centered experiences or visions.
• We have all we need in Christ. HOLD on to the Head with all you’ve got and don’t let anyone beguile you from that place!

Holding the Head the Body Increases


1. Paul has been warning the Colossian believers concerning the false teachers who sought to impose their contrary views upon the church.

2. Paul warned: Don’t let them judge you! (vs.16) (On these insignificant, earthly, shadows… such as dietary rules and holy days.

3. Paul warned again: Don’t let them beguile you of your reward… by convincing you to follow their scheme for sanctification and spiritual growth (vs. 18).

4. Then Paul contrasts their false way of spiritual progress with the TRUE method of spiritual growth and progress: holding on to Christ the Head! (vs. 19)

Holding the Head

A. The Concept of Holding the Head

1. The imagery comes from a common New Testament description of the church as a Body with Christ as its Head.

a. Col. 1:18 – Christ is the Head of the Body, which is the church.

b. Col. 1:24 – the Church is Christ’s Body

c. Eph. 1:22-23 – Christ is the Head and the church is His Body.

d. Eph. 5:23 – For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the Head of the church: and he is the Saviour of the body.

e. The Head is organically united to the Body… and thus to every member in particular… and every member is united to the Head.

f. The Head and every other member of that body share the same life.

g. The LIFE and strength of the Head flow through the entire body.

2. It is vital for every member in the Body to be sure that the Body corporately is HOLDING fast to Christ, the Head.

a. It is extremely unhealthy for the head to be severed from the Body. I think we’d all agree with that statement.

b. It’s not good for the body.

c. It’s not good for any individual member in that body.

d. Growth does not occur without one’s head. (progress is lost)

e. One can’t see clearly without one’s head. (vision is lost)

f. One cannot think clearly without one’s head. (reason and sensibility are lost)

g. One cannot behave properly without one’s head. (chicken with its head cut off) (a worthy walk is lost)

h. When one’s head is severed, corruption soon sets in… and before you know it, the whole body STINKS! (health and vitality are lost)

i. Do you see the significance of Paul’s point here?

j. When a body or a member of that body does NOT hold fast to the head (abide in Christ; Christ-centered) terrible things begin to happen—and quite rapidly too!

k. Almost anything can be justified if we become man-centered rather than Christ-centered.

l. In the Body, Christ is to have all the preeminence! (Col.1:18)

3. Holding the Head.

a. Holding Defined: to have power, be powerful. 1ato be chief, be master of, to rule. 2to get possession of. 2ato become master of, to obtain. 2bto take hold of. 2cto take hold of, take, seize.

b. Matt. 28:9 – they held (same term) Him by the feet and worshipped Him.

c. Heb.6:18 – lay hold (same term) of the hope that is set before us.

4. NOT Holding the Head.

a. The false teachers and those who followed their teachings were no longer holding fast to Christ as Head of the Body.

b. Christ was DETHRONED from His rightful place as the preeminent One.

c. Christ was DISCARDED as Head of the Body.

d. Christ was DISPLACED as mediator to the Father and replaced with angels and visions.

e. The body was DECAPITATED.

f. The lifestyle offered by the false teachers in Colossae offered men access to God through angels and mystical visions… but in doing so they would LOSE their contact with Christ, the Head of the Body! It was hardly a good trade off!

g. Because they were not holding the Head, they would not SEE clearly spiritually; they would not THINK clearly spiritually; they would not be able to WALK spiritually; and CORRUPTION would take over!

h. This is true in any alleged Christian group when Christ is not recognized for who He is… and given preeminence… and His finished work is not given its proper place.

i. That group can’t possibly be seeing, thinking, or walking properly… not with holding the Head!

The Source of Nourishment and Unity

A. From the Head (from which)

1. FROM WHICH: (ek -out of as a source; from whom—namely, the Head)

a. It is FROM the Head as a Source that the body is supplied with nourishment, is knit together, and grows.

b. Christ is the Source of all of this supernatural work within the Body of Christ.

c. The nutrients, unity and growth all stem from the Head.

d. This is a similar truth to what Jesus taught in John 15 – the branches receive nutrients, grow, and bear fruit by abiding on the Vine… Christ is the Source of it all.

2. The false teachers offered special diets, holy days, traditions, mystical experiences, visions, and a whole menu of religious rituals in their attempt to allure the Colossians.

a. The false teachers assured the Colossian believers that godliness and increase came only through their methods.

b. And their methods MAY have been producing apparent results too.

c. But their methods did NOT result in the increase of God.

d. Their methods did not result in spiritual ministry within the body.

e. Their methods did not result in nourishing the body spiritually.

f. Their methods did not produce good fruit—the fruit of the Spirit. It was the fruit of the flesh.

3. Offering a whole menu of religious offerings that appeal to the masses does not necessarily nourish the body.

a. This is exactly what the church growth movement does today.

b. But the body and the individual members which are not drawing nourishment from Christ the Head will become weak and useless… undernourished spiritually and unable to function in the Body as God designed… unable to bear good fruit.

4. A personal, abiding relationship to Christ the Head while functioning in the Body, the local church is God’s plan for spiritual growth for the believer today.

a. However, it is possible for a church member to ATTEND the church meetings faithfully and NOT be nourished.

b. While the Body corporately may be holding the head, it is possible for an individual member to holding his own head, or focused on himself, or something other than Christ.

c. Perhaps that believer is attempting to live the Christian life… and even serve Christ APART from a close relationship to Christ… as Martha attempted unsuccessfully.

B. Joints and Bands

1. DIA: (through as a means)

a. Paul now tells us HOW Christ the invisible Head in heaven provides nourishment and unity for His Body on earth.

b. Christ the Head is the Source of the nourishment and unity, but He USES members of His body to accomplish His work.

c. It is THROUGH joints and bands that nourishment and organic unity occur within the Body.

d. It comes OUT OF Christ… and THROUGH joints and bands TO the Body.

2. Joints: the points of union where the supply of nourishment passes to the different members, furnishing the body with the materials of growth.” (Jamison, Faucet, and Brown)

3. Bands: that which binds and unites together;

a. The sinews, tendons, ligaments, or muscles are the particular members in the body which unite and bind the body together;

4. Joints and Bands… knit together…

a. These terms do not refer to particular members of the Body, but rather to their FUNCTION.

b. But the word “bands” does not refer to a ligament, a tendon or a muscle, but to the CONCEPT of being bound together.

c. The “joints” do not refer to a particular member of the body, but rather to the CONCEPT of two members joined together… a point of contact between members.

d. Some understand the joints and bands to be particular members of the Body.
• If so, then Paul is saying that only a special few members in the Body are used in the process of strengthening, nourishing, unifying the body.
• Some have wildly interpreted here too: joints = apostles; bands = teachers; etc…
• It is better to take the terms for just what they mean: an occurrence in the body where a joining together occurs… or a banding together occurs.

e. Knit together defined:
• Translated “compacted” in Eph. 4:16
• Used in Col. 2:2 – that hearts might be knit together in love…
• Members of the Body are knit together to each other…
• This expression does not refer to a particular member of the body, but again, to the CONCEPT of being knit together.
• Have you ever seen a medical chart of the body wherein you can see through the skin to the inside… and see the muscles and ligaments? They LOOK like they were woven together! We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
• Each member is knit together to the other members, and thus, we are being knit together to Christ… to His Body.

5. Joints and Bands, knit together: do not refer to particular members of the Body, but rather to points of contact between the members of the body.

a. Every body has contact points and places where members come in contact and bind together.

b. These terms refer not to any particular limb but rather to the points of contact… or the RELATIONSHIP between the members of the body… as being joined together… bound together… and later, knit together.

c. These terms speak of the close contact and fellowship that occurs in the Body among ALL the members as we fellowship and interact with one another in the Body of Christ.

d. When Spirit filled, Christ centered believers have contact together… they are spiritually nourished.

e. The body needs to receive nourishment… and having received it, it then works to bind the body together and make it strong… so that it can grow.

6. Having nourishment ministered… (one Greek word)

a. Defined: to supply; to furnish; to provide for; to support.

b. Present passive participle.
• Passive: indicates that the supply comes from an outside source: the Head!
• Present: As we hold on to Christ the Head, nourishment is CONTINUOUSLY being supplied!

c. And WHERE does this spiritual nourishment take place in the Body?
• It is at the joints and bands that nourishment is received by the members of the body.
• In other words, is when believers have contact with each other in normal functioning of the body that we are nourished… edified… strengthened… comforted… knit together… built up…
• Two supernatural works occur as members of the Body meet for fellowship and worship: nutrition and organic unity (bound together; knit together)
• These are both essential for the life and health of the Body.
• Eph. 4:16 – “every joint (same word as joint) supplieth (same word as nourishment)”
» Note here that Paul again states that the supply… the nourishment for the body comes from the joints… the places where members meet and have contact.
» The supply of nourishment for the Body comes FROM Christ THROUGH yielded members… as we minister to one another.
» And note that EVERY joint supplies some nourishment for the body… every time believers have contact and fellowship around Christ…
» And note also that EVERY PART (every member) is to be engaged in effectually working towards this goal of nourishing and edifying the body.

• Eph. 4:16 – and note also the similarity between being “joined together and compacted”… and being “knit together” in Col. 2:19.
» Spiritual fellowship unites the Body in a practical sense around Christ.
» When believers meet together for doctrine, prayer, fellowship, and breaking of bread, that contact strengthens the members and the Body.
» Those points of contact and fellowship among the saints—whether public or behind the scenes… all result in strengthening the Body.
» And note also that in BOTH passages (Col. and Eph. 4:15c-16a) the nourishment and growth stems from the HEAD to the body.
• As we come in contact with our Spirit filled Sunday school teacher we are built up; as we interact with a Spirit filled brother in the hallway and fellowship around Christ and discuss His Word, we are knit together and made stronger…
• As we call one another on the phone during the week with an encouraging word… with a reproof… with a word of wisdom…
• It is at those points of contact with the Body that believers are nourished spiritually.
• In the Body we are to MINISTER one to another according to the gifts God has given us.
• And as we fellowship and share together in the things of Christ, we are BOUND together in love… our lives and hearts are knit together…
• Close contact with the Body of Christ brings spiritual nourishment.
• And that nourishment is traced back to Christ the Head.
» It SOUNDS like the nourishment is coming from members of the body as we encourage one another…
» And while that is true on a human level, Paul traces the SOURCE of all spiritual life back to Christ the Head.
» It is HIS life which flows through the body and every member in particular.
» It is Christ who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. (minister to His Body)
» Col. 1:28-29 – Paul was a member of the Body ministering to others, and as he did, it was really Christ working in and through Him.
» Col. 1:27 – the glory of this age is that Christ is IN us… and working through us.
» Col. 1:11 – as we minister our prayer should be that we would be strengthened with all might according to HIS glorious power working in us!
» I Pet. 4:10-11 – we labor and serve according to “the ability which God giveth.” Hence, when the work is done, God gets all the glory. It is HIS work in and through us. We are a mere vessel.
» When individual members are yielded to the Head, Christ moves in His body to carry out His purpose… of strengthening and nourishing each member… and edifying the whole body.
» In one sense, WE do the work of ministering.
» But in another sense, it is NOT I but CHRIST who lives in me and works His will through me.
» The life, power, nourishment, and edification are supplied to the Body from the Head.
» But it is through healthy, yielded, functioning members of the Body that that indwelling life and nourishment is actually MINISTERED to other members. Christ does the work… we are the channels of HIS work in HIS body.
» God fills us with His Spirit and resurrection power… God equips us to function in His Body… Christ orchestrates all such ministry from His heavenly holy of holies… and the end result is INCREASE, spiritual growth.
» God worked in us, so the increase is called the increase of God! He gets the glory.

d. The joints and bands perform two actions for the Body: nourishment and knitting together…
• In other words, when believers interact, fellowship, and minister to one another in the Body, wonderful things occur: nourishment, bound together, and knit together… strengthened… edification… united around Christ.
• Thus, believers who forsake the assembling of themselves together, are forsaking God’s means of their spiritual nourishment, strength, and unity!
• Note that it is not only the pastor or official Bible teachers who promote nourishment in the Body. This includes EVERY member that has personal contact with other members in the Body, and uses their gifts to serve.
• The result of all of these points of contact among the believers is that individuals and the Body corporately are nourished and become stronger.
• YOU are necessary to this church. If you are saved, yielded to God, faithful, and functioning in the Body, your presence and influence adds to the nourishment of the Body… and it helps KNIT the body together in love.

7. The human body is a marvelous, living organism that works as a unit under the direction of its head.

a. So is the Body of Christ.

b. Many members knit together in love… equipped by God to function in the Body…

c. Each and every member receives all the nutrition it needs from the Head… just as every branch on the Vine receives all the nutrients it needs from the Vine.

d. In the human body, if the connection between the head and body is damaged, there is instant paralysis.
• So too in our lives, if there is a disconnect between us and Christ the Head (namely sin—sin separates!) we too are instantly paralyzed spiritually.
• We can do NOTHING apart from Christ.
• Hence, we sing, “Nothing Between me and my Savior!”

Increaseth with the increase of God…

1. The Body increases with the increase of God the old fashioned way: through meeting together for prayer, doctrine, fellowship, and the breaking of bread! (Acts 2:42)

a. The devil knows that.

b. Why do you think so many churches are closing down their prayer meetings?
• Satan convinces believers that it isn’t worth going to…
• Satan influences believers to have no interest in praying together…
• Who needs it? I can pray at home! I don’t get anything out of prayer meeting anyways!
• As a result of that ungodly thinking, the body and members in particular are weakened…

c. Why do you think there is so little emphasis on doctrine today?
• Satan convinces believers that doctrine divides…and that doctrinal teaching will hinder the growth of a church…
• Some folks say, “I don’t like to go Sunday school. I don’t need to know about the rapture or sit through those dry lessons on the deity of Christ… etc…
• And we see short sermonettes… multi-media presentations…and now the super churches are offering video sermons!
• And thus, the body is not nourished. It is weakened.

d. Why do you think there is such little real fellowship occurring when believers meet together ostensibly for fellowship?
• Red Sox and Patriots galore!
• The new sale at Macys—another hot topic.
• But our fellowship is to be with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
• It is through points of SPIRITUAL contact that the body is nourished and grows!

e. Friendships might be strengthened and our social lives built up… but that is not the same as strengthening the fellowship and edifying our spiritual lives!
• Many folks look at the church as a social organization… looking for friendships and social activities. Many even choose a church on that basis.
• You can meet friends and get involved in social activities at the Elk’s Club. Friends and activities are fine in their place, but that’s not what the church is.
• We are concerned about SPIRITUAL growth… and an increase in the things of God.

2. The increase of God implies that there are also OTHER ways in which increase occurs.

a. That’s Paul’s point.

b. The false teachers in Colossae offered another way of living the Christian life…

c. And it may well have produced some great outward displays of increase.
• Perhaps their Bible studies were better attended than the ones held at the local church.
• Perhaps they were attracting a greater crowd.

d. They might increase, but it wasn’t the increase of God.
• The increase of God is traced back to Christ the head. HE was the source of their nutrition and growth.
• The increase of the false teachers is traced back to another kind of head: a head that was vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind! (vs. 18c)
• Vain, spiritually empty, proud minds can come up with a lot of successful ideas to produce an external increase.
• The works of the flesh can accomplish a lot—but NEVER the increase of God. Only God can do that—and God never works through the fallen fleshly nature.
• We are to keep the flesh inoperative through the cross… by reckoning ourselves to be dead to sin… and alive unto God and His life and increase.

e. As long as believers were NOT holding the Head, no spiritual nourishment and no spiritual ministry would take place.
• The spiritual life of the body would be diminished as long as they followed some other plan.
• Instead of increasing, they are growing DULL of hearing… forgetting that they were purged from their old sins… unable to digest strong meat…
• The outward FORM might appear to be increasing, but inwardly, those who follow false ways are becoming weaker not stronger.
• If we as believers are not holding the Head, we will not experience the life and resurrection power of Christ the Head!
• The new spiritual gimmicks of the false teachers came wrapped in appealing packaging… but it was empty and provided no real substance.
• They were appealing, exciting, and popular, but not nourishing to the soul.
• They drew believers away from Christ rather than drawing them TO Him…
• They were in effect plucking branches off Christ the Vine and promising spectacular fruit… when Jesus said, “Without Me ye can do nothing!”
• There is NO increase of God when not holding the Head. He is the source of ALL true, spiritual increase.

3. The ONLY increase we need or even WANT is that which comes by means of holding on to the Head.

a. This is the only “experience” we need.

b. The mystery cult in Colossae offered mystical experiences, visions, and interaction with angels… and CLAIMED to be able to lead the Colossians to a higher life.

c. Paul calls it all a lie and says that we are COMPLETE in Christ. He is all we need.

d. Our responsibility is simply to HOLD on to the Head… to stay close to Christ through His Word, prayer, fellowship of the saints, and by being knit together with other members of His Body, which is the church.

e. As the Body holds the Head and gives Christ the preeminence in everything, His LIFE flows through that Body, and this love for Christ and our union with Him is that which BINDS us together and makes us a Body… an organic whole… a unit…a fit habitation for God.

4. As a result of this abiding relationship to Christ, genuine fruit is borne… fruit that will receive a well done at the Judgment Seat of Christ… a worthy walk which manifests the indwelling LIFE of Christ… to the glory of God.

a. Spiritual growth and increase do not come by means of traditions, rituals, ceremonies, angels, visions, or the laws… which are but shadows. True spiritual growth and in crease come through Christ, the reality, the SUBSTANCE that cast those shadows…

b. Eph. 4:16 – the same principle: from the Head, the Body makes increase of the Body in the sphere of love. As we selflessly minister to one another in love… the body is nourished, strengthened, and thus increases… GROWS!

c. HOW SIMPLE and yet profound! If Christ is given the preeminence in the Body and in each member, then all will function smoothly… exactly as God ordained… and will bear fruit and increase with the increase of God.
• He that abideth in bringeth forth Me, the same much fruit.
• II Pet. 1:3 – through Christ and His Word we have ALL WE NEED for life and godliness.

d. And as WE are holding the HEAD, we will be filled with HIS character… and will be evangelizing the lost… for that is what Christ did…

e. And God will use the likes of US to increase the Body… and because it is GOD working in us, HE gets all the glory.

f. People who ADD other requirements to the process of spiritual growth, they are not helping but hindering. And any increase that may accrue is NOT supplied from the Head… and is NOT an increase from the Lord…and will NOT be rewarded.

g. When anyone ADDS to the simplicity of the Christian life… a life of faith, resting and abiding in Christ… not only will their scheme NOT produce increase, but it will in fact, take us away from the ONLY source of TRUE life, growth, and increase!

h. It is not really an addition. It is a subtraction!

i. Any time anyone ADDS a special diet, a holy day, a tradition, a ritual or ceremony, a vision, a mystical experience – or anything else… and presents it as a NECESSARY requirement in your Christian life… or your relationship to Christ, they are taking you AWAY from the only source of spiritual nourishment and growth and are BEGUILING you of your reward…

j. Don’t let anyone judge you. Don’t let anyone beguile you. Don’t let anyone cause you to loosen your grip on Christ the Head. Don’t let anyone cause you to give preeminence to anyone or anything else.

k. By following their ways, (no longer focused on the Head) the believer is robbed of his nourishment, strength, growth, and ultimately, robbed of his reward!

Touch Not, Taste Not, Handle Not


1. Paul has been exposing the errors of the false teachers in Colossae.

a. This cult was difficult to define. We don’t know exactly what their theological system was… but we do have some hints.

b. It was a strange mixture… an eclectic arrangement of philosophies and theologies that don’t really seem to blend together well.

c. It included Greek Philosophy, Pagan asceticism, as well as Jewish legalism and ritualism.

2. In dealing with these aspects of this cult, Paul points out their error AND he warns the Colossian believers:

a. 1:8 – Don’t let any man spoil you with these things! [tradition and philosophy]

b. 2:16 – Don’t let any man judge you on such matters. [Jewish legalism]

c. 2:18 – Don’t let any man beguile you of your reward by holding something other than Christ the Head. [interest in mysticism, angels, and visions]

d. 2:20 – Don’t let any man subject you to their earthly practices. [asceticism]

3. Their errors were all related to Christ.

a. 1:8c – their philosophies and traditions were after men and not after Christ.

b. 2:17 – their Jewish legalism was a shadow, but the body is of Christ.

c. 2:19 – they were holding on to their own heads which were vainly puffed up, and not holding the Head.

4. The doctrinal section in Colossians is coming to an end and the practical exhortations begin.

a. Before entering into his practical section on the Christian walk, Paul reminds us all that we DIED with Christ (2:20a) and that we were RAISED UP with Christ (3:1).

b. The exhortations are BASED upon this positional truth about our UNION with Christ in His death and resurrection… and the MYSTERY of us IN Christ and Christ IN us!

c. If this is true (and it is!), then it relates to virtually every aspect of living the Christian life.

5. This morning we are going to look at ONE aspect that Paul mentions in this context: How our UNION with Christ affects asceticism.

Asceticism: What Is It?

1. Pagan ascetics, like the Jewish legalists, formulated a long list of ordinances – requirements and forbidden things.

a. However, ascetic ordinances were different from the legalist in their motivation.

b. The Jewish legalist (Judaizers) put Gentiles under Jewish laws: circumcision; holy days; Levitical dietary laws; etc. They believed that God REQUIRED adherence to their ordinances in order to be saved or to be sanctified.

c. The ascetic believed that adherence to their ordinances would ultimately CONQUER the sin nature, or at least keep it under control.

2. Various ascetic practices stemmed from a common belief.

a. They, like the Gnostics believed that matter was evil and thus, they believed that the body was evil.
i. They believed that bodily appetites were also evil.
ii. Physical pleasure was looked upon with disdain.

b. Therefore, they concluded that all bodily appetites were to be starved.
i. They promoted fasting, abstaining from meats, celibacy, rigid dietary laws, self flagellation, only the roughest garments, sleeping on hard beds, vows of poverty, and
ii. They often cloistered themselves away in communes, away from the “world.”

c. I Tim. 4:1-3 – Paul states that when such practices as fasting and celibacy are forced upon believers, they are in fact, doctrines of demons!
i. It’s fine to CHOOSE to fast or not eat meat, or to remain single.
ii. But the ascetics required it and made their requirements laws… not much different from Jewish legalism.

d. Rigid ascetic thinking and practices have been the norm in the Roman church for many centuries.
i. Celibacy; restrictions on eating meat; Lent, priestly flagellation; monks living in isolation; vows of poverty.
ii. The thinking has been that since the body is evil, the way to deal with the body and its appetites is to STARVE it… make it suffer… hurt it… make it bleed…
iii. Hence, they saw religious merit in walking up stone stairways on one’s bare knees until they bled…
iv. They assumed that the more you made your body suffer, the more holy you would be… and the closer to God.
v. They assumed (wrongly!) that the way to improve and liberate the soul from sin was to make the body suffer.

3. The false teachers in Colossae had drawn up a list of ascetic ordinances.

a. Vs. 21 – “Touch not, taste not, handle not.”
i. In this expression Paul is summarizing the teachings of the false teachers.
ii. They had developed their own list of taboos…
iii. They added restrictions where God did not.
iv. This is part of our nature. God said, “Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Eve added, “neither shall ye touch it”…

b. They assumed (wrongly!) that the more things they didn’t do, the holier they were!
i. It was extremely NEGATIVE.
ii. To them, holiness meant NOT doing this, not touching that, not tasting this…etc.
iii. But by doting over all those ordinances, they were NOT holding Christ the Head! Their ordinances had all the preeminence in their system, not Christ.
iv. True holiness and spirituality are measured by the GOOD FRUIT of Christlike character… not by how many things we avoid… or by how many things we are against.
v. Christianity is demonstrated by how much of Christ is seen in us… not by how many things we are against.
vi. Of course there ARE many things we should avoid as believers.
vii. But simply AVOIDING things does not make us holy… nor does it transform us into the image of Christ.
viii. When an atheist or an unsaved religious man chooses to live a life of celibacy, or chooses to give up drinking, he is not any closer to God than before. Such ordinances do not save nor do they sanctify.

c. And notice that their ordinances related entirely to the earthly, physical senses… to the body and not to the soul or spirit.

d. The ascetics believed that holiness was obtained by depriving the body of pleasure, comfort, and starving its appetites.

e. It was a rigid, austere lifestyle—not unlike the Roman and Buddhist monks.

f. They were obsessed with the clothing that they wore; the foods that they ate; the things they came in contact with; cleanliness.

g. Their view was that the spirit in man is good, but it is trapped in an evil, physical body.

h. They taught that the more we can cause the body to suffer, the better off the spirit will be… until death, when finally the spirit is FREE from the body. (Of course they had a hard time with the doctrine of resurrection!)

i. But they were dead wrong in their views. The Spirit of the unsaved man is not alive and well but trapped in a body. The spirit of the unsaved man is DEAD in trespasses and sin!

j. And NOTHING we can DO to the body will bring life to that spirit!

k. Ascetic practices can NEVER bring eternal life.

l. Nor can they help us draw nearer to Christ once saved.

m. Life comes from the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, not through such austere practices!

n. Sanctification comes through the work of the Holy Spirit, not by subjecting ourselves to ascetic practices. We are transformed into the image of Christ, even by the Spirit of God.

Positional Truth: We Died With Christ

A. IF Ye Be Dead With Christ

1. A. T. Robertson: Condition of the first class, assumed as true.

2. Wuest: It is, “in view of the fact that you died with Christ,” or, “if, as is the case, you died with Christ.”

3. A couple Bible translations translate this phrase: SINCE died with Christ.

4. Paul’s point is that the Colossian believers (all believers of this age) DID die with Christ.

a. This is not a debatable point. It is true of EVERY true believer today.

b. Our faith unites us with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection!

c. Our old man was crucified with Him and that changes everything! (Rom. 6:6)

5. Death frees us from bondage.

a. 2:11- our death with Christ severed us from our former relationship to the indwelling sin nature.

b. 2:13-14 – our death with Christ severed us from any former relationship to the Law.

c. 2:20 – now Paul emphasizes that our death with Christ separated us from our former relationship to the rudiments of the world system.

B. We Died With Christ to the World

1. Gal. 6:14 – we died to the world and the world unto us.

a. Since our old man (who LOVED the world) is dead, the world system has NO attraction to our new man in Christ.

b. There is obviously an attraction to our old sinful nature… sin still dwells within us, and we can fall prey to its lusts if we are not careful.

c. But when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, faith keeps that old man on the cross… and we will walk in NEWNESS of life…

d. The new man, living in the heavenlies, filled with the Spirit, controlled by his NEW nature, and operating by faith has no attraction to the world. He is dead to it.

e. The world system that crucified our Lord is repulsive to the believer.

f. The world cannot allure a dead man… and we are dead.

g. As long as we walk by faith (believing what God said here), the world will not have the same attraction to us it once had.

h. Now that we died with Christ to the world and have been raised with Christ into heavenly places, the affections of the new man are to be set on things above… things that are higher, things that are nobler!

i. Our death with Christ on the cross changes everything for the new creature in Christ. Old things are passed away… all things are become new.

2. Dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world.

a. Rudiments: ABC’s, basic principles; elementary truths; primary and fundamental principles of any art, science, or discipline.

b. It had several meanings attached to it: (1) the elementary sounds or letters, the ABCs; (2) the basic elements of the universe, as in 2 Peter 3:10–12; (3) the basic elements of knowledge, the ABCs of a particular discipline or teaching.

c. We died with Christ to the rudiments of the world. All of those basic earthly ordinances have no claim on a dead man!

d. Gal.4:3, 9 – the term speaks of the elements of the world as legalistic ordinances…
i. The Galatian believers were influenced by the Judaizers to turn BACK to the shadows and symbols of Judaism as a way of life.
ii. The elements here refer to basic ceremonial, ritualistic ordinances in Israel which were (worldly) EARTHLY… as opposed to our heavenly blessings in Christ.
iii. They were mere shadows: Temple; animal sacrifices; ceremonies; holy days; feast days; dietary laws.
iv. These were all visible, tangible, and earthly.
v. The Judaizers attempted to put the Galatians back under portions of the Mosaic Law… which would put them under a yoke their fathers were not able to bear.
vi. It would drive them back to the earthly Temple and the earthly priesthood—when as Christians; we have a heavenly tabernacle and a heavenly High Priest!
vii. The false teachers in Colossae were attempting something similar.
viii. Only in Colossae, the false teachers were attempting to put the Colossians under a slightly different kind of yoke: a strange mixture of Jewish legalism and asceticism.

e. Col. 2:8 – The expression “rudiments of the world” as the ABC’s of the world… or the basics of the way the world operates…
i. John defines this as “the lusts of the flesh, the lust of eyes, and the pride of life.” (I John 2:15)
ii. Paul defines it in I Cor. 15:19 as a “this life only” mentality.
iii. This false philosophy appealed to the BASICS of worldly thinking: the lusts of the flesh and the eyes… and especially to human pride. (Be all you can be! You’re special! Ye shall be as gods!)
iv. Legalistic ordinances do just that. They appeal to the flesh and to human pride.
v. Keep this tradition; observe this rule; keep this holy day and then GLORY in what self has accomplished—pride of life!

f. There are some basic, elementary principles upon which the world system operates.
i. This life is all there is: lay up your treasures on earth.
ii. Take care of #1: put self first.
iii. You only go around once in life: grab for all the gusto you can… and he who dies with the most toys wins! Eat, drink, and be merry!
iv. Ye shall be as gods! You can be anything you want to be!
v. There are 1001 various expressions of it… but they all revolve around one unifying principle: give self preeminence and live for today… and don’t worry about eternity.
vi. What matters is: me, the here, and now—as opposed to God, heaven, and eternity. It was the thinking of Esau… a man of the world.
vii. The SOURCE of these elementary things is the world and not after Christ. (2:8)

g. Col. 2:20 – Paul states that we DIED to the rudiments of the world: that worldly way of thinking, that earthly way of life.
i. We were crucified with Christ.
ii. Our old man lived that way; believed that way; he lived for self, the here and now.
iii. Death separated us from the world. We are no longer OF the world. We don’t think like they do any more. We no longer share their goals and philosophies. We have outright rejected their world view.
iv. That is our OLD way of thinking and believing and living. We don’t have to think that way any more. Our old man—who was a slave of the world system—died!
v. And death sets us free from the world and the rudiments of the world’s philosophy.
vi. Things that are higher, things that are nobler, these have allured my mind!
vii. We are DEAD to the ways of the world… but ALIVE unto the heavenly ways of Christ! (3:1)
»Christianity is completely different than the traditions and philosophies of men. One originated from the head of an earthly creature… man. The other originated from our heavenly Head, Christ!
»Thus, Christianity is completely different than Judaism… Judaism was earthly… Christianity is heavenly.
»As Christians, we are citizens of heaven already. This world is not our home. We are but tent dwellers here.
»As we sojourn here, we are to be occupied with Christ and things above, not the things of the earth.

Behavior That is Incongruent With Our Position

A. As Living in the World

1. In light of those facts, Paul asks a penetrating question to those who have become enamored by the ascetic practices of the false teachers: WHY?!

a. WHY are you subject to earthly ordinances?
i. The false teachers were attempting to SUBJECT the believers to their earthly rules and rituals.
ii. They were not Jewish legalists, but ascetics.
iii. Col. 2:14 – However, the cross separated the believer from ALL such earthly ordinances. The whole concept of being related to God by means of ordinances was nailed to the cross!
iv. Touch not, taste not, and handle not…
v. The false teachers made up a list of earthly, man made ordinances and attempted to bring the Colossians under subjection to their rules… under their rule.
vi. And remember, if the Colossians were under THEIR rule – THEIR headship, they were not subject to Christ and His Headship.
vii. There can only be one head per body!

b. Paul could easily have said, DON’T subject yourselves to those ordinances. That is what he meant.

c. But he chose a teaching technique designed to drive this truth deep into the hearts of the Colossian believers.

d. He wanted them to think about WHY they were doing what they were doing!

e. Rather than just command them NOT to… he digs into their minds and consciences. He wants them to THINK through this issue. (God wants US to think through this matter).

f. It is always GOOD to do the right thing. But it is far BETTER to do the right thing for the right reason… with the right motive, and with the right attitude.

g. Hence, Paul asks them to think about WHY they would ever subject themselves to the earthly ordinances.

2. He asks them to think WHY they would subject themselves to such earthly ordinances in light of the facts of their position.

a. They DIED with Christ to the rudiments of the world.

b. They DIED to earthly ways of thinking… and living.

c. They are new creatures… raised up into heavenly places in Christ. (3:1)

d. The fact that our position is in Christ in heaven ought to CHANGE our outlook concerning the things of this world.

e. As heavenly citizens, focused on Christ our heavenly Head, the things of earth should grow strangely dim.

f. Rom. 7:4 – We died to legalism in all of its forms as a way of life, and are now married to and SUBJECT to Christ.
i. If we really are subject to Christ, we are subject to Him and His Word ALONE.
ii. It is totally inconsistent for one who has been raised up into heavenly places in Christ and subject to Him, to be subject to earthly, religious ordinances.
iii. The church is the bride and the bride is to subject herself to her husband and NO ONE ELSE!
iv. By subjecting themselves to ascetic practices as their rule of life, they were demonstrating UNFAITHFULNESS to Christ.

g. Placing oneself under rigid ascetic practices does NOT draw us any nearer to God.
i. We are God’s SONS. You can’t get any closer to a Father than to be in His family!
ii. We are the BRANCHES on the Vine. You don’t get any closer to the Vine than that!
iii. We are His BRIDE. You can’t have a closer relationship to a Person than marriage!
iv. We are His BODY. You can’t get any closer to a person than being a member of His body!

h. Because of our relationship to Christ by faith and our UNION with Him in His death and resurrection, we couldn’t possibly be any closer to Him.
i. Our position in Christ is settled. We have entered into the closest possible relationship to Christ by faith.
ii. THEREFORE—submitting to ascetic practices will never help but only hinder our relationship to Christ.
iii. Ascetic practices consist of that which is earthly and physical and relate to the body, the outward man.
iv. But our relationship to Christ is heavenly and spiritual and deals with the inner man… the soul and spirit.
v. Ascetic practices deal with the outside of the cup; while God is interested in transforming the inside of the cup.

i. We are married to Christ and subject to Him. WHY would we want to be subject to anyone or anything else?!?!?!
i. Paul is FORCING the Colossians to think through this issue.
ii. Rom. 6:18 – who are you going to subject yourselves to? Whose servants are you anyway?
iii. Paul forces them to THINK about WHO they are giving preeminence to… WHO really is the Head of the Body?
iv. We function as servants to the one to whom we subject ourselves.
v. So WHY would we ever want to subject ourselves to men and their earthly ordinances, when we have the glorious privilege of subjecting ourselves to our heavenly Savior and His life transforming Word?!?!

3. A modern, mutated form of asceticism still plagues us.

a. Many believers today, especially those saved from a Roman Catholic Church background have certain assumptions ingrained in them from childhood—that are hard to break—even after being saved.

b. The concept of WORKS is ingrained in us all.

c. But a strange ascetic form of that works concept seems to survive in believers today… at least in our region… which is so heavily influenced by Romanism.

d. It is common for folks to think that somehow there is still intrinsic MERIT in suffering and sacrificing. There is NOT.

e. Suffering and sacrifice all by themselves have NO spiritual value whatsoever. This is a form of asceticism.

f. Suffering and sacrifice are of GREAT value if used for the greater goal of bringing glory to God.

g. Fasting: If you give up a meal in order to spend lunchtime praying there is merit in the prayer.
i. But there is NO merit in simply fasting for the sake of fasting.
ii. A fast just for the sake of a fast might help you lose weight, but has NO spiritual value.

h. Sacrificing one’s wealth: I Cor.13:3 – even sacrificing all of one’s wealth has no spiritual value before God…

i. Giving and sacrifice is good when done for others. The merit comes from a heart that is led of the Lord… and willing to put others first. That’s love! There is much merit in that.
i. Paul gives an example of one who gives all his goods away, but has no agape love. His sacrifice is not selfless, but actually selfish!
ii. Even taking a vow of poverty CAN even be used to feed the flesh’s pride! (See how good I am… see how holy I am!)

j. Poverty: Heb. 11:24-27 – Moses chose to suffer affliction with God’s people rather than to enjoy the pleasures of the Egyptian court.
i. But there was no merit in being poor.
ii. The merit lay in the fact that when FORCED to make a choice, Moses chose God and God’s people over Egypt!
iii. Being poor is not superior to being wealthy. They BOTH have their challenges.
iv. Taking a vow of poverty doesn’t make you holy.

k. Pain and suffering: Imagine a believer locked up in solitary confinement and tortured for his faith. There is great reward. The reward comes for his faithfulness and dedication to God and refusal to compromise… not from suffering for suffering’s sake.
i. But there is no merit in solitary confinement… or a monastic life… there is no spiritual value to being whipped…
ii. The apostle John will receive a reward for being banished to the isle of Patmos: for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. But if you banished yourself to live on Patmos there is no merit in that!
iii. A martyr will be rewarded for being burned at the stake for Christ. He “loved not his life unto death.” (Rev. 12:11)
iv. But don’t try burning yourself at the stake! There’s no merit in that. That’s suicide!
v. II John 2 – “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.”
vi. Don’t choose to be penniless, sick, and suffering. But if God allows it, then USE it for His glory!
vii. Any spiritual benefit comes from what we DO with suffering… and what we LEARN through suffering… not from the suffering itself.

l. A person can lock himself up in a monastery, whip himself all day long, and starve his body (and many have done this!), but there is absolutely NO spiritual value to it whatsoever.

m. These ascetic practices have been prominent in paganism for centuries.
i. The priests of Baal cutting themselves to get Baal to answer them;
ii. Muslims cutting their heads with swords in parades;
iii. Catholics walking on their knees up stone stairways till they bleed.
iv. Buddhist monks living in caves;
v. For centuries men have subjected themselves to the most austere conditions in hopes of meriting favor before God— and there is no merit in any of it!

n. Suffering and sacrifice are only a MEANS to an end, not the end itself.

o. Asceticism sees suffering as a meritorious end in itself – and therein lies its fatal error.
p. It is an expression of UNBELIEF… (Christ’s sufferings were not enough; I need to add mine too.) (Rome’s: sufferings of the saints.)

4. WHY?! That’s a good question.

a. In essence, Paul is saying DON’T do it! Don’t subject yourselves to those earthly ordinances.

b. 2:8 – Don’t let them spoil you; 2:16 – Don’t let them judge you; 2:18 – Don’t let them beguile you; 2:20 – don’t let them subject you!

c. This is a long series of warnings concerning the false teachers in Colossae and their errors.

d. There is NO spiritual value to their ordinances…

e. But there is a great DANGER: it takes the focus off heaven and places it on earth; it takes our eyes away from Christ and causes us to be looking unto self. We end up holding on to the vain, puffed up head of the false teacher and are not holding Christ—the Head—the source of all strength and nourishment!

5. As THOUGH living in the world…

a. Subjecting oneself to such man-made ordinances is behavior that is AS THOUGH they were STILL in the world.

b. By submitting to those man made ordinances, they were behaving as if they had NOT died with Christ to the world… as if they had NOT been raised up with Christ.

c. But as believers we DID die to the world and we do NOT live in the earthly realm any more. We have been raised with Christ and are energized by the resurrection life of Christ.

d. We live in a new sphere as new creatures.

e. They were doting over the earthly, physical things and ignoring the much more important things!

f. Matt. 23:23-25 – they were obsessed with the external things… straining over a gnat, but swallowing a camel! Majoring in the minor things and ignoring the major issues!

g. By submitting to man made, earthly ordinances, they were behaving as though they were STILL in the world… and had NOT been crucified to the world and raised up into heavenly places!

h. So if you ARE dead with Christ to the world, WHY would you behave as though you had not died with Him… and still living in the world?

i. This kind of behavior (doting over earthly things) does not line with truth… with doctrine… with our glorious heavenly position.

j. Worldliness is living as if still living by the world’s thinking and the world’s rules… the commandments and doctrines of men.
i. These ordinances, commandments, and doctrines did not come from our heavenly Head, but from earthly, worldly men… men vainly puffed up in their fleshly minds! (vs.18c)
ii. WHY would we want to live by the world’s standards and be worldly, when God says that friendship with the world is enmity with God?!? Why?!
iii. Why would we want to LOWER our standards to the world’s standards… and submit to ordinances made by men of the earth?

k. Our standard is our heavenly High Priest… our resurrected Head: Christ. Moses brought the law… and men continue to bring laws and ordinances… but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
i. Why lower our heaven-high standard to that which is earthly?
ii. Do you really think that if we abandon such rules, and cling solely to Christ, and are filled with the Holy Spirit, that God is going to lead us to do something IMPURE?
iii. Gal. 5:23 – after describing the fruit of the Spirit Paul says, against such there is no law!
iv. If we walk in the Spirit we will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Gal. 5:16)
v. Rom. 8:4 – the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
vi. We are not under the Law—be it Jewish legalism or ascetic legalism. We are under GRACE… we are subject to Christ.
vii. And that is a much HIGHER rule of life. Don’t stoop to anything earthly in nature. Don’t let these folks spoil you, judge you, beguile you, or subject you.
viii. Hold on to the Head and His Word. That’s all we need for life and godliness.

1. John 17:15-16 – we are still IN the world, but are no longer OF the world.

a. We don’t hold the views of the world any more.

b. We don’t operate on a this life only perspective. We view life from eternity’s perspective.

c. This world is no longer our home. Our real home is in glory… the New Jerusalem.

d. Our real treasures, our real affections are on things above… for we died and our new life is hidden with Christ in God…

e. The things of earth have grown strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace!

f. We live IN the world and have to deal with the things of the earth… we have to eat; drink; clothe ourselves; go to work; take care of our bodies; pay our bills; make purchases; buy a home and maintain it.

g. But we are not OF the world. These earthly things are no longer an end in themselves. They are merely a MEANS to a greater end: that of bringing glory to God…by maintaining a testimony on earth.

h. We are not to be occupied with these earthly means, but are to be occupied with the heavenly END. We have to USE these earthly means just to live in this physical world. But our lives do not consist of those THINGS.

i. I Cor. 7:31 – And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away. (The reason: FOR we know that this world is not all there is! We don’t have a this life only attitude)

j. Luke 12:15 – Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

k. We all live in the world. We all must use the things in the world. But our heart attitude towards it all is radically different!

B. Why Emphasize that Which is So Temporal? (vs. 22)

1. Ascetic ordinances are all temporal: they PERISH with the using.

a. Example: food – use it (eat it) and it perishes… it’s gone.

b. Example: money – use it (spend it) and it is gone.

c. Example: clothing – use it (wear it) and it perishes… it wears out… it’s gone.

d. Example: our body – we use it and ultimately it perishes. It’s gone!

e. Example: anything we touch, taste, or handle, is by its very nature, earthly, physical, and therefore temporal, and will eventually perish.

2. So why dote over that which is temporal and perishing?

a. There are much more important issues: that which is spiritual and eternal!

b. Things such as love, grace, mercy, holiness, righteousness, purity, longsuffering, kindness, etc…

c. Christianity isn’t about food, clothing, money, and our bodies. It is about Christ in us… and us being transformed into His image!

d. So why strain at earthly gnats and IGNORE Christ and His character which the Holy Spirit desires to develop in us?

e. Matt. 7:18 – Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him;? 19Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?

f. Food cannot defile us… they just pass through us. They are temporal… and perish as soon as we eat them.

g. I Cor. 8:8 – But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better?; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

h. Don’t obsess over the physical things. Let’s face it: no matter what we eat… no matter how hard we discipline our bodies… eventually we are going to get sick and die.

i. I Tim. 4:8 – Bodily exercise does profit… and being careful over our diets does profit in this life. But GODLINESS is profitable in this life and in the life to come!

j. Concentrate on more lasting things: Christlike character… holiness… the fruit of the Sprit…

k. The fruit of the Spirit is far more important than the doctrines and ordinances of men!

3. Emphasizing the earthly and temporal things is the ESSENCE of worldliness. (This life only attitude.)

a. II Cor. 4:16-18 – how DISCOURAGING to dwell upon that which is temporal and earthly!
i. Dwelling upon our earthly condition is vain: doting over our health, our body, our finances, our possessions, and all the other things we can touch, taste, or handle.
ii. They are ALL perishing!
iii. Our outer man is perishing too… but if we concentrate on Christ and eternal things, our inward man is being RENEWED…
iv. The older we get, the more the things we touch, taste, and handle perish. Our money gets spent… our time gets spent… our homes begin to crumble… our bodies grow old and weary… the world is waxing worse and worse!
v. Don’t dote over earthly things. Use them, but don’t abuse them. Use them for your health; use them for the creature comforts they afford… enjoy the things God has blessed you with… but don’t hold on to them too tightly. Don’t give them more attention than they deserve.
vi. Don’t live as if this life was all we had – how depressing!
vii. But this life or this world is NOT all there is.
viii. Set your affection on things above!
ix. We look not at the things which are seen… which are temporal… but at the things which are not seen and are eternal!

4. But most importantly, when we emphasize that which is earthly and temporal, we are NOT holding the Head!

a. Vs. 22c – The ascetic ordinances originated with men

b. I Tim. 4:1 – but those ascetic practices can be traced back even beyond their human authors to demonic influence!

c. Those who cling to rituals, ceremonies, dietary laws, holy days, etc… are following the earthly ways of fallen men and fallen angels!

d. And what’s worse, by following those ways in order to produce holiness, are in essence DENYING that Christ is all we need.

e. They are clinging to shadows, rituals, and ordinances, but are NOT holding the Head.

f. That is NOT the way spiritual growth occurs.

g. Hence, this is another good reason not to submit to the ascetic ordinances.

h. We died with Christ and have been delivered from the earthly realm of man… and have been raised up into a heavenly sphere where Christ is all in all!

i.That was the problem with EACH one of the errors Paul brings up in this section.
i. 1:8c – their philosophies and traditions were after men and not after Christ.
ii. 2:17 – their Jewish legalism was only a shadow, but the body is of Christ.
iii. 2:19 – they were holding on to their own heads, vainly puffed up, and not holding Christ, the Head.

Subduing the Flesh


1. Paul has been dealing with the subject of asceticism, which the false teachers hoped to introduce into the church at Colossae.

2. He gave a sampling of their teachings in vs. 21.

3. Asceticism involved extremely rigid practices which inflicted pain and suffering on the body.

a. They believed that matter was evil, and thus so was the human body… and its natural appetites.

b. They believed that the spirit was good but the body was evil… and the way to liberate the spirit was to inflict suffering upon the body.

c. They gloried in removing pleasure from their lives.

d. They slept on hard beds; ate the most meager meals; practiced celibacy; fasted; refused ownership of property; lived a monastic lifestyle in cloistered communes; had little to no contact with the rest of the world; whipped their bodies.

4. Last week we noted how this type of thinking/lifestyle is inconsistent with our UNION with Christ… in His death and resurrection.

a. Paul states that since we died with Christ and have been raised up with Him, WHY would you want to subject yourselves to such earthly ordinances?

b. To THINK like an ascetic, or to LIVE like an ascetic is behavior that it inconsistent with our position in Christ: it is living “as though we were still living in the world!” (vs. 20)

5. Today we are going to look at four more reasons Paul gives for NOT submitting to any form of ascetic legalism:

a. They are temporary (perish with the using).

b. They are human in origin (commandments of men).

c. They are superficial (outward show).

d. They are ineffective (can’t get to the root of the problem).

Ascetic Practices are Temporary

A. Perish with the Using

1. Perish: that which is subject to corruption, what is perishable.

2. All of the earthly ordinances to which Paul just referred to PERISH with the using.

3. Think of the strict dietary laws the ascetics lived by.

a. They made a huge deal out of what they ate and what they would not eat.

b. They prided themselves in not eating meat and only eating vegetables.

c. However, Paul states that any ordinance that revolves around food revolves around that which perishes as soon as it is used!

B. Why Emphasize that Which is So Temporal? (vs. 22)

1. Ascetic ordinances are all temporal: they PERISH with the using.

a. Example: food – use it (eat it) and it perishes… it’s gone.

b. Example: money – use it (spend it) and it is gone.

c. Example: clothing – use it (wear it) and it perishes… it wears out… it’s gone.

d. Example: our body – we use it and ultimately it perishes. It’s gone!

e. Example: anything we touch, taste, or handle, is by its very nature, earthly, physical, and therefore temporal, and will eventually perish.
• Perish: that which is subject to corruption, what is perishable;
• All of the earthly ordinances to which Paul just referred PERISH with the using. (using = using up; consuming; wearing out)

2. So why dote over that which is temporal and perishing?

a. There are much more important issues: that which is spiritual and eternal!

b. Things such as love, grace, mercy, holiness, righteousness, purity, longsuffering, kindness, etc…

c. Rom. 14:17-20 – the kingdom isn’t about meat and drink! It is about eternal things…

d. Christianity isn’t about food, clothing, money, and our bodies.

e. Christianity is about Christ in us… and being transformed into His image!

f. So why strain at earthly gnats and IGNORE the indwelling Christ and His character which the Holy Spirit desires to develop in us?

g. Matt. 7:18 – Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him? 19Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?

h. Food cannot defile us… it just passes through us. Foods are temporal… and perish as soon as we eat them.

i. I Cor. 8:8 – But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better?; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

j. Don’t obsess over the physical things. Let’s face it: no matter what we eat… no matter how hard we discipline our bodies… eventually we are going to get sick and die.

k. I Tim. 4:8 – Bodily exercise does profit… and being careful over our diets does profit in this life. But GODLINESS is profitable in this life and in the life to come!

l. Concentrate on more lasting things: Christlike character… holiness… the fruit of the Sprit…

m. The fruit of the Spirit has eternal ramifications; earthly ordinances are temporal…

3. Emphasizing the earthly and temporal things is the ESSENCE of worldliness. (this life only attitude).

a. II Cor. 4:16-18 – how DISCOURAGING to dwell upon that which is temporal and earthly!
• Dwelling upon our earthly condition is vain: doting over our health, our body, our finances, our possessions, and all the other things we can touch, taste, or handle.
• They are ALL perishing!
• Our outer man is perishing too… but if we concentrate on Christ and eternal things, our inward man is being RENEWED…
• The older we get, the more the things we touch, taste, and handle will perish. Our money gets spent… our time gets spent… our homes begin to crumble… our bodies grow old and weary… the world is waxing worse and worse!
• So don’t live as if this life was all we had – how depressing!
» This life or this world is NOT all there is.
» Set your affection on things above!
» We look not at the things which are seen… which are temporal… but at the things which are not seen and are eternal!
• I Cor. 7:31 – And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.
» Use earthly things, but don’t abuse them.
» Use them for your health; use them for the creature comforts they afford… enjoy the things God has blessed you with…
» Don’t give them more attention than they deserve.

4. Doting over earthly ordinances is not only inconsistent:

a. It is inconsistent with our UNION with Christ in His death and resurrection.

b. It is also inconsistent with this reality: every one of those earthly ordinances is temporal… they perish with the using.

Ascetic Practices Human in Origin (commandments of men)

1. Ascetic practices are the commandments and doctrines of men.

a. And where did those men get their doctrines?

b. II Cor. 11:13-15 – ministers of Satan… promoting doctrines of demons!
• II Cor. 11:3 – the warning: be careful lest you become beguiled away from the SIMPLICITY that is in Christ.
• There is SIMPLICITY in Christ. Men tend to complicate everything.
• Salvation is SIMPLE: believe and be saved!
• Sanctification is SIMPLE: walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
• Christ is ALL we need. We are complete in Him. So when someone comes along with a new plan for living… a fancy new Christian seminar for only $99.00 per video… if you have Christ and you have His Word you don’t NEED it.
• Some are helpful, but not necessary for life or godliness.
• The early church was perfectly WELL equipped for everything and anything they would ever face right from its birth on Pentecost – because they had Christ and His Word.
viii. They didn’t have: modern psychology; Ritalin or Prozac; modern counseling centers; but they seemed to do just fine!
• Paul’s theme throughout Colossians is that Christ is all we need.

2. Men have been devising religious programs and ways of dealing with the flesh for many centuries.

a. Paul has dealt a death blow to several major categories of man’s additions: traditions; philosophies; legalism; mysticism; and asceticism.

b. And we don’t need to become experts in all of these false religious systems.

c. What we NEED to know is this: that what we have in Christ is all we need for life and godliness.

d. What men have ADDED to the mix often HINDERS our spiritual progress rather than helps.

Ascetic Practices Are Superficial (outward show)

A. A Show of Wisdom

1. Show: logon

a. Defined: a word; a concept; reasoning.
• Sometimes (like here) Paul uses this term in a negative sense.
• It means a mere word—mere talk—as opposed to action and truth…
• I Cor. 4:20 – not merely words, but power! Reality!
• Thus, in a negative sense, it speaks of empty words as opposed to action… mere talk as opposed to reality.
• Paul uses it in this sense of the false teachers… they are all talk… mere words… an outward show but no reality.

b. Wuest: a plausible reason, a show of reason,” hence, a reputation for wisdom.

c. Paul uses the term here of an appearance of wisdom; an outward show; in the sense of a hypocritical show of wisdom…

d. The concept of “show” stands in contrast to reality…

e. Matt. 6:16-18 – the Pharisees loved to put on a SHOW of fasting… a form of asceticism.

f. It addresses the outside of the sepulcher, and does seem to provide the outside with a whitewash… but it is powerless to clean up the corruption of dead man’s bones on the inside!

g. It is a FORM of godliness… but lacks the power.

h. Much of religion consists in external forms… lots of talk, but it is only an outward show with no inward reality…

i. It is an outward appearance that is designed to look like the real thing… but it isn’t.

j. Any religious system that originates with men is a show, plain and simple.

2. It is an outward show of WISDOM.

a. Their schemes look and sound quite wise… but as Paul explains, in reality, they are quite foolish.

b. No doubt their arguments were carefully crafted by the finest of wordsmiths… and sounded appealing.

c. These teachers came across as pious men who possessed the wisdom of God…

d. Their outward show dazzled their followers… but all was quite superficial.

e. Like a fancy restaurant…
• Sometimes they major in the presentation of the food… the setting of the table… and the ambiance…
• When the food came it looked like a Van Gogh painting… and when the bill came, it cost about the same too.
• I ordered meat and potatoes—and the potatoes were the size of my fingernail.
• And after the meal was over, everything looked so beautiful, but I walked away broke and starving!

f. So too with many false teachers today. People are dazzled by their outward show… sit under their ministries for a while… and walk away broke and starving!

g. It was but an outward show of wisdom… but superficial with no real substance.

B. This SHOW of Wisdom Has Three Manifestations.

1. Will Worship – self invented worship.

a. Calvin: A voluntary service, which men choose for themselves at their own option, without authority from God.

b. It is a worship devised by the will of man; a self imposed religious system of worship.
• I want to worship God this way!
• It doesn’t matter to him what God has said, he worships the way HE wants to worship.
• But not all worship is acceptable to God!
• What folly to attempt to worship God according to our own will and ignore the will of God!
• Cain attempted to worship God his own way and was rejected. So have countless millions since Cain!

c. Inventing our own ordinances and our own form of worship is pleasing to the flesh because they are in accordance with human reasoning and understanding… they line up with a human and earthly way of thinking…

d. Prov. 3:5 – ?Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
• BUT – leaning on our OWN understanding is the opposite of TRUST or faith in God.
• Hence, the error of will worship or man-made forms of worship: it is the opposite of faith.
• They look quite holy on the outside… but it is all earthly, human, and apart from true faith. God rejects it all.

2. Humility – true humility is good.

a. However, Paul is speaking about that which is PHONY in this context.

b. Paul certainly is not disparaging true humility. Rather, he is speaking about humility which is part of this SHOW the false teachers are putting on.

c. It is an outward show of humility—just for looks.

d. Paul is describing a SHOW of religious wisdom that takes the form of a show of “humility.”

e. They do whatever they can to LOOK humble… it is a false humility.

f. They want people to THINK that they are humble. In fact they PRIDE themselves in their appearance of humility!
• Hence, the ascetics would wear rough clothing…
• They took vows of poverty –
• They ate poor man’s meals… so they could BOAST about how humble they were.

g. This spirit of false humility exists today—even among believers… when we equate being POOR with being humble… wearing old, worn out clothes as being humble.
• This is WORLDLY thinking… judging by earthly appearance rather than heavenly reality.
• You simply CANNOT tell if a man is humble by his outward appearance… or by his bank roll… or the size of his house… or his clothing.
• James warns us about judging a person by their outward appearance.
• If we assume that a man who lives in a dilapidated house and who wears shabby clothing and is humble, then we would have to conclude the drunk down the road who is too proud to work for a living is humble, and that King David (a man after God’s own heart) was proud.
• Humility is something God measures well. It is something we do a miserable job measuring. Our yardstick is all bent and twisted and virtually never gives us an accurate reading.

h. Hence, the false teachers took advantage of this fact—and put on a great SHOW of humility… and many fell for it.
• Don’t fall for those who put much effort into LOOKING humble…
• It is usually a sham.

3. Neglecting the Body –

a. Neglecting: a harsh and unsparing treatment of severity.
• This included their strict diets, sleeping on hard beds, whipping themselves, cutting themselves, isolation—communes.
• Read of Roman Catholic Church flagellation.
• Ascetics believe that by causing the body to suffer, we can conquer the sinful nature… or at least keep it in check.
• But harsh treatment of the body will NEVER accomplish that goal. There is no merit in neglecting the body.
• There is no merit in inflicting suffering upon ourselves.

b. Pain and suffering:
• Imagine a believer locked up in solitary confinement and tortured by being whipped and burned with cigarette butts for his faith. There is great reward.
• The reward comes for his faithfulness and dedication to God… his refusal to compromise… from being willing to suffer for righteousness’ sake… not from suffering for suffering’s sake.
• But there is no merit in solitary confinement… or in burning oneself with cigarette butts… there is no spiritual value to being whipped…
• II John 2 – “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.”
• Don’t choose to be penniless, sick, and suffering. But if God allows it, then USE it for His glory!

c. Any spiritual benefit that comes through suffering comes from what we DO with suffering… and what we LEARN through suffering… not from the suffering itself.

d. A person can lock himself up in a cave, whip himself all day long, and starve his body (and many have done this!), but there is absolutely NO spiritual value to it whatsoever.
• Your sinful nature will be just as wicked and vile as ever!
• The Buddhist or Roman monk who secludes himself from a sinful world in a cave or monastery discovers that he takes his sinful nature with him!
• Harsh treatment of the body does NOT restrain the sin nature.
• God is not honored when we inflict pain and suffering on His Temple… and on His instruments of righteousness.

e. These ascetic practices have been prominent in paganism for centuries.
• The priests of Baal cutting themselves to get Baal to answer them.
• The Muslims cutting their heads with swords in parades.
• Catholics walking on their knees up stone stairways till they bleed.
• Buddhist monks living in caves.
• For centuries men have subjected themselves to the most austere conditions in hopes of meriting favor before God— and there is no merit in any of it!
• STORY of the monk who took a vow of silence…

f. Suffering and sacrifice are only a MEANS to an end, not the end itself.

g. Asceticism sees suffering as a meritorious end in itself – and therein lies its fatal error.

h. That is an expression of UNBELIEF… (Christ’s sufferings were not enough; I need to add mine too) (Rome’s: sufferings of the saints.)

i. Paul asked a penetrating question to those considering following the ways of these false teachers: WHY would you want to follow such ordinances?
• Why neglect the body?
• The answer is obvious: their ascetic practices stemmed from their false religious views concerning the body. They saw the body and its appetites as EVIL.

j. What does the Bible say about the body?
• Gen. 1:31 – after creating man and woman, God said, “Everything that he had made was VERY GOOD.”
» That included the human bodies of Adam and Eve.
» The fall affected our human nature—we are fallen creatures.
» And the fall affected the health and longevity of the human body.
» But the fall did NOT make the body evil.
» There is nothing evil about our bodies. God made them and they are very good.

• I Cor. 6:19 – The body of a Christian is a Holy Temple of the Holy Spirit! (know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you?)

• Rom. 12:1 – The body of a believer is to be presented to God as a living sacrifice. God does not accept evil sacrifices! He only accepts that which is holy and good.

• Rom. 6:13 – concerning the Spirit filled believer, God says that the members of his bodies are instruments of righteousness!
• Col. 1:27 – Christ dwells in our body!
• How DARE we think of the holy temple of God as evil! How DARE we think of the dwelling place of Christ on earth as evil! How dare we call God’s instruments of righteousness evil?
vii. Doesn’t it make sense to want to take care of the Temple of God? Why would you ever want to inflict damage upon God’s instruments of righteousness?
• Ascetic practices have an outward show of religious wisdom which neglects the body… but that show of wisdom is CONTRARY to the wisdom of God.

Ascetic Practices are Ineffective

1. Paul does not fall for the clever disguise in this show of wisdom.

2. He tells us here that such harsh treatment of the body CANNOT get to the root of the problem.

3. The satisfying of the flesh.

a. The flesh here does NOT refer to the body.
• It is used as it most often is in Paul’s writings: in a moral sense.
• It is used here of fallen human nature that operates within our bodies of flesh.
• The body isn’t evil—but our fallen nature IS evil!
• Rom. 7:18 – in my flesh dwells no good thing!
• Gal. 5:16-17 – This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

b. This fallen fleshly nature (sin nature) demands to be satisfied!

• There is nothing evil or unnatural or unspiritual about a desire for food, warmth, a roof, clothing, sex, etc. These are normal desires.

• It covets and demands more goods!
• It lusts for evil things.
• It isn’t satisfied with the marriage bed – it lusts for impure sexual relationships—outside the God-given parameters of marriage.
• It isn’t satisfied with a meal… it tends to gorge and be gluttonous.

• It isn’t satisfied with clothing—it lusts after fancier clothes… more clothes…
• It isn’t satisfied with a house—it demands a bigger house…
• The fleshly nature wouldn’t be satisfied if crowned king of the Western Hemisphere. He would enjoy it for a while—and then start eyeing the east!
• It DEMANDS to be satisfied. (Gimme, gimme.)
• It isn’t EVER satisfied with what God grants. It always wants more… more…
• A billionaire was asked how much money would it take to satisfy him and he replied, “Just a little more.”

4. Not In Any Honor to the Satisfying of the Flesh

a. Paul states that all of the ascetic practices are NOT in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh.

b. Honor = honor, price, value (it is used in the sense of VALUE here)
• The term is sometimes translated price: Ananias and Saphira kept back part of the PRICE of the land (the monetary value of the land).
• Used in I Cor. 6:20 – we are bought with a price (which speaks of the price paid for redemption = the value of the blood of Christ.)

c. The point: ascetic practices have NO VALUE whatsoever when it comes to satisfying the demands of the flesh.

d. THIS was the alleged GOAL of asceticism: to subdue the flesh by starving its appetites.

e. Paul states that those practices have NO VALUE in satisfying the unending desires of the flesh. They just DON’T WORK!

f. The flesh and its lusts are insatiable. The ascetics inflict pain and suffering on the body in the hopes that the lusts of the flesh will die out.

g. Denying the body’s natural appetites does not cause those desires to shrivel up and go away.

h. Denying bodily appetites sometimes actually arouses those appetites.
• Dieters around the world could attest to this fact. By not eating, one’s appetite does NOT go away! You’re hungrier than ever!
• Celibacy sure didn’t work for the Roman priesthood. Denying natural bodily appetites will not cause those appetites to shrivel up and go away!
• You can take a vow of poverty—but does not mean you will never covet your neighbor’s goods. In fact, it might even arouse more covetousness!
• Ascetic practices and ordinances can never get to the heart of the issue… they can never restrain the fleshly nature of man.
• They have no VALUE in satisfying the ongoing lusts of the flesh.

5. But the miracle of the new birth and the indwelling Holy Spirit and the resurrection LIFE of Christ do restrain evil desires.

a. They provides us with a NEW nature (II Pet. 1:4)

b. They provide us with NEW and holy desires!

c. O how love I thy Law;

d. My heart panteth for the living God!) As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. ? 2?My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. (Ps.42:1-2)

e. The fruit of the Spirit is temperance—self control!

f. We don’t need earthly ordinances to restrain fleshly appetites from without… because we have the LIFE of Christ within!

g. We will ALWAYS have to deal with the lusts of the flesh in this life. They are with us till we go to glory. But God wants us to deal with them HIS WAY… not the epicurean way… or the ascetic way… or any other way invented by men.

h. The flesh is restrained the Romans six way. And the John 15 way!

i. God’s method of dealing with our sin nature is the CROSS…
• Not self-discipline; not rigid ascetic practices; not any effort of the flesh.
• What we do in the flesh isn’t going to conquer the flesh. It is only going to FEED the flesh.
• God’s method is FAITH—believe that our old man was crucified—and walk by faith…
• As we do, we are filled with the Holy Spirit… and He enables us to experience the power of the resurrection in our daily lives.

j. Harry Ironside said, “It is as impossible to obtain holiness by ascetic practices as it is to buy salvation through physical suffering.”

k. Salvation in all of its aspects—including sanctification is by GRACE through FAITH… not by the works of the flesh to be good or subdue our sinful nature.

6. The resurrection LIFE of Christ is far more powerful and effective than any set of earthly ordinances!

a. Neglecting the body does not improve the flesh.

b. Neglecting the body does not restrain the flesh.

c. In fact, neglecting the body actually FEEDS the fleshly nature… by DOING and then gloating in its own accomplishments! See how holy I am! See how humble I am! See how much I give up for God!

d. Subjecting oneself to rigid ascetic practices feeds human pride… the very heart of the fleshly nature… the pride of life.

e. Neglecting the body does not nourish the spirit.

f. Paul gives us the TRUE method of sanctification in this wonderful book: identification with Christ in His death and resurrection… holding on to Christ the Head… abiding in Him… and allowing HIS LIFE to work in and through us…

g. By abiding in Christ and abiding in His word, we are nourishing the spirit. And by FAITH we mortify the deeds of the flesh. That’s God’s method.

h. And that is far more effective than starving the body! That’s man’s method.

i. God works on the inside of the cup—not the outside. Once the inside is cleaned up—the outside will take care of itself.

j. The religions of the world deal with THIS creation (touch, taste, handle).

k. True Christianity deals with a NEW creation… our feet on the earth but our affections on things above… with a firm grip on Christ—the resurrected Head of the New Creation!

7. A modern, mutated form of asceticism still plagues us.
a. Many believers today, especially those saved from a Roman Catholic Church background have certain assumptions ingrained in them from childhood—that are hard to break—even after being saved.
• The concept of WORKS is ingrained in us all.
• But a strange ascetic form of that works concept seems to survive in believers today… at least in our region… which is so heavily influenced by Romanism.
• It is common for folks to think that the body is evil and so are its desires.

b. Ex: sex is impure. Rome interprets the forbidden fruit in the fall as a sexual act.

c. Countless thousands of women (especially) have been brought up to think that the sexual relationship is impure and defiling… and tainted… and even sinful.
• They think that by abstaining from the physical relationship or marriage that they will be more holy.
• This is a LIE based on the false doctrine of asceticism… something Paul calls the doctrine of demons in I Tim. 4.
• This wrong thinking has harmed and frustrated MANY marriages… even Christians who have somehow held on to this kind of thinking—even after salvation.
• Just because we are saved, that doesn’t mean that all of our old baggage is gone… nor does it mean that all of our old ways of thinking have been instantly corrected.
• The ascetics taught that the sexual relationship is shameful and impure.
• The sexual relationship is honorable and pure within the parameters of marriage. (Heb. 13:4 – marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled!)

d. It is common for folks to think that somehow there is still intrinsic MERIT in suffering.
• There is NOT. This is another ascetic lie.
• Suffering all by itself has NO spiritual value whatsoever.
• Suffering is of GREAT value if used for the greater goal of bringing glory to God.

• Fasting: If you give up a meal in order to spend lunchtime praying there is merit in the prayer.
» But there is NO merit in simply fasting for the sake of fasting.
» A fast just for the sake of a fast might help you lose weight, but has NO spiritual value.

» There are no Christian fast days, as was the case under the Law in Israel.
» I Cor. 7:5 – fasting and prayer
» Acts 10:30 – Cornelius, an unsaved man, was fasting and praying to God. Seeking God the only way he knew how… because of Jewish influence.
» Acts 14:23 – prayer and fasting… 13:2-3;
» Acts 27:33 – fasting = not eating—because they were saving their food… that was the purpose of the fast—to save their skin!
» II Cor. 6:5; 11:27 – part of Paul’s sufferings; these were sufferings inflicted upon him… not that which he chose to inflict upon himself.
» Luke 5:33-35 – fasting was appropriate in Christ’s absence… but His presence is a time for feasting on the Bread of life!
» Jer. 14:12 – fasting does not guarantee the prayer will be answered! God sees the heart.



Seek Things Above


1. The doctrinal section in Colossians has come to an end and beginning in chapter three, the practical exhortations begin.

a. Before entering into his practical section on the Christian walk, Paul reminds us all that we DIED with Christ (2:20a) and that we were RAISED UP with Christ (3:1).

b. The exhortations are BASED upon this positional truth about our UNION with Christ in His death and resurrection… and the MYSTERY of us IN Christ and Christ IN us!

c. If this is true (and it is!), then it relates to virtually every aspect of living the Christian life.

d. This positional truth is designed by God to affect the daily condition of our lives.

e. Thus, in the following chapters, Paul relates this important truth (our glorious position in Christ – united with Him in death, resurrection, and ascension) to every facet of our lives on earth: our struggles in the flesh, the home life: parent child; husband wife; master servant; our prayer lives, our responsibility to evangelize, our responsibility to one another and to our ministries in the local church.

2. Hence, our UNION with Christ affects everything in the Christian life.

a. It is not a minor issue as some would have us believe.

b. It was to the apostle Paul that the revelation of the mystery was given… this new relationship that believers of this dispensation have to Christ… as our Risen Head.

c. Hence, it is a major emphasis in his epistles: Rom. 6-8; Eph. 2-4; and Col. 2-3.

d. In each of his major epistles, Paul follows the same pattern:
• First he explains in detail our glorious position in Christ.
• He expounds on our identification with Him in His death, resurrection, and ascension.
• Then, he exhorts them to godly living… and the exhortations are BASED upon their position in Christ.

e. This is not a truth to be trifled with. It is the theological basis of our walk with God in this age!

f. It is vital information for the believer to KNOW if he is ever going to experience the power and the proper motivation for a heavenly mind, heart, and walk.

POSITION: Identified with Christ in His Resurrection

1. The IF clauses:

a. First class condition – a fulfilled condition: this does NOT express doubt.
• This is not a subjective interpretation.
• This is an objective rule of Greek grammar.
• Ei, the particle of a fulfilled condition, followed by the indicative mode = first class condition.
• Wuest: “In view of the fact, therefore, that you were raised with Christ.”
• It is the same class condition he used in 2:20 – if you are dead with Christ (and you are!) why are you subject to earthly ordinances as if you are LIVING in the world?
• I John 4:11 – Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” (John was not doubting whether God loved them or not! He KNEW that God did love them… he assumed this condition to be TRUE!)
• Rom. 8:31 – If God be for us, (and He most definitely is!) who can be against us? He assumes the condition to be true… SINCE God is for us… who can be against us?
• NO doubt is implied in this class condition.
• And determining which CLASS condition it is is not subjective interpretation. It is determined by the objective construction: which term for “if” is used and which mood.

b. Second class condition: an unfulfilled condition:
• John 11:21 – Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. (Mary speaking about Lazarus.)
• This IF clause assumes the condition was NOT fulfilled. Jesus was NOT there and so her brother DID die. Hence, the second class form was used.
• Heb. 8:4 -?For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest.
• The author KNOWS that Christ is not on earth… the author assumes this condition is unfulfilled… but it is used as a form of making an argument.

c. Third class condition: assumed as POSSIBLE (ify)
• Matt. 10:13 – And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.
• ean and subjunctive.
• This form DOES express doubt.

d. First class condition: a fulfilled condition
• John 13:17 – IF ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.
• Ei and the indicative – expresses no doubt.
• Of course they know these things. He just taught them! He assumes that they know these things… no doubt implied here.
• They know these things at least on a superficial basis. In time these truths would sink in deeper—but Jesus does not express doubt here.
• The Greek FORM tells us this… not the interpreter.
• John 13:17 – this is followed by a THIRD class condition: If ye do them – [ean] and present active subjunctive, assumed as possible… it could go either way. There IS doubt expressed in this form.
• The Greek scholars are in agreement on this usage of these different Greek forms which reflect a different KIND of a condition.

2. Why spend so much time making this one point?

a. Because this clause is the BASIS for the rest of the exhortations in the book of Colossians!

b. Because Paul’s argument is based upon CERTAINTY, and if we inject any DOUBT here, his argument isn’t going to make sense.

c. The BASIS for the exhortation and the MOTIVATION for the exhortation are both based upon the CERTAINTY of this truth. It is based upon us KNOWING this fact…

d. Not questioning, debating, or wondering, but knowing!

e. There are certain things we have to KNOW in order to GROW. This is one of them.

f. Faith can only rest upon FACTS… not upon doubts or uncertainty.

g. Injecting an ounce of doubt here nullifies his argument.

h. So while the grammar lesson might SEEM like a waste of time, it is essential to get this point nailed down without any doubt… or there is no point in going on with his argument.

i. All doubt must be erased before we can proceed with the case Paul is making.

j. Paul makes the case for walking by FAITH… and victory over sin by FAITH.

k. And a walk of FAITH is inconsistent with DOUBT.

l. If we are ever going to have victory in our Christian lives, we must KNOW that our old man was crucified. We must KNOW that we have been raised up as new creatures in Christ.

m. Without KNOWING these things… we cannot take a step of faith.

3. If ye then be RISEN WITH CHRIST.

a. We HAVE been risen with Christ. Not only does the grammar of 3:1 tell us so, but the CONTEXT tells us the same thing!

b. 3:1 is to be connected back to 2:11-13.

c. 2:11-12 – we were circumcised (cut off) and buried WITH Christ… and then raised up!

d. 2:12-13 – we were dead in sins, and then quickened (made alive—dead but raised to new life!)
• Obviously this resurrection is not the resurrection of our bodies. That is yet future.
• Eph. 2:4-6 – This is a spiritual resurrection… we were dead in sins but made alive in Christ!
• By faith, we are united with Christ—baptized into His Body—and thus HIS death becomes our death; HIS resurrection becomes our resurrection; HIS ascension brings US into heavenly places in Christ.

e. In 2:11-13 – Paul states the facts.
• We DID die with Christ and were buried with Him. And we WERE raised up with Christ. These are accomplished FACTS.
• This is true of EVERY believer, not just an elite few.
• The cross severed us (cut us off – circumcised) from our PAST life in the world.
• The resurrection brings us into a NEWNESS of life in Christ.
• These are the facts. God wants us to KNOW these facts and to BELIEVE them.
• Our death and resurrection with Christ changed us COMPLETELY… whether it feels like it or not. It is so because God said so.
• When these truths sink in, they are life transforming!

f. Then (after stating the facts) he proceeds to make his exhortations BASED upon those facts.
• IF ye be risen with Christ (and you have been—I just told you so!)… SINCE this is true that you were raised up with Him… THEREFORE… seek things above.
• Chapter 2 emphasizes the effects of our DEATH with Christ (we died to the rudiments of the world; to the worldly forms of religion—traditions, philosophies of men, legalism, mysticism, and asceticism.
• Chapter 3 emphasizes the effects of our resurrection LIFE with Christ—on our entire Christian life—marriage, family, local church, etc.
• Once we become aware of this truth of our position in Christ—know it and believe it—no uncertainty—then it will affect everything we do and are!
• We will SEEK things above because we genuinely BELIEVE that we have been raised above!

CONDITION: Exhortation to Seek Things Above

1. Seek Defined:

a. Defined: try to find; desire; demand; inquire into; investigate; to feel the want of… looking; striving;

b. Present active imperative: we are commanded to keep on seeking… desiring… looking forward to… feeling the want of…

2. Those things which are above…

a. Above = heaven, where Christ is…

b. Continually guide your energy and activities in a new direction: above!

c. Things above = heavenly things; eternal/spiritual things.

d. This includes “all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3)
• God said that He has given us ALL riches in Christ and ALL spiritual blessings.
• He has described them in His Word… and He gave it to us!
• Like a great king who has given a pauper untold wealth and has put them in a velvet bag and handed it to him… to look into… to enjoy… to investigate… to seek out. Don’t sit around in poverty ignoring the velvet bag!
• If a great king gave you a bag FULL of untold riches, don’t you think you would want to seek out those riches? Discover them? Look inside the bag?
• We have been given great riches in Christ. Paul tells us to seek those things… look inside the bag… (Word!)—discover them and enjoy them!

e. The things which are above stand in contrast to the things which are here below… the things of the world…
• Rudiments of the world…
• Traditions and philosophies of men here below…
• Earthly ordinances: touch not; taste not; handle not.
• John defines as the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
• Earthly treasures that rust and are stolen…
• Pilgrim’s Progress – muckraker… this pictures the believer who is seeking after the riches of this world… what a pity!

3. Paul emphasizes the fact that WE are to seek things above because positionally, we ARE above.

a. The cross severed us from this world system below

b. The resurrection raised us up into a new heavenly sphere above.

c. Our position has changed. We are no longer a part of the old creation but are part of the new creation in Christ.

d. SINCE this is so (since ye then be risen), THEN SEEK things above!

e. God raised us up into the great riches of Christ. Therefore SEEK after them! Open the bag! Discover untold riches! And don’t ever worry, murmur, covet, or be discontent again!

f. Once it really SINKS IN (who we are and what we have in Christ), we will NEVER look at life the same way again.

g. We won’t look at people the same way… circumstances… trials… success… time… money… service… everything changes!

h. This is our new position in Christ: seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6)
• Heaven is our citizenship NOW… not when we experience physical death and resurrection! But now.
• Heaven is our position now… our home now…
• This changes our whole outlook of our present life.
• If your rich uncle died and left you a couple of billion dollars that you would inherit in six months, don’t you think that would change your outlook towards your house that needs repair… and the bills… etc.
• Believing what we are and what we have in Christ—the things above—will enable us to not just to be strengthened unto all patience and longsuffering… but to do so with JOYFULNESS!

i. This truth not only sets us apart from the world, but also from MOST of earthly, religious, Christendom—churchianity as opposed to Christianity.
• For the most part, Christendom has adopted an earthly religion… the rudiments of the world…
• The cross and resurrection changed us completely.
• But today, most of professing Christendom lives like Israel, in PRE-cross conditions.
• There is an attraction for physical symbols, an earthly priesthood, a physical sacrifice, a special building where God dwells, a return to Jewish laws and legalism, the insistence on holy days and Sabbaths, ornate, symbolic worship…

j. The Bible speaks of Israel’s form of worship as EARTHLY.
• Heb. 8:1 – our High Priest is in heaven.
• Heb. 8:2 – our High Priest is ministering in a heavenly tabernacle.
• Heb. 8:4 – He is NOT on earth offering physical sacrifices.
• Heb. 9:1 – He is not in the worldly (earthly) sanctuary.
• Heb. 9:10 – meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation. (note the similarity: ordinances; emphasis on meat and drinks; temporary things…)
• Judaism was designed to be a temporary religion of the earth.
• Christianity is not a religion but a LIFE… it is not from the earth but from above… and is not temporary but eternal.
• Most of Christendom today confuses these important issues… with devastating results.
• They confuse:
» Law and grace
» Israel and the church
» The Kingdom and the Body of Christ
» Man made organization rather than spiritual organism
» An over-emphasis on the physical, social, and political sides of life… giving mere lip service to true spirituality.
» Human traditions, philosophies, and ordinances rather than on Divine Scripture.
• Religion of the world does its best to avoid contact with evil in the world (touch not; taste not; handle not)
• But Christianity does much more than avoid contact with evil in the world, it crucifies the world unto us, and brings us into an entirely NEW realm…

4. The church is POST-cross and POST-resurrection.

a. Therefore we are to seek things ABOVE.

b. Our mission as a church is not to fix all the evils in the world down here below. Our mission is to present the gospel that men might be raised up into heavenly places in Christ!

c. Our mission is not to win the war on poverty. Jesus said the poor you will ALWAYS have with you! Our mission is to win rich and poor alike to Christ! In Christ there is no difference!

d. Our goal is not to bring about world peace. Peace on earth, good will toward men will never happen until Christ, the Prince of Peace returns. The church is not the Peace Corps or the United Nations.

e. I Cor. 6:9-11 – Our goal is not to get the drunk to stop drinking… or the thief to stop stealing.
• Our goal is to introduce the thief to Christ that he might have NEW life and so that he is not a thief any more but a saint of God!
• Transforming a drunk into a non drinker is a worldly, earthly goal. It is the best the world can offer.
• Transforming a thief into a non-stealer is the best the world can do.
• These are earthly goals.
• Transforming a sinner into a saint is a heavenly goal… it is infinitely and eternally superior!
• We are to seek things above… above the goals and ambitions of the world.

f. Think of the world as the ocean.
• God did not call us to clean up the pollution in the ocean. He called us to fish men OUT OF the ocean!
• And NOTHING has a greater influence on the world than a transformed life!
• Of course a Spirit filled Christian whose path crosses a hungry man may be led to provide food for the hungry man—but he doesn’t stop there.
• He will introduce the hungry man to the Bread of life… to things above.
• Of course a Spirit filled Christian whose path crosses a poor man will want to help him in some way.
• The world thinks it has done its job by giving the poor man some money. Our goal is to introduce the poor man to unsearchable riches of Christ… things above!
• The world operates as if this world was all there is.
• We seek things above… the heavenly realm is our home.

g. The existence of believers is like SALT to the earth—the church’s presence in the world preserves the world from judgment!
• The tribulation will not fall upon the world until the church is removed.
• Thus, our mission in the world is to function as salt and light…
• Not until the coming Kingdom will Christ return to earth and make all the crooked things straight.
• Trying to FIX a cursed earth without God has been the dream of religious men since the tower of Babel.
• Only the coming of the Lord will reverse that curse.
• The best thing we can do for the world is to BE godly… is to BE like Christ… is to BE salt and light… and to SEEK things above!

What Seeking Things Above Involves

1. Matt. 7:7-8 – Seeking involves PRAYER

a. Seek… and ye shall find.

b. We seek things above in part through our prayer life… spending time in communion with God and His Son.

c. Seek here is the same term as in Col. 3:1.

d. They are also both present, active, imperatives.
• In both passages, we are COMMANDED to keep on seeking.

e. This passage indicates that as we keep on seeking, we will also keep on finding!
• Vs. 8 – As we make it our life’s pursuit to continually seek things above… we will be continually FINDING things above… new riches unfolded to us as the need arises. (Findeth: present indicative; continuous action)
• The one who keeps on seeking will keep on finding!

f. It does not guarantee a YES answer to each and every prayer.
• But it does guarantee that a life that is characterized by continual seeking will also be characterized by continual finding!
• God delights in the persistence of a man, woman, or child who keeps on seeking… keeps on wrestling and doesn’t let go… until he experiences the blessing.
• The one who seeks God with that zeal and that depth of hunger will be satisfied! He will continually find the answers, the strength, the guidance, and the comfort he needs.
• Don’t wait until you die and go to heaven to start seeking things above. We are commanded to seek them NOW… and continually!

2. Seeking things above involves persistence.

a. Seeking things above is a LIFELONG pursuit for the believer.

b. The tense implies continuous action.

c. Seeking things above No one can say, “I sought and I have found things above. My seeking is over.”

d. If that which we are seeking is fellowship and communion with Christ where He is, then there is always MORE to be sought… more to be obtained.

e. We are to continually be seeking things above where Christ is.

f. We are to seek HIM… to know Him…

g. We are to seek to be more LIKE Him in our daily lives.

h. There is no end to that pursuit. (We are not there yet!)

i. Even when we are filled with the Spirit and filled with the fullness of God (godly qualities)—let’s not be so puffed up as to think there is no more to be had!

j. Think of the ocean as the fullness of God. We are a tiny cup… which can be filled with that fullness… but there is so much more available… so much more to seek and discover!

k. Seeking things above will take the rest of our earthly existence… it is a lifelong pursuit.

3. Seeking involves LOOKING…

a. II Cor. 4:18 – While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
• Are we seeking those things that are above… heavenly, spiritual, eternal?
• Do we look longingly to the unseen things above?
• Or are we really looking more longingly to the things of the earth—the big house on the hill… the Lexus… the chalet… the pool… a sizeable nest egg… the big promotion… the corner office… all designed for life in this world…
• God knows our hearts. He knows what we long after… what we are really seeking after in life.
• We LOOK to the things we are seeking after.

b. Heb. 12:2 – Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
• We look above where Christ is… we look at eternal things…
• This is God’s method for running the race—LOOKING unto Jesus… seeking His face… gazing upon His character in the Word…
• As we do, we are transformed into His image.
• Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
• Seeking involves LOOKING longingly…
• Seeking involves looking without distraction: ONE THING have I desired… to BEHOLD the beauty of the Lord!
• The psalmist chose ONE THING to behold… as Mary chose the ONE THING that was needful… to sit at Jesus’ feet and behold the glory of the Lord.
• Martha was seeking to have her earthly house in order (which was good). But Mary sought fellowship with Christ… the ONE THING that was needful…
• When we have an eye for Christ and things above… we will not have an eye for others… just like a bride who has an eye for her groom. She has no eyes for others.
• Seeking involves LOOKING… with a single eye. When that is the case, the whole body shall be full of light.
• It speaks of the major FOCUS of our life.

4. Seeking involves DESIRE.

a. Psalm 63:1 – O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;
• The psalmist speaks of his DESIRE for God like the desire of a thirsty man.
• This kind of desire is all consuming. The man in stranded in the desert with no water can hardly think of anything else other than water!
• The desire is so strong that he begins imagining he sees water… mirage…
• The one with this kind of strong desire seeks EARLY.
• This kind of strong desire MOVES a man to seek water…
• As believers, we should seek things above with the same passion… same desire… same zeal…
• The first thing as we wake in the morning, our minds and hearts should turn to God and think of the Lord.
• Do we?
• If we have been raised up with Christ we should. But it should come without struggle. It is so very natural for the new creature in Christ to DESIRE things above!

b. Matthew 6:32 – (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
• Everybody seeks for something.
• The unsaved seek for earthly things… survival and comfort on the earth. (food; shelter; clothing; toys)
• The gentiles make the pursuit of earthly goods their main object in life.
• This pursuit has the preeminence over all else.
• Some believers live this way too. The pursuit of earthly things… earthly treasures trumps God, the Bible, the local church… everything!
• It appears to be their all in all. It’s all they know; all they have;

c. Matthew 6:33 – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
• What a great application to us today as Christians!
• In every dispensation, God instructs His people to seek after HIM and that which God has promised…. And to TRUST God for everything until that day.
• To the Jews God promised the earthly, Messianic kingdom and they were to SEEK that Kingdom… and LONG for a character of life consistent with the principles of that kingdom.
• In Matt. 6:33, Jesus told His Jewish disciples to seek after the Kingdom He was offering and to seek after God’s righteousness… and not to try to establish their own righteousness.
• Unfortunately, Israel as a nation did NOT seek after the kingdom, and when it was offered, both the king and His kingdom were rejected.
• Jesus stated that IF they sought after the kingdom, all their earthly needs would be provided. No need to worry about earthly needs.
• Believers are not to worry but to trust.
• The unsaved Gentiles WORRY about food, clothing, etc.
• Believers—whether Old Testament or New Testament saints… are NOT to worry about such things, but are to TRUST God to provide.
• What a testimony when believers living right next door to an unsaved neighbor… going through the same trials and tragedies of life… and yet their testimony is not one of worry, fear, and anxiety—but one of trust and rest in the Lord. That is a powerful testimony!

d. A heart that SEEKS God and LONGS for things above:
• A heart in whom God is delighted.
• A satisfied heart… and a fulfilled heart…
• And is also a testimony before the world!
• God honors a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

5. Seeking things above involves TASTE.

a. When you go shopping for shoes, you SEEK that for which you have developed a taste. (color; style; etc.) Your eyes glaze right over all the other ugly shoes until they light upon that which pleases your taste.

b. Seeking involves taste.

c. Once we get a taste for things above—we lose our taste for things below!

d. Psalm 37:4 – Delight thyself in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
• We will SEEK after that which our heart delights in.
• If we delight in God and things above we will seek them.
• If we delight in things of the world, that’s what we will seek after.
• But when we seek after things above… and delight in the Lord we HAVE the desires of our heart granted!
• We already POSSESS every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. We HAVE the desires of our heart.
• We are already INDWELT with Christ. If He is our delight, then we HAVE the desire of our heart!
• For the hungry believer, seeking to satisfy his taste for things above, fulfillment does not come through OBTAINING something from the Lord.
• Fulfillment comes through FAITH: by BELIEVING that we already possess all we need… Christ is our all in all… all spiritual blessings are ours…
• Believing these wonderful truths will cause our hearts to REST in God’s Word… rest rather than worry! Contentment rather than covetousness!

e. As we continually seek things above, we will be continually filled with things above… as we live down here below!
• God gives us that foretaste of glory divine!
• Once we taste and see that the Lord is good, we want more and more.
• We begin to develop a TASTE for such things. O taste and see that the Lord is good!
• As we keep on seeking, we keep on finding things above. These eternal things of Christ satisfy our souls… satisfy our hunger and thirst…
• We discover that NOTHING satisfies like Christ and the things above.
• Things of earth grow strangely dim… not by law but by the sweet presence of Christ overshadowing all other desires…
• “He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness?” (Ps. 107:9)
• Hence, no need for earthly ordinances: touch not, taste not, handle not!
• Things that are HIGHER… things that are nobler—these have allured my mind!
• Just like there is no need for the law for the believer who is filled with the Spirit. (Against such there is no law!)
• Only the Spirit filled believer will ever fulfill the righteousness in the law anyway!

6. Even so, the Spirit filled believer will find many things down here that he chooses not to touch or handle too. There is a lot of evil to avoid in the world.

a. But he does so not because of a set of rules some man handed him… but because he has developed a taste for something higher… something nobler…
• The things of earth grow strangely dim to the one seeking and finding things above!
• Old things pass away!
• As a new creation who has been conformed to the image of Christ, and as one in whom Christ lives, we ought to feel more at home in the heavenly sphere than down here on earth.
• The more we seek things above, the more we develop a taste for it. The more we develop a taste, the more we will WANT to seek it.
• The more we seek things above the more at home we feel there.
• This is the process of spiritual growth.
• The plant grows as it seeks water and nutrients. The believer grows as he seeks Christ and things above.

b. Have you watched the leaves fall off the old oak tree? Most fall off in the autumn (right after you rake the lawn).
• But some stubborn ones stay on all winter! They last through the storms… through the blizzards…
• You could strain your back and try to shake the old oak tree to get those dead leaves to fall off… and maybe a few will fall… but not all.
• The new life flowing through the branch just naturally causes the old, dead leaves to drop off… the new leaves just caused them to drop off naturally!
• Those old dead leaves—like the baggage of our old man are often stubborn.
• Religion emphasizes shaking the tree to rid it of those old dead leaves.
• Christianity emphasizes NEW LIFE in Christ… which causes the old to fall away naturally… without the struggle and the strain.
• The focus is not on those old, dead leaves. The focus is on Christ… and our life in Him! Seeking heavenly things above… like the branch abiding in Him…
• The things of this world begin to lose their appeal WHEN our life is spent seeking things above!
• As we fill our lives with Christ, with His Word, with fellowship, communion, worship, and prayer… His new life pushes away those stubborn remnants of our past life.
• Religion of the world majors on emptying the tree of the old leaves.
• Christianity majors on filling the tree with new leaves!
• Religion of the world says: Touch not, taste not, handle not.
• The young, zealous, but immature believer in his zeal and hatred for sin is likely to be attracted to a form of Christianity that says, Touch not, taste not…
• The religious flesh attempts to empty the cup of all evil the best they can—but even if they were successful, the cup is still empty!
• Christianity fills the cup with Christ and things above:
• The older, wiser, more mature believer is more interested in FILLING the cup: For to me to live is Christ!
• When we are filled with the Spirit and our lives are filled with Christ… there is no room in that life for the things of the world… the things down below.
• We develop new tastes… for things above.
• The indwelling LIFE of Christ is our new source of satisfaction…
• We have often mentioned Christ’s preeminence in this book. Here is a practical way that we LIVE His preeminence by SEEKING things above where Christ is!
• By seeking Him first and foremost in our lives, we are demonstrating a life where Christ is preeminent.
• This is God’s answer to ALL of our besetting sins. Like stubborn oak leaves, they will fall off when our focus is on nurturing our new life… not by trying our best to shake the old oak tree!

Seated at the Right Hand of God


1. Paul states here that Christ rose from the dead and that the believer in Christ shares in that resurrection.

2. The arguments that Paul begins to make in the rest of the book of Colossians are all based upon the truth of the resurrection.

3. Today is the day we as a nation recognize the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

4. As believers, EVERY Sunday is resurrection Sunday!

5. But today is a special day set aside to consider the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

6. And it just so happens that the passage we are presently discussing in Colossians deals with this very issue!

Christ: The Glory of His Person and His Work

A. Who Is Christ?

1. Christ is mentioned twice in this verse.

2. Colossians 1 and 2 describe who He is and what He has done.

3. 1:15 – He is the image of the invisible God. He is God!

a. Image implies visible manifestation…

b. God is invisible. No man can see God and live.

c. But Christ is the image of God – a visible manifestation of an otherwise invisible God.

d. Heb. 1:3 – the express image of the Father.

e. Jesus said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”

4. 1:19 – all fullness dwells in Christ. (deity)

5. 2:9 – In Him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily! (deity in human flesh!)

6. 1:16 – He is the Creator of heaven and earth!

7. 1:17 – He sustains the universe. (Heb. 1:3 – He upholds all things by the Word of His power.)

8. 2:10 – He is the head of all angelic powers.

9. 1:18 – He is the Head of the Body, the church.

B. What Did He Do?

1. 1:14 – The Creator of the universe became a part of that creation by becoming a man (incarnation) in order that he might shed His blood to provide forgiveness of sins for those who believe.

2. 2:14 – He is the One who died on the cross and thus paid in full the demands that the Law had against us… nailing it to His cross.

a. The law condemned us all!

b. Jas. 2:10 – whoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all!

c. Gal. 3:10 – cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them.

d. Rom. 3:19 – all the world is guilty before the Law.

e. The law sets forth the infinitely high standard of God’s own holiness and righteousness, demands perfection, and condemns any violation. One violation makes you guilty of all! Continuous obedience and one failure brings you under its curse.

f. The law was designed not to save, but to cause us reveal our sin and our absolute helplessness, and thus to cause us to cry out for mercy… to see our need of a Savior.

g. Jesus died and rose again. He paid the penalty of the law… and redeemed the believer from the curse of the law! That’s good news!

h. Gal. 3:13 – Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse FOR us! He died as our Substitute!

3. 2:15 – He is the One who defeated all the powers of darkness.

a. Satan masterminded the plot to murder Jesus Christ. The powers of darkness worked behind the scenes to scheme to put Him to death.

b. But in the very act of putting Christ to death, Satan and the powers of darkness were themselves defeated!

c. The serpents bite on Messiah’s heel resulted in the crushing of the serpent’s head!

d. Christ was mortally wounded but rose from the dead.

e. Satan was eternally conquered in the very act.

f. The cross was no victory for Satan, but rather, it resulted in his utter defeat!

g. At the cross Christ spoiled the powers of darkness… and triumphed over them in it!

h. Of course, this implies the resurrection… for it was Satan’s goal for the cross to be the END of Jesus Christ.

i. It was God’s plan for the cross to be the BEGINNING of a new, heavenly sphere for Christ and those who trust in Him.

j. Heb.2:14-15 – defeated him who had the power of death!

k. The greatest weapon the devil had to use against us was death, and through the resurrection, Christ conquered DEATH itself!

4. 1:18 – He is the firstborn of the dead

a. He died on the cross for the sins of the world.

b. But death was not the end of Him. He ROSE victoriously over sin and death and hell!

c. He was the first human being ever to experience resurrection!

d. Several others were raised from the dead by the power of God. (Lazarus; Elisha and Elijah raised two boys; etc)

e. However, those people did not experience resurrection, but resuscitation to mortal life. They were raised up in their former, mortal condition—only to die again.

f. Jesus was the FIRST one to be raised up into the glorified state!

g. He is the firstborn of the dead—the preeminent One.

h. I Cor. 15:20, 23 – He is the firstfruits of the resurrection—the very first human being to experience resurrection.
• The concept of firstfruit indicates that there are more to come!
• Christ is the first Man to enter into the glorified state.
• But we too will share in that glory! Believers in Christ will share in God’s great resurrection program!

5. 3:1 – Christ was raised up from the dead and is now seated at God’s right hand.

a. Lazarus was raised from the dead only to face death again. He was raised back into the earthly realm of mortality.

b. Christ was raised from the dead to enter into heaven… to glory… in a glorified human body suited for eternity… at the Father’s right hand…

6. Summary of His Person

a. Christ is God…
• He is the image of the invisible God. God revealed to us!
• The fullness of the godhead dwelt in Him bodily.
• He is the Creator of heaven and earth.
• He is the head of all angelic powers.

b. Christ became a man in the Person of Jesus Christ.

c. Christ died on the cross.
• Christ was able to shed blood and DIE for the sins of the human race because He became a man.
• Thus also, the sacrifice of Christ as God-Man was a sacrifice SUFFICIENT to satisfy divine justice.
• Thus Christ provided redemption for those who believe.
• And Christ defeated Satan and the powers of Darkness.
• Christ fulfilled all the demands of the law and redeemed us from the curse of the law.

d. Christ rose from the dead.
• By rising from the dead Christ not only defeated Satan and the powers of darkness, but He defeated death itself for the believer.

Christ: The Glory of His Resurrection

A. Christ Rose From the Dead To Be Exalted

1. The Eternal Son of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, humbled Himself in becoming a man. (Phil. 2:6-8)

a. Vs. 9 – He died but He was highly EXALTED!

b. He was given a name ABOVE every name… that every knee should bow to Him and acknowledge Him as LORD.

c. Lord: that is who He is… and who He always was and always will be… even though during His earthly ministry He didn’t LOOK like the Lord God Almighty.

2. In taking on human flesh, the Eternal Son of God became LOWER than the angels. (Heb. 2:9)

a. But this humbling of the Eternal Son was only for a little period of time… His earthly life as Jesus the Christ.

b. “For the suffering of death” — And the reason for this period of humiliation was that the Eternal God might experience DEATH in our place.

c. But after His death, He was raised up again… and was CROWNED with glory!

3. Eph. 1:19-20 – the resurrection power of God demonstrated in raising up Christ and seating Him at God’s right hand.

a. Christ was made lower than the angels (principalities and powers) in His period of humiliation… His earthly ministry.

b. But He was raised up FAR ABOVE all principalities and powers!

c. Vs. 22 – and ALL THINGS in the universe have been put under His feet. He is Lord of all.

B. Seated (Col. 3:1)

1. Christ not only rose from the dead, but He ascended into heaven itself for us!

a. Christ did not rise from the dead to remain in the weak, mortal, and earthly condition into which He entered through incarnation.

b. Christ’s period of humiliation ENDED with His resurrection and ascension!

c. Christ rose from the dead to be CROWNED with glory… the same glory He shared with His Father before the incarnation! His eternal glory!
• John 17:5 – And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

d. Acts 1:9-11 – The fact that He was seated in heaven implies the ascension.
• Lazarus was resuscitated to mortal life to walk on earth in the weakness of human flesh to die again.
• Jesus was the firstfruit of the resurrection. He was raised to DEFEAT death… and to pave the way into the eternal, glorified state!
• Christ was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven and was seated at God’s right hand.
• His seat is in heaven. It is not an earthly, Davidic throne of the Messianic Kingdom, but the heavenly throne of Almighty God!

2. Heb. 1:3 – He was seated because His work as Redeemer was finished.

a. His final words on the cross: it is finished!

b. His work as Redeemer is finished.

c. As a priest after the order of Melchizedek, He offered HIMSELF as a sacrifice for sin.

d. His sacrifice was sufficient to PURGE all sins. And because His work was done, He was seated. He rested from His work as Savior. It is finished.

e. The work of purging and cleansing sin—dealing with the sin issue has been forever concluded at the cross. Hence, the seating of the Savior in heaven. Rest!

3. Heb. 10:11-12 – His work is finished, so He could be seated and rest.

a. 10:11 – Old Testament priests offered sacrifices continually!

b. Their sacrifices could NEVER take away sin, therefore there was no end to the offering.

c. 10:1-2 – the Old Testament sacrifices were ineffective and the proof was the continual offering. If they WORKED they would have ceased!

d. 10:12 – But Christ offered ONE sacrifice for sins and sat down, indicating that His work was finished… perfect… nothing needs to be added.

e. 10:17 – Christ provided forgiveness of sins—to be remembered no more!

f. 10:18 – Hence, Christ was seated. There is no more offering for sin… except by those who refuse to believe that what Christ did was sufficient!

g. Hence, every religion of works declares their UNBELIEF… they do NOT believe that what Jesus did was sufficient.

h. Faith BELIEVES that what Jesus did finished the job. Those who believe can enter into REST… seated with the Risen, glorified, exalted Savior!

i. Col. 3:1 – As believers in Christ, we have been raised up WITH Christ! We have been seated in heavenly places IN Christ Jesus!

j. Thus, we SHARE in His heavenly position and glory!

k. In a very real way, HIS resurrection becomes OUR resurrection!

4. Man was made a glorious creature—crowned with glory and honor. (Heb.2:6-7)

a. David stood amazed at the love of God in giving such honor and dignity to man!

b. Man was created in the very image of God! Crowned with glory and honor at creation!

c. At creation, Adam and Eve were given dominion over the earth… co-regents over God’s creation!
• Such honor and dignity given to a mere creature… a speck of dust… caused David to stand in awe.

d. Yet, sin caused man to lose his dominion and crown, and his honor was turned to disgrace.
• We look at what mankind has become and stand in horror.
• When we look at mankind as created by God, David stood in awe! Man was the crown of creation.
• Now he is a fallen creation… lowered into sin, shame, degradation, and ultimately death and condemnation.
e. Therefore, God sent His Son to become a man—to suffer and die—to conquer death—to defeat the devil and bring back dominion over the earth to man—to restore man to a position of glory and honor!

f. But the New Testament reveals that Christ, the Second Adam, MORE than restored to man what the first Adam lost!
• God created Adam to have dominion over the earth. Yet Adam was created lower than the angels.
• But as Christians, by faith, we ROSE with Christ spiritually… and we are raised with Him into a NEW REALM—the heavenly!
• We are not in Adam, but in the Second Adam – Christ.
• And thus, we are seated in heavenly places in Christ… far above all principalities and powers!

g. Christ makes it possible for men to rule and reign over the earth—but to rule jointly with the Son of God!
• Christ makes it possible for men to share in HIS glorious reign in His Messianic Kingdom!
• Christ makes it possible for man’s sin to be forgiven and He also provided for HIS righteousness to be imputed! The righteousness of God is available to all who will believe!
• Jesus rose from the dead and brings believing mankind with Him!
• And one day our bodies will also be raised from the dead into that glorified state!

h. In Christ our position in glory is higher than Adam experienced before the fall!

i. Redemption in Christ does not restore us back to pre-fall conditions. Redemptions brings us higher than Adam ever was—higher than Eden… as far as heaven is above the earth!

j. Resurrection is MORE than a reversal of death.
• In the resurrection, Christ became a New Order of Being… Head of the New Creation.
• As new creatures, we share in this new creation!
• And resurrection of the body doesn’t restore us back to the earthly mortal realm. Resurrection brings us right into the eternal, glorified state!

k. Christ’s earthly body was mortal but was raised to immortality. He died, but is alive forever more!

l. One day, we shall be LIKE Him…

5. Heb. 2:10 – Christ not only ROSE and ASCENDED into glory. He brings US with Him!

a. He brings many sons into glory! (bring = bring to a point of destination; to lead…) He leads His sons home to glory!

b. As believers, we are identified with Christ in His resurrection.

c. We are members of His body. When He rose from the dead, in a spiritual sense, we SHARE in His resurrection.

d. We are now seated WITH Him in glory.

e. He is the CAPTAIN of our salvation!
• Captain = archegos = primarily signifies one who takes a lead in, or provides the first occasion of, anything; pioneer.
• Like a pioneer, the Son of Man “leads the way to heaven!”
• He was the first glorified Man to enter heaven… to be exalted to glory! A man in glory!
• He was the firstfruit of the resurrection…
• As the Pioneer – He paved the way for others. As the firstfruit, He is the assurance that there is more fruit to come.
• Christ was the first human being to experience death and conquer it—and to be exalted to the heavenly realm.
• He paved the way for others to follow… right through death, resurrection, and exaltation!
• He leads many sons… not back to our former earthbound existence, but He leads many sons to GLORY!

C. The Right Hand of the Father

1. Right hand is the traditional symbol of royal power and authority.

2. This is the highest dignity and honor in heaven.

a. Acts 2:33 – the place of exaltation.

b. I Pet. 3:22 – the place of exaltation over the angelic realm. Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

3. Heb. 8:1-2 – The “right hand of the Father” is the place of His High Priestly ministry — We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;? ?A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.

a. Christ’s ministry to us today is from the seat of Majesty and glory… and resurrection power!

b. On earth in His period of humiliation, He grew tired; He slept; He wasn’t always nearby His disciples.

c. But from heaven, He is not distant. He ever liveth to make intercession for us! We can come to the throne of grace day or night!

4. Rom. 8:34 – The “right hand of the Father” is the place of His ministry as our Interceder… and Advocate.

a. Isn’t it good to have someone at the Father’s right hand who is our Advocate and is praying for us?

b. In fact, He ever liveth to make intercession for us!

c. When we sin as a Christian, it does not change our position before God. We are still His son and saved. But it does hinder our fellowship and walk.

d. And when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us… and Christ is there as our Advocate to claim the power of His blood to cleanse us from all sin.

e. The devil continually accuses the brethren of sin before God’s throne. Christ is seated there as our continual advocate defending us against all the accusations of our adversary the devil.

f. Mary, the mother of Jesus was a wonderful, godly woman who loved the Lord. But she was a sinner like you and me.

g. I’m glad she’s not my Mediator or Advocate. Jesus Christ is the one in glory pleading my cause before the Father’s throne!

h. He alone can stand before the Father and say, “I paid for that sin. This one has trusted in ME. This one is a son of God. This one is IN Me… and there is no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus.”

i. That’s the kind of Advocate I want… One who is seated because His work of satisfying divine justice with respect to my sin is FINISHED! And One who is seated at the right hand of God—the place of majesty… divine power… omnipotence… authority over all—heaven and earth!

Christ: His Invitation

1. Wherever He was, Christ’s invitation is the same: Come Unto Me!

a. Isa. 55:1 – Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
• If you’re thirsty—then come!
• The water of eternal is FREE, because the price has already been paid!
• The message is simple: Come and drink! How simple is faith—as simple as drinking water.

b. Matt. 11:29 – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
• If you’re tired and weary of sin and the vanity of life—then COME!
• Christ invites you to come and He will give you REST for your soul!

c. Rev. 22:17 – And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
• If you’re thirsty—if nothing in this life really satisfies your soul, then come and drink freely… and receive LIFE!
• God has done everything needed to bring you into heaven… but He forces no one to come.
• Come is a command—but it requires a response on YOUR part.
• Will you come… or will you not?
• Phil. 2:9-10 – After the cross came the resurrection and ascension. God highly exalted Him… and all men will ultimately BOW before the exalted, resurrected, glorified Savior. Some will bow in heaven… some will bow in hell… when it is too late.
• Won’t you come to Christ today? What better day to be raised from spiritual death than on resurrection Sunday? Come today. Christ rejects none who come in simple faith!

Set Your Affection on Things Above

Set Your Affection

 A. Affection

1. Defined: from the verb: φρονέω

a. From: phron = mind; understanding; thought
• Aphron = foolish
• Sophron = wise

b. to mind; to ponder; to think on; to be thoughtful of; to have a thing on one’s mind

2. Translated “affection” only in the King James Version.

a. It is not a textual issue.

b. It is likely it was translated affection in the sense of the affections of one’s mind…

c. In the Bible mind and heart are linked together.
• Affections were linked with the mind as thinking was with the heart in Bible times.
• Ex: Prov.23:7 – as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
• The heart was considered the organ of thinking as much as the head is today.
• There IS an inseparable connection between our thoughts and our feelings.

d. This translation would not have seemed as odd in 1611 as it does today.

e. But the Greek term itself has to do with THINKING… the mind and not the emotions.
• Set your MIND on things above.
• As we set our MIND on things above, our affections will eventually become attached there too!
• Psalm 1:2 – “His delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” He THINKS on God’s law BECAUSE he delights in it!
• Matt. 6:21 – For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
• For what our MIND treasures (values; delights in), it will THINK upon.
• And in time… because of those thoughts, our heart affections will become attached.
• Home is where the heart is. Our home is heaven… and our hearts ought to be there too. Our minds ought to continually go back home… to heaven; things above.

3. Present, active, imperative

a. Imperative: We are COMMANDED to think on things above and are commanded NOT to think on things on the earth.

b. Present: we are to CONTINUALLY direct our minds to things above… and to think from a heavenly perspective.

c. The fact that it is a command and requires continuous attention indicates that this is an ongoing problem in our lives as believers… and thus requires ongoing diligence.

d. God expects us to OBEY this command.

e. God has EQUIPPED us to obey this command.

f. But having a heavenly mindset is NOT automatic in the Christian life.
• There are too many things working against us!
• The world, the flesh, and the devil!
• We are constantly being dragged DOWN to earthly things… bogged down… entangled in the affairs of this life… like an insect stuck in a spider web…
• Therefore we must continually CHOOSE to think on things above. It is an act of the will.
• We can set our minds on whatever we choose to. We can set our mind on planning a vacation. We can set our minds on fixing the fence. We can set our minds on doing our homework if we choose to do so. We can set our minds on things above too… if we CHOOSE to do so.
• What we think on is our choice.

4. In this section which begins a series of exhortations, Paul begins in the head.

a. He tells us what to THINK before he tells what to do and how to behave. (The rest of the chapter deals with behavior.)

b. What is in our heads will control our behavior! The thought life is the best place to start.

c. If we are going to behave properly, we need to think properly.

d. The mind of the careless believer is the devil’s playground.

e. The mind of a thoughtful, godly believer is a taste of heaven on earth!

f. The importance of the MIND.
• The mind affects our feelings and emotions. (Think about your dog who died; think about your upcoming vacation.)
• The mind affects our actions and conduct.
• The mind affects our choices, decisions, goals, ambitions, what we seek after. It all starts in the mind.

g. Thus, before explaining what our behavior ought to be in the Christian home, in the local church, and in the workplace, God tells us what to think… on things above.

Things Above

1. Note that the “things above” in vs. 1 refer to where Christ is… where He is seated… where He is ruling and reigning as Lord… where He is seated in the place of honor and glory… where He has all the preeminence.

2. Things above do not refer to future things that we will experience when we die and go to heaven.

a. Rather, it refers to the SOURCE of power, motivation, and direction in our daily lives on earth today.

b. Our minds and thoughts are to have as their source the NEW LIFE we share with Christ where He is… in heaven.

c. Our new life in Christ generates a new kind of thinking… new goals… new ambitions… new motivations… new desires…

d. And all of these new things are to come from above where Christ reigns! The source is to be heavenly and Christ centered, not earthly, fleshly, or man centered.

3. Our minds are to DWELL on things above… meditate… mull over…

a. Our minds are to reside where Christ is…

b. Our minds are to be occupied with Him… with His place of honor and glory… in heaven… not the Jesus of the gospels.

c. Our minds are to have Christ seated in the place of preeminence.

4. HOW do we THINK things above?

a. The WORD of God is where we learn of things above. Our minds are to be illuminated, enlightened, and taught from the Word… our mind is to be instructed by the mind of God revealed in the Scriptures.
• We are not to invent what “things above” means.
• If our thoughts are to be on heavenly things, we need revelation to tell us WHAT KIND of things to fill our minds with.

b. We are to think of Christ… and fill our minds with Him. We still need the word of God to tell us who He is… and what kind of thoughts we should hold concerning Him.
• Example: Jehovah’s Witnesses may fill their minds with thoughts of Christ… as they have invented Him. But their concept of Christ does not line up with Scripture!

c. Prayer: prayer is thinking on things above. It is placing ourselves before the throne of grace… prayer is seeking for God, His will, His guidance, His wisdom, His presence, His fellowship.

d. Phil. 4:8 – We are TOLD in the Bible exactly what to THINK. This runs contrary to the ways of the earth… to the thinking of the natural man.

e. Phil. 2:5 – let this MIND be in you which was in Christ Jesus (His mindset)
• This doesn’t come naturally. We have to LET it be in us!
• This heavenly mindset of Christ is to be demonstrated on earth daily… selflessness… taking on the form of a servant… willing to suffer for righteousness sake… esteeming others better than self…

5. Rom. 12:1-2 – our minds are to be RENEWED by God’s Word.

a. But BEFORE the renewing takes place, we are to put our all on the altar! (The cross!)

b. No cross… no resurrection! No altar… no heavenly thinking!

c. Until or unless we are willing to come to an end of self—and by faith keep self on the cross—then we are DOOMED to remain earthbound in our thinking.

d. No cross = no resurrection; no cross = no resurrected thought life… no thoughts on things above.

e. It is not until we see ourselves as DEAD to the world… that we will experience the power of the resurrection in our thought lives.

6. In vs. 1, we were commanded to seek those things which are above.

a. Vs. 2 tells us HOW: by directing our mind to things above.

b. When our minds are thinking on things above, our hearts will become attached to them… and then we will SEEK them!

c. What we SEEK after depends upon one’s mindset.

d. Consider the young girl who has been thinking about becoming a nurse. She has been thinking about that for many months now. It keeps on coming into her mind… and she enjoys thinking about it. She pictures herself as a nurse. It is on her mind… and the more she thinks about it, the more she desires to BE a nurse. Over time, that mindset of nursing becomes a PURSUIT. Soon she is actively SEEKING it… calling nursing schools… seeking ways to pursue that goal… and before you know it, she’s a nurse helping people in the hospital!

e. Thoughts affect the feelings and affections… and affections drive our pursuits… what we seek after.

f. Thus, we are command to develop a heavenly mindset… for that will affect our emotions and heart… and ultimately will affect what we seek after… and the zeal with which we pursue it.

g. We seek after the things our hearts become attached to.

7. Constantly be seeking and thinking on things above.

a. What is the BASIS of the exhortation? The fact that we were raised up into heavenly places in Christ.

b. Since we are raised up with Him, then SEEK and THINK that which is consistent with our position in Christ.
• When our life was on earthly BEFORE we were saved, we sought after things of the earth. We THOUGHT like the world. And we pursued the things of the world with all the gusto we had.
• Now, Paul says, seek and think heavenly thoughts with that same gusto… zeal… and drive… and do so because you have been raised!

c. When Jesus was on the earth, His disciples had a unique relationship to Him as Master/disciple. But that relationship has ended. We know Christ that way no more.

d. Christ left the earth and ascended into heaven. If we love the Lord, our hearts and minds will ascend up where He is… and will want to dwell there in His presence.

e. This is the thrust of Paul’s command.

f. Our true riches are in heaven. Our hope is in heaven. Our inheritance is reserved in heaven for us. Our spiritual blessings are in heavenly places. Our citizenship and home are in heaven. But most importantly, Christ, our first love has ascended into heaven. Everything that is near and dear to us as believers is in heaven!

g. Therefore, our MINDS should dwell there! It is only natural that it should! Our feet are on the earth—but our minds should be in glory!

Not the Things on the Earth

1. We are to think on things above and NOT on things on the earth.

a. We are to think on one and NOT on the other.

b. Paul sets forth a clear-cut choice and commands us what to choose to think on.

c. We must choose one or the other to think upon: a heavenly mindset or an earthly mindset.

d. One cannot have TWO masters… it’s one or the other. Our mind cannot have two masters either.

e. We are to be singled eyed. (single minded dedication to ONE thing… to one preeminent thing… to the exclusion of all else.)

f. We cannot have a divided heart… divided affections… a divided mind.

g. He COMMANDS us NOT to constantly think on the things of the earth.

h. We are NOT to be continually occupied with the things of earth.

i. Our continual occupation of mind and heart is to be on Christ and things above.

j. It is morally impossible to have two masters. One HAS to make a choice.

k. It is also impossible to have two mindsets. One MUST make a decision.

l. It is impossible to have two different walks: earthly and heavenly.

m. Pastor Rathbun: When a believer has one foot in the world and one foot in heaven, it makes for a very uncomfortable walk!

2. The things of earth are not necessarily evil or immoral in themselves.

a. But even good things in the earth can be used for evil purposes.

b. But when those things take precedence OVER Christ or His Word or the local church or the things of God… then they become evil.

c. Such pursuits become dangerous when they take us away from the ONE THING that is to be our preeminent pursuit: that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection!

d. Anything that hinders us from our one true pursuit in life… anything that lures us away from seeking and thinking on things above is to be rejected.

e. II Cor. 10:5 – Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

f. Christ is to be LORD of our minds. He is to have preeminence in our thought lives. Anything that interferes is to be cast down and rejected. Our minds are to be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

g. Other mindsets take on a worldly nature… not because they are necessarily evil, but because they stand opposed to our seeking Christ and minding things above!

h. Anything that takes us away from seeking things above, putting Christ first, or minding things above hinders our spiritual growth.

3. Unsaved men in the world think on the things of earth. Naturally. It is the only realm they know. It is their home.

a. Phil. 3:18-19 – the enemies of the cross mind earthly things. (same word)

b. Rom. 8:5 – For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh. (same word)

c. The flesh has its own way of thinking; its own mindset; its own attitude… its own intellectual pursuits.

d. This mindset is not always EVIL or immoral. Sometimes it is quite religious.

e. Paul has revealed in the previous chapter concerning the THINKING of men: touch not; taste not; handle not; the philosophies of men; the traditions of men; ordinances of men… all of this is part of the things of the earth.

f. But fleshly, earthly thinking is always contrary to the Spirit.

g. It is always earthly… it thinks like men…

h. Sometimes true believers can THINK like the world.

4. Matt. 16:23 – Jesus sharply rebukes Peter; he can grasp only human thoughts with a focus on earthly life.

a. Savourest: the same word as “affection” in Col. 3:1.

b. Peter was rebuked for thinking about life from earth’s perspective… for thinking like a man… a natural man of the earth.

c. Vs. 21 – Jesus began to tell the disciples that He was going to go to Jerusalem, be crucified and be raised up again.

d. Vs. 22 – Peter’s reaction?
• Peter rebuked the Lord. You don’t rebuke the Lord!
• You don’t call Him Lord and then say NO WAY! You call Him Lord and say, “Yes sir. Thy will be done!”
• Peter said, “This thing shall not be!” You don’t contradict God’s word when He has spoken!
• Peter was acting on his feelings… gut feeling.
• Peter was thinking like a natural man. He didn’t want his friend Jesus to die.
• Peter was not thinking about spiritual realities, but earthly things.
• Peter was NOT thinking about God and God’s will or God’s plan.
• Peter was thinking about the natural realm… earth… his earthly relationship to Jesus Christ on earth, rather than something more important: his spiritual relationship to Him… and God’s eternal plan for the ages… which included the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ!
• We like Peter are also inclined to THINK like men of the world. God help us!

5. We are COMMANDED to think on things above and are also commanded NOT to think on things on the earth.

a. The command is to NOT THINK on things of the earth.

b. But be careful!

c. This is NOT a command to be unconcerned about life on earth at all!

d. It is NOT a command to pay no attention to our job, our family, or your health, or retirement.

e. God does NOT want us to IGNORE life on earth. That is not the point of the command.

f. Our main pursuit in life ought to be things above… storing treasures in heaven. Constantly fill your mind with that!

g. We are commanded NOT to think like the earth dwellers!

h. We are commanded to think from heaven’s perspective from the spiritual and eternal perspective… from God’s vantage point… not from man’s perspective on the earth.

i. Look at your life on earth from the vantage point of our POSITION: seated in heavenly places in Christ.

j. That results in an entirely new outlook on life!

Being Heavenly Minded is Practical on Earth

1. It does NOT mean that we are to so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good!

a. Being heavenly minded does NOT mean that we pay no attention to life on earth. How foolish!

b. Paul is not suggesting that believers withdraw from commerce, from interaction with other people, or that we withdraw from life on earth—as if we were to live in a monastery. Hardly. He just exposed the errors of asceticism.

c. Having a heavenly mindset will cause us to be even MORE diligent and careful about life on earth… not less so!

d. Being heavenly minded means we will be desirous of spiritual fruit and growth.

e. Spiritual growth occurs when we are occupied with things above.
• The branch bears fruit when it is abiding in the Vine. We grow spiritually when our minds and hearts are continually in heaven… where Christ is.
• Dwelling on our heavenly position does NOT make us useless on earth. It makes us FRUITFUL!
• When our mind is in heaven, increasing with the knowledge of God, it makes us fruitful in every good work!

f. When our hearts and minds are saturated with thoughts of Christ and things above… THEN we will be the kind of Christian God wants us to be on earth!

g. Being heavenly minded is the BASIS upon which the following exhortations are made (home; church; real life!)

2. Minding things above means that we view life here on earth from heaven’s perspective… with eternity’s values in mind.

a. We make decisions based not simply on the basis of what is expedient and profitable for this life, but what is best for the glory of God!

b. Ex: a job offer in New Mexico.
• It offers a huge raise… housing costs are much lower… a better standard of earthly living… the school system is superior… lower property taxes… no snow… what’s not to like?
• You’re thinking like a man of the earth… of this world.
• It sounds like Lot’s mindset as he looked over the lush valley of Sodom!
• What should we do? PRAY! Lord, what wilt THOU have me to do? Not my will but thine be done.
• Is there is good, sound, Bible believing church nearby? Have you investigated it?
• Will this move be for the SPIRITUAL good of me and my family?
• It’s a given that it will be to our economic best interests, but what about heavenly things?
• It’s unimaginable to me that a believer with any amount of discernment would ever move to a new area because of its pleasant location, economy, or scenery, just crossing their fingers and hoping that they will find a good, sound church there!
• That’s not living the resurrected life. That’s not acknowledging our position as seated in heavenly places in Christ. That’s savoring the things of men… and not the things above.

c. If you were standing in heaven right now (and suppose you could observe earth) and you were watching your children live their lives on earth… what would you want for them?
• Your STANDING in heaven (if you then be risen with Christ) would completely change your view of what really matters down here!
• From earth’s perspective, our desires for our children’s lives might include: a good job; good health; nice family; comfortable home; prosperous life; no trials or tribulations, trouble free… sugar and spice and everything nice!
• But from heaven’s perspective, we would view life on earth quite differently.
• From heaven we might see that tribulation works patience and patience makes us mature lacking nothing spiritually! (James 1:3-4)
• From heaven we might see that an earthly affliction is GOOD for us spiritually for it keeps us on our knees and our hearts close to God. (Ps. 119:71)
• From heaven we might see that getting our kids into Sunday sachool each week is more important than getting them into Harvard.
• We might see that suffering from an awful disease is really good training for our ministry to others who are also afflicted.
• We might see that the loss of our job was just what we needed to cause us to learn to trust in the Lord.
• We might even come to acknowledge that EVERYTHING we do in this life is designed to prepare us for eternity!
• And if that’s the case (and it is!) then this heavenly mindset will NOT cause us to withdraw from life on earth, but to be FULLY engaged… and to be diligent about all we do here… even the tiny details of life (doing a good job even when the boss is out sick!)
• We will view life in this world as a time of preparation for the Judgment Seat of Christ.
» Are you getting prepared for that day? That’s what life is all about.
» God is preparing us for eternity, teaching us of Himself… conforming us to the image of Christ.
» ALL of our works on earth are going to be evaluated in that day. Hence, heaven’s perspective gives us a GREATER appreciation for the value of life on earth.

3. A heavenly perspective will make us even MORE thoughtful and careful about the details of our lives here on earth.

a. The heavenly minded believer will see every aspect of his life on earth from eternity’s perspective.

b. He will see the spiritual significance of all he does on earth… because it is all going to be evaluated.

c. He will see the VALUE of his life on earth from a new perspective: from heaven’s vantage point.

d. A heavenly perspective will radically change the very WORST of earthly conditions.

e. Consider the servant who had to live through the degradation of slavery.
• Col. 3:22-24 – notice that Paul’s message to the slaves living under this abusive system was not, “Take up your arms and rebel against this injustice.”
• Rather, he said, “Obey your masters, and do so because you fear God not man.”
• Keep a heavenly perspective. Christ is the One you are really serving! Not that earthly master… but the heavenly Master!
• Vs. 24 – And one day you will be rewarded for living a godly life on earth in spite of man’s cruelty. You kept your mind on the heavenly prize and you will be rewarded!”
• Vs. 25 – And by the way, that master will be judged for whatever evil injustice he has imposed too! God is no respecter of persons.
• God is not impressed with wealthy landowners. But He is impressed with obedience and suffering for righteousness sake!
• Paul gives us a glimpse of heaven’s perspective of the evil of slavery that existed in Bible times.
• Having a heavenly mindset gives us a proper picture of what we are enduring here on earth.
• It also enables us to endure suffering and injustice with dignity.
• Slavery is outlawed in our land (thank God!) but we still have many other injustices to deal with in a cursed earth filled with 6 billion sinners.
• Perhaps you have been called to endure suffering for rightesousness sake… called to endure injustice…
• Earth’s perspective will give us one view of the situation… and will make us bitter and angry.
• Heaven’s and eternity’s perspective will give us any view entirely… it will transform us… it enables us to endure with longsuffering and joyfulness!
• God uses suffering, affliction, injustice, and persecution to train us… and to prepare us to stand before the Bema.
• A heavenly mindset FREES us from the drudgery of slavery to an evil master on earth… and enables us to see ourselves as serving Christ… who is seated at the right hand of God…
• And Christ who is seated at the right hand of divine power is not helpless to do anything about this injustice… but rather reigning… ruling… in Divine power and majesty… observing… taking notes… and ready to strengthen… and awaiting the time to reward faithful service… and judge all evil.
• That godly Christian slave of the first century who served an evil master could do so with dignity… with a sense of living ABOVE his circumstances… because he realized he was raised up into heavenly places in Christ… and because he has a heavenly mindset… awaiting the Bema where all the crooked things shall be made straight!
• That principle applies to unhappy marriages… to injustice in society we have to endure… to ill treatment at work because we are a Christian… and 1001 other realms.
• A heavenly perspective will transform it all—our motivation, our attitudes, our choices, our purposes,—everything!
• A heavenly mindset raises a man ABOVE the earth… above wallowing in self pity… ABOVE seeking revenge… ABOVE pettiness… ABOVE jealousy… ABOVE bitterness… ABOVE the ways of the world…
• A heavenly mindset does NOT make a man useless in his life on earth.
» It makes a slave a better slave.
» It makes an office worker the best worker he can be.
» It makes a school teacher diligent in her work.
» It makes a factory worker industrious, even when the foreman is on vacation.
» It makes the business owner honest in all his dealings… the husband faithful…
» The Christian politician a man of integrity…
• And NORMALLY, (all things being equal) that causes a Christian to do WELL in his particular field… because many in the world do not share heavenly values: honesty, diligence, justice, compassion, etc.
• Being heavenly minded will deliver a man from being self indulgent, careless, lazy, and sloppy in his earthly work.
• He will hold heaven’s values—and that will manifest itself in his practical, daily life to the glory of God.

f. Viewing life on earth from the vantage point of our heavenly position will enable us to experience the peace and rest of God where others experience worry and turmoil.
• So you are the low man on the totem pole at work? Such a lowly position could be discouraging if you saw life from earth’s vantage point. But think on things above! Be mindful of your heavenly position in Christ at the right hand of the Father! That’s your real position!
• So you live in a tiny house, drive an old car, and don’t have much money? That could be depressing from earth’s vantage point. But think on things above! In heaven we possess a rich inheritance! Joint heirs with Christ!
• Or perhaps you are doing quite well in this life and have all kinds of money in the bank, a summer home, fancy cars, the big house on the hill, and are in good health. Well, you too are commanded to think from heaven’s perspective! Those earthly trinkets are NOTHING but dust… don’t set your affection on them. The psalmist wrote, if riches increase, set not your heart upon them. Think on things above!
• It doesn’t matter so much what our earthly condition is. It is our heavenly position that matters.
• We are commanded to continually THINK from that position!
• We are commanded to view our earthly condition from our heavenly position. That will put everything in its place… in right perspective.
• From heaven, what matters is Christ. For to me to LIVE is Christ. He is to have all the preeminence.
• Nothing is more practical for life on earth than having a heavenly mindset. THINK on things above.

4. Being in heaven at God’s right hand does NOT mean that His influence in the world has ended. (Eph. 1:20-23)

a. Rather He has been moved to the place of ultimate influence over matters on earth.

b. He is at God’s right hand… the place of authority and power.

c. He is exalted ABOVE the entire angelic realm which exerts such influence on the earth.
• What a stark contrast!
• On earth, we saw Jesus tired, weak, and hungry being tempted by the devil.
• On earth, we saw angels ministering to His physical needs.
• On earth, we saw Jesus suffering because of the demonic influence working behind the scenes to have Him put to death.
• Angels seemed so superior to Him in His earthly weakness.
• Now, Christ is exalted in heaven, in a glorified human body, ABOVE the angelic realm…
• The angels are now in submission to Him as the Lord of heaven.
• No demon can try any servant of God without permission from who is above them all!
• Christ orders the holy angels to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation… and to watch over the churches.

d. He is Lord over ALL. (Eph. 1:22b – He hath put ALL THINGS under His feet!

e. He is also exalted to the place of HEAD over the Body which is on earth… as salt and light… His witness… His evangelists… from heaven Christ the Head directs His Body and members in particular to carry out His will on earth in His absence.

The Hidden Life of a Believer


1. Contemplating the cross, resurrection, and ascension, the Lord said, “In a little while, the world seeth Me no more” (John 14:19)

2. Christ’s ascension into heaven caused Him to be “hidden” from the world.

3. Our new life is hidden with Christ in God.

4. Before we can enjoy this hidden, secret life of intimate fellowship and communion with Christ, (something unknown and unknowable to the world) we must first reckon ourselves to be dead to the world and risen with Christ.


A. For Ye are Dead

1. Lit. = For you died.

a. It speaks of a past event, not a present state.

b. It highlights the fact that at some point in the past (the moment of saving faith) they died with Christ. (Col. 2:20)

c. Their old man was crucified with Christ.

d. This is NOT a command to die to self… or to crucify the old man. Rather, it is a statement of fact. We died.

e. It is not something we are to do. It is something we are to believe.

2. This death severs us from our past worldly life.

a. Col. 2:11 – we were cut off from dominion to the sins of the flesh… and from our old man.

b. Col. 2:20-22 – death severed us from our past religious life… subject to human ordinances and traditions… the commandments and doctrines of men… rudiments of the world.

3. FOR: our death with Christ is given as the REASON that we are to think on things above and to seek things above.

a. We are to think on things above because:
• We died to this world (vs. 3a) and we are raised up in heaven with Christ (vs. 1).
• we have been cut off from things below!
• This world is no longer our home… heaven is.
• We died to this world and the things of this world but are alive in an entirely new realm: above, where Christ is seated. That’s our new home.
• That’s where our new life is—hidden with Christ in God.

4. Because the believer DIED to the world, his new life is hidden from the world. (Gal. 6:14; Col. 2:20) A dead man is buried and hidden from sight.

a. Dead to our former lifestyle (I Pet. 4:3-4; Eph. 2:1-6)
• You are literally hidden from this crowd!
• You’re no longer at the barrooms or the drunken parties.
• Our life in the world as we were ended. Our old friends understand this. The person they once knew, they know no more!
• They think it “strange” (word for foreign)… that we are no longer the same… that we no longer run around with them…
• It doesn’t mean you have no contact with your old friends, but it does mean that you’re hidden from them in that old context.
• Dead to our old habits (I Cor. 6:9-11) “such WERE some of you, but now ye are washed…”

b. Dead to our earthly relationships (Matt. 10:35-37)
• Faith in Christ results in a new life, which is hidden away with Christ… hidden from people of the world.
• Sometimes there can be friction between one whose life is on earth and one whose life is hidden away in God.
• They have two different goals, desires, lifestyles, pursuits, etc…
• The fact that we love the Lord MORE than we love them can be hurtful to them… and puzzling.
• And sometimes we are forced to choose between pleasing them and pleasing the Lord. Putting Christ and spiritual things above our earthly family can cause friction.
• Matt. 12:47-50 – Jesus was told that his mother and family wanted to speak to Him. His response: “Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?… For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
• The believer whose life is in heaven is HIDDEN even from his earthly family… if they do not know Christ.
• As important as our earthly families are, there is something MORE important: our new life hidden with Christ in God.

c. Dead to the world’s affections (John 15:18-19)
• The one whose life is hidden with Christ in God lives a life foreign to the folks of this world.
• They know that something changed and often they will hate us for it!
• They can recognize that something higher has captured our minds and hearts… and that we are no longer one of “them.”
• Therefore the world hates us… because our life here ended and we have a new life that they cannot fathom.
• We know we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren… brothers and sisters in Christ! (I John 3:14) Our new love for a new family causes friction with our earthly families at times.

d. Dead to the things of the world
• I John 2:15 – the Spirit filled believer is told to LOVE NOT the things of the world.
• What could be more foreign to worldlings who love the world! They cannot imagine how anything could be more important or more valuable than their earthly gold, toys, and trinkets.
• Matt. 6:19-21 – The believer will spend his earthly treasures in order to store true treasures in heaven.
• The Spirit filled believer will hold the things of earth loosely and will use them for God’s glory rather than hoard them for self.
• This too is absolutely foreign to the earth dwellers.
• To folks in the world, life consists in the things which they possess… even though Jesus said, a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”
• They cannot fathom a man whose life consists of something OTHER THAN things of the world: possessions, power, prestige, position…

e. John 17:16 – Jesus said of His disciples: they are not of the world even as I am not of the world.
• As far as the world is concerned, the Spirit filled believer may live IN the world, but we are no longer one OF them.
• We are foreigners… strangers… even enemies at times… an unknown commodity… even a threat.
• When our light shines, it makes them look bad…
• Light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not.
• The oil that keeps our lamps shinning is HIDDEN from them.

5. If any man be IN Christ, he is a new creature… old things are passed away… (II Cor. 5:17)

a. This does not mean that we cloister ourselves away from the world… or retreat to a monastery, or withdraw from society… as some cults have mistakenly done.

b. That’s NOT what hidden with Christ in God means!

c. But for the one who is a new creation with new life in Christ… our former relationship to the world changed. In fact, it ENDED. It passed away.

d. We died to this old world and its ways… and have been raised up into heavenly places in Christ.

e. Now, our new life is hidden away from the world… hidden with Christ in God.


A. Hidden

1. Our old life is over, and our new life is hidden because we are IN Christ.

2. Christ is ascended and seated at the right hand of the Father… and in that position Christ is hidden from the world… unseen and unknown by the world.

a. The world hated Christ. The world persecuted Him throughout His earthly ministry, and ultimately, put Him to torturous and humiliating death of the cross.

b. But He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and is seated at the Father’s right hand.

c. There, He is out of view of the world. Hidden from their sight… and out of their reach…

d. The world will never scourge Him again. They will never spit upon Him again. They will never pull out His beard again. They will never nail Him to a cross again.

e. He is hidden from their sight and touch… in the safety of the courts heaven…

f. And He is seated in the place of absolute divine power and authority.

g. And our life is hidden with Him where He is.

3. Hidden: perfect:

a. Our life was hidden at a point in the past (Spirit baptism).

b. This “hiding” of the life of the believer, which began in the past, is ongoing.

c. We continue to be hidden away in God.

B. Hidden with Christ in God

1. The believer’s life is hidden with Christ in God because the believer was RAISED UP with Christ (Col. 3:1).

a. Christ Himself is safely hidden away from the world that hated Him and crucified Him.

b. Because we are in Christ, we too are in a position where we are hidden from the sight and touch of the world.

c. Our old life on earth ended abruptly. Our new life is now sourced in heaven… and is not able to be seen or understood by men of the earth.

d. As Paul said in Gal. 2:20 – “I am crucified, nevertheless I live.” This new, resurrection life of the believer is our REAL spiritual life, but is hidden.

2. Hidden away in heaven at the Father’s right hand, the believer is also in a position of safety, security and power.

a. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places… at the Father’s right hand… the place of divine POWER!

b. From that heavenly position, we have available to us the resurrection power of God!

c. While we look at our lives from earth’s perspective, we are in a position of frailty and weakness… and often seem to be trampled upon by the world.

d. When we look at lives from the heavenly perspective, we are safe as can be! At the Father’s right hand! In fact we are IN the hands of the Father and no man can pluck us from His hand!

3. What a contrast between these two worlds!

a. Down here we face the world’s wrath, cruelty, and temptations

b. But up there, we experience God’s love, presence, and power.

c. Nothing down here can separate us from the love of God up there! (Rom. 8:35-39) Not even the principalities and powers can touch us at the Father’s right hand. We have been raised up with Christ ABOVE all principalities and powers!

d. Our lives look quite tentative and tenuous down here… but are as safe as can be up there.

e. Our lives may appear to be on the brink of destruction down here, but there is no danger up there… where our REAL LIFE IS!

f. The storms of life may beat against our old body of flesh upon the earth, but our soul, head, and heart can enter into the rest and bliss of heaven… hidden away safely in heaven with Christ in God!

g. “No ill can harm me; no foe alarm me for He keeps both day and night; safe am I… safe am I… in the hollow of His hand.”

h. “Things that once were wild alarms cannot now disturb my rest!”

i. Heb. 6:20 – here the illustration of our safety is that our souls have been ANCHORED to the One who ascended into heaven and has entered within the veil into the very Holy of Holies in heaven: seated at the right hand of the Father’s throne!
• We are anchored to one who is our forerunner… a pioneer—who has paved the way for us to follow one day BODILY.
• Positionally, we are there already!
• But until we actually arrive, we are anchored to the Rock of Ages HIDDEN away, within the veil.
• We are hidden away with Christ in God… hidden away in the very Holy of Holies in heaven!

4. God sees us in the very courts of heaven… and “Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.” (Psalm 92:13)

a. It is a place of safety… a sanctuary where our foes cannot touch us… a place near to the Father… near to the heart of God… a place of resurrection power… a place of spiritual growth… a place where God’s people flourish in the heavenly courts of God…

b. Why would anyone want to leave that place?

5. It is FROM that position of safety, security, and power, hidden away from the world that we experience communion with Christ… FROM WHICH fruit is borne down here on earth!

a. From that position, we become fully engaged in life down here on earth.

b. With out lives hidden away up there… our mind and heart dwelling with Christ where He is… THEN we are able to PROPERLY serve Him on earth!

c. When the mind and heart is in sync with Christ the Head, the Body will function on earth according to God’s will.

d. Not every kind of service that believers do on earth arises from this type of a relationship.

e. MUCH of what is accomplished in the name of Christ arises from the personal ambitions of men… from the flesh… from the desire for empire building… for denominational devotion… the traditions of men… and not necessarily after Christ!

C. Our Resurrected LIVES Are Hidden From the World

1. Our salvation is hidden from the world. (John 3:8)

a. Regeneration is a mystery… unobserved… unseen by the world.

b. They can see the EFFECTS of it in a person’s life… but they cannot see or understand what really happened.

c. The person who has experienced regeneration (born again) is also an enigma to the world. We are a mystery to the world. Everything about our spiritual lives is foreign.

d. The world will never understand what makes us tick. (I Cor. 2:14-15 – a spiritual man is judged of no man on earth.)

e. The world can see religion. It can talk religion. It can understand religion. But it will NEVER understand regeneration or the one who has been born again.

2. Our heavenly thinking is incomprehensible to the world. (I John 4:5-6)

a. John is contrasting the false teachers (them) with themselves, the true apostles and the believers to whom they write. (we)

b. THEY are of the world.
• They (the unsaved false teachers) are natural men who know ONLY the natural realm. This world is their home and is where their hearts are.
• These men are NOT dead to the world. Nor have they been raised up. Nor are their lives hidden away in God. Their lives are in and of the world.
• They speak the world’s language and the world hears and understands them. The world responds to them.
• They seem to do well in the world and gather large followings… because the world understands their language.
• But they CANNOT know the things of God for they are spiritually discerned. Spiritual things are foolish to them.

c. We are of God.
• In contrast, there is the WE (the apostles).
• We know God and His Word. We speak God’s language.
• Those who belong to God… (true believers) those whose real lives are hidden away with Christ will hear us and respond to the message of Christ.
• Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me.”

d. Our lives… our conversations… our mindsets… and our thinking are all FOREIGN to the world.
• They will not and cannot grasp it.
• And it is not because it is too intellectual. It is because it is sourced in heaven… a realm foreign to them.
• We speak a language they cannot possibly understand.
• The things that mean the MOST to a believer cannot possibly be communicated to one who dwells upon the earth.

3. Our source of strength is unknown to the world. (Eph. 3:16-17)

a. God allows believers to experience the very same tragedies in life that our unsaved neighbors face… and for a purpose.

b. God’s purpose is that as we go through a trial or tragedy, we will manifest the indwelling life of Christ to those around us!

c. God’s purpose is that we would learn to lean upon Him… and that the strength of the Lord will sustain us… comfort us… enable us to persevere… endure…

d. It is the indwelling life of Christ… which is sourced from heaven… the place of divine power… that enables the believer to face such trials with poise, grace, and even joyfulness!

e. The world understands well the strength that comes from Jack Daniels or Valium, but not from Jesus Christ.

f. The world understands strength that comes from friends and family… but not the strength that comes from God alone…

g. Our life is hidden above—and strengthened from within by the invisible Spirit… all of which is hidden from the world.

h. Our new life is HIDDEN from them. They know NOTHING of Christ… our Rock… our mighty Fortress… our Strength…

i. That which empowers, strengthens, and enables the believer to endure suffering in this life is HIDDEN from the world. They know nothing of that heavenly source of strength.

j. We are strengthened with all might according to His glorious power… which flows to us from the right hand of God… and our unsaved friends know nothing of this.

k. Our unseen source of strength puzzles them… but can also be used of the Lord to arouse their curiosity to ask a REASON of the hope that lies within us!

l. This is one of God’s main purposes in suffering.

4. Our source of satisfaction is puzzling to the world. The source of our comfort, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment are all HIDDEN to the world.

a. It is hidden because CHRIST is that Source, and He is ascended and hidden from their sight.

b. We are born from above and nourished from above… and the world knows nothing of any of it!

c. Such talk is foolishness to them! Such talk is foolishness to the ignorant and carnal believer too!

d. John 4:14 – But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

e. Psalm 23:1-3 – the Lord is in the business of restoring souls and leading us to the place of nourishment and satisfaction! (Green pastures and still waters!)

f. But our Good Shepherd is in heaven; hidden from the world… our source of satisfaction is thus hidden too.

g. Psalm 42:1-2 – The world cannot fathom such hunger and thirst for God. (“As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God!”)

h. The world is scurrying around down here for some source of satisfaction and will never find it. It is hidden away in heaven!

i. It is OUR job to tell them not WHAT will bring satisfaction to their souls, but WHO! That’s the gospel message! Come unto Me and ye shall find REST for your souls!

j. One of the BEST ways we can point others to Christ is for us to EXPERIENCE this rest and peace of mind… and arouse their curiosity!

5. Our desires are perplexing to the world.

a. We dwell above. We seek things above. We think on things above. It is our home.

b. There we have fellowship with Christ, and there in that heavenly communion with Him through His Word and prayer we develop a taste for heavenly things.

c. And the more we develop a taste for heavenly things, the less appetite we have for the things of earth.

d. As we grow in grace, we continue to lose our appetite for the things of the earth.

e. We find nothing here to satisfy our new tastes in life.

f. And the REASON we are not worldly-minded is not because the preacher hammered us over the head saying, “Don’t do this and don’t do that.”

g. It is because we have learned that our life is no longer down here but is above. Our real life is hidden with Christ in God.

h. And Jesus said, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me.”

i. The more time we spend in fellowship with Christ above, the more our hearts will beat as one with His… the more alike will be our desires.

j. As we spend time in fellowship with Christ above, more spiritual growth, fruit, and Christlike character will be manifested down here below in our earthly lives.

k. In one sense we LIVE up there in heaven. We are seated in heavenly places in Christ. Our lives are hidden with Christ in God up there. And that will RADICALLY transform our earthly lives!

l. And even if our outer man is perishing through age or disease, our inner man is being renewed!

m. And this is an enigma to the world. They don’t understand how such a thing can be. It is because our real life is hidden above.

6. Our motivation is hidden from the world.

a. Living for the glory of God is beyond their capacity to grasp.

b. The world shares Esau’s worldview: I want my porridge now! The world understands a man like Esau.

c. But they cannot understand one who is willing to sacrifice his porridge now for heavenly rewards.
• Our eternal values are alien to the world.
• Our faith (its depth) is bewildering to the world.
• Our blessed hope is mysterious to the world.

d. To the believer whose life is hidden with Christ in God, all things are become new… and completely UNLIKE that which motivates a man of the world.

7. And as puzzling as this is to the unsaved around us, it is the hidden life of a believer that draws men and women in the world to our Savior.

a. It is this very point that arouses curiosity in the minds of those around us to ask a reason of the hope that lies within us.

b. I Peter 3:15 – The hidden life with Christ is nourished, satisfied, joyous, poised, and at rest, even in the midst of turmoil or in a disintegrating body… and at the same time, full of spiritual fruit and Christlike character is the kind of life that attract others to our Savior.
• Some will be completely oblivious to the work of God in your life.
• Others will notice something different and will become curious.
• In others, that curiosity will develop into genuine interest in spiritual things.
• And in some of them, that spiritual interest will bring them to the place of believing on Christ personally and receiving Him as THEIR Savior!

c. That’s what a truly hidden life will do.
• It will function like salt… and make people thirsty.
• It will function like light and illuminate.
• It will arouse curiosity about what makes us tick… and will generate Holy Spirit motivated evangelism!

d. And isn’t that better than marching off in the flesh and knocking down doors which have NOT been opened by the Holy Spirit?

e. Remember, if the Head (hidden away in heaven) isn’t moving the Body, then we can do NOTHING without Him… nothing but make a big mess.

f. Christianity is quite simple. Walk… in the Spirit. Be LED of the Spirit… Dwell above… and Christ the Head will direct our steps on earth… for His glory.

That Which Is Hidden Shall Appear

Christ Our Life Is Hidden


A. Christ Is Our Life

1. Phil. 1:21 – for to me to live is Christ.

2. I John 5:12 – He that hath the Son hath life. John equates possessing Christ with possessing eternal life. He IS our life. He dwells within us.

3. John 11:25 – He is the resurrection and the LIFE.

4. John 14:6 – He is the way, the truth and the LIFE.

5. He is our life… and our life is hidden with Him in glory.

B. Christ’s Glory Was Hidden From the World During His Earthly Ministry

1. Jesus came to earth and didn’t look like anyone special… He had no form or comeliness… He looked like any other man in Israel. (Isa. 53:3)

2. John 1:11 – He came to His own and His own received Him not.

a. They were not looking for a meek and gentle Messiah.

b. They wanted a powerful Messiah with a massive army to overthrow Rome.

c. They thought Jesus might be “John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”

3. John 1:10 – He was in the world and the world was made by Him, but the world knew Him not.

4. Christ was in the world in a mortal human body but His true glory as the Eternal Son of God was HIDDEN from most men.

5. His deity was VEILED (covered up) in human flesh. (Veiled in flesh the godhead see! Hail the incarnate Deity!)

6. At His first coming He was NOT seen for who He really is. He was NOT hailed as Deity. He was crucified as a common criminal.

7. On the mount of Transfiguration, the Lord gave His disciples a little GLIMPSE of His glory… but they were told to tell no man.

8. The world did not see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

9. His true identity and glory were HIDDEN from the world.

10. The world looked upon Him as a root growing out of dry ground… nothing comely or special about Him.

a. But Jesus WAS special and unique, whether men in the world recognized it or not! He was the glorious Son of God… Creator of Heaven and earth, but it was veiled in human flesh!

b. Christ was physically present on earth, but His inner glory was veiled… hidden from the world.

C. The Glorified Christ is Presently Hidden From the World

1. Because the world did not recognize Him, they rejected His claims as the Son of God and crucified Him for those claims.

2. But because He WAS who He claimed to be—whether the world saw Him as such or not—it was not possible that He should be held down by death!

3. 3:1 – Christ arose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God.

4. From that heavenly position, He is HIDDEN from the world even further. His inner glory was veiled on earth. Now He is hidden altogether.

a. In heaven, Christ now appears in the full dazzling glory of Deity on God’s very throne!

b. The glory that was ALWAYS His is no longer veiled from sight in heaven. All the saints and angels see Him in His glorified human body… in the full splendor of divine glory… and they worship Him.

c. There is no mistaking who He is in heaven.

d. On earth, Christ’s glory is veiled in mortal human flesh and thus HIDDEN from the unbelieving world.

e. In heaven, that veil of mortality has been removed, and He now appears in heaven in the same glory that He previously shared with the Father in eternity past.

f. His complete glory is fully revealed in heaven, but because He is in heaven, His glory is still HIDDEN from those upon the earth. Natural eyes cannot see into this realm.

g. The unbelieving world cannot touch the Lord any more.

h. He is out of their sight and out of their reach.

i. Christ has not been seen for over 2000 years… in spite of all those who have claimed to have seen Him.

j. He entered within the veil of the heavenly Holy of Holies and is hidden from the sight of us who dwell upon the earth.

k. Paul got a glimpse of the resurrected Christ’s glory on the road to Damascus.

l. The apostle John got a glimpse of the glorified Son of God in Revelation chapter one, and fell down as a dead man.

m. No one has seen Him since. He is hidden.

n. Christ is presently hidden from the world.
• Today some believe Jesus was a great philosopher.
• Some think He was a moral teacher.
• Others think He was a fraud—a charlatan.
• Muslims believe He was a prophet.
• Mormons believe he was a man who became a god.
• Jehovah Witnesses believe He is an Angel.
• Many believe He was a myth… just a nice story.
• The true historic Jesus is hidden from the world today.

o. But He will not be hidden forever.

p. God’s plan is to fully manifest His glorious Son before the world.

But Christ Shall Appear

A. Christ Shall Appear

1. Christ will not be hidden away in glory forever.

a. One day He will be SEEN for who He really is… God Almighty… Creator of heaven and earth… eternally incarnate in glorified human flesh… the God-Man… King of kings… our Savior and High Priest in heaven.

b. That’s who He is… and though this truth is hidden from most men now, His true identity and glory will one day be revealed in an unmistakable and undeniable fashion.

2. At the Rapture Christ Shall Appear to the Church.

a. The Rapture is Christ’s appearing to the Church in the clouds to take His Bride to heaven. (I Thess. 4:13-18)
• At the rapture the dead in Christ are raised up in their glorified human bodies to be joined to their spirit which had been with the Lord since their death.
• At that time, our vile body is fashioned like unto His glorious body!
• At the Rapture, the last generation of Christians will be caught up with them to meet the Lord IN THE AIR.
• WE as members of the Church will see the Lord in that day… and from that day forward, for so shall we EVER be WITH the Lord.
• We are brought to heaven where He has prepared a place for us.

b. I John 3:1-2 – At the Rapture, Christ appears to the church, catches us up to heaven, and we shall SEE Him as He is! He is made visible to the resurrected, glorified church.
• Many understand this to be the meaning of Paul’s words in Col. 3:4.
• This is a common view among dispensationalists because Paul is speaking to the church and our relationship to Him.
• The rapture is Christ’s coming for the church. It is our Blessed Hope! (Titus 2:13)

c. But at the Rapture, the church sees Him as He is, but He is still HIDDEN from the world.
• He comes in the twinkling of an eye for His Bride (I Cor. 15:52)
• He does not descend to the earth but only to the clouds and catches believers up to Him.
• The true church is instantly GONE from the earth and the mother of all harlot religious systems takes over.
• At this point, the tribulation period begins on earth.
• But at this point, Christ and His Body are STILL hidden away in glory from the sight of the world.
• The unveiling has not yet occurred.

d. So if the Rapture is meant in vs. 4, then Paul must be speaking about the appearing of Christ TO THE CHURCH only, for He does NOT appear to the world at that point.

3. At the SECOND COMING Christ Shall Appear to the World

a. Two terms are used in this passage to indicate this contrast
• Hidden (krupto) (vs. 3)
• Appear (phanerow – to make manifest; make visible that which is invisible or hidden). (A synonym for apokalupsis – revelation.)
• The contrast is between that which is hidden (veiled) and that which appears (unveiled).

b. Most of the prophecies of the Second Coming associate it with Israel and the Kingdom. Hence, most commentators assume Col. 3:4 must speak of the Rapture.

c. However, the Bible ALSO states that the Church shares in the glory of Christ’s Second Coming!

d. I Peter 4:12-13 – Believers share in the REVELATION of Christ’s glory.
• When Christ returns at the Second Coming to establish His Kingdom, we will return WITH Him.
• We will REIGN with Him.

e. But more to the point, the Second Coming is a REVELATION… not hidden like the Rapture.
• Rev. 19:11-16 – Christ does not return as the weak and mild carpenter of Galilee, but as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! In full, blazing glory! The veil is removed.
• This occurs seven years AFTER the Rapture… after the Tribulation Period… and just prior to the establishment of the Kingdom.
• He does not return in a secret, hidden fashion, but every eye shall see Him! (Rev. 1:7)
• The last time the world saw Christ was when His beaten, bruised, whipped, bloody dead corpse was being taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb… bleeding and lifeless. His true glory was veiled in weak, human flesh.
• Luke 21:27 – And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
• When He returns at the Second Coming, He comes in a resurrected, glorified human body… through which His inner glory radiates in divine splendor!
• The glory of Christ will not be hidden any longer in that day. It is the day of REVELATION.

f. The Second Coming is completely different than His coming for the church, the Rapture.
• Sometimes distinguished as Rapture and Revelation.
• At the rapture Christ is not seen by the world, but at the Second coming every eye shall see Him.
• At the rapture, Christ does not descend to the earth but only to the clouds to catch us up. In the Second Coming Christ descends to the earth.
• The Rapture is His coming to take His Bride to glory.
• The Revelation is His coming to rescue Israel from the destruction of Armageddon and establish His Kingdom.
• The Rapture is hidden from all eyes on earth. The Second Coming is His revelation of who He is…
• And this Revelation of His divine glory spells destruction to those who reject Him. (II Thess. 1:7-9)

g. At the Second Coming Christ is fully revealed for who He is. The Eternal Son of God is manifested to the world.

We Too Shall Appear With Him in Glory

A. At the Rapture the Church Appears With Christ in Heavenly Glory

1. We shall appear with Him in GLORY in the future.

a. That means that the GLORY of the church is presently HIDDEN from physical SIGHT, but one day will be seen for what it is… and for what we are: sons of God!

b. The church is glorious, whether the world recognizes that glory or not. In fact, the church is glorious even if the CHURCH doesn’t recognize its own glory! Too often we treat it as something common.

c. Our humanness and frailty of the flesh veils the glory that the church is…

2. A certain glory belongs to the believer today.

a. We have already received this heavenly glory positionally.

b. It is as good as ours. (Rom. 8:30)

c. But it has not yet been revealed. The GLORY of the believer is still hidden today.

d. The world doesn’t see anything glorious about us! There is nothing comely about the church in the world. It seems the world only sees the spots and wrinkles.

e. That is because the true glory of the Body of Christ is spiritually discerned… and the natural man cannot discern that which is spiritual. He has natural eyes; but he cannot see the spiritual realm.

f. Neither can the carnal Christian appreciate the true glory of the church! To him it’s a club; a social gathering; it’s a tradition; it’s something we go to when it’s convenient.

3. There IS something glorious about the believer right now… something unknown and unappreciated by the world!

a. We are created in God’s image… and little by little that image, marred by sin, is being restored: from glory to glory.

b. We are indwelt with Deity! Christ lives in us! (Col. 1:27).

c. Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Ghost!

d. Our sins are GONE!

e. We are new creatures… part of the New Creation…with a new heart…

f. We are citizens of heaven!

g. We are sons of God… born from above… members of God’s family.

h. We are members of the Body of Christ… the Bride of Christ!

i. We possess ALL spiritual blessings in Christ.

j. We are heirs of ALL things… and joint heirs with Christ.

k. We are to reign with Christ in the Kingdom!

l. We have been raised up with Christ far above all principalities and powers.

m. We shall judge the angels one day.

n. We have access for daily living to the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead.

o. We are ambassadors for Christ to beseech men to be reconciled to God.

p. We are chosen vessels to manifest the LIFE of Christ.

q. We are a holy priesthood and a holy Temple of God.

r. II Cor. 4:7 – All that treasure in an earthen vessel!

s. Our earthen bodies veil the glorious treasure within: new creation life!

t. In a similar fashion Christ’s inner glory as Deity was “veiled in human flesh.”

4. There IS something special and even GLORIOUS about the believer in Christ today… but the world knows nothing of it.

a. The natural man can only see the outward appearance.

b. From the outside, we don’t look any different from our unsaved neighbors… from a Buddhist… from an atheist…

c. Just as Jesus came to earth and didn’t look like anyone special… like a root out of dry ground… He had no form or comeliness… He looked like any other man in Israel.

d. But Jesus WAS special and unique, whether men in the world recognized it or not! He was the glorious Son of God! Deity veiled in human flesh!

e. And when viewed by sight, there is nothing special about us as believers as we walk on the earth. We don’t look special. You can’t tell a Christian just by his outward appearance. Christians come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.

f. Our heavenly position in Christ and our resurrection life are HIDDEN today. We possess it all NOW, but it is hidden from the sight of the natural eye.

5. It is understandable when the believer’s glory is hidden from the world. But unfortunately, it is also often hidden from US as believers!

a. The world doesn’t understand or appreciate our glorious position and possessions as believers.

b. But sadly, many Christians don’t understand or appreciate our unspeakable riches in Christ either!

c. Many believers walk about on earth defeated and discouraged as if they were unaware that they are already victors, indwelt, and possessors of spiritual riches untold!

d. God has revealed these riches to us in a book that is hidden from the world… there is as it were a veil over their eyes as they read the Scriptures. Satan has blinded the minds of men to the truth of God’s Word.

e. But our eyes have been opened… and we need to spend TIME in God’s Word and hearing it taught…

f. Eph. 1:18 – Therefore PRAY for one another that God would OPEN OUR EYES to deeper understanding of our heavenly calling. KNOWING this glorious truth engenders HOPE and excitement for the things of the Lord!

g. Some believers do not avail themselves of spending time in the Word or in the local church… and are ignorant of their wonderful position in Christ.

h. And we walk about as if being a son of God was no different than being in the Elk’s club… or going to church was no different than some other chore we have to do.

i. But in spite of our failures and ignorance, there is a day coming when the entire church of God will be called up to glory… at the Rapture… our bodies raised incorruptible… and we shall enter into GLORY!

6. At the Rapture, this glory will be revealed to the CHURCH.

a. In that day it will finally sink in to ALL of us, just how RICH we are in Christ… what it means to be a called, heavenly saint of God… and reign with Christ…

b. In that day the Lord will put an utter END to the ignorance of believers with respect to our privileged position and riches in Christ! We will be in glorified bodies in heaven experiencing it all!

c. Our wavering faith will be replaced by sight.

d. The Rapture will reveal to the CHURCH who we really are. ?
• “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be.” (I John 3:2)
• Presently we ARE in the glorious position as a son of God, but it does not APPEAR to be so.
• Sight doesn’t tell us that… only faith does.

e. At the Rapture, the church is still HIDDEN from the world.

f. The rapture is not a manifestation TO THE WORLD of who we are. It is a revelation to US who we are!

g. It is our privilege as believers to gather together on the Lord’s Day and LEARN about these riches… that we might get excited and appreciative of the supernatural work God is doing IN us… and so excited that we go out from here and tell others what Christ wants to do in them too!

7. Col. 1:27 – Christ in us is the HOPE of that future glory.

a. That is why His indwelling presence is so precious to the believer.

b. His indwelling presence is a constant REMINDER of the hope of our glorious future… which in turn enables us to persevere and endure through hardships down here!

c. Every time we read His Word, pray in His name, have fellowship with Christ, or worship Him, we are reminded that our present earthly condition is but a vapor.

d. One day soon we shall appear with Christ in glory… in the glorified state… in heaven.

e. Christ’s indwelling presence in the believer, experienced through faith, is a foretaste of that glory divine!

f. It could happen any moment!

8. Our Blessed Hope is that Christ is Coming for Us!

a. Then shall we appear with Him.

b. Right now our lives are hidden away like a seed planted and hidden in the ground.
• A seed doesn’t look all that glorious.
• There is nothing attractive about a seed.
• In fact, it’s impossible to tell what a seed will become by looking at it. (weed; flower; maple tree; fruit tree; poison ivy, broccoli?)
• But INSIDE that little seed is LIFE… a treasure waiting to spring forth and grow. That tiny unattractive seed (us!) has all it needs to flourish and become what it was designed to BE.
• But before the seed can grow and be manifested for what it really is… it must first be hidden away in the ground for a season.
• In this earthly life, the believer’s LIFE is hidden from the world… hidden in Christ.

c. But when Christ appears to the world in power and great glory, we shall sprout forth and be SEEN for what we really are!

d. This is the manifestation of the sons of God. We shall be like Him!

e. In that day there will be no mistaking who we are.

f. It will be clear to all who see, both men and angels: we are the sons of God!

g. But at the rapture, that glory is only manifested to US… and not to the world.

B. At the SECOND COMING WE Shall Be Revealed to the World

1. Christ will be fully revealed at His Second Coming—in power and great glory. Every eye shall see Him for who He is.

2. But WE TOO shall be revealed to the world in that day.

a. At the rapture, the glory of the church will be revealed to the church… fully… but still hidden from the world.

b. At the revelation, the glory of Christ AND of His Body will be fully revealed to the WORLD!

c. It is difficult to see how the Rapture FITS into Paul’s argument in Colossians 3.
• The contrast is between (on the one hand) Christ and the believers’ new life HIDDEN from the world’s sight presently… and (on the other hand) Christ and the believer REVEALED to the world’s sight in the future.
• That revelation does not happen at the rapture.
• At the rapture the church’s life is STILL hidden. The Rapture is not an APPEARING of the church. It is the REMOVAL of the church.
• But when Christ returns in power and great glory, we return WITH Him… in our glorified state…
• AND we return with Him to the world… where the sons of God are MANIFESTED to the world for who we really are… and have been all along!

d. Rev. 19:14 – We return with Christ in His glory. We return in glorified bodies… like His!

e. I Peter 4:12-13 – Believers share in the REVELATION of Christ’s glory.

f. So Paul takes us full circle with Christ.
• We were with Him in His death, we were with Him in His burial; we were with Him in His resurrection; we were with Him in His ascension, we were with Him in His being seated at the Father’s right hand, we are with Him while He is presently hidden from the world.
• And finally, we will be with Him at the REVELATION to the world… sharing in His glory!

g. Rom. 8:18 – now we suffer, but one day GLORY shall be REVEALED in us.
• Today the believer appears to be weak, suffering, beaten down by the world—defeated.
• But in that day, the believer will be seen for what he is: MORE than a conqueror in Christ! Victorious! Glorified! Ruling and reigning with Christ! Sons of God!
• Today we suffer. Today we are despised and rejected of men. Today we are pilgrims and strangers on earth.
• But in that day, we return with Christ, sharing in His glory… to rule and reign upon the earth! No more strangers and pilgrims, but glorified Kings and Priests unto God!
• Christ returns in power and glory and the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ… and we reign with Him!
• Whatever suffering we experience today will be completely overshadowed by the glory to be revealed in us then!
• That’s why today we can run the race with patience, looking unto Jesus… keeping our eyes upon Him and the glory to come will enable us to persevere today!

h. Rom. 8:19 – Creation awaits the revelation of the sons of God.
• Why? Because when the Revelation comes (of Christ and of His Body), THEN the kingdom is established, and the curse on the earth begins to be lifted.
• There will be a future regeneration of the earth too. That is what the creation (figuratively speaking) awaits eagerly.
• This revelation of the believer has to do with the Second Coming… when we are manifested… revealed to the world.
• The terms revealed (vs. 18) and manifestation (vs. 19) are the same Greek term (noun and verb form) of apokalupsis (the name of the last book of the Bible) It is a final UNVEILING of Christ’s glory.
• We are hidden… veiled from the world today.
• When Christ returns in power and great glory He reveals who HE is…
• AND He reveals who His BRIDE is! That’s us!

• Lightfoot says: “The veil which now shrouds your higher life from others, will then be withdrawn. The world which now persecutes, despises, ignores now, will then be blinded with the dazzling glory of the revelation.”

3. God WANTS us to know who we are in Christ.

a. God wants us to know of our glorious position in Him.

b. God wants us to be aware of His indwelling presence… the GLORY of our calling…

c. Because in the next section, He tells us to LIVE as if we really believed it!

d. Nothing will motivate us to holy living… like KNOWING who we are in Christ!

e. Nothing will motivate us to evangelize the lost than a fresh glimpse of the riches in Christ available to whosoever shall call upon His name…

f. Nothing will give us more determination to endure trials, forbear slights and insults, love our enemies, and to look past the spots and wrinkles in the body and see the indwelling glory of Christ… more than having our eyes opened to this glorious truth… Eph. 1:18 – that ye may KNOW what is the hope of your calling!

g. And lest this talk go to our heads, and we get puffed up thinking that we are rich, powerful, and important… remember that we are NOTHING on our own… but COMPLETE in Him.


1. These riches in Christ are available to you too.
2. But God wants you to first see what you are apart from Christ: a sinner, condemned to the Lake of Fire, unable to save yourself.
3. God also wants you to know that on the cross, Christ died for YOU… and paid the penalty for all YOUR sins. The work is finished.
4. And God offers eternal life to you… IF you will come to Him His way: through faith. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.

Mortify Your Members

The Basis of the Command: Therefore

1. Thus far, Paul has been speaking of our glorious heavenly position with Christ. (Risen with Christ; seated with Him; affections above; our life hidden with Him above).

2. In vs. 4 Paul emphasized the day of manifestation for the sons of God!

a. This is a day when we will finally be manifested before men and angels for what we really ARE! Sons of God!

b. The world does not recognize who we are today. Presently our real life is hidden away in heaven with Christ… unseen and unknown by the world.

c. But a day is coming when Christ shall return in POWER and GREAT GLORY! And we shall share in that glorious return… and we shall share in the day of REVELATION… of who HE is and who WE are!

d. Today the world hates us, tramples over us, ridicules and persecutes believers… because they do not know and do not appreciate the glorious, privileged position we hold.

e. Today we are scoffed at for following Christ… considered fools…

f. In that day, at the Second Coming, the entire world will be forced to recognize what a GLORIOUS thing it is to be a son of God and so closely associated with Christ… and His glorified state… and His reign!

g. We will return with Christ in the day of REVELATION.
• Christ returns not as the weak Carpenter of Galilee, but as the King of Kings!
• We too return with him… not in our present vile bodies, but in bodies fashioned like unto His glorious body! We shall be LIKE HIM in that we too will be glorified.

h. Even TODAY, it is an AWESOME thing to be a son of God, but nobody in the world knows it. In that day, everyone will know and be forced to acknowledge the glory that is ours.

i. But, WE should know it! That is what Colossians has been about so far: Christ and His glory as Creator, Savior, Reconciler of the world… and the glory of our new life in Him… and our heavenly position with Him.

j. KNOWING this truth and BELIEVING it will transform our earthly lives. It will MOTIVATE us to want to be LIKE HIM now… not just when we get to heaven!

k. It is our privilege to be in the process of being transformed into His glorious image today! (II Cor. 3:18)

l. KNOWING our glorious position as blood bought sons of God, part of the New Creation, partakers of the heavenly calling, sons of God soon to manifested with Christ in His glory… will continually remind us that it is only FITTING for us to live in such a way that is appropriate for one in such a position!

m. Certain behavior, attitudes, language, and deportment might be expected from a street urchin or a gang member, but NOT from a member of a royal family… not from the son of the King of kings!

3. THEREFORE a son of God, one who is raised up with Christ in heavenly places and possesses all spiritual blessings in Christ should behave differently from those who only know the natural, earthly realm.

a. We are DEAD to the world and its ways (Col. 3:3).

b. Therefore, don’t behave like those who are alive to the world and its ways.

c. The behavior, language, and lifestyle of a citizen of heaven ought to be DIFFERENT from the unsaved men of this world, whom John refers to in Revelation as earth dwellers.

d. THEREFORE: because of the GLORY of our position as sons of God, we should mortify our earthly members.

e. Therefore means BECAUSE we possess such an exalted position in Christ, there OUGHT to be a correspondence between our heavenly position and our earthly condition.

f. They are not to be considered totally separated and unrelated. Position affects condition. (The reverse however, is not true.)

g. The objective truth relating to our position in Christ brings with it (as all truth does) subjective responsibilities. All truth (when understood) makes us responsible and accountable!

4. The gracious Pauline style of exhortation:

a. Eph. 4:1 – Therefore… (because of your heavenly calling in Christ described in ch.1-3)… walk worthy (their walk should be consistent with the position)

b. Rom. 12:1 – Therefore… (because of the mercies of God you have already received)… present your body

c. Col. 3:1 – Therefore… (because you died to the world and were raised up with Christ)… mortify your members upon the earth…
• The “therefore” tells us that Paul’s command to mortify your members is based upon the position of the believer in Christ.
• Paul spent two chapters dealing with Christ’s Person and work as Redeemer, Reconciler, and Savior… as well as the believer’s position in Him… indwelt… victorious… free from bondage to the law… forgiven… risen and seated in heavenly places with Christ.
• Therefore — because of what Christ has already accomplished for us and in us… it is only fitting that we put to death the gross sins of the flesh.
• So as we go through the remainder of the exhortations in this book… keep in mind the BASIS for all of those exhortations is our calling! This is the case as Paul addresses children, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, masters, servants, and members of the Body of Christ.

The Command: Mortify Your Members

A. Mortify

1. Defined: to put to death; to make dead; to slay.

a. It speaks of personal responsibility.

b. It speaks of decisive action.

c. It speaks of finality of intent.

2. Tense and mood: aorist imperative. (To be done with decisiveness.)

a. Paul uses a second command which has a similar meaning in vs. 8 – put off… like dirty garments, get rid of them!

b. It is a command, and one to be conducted with decisive action.

c. The aorist does NOT mean “once for all.” It speaks of action that could be illustrated by a dot rather than a line.

d. Paul is simply saying, “DO IT!” Mortify!

e. IN fact, elsewhere (Rom. 8:13) Paul says we are to CONTINUALLY mortify the deeds of the flesh. This is an ongoing battle… continuing conflict…

f. Don’t ever assume because you SLAYED the sin of fornication yesterday that it won’t crop back up tomorrow!

g. The soldier of Christ is to be continually on guard against his enemy… especially the enemy within! The fleshly SELF life!

3. We are to seek things above and set our affections on things above. But we are not to forget about the real life battles down here!

4. To some, all this talk about resting in Christ and our identification with Christ in His death, resurrection, and ascension might sound too nebulous, lofty, ethereal, and not much earthly good!

a. To those folks Paul would reply, “You couldn’t be further from the truth!

b. That talk of our heavenly position is the BASIS or the foundation for the exhortations to godly living that follow!

c. The wonderful truths concerning our position are not just doctrinal creeds to be filed away somewhere, and dusted off once a year, but are to be put into practice in daily living.

5. After having laid the heavenly foundation of our faith, Paul now gets right down to the nitty gritty battles of daily living on earth in a body of flesh!

a. Paul commands the Colossians to put to death the sins of the flesh.

b. This is a command to DEAL with sin… to say NO to sin… not to tolerate sin in our lives… to slay it… extinguish it…
c. In one sense, Colossians and Romans are similar.
• They both deal with the issue of sanctification… mentioning the old man and the new man…
• They both base the exhortations of our glorious position in Christ.

d. But, in another sense, Colossians is quite different from Romans:
• Romans spends three full chapters dealing with the whole process of sanctification. Colossians spends only a few verses.
• Romans deals with the “how to’s” of sanctification… the spiritual mechanics of how it all works. Colossians deals with none of that. Colossians just says, slay those sins… put them off…
• Romans emphasizes sin (fallen human nature) while Colossians emphasizes sins (evil deeds). Romans with deals the root… Colossians with the fruit.
• Romans 7 tells us the wrong way to be sanctified.
• Romans 8 tells of the power of the Spirit available to walk in newness of life: the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus!
• Romans dedicates 3 chapters to that which Colossians only dedicates a portion of one small chapter.

e. There is also a comparison to be made between Colossians and Ephesians when it comes to the subject of dealing with sin.
• In one sense they are similar: they both deal with the same subject, base the exhortations on our heavenly position, they both mention the old and new man, and discuss putting off certain sins and putting on the deeds consistent with a heavenly life.
• However, there is one huge contrast too:
» Ephesians dwells upon the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. It speaks of being filled with the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, access to the Father through the Spirit, sealed with the Spirit, the Spirit’s role in working in each member of the Body, the Sword of the Spirit, the unity of the Spirit, supplication in the Spirit, the possibility of grieving the Spirit, etc.
» In Colossians, the Holy Spirit is mentioned only once in the introduction, and never mentioned again.

f. We have to conclude from this that each epistle speaks of the exact same doctrine of sanctification, but from a slightly different angle… as the gospels all speak of the earthly ministry of Christ, but from different perspectives.
• Each of these epistles introduces the subject of sanctification in the same way: by instructing us on our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
• The different angles highlight different aspects of an exceedingly complicated working…between a sovereign God who works IN us… and the responsibility of us as His creatures and sons.
• The different aspects highlighted in the various epistles should not be considered contradictory, but complementary. (As the sovereignty of God and the will of man.)
• An OVER emphasis on one aspect of this truth will create a false picture… a distortion of the truth… a caricature of the truth… even doctrinal error!
• Romans explains all the characters involved and the spiritual mechanics of how it all works. Paul presents a rational, logical treatise for the doctrine of justification by faith AND the same for the doctrine of sanctification by faith.
• Ephesians emphasizes the ministry of the Holy Spirit who fills us and enables us to walk worthy of our high calling.
• Colossians is beautiful in its own right. And its beauty lies in its simplicity. Put it to death! Colossians highlights human responsibility.
• Colossians emphasizes Christ, who is our LIFE which is hidden away in heaven as the source of living on earth.
• That’s what we are going to highlight as we look at this subject from the vantage point taken in this epistle: Christ our life and human responsibility in sanctification.

6. After speaking about our glorious POSITION for two chapters, now Paul turns to our earthly CONDITION and gives us some rather blunt commands.

a. The condition of our daily lives needs to be consistent with the position we have in Christ.

b. This is a growth process. It is also a spiritual battle.

c. It is like armed conflict, in which we are to be ACTIVELY engaged in the battle of putting to death these sins of the flesh.

7. There is a wonderful BALANCE in the Christian life.

a. Balance ought to characterize the one in whom Christ lives… and who knows His Word.

b. Even good truths can be taken to the extreme…

c. Our position in Christ and all related truths are glorious… but ONLY when accompanied by appropriate practice.
• Doctrine demands deeds. Creed determines conduct.
• Truths should be translated into daily living.
• Faith should be followed by works.

d. Learning more about our heavenly position in Christ ought to have a transforming effect on our earthly condition.
• If it doesn’t have an effect on the way we live, then it is nothing but head knowledge… and theory…
• If it doesn’t have an effect on the way we live, then we can’t really say that we KNOW that truth… at least we don’t know it experientially.

e. What a glorious contrast we have among these epistles!
• Romans has the mechanics of how it all works, and there is enough in chapters 6-8 to keep the most astute theologians busy studying and digging!
• Colossians, which is written by the same author (Holy Spirit under Paul’s pen) outlines the very same plan as Romans… only the simplified version!
• Colossians simple command can be understood by a born again second grader! And, at any given moment, obeyed perfectly… because that born again second grader is COMPLETE in Christ.
• It is helpful but not necessary to understand all the revealed mechanics of how sanctification works. Ultimately, it is supernatural and there are elements we could NEVER fathom (how God can transform the likes of me into the image of His glorious Son!)
• But even if those chapters are not understood, a new born babe in Christ is ABLE to have victory over sin… by believing God and acting accordingly… trust and obey for there’s no other way!
• God is gracious to His children. He KNOWS when the heart is right… and when the heart truly desires to glorify God… and to that heart, God enables and the result is victory!
• It is sanctification by FAITH… faith resting on God’s Word…

B. Members Defined

1. Members defined in the context of Col. 3:5.

a. Fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, etc. may well stand in apposition to members.
• It indicates that the term “members” here is used as a synonym for sins listed.

b. Bullinger provides an alternate grammatical rule to account for Paul’s language.
• He lists this as an example of a figure of speech called a catachresis, which is defined as “one word changed for another only remotely connected with it.
• If so, then the sins of the flesh listed are summarized and described the term “members” in that the physical members of our bodies are used to commit those sins.

c. Which ever rule of grammar one uses to describe Paul’s terminology, the meaning is exactly the same.
• The term members = the sins listed.
• There is such a close connection between the members of our bodies and the sins they are used to commit, that Paul speaks of them both as if they really WERE the same!
• Jas. 4:1 – members and the lusts which war in those members are closely related.

2. It is best to understand the term “members” here as the members of our body when yielded to our sinful nature.

a. Members could NOT refer to:
• Our old man. He is already put to death! (Rom. 6:6)
• Sin, the fallen human nature. That will not be put to death until this life is over. We can’t put our sin nature to death in this life. If any man says he has no sin (nature) he is a liar according to John.

b. They are our members which are upon the earth.
• Members = members of our bodies: our hands, feet, ears, tongue, body, mind, etc…
• This stands in contrast to our LIFE which is in heaven…
• In context, it would refer to members of our body which are being used for sinful practices.
• It is clear that the term is used in a negative sense, for we are told to put them to death!

c. This is not a command to literally cut off our hands or pluck out our eyes.
• But it IS a command to deal with the issue of sins in our lives.

d. We mortify those members when we deprive them of power… render them inoperative.
• Our members are used for evil purposes when empowered by the indwelling sin nature.
• The sin nature can do NOTHING if it has no member through which to express itself.

e. The real ROOT of the problem is indwelling sin.
• And that sin nature will be with us till we die!
• There is no avoiding that fact.
• It cannot be eradicated, extinguished, or killed once and for all. It’s here for good.
• The way we deprive our members of sinful power and practices is to get to the ROOT of the problem.
» The problem of lust is not an eye problem, but a SIN problem.
» Stealing is not a problem with the hand… but indwelling sin.
» Lying is not a problem of the tongue, but of the sinful heart… depraved, fallen human nature.
• We put to death our members… and render the sin nature inoperative by FAITH… (Rom. 6:11).
• THEN comes the battle of yielding (Rom. 6:13).
• Rom. 12:1 – We mortify the members of our body when we present (same word as yield in 6:13) them as a living sacrifice… when placed on the altar. There, they are put to death as a slain sacrifice… put to death with respect to sinful practices….

f. Yet those hands and tongues are ALIVE unto God for His use and service. A living sacrifice… dead, but alive.

3. Putting those members to death

a. This command is not given to the indwelling Christ or the indwelling Spirit. It is addressed to US!

b. In Colossians God sees us as risen ones who have LIFE… and it is WE who are to put to death these sins… to slay them… to mortify these earthly members.

c. Romans 6 gives us the spiritual mechanics of how this all works.

d. Ephesians 5 would tell us about the role of the Spirit of God.

e. But in Colossians, Paul does not give us the mechanics here, nor does he mention the role of the Holy Spirit. He simply gives us the command to DO IT!

An Old Testament Illustration

1. Josh. 1:3 – God promised them victory; and victory was assured IF they would simply march forward, following His commands!

a. God promises us ultimate victory too! Sin shall NOT have dominion over you! No condemnation! Walk in the Spirit and ye shall NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

b. Victory was promised over the Canaanites, even though the Canaanites had been dwelling in cities, with every possible advantage over the Jews: armies; weapons; fortified cities; chariots; etc.

c. But the Israelites had a HIDDEN secret weapon: Jehovah God! Omnipotence was on their side.

d. Even if their enemies were more powerful, better equipped, trained, etc… they were no match for the Living God on Israel’s side.

e. Even if you are experiencing a struggle in the flesh that is bigger than you are… more powerful than your weak flesh… just remember, God promised us VICTORY! And victory is ours, if we will just take God at His word and proceed on that basis.

2. They had to proceed by faith.

a. Faith must stand behind EVERY victory that comes from the Lord.

b. They were given a promise, and had to ACT on that promise. Their actions… heading off into the battle was based upon faith in God’s promise.

c. Our victory over sin and every enemy we face is based upon faith in God’s promises too.

d. God said our old man is dead and that we died to sin and thus we are no longer enslaved to sin. We can now say NO to sin… and act accordingly!

e. That is walking by faith… fighting the good fight BY means of faith.

f. It is folly and presumption to attempt such a conflict WITHOUT a promise of God to rest in… but we as Christians DO have a promise we can trust in… have faith in… even rest in….

g. And yes, by faith, we can REST in the midst of a battle!

3. BUT, they had to enter the land, face their foe, take out their sword, engage in the battle, and SLAY the enemy!

a. God didn’t send fire from heaven to kill the enemies FOR them. God didn’t open up the earth to swallow up their enemies. THEY had to do it.

b. That is NORMALLY the way God works: through us, not for us or instead of us.

c. Dr. Whitcomb: economy of miracles (raising of Lazarus) man had to roll away the stone; unwrap Lazarus, God did the supernatural work.)

d. And at the same time, they were to do so REALIZING that it was GOD working in them and through them that would bring about ultimate victory.

4. There were some skirmishes the Israelites lost…

a. They lost the battle at Ai when they should have had an easy victory, because they were trusting in their own strength.
• Josh. 7:4-5 – they faced the foe, but lost!
• Why? Because they did not follow God’s plan… there was sin in the camp.
• When sin is tolerated in the camp, the camp cannot expect God’s power on their side!
• The Jews were defeated at Ai because of some OTHER sin…
• Perhaps you and I could be defeated in one area of life because we refuse to clean up another area… or because we coddle sin and learn to put up with it!

b. Haven’t we all lost some battles in the Christian life that surprised us how EASILY we fell into sin and were defeated!

c. Those defeats are actually GOOD for us… for they are graphic, painful reminders of the frailty of the flesh and the futility of trusting in self.

d. And every defeat is a reminder of how much we are DEPENDENT upon the Lord… and dependency upon God IS our strength!

e. So after losing a skirmish, the Israelites kept on marching throughout the land… and they continued to engage themselves in the battle.

f. After we lose a battle here and there, God expects us to get back up, brush off the dust, and keep on fighting! Don’t sit around and sulk and lick your wounds. Get back up and keep on marching!

g. Prov. 24:16 – For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

h. When we fail, we are not to stay down in the dirt… assuming that all is lost… that God will never use me again. No! We are to get back up… because we are ALIVE unto God… our LIFE is hidden away in heaven…

i. NOTHING on this earth can permanently keep us down: neither tribulation, distress, persecution, or famine, nakedness, or peril, or sword!

j. No defeat in any of these earthly skirmishes need keep us down….

k. The door of repentance is ALWAYS open… I John 1:9 is always available… and the throne of grace is always accessible in time of need.

l. We will sin and fail, and even fall flat on our faces… but God doesn’t ever cast us out.

m. When we repent of our sins and come to Him, He picks us up, restores our souls, and equips for victory in the next skirmish…

5. Josh. 1:7 – they were to be strong and courageous, and not turn to the right or the left… but march straight ahead… and God would prosper their efforts.

a. They were not to allow fears and worries to dominate. This was a COMMAND.

b. Their strength and courage were to come from the Lord!

6. Josh. 1:8—they were to meditate on the word day and night as they followed the Lord’s leading.

a. Then they were assured of good success.

b. Assurance would give them boldness in facing the foe in the next conflict!

c. What folly on our part to attempt to live the Christian life and fight the Christian battles apart from spending time each day in God’s word!

d. The Word of God is our bread… our necessary food for the soul.

e. No soldier can expect to do well in a battle if he doesn’t eat! Imagine facing an enemy that is bigger and more powerful than you… having to face a Goliath… and you haven’t eaten in five days!

f. Imagine trying to face a serious temptation and you haven’t read God’s Word all week?!

7. Josh. 1:9 – they were cognizant of God’s presence. (Christ in you, the hope of glory!)

a. And isn’t this thought highlighted in Colossians!

b. We have a chapter dealing with who Christ is… His person and His work!

c. We have Paul’s revelation of the mystery: Christ in you!

d. We are reminded that Christ is our LIFE… and we are hidden with Christ in God!

e. Wherever we go and whatever we do on earth, it is to be done IN LIGHT OF those facts. That’s Paul’s point in this chapter!

f. Illustration: A father gives his 10 year old son a command: Don’t play soccer in the back lawn. I just planted grass there.
• In which circumstance do you think this boy is most likely to obey his father’s command?
• When his father is sitting in a lawn chair in the back yard.
• When dad flies out to Texas for a week on a business trip?
• If he thinks his father is DISTANT, the temptation to disobey becomes greater… perhaps overpowering!
• When he is out of sight and out of mind… the heart sets itself to do evil.
• Being CONSCIOUS of His presence will have an effect on obedience. That’s life.
• Christ in you isn’t just a dusty old doctrine that is to be learned and stored away. It ought to STAY WITH US every moment of every day!
• The indwelling presence of Christ in our lives will have a transforming effect on the way we live!
• No wonder we are to dwell above where He is! Heaven is our home and where our mind and heart ought to be living daily and it will radically transform our lives down here on earth!

8. But the Jews had to pick up their sword and actually FIGHT the battle!

a. God didn’t do it for them. It was their personal responsibility…

b. OR they would suffer the consequences: defeat!

c. Cf. Josh. 10:20,30,32,35,37,39 Cf. Josh. 11:10,11,12,14

d. The sword of the Jews is mentioned OFTEN! Because they had to put their enemies to death.

e. Joshua commanded his armies to face the enemies and FIGHT the battles.

f. We are told to FIGHT the good FIGHT of faith!

g. We are told to mortify our members on earth, namely, the SINS manifested through those members… and in particular SEXUAL sins.

9. And lest we begin to take glory to ourselves and TRUST in our own strength, there must be an acknowledgement that any victory is the result of GOD working in us!

a. Ps. 44:2 – WHO drove out the Canaanites? I thought in Joshua it said that the JEWS took out their swords and killed them, defeated their cities and drove them out? But it was the Lord working IN and THROUGH them as they took Him at His word!

b. Ps. 44:3 – it was NOT the Jews military might or strength that brought victory.

c. Hence, WE don’t need to be STRONG ourselves to defeat sin and impurity in our daily lives. But we DO need the power of God working in us… and that is exactly what we have!

d. God isn’t impressed with how strong our personal will power is. He doesn’t need any strength in producing a victory.

e. God can give victory to the WEAKEST believer when he is yielded to an omnipotent God! So you can’t use personal weakness as an excuse any more.

f. It isn’t MY strength PLUS God to fill in the gaps and shortfalls. Rather, it is HIS strength working in and through my yielded members!

g. Psa. 44:3 – It was THROUGH God they advanced to victory… a perfect mingling together of the will of man wedded to the will of God and the sovereignty of God!

h. Psa. 18:29-34 – For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall… He teaches my hands to war… He is a shield… my strength… girds me with strength… makes my feet like hinds feet… He keeps my feet from slipping… He keeps me from falling!

i. Rom. 8:13 says that WE mortify through the Spirit the deeds of the flesh!

j. The lesson they learned: use your sword, but don’t trust in it!
• BOTH the sword AND God are needed!
• The battle won’t be won if we simply pray and trust God but refuse to pick up the sword and fight!
• Nor will the battle be won if we pick up the sword and leave God out!
• Both are needed for victory.
• God doesn’t fight FOR us (instead of us) and we would be fools to fight without Him!

k. The lesson for us: face our foes and temptations and exert as much will power in the effort that you can… but be COGNIZANT of the fact that the victory has nothing to do with our will power, but with Christ in you!

l. Be aware of God’s presence.
• He is not only with us, Christ dwells IN us! Everywhere we go!
• Every battle we face! Every temptation we face!
• Through God we can leap over a wall. Through God we can mortify the deeds of the flesh.
• DO you believe that?
• If so, and you ACT upon that… whether you are new believer or a mature believer, you ARE walking in newness of life.

m. This is the same plan of sanctification as recorded elsewhere in Scripture!
• This IS the pattern in Romans six: sanctification by faith!
• This is the pattern in Ephesians five: the filling of the Holy Spirit!
• This is the principle in Romans seven: refusing to trust in our own strength.
• This is the principle found in Romans 8: the spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus enabling the yielded believer to walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit…
• This is the same principle in Galatians five: walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
• Just as we can look at the plan of salvation from all different angles… so too we can look at the plan of sanctification from different angles; every angle sheds light.
• So dig into God’s Word. Fill your mind and heart with it… and learn to experience GOD’S victory in your mortal flesh! Life a resurrected life!


· Walking with God must be preceded with receiving LIFE!
· Dead men can’t walk.
· The Bible says apart from being BORN again, you are still dead in your sins.
· But Christ died for you… and offers you LIFE… through faith.
· This is the necessary FIRST STEP of a worthy walk. It must begin with the new birth.
· Come to Christ and He will give you eternal life.

Sins of the Flesh


1. Chapter three begins the practical side of Colossians.

a. Chapters 1-2 dealt with our position in Christ: redeemed; reconciled; died with Christ; risen with Him; and seated with Him, hidden with Him now, but soon to be manifested with Him in glory.

b. Then, on the basis of our glorious position, Paul challenges his readers to LIVE like it!

c. The law said, “Walk worthy, and you will be blessed.” Grace says, “You have already been blessed. Therefore, walk worthy!”

2. A knowledge of, and a belief IN our POSITION should have an effect on the CONDITION of our daily lives.

a. SINCE you have been raised with Christ, seek those things which are above!

b. SINCE you died with Christ, mortify the sins of the flesh!

c. Since we are the sons of God… citizens of heaven… certain types of behavior are inappropriate!

d. The first thing Paul tells us to do in this context is to put to death the sexual sins listed here.
• Eph.5:3 – But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints.
• Cf. Eph.4:19 – Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

e. He is speaking to the SAINTS in Colossae… such sins are unbecoming a saint of God!

f. Committing these sins of the flesh (which relates to the corruption of the original creation under the first Adam’s curse) is completely inconsistent with our position as heavenly sons of God… who are part of the new creation in Christ, the Second Adam.

Mortify the Sins of the Flesh

A. The Possibility of Sins

1. What an incredible contrast! Paul has described the believer’s position:

a. On the one hand, the believer’s glorious, heavenly position is extolled:
• Redeemed and forgiven! (1:14)
• Indwelt by Christ (Col. 1:27)
• Complete in Him! (2:10)
• All our enemies defeated! (Col. 2:14-15)
• Risen with Christ (3:1)
• A new life hidden with Christ in God (3:4)

b. And yet, on the other hand, to THOSE privileged, blessed, saints, Paul has to warn about committing sexual sins!
• At first glance, from a heavenly position, it might seem unnecessary to warn those indwelt by Christ not to commit fornication… but it IS necessary, because it happens!
• This is a real life issue every one of us has to deal with… every day…
• Vs. 8 – he also has to warn about anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, and filthy communication!
• Our privileged position does not exempt us from the battle. It ought to ENGAGE us in the battle between the flesh and the Spirit.
• Being heavenly minded does not mean that we have our head in the clouds and are uninterested on the things of the earth.
• Rather, being heavenly minded should give us a solid, concrete foundational motivation and source of resurrection LIFE for OBEDIENCE down here on earth!

c. From an intellectual, rational, cerebral-only perspective, these commands concerning sexual sins might seem quite unnecessary, but ONLY IF:
• Puffed up in pride and self righteousness.
• We grossly underestimate the vile, hideous nature of our own fallen flesh!

d. Take heed to the lessons Paul learned concerning the frailty of his flesh in Rom. 7:15, 18, 24!
• Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall!
• The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
• Thank God we don’t have to rely on the strength of our flesh. We can rely upon the power of God working IN and THROUGH us to give victory over the flesh.
• The fruit of the Spirit is temperance… self control.

B. The List of Sins to Mortify

1. Fornication

a. Defined: illicit sexual intercourse; illicit sexual acts of a general kind that includes many different types of immoral and unnatural behaviors. It is a broad and general term.

b. I Cor. 5:1 – “such” fornication indicates that fornication is a term broad enough to include a wide range of illicit sexual sins: adultery; incest; homosexuality; bestiality; pedophiles; etc… and any other abominable practice.

2. Uncleanness

a. akatharsia, a + word catharsis or “?cleansing.”

b. Defined: 1a physical. 1b in a moral sense: the filth and impurity of lustful living… associated with a loose lifestyle.

c. Impurity would include impure thoughts AND deeds.

d. II Cor. 12:21 – used in a context of sexual uncleanness or impurity.

e. I Thess. 4:7 – it is the opposite of holiness… purity.

f. Rom. 1:24 – uncleanness is what God gave the gentiles up to through the lusts of their own hearts. It leads to dishonoring the body.

g. Matt. 3:27 – it is the term Jesus used of the inside of a coffin… dead man’s bones and all uncleanness! Rotten, corrupted flesh! That graphic illustration is a picture of what moral uncleanness is like.

h. The term uncleanness is used of moral impurity which excludes man from fellowship with God (opposite a????)
• In the Old Testament the concept of unclean referred to ceremonial uncleanness that excluded Jews from fellowship. It was a picture of the unclean nature of sin… which excludes us from fellowship with God.
• However, Paul does not use it in the sense of ceremonial uncleanness, but of moral uncleanness.
• Moral uncleanness is not ceremonial uncleanness but is GENUINE uncleanness. Ceremonial was the shadow. This is the substance of uncleanness! It excludes man from fellowship with God.

3. Inordinate affection.

a. Sexual perversion, erotic passion; sexual passion; lust.

b. Rom. 1:26 – for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.

c. I Thess. 4:4-5 – know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;? 5?Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God.

4. Evil concupiscence.

a. Strong’s: Deep desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust.

b. Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament: To greatly desire to do or have something.

c. The term “evil” before it indicates that it is an unrighteous desire.

d. The context indicates that it is an illicit sexual desire.

e. Used in II Tim. 2:22 – flee youthful lusts.

f. Inordinate affection and evil concupiscence are virtually the same.
• They both speak of lust.
• Some have distinguished them this way:
» Inordinate affection are lusts which arise from the body
» Evil concupiscence are lusts which arise from the mind.

5. Covetousness

a. Strong’s: Greedy desire to have more, covetousness.

b. The term itself does not mention anything about the object desired.

c. It can be a strong desire for ANYTHING: sex or material goods.

d. It occurs 10 times in the New Testament and its usage is evenly divided between the two meanings: material goods or sexual pleasure.

e. The context in Col.3:5 seems to indicate that the greedy, insatiable desire is for sex.

f. Ex. 20:17 – “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”

g. The term is used several times in that sense.
• Eph. 4:19 – Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. (Given to lust to work uncleanness WITH covetousness!)
• Rom. 1:29 – fornication, wickedness, covetousness, (same setting here too!)

h. Our minds and bodies are both influenced by strong desires for sexual pleasure… and more and more. Face it—this is how it is.
• It is a sin that comes at us from two different directions: body and mind… inner man and outer man.
• It is a very real and unrelenting battle each day… to be admitted… and thus to deal with appropriately.
• It is an insatiable desire. Giving in to greed does not satisfy greed. It FEEDS it… and you want more and more!
• Giving in to and committing sexual sin does not satisfy the desire. It FEEDS the desire for MORE!
• The desire for more is insatiable, and marriage is God’s only method of satisfying the desire.

i. Covetousness is idolatry.
• The particular KIND of covetousness here is sexual sin.
• Sexual sin was associated with idolatry in the Old Testament—when the Israelites committed fornication with the women of Moab and bowed down to their idols.
• Covetousness is idolatry in the heart because it in essence worships things that can be seen or felt… down here on earth, as opposed to worshipping God who is invisible… and in heaven.
• Coveting ANYTHING could be idolatry!
• Eph. 5:3-5 – Paul seems to equate fornication and uncleanness with covetousness… greediness. And then he connects this kind of covetousness to idolatry… as he does in Col. 3:5
• Sex can be an idol. It can be virtually worshipped as god, instead of the Father. It can be given preeminence over Christ. It can be filled with lust instead of the Holy Spirit.

Our Responsibility to Mortify the Deeds of the Flesh

1. These sins are to be put to death.

a. Mortify your members which are upon the earth… (vs. 5a)
• Mortify means to put to death. Serious language.

b. There is no justification for such lust.
• Don’t assume that because you did not commit the ACT of fornication, that a little lust is therefore OK… as long as you don’t hurt anybody.
• It is not OK. It is sin!
• Jesus equates lust with the act itself… it is the same sin! (Matt. 5:28)

c. There is to be no coddling or pampering of lustful thoughts and feelings.

d. We are not told to keep lust under control. We are commanded to put it to death.
• Putting to death is a much more serious method of dealing with lust than controlling it.
• Controlling implies that it is tolerated up to a certain level; it just needs to be kept under control.

e. Death means zero tolerance for such sins.

f. We are to put to death the ACTION of fornication.

2. Get to the root of the problem.

a. Matt. 5:27-29 – Jesus taught that we are to get to the root of the problem… hyperbole. Bodily mutilation was NOT His intent.

b. The root of the problem of lust is not the eyeball. It is the heart… the mind. Blind men can still lust in their hearts!
• Matt. 15:19 – evil thoughts… adultery… fornication come from the heart.
• Gal. 5:19 – fornication and lust are the works of the flesh… the fleshly nature… our old sin nature.
• Thus, to deal with the sins of the flesh, we have to go to the ROOT of the problem: our hearts and minds.

c. II Cor. 10:3-5 – Here Paul is speaking about the philosophies and teachings that can enslave a believer’s mind.
• Paul sees EVERY attack of the adversary as a spiritual attack…
• It might APPEAR to be a battle with the flesh, but in reality, it is a spiritual battle.
• Since it IS a spiritual battle, warring after the flesh would be futile.
• The world has come up with all kinds of earthly, carnal methods of dealing with sexual sins: from lobotomies, to drugs and medication, to psychological therapies, to castration!
• That is not God’s plan. God’s weapons are not earthly or carnal, but mighty and spiritual.
• In fighting against the false teachers, Paul told his readers NOT to attack the people personally, but to fight the battle in your own MIND and HEART!
• Cast down imaginations… deal with your own mind… don’t allow those foreign thoughts to fill you mind. Cast them out! Put them to death!
• And then fill your mind with truth.
• The same is true in dealing with the sins of the flesh. They too begin in the mind and heart.
• To properly deal with these issues, get to the ROOT of the problem: cast out those imaginations which LEAD to lust… which leads to immoral DEEDS.

d. We are to put to death the state of mind and attitudes that LEAD to the act.
• The way to deal with the act of sexual sin is to first deal with the mind and heart before it boils over into action.
• And the easiest way to deal with those thoughts and feelings is to nip it at the bud!
• Prov. 17:14 – Solomon gives us an illustration of how to deal with feelings that easily get out of control.
» He is speaking about anger and strife…
» However, lust works the same way.
» They are both works of the flesh… that begin small and if left unchecked can become overwhelming and overpowering… quickly rage out of control, and leave us virtually helpless!
» Solomon illustrates how if there is a crack in the dam, it is easily plugged up if dealt with immediately.
» If the crack is ignored and water is allowed to trickle out… soon it will be flowing out… then it will break open the dam and it will never be stopped! There is a point of no return.
» That’s Solomon’s point. Nip such feelings, emotions, and desires at the bud BEFORE they get out of control… when they are ABLE to be dealt with.
» Deal with the ROOT of the problem immediately!
» Cast out those imaginations… which stir up lust… which leads to fornication.
» Don’t allow those thoughts and feelings to fester and take root. It’s easy to pull out a tiny sapling. It’s virtually impossible to pull out a full grown oak tree.

e. Solomon gives another helpful illustration in dealing with the sin of lust.
• Prov. 6:25-29 – Pampering lustful thoughts and thinking we can handle it is like putting burning embers of coals in our clothing and thinking it won’t burn us! It WILL!
• The man that takes fire in his bosom and discovers that his clothes are burning would be a fool to hold on to the coals and at the same time, try to extinguish the fire!
• First get to the ROOT of the source! Get rid of the coals… then you can put out the burning clothes.
• Rather than constantly dealing with the outward sin of adultery or fornication, deal with the issue of your heart!
• If your sink was left on and running over onto the floor, FIRST you turn off the water… then clean up the floor.
• Deal with the ROOT of the lust… rather than its FRUIT… the external sins.
• Prov. 4:23 -?Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Dealing With the Baggage of Your Past


1. Paul has made his case for the believer walking WORTHY of his calling.

a. Col.1:9-10a – Paul prayed that they would have the knowledge of God’s will and spiritual understanding THAT they might walk worthy of the Lord.
• Col. 3:1, 4 – Paul then reminds them of their glorious heavenly calling… because of which they are to walk worthy. A heavenly calling, a heavenly citizenship, and a heavenly position DEMAND a heavenly walk! Nothing less is a worthy walk!
• Col. 3:5 – then he makes his exhortation BASED upon his prayer… based upon God’s will… and based upon their position in Christ. PUT TO DEATH the sexual sins listed.

b. Col. 3:7 – then after PRAYING for their worthy walk… EXHORTING them to a worthy walk… he reminds them of their former walk.
• Now the contrast here is between our former walk and a worthy walk.

God’s Wrath on the Uncleanness of the World (vs. 6)

A. Children of Disobedience

1. Lit: sons of disobedience.

2. Disobedience: ?pe??e?a

a. Strong’s: obstinate opposition to the will of God.

b. Zodhiates: unwillingness to be persuaded.

c. It is disobedience in this sense: it is a refusal to be persuaded… even by evidence or the Holy Spirit.

d. It is disobedience to the command of God: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

e. Hence, it is virtually the same as unbelief…

3. This speaks of the unsaved… unbelievers.

a. It is the expression used of Paul in Eph. 2:2 – enslaved by sin, Satan, and the world.

b. This is the way EVERYONE walks… except the believer in Christ… whether he acknowledges it or not.

c. The whole world has rejected God’s light, and chose to walk in darkness… blindly following the system established by Satan.

d. Thus, because they REFUSED to be persuaded by light, they are blinded, under the power of darkness, and are spiritually DEAD in their sins.

e. Cf. Acts 26:18 – they NEED to be TURNED from that position.

f. Acts 17:30 – God at one time winked at the ignorance of the gentiles, but now has COMMANDED all men everywhere to REPENT.

g. God has called the whole world to repent… to change their mind… from obstinacy and unbelief to FAITH in Christ Jesus.

h. However, very FEW respond. Most choose to remain as sons of disobedience… refusing to be persuaded by the overwhelming evidence of the light from creation, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the inspired Scriptures, fulfilled prophecy, and 2000 years of Christian testimony of changed lives.

i. John 16:7-8 – But most importantly, such men are sons of disobedience because they refused to be persuaded by the Holy Spirit… who convicts the WORLD of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

4. The lifestyle of the children of disobedience:

a. Paul states here that the sins listed in vs. 5 characterized the lifestyle of the sons of disobedience… of unbelievers.

b. It is the way of the world… the way of those who refuse to come to the light… it is a lifestyle characterized by moral and spiritual darkness… and the sins of the flesh.

c. Vs. 5 is the way the unsaved world LIVES.

d. Some might strongly object to Paul’s statement here. For many folks in the world have NOT committed sexual sins… have never committed adultery… have never had an illicit sexual relationship.

e. Matt. 5:28 – Jesus stated that LUST in the heart is the same sin as the act of adultery! No one can claim innocence here.

f. Jas. 2:10 – James teaches us that in one sense, it doesn’t matter WHICH point of the law is violated. The one who violates the law is a lawbreaker… and thus guilty of ALL! You broke the LAW!

g. The children of disobedience speaks of the WHOLE WORLD of unbelievers.
• Every last one of which walked in the FLESH and pleased the FLESH.
• They were not born of the Spirit…
• They did not walk in faith and thus could not please God.
• Their lifestyle was characterized by satisfying the flesh without regard to the truth of God’s Word.
• Light came into the world and these men loved darkness rather than light.

5. Summary: the children of disobedience is an expression used of the unbelieving world… the world that rejects the convicting work of the Holy Spirit… refuses to be persuaded by the light of creation, and the preaching of the gospel message.

a. They are unbelievers… unsaved… dead in their sins… unwittingly following the godless world system established by Satan… the course of this world… and condemned to an eternity in the Lake of Fire.

b. The children of disobedience will be forever condemned apart from being SAVED from that awful predicament by the SAVIOR, Jesus Christ… the Savior of the world… offered to the world… and for the most part, rejected by the world.

B. God’s Wrath

1. Paul states that the wrath of God is coming for these men and women.

2. Wrath: God’s anger, indignation; it also speaks of God’s punishment which will be poured out upon the wicked… judgment. It is God’s outrage and indignation against sin and all unrighteousness.

3. Cometh: present tense… = is coming…

a. God’s wrath… His judgment against sin… is coming for the sons of disobedience.

b. John 3:36 – His wrath presently abides over them continually… and will remain there unless they believe on Christ and get saved.

c. But in addition to having God’s wrath hovering over their heads every moment of every day… one day the day of God’s wrath will COME…

d. As the truth rejecter continues to live in unbelief, he is treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath… in which he will be judged according to his evil works. (Rom. 2:5)

e. At the Second Coming, God’s wrath is poured out upon a Christ rejecting world.

f. II Thess. 1:8-10 – in that day Christ will return to earth and those who OBEY NOT the gospel (refuse to be persuaded by the gospel) will face His wrath and will be punished with everlasting destruction!

4. God’s wrath will one day be executed against the children of disobedience…

a. Those whose lives are characterized by the sins of the flesh… whether the outward acts or the inward impulses…

b. They WALKED in the flesh…

c. Eph. 5:3-6—same context—fornicators, those who are unclean in their minds or bodies, those whose minds are filthy, tell and listen to foolish jesting (dirty jokes), whoremongers, etc… God’s wrath comes upon those children of disobedience!

d. And lest we begin to think that this refers only to the Hitlers and Stalins of the world, consider the following…
• Eph. 2:1-3 – EVERY believer in Ephesus was included in the group (children of disobedience) before their salvation.
• From the prostitute and the sweet little old lady who made cookies for the neighborhood kids… it goes for the religious and irreligious… the moral and the immoral man…
• ANYONE who refused to be persuaded by the gospel and is thus not born again is in this group!
• Don’t say, “That doesn’t apply to me. I got saved in the third grade! I haven’t committed such sins!
• Let’s not think like the Pharisees whose evil hearts were exposed by Jesus. They said, “I thank God that I am not like other men: extortioners, unjust, adulterers!”
• Jesus said that that the sin of lust of the same sin as the act. We are ALL like other men!

e. Apart from the new birth, we were ALL enslaved by the Satanic world system, dead in our sins, and walked in such a way so as to fulfill the lusts of the flesh… and thus were children of disobedience… and children of wrath!
• It doesn’t matter which side of the track you grew up on; it doesn’t matter who your father was; it doesn’t matter whether you ended up on skid row or whether you got saved in your third grade Sunday school class…
• BEFORE we were saved, we ALL lived to fulfill the desires of the flesh… to one degree or another… and were all children of disobedience!

f. God’s wrath will one day be executed against all children of disobedience.
• The believer will not face that future day of wrath. We have been saved from the day of wrath.
• However, the believer who continues to live in sexual sin WILL be chastened… not the wrath of a Judge, but from the broken heart of a loving father. (Heb. 12:6)
• God hates sexual impurity in the world. It is FAR WORSE for a believer to commit such sins. We are sinning against greater light…

5. FOR: “for which things sake the wrath of God cometh…”

a. Paul mentions the wrath of God as a REASON WHY the believers in Colossae should PUT TO DEATH the sins of the flesh.

b. Put them to death FOR God hates them! God’s wrath is coming against them! Therefore, put them away!

Your Former Walk (vs. 7)

A. You and I Lived and Walked in Such Sins Before Salvation

1. In the which ye also walked.

a. In the which refers back to the sexual sins of vs. 5.

b. Paul stated that the unsaved world walks in the sins of the flesh… fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind.

c. Then Paul states that the Christians in Colossae (and Salem for that matter) weren’t any better than the unsaved! They too walked in the very same sins.

d. We are all cut from the same sinful mold… the same fallen flesh… and we too walked in the same sinful desires.

e. We WALKED in such sins of the flesh… it characterized our daily lives…

f. And as we walked in that spiritual darkness, along with countless other children of disobedience, it didn’t seem so bad… everyone’s doing it… we thought nothing of it!

g. This is especially so of young people in the world today. Sexual sins are more common than ever…

h. People who come to know Christ as Savior today will be coming into the church with a LOT of baggage from their past…
• Well, there’s good news for such folks:
i. Forgiveness and grace extend to ANY kind of sin! Sexual sin is not the unpardonable sin.
• And it IS possible to MORTIFY the deeds of the flesh… and to WALK in newness of life.
• Salvation in Christ means FREEDOM from slavery to sin… any sin!
• And if you have been involved in such sins, and wondered whether God would ever save you, there’s good news for you too! He turns none away who come to him in faith.
• I Cor. 6:9-11 – Consider the types of people God saves: The list included fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals!
• They were justified, washed, and sanctified through Christ!

j. Paul states that their FORMER lifestyle can be PUT TO DEATH!
• In fact, it MUST be put to death.
• This is a command, not a suggestion!
• Paul said, “Such WERE some of you… but NOW ye are washed.”
• They WERE involved in gross sins, but when they came to Christ, they put it away.
• After a person comes to Christ, he is expected to PUT TO DEATH his former sinful lifestyle!
• The filthy baggage has to go…
• There can be no thought whatsoever of a “gay church”… though some have been promoting such an idea. That’s like a church for practicing thieves, or a church for practicing liars.
• God saves the sinner FROM his sin. He doesn’t save the sinner so that he can continue IN his sin.
• Rom. 6:1 – shall we continue in sin? God forbid! We are now DEAD to sin!

B. Such a Lifestyle Is Inconsistent With Your Position in Christ

1. In context, Paul’s point is that our former lifestyle is completely inconsistent with who we are NOW in Christ…

a. We WERE sons of disobedience, but are now sons of God!

b. We WERE dead in trespasses and sins, but we now have eternal life.

c. We WERE alive in the world and dead to God; now we are alive unto God and dead to the world.

d. We WERE children of darkness, but now we are children of light.

e. We WERE children of wrath; now—no condemnation.

f. We WERE children of the world system, unwittingly following the course set by Satan, the god of this world; but now we are citizens of heaven, united to Christ our Head… following Christ as sheep follow a Shepherd.

2. I Pet. 4:3-5 – A new creature is to have a new lifestyle!

a. We are no longer to live in the flesh to the lusts of men.

b. That lifestyle is not acceptable but is understandable for those who live in darkness… but NOT for those who know the Lord!

c. Vs. 4 – God expects that we RUN NOT with them any more! We have a new life and a new lifestyle!

d. Eph. 4:17 – walk NOT as other gentiles… and as you USED to walk! It doesn’t matter if everyone in the world does it!

3. Once again, Paul is giving the Colossians (and us!) a REASON to put to death the sins of the flesh.

a. We should mortify the deeds of the flesh because they characterized our OLD MAN… and he is dead.

b. Therefore, we should put off his dirty, old clothes!

c. Therefore, we should put to death our former lifestyle… because we are NEW creations in Christ.

d. The former lifestyle is unbecoming one who is now a saint; child of light; one’s whose new life is hidden with Christ in God; seated in heavenly places!

Practical Ways to Put to Death Your Former Walk (vs. 5)

There are some practical things we can DO to avoid sexual sins. We have MIGHTY SPIRITUAL WEAPONS which are able to tear down the strongholds established by the flesh. (Nip it at the bud; cast down imaginations; etc.)

1. Walk in the Spirit – Spirit Filling.

a. We have the indwelling Holy Spirit… who enables us to plug up that dam…

b. Gal. 5:19 – sexual sins are the works/fruit of the flesh.

c. Gal. 5:23 – self control is the work/fruit of the Spirit

d. Gal. 5:17 – the flesh and Spirit are in a continual battle for control of us… of our minds, hearts, and bodies. There is constant opposition. Get used to it. The Christian life IS a battle… warfare.

e. Gal. 5:16 – but if we WALK in the Spirit, the flesh is powerless!
• Our weapons and source of power are SUPERIOR!
• Victory is ours any time we CHOOSE it… and walk by faith.
• We can never say, “The devil made me do it.” Or “I couldn’t help myself!” Yes we can!
• Are we willing to present our bodies a living sacrifice to God?
• Walk in the Spirit and you will NOT FULFILL the lusts of the flesh.
• That is a promise to be believed and PRACTICED.
• God always keeps His promises.
• Failure is never because of a lack of power… it is never the fault of the Spirit, but of our flesh. We CHOOSE to walk in the flesh…
• Failure is due to a lack of faith… a refusal to BELIEVE God’s promise.
• If we in faith, trusting God, CHOOSE to mortify the deeds of the flesh, God’s power will be more than sufficient!

f. But this only begs the question: HOW do we CHOOSE to mortify the deeds of the flesh?
• Rom. 7:18 – for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. We can all relate to Paul’s dilemma!
• Nevertheless, we are COMMANDED to put those deeds to death… to MORTIFY fornication, uncleanness, etc.
• It boils down to a matter of a yielded heart… surrendered to God… our bodies presented as a living sacrifice… yoked together with Christ… not my will but thine be done!
• If the heart is yielded and surrendered to God and we are filled with the Spirit… the body will be characterized by self control.

2. Col. 3:6 – develop a fear of God: the wrath of God is executed against the children of disobedience.

a. Fear is a legitimate emotion. It is God given.

b. God’s wrath CONTINUALLY comes (is coming…) on the children of disobedience. (unbelievers)

c. This is a revelation of who God is… and His infinite hatred for sin… and in particular these sexual sins.

d. Since God’s wrath is upon those sins, put them to death!

e. The believer should want nothing to do with that which brings down God’s wrath.

f. The wrath of God is meant to evoke a FEAR of God.

g. Prov. 16:6 – by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.?

h. Hence, when we get to know who God is… as we learn of His wrath toward sin, His infinite hatred of sin, and fear Him for it, we will depart from it!

3. Develop a fear of the consequences of sin.

a. Adultery is like taking burning clothes in your bosom. You WILL get burned eventually!

b. Fear chastening.
• Fear is a legitimate emotion. Fear displeasing God.
• It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God!
• Fear the Father’s chastening hand. It can be SEVERE!

c. Fear the consequences of sexual sins:
• Prov. 5:8-12 – lost honor; lost wealth; irreversible regret; body consumed.
• Prov. 6:32-34 – he destroys his own soul… dealing with the regret and broken pieces of one’s life… broken families… wound and dishonor that will not be wiped away… rage of third party!
• Prov. 7:22-23 – to the slaughter… stocks… a dart through his liver…
• The consequences of sexual sins should cause us to FEAR getting involved in it.
• Fear bringing a life into the world illegitimately.
• Fear aids and other sexually transmitted diseases.
• This fear is legitimate before God.
• Eph. 5:6 – Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!
» Paul warns the Ephesians about believing people who would say to them that there are no consequences to sexual sins. There ARE!
» Men tried convincing believers of this in the first century… and they are still up to it today!
» Today men argue that ancient religious forbade fornication because they didn’t have birth control, but it’s ok today!
» Men argue that sex is OK if it is consensual… or if it is safe… as long as nobody gets hurt.
» Whether someone gets hurt or not is not the point. It is wrong because God—the Author of Life—the Moral Standard of the Universe—said so! It’s wrong because it is disobedience to Him!
» And there ARE serious consequences… not just earthly… God’s wrath stands against such sins.

• God told the Jews to go into the Promised land and PUT TO DEATH all the Canaanites. If they did not put them to death (but hid them away in a far valley) they would come back to haunt them… and to be thorns in their sides!

4. Think rationally and thoughtfully about what sexual sin really is for the Christian.

a. I Cor. 6:18 – The horror of what sexual sin means for the believer.

b. As Christians, WE are members of the spiritual Body of Christ… the church. WE (bodies, souls and spirits) are members of the Body of Christ… and UNITED with Christ Himself.

c. This is an AWESOME privilege!

d. Sexual sin UNITES the two people involved. It is not a marriage union, but it is a union.

e. Sexual union unites the whole person… not just the body.
• Being male or female involves the whole person, not just the body. (thinking; emotions; attitudes; viewpoints; desires; etc.)
• Sex does not merely join one BODY to another body; it joins a male and female PERSON to each other… a union of body, soul, emotions, heart, mind…
• It is in a real sense a UNION of BOTH parties involved.
• Therefore, for a believer to join his body to a harlot for a few moments of sexual pleasure… ought to be UNTHINKABLE!

f. It is a union that involves MORE than his body. It involves his whole PERSON to that harlot… and since he is a member of Christ, it joins CHRIST to that harlot!
• Paul says that that believer is joining a member of Christ’s Body to a harlot!
• Sexual sin in some sense involves bringing the Lord into an illicit union.
• How much MORE hideous and unthinkable is such a sin!
• It is like joining Christ Himself to an harlot.
• It does not taint His character or His person, but it does taint His reputation and testimony!
• It profanes and disgraces HIM! It is the ultimate act of irreverence and disrespect; an utter disregard for the Person of Christ.

g. Sexual sin is FAR WORSE for a believer than for an unbeliever.
• The thought ought to be so REPULSIVE to a believer that it would never occur. It ought to send shivers of HORROR down our spines…
• Those thoughts of holy horror will be more effective in removing lustful thoughts than a cold shower!
• THINKING about what sexual sin is in God’s sight is an effective means of turning away from it.

h. Vs. 18 b – It is sinning against one’s own body.
• Most sins involve that which is without (outside the body). (Stealing, idolatry, murder, etc.)
• But sexual sin arises from within the body… and comes right out of the body.
• Illicit sexual activity is a degradation or a corruption of the body… it is using the body for something it was never intended to be used for.
• I Cor. 6:13 – the body is NOT for fornication (illicit sex), but was created FOR the Lord… for His honor and glory.
• It is sinning against one’s own body… a corruption of the body’s God-given purpose.
• I Cor. 6:19-20 – As a Christian, our bodies are not our own.
» Our bodies were created by God; redeemed or purchased by God; and indwelt by God; and for God.
» Thus, God OWNS our bodies, souls, and spirits.
» Hence, we cannot do with them as we please.
» He owns them and dwells in them… as His temple.
» The body is a holy Temple. Joining it to a harlot is like the sin of profaning the Temple of God!
» It is like turning the holy Temple of God into a house of ill repute. It should be unthinkable!
» We are to GLORIFY God in our bodies… and committing sexual sins does not glorify God.

i. Tempted? THINK about what you are about to do… and you just might change your mind!

j. Vs. 18a – When a believer THINKS about what this kind of sin means, he should FLEE fornication!

5. Rom. 13:14 – make no provision for the flesh.

a. This principle implies that the believer is AWARE of how easily his sinful flesh can be stirred up.

b. The alcoholic who wants to make no provision for his flesh will go the extra mile to avoid temptation. He will walk an extra five blocks to avoid having to smell the barrooms.

c. The glutton will not hang around the bakery… but will avoid situations that will stir up his appetite.

d. The believer will do whatever it takes to avoid the temptation of sexual sins too… he will avoid that which stirs up his sexual appetite.
• This speaks of a whole lifestyle.
• Computers are part of daily life in the 21st century. I use it to study the Bible and prepare sermons. It is a great tool.
• But the danger is that it puts every one of us just a mouse click away from the most defiling forms of pornography…
• If you are having a problem with pornography on the computer: make no provision for the flesh! Put in a filter… or get rid of the computer if you have to!
• If you watch TV—use the remote often… mute the ungodly music and turn off the wicked pictures.
• If it is an old illicit relationship that continually stirs up your flesh AVOID that person. Burn the bridges.
• And ladies, be sensitive to the fact that your bodies stir up the flesh in men. Be careful about what you wear… and the way you carry yourself!
• Avoid PLACES that stir up the flesh… avoid MUSIC that stirs up the flesh… avoid ANYTHING that stirs up the flesh!
• You know yourself. You know your limits. You know what stirs up your flesh. Make no provision for it!
» Story: little boy bringing his fishing pole to Sunday school.
• We too make provision for the flesh. God’s Word says, MORITIFY it… put it to death… don’t hide it under the seat… or bury it under a tree… or put it on the back burner. Put it to death! And make no provision for the flesh.

6. And if you find yourself in a situation that you know puts you in a compromising situation… facing temptation, God has another tool to use: RUN!

a. Flee fornication! (I Cor. 6:18)

b. Flee youthful lusts! (II Tim.2:21)

c. Gen. 39:7-13 – Consider the example of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. He ran because he was afraid of what might happen!

d. He knew how easily his flesh could get stirred up. He didn’t have time to think… no time to plan something clever to say… he just ran!

e. Was he demonstrating that he was a weak man in running? Yes… an honest man who KNEW of his weakness. Hence, he ran. And in running… in acknowledging the weakness of his flesh, he demonstrated spiritual STRENGTH! (II Cor. 12:10)

7. Another powerful weapon against fornication given to the believer is MARRIAGE! (I Cor. 7:2)

a. To avoid fornication, get married!

b. It is better to marry than to burn in lust! (vs. 9)

c. This is the God given outlet for a very normal and natural desire.

d. In the bonds of marriage, the sexual relationship is honorable and pure… (Heb. 13:4)

e. Outside of marriage, it is dishonorable, impure, and worthy of divine judgment!

f. Marriage is God’s means to AVOID fornication… illicit sexual contact.

g. Marriage legitimizes the sexual union.

Put Off The Old


1. After presenting the believer’s glorious position in Christ, Paul uses that positional truth as the REASON or BASIS for the following exhortations to a worthy walk.

2. The first exhortation was to mortify the sins of the flesh. (vs. 5)

a. Because God’s wrath is executed against such sins. (vs. 6)

b. Because it was part of your former life and is not consistent with your new life in Christ. (vs. 7)

3. The second exhortation was to PUT OFF ALL these sins!

a. The first exhortation was to “put to death.” This exhortation is to “put off.”

b. The wording is different, but the meaning is the same. Such sins are not to be tolerated by the believer in Christ.

c. Paul changes his wording here because he is about to relate our responsibility with ANOTHER aspect of positional truth: the fact that our old man has already been put off, and our new man has already been put on.

4. Paul uses TWO positional truths as a basis for a worthy walk… intended to have an immediate effect on our earthly lives.

a. Our old life came to an end and our new life is hidden with Christ in God in heaven (3:3)
• THEREFORE put to death that which characterized our old fleshly life on earth. (3:5)
• This is a contrast between two kinds of LIFE- our heavenly life and our earthly life.

b. Our old man has been put off (3:9b) and our new man has been put on (3:10a).
• THEREFORE put off the dirty garments of our old life.
• This is a contrast between two PERSONS… our old man and our new man.
» The Holy Spirit places this exhortation on a mighty powerful foundation: we are a new kind of person with a new kind of life!
» Such a radical change of position (death to life; earth to heaven) DEMANDS an appropriate change of behavior.

5. Paul then lists several examples of sins to be put off. (vs. 8)

a. While the first exhortation was quite focused on one particular kind of sin (sexual sins), this is a much broader exhortation to put off ALL sins.

b. The list he gives seems to lend itself to being divided into two main groups: sins of the temper and sins of the mouth.

6. Next week Lord willing, we will look in more detail at the positional truths behind the exhortation.

a. This morning we want to look at the exhortation itself: to put off all these sins: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication, and lying.

Put Off All These

A. Put Off – Defined

1. Strong’s: to put off; lay aside.

2. Zodhiates: To renounce, lay off or down.

3. Dictionary of Bible Languages: To place in another location; figuratively = to get rid of.

4. Lindell & Scotts Greek/English Lexicon: to put away from oneself, lay aside, of arms and clothes.

5. Used in various ways:

a. Acts 7:58 – the men laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet.

b. Rom. 13:12 – cast off the works of darkness.

c. Heb.12:1 – let us lay aside every weight…

d. Eph.4:22, 25 – putting off our former conversation… and putting away lying…

e. The Ephesian usage of the term is identical to that in Colossians.

6. It speaks of putting off the sins of our former lifestyle in the language of a man putting off his dirty clothes.

a. Behavior or character is often described in the Bible as “clothing.”
• Job 29:14 – ?I put on righteousness, and it clothed me.
• Ps. 35:26 – let them be clothed with shame and dishonour.
• The Christian soldier’s armor is a clothing descriptive of his behavior and character… righteousness, truth, peace, etc.
• The believers in heaven are pictured clothed in fine linen, clean and white. (Rev. 19:8)

b. “Putting off” implies putting off the dirty clothing of your past life.
• In vs. 12 we are told to put on the clean clothing fit for our new life in Christ.
• Thus, the terms Paul used picture the believer putting off the sins of the old man in the same way we take off soiled, smelly clothes.
• The dirty garments refer to the unrighteous lifestyle of the old man we used to be. They are to be put off! Get rid of them… put them to death.

c. That clothing was suited for our past life of sin… dirty… offensive to God… but is to be removed and renounced once saved.

B. ALL These

1. In Col. 3:8, Paul commands the believers to put off ALL these sins.

a. 3:7 – Paul just reminded them of their former lifestyle before they came to know Christ as Savior.
• They USED to live in sin… in all kinds of sins.
• Living in sin is natural for the natural man. That’s the only realm in which he is ABLE to walk.
• The natural man has not been born again. He does not have a new nature.
• He CANNOT walk in newness of life.

b. All the old man possesses is the old nature… the sin nature… fallen, corrupt human nature, inherited from his parents…
• The sin nature, the fleshly nature can be moral, have high standards, sophisticated, educated, cultured, polished, and even religious, but it CANNOT please God.
• The flesh CANNOT step outside the realm of sin…
• Even his moral or religious efforts to produce good works flow from his corrupt human nature.
• The fountain is corrupt and everything that comes from that fountain is corrupt.

c. Eph. 2:1, 3 – We were DEAD IN SIN. Sin is the realm in which the unbeliever lives—spiritual death—separated from God. In that realm we “had our conversation”… we walked… we lived.
• We were slaves to sin… and unable to redeem ourselves from that slavery.
• The unbeliever WALKED in the flesh… which was always contrary to the Spirit. (The flesh is contrary to the Spirit).
• It is understandable that an unbeliever would live in sin and walk in darkness.
• That’s all he knows. That’s all he is capable of doing.

C. But Now

1. Paul states in vs. 7-8 that the Colossians USED to live that way at one time, BUT NOW… put off all these!

a. But now = indicates that a CHANGE has occurred.

b. But now = now that you are saved… regenerated!

c. Now that you have been raised up with Christ into heavenly places!

d. Now that you are a new creature… indwelt by God…

e. Now that you have a new nature and you are now ABLE to walk in newness of life…

f. THEREFORE… put of ALL these… not just the sexual sins… but ALL of the sins Paul lists in vs. 8-9 too!

g. It is understandable that the unsaved man walks in such sins. BUT NOW that you are saved, it’s time to put off those all those kinds of sins!

h. Col. 1:26-27 – BUT NOW Christ dwells in us. His presence in us… should CHANGE the way we live… the way we think… every aspect of our behavior…

2. The sins associated with our former lifestyles are to be put off as one would put off dirty clothes…

a. Reason: because those dirty clothes are not fitting for one in our new position—a life hidden in heaven!

b. Illustration: The laborer in the coal mine is grimy all day long at his job. His clothes are dirty… even when washed! If that laborer is given a promotion to work in the front office, he is expected to put away the grimy, dirty, old, clothes as unfit and inappropriate for his new POSITION.

c. It would be an insult and an embarrassment to the manager who PUT you in that new position, for you to show up in the office in your dirty clothes.

d. His position determines his clothing!

e. Application:
• Our new position in Christ demands that we discard the dirty clothing of our past. They are unfit and inappropriate for our new position in heavenly places in Christ.
• It is an insult to God for one of HIS children and representatives to be seen in such dirty clothing!
• Our position in Christ determines our clothing/behavior too…
• These are ever the expressions of gracious exhortations to holiness… in the age of grace.

Anger, Wrath, and Malice

A. Introduction

1. Paul separates the two lists of sins. They are two different categories of sins.

2. The first list (vs. 5) all spoke of sexual sins.

3. This next list (vs. 8-9) speaks of sins that “lash out at people”… either with our temper or our mouth.

B. Anger Defined

1. Anger is a chronic attitude of smoldering hatred.

a. Wuest: “an abiding, settled, and habitual anger that includes in its scope the purpose of revenge.”
• This is the term that is translated “wrath” in vs. 6.
• This term is used of God. God possesses a settled, habitual anger of smoldering hatred against all forms of unrighteousness.
• It is right for a believer to also have a controlled, settled sense of indignation against sin too.

b. But this is not what Paul is speaking about here.
• He is speaking about a sinful anger we allow to simmer in our minds and hearts…
• This is a smoldering hatred for a person… or even against God Himself!

2. This kind of smoldering hatred can fester in the heart for a long time… even for years!

a. Ex: Absalom – II Sam. 13:22-23 –
• This may have BEGUN as righteous indignation against the sin.
• Absalom held in his wrath… and never dealt with it the proper way. He should have gone to his brother and confronted him… man to man.
• But instead, he didn’t talk to his brother, and allowed his anger and hatred to simmer in his heart for two full years.
• In time, he plotted to murder his brother.
• This was not a quick outburst of anger, (a crime of passion), but a slow, simmering wrath that was allowed to continue on and on… (Premeditated).
• Anger is behind a crime of passion. Wrath is behind premeditated murder.

b. Ex: someone says or does something that gets you angry, and it gets under your skin and eats away at you.
• You are furious, but you don’t blow up, you hold it all in… perhaps for years.
• As a believer, if a brother in Christ offends us we are to go that brother and straighten it out… face to face.
• We are to deal with it SOON… and not allow the sun to go down upon our wrath.
• But often we don’t… and let it eat away at us… and ruin our fellowship.
• Allowing anger to continue to simmer slowly in our hearts is SIN.

3. It is the kind of anger, which instead of exploding, implodes.

a. It is all held in… pent up feelings of anger…

b. It is anger that is kept under control, but tolerated.

c. It can be behind a long-standing grudge… a family grudge… (McCoys and the Hatfields) even a church grudge…

d. A person becomes angry, and does not deal with his anger, and chooses instead to file it away on the back burner… and there is sits for years!

e. Everything the believer does while he allows the sin of smoldering anger in his heart is wood, hay, and stubble!

4. Maybe YOU have a pot of resentment or bitterness sitting on your back burner… slowly cooking… or perhaps it is a grudge against a brother… a co worker… a spouse!

a. God says “Get rid of it!” It is completely unbecoming for a child of God.

b. Eph. 4:26-27 – wrath is to be dealt with each day.
• Don’t allow it to fester into the next day.
• When that becomes one’s habit, anger begins to pile up day after day.
• Confess it as sin every night… and wake up clean and with a clear conscience to start off the new day.

c. Anger in the heart not dealt with not only interrupts and harms interpersonal relationships, but FAR more serious is its effect on our relationship to GOD!
• Simmering anger tolerated in the heart separates us from fellowship with God in the same way any other sin does… even the sins of the flesh mentioned in vs. 5!
• Sin is sin. There are no venial sins.
• Unless the sin of smoldering anger in our heart is dealt with, God will not hear our prayers. He will not accept our fellowship because we are walking in darkness!
• God does not accept our worship until it is made right… confessed and forsaken.
• Prayer and worship are empty shams… hollow forms unless our hearts are right. Worse then empty… it is evil to approach an infinitely holy God… the One who rules the Universe… with unconfessed sin in our hearts. God knows our hearts.
• Men can easily SEE the sin of drunkenness or HEAR the sin of cursing. But slow, simmering anger often goes unnoticed by men—and we think we are getting away with something. God sees our hearts.
• Sin tolerated is repulsive to God… and more so when we feign to worship Him in such condition.

C. Wrath

1. Wrath – (thymon) rage; an outburst of anger.

a. Wuest: “the boiling agitation of the feelings, a sudden violent anger.”

b. This is the type of anger that explodes rather than implodes.

c. This is the type of anger that the Greeks described as straw in a fire: it goes up in a blazing fury, but is over quickly.

d. This is the type of anger that causes us to punch a wall… swear… throw whatever is in your hand at the wall… yell…

e. It is the type of anger that arises when someone cuts you off in traffic… when you hear some bad news… when your nerves are frazzled and your six year old does something stupid…

2. Often the thumos anger explodes BECAUSE the orge anger had been simmering beneath the surface and was just waiting for an opportunity to explode!

a. If we CHOOSE to allow orge anger to simmer, we are NOT walking in the Spirit but are walking in the flesh.

b. When walking in the flesh, expect an outbreak of the flesh at any moment!

c. If we tolerate orge… slow simmering anger to fester in our heart, then don’t be surprised if it boils over at some point into an outward outburst!

d. But if we walk in the Spirit, we are NOT willing to tolerate anger at any level… and we will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh… including explosive anger.

e. We will DEAL with anger in our heart before it boils over and manifests outwardly.

f. Keep your heart with all diligence!

3. Examples:

a. King Asa – II Chron. 16:7,9c,10
• Asa did not have a hearing ear.
• Vs. 9 – He was rebuked by Hanani, a prophet of God for relying on Syria rather than relying on the Lord.
• Vs. 10 – because of your folly you will have continual wars!
• Kings were not accustomed to be spoken to that way… and Asa flew off the handle and went into a rage.
• This was no slow simmer. This was an outburst of rage and anger… he blew up.
• He put the prophet into prison.

b. What Asa did you and I have done scores of times!
• Unfortunately we know all too well of the sin of flying off the handle… blowing up and saying and doing things we regret later…
• Each explosion is sin and is to be confessed and forsaken as sin.
• And the sin of anger can arise at any moment… unprovoked! Be ready to confess and forsake… day after day… and don’t grow weary of dealing with sin!
• The outward sins are relatively easy to deal with. The sins of the inner man we will have to deal with for the rest of our days.
• But DEAL with it we must! Don’t make excuses for it. Don’t brush it under the rug. CONFESS it as the awful sin that it is!
• Make things right with God AND man.
• But as time goes on, though we will never in this life be sinless… as we mature, we can sin LESS… less frequently…

D. Malice

1. “Malice” (kakian) – ill-will, desire to injure, wickedness, a general term of all that is bad or evil…

a. Titus 3:3 – before salvation, we LIVED in malice… ill will towards others.

b. Admit it—we have all had ill feelings towards others… a desire to injure them… or a desire to see something bad happen to them… and then a little gloating over their misfortune!

c. When someone gets us angry, it is natural to want to get even… to want to harm them… a desire to injure them.

d. It is natural—and that is the problem. It is part of the natural man… the old man… the person we were in Adam BEFORE we were saved!

e. That’s the way we were—BUT NOW—now that we are saved, we are to put off malice… ill will towards others.

f. The word malice appears in the New Testament in a couple of passages where we are told what to DO with malice.
• Jas. 1:21 –
» Naughtiness = same word as malice
» Lay apart = same word as put off in Col. 3:8… put off malice like old dirty clothes.
» Lay apart all malice and RECEIVE the engrafted word which is able to SAVE your soul
· James is not writing to unbelievers, but believers.
· He is not telling them how to be saved or justified, but how to be delivered from the sins mentioned: filthiness and malice!
· We are delivered from such sins by receiving the Word…
• I Peter 2:1-3
» Lay aside = same word as “put off” in Col. 3:8.
» Lay aside all malice… put it off like a dirty rag…
» Once off, DESIRE the sincere milk of the word… that ye may grow thereby!
» Malice in the heart hinders spiritual growth and progress as believers. Get rid of it!
» Such malice is childish… BUT keep on filling your mind and heart with the Word… and you will grow to maturity!
» Malice is evil intent towards others. God’s Word will fill our minds with the Person of Christ… of whom it was said at His coming into the world: good will towards man…
» The more the mind of Christ is developed in our minds… the more we will think and behave like Him. That IS spiritual growth!

• In both passages, using the same verb as Col. 3:8, the Word of God is mentioned as God’s answer to malice in one’s life.
» Desire it like a baby desiring his milk… develop a hunger and thirst for God’s Word.
» RECEIVE it… take it in. Satisfy that desire!
» A mind and heart that is filled up with God’s Word… saturated with it… is less likely to be seeking ill will toward a brother!
» Nor will that man be as likely to break out into a rage… or to tolerate slow simmering wrath.
» If you have TASTED that the Lord is gracious, KEEP ON tasting!
» The one who is filled with Christ, His Spirit, and His Word will not be filled with lust, anger, or malice!
» The answer isn’t found in psychology. But the answer IS found in the BIBLE.

Blasphemy, Filthy Communication, Lying

1. Blasphemy: (blasphemian, “slander, evil speaking”).

a. Wuest: slander, detraction, speech injurious to another’s good name

b. This would include blasphemy against God…
• Referring to oneself as deity is blasphemy. That is what Jesus was accused of.
• But it is blasphemous to use the Lord’s name in vain too! That too is sin.
• It has become popular today—especially with young girls to say, “O my God” as if it were an interjection.
• God’s name is HOLY. It is not an interjection. It is a precious name to used with great care… and not in vain (empty; no purpose).
• Do not blaspheme… speak evil… by using God’s holy name in a casual manner.

c. While the term blasphemy is used as evil speaking against God, in writing to believers, it is more likely Paul had in mind evil speaking against men.
• We have all been guilty of this sin too: speaking evil of others… slander… saying things about a person that was intended to hurt them… to damage their reputation… make them look bad before others…
• This is malice coming forth out of the mouth!
• If malice is in the heart… and a slow simmering anger against a person is in our heart… then eventually it will come out of our mouths… in the form of evil speaking!

d. Blasphemy… ALL evil speaking… is to be put off like a dirty rag. It is unbecoming for a saint of God.

2. Filthy communication (aischrologian) is shameful, indecent, dishonorable, or abrasive speech.

a. Wuest: foul sneaking, low and obscene speech.

b. This term speaks of foul language… swearing… cursing… a dirty mouth…

c. The Christian is a new creature, and should develop a new vocabulary!
• Some words may not actually be curse words… but they might not be fitting for a believer.
• Some terms might be insensitive, coarse, tactless, rude, vulgar, or offensive.
• The believer ought to be CAREFUL about the very words we choose to speak.
• Remember, we are going to be judged by our words… every idle word spoken will be evaluated at the Bema seat of Christ.
• Matt. 12:36 – But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

d. Eph. 5:4 – Paul expands this to foolish talking or jesting.
• Filthiness – obscene speech; shameless speech or conduct. (Cf. Eph. 5:12 – a shame to speak of some things!)
• Jesting = (lit = good + turn… twisting words and meanings around to make it funny)… joking around.
» But Paul is not forbidding joking in general. He is forbidding jesting “which is not convenient — fitting, becoming a saint.”
· Note that Paul uses the very same REASONING here as in Colossians.
· The REASON not to use coarse language is based upon our position.
· If you are born again, you are a saint of God. Your speech should reflect your position!
» Good clean jokes are good, clean fun.
» But beware because good clean jokes in a time of laughter can easily and quickly degenerate into that which is no longer good clean fun.
» When that occurs, walk away. Don’t get caught up in that frenzy… and find yourself laughing at clever, but filthy jokes!
» Dirty jokes… even off colored jokes… questionable jokes… or jokes designed to hurt people… are UNBECOMING a saint of God.
» And don’t tell jokes that on the edge of being dirty… or ambiguous in meaning… shady…
» If you wouldn’t tell the joke if Christ were standing next to you, then don’t tell it ever… because Christ lives IN you!
• Our speech should be PURE… clean… holy… honorable… glorifying to God.
• In this context, Paul says that THANKSGIVING is fitting for the believer. Replace the coarse, vulgar speech with thanksgiving.
• Eph. 4:29 – let NO corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth… but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister GRACE to the hearers.
• This is a command to be OBEYED!

3. Lying (Eph. 4:25) for truthfulness is essential in followers of the One who is “the Truth” (John 14:6)

a. Defined: to lie, to speak deliberate falsehoods; to deceive one by a lie.

b. Lying is more than just an inaccuracy. It is the MOTIVE that makes it a lie… the INTENT to deceive.

c. You’re not lying if you give inaccurate information, but you THOUGHT it was true. It is a lie when you give inaccurate information and intend to deceive and mislead.

d. Thus, because it involves our intentions, we can lie in lots of ways… not just speech… in writing… in what we leave out of a conversation… through innuendo…

e. Wuest: “Lie” is present imperative in a prohibition, forbidding the continuance of an action already going on.
• It is, “Stop lying to one another.”
• Yes even believers lie… and it is always sinful.
• We are to put it to death… put it off like a filthy garment.
• What could be more contrary to our position in Christ, who is the TRUTH?!

Seeing Ye Have Put Off the Old Man with His Deeds

1. Here Paul continues his exhortations based upon our position.

2. The old man is the man we were in Adam.

a. It stands in contrast to the new man we are in Christ. (vs. 10)

b. The old man is the unregenerate you… the unsaved you… the person you were before you came to Christ for salvation.

c. That person was dead in sins… enslaved to sin… only had one nature: a sin nature.

d. Therefore, the old man LIVED in the kinds of sins listed.

e. These sins were characteristic of his lifestyle.

3. He states that the Colossians had already put off the old man.

a. The old man is crucified… dead… mortified… put off (Col. 2:20; Col. 3:3; Rom. 6:6).

b. This is not a command to put off our old man. It is a statement of fact. He is dead already!

c. This is true of EVERY true believer in Christ.

d. That means that the person we USED to be… the one who was ENSLAVED to sin and had no choice is now DEAD. He died with Christ!

e. We have been set FREE from bondage and slavery to sin. We don’t HAVE to live that way any more!

f. The liar died with Christ! Praise the Lord.

g. The blasphemer died. The man with the dirty mouth died. The man who led an unclean, lascivious, and covetous life is dead.

h. Therefore, don’t behave like that old man. Put off his dirty clothing… his bad behavior.

i. BUT NOW we are saved! BUT NOW we are new creatures! BUT NOW our old man is dead…

j. Therefore, behaving like that dirty old man is unbecoming one in our glorious heavenly position!

k. We have a new position. God expects us to wear the new clothing… white linen… clean and white… the righteousness of the saints. We should be CLOTHED with righteousness… in mind, heart, speech, and behavior.

l. And this command is to be OBEYED… NOT in order to BECOME a saint of God… but because we already ARE a saint of God… a new creature!

m. Our new position as a redeemed son of God, as a citizen of heaven, as one who is risen with Christ and seated in heavenly places, ought to have an effect on our thinking, our attitude, and our behavior!
• It should CHANGE the condition of our daily lives… and make us more like Christ!
• If it doesn’t change us, then it really hasn’t sunken in yet!

Position Determines Practice

Put Off Blasphemy, Filthy Communication, Lying

1. Blasphemy: blasphemian, “slander, evil speaking”, speech injurious to another’s good name.

a. This would include blasphemy against God…
• Referring to oneself as deity is blasphemy. That is what Jesus was accused of.
• But it is blasphemous to use the Lord’s name in vain too! That too is sin.
• It has become popular today—especially with young girls to say, “O my God” as if it were an interjection.
• God’s name is HOLY. It is not an interjection. It is a precious name to use with great care… and not in vain (empty; no purpose).
• Do not blaspheme… speak evil… by using God’s holy name in a casual manner.

b. While the term blasphemy is used as evil speaking against God, in writing to believers, it is more likely Paul had in mind evil speaking against men.
• We have all been guilty of this sin too: speaking evil of others… slander… saying things about a person that was intended to hurt them… to damage their reputation… make them look bad before others…
• This is malice coming forth out of the mouth!
• If malice is in the heart… and a slow simmering anger against a person is in our heart… then eventually it will come out of our mouths… in the form of evil speaking!

c. Blasphemy… ALL evil speaking… is to be put off like a dirty rag. It is unbecoming for a saint of God.

2. Filthy communication (aischrologian) is shameful, indecent, dishonorable, or abrasive speech.

a. Wuest: foul sneaking, low and obscene speech.

b. This term speaks of foul language… swearing… cursing… a dirty mouth…

c. The Christian is a new creature, and should develop a new vocabulary!
• Some words may not actually be curse words… but they might not be fitting for a believer.
• Some terms might be insensitive, coarse, tactless, rude, vulgar, or offensive.
• The believer ought to be CAREFUL about the very words we choose to speak.
• Remember, we are going to be judged by our words… every idle word spoken will be evaluated at the Bema seat of Christ.
• Matt. 12:36 – But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

d. Eph. 5:4 – Paul expands this to foolish talking or jesting.
• Filthiness – obscene speech; shameless speech or conduct. (Cf. Eph. 5:12 – a shame to speak of some things!)
• Jesting = (lit = good + turn… twisting words and meanings around to make it funny)… joking around.
» But Paul is not forbidding joking in general. He is forbidding jesting “which is not convenient — fitting, becoming a saint.”
· Note that Paul uses the very same REASONING here as in Colossians.
· The REASON not to use coarse language is based upon our position.
· If you are born again, you are a saint of God. Your speech should reflect your position!
» Good clean jokes are good, clean fun.
» But beware because good clean jokes in a time of laughter can easily and quickly degenerate into that which is no longer good clean fun.
» When that occurs, walk away. Don’t get caught up in that frenzy… and find yourself laughing at clever, but filthy jokes!
» Dirty jokes… even off colored jokes… questionable jokes… or jokes designed to hurt people… are UNBECOMING a saint of God.
» And don’t tell jokes that are on the edge of being dirty… or ambiguous in meaning… shady…
» If you wouldn’t tell the joke if Christ were standing next to you, then don’t tell it ever… because Christ lives IN you!
• Our speech should be PURE… clean… holy… honorable… glorifying to God.
• In this context, Paul says that THANKSGIVING is fitting for the believer. Replace the coarse, vulgar speech with thanksgiving.
• Eph. 4:29 – let NO corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth… but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister GRACE to the hearers.
• This is a command to be OBEYED!

3. Lying (Eph. 4:25) for truthfulness is essential in followers of the One who is “the Truth” (John 14:6

a. Defined: to lie, to speak deliberate falsehoods; to deceive one by a lie

b. Lying is more than just an inaccuracy. It is the MOTIVE that makes it a lie… the INTENT to deceive.

c. You’re not lying if you give inaccurate information, but you THOUGHT it was true. It is a lie when you give inaccurate information and intend to deceive and mislead.

d. Thus, because it involves our intentions, we can lie in lots of ways… not just speech… in writing… in what we leave out of a conversation… through innuendo…

e. Wuest: “Lie” is present imperative in a prohibition, forbidding the continuance of an action already going on.
• It is, “Stop lying to one another.”
• Yes even believers lie… and it is always sinful.
• We are to put it to death… put it off like a filthy garment.
• What could be more contrary to our position in Christ, who is the TRUTH?!

Seeing Ye Have Put Off the Old Man with His Deeds

1. Here Paul continues his exhortations based upon our position.

2. The old man is the man we were in Adam.

a. The old man stands in contrast to the new man we are in Christ. (vs. 10)

b. The old man is the unregenerate you… the unsaved you… the person you were before you came to Christ for salvation.

c. The old man was who we were in Adam. (I Cor. 15:21-22)
• We are all related to Adam through physical birth.
• Because of Adam’s sin, those who were IN Adam have his sin imputed to our account.
• The result is physical death and the second death… condemnation.
• Those IN ADAM share Adam’s fallen nature and his condemnation.

d. I Cor. 2:14 – the old man was a natural man.
• He did not have the Spirit and was 100% ignorant of spiritual things—though he may be fluent in religion.
• He cannot understand spiritual things for they are spiritually discerned, and he is spiritually dead—and does not have the Spirit of God.
• He cannot know God or His Word.
• He is very much ALIVE to the natural realm and may excel in the pursuits of an earthly life: education, politics, religion, culture, moral living without God.
• But he is DEAD to the spiritual realm. He cannot enter it… he cannot fathom it… it is foolishness to him.
• Like the false teachers I John 4:3 describes, “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.”
• The natural man is conversant and skillful in this natural realm… but unable to perceive… unable to enter… unable to know the spiritual realm.

e. That person was dead in sins. (Eph. 2:1)
• He was dead in sins.
• He did not possess eternal life.
• He had not been regenerated.
• Thus, he did not have a new heart. He had only had one nature: a sin nature.

f. He was enslaved to sin.
• Rom.6:6c – we served sin as slaves to it.
• Rom. 6:14 – Sin had dominion over our old man.

g. Col. 3:7 – Therefore, the old man LIVED in the kinds of sins listed.
• These sins were characteristic of his lifestyle.
• He LIVED and WALKED in them.
• He knew no other walk… he had no other life.

h. Summary of the description of the old man:
• In Adam, and possesses Adam’s fallen nature and condemnation.
• Dead in sins—unregenerate—unsaved
• Alive only in the natural, earthly realm
• He does not have a new nature—he has only the old nature, and is thus “enslaved” to it.
• Thus, he lives and walks in the natural realm… the realm of the flesh.
• He is shackled by his fallen, sinful, human nature, which is his because of his physical birth… in Adam.

3. He states that the Colossians had already put off the old man.

a. This is not a command to put off our old man. It is a statement of fact. He is dead already!

b. The old man is crucified… dead… mortified… put off.
• Col. 2:20 – dead with Christ to the world. (Gal. 6:14)
• Col.3:3 – Since ye are dead with Christ…
• Rom. 6:6 – your old man was crucified with Christ

c. This is true of EVERY believer in Christ… from the babe in Christ to the mature believer… from the carnal believer to the spiritual believer…

4. This is our new POSITION in Christ.

a. Col. 2:12 – By means of Spirit baptism, we were immersed or placed IN Christ.

b. In Christ, we are thus identified with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection. His death becomes our death.

c. Hence, our old man is DEAD… because we died with Christ.

5. The significance of this truth:

a. This means that the person we USED to be before salvation is dead.
• The old unsaved person… the old unregenerate you is dead!
• We now have ETERNAL life and can never revert back to the position of being DEAD in sins. That man is dead!
• We no longer are the man who existed only in the natural realm and was enslaved to sin.

b. We are NOT that person any more! We have been set FREE from bondage and slavery to sin.
• That means that we don’t HAVE to live that way any more!
• The liar died with Christ! Praise the Lord.
• The blasphemer died.
• The man with the dirty mouth and a dirty mind died.
• The man who led an unclean, lascivious, and covetous life is dead.

c. Our past life is OVER—gone and buried. Don’t dig it up. Don’t try to relive it.
• Don’t gloat over past accomplishments in the flesh. They are but dung apart from Christ.
• Don’t waste time weeping over past failures.
• BELIEVE that our past life is GONE… dead and buried… and put out of sight.
• This is the BASIS for a Spirit filled walk of faith: knowing and believing that our old IS dead… and thus we don’t have to live that way any more!

d. Therefore, don’t behave like that old man.
• Put off his dirty clothing… his bad behavior.
• Don’t use your past life as an excuse for NOT walking in the Spirit today…
• Modern psychology makes us VICTIMS of our past.
» They say, “We can’t help our behavior. It’s not our fault we are this way. We have been abused in the past.
» Or, “I can’t help it. I have addictions. I’ve always been an addict.”
» “I can’t help it. I have been permanently scarred from my past.”
» Or “I can’t help it. This is the way I’ve always been!”

• God’s Word to such folks is clear: the abused person is dead! The addict is dead! The man with scarred past is dead!
• And to the man who says, “I can’t help it. This is the way I’ve always been” God says, CHANGE! Put off those dirty clothes.
• To the man who says, “I can’t help it. I’m addicted” (alcohol, sex, smoking, drugs, etc.) God says that the addict is crucified!
• To the one who is struggling with scars deep in their soul from the past God says, “I am the Great Physician. I am the Author of life. I am the Good Shepherd who restores souls. If I can create the universe, I can heal a scar! Trust Me.”
• God’s Word to such folks is clear: the abused person is dead! The addict is dead! The covetous man is dead. The man with scarred past is dead! The old man who was enslaved to SIN died!
• Such WERE some of you, but now ye are CLEANSED!
• And to the man who says, “I can’t help it. This is the way I’ve always been” God commands us to Put off those dirty clothes. CHANGE!
• “I can’t” is not part of the vocabulary of the believer walking in the Spirit.
• If we were left to ourselves that is the right answer. But it is GOD who works in us both to will and to DO.
• I’m sure Moses felt like saying “I can’t” make water come out of the rock… and I surely can’t part the Red Sea!” I’m sure Peter felt like saying, “I can’t” when Jesus told him to walk on the water!
• It doesn’t matter how powerless or hopeless we FEEL. What matters is what God said… and whether we are willing to believe Him or not.
• When we believe, God does a supernatural work in us… like enabling Peter to walk on water… Moses to part the Red Sea… or enabling US to have victory over the sin that used to enslave us!

e. Perhaps some of us here have been struggling with the sins listed here by Paul: sexual sins, anger, wrath, lying, covetousness, .
• They can control a person’s life. Perhaps they controlled your old life.
• But now you are saved… and the Spirit of God seeks to control your life and WILL—if we trust God… yield to Him… and BELIEVE God.
• God said that the old man who was enslaved to those sins is dead. We don’t have to live like a slave to sin any more.
• God said that we are a new man in Christ and he is ABLE to walk in newness of life and experience victory.
• Do you believe God? (That’s the real question!)

6. Victory is through faith.

a. Faith demands that we BELIEVE what God said about our old man. Faith is believing what God said… even if our feelings tell us otherwise.

b. We walk by FAITH, not by sight or feelings… the measuring yards of the OLD man.

c. God says that that man is dead! Do you believe Him?
• The person who was enslaved to sin is DEAD.
• The person who lived only in the natural realm… in the sins of the flesh… with an untamed temper… is dead!

d. When we say, “I can’t help it” we are declaring to God that we do NOT believe Him when he says that the person who was enslaved to sin is dead.
• Chains have been torn asunder! Praise God for that!
• As long as we refuse to believe God on this point, we are DOOMED to a miserable life of relentless frustration and failure. (Romans 7)

e. The new birth radically changed us, whether we know and appreciate it or not.
• We are NOT the same person anymore.
• The person we USED to be died… we are no longer enslaved to sin.
• The past is behind us. If we sin now, it is our choice.
• Believe God and we are on the way to victory.

f. Refuse to believe God—and we are stuck in perpetual immaturity, carnality, discouragement and defeat. (the slough of despondency)
• What a miserable way to live—to be enslaved to our past.
• What makes this miserable life even worse is when we have been set free and yet we don’t believe it!

g. Illustration: Shetland collie on his run…

h. We have been set free from sin and don’t HAVE to live that way any more… but we do. It is such a habit… and we are reluctant to believe God.

• Faith will set us free. Knowing and believing the TRUTH will set us free.

j. Unbelief will keep us enslaved to our past life… our former lifestyle… to the ways of our old man.

And Have Put On the New Man (vs. 10)

A. The New Man Described


1. New Defined (there are two words for new in Greek)

a. Neos: New, recent. New in relation to time, that which has recently come into existence or become present.

b. The new man is a new person. He recently came into existence.

c. This person did not exist before salvation.

2. The new man is a new creation in Christ. (II Cor. 5:17)

a. Note that the new creation is so because he is IN Christ.
• In Christ, the believer died and rose again.
• Our old man DIED with Christ.
• A new man AROSE with Christ… as a new creation.

b. Creation is a supernatural work that only God can perform.

c. Salvation is a supernatural work in which God makes us a NEW man… a new creation… a new person.

d. The old man is the kind of person we were IN Adam (dead in sin; enslaved to sin; condemned by sin; one nature = sin).

e. The new man is the kind of person we are IN Christ (alive unto God; free from sin; with a new nature… a new heart… a new mind… justified!)

f. God does a supernatural work of eternally CHANGING us the moment we receive Christ as Savior. We are a NEW man… although it may not be apparent to onlookers.

g. We look the same; talk the same; we live in the same body; our voice doesn’t change; our Social Security # is the same; our address is the same; in one sense we are the SAME person.

h. But in another sense, we are a completely NEW person: we don’t have to sin… AND we are ABLE to walk in newness of life!

3. “Putting on the new man” is NOT a command.

a. It is a statement of fact. Every believer has already put on the new man.

b. At the moment of saving faith, the old man is put off, and the new man is put on.

c. This is not something to strive to accomplish. It is something revealed by God and is to be BELIEVED.

d. It is the BASIS upon which God commands us as believers in this age.

e. Because we ARE a new man… because we ARE a new creation, we are thus ABLE to walk in newness of life!

B. God Addresses the New Man in Christ

1. God gives impossible commands to this new creature.

a. He commands us to mortify the sins of the flesh, which previously enslaved us! (fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, anger, wrath, malice, filthy speech, and lying.)

b. These were sins that the old man could NEVER put away.
• These were impossible commands to an unsaved man… to our old man.
• He was enslaved to them.
• He had only one nature: SIN!

c. But the new creature in Christ is a new kind of person.
• The new man has a new nature… the divine nature.
• He died to sin and is set free from bondage to sin. He doesn’t HAVE to sin.
• He is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and Christ Himself!
• He has all the power of the resurrection available to enable him to DO whatever God has commanded.
• He not only has the will but the ability to perform God’s good pleasure.
• He is seated in heavenly places in Christ and blessed with all spiritual blessings and enablements.
• Yes he still has the fallen nature inherited as a son of Adam, but he also has a new nature that is his because he is regenerated and is in Christ…
• He has a new mind, a new heart, and a new will.
• He is ABLE to walk in newness of life.
• That means that there are no excuses for lying, anger, fornication, covetousness… or any other sin.
• Now that we are saved, now that God has given us new life, He expects a new lifestyle…
• And God has provided everything necessary for that to be a reality in your life and mine.
• The new man (and only the new man) is capable of understanding God’s Word and doing God’s Word.
• Apart from the commands to be saved, all the appeals in the New Testament are addressed to the new man.
• The new man now has a choice: to walk in the flesh or in the Spirit.

2. BUT NOW we are saved! BUT NOW we are new creatures! BUT NOW our old man is dead…

a. Therefore, behaving like that dirty old man is unbecoming one in our glorious heavenly position!

b. We have a new position. God expects us to wear the new clothing… white linen… clean and white… the righteousness of the saints. We should be CLOTHED with righteousness… in mind, heart, speech, and behavior.

c. And this command is to be OBEYED… NOT in order to BECOME a saint of God… but because we already ARE a saint of God… a new creature!

d. Our new position as a redeemed son of God, as a citizen of heaven, as one who is raised with Christ and seated in heavenly places, ought to have an effect on our thinking, our attitude, and our behavior!
• Our position determines our clothing!
• Our position should CHANGE the condition of our daily lives… and make us more like Christ!
• If it doesn’t change us, then it really hasn’t sunken in yet!
• DWELL on it; meditate upon it; study it; enjoy it;
• As we ABIDE in that glorious position where we have been placed, we will bear fruit… like the branch that abides in the Vine.
• As we abide in Him, we are ABLE to walk in newness of life; ABLE to have a victorious Christian life.

The New Man

The New Man Defined/Described

A. The New Man


1. He is NEW in every way, spiritually.

a. New birth (John 3:3)
• A born again person – a spiritual birth.
• Regenerated– a new life entered the world.
• Spiritually, the person born (again) did not exist before the new birth.
• The new birth brings into existence a new man.

b. New life… (John 10:28)
• Eternal life
• Resurrection life
• His new life is hidden with Christ in God

c. New creation (II Cor. 5:17)
• Creation is a supernatural work that only God can do.
• Only God can create a person.
• This new creature did not exist before the supernatural work of salvation.
• He is created in righteousness and true holiness. (Eph. 4:24)

d. New nature (II Pet. 1:4)
• New mind
• New heart
• New will
• The moral law of God is etched in our hearts in such a way that it becomes the driving force of the believer… it is the believers NATURE to love God, seek God, serve God, etc.
• The new nature is implanted in the believer at the moment of saving faith.
• It is God’s work and it is perfect.

e. New power (Rom. 15:13)
• Indwelling Holy Spirit.
• The power of the resurrection.
• He is able to walk in newness of life.

f. New position
• This new man is IN Christ… in His Body.
• Seated in heavenly places.
• Redeemed, justified, reconciled, saved, regenerated.
• Blessed with all spiritual blessings.
• The list describing this new position is VERY extensive… and all new.
• You did not possess this position before your salvation. It is the new position of the new man.

g. New in time (Col. 3:10)
• New = neos = new in time (kairos = new in quality).
• The new man is a man—a person who did not exist before the miracle of the new birth.
• Jim Delany existed before my salvation, but I was a very different KIND of creature.
• At the moment of saving faith the Christian becomes a “NEW man”… a new man with respect to time.
• This man did not exist before the miracle salvation.

h. All of this indicates that PUTTING ON the new man is God’s work, not ours.
• God does the putting off and putting on of the old man and of the new man.
• It is a supernatural work involving placing the believer IN Christ, placing Christ in the believer, the new birth, creating life, supernatural resurrection power, etc.
• We couldn’t possible MAKE ourselves a new man… or PUT ON the new man.
• That is what religion vainly attempts to do. The best they can do is dress up the old man…
• The new position of the new man is God’s work for us. God makes the believer in Christ a NEW man!

2. The new man is in another sense, the very same person.

a. The new creature is not new physically.
• He bears the same name.
• He is the same age physically.
• He has the same old body.
• He looks the same; same voice; same height; weight; same color; same health.
• He lives in the same house; same earthly family.
• He works at the same job; pays the same bills; has the same Social Security Number.
• He is still a citizen of the same city and country.
• He still has that same mole on his back.
• No one would ever be able to tell by looking at him that he is a new man… but he is.
• Physically, he is the same person.

3. In one sense (physically), the new man is completely the same; and yet, in another sense (spiritually), he is completely new.

a. The new man is new in time. He did not exist before salvation.

b. The new man is new spiritual. He is ALIVE; saved; etc.

c. The new man has a new nature and new power.

d. The new man is in a new position: IN Christ.

e. The new man is complete. He has everything he would ever need to know God, to love God, to serve God, and to walk with God.

f. All of this is BRAND new at the moment of saving faith and is entirely God’s work on our behalf.

g. Gal. 2:20 – I am crucified, nevertheless I live.
• Paul acknowledges here that in one sense he died (the old Saul) when he came to Christ in faith. The person he was in Adam died.
• Paul also acknowledges that in another sense, he still lives… as a new man in Christ.
• Physically he is the same, but spiritually, he is completely NEW. “I died… yet I live.”
• If you are born again, all of this is true of you.

h. Col. 3:3 – ye are dead but yet you are alive in a new realm… your new life is hidden with Christ in heaven.
• The person we USED to be died. That old man is dead.
• But in another sense WE still live … as a new man.
• Our new life is hidden with Christ in God… hidden away from the world.
• The world cannot SEE the change outwardly… the world may think this talk is quite foolish… but God says it is reality.
• Sometimes when temptation is strong, or when we fail and fall flat on our faces, it is hard even for us as believers to BELIEVE what God said: your old man is dead and you are a NEW man in Christ!
• But regardless of what our senses, feelings, sight, and even experiences tell us… just believe God!
• Believing God on this point is the BASIS for a victorious Christian life.

4. The new man is the REGENERATED person.

a. The new man is the person we are when God saves us.

b. It is the PERSON we are in Christ.

c. It is an entirely NEW position… NEW life… and hence, a NEW person.

d. This person did not exist before the miracle of the new birth.

e. He is not the old man improved… cleaned up… or restored.
• He is a completely NEW man.
• Eph. 4:22 – The old man and his old manner of life was CONTINUALLY in the process of corruption.
» God determined that he was incorrigible.
» God chose not to fix or renovate the old man up. He chose to put him to death.
» The old man was worthy of death, was condemned, and was put to death: crucified.
» What we were in Adam had the sentence of death placed upon it and was executed at Calvary.
• First the old man was put off and THEN the new man was put on.
» Of course, this all happens instantaneously at the moment of saving faith.
• Our point is that the new man isn’t the old man with some new clothes. He is a NEW man… new in time and new in quality of life.

B. The Old Man

1. The old man is the person we WERE in Adam.

2. The old man is the PERSON we were before salvation.

3. The old man is the UNREGENERATE person… condemned.

4. We can NEVER become that old man again. He’s dead and buried.

5. We can never revert back to the unregenerate state. That position has been changed eternally because the old man really is DEAD!

6. The new man did not exist BEFORE the new birth.

7. The old man does not exist AFTER the new birth. (He is history.)

8. The old man died and the new man took his place.

9. The KIND of person you were before salvation does not exist any more. The KIND of person we are in Christ has replaced that person.

10. The new man has replaced the old man.

C. The Man Distinguished from the Nature (Old or New)

1. It is at this point that much confusion arises.

a. Sometimes we are sloppy in our use of terms and cause confusion.

b. Many theologians do NOT make a distinction between the old man and the old nature. That causes confusion.

c. Some popular preachers today teach that the old NATURE died and that the believer has only ONE nature… which is continually improving!

d. Nothing could be further from the truth. The sin nature is incorrigible!

e. That false teaching arises from confusing the old man and the old NATURE.

f. Yes our old MAN (the unregenerate person) is dead. But that does NOT mean the old NATURE (sin nature) is dead. It is very much alive!

g. John tells us that if any man says he has no sin (nature) he has deceived himself and the truth is not in him!

2. There is a difference between a person and his nature.

a. A person HAS a nature, but a nature is not equal to a person.
• The new man is a regenerated man, and he has a new nature… he is a partaker of the divine nature. (II Pet. 1:4)
• That new nature is God’s moral standards etched so deeply in the heart of the new man by the supernatural work of regeneration, that it is his nature.
• That new nature is IN the new man, but that new nature is equal to the new man.

b. The new man is being renewed.
• The new PERSON is improving in quality and character… gradually, from glory to glory. He is becoming more and more like Christ… growing in grace and the knowledge of Christ.
• However, the new NATURE (God’s moral laws imprinted in our hearts that loves truth, righteousness, holiness, and God) can never be improved.
• When the new nature is in control, the believer will ALWAYS do that which pleases God.
• The divine nature needs no renewal.
• The new nature ALWAYS loves God; ALWAYS thinks pure thoughts; ALWAYS says kind, truthful, gracious words; ALWAYS seeks things above.
• The new man (the born again person) however, does not. The regenerated person needs much improvement.
• The regenerated person STILL often yields to the flesh and allows his old nature to be in control.
• The fact that the new MAN is being renewed and the new NATURE does not need to be renewed makes it clear that they are not the same.

c. The Bible states that the old man is dead. But the old nature is very much alive!
• Never are we told that our old nature is dead.
• The old nature is fallen, corrupt, human nature: called the sin nature, or SIN.
• Sin (the nature) did not die. We died to sin. (Rom. 6:2)
• The old MAN is dead. He died the moment we were saved and we can never be that old, unregenerate man again. Thank God!
• The old NATURE is alive. It will be with us until death or until Christ returns. Even so come Lord Jesus!
• The fact that one is dead and one is alive clarifies the fact that they are not the same!

d. Failing to distinguish between the MAN and his NATURE has led to all kinds of errors: sinless perfection; eradication of the sin nature; one nature of the believer; etc. (Reformed Theology; MacArthur; and others…)

D. The New Man Distinguished from the Old Man

1. Two natures – old and new

a. The old man had only ONE nature: sin.
• His mind was affected by his fallen nature.
• His heart was affected by his fallen nature.
• His will was enslaved by his fallen nature.
• Every part of his person (intellect, emotion, and will) was affected by sin. He is totally depraved; he NEEDS a Savior!
• The source of ALL of his thoughts, words, deeds, and motives originated in the only nature he had: sin nature!
• Hence, NOTHING this man could offer God was of any merit before God. The source of it all was totally corrupted.
• That old sin nature, the flesh, is incorrigible. God chose NOT to try to improve it or fix it.
• God’s method was to condemn it…

b. The new man has TWO natures: Adam’s nature and the divine nature… the old nature and the new nature.
• It is the new nature in this person that makes him NEW!
• The new nature affects for the good every part of this new person: intellect, emotion, and will.
• New mind – not a new physical brain, but a new capacity to know God and understand spiritual truth.
• New heart – an innate, inner love for God and His Word
• New will – a new capacity to seek God and choose to obey—a desire and a thirst to obey.

2. Two Choices:

a. The old man had NO choice.
• He had only one nature: a sin nature.
• Everything he did and thought was sourced from that fallen human nature, called the sin nature.
• He was a slave to sin and sin had dominion over him. (Rom. 6:6, 14)
• The old man / the unregenerate man has NO choice.
• He has no power, no capacity, and no desire to obey. He LIVES in the realm of sin… and is unable to extricate himself from that position.
• His only hope is to vainly attempt to improve the old nature… which is no hope at all because it always results in miserable failure.
• Even if that old unregenerate man was religious and moral and tried his hardest to improve his nature and do good, the Lord’s answer to him is: “Depart from Me. I never knew you.”

b. The new man now has a choice.
• He has been set free from the bondage of sin—he is no longer under its dominion.
• Therefore he is able to choose to sin or to choose to obey.
• And he has new life, new power, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and thus, is ABLE to walk in newness of life.
• It is THIS POINT that most prominently distinguishes the old man from the new man in Paul’s writings.
• And can’t you see how important this is with respect to sanctification?
• An exhortation to holiness to a man who is enslaved to sin and has no choice is an impossible command doomed to failure.
• An exhortation to holiness to a man who has a new mind, new heart, new will, and power to obey… and has the CHOICE of obeying to disobeying is no longer an impossible command!
• For that man, victory is available and possible… by faith… IF he believes that he truly is a new man… believes that he is ABLE to walk in newness of life… and chooses to take a step of faith. God will hold him up.

The New Man Has Been Put On Already

A. Putting Off and Putting On Occur at Salvation


1. The putting off of the old man and the putting on of the new man is a figure of salvation.

a. That’s what salvation is in this age.

b. The old condemned sinner becomes a new creature.

c. This is a supernatural transaction that only God can do. It is His work on our behalf when we trust in Christ.

d. It is an instantaneous change of position:
• A change from being unregenerate person to being regenerate person.
• A change from being the old man in Adam to being the new man in Christ.
• It is a change from condemnation to justification.
• A change from death unto life.
• And this change can NEVER be reversed.

e. This is what God does to every believer at the moment of saving faith, whether we understands the theology behind it or not.

f. Becoming saved is becoming a new man.

2. This occurs at the moment of saving faith.

a. The old man is crucified – put off/dead. (Rom. 6:6)
• Paul addresses ALL the believers in Rome—immature and mature; spiritual and carnal.
• The only thing ALL the believers in Rome shared equally was salvation!
• The old man doesn’t need to be put off repeatedly. He is put off once and for all at the moment of saving faith.
• When a sinner comes to Christ in faith, a miracle occurs. The person he was in Adam DIES! The old man is put off.

The new man is already put on—for any one IN Christ. (II Cor. 5:17).
• In other words, since EVERY believer of this age is in Christ, every believer has already put on the new man.
• The figure used here is that of creation. God brought something into existence that did not exist before! A NEW creation! (New in time Col. 3:10 – new in quality II Cor. 5:17).
• Creation is not a process, but is instantaneous. God SPOKE the universe into existence.
• Salvation is likened to creation in II Cor. 4:6.
» God spoke and creation occurred!
» Creation of the world and creation of the new man in Christ are alike: the supernatural, creative work of God.
» A transformation occurred: from darkness to light… from death to life…
» Suddenly, supernaturally, and instantaneously, a new creation came into existence.
» In that moment one moment of time, the old man was put off and the new man was put on… once and for all and forever.
• Salvation is not a process. It happens in one moment of time… the instant we trust in Christ as Savior.
• In one moment’s time, we are supernaturally transformed from the old man in Adam to the new man in Christ. In an instant, we are not the same person any more.

B. Putting Off and Putting On Are Not Commands

1. Col. 3:10 and Eph. 4:22 compared.

a. Col. 3:9-10 – clearly states that every believer has already put on the new man.
• Both verbs (vs. 9-10) are aorist participles.
• The sense of the sentence is this: stop lying to one another, SINCE ye have already put off the old man and have already put on the new man.
• These are not commands, but statements of fact.

b. Eph. 4:22-24 – Paul states the same thing in this passage, but the wording is open to interpretation.
• “Put off” or “put on” in English CAN be either past, present, or imperative.
» Yesterday I put on my shoes; today I put on my shoes; put on your shoes!
» The wording in the original Greek is equally difficult. It is an infinitive… which has MANY usages.
» The Greek scholars are NOT in agreement as to whether it is to be understood as a command OR whether it has the sense of a past tense.
» Grammatically, it can go either way. Hence, it is a matter of interpretation, not grammar only.

• Various translations deal with this issue differently:
» Most translations translate the infinitive as a command, but not all.
» Darby: 22namely your having put off according to the former conversation the old … 24and your having put on the new man, which according to God is created in truthful righteousness and holiness.
» Wuest: you heard and in Him were taught just as truth is in Jesus, that you have put off once for all with reference to your former manner of life the old self who is being corrupted according to the passionate desires of deceit; moreover, that you are being constantly renewed with reference to the spirit of your mind; and that you have put on once for all the new self.
» Darby and Wuest I believe have the right interpretation, and their translations reflect their interpretation.
» The KJV handles it masterfully, in that it translates it in such a way as to be accurate AND it omits interpretation. Just as the Greek can be understood as either a command or a past tense… and so is the KJV often understood either way.

• There are FOUR good reasons to understand these words with the sense of a past tense.
» Consider the whole sentence: (vs. 21-22) “Ye have heard (past) and have been taught (past) THAT ye put off the old man… and have put on the new man (vs. 24).
· Paul isn’t commanding the Ephesians to put off the old man and put on the new man.
· Rather, he is reminding them that he had already taught them that they put off the old and put on the new… long ago!

» Secondly, this is a parallel passage to Col. 3:10.
· In fact, it is almost identical in thought.
· Vs. 24-25a – you already put off the old man, wherefore stop lying!
· It hardly seems likely that Paul would tell the Colossians that the old man has been put off and on already… and then tell the Ephesians to PUT off the old man!
· These are parallel passages, saying the same thing.
» Thirdly, consider the MOTIVATION factor.
· In both chapters, Paul is using the language of GRACE.
· The command is not “put on the new man.”
· Rather, the command is, “put away lying and speak the truth!”
· What is the motivation behind the command? You already have put off the old man, and you are a new man ALREADY… WHEREFORE… on that basis, therefore, stop lying.
· This is exactly what Paul is saying in Col. 3:9-10; “lie not one to another SEEING THAT YE HAVE put off the old man and put on the new man.
· Because of your position… change your condition!
· Your position is: your old man is dead (you don’t have to lie) and your new man is put on (you CAN speak truth).

» Fourthly, putting off the old man and putting on the new is a figure of salvation itself.
· That would be tantamount to telling them to save themselves…
· It would be a command to change their position from unregenerate to regenerate!
· Only God can change our position. Only God can make us a new person.

C. But there ARE Commands!

1. Paul explains in this context how COMPLETELY God has changed us!

a. From death to life; from the old man enslaved to sin to the new man who is ABLE to walk in newness of life.

b. God did not renovate the old man; He put him to death.

c. In his place, God raised up a NEW man… who is ABLE to know God, seek God, hunger after God; he understands God’s Word, able to walk with God, able to obey…

2. On that BASIS, Paul gives the Colossians (and us) a whole litany of commands!

a. Mortify the sins of the flesh! (Vs. 5)

b. Put off all these: anger, wrath, etc. (vs.8) Stop lying! (Vs. 9)

3. And to WHOM are those commands given?

a. Not to the old man!
• That kind of person couldn’t POSSIBLY put off the deeds of the old man. He IS the old man!
• The old man was a slave to sin. Sin had dominion over him. He was powerless before sin.
• These are quite impossible commands to the old man.
• The heaven high commands of grace are far beyond the ability of the unregenerate man to perform.
• No wonder the unsaved aren’t too crazy about reading the Bible! What could be more frustrating and irritating?

b. These commands are addressed to the NEW MAN.
• The new man has a new nature; he is indwelt.
• The new man has a new mind; new heart; new will.
• The new man is FREE from bondage to his old nature.
• The new man is ABLE to walk in newness of life!
• This is the BASIS for all the exhortations to holiness in this book!

c. If you are a true believer in Christ, then you are a NEW MAN!
• That should affect your WHOLE LIFE!
• You can and should experience victory over the sins of the flesh.
• Vs. 18-25 – to the new creatures God commands to have a holy home life!
• This is not the norm in the world full of old men… related to Adam.
• But it SHOULD be the norm for the new man in Christ.
• Nothing is more practical than KNOWING and BELIEVING that we are indeed a new man in Christ!
• If we are unsure of this, a worthy walk will be a vague dream… an ethereal pie in the sky.
• But if we KNOW and BELIEVE… all things are possible.

DO YOU KNOW CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR? Through simple faith, God will give you a new life… make you a new person… IF you come to Christ and BELIEVE.

The Renewal of the New Man

The Fact of Renewal

A. The New Man Is New Already [Positionally]


1. At the moment of saving faith, a new man is created. He is a new creation.

2. He has experienced a new birth; a new nature; a new heart; a new mind; a new will; a new family; a new position in Christ; free from the bondage of sin; new abilities; new power because of the indwelling Holy Spirit; etc.

3. He is different from the old man. He has TWO natures and is able to choose to obey and able to walk in newness of life, IF he chooses to walk by faith, trusting God to work in him.

4. The new man has already been blessed with all spiritual blessings.

5. At the moment of saving faith, the new man is complete.

6. At the moment of saving faith, in one instant of time, God FINISHED His work of creating a new man and that new man is completely new.

7. He is complete in Christ. He lacks nothing. Nothing new needs to be added to him.

B. The New Man Is Undergoing Renewal [Conditionally; Experientially]

1. The term renewal

a. Two words for NEW in Greek.
• Neos = new in time (new man)
• Kairos = new in quality (renewed)

b. Anakainow = make new in quality… + ana = again, hence RE-new.

c. The verb form used here is only found twice in the New Testament: here and in II Cor. 4:16.

d. In Col.3:10, Paul combines the two terms for new: καινος [kainos] to that of νεος [neos] just before.

e. Thus, this renewal is a continual refreshment of the new man in Christ Jesus.

f. The term renewal can also convey restoration.
• In Adam, the image of God was marred by sin… and every human being is made in the image of God… but the image is smashed by indwelling sin.
• In Christ, the Second Adam, that image of God is in the process of being renewed… restored…

g. This is the renewal of which Paul speaks here.
• A born again person is a new man.
• Instantly upon conversion the old man dies and a new man replaces him. That new man is complete and is completely new in Christ.
• That new man begins a life-long process of renewal and transformation… spiritual growth… more and more into the image of God.

The Process of Renewal

A. The New MAN is Being Renewed, Not the New Nature


2. The new NATURE, is not undergoing a renewal.

a. Let’s keep the person (the man) and his nature separate.

b. The new nature needs no renewal.

c. It always does that which is right and holy.

d. When in control, the new nature always causes us to love God; to seek God; to obey God; to serve Him; to know Him; draw near to Him; to bow before Him;

e. The new nature is always INCLINED towards holiness.

f. The new nature is part of the new creation.

g. It is God’s work and it is perfect. No renewal is needed.

3. But the new MAN does need to undergo a renewal.

a. The new man is the regenerate person… a born again person.

b. That new person… that new man has TWO natures and hence, has the capacity to CHOOSE which nature (old or new) will control his life.

c. He can choose to obey the flesh and walk in the flesh OR he can choose to obey the Spirit and walk in the Spirit.

d. When he chooses to follow the dictates of the old nature, the spiritual growth of that new man is stunted… hindered…
• He is a new man positionally, but conditionally, he is like a branch out of communion with the Vine.
• Without Christ he can do NOTHING of any value spiritually.
• The best he can produce is rotten fruit… wood, hay, and stubble.
• He manifests his ugly self when the old nature is in control.
• His behavior is no different from the old man… an unsaved person. He looks, sounds, talks, walks, and behaves just like the old man.
• Onlookers could never tell the difference between a new man who walks in the flesh (carnal believer) and an old man (unregenerate person).
• The wheat and the tares look very much alike.

e. But when the new man chooses to follow the dictates of his new nature, he will grow more like Christ and will manifest the sweet character of Christ.
• The new nature will always transform the new man’s behavior more and more like then Savior.
• The new nature will prompt the new man to put into practice that which he reads in the Word.
• The Holy Spirit works in the new man through his new nature… and transformation occurs.
• Hence, the spiritual life that new man is being renewed… like the strength and ability of an athlete as he practices…

f. The new man is a PERSON… and it is the PERSON who is being renewed.
• This person has intellect, emotion, and will.
• Every aspect of this person is being made new… renewed daily as he walks with God.
• His MIND is undergoing transformation… renewed in knowledge…
• His HEART is undergoing transformation… renewed in his love for God… love for God’s people… increase in compassion for the lost.
• His WILL is undergoing transformation… more and more he chooses to reject sin and obey God.
• The Holy Spirit transforms the mind, heart, and will of the new man… the PERSON is being transformed… and made more like Christ… after the image of Him who created him.

B. Passages Which Speak of This Renewal

1. II Cor. 5:17 – a new creation —

a. New creation = kainos

b. AND all things are become new!
• Become: perfect—he STANDS as a new creature. He was made new and remains new.
• New: (Kainos – new in quality)

c. He begins a new life at salvation…
• He begins to demonstrate a new quality of life.
• He begins seeing everything from a new set of eyes… with a new heart… he begins to LIVE anew!
• Just like a newborn baby. He is a completely NEW baby at birth… and with great potential to INCREASE in the quality of his life as he grows.
• Like a seed planted in a new sphere… where it is expected to grow and bear fruit…
• The new man receives LIFE and is planted in Christ… with such potential for INCREASE and growth.

d. The new man is created as a new creation in an instant, but over time, he gradually grows and matures in the demonstration of a new quality of life: Christlikeness!
• God’s purpose for that new creature is to be pressing toward the mark of the prize of his high calling in Christ!
• He is new, but is also BEING renewed.
• The renewal (his condition) is to be making progress toward his high calling (position) in Christ.

2. Titus 3:5 – a regenerated person receives:

a. The washing of regeneration (born again)…

b. And also experiences a RENEWAL by the indwelling Holy Spirit…
• This renewal (noun form of verb in Col. 3:10) is a process that continues throughout his life until glory!

c. Note here that Paul states that BOTH regeneration and renewal are part of salvation.
• There is no such thing as being saved or born again and omitting sanctification!
• They are part of the same package.
• How can we who have died to sin LIVE any longer therein?
• He who began a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ!
• Regeneration INTRODUCES us into this new life of holiness and righteousness.
• Renewal continues the work of transforming us… more and more into Christ’s image.

3. II Cor. 4:16 – This is the only other occurrence of the term renewal which appears in this passage as in Col. 3:10.

a. In context, Paul has shared his personal experience as an apostle who has suffered much tribulation in the Lord’s service.

b. His physical body was deteriorating as a result.

c. As time goes on, our bodies DO deteriorate, whether through persecution or just the natural ravages of life in a cursed earth!

d. But for the believer, the INNER MAN—the kind of person you are on the inside is being renewed!

e. This is only true of the believer in Christ… a regenerated person… a new creature in Christ… the new man.

f. Paul makes a few important notes about this renewal in this passage:
• The renewal is inward…
» The new man is renewed on the inside…
» It is a change in his character… his behavior… his thoughts, words, deeds…
» All of which originate on the inside…
» It is a gradual change of character… attitudinal changes… world view changes… changes in goals… pursuits… changes of inward affections…
» In time these inward changes will eventually manifest themselves in outward behavior…
» Religion works on the outward only (white washes the sepulcher).
» God’s work always begins on the inside…
» And if God is working on the inside—before long, changes will be seen on the outside too!
• The renewal is immaterial… (on the immaterial part of man)
» It stands in contrast to the outer man, the body.
» The NORM for the believer is that the older, sicker, and weaker our body gets as time goes by, the more mature, stronger, and healthier we become spiritually!
» Time destroys the material part of a Spirit filled new man; but time enhances the immaterial part of a Spirit filled new man!
» The declining changes in our bodies are visible and seen… our body can be measured; we know our weight, height, our hair color, and general overall condition of our health.
» But the inward renewal occurring in us cannot be measured by any technology known to man.
» However, it IS being observed and measured by God.
» God is working IN us… in our soul… mind, heart, attitude, etc… and a transformation process is underway.
» Because it is inward, much of this renewal is not seen by men.
» Because it is not always seen, one might conclude that it is not occurring… but God says it is… whether we see it or not.
» Trust Him. He never stops working IN us for His glory.
» This is why we can trust our children to God’s care too. If they are born again—even if they are presently living in sin—God has not stopped working in them… even if we don’t see that work.
• The renewal is gradual…
» It occurs day by day…
» Day by day indicates a continuous, but very gradual renewal process is occurring.
» And again, changes that occur so slowly are usually not detectable to us as we observe.
» Does the oak tree in front of your house look bigger today than it did yesterday? But it is growing!
» The physical growth of our children occurs day by day too… and we don’t notice the changes day by day. They are not noticed until we take out some old pictures!

• The renewal is unrelated to circumstances.
» Vs. 8-9 – consider Paul’s outward circumstances… they were quite miserable.
» Consider II Cor. 11:23-27 –
» No wonder his outer man was perishing!
» His outward circumstances gave every indication that he should collapse on the inside… or would require therapy… a prescription…
» But inwardly, Paul was being renewed!
» The good work of making Paul more like Christ was begun, and NOTHING in this life could ever thwart God’s work in this new man!
» Nothing you or I face need hinder the inward work of renewal God is doing in our lives too!
» Rom. 8:38-39 – For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,? ?nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
» Phil. 1:6 – He that hath begun a good work in YOU will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ! (True of you and every other genuine believer in Christ!)
» Maybe you know a believer who is out of fellowship… someone who is walking in the flesh… and from outward appearances, it seems like God gave up on him!
» That never happens to a child of God. God never gives up on His own… and neither should we!
» God says of His own, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”

4. Phil. 2:13 – God’s work in us is continuous.

a. It is God who WORKS (present active participle).
• This states that God is CONTINUALLY working in us.
b. What is the result of that continual inward work?
• God is continually working on our WILL that we might DESIRE that which is pleasing to Him.
• God is renewing our desires… so that we want what He wants!
• That makes our choices so much easier…
• He changes us our inward desires so that we learn more and more to LOVE righteousness and hate iniquity!
• God changes our will so that we learn to DELIGHT in the Lord!
• Ps. 37:4 – delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart!
• God transforms our wills.
• As a young man, I never would have dreamt in my wildest imagination that I would go to church in the morning, and then WANT to come back for another church service at night! And then prayer meeting!
• God changed my will… and He isn’t done yet!
• There are many more changes in my will that need to occur too!

c. And God continually changes our ability to PERFORM… to will and to DO!
• The renewal God does in the inner man of the new man… does not stop with desires and will.
• It transforms the DEEDS too!
• The new man is going to WANT to shed himself of the dirty clothes of the old man… the dirty clothes of his old life… sinful behavior!
• That’s regeneration!
• God gives the new man new desires… and He enables that new man to walk in NEWness of life!
• The new desires (new will) and new ability to DO (new resurrection power) give the new man the desire and the ability to PRACTICE a new kind of life.
• As he practices walking this new walk, a renewal process occurs within. He is being transformed.

5. II Cor. 3:18 – here the Holy Spirit’s work of renewal is called “transformation.”

a. Changed = Metamorphow – (Eng = metamorphosis)
• To transform, transfigure, to change condition.
• Used of the transfiguration of the Lord –

b. Tense: present passive participle
• This is an ongoing work…
• It is an inner work…
• It is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit…
• It is the work of changing us—restoring us unto the image of Christ which was marred by sin.

c. This change is once again described as gradual… from glory to glory…

d. The ultimate goal of this change is the image of Christ.

6. Repeatedly, the renewal of which Paul speaks is described as an ongoing PROCESS in the life of a believer.

a. “Renewed” is a present passive participle
• Present tense speaks of continuous action…
• The new birth or the new creation occurs in an instant, but the renewing is a lifelong process that is never finished until we arrive in heaven.
• It is passive – indicating that the work of renewing is not performed by the individual (us), but by an outside source—namely, God!
• It is God who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
• In particular, it is the work of the Holy Spirit according to Titus 3:5 and II Cor. 3:18.

b. The new man comes into existence in an instant. It is a sudden, supernatural, instantaneous creative work of God.

c. But for the rest of his days on earth, that new man is to undergo a renewal process that will not be finished until glory.

d. Renewed” is a present participle – “who is constantly being renewed.”

e. Illustration: a baby enters the world all of a sudden! But once that baby enters the world, a long process of growth, maturity ought to follow. This is the renewal process.

7. The old man undergoes a similar process in reverse. Eph. 4:22

a. The old man is BORN totally corrupted and totally depraved.

b. He sins right from the womb! (Psalm 58:3)

c. However, as an infant, that person (though possessing ONLY a sin nature and thus a slave to his sin nature) is not yet very EXPERIENCED in sin.

d. Little children learn how to lie at an early age.
• However, as time goes on, and they practice those sinful things, they become more experienced and SKILLED in sin!
• They learn how to become really GOOD liars!
• The little boy caught red handed with his hand in the cookie jar will say, “I didn’t do it,” but it isn’t a very sophisticated lie.

e. As a little child they can be quite hurtful with their evil thoughts that pour out of their mouths… right to your face! (You’re ugly and I hate you!)
• But as time goes on, that child learns the subtlety of hypocrisy.
• He learns to THINK those same thoughts, and cover it up with a smile or flowery words… or to say it behind your back.
• By the time he’s 75, if he doesn’t get saved, he becomes really GOOD at lying… exceptionally skilled in the fine art of deceit!

f. A little child is selfish and learns immediately. Some of his first words are ME… and that’s MINE!
• But as he grows up, he learns how to cover up his selfishness and self-centeredness behind a façade…
• When he gets older, in the office he learns how to smile at his coworker and at the same time stab him in the back in order to get the next promotion.

g. A little child is born covetous (MINE).
• He wants the biggest and best toys in the nursery for himself.
• This process of corruption continues throughout his years… and he learns to covet for more and more…
• Later in life, he learns how to keep up with the Joneses… and have the biggest house on the block… the newest, fanciest car… etc.

h. A little child is born a thief.
• They steal toys from the other kids in kindergarten.
• Nobody taught them. They know innately… instinctively. You didn’t teach them that.
• But when they grow up and get caught robbing a bank, they are cast into prison with other corrupted sinners.
• And there they develop their skills in stealing and other crimes to a whole new level! They learn all the tricks of the trade.

i. The old man… the unsaved person… is BORN corrupt… but through experience and practice, he GROWS in corruption.
• It is the same kind of corruption we are all born with… but as a child, we are green behind the ears.
• It takes a long time to become as a corrupt as sophisticated 70 year old lady who has many years of practice—who has learned how to master the English language and use it in conversation to say things that sound quite proper…but are cutting to the bone and hurtful to the hearer.
• You don’t get that corrupt morally over night. It takes practice!

j. A little child is corrupt morally and spiritually—a sinner by birth. But he has to LEARN the fine art of sinning by watching us adults—experienced, skillful sinners—and imitating us.
• They are keen observers and fast learners… but it is a process of corruption. And with a little study and practice, they too will become skilled sinners…

k. The sinful nature is passed on from parent to child (we inherit our parent’s fallen, corrupted human nature).

l. And the process of corruption continues as we learn by experience, practice, and observation how to become more and more learned, educated, experienced, sophisticated, and even religious in our corruption.

m. That is exactly the reason the Lord Jesus rebuked the Sadducees and the Pharisees with such vigor—they were not only corrupt, but had become EXPERTS at moral and spiritual corruption… and covering it up with religious ceremonies and traditions of men!

n. In other words, the old man is BORN totally corrupt (corrupt in every part of his being: intellect, emotion, and will)… but through practice, observation, knowledge, and experience, the process of corruption continues.

o. The sinner is born in total depravity… corrupt.

p. But over many decades of practicing sin… the character of this man has undergone years of corruption and his character is far worse at age 50 than he was at age 2 or 3!

8. The character of the new man undergoes a transformation too.

a. He is continually being renewed.

b. But because the new man has two natures, not every born again Christian matures at the same rate.

c. Some new creatures in Christ CHOOSE to be submissive to God, His Word, and His Spirit.
• This is a spiritual man.
• The longer he remains filled with the Spirit—the healthier he is spiritually.
• In that spiritually healthy condition, he GROWS more like his Savior.
• Over time, his character IMPROVES.
• He still sins, but he sins less frequently.
• By God’s grace and strength he learns to be more kind… to show love to others more… to be selfless… He learns to control his tongue. He demonstrates more compassion for the lost… He becomes more generous… more thoughtful of others… He becomes wiser and more discerning…
• In other words, he becomes more Christlike.
• If he walks many years as a Spirit filled believer, his character, his wisdom, his discernment, his thoughtfulness, his selflessness will be FAR greater than when he was a babe in Christ!
• If he walks with God, but sporadically… an up and down spiritual life—bouncing back and forth between spiritual and carnal, his progress towards Christlikeness is hindered… stunted…
• Just as it takes time for a 2 year old sinner to become a hardened criminal (years of practicing sin and walking in the flesh)… it takes time for a babe in Christ to become Christlike!
• In fact we’ll never be finished in our striving for Christlike perfection in this life! There’s always room for improvement…
• And this too is LEARNED by observation… LOOKING unto Jesus… beholding His glory in the Word, we are transformed into His image!

d. The longer we walk by faith, yielded to God, and filled with the Spirit (the longer we remain in a spiritually healthy condition—like a branch remaining on a vine)… the more fruit, growth, and transformation will take place!

e. This is a lifelong, supernatural process of renewal by the Holy Ghost.

f. Regeneration introduces us into this life… renewal causes us to grow in newness of life.

g. The goal is Christlikeness… and with that as our goal—we’ve all got a LONG way to go.

h. Hence, keep on striving… pressing toward the mark… looking unto Jesus… and as we do—God will work in us—and our lives will be CHANGING for the glory of God!

i. We should be growing in grace and graciousness as time goes on. We should be kinder… more tenderhearted…

j. Christ should be to us… sweeter as the days go by…

k. Our desire, hunger, and thirst for Him should be increasing day by day…

l. More and more, the inward transforming work of God should be evident in our daily walk… in our outward behavior…

m. More and more the daily condition of our lives should be brought closer and closer to our glorious position in Christ.

n. Is that true of your life? Can others see Christ in you? Is self decreasing and Christlike character increasing?

o. That’s the norm for the Christian life.

· Don’t try to change your character before you come to Christ.
· Don’t try LIVE the new life.
· You first need to RECEIVE new life—through regeneration… being born again! (John 1:12)
· If you will trust in the finished work of Christ on Calvary, God will GIVE you new life…
· And it is an abundant life!

Renewed in Knowledge

New Knowledge

1. There are two main passages in which Paul teaches us about the renewal of the New Man. (Eph. 4 and Col. 3)

a. The first thing Paul says about the new man in BOTH passages where this figure appears is that the new man is characterized by a new knowledge…
• As a new man, he has a new MIND… a regenerated mind… one that is ABLE to know and understand God and spiritual things.
• Col.3:1-2 – the new man is risen with Christ and is told to set his MIND on things above. (affections = mind)
• Col. 3:10 – the new man is being renewed in knowledge.
• Eph. 4:22 – it is a renewal of the spirit of his mind…

b. In some way, the MIND is central in the LIFE of a new man in Christ. It is the ground zero of our spiritual battles.
• The new mind of the new man is featured in these central passages… even more than his WORKS!
• It is not so much what he DOES… or doesn’t do…
• It is not what he wears…
• It is not what he says…
• It is not what he feels…
• It is not what he possesses…
• Rather, it is primarily the way he THINKS that best reflects this new quality of the new life.
• As a man thinketh, so is he!
• Our thinking is a reflection of the KIND of person we are.
• The new regenerated man has a new heart attitude towards everything. He is being renewed in the spirit (attitude) of his mind.
• It is not the outward man, but the INNER man who is renewed day by day.
• Ultimately of course, a new MIND will be manifested in new WORKS… in words and deeds…
• But those words and deeds are but an expression of the thoughts and intents of the heart and mind.
• A person who thinks differently will behave differently.

c. The new man has a new mind—in contrast to the old man who does NOT have a new mind. (I Cor. 2:9-16)
• This does not mean that the new man has a new brain! His body is the same… even deteriorating.
• But he has a new MIND… a new capacity to know and understand things in the spiritual realm… a capacity the old, unregenerate man never had nor could have.
• Vs. 9 – revelation did not originate with man.
• Vs. 10 – rather, divine truth is divinely revealed.
• Vs. 11 – it takes the Spirit of God to know the things of God.
• Vs. 12 – believers have the Spirit of God and are thus able to KNOW the things that are freely given to us from God—namely, divine revelation.
• Vs. 13 – the apostles spoke these things and recorded them in Scripture.
• Vs. 14 – The unbeliever does not have the Spirit and is thus UNABLE to receive or to know spiritual things. The natural mind of the old man CANNOT know the things of God.
• Vs. 15 – but the spirit filled new man has a new mind and he is ABLE to discern all things.
• Vs. 16 –we have the mind of Christ… we have a new capacity to THINK the way Christ does.
• But that mind needs to be renewed day by day… it needs to grow in knowledge… and experience…
• Increasing in the knowledge of God is IMPOSSIBLE for the old man, but is possible for the new mind of the new man.
• When the flesh is in control, the believer will manifest the mind of the old man… a carnal mind.
» He will think they way he used to think… just like an unsaved man!
» The carnal Corinthians WALKED like men because they THOUGHT like men too.
» Don’t be surprised when evil thoughts pop into your mind.
» It doesn’t mean you are not saved. It means that at that moment, the flesh is in control of your thought life!
» Cast down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God! Don’t tolerate such thoughts.
• When the Spirit is in control, the believer will manifest the mind of Christ… a new mind…
» The Spirit filled believer will think like a new man.
» He will think on things above… things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report…
» He will be able to grow in the knowledge of God and understand God’s Word… discern all things.
• Paul laments the reality of a conflict in his mind. (Rom. 7:25)
» Dwight Pentecost’s paraphrase of this verse: “With the new mind I serve the law of God, but with the fleshly mind I serve the law of sin.”
» The old way of thinking is not eradicated when we get saved… because we still have the old nature.
» When the flesh controls our mind, we are capable of thinking some pretty terrible thoughts… evil… cruel… immoral… violent… malicious… vile… nasty, and sinful…
» And when those thoughts are dwelt upon, tolerated, even enjoyed, they bubble over into in action… sin! That’s the carnal, fleshly mind.
» But with the new mind, the new man serves God and submits to His Word… His moral principles.
» A spiritual battle rages fiercely in our minds, does it not?
» Hence, a renewal process is in order for the new man to be victorious experientially.
» He needs a constant renewal… a refreshing in knowledge… in his mind.

2. The Term KNOWLEDGE: epignoskw

a. Defined:
• Strong’s: a full, precise, and correct knowledge—an intensified form of gnosis—knowledge.
• Zodhiates: it expresses a more thorough participation in the acquiring of knowledge on the part of the learner… a knowledge which includes PERSONAL involvement.

b. This term is chosen because of the cult that had infiltrated the church at Colossae. (Later became the Gnostics.)
• The cult claimed to have a special, superior knowledge that only the initiated few in their ranks could obtain.
• But the knowledge they had did not satisfy the soul.
• Like any other false teaching, it soon became old, dry, crusty, and stale… disappointing.
• But the Christian is being renewed and refreshed DAILY in the perfect, full knowledge of Christ… the Bread of life.

c. In reality it is true knowledge of the true God that separates Christianity from the pagan world.
• They are children of darkness… wandering in darkness and spiritual ignorance. The same is true of the lost today.
• We are children of light… enlightened by the Holy Spirit… the light of the gospel shined in our hearts.
• There is no advantage to ignorance. Light is superior to darkness; knowledge is superior to ignorance.
• II Cor. 4:4, 6 – at salvation, God opens the mind and heart of the repentant sinner and gives him LIGHT… light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
• From that point on, the Spirit filled believer is to be constantly growing in the KNOWLEDGE of Christ.
• KNOWLEDGE is necessary for good, consistent, steady growth to occur.
» We must KNOW these facts. (Rom. 6:6-11)
» We must KNOW the purpose of trials or they will crush us! (James. 1:2-4)
» We must KNOW the Word of God or we will be deceived and led away into error.
» We must KNOW God’s will for our lives… or we will do our own will.
» There are countless things that are necessary for us to KNOW if we are to GROW.
» Just as a plant does not grow well in darkness… a believer does not grow well if he remains in ignorance.
» Light is needed… the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ!

d. The knowledge of God is limitless… infinite.
• Rom. 11:33 – ?O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
• Thus, the renewal process is never finished.
• Paul had not attained this full experiential knowledge of Christ.
• There is always MORE… fresh things to learn about Christ… and about how to manifest His life to others.

Renewed in Knowledge

1. Renewed in knowledge. (in = eis… unto)

a. UNTO knowledge (eis) –
• Eis: The primary idea of motion into any place or thing; also of motion or direction to, toward or upon any place, thing.
• The renewal is in the direction of a full knowledge of God through Christ…
• The ultimate goal of renewal is the image of God.
• But the first step in this renewal is in the area of the knowledge of God.
• Renewal begins in the mind of the new man in Christ.
• We NEED knowledge… knowledge of Christ and His Word.
• And from that point renewal in the image of Christ begins.
• Without this knowledge, renewal and sanctification are greatly hindered… spiritual growth is stunted.

2. Rom.12:1-2 – there is a battle going on in the mind of every believer.

a. It is a battle between the carnal mind which relates to the world and the spiritual mind of the new man which relates to God and spiritual things.

b. The world attempts to CONFORM us outwardly to its ways.
• It cannot transform a true believer in its ways.
• The world system CANNOT change who we are in Christ.
• But it CAN and often DOES cause us to be outwardly conformed to its ways… and especially to its way of THINKING… its world view (grab for all the gusto!)
• The world influences our thinking every day… from the things we see, read, hear, watch on TV, our interaction with its people, living in its system.
• We are commanded NOT to allow it to outwardly conform us to its ways. That takes effort on our part.

c. God’s MEANS of keeping us from worldly conformity is through the renewing of the mind.
• Transform: a change of outward expression which comes from and is representative of one’s inner being… a change from inside out… so that the outward behavior is truly representative of what the person is on the inside.
• The word is used in Matthew 17:2 where it is translated transfigured.
• Transformation occurs BY MEANS OF the renewing of our minds…
• Renewing of our minds comes from spending time with Christ… in His Word… abiding in Him and His word abiding in us.
• It is a work of transformation that begins on the inside… the inner man… and especially the MIND.
• THEN it will manifest itself outwardly… in PROVING the will of God in our daily lives.

d. Change is constant in the life of a believer: either we are being conformed or transformed.
• We are constantly changing… moving… in one direction or another. Either we are going on to forward on to perfection and are being transformed in the image of Christ OR we are going backwards and are being conformed to the world.
• There is no such thing as being in neutral in the Christian life.
• Hence, it is a constant battle… like swimming upstream every day.
• The moment we stop advancing and growing in the knowledge of Christ and transformed… we begin to drift backwards to the ways of the world.
• The MIND is at the center of it all.
» Whether it is salvation or sanctification—everything has to first be filtered through our minds.
» We must UNDERSTAND truth before it can affect our heart and thus manifest itself outwardly.
» Knowledge is KEY to the Christian life.
» Knowledge has ALWAYS been central to a relationship to God… and continues to be central if we expect to be transformed into the image of Christ.
» The little glimpse we have of the early church tells us what they did when they met: they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ DOCTRINE (teachings).

e. Adam sinned and the image of God in man was defaced… marred.
• What was Adam’s sin? He ate of the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.
• Adam disobediently chose an unlawful knowledge and the image of God in man was marred.
• All those in Adam are still in the image of God, but it is defaced by sin.
• As a result, all those who are in Adam today have NO access to the true knowledge of God in Christ. They cannot know God or His Word.
• All those in Christ are being renewed in the image of God AND have ACCESS to the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ!
• We have a new mind and can know God… a true spiritual and experiential knowledge of Christ is ours!
• We are being renewed UNTO the kind of knowledge that God WANTS us to have… the knowledge of His Beloved Son!
• The spiritual new man discerns all things.
• The natural old man cannot understand the things of God, they are foolishness to him.

f. It is (epignosis) the full and deep knowledge of Christ that renews and transforms the new man. Nothing else will do. (not a superficial knowledge; not psychology; philosophy; religion; new age teachings).
• The new man undergoes a LEARNING process.
• He INCREASES in his knowledge of God, His Word, and spiritual things.
• He knows Christ at salvation, but is constantly being renewed and refreshed in that knowledge… and getting to know Christ in a deeper and deeper way.
• There is no end to this process… even in heaven we will continue to be learning of Christ and His infinite glory.
• We can begin beholding His glory as in a glass today! (Bible)

g. Phil.3:8 – the knowledge of Christ radically changes the kind of person we are.
• When it sinks in who He really is, the knowledge of Christ will make us willing—yea joyous and eager—to exchange the riches and pleasures of this world for the knowledge of Christ!
• Through the eyes of the new man, it is but dung in comparison!
• This is the thinking of a new man… one who no longer has the worldly attitude of the old man—a this life only attitude Paul decried in I Cor. 15.
• The new mind filters everything in this life through the reality of resurrection life: this life is a vapor… this world is not my home… my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue!
• The new man thinks on things above. He dwells above. His home and heart are above.
• Phil. 3:10 – that I may KNOW Him! (Even if it includes the fellowship of His sufferings!)
• The knowledge of Christ, knowing Christ… is worth forsaking all to achieve… it is worth suffering to obtain.
• And it is the only way we grow and mature as believers.
• Don’t ever be satisfied with your present knowledge of Christ!
• HUNGER and THIRST for more and you will be filled!

h. Col. 2:3 – we are renewed in knowledge… and all knowledge resides in Christ.
• Thus, as we abide in Him, we are being renewed in knowledge… filled with the knowledge of Him and His will…
• He is all we need for this renewal to occur.
• He is sufficient for ALL of our needs… sufferings… sorrows… He is the Savior!
• Just as a branch finds the Vine all sufficient, and as the branch abides in the vine, it is constantly being renewed by virtue of the fact that it is resting IN the vine, so we are constantly being renewed as we abide in Christ.
• The more we learn of Him by reading His Word and experientially through practicing His Word, the more we are transformed into His image.
• And it is by ABIDING in Christ that we learn of Him… and learn of His mind… we will experience by practice His attitude… let this mind be in you…
• If we abide in Him and His word abides in us, a transformation occurs:
» His will gradually becomes our will…
» We begin to THINK like He thinks…
» The more we abide in Him, the more of His thinking is reflected in us…
» The mind of Christ is that humble, selfless, willingness to suffer and serve for the good of others… the mind or attitude of Christ demonstrated in the incarnation.
» When yielded and filled with the Spirit Christ’s attitude will be our attitude.
• Spending time in the company and fellowship of an infinitely Holy One will change the way we think. It has to!
» There is a difference between being a student of the Word, and spending time in His presence.
» It is the difference between spending time in a book and spending time with a Person.
» A student of the Word isn’t necessarily being renewed by the knowledge of God he receives from the Word.
» He may well be simply adding data to his brain.
» But the student of the Word who studies the Word SO THAT he might spend time in communion with Christ WILL be renewed by the knowledge he receives.
» It is possible to know the book, but have little experiential knowledge of the Person of Christ.
» It is possible to know the Word of God and not know the God of the Word!
• God USES knowledge of Himself and His Word to renew us and make us more like Christ… but knowledge alone will not renew.

i. As a newborn babe DESIRE the sincere milk of the Word that ye may grow thereby!

j. Job had the right idea: He saw the word of God as more important than his necessary food!
• Renewal of the inner man is based upon taking in the knowledge of Christ and exercising ourselves in it… just like refreshment of the body is based upon our taking in food and exercise.
• If you don’t eat and exercise, you will be might sick physically. If you don’t eat the Word of God and be exercised thereby, you will be mighty sick spiritually too!

3. The new man is given many COMMANDS with respect to filling his mind with the knowledge of Christ.

a. Col. 3:2 – We are commanded to set our MINDS or THINK on things above.

b. Col. 1:9 – PRAY to be filled with the KNOWLEDGE of His will.

c. Rom. 12:2 – Be ye transformed (metamorphosis) by the renewing of your mind

d. Eph. 4:23 – renewed in the spirit of your mind

e. Phil. 4:8 – THINK on these things…

f. I Pet. 1:13 – gird up the loins of your mind.

g. II Pet.1:5 – give all diligence to add to your faith knowledge!

h. II Pet. 3:18 – we are commanded to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

i. OH how we need to faithful every day in our time in the word!

The Goal of Renewal in Knowledge: The Image of Christ

A. The Past

1. Rom. 8:29 – before the foundation of the earth, God determined that SOME men would be conformed to the image of His Son.

2. Gen. 1:26-27 – we were CREATED in God’s image.

3. Then sin entered the world and everything changed.

B. The Future

1. I John 3:2 – we shall be like Him. This is a marvelous promise from God.

a. But this promise is far greater than we might think at first.

b. This is not a promise that one day we will be like Adam was before the fall. That would be great enough.

c. But this is a promise that we shall one day be like the resurrected Christ who is glorified and seated at the Father’s right hand!

2. The future image of God into which we are being transformed is far SUPERIOR to the image of God we lost in Adam.

a. I Cor. 15:49 – We shall bear His image in every way.

b. Christ, the Second Adam is far superior to the first Adam!

c. What we are in Christ is far superior to what we were in Adam.

d. The image of God reflected in those who are in heavenly places in Christ is far superior to the image of God reflected in Adam who was on earth… even before the fall.

e. Christ does not simply restore to the image man had before the fall… He restores us to a far greater image of God in the Person of Jesus Christ… the perfect image of the invisible God!

C. The Present

1. God determined in eternity past that some would be like His Son.

2. God began that good work in us the moment we were saved.

3. God promises in the future the work of transformation will be completed… and all true believers will be like His Son.

4. He who BEGAN a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ—the rapture at which time we will be LIKE Him.

a. The transformation process into the image of Christ WILL occur in the life of every believer.

b. That is something we can REST in because it is a promise of God.

c. But we are not there yet.

5. Presently God is slowly, gradually making that transformation an experiential reality in your lives and mine…. grace upon grace… from glory to glory…

6. Warren Wiersbe: We were formed in God’s image, and deformed from God’s image by sin. But through Jesus Christ, we can be transformed into God’s image.

D. The Image of Him Who Created Him

1. It was GOD who created man. (Gen. 1:1) The New Testament states that it was Christ who is Creator.

a. Christ is the image of the invisible God. (Col. 1:15)

b. We are in Him and associated with Him.

c. We are being transformed into the image of Christ… and thus into the image of God…

2. II Cor. 3:18 – states that as we behold His glory, we are being transformed into the image of Christ—by God’s Spirit.

a. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to renew the child of God.

b. As we behold His glory by reading and meditating upon the Word, we grow in the knowledge of Christ.

3. Gal. 4:19 – Christ is being formed in us. (His character)

a. As we are transformed into His image, His character and His LIFE will be manifested through our mortal bodies.

b. The marred image of God in man is gradually being restored in the new man in Christ.

c. Regeneration began the process. Progressive sanctification continues that process.

d. Christ is being formed in us… His glorious character is reflected through our lives as we increase in the knowledge of Him.

e. The greater our appreciation of Christ, the greater will be our appreciation for this marvelous work of God in us.

f. This is the goal of the Christian life… the goal of the renewal of which Paul writes… and that for which we should strive.

g. But it all requires KNOWLEDGE of God… to know Him… and to INCREASE in the knowledge of God.

h. Are you GROWING in the knowledge of Christ?

i. Are you PRAYING to be filled with the knowledge of His will for your life?

j. Are you being conformed by the world or transformed by the renewing of your mind?

k. Brother – in what direction are you traveling in your Christian walk?

l. Do we really manifest the mind of Christ in our daily lives?

m. Are we manifesting the savor of His knowledge every place we go?

n. Are we becoming more and more heavenly minded or is our mind worried and tangled and choked by the cares of this life?

o. Maybe it’s time to pause and ponder the path of your feet.

p. And our feet are only going to go where our head directs.

q. What really goes on in your mind throughout the day? What do we really fill it with each day?

r. Can we say with the psalmist, “O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day long?”

s. Ps. 119:113 – “I hate vain thoughts but thy law do I love!”

t. Ps. 119:127 – “I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.”

u. A transformation in the way we THINK will at once be a transformation in the way we LIVE.

The Hindrances to Renewal: The Old Adamic Nature

A. Indwelling sin nature


1. Refusal to present one’s body as a living sacrifice

2. Refusal to cast down imaginations

B. The world Appeals to Our Old Nature

1. Setting our affections (minds) on things of earth

2. Loving the world

3. Refusing to be different from the world

C. The Devil Appeals to Our Old Nature

1. Caving in to temptations from the Devil…

2. Filling our minds with false doctrine…

Renewed After the Image of Christ

1. The meaning of the image of God.

a. The term defined:
• Image = eikwn – to be like, resemble. A representation, an image.
• Used in Mark 12:16 – the image of Caesar stamped in a coin. The coin was made in the image of Caesar. When you looked at the coin, in a sense, you could see Caesar.
• Used in Col. 1:15 – Christ is the image of God. When you see Christ—you see the Father. (John 14:9) Christ is the image of God. To see Christ, in a sense, is to see the Father.
• Used in Rev. 13:14 – the image of the beast. A statue is made of the Antichrist which bears his image. To see the statue, in a sense, is to see the Antichrist. The statue is the image of the Antichrist. (the term is used MOST often in the New Testament of the Antichrist in Rev.)
• Used in II Cor. 3:18 – here the image speaks of the reflection of a person in a mirror. To see the reflection in the mirror is to the see the person the mirror is facing.
• Thus, the term image speaks of a likeness, a representation, a resemblance, or a reflection of something or someone.

b. God made man to bear a resemblance of Himself… to be a reflection of His glory…
• Hence, in some sense, to see a human being we SHOULD see a reflection of who God is.
• We should see a resemblance of His character… His virtue…
• We SHOULD see love, grace, kindness, holiness, purity, righteousness, etc.
• That is exactly what we would have seen had we seen Adam in the garden before the fall.

c. God created man with capacities that reflect his own capacities: intellect, emotion, and will… and an aptitude for moral and spiritual things.
• Man is created with the same capacities, but obviously to an infinitely lower degree.
• God created man for communion with Himself… and hence, man had to be in the image and likeness of God in some way for that to occur.
» God created man with an intellect to KNOW God and spiritual things…
» God gave man emotions that he might LOVE God and have heart to heart communion with God.
» God created man with a will—that He might willingly CHOOSE to follow God… choose to love Him, trust Him, and obey Him.
• Thus, in some way, man reflects God’s character. He is made in the IMAGE of God.

2. Rom. 8:29 – before the foundation of the earth, God predestinated some to be conformed to the image of His Son.

a. Predestinated: prohorizw: to predetermine, decide beforehand, appoint beforehand.

b. The goal of this predestination is conformity to the image of God.

c. An omniscient and omnipotent God would not allow sin or Satan to interfere with His plan.

d. God wanted mankind to reflect His glory and with whom He could commune.

e. He determined before He created the world that SOME of mankind WOULD in fact be conformed eternally and perfectly to that image.

f. Had God NOT made that determination ahead of time, it would not come to pass.

g. There is much we do NOT know and COULD not know about this decree of God, but we DO know what He has revealed.

h. God was DETERMINED to have human beings perfectly reflect His glory… and was also determined that NOTHING would ultimately interfere with His eternal plan.

3. Gen. 1:26-27 – we were CREATED in God’s image.

a. After the decree or determination of the Godhead to do so, God brought that plan to pass by creating man in His image.

b. The Persons of the Godhead discussed this before creation. They determined to create man in the image of God and during creation week, it came to pass.

c. Man in Gen. 1:26 = adam…

d. It speaks of the man adam—and the term links man to the earth (adamah)… made of the dust of the earth.

e. But is also a generic term for mankind—including both male and female (vs. 27)… linking all human beings to Adam.

f. God possesses both strength and beauty… reason and emotion… and both men and women reflect His image… perhaps a little differently…

g. God’s IMAGE is in man…
• Just as when you look in a regular mirror, your image is there. The mirror reflects your image.
• We were created to be like a mirror for God. God’s image is to be reflected in us.
• We were created in His image… as a reflector of His image… a bearer of His likeness.
• This image is to be reflected in the way we think, the things we set our affections on, the things we do, and the choices we make.

4. Ecc. 3:19-20 – man is NOT like the animal kingdom.

a. The animals turn to dust and that is the end of them.

b. Man’s spirit lives forever.

c. Science will NEVER be able to prove or disprove that man’s spirit lives forever and the spirit of a beast ends at his death.

d. This is a revelation from God that we take it by faith.

e. God brought all the animal kingdom before Adam and there was nothing there that corresponded to him… no heart to heart communion… no fellowship. (Sorry pet lovers—it is a one way street with animals!)

f. Men and animals may be alike with respect to bodies. But that is the end of it.

g. Our inner man has nothing in common with the animal world.

h. Men and God have much MORE in common. Men can fellowship with God… commune together…

i. No animal was made in the image of God. Not even the angels… but God made MAN in his image.

j. The human race is the special object of God’s love and concern.
• Not the angels or the animals.
• MAN alone was made in the image of God.
• Man alone is offered redemption.
• Christ became a man, not an angel.

5. Man was created a little lower than the angels…

a. Ps. 8:5-8 – Man was crowned with glory and honor and given dominion over the earth!

b. The term “angels” in this passage is Elohim (God).

c. Man was created a little lower than Elohim… lower than God… or lower than the angels as the translators interpreted it.

d. However, the point being made here is David’s awe over the EXALTED position, which God gives to man in making him the crown of creation! Dominion over the entire earth! What is man?

e. Man was given dominion over the earth… as God’s representative. He is lower than God but has dominion over everything else on earth as God’s representative.

f. Man is made in the image of God… man was created to be an earthly reflection of who God is and what He is like.

6. Then sin entered the world and everything changed.

a. Adam sinned and the image of God in man was defaced… marred… disfigured.

b. Gen. 5:3 – after the fall, Adam’s son was born in the image of Adam… who was now a sinner by nature… that son born possesses Adam’s fallen nature… and a defaced image of God.

c. That fallen human nature and a defaced image of God is passed on from Adam from generation to generation and includes the entire human race.

d. All human beings today are made in the image of God—saved or unsaved. (Jas. 3:9; Gen. 9:6)

e. But that image is tarnished… like a broken mirror.

f. A broken mirror still has the capacity to reflect… but the image is broken… fragmented… unclear.

g. An unsaved man is made in the image of God, but he gives forth a distorted image of who God is.

h. When we see a fallen human being today, instead of seeing God’s love, grace, compassion, righteousness, and purity, we see something quite different.
• There may be momentary flickers of human love and a sense of righteousness… but it is fatally marred by wrath, malice, pride, and impurity!
• Instead of being a faithful reflection of Christ, who is the image of God, the unsaved are a faithful reflection of Adam in his fallen condition… a broken mirror at best.
• When sin entered the world, Adam became SELF-centered rather than God centered.
• The image reflected was no longer that of a holy God, but of a fallen man.

7. That is a summary of man in relation to Adam.

a. Adam was created in God’s image—and was a perfect reflection of godly qualities.

b. But sin entered the world and that mirror reflection was broken…

c. Every human being since has been born in the image and likeness of fallen Adam… and we are born in the image of God, though severely defaced by sin.

d. The image of the Creator is distorted today… and try as he may, man is hopelessly unable to piece together all those broken fragments of the mirror and thus restore that image.

e. Every single human being is born a sinner. Every single human being reflects Adam’s fallen nature… and is a DISTORTED reflection of God. Every single human being is worthy of eternal condemnation.

f. This is the sad history of man created in the image of God.

g. This is the present condition of mankind in Adam under the first creation.

Recreated in the Image of God

1. God COULD have ended the story right there.

a. He could have condemned the entire fallen race to eternal condemnation and would have been JUST and HOLY in doing so.

b. But God is not willing that ANY should perish.

c. God, who is rich in mercy…

d. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.

e. God had already determined before the foundation of the world that regardless of the sin and failure of mankind, SOME would ultimately be conformed to the image of His Son.

f. NOTHING would hinder God’s plan for His creation—neither sin nor Satan could prevent thwart God’s plan to have sons in His own image and likeness.

2. God who knows the end from the beginning, planned from the beginning HOW to deal with the fall of mankind.

a. Phil. 2:6-8 – God became a man in the Person of Jesus Christ to demonstrate what a human being OUGHT to look like…

b. Christ was made in the likeness of men, but was also made in the image of God… in fact, the express image of the Father!

c. Even in the incarnation, Christ demonstrated HOW a human could perfectly reflect the image of God.

d. He came in His Father’s name… to do the works of His father… to declare His Father…

e. Christ came to manifest the Father… to do the will of the Father… to do the work of the Father…

f. On the cross He demonstrated the love of the Father… the righteousness of the Father…

g. Jesus said to Phillip, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.”

h. “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father!”

i. Christ is the express image of the Father… a perfect mirror image of the Father.

j. Christ was the perfect image of the Father through incarnation.

3. Heb.10:4-7 – God knew that one day a human body would be prepared for His Son. Christ would be made in the likeness of man.

a. The human body that was prepared for Christ was the perfect sacrifice to provide redemption for fallen man…

b. The life of Christ in human flesh was given as a sacrifice to human sin.

c. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross eternally satisfied the justice of the Father and paid in full the penalty of human sins… the sins of the whole world!

d. For God so loved the world that He gave…

e. In becoming a man, Christ demonstrated the ultimate revelation of who the Father is. On the cross Christ reflected the righteousness and love of His Father.

4. Notice how Paul describes redemption in Colossians:

a. IN Christ we have redemption (Col. 1:14)

b. We have redemption IN the One who is the IMAGE of God (Col.1:15).

c. All those IN CHRIST not only partake of redemption and forgiveness of sins, but also are part of the NEW CREATION! (II Cor. 5:17).

d. Previously, we were IN Adam as part of the original creation. And in Adam the image of God was defaced.

e. Now we are IN CHRIST, and the image of God is restored… because we are part of the NEW CREATION.

f. The image of God was defaced in the original creation. Man was no longer able to accurately reflect the character of God.

g. The image of God is recreated in the new creation. The born again person is now ABLE to accurately reflect the image of God.

h. The man in Christ has been REDEEMED from bondage and slavery to sin. He has been redeemed and set free!

i. Thus, when this new man is filled with the Holy Spirit, the true image of God is reflected through him… and to the world.

j. He is thus able to demonstrate not just natural affection, but Divine, agape love! He is able to love righteousness and hate iniquity as the Father does! He is able to show compassion on the lost… to become a servant of men… to be selfless in showing grace to others…

k. All that is because Christ is IN HIM… and His life and resurrection power enable him. The result is the fruit of the SPIRIT… genuine fruit for God’s glory.

l. God’s true character is accurately reflected through such a man—exactly as God originally intended.

m. Isn’t that awesome?! Adam lived in a perfect world and FAILED to be a mirror image of the Father. We live in a cursed and corrupted world—and by God’s grace—are ABLE to walk in newness of life and to accurately reflect God’s character to those around us!

n. It is only so because it is GOD who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

o. The unregenerate man in Adam possesses a defaced image of God and is unable to accurately reflect God’s character.

p. The regenerated man in Christ has the image of God RE-created in him… and God lives in him that he might ACCURATELY mirror God’s character to the world around him. Praise God for that!

5. Eph. 4:24 – the new man – part of the new creation in Christ is created in righteousness and true holiness!

a. Righteousness and true holiness is what SHOULD have been reflected through Adam and those in Adam…

b. It was God’s intention for him to be an ACCURATE reflection of who God is.

c. However, sin changed all that and those in Adam have a marred image.

d. But those who are CREATED IN CHRIST as a new man… part of the new creation… are able to accurately reflect the image of God to the world.

e. The new man with a new nature has a new capacity to be what God always intended man to be: the image of God… a reflection of the moral qualities of the heavenly Father… His rightousness, holiness, love, grace, mercy, purity, truth.

f. We have been RECREATED in God’s image and are already part of the new creation in Christ.

g. We don’t have to wait for the actual creation of the new heaven and the new earth off in the future.

h. We can enjoy the inward spiritual blessings TODAY!

i. We have been created in Christ to reflect TRUE righteousness and holiness.

Renewed in the Image of God

A. Regeneration and Sanctification


1. Regeneration BEGINS the process of renewing the image of God.

a. Without regeneration being renewed in the image of God is impossible.

b. Regeneration brings us INTO this new life as new creatures in Christ.

c. We are born COMPLETE in Christ… and thus ABLE to accurately reflect the image of God. We have all we need to do so in Christ.

d. In the natural birth we were created in His image… but that image was defaced.

e. In the new birth we were RE-created into His image.

f. We were CREATED in righteounsess and true holiness… just like our heavenly Father.

g. Consider the analogy of the birth of a baby in the natural realm.

• At birth that baby is alive and complete.
» He receives genes from his father.
» He looks like dad; walks like dad; talks like dad.
» He is the spitting image of his father… by BIRTH.
» He was born or created in his father’s image.
» It is a genetic likeness… due to birth. Even if his father died and he never met him, he would still look, talk, and walk like his dad.
• But there is also another sense in which a son GROWS into the image of his father.
» Since he spends so much TIME with his dad, he becomes like dad in other ways too: LEARNED behavior… not a genetic likeness, but a learned likeness.
» He watches dad fix cars and learns to fix cars like dad.
» He watches dad play tennis and develops a love of tennis.
» He watches how dad treats his mom and learns how to treat women.
» He watches dad go to work and learns diligence.
» He listens to the way his dad talks and learns how to commune with other people.
» He goes to church, Sunday school, and prayer meeting with his dad and learns the importance of the local church from his dad.
» He spends time fishing with his dad and develops a love of fishing.
» After spending so much time in his father’s presence and listening to his father’s voice, he LEARNS to BE like his dad… to love what he loves and hates what he hates.
» Unfortunately as human fathers, our kids pick up both our good and bad qualities!

h. In the spiritual realm, something similar occurs.
• The difference, our heavenly Father has only GOOD qualities!
• We are BORN AGAIN with our heavenly Father’s spiritual “genes.”
• We are born again a NEW nature… partakers of the Divine nature.
• We have a heart for God, His Word, and spiritual things.
• We have a new mind to know God… a new will to choose God and spiritual things over the things of the earth.
• We are CREATED in righteousness and true holiness… into the image of our heavenly Father.
• But we are also being formed PROGRESSIVELY into the image of God.
• We are created COMPLETE at the new birth… but that only BEGINS the process.
• But as we spend TIME with God, we LEARN to love the things He loves. We learn to HATE the things He hates.
• Over time, as we spend much time in worship, prayer, and communion with our heavenly Father, we are progressively GROWING more and more into His image.
• We are LIKE Him at the moment of saving faith (in His image; His nature; His heart; the mind of Christ; etc).
• But we GROW more and more into His image by spending time with Him.
• More and more we LEARN to love what He loves and HATE what He hates.
• More and more we LEARN of His ways… His mind… His heart…
• More and more HIS love for others is manifested THROUGH us… because it is GOD who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
• More and more His compassion for the lost is reflected through our mortal bodies.
• More and more His holiness is demonstrated in us… and in the choices we make…
• We are CREATED at the moment of saving faith in the image of Christ.

i. We GROW more and more into His image throughout our earthly lives.
• And we all have a LONG way to go!
• All those IN Christ have begun the process of RENEWAL and growth into the image of Christ.

B. The Image of Him Who Created Him

1. It was GOD who created man. (Gen. 1:1) The New Testament states that it was Christ who is Creator.

a. Christ is the image of the invisible God (Col.1:15)

b. We are in Him and associated with Him.

c. We are being transformed into the image of Christ… and thus into the image of God…

2. II Cor. 3:18 – states that as we behold His glory, we are being transformed into the SAME image of Christ—by God’s Spirit.
a. The illustration of a glass (mirror; looking glass)
• The believer is like a mirror… a looking glass…
• A mirror reflects whatever it faces.
• And that mirror… looking glass is facing the Lord as we behold His glory in the word.
• If I face a mirror towards my dog, my dog’s reflection will appear in the mirror. As the front of that mirror beholds my dog… Mac’s image appears on the mirror.
• Here the illustration is the believer facing the Lord… and as the believer (the mirror) beholds the Lord… the image of the Lord is formed in that mirror.
• In some sense, that is what happens to us as believers as we look at Christ… face Him… behold His glory… as we are looking unto Jesus… Christ is being formed in us.
• This is God’s means of renewing His sons into the image of Christ.
• God does all the supernatural work of transformation and renewing us. Our only responsibility is to BEHOLD Christ… facing Him… looking unto Jesus.

b. As we do, the Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to renew the child of God.
• As we behold His glory by reading and meditating upon the Word, we grow in the knowledge of Christ.

c. Those in Christ have the capacity to turn that mirror away from self and towards Christ.
• As we BEHOLD the glory of the Lord… His image is reflected in our lives.
• As we are LOOKING unto Jesus, His character and resurrection life are manifested in our mortal bodies.
• As we ABIDE In Christ, and continually come to His throne of grace, He fills us with Himself… and the fruit of the Spirit—Christlike character—borne in us.
• We were created to be like a mirror to reflect the image of God.

d. Mirrors always work. They never malfunction.
• If you want the image of your dog in the mirror, you have to face the mirror towards the dog.
• If works with a coffee mug, a chair, a tree, or your new car… but the mirror needs to be facing whatever image you want to be reflected in it—and voila!
• It works every time.
• The only thing that would PREVENT an image from appearing in a mirror is pointing the mirror in some OTHER direction.

e. That is true in the spiritual realm as well.
• When we as a mirror face inward toward self, (me, myself, and I) we reflect the sinful, fallen character of Adam.
» The world will see Adam in us… the effects of the Adamic nature.
» We too will see Adam’s nature manifesting itself in us…
» When we dote over self… our problems… our struggles… our pains… our trials… our troubles… our chores: the picture is not pretty.
» That brings discouragement and causes our faith to diminish.

• When we as a mirror face upward toward Christ, we reflect the image of God, for Christ IS the perfect image of God… the express image of the Father.
» The world will see Christ in us!
» When we spend time beholding HIS glory… His character is reflected through our lives…
» That brings fruit… victory… cause for encouragement… and a hunger for more… a desire to keep on beholding His glory!
» And the renewing process continues—from one level of glory to another higher level of glory.

3. Gal.4:19 – Christ is being formed in us. (His character)

a. As we are transformed into His image, His character and His LIFE will be manifested through our mortal bodies.

b. The marred image of God in man is gradually being restored in the new man in Christ.

c. Regeneration began the process. Progressive sanctification continues that process.

d. Christ is being formed in us… His glorious character is reflected through our lives as we increase in the knowledge of Him… which occurs as we behold Him!

e. This is the goal of the Christian life… the goal of the renewal of which Paul writes… and that for which we should strive.

f. But it all requires KNOWLEDGE of God… to know Him… and to INCREASE in the knowledge of God.

g. Are you GROWING in the knowledge of Christ?

h. Are you PRAYING to be filled with the knowledge of His will for your life?

i. Are you being conformed by the world or transformed by the renewing of your mind?

j. Are you caught up in the love of Christ…desiring to spend more time with Him… or are you caught up with yourself… spending your time meditating upon me, myself, and mine?

k. We are transformed in KNOWLEDGE… and the knowledge of God comes from beholding the glory of Christ in the Word and in spending time in communion with Him.

l. A transformation in the way we THINK will at once be a transformation in the way we LIVE.

m. Are you REALLY Christ centered? Or are we earthly success centered? Job centered? Money centered? Family centered? Aches and pains centered? Education centered? Music centered? Sports centered? Entertainment centered?

n. It doesn’t take long to repent… or to change. The moment that mirror is turned around… another object becomes the center of its reflection.

o. Take that mirror off yourself and turn it back to Christ… and begin to enjoy Him all over again!

p. The process of transforming you into the image of Christ will continue immediately.

4. Warren Wiersbe: We were formed in God’s image, and deformed from God’s image by sin. But through Jesus Christ, we can be transformed into God’s image.

5. I John 3:2 – one day we shall be like Him. This is a marvelous promise from God. One day the transformation will be complete.

6. Until then, we need to be faithful in pointing that mirror towards Christ…

Christ Is All and In All

Dead to Earthly Distinctions

A. Earthly Distinctions

1. Greek or Jew – a NATIONAL distinction.

a. Jews and Greeks were not the best of friends.

b. Jews were a thorn in the flesh to the Greek speaking world… and the feeling was mutual.

2. Circumcision or Uncircumcision – a distinction in CUSTOMS.

a. Different nations and cultures had developed their own customs, many of which were related to their religion.

b. The Jews practiced circumcision and looked down upon those who did NOT practice this ritual.

c. You often read about the uncircumcised Philistines!

d. Paul makes it clear that in Christ there is no advantage in BEING a Jew.

e. Now he states that there is no advantage in BECOMING a Jew.

f. Christianity does not revolve around a nation, a set of Laws, or rituals, but it centers on a Person: the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Barbarian or Scythian – a CULTURAL distinction.

a. Scythian denotes a group of tribes who lived north and east of the Black Sea.

b. The Greeks and Romans consider the Barbarians, well, barbaric… uncultured… uncivilized… crude… the bottom of the barrel culturally.

c. The Barbarians considered the Scythians even worse! If the Barbarians were the bottom of the barrel, the Scythians were the scum on the bottom of the bottom of the barrel.

d. Herodotus said of them: They drank the blood of the first enemy killed in battle, and made napkins of the scalps, and drinking bowls of the skulls of the slain. They had the filthiest habits and never washed with water.

4. Bond or Free – a distinction of SOCIAL STATUS

a. The ancient world was divided into bond and free.

b. This was especially so in the Roman Empire.

c. Slavery in the New Testament had nothing to do with race, but with power.

d. The wealthy and powerful could afford servants.

e. The poor and weak found it necessary to sell themselves into slavery or were taken as slaves by a powerful invading army.

f. Of course the Bible NEVER condoned slavery. But knowing human nature, God regulated it to prevent abuse. Slavery certainly was not God’s idea!

g. This distinction existed too often in the world. But in Christ, God doesn’t even recognize that distinction.

B. We Died to the World and Its Earthly Distinctions

1. Col. 3:3 – we died with Christ.

2. Gal. 6:14 – we were crucified to the world.

a. That death separated us from our former relationship to the world. Thus, this world is not my home…

b. We don’t march to their drummer any more. We don’t think that way any more. Even our speech is new.

c. Our old man thought just like the world. We all had our biases and prejudices.

d. But that old man died and we are new creatures in Christ.

e. In Christ we died—separated—from all those former earthly hang-ups, phobias, and prejudice.

f. Nationality, race, customs, culture, education, and social status mean absolutely nothing to a dead man!

3. Positionally, NONE of these earthly distinctions have any significance in the Body of Christ. They are entirely meaningless.

a. Differences exist here on earth. We don’t deny their earthly existence. Yes, on earth there IS male and female… black and white… rich and poor.

b. This has been the cause of many wars, bloodshed, and hatred over the centuries.

c. But in Christ those distinctions are meaningless… not even a consideration.

5. Everyone enters the Body of Christ in exactly the SAME way:

a. I Cor. 12:13 – Jew and Gentile; bond and free—all baptized.

b. Nationality doesn’t help or hurt. Circumcision doesn’t help or hurt. Being wealthy or poor matters not. Social standing is not a consideration.

c. The only thing that matters is Christ: have you trusted in Him or not? Are YOU born again?

Alive Unto Heavenly Distinctives

A. The New Man is Alive In a New Realm: In Christ



a. ‘Opou = where… which or what place.

b. Metaphorically it is used in a wider sense including time, manner, circumstances (Col. 3:11; 2 Pet. 2:11).

c. In Col. 3:11, Paul is not speaking about a literal place or location that could be pinpointed on a map. He is speaking of a place metaphorically—a set of circumstances.

d. Wuest translates this as “in which state.”

e. In context, the apostle is speaking about the new man in Christ who is experiencing this inner renewal into the image of God by means of the Holy Spirit.

f. The significance of ‘opou: In other words—a born again person—IN Christ—who is filled with the Holy Spirit… and in whom the fruit of the Spirit or Christlike character is being manifested.

g. In THAT state… there is neither Greek nor Jew… etc.

2. The New POSITION of the New Man In Christ

a. Gal.3:27-28 – these distinctions do not exist in the Body of Christ positionally.

b. As God looks at His Body, He makes no such distinctions.

c. In Christ speaks of our heavenly position…

d. In Christ EVERY believer shares exactly the SAME position.

e. There is no advantage to being rich; skin color; social background etc.

f. Paul told Philemon, concerning his slave Onesimus, after his slave got saved, that he is no longer to view him “as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved.”

g. In Christ we are all ONE.

3. The CONDITION of the New Man In Christ.

a. Unfortunately, there are born again people, members of the Body of Christ, who are justified by faith, saved to the uttermost… and yet they still MAKE those distinctions!

b. The condition of those in Christ does NOT always match their position.

4. Problems of the earthly church: It took a while for their NEW POSITION to sink in and have an effect on their behavior.

a. Acts 6:1-3 – a controversy arose in the early because this positional truth was not being practiced.
• This was a matter of prejudice over ethnicity.
• The Greeks and the Hebrews were disputing.
• The Greeks (including Hellenistic Jews) were upset because the Jewish widows from Jerusalem were getting preferential treatment over their widows.
• What a terrible picture this sent out to those observing the early church.
» God said the body was ONE—but observers would never see that.
» God said that there was neither Greek nor Jew in Christ—but observers would never see that.
» God said that those who are being renewed by the Spirit in Christ are DEAD to all earthly distinctions… but onlookers would never know that.
» God said that the church was without spot or wrinkle positionally… but the wrinkles were sure showing here!
» The CONDITION of this church was sending out a completely distorted picture of their POSITION in Christ.
» It is a much more serious matter than that of hurting people’s feelings, of being unkind.
» It was a fundamental, doctrinal matter. It got to the very heart of what the church IS and its PURPOSE in the world!
» This was no trivial matter… which is WHY it is recorded in the Scriptures for us.
• Vs. 2 – the apostles themselves heard about this conflict and told them how to resolve the conflict immediately.
• Vs. 3 – they were to appoint men who were FILLED with the Holy Spirit.
» The men chosen were not just men in Christ, but new creatures in Christ in whom the renewing work of the Holy Spirit was taking place!
» These were the men chosen to oversee this important matter.
• Vs. 5 – the list of Spirit filled men is given. Note that most of the names are Greek… displaying the grace of the Jews.
• Vs. 7 – they resolved the matter and God BLESSED that assembly!
» Evidently, His blessing was being withheld as long as there was ethnic bias in the Body.
» Prejudice HINDERS the work of God.
• Had this issue not been dealt with properly in the early church, we could have ended up with the churches divided along ethic lines.

b. Acts 15:1-2 – Yet another dispute arose in the early church: prejudice over religious customs.
• Vs. 1 – Some men came into the church and began teaching that it was necessary for GENTILES to submit to Jewish rules (circumcision) in order to be saved.
• This pitted Jewish rituals and customs against pagan rituals and customs.
• Vs. 2 – When Paul and Barnabus heard of this, they were outraged and immediately determined to go to Jerusalem and deal with this issue before it spread.
• This issue nearly divided the church. We almost had TWO churches: one Jewish and one Gentile.
• Paul realized the significance of this issue and held a church council in Jerusalem to settle it once and for all.
• Gal. 6:15 – ?For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
• Earthly rituals mean nothing to a heavenly people.
• There were several elements to this error.
» It related to soteriology: salvation. (Was the work of Christ enough? Faith alone or faith plus works? What IS the gospel message?)
» It related to legalism: is the Mosaic Law over or isn’t it? Are believers of this age expected to keep the Law of Moses?
» It related to the ecclesiology: church truth: what IS the church? Is it a body of Jews and Gentiles on equal footing or isn’t it? Is the church a New Testament Israel or is it a new Man entirely? Is the church ONE Body or not?
• The PRACTICE of the early church in this instance was a very POOR reflection of what the church IS.
» Bias for one’s own traditions and customs divided the church.
» Their behavior BELIED their glorious position in Christ… where there is neither circumcision nor uncircumcision.
» They weren’t behaving in a manner that accurately reflected who they WERE in Christ.
» Paul traveled there in order to adjust the condition of the church to match its position.

c. Jas. 2:1-10 – James had to deal with that unfortunate situation: prejudice over wealth.
• Those in Christ positionally—where there is neither rich nor poor—were BEHAVING as if there WAS a distinction between them!
• Showing respect of persons in practice is virtually a denial of what the church IS!
• It is a serious violation of truth! It is a distortion of the marvelous work of God in the Body of Christ!
• Vs. 4 – they are judges of EVIL thoughts!
• Vs. 5 – the poor in Christ are actually quite rich!
• Vs. 6 – the condition… the practice of these believers was interpreted by God as “despising” the poor!
• Vs. 6b-7 – He shows the folly of assuming that earthly wealth denotes a superior quality of life.
• Vs. 8 – the royal law of love makes NO distinctions between rich or poor… Jew or Gentile… etc.
• Vs. 9-10 – making distinctions in the Body of Christ is called transgression… and makes a person a lawbreaker… putting him in the same category as an adulterer and a murderer!
• God hates bigotry, racism, and social prejudice much more than we might think!
• It should be treated in the same way in the local church as adultery or murder. Unless there is repentance, that member is to be rejected from the fellowship of the saints!
• That biased Christian may be in Christ positionally, but his behavior is sending out a most distorted picture of who Christ is and what His Body is.
• That biased believer is NOT undergoing the renewal process spoken of in Col. 3:10. He is NOT being renewed in the image of God.
• He is being outwardly CONFORMED to the world and its ways!
• That is worldliness to the core—and it has no place whatsoever in the Body of Christ.

d. The prejudices over ethnicity, over customs, and over wealth nearly destroyed the early church.
• It painted the wrong picture of what the church is.
• They belied their position of unity in Christ.
• Paul states that in Christ NONE of those earthly distinctions apply. They are not recognized.
• Those are distinctions of the earth… of the world system… that’s the way the OLD MAN used to think and behave.
• But we are NEW CREATURES in Christ and are DEAD to that kind of thinking.

5. Risen with Christ (Col. 3:1)

a. We are seated with Him at the right hand of God!

b. The rich don’t get special box seats in that throng!

c. We are not going to be divided according to race, ethnicity, social standing, or gender.

d. Rev. 5:9-10 – Before the throne of God the redeemed are from EVERY kindred, tongue, people, and nation! They are ALL kings and priests!

e. When believers divide over such issues on earth, God’s purpose for the existence of the church is frustrated!

f. Eph. 3:10 – God’s grace is seen in Jew and Gentile fellowshipping together!
• Red, yellow, black, and white!
• Palestinian and Israelis worshipping side by side!
• Indian and Pakistani!
• Red Sox fans and Yankee fans!
• Young and old… farmers and lawyers…
• Things that never occur in the world ought to occur naturally in the Body of Christ.
• Therein lies the power of our witness before the world: a supernatural work of God in the hearts of men… powerful enough to erase centuries of hatred!
• Imagine the impact on observers to see Jews, Greek, Barbarians, Scythians, bondmen and free, all singing together with one united voice… and partaking of communion together!
• No sermon by Apollos would have nearly the impact that that scene would have on a visitor!
• John 13:35 – “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
• In a simple gathering of saints, fellowshipping together (it need not be an auditorium of 5000), men witness that which the United Nations has failed to accomplish; the Peace Corps has failed to accomplish; that which the New Deal has failed to accomplish; that which Communism and Capitalism have failed to accomplish; that which international summits and peace treaties have failed to accomplish; that which Vatican councils have failed to accomplish: TRUE unity around the TRUTH!
• It absolutely blew the minds of observers in the first century to hear of Gentiles sending a financial love offering to the Jews in Jerusalem during their famine.
• It is a powerful witness today too when believers who shouldn’t be able to get along… DO! And genuinely love one another.
• Col. 2:2 – knit together UNTO the full assurance of understanding… experiential knowledge that comes through learning to function together as a body…
• In the Body, they are not just STUCK together and bearing up with one another. They are knit together in love!

6. Our new life is hidden with Christ (Col. 3:3)

a. This is the new life of a new man.

b. It is hidden away in heaven… its source is not from the things of earth, but from heaven itself.

c. The world does not understand such things, nor can they.

d. The spiritual man is discerned of no man.

e. The body of Christ was designed by God to be unique, unusual, eye catching, to arouse curiosity, and as such, be a witness of God’s power and grace to men and angels.

f. But in reality, when men and angels observe, they are usually quite disappointed by what they see.

7. We have been raised up ABOVE all earthly distinctions.

a. We are “seated in heavenly places.”

b. There, none of the earthly distinctions make one speck of difference.

c. Do you really think that the saints around the throne of God in heaven are lined up according to who went to Harvard? How much money they had in the bank on earth? The color of their skin? What political party they belonged to? Their ethnicity or their ethnic traditions of food, clothing, or holidays? Social status on earth?

d. The new man in Christ is to LIVE that way NOW.

e. The church is to FUNCTION according to this truth.
• What a travesty when we DIVIDE the body according to color, ethnicity, or social status! What a mixed message that sends to men and angels observing!
• Service and leadership in the local church have NOTHING to do with any of those earthly distinctions.
• In the church, the state governor has no advantage over the chimney sweep—if they are both saved and members of the same church!
• We should witness to ALL those God puts in our pathways—regardless of these earthly divisions! Thus, a church should look like the demographic region in which it is found.
• The knowledge of our position should affect our earthly condition!

B. Christ IS All

1. Christ is what matters in the Body. (Col. 1:18)

a. It doesn’t matter what your position in the world is. As believers we share exactly the SAME position in Christ.

b. It doesn’t matter what your ethnic background is. As believers we share the SAME Christ.

c. If you have Christ, it doesn’t matter what we possess in the world, does it?

d. If you have Christ, you are rich indeed. It doesn’t matter what kind of earthly treasures we have. We have a rich inheritance reserved in heaven for us!

e. If you have a deep, experiential knowledge of Christ you are an educated man! It doesn’t matter if you have a degree from Harvard or not. Lots of Harvard grads are quite ignorant when it comes to the knowledge of Christ… the knowledge that counts for eternity!

f. If you have Christ, your national heritage doesn’t matter. Your Savior is the Savior of the world. He is the King of ALL kings of the world. And you know Him! And I have access to Him 24-7.

g. Col. 3:4 – For the regenerated, Spirit filled believer, Christ is not an important part of our life. He IS our LIFE.

2. That which men glory in on earth (riches, might, power, prestige, social status, etc.) has NO GLORY compared to Christ.

a. Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:? 24 ?But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD. (Jer. 9:23-24)

b. It is like the dazzling noon day sun which outshines all other stars in the heavens. They are still there… but they have no glory. The presence of the sun obliterates it all.

c. What a silly thing to glory in your Cadillac when you have Christ. Glory in Him!

d. What a foolish thing to boast that you are Jewish, or Italian, or Brazilian… when our real glory is the fact that we are Christians in Christ! Glory in Him!

e. Phil. 3:4-8 – What folly to glory in earthly status—when compared to the knowledge of Christ, they are but dung!

3. The illustration of the mirror.

a. We are like a mirror… and a mirror reflects the image of that which it is facing.

b. When we, like a mirror, point towards the Lord Jesus… beholding His glory as in a glass, HIS glorious image is reflected in us.

c. When that is the case, we discover that He is ALL. He fills all our vision. He is all we need… sufficient for whatever may befall us on earth… because our life is hidden with Christ in heaven… safe as can be.

d. When our attention and affections are single-mindedly focused on Christ… His image is reflected in us… and He is then our ALL in all.
• Fill all my vision, Savior I pray; Let me see only Jesus today;
• When thru the valley thou leadest me, Give me Thy glory and beauty to see.
• Let me see only Thy blessed face; feasting my soul on Thine infinite grace.

e. When Christ does fill all our vision… His grace and strength fill our souls… and we are thus equipped and ABLE to walk in newness of life… regardless of our earthly condition.

f. But when we are focused elsewhere… when our mirror is pointed at all the problems in our lives (finances; health; family; job; etc.) we will not be experiencing the closeness of Christ.

g. When Christ does not appear in our mirror, we might be tempted in our trials to cry, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?”

h. With a simple attitude adjustment… refocusing that mirror on the Lord Jesus… and suddenly, there He is where He has always been… right by our side… closer than ever… we sense His presence and discover anew His grace is all sufficient.

i. He never moves. He never leaves us. But WE often turn our faces away from Him… towards sin… self… problems… the world… and the longer we do, the harder our heart grows towards Christ.

j. But what JOY and POWER is ours when we realize each morning that Christ is our ALL… we need nothing else.

C. Christ is IN All

1. Christ indwells EVERY single believer.

a. Col. 1:27 – Christ in you, the hope of glory!

b. Every believer is equally indwelt by Christ… no one has any advantage in this: Jew, gentile, rich, poor, etc…

c. THAT is what we should glory in.

d. And when we DO glory in Him, we will be LOOKING unto Jesus… our affection will be on things above where He is… our eyes and hearts will be focused on Him.

e. Paul put it this way in II Cor. 3:18 – as we BEHOLD the glory of the Lord as in a glass…
• When that is the case, we, like a mirror, are pointed towards Christ, the SAME image—HIS image is reflected in us.
• When that is the case, when other see us, they will see Christ, not self.
• When the whole body practices this… we are being RENEWED into the SAME image.
• In other words, we will all begin to be ALIKE—yes, red, yellow, black, and white will all begin to walk, talk, and think like Christ!
• Rich and poor; educated and uneducated; all become likeminded… the mind of Christ…
• We will look at each other in a different light too… not according to how much gold you wear, or your skin color, or how big your house is… but we will see Christ… as our all in all.
• All earthly distinctions melt away into nothing. The things of earth grow strangely dim… in the light of His glory and grace!
• When we live as if Christ IS our life… we discover that in Christ, we are much more ALIKE than different.
• We are one in hope and doctrine, one in charity!
• Eph. 4:4-6 – One body, one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all…

2. In Christ, this is all TRUE. This is our glorious position in Him.

a. In our daily condition, this is not always the case.

b. Failing to acknowledge this position has been a serious BLIGHT on Christian churches for many centuries.
• Segregated churches in the South… shame!
• Ethnic churches that minister only to their own kind: shame!
• Churches where the wealthy donors are treated differently: shame!

c. When the TRUTH of all this really SINKS IN… we will begin to PRACTICE it in our daily lives.

d. As we ABIDE in our heavenly position in Christ… learn of that position… learn to love and appreciate it… dwell in it… and most importantly BELIEVE it, it will change our behavior.

e. If we BELIEVE we are superior to another ethnic group, that our race is superior, that our culture is superior, we will BEHAVE according to those beliefs.

f. When we BELIEVE that as Christians NONE of those earthly distinctions hold, that too will be manifested in our behavior.

3. When we are feasting on our heavenly position (unity; no bias or division), then it will MANIFEST itself in our practice down here on earth!

a. If there is any trace of bigotry in your heart, put it off like the dirty garment of the old man that it is! (Cf. vs. 8)

b. If there is any trace of superiority or inferiority in the Body of Christ… put it off like the filthy garment of your old life that is really is.

c. One man wrote: the foot of the cross is all ground level!

d. We are ONE in Christ. Believe God.

The CORPORATE sense of the new man.

1. Jew and Gentile united in the church = the new man corporately (Eph. 2:15).

2. The Body of Christ as a corporate body is also undergoing a process of being brought to the stature of the fullness of Christ – at least this is God’s goal.

3. The church corporately is a NEW Man… which consists of individual new men… new creations.

4. The fact that we are a new man in Christ indicates that we are part of something NEW God is doing.

5. When Adam, the Head of the old race sinned, the image of God created in man was marred.

6. The Second Adam, Christ, the Head of a new humanity… the new man… head of the Church… died to redeem men and restore the image of God…

7. God’s work of salvation not only saves us from hell, and enables us to go to heaven, we are part of the NEW creation… citizens of the heavenly city… the New Jerusalem!

8. A new Jerusalem, a new heaven and a new earth, will be eternally inhabited with new creatures with eternal life—an eternal city wherein dwelleth righteousness… inhabited by men created in righteousness and true holiness positionally… and conditionally are presently being prepared for that new creation…

9. In this new creation, ethnicity matters not; Christ is all and in all! (Col. 3:11)

The Garments of a New Man


1. Our position in Christ (vs. 11)

a. We died with Christ to the world (2:20; 3:3)

b. We have put off the old man at the moment of saving faith (3:9)

c. We rose with Christ to new life (3:1, 4)

d. We have put on the new man (3:10)

e. This new man is completely new, yet is in a process of constant renewal… spiritual growth and progress (3:10)

f. This new man is IN Christ (in the Body) where worldly, earthly distinctions are meaningless. (3:11)

2. Paul has finished the section on positional truth, and begins to make exhortations BASED upon that glorious position.

a. After teaching the Colossians of their position in Christ, he begins to exhort them to behavior that is BEFITTING such a high calling!

b. We saw a few weeks ago that SINCE the old man is dead, it is only fitting that the dirty garments of that old man be PUT OFF (3:8-9).

c. Paul informed them that the new man has been PUT ON at the moment of saving faith (3:10). They ARE a new creature in Christ… a new man.

d. This morning we want to look at the exhortation Paul makes IN LIGHT OF that fact.

e. SINCE you are a new man, PUT ON garments (outward behavior) that is befitting such a position!

Those Being Addressed

A. The Elect of God

1. Elect Defined:  ἐκλεκτός – picked out; chosen;

a. It is a noun in the nominative case – indicating the PERSONS being addressed (elect ones; chosen ones)

b. From  ἐκλέγω – (ek = out of) – To choose out, select out, choose out for oneself,
• This term does not necessarily imply the rejection of what is not chosen, but speaks of displaying favor to the thing chosen.
• It involves preference and selection from among many choices.

c. The verb in Col.3:12 is used in Eph. 1:4 – chosen before the foundation of the earth.
• Therefore, it could not be based on merit.
» We had not yet been born. We had not yet DONE anything.
» It was based purely on God’s goodness and grace
• Deut. 7:7-8 – God CHOSE to place His love on Israel. That’s why they were the elect of God.
» God delighted in choosing Israel, not because of any seen or foreseen merit in the nation, but because it PLEASED the Lord to do so.
» That is exactly why WE too are the elect of God.
• Rom. 9:22 – the two unborn sons of Isaac and Rebecca (Jacob and Esau) illustrate this truth.
» One was chosen, one was not.
» The choice was made BEFORE they were born.
» The purpose of the choice was to make it crystal clear that the choice was NOT made on the basis of works.
» The choice was made according to God – “Him that calleth… that chooseth.” It was His choice, His will… because it pleased Him.
» Election makes it clear that GOD is the One who does the choosing… not the one chosen.
• Eph. 1:5, 9, 11 – God predestinated us, according to His own good pleasure… according to His own good purpose and His own will.
» We all have many questions about God’s sovereign choices… there is much we are not told.
» But one thing we DO know: He chose us because He WANTED to… it pleased Him…
» That’s about the most definitive answer one will find in the pages of the Holy Scripture.
» The gospels contain a similar expression several times: for so it seemed good in thy sight.
» God does that which seems good in His sight.
» We ought to be able to leave it at that and trust Him.
» His choices are based on what HE deems best… One who is omniscient and infinitely good has made the choice. We don’t need to know all the details. Trust Him.
» II Tim. 1:9 – “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.”
• In fact, this thought brings great comfort. God chose me—not because there was anything good in me, but because He wanted to.
• God chose to place His special care upon us for reasons He is not pleased to reveal… reasons known only to Himself.

2. Rather than wander out of the context of Paul’s argument in Colossians 3, it would be best to consider election here as follows:

a. Paul is highlighting to the Colossian believers that they were hand picked by God!

b. They are in a unique and glorious position… as the elect of God.

c. They didn’t need to understand all the ramifications of election (we’re still just skimming the surface of that subject today!)… but they DID need to BELIEVE it.

d. God chose them… and if saved, God chose us!

e. It is designed to evoke from the readers a sense of gratitude and appreciation for God’s marvelous grace.

f. They didn’t DESERVE to be the elect of God, but God chose them anyway! (us too!)

g. They DESERVED to be rejected by God for their sin and rebellion like the rest of the masses of humanity… but God chose them anyway!

h. The very concept of being “chosen out of” the masses ought to humble us… and cause us to stand in awe of God’s amazing grace…

i. We will be learning about God’s elective decrees throughout eternity. We don’t need to know them all right now. But for now, we do well to shout out THANK YOU Lord and sing a chorus or two Amazing grace!

B. Holy

1. Again, this speaks of the POSITION of the Colossian believers.

a. He is not saying, “Be ye holy” or to “Put on holiness.”

b. Rather, he is stating a fact. They ARE holy ones… saints.

2. Holy = separated unto God.

a. That which is set apart for sacred use…

b. This very same term is often translated “saints” (holy ones; those set apart for God).

c. It is similar in concept to a marriage, where the bride has been set apart to their husband.

d. It is used of the temple, of a mountain.

e. Matt.2 3:16-17 – the gold in the Temple was set apart unto God’s service—sanctified—consecrated to God.
• When that gold was “elected” or “selected,” it was then placed in the Temple as a spoon, or vessel, or part of the gold furniture.
• Once that gold was set apart unto God, it was considered “holy” or “sanctified” – set apart for His use.
• Being in the Temple did not change the condition of the gold. It looked the same as ever. It still had the same chemical make up.
• But it was DIFFERENT because it was set apart—in a new position—it was in God’s Temple for God’s use.
• It was no longer ordinary, common gold, but special gold—consecrated unto God.
• Believers have also been set apart from the world UNTO God and for His service.
• In that sense, we are positionally HOLY. At the moment of saving faith, God SEPARATES us from the world and separates UNTO Himself.

f. The priesthood in the Old Testament was consecrated to God too. It was called a “holy priesthood” because those men were in a unique position in Israel as priests.
• Priests were set apart for God’s service. It was a privileged position… a special calling.
• Not all the priests in Israel were holy in practice! (Consider Eli’s sons!)
• I Peter 2:5 – In the New Testament, EVERY believer in Christ is a priest! And we too are called a “holy priesthood.”
• I Peter 2:9 – We are also a holy nation… set apart FROM the world and set apart UNTO God.
• The privileged position brought with it certain responsibilities too!
• . It is the same word as is often translated “sanctified”. (Heb. 10:10 – sanctified once and for all by the blood of Christ)

g. Every true believer in this age is HOLY positionally.
• Hence, Paul addresses the Colossians as “holy ones.”
• The fact that they were IN CHRIST tells us that they were holy – set apart from the world.
• God sees us as HOLY ONES because He sees us in His Son!
• God placed us in His Son and in doing so, set us apart from the world to Himself.
• We are thus eternally set apart unto God.
• This too was part of the Colossians’ glorious position… and ours too!

h. So Paul addresses the Colossian as “holy ones.”
• It is exactly the same Greek word as is translated saints in Col. 1:2, 4.
• A saint is one set apart unto God.
• What a privileged position!

C. Beloved

1. This is the third of three nominatives used to describe the Colossian believers.

a. The Colossians were chosen ones, holy ones, and now beloved ones!

b. ἠγαπημένοι – perfect passive participle – from agape
• Means: love; God’s love.
• Perfect – God placed His love upon these folks in the past and His love remains upon them. They STAND as loved ones of God.
• Passive – it was GOD who performed the action of loving here. He first loved us!

c. Like the other descriptions of the believers, this too speaks of their POSITION. They stand as the beloved of the Father!

d. Of all the people in the world, God chose to pour out His eternal love on the believers in Colossae… and on the believers in Salem Bible Church! That means YOU if you are born again!

2. Divine love is bestowed in grace… not to the deserving, but to the undeserving!

a. We love Him because He first loved us!

b. When we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!

c. There was nothing lovely in us that merited His love.

d. He chose to bestow His everlasting love upon us NOT because we were worthy, but because it was His good pleasure to do so. He WANTED to.

e. He chose to save us and to set us apart from the world and to place us IN His Son… in the Body of Christ.

f. He sees us IN His Son… of whom the Father said, “This is my BELOVED Son… in whom I am well pleased.” (same word)

g. God sees us in His BELOVED Son and refers to us as BELOVED ones!

h. Be grateful. Praise Him for it. Thank Him every day.

D. Summary

1. Paul addressed the Colossians by reminding them once again, in a new and fresh way, of their glorious position in Christ.

a. They were elect – chosen—hand picked by God—not because of any merit God saw in them, but simply because it pleased God to make them the recipients of His amazing grace!

b. They were holy—saints—set apart by God to Himself—once and for all by the blood of Christ. They were placed by God in the unique position as a holy nation… a holy priesthood consecrated to Him… saints! And all of this too was God’s gift to undeserving sinners. God took a sinner and made him a holy one… a saint!

c. They were beloved ones of God—God bestowed His everlasting love upon those who deserved His wrath.

2. Their position: elect ones, holy ones, beloved of the Father.

a. This position was God’s doing and it is forever.

b. Eph. 2:4 – recipients of God’s love and mercy

c. Eph. 2:7 – recipients of God’s kindness and grace.

d. These folks were the recipients of everlasting love, Divine mercies and had experienced the kindness of God through salvation in Christ.

e. Eph. 2:8-9 – every aspect of their salvation was by grace… and they had NO reason whatsoever to boast. No flesh should glory in His presence!

f. We were ALL dead in sins (Eph. 2:1).This is true whether you were saved in the kindergarten or were saved after ending up on Skid Row.

g. There is no difference in sinners from God’s perspective. For ALL have sinned and come short of God’s glory!
• It requires INFINITE grace to save ANY sinner!
• And each one saved is saved the same way: by grace!
• In Adam, all are in the same boat… undeserving sinners…
• In Christ, all are in the same boat… undeserving sinners… but saved by grace! For there is no difference!
• Each one in Christ was chosen, sanctified, and was showed in God’s love—for one reason: GRACE!
• Whether Jew or Greek, circumcision or uncircumcision, Barbarian or Scythian, bond or free… there is no difference in Christ.
• The foot of the cross is ground level.

h. Before this series of exhortations, Paul lets the believers know where they stand in Christ.

i. Regardless of earthly distinctions, in Christ—each one is but a sinner saved by grace… no special status in the Body of Christ…

The Exhortations

A. The Basis of the Exhortations

1. Paul uses two terms (therefore and as) to tie the following exhortations into the context.


a. You are in Christ, where there is neither Jew nor Greek, Barbarian or Scythian, etc. THEREFORE, put on kindness to those in the Body who may be quite different from you!

b. Rest assured that the Jews and Greeks differed on LOTS of issues in life! Different customs, practices, etc.

c. The slave owner and the slave would certain look at earthly things differently… especially the economy!

d. But the Bible is not a book on social engineering or political science. It is a spiritual book, and hence tells ALL of the various groups in the Body to be KIND!

e. BECAUSE there is no difference spiritually… from heaven’s vantage point… be KIND to one another on earth… and display a HEAVENLY attitude!

f. Their heavenly position should affect their earthly condition and behavior!

g. Their position was the basis of the exhortations that follow.

3. AS:

a. Paul just reminded these believers that they were elect, set apart for God, consecrated as priests of God, and beloved of the Father.

b. Their behavior should be AS their position.

c. They were exhorted to show mercy and kindness to others AS those who were recipients of God’s mercy and kindness!

d. As someone who is BELOVED of God (not on the basis of merit, but by God’s grace)… they too should chose to place their love and mercy on others… without regard to merit!

4. These exhortations are Pauline Expressions of Grace.

a. The Colossians WERE in Adam… and God transformed them INWARDLY to new men in Christ.
• This was God’s work in them… pure grace.
• They are no longer the old man they used to be, but a new man… indwelt by the Holy Spirit and Christ.
• BECAUSE they are a new man, they should BEHAVE in a manner fitting who they are!
• The inward work of God – the miracle of regeneration—if GENUINE—will manifest itself outwardly.
• Hence, these exhortations—if you are a new creature in Christ—then wear new clothing!

b. The Colossians were chosen by God, set apart by God unto Himself, (saints) and showered with God’s love—pure grace.
• Hence, they were to show mercy and kindness to others, NOT in order to become saints or to obtain God’s love… BUT because they already ARE saints and already ARE recipients of God’s love!
• The motivation is thus love and gratitude… grace.

c. The more we dwell upon what God has done for us, (our position) the more motivated we will be to do unto others (our condition)!

d. And when we CHOOSE to do unto others because we WANT to (not because we have to), then the power is not human willpower, but the resurrection power indwelling LIFE operative in the life of a Spirit filled believer who is yielded to God.

e. That is the rule of life in the age of grace… Christ’s character is being manifested through us… freely, willingly, for His honor and glory… as a powerful witness to the world!

B. Put On

1. ἐνδύω = to put on; to put on clothes or be clothed with (in the sense of sinking into a garment).

a. Used in Matt. 6:25 – Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.

b. It is used metaphorically too—especially in the sense of “putting on character”… deeds, good works, holiness, etc.

c. That is the sense in which it is used in Col. 3:12

d. It was used in the negative in Col.3:8 – put off bad behavior… like one would take off his dirty clothes.

e. Good behavior is spoken of in the Bible as fine white linen. Unrighteous deeds are described by Isaiah as “filthy rags.”

f. In vs.12, Paul tells us to PUT ON clean clothes… mercy, kindness, humility, etc…

g. Putting on these qualities by practicing them is the effect of this RENEWING process Paul mentioned in vs. 10.

h. The more mercy, kindness, humility, etc. that we put on, the more we are growing in the image of Christ!

2. Imperative – it is a COMMAND!

a. It is our responsibility

b. The old man has already been PUT OFF. (3:9)
• But it is OUR responsibility to put off the SINS that characterized the old man… (3:8)

c. The new man has already been PUT ON (3:10)
• And it is OUR responsibility to put on the VIRTUES that should characterize the new man in Christ.
• It is not enough to put off the old vices. They are to be replaced with virtues!

d. This is Paul’s command in vs.12 – PUT ON the virtues listed here.

e. Of course we do this by reckoning self to be dead and by yielding our members unto God to used as instruments unto righteousness.

f. As we do that, we are filled with the Holy Spirit… and GOD works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

g. If we yield our members to God, He will surely use them as instruments of righteousness.

h. God will take those members and use them to show mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, and longsuffering to others! This is the wardrobe of the saints!

i. God doesn’t do this FOR us or INSTEAD of us. Rather, He works THROUGH us.

j. He works through clean, yielded, surrendered, consecrated vessels… vessels for the master’s use… channels only.

C. Put on Bowels of Mercies

1. Bowels: it was used of the intestines, liver, and the inward parts.

a. Used of Judas: he was hung and all his bowels gushed out

b. Used figuratively of the seat of emotions, affections, and passions, the mind and heart… the inner man.

c. Paul uses it in that sense here too.

2. Mercies

a. Oiktirmós is the pity or compassion which one shows for the sufferings of others… tender compassion… mercy…

b. II Cor. 1:3 – God is called the Father of all mercy.
• Every believer has received infinite mercy from the heavenly Father in saving us! (Titus 3:4)
• His mercies are new every morning!

c. Rom.12:1 – we are urged to yield ourselves to God because we have all been the RECIPIENTS of God’s mercies.

d. When we present ourselves to God—He will FILL US with His mercies to show to others.

3. We are commanded to PUT ON bowels of mercies.

a. Those who have been the recipients of Divine mercy have a responsibility to show mercy to others.

b. Luke 6:36 – “Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” Mercy is a family trait in the family of God.

c. We are to be ROBED in mercy… like a garment…

d. Phil. 2:1 – if you have been the recipient of God’s mercies, it is our responsibility to SHOW mercy to others! If so, we should learn to be likeminded… to be of one accord with those with whom we might otherwise not get along.

4. Consider how VITAL this exhortation must have been to the members of the first century church!

a. God was saving folks from all different walks of life… all different backgrounds…

b. How needful was it for these folks to show MERCY to their brethren!

c. How important for the Gentile majority in the church in Colossae to show MERCY and pity to the relatively small number of Hebrew Christians in their midst! They might be shunned in the city, but not in the local church!

d. How important for the slave masters to show MERCY to those who were in bondage to slavery! What a testimony to the power of God! That kind of mercy didn’t occur all that often in the world!

e. And for the educated, sophisticated, cultured Greeks to show mercy to the relatively uncivilized but saved Barbarians and Scythians in the Body!

f. When the Body functioned in that manner, it was an expression of the mercy of CHRIST through His Body.

g. It was not merely a display of humanitarian efforts or philanthropy.
• Remember, the purpose of the local church is not just to improve the earthly conditions of men.
• That’s the ultimate goal of man made religion… to help others… to feed the poor… to improve the earthly conditions of those who are oppressed.
• It is humanism… it sees no further than the earth… and in the end, it brings glory to man.

h. The Body of Christ was designed to manifest divine, indwelling LIFE to men and thus magnify Christ who from heaven orchestrates it all through His Spirit!

i. This is heavenly in nature and glorifies the Lord.

j. Cf. vs. 11 – Jews and Greeks! Masters and their slaves! Rich landowners and poor farm workers! Barbarians and Scythians!
• Some might say, what FRICTION that must have created!
• That is so, but it is also true that it created OPPORTUNITIES to manifest the mercy of God!
• When one member suffers, ALL the members suffer with it… and hence, discover ways to SHOW mercy!
• That’s how a body works. (broken leg…)
• While all the different backgrounds of folks in Salem Bible Church CAN be cause for much friction here, it SHOULD be the cause of many opportunities to show MERCY to one another!
• LOOK for opportunities to show MERCY to a brother or sister in Christ in need!
• Opportunities abound for those with eyes to see!
• God allows His saints to suffer (in part) as an opportunity for other saints to manifest the mercy of God before men and angels as they SHOW MERCY to a suffering brother in Christ.
• Of course, it requires sacrifice too… and therein is manifested the mercy of God to men and angels!

D. Put on Kindness

1. Kindness: χρηστότης – gentleness; kindness.

a. This term is listed as part of the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22, translated gentleness.

b. As believers, we have all been recipients of God’s kindness and gentleness.
• Titus 3:4 – But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared…
• Eph. 2:7 – That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

c. Zodhiates: defines the term as the grace which pervades the whole nature, mellowing all which would be been harsh and austere.
• He cites an interesting use of the term in Luke 5:39: No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.
• “Better” = the word for kindness… gentle… the wine mellowed with age. It is better… less harsh…
• A form of this word is used in I Cor. 13:4 – Charity suffereth long, and is kind.
• This calm, kind, and gentle spirit should be exhibited in DEEDS of love… That’s how we PUT ON bowels of mercy.

d. Jesus used this term to describe His yoke. (Matt. 11:30) “My yoke is EASY and my burden light.”
• Trying to pull the weight of religion is burdensome… it is an impossible task.
• But the yoke of Christ (discipleship) is relatively easy. It is “less harsh” than the unending burden of religion that can NEVER purge the conscience or give rest to the heart!
• Even though the requirements of discipleship are costly, they are less harsh than religion… for Christ works IN us to bear the load… rather than struggling to bear it alone… in our own strength.

2. We are commanded to PUT ON kindness… to wear it as a garment befitting a new creature in Christ.

a. HOW to put on kindness?
• It is a fruit of the Spirit.
• It will flow NATURALLY from us when our heart is surrendered to God and our members are yielded to God. When we submit to Christ’s yoke—regardless the price…
• The kindness of GOD will be manifested TO us and THROUGH us to others.
• The Spirit filled believer WILL be kind… and this kindness is genuine, not forced.

b. It is manifested more often and flows out of one’s life more naturally in MATURE believers… who have grown in grace and become more kind… less harsh… mellowed over time!
• Like new wine, a new believer often tends to be a bubbly and excited…
» And perhaps at times he is a bit caustic in his approach to others… like vinegar.
» He may be excited about the truth and speak the truth with bubbly zeal… but has not yet learned to speak the truth in LOVE…
» He may be bubbly and blurting out things that are true… but has not yet learned to be tactful… and considerate… and thus he leaves sour taste… like vinegar.
• Like aged wine, a mature believer has learned to be a bit mellower in dealing with his brethren.
» He has learned to let his speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt…
» He has learned that a soft answer turns away wrath… and enables him to be a peacemaker with others in the local church who may be of a different background… where there might be a potential for friction.
» The mature believer who is KIND… gentle… mellow… has learned not to overreact during unpleasant or disagreeable circumstances that occur…
» As the hymnwriter wrote: “Things that once were wild alarms cannot now disturb my rest. Closed in everlasting arms, pillowed on thy loving breast.”

3. Kindness; gentleness: what a valuable and necessary quality in times of turmoil and trouble in the local church!

a. Upsetting things DO happen in the Body of Christ.

b. People problems do arise. Controversy IS stirred up from time to time…

c. But when the members of the Body have been practicing putting on KINDNESS… gentleness… a mellow spirit… their soft, gentle answers go a long way in putting out the flames of wrath that seek to devour the church!

d. I’m sure some of the habits of the Barbarians could easily have stirred up anger on the part of the cultured Greeks in the assembly… but it didn’t have to if they were KIND… and gentle!

e. A harsh tone is a sign of the flesh and tends to dissolve the mortar that holds the House of God together.

f. A mellow, gentle spirit is the fruit of the Spirit… and that is like the glue… the mortar that holds the House of God together.

g. We are living stones… each one of us making up the House of the Living God… the church.

h. No two stones are exactly the same. Christlike character—especially KINDNESS… gentleness… is the cement that BINDS us together to form a STRONG Temple… a strong church through which the Lord seeks to manifest Himself.

4. What a testimony to the world! People with such varied backgrounds showing KINDNESS and a gentle spirit one to another!

a. Luke 6:35 – God is KIND even towards the unthankful and evil!

b. We should be gentle and kind—even when folks don’t deserve such treatment… because that’s the way God treats us!

c. This kind of kindness and gentleness requires the power of God.

d. It is SUPERNATURAL… and hence, it sends forth a compelling witness to the power of God operating in the Body of Christ to both men and angels.

e. God’s power is so great it enables a Jew to be kind to a Gentile! A cultured Greek to be kind to a Barbarian! And you to be kind towards me… or some other Barbarian in the church!

f. Men are watching. Let’s yield ourselves to God and manifest CHRIST… not our fallen flesh!

g. Christ is in heaven and the world cannot see Him. But His Body is on earth, and they are watching. As we display His mercy and kindness… men and angels see Christ in us!

IF YOU ARE NOT SAVED… you too can experience the mercy, love, and kindness of God!

Titus 3:4-6 – But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, 5Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; 6Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Put on Humbleness of mind

Humbleness of Mind Defined & Described

1. Defined:

a. Ταπεινοφροσύνη – (Ta-pay-nof-ros-oonay)
• The prefix means of low not high; a low estate.
• The root is the term for “mind”…
• The entire word speaks of a lowly attitude of mind… an attitude of lowliness.

b. Strong’s: having a humble opinion of one’s self. 2a deep sense of one’s (moral) littleness. 3modesty, lowliness of mind.

c. Zodhiates: esteeming ourselves as small, which is the correct estimate of self.

d. Humbleness of mind is the attitude that ought to characterize every believer in Christ.

e. It is the RIGHT concept of oneself – for when we see ourselves before God, we are but dust… and dust has no right exalting itself before God… or other pieces of dust for that matter!

2. Christianity has a completely different mindset than the world.

a. In ancient Greek culture, humility and lowliness were considered to be terms of derision and contempt.

b. Weakness and lowliness were repulsive in Greek thought. They gloried in strength, power, and assertiveness.

c. That’s the way the world thought in Paul’s day – that was the spirit of the age… the course of this world.

d. But the Christian is not to be conformed to the world or the mindset of the world, but is to be transformed by the renewing of his mind.

e. The Christian is to separate himself from the world’s view of life, from the world’s way of thinking.

f. The believer is not to glory in that which the world glories in. We are to glory in that which God glories in.

g. God has always stood opposed to the world’s view on strength and might…
• Jer. 9:23 – Let not the mighty man glory in his might!
• Matt. 18:14 – Jesus spoke of childlike humility as the greatest quality in His kingdom. This was shocking to the culture of that day.
• The world disdained weakness, but Paul wrote, “when I am weak, then am I strong!”
• The world disdained lowliness, but God said “whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” (Luke 18:14)
• Paul took the Greek term of derision and promoted it to the position of a virtue in Christian thinking.

3. Used to describe the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. Matt. 11:29 – He was lowly in heart.
• LOWLY = same word as humbleness of mind.
• His yoke was easy… (Same word as kind in Col. 3:12.)
• Christ Himself was humble. This was the character of the Man, Christ Jesus.
• Christ submitted completely to the will of His Father. He walked humbly on earth before God.
• If HE (the spotless Son of God; the God-Man) was of a humble mind and heart, then certainly WE should be!
• Note the dual command: (1) take my yoke and (2) learn of Me.
» The yoke spoke of abject subjection… complete submission to… not my will but thine be done.
» Christ challenges His followers to SUBMIT to His yoke… humble submission to His authority.
» And when we do… we will LEARN of Him.
vii. Learn = Manthano (to learn) is a form of mathetes (disciple, or learner).
» The only way we are going to LEARN of Christ (grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ) is to first SUBMIT to His yoke.
» We learn of Christ by submitting to the rigors of discipleship.
» No submission, no learning. (just head knowledge)
» And we will learn of One who is LOWLY in heart (humble).
» In other words, Christlike humility is only learned through experience… submitting to Him and being WILLING to abase oneself.
» That’s how we experience humility… and that’s how we become more like Christ… growing in His image.

• There is no true humility apart from first bowing before the Lord and yielding over our neck to the yoke of Christ…
» The yoke means the END of self-will… absolute surrender. Not my will but thine be done!
» When the animal submits to the yoke, he then has to do what the master directs him to do.
» He is no longer free to roam and wander where he wants. It is a big decision to TAKE on the yoke of Christ…
» We learn of Christ and experience humility when we SUBMIT… are teachable… able to be led by the Spirit… willing to learn… pliable… willing to place ourselves in a very vulnerable position: in the yoke of Christ.
» HE is then MASTER… LORD… in charge.

• This SHOULD BE the NORM for the believer—not just the missionary who travels to foreign lands… or the martyr who submits to the sword rather than deny Christ. This is the norm for EVERY one of us!
» Either we bow to that yoke in abject submission to Christ… or we are resisting in pride and self will… regardless of the good show we might put on.
» The opposite of bowing to the yoke, is described in the Bible in another figure: stiffnecked…
» II Chron. 30:8 – Now be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the LORD.
» There are only two options:
i. Either we submit to His yoke
ii. Or, we are resisting Him and His will.

• Yieldedness to Christ’s yoke is true HUMILITY before God.
» Anything less is a false humility… an outward appearance of humility.
» But if we TRULY humble ourselves in God’s sight, then that will be manifested in humility towards one another too.
» One who sees himself as the chief of sinners… or as dust in God’s sight, isn’t going to be puffed up in the presence of another sinner!
» True humility is LEARNED behavior. It doesn’t come naturally. It isn’t genetic. It is learned… and we learn it by practice… bowing to Christ’s yoke!
» THEN and only then we learn of the One who is lowly in heart… and we will be transformed into His image.

b. Phil. 2:6-8 – Christ humbled Himself… even to the point of the humiliating death of the cross!
• Vs. 6 – Christ in His inner essence was DIVINE.
• Yet this was not something He felt he had to hold on to. He was willing to let go of the outward display of His divine glory for a time… that He might become a man.
• He made Himself of no reputation – He emptied Himself of all self-interest for the good of others.
• He humbled Himself as an act of obedience to His Father’s will… even to the death of the cross.
• That is the ultimate in submission to a yoke… willing to submit regardless of the personal price…
• The incarnation is the ultimate example of selfless humility… Christ humbled Himself… made Himself lowly… from glory to a dirty manger stall.

c. Phil. 2:7 – He became a servant of men…
• Matt. 20:28 – Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
• John 13:1-10 – Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. His earthly station as teacher was laid aside, and He demonstrated humble service to His disciples.

4. Col. 2:18, 23 – it is often artificially contrived by the religious crowd and false teachers.

a. Paul warned of a false humility.

b. Jesus warned of the same thing—folks who disfigured their faces to make themselves LOOK like they were fasting… poor… contrite… devout… etc.

c. We too can put on a phony facade of humility when we try to APPEAR to be poor, lowly, humble…

d. A worthy walk is characterized by genuine, not phony humility!

5. Humility is often misunderstood and mistreated.

a. Jesus suffered reproach because He humbled Himself and because of His humble position in the world.
• Christ humbled Himself and became a man… born to a poor family…
• His lowly birth and background did not go unnoticed by the proud religious leaders who heard His claims of being Messiah.
• Mark 6:3 – Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.
• John 9:29 – We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.
• The religious leaders of His day thought just like the world and assumed that nothing good could come from a poor little back country town in Galilee.

b. We too may suffer when genuine humility is exhibited in our lives.
• People will take advantage of those who are genuinely humble. Let them. Suffer yourselves to be defrauded.
• The world glories in self assertiveness and taking care of number one…
• Those who are genuinely humble sometimes get trampled over in the world… and don’t always make it up as far on the social ladder.
• When your life is characterized by esteeming others better than yourself, you don’t always succeed in business or in politics or in other endeavors… (There are exceptions… but few.)
• When you in humility turn the other cheek, you run the risk of having that cheek slapped too.
• When you in humility esteem others better than yourself, some folks will take you up on that.
• In other words, there is often a price to pay in demonstrating humility.
• But GENUINE humility is willing to stick its neck out anyway… even if there is a good chance of getting it chopped off!
• It is costly to follow the example of Christ’s selfless humility… in putting others before oneself.
• It may cost us down here on earth, but in doing so, we are heaping up treasures in heaven!
• That’s the price of investing in our eternal future. It costs us reproach on earth for a time, but it pays eternal dividends in glory.

6. It is essential for the unity of the Body of Christ.

a. Eph. 4:2 – lowliness characterizes a worthy walk.
• In other words, where there is NO humility, our walk is UNWORTHY of our high calling (vocation) in Christ!
• We have been called out of the world and INTO Christ… and are seated with Him in heaven positionally.
• Our new life is hidden away in heaven with Christ… that is the source (or should be) of our earthly lives.
• Could you imagine a sinner saved by grace standing up before God’s throne and exalting himself… boasting of his goodness or accomplishments?
• It would be so out of place… not fitting one in that heavenly position… unworthy behavior for a saint.
• From God’s perspective, it is just as unworthy for fallen flesh like ourselves to exalt self on earth.
• A walk worthy of one’s high calling in Christ is a lowly walk… walking humbly with God.

b. Rom. 12:16 – condescend to men of “low estate” (root word – without the word for “mind”.)
• Condescend does not mean to be condescending and to treat others as lowly… by patronizing and being snobbish!
• The Greek word means to be carried away with something… and is used here in the sense of being caught up with humility… let humility move you… change you… cultivating humility.

c. How appropriate for the cultured Greeks to practice with respect to the relatively uncivilized Barbarians and Scythians!

d. Men in the local church today come from all different social levels too… but those all disappear in the Body of Christ!

e. The rich, educated, and powerful are to condescend—put themselves on the same level as those who do NOT enjoy their privileged earthly position. But they DO share the same heavenly position in Christ.

f. Phil. 2:3 –lowliness of mind.
• It is the opposite of vainglory – glorying in self.
• It esteems others better than self
• Lowly thinking isn’t anything like the mind of the world. It is “the mind of Christ.” (vs. 5)
• Let this MIND be in you! A command.
• Be CLOTHED with this mind of humility… put it on!
vi. It is an expression of godliness… an evidence of growing in the knowledge of Christ… and into His image.

Putting on Humbleness of Mind

1. I Peter 5:5 – be clothed with humility.

a. This is essentially the same command as Paul gives in Col. 3:12, Put on humbleness of mind!

b. It takes conscious effort on our part to put on humility. It does not come naturally.

c. PRIDE comes naturally. Humility does not.

d. Mohammed Ali used to say, “It’s hard to be humble when you’re the greatest!”

e. It IS hard to be humble… because it is our nature to be the opposite.

f. However, humility is the CLOTHING God wants His children to wear.

g. This is what makes a Christian look good in God’s sight—not beautiful earthly clothes… but heavenly virtue.
• The world glories in strength, wisdom, and riches. They robe themselves in the garments of earthly glory—and from earth’s perspective, they think it makes them look good! They try to impress one another with such beautiful garments.
• God’s people are to glory in humility… that is the garment that makes the new man in Christ look good from heaven’s perspective!

2. Abasing Oneself

a. Rom. 12:3 – not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think. (soberly)

b. When we compare ourselves to other men we might exalt ourselves (if we carefully select the men to whom we compare ourselves… and carefully select the criteria for comparison).

c. But when we compare ourselves to God—we are abased!
• Gen. 18:27 – Abraham saw himself as dust and ashes before God.
• Luke 5:8 – Peter saw himself as a sinful man before Christ.
• I Tim. 1:15 – Paul—the chief of sinners.
• Judges 6:15 – Gideon: Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.
• These were men who knew how to humble themselves before God.
• They did not think of themselves more highly than they ought… but they thought SOBERLY of themselves.
• Sober: sane, of sound judgment, moderation, – it speaks of a healthy balanced view of oneself.
• As Christians we should see ourselves as sinners, but sinners eternally saved by grace!
• We should see ourselves as but dust and clay… an old clay pot… but a clay pot in which Christ lives!
• We should see ourselves as men and women with a vile sinful nature…
• We should see ourselves as defiled and fallen creatures, but fallen creatures that are in the process of being renewed into the image of Christ!

3. If we see our real life as hidden with Christ in heaven, then our earthly circumstances (rich or poor; president or chimney sweep) will seem comparatively insignificant.

a. How could we be proud of an earthly house, when we are seated in heaven?

b. How can we think we are important, when we see ourselves as seated before the throne of God? etc.

4. Heavenly mindedness always results in humility with respect to our earthly situation. It puts everything into proper focus.

a. That’s why Paul begins this section by saying, “Set your affection on things above!”

b. Viewing life on earth from heaven’s vantage point puts the chimney sweep and the President on the same footing.

5. The OLD proud man we were in Adam died.

a. That old man—the one who thought he was so important, good looking, intelligent, powerful, popular… the one who gloried in his position at work… his fancy house… and who reveled in his bank account. He died.

b. We put on humbleness of mind when we RECKON that to be so… NOT by trying to ACT humble…

c. By FAITH we believe what God said… and yield our necks to God’s yoke… and GENUINE, Spirit wrought humility will be evidenced in our lives… not forced and phony… but genuine fruit of the Spirit.

6. How could anyone who is genuinely dwelling in the heavenlies, ever glory in earthly “things”?

a. How could anyone whose treasures are in heaven glory in his earthly riches?

b. How could anyone who experiences the resurrection power of God glory in his earthly, physical might? (A 1000 years is a day with the Lord… from that perspective, how strong will you be in three hours from now?)

c. When we see ourselves IN CHRIST… on equal footing with our brethren, there is no room for PRIDE over position. Our position in Him is ALL of grace.

d. There is no room for exalting self above another in Christ.

e. It must have been quite humbling for the sophisticated Greeks too learn that in Christ they are on equal footing with the Barbarians… or the slave masters to realize that in God’s sight their slaves were on equal footing with them…

f. But regardless of what conditions on earth might have been, they were to BELIEVE what God said… there IS no difference between Jew and Gentile, red, yellow, black, or white… rich or poor!

God Knows How to Humble Proud Flesh

1. Nebuchadnezzar in the hanging gardens of Babylon (Dan.4:30-33)

a. Nebuchadnezzar engaged his country in massive building projects… for which he took all the glory.

b. God smote with him insanity… and he was cast out of the throne to the ground… and lived like an animal for 7 years… until he was humbled and acknowledged the God of heaven. (vs. 34-35)

c. God knows how to knock us down off our high horse too! He knows how to ABASE those who exalt themselves.

2. Paul’s thorn in the flesh (II Cor. 12:7-10)

a. Paul was smitten with a thorn in the flesh to PREVENT him from becoming proud.

b. He prayed 3 times for it to be removed, but God’s answer was NO each time.

c. This physical affliction was designed to KEEP Paul humble, and thus a useful vessel in God’s hand.

d. Paul learned to GLORY in his weakness and infirmity… in being LOWLY… for then was he STRONG spiritually.

e. Remaining LOWLY in the sight of God and men facilitates the believer to be more TRUSTING in God’s power… and therein is the source of his real strength.

f. Spiritual strength and power come from being made low… and remaining there!

g. God used affliction to KEEP Paul humble and thus useful.

3. Children of Israel in the wilderness. (Deut. 8:16-18)

a. God led them out of Egypt, (by God’s might), and eventually INTO the Promised Land to give them victory over their enemies (by God’s might) into a land flowing with milk and honey.

b. And lest they should be puffed up in pride, God HUMBLED them in the wilderness through affliction. (vs. 16)
• He humbled them to PROVE them (test).
• Would they walk in humble obedience or would they lift up themselves in pride and independence of God?

c. Vs. 17 – God was well aware of the influence of Egypt in their hearts… worldly thinking… it’s human nature!
• Imagine the audacity of a people who saw what Israel saw (Red Sea; walls of Jericho; defeat of Canaanites; etc.) and puff themselves up as if it were their might, skill, and wisdom that accomplished it all?
• That’s the way the world thinks. Men take all the glory to themselves.
• Whatever is accomplished, God is left out and self is exalted.
• We are SO inclined to lift ourselves up in pride…
• And God is STILL ABLE to abase all human pride.
• God spent 40 years of Israel’s history in the wilderness humbling this proud people.
vii. God knew how to humble that generation of proud men.
viii. He knows how to humble you and me too. If it takes 40 years, so be it.
• God will get His way in the end. Proud flesh will not be allowed to exalt itself forever.

d. Fleshly pride is nauseating to God.
• Prov. 25:27 – It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory. (What is the connection between the two sides of this proverb? They are both sickening and could make you vomit!)
• Luke 18:14 – the proud Pharisee would one day be abased by God Himself… if not in this life, in the life to come. It is the spirit of that proud man that God especially hates… corrupting, rotten flesh exalting itself in the sight of an infinitely holy God!
• And He doesn’t think any more highly of the nauseating pride in my life or yours!

4. God resists the proud. (Jas. 4:6)

a. Resists: to arrange; To set an army in array against, to set oneself in opposition to or in array against, to resist.

b. Present tense – continual opposition on the part of God.

c. When we take our head out of God’s yoke, and attempt to push our own agenda forward in pride, we will discover we are pushing against God Himself… and if God be against us, look out!

d. Almighty God and the armies of heaven are set in battle formation against us… and we will never win that conflict.

e. We can fight against Him for the next 50 years if we so chose, but it is a losing battle.

f. God wants us to surrender… submit… humble ourselves before Him… before His authority… before His Word.

g. THEN we shall be strong spiritually… and not a second before.

h. Is there some area of your life where you have not surrendered over to the Lord? Are we still stiffnecked? Unsubmissive? Proud and independent?

i. It makes so much sense to surrender to Him… it is such reasonable service to present our bodies to Him…

j. It is so foolish to continue flattering self into thinking that self can win in a battle against God…

k. If God has pricked your heart about some area where you need to humble yourself before Him—today is the day to wave the white flag… to surrender to Christ… to humble self before Him.

l. Quit behaving like the proud, arrogant, self willed, defiant old man that you were in Adam, and start behaving like the new man in Christ… like Christ Himself: who humbled Himself for us and became a servant of men!

m. God knows how to humble us, but He would much prefer that we humble ourselves before He has to!

n. Put on humbleness of mind.

God Knows How to Exalt the Humble

1. Jas. 4:10 – God lifts up the humble…

a. Lift up = To heighten, raise high, elevate

b. The world says we need more self-esteem.

c. God says the opposite. We need to humble ourselves, and allow GOD to lift us up!

d. I Peter 5:6 – God will exalt you in due time. (Maybe not today, but in His good time! That’s a promise)

2. Jas. 4:6 – God gives grace to the humble… (present tense)

a. Grace from God doesn’t come our way by standing tall and beating our chests about all of our good deeds and accomplishments.

b. Grace comes from God to those who bow down low before Him…

c. Ps. 138:6 – though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.

d. Isa. 66:2 – but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

e. Isa. 57:15 – For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

3. Summary: Which would you rather have?

a. God regarding your cause? God showing respect to you and your condition? God dwelling with you?

b. OR God and the hosts of heaven arranged in battle array to oppose your pride and resist your every move?

c. Then put on humbleness of mind! Bow before Him lowly… bend the knee… submit to His yoke… even if it involves eating some distasteful humble pie…

d. And you will discover that His yoke is easy… less harsh than life apart from God’s fellowship!

e. You will discover God’s grace in your life… He will lift you up… if you will bow down before Him.

IF YOU ARE NOT SAVED… you need to come to Christ first as Savior.
Matt. 11:28-29
It is humbling to acknowledge that we are sinners; unable to save ourselves; spiritually destitute apart from God; and in NEED of a Savior.
But believe God, and COME to the Savior.
He will give you eternal life.

Put on Meekness


1. Paul has been exhorting the believers in Colossae to a worthy walk on the BASIS of their worthy position in Christ.

2. He reminded them that their old man has already been PUT OFF the moment they trusted Christ (3:9).

3. He reminds them that the new man has already been PUT ON the moment they trusted Christ (3:10).

4. Then, on that basis, he proceeds to encourage them to PUT ON for themselves garments FITTING such a glorious new position.

a. They themselves were to PUT OFF the old, dirty clothes they used to wear (vs. 8-9a)

b. They were also to PUT ON new, clean clothing fitting for a new man in Christ (vs. 12…)

c. In the last few weeks in Colossians we discussed putting on kindness, mercy, and humbleness of mind.

d. This morning we want to consider the exhortation to put on meekness… another fresh, clean article of clothing worthy of a new creature in Christ.

Meekness Described & Defined

A. Meekness Defined

1. Strong’s: gentleness, mildness,

2. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: “mild and gentle friendliness,” is the opposite of roughness, of bad temper, or of sudden anger.

3. Zodhiates:

a. Not in a man’s outward behavior only, nor in his relations to his fellow man or his mere natural disposition.

b. Rather, it is an inwrought grace of the soul, and the expressions of it are primarily toward God.

c. It is a condition of mind and heart which demonstrates gentleness, not in weakness, but in power. It is a balance born in strength of character.

4. Trench: That temper of spirit in which we accept God’s dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing or resisting.

5. Meekness is NOT the result of weakness.

a. We often think of meekness as a Melba Milk toast kind of temperament… someone who is overly shy, timid, afraid to speak up, afraid of his own shadow, soft spoken, bashful, inhibited, and introverted. That is NOT the meaning of this term.

b. In fact, meekness is strength under control! Meekness is not weakness. It is an inner strength of character that enables a person to restrain self.

c. Example: A soft answer turns away wrath.
• A weak person gives a soft answer out of fear, intimidation, shyness, or even cowardice. His soft answer is due to personal weakness. He is spineless.
• A meek person gives a soft answer out of strength. He possesses the boldness, and the strength to retort sharply, but out of strength of character, he chooses NOT to. He CHOOSES to answer softly… His softness is strength under control.
• Outwardly, a weak person and a meek person might appear to be the same, but they are not.
• Unfortunately, we usually judge by outward appearance. God sees the heart… the inner man.

6. II Tim. 2:24-25 – (compare gentle and meekness) –

a. Expositors says that gentle (vs. 24) implies gentleness in outward demeanor.

b. Meekness (vs. 25) speaks of a gentleness of inward disposition.

c. Of course it is possible to have a meek and gentle OUTWARD demeanor, and to be snarling and resisting on the inside… not a meek disposition.

d. Just as there can be a false humility, there is also a false meekness… that is on the outside only and does not correspond to a gentle, meekness on the inside. That is hypocrisy… a façade.

e. Think of the sweet little old lady who has such a meek way about her… but on the inside she roars in defiance against God!

f. Then there is the case of the rough and brazen truck driver with a gravely voice and coarse mannerisms… but he MELTS in submission whenever God’s Word speaks to his heart! No one would ever think of this guy as being meek… but God does. It is the inward work of the Holy Spirit, not a natural temperament.

g. Or the case of the loud talkative woman with a naturally loud voice and loud laugh whose natural temperament is not at all shy.
• She is often criticized by the ladies in the church because she doesn’t fit their concept of a “meek and quiet spirit.”
• But a meek and quiet spirit does not refer to a NATURAL temperament… or personality… but the inward spirit—that God conscious part of man.
• A meek and quiet spirit is what she is before GOD, not men.
• That same woman who seems so bold and loud before men may like the truck driver absolutely MELT before God… bow in surrender to Him and His Word… meekly willing to receive His correction… His instruction… His will.
• That’s meekness. It is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, a gentle spirit that bows before God… not a natural disposition or temperament before men.
• A woman who outwardly speaks with a quiet tone of voice to men, and has a naturally meek temperament may be anything BUT meek on the inside!
• Don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t confuse natural temperament with supernatural fruit of the Spirit.
• Many unsaved folks have the natural temperament of what we call meekness… not one ounce of which was produce by the Holy Spirit.
• God sees the heart and HE alone is the Judge of who is and who is not MEEK before Him.

7. Gal. 5:23 – it is the fruit of the Spirit.

a. Meekness is not something that we can conjure up ourselves.

b. It is NOT a personality trait… it’s not a natural temperament of an individual.

c. In our flesh dwells no good thing…

d. It is supernatural… the work of GOD in our hearts.

e. Only a Spirit filled believer can be MEEK in this sense.

f. Every other form of meekness (in the eyes of the world) is man made… the work of the religious and moral flesh, but NOT the work of God.

g. True meekness is the work of the Holy Spirit reproducing the life and character of Christ in and through us… it is HIS meekness manifested in our mortal bodies!

h. It has nothing to do with personality or natural temperament.

i. That’s how we usually judge meekness—by that which is outward—when true meekness is inward before God.

j. Meekness is not a quality we should try to conjure up in the flesh. Rather, it is what the Holy Spirit will produce in us as we yield to Him.

k. When it is genuine, it is the fruit of the SPIRIT, not the fruit of our own efforts.

l. All the flesh can produce is an superficial outward show of meekness in the sight of men…

The Meekness of Christ

A. Meekness Before the Father

1. Matt. 11:29 – Jesus was MEEK and lowly in heart (same two terms as Paul uses in Col. 3:12 – humbleness of mind and meekness).

2. Matt. 21:5 – He presented Himself as Messiah in meekness.

a. It was predicted that when the Messiah came, it would be in meekness… not in a violent revolution… not with an army poised for war…

b. He stood in stark contrast to the Zealots of the first century.

c. He could easily have come with the armies of heaven and waged a war… but He chose to come in meekness.

3. Matt. 5:3 – He taught about the blessedness of meekness as a quality of life that should characterize those who anticipated the coming Kingdom: Blessed are the meek.

a. Just as Jesus taught that childlike humility is greatness in the coming Kingdom.

b. Here He teaches that meekness is blessed in the kingdom… and is a quality of life that will characterize the godly in the coming Kingdom.

c. Paul tells us in Colossians that we too as Christians should value and PUT ON meekness!

4. Remember the definition of meekness:

a. It is an inwrought grace of the soul, a gentleness primarily toward God.

b. It is the acceptance of God’s dealings with us.

c. Meekness is strength under control! Meekness is not weakness.

5. Christ was meek before His Father… and meekly surrendered Himself to His Father’s will… regardless of the cost.

a. John 18:3-13a – Perhaps the best example of meekness is found in the account of the Lord Jesus being taken away by the Roman soldiers.
• His was infinite strength under control.
• He spoke and the soldiers fell to the crowd.
• He could have called 10,000 angels.
• He didn’t put up a fight. The only one he opposed was Peter who was trying to fight the soldiers.
• In meekness Christ surrendered to the soldiers, but NOT because He was weak or overpowered, but because He was inwardly surrendered to His Father’s will.
• It was His Father’s will for Him to be taken away to suffer the awful death of the cross.
• Christ did not go kicking and screaming.
• He did not put up a fight.
• He restrained His infinite power and willingly gave Himself over to the soldiers—in pure meekness.

b. Isa. 53:7 – He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
• Before the judges, Christ opened not His mouth—not because He couldn’t think of anything to say… or because He was afraid to speak up! He opened not His mouth in meekness… because He knew they would not hear… and because He knew the cross was His Father’s will.
• Christ was omnipotent, yet He willingly allowed mere mortals to lead Him to the slaughter of the cross.
• He went with these soldiers, not because He lacked the strength, opportunity, or ability to escape… but He in meekness RESTRAINED omnipotence for the good of others.
• He restrained omnipotence because He fully accepted the circumstances as being ordained of the Father.
• Are we meek? DO we accept the circumstances of life God has put on our plate?

c. I Peter 2:21-23 – Christ’s example of meekness.
• He did not sin, and was suffering for righteousness sake.
• He was reviled (reproached) and suffered… yet in perfect control… He restrained his power to strike back… that’s meekness.
• He is our example of meekness too.
• The next time someone strikes out at you… remember meekness.
• The next time someone lashes out at you with their tongue… open not your mouth…
• The next time someone seeks to draw you into an argument… be conscious of God… and in meekness surrender to God’s will…
• Any fool can strike back.
• But it takes strength of character—an inner Holy Spirit produces strength to restrain the power of the fist or the tongue… and respond in a soft answer.

d. Remember the definitions of meekness:
• It is a condition of mind and heart, which demonstrates gentleness, not in weakness, but in power.
• That temper of spirit in which accepts God’s dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing or resisting.
• The next time God allows unpleasant circumstances for you to have to deal with… accept God’s will in meekness… thank Him for what He seeks to do IN you through it… and surrender like putty in His hands.
• That is true strength of character…
• Oh that that kind of meekness would be seen in us!
• This is the work of the Holy Spirit that should characterize our lives as we, like branches, abide in Christ the Vine.
• HIS character will be manifested through us…
• More like the Savior, I would ever be. More of His meekness, more humility!

e. Christ was the perfect example of meekness… a meekness before His Father and His Father’s will for His life.

B. BOLDNESS toward men.

1. Examples:

a. Matt. 3:7 – He stingingly called the Pharisees “vipers.”

b. Matt. 23:13 – He referred to the religious leaders as hypocrites.

c. John 2:15 – and when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables.

d. John 8:44 – He said of the religious leaders: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do!

e. When it came to accepting abuse against Himself, he meekly submitted. But He boldly stood up for His Father’s house… and the truth.

2. Christ was always meek before His Father… He was putty in His Father’s hands. But He was not always meek towards men.

a. And that is the way we should be too.

3. Meekness towards God is a fruit of the Spirit.

a. Spirit filled men will always be meek towards God and His will.

b. Spirit filled men will always meekly submit to the circumstances of life God has ordained for us… as Christ did to His… even to the death of the cross.

4. But Spirit filled men are NOT always meek towards men.

a. Acts 4:8-13 – In fact, Spirit filled men prayed and God granted them BOLDNESS towards men! Peter was BOLD towards men.

b. Acts 4:29-31 – they prayed for boldness towards men and God granted it to them!

5. There are times to be meek towards men and there are times when boldness is needed.

a. But we should ALWAYS be meek towards God.

b. Christ was meek towards His Father’s will… and bold towards men. So were His students… the disciples.

When Meekness is Especially Needed in Our Lives


1. The Bible uses the term “meekness” in several different contexts, and each context gives us a different REALM in which meekness is needed.

2. There are 5 specific circumstances in which meekness needs to be displayed. We will see how many we can look at this morning.

A. When facing conviction from God.

1. Jas. 1:21 – We are to be MEEK when confronted directly by the Word of God.

a. James says that we are to receive the Word of God with all meekness.

b. Reading God’s Word daily puts us in contact with God and His will daily.

c. Sometimes the light of God’s Word shines in our hearts and points out the dirt.

d. Meekness RESPONDS to God’s Word in humble submission… with no arguments and no excuses.

e. Sometimes a message from God’s Word in Sunday school or in the church services… or on the radio might prick your heart and call attention to an area that needs change.

f. Meekness is an inner attitude of gentleness towards God… no resistance… no battle… no struggle… just meekly RECEIVING the Word.

g. Meekly receiving the Word causes this response: Yes, Lord.

2. Sometimes God uses His Word directly to speak to us, and sometimes He uses people to speak to our hearts…

a. However God chooses to speak to us, He expects us to RECEIVE His word in all meekness…

b. Consider the example of David…
• David was a brave soldier… a mighty warrior, but he was MEEK before God.
• This doesn’t mean that David was perfect or sinless… but when he DID sin, he responded in meekness to the Word of God.
• He received the Word in all meekness.

3. II Sam. 16:11 – David dealt with INSULT in meekness.

a. II Sam. 16:5-8 – SHIMEI insults the king publicly and throws stones at him!

b. Shimei was a Benjamite – the tribe of king Saul.

c. The nation had experienced a bloody civil war… and this man cannot accept the fact that David will reign as king.

d. He comes running alongside the king, insulting him and hurling stones… a form of suicide.

e. Vs. 9- one of David’s soldiers awaits instruction to cut off his head.

f. David had plenty of power to kill this man… but restrained himself…

g. David put the whole situation in perspective. He knew the frustration of this man…

h. David also recognized the voice of God in this man’s cursing… to humble David…

i. David saw God working in his life through this whole situation… and didn’t want to hinder God’s work.

j. David meekly submitted to God’s dealing with him in his life.

k. And how many other times did David have the POWER to lash out at his enemies, but in meekness he restrained his power… that’s meekness!

l. How do WE respond to rebuke from God? Do WE listen? Do WE meekly submit to His working in our lives through insult?

m. OR do we demonstrate a weakness of character and lash out at those who insult us?

4. I Sam. 24:3-7 – David meekly refuses to seek REVENGE.

a. Consider Saul in the cave at Addulam.

b. Saul entered the cave alone… a cave in which David and his men were hiding!

c. Vs. 4 – David’s bodyguards were drooling over the opportunity kill Saul.

d. Then David, at their coaxing, cut a button off Saul’s garment… without Saul knowing it.

e. Vs. 5 – But even this tiny act caused David to be convicted… because he was MEEK before God… and thus sensitive to God and God’s Word.

f. God’s Word said NOT to seek the harm of the Lord’s anointed… one ruling in the position of King…

g. David COULD have killed the man who was seeking to kill him, and would have been justified in the eyes of men.

h. But in meekness before God, he submitted to God’s will. “I will not touch the Lord’s anointed.”

i. That is pure meekness… power under control!

j. It is the strength of character that refuses to seek revenge.

5. I Sam. 25:13-17 – David demonstrated meekness in controlling his ANGER.

a. After David and his men risked their lives to protect the region, the fool Nabal would not help him or his soldiers.

b. Nabal insulted the king and his men. (vs. 10-11)

c. At first, David was not very meek. He was furious and ready to fight. (vs. 21-22)

d. Then Abigail explained to David that Nabal was a fool… a man cannot speak to him.? (vs. 25, 28-31)

e. Neither Nabal NOR David showed meekness at first.

f. But at least David was willing to listen, give up his anger and pride, and meekly submit to the wisdom of Abigail. (vs. 32-35)

g. He had the power to destroy Nabal—and in the eyes of most men, justification for it.

h. But David was meek before God… he restrained his strength for the glory of God.

i. David began to become angry… but restrained his anger in meekness to the wisdom of God that came to him through Abigail.

j. David did not want to tarnish the reputation of God…

k. In meekness, he humbled himself, changed his mind, admitted before his men he was wrong, and demonstrated meekness… the POWER to restrain anger.

l. A soft answer turns away wrath. But it takes strength to respond with a soft answer.

m. Do WE have the inner Holy Spirit produced strength to restrain anger? Even when we think our anger is justified?

6. II Sam. 12:13 – David deals with the embarrassment of being CAUGHT IN SIN in meekness.

a. David had clearly sinned against God. He committed adultery with Bathsheba.

b. For over a year, God was dealing with David… making life miserable for him. (That’s what happens when a son of God disobeys his heavenly Father!)

c. God sent the prophet Nathan to David with a message to convict his heart: THOU art the man.

d. And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD.”

e. David meekly submitted to God’s dealing with him concerning his sin with Bathsheba.

f. He did not make excuses. He did not seek to justify himself.

g. As king he could easily have had the prophet executed. Other kings did! (Ahab had Michaiah put in prison!)

h. Not David. He opened not his mouth except to say, “I have sinned.”

i. In meekness, he received the Word… even though it brought great conviction and grief to his heart.

j. He accepted God’s prophetic word against him. That’s meekness.

k. David, who was bold as a lion before Goliath, was MEEK as a lamb before his God.

l. When God’s Word came to David, he melted. That’s meekness.

m. Meekness is needed in receiving God’s Word.
• Sometimes it HURTS… it is painful to see ourselves as God sees us… in all our sin.
• But God resists the proud who refuse to acknowledge their sin.
• But He does lift up the meek and humble.
• Meekness is greatness in the Kingdom of Christ. It is not considered greatness in the kingdoms of the world today… but it SHOULD be considered great among God’s people in the church today!

7. It takes great strength of character… to demonstrate meekness in the face of insult, rebuke, situations where we might otherwise seek revenge, circumstances that arouse anger in us.

a. This kind of inner strength will never come to us by mere human effort.

b. It is our NATURE to lash back… with our fist or our tongue… or to hold grudges… or to become bitter… cold and hard.

c. But when we yield to God… surrender to Him and His will, the Holy Spirit will produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives: meekness!

d. When that is the case, we are growing in the knowledge of Christ… more like our Savior.

e. He was meek and lowly in heart… when insulted in evilly treated, He opened not His mouth. He had the power to lash back… but submitted to His Father’s will…

f. May we all be more like the Savior… more of His meekness, more humility.


1. Come to the One who is meek and lowly in heart, and He will give you rest… the rest of eternal life! (Matt. 11:29)

B. The tragedy of a man without meekness before God.

1. A man who cannot control his strength is weak indeed! (Prov. 25:28… no rule over his own spirit…)

C. When facing opposition to doctrine.

1. II Tim. 2:25 – teachers are to instruct those who oppose in meekness.

2. In the Lord’s work, in the local church, there will be from time to time, those who oppose the teaching of Scriptures… this doctrine or that doctrine.

3. Paul writes to Timothy to warn him to instruct those folks in MEEKNESS.

a. Paul also said, “?These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.” (Titus 2:15)

b. Lest Timothy, functioning as a pastor in Ephesus should take this as a green light to be pushy, demanding, abrasive, and rude in dealing with those who oppose, Paul tells Timothy to instruct in MEEKNESS.

c. The scene Paul describes here seems to be a one-on-one situation… not preaching before a congregation.

d. If an individual doesn’t want to listen to the truth, increasing the volume doesn’t help.

e. Insulting the PERSON doesn’t help. Ridiculing his beliefs doesn’t help.

f. Truth doesn’t need our help. Just teach it… in a Christlike spirit of gentleness and meekness.

g. The power is the WORD of God, not in the presentation.

4. I have heard fundamentalists teach in an abrasive manner… rudely ridiculing the opposition… attacking their character… etc.

a. We need to point out error.

b. We need to point out those promoting error.

c. But the MANNER in which it is done is also important.

d. In MEEKNESS instructing those who oppose.

e. Don’t argue. Don’t fight. Don’t be abusive or abrasive.

f. In teaching God’s Word, we are to be gentlemanly and courteous.

g. In attempting to communicate truth, our BEHAVIOR and DEMEANOR are important parts of that communication process.

h. Speak the truth, but speak the truth in love… and in meekness.
• Some weeks back there was a radical group of protesters from a church in Kansas that came to Massachusetts to protest the marriage.
• While their message had an element of truth in it, their outlandish approach undermined the message they tried to communicate.
• They spoke the truth, but were a disgrace to the cause of Christ. (shouting; insulting; using derogatory, offensive, inflammatory terms, etc.)
• They certainly were NOT instructing the opposition in meekness!

D. When facing believers in need of rebuke.

1. II Cor. 10:1 – Paul exhorted the Corinthians in the MEEKNESS of Christ.

a. Christ’s meekness in Paul was expressed to those in Corinth who needed rebuke.

b. Paul had some difficult issues to deal with in Corinth.

c. Vs. 2 – He besought them (to make a request, ask as an inferior of a superior). The great apostle humbly and meekly pleaded with them to repent…

d. He much preferred meekness over the rod.

2. I Cor. 4:21 – What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?

a. Paul asked them to think about the manner in which he should approach them as their apostle: with a rod or in meekness?

b. Obviously, they would prefer meekness. So would Paul.

c. Note also that he possessed the strength, boldness, and authority to use the rod.

d. Meekness was strength under control.

e. Paul meekly sought to restrain the use of the rod… he sought to restrain the application of his apostolic authority.

f. He never sought to throw his weight around. “Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ.” (I Thess. 2:6) That’s meekness.

g. Admittedly, sometimes I get frustrated with people. You FEEL like using a 2×4 on the back of somebody’s head. But Christlike meekness is a much more godly and effective approach.

3. Gal. 6:1 – since it is a fruit of the Spirit, it enables the Christian to correct the erring brother without arrogance, impatience, or anger.

a. Paul speaks of a situation where a brother has been overtaken in a fault… a sin.

b. This is not a premeditated plan, but rather an instance where the brother, in a moment of spiritual weakness, let his guard down, and stumbled into sin.

c. Those who are spiritually minded are to come to the aid of that brother… and RESTORE him. (Mend as a broken limb or a broken net.)

d. Paul emphasizes the ATTITUDE that should characterize a Spirit filled man: meekness!

e. The restoration process is to occur in an atmosphere of meekness… the spiritually strong brother realizing—but for the grace of God, there go I!

f. He is not to beat up the brother, scold, ridicule, or kick. He is to restore… and to do so in meekness!

g. There might be a lot of things you COULD say… there may be a lot of verses you COULD use to really make him feel bad…

h. If the brother WANTS to be restored, you don’t threaten him with the rod.

i. The purpose is not to keep him down. The purpose is to build him up… to restore such a one!

j. But restoration and help can be offered in a variety of atmospheres: coldness (I told you so!)… guilt (thou shalt not!)… OR in meekness (You know brother, I used to have the same sin problem… and here’s how the Lord gave me victory…)

E. When facing persecution from the world

1. I Pet. 3:14-15 – even in times of persecution, we are to answer our persecutors in meekness.

a. When persecution strikes, our natural inclination is to strike back… or to cower away in fear.

b. Peter tells us to do neither.

c. We are NOT to fear or cower before our adversaries. They were not to be troubled.

d. Nor are we to strike back in defiance.

e. Rather, we are to demonstrate meekness and fear: before God.
• And remember – they were specifically told NOT to fear men.
• But they were to fear God… and to be meek before God.
• In boldness they were to speak up before men at the appropriate time.
• Meekness before God—receiving His Word—would give them boldness before men.

f. Meekness before God… and appropriate boldness before men is part of our witness for Christ.

F. When facing an unsaved spouse

1. I Pet. 3:4 – a meek and quiet spirit should characterize the godly woman.

2. Notice that the woman’s adornment is a meek and quiet spirit… (not necessarily a quiet voice)… but the INNER MAN of the heart is MEEK.

a. Her CLOTHING is meekness…

b. She is to PUT ON the garment of meekness… and wear it around the house.

c. Her beauty does not lie in her outward appearance so much as her inner beauty: a meek and quiet spirit.

d. And note also that Peter says this meekness and quietness is a beauty “in God’s sight” of great price.

e. A woman who is MEEK before God will be submissive before her husband… and loving, gracious, and will show him reverence.

f. A woman with a meek and quiet spirit knows how to be still before God… she has learned to be still and know that HE is God… and that God can do ANYTHING.

g. In that condition she is best suited to deal with her husband… and perhaps lead him to the Lord… as he is attracted to her inner beauty…

G. When facing daily life! Meekness should characterize the Christian life.

1. Eph. 4:2 – it is characteristic of a worthy walk.

2. Titus 3:2 – meekness is to be shown towards ALL men… (since we are to be filled with the Spirit at all times)

3. I Tim. 6:11 – meekness is to be pursued by the man of God.

4. Jas. 3:13 – our works should be characterized by “meekness of wisdom.”

H. The tragedy of a man without meekness before God.

1. A man who cannot control his strength is weak indeed! (Prov. 25:28… no rule over his own spirit…)

Put on Longsuffering and Forbearance


Paul has told us that our old man is dead and that we are to PUT OFF the dirty garments that we used to wear.

Then he tells us that we are now a new man in Christ. Therefore, we are to PUT ON new, clean clothing fitting for our new position in Christ.

This morning we want to look at two more articles of clothing mentioned in vs. 12: longsuffering and forbearing.


A. The Term ­ μακροθυμία

1. Long + wrath – some have called this term long fused… one who goes a long time before blowing up! (Don’t be short fused!)

2. It is the opposite of one who is easily irritated, irascible, hot tempered, testy…

3. Zodhiates: long–suffering, self–restraint before proceeding to action.

4. Dictionary of Bible Languages: Calm patience.

5. According to Trench (Synonyms of the New Testament, 189), the difference between hupomone (“patience”) and makrothumia is that makrothumia expresses patience in respect to persons, and hupomene in respect to things or circumstances. (that rule doesn’t always hold however…)

6. It refers to one who restrains wrath and anger.

7. It is self-control—only self-control in a specific area: anger!

8. James 1:19 describes this concept in his command: Be slow to wrath!

B. God’s Supernatural Work in Us

1. Ex. 34:6 – it is God’s character to be longsuffering. (Num. 14:18)

a. The longsuffering that God wants manifested in our lives flows from who HE is!

b. We are to be holy, because HE is holy!

c. We are to love one another, because HE is love.

d. We are to be longsuffering with one another and with circumstances in our lives because HE is longsuffering.

e. This is what it means to be godly… being LIKE God!

2. Joel 2:13 – And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

a. In the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the words “slow to anger” reflect the underlying Greek word “makrothumia.”

b. God is makrothumia – slow to anger.

c. If we are ever going to SHOW longsuffering in our lives towards others, we must have an experiential knowledge of GOD’S longsuffering in our lives.

d. Here, God again revealed that it is His nature to be slow to anger… longsuffering.

e. God endures much grief from our waywardness… daily.

f. Sin causes grief to you and to me to a small degree. But to an infinitely holy God, sin causes Him infinite grief… and He endures that grief from us daily… He is slow to anger… longsuffering with us.

g. The more we learn of who God is, and the more we grow spiritually, the more we realize just how sinful we really are… and how far short of His glory we fall.

h. The closer we get to God, the more sensitive to sin we become. And the more sensitive to sin we become, the more we appreciate HIS longsuffering with out seemingly endless failures!

i. God is longsuffering TO US…He could chasten us at virtually any moment of any day for something… He has ample cause to judge us for our sin… but He is gracious… slow to anger… longsuffering with us. Thank Him for that.

j. A shallow concept of sin and holiness will never result in a genuine appreciation for God’s longsuffering towards us.

k. But a DEEP understanding and appreciation for God’s longsuffering towards us will have a profound effect upon us.

l. This appreciation for divine longsuffering comes ONLY when we rend our hearts and turn to Him.
• It was the custom in ancient Middle Eastern culture to demonstrate remorse and repentance by rending (ripping) one’s outer garment.
• This outward expression of grief over sin and repentance towards God was also sometimes used as a pretence for GENUINE repentance.
• Many Jews outwardly manifested repentance by tearing their garments so everyone would THINK they had repented, even though inwardly they had NOT repented.
• But God sees the heart. He knows the difference. Here the prophet Joel encourages the people to GENUINE remorse for their sin and genuine repentance… not just an outward show.
• The REASON he gives is that it is God’s nature to be slow to anger… longsuffering. God is WAITING for that kind of genuine repentance!
• When God’s people genuinely repent of their sin and turn from their sin to the Lord, they then EXPERIENCE God’s grace and longsuffering… in a new level of depth.
• We realize how LONG God waited for us to turn to Him.
• We realize how much pain and grief we caused the Lord during that period of time He waited…
• We realize that God had every right to judge us, but He chose to wait… to be slow to wrath… longsuffering towards us.
• We realize afresh how much He LOVES us… as we consider how long He waited.

m. A DEEP understanding of and appreciation for His longsuffering towards us will be reflected in our willingness to show longsuffering towards others… who have sinned against us.

n. AND a DEEP understanding of and appreciation for His longsuffering towards us will also be the most powerful MOTIVATION in causing us to repent of our sin and turn to Him to experience MORE of His grace and longsuffering.

o. It is GOOD to meditate on who God is: gracious and longsuffering!
• Meditating on God’s character will have a spiritually wholesome and healthy effect on us.
• If we are presently living in known sin, it will motivate us to repent… FOR He is gracious and longsuffering… willing to receive us back… waiting for us… like the father of the prodigal son…
• If someone has sinned against us, thinking about God’s nature as longsuffering towards us will motivate us to SHOW the same towards others.
• How ungrateful if we don’t!

3. Matt. 18:26 – God’s longsuffering towards us DEMANDS that we be longsuffering towards others.

a. Jesus illustrated this truth in a parable.

b. Here a servant cried for his master to have patience (same word) with him.

c. Vs. 23-25 – a certain king was owned 10,000 talents and since he could not pay, he was sold into slavery.
• This pictures all of us as sinners: an incredible debt of sin we could NEVER pay!
• The result: we are slaves to sin awaiting execution.

d. Vs. 26-27 – the servant fell down and pleaded for the king to be longsuffering towards him (same word)… and the king was moved with compassion and FORGAVE him the entire debt!
• This pictures God the Father forgiving us our debt of sin when we come to him in faith.
• God forgave us an INFINITE debt… one we could never pay.

e. Vs. 28-29 – Then that same servant went out to one his servants who owed him 100 pennies, and demanded instant payment of the debt. His servant fell down and pleaded for him to be patient (same word – longsuffering) with him and he would repay it all.
• This pictures the way WE often treat others.
• God has forgiven us an INFINITE debt, and we then refuse to forgive (comparatively speaking) a minor debt!
• Those 100 pence may have seemed like a lot at the time, but compared to the 10,000 talents, it was nothing!
• We read this story and instantly recognize what an ungrateful wretch this servant was… until God brings to mind a situation in our lives where we have done the same… and God puts His finger on our heart and says, “Thou art the man!”
• Those who have been recipients of God’s infinite longsuffering have a responsibility to manifest the same to others!
f. Meditating on God’s character and God’s mercy and longsuffering towards us SHOULD move us to be godly towards others… slow to wrath… longsuffering… willing to wait…

4. It is not our NATURE to be longsuffering.

a. Isn’t it more like us to grab the one who sinned against us by the neck and make demands of him… right away?

b. Isn’t it more like us to be SHORT fused with others… but expect others to be LONG fused with us?

c. Human nature is short fused… unwilling to wait it out… unwilling to suffer long…

d. This poor trait is in part behind so many broken relationships.

e. It destroys friendships… people get angry FAST over foolish things often… and because we are short fused, we blow up… and on the other side… the one at whom we blow up may also be short fused… unwilling to suffer long… and so they never speak again… sometimes for years.

f. It ruins marriages. Look at our divorce rate. Because folks are unwilling to suffer for a long time until difficult problems are resolved, marriages break up… With a short fuse, they say, “I’m out of here! I’m not putting up with this.”

g. It destroys churches too. Christians are people too, and it is our nature to have short fuses as well. When problems arise in the local church, too often we are inclined to blow up… and because we don’t like to wait it out until the dust settles… because we are NOT inclined to suffer long… churches split… people leave… without ever resolving the problem.

h. We all know the dangers and the consequences of a lack of control over our anger… but anger comes so easily to us.

i. But HOW do we control our anger? HOW do we become longsuffering? When something gets us angry, we FEEL like we have no power over anger… being longsuffering seems like a distant ethereal dream…

j. Our nature is to be short fused. Being long fused seems so unobtainable at times!

k. We, like Paul, probably often feel like crying out, “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this body of death?!”

l. We ALL have to deal with anger. It touches every one of us.

5. Longsuffering is a supernatural work of God in us.

a. Col. 1:11 – it is only divine might and power that results in this kind of longsuffering…
• A worthy walk that is pleasing to God is one that is FRUITFUL.
• The only kind of fruit that is pleasing to God is the fruit that is produced by the Holy Spirit.
» Gal. 5:22 – longsuffering is a fruit of the Spirit.
» I Cor. 13:4 – love is also a fruit of the Spirit… and love suffers long (makrothumia).
» But this kind of fruit—longsuffering… being slow to anger… being able to restrain wrath… requires more power than is humanly possible.
• Hence, God PROVIDES the power we need!
» The worthy walk is one that empowers with ALL might according to HIS glorious power!
» We don’t need to rely on OUR measly power. We are to walk by faith… trusting in HIS glorious power!
» God has ample power to enable us to control our anger.
• If we DON’T control our anger, it is a SPIRITUAL problem.
» We don’t need therapy or a prescription for Valium… or a course on anger management. We need a course on the filling of the Holy Spirit!
» If we walk DAILY… moment by moment yielded to God, God will FILL us with the controlling power of His Spirit… to give us the power to control our anger… temperance… to be slow to wrath… longsuffering.
• And note the PURPOSE of the power: (vs. 11).
» UNTO – having power is not an end unto itself.
» It is a means to an end. The end is patience and longsuffering.
» Patience = endurance (hupomene – bearing up under)—not caving in under the heavy load… under the pressures of life.
» Longsuffering is the result of DIVINE power working in us… not mere natural self discipline or natural self control.
» This is the purpose or the goal of God making His divine power available to us: perseverance and longsuffering…
» This power will enable us to keep on going… it will enable us to keep on walking that worthy walk… that we neither cave in or blow up!
» Life CAN become quite unbearable at times.
» The burdens can cause us to cave in—but God provides patience—not caving in under the heavy load… under the pressures of life.
» Problems with people and circumstances can get under our skin—and cause us to become irritable, touchy, short fused, and angry.
» But if we come to an end of trusting in ourselves, and cast ourselves upon the Lord in total dependence upon Him—He will fill us with His Spirit… who produces patience and longsuffering we need to handle the people or circumstances that are before us.
» Instead of blowing up in anger, frustration, we can be longsuffering… and experience a peace that defies explanation—apart from God.
• And it gets even better! Not only does God enable us to ENDURE and to manifest longsuffering when facing situations and people that would normally drive us off the deep end… He goes way BEYOND mere endurance. God enables us to experience patience and longsuffering with JOYFULNESS!
» This is not a Stoic resignation, or an unhappy, forced submission to circumstances beyond our control, but a joyful acceptance of the will of God.
» God gives us the power of the resurrection that we might find ourselves in this place… where we are no longer slaves to irritability and anger…
» And He expects us to be there! We are COMMANDED to PUT ON longsuffering!
» That takes divine power… and if we are willing, the divine power is provided!

6. Longsuffering is powerful weapon in fighting the good fight of the faith!

a. I Thess. 5:14 – we are commanded to be patient towards all men (same word – longsuffering).
• And let’s face it: some men are pretty hard to deal with.
• Some people get us angry EASILY. Some are mean, nasty, cruel, and irascible!
• But even toward that one, we are to be longsuffering… patient… willing to be long fused…
• God allows us to come in contact with such men to TEST our faith: will we obey God or cave in to our natural impulses to strike back and blow up?

b. Prov. 14:17 – ?He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly.
• The man who is NOT longsuffering, but is soon angry—short fused… deals foolishly.
• He does foolish things…
• Anger leads us to do the most infantile things…
• Anger leads us to say things we wish we never said… do things we wish we never did… make choices we wish we never made.
• But once the foolish words are belted out in anger, there is no chance given to un-ring the bell… to undo the deeds.
• The damage, pain, and consequences of our anger may go on for many days, weeks, months, and even years.
• There are a lot of people in prison right now because they would not control their anger…
• I saw a news clip of an excavator operator who was so mad at his ex-wife that he used his excavator to tear down her house!
• A short fuse leads to all kinds of folly and sin.

c. Prov. 15:18 – A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.
• We live in a world full of strife. Strife and conflict are everywhere.
• A wrathful man—one who is NOT longsuffering… one who does NOT have control over his anger, only ADDS to the strife—like stirring up a hornet’s nest.
• But the man who is SLOW to anger (longsuffering), appeases strife! (Appease – the state or condition of tranquility.)
• What a powerful tool! It enables us to act as cold water on a fire that is able to spread!

d. Prov. 16:32 – ?He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.
• The person who is slow to anger (longsuffering) has an advantage over a man of great might, strength, and power…
• In other words, conquering oneself is a greater feat than conquering a city!
• The man who controls his anger is in a superior, safer, more valuable position than the great army general who conquers a city.
• Men have achieved great exploits in the world, only to see their personal lives crumble because of a lack of self control… because they were short fused and a slave to their anger and emotions.
• Men have spent years establishing a thriving business… only to bring it to ruin because they did not have control of their anger and nobody wanted to work for them.
• Men have spent years caring for and nurturing a family, only to see it fall apart because they lacked the fruit of longsuffering.
• Families have spent years ministering together in a local church, only to see it crumble because of members with short fuses… who stirred up strife.
• Oh what follies we can avoid if we would simply PUT ON longsuffering as God has commanded us!
• He provides all the power and is more than willing to work longsuffering in us, IF we will rend our hearts and turn to Him in faith…
• The capacity to be slow to anger… to control our spirit is a more powerful tool than all the weaponry of the mighty soldiers who conquer great cities.
• Without longsuffering, without the capacity to control our anger, we can destroy lives and cause unspeakable pain.


A. The Term Defined

1. Spoken of circumstances: To hold up; to bear up;

2. Spoken of persons, to bear with, have patience with in regard to the errors or weaknesses of anyone; showing tolerance; putting up with.

3. This is the God given ability to accept the weakness of others… and not be picky over every little infraction.

4. Some of the proverbs describe forbearance for us.

a. Prov. 10:12 – Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. (Cover – to cloth; cover; conceal.)

b. Prov. 12:16 – ?A fool’s wrath is presently? known: but a prudent man covereth shame.

c. Of course Solomon is NOT speaking about hiding our OWN sins… or condoning or hiding the gross sins of others. He also wrote: ?He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.

d. Forbearance doesn’t tolerate gross sin, but it does not attack every little indiscretion of others.

e. Prov. 19:11 – The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.

f. In other words, WISDOM and discretion demand that we not become persnickety… that we learn to be forbearing with one another in all of our shortcomings.

g. A man without wisdom will POUNCE all over the tiniest of infractions… and end up with no friends… for he usually overlooks no infractions but his own.

h. A man who possesses wisdom and discretion will learn when, where, under what circumstances to over look the indiscretions of others.

i. There will be times when they need to be confronted, but there are many times when it is best to let love cover it… to pass over a transgression.

j. It is not necessary to confront every word spoken out of line; every rude action; every impolite deed; every dot and tittle.

k. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes: there is a time to keep silence, and a time to speak. Wisdom knows the difference.

5. Forbearance is also a fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22

a. When we are yielded to God, we will be highly critical of self, but we will be much more forbearing with one another.

b. We saw that love suffers long (longsuffering). Love also BEARS all things (similar in concept to forbearance).

c. Love is forbearing of the sins of others. Love covers all sins.

d. Eph. 4:2 = forbearing one another in LOVE. Love is also a fruit of the Spirit… and genuine love leads us to be forbearing with others.

e. We all have our own peculiar quirks, idiosyncrasies, and areas of weakness.

f. It probably takes a lot of forbearance for an English teacher today to read a paragraph written by a member of the email generation…

g. It takes a healthy dose of forbearance to have a successful marriage. If you are rigid and unbending, and unwilling to be forbearing with the weaknesses and flaws of a spouse, do everybody a favor… and DON’T get married!

h. It takes forbearance for a parent to bring up a two year old! They are going to break things, drool, mess, throw food, spill their milk, write on the wall… all the things 2 year olds do.

i. It takes forbearance in dealing with new believers in the local church too… and with others who may not be growing at the rate we would like to see.

j. It takes forbearance in the work place… in school… in your neighborhood… with your family…

k. It is not our nature to be willing to put up with all the shortcomings of others… but when filled with the Spirit of God, we will BE forbearing!

6. What destruction and damage is caused by a lack of forbearance!

a. When a father is not forbearing with a child, it can be crushing!
• Either parent can be guilty, but it is worse for the dad.
• He’s not home as much… and in the short time he sees the kids if he is constantly hounding them for the tiniest infraction, they will be turned away…
• The father shouldn’t be a drill sergeant. He should be a dad!
• He should be forbearing… and understanding… realizing that kids are kids… he shouldn’t set expectations that are beyond their reach…

b. When a husband or wife is not forbearing with their spouse, it can be disastrous!
• Either parent can be guilty of this, but it is especially so with the wife…
• She can lack forbearance… and be constantly picking on every little infraction in the home.
• A lack of forbearance leads a woman to become a constant nag to her husband…
• A lack of forbearance with her kids can lead her kids so seek acceptance elsewhere… which usually spells trouble.
• She too can be a drill sergeant—no way to run a home!

c. When a teacher is not forbearing with a student, it hinders the learning process!

d. When a boss is not forbearing with his workers, it can undermine their drive to do well.

7. We are COMMANDED to put on forbearance…

a. It should characterize our walk. (Eph. 4:2) – forbearing one another in love.

b. It speaks of learning to live in an imperfect world with imperfect sinners and learning to put up with the shortcomings of others.

c. And boy do we need wisdom and balance to know WHEN an issue needs to be confronted… and when we are to bite our tongue and forbear it.

d. God gives us that wisdom as we yield to Him. Forbearance is the fruit of the Spirit.

8. God was longsuffering and forbearing with us, wasn’t He?

a. I Tim.1:16 – God showed longsuffering towards Paul.

b. Think of how patient God was… how LONG He suffered waiting for Paul to believe on Him!

c. Paul was there when Steven was stoned to death… and God waited for the right time to deal with him.

d. Paul was hauling Christians to prison to be punished… and God was longsuffering…

e. Paul’s conversion is a PATTERN of our salvation… how longsuffering God was in waiting for us to acknowledge Him… and to turn to Him in faith.

f. II Pet. 3:9 –God is longsuffering; not willing that any perish.
• Vs. 15 – the longsuffering of God equals SALVATION!
• He waits upon us to believe and be saved…
• For some He waits a long time… and suffers in grief over our sins a long time.

g. Rom. 3:25 – God was forbearing with the sins of the world all throughout the Old Testament period.

h. Acts 17:30 – God winked at the ignorance of us gentiles during the Old Testament but NOW has commanded all men everywhere to repent!

i. God is longsuffering… but His longsuffering won’t last forever. We don’t know HOW LONG His longsuffering is.

j. If you are alive right now and breathing, God is demonstrating His longsuffering and forbearance towards you… and offers eternal life to you… at the cost of His Son.

k. But one day JUDGMENT will come… and His longsuffering will be overshadowed by justice.

l. We beseech you—if you are not saved—to trust in Christ TODAY—as your Lord and Savior.

Forbearing One Another

If Any Man Have A Quarrel

1. Quarrel Defined: Complaint; reason for a complaint; find fault; grievance.

2. IF – Third class condition: assumed as POSSIBLE (ify)

a. Ean and subjunctive. (potential action)

b. Paul is not stating for a fact that there WERE quarrels there, but assumes that it is quite possible.

c. I’m not sure if Paul meant this IF to be a tongue in cheek IF, but he certainly must have known that quarrels WOULD come to these folks in time!

d. So he gives instruction “should” any quarrels come their way!

e. Should any quarrels come OUR way… we have some divinely inspired instructions on how to deal with them!

3. That is a pretty fair assumption to conclude that in any assembly of believers there will be quarrels.

a. This is because the church at Colossae was full of men and women who were saved… but saved folks are still SINNERS…

b. Sinners saved by grace, but sinners who nonetheless still get angry, still hurt the feelings of others, still offend, still cause trouble…

c. The church at Colossae was full of folks who still had a SIN nature… which means there is bound to be friction.

d. The fact that we are born again does not exempt us from people problems… trials… offences… grievances… complaints against other believers.

4. The early church had its share of quarrels among believers.

a. There arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected. (Acts 6:1)

b. Paul had a sharp quarrel with Barnabus. (Acts 15:36-39)

c. Paul and Peter had a spat. (Gal. 2:14)

d. The Corinthians had quarrels among themselves. (I Cor. 1:10-12; 6:7)

e. The apostle had to rebuke Euodias and Syntyche for their quarrel. (Phil. 4:2)

f. Unfortunately, such quarrellings have continued throughout the church age. Believers don’t always get along!
• It destroys Christian fellowship.
• It ruins marriages.
• It divides churches… splits…

g. This is exactly what our enemy wants: divide and conquer!

h. We will have quarrellings in our midst too. Controversy is bound to arise.

5. Life is FULL of quarrels, conflicts, offences, and hurts… which leave scars and deep wounds.

a. And sadly, it seems that the people we love the most, we hurt the most… whether in the home… in the local church…

b. As sinners, we sin against God; but we also sin against each other.

c. Jas. 3:2 – In MANY things we ALL offend! This is a cold, hard fact of life. We all have tongues and we all have tempers… a dangerous combination.

d. And even Christians do this!

e. Let’s admit it. We have all BEEN offended by a brother, and we have all OFFENDED a brother… and probably many times over!

f. This can be shattering to a new believer… who wrongly assumes that once he is saved, life is going to be a pathway of roses. Not so. Roses come with thorns.

g. The abundant life in Christ has its trials and people problems too…

h. Insults, hurts, injuries, abuse, offences, quarrels, and trespasses WILL come our way… and sometimes through believers! There is not avoiding them entirely.

i. But HOW we DEAL with them when they do come is what really matters!

Forbearing One Another

1. Defined: to sustain, to bear, to endure; to hold back; to bear with, have patience with in regard to the errors or weaknesses of anyone; to put up with.

2. Present participle.

a. This indicates that the action of forbearing is to occur simultaneously with the “putting on” of the mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, and longsuffering.”
• In other words, being forbearing with one another is not to be done in a proud, arrogant manner. (How long must I put up with this fool?)
• Rather, it is to be accompanied by meekness and humbleness of mind… and mercy and kindness… a Christlike spirit.
• It is possible to be forbearing by biting one’s tongue, grinding one’s teeth, and scowling on the inside… looking down upon another person as an inconvenience… like putting up with mosquitoes!
• It is possible to be forbearing because we HAVE to… as a DUTY…
• But as we saw last week, just as God gives us the power to be longsuffering with JOYFULNESS, He also gives us power to be forbearing in humility and kindness!
• Forbearance is to be manifested IN CONJUNCTION WITH the other qualities we are to PUT ON.

b. The present tense also indicates that forbearance is to be an ongoing attitude of the believer…
• We can’t say, “O I tried being forbearing with that guy, but it didn’t work.”
• It doesn’t matter whether it “works” or not. God says to do it!
• The purpose of being forbearing is not to CHANGE the other guy… but to change SELF!
• God commands ME to be forbearing with those who sin against me… whether the offending party responds or not!
• Forbearing is what I am to BE. It is not a tool I am to use to manipulate someone else… or to cause them to change their behavior… or to change the circumstances.
• We are to be continuously forbearing with the one who offends us, insults, hurts, or sins against us.
• But what if the hurt and the offense continue all year long? Be continually forbearing!
• But what if it is a grievous offense against me and it is tearing me apart on the inside? Be continually forbearing.
• But what if I’m innocent and it’s all their fault? Be continually forbearing. That’s what the verse says.

3. Some of the proverbs describe forbearance for us.

a. Prov. 10:12 – Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. (cover – to cloth; cover; conceal)

b. Prov. 12:16 – A fool’s wrath is presently? known: but a prudent man covereth shame.
• Of course Solomon is NOT speaking about hiding our OWN sins… or condoning or hiding the gross sins of others. He also wrote: ?He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.
• Forbearance doesn’t tolerate gross sin, but it does not attack every little indiscretion of others either.
• Prudence is needed (wisdom; discernment; discretion). The wisdom to know WHEN an indiscretion needs to be overlooked and covered… and when it needs to be dealt with.
• If a brother insults you – most of the time it is best to bury it.
• If it gets under your skin and you are losing sleep over it, or it is affecting your spiritual life, then confront the brother. But otherwise, it is usually best to cover it up… be forbearing.

c. Prov. 19:11 – The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.
• In other words, WISDOM and discretion demand that we not become persnickety… that we learn to be forbearing with one another in all of our shortcomings.
• A man without discretion will POUNCE all over the tiniest infraction… and end up with no friends… who wants to be around a person who has zero tolerance for our shortcomings? (I don’t—because I have a lot of shortcomings!)
• The kind of person Solomon describes in this proverb is one who usually overlooks no infractions except his own.
• A man who possesses wisdom and discretion will learn when, where, under what circumstances to overlook the indiscretions of others.

d. Prov. 17:9 – He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.
• LOVE is sacrificing self for the good of others. Forbearance by its very nature is an aspect of love…
• It takes self-sacrifice to be forbearing… to put up with the unkindness of others… to turn the other cheek… rather than retaliate…
• When you are having a quarrel with someone, it makes SELF feel good to reveal and repeat their faults and make them look bad… but LOVE sacrifices self for their good.
• A prudent man will realize the consequences of NOT being forbearing… of NOT covering up the faults of others… of the broken friendships and relationships that might result… and will choose to BURY it… cover it… rather than separate friends.
• Think of JOSEPH when his brothers were before him.
» They sold him into slavery…
» Then, he rose to be Prime Minister of Egypt… and they came to him in a time of famine begging food.
» He COULD have said, “Now I have you right where I want you!”
» He could have broadcast their sin all over Egypt and made an example of them… and had an elaborate execution of them…
» But instead, he buried it.
» He said, “Now therefore, be not grieved, nor angry with yourself that ye sold me hither… for God did send you before me to preserve life.” (Gen. 45:5)
» After all the years of hurt, loneliness, misery, grief, and sorrow they caused him, he was willing to bury their sin…
» Solomon wrote: He that covereth a transgression seeketh love.
» Joseph sought love… brotherly love… love bears all things… even decades of wrongful imprisonment and slavery! That’s forbearance… holding back… when he could have let them have it!

• And in a marriage, it is vital for us to SEEK LOVE by covering transgression…
• After you have been married for a while, you know HOW to get your spouse angry.
• Over time, you learn what buttons to press and when to press them.
• And all you have to do is start pressing those buttons to make them feel miserable…
• Forbearance is holding back… even though it might feel good to press that button…
• Seek love… love bears all things…

e. And forbearance is NOT being SOFT with sin.
• It is simply acknowledging that GOD is the judge of all sin, and all sinners… not us.
• It is acknowledging that it is not up to ME to correct all the wrongs in the world… or to make all the crooked things straight.
• The Lord will do all that according to His timetable.
• Until then, we need to learn to be forbearing with others.

f. There will be times when sin needs to be confronted, but there are many times when it is best to let love cover it… to pass over a transgression.
• It is not necessary to confront every word spoken out of line; every rude action; every impolite deed; every dot and tittle.
• Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes: there is a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.
• Wisdom knows the difference… when to be forbearing and pass over an insult or a transgression against you, and when to confront the offender.
• And OH would our lives be much improved if we all had that kind of prudence, discretion, and wisdom!

4. Forbearance is also a fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22

a. When we are yielded to God, we will be highly critical of self, but we will be much more forbearing with one another.

b. I Cor. 13:7 – We saw that love suffers long (longsuffering). Love also BEARS all things
• This is not the same word for “forbearing” but is similar in meaning.
• Bears defined= στέγω – Strong’s: to protect or keep by covering, to preserve. 2to cover over with silence. 2ato keep secret; to hide, to conceal the errors and faults of others.
• Love covers up the faults of others… as opposed to uncovering and revealing them.
• Love is forbearing of the sins of others. Love covers all sins.

c. Eph. 4:2 = forbearing one another in LOVE.
• Love is also a fruit of the Spirit… and genuine love leads us to be forbearing with others.
• We all have our own peculiar quirks, idiosyncrasies, and areas of weakness. We want others to be forbearing with us. We need to be forbearing with them.

d. Do you want to seek to promote love?
• Rather than constantly pointing out the indiscretions of others, cover them up!
• Don’t keep on picking at them… don’t keep pointing to them… don’t keep pecking at them… hold back… forbearing one another in love.

5. It takes a very healthy dose of forbearance to have a successful marriage.

a. If you are rigid and unbending, and unwilling to be forbearing with the weaknesses and flaws of a spouse, do everybody a favor… and DON’T get married!

b. When sinners live under the same roof, quarrels and controversy is bound to arise…

c. If you are unwilling to be forbearing towards the foibles and frailties of your spouse, your marriage is doomed to failure!

d. If you are unwilling to allow LOVE to cover up the sins and shortcomings of others in the home…

e. If you demand justice against every little infraction that occurs in the home, your home isn’t going to last.

6. Most often in the home, it is the husband who lacks longsuffering and is short fused.

a. Most of the proverbs that deal with anger speak of men.

b. A wrathful man stirreth up strife.

c. He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly.

d. A furious man aboundeth in transgression.

e. A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment.

f. Make no friendship with an angry man.

g. Women are guilty of this too, but lacking longsuffering (short fused) seems to be a worse problem for us men.

7. But a lack of forbearance seems to be a worse problem for women.

a. Prov. 21:19 – It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.
• Contentious: disputes; contentions; — one who keeps on picking a fight… stirring up contention…
• Angry: often translated “provoke”—used often of provoking the Lord to anger.
• Solomon describes the woman who has a knack for starting fights and provoking anger.
• Forbearance involves holding back… instead of pouncing on every infraction… holding back.
• Instead of being forbearing and putting up with the weaknesses of her husband, she provokes him to anger by picking… she doesn’t hold back.
• Solomon said that such a man will conclude that it is better to live in the wilderness alone than to have to deal with that!
• In his comments of the proverb, Matthew Henry summarized: NO company is better than bad company!

b. Prov. 27:15 – A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.

• How are they alike?
• In Bible times, the roofs were often made of sod, which would absorb most of the rain in a small shower.
• But on a very rainy day they would become saturated.
• And long after the storm ended, the saturated sod would continue to drip… drip… drip… Even when the clouds are gone and the sun is shining, it is still raining and dripping inside… and driving the occupants crazy!
• A nagging wife is like that. Long after the fight is over, she will continue to bring it up again… and again… and again… continual nagging… like the continual dripping…
• “I thought you were going to fix the fence last week. And you left your dirty socks on the floor again… I bet Jane’s husband doesn’t do that… and you were supposed to pick up milk on the way home… I suppose you forgot again…”
• And the man who has been under pressure all day at work… and expects to come home for some peace and quiet he may not be able to handle that.
• To him, living in the wilderness might be preferable!
• Of course Solomon is not suggesting that. It is sort of a tongue in cheek proverb… but there is truth to it.
• If a wife wants a happy home, she needs to learn to be forbearing.
• If the fence needs painting, mention it once and drop it… and then just pray and leave it to God to bring it to his mind. He walks by the fence every day. He knows the paint is chipping off. When he’s ready, he’ll paint it. If not, it’s better to let the fence fall apart rather than have the marriage fall apart.
• Be forbearing. Learn to put up with things you don’t like… Nagging isn’t going to get the fence painted any faster.

c. It takes forbearance for a parent to bring up a two year old!
• They are going to break things, drool, mess, throw food, spill their milk, write on the wall… all the things 2 year olds do.
• If you are unwilling to be forbearing—don’t have kids!
• If a parent is NOT forbearing, but comes down hard on every little infraction from their children, they will provoke those kids to anger!
• They will assume that NOTHING can please dad or mom, so why bother trying?
• Husbands are told to dwell with their wives according to knowledge. It’s a good idea to dwell with our children with knowledge too… knowledge of where they are mentally, socially, and spiritually…
• Parents need to be forbearing, or their children will become frustrated and angry…

8. Forbearance is needed in the local church ministry too.

a. It takes forbearance in dealing with new believers in the local church too… and with others who may not be growing at the rate we would like to see.
• We would all like to see instant maturity, but it just doesn’t happen that way!
• Just as a toddler might drool and trip a lot when he tries to walk, so too, spiritually, a new believer will drool and trip a lot… doing the things new believers do.
• We need to be forbearing with one another… understanding of where they are spiritually; at what level of maturity… etc.
• If we are overly zealous, critical nags to new believers, we will drive them away!
• Like the husband who concludes that it is better to live alone in the wilderness than to dwell with a brawling nagging wife… these new believers will conclude that it is better not to go to church at all than to go to church with folks who continually pick on every tiny issue in their lives… especially if they are not mature enough to understand WHY they are being criticized.
• Be forbearing. Be gracious. Learn to WAIT upon the Lord. It is GOD who gives the increase… which results in spiritual growth.

b. I Cor. 4:11-13 – forbearance is needed in the ministry.
• Paul stated that in spite of the awful treatment he received, he said, “we suffer it.” (same word as forbearing).
• Paul realized that if he was going to serve the Lord, there WOULD be many difficult times… difficult people to deal with… difficult trials to face.
• But he demonstrated forbearance… he put up with a lot… because he knew it was the LORD’S work and it was worth it!
• We can have our feelings hurt a LOT in serving the Lord… even in the local church… some of our worst wounds are received in the local church…
• But forbearance is needed. It is required. It is commanded.
• When we are convinced that what we are striving towards is of great VALUE (as Paul did in the Lord’s work)… we will persevere and be forbearing… willing to put up with a LOT… unwilling to quit.
• As good soldiers of Jesus Christ we are to endure HARDSHIPS. That’s what good soldiers do… when their cause is deemed to be worthy!
• Any goal worth achieving is worth putting up with the inconveniences and discomfort of getting there!
• If your goal is to climb a mountain… you have to be forbearing with respect to your sore knees and feet.
• If your goal is to build a church building, it is worth putting up with all the cost and inconvenience of erecting it!
• And if your goal is to be used of the Lord as Christ builds His church… the assembly… it too is worth putting up with the personal cost and inconvenience along the way… (the insults; slights; mistreatment; gossip; stepping on toes; being ignored; etc.)
• Forbearance requires patience, waiting, and a willingness to sacrifice… something we as Americans don’t do well with. We want everything to go our way and to go our way right away.
• We don’t like to put up with things… we like everything quick and easy… but life isn’t like that. The Lord’s work isn’t like that.
• It requires FORBEARANCE on our part… and not just “putting up with people”… but doing so in a spirit of meekness, humbleness of mind… and the JOY of the Lord!

c. It is not our nature to be willing to put up with all the shortcomings of others… but when filled with the Spirit of God, we will BE forbearing!
• If we are willing to yield ourselves unto God, He will fill us with the controlling power of His indwelling Spirit.
• When we are filled with the Spirit… the Holy Spirit produces Christlike fruit in us… love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,? meekness, temperance.
• This is CHRIST being manifested in our mortal bodies. This is God’s purpose for this age… it is the GLORY of the local church…
• This goal is WORTH putting up with a lot.
• Are you mountain climbers willing to put up with sore feet to be able to reach the glorious summit, and then to sit and REST upon the peak of that mountain… and breathe in that fresh mountain air…
» There is something very satisfying about putting up with discomfort in order to achieve such a goal.
» Dwelling in that high place even for a little while is WORTH putting up with all it took to get there.
• Are YOU servants of Christ willing to put up with insult… hurt… unkindness… cruelty… persecution… in order to be to reach new heights of spiritual maturity… and to experience that inner REST that only comes from yielding to God… and to dwell in heavenly places… breathing in that heavenly air?
» Hebrews tells us that it takes LABOR to enter into God’s rest… putting self aside by faith… willing to let self suffer… allowing self to put up with a lot… for a greater goal—to manifest Christlike qualities in our mortal flesh.
» There is something much MORE satisfying about putting up with all the difficulties it takes to walk worthy of the Lord…
» Dwelling in heavenly places in our daily lives is WORTH putting up with whatever it takes to get us there… and it takes FORBEARANCE.
» Paul said: I beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love.
• Forbear one another. Love bears all things.

God Was Forbearing with Us

Rom. 2:4 — Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? He is putting up with a lot of grief from sinners, WAITING for men to repent…

Rom. 3:25 — Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. God was forbearing with respect to judgment on sin all throughout the Old Testament period… or men would have instantly been cast into the Lake of Fire.

II Pet. 3:9 — The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
God IS forbearing and longsuffering… but His longsuffering will not last forever.
One day judgment will come. The day of grace will come to a close.
Are you ready to meet God? You can meet Him as your Savior today… He is forbearing… waiting… inviting you to come in faith.
OR you can meet Him later as your Judge… when it is too late…

Forgiving One Another

Why, What, Who, and How


WHY: Quarrels

1. Forgiveness is needed because believers don’t always get along. Sometimes we fight and quarrels arise.

2. Last week we looked at quarrels that arose in the early church.

a. Quarrels arose over widows being neglected.

b. Conflict and division around personalities.

c. Evidently some quarrels were so severe they went to court.

d. There were quarrels that resulted in church splits; sometimes over huge issues such as the gospel and doctrine; other times over foolish issues (who got the biggest slice of ham at the church dinner!)

e. Some quarrels resulted in divorce; broken friendships and broken fellowship.

f. Paul and Barnabus fought; Paul and Peter had a spat; Euodias and Syntyche fought; etc.

g. God’s Word reveals MANY quarrels among believers. The Bible speaks the truth. It does not sugarcoat anything to make Christians look good. Sometimes even godly men behave very poorly.

3. We need not spend a lot of time on the WHYS of forgiveness.

a. We are all too aware of WHY the command is given.

b. We are painfully aware of the kinds of quarrels that arise in life.

c. We saw in James 3:2 that in many things we ALL offend! All of us have been guilty of offending others… and we have all been offended by others.

d. We have a lot of experience in quarrels.

4. What we are not as experienced in is RESOLVING those quarrels in a Biblical manner.

a. Resolving quarrels does not always mean that I get my own way… or both parties will eventually see eye to eye on the issue.

b. Resolving quarrels does not mean that we will necessarily live happily ever after.

c. Resolving the issue Biblically MAY mean that we have to suffer a long time through it (longsuffering)… and that we may have to put up with a lot… (forbearing)…

d. And through all that longsuffering and forbearance… God is at work changing ME… even if the circumstances never change!

e. God works in us THROUGH the unfavorable circumstances that precipitated the quarrel to make us more like Christ.

f. We are going to see a little later on that quarrels come for a God given purpose… to put us to the test and help us learn to appreciate our forgiveness in Christ.

g. And if quarrels and controversy result in accomplishing THAT… it is WORTH putting up with it all… and suffering… even for a long time!

h. ALL things work together for good to them that love God… even quarrels among the saints can result in GOOD… IF we learn to forgive as Christ forgave us.

i. Quarrels initiate this… and if we are wise and Spirit filled… the end result will be Christlikeness manifested in YOU… whether or not the outward circumstances change.

j. God’s purpose for His people is not to transform our circumstances and make life in this world sunny and wonderful.

k. God’s purpose is to transform US into the image of His Son… and sometimes, that’s tough work… but WORTH it!

l. How much do you love Christ? How much do you want to see HIM magnified and glorified in and through you? Then how much are you willing to suffer? How much are you willing to bear? How much are you willing to forgive?

m. All of this is a test of our love for Christ.

5. So WHY do we need to practice forgiveness?

a. Because quarrels WILL come; therefore, we need to learn to forgive. It is God’s means of resolving quarrels… and so making peace.

b. More importantly, we are to forgive because God SAID so.

6. This comes in the form of a command, though not in the imperative.

a. It is SIN NOT to forgive another…

b. Matt. 6:12-14 – if we don’t forgive others, God will not forgive us! (family – relational forgiveness)

c. If we refuse to forgive, we too are living in sin… just like the party that sinned against us! We are no better than they!

d. If we refuse to forgive, we are holding a grudge, and that is sin… harboring SIN in our hearts and God will not hear our prayers.

e. We are walking in darkness and have no fellowship with God… even if we FEEL justified in our actions.

f. A refusal to forgive carries with it serious consequences.

g. That’s another reason WHY we should forgive.

7. An unforgiving spirit opens us up to satanic attack! We give the devil an open door! (II Cor. 2:7-11)

a. Holding grudges against others leaves us wide open for the devil to have an advantage over us.

b. Paul warned the assembly of the awful consequences of NOT forgiving a brother—even the one who had so grievously sinned and marred the testimony of Christ.

c. If he repents, forgive him… and if the whole assembly refuses to forgive, then the whole assembly is in sin.

d. If we DON’T forgive, malice will fester in our hearts and pent up emotions will lead to other sins… our hearts will be full of the sins mentioned in vs. 8-9.
• We have left the door wide open for our adversary.
• What havoc the devil can wreak, if we refuse to forgive a brother.

e. If we DO forgive, we open the door for the Lord to fill our hearts with the love of God… (Col. 3:14)

f. The command to forgive one another in the church goes way beyond the two parties involved. It can affect the whole church!

WHO: One Another

1. We saw in James 3:2 that we ALL offend. Therefore, we ALL need to listen to what God has to say about forgiveness.

2. We are to forgive one another.

a. This term is reciprocal.

b. Usually when quarrels arise, there is need for forgiveness on BOTH sides…

c. In most quarrels there is plenty of blame to spread around.

d. Usually both parties have said and done things that they should not have said or done.

e. Therefore Paul says that we are to forgive one another… mutual forgiveness.

f. Party A is to forgive party B and party B is to forgive party A.

g. Or (as is often the case in our homes) he has to forgive her; and she has to forgive him.

h. If the quarreling was reciprocal, then the forgiveness needs to be reciprocal: one another…

3. In particular, “one another” speaks of ALL of us as believers.

a. Church members – brothers and sisters in Christ.

b. One another extends to spouses; children; parents; neighbors; co-workers… One another includes a lot of people!

c. Believers of all ages. Men, women, and children.

d. We all offend. We all fight and quarrel at times… Yes, even in God’s family it is sometimes hard to get along…

e. Someone put it this way:

To live above with saints we love,
Oh, that will be glory!
But to live below with saints we know,
Well, that’s another story!

4. The kind of forgiveness Paul has in mind in this passage is forgiveness of one another.

a. He is not speaking of God forgiving us…

b. The context speaks of men forgiving other men… because of quarrels or complaints that arose… one against another.

c. So we want to keep our remarks today in this context.

WHAT: Forgiveness

A. Different terms

1. ἀφίημι – to send away;

a. Matt. 13:26 – Jesus “sent away” the multitude.

b. To let go from obligation toward oneself, to remit, e.g., a debt, offense, (Matt. 18:27, 32, 35; Mark 11:25).

c. Of sins, to remit the penalty of sins, i.e., to pardon, forgive.

d. It is translated “remission” of sins on occasion – sending them away.

2. ἄφεσις ­ – to cause to stand away, to release one’s sins from the sinner. Forgiveness, remission.

a. This is another form of ἀφίημι … but the lexicons list them separately.

b. This kind of divine forgiveness required Christ’s sacrifice as punishment of sin, hence the putting away of sin and the deliverance of the sinner from the guilt AND power of sin.

c. This is the most common word for “forgiveness” in the epistles.

d. This term is almost always used of the sending away of sins. (12 out of 17 times.)

e. This is the term used of God forgiving our sins… not of men forgiving other men.

f. The concept of sending away our sins includes the following:
• Sending them away as far as the east is from the west… infinitely removed… (Psalm 103:12)
• Penalty is gone… the guilt is gone… the sin is removed! A separation of the sin and its penalty from the sinner has occurred.
• That’s what it means to be forgiven: our sins are GONE!
• This was pictured in the Old Testament by the goat sacrifices.

1. One goat was slain and its blood shed (picturing the price of remission of sins).

2. The priests laid their hands on the head of the other goat and it was released into the wilderness never to return (picturing the fact of imputation and that our sins are sent away… gone!)
Though not exclusively, these first two terms are used most often of God’s forgiveness of us.
• They therefore speak about judicial forgiveness which only God, the judge of the world, can grant.
• This speaks of sins being forgiven in GOD’S sight.

• Freedom FROM that sin (we were slaves to sin; forgiveness separates us from the sin.)
• It is not freedom IN sin or freedom TO sin. Forgiveness does not condone sin.
• Hence, there is no forgiveness if we continue in the sin.

3. χαρίζομαι – to bestow freely; to “grace”; to give graciously.

a. This is the term used most often of man forgiving man.
• This is the term used in Col. 3:13.
• It is used only rarely of God forgiving men.
• On a judicial level, human beings cannot forgive the sins of other men committed against God because in that sense, only GOD can forgive sins. (Mark 2:7 – ἀφίημι)
• But, on a relational level, we are expected to forgive others for the sins committed against us. This is what Paul commands in our passage in Col. 3:13.
• Ultimately, EVERY sin is a sin against God… even those sins against us are ultimately against God.
• We have no right or capacity to forgive on a vertical plane… but only on the horizontal…
• But on a relational level, we ARE to forgive one another.

b. Defined by Strong’s: to show one’s self gracious, to give graciously, give freely, bestow; to grant forgiveness, to pardon.
• This is a form of the word for “grace”… literally “gracing one another.”
• The term means to “grace” someone… to shower grace upon someone. To shower unmerited favor upon another.
• Rather than demanding justice and a fair payment, we shower grace… unmerited favor.
• Thus, it has a rather broad meaning, and it is possible to “grace” someone in many different ways.

c. The context has to determine what KIND of gracing is meant.
• Luke 7:21 – to the blind he “gave” sight. He graced the blind with sight.
• Luke 7:41-42 – forgiving a debt of money owed… that was a grace gift. (They had nothing to pay!)
• Philemon 22 – Paul was “freely given” to them as a gift… Paul was a grace gift to them… they were graced with his presence.

d. This term is translated “forgiven” in Col. 2:13 – and in relationship to our sins.
• There it obviously means to forgive sins… and is so translated. It is here used of GOD forgiving our sins.
• God “graced us” concerning our sins! He pardoned them.

e. The term is used in Col. 3:13 and is translated “forgive.”
• If any man has a quarrel with another, instead of showering one another with daggers and harsh words, we are to shower them with grace!
• And just to make it crystal clear what kind of “gracing” Paul is speaking of, the same term is used later in the verse: “even as Christ forgave you.”
• It is used 2 times in Eph. 4:32 and both times translated “forgive.”
• When someone sins against us… we are to respond by showering them with grace… gracing them.

f. But what if they have been unbelievably cruel to me? What if they have sinned grievously against me? What if they don’t deserve to be forgiven? God’s command still stands: shower them with unmerited favor! Forgive them…

g. And the present participle in Col. 3:13 indicates that we are to CONTINUE to shower grace upon them!

4. Exactly what does it MEAN to forgive someone who has wronged me?

a. Note that we are to forgive AS we have been forgiven… in the same manner that God forgave us, we are to forgive others. That helps DEFINE forgiveness for us.

b. How did God forgive our sins against Him?
• He removed them from us as far as the east is from the west. (Ps. 103:12)
• He threw them behind His back. (Isa. 38:17)
• He blotted them out. (Isa. 43:25)
• Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)
• When God forgave us, He separated our sin and guilt from us… they are sent away… gone.
• Sin has been separated from the sinner… removed forever… gone.

c. God REMEMBERS our sins no more. (Heb. 10:17)
• Be careful here! God is omniscient!
• God uses language of men that we might understand.
• When God forgives us, He doesn’t FORGET like we forget… (burnt out brain cells… old age…)
• God knows all things always. Information is never deleted from His memory.
• BUT, when He forgives us, He CHOOSES not to bring our sin to His remembrance.
• It is an act of His will.
• This is HOW we are to forgive others.
• We might not actually forget the offense… at least not right away. That might take much time… but the forgiveness is to be granted right away!
• When we forgive a brother who has sinned against us, we are to cast their sin in the sea… bury it… and CHOOSE not to bring it to our mind again… ever!
• And if it DOES pop into our mind, (the flesh LOVES to bring it up), cast it out…, refuse to dwell upon it… re-bury it… 490 times if necessary!
• AND when God forgives us, He never rubs the sin in our face… the sin is GONE… there is NO condemnation… He doesn’t dig up old offences and remind us of them… over and over again… to hurt us or make us feel guilty.
• He treats us as if the offense had never occurred. (Isn’t God gracious?)
• That’s how we are to forgive too.

5. Forgiveness is not something we FEEL. It is something we GIVE.

a. The term forgive in Col. 3:13 means to grace… to give freely…

b. Forgiveness is something we choose to GIVE to another… regardless of merit… it is a gracious giving…

c. In volatile situations with grievous offences, feelings get hurt—a lot! Wounds are etched deep into the soul. The hurt can last a LONG time.

d. If the offending party says he repents, how can I forgive that person… what if I don’t FEEL like forgiving them? Wouldn’t I be acting like a hypocrite to say “I forgive you” if I don’t feel any forgiveness?

e. Not so! Forgiveness can be granted completely independent of feelings. God doesn’t tell us what to feel; He tells us what to DO.

f. In fact, it is possible to use our feelings as an excuse NOT to forgive a brother, when God clearly commands us to do so!

g. When God commands us to forgive a brother, He expects us to OBEY… regardless of how we feel.
• We are not to wait until we FEEL like forgiving.
• That day may never come.
• When you tell your son to pick up his messy room… and he said, “I don’t feel like it,”—that’s not an acceptable answer! How would you respond? Do you wait until he FEELS like it, or do you expect him to obey?

h. If our brother sins against us, we confront him, and he says he repents, then we are to forgive as God forgave us… not because we FEEL like it, but because God said so!

i. We are to BURY the issue… and CHOOSE to bring it to remembrance NO MORE. At that point, it is a dead issue, never to be dug up again.

j. If it is forgiven, it is GONE… If we grant forgiveness, when we say, “I forgive you,” we are giving our word that we will not bring up that issue again. Period.

k. That’s what forgiveness means.

B. Jesus on Forgiveness

1. Matt. 18:21-22 – Cf. what Christ said about the need for ongoing forgiveness.

a. Jesus had just taught about how to deal with a brother who sins against you. (vs. 15) (You’d be surprised how EASILY many offences can be cleared up—often they are misunderstandings)!

b. Peter mulled over in his mind what Jesus had just said.
• If you go to that brother with your complaint against him… and tell him how he sinned against you, and he HEARS you (responds in a right way – by apologizing)… then you have gained a brother. The relationship is restored. Forgive him—the quarrel is over.
• Perhaps Peter had a particular issue in mind… of a brother who sinned against him. We don’t know whether Peter had an actual or hypothetical case in mind we don’t know for sure.
• Perhaps there was a brother who had sinned against Peter, and Peter began to think through what Jesus said.
• What if I go to that brother, and he repents and I forgive him… and then he turns around and does it again? What then!?
• That is not an unrealistic hypothetical!

c. Peter wanted to know just HOW longsuffering he should be with a brother who sins against him. If I forgive him once, what if he does it again?

d. So Peter suggested to Jesus 7 times.
• He no doubt thought be was being gracious, magnanimous, and patient.
• If this sin occurred once, and then he did it again, one would naturally question the sincerity of the “so called” repentance on the part of the offending party. I sure would.
• It’s hard to believe someone who sins against you, apologizes, and then turns around and does it all over again!
• Peter probably thought he was bending over backwards to be gracious in being willing to forgive a brother 7 times! Surely that is showering grace upon him!
• He may have expected Jesus to praise him for being so longsuffering!
• Maybe he expected the Lord to lessen the number to 2 or 3 times…

e. But Jesus responded by saying, 70 times 7! (490 times!)
• That probably let the air out of Peter’s balloon.
• The Lord was trying to elevate Peter’s concept of grace… and of longsuffering… and of forgiveness.
• God’s threshold for being forbearing, longsuffering, and showering grace is far above ours; as far as heaven is above the earth.
• What Jesus was saying, in earthly, human terms we could grasp, that there is no limit when it comes to forgiving others… and showering grace upon them!

f. While it is relatively easy to mentally grasp what Jesus said… it is incredibly difficult to apply it to a real life situation.
• Put yourself in such a place—where someone sins grievously against you… and you have confronted the brother 100 times for the same issue…
• Every time you confront him, you get the same response: I’m sorry. I repent. Forgive me… and the next week he does it all over again.
• Jesus said we are to continue to forgive him.

2. There is a difference between believing him and forgiving him.

a. If I forgave someone for sinning against me, and he did it over and over again… sometime before the 490th transgression, I think I would realize that he’s not being honest!

b. We are commanded to forgive him; we are not commanded to believe him.

c. Forgive means that we willingly choose not bring up the offence forgiven…

d. Our gut feeling may tell us that this guy is taking advantage of the situation… that he has not genuinely repented… that there isn’t one ounce of sincerity in him.

e. However, we walk by FAITH… not by gut feelings.

f. We are to do what God’s Word tells us rather than what our feelings tell us…

g. Gut feelings can be wrong; God’s Word is perfect.

h. So even if deep down in my gut I don’t believe him, God says to forgive him… 490 times and beyond.

i. If he wants to play games, let him. But MY responsibility is to obey God no matter what.

j. God will not judge me for what the other person does… or whether he was genuine or not. But God will judge me for how I respond to the Scriptures. (Did I obey or not?)

3. There is another element that enters into forgiveness between brothers: REPENTANCE.

a. Luke 17:3-5 – Here the Lord speaks of the same scenario: a brother who sins against you multiple times.

b. But here Jesus AMPLIFIES what He meant in Matt. 18 by “if he HEARS thee, thou hast gained a brother.”

c. HEARING implies more than the vibration of eardrums! It is often used as a synonym for obedience… IF he hears the complaint against him, acknowledges his sin, and repents.

d. Notice, repentance is required if forgiveness is to be granted.
• We are not required to grant forgiveness UNTIL the offending party has acknowledged his sin and repent.
• However, even if he does not repent, we are not to harbor ill feelings, malice, hatred, or hold a grudge.
• We are to maintain a spirit of forgiveness and grace, regardless of the response of the other party.
• Their poor behavior is never an EXCUSE for us to harbor ill will or to hold a grudge.
• God wants us to be godly and Christlike regardless of how others treat us.
• I Peter 2:19-23 – be willing to suffer wrongfully if need be… and COMMIT the whole situation into God’s care.
• We need to be continually READY to forgive… as the Lord is ready and waiting to forgive all men!

e. Notice also (in Luke 17) that this sin occurs 7 times in one day! That’s hard to believe the sincerity of his repentance! There is no time for fruit of repentance to be manifested.

f. We CANNOT judge his heart. We cannot know for sure if he is sincere.

g. But if he SAYS (words only!) he repents, we are to forgive him. (Maybe not believe him, but forgive him… and treat him as one who is forgiven.)
• In other words, he doesn’t have to PROVE himself to you or me.
• We are to take him at his word… even if he sins 8 times a day!
• We are not to demand evidence of repentance… (not if we are to forgive him 7 times a day)!
• Granting forgiveness is not based on the other party’s behavior… We are to take him at his word.

h. If he SAYS “I repent,” we are commanded to grant him forgiveness… bury the offence… choose to never bring it up again… and treat him as if it never happened. Ouch!
• Talk about putting yourself in a vulnerable position…
• Talk about turning the other cheek… being utterly selfless…
• Talk about allowing yourself to be defrauded…
• Forgiveness incorporates ALL of that…
• But mostly, it is the LIFE of Christ being manifested through us… as we forgive others AS He forgave us!
• WE (self) couldn’t do that. It requires a new kind of life… a life that is dead to self… dead to the world’s way of doing business… and a life that is hidden away with God in Christ… a life energized by the power of the resurrection…
• When THAT kind of forgiveness is granted, it is obvious that something supernatural is working in our midst… and what a testimony to the power of Christ in our lives when we obey.
• What could be more like Christ than to forgive… to shower grace upon undeserving sinners who have harmed us, hurt us, offended us, trampled over us, treated us cruelly, viciously, maliciously…
• What could be more like Christ – who when He was beaten, spat upon, whipped, mocked, then taken to Golgotha where the Roman soldiers were in the very act of nailing Him to the cross, He cried out, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!

i. If he SAYS “I repent,” we are commanded to grant him forgiveness… bury the offence… choose to never bring it up again… and treat him as if it never happened

j. These are difficult words to digest. We are likely to gag a bit at these words. They are arresting, surprising, startling, puzzling, and downright painful. No wonder the apostles then asked the Lord to increase their faith! (Luke 17:5)
• We need FAITH for that…
• We need to really TRUST God in those situations.
• The offending party who sins against us 7 times a day may be taking advantage of us… and playing games.
• We are to grant forgiveness and TRUST God to take care of that person. God will… in His time and in His way. Nobody ever plays games with God and wins.
• We need to believe that and trust God… trust and obey.

To REALLY understand forgiveness, contemplate the CROSS.
· There, God provided forgiveness of sins for the whole world.
· Have YOU received forgiveness of sins? It is available to you… offered to you… by faith. (Col.1:14 – In Him)

Forgiving One Another EVEN AS Christ Forgave You

HOW TO FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER: Even As Christ Forgave You


1. Even as = in accordance with; equivalent to; to the same degree; in proportion to…

2. This indicates that OUR forgiveness of others is to be equal to the Lord’s forgiveness of us: to the same degree!

3. So if we want to know HOW we are to forgive one another, we must look to HOW did God forgive us.

4. How DID God forgive you and me? Let’s see what the Bible says.

A. Upon repentance

1. At the moment of salvation – II Peter 3:9.

a. God is not willing that any should perish—but MOST men will perish.

b. God’s heart desire is for all men to REPENT… so that they will NOT perish.

c. Repent is = believing here (change of mind – from unbelief to belief).

d. The moment a man changes his mind God saves him and forgives his sins.

e. God required nothing more from the sinner but that he repent… a synonym for believe.

2. For every sin after salvation – confession (I John 1:9)

a. Here John is speaking about those who are already saved; those whose sins are already forgiven judicially.

b. But even after we are saved, we still sin… and that sin breaks our communion and fellowship with the Lord UNTIL we make it right.

c. We are told here to CONFESS (speak the same thing)… agree with God concerning our sin. This concept incorporates the concept of repentance…

d. When we were sinning, we were walking in darkness. When we repent of that sin, we change our mind about it. We agree with God that the sin is to be rejected and forsaken. Thus, we choose to walk in the light.

e. Agreeing with God implies that we see it as wicked; sinful; something to be rejected and forsaken! That’s what God thinks of our sins; and confessing sin means we agree with Him!

f. We can’t say that we agree with God about our sin if we are unwilling to forsake it!

g. But when we GENUINELY agree with God, He forgives us our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

h. He forgives our sins and wipes the slate clean and pure!

B. To the same degree

1. Even as Christ forgives us, we are to forgive others:

a. Our forgiveness of others is to be in proportion to God’s forgiveness of us.

b. We should be willing to forgive others the equivalent of what God forgave us.

c. We should be willing to forgive others their deepest sins against us, because God forgave our deepest sins against Him.

d. To what degree was Christ willing to go to provide forgiveness for us? To what degree was the Father willing to go to provide forgiveness for us?
• Christ gave HIMSELF for us… the cruel death of the cross… He spared not even His own life.
• The Father spared not His only begotten Son… the most precious One to the Father… the Son with whom He had fellowship, love, and communion for an eternity in the past… He spared not His Son.
• When we contemplate this truth, it will put our forgiveness of others in its place…
• This will put all of our grief, suffering, and sorrow in its place…
• As we think about the cross, it will cause us to see that the person who sinned against us did not put us through NEARLY as much suffering, as our sin caused the Lord Jesus…
• Remember the illustration Jesus used, of the man who forgave the debt of 10,000 talents… and that servant was unwilling to forgive his fellowship a debt of a few pence?
• We are infinitely more indebted to God for what He forgave us… than the relatively puny offence committed against us by our brother!
• We are to forgive to the same degree that Christ forgave us.

2. Without exception – (John 6:37) –

a. No one is turned away, regardless of his or her past… regardless of the sins committed… the amount of sins… the severity of the sins…

b. God’s grace is sufficient to cover ALL sins…

c. The blood of Christ is sufficient to pay for ALL sins…

d. To an infinitely holy God, there really isn’t all that much difference between one man’s sins and another’s.

e. There is an infinite gap between God and ANY sin…

f. One sinner is the same as any other sinner: for ALL have sinned and come short (infinitely short) of the glory of God!

g. When a sinner repents, ALL his sins are gone—no matter how many… no matter how grievous… no matter how long he lived in sin… when he repents, he is forgiven!

h. When a man changes his mind and decides to come to Christ in faith, the Lord RECEIVES the sinner… and NONE are turned away because of his sins… or where he’s been.

i. Don’t ever use the excuse, “God will never forgive me… not after what I’ve done.”
• That’s a cop out… a phony excuse… a false humility… a smokescreen for NOT coming to Christ… unbelief…
• Because God said He WILL forgive all sins and turn none away! He wants us to BELIEVE Him and come for forgiveness.

j. He turns none away… no matter how many sins we have committed.

3. We are to forgive others EVEN AS Christ forgave us…

a. Regardless of how many times they sinned… how grievous the sins… how long they lived in that sin…

b. If they repent and come—forgive them!

c. No one who repents is to be denied forgiveness by God, and therefore, no one who repents is to be denied forgiveness by us either.

d. We are to forgive others to the same degree that God forgave us… there IS no limit!

C. Freely – Luke 7:41-42

1. Here Jesus teaches us something about forgiveness. He likens it to a creditor who blots out a debt when the debtor had NOTHING to pay.

a. The word “forgive” is the same word found in Col. 3:13.

b. means to “grace someone”… to shower grace upon them.

c. Here the Lord uses the illustration of a man who was owed a debt that the debtors could not pay…

d. He forgave them FREELY… he showered grace upon them.

e. He cancelled the debt at no charge…

f. He didn’t tell them to pay him a nickel a week for the rest of their lives… he didn’t put them on a payment schedule… he didn’t siphon money out of their weekly salaries.

g. He freely and gracious wiped out their debt completely!

h. This kind of gracious forgiveness incurs no debt – demands no payment. It is truly and entirely FREE.

i. When you pay off your debt (mortgage) the mortgage company has absolutely NOTHING to hold against you! You are free.

j. When the debt is cancelled NOTHING is owed! There are no strings attached

k. This is how the Lord forgave us. This is HIS teaching on forgiveness.

l. This is how we are to forgive others too. FREELY…

D. Graciously –

1. Grace implies without regard to merit—expecting nothing in return –

a. If forgiveness is offered in genuine grace, then it is free, and it is offered at no price…

b. Grace is not earned or merited.

c. The one who grants forgiveness therefore expects NOTHING in return or it wasn’t grace… it was a payment.

d. Grace isn’t paid for either up front or after the fact… or it isn’t grace.

e. If we expect a payment in return for grace, then the person is paying for it… on credit… “I’ll pay you later!”

f. Thus, when we GRACE someone by granting forgiveness, we have no right to say: “I’ll forgive you, BUT, you had better do this, that, and the other thing or else!”

g. Grace is completely free—no strings attached.

h. This is how God forgives us… graciously… not according to merit… expecting no payment for our sins in return.

2. Grace is sometimes gratefully received; sometimes it is taken advantage of!

a. When we forgive someone, it is with the full acknowledgment that our grace might be taken advantage of…

b. Will people take advantage of the grace of forgiveness? Of course they will!

c. But God says to manifest His grace anyway! Suffer yourselves to be defrauded. Turn the other cheek… even if they keep on smiting it!

d. But what if they know this and use it to take advantage of me and make a mockery of me? KEEP ON forgiving if they keep on repenting.

e. God will execute justice in His time and way. Our job is to obey and show grace by forgiving the one who says he repents.

f. In Col. 3, we are commanded to be forbearing… to put up with one another. We are to refuse to retaliate… be longsuffering… be patient…

g. But we are to go way beyond merely putting up with others and holding back on vengeance. We are to be willing to FORGIVE them! Shower them with the grace of God!

h. That is going the extra mile… and in that, Christ is magnified.

E. He Remembers Our Sin No More – Heb. 10:17

1. We mentioned this fact this morning.

a. When God forgives our sins, He remembers them no more.

b. That means that God chooses not to bring our sin to his mind again…

c. Of course, he remembers… He knows what we did. But He chooses not to rub our face in it…

d. When we forgive others EVEN AS God forgives us, we do the same. We REFUSE to bring the sin to mind again…

e. We don’t dwell on it… we don’t remind the offending part of what he or she did… we don’t talk about it.

2. It is dead and buried.

a. When something has been buried, you don’t go digging it up again!

b. We had a pet goat that died a year ago. I buried him in the back lawn.

c. It was not a happy day when the goat died, but we dealt with it… and I buried it. It remains buried to this day.

d. I can’t think of anything more disgusting than to dig up that dead goat! Imagine that?!

e. Digging up old sins is just as disgusting and distasteful. Nothing good comes from it.

f. It is like continually beating on old wounds or old sores. They will never heal… unless you leave it alone.

g. Don’t dig up the old sins and remind yourself and others all over again of the pain and hurt the sin caused.

h. Aren’t you glad God doesn’t do that to us?! He remembers our sins no more. He buries them in the bottom of the sea.

F. God Forgave Us For Christ’s sake (Eph. 4:32)

1. Forgiveness is Christ centered.

a. God does not forgive us for OUR sakes… although we benefit GREATLY from having our sins forgiven!

b. The Father forgives us for the sake of His Beloved Son!

c. Otherwise, Christ died for nothing!

d. IF Christ died for our sins, and the Father did not forgive us, it would be as if the Father did not accept the sacrifice of His Son as being sufficient.

2. When we forgive others, it too should be for Christ’s sake.

a. It is not for OUR sakes…
• Although those who lean heavily on Christian psychology say so.
• They say we should forgive others because it releases us from inner stress… it takes away guilt and pain from us… (self-centered forgiveness)!

b. When we forgive a brother, the forgiveness is not granted for the OTHER person’s sake either.
• Although the one forgiven will certainly benefit.
• He will be encouraged that his sin was forgiven… that the relationship is restored… that the sin is remembered no more.
• The one we forgive certainly benefits from us forgiving them… but that is not the reason either.
• That would be man-centered forgiveness.

c. We are to forgive others EVEN AS God forgave us: for Christ’s sake… and for His glory.
• We are to forgive others for the sake of Christ.
• For His testimony’s sake…
• For the sake of pleasing Him… obeying Him… following His example…
• We forgive others for the sake of Christ because in doing so we are demonstrating the life transforming POWER of being forgiven by Him!
• When He forgave us, it so transformed us and changed us, that we are now ABLE to forgive others… for His sake… for His glory… to demonstrate the reality of Christ in us.
• But as true as all that is, the original reads a bit differently.

d. The English reads: God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you
• Greek reads: ? ?e?? ?? ???st?^ ??a??sat? ?µ?^? (God in Christ has forgiven you.)
• Forgiveness is granted to us because of what the Father saw in Christ His Son.
• We are not forgiven because we are worthy, or because God saw some merit in us. We are not forgiven because God sees anything good in us.
• We are forgiven because God sees in His Son’s work on Calvary a more than sufficient basis upon which He can grant forgiveness of sins.
• We are forgiven because of who Christ is and because of what Christ did.

e. We are to forgive others, not for our own sakes, or for their sakes, because IN Christ there are proper GROUNDS for forgiveness.
• God forgave us because He saw in Christ sufficient grounds to forgive us…
• The sacrifice of His Son and Christ’s shed blood were enough for the Father to grant forgiveness to us.
• It should be enough for us too… to grant forgiveness to others too.
• In Christ we will find all we need to motivate us and empower us to forgive others.
• Having a hard time forgiving? Drive off to the ocean some day—just you and your Bible… and read about what Christ did for us to provide forgiveness of sins.
• Don’t stop meditating until God makes it clear to you that IN CHRIST is found all we need to BE forgiven, and all we need to FORGIVE others.

G. Eternally –

1. When God forgives our sins, they are gone—forever!

2. Our sins were paid for in FULL at Calvary. There is no future penalty for our sins.

3. They are not even brought up against us at the Bema seat. They are burned and removed for all eternity.

4. We suffer loss of reward, but there is no penalty to pay, for Jesus paid it all!

5. God remembers our sins NO more… now or forever!

6. No condemnation—Rom. 8:1—we are not to hold the offence against the one we forgive… now or forever… EVEN AS God forgave us!

H. Entirely –

1. All of the offences we have committed are forgiven. (Col. 2:13)

2. There is no sin so grievous that it cannot be forgiven.

3. There is no grouping of sins into mortal or venial… little white sins and big dark sins… some that can be forgiven and some that cannot. Sin is sin with God.

4. When God forgives our sins, He forgives them ALL…

5. He is FAITHFUL to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness! (I John 1:9)

6. There is no sin committed against us that we should not (by God’s grace working in us) be able to forgive!

7. We have no right to portion off sins… into sins we will forgive and sins we will not forgive. That’s not how God forgave us!

8. And there are no degrees of forgiveness. Either we have forgiven or we have not.

9. No matter WHAT that brother or sister has done to us, we need to be willing to forgive them… EVEN AS God hath forgiven us!

I. Immediately –

1. When we repented… when we believed on Christ, God saved us right then and there!

2. There is no time of penance… no purgatory… no probationary period… there is no period of proving or testing…

3. We are to forgive others EVEN AS God has forgiven us.

4. If the sinning brother repents, forgive him… right then and there on the spot. That’s what the Bible commands.

5. Feelings won’t change immediately.

a. But forgiveness is not based on feelings.

b. It is an act of the will… CHOOSING to bring up the sin no more.

c. It is an act of obedience.

d. We are expected to OBEY immediately.

J. Warmly –

1. Consider the story of the father of the prodigal son.

a. This story is not really the story of the prodigal son. That title is not found in the Bible.

b. It is the story of a forgiving Father! It is a picture of the Father’s willingness to forgive us… when we repent.

c. The prodigal son went off and lived in sin for a long time.

d. He then came to his senses, changed his mind, and decided to return to his father’s house.

e. Luke 15:20 – read

f. The father embraced him and KISSED him… and made merry.

g. Oh that we might learn to forgive EVEN AS God has forgiven us!

2. This is how WE are to forgive others…

a. Not at a distance… at an arm length…

b. Not half heartedly…

c. Not reluctantly…

d. But cheerfully… with joy… embracing the opportunity!

e. The father cooked up the fatted calf and made merry. He REJOICED that the relationship was now restored!

f. The father treated the son as if he had never run away!

g. After we forgive the offender, we are to treat him just as kindly as if he had not injured us—as God treats us when he forgives us!

h. Warmly! This is hard to do… because we are so inclined to allow our hearts to grow cold in times of anger, controversy, and quarrels…

i. That’s not how God forgave us.


» Quarrels come for a God given purpose… to put us to the test and help us learn to appreciate our forgiveness in Christ. Christ who had an infinitely greater quarrel with us because of our sin!

» Forgiveness is an expression of “seeking things above.” Down here on earth revenge reigns… not forgiveness. Everybody wants to get the last jab in… to get even. That is entirely earthly… the way men in Adam behave.

» But those in Christ have a heavenly mindset. We are able to forgive… because we have BEEN forgiven… and our Adamic life is over. Our new life is hidden with Christ in God… in heaven. There is no place for revenge in that heavenly scene.

The Bond of Perfection

And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.


1. In chapter three, Paul reminds us that we have been raised with Christ and are seated with Him at the right hand of the Father. (vs.1)

2. This glorious privilege carries with it certain responsibilities. (vs.2) We are thus to set our affection on things above… not on earthly things.

3. Our former earthly life is over and our new life is hidden with Christ in God. (vs. 3)

4. We are now commanded to PUT ON LOVE.

5. This is the context in which the command is given: saints who are indwelt by Christ… whose position is in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father… reminded of our death to the world system and our new position in Christ… are now commanded to LIVE in such a way that manifests the indwelling life of Christ…

6. It is HIS mercy, meekness, forbearance, forgiveness, and love that are to be manifested to others THROUGH our mortal bodies.

7. This is a supernatural work of God in our midst. This is HOW the Body of Christ functions. This is true Christianity: Christ IN you. And this is our witness to the world.

8. Above all these things, put on love!

And Above All These

A. And Above All These Things

1. And…

a. This term links verse 14 with what has been previously discussed.

b. Paul had been using figurative language to describe appropriate behavior for a new creature in Christ.

c. In this figure of speech Paul linked the character of the old man and the new man to articles of clothing.

d. Because the old man is dead, we are to mortify our earthly members and PUT OFF the sins of the flesh (vs. 5-9)… like you put off dirty clothes.

e. Because we are a new man in Christ, we are to PUT ON new clothing FITTING for such a glorious position.

f. Therefore, we are also to PUT ON Christlike virtues, such as mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, and forgiveness. (vs. 10-13)

g. After speaking about putting off the dirty old clothing and putting on the new clean clothing, Paul says, AND… don’t forget this last and most important article of clothing: with all things you are putting on, don’t forget to put on love!

2. Above all these things (epi)

a. Epi = above; over; on; on top of; in a position over…
• It can have LOTS of various usages and can have different shades of meaning depending upon the context.
• It CAN mean that love reigns over the other virtues as superior.
• Luke 1:33 – And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever. (Christ rules over… sitting above the house.)
• Acts 8:27 – a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure. (This eunuch had authority over… he ruled over all the wealth of this queen.)
• It often speaks of someone or something that is in a superior position… reigning over someone or something else.
• It is possible that Paul meant that love reigns over all the other virtues listed… which is certainly true!
• The translators are forced to interpret this passage in translating this preposition. Some translations translate in this sense: love is superior to all these things… the other virtues.
• This does have scriptural support.
» Gal. 5:22 – it is listed first in the list of the fruit of the Spirit.
» II Pet. 1:5-7 – it is listed last in the list of virtues, because here Peter is building to a crescendo.
» I Cor. 13 – a whole chapter is dedicated to defining love.
» I Cor. 13:13 – And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. Love is listed as the most enduring virtue.
» Matt. 22:36-38 – Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.? 38This is the first and great commandment.
» There is good Scriptural reasoning for understanding “above all these things” as love is the most important virtue.
» Many translators and commentators attribute that meaning to “epi” here.

b. Epi CAN also mean over… on top of… (which is its most natural meaning).
• This seems the best way to understand the term to me, in light of the context in which it is found.
• Paul has been speaking (figuratively) about putting on articles of clothing… Christlike virtue.
• And over or on top of all of those articles of clothing, put on the final piece of clothing: love!
• This final piece of clothing goes over all the other clothing…
• And without this, a Christian is NOT well dressed!
• Now this interpretation does not exclude the idea that love is the most important, but speaks of love as being that outer piece… the final article of clothing one puts on.
• There are articles of clothing we put on that no one sees… (undergarments!) (Meekness before God; a heart of mercy; humility; longsuffering; forbearance; etc.)
• But LOVE ought to be a VISIBLE piece of clothing… an outer garment… the final piece we put on.
• It goes on top of all the other virtues.
• Love isn’t some quiet warm feeling we harbor in our hearts and no one knows about. It ought to be quite visible… it moves into action.
• Not that we demonstrate love FOR SHOW… we don’t do deeds of love to be seen… but if we love someone it ought to SHOW!
• Love involves outward action; not just inward feelings.

The Bond of Perfectness

A. Bond

1. Defined:

a. Strong’s: that which binds together, a band, bond.

b. Lexicon: a bond of fastening; a union; that which keeps or binds something together…

2. Paul states here that love is BINDING something together… holding something together… fastening together…

3. Context:

a. In a figure, articles of clothing are being put on…

b. Everything in its proper place…

c. We need to think of the kind of clothing Paul had in mind: undergarments, sandals, scarf, and then a loose tunic or an overcoat.

d. But on top of all that… over all that, they would put on a girdle… which was a large sash that held it all together.

e. For most activities the tunic was worn full length.

f. But for work or if they had to run, they would gird up their loins… by pulling it up and binding it in place with the large cloth belt or sash called a girdle.

g. The girdle went OVER their outerwear and bound it all together.

h. The context seems to indicate that Paul was likening the Christlike virtue of LOVE to that final article of clothing… the sash… which held everything else together.

4. Love is comprehensive and multifaceted. It incorporates many other virtues under its umbrella.

a. Rom. 13:9-10 – Love is broad enough to include the whole law! And if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The law can be boiled down to love… love God and love your neighbor.

b. Our WALK is to be characterized by love. Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us. (Eph. 5:2)

c. All the Christlike virtues mentioned in Col. 3:14 fall under the broad umbrella of love.

d. There are many virtues mentioned as appropriate clothing for the believer… but LOVE is all encompassing… it includes the whole law… it includes all of the other virtues!

5. Love binds all those other virtues together… to make one unified, coherent whole.

a. Just as the girdle held all the other articles of clothing in place so the person could function (work; walk; run; etc.), love holds all of the other virtues in place so that we can FUNCTION… and serve God acceptably.

b. Consider the usage of the term “bond” in Col. 2:19:
• As the Body holds the Head (Christ), the Body is supernaturally ministered to… from the Head in heaven. (Christ builds and builds up His Body.)
• There are joints and bands (same word) which are nourished, knit together, and INCREASE with the increase of God… supernatural increase.
• Because of spiritual fellowship, members of the body are joined together and BOUND together… drawn closer to each other and thus closer to the Lord.
• Individual members of the Body (of any body!) would be quite useless unless BOUND together… by joints and bands.
• Apart from the binding together, a body would not be able to function… we would just be a pile of individual body parts… not linked together into any cohesive union.
• Binding together of members of the body is essential for the Body to accomplish the will of the Head.

c. In the same sense, Christian virtues need to be BOUND together… there needs to be some cohesive unity and union… for sensible, coherent, balanced behavior.

d. Without love these virtues could even be sinful in God’s sight! (Giving alms to be seen of men; putting up with others, but not for their good; giving goods to the poor)

e. Without love, we will NOT be kind one to another; or show mercy; or put up with one another. Unless we LOVE one another… we won’t forbear and forgive. We will hold grudges and harbor resentment.

f. Love – self sacrifice for the spiritual well being of others is what makes these other virtues VIRTUOUS!

g. Practicing the other virtues IN LOVE adds a divine quality to all of them… selflessness… for God… empowered by God… motivated by the love of God…

h. God IS love… the love of God working in and through a yielded believer is what makes all the other qualities Christlike… adding a divine quality to it… it brings GOD right into the midst of all the other virtues… not just natural temperaments, but GOD is at work…

i. Even faith works by love…

j. Love forbears and suffers long… and is kind. But it also overcomes evil with good! It is extremely powerful!

k. If good deeds are motivated by anything other than love, they are nothing… but sounding brass and tinkling cymbals; nothing but religious jangling; religious hypocrisy.

l. True agape love motivates the believer into demonstrating the other virtues… it moves us to be kind, merciful, forgiving, etc… brings them all together… and unites them in harmony… a unified, cohesive, coherent, whole… for the glory of God.

B. Perfectness

1. Defined:

The state achieved when a goal has been accomplished; completeness; maturity; full-grown.

2. Usage:

a. The term in this same form is used only twice in the New Testament: here and Heb. 6:1 – “let us go on to perfection.”

b. Verb form used in John 4:34 – My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

c. Heb. 10:1 – the law and its shadows could NOT make the comers thereto perfect… or mature… full-grown…

d. Phil. 3:12 – Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after…

e. Heb. 6:1 challenges us all to “go on to perfection”… as a goal… Christlike maturity… realizing that in this life, we will never fully obtain that goal… there is always MORE…

3. Perfection for the believer.

a. This term does not mean “sinless perfection.”

b. It means: full grown maturity in Christ.

c. It speaks of the GOAL we all strive for… Christlikeness.

d. It speaks of the fruit of the Spirit or Christlike virtues which God seeks to manifest through us…

e. That’s what maturity is: being like Christ.

f. Maturity means a full-grown demonstration of the fruit of the Spirit… a continual, consistent manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit… Christlike virtues…

g. I John 4:12 – As we practice love, as we WALK in love, God’s love is being perfected in us!
• The words “His love” do not refer to our love for Him, nor to His love for us, but to the love which is peculiarly His own, – His nature).
• Supernatural divine love is manifested in and through the yielded believer. It is supernatural…
• And note the word “perfected.” It is possible to have a small amount of divine love manifested through us… in our immature state.
• But it is also possible to have that divine love grow, flourish, and become full-grown… ripe… mature… perfected.
• In this case, practice makes perfect! As we practice love… as we practice doing deeds of love… God’s love is being developed in us… and ultimately, over time, is brought to maturity.
• As we grow and mature in Christ, God’s love will grow and mature IN us… in proportion to our spiritual growth.
• If we love (present tense) one another, God’s love is perfected in us. (Perfect passive. (God’s love stands full grown and fruitful!)
• And note again that the development of God’s love IN us is related to the fact God DWELLS in us. It is a manifestation of HIM in our lives.
• As we mature, and God’s love matures in us, there will be less of self and more of Christ manifested through our mortal bodies.
• One CANNOT be brought to maturity with head knowledge only. It requires experientially putting on the virtues mentioned… especially love!

4. LOVE is what binds all the fruit or virtue together… and results in MATURITY in a local church setting too.

a. Love binds together all the virtues and graces mentioned previously.

b. When all of those virtues are being practiced regularly, love will also bind the members of the body together… in peace and unity.

c. Where there was strife, envy, division, schism, contention, quarrels, there will be peace and unity.

d. Col. 2:2-3 – when hearts of believers are knit together in LOVE… it results in assurance… which results in understanding of truth… of the mystery of Christ in us… and in Him are hidden ALL treasures of wisdom and knowledge, which leads to maturity!

e. With hearts knit together in love, the Body is spiritually healthy… and fit… and able to function as God designed. That results in a mature Body.

f. Gal. 5:22 – love is a fruit of the Spirit. Love is produced by the Spirit in the yielded believer. When a believer walks consistently in the Spirit, spiritual growth and maturity will ALWAYS be the result! Love, the firstfruit of the Spirit is essential for maturity… for the individual and the Body.

5. The mature believer wears these clothes every day!

a. We should not think of these Christlike virtues… (mercy; kindness; humility; meekness; forbearance; forgiveness; and love) these articles of clothing as our “dress clothes” that we wear only to church or a special occasion.

b. We wear our dress clothes only to special occasions because we don’t want to wear them out or ruin them… they fade, wear out, get ripped…

c. Rather, the articles of clothing Paul mentions are dress clothes that we wear every day… everyplace we go… in every situation!

d. They never go out of style… never fade… they never wear out…

e. In fact, the more you wear them, the stronger they become!

f. These are the clothing necessary for a worthy walk.

Put On Love

1. We are COMMANDED to put on love.

a. Note that the verb is italicized, which means it was not in the original. It was added by the translators.

b. The verb is implied from the context. To put it into sensible English, the verb must be supplied, and the KJV translators did a perfect job, by carrying on the preceding verb.

c. Even though it is implied, not stated, the same verb form applies as well: it is an IMPERATIVE!

2. There are many passages where love is COMMANDED.

a. I John 4:21 – And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

b. John 15:12 – This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

c. I Pet. 1:22 – see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.

d. I Cor. 16:14 – Let all your things be done with charity.

3. But there is something NEW about this commandment.

a. John 13:34 – A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

b. “New” in this passage does not mean new in time, but new in quality (fresh; not worn out).

c. The command to love one another is not new in time. Old Testament saints were given that command.

d. But the coming of Christ and the sending of the Holy Spirit gives this commandment a fresh new meaning…

e. It is elevated far above the law! (AS I have loved you!)
• Note the comparison – we are to forgive AS Christ forgave you!)
• Christ is the standard now… the kind of love HE demonstrated…
• The Holy Spirit provides the power to obey… and Christ LIVES IN US…
• His indwelling LIFE is manifested through us… never so clearly as when the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

f. This command is new in this way… that it is inspired by LIFE… rather than LAW.
• I John 4:10-11 – it is MOTIVATED by the cross: the greatest manifestation of love the universe has ever seen! And since we are recipients, it is incumbent upon us to SHOW love to others.
• I John 3:14 – it is an EVIDENCE of divine LIFE. It is natural for one who has been born again.
• I John 2:10 – He that loveth his brother abideth in the light. It is evidence of a life lived in the LIGHT.
• Gal. 5:22 – it is the natural outflow of being under the control of the Holy Spirit.
• The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
• I Thess. 4:9 – But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.
• God lives IN us… and teaches us HOW to love… He guides us as to when and where we should demonstrate DEEDS of love. This is a NEW kind of love… divine…
• Rom. 5:5 – the love of God shed abroad in our hearts!
• The Bible tells us to love… but it doesn’t give us specifics.
• God who lives IN us, teaches us and guides us through the specifics… in WHAT deeds to do… when and to whom…
• So while love IS a command, it is a NEW KIND of command. It is internal.
• It is not an external code demanding compliance, but internal LIFE… moving us… to limitless heights…
• It shouldn’t be considered a duty… an obligation… as a burden… a yoke around our necks…
• It should be just as natural as breathing for a Spirit filled child of God. That is what makes it NEW!
• It is CHRIST in you… His love flowing through a yielded vessel. It is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.
• And the love of God motivates us, compels us, and moves us to do FAR MORE than law ever could!
• It is LIMITLESS! AS Christ loved us!

4. What is the relationship between LOVE and MATURITY (the bond of perfection… maturity)?

a. Calvary is the illustration of love… Christ is our pattern of love…

b. Spiritual maturity is gauged or measured in direct proportion to the depth of selfless, Christlike love that is consistently manifested in our lives.

c. We are to be growing, from glory to glory, into the image of Christ… the closer we get… the more of His love will be manifested through us.

d. We will NEVER fully arrive at that goal in this life… (we will never match the love He demonstrated)… but that is our goal… what we are to STRIVE for…

e. Hence, we are to PUT ON this kind of love…

Love and Quarrels

1. In context, Paul is speaking about quarrels that arise among believers… and how to handle them.

a. In Ephesians 6, Paul tells the Christian soldier how to dress for battle in conflicts against the enemy. (The armor of God.)

b. In Colossians 3, Paul tells the member of the Body how to dress in handling conflicts among the saints.

c. How do we handle conflicts among the saints? Paul’s answer is simple: DRESS for the occasion!

d. Wear the following articles of clothing: put on mercy, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, forgiveness, and on top of it all, LOVE!

e. It’s mighty hard to pick a fight with someone dressed like that!

f. And even if you do pick a fight with such a person, it is virtually impossible to keep it going.

g. Just as the fiery darts of the wicked one will not be able to penetrate the armor (the shield of faith), so no quarrel will be able to undo the believer… not when he’s dressed in the clothes mentioned here!

2. Love incorporates the other virtues mentioned here. The others are sub-points under love… various aspects OF love. Consider some of the articles of clothing:

a. Kindness: Love is kind (I Cor. 13:4)

b. Humbleness of mind: Love is not puffed up (I Cor. 13:4)

c. Longsuffering: Love suffers long (I Cor. 13:4)

d. Forbearance: Love bears all things (I Cor. 13:7)

e. And though not specifically stated in I Cor.13, it is fair to say that love is also behind every act of mercy and every act of forgiveness!

f. Love incorporates all of these virtues and loves BINDS them all together into one unified WHOLE and enables them all to function in their place… as the ligaments in our bodies hold us together that we might walk and function as designed!

3. How can you possibly quarrel with a person dressed like this?

a. Humbleness of mind:
• Solomon wrote: Only by pride cometh contention. Pride in one form or another is behind every quarrel. (Me first! I want MY way! I’m not budging! I’m right!)
• But when we put on love which incorporates humbleness of mind (the opposite of pride), we remove the essence of every conflict and contention!

b. Longsuffering: (long fused; not easily provoked; not rash; not soon angry).
• Solomon also wrote: An angry man stirreth up strife.
• Without anger you don’t have much of a quarrel! Anger seems to be the fuel of controversy.
• Short fuses blow up easily… quickly… and the longer a quarrel goes on, the shorter our fuses become… and things spiral downward very rapidly.
• But a man who is longsuffering (long fused—not easily provoked—not soon angry) is not going to be dragged into a quarrel very easily.
• Love suffers long; it is longsuffering.
• When cruel words are thrown at this person like fiery darts, instead of blowing up, he responds with a soft answer which turns away wrath… and defuses the argument.
• Put on longsuffering (an aspect of love) and that quarrel will struggle to survive! It will be gasping for air… will sputter a bit, and then finally pass out!

c. Forbearance:
• Love bears all things… which means ALL things!
• Love puts up with a lot…
• The flesh which is self centered by nature won’t put up with much, but the love of God in us will!
• Love endures all things… hopes all things… believeth all things… endureth all things!
• Love enables us to put up with all kinds of mistreatment… cruelty… and to ENDURE through it all!
• Love BEARS UP under all kinds of pressure… and it keeps on going… it endures… it perseveres… it doesn’t throw in the towel… love is not a cowardly quitter… but perseveres with supernatural strength… it is strong in the LORD!
• When quarrels arise in a local church, some people end the controversy by leaving the church.
• When quarrels arise in a marriage, many folks end the controversy by getting divorced.
• When quarrels arise at work, many folks end the quarrels by quitting.
• We have such a shallow concept of commitment to anything but self.
• When the love of God is binding these virtues together into a unified WHOLE, we will bear with quarrels God’s way: by sticking it out… by being faithful… by dressing for the occasion!
• Love bears all things. ALL things.

d. And on top of that, love is kind… merciful… does not retaliate… turns the other cheek… when reviled, it reviles not again…

e. It is mighty hard to keep a quarrel going when a person is dressed like that.

f. Quarrels and arguments are not won by getting in the last jab… or winning the verbal debate.

g. Quarrels are won by manifesting the love of God…

h. Putting yourself ABOVE the fray, in fact FAR above… by reminding ourselves that we DIED to the old way of life and are ALIVE unto God… a new selfless life hidden with Christ in God… far above the fray of this old world… and itching for opportunities to manifest the LOVE of Christ.

i. Those opportunities arise daily.

j. Quarrels arise far too often. And they are usually precipitated by sin.

k. But rather than allowing them to destroy us… to destroy our marriage… our home… our family… our church… our lives… put on love… and use those quarrels as an occasion to manifest Christ… His character… and especially, His LOVE.

l. Love is strong enough to defuse ANY quarrel… no matter how longstanding… how bitter… how deep… or how cruel.

m. It is able to do so because it is GOD’S love in us…

n. Eph. 3:18-19 – Paul prayed that the Ephesian believers might comprehend the love of Christ that passes knowledge… It is inexhaustible… limitless… boundless…

o. We know it and learn it experientially when we put it into practice… in real life situations… like quarrels!

The Rule of God’s Peace

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts

A. The Peace of God

1. Peace WITH God.

a. Col. 1:20-22 – Christ made peace through His shed blood on the cross.
• Christ made peace possible for the whole world.
• He shed His blood and paid the price of all our sins.
• Anyone who now comes to Christ, trusting entirely and exclusively in His shed blood is changed from an enemy to a friend of God!
• We were enemies; and now reconciled. Enmity is over! Peace WITH God replaces enmity and hostility.

b. Rom. 5:1 – Being justified by faith we have peace WITH God. The war is over.

c. Peace WITH God speaks of our position.
• Every true believer has peace with God… whether he experiences it in his heart or not.
• There is no condemnation; the war is over; justification has been completed.
• We are no longer enemies of God but friends… sons.
• This is to be equated with salvation. We have made peace with God… once and for all at the moment of saving faith.

2. The Peace OF God.

a. But in Col. 3:15, Paul is not speaking about objective or positional peace… peace WITH God.

b. He is not talking about our position… but rather, the changeable CONDITION of our lives.

c. Peace with God has been made by the shed blood of Christ… however; we don’t always EXPERIENCE that peace in our hearts.

d. It is this experiential kind of peace of which Paul writes in Col. 3:15.

e. It is a command to let it rule in our hearts.

f. It is God’s peace, and when we ALLOW it to rule in our hearts, we experience it.

g. That means that peace does not ALWAYS rule… sometimes other issues in our lives overshadow this peace… eat away at it… and at times completely overwhelm and crush this peace.

3. Peace defined:

a. Strong’s: 1 – A state of national tranquility. (The absence of war.)

b. Strong’s: 2 – peace between individuals, i.e. harmony, tranquility. (The absence of hostility.)

c. Strong’s: 3 – of Christianity, the tranquil state of a soul. (The absence of worry, fear, guilt, etc.) before God.

4. The peace of God is God’s own peace that He GIVES to us!

a. The King James Version reads “the peace of God” here.

b. Other passages speak of it as God’s peace. (II Thessalonians 3:16 – “Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means.”)

c. Other manuscripts read, “the peace of Christ” in Col. 3:15.

d. The difference is miniscule in this sense: Jesus IS God… and the peace that is given is elsewhere defined for us as peace that comes to us FROM Christ.

e. Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you”… (The Lord Jesus gives the peace). (John 14:27)

f. Eph. 2:14 states that Christ IS our peace! Isaiah refers to Him as the Prince of Peace!

g. He dwells in us… and His peace is CONSTANTLY available by faith… if we trust Him… we can have peace like a river… peace in the midst of a storm!

h. Hence, it is best to understand this as the peace of Christ… bestowed from the Head to His Body… a divine peace from God Himself… our Savior!

B. Its Rule In Our Hearts

1. Rule Defined

a. Strong’s: to be an umpire. 2to decide, determine. 3to direct, control, rule.

b. Zodhiates: an umpire, director or arbiter in the public Greek games. In the New Testament to rule, govern.

c. Theological Dictionary of New Testament: the activity of the umpire whose office at the games is to direct, arbitrate and decide the contest. In the wider sense it then comes to mean “to rule,” or “control.”

2. A popular interpretation of this passage:

a. Wiersbe: How can a Christian know when he is doing God’s will? One answer is: the peace of Christ in the heart … When the believer loses his inner peace, he knows that he has in some way disobeyed God.

b. MacArthur: The peace of Christ guides believers in making decisions.

c. Richard Strauss: But there would be some occasions when they might not know what God wanted them to do. How were they to decide those matters? “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,” he says. When we are pursuing the path of His choosing, an inner tranquility and serenity will tell us so. A quiet confidence and contentment will come over us. We will feel good about the direction we are going. Our minds will be at ease. As Isaiah put it, there will be peace like a river.

d. In other words, the peace of God in our hearts acts as an umpire by guiding us into God’s will for our lives. If we have a peace about it, it must be God’s will.

e. It is an interesting concept… an umpire! Many sermons have been preached on this theme… and to Americans who love baseball, an umpire is a compelling illustration.

f. There is an element of truth in it… and other passages do lend credence to that thought… (Isaiah 48:17,18)
• We should never head down a pathway if our conscience is not at rest… that’s an indication something might be wrong!
• We should stop and investigate…
• Peace of mind, heart, and conscience is one of many guideposts God gives us in discerning His will.

g. As a side note, this element of truth is often taken to the extreme.
• Some make all their decisions based solely on whether they have a peace about it or not.
• When this is the sole rule, it becomes hopelessly subjective… without any objective boundaries.
• Discerning God’s will by our feelings is a dangerous proposition!
• Just because a person says, “I have a peace about it,” does not necessarily mean that it is God’s will.
• Peace of heart and mind can play a helpful SUPPORTING role in discerning God’s will (never violate your conscience)… but only a supporting role!

h. Though there is an element of truth to this interpretation, I don’t think that that is what Col. 3:15 means. (with all due respect to the good men who see it otherwise!)

2. The Context

a. There doesn’t seem to be anything in the context about an individual believer learning how to find God’s will for his life.

b. Paul has been speaking about quarrels and conflicts that arise among SAINTS in the local church. (vs. 13)

c. Paul teaches us HOW to deal with quarrels among the saints: dress for the occasion!

d. Paul gives us a list of virtues to “put on” in times of such conflicts: meekness; kindness; longsuffering; forbearance; forgiveness; and on top of it all, LOVE!

e. Now the apostle commands us to let PEACE rule in our hearts.

f. He speaks of a peace which settles strife and preserves unity in the Body of Christ.

g. Eph. 4:1-3 – another reason for this interpretation is what Paul says in a parallel passage.
• Here Paul states that we are to be lowly, meek, longsuffering, forbearing in love (sound familiar?)
• Then Paul mentions the need for us all to let peace rule among the saints. (Endeavoring to keep our unity in the bond of peace.)
• In both passages, the thought is keeping peace among the saints in the Body… not discovering God’s will for your life.

3. Peace is to rule in the sense that it serves as an umpire or arbitrator in quarrels that arise in the body… among the saints.

a. As an umpire, God’s peace says to quarrels, contentions, disagreements, secret grudges, worries, fears, anxiety, bitterness, resentment: strike three, you’re OUT!

b. The umpire calls the shots. That sort of behavior and those attitudes are completely unacceptable in the Body of Christ.

c. Quarrels are contaminated, impure, foreign substances… an infection in the Body… God has given us His PEACE to fight off foreign infections in the Body! It is the responsibility of us all!

d. Quarrels and bitterness CANNOT rule in hearts where God’s peace rules. They are mutually exclusive. It is one or the other.

e. The context indicates that Paul is telling the members of the congregation how to deal with quarrels that arise among them corporately.

f. PEACE is to rule! It is to rule in the hearts of each individual member, and it is to reign in the Body corporately.

g. If the saints are arguing over what color curtains to buy for the assembly room… let peace rule! It’s not worth ruining the fellowship over. It’s better to have NO curtains than to fight over them and allow curtains to destroy the unity and peace of the Body.

h. It is better to pursue peace than to pursue getting one’s own way.

4. The Command: Let peace keep on ruling.

a. Present, active, imperative.

b. It is a command. LET, allow peace to reign.
• In other words, peace WILL reign when the members of the Body are yielded to Christ the Head, the Prince of Peace.
• This is a command to SUBMIT to the reign of Christ who IS our peace… submit to the rule of Christ the Head… submit to God who governs and rules His Body in peace.

c. It is a command that is ongoing… continuous action.

d. It is the responsibility of each member of the Body to contribute to the peace and unity of the Body corporately.

e. Each of us should be of this mindset: peace WILL rule in this body… because I am willing to sacrifice self, self will, and whatever it takes to maintain the peace and unity in the Body!

f. Our responsibility is to ENDEAVOR to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

5. Of course peace should never be pursued at the expense of truth or holiness!

a. This is not seeking peace with the false teachers… but seeking peace among ourselves… interpersonal relationships…

b. We are to seek peace without regard to personal price.

c. But we are not to seek peace and unity if the price of peace is doctrine!

6. What a way to end conflicts among the saints! Let peace rule!

a. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isa. 26:3)

b. Believers who experience the peace of God in their hearts are those whose minds are stayed on God! (Christ!)
• Stayed: A verb meaning to lay on, to uphold, to sustain
• Psalm 71:6 – By thee have I been holden up from the womb.
• Psalm 37:24 – Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.
• Judges 16:29 – And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and on which it was borne up.
• It is translated leaned in Amos 5:19 – used of a man leaning on a wall.
• II Chron. 32:7-8 – it is translated rested here… resting one’s mind on the Word!
• The mind that LEANS or RESTS upon God will be held up by omnipotence… and one who rests on omnipotence experiences rest and peace in his mind and heart!
• The mind and heart that refuses to lean and rest on omnipotence is left to its own devices: worry; fear; anxiety; etc… anything but peace.

7. When each member of the Body is STAYED on Jehovah… when we are single-mindedly focused on things above… looking unto Jesus… we are filled with the fullness of God…

a. We are thus filled with the fullness of God… filled with that which Christ is filled with: peace (among other things!)

b. We will be filled or controlled by the Spirit… and the fruit of the Spirit will be manifested in the Body… love, joy, peace!

c. When quarrels arise, it would be nice to resolve them with a Solomon like words of wisdom that satisfies all sides… but that doesn’t always happen.

d. But they CAN be resolved by allowing peace to reign…

e. And we do that by allowing Christ our Head to reign in His Body… the prince of peace… He IS our peace…

f. When we are yielded to Him… our attitude will be “not my will but thine be done.” Esteeming others better than ourselves…

g. Suddenly, the color you wanted for the curtains becomes quite insignificant. Christ reigning in His Body becomes supremely significant!

h. Yield to Him… submit to Him… give Him the preeminence He deserves, and the quarrels evaporate into air bubbles… at least in your heart.

8. Believers who experience the peace of God in their hearts are those who TRUST in God… walking by faith… (Phil. 4:6-7)

a. In times of bitter quarrels and controversy, worry and anxiety reign in hearts.

b. In a marriage: we worry about the outcome of the argument; will the marriage survive? What will become of the kids? There is no peace… instead, just bitterness, fear, anger, worry, etc…

c. In the local church: we worry whether this quarrel will cause the church to split! We are full of anxiety… fearful that the other side will get their way… that things will change. Quarrels dispel the peace in a local church and replace it with rancor, bitterness, anger…

d. Between two believers: peace can easily be replaced with anger, wrath, bitterness, loss of friendship and fellowship.

e. The answer?
• Pray. Cast your burdens upon the Lord.
• Take your anxieties to the throne of grace and LEAVE them there! In other words, TRUST GOD.
• Pray, cast, lean, trust.
• The result? The peace of God will again RULE in your heart. And it will GUARD or protect your heart.
• Peace is good for the heart. Anxiety, bitterness, worry, fear, quarrels, etc… is not.

9. Peace is to rule IN THE HEART.

a. Ps. 55:21 – The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart.

b. Paul speaks of reality here.

c. Peace is not to be on the lips only. That is often hypocrisy… a façade. God demands REALITY.

d. Peace is to rule in our hearts… and GOD is observing the heart.

e. Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. (I Sam. 16:7)

To the which also ye are called in one body;

A. Called to Peace

1. Peace is our CALLING!

2. We have been called to dwell in peace in the Body of Christ.

3. I Cor. 7:15 – “God hath called us to peace.”

4. We have been called to experience the peace of heaven as we live on earth today… because we are citizens of heaven… and have been raised up and seated there in Christ.

5. By faith, we can experience this peace—our position in Christ—in our present condition on earth.

6. Peace is what God wants and intends for us to experience daily.

7. Our new life is hidden away with God in Christ in heaven… hidden away from the storms of life. We can experience peace in our HEARTS… though there is turmoil around us…

8. It is HIS peace we experience… the kind of peace that reigns in Christ’s heart in heaven.

a. He sits in heaven in perfect peace… undisturbed by the turmoil and chaos of life on earth.

b. He is seated in the heavenlies FAR ABOVE it all.

c. That is the peace WE can experience… for we are IN HIM… and our new life is hidden away with Christ.

9. John 16:33 – “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

10.We are to ABIDE IN Christ… and experience His peace flowing through us… as from the Vine to the branches… bearing the divinely wrought fruit: wonderful peace…

11. Our calling is in Christ and in Him is peace.

B. In One Body

1. We are to let peace reign in our hearts BECAUSE we have been called into ONE Body.

a. 3:11 – All different folks… from different nations, different religious upbringing, different levels of education and culture, different social status, etc… but they are now all in Christ… in His Body.

b. From our heavenly position and spiritually, none of that matters one bit!

c. But in our earthly condition, when we are focused on things below, those differences can mean problems… issues!

d. The fact that God has called people from all different backgrounds, different cultures, and different life experiences into ONE Body is bound to make for some friction.

e. The issue that brought this to mind was not a difference over doctrine.
• If believers disagree over fundamental doctrines, the answer is not peace and unity… the answer is “come out from among them and be ye separate!”
• But that was not the issue mentioned here.

f. The particular problem mentioned in the context was quarreling! Interpersonal problems… quarrels… (vs. 13)

g. Who knows what they might have been quarreling about!

h. Hence, he commands us to let peace rule in our hearts BECAUSE we have been called into ONE BODY!
• Since we have been called into ONE body… because we all have to live in the same body.
• The early church knew nothing of the cheap and flimsy concept of commitment to the Body so prevalent today (If I don’t like the vibes in this church, I’ll just go to another one!)
• In the New Testament, if conflicts arose in a church, God expected believers to stick it out and RESOLVE those conflicts! Running away was not an option.
• Here is a good reason to resolve conflicts in the Body: we have all been CALLED into the same body.
• Doesn’t it make sense for us all to want PEACE in that body… since we are called to LIVE there?
• Nobody wants an infection or disease in their physical body. You have to LIVE in that body!
• We should not want quarrels or conflicts in the Body of Christ either… spiritual infections.
• BECAUSE God called us to LIVE in this Body, it is incumbent upon us to MAKE peace… to ENDEAVOR to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace!

2. If the body is going to FUNCTION as designed, peace is essential.

a. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (I Cor. 14:33) The body is not to be characterized by turmoil or confusion… but peace…

b. Eph. 2:15-16 – peace was made between Jew and Gentile by reconciling both in ONE Body… and by bringing an end to the law which divided them…

c. Eph. 4:2-3 – with the same virtues mentioned in Col. 3, we are to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace… FOR there is ONE Body.

d. When there is peace and unity, the body can be about our Father’s business… doing the will of Christ our Head… in the name of Christ (vs. 17).

3. Issues among the saints are not resolved by fighting to the bitter end with one side the victor and the other side utterly defeated and humiliated.

a. Issues are resolved among the saints not through hostility but by being peacemakers… pursuing peace…

b. The answer is HIS peace… not OUR fighting that wins the day.

4. Putting on Christ is the answer.

a. Gal. 3:27 – the moment we believed we put on Christ by means of Spirit baptism. The Spirit placed us IN Christ.

b. Thus, positionally, we have already put on Christ.

c. We are in Him, and He is in us. This is the glorious mystery of this age!

d. Rom. 13:14 – here we are told to put on Christ.
• In context, it means to put on Christlike character!
• Cf. vs.12 – We are to “cast off” the works of darkness.
• Cf. vs. 12 – They were told to “put on” the armor of light… Jesus IS the Light… of the world!
• The ARMOR of light corresponds to the WORKS of darkness. (deeds and character are likened to clothing)
• The believer’s life is characterized by light as opposed to the darkness of this world.
• He is talking about good works which emanate from Christlike virtue…
• We put off the dirty… the dark… and put on the clean… the light.
• When we put on an armor of light (all of those virtues that shine forth for the glory of God)…
• We put on Christ by putting on His character and deeds.

e. Col. 3:12-14 – Paul uses the same kind of illustration in a different context.
• We put off the dirty clothes of the old man and put on the clean clothes suitable for a new creature in Christ.
• In a sense, putting on the clean clothes (Christlike virtues produced by the Holy Spirit) is like putting on Christ!
• Christ lives WITHIN us already.
• But we are to let His life shine through us… by putting on those Christlike qualities.

f. When we face a quarrel… we should be ROBED in the character of Christ… “put on Christ”…
• When we face a quarrel, we should face it as the Lord Jesus would…
• Peace would reign in His heart… and it should in ours too.
• His life would radiate with kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, forgiveness, and love. So should ours!
• When others see us, they should see Christ!
• Col. 3:10 – we have already put on the new man.
• But the new man is CONTINUALLY being renewed in the image of Christ! As we yield our members to Christ, HE fills us with the fullness of God… which radiates through us… manifesting the fruit of the Spirit… Christlike virtue… for the glory of God.
• That’s the way to deal with quarrels that arise among the saints!
» Get out of the way… reckon self to be dead…
» Keep self on the cross by faith…
» Let peace rule… let Christ rule (He IS our peace!)
» The closer we all get to Christ, the closer we will be to one another!
» Quarrels will diminish… as we mature and less of self and more of Christ is manifested in our midst.
» The way to resolve quarrels is not for self to get his own way…
» The way to resolve quarrels is for self to get OUT of the way… so that Christ might be seen… and HIS peace might rule in our midst… the Prince of peace!

5. II Thess. 3:16 – Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means.

And be ye thankful.

1. When peace rules in the heart, thanksgiving and praise is sure to flow from the lips.

2. Being THANKFUL is a reminder to us of the proper MOTIVE for our actions as mentioned previously in this book. (Col. 1:20)

a. Christ was willing to pay the ultimate price to acquire peace for us. He suffered the cruel and humiliating death of the cross.

b. We should be thankful TO GOD because HE made peace possible…

c. Therefore, (if we are truly thankful to God for the peace Christ purchased for us with His shed blood) we should show peace to others… even if it is costly… even if it involves sacrificing self.

d. The peace God made with us cost us His Son… Christ gave his LIFE to acquire this peace for us.

e. That makes us responsible to do whatever it takes to offer peace to others in the Body…

f. One who truly understands and appreciates the peace God purchased for us… the price He paid for peace… will be much more inclined to BE a peacemaker with others.
• Vs. 13 – we are to forgive one another AS Christ forgave you!
• We are to love one another AS Christ hath loved us! “as those who are beloved of God”! (Vs. 12)
• Our actions towards others are based upon what Christ has done for us.
• If we are truly grateful for what we have RECEIVED from Christ… freely… we will demonstrate that gratitude by forgiving others AS… loving others AS… and offering peace AS…
• AS: limitless! Not counting the cost!

3. It is possible for a quarrel to end… for there to be an absence of war in the congregation…

a. But agreeing not to fight does not necessarily resolve the quarrel God’s way.

b. It is possible for the quarrel to end… and to allow a grumbling spirit to continue.

4. Paul commands us to let peace rule in our hearts AND to have a genuinely thankful spirit! This is going the extra mile.

a. A heart full of thanksgiving and praise is to accompany the peace… not grumbling and murmuring.

b. Grumbling and murmuring, if allowed to fester in the heart, will eventually boil over into another quarrel!

c. It’s not enough to sign a peace treaty.

d. God demands a change of heart to accompany it… and God is ready, willing, and ABLE to change our hearts when we are ready to surrender self to Him.

e. Peace is to rule in the heart…


1. The gospel is a message of peace… the gospel of peace!

2. Apart from Christ, we are all enemies of God… at war with God.

3. Col. 1:20 – reconciliation is provided through the shed blood of the cross.

4. But you must RECEIVE this peace with God by faith. (Rom. 5:1)

Indwelt by the Word of Christ


1. The genitive form of Christ can be legitimately understood in one of two possible senses:

a. Either subjective (the word spoken or delivered by Christ).

b. Or objective (the word which is about Christ).

2. Both are true… both make sense grammatically and contextually.

a. I lean towards the objective (the word ABOUT Christ).

b. Reason: Normally, when the author means the BIBLE, “the word delivered by God” or “God’s Word”… it appears as God’s Word or the Word of God.

c. This is the only time in the New Testament where we find this expression, “the word of Christ.”

d. The fact that he uses a different expression seems to indicate a different purpose or emphasis.

e. It is a unique expression found only here, and seems best to underscore Paul’s overall thesis in the book: that in all things, CHRIST should have the preeminence!

f. The objective use of similar phrases is common in the Bible:
• The word of His grace (word about grace; characterized by grace).
• The word of truth (about the truth).
• The word of life (the word that is characterized by life).
• The word of righteousness…
• The Word of exhortation…
• The word of prophecy…

3. The Person of Christ is the THEME of the book of Colossians.

a. Col. 1:4 – their faith was in Christ.

b. Col.1:14 – in Him we have redemption – He is redeemer.

c. Col.1:15: He is the image of the invisible God.

d. Col.1:16 – He is Creator.

e. Col.1:17 – By Him all things consist.

f. Col. 1:18 – He is the Head of the Body; He is to have the preeminence in all things.

g. Col. 1:19 – in Him all fullness dwells.

h. Col.1:20-22 – He is the Reconciler of all things.

i. Col. 1:24 – we suffer for His name’s sake.

j. Col.1:26-27 – His indwelling presence is the glory of this age.

k. Col.1:28 – The knowledge of Christ is the content of apostolic teaching.

l. And that’s just chapter one!

m. Clearly, the book of Colossians is the Word OF Christ in the sense that it is all ABOUT Christ.

4. But it is also fair to say that Christ is the theme of OTHER books of the Bible too.

a. Revelation 1:1 – the prophecies in the book of Revelation are defined as: “The revelation of Jesus Christ.”

b. Revelation 19:10 – the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

c. John 5:46 – the Pentateuch is about Christ. ?“For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.”

d. Acts 10:43 – Christ was the theme of ALL of the Prophets. Major and minor: “To him give all the prophet witness…”

e. Luke 22:43 – the Law, the prophets and the Psalms are about Christ. (Poetic portions.)

f. Luke 24:27 – ALL of the Scriptures bear witness of Him: ?And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

g. Christ is the THEME of the Bible. The Bible is not just about how to be saved, or what’s going to happen in the future, or a history of Israel.

5. The Word of Christ is God’s Word the Bible… and this Book is all about Christ!

a. It is the Word of Christ… God’s Message about His Beloved Son… who He is… what He has done… His soon return… His enthronement in heaven… His indwelling presence in us!!!

b. The false teachers in Colossae came with a blend of Jewish traditions, Greek philosophies, rudiments of the world, meats, drinks, holy days, new moons and Sabbaths, etc. (2:16).

c. Their word exalted human traditions, humanistic philosophies, and rudiments of the world—earthly entirely.

d. Paul commands the believers there to put all that aside, and to let the Word which is all about Christ, our Heavenly High Priest, dwell in their hearts!

e. As we read the Word of God, we should see the glory of Christ! (II Cor. 3:18).
• HIS glory found in the pages of this book.
• As we BEHOLD His glory in the Word, (mirror) we are transformed into that SAME image.
• What image? The image of Christ is the SAME image we behold in the Word… the mirror.
• We are transformed into the same image of Christ which we see in the Word.
• The Bible, God’s Holy Word, in which we, when illuminated by the Holy Spirit, can BEHOLD the glory of Jesus Christ!
• This book is about Him. Whether we are reading in Colossians or Leviticus, we are learning about Him… His holiness, His grace, His character…

6. The word of Christ is God’s revelation of His Beloved Son!

a. He is the living Word… this book is the written Word.

b. They both have the same name (Logos) and the same character (holy)!

c. As we read the written Word, we learn of the Living Word.

d. As we read this book, we are beholding HIS glory!

e. In fact, there is no way to KNOW Christ apart from the revelation of Christ in the Word of Christ.

f. Christ dwells in us; His Word is to abide in us too… richly!

g. In this way, the indwelling Christ and the indwelling Word of Christ become deeply entrenched in our minds and hearts… and become a permanent part of our lives.

h. It becomes second nature to think on things above…

i. Thoughts of Christ should fill our mind so that it can be said that we have the mind of Christ.

j. Christlike qualities will then flow out of us naturally.

k. It isn’t strained or forced… just like the juices flowing from a vine to a branch. Nothing could be more simple and natural… when the Word of Christ is dwelling in our hearts.


1. Dwell:

a. Strong’s; to dwell in one and influence him;

b. Zodhiates: inhabit.

c. It is a verb form of the word for house or home; hence, to be at home in…

d. It implies a level of comfort… to be at home…

2. There is a big difference between being present and dwelling.

a. Consider the difference between the presence and dwelling of Christ in our hearts.
• Col. 1:27 states that Christ is IN us all as believers.
• Eph. 3:17 – he DWELLS in our hearts by FAITH.
• In other words, Christ is present in the believer at all times… even if we sin.
• But only as we walk by faith, does He feel at home… is He comfortable…

b. I am perfectly comfortable when I am at home… in my own house.
• But, I have been present in places where I was not welcome. (honkee go home!) I was present, but certainly did not feel at home!
• It is a most uncomfortable feeling.

c. The word of Christ should be more than just present in us. It should be “at home” in our hearts…
• It is not enough to have it memorized in our minds. It needs to be dwelling in the heart.
• The human brain is capable of memorizing, perhaps the whole New Testament.
• But that does not guarantee that the word of Christ memorized is at home in the heart.

3. Christ is not at home in a heart where the world has preeminence.

a. The world hates Christ! The world crucified Him! Friendship with the world system is enmity with God.

b. These are two different ways of thinking… and are utterly incompatible. They cannot dwell together in the same heart (mind of Christ and thinking of the world).

c. The heart in which the lust of the flesh is present cannot be a heart in which the Word of Christ is comfortably residing. There is no compatibility.

d. The heart in which the lust of the eyes is present is also uncomfortable for the Word of Christ. (I want this; I want that)…

e. The heart in which the pride of life dwells (me first; self will; self centered; vanity; cannot possibly be a comfortable place for the Word of Christ… the message of the One who was selfless… marked by humility…

f. The heart in which the philosophies of the world reside cannot be a comfortable dwelling place for the Word of Christ. (Me first; live for today; this life is all there is; happiness comes through getting; etc.)

g. There is no concord… no agreement between the word of Christ and idols or sin… the word of Christ and the world which crucified Him…

h. This is spiritual adultery. Affection that belongs to Christ is given to another.

i. It is tantamount to an unfaithful wife who has a lover, which is bad enough by itself.
• But this unfaithful wife brings her lover home to live in the same house with her husband!
• That husband may be present in that house, but he certainly won’t feel at home… it is an excruciatingly UNCOMFORTABLE feeling.

j. When our heart is drawn away to the things of this world system, we do the same to Christ and His Word spiritually, as this woman did to her husband.

k. The heart characterized by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is a heart in which there is no love of God… a heart in which Christ and His Word, though present, are bound, gagged, and cast into a dank, dark, dingy, corner of the heart, suffering quietly… broken hearted… rejected… in His own house!

l. He is present in that heart, but not at home.

m. The Word, the revelation of the Person of Christ cannot possibly DWELL in the heart where the things of the world are dwelling.

n. However, only God knows all this. That same believer who has bound and gagged the Word of Christ in his heart, can come to church, all dressed up, smiling, and talking a good talk before men. No one would ever know… but God knows our hearts. There is no fooling Him.

4. Christ and the revelation of Christ are not at home in the heart where SELF reigns.

a. There is only room for one head on a body.

b. There is only room for one Lord in a heart.

c. Christ tolerates no rivals… whether from the world without or self within.

d. Either He is given preeminence as LORD or not.

e. The word (which is all about Christ the Lord) cannot possibly be dwelling in a heart where Christ is not “seated on the throne.”

f. The Word of Christ tells us WHO HE IS… LORD… absolute sovereign… Head of the Body… Lord of our lives.

g. The Word of Christ is a revelation of the One whose greatest desire in His earthly life was to be in absolute submission to the will of His Father… even if it meant the cruel death of the cross.

h. The word of Christ REVEALS Christ… the One who said, “Not my will but thine be done!” The One who made Himself of no reputation and became a servant of men. The One who invites us to take on His yoke… in absolute surrender to Him… and to His will.

i. How can THIS revelation be “at home” in a heart, where SELF WILL reigns?

j. It is either/or. It is one or the other.

k. But aren’t we all masters of the subtle art of deception? Haven’t we all learned to PRETEND that Christ and His Word DWELL richly in our hearts, when in fact, SELF WILL dwells richly, and Christ and His word have a rather meager and paltry existence there?

5. But we are told… commanded to LET it dwell in our hearts!

a. Christ and the Word about Christ CANNOT dwell richly in a heart cluttered with earthly junk.

b. This means some house cleaning needs to be done in our hearts.

c. If the word of Christ… and the Christ of the Word are to be comfortable in our hearts, then some of the trash that has heretofore been tolerated needs to go… now!

d. Flesh and self will prevents the Word of Christ from dwelling richly in our hearts.

e. Worldly philosophies prevent the Word of Christ from richly dwelling in our hearts.

f. For the Word of Christ to dwell richly in our hearts as we are COMMANDED… there must be a dead reckoning!
• Reckon ourselves to be DEAD to sin and self… we died with Christ!
• Reckon ourselves to be DEAD to the world… the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.
• It is BY FAITH that we reckon… and it is by faith that Christ and His word dwell in our hearts.

g. And only as we are made conformable to His DEATH are we able to experience a RICH knowledge of Christ! (Phil. 3:10)

h. The RICH dwelling of His Word in our hearts, and the RICH and deep knowledge of the glorious person of Christ are ours ONLY as we reckon self to be dead… willing to suffer for Christ’s sake… willing to be made conformable to His death… absolute surrender to God’s Will as revealed in the word!

i. Do we really think for one second that God will enable us to have a deep and rich KNOWLEDGE of His Beloved Son, when we are holding back in our hearts… unwilling to submit to His will? Do you think He doesn’t know?

j. God does not make known His will to us nor does He make known His Son to us, until our hearts are WILLING to DO His will… surrendered.

k. Why SHOULD He? He knows our hearts.

l. And to MAINTAIN this abiding relationship between the indwelling Word and our hearts it is necessary for us to be FAITHFUL in spending TIME in the Word every day… meditating… mulling it over… practicing… filling our mind and heart with Christ and His Word… saturating our minds…

6. John 15:7 – if ye abide in me, and my words abide in you…

a. Here Jesus makes a marvelous promise. He will grant ANY request we bring to Him under the following conditions:
• We are abiding in Him.
• His Word is abiding (same concept as dwelling) in us. (The Word which is all about Christ)

b. Under those conditions, God will do whatever we ask!
• This IS a blank check. This is a powerful promise!
• It is a blank check to ask whatever we WILL.
• The difference is that under these conditions, our will is equal to His will! And God answers every prayer according to His will.
• Prayer is as much about aligning our hearts to His Word and His will… as it is about making requests for other things.
• When a branch is abiding in the Vine, and the life and character of the Vine is flowing through the branch, and the Word of Christ… a revelation of His WILL is hunkered deep down in our hearts…
• Then this believer’s greatest goal will be to bear fruit unto the glory of God… his attitude will be, “Not my will but Thine be done.” Self is put aside… kept on the cross… and Christ will manifest Himself and His will THROUGH that yielded believer…
• Under those conditions, whatever we ask, God will respond in a positive way… and we will be genuinely pleased… because His will is done!
• This is the life of true satisfaction… to be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey!
• A life that is deep, meaningful, and rich in the knowledge of Christ is one that fully surrendered… where the Word of Christ digs down deep… dwells richly in our hearts.

c. Jesus is NOT promising to answer any prayer that emanates from a heart where self-will reigns.
• This is a promise for the heart where the Word of Christ dwells richly… where Christ is abiding consistently and comfortably… and is at home…
• Why would God ever want to answer a prayer where self will reigns? Self will is the essence of sin! Where worldly interests reign? Where worldly philosophies reign?
• God’s answers prayer to promote HIS own glory… and to carry out His own will… not to make carnal believers temporarily happy…
• Prayer is much more about getting our hearts in tune with Christ and HIS will, as it is about TELLING God what to do to gratify our selfish desires.
• But when we get self and self-will out of the way—through the cross—reckoning self to be dead…
• THEN our will will be in tune with—will be DOMINATED by—the word which is all about Christ.
• Doing HIS will BECOMES our most glorious ambition! It is our delight… what we truly desire.

7. I John 2:14 – the heart in which the Word is abiding is a heart of VICTORY.

a. There is a most important connection between being (a) strong, (b) having the word abiding in us, and (c) a victorious life. They are links in a chain.

b. In fact, there is no spiritual strength apart from the Word abiding and dwelling richly in our hearts.

c. There is no victory apart from the Word abiding and dwelling richly in our hearts.

d. Apart from the Word of Christ, we are absolutely defenseless against the powers of darkness; against the world system; against our adversary the devil; and against self… the flesh within.

e. Jesus was tempted of the devil. With each temptation there was an IMMEDIATE response from God’s Word.
• It just flowed from His lips.
• Jesus didn’t stumble, falter, sputter, or hesitate.
• The WORD was His instantaneous response… it was second nature for Him.

f. That was because as the perfect Man, the word of Christ dwelt RICHLY in His heart.
• In the midst of the deepest, darkest, and most evil temptation the Devil ever cast at any man, the Lord Jesus was not shaken or moved.
• The word dwelt richly in His heart to the point of saturation…
• It is written. He knew what was written and He TRUSTED in it. It was deeply embedded in His heart.
• The devil fled away. He knew he had no chance of defeating a human being in whose heart the Word of God dwelt richly… a man who knew the Word and trusted in it.
• The shield of faith (trust in God and His word) quenches ALL the fiery darts of the wicked one.

g. John wrote to the young men and reminded them that they were strong because the word of God continually abides in them… and that they have overcome (conquered; victory over) the wicked one!
• Jesus defeated Satan on the cross. (Col. 2:15) He triumphed over all the powers of darkness.
• The word of Christ reveals to us the Person and the finished WORK of Jesus Christ.
• The word reveals to us that Satan is a defeated foe.
• As we TRUST IN the word of Christ which dwells richly in our hearts, that victory is experienced in our lives!
• And not only has Christ defeated Satan, He has defeated all our other foes as well!
• Rom. 8:3 – on the cross Christ condemned SIN (nature).
• Gal. 6:14 – on the cross, Christ defeated the world system.
• Col. 2:15 – on the cross Christ defeated the devil.
• We are MORE than conquerors in Him.
• When we KNOW the word of Christ and TRUST in it, victory is assured.
• The devil sought to destroy the young men by devouring them. However, he was unsuccessful because they were strong… because the Word of God was ABIDING in them.
• They KNEW it. They TRUSTED it. And they were victorious.
• This can be OUR testimony too!

8. There is a direct connection between the outward behavior and the inward condition of the heart.

a. On the outside, we are to be robed in Christlike virtues.

b. On the inside, the Word of Christ should be dwelling.

c. From that inner, rich dwelling of the WORD of Christ emanates outer character, manifesting the LIFE of Christ.

d. When the Word of Christ dwells richly in the heart, it has a transforming effect… a life changing influence… and thus, the LIFE of Christ is manifested outwardly.

e. The inward, rich, constant dwelling of the Word of Christ CHANGES the way we think… which changes the way we walk… as a man thinketh, so is he!

f. The rich indwelling of the Word TRANSFORMS our lives into the image of Christ. It always happens that way… never fails.

g. But, Christ will NEVER be seen in the life of a believer when the Word of Christ is not dwelling richly in his heart.

h. Whatever is dwelling richly on the inside will be manifested on the outside… whether the world, the flesh, self… OR Christ and the revelation about Christ.

i. Outward behavior is a reflection of what is transpiring on the inside… in the heart… a reflection of who or what is reigning… who or what is dwelling comfortably in the heart.

9. Where the Word of Christ dwells richly in the heart, Christ has preeminence in that LIFE.

a. There is a direct connection between the rich dwelling of the Word of Christ and the preeminence of the Christ of the Word.

b. Col. 1:18 – Christ is to have preeminence in ALL THINGS.

c. As a holy priesthood, as living sacrifices, there is not division between sacred and secular in our hearts.

d. There is to be no remote corner in our individual hearts either, whether Christ is not preeminent. ALL things!

e. This can ONLY be true in the life of a believer where the WORD about Christ dwells in the heart richly… for out of the heart are ALL the issues of life.

f. The rich dwelling of the word in the heart will issue forth into EVERY nook and cranny of one’s life…

g. And if the Word shines its light into a cranny of our heart where something other than Christ has preeminence, if the Word is dwelling RICHLY in that life, we will submit to the Word… sweep out the old, clean house, and LET the Word of Christ dwell richly in that corner of the heart too!

h. That is a life where Christ truly has preeminence. We cannot separate the Word of Christ from Christ… the written Word and the Living Word.

Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You RICHLY

1. The richness of our relationship to Christ is a reflection of the richness of our relationship to His Word.

a. The richness of our love for Christ is also a reflection of the richness of our love for His Word.

b. There is a connection between our love for Christ and our love for the Word of Christ… for it tells us of Him.

2. I am aware that some folks don’t like to read books… and that creates a problem because the Bible is a book!

a. There is nothing unspiritual about not being a good reader… or not loving books… even though the Bible is a book!

b. There is nothing unspiritual about being illiterate… or a slow reader (like me)… or getting a headache every time you open a book.

c. When we encourage and challenge folks to spend time in the Bible every day, it is not book-reading that we are promoting.

d. We are not even encouraging folks to love the Bible as a book… that’s very short sighted.

e. God isn’t interested in our love for books. He is interested in our love for HIM… and for His Beloved Son…

f. In this period of Christ’s absence from the world, the only way we can spend time getting to know Him is through spending time in the Book… the Word of Christ… so if we love Christ, we will love His Word…

g. But our love is for the PERSON revealed in the book… not so much the book itself.
• When we go to heaven and stand before Him face to face, we leave the written word behind… (I Cor. 13:12)
• We will have no need of the written Word of Christ in that day, for we will be in the very presence of the Living Word, Christ Himself!
• But until then, we need His Word… it is how we get to KNOW Him better and to develop our relationship to Him.
• And a genuine love for the Person of Jesus Christ will find a way to overcome a lack of love for reading books.
• Love is clever and inventive… love will find a way!

h. Example: Suppose you lived way back in the 19th century… way back in the 1800s. Your daughter is a missionary in Sudan… and she writes you a letter… and it takes six months for a letter to arrive.
• It doesn’t matter how good or how poor your reading skills are.
• If you love your daughter, you will LONG to read that letter… if you hear it is on the way, you will be waiting anxiously… dying to hear from her!
• If the letter comes and you can’t read, love for your daughter will move you to find a way to find out (one way or another) what it said. You will bring it to someone to read it to you! You will sit and listen to it being read.
• And if you are a fair reader, and she uses some words you don’t understand, you would get out a dictionary and look them up! You want to know what she said to you!
• She will be coming home one day, and then you will be together again, and you won’t need to rely on letters…
• But in the meantime, your only way of communing with her is through the written page… her letters.
• A doting father is going read and re-read that letter from the daughter he loves.

i. And so it is with our relationship to Christ.
• He is away in heaven right now, but He has sent us the WORD of Christ… a book that is all about Him.
• If we love the Lord, we will read and reread His Word… the Word of Christ… the revelation which is all about Jesus Christ.
• We will want to sit and hear others read it to us… in the local church.
• We won’t need it in heaven; we’ll be face to face.
• But NOW, it will be precious to us… and a love for Christ will drive us to find time… to MAKE time to spend in the Word of Christ.

3. In this present life we cannot separate the written Word from the Living Word…

a. BOTH are the Logos of God… the Logos in ink and the Logos in flesh. BOTH are God’s revelation to us of WHO HE IS.

b. In this life, there is no such thing as loving Christ but not loving His word!

c. There is no such thing as loving Christ, but not wanting to spend time with Him!

d. We cannot spend time with Christ physically. His human flesh is in heaven at the right hand of the Father.

e. But we CAN spend time with Him through the Word.

f. Some believers are busy doing this and that like Martha trying to serve Christ… but not spending time WITH Christ.
• We want to be like Mary… who sat at the feet of Jesus to hear His Word… She wanted the word of Christ to DWELL in her heart…
• Because she loved the Lord, she loved His Word.

4. A love for His Word is a measure of our love for Christ.

a. The one who truly loves Christ will love to read His Word EVERY day…

b. The one who truly loves Christ will love to come to the local church, where Christ is Head, and where the Word of Christ is taught…

c. The one who truly loves Christ will not think it a burden to come to Sunday school, morning worship, and then come back again for the evening worship. The world thinks that’s crazy… but not those who love Christ. They crave the Word of Christ.

d. It isn’t a law. It’s the law of love. Love for Christ compels us to come for more… more of His Word.

e. There is a HUNGER for His Word… which nothing in the world can ever satisfy.

f. Just suppose we had a young man and a young lady in this church who were planning on getting married soon.
• There is no RULE that requires the young man to spend at least 5 hours a week with her.
• If they are truly in love, nobody has to FORCE them to spend time together.
• It isn’t a duty, an obligation, or a burden to spend time together. It is a DELIGHT! They WANT to!
• They do whatever they can to push other things aside in order to spend time together… commune together… get to know each other better.

g. So OUGHT to be our relationship to the Word of Christ, IF we love the Lord.

h. Personal devotion time, family Bible time, and coming to Sunday school and church services where the Word of Christ is taught are NOT just a duty or an obligation to the one in whom the Word of Christ dwells richly. They are a DELIGHT!

5. The Word of Christ dwelling richly in the heart will, with all certainty, influence one’s walk, talk, demeanor, behavior, and character.

a. In that sense it is similar in meaning to the concept of FILLING.

b. Eph. 5:18-20 – consider this parallel passage:
• The influence: the FILLING of the Holy Spirit… (vs. 18) (Filling; influenced by; controlled by; outward behavior transformed by.)
• The result: singing psalms and hymns (vs. 19) and thanksgiving (vs. 20)… followed by teaching on husbands and wives… (vs. 22-33).
• The comparison: same context… same result.
• The difference is that Ephesians emphasizes that it comes as a result of being under the influence of the Holy Spirit… while Colossians emphasizes that it comes as a result of the influence of the Word of Christ.
• Hence, the rich dwelling of the Word of Christ stands parallel to the filling of the Holy Spirit.
• They both speak of a controlling INFLUENCE for GOOD in the believer’s life… (a song in the heart; thanksgiving; a happy, well adjusted home; etc.)
• The longer and more consistently a believer is filled with the Spirit… the faster he will mature.
• The deeper and richer the Word dwells in our hearts, the more influence it will have in our lives… and the faster we will mature.
• Because there is a difference in believers’ willingness to yield to the Holy Spirit… to walk in the Spirit, there is also a difference in the amount of fruit produced in that life… some 30 fold; some 60 fold; some 90 fold.

6. Richness comes in all degrees… (From watery skim milk to thick, rich, cream!)

a. All true believers have some love for Christ and some love for the Word of Christ.

b. The word of Christ dwells in the hearts of all believers to one degree or another.

c. But clearly, some believers have more love for the Word than others… at any given point in time.

d. Some believers demonstrate a deeper, richer love for the Word than others.

e. Some dabble in the word; others dive right in.

f. Some take a little taste; others hunger for it and devour it.

g. Some read the word out of a sense of duty; others because it has become such a part of them, they couldn’t imagine going through a day without time in God’s Word!

h. Some read it occasionally because the pastor said they should. Others read it because it is the joy and rejoicing of their hearts.

i. Some open up the Bible only when problems arise and they need wisdom. Others live in the word…

j. Some nibble at the word like an occasional snack… others esteem the words of God’s mouth more than their necessary food.

k. The command to let the Word of Christ dwell in us RICHLY means much more than to take a slight taste of it now and then.

l. Richly means abundantly… overflowing…

m. A slight taste of it now and then may not produce the desired results mentioned here: a SONG in the heart… the thankful spirit… and the well adjusted home life that the context indicates is true of those hearts in which the word of Christ dwells RICHLY… abundantly!

n. Richness in the Word comes in all degrees. Our hearts will experience the rest, peace, joy… the song in the heart… in accordance with the degree to which we LET the Word dwell in our hearts RICHLY!

o. Rich dwelling = rich fruit… Meager dwelling = meager fruit!

p. You reap what you sow. We are COMMANDED to let the Word of Christ dwell in us RICHLY.

q. I am not convinced that the average Christian does that.

r. It should be the norm… I’m afraid it is increasingly becoming rare.

7. Richness in the Word of Christ is related to our will.

a. It is a command… and it is thus our RESPONSIBILITY to obey. This requires engaging our will… making choices.

b. We have to CHOOSE to MAKE time for God’s Word.

c. We have to determine not to allow anything to push it aside… or replace it…

d. All of this is our own choice…

e. Willingness to read it daily… meditate upon it…

f. Willingness to memorize it and hide it in our hearts…

g. Willingness to study it on our own… Do you have a desk and some study tools at home? You should!

h. Willingness to hear it taught… Sunday school, morning and evening services, Bible studies… etc.

i. Don’t think for a moment that at the Bema seat the Lord will ever accept the excuse, “I didn’t have time,” or “I was too tired.” You have exactly the same 24 hours per day every believer has. It is what we CHOOSE to do with our time.

j. If you cut your finger off at work, you certainly wouldn’t say, “I don’t have time to go to the hospital!” If your boss invited you to a meeting because he was about to give you a huge raise, you wouldn’t say, “I don’t have time!”

k. When we see the value, the need, the urgency, the importance, or the worth of something, we have a way of making time for it.

l. Jesus Christ demands our all.

m. Knowing Him, our relationship to Him, being transformed into His image, the capacity to bear fruit, are all based upon allowing the Word of Christ to dwell RICHLY in us.

8. It takes TIME for the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly.

a. You can commit a verse of Scripture to memory in a few minutes.

b. It takes TIME for that truth to settle down and be at home… to sink in its roots… and to dwell in your heart richly!

c. But when it does, it changes us. We begin to THINK godly thoughts… in harmony with the Word… we have a new SONG in our heart… we begin to WALK in harmony with it…

9. The one in whom the Word of Christ DWELLS richly is satiated… filled… satisfied…

a. Nothing satisfies like the abundant life that is ours when Christ and the Word of Christ are at home in our hearts.

Application to the local church

1. The Word of Christ should dwell in individuals and in the Body corporately too!

a. The local church ought to emphasize the Word which is about Christ too.
• When the Word which is about Christ is emphasized, Christ will be the theme!
• Christ will have the preeminence in the preaching and teaching.

b. There seems to be a push in many circles today to minimize the teaching of the Word of Christ…
• There the preaching is boiled down to mini sermons… sermonettes… skits… high tech slides shows… musical performances, movies, multimedia presentations… and other forms of entertainment…
• Other things are dwelling richly there… but not the Word of Christ.

c. And in yet other circles, the Bible is taught… but as the Word of something other than about Christ…
• The Word of salvation… or the Word of Theological Academics… or the word of interpersonal relationships… or the Word of church growth… or the Word of Psychology… the Word of self esteem… or the Word of social activism… the word of current events…
• Instead of the Word of Christ… where CHRIST is exalted and given first place.
• The word of Christ ought to dwell in the ministry of the Church Body corporately.

d. And in yet other circles, the teaching in the local church is the Word of Christ, but it is the Word about Christ as He appears in His earthly, Jewish ministry in the gospels, rather than the Word of Christ… our Risen, Glorified, Heavenly High Priest… and Head of the Body… the One IN WHOM we dwell… and who dwells in us! (Col. 3:1).

e. In the Local Church, it is the Word about the Risen Glorified Christ that needs to dwell richly… or we are failing to comply with this important passage!

f. The Bible needs to be rightly divided… and taught and preached in such a way that the God-Man in HEAVEN, risen, glorified, ascended, exalted, enthroned, our High Priest, our Head, is given preeminence… so that the Word is about HIM… the Jesus we have been studying throughout the book of Colossians!

g. I know no other Jesus! I know of no other way to preach God’s Word… the Word of Christ.

h. I want to see THIS WORD dwelling richly in this assembly… and in each of us individually too!

i. That’s why we meet together…

10. The local church is God’s instrument for bringing a depth to the richness of our relationship to Christ.

a. God gave pastors and teachers, individually and uniquely chosen and gifted for each individual local church.

b. Their purpose is to teach the Word of Christ to that particular Body. (Eph. 4:11)

c. God’s design: for the Word of Christ to produce “perfection” or maturity… richness in their Christian life. (Eph. 4:12)

d. God’s purpose: to bring that particular body to the full knowledge of Christ… and thus, a rich relationship to Him… (Eph. 4:13)

e. Without God’s program (the local church – teaching the Word of Christ), believers will NOT achieve a richness in their faith… or in their knowledge of Christ… and thus, will not experience a richness in their relationship to Christ.

f. If we are going to OBEY the command to LET the word of Christ dwell in us richly, we need to be faithful to the local church… God’s means of teaching and instructing us in the Word.

The First Effect of the Indwelling Word


1. Paul has been explaining how to walk the worthy walk mentioned in the first chapter.

a. 3:1-2 – we are to be heavenly-minded… heavenly affections.

b. 3:3-4 – we are to see ourselves as God does: dead to this world, and our new life hidden with Christ in God… Christ IS our new life.

c. 3:5-9 – therefore, in light of this new position, we are to PUT OFF the sins of the flesh like dirty garments.

d. 3:10-14 – and since we are a new man in Christ, we are to PUT ON new clothing, suitable for such a glorious position.

e. 3:15 – peace and a thankful spirit are to rule in our hearts.

2. 3:16 – now Paul continues to teach us HOW to walk worthy… and he relates it to the Word of Christ.

a. The Word of Christ is the inspired Word of God as it pertains to the PERSON of Christ, the eternal Son of God and our Savior.

b. This Word is to DWELL richly in our hearts… just as the Lord Jesus dwells in our hearts. They should both be AT HOME in our hearts…

c. If our hearts are heavenly minded, He WILL be at home there!

d. If the world’s way of thinking reigns in our hearts, Christ and His Word (written and personal Logos) will be most uncomfortable.

e. When the Word of Christ is dwelling richly and comfortably in our hearts, it will have a DEEP influence on the way we think, live, talk, and walk!

f. It will be life transforming. The influence will be so great that soon we will begin to think, talk, and walk as did the Lord Jesus…

3. Last week we looked at the COMMAND in this verse: LET the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.

a. That command is followed by three participles: teaching, admonishing, and singing. That much is crystal clear.

b. However, how to divide (or diagram) this verse is not as clear.

4. I am going to diagram this passage a little differently then the way it appears in the King James Version.

a. It boils down to a matter of relocating the punctuation marks, which did not appear in the ancient manuscripts anyway.

b. In two different Textus Receptus manuscripts (of 1550 and 1881), the punctuation marks appear in different places.

c. In MOST manuscripts there are no punctuation marks… so it is up to the interpreter to insert them according to his interpretation of the verse.

5. In the King James Version, the translators chose to punctuate the passage in such a way that there are three sections: (3 exhortations)

a. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;

b. Teaching and admonishing one another by means of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,

c. Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
• They connected the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with the teaching and admonition
• They separated the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs from the singing.

6. I am suggesting that we diagram the verse a bit differently:

a. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly;

b. In all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another,

c. In psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
• I have connected the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with the singing and have kept the teaching and admonition in a separate category.

7. Reasons for doing so:

a. The most ancient manuscripts had no punctuation marks.

b. Different Textus Receptus Manuscripts have it punctuated differently—so the interpreter is FORCED to decide for himself.

c. It equally divides the descriptive terms in each section (dwelling is characterized by richly; teaching and admonishing are characterized by wisdom; singing is characterized by grace).

d. It keeps the teaching section together as a unit, and it keeps the musical section together as a unit.

e. It makes more sense (to me at least) to link together in one thought wisdom with teaching and admonition.

f. Col. 1:28 – indicates that Paul uses the expression “in all wisdom” in relation to teaching, not dwelling.

g. AND separating the singing from the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs does not seem logical.

h. But I really want you to know WHAT I’m doing in this verse and WHY…

i. You may choose to slice the pizza any way you want! Whether six or eight slices, it is the same pizza any way you slice it! It is not going to alter the meaning of any doctrines no matter HOW you slice it!

8. An overview of Col. 3:16 with the altered punctuation marks:

a. The command: Let the Word of Christ dwell in our hearts richly
• The first effect: wise teaching and admonition among the saints.
• The second effect: singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

9. We are going to dig into the MIDDLE part of verse 16 this morning.


1. When the Word of Christ is dwelling richly in your heart (or mine), the first effect is to want to SHARE it with other believers!

a. Teaching and admonishing ONE ANOTHER!

b. The “one another” refers to the other saints in the local church.

2. We have MANY “one another” commands in the New Testament:

a. We are to love one another; serve one another; forgive one another; submit to one another; forbear; comfort; exhort; minister to; confess your faults; use hospitality toward; etc.

b. Here are two more responsibilities we have to one another: to teach and to admonish.

3. Where the Word of Christ is dwelling richly in hearts, there will be an interest in the spiritual well being of each member of the Body… one another.

a. Rom. 12:5 – we are members one of another! We are connected to each other in the Body of Christ.
• It only makes good sense for members of the same Body to desire to see other members in good spiritual health!
• It only makes sense to want to HELP weaker members of the Body to LEARN more of Christ, more of the Word of Christ, and more of their responsibilities as believers… so that they might grow to maturity.
• We accomplish this by teaching and admonishing one another.
• The teaching and admonishing ought to SPRING from a concern for and love for one another… a love for the brethren… a love for members of the Body of Christ… a genuine desire for God’s best in their lives…

b. I Cor. 12:25 – we should desire to see CARE for one another in the Body.
• This speaks of EACH and every member showing CARE for the all of the other members.
• Vs. 22-24 – regardless of how feeble they may seem, they are ALL necessary…
• Hence, it only makes sense that we would want to see each and every member be well TAUGHT in the Scriptures… so if the Word dwells richly in you, TEACH them! Share what you have learned in the Word!
• And if a brother is heading in the wrong direction, since he is a member of the same body in which YOU dwell, it makes sense for us to want to admonish him! We are members one of another!

4. It is a privilege to have the Word of Christ dwelling in us RICHLY.

a. It takes TIME to learn, to grow, and to mature in Christ.

b. It takes TIME for the Word about Christ… truth about Him to sink down DEEPLY into our minds and hearts.

c. It takes TIME to learn the deep things of God…

d. It takes TIME for the Word of Christ to become deeply entrenched in our minds and hearts…

e. It takes years to grow to maturity in the Lord…

f. Over time, as we walk with the Lord, filled with the Spirit of God, the Word of Christ DOES sink in deeply… become entrenched, and dwells RICHLY in our hearts.

g. This is spiritual maturity… and it doesn’t happen overnight.

h. But when the Word of Christ DOES dwell in us richly… when God has graciously granted to us MUCH LIGHT and much truth… that privilege makes us RESPONSIBLE.

i. Light makes us accountable and responsible. “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” (Luke 12:48)

j. I Cor. 4:1-2 – To have the Word of Christ dwelling in us richly makes us STEWARDS of that truth…
• And it is required in stewards that a man be found FAITHFUL!
• This is especially so of stewards of the mystery of CHRIST… He in us and we in Him… and all that that truth implies!

k. In Col. 3:16, after giving the saints in Colossae the truth concerning the indwelling ministry of Christ and the Word of Christ, Paul now tells us of our RESPONSIBILITY to share that light and that truth with one another!

l. Truth and light from God are never to be put under a bushel or kept for oneself. Truth and light are to be shared!

m. And first of all, we are to share truth about Christ with our brothers and sisters in Christ! Teaching and admonishing one another… out of love for Christ and love for our brethren!

5. Believers who learn from the Scriptures, to learn of the glorious power of the mystery of Christ in us, do not always USE that knowledge aright.

a. A little knowledge puffeth up! Sometimes knowledge can go to our heads! We begin to think that we have “arrived”!

b. Sometimes after we grow in knowledge of Christ… arrive at a certain level of maturity (nowhere NEAR the prize of the high calling), but growing and maturing…
• We then begin to LOOK DOWN upon other believers who have not yet arrived at that level of maturity… and whose life and choices demonstrate their lack of maturity.
• That’s the WRONG approach.
• If we have knowledge of Christ, we should remember the words of Paul, “And what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?
• Puffing ourselves up or looking down on less knowledgeable believers is NOT the right approach. It is sin!

c. The RIGHT response is to use the light we have been given to help others… to teach and admonish other believers… that they too might GROW in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
• Some folks use the Bible to beat one another over the head.
• We ought to use the Bible (truth and light) to BUILD UP… not to tear down.
• Remember, we are members one of another!
• If the Word of Christ dwells richly in us, we should have a desire to see it dwell richly in others too!
• God’s method for that is for mature believers to use the light they have been given to teach and admonish others… in love…


1. Teaching defined: impart instruction; instill doctrine in someone;

2. Context: the indwelling Word…

a. It is from a heart in which the word of Christ is dwelling RICHLY that teaching others is to flow…

b. Richly: abundantly, exceedingly, generously.

c. The one who has received of God richly, abundantly, and exceedingly ought to want to SHARE that wealth with others.

d. This is especially so when it comes to the riches found in God’s Word.

e. Truth and light are NOT to be hoarded…

f. When our hearts are full to overflowing with wonderful truths about the Lord Jesus, it should be a natural thing to let that overflow for others… teaching… imparting instruction…

3. Col.1:28 –

a. The content of the preaching is CHRIST.

b. Consider the word Whom (?? [hon]). That is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
• It is not just Christ in the abstract or in a generic sense, but Christ in you the hope of glory is the content of his preaching. That’s the Christ we preach!
• We don’t preach the Old Testament message of Christ: Messiah is coming to suffer and die; or Messiah is coming to reign forever…
• Nor do we preach the message of Christ as presented in the gospel… as the King offering the kingdom (Repent; for the kingdom of God is at hand.)
• We don’t preach a baby Christ in a manger. We don’t preach a dead Christ on a crucifix.
• We don’t preach about a mortal Jesus as a carpenter who was tired and weary…
• We preach the risen and glorified Savior, who is physically in heaven, but who dwells in our hearts today… Christ IN you… and you IN Him…

c. The goal of all teaching is to present every man PERFECT (mature) in Christ.
• And maturity comes from learning the Word of Christ… the word ABOUT Him…
• The Word of Christ teaches us about this unique and wonderful relationship we have today to the risen Lord Jesus…

4. When these truths dwell richly in our hearts, they should be FLOWING off our lips to others…

a. This is not necessary as an official church teacher… but it should be the topic of conversation in the hallway… at fellowship times… when we meet together at other times too.

b. This is an “unofficial” form of teaching… something that should occur naturally when believers meet together.

c. Deut. 6:6-9 – the words of the LAW of Moses were to be on the minds and hearts of God’s earthly people Israel.
• It was therefore to be taught in an unofficial way all day long at home… a natural topic for conversation.
• These Old Testament truths from the law were to be constantly before their “eyes” pictured by the frontlets.

d. Col. 3:1-2 –the Christian is not under the Law. He is not to have the legal code before his mind’s eye all day.
• We are to set our affections (mind!) on things above… on Christ Himself!
• We are not to be looking to the law, but looking unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith!
• The word of the law was before the Israelite and it had an influence on his life… his rule of life.
• The word of Christ is to be before our eyes as Christians… and HE is our rule of life… and as we behold HIS glory, it has a life transforming influence on us!
• What we have is FAR BETTER than what the Old Testament saints had.
• And when the Word of Christ dwells in us RICHLY, we too will want to talk about HIM when we sit in our house, or walk by the way, when we lie down or sit up… in other words –through our everyday lives!
• And talking of Him and His indwelling glory is an informal way that we ALL participate in teaching one another!
• If the Word is dwelling RICHLY in our hearts… this is the most natural thing in the world!

e. We don’t need an official class or a pulpit to teach one another about Christ in this sense.
• Titus 2:3-5 – The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness?, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; ? 4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, ? 5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands.”
• Titus 2:6-8 – The aged men can teach the “?young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. ? 7In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,? 8Sound speech, that cannot be condemned.”
• We are all to participate in teaching one another in the local church.

5. I Tim. 1:3 – Paul left Timothy in Ephesus that he might charge some that they teach no OTHER doctrine.

a. It is the responsibility of church elders (shepherds) to guard and protect the assembly from wolves who come into our midst teaching false doctrines.

b. However, there is a role each member of the Body can play too…

c. We can teach one another sound doctrine to SUPPORT the ministry of the pastor and official church teachers.

d. If someone comes with “another doctrine” he is likely to test the waters on the people first… before he attempts to teach it publicly. (How will the people receive it?)

e. If he comes to you, and the Word dwells richly in your heart, let him know that his false teaching will never fit in here!

f. If a believer asks a sincere question about a doctrine… and he really wants to know about eternal security, the rapture, the kingdom, etc… if the Word is dwelling richly in you then SHARE what you have been taught!

g. If you know of a believer who is confused over a particular doctrinal issue, then find some good literature on the subject that might be helpful… that is a supporting role to teaching…

6. II Tim. 2:2 – the same teach to others!

a. Those who have been taught ought to share the wealth… spread the light… teaching one another.

b. It isn’t necessary to be an official teacher of the church to share truth.

c. Even if you don’t have the gift of teaching, you can share what you know with a brother in the hallway… or point him to someone who does know!

d. This is part of our responsibility one to another in teaching!

e. In this way, we can ALL participate in promoting the truth about Christ in the local church.

f. And if you’re not sure about an issue, ask someone who does know!

7. The word is to indwell us richly.

a. But the purpose is NOT so that we will be smart and dazzle folks with our knowledge of Scripture.

b. But rather for a USEFUL purpose: to minister to other members of the Body…. By teaching one another… sharing the light God has given us.

8. The more we use the Word of God in ministering to others, the sharper our sword becomes! Iron sharpens iron.


1. Admonition defined: νουθετέω – to warn; exhort; admonish; rebuke for a wrong done; advice concerning the consequences of… to have a corrective influence on someone.

a. This is the term chosen by Jay Adams to describe Christian counseling. (nouthetic counseling)

b. Counseling a brother would be a good example of this term.

c. I Cor. 4:14 – Paul wrote a letter of harsh correction to the Corinthian believers and said that he did so to WARN them… (same term)… as beloved SONS.

d. Eph. 6:4 – The term is used of fathers bringing up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (counseling; giving advice; warning; exhorting; correcting, etc.)

e. II Thess. 3:15 – Even when there is serious sin, we are to have no company with that brother, “yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a BROTHER.”

f. It is used often in a FAMILY setting… and that seems to be the sense in which we are to admonish one another in the local church… as BROTHERS in Christ.

g. Admonition does NOT mean pontificating… it does not mean beating up on someone.

h. It means to warn, to counsel, to give advice, as a father would to a son he loved!

i. When a family member is admonished, our only goal is restoration! That’s the purpose of admonition…

2. And this is NOT the responsibility of the pastor and elders EXCLUSIVELY.

a. It is the responsibility of EVERY member in the Body.

b. Rom. 15:14 = able to admonish one another.

c. There are TWO prerequisites:
• Filled with goodness: good motives; good intent – not pride; not self will; good goal – the restoration of the brother… not just to tear him down and ridicule.
• Filled with KNOWLEDGE
» In other words, if we are going to warn or counsel someone, be sure you know what you are talking about!
» You need knowledge! And that knowledge is to come from the Word of God rightly divided.
» The Word of Christ should be dwelling in you richly!
» Filled and richly are related terms.
• So if you are going to admonish a brother, check this list first! Are your motives right? Are you filled with goodness? Are you filled with knowledge? Are you sure that your counsel is in line with the Bible rightly divided?
• If so, then you are ABLE to admonish one another!

b. This is an extremely VALUABLE tool for the Body of Christ.
• Eph. 4:11-12 – This is part of what Paul meant when he said that the members of the Body are to be TAUGHT so that they might do the work of the ministry!
• God’s plan is not for the pastor to be a full time counselor (which notion is popular today).
• God’s plan is for the pastor to teach the Word so that EVERY SAINT is equipped and ABLE to admonish!
• When the pastor sees himself as a Christian counselor, then he will be spending more of his time counseling and less time in the Word.
• Thus, the pastor who emphasizes counseling cannot put as much time in the Word… and the saints will be not be fed as well… and thus LESS able to admonish one another… and in MORE need of counseling and admonition themselves!
• And the body will end up with ONE counselor with MANY people who need counseling… rather than with MANY counselors with fewer people who need counseling.
• Our adversary is clever. He knows how to turn God’s program on its head! Let’s stick to God’s plan.
• This Body will function much better with 100 ministers teaching, admonishing, and doing the work of the ministry rather than one.

c. A personal testimony about counseling:
• I have seen the good results of sticking to God’s pattern.
• Over the years, I have had folks come to me and said, “Pastor, Alice came to me with a problem and I pointed her to this Bible verse and told her to do “X”. Was I wrong?
• Often folks are afraid to counsel because they are not professionally trained Christian counselors.
• But the Bible says that if your intentions are right and you know God’s Word on the subject you are ABLE to admonish!
• My response is usually, “No, you weren’t wrong at all. I would have told Alice the same thing. Keep up the good work! You are able to admonish one another.”
vi. When we approach admonishing one another with a right spirit (filled with goodness) and right information (pointing them to Christ and the Word of Christ) you can’t go wrong!
• Professionally trained Christian counselors are sometimes at a DISadvantage… because often the training mingles Bible truth with psychology.
• The “non professionals” (such as mentioned in Rom. 15:14) who know only the Word of God are ABLE to admonish. I believe that. We should practice it here.
• It is for the GOOD of the Body.

3. So keep on teaching and admonishing one another!


1. “In all wisdom” is to be connected with the teaching and admonition, not with what precedes (dwelling in your hearts…) as the King James Version implies.

a. Cf. Col. 1:28 – same usage – teaching “in all wisdom” – same phrase.

b. The point is that teaching and admonition are to be conducted in all wisdom!

c. It is possible to teach and to admonish WITHOUT wisdom. That can be disastrous!

d. If we are going to teach others… and warn others… and correct others… we NEED the wisdom of God!

e. We need ALL the wisdom we can get! The spiritual well being of a beloved brother in the Lord is at stake!

2. Wisdom is needed in applying the Word.

a. It is possible to be filled with goodness (good intentions) and to have a lot of knowledge from God’s Word, and yet lack wisdom.

b. Information can either help or hurt depending upon the WAY in which it is used.

c. Hence, we need wisdom in applying God’s Word… especially if we are going to be admonishing a brother…

d. Without wisdom, we can do that brother more harm than good.

3. A lack of wisdom in applying the Word is dangerous and can be quite hurtful.

a. Paul tells us that if we are going to teach and admonish one another, it is to be done in all wisdom!

b. For example: It is true that God wants us to walk by faith.
• But when a brother reads you that verse and advices you to cancel your insurance; or to refuse medical treatment; etc., he is lacking wisdom to apply it properly!
• That is a misunderstanding of what faith is.

c. Such a lack of wisdom often comes with the best of intentions…
• Hence, when we are admonished, we should receive it with thanksgiving… give it due consideration, BUT search the Scriptures to see if it is so! (Acts 17:11)
d. We need wisdom in knowing HOW to apply God’s Word to the lives of others.
• Sometimes well meaning believers (good brothers) can give very bad counsel and admonition.
• That well meaning brother may have SOME information from the Bible… SOME knowledge… but may not have the wisdom to know HOW to apply it!
• Prov. 25:11 – A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
• It takes divine wisdom to know what to say… words FITTING the situation…

e. We need wisdom in knowing WHEN to apply Gods’ Word too!
• Another example: it is true that the Bible says, All things work together for good.
• This statement is always true… but it is not always appropriate…
• When a brother has just lost his wife to cancer… that’s not the time to quote Rom. 8:28.

To everything there is a season. That’s not the right time or season.

• Prov. 15:23 – A word spoken in due season, how good is it!
• Oh, how we need WISDOM to teach and admonish one another.
vi. A RICH indwelling of the Word… gives us not just raw data… knowledge, but the wisdom to use it aright.
• The word of Christ is not merely dwelling in the head (knowledge) but in the heart (wisdom).
• Such believers are priceless in the local assembly of the saints!
• Let’s pray that each one of us might grow to become such a help to the Body!


This was the FIRST effect of having a heart richly indwelt by the Word of Christ. Next week we will look at the second effect: SINGING psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs!


1. Before you can grow in the Word of Christ, you need first to take heed to the word of salvation!

2. 2000 years ago, Christ came to earth to become a Man and die for the sins of the world.

3. He paid the price of human sin by shedding His blood.

4. He died and rose again… for YOU!

5. He now offers you eternal life… salvation from condemnation in the lake of fire forever… if you will trust in Him.

6. John 3:16

Singing: Second Effect of the Indwelling Word


A. The Context

1. The COMMAND in this verse: LET the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.

a. That command is followed by three participles: teaching, admonishing, and singing. That much is crystal clear.

b. However, how to divide (or diagram) this verse is not as clear.

2. In the King James Version, the translators chose to punctuate the passage in such a way that there are three sections: (3 exhortations)

a. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;

b. Teaching and admonishing one another by means of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,

c. Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

3. I am suggesting that we diagram the verse a bit differently:

a. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly;

b. In all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another,

c. In psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

4. Reasons for doing so:

a. It keeps the teaching section together as a unit, and it keeps the musical section together as a unit.

b. It makes more sense (to me at least) to link together in one thought wisdom with teaching AND singing with songs.

c. Col. 1:28 – indicates that Paul uses the expression “in all wisdom” in relation to teaching, not dwelling. This forces us to change the punctuation marks.

B. Singing and the Word Richly Dwelling

1. Singing Defined:

a. ᾄδω – to sing; especially used of praising God in song; make melody with the vocal chords.

2. Consider the SETTING for singing in the context:

a. Col. 3:2 – our affections (mind and heart) should be set on things above…

b. Col. 3:3 – our life is hidden away in the safety and security of our position in Christ… in heavenly places… where no storm of life can harm us…

c. Col. 3:15 – the peace of God is ruling in the heart…

d. Col. 3:16 – The Word of Christ = the revealed word of God which is ABOUT Christ… His glorious Person… His finished work… His present heavenly ministry as our High Priest and Advocate. That’s worth singing about! This word is richly dwelling in our hearts.

e. When THAT is the condition of our heart, singing praise to God is simply going to HAPPEN.

f. Nothing could be more natural than for a spiritual song to flow out of a Spirit filled heart!

g. Nothing could be more natural than for a psalm from God’s inspired word to flow out of a heart richly indwelt by the Word.

3. Singing is the natural effect or outcome of a heart that is richly indwelt by the Word of Christ.

a. Paul’s point in vs. 16 is that the Word of Christ (when dwelling richly… abundantly at home in our hearts)… will influence our lives.

b. The word of Christ will influence us… and have a profound effect on EVERY part of our being.
• It will obviously affect our minds. (thinking)
• It will also affect our emotions (setting our affections on things above; treasuring things above; love for Christ).
• It will also affect our will (we will CHOOSE that which is in harmony with His will). If we are thinking of Christ and His glory… and growing in our love for Him, then choosing to obey Him and serve Him will follow.
• A heart richly indwelt by the Word of Christ will be CHANGED… transformed.
» That heart will want music that reflects the change.
» If we are thinking on things above, we will be attracted to music that seeks things above.
» The word affects our feelings and emotions. It will be natural to want to sing about Christ.
» The word affects our choices. We will CHOOSE a new song… music that affects the spirit and addresses our spiritual life.
» The deeper the Word of Christ digs in and becomes at home in our hearts, the more influence that Word will have on the music of our heart.
• In music, the lyrics affect our MINDS. The music affects our EMOTIONS. And together, they have an effect on our WILL… the choices we make.
• Music is a POWERFUL medium… a powerful influence.

c. The Word of Christ will FILL us with its influence… in every way: intellect, emotion, and will.
• When that is the case, MUSIC will flow out of our hearts.
• The word of Christ will dig in deeply into our minds… and change our thought patterns… our minds will be FULL of thoughts about Christ… and our glorious position in Him.
• Christ will be on our minds and on our hearts.
• These thoughts will affect our emotions too. We love Him because He FIRST loved us. As we fill our minds with thoughts of Christ—all He has done for us in love—it will evoke godly emotions of love for Him… and gratitude! How can thoughts of the CROSS dwell RICHLY in our hearts and it not affect our emotions?
• These thoughts and emotions will affect our choices too. When Christ is on our mind… then we are much more likely to make choices that are pleasing to Him.
• That is the way of victory… and what great joy to experience Christlikeness… transformation… victory…
» Thoughts of Christ and His indwelling presence will evoke gratitude and joy.
» Good choices that please Him (our will) are evidence of the power of the Spirit… evidence of victory.
» These experiences result in the JOY of the Lord… emotions that cannot be contained! It has to flow out… and does so in the form of music.

d. The Word of Christ richly dwelling in our hearts WILL have an influence in our daily lives.
• It is that inner, divine persuasion for good…
• It is an inner reminder of the power of the resurrection available to us moment by moment…
• It is a continual reminder of the grace and strength of God…
• It cannot help but influence us—every ounce of us: intellect, emotion, and will. It is life transforming.

e. The Word of Christ is the cause. A song in the heart is the effect.
• The new creature in Christ will have a new song in his heart.
• The song in the heart of which Paul speaks is truly a NEW song… one that arose out of the WORD richly dwelling in a heart that is ALIVE unto God.
• We are not talking about a natural man who is by nature cheerful and who whistles at work. Lots of unsaved folks like music… and sing and hum throughout the day.
• But those are old songs which arise from the old nature.
• The new creature will have a NEW song… naturally! (It’s not that we are under orders to sing at least 3 hymns a day… a quota we are required to fulfill…)
• The new song FLOWS out of the new life…. Naturally.
• Old songs will fall away like old dead leaves fall off the oak tree when the sap begins to flow in the spring…
• Those old oak leaves (like our old songs) may hang on for a while, but eventually the flow of new life in the spring causes them to fall away… and make room for the new.
• New life creates a thirst for a new song; the old earthly songs fade away… things of earth grow strangely dim…
• The word of Christ richly dwelling in our heart will result in a desire for things that are higher… things that are nobler… these have allured my mind!
• An appreciation for Christ and the Word of Christ will change our taste in music.
• The word of Christ richly dwelling in our hearts will always produce God’s desired effect: singing a new song to the Lord!
• And for those who were brought up in a Christian home and sang the great hymns of the faith from the cradle… and only recently were saved, then those old hymns become NEW songs for you! Suddenly singing, “Redeemed how I love to proclaim it” takes on a whole NEW meaning for you! Now it is flowing from a new heart alive unto God!

4. Eph. 5:18-19 – Paul makes a similar analogy between cause and effect in Ephesians.

a. Two terms for singing are employed in this passage.
• Singing: same as Col. 3:16
• Making melody: (from the Greek word for psalm…)
» ψάλλω – to cause to vibrate; to play a stringed instrument; to sing (vibrate the vocal chords)
» This word is translated “sing psalms” in Jas. 5:13 (Is any merry? Let him “sing psalms.”)

b. Note in this passage, the very same effects are mentioned here as in Col. 3: (19) singing; (20) giving thanks; (21) submission to one another.

5. But the difference in this passage is that they stem from a DIFFERENT kind of filling.

a. In Ephesians 5:18, the cause is the filling with the Spirit, and the effect is the same: singing; gratitude/grace; and submission.

b. In Col. 3:16, he speaks of being filled by the WORD.
• Indwelt richly – richly and filled = similar root words.
• The meaning is that the Word will FILL our minds and hearts… and produce an effect.
• In essence, Col. 3:16 speaks of the filling of the Word of Christ.

c. In Eph. 5:18, he speaks of being filled by the SPIRIT.
• This kind of filling speaks of influence and control too.
• Paul contrasts being “under the influence” of wine or of the Holy Spirit.
• Just as being filled with WINE affects the way we walk and talk… so too the filling of the Spirit has an effect on us… how we walk and talk.
• They are CONTROLLING factors: either wine or the Spirit of God.
• To be filled with the Spirit is to be under His influence and control.
• And that is Paul’s point in Colossians as well: the CONTROLLING influence the Word of Christ has on the believer… when that word richly dwells in our hearts.
• The Word, when richly indwelling the heart, also controls the way we walk and the way we talk. We are under the influence of the Word of Christ.

d. BOTH the filling of the Spirit and the filling of the Word require YIELDING on our part.
• The word of Christ may dwell in our hearts, but it is not at home in our heart unless we are yielded to that Word… submitted to it… surrendered to Christ.
• The Spirit of God dwells in us… but unless we YIELD to the Spirit, His influence (the fruit of the Spirit – Christlike character) is not experienced.
• The result of this dual influence is SUBMISSION (Cf. Eph. 5:21; Col. 3:18)

e. Rom. 6:13 – God isn’t interested in us yielding this or that area of our lives over to Him (and keep the rest for ourselves).
• He wants me to yield my entire SELF to Him.
• That speaks of ENTIRE submission; absolute surrender…
• To present my whole BODY (and everything in it!) a living sacrifice to Him.
• Only then can we say we are yielded.
• We often hear talk and testimonies of believers who say that they were convicted and finally yielded “X” over to the Lord… an area of their life.
• In reality, we must first yield SELF to God… and then all the “Xs” will be His as well.
• Thus, when we are yielded to GOD, we will be in perfect accord with His Spirit and with His Word.

6. There is perfect UNITY in the effect produced by either one… the Word of Christ or the Holy Spirit.

a. And of course there would be perfect unity between the effects of the Word and the Holy Spirit.
• The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Word of Christ!
• The Holy Spirit is the One who produces Christlikeness in us as we yield to Him!
• As we fix our minds on Christ and things above (behold His glory in the Word) we are transformed into that same image BY the Spirit of God!

b. BOTH the Word of Christ and the Spirit of Christ produce the exact same effect in us: joyful singing, thanksgiving, and submission.
• These are the wonderful fruits of being HEAVENLY minded.
• Jas. 3:14-15 – what a contrast to being influenced by an earthly spirit… sensual… fleshly… even demonic!
• The influence of the Holy Spirit produces a much sweeter fruit!
• The influence of the Word produces a much sweeter fruit.
• Different influences produce different effects. What is the greatest influence in YOUR life?
• Is it education? Sports? Friends? Having fun? Social activities? Making money? Being in with the in crowd? Pleasure? TV? The mall?
• OR, is it the Word of Christ dwelling richly in your heart experienced through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit?

7. When God is in CONTROL of our yielded hearts, the result is a SONG!

a. Whether we trace it back to God’s Word or God’s Spirit; the result is the same: a song!

b. Whether we trace it back to the Word richly dwelling or the Spirit’s filling, the result is a song.

c. It is DIVINE influence… the Spirit of God takes the Word of God and transforms us into the image of the Son of God…

d. Music is an EXPRESSION of what is already in the heart.
• Music is NOT a means of unifying the Body. It should be an expression of the unity that already exists. We are already ONE in the Spirit… by virtue of Spirit baptism—not music!
• Singing does NOT a means of unifying us doctrinally. We join voices to sing as an expression of the fact that we already SHARE faith in these wonderful truths. We sing in unity because we share a common faith…
• Singing is the EFFECT not the cause of unity.
• Singing is the EFFECT of the Word richly dwelling in our hearts… not the cause.
• Singing does not get us stirred up to become SPIRITUAL and ready for worship.
• Singing is the EFFECT of a Spirit filled life… not the cause.
• So the youth today who are pushing Contemporary Christian Music and are trying to unite the church to get in the Spirit in church through music are dead wrong in their approach.
• When God’s Spirit and God’s Word are in control of our hearts, singing will be the effect.

8. Singing: An expression of joy.

a. If the heart is richly indwelt by the Word and controlled by the Holy Spirit, there will be an overflow of JOY… the joy of the Lord.

b. Jam. 5:13 – if merry, then sing!

c. Melody in the heart…

d. A heart richly indwelt by the word will naturally experience the joy of the Lord.

9. When God is in control, there is a song in the heart… REGARDLESS of the earthly circumstances.

a. Undesirable earthly conditions cannot take away from the JOY of the Lord in the heart… not when the Spirit is in control.

b. Hab. 3:17-18 – no fruit on the vine, but there should be fruit in the heart… JOY! That translates into music.
• If God is our Savior, then we have an inexhaustible reservoir… an unending resource for the joy of the Lord.
• Our joy as a Christian does not come to us through possessions or experiences, but through a Person… whom Habakkuk knew as the Lord.
• We know this Person as the Lord Jesus Christ who lives within… and the influence of the Holy Spirit who dwells within.
• John 7:39 – out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water… this He spake of the Holy Spirit. An endless supply of life and joy.
• Man can take away our health and our possessions, but NO MAN can take away our joy. No man can rob us of a song in the heart.
• Then notice that Habakkuk explains that his words were to be used in worship—as a song to be accompanied by musical instruments.
• The ode (beginning in 3:1) is a very sad song but it ends on a bright note!

10. Acts 16:22-25 – Paul demonstrated this IN PRISON.

a. Paul and Silas were not singing out of happiness derived from their earthly condition.

b. They sang because God put a song in their heart… the word was richly dwelling in their hearts… and they were filled with the Spirit of God.

c. Therefore, they SANG! This was the evidence of their condition!

d. Men took away their freedom, their health, and maybe their possessions, but could not touch their joy… because it was related to their NEW life which was hidden away in heaven with Christ in God.

e. Imagine the impact of a song of thanksgiving coming from the lips of Paul and Silas shackled in a dingy prison… blood caked on their backs from repeated floggings…

f. The fact that these men still had a song in their hearts after the beating, the humiliation, and imprisonment they received MUST have had an impact on the jail keeper.

g. My guess is that this was the very first time in all of his years as a prison guard that he saw beaten, bloody prisoners JOYFULLY singing till the wee hours of the night!

h. It must have been seen as EVIDENCE of the reality of the message Paul and Silas spoke. It was proof that Christ in us DOES change lives!

i. Humanly speaking they had nothing to be thankful for. But spiritually, they were blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in Christ… and they knew it!

j. Though they were imprisoned physically, they were perfectly free in mind, heart, and conscience!

k. Perhaps they sang a song of personal testimony, similar to “Amazing Grace”… or “Burdens are Lifted at Calvary!” or “It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!”

l. Or maybe there was another first century hymn with words similar to “though Satan should buffet, though trials should come; let this blest assurance control; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul!”

m. Or maybe Paul sang the poem written by Habakkuk!

n. What a compelling testimony!

11. It is often true that some of the most painful earthly experiences have resulted in some of the richest Christian music!

a. It is Well with My Soul… (lost his daughters at sea)

b. O Love that Wilt not Let Me Go (George Matheson = his fiancée left him when she heard he would be blind. It is reported that she said, “I do not want to be the wife of a blind preacher.”)

c. Ron Hamilton’s, “O Rejoice in the Lord, He makes no mistakes!” (written during the period when he lost an eye to cancer)

d. Painful experiences on earth do not have the POWER to take away the song from a heart in which the Word dwells richly… and the Spirit controls.

e. Those harsh and bitter experiences in our earthly lives CANNOT diminish the song in our heart. They cannot take away the song; they rather give it a depth and richness it would otherwise not have!

12. The dual influence of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the richly indwelling Word of Christ result in joyful singing…

a. And that song in our heart is related to our new life hidden away in heaven with Christ in God…

b. The storms of life cannot take that song away from our hearts as long as we yield SELF to God… and LET the Word dwell richly in us.

c. When our eyes are on Christ and self is yielded to God, the buffeting of our enemy only STRENGTHENS our relationship to Christ… it only ENABLES us to experience the power of the resurrection… and thus, adds a new DEPTH and richness to the song in our hearts!

d. Your joy NO man can take from you… because a mighty Fortress is our God!

Music That Pleases the Lord

THE METHOD OF SINGING: Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs


1. We saw in the last few weeks that when the Word of Christ is dwelling richly in the heart, there will be two effects:

a. Teaching and admonition: IN the sphere of divine wisdom.

b. Singing: IN the sphere of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

2. Paul now lists three nouns all in the dative case, which means either “IN psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” or “BY psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” The meaning is nearly identical.

a. The singing is carried out IN THE SPHERE OF psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

b. In other words, these are the types of songs God wants us to be singing… our singing should be in that sphere.

3. Just as the teaching and admonition were to be carried out IN wisdom, the singing was to be carried out IN psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

a. Not in the old songs of the world…

b. But in NEW kinds of songs… about the Lord. “Spiritual.”

A. Psalms

1. Psalms from the Book of Psalms were sung in the Old Testament. The psalms were poems which were put to music.

a. Jesus and the apostles sang psalms… the words from the Book of Psalms put to a melody.

b. The early church sang psalms. James told believers in the early church (and us too!) to sing psalms if you are merry.

c. The English-speaking world sang only metrical versions of the Psalms for centuries.

d. The psalms were meant for singing. We should sing them more often! This is one thing our hymnal is lacking.

2. There are some Psalms that we would do well NOT TO SING.

a. Imprecatory psalms:
• These were psalms in which the psalmist called upon God to invoke wrath against his enemies.
• It was not the psalmist calling for personal vengeance, but praying for Divine justice and wrath be executed against the enemies of God.
• Psalm 137:9 – “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
• Psalm 139:22 – “?I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.”

b. Other psalms might be misleading for a Christian
• Psalm 14:7 – Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.” (They are so very Jewish.)
• The psalms speak of waiting for Messiah to come!
• The psalms look ahead to the earthly, Messianic Kingdom as their blessed hope.
• In the psalms, the godly sought God’s presence by traveling to the Temple on the holy days.
• Psalm 138:2 – “I will worship toward thy holy temple.”
• Christ LIVES IN us! Our bodies are the Temple of God.
• Psalm 66:15 – I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats.”
• Christ ended all sacrifice for sin for us!

c. The psalms were poems that flowed forth from the hearts of the godly Jewish saints living under the Mosaic Law.
• In the psalms we should be able to see WONDERFUL expressions of faith, joy in the Lord, dedication, and sacrificial lives.
• However, MANY of the sentiments expressed are particularly Jewish and might not be appropriate for a believer today… (Waiting for Messiah to come; offering burnt offerings; hating our enemies; etc.)
• Some of those sentiments poetically portrayed in the Psalms are decidedly NOT Christian.

d. Discernment is needed in singing the psalms.
• To sing them word for word might be misleading.
• We spent 5 years going through the book of Psalms on Wednesday nights… verse by verse.
• It was a MOST profitable time spent in the Word…
• BUT without teaching and background, the psalms can be misleading or confusing to a new Christian.

3. But there are other sections of Psalms that are RICH in meaning and application for the Christian… edifying and worshipful.

a. Many of them are odes of praise to God.

b. Many are expressions of thanksgiving for His mighty works in time past.

c. Other psalms are testimonies of personal experiences which are common to man… and experiences of deliverance that encourage believers of all ages.

d. Other psalms speak of the inner turmoil, struggles, and suffering that all who live godly experience.

e. Others are poems of exultation upon thoughts of the majesty of God.

f. Psalm 119 speaks about the glory of God’s inspired Word!

g. Psalm 22 speaks of the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

h. Psalm 16 speaks of His resurrection!

i. Wonderful messages of praise in this book.

j. In fact, the group I was with when I got saved did not have hymnals. They sang right out of the book of Psalms.

k. We would do well to sing appropriate psalms more often today!

l. You can’t improve on the words… inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT!

B. Hymns

1. Hymns were songs of praise to God written by believers as opposed to those inspired by God in the book of Psalms.

a. Sometimes a hymn might be taken from a portion of Scripture other than the book of Psalms.
• Most of us are familiar with Handel’s “Messiah.” These are songs which are taken directly from Scripture, both Old and New Testaments.
• It is MOST profitable to sing songs taken from Scriptures other than the book of Psalms.
• Many songs are based upon a verse of Scripture: “I know whom I have believed”

b. Others are based upon a doctrinal truth in the Scriptures: “He is Coming Again” or “Christian Soldiers Arise.”

2. Hymns are often distinguished from spiritual songs in that they are commonly understood as being addressed to God.

a. “How Great THOU Art.”

b. “Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.”

c. “Fairest Lord Jesus.”

d. “I Love Thee Lord Jesus With All of My Heart.”

3. Some see the difference between hymns and psalms by whether or not they are accompanied by musical instruments. (not much evidence for that distinction)

4. The distinction between a hymn and a psalm is not clear cut.

a. In the Mark 14:26 it says that Jesus and the disciples sang an hymn. (same word)

b. However, we know that the hymns they sang were psalms.

c. Sometimes the terms were used interchangeably.

d. A psalm IS a hymn… (but not all hymns are psalms)

C. Spiritual Songs

1. There are OTHER songs in a third category which God wants Christians to sing: spiritual songs.

a. These are songs which were NOT taken from the Book of Psalms… and songs that are not addressed to God directly… but are still spiritual songs.

b. Of course psalms and hymns are spiritual songs… but there are other spiritual songs that do not fit in the category of either a psalm or a hymn.

2. These are usually thought of as songs written by believers and addressed to one another, as opposed to hymns addressed to God.

a. This is a commonly held distinction, although again, there is not a lot of evidence for making this distinction.

b. The term song is transliterated “ode,” which is a general term for a song.

3. Thus, these other songs can be DISTINCTLY Christian (since Psalms were Jewish… written before the Church)

a. Many wonderful themes worth singing about, found in the New Testament, are not revealed in the Old Testament…

b. Examples: songs of the Trinity; the church; Christ in you; Rapture; heavenly High Priest; our heavenly position IN Christ; the Cross; the finished work of Christ; our relationship to Christ as Bride and Groom; the priesthood of every believer; etc.

4. But this is not just ANY song; there is a spiritual content to it.

a. As a spiritual song, it would be distinguished from the songs of the world… songs limited to life in this world.

b. The spiritual song is a song that goes BEYOND the confines of the natural realm, into the SPIRITUAL realm… relating to God and spiritual things.

c. This would speak of songs that reach beyond the soul and affect the spirit of man… the God-conscious part of man.

d. Heb. 4:12—As the Word of God makes distinctions between that which is soulish and that which is spiritual, so too this distinction is made in music… with SPIRITUAL songs.

e. It is very difficult… at times perhaps impossible for us to always be able to distinguish between the soulish and the spiritual…

5. There is a wide range of spiritual songs.

a. They could be songs of personal testimony.
• Singing about what God has done for us…
• “Thank you Lord, for saving my soul!”— “Redeemed How I love to Proclaim It.” Simple testimonies of thanksgiving.

b. Other writers have written spiritual songs which express DEPTH in their Christian experiences: “Jesus, I am resting, resting”… or “Hiding in Thee.”

c. Some have written some simple childlike songs… “Jesus Loves Me This I Know.”

d. Others may be a bit shallow: “Why worry when you can pray?” “He holds my hand.”

e. Some have written songs with much more depth doctrinally… deep spiritual truths… “Not I But Christ”… “Moment by Moment by death reckoned mine.”

6. They could be songs expressing Christian doctrine… from the Bible.

a. Eternal Security: “Blessed Assurance!”

b. The Deity of Christ: “I know no other Jesus”

c. Encouragement: “All Your Anxiety”

d. Prayer: “Sweet Hour of Prayer”

e. Resurrection: “He Lives!”

f. Missions: “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”; “Bring them In.”

g. Second Coming: “Jesus Is Coming Again.”

h. The Christian life: “Onward Christian Soldiers!”

i. Many believe that Phil. 2:6-10 and I Tim. 3:16 were early hymns.

7. There is a great variety of spiritual songs today. Thousands and thousands of them! More than ever.

a. They cover the whole gamut… from those songs that are doctrinally rich and meaty, to others that are a bit shallow, to that which is downright heretical.

b. There is more Christian music available today than ever (both good and bad)…

c. There is so MUCH good music available today that there is NO good reason for us to choose any music other than that which is UNQUESTIONABLY sound, edifying, and honoring to the Lord.

d. There is everything out there from steak, to cotton candy, to dirt. Let’s choose the steak!

The Attitude:
With Grace in Your Hearts

A. With Grace

1. The meaning of grace

a. The term CAN mean either grace or thanksgiving.

b. It is translated grace in:
• Rom. 6:1—What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
• It is used in the introduction to nearly all of Paul’s epistles: Grace be to you…
• Grace in this sense is understood as “unmerited favor” or a “free gift.”
• If that is the sense Paul meant, it is unclear to me what that means. To whom is the grace in our hearts bestowed? Does it mean our capacity to sing is based on unmerited favor?
• If it means “grace” in this passage, the meaning is not quite clear… a bit ambiguous and blurry.

c. The same term is translated thanks in:
• I Cor. 15:57—But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
• II Cor. 2:14—Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.
• II Cor. 9:15—Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

d. The context has to determine which meaning.
• In the context of Col. 3:16, BOTH meanings fit and seem to make sense.
• I am inclined to understand the term in the sense of thanksgiving…
• Reasons: (1) in the parallel passage in Eph. 5:20, the effect of the filling of the Spirit includes thanksgiving; (2) since it is directed TO God, singing “with grace TO the Lord” thanksgiving makes more sense to me.
» We don’t give unmerited favor TO God. We receive that FROM God.
» But we do offer thanksgiving TO God.

2. Singing with GRACE in the heart.

a. Ex. 14:30-15:1 – This is the first example of a song in the Bible… the first time we read of men singing.
• When the Israelites were redeemed, they began to SING!
• They were thankful… and praised God in song.
• It was spontaneous, exuberant, and full of joy and enthusiastic thanksgiving.

b. If we are redeemed, our songs should reflect this same attitude… thanksgiving to God for His marvelous work of redemption. It should be the most natural thing in the world.

B. In the Heart

1. Singing in the heart = singing FROM the heart.

a. This does NOT mean that we should sing only inwardly and not be heard. Paul is not speaking about a so called silent singing.

b. It means that the song that rolls off our tongue ought to be a song that emanates from the heart…

c. The song that comes OUT of our mouth should flow from the heart… the heart goes before the tongue.

d. The word must be dwelling richly in the heart for the believer to be able to sing FROM the heart… heartily.

e. If the singing is not “in the heart” (in other words, if it is only on the lips), then it is not pleasing in God’s sight.

f. The Mormon Tabernacle choir sings some very beautiful hymns. The Handel and Haydn society along with the Boston symphony orchestra and Handel and Haydn society put on a wonderful performance of Handel’s Messiah at symphony hall. But it is not all a sweet melody to the Lord… unless it comes from hearts that are ALIVE unto God.

g. The Lord is not impressed with anything the flesh can do… no matter how skillful or talented. There is no worship in any of that.

h. When we sing, it should be from the heart… not half-heartedly, but it should be the very BEST we can do for the Lord…

i. And did you know that one of the things visitors notice most when they visit a Spirit filled Bible believing church, long after they forget the sermon… they will remember the singing… if we sing FROM OUR HEARTS with joy and enthusiasm!

j. It is evidence of new life… evidence of the Word richly dwelling in our hearts… evidence of Spirit filling!

k. The real testimony of our singing isn’t related to our skills in music or beautiful voices. It is related to whether or not we sing from the heart with GENUINE grace and thanksgiving… which translates vocally into ENTHUSIASM!

2. Singing from the heart includes the MIND.

a. Singing from the heart does not mean that we bypass the head.
• I Cor. 14:15 – sing with the spirit AND sing with the understanding.
• The heart and mind are to be ENGAGED in our singing…

3. Singing from the heart includes the SOUL… emotions.

a. Enthusiasm… heartily… from the soul…

b. Col. 3:23 – do it heartily (from the soul – psyche)

4. The HEART includes the emotions, the mind, and the soul… our whole inner being.

5. Singing that pleases the Lord is singing in which we are FULLY engaged… it is NOT mindlessly blabbering along with the crowd… but actively engaging yourself in the song…

a. The lyrics of the song are being directed to God from YOU personally!

b. Its sentiments… and emotions are expressed as YOUR own sentiments and emotions. (I Love thee Lord Jesus…)

c. So that prayer of the song becomes YOUR prayer… (Take my life and let it be.)

d. So that the resolve the author expressed is YOUR resolve… (I am resolved no longer to linger… or “All to Jesus I surrender…”

e. So that the desire of the author is expressed as YOUR desire… (Be Thou My Vision)

f. A dumb parrot can mouth the words. But singing spiritual songs from the heart only a Spirit filled Christian can do… one who is fully involved in the singing.

g. He is engaged in the message and meaning of the song. He is engaged in the One to whom he is singing!

The Audience of our Singing:
To the Lord

1. Singing directed to the Lord

a. We are to sing to Him…

b. It should not be a performance…

c. It is praise to God for His glory.

d. We are edified greatly by singing. But the edification WE receive is not the main purpose… but is a fringe benefit.

e. Christian singing is not for personal benefit, but FOR the Lord… for His honor; for His glory; for His pleasure.

2. Consider how OFTEN we are told to sing TO THE LORD:

a. Psa. 47:6 – Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises.

b. Psa. 66:1 – Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands.

c. Psa. 66:4 – All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name.

d. Psa. 81:1 – Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.

e. Psa. 95:1 – O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation

f. Psa. 95:2 – Let us come? before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

g. Psa. 96:1-2 – O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.? 2Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.

h. Psa. 98:4-5 -?Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.? 5?Sing unto the LORD with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm.

i. Psa. 101:1 – I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.

j. Psa. 105:2 –?Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.

k. Isa. 42:10 – Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth.

l. Ezra 3:11 – And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the LORD; because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel.

m. Exodus 15:1 – Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

n. Exodus 15:21 – And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously.

o. I Chron. 16:9 – Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.

p. Eph. 5:19 – Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

q. Rev. 5:9 – And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.

3. Our goal is not to please men, but to please the Lord.

a. Therefore, we need to use care in the KIND of music we sing unto Him.

b. Since we are singing to HIM, we should seek music that best harmonizes with His character and His Word.

c. Music like anything else in the Christian life needs to be PROVEN… put to the test.

d. Rom.12:1-2 – we don’t want to be CONFORMED to the world, its ways or its music.
• We want to be singing in the WILL OF GOD.
• Therefore, we need to PROVE what is acceptable to God; what kind of music is in harmony with His will.

4. What is it that makes Christian music pleasing and acceptable to the Lord?

a. It is not so much the quality of the sound (one man noted that the best choir on earth must sound like clucking hens compared to the glorious sounds of a heavenly choir). If we think that quality sound alone will please the Lord, we have missed the point.

b. It is not the quality of the sound, but the quality of the heart out of which the music flows: a heart full of thanksgiving, grace; truth; love for one another; love for the Lord; pure heart.

c. That is not to say that we should not do our best; we SHOULD. But the best quality sound fallen human beings can make has no melody at all to God if the heart is not right.

d. But when the heart is RIGHT, the music is pleasing to the Lord… even if the quality might not be so great…

e. If the heart is right, it will be the BEST quality possible for the Lord.

f. When the heart is right, you don’t just “wing it.” We give our BEST to God!

g. Music is to be well rehearsed… skillful… our very best. God accepts nothing less than our best. The local church is not to be like the old “Community Audition” show.

h. If the heart is right, we offer to the Lord our BEST… not that which is lame. (Mal. 1:8, 13-14)

i. Our music is to be sung TO THE LORD. It is an OFFERING to the Lord. Therefore, it is to be our best. It should be chosen for the purpose of pleasing God and bringing glory to Him.

5. There is an infinite difference between the songs of believers and unbelievers:

a. We BOTH sing songs. They sing to themselves and for themselves. We sing to the Lord.

b. The unsaved folks SING songs… and they do every day. It can be an expression of natural affection, earthly joy, etc. And it is good as far as it goes… but it doesn’t go very far.

c. On the one hand there are the songs of the earth dwellers.
• Whose hearts are richly indwelt by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life…
• They sing songs of life in this world… life in the natural realm apart from God. This is the only realm they know… and the only realm of which they CAN sing.
• Sometimes their songs are good; sometimes their songs are evil.
• But ALWAYS, their songs are limited to the earthly sphere.
• They can address the body and soul well… (the physical and emotional part of man), but CANNOT reach the spirit (the God conscious part of man).
• They are utterly dead to and alienated from the spiritual realm. It is foolishness unto them. They CANNOT know it, for it is spiritually discerned.
• I John 4:5 – They know only the natural realm, and they know it well. They speak of it… and those in the natural realm respond to it. They are on the same wavelength… when they speak and when they sing.
• Their songs can be vile, vulgar, and immoral. Or they can be innocuous… patriotic songs (Yankee Doodle); songs of every day life; (Take me out to the Ball Park) they can even promote good, moral values.
• However, even the very BEST songs the world can produce are limited to the earthly sphere… the natural realm.

d. And on the other hand there are the songs of the redeemed…
• Flowing from hearts which are richly indwelt by the Word of Christ…
• Songs flowing from the influence of GOD in our hearts… a spiritual song!
• The songs of the redeemed will also speak to our emotions, but the lyrics will in addition get to our spirit… God conscious part of man…
• These songs can teach, admonish, encourage, and lift our spirits into the very heavenlies!
• We can sing from a heart filled with the presence of Christ and the Spirit of God… for the glory of God!
• Our music should shift our focus from earthly condition (which causes our souls to be cast down) to our heavenly position… great hope for tomorrow!
• These songs can drill doctrine and truth into our minds… can remind us of promises that will encourage us and lift us up out of the miry clay of earthly existence…
• GOD HIMSELF puts songs in hearts. (Ps. 40:3)

e. Yes, there is an infinite difference between the songs of the earth dwellers and the songs of the redeemed. The difference is as far as heaven is above the earth.
• We sing of things that are higher, things that are nobler, these have allured my mind!
• I’m pressing on to higher ground! New heights I’m gaining every day!
• Our songs cause us to focus on Christ: Jesus, I am resting, resting in the thought of what thou art!
• Our songs cause us to think on things above and remind us that our real lives are hidden with Christ in God: Hiding in thee! O blest Rock of ages, I am hiding in thee!

f. The songs of the redeemed can affect the body and soul… and go beyond the natural into the spiritual realm… and have an effect on our spirit… our God-consciousness.

g. Heb. 4:12 – there is an infinite gap between the soul and spirit. It takes the Word of God to be able to discern the difference and bridge that gap. It is sometimes difficult for us to see the difference… it may FEEL the same. But the difference is real.

h. The right kind of uplifting music coupled together with doctrinally sound lyrics can help stay focused on Christ and His Word… and thus deepen our relationship to the Lord.

6. Consider the relationship between music and worship.

a. Music is not designed to get us “warmed up” or “revved up” for worship.

b. That is how music is used today in many circles.

c. We don’t sing or have songs sung to us in church to evoke worship in us. If that is the case, then shame on us!

d. We should COME to church, with our hearts ALREADY richly indwelt by the Word of Christ… and already under the control of the HOLY SPIRIT.

e. Music is not intended to prime the pump to get us ready to worship… rather, it is the natural outflow of a heart already prepared for worship—filled with the Word of Christ and filled with the Spirit of God.

f. We should come with a song already in our heart.

g. But if the congregation does NOT come with hearts filled with the Word of Christ, many have reverted to using music in their vain attempt to PRODUCE the effect of JOY and thanksgiving. No wonder they need huge amplifiers and electric guitars…

h. When music is used in that manner, it is an artificial means of producing the fruit of the Spirit… an attempt to imitate the effects of Spirit filling… it produces an outward appearance of life…

i. But if it doesn’t emanate from a heart already richly indwelt with the Word of Christ, it is a sham.

j. And once they turn on the power of they can get the crowd moving… rocking and rolling… shaking their bodies… waving their arms… but that is what Paul calls another spirit…

k. The spirit they generate is man made; soulish and natural rather than spiritual; moves the body and emotions, but cannot reach the spirit; it is therefore earthly and worldly rather than heavenly and spiritual.

l. Music is being used today in contemporary Christian circles to do what music was never intended to do:
• Generate an impression of LIFE
• Imitate the effects of the HOLY SPIRIT
• In the average contemporary setting, their concept of life and the spirit is VERY DIFFERENT from the concept found in the Bible.

m. The music Paul describes here is SINGING…
• It requires no electricity… no amplification…
• In fact, singing requires no instruments other than the human voice.
• Instrumental accompaniment adds a nice touch… but it is NOT necessary…
• Christians living in deep in the jungles of Brazil or the Congo can obey this verse… even though they don’t have any purple microphones or amplifiers.
• The music that really pleases God is the kind of music that emanates from a filled heart and reverberates through the vocal chords as harmonious sounds of praise and thanksgiving to God!
• Heartfelt, musical praise to God!

7. What do you suppose the reaction of the crowd would be at a Christian rock concert if instead of their rock band… an ensemble came and sang a few simple, but hymns accapela?
• What would be the reaction of a group of young people who grew up in a rock and roll church if they visited Salem Bible Church?
• They would say that it is DEAD… lifeless… we don’t have the Spirit.
• And it is because they equate liveliness with abundant life; and they are unable to recognize the HOLY Spirit.
• Why do you suppose Paul warned us about those promoting “another spirit” in I Cor. 11:2-4?
• Our adversary comes in the appearance of holiness… but it is phony! (I Cor. 11:14-15)
• I am very much aware of the fact that there are some genuinely born again folks involved in that…
• But that is the POINT! Genuinely born again people CAN be taken in by the counterfeit… counterfeit doctrines and counterfeit spirits… hence the warning to the Corinthians!
• If you need loud, raucous music to get the congregation “in the spirit”… beware of WHICH spirit is in control of that congregation.

8. If our songs flow from the Word’s rich indwelling in our hearts, they should teach that which is in harmony with that same Word: TRUTH.

9. We should sing with our understanding… of truth.

10. If we don’t KNOW the Word, and if it is not richly dwelling in our hearts, it will be reflected in the kind of music we sing.

11. Many of the great old hymns of the faith were written by men and women with deep experiences of God… and with a mature understanding of the Word of God.

a. As we grow and mature, we LEARN of the depth of some of these great hymns.

b. Ex: Rock of Ages (double cure)

c. Ex: Once for All! (sinner receive it; brother believe it)

d. Ex: Hark the Herald! (every phrase is rich in Scripture)

e. Ex: It is Well with My Soul (from a difficult experience comes joy!)

f. Ex: O Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go (difficult experience)

12. That is not the case in many of the young “so called” Christian song writers today.

a. Most of the Contemporary Christian Music authors disdain the doctrine of separation and are quite vocal about it.

b. Many are ecumenical…

c. Many have a very shallow understanding of Scripture which is clearly reflected in the words of their songs.

13. The “new wave” music being brought into churches in our generation is COMPLETELY new.

a. In most cases, the old is cast out and entirely replaced by these new songs.

b. It is NOT WISE to neglect hundreds and hundreds of years of the church hymnody, a rich musical heritage of the church—music that has stood the test of time.

c. To think that the present me generation has something better simply is not true.

d. Some have sought to avoid casting out the old traditional hymns by having TWO services… one traditional and one contemporary.
• First of all, it DIVIDES the church into the older folks and the younger folks.
» For folks who claim to be using music to unite the church, they have failed!
» Music, which should unite us around the truth instead divides us around personal taste and preference.
• Secondly, the MOTIVE behind this is not pleasing God, but pleasing man!
» It is obvious that when this kind of decision is made, the real driving force behind it is what men want… pressure from men… to please man.
» Pleasing the Lord is obviously NOT their main concern.
• Thirdly, they have effectively removed the older, wiser, more mature believers from the younger, inexperienced, immature believers.
» Thus, the younger generation misses out on the wisdom gleaned from fellowshipping with more mature believers.
» And thus, the church is divided so that the younger folks with all the energy are ready to start new things… and the older folks, who lack the energy are not.
» Thus, all the new programs begun will be carried out with lots of energy… but without the wisdom to channel that energy properly.
» God proves Himself to be wise once again when we follow HIS pattern; thelocal church is not to be divided over musical tastes. Read Titus one! God’s design is for the older and the younger to minister TOGETHER! They need each other for the church to function as God intended.
• A fourth problem is that after one generation, there will be NO MORE classic, traditional hymns… which have stood the test of time…
» The church will be left with newer songs, most of which are quite shallow by comparison… and some downright heretical.
» The bottom line is that even though they attempt to keep BOTH types of music today, in reality, they ARE casting out the old—whether they do it today or tomorrow… the final effect is the same.
» Young people in a generation from now will know nothing of the rich heritage of Christian music because it will all have been left in the dust…
» If that is where this is heading in 10-15 years, doesn’t it make sense to stop and THINK about where that road is leading before we all jump on the bandwagon and follow blindly?
• A fifth problem: It is NOT just the music that is so disturbing… it is the MINDSET that goes along with it.
» Reverence and rock music are NOT compatible.
» This is not just the opinion of a 53 year old guy who doesn’t like rock music.
» This is what Rolling Stone magazine (a leading mouthpiece for Rock music for 3 decades!) says… “Rock music is about sex and rebellion.”
» Nothing could be more incompatible with worship than that.
• A sixth problem is that along with this new kind of music we have also seen a new kind of worship:
» Multimedia presentations with sights and sounds; dancing; instead of singing, it is performance music; entertainment; showmanship; a true merging of theatre and church.
» In this new kind of worship, the WORD of Christ is de-emphasized; sermons become sermonettes. A few verses are shown on a screen because the religious leaders have determined it is too HARD for the folks in the pews to find all those books of the Bible… so they don’t even need to bring their Bibles to church any more.
» The end result: shallow Christians who have developed a taste for cotton candy and have no stomach for steak and potatoes. (They will not endure sound doctrine.) Superficial religious people who come to be entertained… self centered… not Christ centered… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…
» And in that atmosphere, true worship virtually ceases.
• A seventh problem: The bottom line of all this change is a modern Evangelical version of what happened to music in the dark ages in the Roman Church: the Word of God was de-emphasized… and therefore, the people stopped singing.
» That’s what happens when the Word is not richly dwelling in the heart.
» Christian music FLOWS out of hearts filled with the Word of Christ.
» Out of spiritually empty hearts, NO spiritual songs will gush forth… not when the well is dry.
» And when the heart is not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, Christ, and the Word of Christ, then SELF is reigning.
» Congregational singing was replaced with performance music… sung by the professional religious caste: the priests…
» And the words were unintelligible… Latin!
» So the hearts of the people were NOT richly indwelt by the Word of Christ; no spiritual songs emanated from those hearts, congregational singing ceased; singing was replaced with performance type music; the words of which were unintelligible… thus music was entirely soulish and not spiritual.
» Music affects the SOUL and emotions but never reaches the spirit CANNOT be called spiritual songs. They are purely natural… earthly… and to the degree that the devil’s influence was involved, demonic!
» This is the influence of the charismatic movement – they aim for the emotions and the feelings—for experience—at the expense of truth and understanding.
» They bypass the head for the feelings. It is soulish and natural rather than spiritual.
» It adds NOTHING to the kind of worship God desires: in spirit and in truth.
» And regardless of how HOLY they SAY this music makes them FEEL, if it addresses merely the emotions and not the spirit, it is NOT a spiritual song.
» Our adversary is the master counterfeiter. He uses another spirit to counterfeit true spirituality with emotionalism and religious sentimentalism.
» It matters not how men feel, but what God says.
• And eighth problem: The entire movement is LED by babes.
» This movement was NOT begun at the request of older, discerning, more mature believers.
» It was the YOUTH who pushed, promoted, threatened to leave, and cried until they got their own way. Babes!
» Church leaders today are caving in to the outlandish demands of the youth just like parents are doing with their kids.
» And while we cannot know the hearts of all those rock and roll concert goers, we do know human nature.
» I have talked to some of them. It is fair to say that in MOST… it would be quite INNACURATE to say that the Word of Christ is RICHLY dwelling in their hearts.
» They’re kids… immature… and have no place leading in the local church… especially in such an important area as music!
» Isa. 3:2 – “?And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” This was God’s JUDGMENT against Judah for their sin!
» We are quite naive to believe all these folks. It has been well documented that some of these religious singers and bands are USING the church as a stepping stone to their real goal: stardom and fame in the top 40! They get a few big hits and their venue changes overnight!
• The ninth problem: The next step is doctrine… guaranteed!
» When the music is cheap and shallow… and the atmosphere has been set for entertainment rather than learning… rest assured, you have effectively created an environment for apostasy.
» It might take a while… but it will come.
» The next generation of “church goers” may well reject the whole concept of salvation! (Too narrow minded for that crowd!)
• Problem number ten: immorality.
» I’m sure this will sound like a stretch to some… (connecting immorality to music) but hear me out.
» I’m looking ahead down the road… where this scene is headed… perhaps in a decade…
» I know in this little valley of a Bible believing rock and roll church… where they have home Bible studies… and when the study is over, the young people turn on rock music, and for fellowship time, break out the Budweiser too.
» That is a recipe for moral disaster – young people listening to rock music… and drinking beer… dancing… eventually, you KNOW what’s going to happen.
» Music changes the atmosphere. Some of these rock and roll churches have created a night club atmosphere… which is NOT conducive to holiness.
» Rock music is rebellious in tone… their goal is to break down the walls of separation (listen to the CCM folks in their own words).
» Sound doctrine is NOT their forte. Many of them hate fundamentalists… because the whole religious world embraces them… (Catholics; Protestants; Evangelicals) everybody… except us.
• Problem eleven: this whole transition does not happen over night.
» Our adversary is clever enough to know that he needs to take baby steps AWAY from that which is good and sound—or it will instantly be recognized for what it is.
» There is much “bridge music” today—a favorite tactic of the devil.
» On the one hand there is good, solid, sound music… and on the far other end is Christian heavy metal or gangster rap…
» And in between there are a thousand shades… to make the transition gradual… EASY… unnoticeable…
» AND that gradual approach makes it impossible (?) to argue each step along the way.
» Discerning believers will NOT try to argue each step… but will step back and look at the DIRECTION the movement is headed!
» Discerning believers will choose that which is unquestionably wholesome… and will in mature LOVE be willing to give up some music that is good… IF it is aiding that movement.

14. It is most unwise to separate the Word of God from the people of God. It is most unwise to separate the Word of God from the praise of God.

a. Great damage is being done to the Body of Christ by discarding the rich heritage of Christian music and replacing it with the loud, soulish clamor of the more modern soulish and superficial songs popular today.

b. Great damage is being done to the Body of Christ by replacing congregational singing with performance music… under the ruse of being “consumer friendly.”

c. Col. 3:16 says to the individual “singing”… not “being sung to.” It is active, not passive.

15. PERFORMANCE vs. Ministry in Music

a. Music sung is to done with the right inward motive and spirit.

b. It is to be an offering unto the Lord… not a show for men.

c. The new way of worship today has hopelessly confused and blurred the line between entertainment and worship… especially in the area of music.
• Is it a show or is it worship? There really isn’t much difference in many circles today.
• Watch one of these so called worship services on TV… and then watch a rock concert on TV. They are virtually identical… (stage show; choreography; lights; the microphones; the acting and crooning of the singers; arms waving; bodies swaying; musicians with celebrity status; and (apart from the lyrics) the SOUND is exactly the same as what you would hear on any radio station.

d. It is obvious who copied whom.
• I’ll give you a hint – the world never copies the true pattern of the church in the New Testament.
• But boy is there a tendency in carnal Christendom to copy the world—to be conformed to the world.

e. I Cor. 14:26 – The early church had a similar problem with “showmanship” in the local church.
• In Corinth, God blessed this congregation with MANY wonderful gifts. (Ye are enriched by Him in all… ye come behind in no gift.) (1:5-6)
• But unfortunately, the Corinthians were using their God given gifts in the WRONG way and with WRONG motives.
• 13:1 – some spoke in tongues, and displayed their gifts before all, but were not demonstrating love.
• 13:2 – some had the gift of prophecy, but did not have love. They were showing off their superior knowledge, but in God’s sight, it was nothing!
• 13:3 – some God blessed with rich gifts of possessions and the gift of giving, but they gave with the wrong motive.
• 14:4 – Some had the gift of tongues and loved to display their gift before others… but without using the gift the right way, it became a show… a performance… with NO value unless it was interpreted that others might be edified. Without an understanding of the words, it was just sound.
• 14:12 – they were zealous of spiritual gifts… they loved to think of themselves as gifted and talented… everybody was trying to take center stage…
• They were driven by a desire to perform before an audience.
• Some folks are scared to death to stand up before a crowd. Others absolutely LOVE it! They thrive off the rush they receive by performance.
• THIS was error Paul was trying correct here.
• That which God intended to be used to edify the Body and glorify the Head, was instead being used to draw attention the individual… They were displaying SELF rather than Christ. This is the error Paul addresses in I Cor. 14.
• Matt. 6:1-2 – Jesus addressed the same problem among the religious crowd in His day.
» Whatever we do, we lose our reward if our motive is to be seen or acknowledged of men… to receive glory from men.
» There is no reward for showmanship other than the fleeting applause of men.
» God was not pleased. He was in fact, nauseated.
• This is just as much a problem with GOOD music in a doctrinally sound church as it is with TERRIBLE music in a worldly church.
• All teachers and singers—anyone who ministers before men, need to be reckoning self to be DEAD as their gifts are used in the local church… to prevent just such an error.
• It matters HOW a song is sung and HOW it is performed.

16. Of what does our singing testify? (I Cor. 14:23-26)

a. The believers came to worship and employed various gifts in the worship service: singing, teaching, prophecy.

b. Paul was concerned for the edification of the Body, but he was also concerned about how their worship service was perceived by outsiders… by visitors… their testimony.

c. Paul did not want the worship service to be chaotic or indecent. (14:40)

d. The way we conduct ourselves in the Lord’s House is one of the pieces that can influence the eternal destiny of a visitor! He could either say, “They are mad!” or “God is in you of a truth!”

e. Music is ONE of those influences Paul mentions here: a psalm!

f. Our doctrine ought to reflect Truth. It ought to be an indication that God is with us of a truth!

g. Our music ought to do the same.

h. What DOES our music convey to visitors (whether it is their style or not… it conveys something…)

i. If it conveys reverence, respect, order, discipline, awe, joy, enthusiasm, etc… then we are conveying the right message.

j. If it conveys rebellion, an in your face attitude, sensuality, frivolity, giddiness, immaturity, or showmanship, then we are conveying the wrong message.

k. A visitor should sense DIFFERENCE in a church than they sense in barroom, a night club, a comedy club, or a Red Sox game. Shouldn’t the atmosphere be different? Doesn’t music play an important role in that?

17. It is GOD who puts a song in our hearts. (Psalm 40:3) He giveth songs in the night (Job 35:10).


Reasons folks have difficulties with certain songs or hymns:

a. The music—performance—showmanship—

b. Worldly associations—

c. The words—shallow—inaccurate—doctrinal error—man centered—etc.

d. The words of some verses might be unacceptable.

e. Can we impute meaning to ambiguous phrases in songs?

f. Sometimes it is a misreading of the words. (O That Will Be Glory for Me!) (Cf. Jer. 9:24)

g. The doctrinal background of the hymn writer. (music or words)

h. The lifestyle of the hymn writer.

i. Association with Contemporary Christian Music

Music That Pleases the Lord


A. Contemporary and Traditional services?

Is it a good idea? Some have sought to avoid casting out the old traditional hymns by having TWO services… one traditional and one contemporary. Here are eleven reasons why that is not a good idea.


1. First of all, it DIVIDES the church into the older folks and the younger folks.

a. For folks who claim to be using music to unite the church, they have failed!

b. Music, which should unite us around the truth instead divides us around personal taste and preference.

c. I Cor. 1:10-13. In light of this passage, do you think the apostle Paul would be pleased with seeing the churches divided today over the issue of music?

d. Isa. 52:8-9 – Notice that when Christ comes for Israel, they sing TOGETHER… not separately.

e. Where will this division end?
• Should we further divide the church into a section with country music, reggae, rap, symphony, polkas, etc.?
• Should we then divide the church into Jew, Gentile, barbarian, Scythian, bond, free, male and female, red, yellow, black, and white?
• OR, is this kind of division an unscriptural expression of the OPPOSITE of what the Body of Christ really IS? (ONE in Christ!)

f. Read John in Revelation as the redeemed and the angels praise God. They do so with ONE VOICE! Worthy is the Lamb! Holy, holy, holy!

g. Read Paul in Romans 15:6 – with “one mind and one mouth, glorify God!”

2. Secondly, the MOTIVE behind this is obviously to please men.

a. It is obvious that when this kind of decision is made, the real driving force behind it is what men want… pressure from men… to please man.

b. Pleasing the Lord is obviously NOT their main concern.

c. It is being done because if the church leaders don’t change the music, the young people will leave.

d. As much as it breaks my heart so say this, the right response is, “Let them leave.”

e. If they are only staying because of music, then they aren’t really with us anyway!

f. We have the apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers… If they are looking for something else, then they are looking for something OTHER THAN what a church is according to the Bible.

g. Should we change what the church is because the young people don’t like it?

h. Should we change our doctrine if the young people don’t like it?

i. Should we cancel prayer meeting if the young people don’t like it?

j. Should we cater to the whims and wishes of the youth, OR should the ELDERS lead and choose music?

k. It is a much better idea—a more BIBLICAL method—to TEACH the Word on this subject… and introduce young people to good, wholesome, Christ honoring hymns and spiritual songs.

l. I was brought up on rock music. And when I got saved, I instinctively KNEW that my old music had to go… it was incompatible with my new life.

m. And over time, I learned hundreds of new songs—old-fashioned hymns—but new to me!

n. Young people CAN learn to LOVE the great hymns of the faith! And there are a lot of new songs being written today that are good too.

o. I love to see young people here picking hymns on Sunday nights. And they pick good ones too!

p. Young people and old people alike can LEARN to love good, solid, Christ honoring music.

q. When music is selected for church, our goal ought NOT to be to satisfy the appetites of the inexperienced and immature.

r. Parents would not be wise to let the children choose the dinner menu (candy and coke). Neither are church leaders wise to let the youth choose the music menu!

3. Thirdly, they have effectively removed the older, wiser, more mature believers from the younger, inexperienced, immature believers.

a. Thus, the younger generation misses out on the wisdom gleaned from fellowshipping with more mature believers.

b. And thus, the church is divided so that the younger folks with all the energy are ready to start new things… and the older folks, who lack the energy are not.

c. Thus, all the new programs begun will be carried out with lots of energy… but without the wisdom to channel that energy properly.

d. God proves Himself to be wise once again when we follow HIS pattern; the young and old are not to be divided in the local church.

e. Read Titus 2:2, 4, 6 – God’s design is for the older and the younger to minister TOGETHER!

f. The old and the young need each other for the church to function as God intended.

g. The older folks need the strength and energy of the younger folks to get things done; the younger folks need the wisdom and experience of the older folks to guide them in what they do and how to do it.

h. This isn’t by accident, but by God’s design.

i. Separating the two groups from each other so they don’t see each other and can’t fellowship together is NOT a good idea.

4. A fourth problem is that after one generation, there will be NO MORE classic, traditional hymns… which have stood the test of time…

a. The church will be left with newer songs, most of which are quite shallow by comparison… and some downright heretical.

b. In spite of good intentions, the bottom line is that even though they attempt to keep BOTH types of music today, ultimately, they ARE casting out the old—whether they do it today or tomorrow… the final effect is the same.

c. It is a veiled attempt to cause Christ honoring, sacred music to die of attrition.

d. Young people in the next generation will know nothing of the rich heritage of Christian music because it will all have been left in the dust… they grew up on the contemporary section of the church…

e. If that is where this is all heading in 10 years or so, doesn’t it make sense to stop and THINK about where that road is leading before we all jump on the bandwagon and follow blindly?

f. It might seem like a pragmatic compromise that keeps everybody happy in the short run, but in the long run it effectually and permanently removes the old, great hymns of the faith… and replaces them (for the most part) with something inferior.

5. A fifth problem: It is NOT just the music that is so disturbing… it is the mindset and attitude that goes along with it.

a. It has brought into the churches a spirit of irreverence and looseness… which permeates the whole atmosphere.

b. Reverence and rock music are NOT compatible.

c. This is not just the opinion of a 53 year old guy who doesn’t like rock music.

d. This is what Rolling Stone magazine (a leading mouthpiece for Rock music for 3 decades!) says… “Rock music is about sex and rebellion.”

e. I believe them for a couple of reasons.
• These folks are the experts in the field… they have lived and breathed in that atmosphere for 30 years or more… they know what they are talking about. We should listen to the experts.
• Experience confirms this. I grew up with that music… my flesh is still attracted to it… and I know from experience what it is about…
• It evokes an “in your face” attitude… (Larry Normon – adolescent rebellion.)
• Even without any words, rock music DOES affect attitude…

b. Rock music creates an atmosphere or an environment that is incompatible with reverence and worship.

c. And if rock music is sensual, as the experts and experience teach us, how can we ever call it a spiritual song?

d. And what is the purpose of bringing sensual music into the church? Is it wise to wed words from the Holy Scriptures to music that is by nature sensual… and even rebellious? Isn’t there something quite inconsistent about all this?

6. A sixth problem is that along with this new kind of music we have also seen a new kind of worship:

a. Along with this new wave music has come a whole new atmosphere in worship created by: multimedia presentations with sights and sounds; dancing; performance music; entertainment; showmanship; a true merging of theatre and church;

b. In this new kind of worship, the WORD of Christ is de-emphasized; sermons become sermonettes.

c. A few verses are shown on a screen because the religious leaders have determined it is too HARD for the folks in the pews to find all those books of the Bible… so they don’t even need to bring their Bibles to church any more.

d. The end result: shallow Christians who have spiritually developed a taste for cotton candy and have no stomach for steak and potatoes. (They will not endure sound doctrine.)

e. Superficial religious people who come to be entertained… self centered… not Christ centered… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…

f. And in that atmosphere, true worship virtually ceases.

g. The music is part of that whole scene… and that whole scene stinks to high heaven… and we want no part of it here.

h. We could argue details till we are blue in the face. But if it is part of that scene, we want nothing to do with it.

7. A seventh problem: The bottom line of all this change is a modern Evangelical version of what happened to music in the dark ages in the Roman Church: the Word of God was de-emphasized… and therefore, the people stopped singing.

a. That’s what happens when the Word is not richly dwelling in the heart.

b. Christian music FLOWS out of hearts filled with the Word of Christ.

c. Out of spiritually empty hearts, NO spiritual songs will gush forth… not when the well is dry.

d. And when the heart is not filled with the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Word of Christ, then SELF is reigning.

e. Congregational singing was replaced with performance music… sung by the professional religious caste: the priests…

f. Instead of actively singing, they were passively sung to.

g. And the words were unintelligible… Latin!

h. Because the hearts of the people were NOT richly indwelt by the Word of Christ, no spiritual songs emanated from those hearts. Congregational singing ceased; singing was replaced with performance type music; the words of which were unintelligible… thus music was entirely soulish and not spiritual.

i. Music that affects the SOUL and emotions but never reaches the spirit CANNOT be called spiritual songs. They are purely natural… earthly… and to the degree that the devil’s influence was involved, demonic!

j. Consider the influence of the charismatic movement today.
• They aim for the emotions and the feelings—for experience—at the expense of truth and understanding.
• They bypass the head for the feelings.
• It is therefore, soulish and natural rather than spiritual.

k. Even though the loud new wave worship (which came to us via the charismatic movement) and the old traditionalistic Roman Catholic Church seem so opposite, they actually produce the same effect:
• Bible teaching is diminished—replaced by religious feelings.
• Word not richly dwelling in hearts.
• Reduces or eliminates congregational singing.
• Replaced by performance music.
• Unintelligible words…
• Produces a religious experience, but not spiritual edification.

l. It adds NOTHING to the kind of worship God desires: in spirit and in truth.

m. And regardless of how HOLY they SAY this music makes them FEEL, if it addresses merely the emotions and not the spirit, it is NOT a spiritual song.

n. Our adversary is the master counterfeiter. He uses another spirit to counterfeit true spirituality with emotionalism and religious sentimentalism.

o. It matters not how men feel, but what God says.

8. And eighth problem: The entire movement is LED by babes.

a. This movement was NOT begun at the request of older, discerning, more mature believers.

b. It was the YOUTH who pushed, promoted, threatened to leave, and cried until they got their own way. Babes!

c. Church leaders today are caving in to the outlandish demands of the youth just like parents today are caving in to their kids.

d. And while we cannot know the hearts of individual rock and roll concert goers, we do know human nature.

e. I have talked to some of them. It is fair to say that in MOST… it would be quite INNACURATE to say that the Word of Christ is RICHLY dwelling in their hearts.

f. They’re kids… immature… and have no place leading in the local church… especially in such an important area as music!

g. Isa. 3:1-5 – (vs.4) “?And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” This was God’s JUDGMENT against Judah for their sin!

h. Ecc. 10:16 – Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!?

9. The ninth problem: The next step is doctrine… guaranteed!

a. When the music is cheap and shallow… and the atmosphere has been set for entertainment rather than learning… and the word of Christ is deemphasized, rest assured, you have effectively created an environment for apostasy.

b. It might take a while… but it will come. It is inevitable!

c. Now this is obviously not to be blamed solely on their music. But music is a VITAL part of the loose, “anything goes” environment that is ready for apostasy. It sets the stage.

d. Some of the most popular contemporary Christian Music songs have as their theme, “tearing down the walls” of doctrine that separate us. They are often quite ecumenical… and see doctrine as a stumbling stone rather than a foundation.

e. It is obviously not true of them all… but that is the mindset more often than not in those circles.

f. The next generation of “church goers” may well reject the whole concept of salvation! (Too narrow minded for that crowd!)

g. Already some of the super churches around this country which grew so rapidly (in part because of their showmanship and music) are creeping into false doctrine… unable to take a stand on anything!

h. When the ultimate goal is unity and growth (at the expense of purity), the system is doomed to failure.

i. Sound doctrine is NOT their forte. Many of them hate fundamentalists… because the whole religious world embraces them… (Catholics; Protestants; Evangelicals) everybody… except the fundamentalist.

j. We are quite naive to believe all these “Christian entertainers.”
• It has been well documented that some of these religious singers and bands are USING the church as a stepping stone to their real goal: stardom and fame in the top 40!
• They use the church and then move on… to bigger and better things.
• Peter warned, “They shall make merchandise of you.”
• This was true with some of the older Motown groups in the 60’s… and it is still happening today… some of the contemporary Christian music stars have made the crossover into the secular world. After all – that’s where the real money is.
• They get a few big hits and their venue changes overnight! Off to Las Vegas! (It would make an interesting documentary.)

10. Problem number ten: immorality.

a. I’m sure this will sound like a stretch to some… (connecting immorality to music) but hear me out.

b. I’m looking ahead down the road… where this scene is headed… perhaps in a decade…

c. I know of a Bible believing rock and roll church… not too far away, where they have home Bible studies… and when the study is over, the young people turn on rock music, and for fellowship time, break out the Budweiser too.

d. That is a recipe for moral disaster—young people listening to rock music… and drinking beer… dancing… eventually, you KNOW what’s going to happen.

e. Music changes the atmosphere. Some of these rock and roll churches have created a night club atmosphere… which is NOT conducive to holiness.

f. Young people live in bodies with an abundance of hormones and impulses that require very little to ignite.

g. Music can be SENSUAL… even sexual.

h. The leading rock and roll magazine has warned us what rock music is all about: rebellion and SEX! We would do well to listen!

i. Luke 16:8 – Jesus said that sometimes, “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.”

j. The children of this world clearly see the obvious in the natural realm. For all kinds of baffling and inexplicable reasons, Christians seem unable to see this. God help us to see.

k. Of course, not every one who listens to rock music is going to instantly run out and commit fornication.

l. But where rock music is tolerated… other things are tolerated too…
• It becomes a package deal.
• Rock is tolerated, and often dancing is too… and social drinking is too.
• It is all part of the same scene… the same mindset.
• Folks who have no concept of what Christian liberty is for and how to use it properly!

m. This new kind of music is one of the ingredients that often leads to impurity.

n. The new atmosphere and mindset of evangelicals today is loose… which at time borders on shady and immoral.

o. I heard a famous pastor of a super church on TV the other day being interviewed by Larry King. Larry King read to the preacher some very risqué and off color statements he allegedly made from the pulpit… and the preacher began joking about them… on national TV!

p. Along with the new music comes Christian comedians—yes as part of the church services in some places… and you know the tendency of comedy to edge towards the shady…

q. The stage has been set for this kind of looseness… an atmosphere where we have been taught to embrace everyone… judge no one or nothing… always be positive… so accepting of human failures… and deathly afraid to use the “S” word… we shouldn’t be surprised to see the next step in the decline: open disregard for holiness.

11. Problem eleven: this whole transition does not happen over night.

a. Our adversary is clever enough to know that he needs to take baby steps AWAY from that which is good and sound—or it will instantly be recognized for what it is.

b. There is much “bridge music” today—a favorite tactic of the devil.

c. On the one hand there is good, solid, sound music… and on the far other end is Christian heavy metal or gangster rap…

d. And in between there are a thousand shades… to make the transition gradual… EASY… imperceptible…

e. AND that gradual approach makes it impossible (?) to argue each step along the way.

f. Discerning believers will NOT try to argue each step… but will step back and look at the DIRECTION the movement is headed!

g. Some folks here are old enough to have seen many changes in the evangelical world in the last century.
• Virtually all of the changes have been in the wrong direction.
• The atmosphere of worship has been corrupted.
• The music has degenerated.
• The Word of God has been deemphasized.
• The average churchgoer is becoming more and more Biblically illiterate.
• The average believer today is not more mature or discerning than the average believer 100 years ago.
• But the stats don’t tell us this. The stats tell us that evangelicalism is THRIVING… because of the raw NUMBER of people attending the many super churches around the country.
• The numbers are rising, but spiritual climate is falling…
• There is a growing outward FORM of godliness… but in form only. It is quite empty and shallow.
• The new music is NOT to blame for that decline. But it is PART OF the overall decline… one of the many ingredients in the decline… the dumbing down of the churches.
• In part the number of evangelicals is rising because of the new church format: LESS Bible… and MORE entertainment… which features performance music by bands of all stripes.
• We have been warned of this by men for many decades now… they could see it coming!
• Charles Spurgeon:
• AW Tozer:

h. Discerning believers will choose that which is unquestionably wholesome… and will in mature LOVE be willing to give up some music that is good… IF it is aiding that movement.

i. And we have so MUCH good music that IS unquestionably wholesome… why skate on thin ice?


1. You can accuse me of crying wolf if you like or making much ado about nothing. That’s ok. I’m willing to take the heat on this issue.

2. I was saved OUT OF that movement.

a. When God opened my eyes, as a new creature in Christ, I instinctively recognized that music for what it was… earthly, sensual, and at times, demonic!

b. No one had to tell me to get rid of my old music.

c. Even as a babe in Christ, it wasn’t hard to tell the difference between light and darkness… sensual and spiritual.

3. But now, that movement has worked its way INTO the churches. It baffles me how Christians ever allowed it to be, but it is so.

a. When it first came out, even the WORLD was shocked by it blatant sexual implications (Elvis—viewed from chest up on TV)… and by the rebellious attitude it fostered.

b. After 50-60 years of being surrounded by this music, the shock value has worn off… though they up the ante every year to TRY to shock us… we have become numb to it.

c. The world had more discernment to recognize rock for what it is a generation ago, than many churches do today.

d. Christian rock performers have made some superficial changes—by adding some nice words about Jesus… but it is still pretty easy to recognize the difference between sensual and spiritual.

4. IN addition to being saved out of it, I have been observing it for 30 years, as it has infiltrated into Christendom.

a. And I’m not buying it. It has divided the church.

b. It has been a wedge between the youth and older believers.

c. It is a movement predominantly led by immature believers who lack discernment… and designed to please man—the youth.

d. As a whole, the movement has shown utter contempt for fundamentalism… for the doctrine of separation…

e. As a whole, the movement has shown little interest in sound doctrine. (They see doctrine as divisive.)

f. The movement has a tendency to be ecumenical… making no distinction between truth and error… Rome, Protestants, and Evangelicals… embracing them all… as long as they provide venues for their bands.

g. I have also observed that when the music changes, the whole atmosphere of the church changes… and not for the good.

h. It brings in a looseness and laxness that has affected behavior and even doctrine. (what Spurgeon called the DOWNGRADE of Christianity)

i. If Larry King and the late Peter Jennings (neither one of whom were friends of Christianity), and others in the world are able to recognize that something smells in this whole scene, it is an indictment on our blindness and naiveté if we are unable to smell the same rat.

j. We have been warned by godly saints for many decades that they could see this coming… (Not to mention the apostles!)

k. It isn’t hard to see where this music scene came from. It is not hard to see where it is headed.

l. If we close our eyes to all this, cave in to the pressure of the youth and the inexperienced ones, and allow it here… then we are without excuse and fully accountable to God for where it leads into the next generation.

5. I am calling upon us all as a body… as a congregation to stand together and oppose not just the music, but the mindset… the attitude… and the direction of this movement.

a. This is THE battle of this generation.

b. The church is gradually and imperceptibly being morphed into an entertainment center.

c. I am especially calling upon the young people here to stop and think about this movement… where it is headed. Is that really where you want to go?

d. Young people brought up here have a distinct advantage. You should be able to see the difference. Other young people have been brought up in it… and it is all they know. And hence a warning like tonight’s is incomprehensible to them… but it shouldn’t be to you.

e. Do YOU want to be responsible for aiding a movement that is not edifying, but eroding the work of God?

f. “If any men defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy; for the Temple of God is holy, which temple YE are.” (I Cor. 3:17)

g. “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” (I Tim. 3:15)

h. Solomon said, “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. ? ?Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.” (Prov. 4:26-27)

i. This is the battle our generation is called to be engaged in. That’s why God refers to us as soldiers of Jesus Christ.

j. It is going to be a difficult battle. Many folks won’t see this. Many folks won’t join us because all the action is elsewhere.

k. It is going to be difficult to see families leave because their KIDS want to go to the rock and roll church… families whom we have come to know and love… nice, but naïve.

l. That is the BATTLE. We are called to fight the GOOD fight.

m. We are called to endure HARDSHIPS as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.

n. God help us to stand. Daniel stood… and so can we. God is able to make us stand.

o. I thank God that so far, the Lord has spared us from much conflict on this issue. But rest assured, sooner or later, it will come. We need to be ready. So gird on your armor brethren.

p. Eph. 6:13 – “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Music That Pleases the Lord



1. Worship that is acceptable to God must be in truth and in SPIRIT. (John 4:20-24)

a. The Samaritan woman at the well had a conversation with Christ about worship.

b. Vs. 20 – The Samaritans and the Jews disagreed as to WHERE the right place to worship was… geographic location.

c. Vs. 21 – Jesus states that soon geographic location would be irrelevant in worship. It DID matter in the Old Testament. Jerusalem was where the Temple was. That was the right place of worship.

d. Vs. 22 – Jesus made it clear that the Samaritans worshiped God ignorantly! Their worship was NOT acceptable to Him. They didn’t do it the right way.

e. Vs. 23-24 – Worship to be acceptable to God MUST be in spirit and in truth.

f. Apart from truth and a right spirit, worship was unacceptable to God. There is a right way and a wrong way to approach an infinitely Holy God.

g. It didn’t matter how hard a person tried, how sincere they were, or how much effort they put into it, worship is only acceptable to God when it is offered in the right spirit and in truth. It is possible to be sincerely wrong.

h. The Samaritan woman assumed that worship was all about external things (the place of worship; Temple; sacrifices; rituals; etc.)

i. Jesus explains that worship is not about the externals, but the INTERNAL… the spirit (human spirit – God conscious part of man).

j. For worship to be acceptable to God, the DEEPEST part of the inner man—the spirit—must be regenerated and controlled by the Holy Spirit.

2. Music appropriate for worship must flow from a heart filled with the Spirit of God. (Eph. 5:18-19)

a. The first result of a Spirit filled life mentioned here is SINGING. (Along with thanksgiving and submission.)

b. Sacred singing is the FRUIT of the Spirit. (The list in Galatians 5 is only partial—there are hundreds of other expressions of the Spirit in a believer’s life.)

c. Spirit filling is the NORM for the Christian life.
• The human spirit (God consciousness) must be under the control of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.
• Paul contrasts being filled with the Spirit with being filled with wine… (under the influence of…)
• To be filled with the Spirit, all known sin must be confessed and self must be yielded to God.
• This filling is to be the day to day, moment by moment experience of every believer.
• The filling of the Spirit is not some spectacular experience of the Spirit falling upon us… as the charismatics would have us believe.
• If you are born again, and all your known sins are confessed, and you are yielded to God, then you ARE filled with the Spirit!
• Being filled with the Spirit isn’t an emotion to be felt. It is a command to be obeyed.
• We are to walk in the Spirit. Our every day walk is to be characterized by the filling or the controlling power of the Spirit of God… as you drive your car, do the dishes, go to work, or sing in the choir!
• In our everyday, ordinary lives, we are to walk in the Spirit, under His control. When that is the case, there should be a melody in our hearts… that gushes forth in SINGING.
• Music that flows from a heart filled with the Spirit is acceptable in worship… and no other kind of music is.

3. Spirit filled singing is expressed in a variety of forms and adapts to various cultures.

a. This is part of the GLORY of Christianity. It is not a list of rules, cultural traditions, or identical rituals. It is adaptable to ANY culture anywhere on earth in any and every generation.

b. There is a good reason WHY the Bible does NOT tell us what style of clothing to wear… what traditions to keep… what customs to observe, or what particular songs to sing.

c. Christianity will look and sound diverse in various countries and in different centuries.

d. But the source of it all is always the same: the human spirit under the control of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

e. When that is so, worship will always be conducted in a spirit of humility, reverence and awe, order, and submission… hearts bowing in His presence.

f. No other source is acceptable to God. Worship MUST be in spirit and in truth.

g. The FRUIT of the Spirit will be identical in every land… (love, joy, peace, gentleness, etc.) although the means of expressing it (unique practices and customs) might be very different.

h. When the human spirit is under the control of the Holy Spirit, the singing of hymns and spiritual songs will vary greatly from land to land…
• But the underlying spirit of worship will be identical…
• That spirit will always result in songs of reverence, humility, awe, order, submission, and true worship… with hearts bowing in His presence.

4. Isa. 6:1-3 – here is an example of angelic creatures worshipping God… in His presence.

a. As Christians, because of the blood of Christ, we too can come into the very PRESENCE of God in our worship!

b. “Having there fore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus…” (Heb. 10:19)

c. When we worship in spirit and in truth, we enter into the Holy of Holies with God!

d. Our bodies are the Temple of God.

e. Notice that the holy angels covered themselves… they covered their faces in a deep sense of humility as they worshipped God in His presence.

f. They were not covering their face out of shame for their sin. They were HOLY angels.

g. They covered their faces out of humility… as mere creatures in the presence of the Almighty Creator!

h. It was a normal reaction of a creature who understands who God is. It puts us in our place before Him… covered… bowed down…

i. They chanted, “Holiness” to the Lord. The atmosphere was that of holiness… humility… deep reverence for God.

j. It was not a party atmosphere…

5. In Rev. 4:10-11, there is a similar scene before God’s throne, only there the scene includes the 24 elders representing the church… and they FALL DOWN before God in worship… crying, “Thou art worthy…”

a. That is the most basic meaning of the Biblical term for worship: bow down… (Old Testament and New Testament)

b. They weren’t dancing and kicking up their heels. They were bowing in reverence and awe in the Holy Place.

c. Rev. 5:8-9 – saints in heaven and angels fall down before God and sing a new song… “Thou art worthy…” (vs. 14)

d. There is a proper approach to God in worship and song. There is a proper atmosphere for worship. There is a proper attitude in worship and song as well.

e. This approach to God… this atmosphere and attitude transcend time, language, culture, and geographical location.

f. Vs. 9 – This throng was from every tribe and nation – all different cultural backgrounds… but they shared ONE faith… one spirit of worship, humility, and reverence…

g. On earth, it doesn’t matter whether the worship service is in Jerusalem, Samaria, or the uttermost parts of the earth.

h. While the music and the practices may be quite different, the SPIRIT is the same. We are ONE in the Spirit.

i. This is because the human spirit under the control of the Holy Spirit will manifest the same FRUIT… the same spirit of worship and humility and reverence.

j. You might worship with a group of believers in Bulgaria, China, or Ethiopia… and while you won’t understand the words of the music… it is possible to sense the SPIRIT in which they worship… whether it is the spirit of reverence or the spirit and atmosphere of a carnival. There is a difference. He that is spiritual discerneth all things!

k. Only the proper KIND of worship and music is acceptable to God… in spirit and in truth.

6. Heb. 13:15 – When we gather for worship, we are to come together as the Body of Christ to bring an OFFERING to God.

a. As believers, we are all priests unto God, and as such we are to bring Him an offering.

b. The offering mentioned here is the fruit of our lips… praise! Whether in speech or in singing.

c. The local church is a gathering of believer/priests who have come with an offering for God.

d. Psalm 100:1-4 – Note in vs. 4 that the Old Testament saints were to enter into the courts of the Temple area for worship… and they were to come WITH an offering of thanksgiving and praise!

e. They were to come with hearts already full of thanksgiving and praise… and in His gates, they were to SING! Make a joyful noise!

f. They didn’t come to the Temple to GET charged up for worship. Rather, they were to come already PREPARED for worship!

g. Their hearts were full and they came to express that fullness to the Lord… with an offering… and with an offering of praise and song!

h. We should COME to church with a song already in our heart… just waiting for the opportunity to express that song with the Body of Christ through singing!

i. Music is not the CAUSE of the filling of the Spirit. Music is the EFFECT of the filling of the Spirit.

j. We don’t come to church to RECEIVE the filling of the Holy Spirit. The church is the gathering together of believers who have been walking in the Spirit all week long… and who come together to express as a Body their praise and worship to God…

k. And if our hearts are NOT filled with the Spirit, NOTHING we offer to God is of any spiritual value.
• It is all wood, hay, and stubble!
• If the heart is not right, God is not pleased with ANY offering. It is NOT a sweet smelling savor to Him.
• Your voice in singing may be skillful and sound wonderful to men, but not to God. He is interested in the SOURCE of that singing… the heart.
• You may put more money in the plate than anyone else, but God is not pleased if it does not come from a pure heart.
• You may preach a wonderful message from the Word—but there is no reward for that kind of service if the heart is not right.
• Christianity is not about outward form but about inward reality.
• Jesus said, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,? 8This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.? 9But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt. 15:7-9)
• For our music and worship to be acceptable, the HEART must be right before God. He knows our hearts.
• For the heart to be RIGHT… SELF must be kept on the cross… dead to sin and self and ALIVE unto God…
• Self must be surrendered to God… yielded to Him.
• Otherwise, our worship is vain… empty… of any spiritual value.

l. Our worship—including the music—is to be in spirit and in truth… or that offering is not acceptable to God.

m. The singing of sacred songs is directed – TO the Lord.
• It is not a performance for men, but a song directed to God.
• In that sense, music is part of WORSHIP… an offering we bring to God from a heart of gratitude.
• Only HE can determine what is and what is not acceptable. He judges on the basis of spirit and truth.
• The words we sing must be in accordance with truth and reality (true in our hearts)… and the spirit of worship must be in harmony with His Word: awe, reverence, holiness to the Lord.


1. Music that is acceptable to the Lord in worship is:

a. Music that emanates from a heart full of the Word of Christ. (Col. 3)

b. Music that emanates from a Spirit filled heart. (Eph. 5)

2. Spirit FILLING is NOT a FEELING or an emotional experience.

a. In the everyday, mundane activities in the life of a believer, if we are yielded to God, then we ARE filled with the Spirit.

b. We don’t FEEL His indwelling presence or power. We walk by faith… believing and trusting that God’s Spirit is working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

c. The fruit of the Spirit is JOY… not bubbliness or giddiness.
• The joy of the Lord is ours even in times of suffering and pain! O joy that seekest me through pain!
• We can have joy even when there is no fruit on the vine… but not necessarily happiness, which is dependent upon happenstances.
• The joy of the Lord is different… it is deep and abiding… the supernatural and abiding work of the Spirit of God in our hearts…
• Music can take our minds off the struggles of life for a time and make us happy and lighthearted for a while… but it CANNOT produce the fruit of the Spirit… joy!

d. God never intended for music to produce in us that which only the Holy Spirit can produce: namely, spiritual fruit.

e. Music was not intended to get us “warmed up” or “revved up” for worship.
• But that is how music is being used today in many circles.
• We should COME to church, with our hearts ALREADY richly indwelt by the Word of Christ… and already under the control of the Holy Spirit.
• God’s purpose for singing is NOT to prime the pump to get us ready to worship… rather, it is the natural outflow of a heart already prepared for worship—filled with the Word of Christ and filled with the Spirit of God.

f. Col. 3:16 – The BIBLE says that we should come to worship with a song already in our heart.
• The charismatic movement has caused much confusion today concerning what the filling of the Spirit is.
• The filling of the Spirit is confused with a feeling or an exhilarating experience.
• Therefore many have reverted to using music in an attempt to PRODUCE the effects of Spirit filling.
• No wonder they need huge amplifiers and electric guitars. But if the hearts are not already filled with the Spirit, no amount of electricity is going to revive a heart that is not functioning properly!
• No amount of wattage is going to come near to the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a cheap imitation.

g. When music is used to warm us up for worship, it is an artificial means of producing the fruit of the Spirit…
• It is an attempt to imitate the effects of Spirit filling by producing an outward appearance of life… (People get excited…)
• It produces a lot of motion and activity that is wrongly interpreted as the Spirit of God in action.

h. Example: At a recent Celtics game, they USED music to stir up the crowd, and get them INTO the game… a motivator when the game is getting a little boring… and the home team is down: (we will we will rock you… “charge!!!” etc…)
• Music CAN get a rather lifeless crowd stirred up. It is used for that very purpose at every professional sports game.
• At times, the game got a bit boring… and they got the crowd back in the game with loud music! It worked!
• Of course, the SOURCE of stirring up the crowd at those games is the music.
• This has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit.
• Music all by itself is ABLE to stir up crowds. It can manipulate a crowd… even without words! It’s powerful.
• It would be foolish to assume that because a crowd got excited in a basketball arena, it must be the work of the Holy Spirit. Nobody would ever think such a thing.

i. Yet when similar loud music is used to stir up a crowd in a church building, the effect IS attributed to the Holy Spirit.
• As the loud music reverberates, the crowd gets stirred, and they experience a feeling of excitement.
• And if that religious crowd doesn’t get stirred up and experience that same sort of religious feeling… then it is assumed that the Holy Spirit is NOT at work… and they go home disappointed.
• The exhilarating experience produced by the music is mistakenly identified as the filling or moving of the Spirit.

j. I am suggesting that those folks in the evangelical/charismatic world have become so accustomed to hearing rock music in church that they cannot tell the difference between the FEELING that loud music produces with the FILLING of the Holy Spirit.
• The FEELING is confused with the FILLING.
• That which causes their exhilarating experience is not necessarily the Holy Spirit.
• It is often the very SAME effect as is felt in the basketball arena by the music… and they attribute it to the Holy Spirit.
• It is how the powerful medium of music is used to manipulate crowds and generate excitement…
• In other words, these religious folks are being moved, but not by the Spirit of God… they are moved by ANOTHER spirit… a counterfeit spirit.

3. God is able to stir us up, thrill our souls, and satisfy our hearts with nothing more than a still small voice. (I Kings 19:12)

a. In the case of Elijah, He didn’t need a tornado, an earthquake, or a fire from heaven.

b. Today, He doesn’t need amplifiers and electric guitars!

c. Don’t confuse sight, sound, and stimulation with the work of God.

d. We walk by FAITH, not by sight or feeling.

e. If we are dull and lifeless in our worship, music CAN charge up the atmosphere and stir us up emotionally. But that is not at all the same as Spirit filling.

f. When our hearts bow before Christ and the Word of Christ, and self is yielded to His Spirit, THEN that music will that flows from our heart will be with enthusiasm produced by the Holy Spirit…

g. But if the singing doesn’t emanate from a heart already richly indwelt with the Word of Christ, whatever it is that produces that excitement and enthusiasm—is a counterfeit.

h. Once folks in the rock and roll type church turn on the power they can get the crowd moving… rocking and rolling… shaking their bodies… waving their arms… which is exactly what occurs at the Celtics game…

i. But when that exhilarating feeling occurs in a religious setting, and it is mistaken for the work of the Holy Spirit, that is what Paul calls another spirit…

j. This spirit is man made; soulish and natural rather than spiritual; moves the body and emotions, but cannot reach the spirit; it is therefore earthly and worldly rather than heavenly and spiritual.

k. And folks in those contemporary Christian circles often cannot distinguish between exhilaration created by loud music and a holy zeal created by the Holy Spirit. This is a serious problem.

4. In those circles there is a genuine desire for a religious experience, but not necessarily a desire to know God.

a. The religious crowd is satisfied to have a religion they can FEEL rather than a Person they can know: Jesus Christ.

b. While mankind is incurably religious, Paul says that “there is none that seeketh God.”

c. Don’t be surprised to see lots of people seeking a religious experience… but have no interest in knowing Christ in a personal way. (Especially in light of the fact that knowing Him requires fellowship in His sufferings… being made conformable to His death.)

d. Many folks today want the experience without the cost of discipleship.

e. Thus, they have feel good music and feel good sermons. (God loves you, have a nice day!)

f. Everybody goes home feeling good, and they come back next week to feel good all over again!

g. But hearing from the Word of God doesn’t always make us feel good. The ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit doesn’t always make us feel good. Sometimes we will be severely convicted and feel quite bad!

h. Ecc. 7:3 –Solomon said that sometimes “Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.”

5. We know that not all worship is acceptable to God. Not all music is acceptable to God.

a. We are told HOW to worship God in an acceptable way: in spirit and in truth. Apart from that, our worship is VAIN.
• It is possible to worship God unacceptably (Gen. 4:3-4).
• It is possible to worship God ignorantly (Acts 17:22-23).
• It is possible to worship God contrary to His Word (Lev. 10:1-2).
• It is possible to worship God hypocritically (Mt. 15:7-8).
• It is possible to worship God half-heartedly (Jer. 3:10).
• It is possible to worship God in vain (Mt. 15:9).
• It is possible to worship God and in fact, nauseate Him! (Isa. 1:11-15).
• It is possible to worship God and actually anger God! Uzziah was smitten with leprosy for attempting to offer a sacrifice to God (II Chr. 26:16-20). Nadab and Abihu were burned with fire for offering strange fire (Lev.10:1-2).
• It is possible to worship God and be weary of it (Mal. 1:13).

b. What God wants is worship from the heart: in spirit and in truth.

c. Worship and music incorporated into our worship should evoke a sense of reverence, humility, awe, and holiness.

d. Not all KINDS of music produce a sense of reverence and humility… and would therefore NOT be acceptable to incorporate into worship.


1. Music emanates from the heart… and often reflects a lifestyle.

2. Not all MUSIC is acceptable to the Lord.

a. Psalm 69:12 – the song of the drunkards.
• Would God be pleased if we used that song in our worship?
• Besides the words, don’t you think that those songs had their own style… way of singing…
• The songs of a drunkard arose out of an attitude and a lifestyle… and that’s what they convey.
• Don’t you think that their songs exude a certain philosophy of life? (I don’t care attitude… I’m going to do whatever I want to do… Live for today… eat, drink, and be merry…)
• Don’t you think that those songs would have seemed quite foreign and out of place in the Holy Temple where they were accustomed to singing the inspired psalms?
vi. The songs of the drunkards arose out of a heart filled with the spirit of alcohol… not the Holy Spirit! (Paul makes an analogy between alcohol and the Holy Spirit—two different spirits and two different effects)

b. Isaiah 23:15-16 – singing as a harlot.
• The prostitutes sang enticing songs to men passing by to lure them to themselves.
• Their singing was designed to be sensual… alluring… enticing… tempting.
• Even without any words, don’t you think their style of singing was different from the way psalms were sung in the Temple?
• It wasn’t the MELODY, but the way they sang it that made it alluring.
• Don’t you think that the folks in the Temple would recognize the difference between the way they sang psalms and the way a prostitute sang her enticing, lustful songs?
• The music of the harlot arose out of a heart full of the spirit of lust, not the Spirit of God.
• That song came from the wrong spirit.
• Her heart made the music what it was. It was the song of a harlot! Certainly not appropriate for worship.

c. Music emanates from the HEART.
• Out of a harlot’s heart comes the song of a harlot.
• Ecc. 7:5– from the heart of a fool comes a song of a fool.
• Out of the heart of a drunkard comes a song of a drunkard.
• Out of the heart of new creatures in Christ comes a NEW song about God!
» Amos 8:3 – the songs of the Temple
» I Chron. 25:7 – some were instructed in the songs of the Lord.
» GOD puts a new song in our hearts. (Psalm 40:3) It is the song of one set free from the miry clay and whose feet are fixed on a solid rock!
» He giveth songs in the night (Job 35:10).
» When God is in our hearts… and our hearts are filled with God… and His Word is dwelling richly in our hearts… and our hearts are filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit… a sacred song comes forth!
» It is a NEW song… different from the song of a drunkard or a harlot or a fool. It is a sacred song…
» This is just what we have seen in Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16.
» The songs we sing in worship are a reflection of what is going on in our heart.

d. And don’t you think it would be quite absurd to COMBINE the various KINDS of music mentioned?
• Suppose that a harlot or prostitute in Old Testament times came to know God by faith and was gloriously saved.
» Then suppose that someone had the bright idea to take the songs of the prostitutes and change the words… and sing them in the Temple…
» Do you think that she would want to sing in the Temple with the same songs with the same breathy, enticing tones that she did on the streets?
» Don’t you think that this former prostitute, upon hearing this music in the Holy Place would see that music as completely OUT OF PLACE in God’s House… and quite offensive?
» Wouldn’t that be a constant reminder to the former prostitute of her immoral past?
» Don’t you think she would be appalled to hear that music she knew so well in her days as a prostitute referred to as “Sacred Prostitute Songs”?
» It is not wise to take the song of a prostitute, change the words and call is “Sacred Prostitute Music.” That is an oxymoron.
• Don’t you think that the drunkard who got saved out of Skid Row would be appalled to hear the inspired and holy words of David’s psalms put to the irreverent songs of the drunkard and sung in the Temple?
» Wouldn’t that be a constant reminder to the former alcoholic of his immoral past… something he was struggling with to put off like a filthy garment?
» Wouldn’t singing those songs be a stumblingblock to him and others?
» Why would anyone want to bring those songs into the Temple?
» Those songs represented a whole lifestyle—which was part of his immoral past. The old is to put off like dirty garments. New clothes are to be put on.
» In so far as that music was part of his old lifestyle, it was to be PUT OFF… not fixed up and worn.
» Wouldn’t he be scandalized to hear of someone changing the words and calling them “Sacred Drunkard Songs” because the words were changed?

3. Our generation is not wise in taking rock music from the rock culture, and the lifestyle it promotes and represents, change the words, and bring it into the church, and then refer to it as “Sacred Rock.”

a. Gang members that come to know the Lord would be equally scandalized to hear believers talk of “Sacred Rap” Or “Christian Gangster Rap.”

b. Just as there is a lifestyle associated with the drunkard and with the prostitute, there is a lifestyle and an attitude associated with rock and roll… and it comes out in the music.
• I don’t know any Christian drunks… or Christian prostitutes… or Christian gangsters. Such WERE some of you… but now ye are washed! You are one or the other!
• Rock music is sensual and rebellious. Rock music and rap music have created their own little sub cultures… and they are anything but sacred.
• The wise thing to do is when you get saved, put away old things and learn a NEW song.

c. If you are willing to leave the miry clay behind, God will put a new song in your heart.
• Is the music of the harlot neutral? Is the music of the drunkard neutral? I think not.
• That is like saying that literature is neutral. It depends upon what is being SAID… it has meaning!
• Some literature is wonderful reading. Other pieces of literature are evil and immoral in their intent!
• The songs of the drunkard or the harlot exude emotion, an attitude, and convey a spirit that is completely incompatible with the precious words of Holy Scripture.
• And if the experts are right… and the experiences of thousands of born again Christians are right… (that rock music is sensual and rebellious), then that spirit is also incompatible with Scripture or words about the Holy, spotless, Son of God! They don’t go together.

d. Whether we want to admit it or not, there ARE many different KINDS of music.
• Some are appropriate for worship and some are not.
• God is pleased with some and displeased with others.
• Even without any words, music can convey emotions and attitudes… of all sorts and stripes.
• The song of the drunkard is different from the song of the prostitute… a different attitude… a different purpose… a different lifestyle… a different spirit.
• They sound different. They are performed differently.
• They have different effects.
• They are both different from the kind of music that is appropriate for use in worshipping God.
• And if we can’t tell the difference between the song of a drunkard… the song of a prostitute, and a worshipful, spiritual song, then God help us! That does not speak well of our level of discernment.
• The Bible recognizes different KINDS of music: songs of harlots, drunkards, fools, and spiritual songs… the songs of the redeemed.
• We should recognize them too. Pick that which is higher and nobler!

Music That Pleases the Lord


A. Worship in Spirit and in TRUTH

1. If our songs flow from the rich indwelling of the WORD of Christ in our hearts, those songs should teach that which is in harmony with that same Word: TRUTH.

a. John 4:24 – we are to worship in spirit and in TRUTH.

b. Music we sing as worship ought to be TRUE to the Word of God.

c. If a song has doctrinal error, it should not be acceptable for worship, any more than a sermon with doctrinal error.

d. Error is error—whether written, spoken, or sung.

e. We are to teach the truth, speak the truth, and sing the truth.

f. If our hearts are richly indwelt by the Word of Christ, then that which flows out of our mouth ought to reflect the truth.

g. Singing the truth is a wonderful form of learning… exhorting… challenging… encouraging… comforting…

h. John 15:3; 17:17 – truth sanctifies and cleanses us… it has a purifying effect.
• When the choir sings… or the piano plays a familiar hymn, TRUTH is being conveyed to our hearts through the medium of music.
• The message of the song can have a positive effect on our spiritual lives.
• Have you ever been convicted by the TRUTH conveyed through the words of a song? (Sweet HOUR of Prayer; Take My LIFE and Let it Be; ALL To Jesus I Surrender.)
• Have you ever been comforted… etc.? (Be Still My Soul; All Your Anxiety; etc.)
• Have you ever been challenged by music? (I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go; Thy Word Have I Hid in my Heart.)
• Have you ever been encouraged by music? (He is Able; It Will Be Worth it All.)
• God USES music in our lives to accomplish His will.
• Truth speaks to our whole being… we are not merely intellectual beings. We are emotional beings as well. Music uses the intellect and the emotions to convey truth.
• Music is a powerful medium for GOOD when coupled with the Truth.

2. Music used in worship ought to be a medium of truth… but that is not always the case. Not every “Christian” song conveys truth.

a. We would do well to have a house cleaning of the songs we sing here.

b. Some convey precious little truth. (Not bad, just weak.)

c. Others convey outright lies! These are the songs we ought to avoid.

d. Our hymnal is a wonderful hymnal… one of the best, but there are songs in it that need to be purged.
• Some of Wesley’s songs convey some of the errors of the Wesleyans! (Surprise, surprise!)
• Some entire songs ought to be blotted out.
• Some songs have verses that ought to be blotted out.
• Some songs were obviously written by one embracing Reformed Theology… and confuse the church with Israel.
• Some songs confuse the comings of Christ.
• Some promote post millennialism. (We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations.)
• Some are quite misleading about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
e. The elders started purging our hymnal years ago, but never finished. We should pick that up again.

3. I Cor. 14:15 – We should sing with our understanding… of truth.

a. Believers are fooled by doctrinal errors in music because they are unable to recognize truth vs. error.

b. We mentioned Carmen the other night. There are many other popular Christian “recording artists” (celebrities?) who sing error… and should be avoided for that reason alone!

c. But even when we sing songs that ARE true, we are to sing with our minds ENGAGED… thinking about the truth we are singing!

d. It is easy to sing songs we have sung for years and be thinking about what we are going to do in work tomorrow… or thinking about lunch… or looking out the window… zone out.

e. For it to be of any spiritual value, we are to UNDERSTAND the message we sing.

4. Many of the great old hymns of the faith were written by men and women with deep experiences with God… and with a mature understanding of the Word of God.

a. As we grow and mature, we LEARN of the depth of some of these great hymns.

b. Ex: Rock of Ages (double cure – justification and sanctification; life and growth.)

c. Ex: Once for All! (Sinner receive it; brother believe it—the cross sets the sinner free from the penalty of sin… and the believer free from the power of sin.)

d. Ex: Hark the Herald! (Every phrase is rich in Scripture—dwelling on the incarnation and deity of the Son of God.)

e. Ex: Moment by moment by death reckoned mine… (Rom. 6)

f. We could learn a lot from these hymns… IF we take the time to sing with the understanding.

g. And since we are commanded to sing with the understanding, what do we call it when we DON’T do what God tells us to do?

5. I Cor. 14:12 – spiritual gifts are given for the edification of the Body.

a. That includes teaching, preaching, speaking, AND singing the truth.

b. For a song to accomplish its God-given purpose (edification of the saints) it must be TRUE.

c. Music is to be offered to God as a spiritual sacrifice.

d. Therefore, what we sing should be TRUTH… truthful.

e. In the Old Testament, God only accepted sacrifices that were in harmony with the WORD… The right sacrifice offered the right way by the right people… and a right heart attitude.

f. Our musical offerings to God should be no different… in harmony with the truth.

g. Yet in the very act of offering it up to God, WE are edified! Worship works that way. But it requires an understanding on our part of what we are singing.

h. It can be enjoyable and edifying… AND doctrinally correct.

B. Performance

1. The music Paul describes in Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:19 is SINGING…

a. These verses can be obeyed anywhere… in any culture… in any century.

b. They require no electricity… no amplification… no choreography…

c. In fact, singing requires no instruments other than the human voice.

d. Instrumental accompaniment adds a nice touch… but it is NOT necessary…

e. Christians living in the deep jungles of Brazil or the Congo can obey this verse… even though they don’t have a piano… or an organ… or purple microphones or amplifiers.

f. The music that really pleases God is the kind of music that emanates from a filled heart and reverberates through the vocal chords and sounds forth as a harmony of praise and thanksgiving to God!

g. Heartfelt, sincere, worshipful, reverent, music from a filled heart—that’s what pleases God.

2. Every year, Loon Mountain resorts puts on a Christian rock festival, with lots of singers and rock bands. They pay a good price for tickets to hear this music too. From what I hear, it’s quite a show.

a. I might go some year as an observer… to take pictures and notes.

b. What do you suppose would be the reaction of the crowd at a Christian rock concert if instead of their rock band… a skilled ensemble came and sang some of the great hymns of the faith?

c. What would be the reaction of a group of young people who grew up in a rock and roll church if they visited Salem Bible Church?

d. They would say, “This place is DEAD… lifeless… you don’t have the Spirit. You don’t know how to worship. You need a worship team.”

e. THINK about what they are actually saying.

f. Evidently these folks are ignorant of the fact that the words for worship (Old Testament and New Testament) mean to bow down in reverence and respect.

g. Neither the Greek nor the Hebrew term means to shake, rattle, and roll.

3. Folks in those circles talk so much about the Holy Spirit but they seem unable to recognize true spirituality…

a. Why do you suppose Paul warned us about those promoting “another spirit” in I Cor. 11:2-4?

b. We are warned of a form of godliness…

c. Our adversary comes in the outward appearance of holiness… like an angel of light… but it is phony! (I Cor. 11:14-15)

d. I am very much aware of the fact that there are some genuinely born again folks involved in that…

e. But that is the POINT! Genuinely born again people CAN be taken in by a counterfeit… counterfeit doctrines and counterfeit spirits… hence the warning to the Corinthians!

f. If you need loud, raucous music to get the congregation in the spirit… beware of WHICH spirit is in control of that congregation.

4. The HOLY Spirit is recognized by love, joy, meekness, gentleness, temperance or self control… reverence… humility…

a. The Holy Spirit does not focus our attention on the music, or a feeling, but on the Savior. (He shall glorify ME!)

b. The Holy Spirit does not get us stirred up about the MUSIC, but about the SAVIOR!

c. That results in a sense of humility, a hushed, holy reverence, a godly fear, and awe of being in God’s presence.

d. When the emphasis is on the PERFORMANCE, then it is not on the Savior.

5. PERFORMANCE vs. Ministry in Music

a. Music sung is to be done with the right inward motive and spirit.

b. It is to be an offering unto the Lord… not a show for men.

c. The local church is NOT a venue for the performing arts… although it is often degenerated to such.
• Look at the large, old churches in Boston’s Back Bay. They have become stages for classical music performances and dance troupes, and drama.
• The newer more modern, evangelical churches have become venues for other types of performances.
• It matters not WHICH type of music; it is a violation of what the church is.
• There is a place for the performing arts, but the local church is not the place!
• When a performance is put on for the pleasure of the audience, it can hardly be called worship.
• And of course this goes for ALL types of performances, from classical, to opera, to rock…

d. The new way of worship today has hopelessly confused and blurred the line between entertainment and worship… especially in the area of music.
• Is it a show or is it worship? There really isn’t much difference in many circles today.
• The musicians perform for the audience and the audience claps for the entertainment they received.
• Watch one of these so called worship services on TV… and then watch a rock concert on TV.
• They are virtually identical… (stage show; choreography; lights; the microphones; the acting and crooning of the singers; arms waving; bodies swaying; musicians with celebrity status.
• Apart from the lyrics, the SOUND, the stage performance, and the crowd reaction are virtually identical.

e. It is obvious who copied whom.
• I’ll give you a hint – the world never copies the true pattern of the church in the New Testament.
• But boy is there a tendency in carnal Christendom to copy the world—to be conformed to the world.

6. I Cor. 14:26 – The early church had a similar problem with showmanship in the local church.

a. In Corinth, God blessed this congregation with MANY wonderful gifts. (Ye are enriched by Him in all… ye come behind in no gift) (1:5-6)

b. But unfortunately, the Corinthians were using their God given gifts in the WRONG way and with WRONG motives.

c. 13:1 – some spoke in tongues, and loved to display their gifts before all, but were not demonstrating love.

d. 13:2 – some had the gift of prophecy, but did not have love. They were showing off their superior knowledge, but in God’s sight, it was nothing!

e. 13:3 – some had gift of giving, but they gave with the wrong motive.

f. 14:4 – Some had the gift of tongues and loved to display their gift before others… but without using the gift the right way, it became a show… a performance… with NO value unless it was interpreted that others might be edified. Without an understanding of the words, it was just sound.

g. 14:12 – they were zealous of spiritual gifts… they loved to think of themselves as gifted and talented… everybody was trying to take center stage…

h. They were driven by a desire to perform before an audience.
• Some folks are scared to death to stand up before a crowd.
• Others absolutely LOVE it! They thrive off the rush they receive by performance and the applause.
• THIS was error Paul was trying correct here.

• That which God intended to be used to edify the Body and glorify the Head, was instead being used to draw attention the individual… They were displaying SELF rather than Christ. This is the error Paul addresses in I Cor. 14.
• They should have used their gifts selflessly for the edification of others.
• Instead, they used their gifts to exalt themselves and show off their gifts. That’s selfish.
• Paul introduced this chapter by defining love: sacrificing self for the good of others… because their showmanship in using their gifts displayed the opposite!

7. Matt. 6:1-2 – Jesus addressed the same problem among the religious crowd in His day.

a. Whatever we do, we lose our reward if our motive is to be seen or acknowledge of men… to receive glory from men. (applause)

b. There is no reward for showmanship other than the fleeting applause of men. It is merely earthly entertainment.

c. God was not pleased. He was in fact, nauseated.

d. This is just as much a problem with GOOD music in a doctrinally sound church as it is with TERRIBLE music in a worldly church.

e. All teachers and singers—anyone who ministers before men, need to be reckoning self to be DEAD as their gifts are used in the local church… to prevent just such an error.

f. It matters HOW a song is sung and HOW it is performed.

8. Of what does our singing testify? (I Cor. 14:23-26)

a. The believers came to worship and employed various gifts in the worship service: singing, teaching, prophecy.

b. Paul was concerned for the edification of the Body, but he was also concerned about how their worship service was perceived by outsiders… by visitors… their testimony.

c. Paul did not want the worship service to be chaotic or indecent (14:40)

d. The way we conduct ourselves in the Lord’s House is one of the pieces that can influence the eternal destiny of a visitor! He could either say, “They are mad!” or “God is in you of a truth!”

e. Music is ONE of those influences Paul mentions here: a psalm!

f. Our doctrine ought to reflect truth. It ought to be an indication that God is with us of a truth!

g. Our music ought to do the same.

h. What DOES our music convey to visitors (whether it is their style or not… it conveys something…)

• If it conveys reverence, respect, order, discipline, awe, joy, enthusiasm, etc… then we are conveying the right message.

j. If it conveys adolescent rebellion, sensuality, frivolity, giddiness, immaturity, or showmanship, then we are conveying the wrong message.

k. A visitor should sense a DIFFERENT atmosphere in a church than they sense in barroom, a night club, a comedy club, or a Red Sox game. Shouldn’t the atmosphere be different? Doesn’t music play an important role in that?

l. We need to be careful with music.

9. It DOES matter HOW a song is performed.

a. The WAY a song is sung and performed can completely change the meaning of that song.

b. Amazing Grace – sung by nearly every popular singer… from George Beverly Shea… to Elvis Presley… in nearly every style… country and western; jazz; rock; symphony orchestra; rap; church choirs; moog synthesizer.

c. Ex: Jimi Hendrix playing the national anthem. He turned a song that normally evokes a sense of patriotism into a song of rebellion against the government… anti establishment.

d. Marylyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to President Kennedy. She turned that simple tune into a song of a harlot.

e. Do you see how the WAY a song is sung and performed can completely change its meaning?

f. Beatles melodies… their music represented a lifestyle of rebellion against authority… promoted drug use… and free sex… and all the rest that went along with the message of the 60’s.
• When compared to the pop and rock of today, their music seems quite mild. But in its day – it spoke of rebellion and defiance.
• It was associated with a lifestyle… and promoted attitudes that are not conducive to holiness.
• But it was NOT the MELODY of the songs. It was a combination of (1) the lyrics and (2) the WAY the songs were sung…
• I recently heard Beatle songs performed by a symphony orchestra. It was beautiful music.
• So should we add Christian words to the Beatle songs? Some have already done that.
• Perhaps in 100 years from now.
• But today, there are many (like me) who would be distracted by such a song… because I know the connection.
• It is an area of weakness on my part – but I acknowledge that weakness. It would be a stumblingblock… and a hindrance to worship.
• It would remind me of my past… that I want to keep buried.
• Association matters. It is nearly impossible for folks who grew up with that music to disassociate it completely in their minds to be able to sing those songs without thinking of their origin.
• If enough TIME goes by… and that association is no longer made… then those melodies perhaps COULD be used… but not now.

g. A perfectly good melody or hymn can be completely transformed into something else entirely by the WAY it is sung and performed.
• Marylyn Monroe turned a good tune, “Happy Birthday” into the song of an harlot…
» By the way it was performed.
» When she sang it, it conveyed a different meaning than when your family sings it.
• Jimi Hendrix turned a good tune, “Star Spangled Banner” into a psychedelic song of a druggie… of the 1960s.
» By the way it was performed.
» When he played it, it took on a different meaning than when the Marines Band played it.
• Christian rock bands have the capacity to turn a good tune, “Amazing Grace” into the song of a drunkard… or a druggie… by the way it is performed.
» It takes on a different meaning… it conveys an addition message…
» That new meaning is not necessarily congruous with the author’s intention!
• Even if the words are good and the melody is good… the PERFORMANCE of the music can change the meaning of that song.
» Style and performance can OVERSHADOW the message of the words.
» Style and performance can convey an attitude apart from the words… and even contrary to the words.
» I’m not buying the argument that says “music and style” are neutral. They are NOT.

h. Ex. 32:17-19 – singing that stirred up the crowd to lewd behavior.
• Here was another KIND of sound.
• At first it sounded like the noise of war… loud shouting that got men stirred up and excited to go to war. (Something similar to a war dance… perhaps with loud drums)
» Some men would be afraid to go to war. They were afraid of the consequences (death). Some might be afraid as to whether they could actually kill someone in hand-to-hand combat.
» The music was designed to stir them up for war and remove their inhibitions. (Music can do that!)
» When the band of soldiers prepared for war they would play loud music and perhaps jumping up and down. The mob would get stirred up by the music.
» They would work themselves up into a frenzy… and drive out their inhibitions and fears of the consequences.
» Then when Moses got a little closer, he discovered that they were singing… It was not the music for war.
» He discovered that this kind of music got the people dancing…
» But this music was not designed to call them to war. This kind of music got them stirred up to lewd behavior! (They were dancing naked! (Vs. 25)
» Clearly, the music was instrumental in stirring up this crowd… stirring them up into a frenzy… and exciting them sexually…
» Usually young soldiers don’t need a lot of help in that department… but music can be conducive to that end.
» The music had a spirit of looseness to it… so that they forgot about Moses, forgot about God and His Word.
» It can cause folks to dismiss their inhibitions. Those who dance in nightclubs are obviously uninhibited!
• Music plays an important role in all this.
• Don’t you think that the music that stirred up these men to lewd behavior would be inappropriate music for worship in the Temple – even if they changed the words?
• What do you suppose Moses’ reaction would be if they attempted to sing those songs in a worship service? What do you suppose would be God’s reaction?

Do All In the Name of the Lord Jesus


A. What does In the Name of Jesus Mean?

This is an expression we hear often.
Here we are told to do all things in the name of Christ.
We are to receive one another in Christ’s name.
The apostles did miracles in Christ’s name.
But most often we are told to pray in the name of Christ.

1. The expression speaks of believers operating as God’s representatives. What we do in His name, we do as His representative.

a. Micah 4:5 – In the Old Testament, Israel was God’s chosen nation.
• They were known by God’s name: Israel Prince of God! (El)
• They were God’s witnesses upon the earth. They bore His name before the gentile nations.
• Isa. 43:10 – Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
• They were witnesses because they KNEW Him.
• There was no nation like Israel.
• When they walked with God and obeyed His laws, it could be said, “What nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things….”
• Other nations walked in the name of their gods… and their behavior reflected it!
• Israel was to walk in the name of the Lord God… and that should be reflected in their lifestyle.
• They represented Jehovah before the world of nations. They walked in His name.

b. Acts 9:15 – Jesus said that Paul was sent out to “bear My Name” before the nations and kings.
• To “bear” carries the idea of bearing up upon one’s shoulders a weight… that is carried around.
• Wherever Paul went, he carried with him the name of the Lord Jesus.
• He became known as the representative or an ambassador of Christ.
• He was associated with Christ and the followers of Christ.
• He was identified as a ringleader for Christianity.
• Very often, carrying the name of Christ became a HEAVY weight… a burden… because of the persecution that went along with it.
• In those days, if you represented Christ—the One whom the world hated enough to put to death—you became the object of the world’s wrath.
• They can no longer take it out on Christ… He is in heaven.
• Hence, they take it out on the one who bears His name.

c. While we are not apostles as Paul was, and may not be called to bear the name of Christ before many nations, kings, and Israel, we DO in another sense BEAR the name of Christ.
• Acts 11:26 – Believers today are called “Christians.”
• That is because we are identified with Christ. “Christ ones.” We belong to Him.
• Nowhere in the Bible are we called Episcopalians, Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Methodists, or Congregationalists… but Christians… brethren… believers of Christ not followers of men.
• We don’t walk in the name of our organization or denomination.
• We bear Christ’s name in that we wear it everywhere we go. We ARE Christians.
• Paul spoke of believers as epistles of Christ… known and read of all men.” (II Cor. 3:2-3) We are like an open book… and the book is entitled: “The Christian Life” or “Christ Lives in Me.”
• This book is observed and read by men all around you. What are they reading? Are they getting the right message as they read us?
• We walk in HIS NAME… His label is attached to each of us as believers.
• Not everybody likes that label. At times there is a price to pay for doing things “in the name of Christ.”
• I Peter 4:16 – “Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.”
» We bear His name, and sometimes suffer for it!
» This is especially true of believers in countries like China and Saudi Arabia.
» John 15:21 – Speaking of persecution, Jesus said, “?But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake.”
» The world does not like His name, nor do they like those who bear His name and walk in His name.

d. In the name of Christ means that the believer is a witness or testimony for Him. We represent Christ in all we do and say.

2. It speaks of our delegated AUTHORITY.

a. Wherever we go, we represent HIS name… with authority delegated to us from Him. He authorizes Christians to be His witnesses on earth.
• II Cor. 5:20 – we are ambassadors for Christ.
• We speak to other men in His name… we represent the Lord and do so in His authority.
• John 16:23 – we are to ask the Father (pray) in the authority of the Son. (We can approach the Father only because of the work Christ has accomplished for us…) Christ authorizes us to come to the Father through Him… in His name.
» In the Old Testament, the believer could not enter into the Holy of Holies before God. He would be instantly killed.
» Only the High Priest had the authority to enter the Holy of Holies… and only on the Day of Atonement…
» But today, EVERY believer has the authority to come right into the very presence of God in the heavenly Holy of Holies.
» This is true because of the AUTHORITY Christ gives us… because of the value of His shed blood.
» We are able to enter into God’s presence in the NAME of Jesus Christ… in His authority.
• Some have illustrated the authority of His name this way: If a man gives you his check and signs his name to it, you are able to cash that check at the bank… because that man’s NAME on that check gives you the authority to do so. You are cashing the check in his name… under his authority.

3. This also speaks of our great PRIVILEGE.

a. We are Christ’s own possession. We are Christ ones.

b. We are Christ’s representatives… ambassadors for Him.

c. We work in His name!

d. We work under His authority!

e. We represent heaven on earth!

f. We represent a holy God before a sinful world.

g. This is an awesome privilege: everything we do in word or deed is to be done in the NAME of Christ… as His representatives. (3:17)

h. It IS a responsibility, but also a privilege! An ambassador is a wonderful position to hold to represent the USA in a foreign country. But being an ambassador is especially significant if we are ambassadors for the Living God—and before the whole world!
• And God has prepared us to represent Him.
• We are redeemed by the blood of Christ (1:14)
• We are indwelt by the Person of Christ (1:27)
• We are in possession of all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ. (2:3)
• We are complete in Christ. (2:10)
• We are risen with Christ. (3:1)
• Our life is hidden away in heaven with Christ. (3:4)
• We are ruled in our hearts by the peace of Christ. (3:15)
• We are called into one Body in Christ. (3:15)
• We are enriched by the Word of Christ. (3:16)
• That believer is equipped to represent the Lord and to work in His name.

4. In the name of Christ has MEANING.

a. This meaning should affect everything we do in that name.

b. When we pray, “In Jesus Name Amen” is not a formula.

c. It ought to have meaning. We say it sometimes like Catholics say the Hail Mary… without thinking of what it means… what we are saying.

d. His name is holy. We should not treat His name with disrespect by slurring through it. That’s tantamount to using His name in vain.

e. It is good to SAY those words as we pray… but it is more important to recognize the meaning of what we are saying.

f. This phrase (in Jesus’ name) should not be restricted to our prayer lives.

g. Paul expands on it here to include all of our words and deeds. Every portion of our life is sacred to God.

h. This is what it means practically, that in ALL things, He might have the preeminence… for all things are to be done in His name… not just praying or preaching.


A. Whatsoever Ye Do

1. Paul has been speaking about the Christian life in general.

a. He spoke of putting off the old lifestyle and putting on the new lifestyle.

b. Paul listed for us several examples of each… things to put off and things to put on in verses 8-14.

c. Rather than record for us an exhaustive list of each and every article of clothing to be put off or on, Paul summarizes by saying, “and WHATSOEVER ye do.” That includes everything else!

d. We are familiar with praying in the name of Christ. Paul extends that concept. It isn’t only our prayers that are said in the name of Christ… but EVERYTHING we say… and everything we do!

e. This is comprehensive… all inclusive… all encompassing.

2. If the Word of Christ is richly dwelling in our hearts, then that will affect EVERY area of our lives… for out of the heart are ALL the issues of life. (Prov. 4:23)

a. Christ dwells in our hearts by faith. The Word of Christ is to richly dwell in our hearts as well.

b. A parallel passage in Ephesians speaks of the believer also being filled with the Spirit…

c. They are both quite the same: filled with the Word of Christ and filled with the Spirit have the exact same results.

d. They both result in a Christ centered life… for it is the Word of Christ is all about Him… and the Spirit came to magnify Christ.

e. Everything we do or say ought to be an expression of the influence of Christ in us… His Word, His Spirit, His life lived in us…

f. Every thought, word, or deed is to be done in the consciousness of His indwelling presence… and in harmony with His indwelling Word.

g. It is all to be done in HIS NAME…

h. Christ is thus the OBJECT of our attention… and the object of our affection… the object of our thoughts… It is HE we are trying to please… and not we ourselves.

• This results in singing to the Lord… AND whatever else we do or say is also for the Lord… in His name… for His glory.

j. Consciousness of His indwelling presence… and our relationship to Him is the guiding principle in everything we do… the way we live our lives.

k. Nothing is to be done without Christ. Nothing is to be said without awareness of His presence… and in His name.

l. If Christ is our life… then everything in our life revolves around Him… He is our goal… He is our end… He is our object… He is our joy… He is our motivation… He is our Lord… He is our purpose for living… so that it is no longer I but Christ. His name is what counts… no me, myself, and I!

m. None of us live unto ourselves any more. We don’t eat without Him… we don’t drink without Him. We don’t go to work without Him. We don’t play baseball without Him. We don’t watch TV without Him. We don’t read a book without Him. We don’t converse to other people without Him. We don’t make decisions without Him.

n. Whatsoever we do or say needs to be connected to who He is… with the name of Jesus Christ… who He is.

o. Notice here that Paul explains that the Christian life is not simply manifesting certain moral qualities (unsaved men can duplicate that…)

3. The Christian life is manifesting moral qualities that stem from an indwelling LIFE… from Christ Himself and the Word of Christ.

a. The Christian life is living IN HIS NAME… as one who is identified with Him… with the risen, glorified Savior!

b. Christ reigns within… in the heart… He is Lord… He is life… He is the goal (Christlikeness) and He is the object of our focus and affection of our minds and hearts.

c. There isn’t a thought, word, deed or motive or intent of the heart that Christ does not affect for the yielded believer.

d. Nothing is beyond His Lordship… His authority… His direction…

e. This has been the whole focus of this epistle thus far: Christ is to have the preeminence in everything…
• He is Redeemer; Savior; Sovereign Creator; Sustainer; Lord; Head of Body; the Enthroned One in Glory.
• AND, He dwells in our hearts… Christ IN you…
• WHO He is and WHERE He is ought to be the controlling factor in all we do and say… and think or intend!

f. One author wrote: Christ is the preeminent One and everything revolves around Him.
• The chapter began (vs.1-4) with our identification WITH Christ. (in death and resurrection and seated with)
• Then Paul developed the thought of the believer being conformed TO Christ. (vs. 8-14 – putting off and on)
• He continues to describe the believers’ appropriation OF Christ (vs.15-16 – letting His peace and His Word dwell and rule within)
• Now (vs.17) he speaks of the believer as speaking and doing FOR Christ (as His representatives).
• As Paul put it in 3:11, “Christ is all and in all.”

4. Paul’s point here is that WHATSOEVER we do is to be done in the name of Christ.

a. Everything we do or say is connected to God in one way or another.

b. There are no secular or sacred compartments to our lives. This makes everything we do sacred in one sense… is to be done for the glory of God… in His name… for His reputation.

c. The fact of His Lordship over us means His Lordship over every tiny detail of our lives… which theme later develops into our home life in vs. 18-22.

d. The law was not nearly as all encompassing as grace.
• The Law gave many external regulations, but they only dealt with certain aspects of life… but was quite limited.
• As long as you obeyed the rules, you were blameless before the Law.
• But grace goes so much deeper. It covers absolutely every tiny detail of our lives… whatsoever ye do or say!
• It is not entirely a written code, but in addition to the Scriptures, it is an indwelling PERSON!

e. Paul was addressing a specific error in Colossae: the cult like false teachers who were a mixture of pagan philosophy, Jewish legalism and traditions.
• To combat ALL these errors, Paul simply points the believers to Christ.
• Christianity is not a policy (as the false teachers were assuming), but a Person.
• Jesus Christ IS Christianity.
• In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And we are complete in Him… and His Word is to richly dwell in us.
• In Him and in His Word we have all we need for life and godliness.
• He affects EVERYTHING we do or say… for it is all done in His name… for His honor… and as a manifestation of His life.

B. Whatever we do is to be done in light of the fact that we are identified with Christ… as His representatives.

1. His name is linked to us. We are called by His name: Christians!

2. The testimony of the Lord on earth is connected to US… to our behavior.

a. Whatever we do or say needs to be filtered through this truth. We are associated with Christ.

b. We are living EPISTLES known and read of all men.

c. We are His ambassadors.

d. Our behavior is a reflection on HIM… either good or bad.

e. We should be concerned about the reputation of Christ before men…

f. And this should affect our words and deeds. (How will my action be perceived by others? What will they think of Christ if they see one of HIS behaving this way?)

3. Because this is the case, we need to use caution in all we do or say.

a. Would you want those words… or those actions associated with the name of Jesus Christ? (Oh, that’s how a Christian behaves? I want no part of it!)

b. Our actions as His representatives can either attract people to our Savior or turn people away.

4. Suppose the USA sent an ambassador to a little island country.

a. And suppose that that ambassador was rude, loud mouthed, obnoxious, arrogant, and wanted nothing to do with the people of that island.

b. The islanders would not think well of America… the land he represents. (If that’s what America is like, who needs it?)

c. They are basing their views of America on our ambassador! (Right or wrong… that’s the basis for their concept of America.)

d. And folks in the world base their concept of Christ on Christians… those who walk in His name.

5. We ought to HONOR the name we represent… Jesus Christ.

a. I don’t know if it still exists, but there was a time when folks were concerned about their family name… and brought up their kids in such a way that they did not drag their family name through the mud.

b. There was a sense of honor associated with a family name.

c. As believers we should not do or say anything that would bring dishonor to the family name… to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

C. Whatever we do is to be done in light of the fact that we are under His authority. In His name means His representatives… and those sent out under His authority.

1. Prov. 3:6 – in all thy ways acknowledge HIM. (Know Him… be conscious of Him; be aware of Him; be mindful of Him and who He is.

a. In the New Testament, Christ dwells within us.

b. This ought to heighten our awareness of Christ.

c. The Old Testament saints did not have access to God. They dwelt on earth and God was in heaven. And yet, they were to acknowledge Him in all their ways.

d. How much MORE should we acknowledge the One who lives within us?!!? Acknowledge Him in ALL our ways… in word and deed…

e. If He is LORD, then acknowledge Him as such in all we do… as those who are under His authority… in His name.


1. Notice that the main exhortation in this verse (do) is italicized.

a. It does not appear in the original, but was supplied by the translators.

b. It NEEDED to be added to make the English flow. It is clearly IMPLIED.

c. We are to do everything as unto the Lord.(Rom. 14:6-8)
• Whether we eat or drink… acknowledge the Lord Jesus and give God thanks!
• We don’t live unto ourselves. We don’t own ourselves. We are the Lord’s possession.
• Therefore, we are to acknowledge His Lordship over all and do everything “as unto the Lord.”

2. The principle in this passage can be used in a supporting role in determining God’s will in those doubtful areas of life.

a. Can we DO this in the name of Jesus Christ, or would it dishonor His holy name?

b. Can I do this as a representative of Christ? Or would this action mar the reputation of Christ before men?

c. Operating our lives “in His name” provides some boundary lines for our walk…

3. I Cor. 10:31 – all is to be done for the GLORY of God.

a. This passage follows a lengthy section on Christian liberty.
• In fact, this verse serves as a summary of all the principles previously discussed.
• Jesus summarized the Old Testament law with two commands: Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law hangs on those two commands.
• In a sense, the whole Christian life hangs on this principle: live for the glory of God.
• We are not to live for self, or self will, but for the glory and honor of God.
• Our entire lives are to be dedicated to this goal: to bring glory to God.

b. Whether ye eat or drink… the interpretation has to do with eating and drinking associated with things offered to idols…
• But the application goes way beyond the immediate context.
• Whatsoever = takes the application to every other area of life as a believer.
• Every detail of life is to bring honor to God… right down to eating and drinking… working… interacting with people… raising a family… our speech…
• Eating and drinking is something we do every day… several times a day.
• Bringing glory to God is something that ought to concern us every day!
• HOW do we eat to the glory of God? By eating with a grateful heart… enjoying it and thanking God for the food… giving Him glory as the Provider… by eating moderately… by eating with a concern for the Temple of God… by being willing to share our food if need be… by being willing to eat something else rather than offend a brother…
• His glory (and not our self interest) should be on our minds all day long… every day…
• Christianity is a LIFE, not a religion.
• Every day is holy to the Lord… and every moment of every day.

c. Acts 19:17 – The power of God manifested in the lives of the apostles was made known and the NAME of the Lord Jesus was MAGNIFIED.
• We should desire for Christ to be magnified through our lives.
• Consider the meaning of magnification: it makes HIM big…
• When others see us or hear us talk, it should magnify Christ, not self.
• Our ordinary lives… lives of joy, contentment, peace, submission, harmony, order – magnify Christ… and attract others to our Savior.
• It’s not so much singing a great solo in church or preaching a message… but the ordinary lives of Spirit filled Christians that truly magnify Christ.
• Has Christ made a difference in your home? Others are watching.
• Has Christ made a difference in your work ethic at the factory or office? Others are watching.
• Has He made a difference in your clothing?
• Has He made a difference in your use of money?
• Has He made a difference in your use of time?
• Has Christ made a difference in your speech?
• Others are watching and listening.
• We honor and glorify Christ in our daily lives when we walk by faith in Him… when we acknowledge our weakness and rely upon His strength… when we seek His will… when we submit to His authority… when we have no confidence in the flesh but yield to His Spirit… when we lean not on our own understanding but instead acknowledge Him in all our ways… when we are content with His ways… when we manifest His joy in daily living… when we display His love and grace to others.
• It’s not the parting of the Red Sea that brings glory to God, but the giving of a cup of water to one who is thirsty… the eating and drinking… the ordinary, everyday life… dedicated to the glory of Christ.

“Whatsoever” includes what we eat and drink; what we read or watch; where we go; what we listen to; what forms of entertainment we involve ourselves in; what we do at work; what we do with our time…

e. Imagine if we all lived by this rule every day?!
• What a restraint this would put on our activities.
• We would be compelled to examine our hearts… examine our speech… examine our entertainment… examine our activities… and put it all under the microscope to determine if it brings glory to God or not.
• This is SELF restraint… exactly what a mature exercise of liberty leads us to do…
• Christianity is not a code, but a life… a life led by the indwelling Holy Spirit… a life of self control… a selfless life lived for the glory of God!

f. Bringing glory to God ought to be the overriding concern in ALL of our lives… and on a daily basis. Am I living for the glory of God or not?
• This should be put to this test.
• Can I engage in this or that activity for the glory of God? Can I do it in His name?
• Some things will obviously fail this test! (robbing a bank; neglecting the Word; not being faithful to the local church.)
• But other issues are not quite so obvious.
• Before we engage in any activity, if we are doubtful, we should ask:
» Can I pray and ask God to bless the activity… and thank Him for it?
» Can I do this for the glory of God?
» Can I do this in the name of Jesus Christ?
• If we can’t, then we shouldn’t even consider it.


1. Present participle: it speaks of continually being thankful to God… in EVERYTHING we do or say.

2. Hearts filled with the Word of Christ and hearts overflowing with melody sing with GRACE (thanksgiving).

3. But not only should our singing be done with a sense of thanksgiving, so should everything we do or say!

4. Gratitude to God ought to characterize the whole life of a believer. (I Thess. 5:18 – in everything give thanks!)

5. Don’t be anxious. Be thankful! (Phil. 4:6)

6. Eph. 5:20 –parallel passage: “always for all things in His name!”

7. Whether or not we can offer thanksgiving to God for our words or deeds ought to be another good indicator as to whether we should be doing it in the first place!

a. Should I watch this movie? Can I really pray and give God thanks for it… or would I be embarrassed to thank God for it… especially if it is a movie that curses His holy name!!!

b. This is a good test for MANY activities in life.

c. If we can’t in good conscience give thanks to God for it, then maybe we ought to think twice about doing it!

d. And however the Lord leads in making such a decision, we should follow His leading and do as He leads. And when we do, we should not do so grudgingly… but cheerfully and with thanksgiving! Grateful that God loves us enough TO lead us!

8. Thanks TO GOD – and the Father… even the Father. (Some understand God to refer to the Holy Spirit here…)

9. BY HIM – through Christ.

a. Christ is our access to God. (John 14:6)

b. We are to thank the Father for all things in Christ’s name.

c. Christ is our Mediator… it is only through Him that our prayers and praises reach the throne of God.

Our Earthly Home in Its Heavenly Context


1. Going verse by verse… and especially when we spend a month or two on one verse has its advantages. It also has its disadvantages.

2. Sometimes, by going through a book this slowly, we forget the context.

3. It’s my job to keep on reminding us of the context… so as to put every passage IN its proper context.

4. The next section deals with the Christian household: wives, husbands, children, and servants.

a. Everyday life lived by ordinary people in an everyday setting: home.

b. We all know the problems that can arise in the home setting on a daily basis.

c. Weariness; conflicts; disagreements; disappointments; failures; unending work; never-ending chores; financial struggles; fatigue; attitude problems; frustration; anger; bitterness, resentment…

d. Of course, there is a lot of JOY at home too: a new baby; children growing up and maturing; love; blessings of all types;

e. Paul gives us three exhortations in areas where we DO often struggle… wives, submit; husbands, love; children and servants, obey.

f. These are listed that we might put our responsibilities at home in a proper context:

5. Before we dig into the details of the next section, and each of the various exhortations, in the coming weeks, we would do well to remind ourselves of the truths that preceded this section. It will help put our home lives in perspective.

6. Remember, Christianity isn’t a set of ceremonies and rules to be conducted at church. Christianity is not a religion; it’s a LIFE… a life to be lived at home too!


A. Paul’s Teachings on Position

1. We have spent about 2 ½ years studying through the book of Colossians.

2. For many weeks we have been considering our glorious risen Savior… and our exalted heavenly position in Him.

a. Paul has repeatedly mentioned our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.

b. 2:20 – we died with Christ… to sin, self, and the world.

c. 3:1 – we are raised with Christ… and are seated with Him before the throne of God in heaven. We have entered a whole new sphere.

d. 3:3 – we died to this world system and our new life is hidden away in heaven with Christ.

3. I KNOW that some folks aren’t quite ready for all that kind of talk.

a. It probably sounds a bit too ethereal, nebulous, other-worldly, and not very down-to-earth, or practical for real life.

b. I’m sure some were thinking, “Talking about our identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and our position in Christ in the heavenlies doesn’t really help me to live my life down here on earth! What has all that got to do with my daily routine?

c. All that heavenly talk is no earthly good.

d. It doesn’t help me pay my bills. It doesn’t help me to get along with my wife. It doesn’t help me to get along with my cranky father… or deal with the in laws…

e. It doesn’t help me deal with all the hurt feelings at home…

f. I could not disagree more! YES it does!

4. Paul’s teachings on our identification with Christ are the BASIS or the foundation upon which our Christian lives are to be lived.

a. An understanding of our new life (hidden away in heaven) and our new position (In Christ) will change the way we view life down here on earth.

b. A heavenly perspective will make us even MORE thoughtful and careful about the details of our lives here on earth.

c. The heavenly-minded believer will see every aspect of his life on earth from eternity’s perspective.

d. He will see the spiritual significance of all he does on earth… because it is all going to be evaluated.

e. Eternal reward will motivate us and turn the earthly doldrums into that which is meaningful… Eternal rewards are worth the daily grind… the ongoing battles.

f. He will see the VALUE of his life on earth from a new perspective: from heaven’s vantage point.

g. Everyday life will suddenly be invigorated with new meaning and purpose.

h. The better we understand our position IN Christ, the more diligence we will put into our earthly lives.

B. Practical Applications to the Home

1. My home is no different than yours.

a. We spent the last two weeks camping out in our house while I sanded the floors.

b. What I envisioned as a 3-day project with minor inconveniences turned into two weeks with much more inconvenience…

c. Three humans and a dog living in a tiny kitchen for a week…

d. All the rest of the furniture was put down cellar… and then it rained for a week and flooded.

e. Then the rain stopped and the cellar dried out and the boiler broke… and poured water all over the place in the cellar… again.

f. Then we moved furniture out of the kitchen… and the piano gouged the floor…

g. Then the dining room floor was stained only to discover 10,000 tiny circles left from the rotary sander… which required 11 additional hours of sanding to fix…

h. Not to mention the sawdust that came from 33 hours of non-stop sanding… throughout the house for my wife to deal with… and the laundry piled up because of no access to the washer.

i. Then the dryer broke which complicated doing the mountains of laundry that couldn’t get done earlier because there was no access to the washer…

j. And a broken computer so my daughter couldn’t chat with her friends… and no TV to watch the game…

k. And the week wouldn’t be complete without a flat tire…

l. You can get a little testy living in such tight quarters for 10 days or so…

m. We had a whole range of tests this past week and a half…

n. Things don’t always go the way we want them to down here on earth. This is real life.

o. Being a Christian and dwelling in heavenly places does not exempt us from the ordinary struggles and frustrations of life in a cursed earth.

p. My house is no different from your house.

q. We all have to deal with frustration… things breaking… costing more… taking longer… tempers flaring… attitudes that need adjustments…

2. Living life in our earthly homes is to be directly LINKED to our position in heavenly places in Christ.

a. This position in Christ is NOT something extraneous, unrelated, irrelevant, or disconnected to life.

b. Paul’s point is that we are to be cognizant, mindful, aware, fully conscious of our heavenly position all throughout our daily lives.

c. It isn’t just a nice subject for a theology class… or an intellectual distraction from the mundane… it is TRUTH.

d. It is to be part and parcel of our daily routine… an integral part of our daily thought patterns… incorporated into EVERYTHING we do or say…

e. And this is especially so in the home.

f. Our home life is to be as seamlessly connected to Christ as our church life.

g. That is exactly what we see in this text: the passage on the Christian home (vs.18-25) flows OUT OF the context of being raised and hidden away with Christ in heaven.

h. Remember there are no secular or sacred parts of our lives as believer/priests. Our whole lives are to be living sacrifices… everything we do or say is to be in the name of Christ…

i. We are to DWELL in the heavenlies… not just think about it on occasion. The heavenly realm is our real HOME… our eternal dwelling place… where we are safe… hidden away with Christ.

j. Col. 3:1 – we HAVE been raised up into heavenly places in Christ. (Cf. Eph. 2:6 – raised and seated with Christ.)

3. If we genuinely BELIEVE what these passages say about our glorious position in Christ, then what could possibly be more helpful in our home life?

a. Christ is our life. We are positionally IN HIM.
• This is the truth elaborated upon in the first half of the chapter…
• We are to ABIDE in Christ… Christ IS our position… we are to abide in our position… dwell there… be conscious of Him… our relationship to Him.
• As we abide in Him, spiritual fruit is borne…
• Spiritual fruit is exactly what our homes need: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, self control…
• LET this truth bear fruit in your home…
• Abiding in Christ the Vine (dwelling in our position) is what yields this kind of fruit.
• Give it time… let it grow… cultivate it in your home.

b. We died with Christ and are dead to sin and therefore are no longer a slave to sin.
• So husbands, when you come home from work after a very stressful day, and you’re tired and just need to relax… and as soon as you enter the house your wife lays into you for this that and the other thing that you did wrong…
• On other similar occasions, that’s all it took to cause you to fly off the handle… explode… say hurtful things back to her… maybe swear… or even throw something at the wall…
• The next time that happens, try this: Remember your position. Your old man died. You’re a new creature in Christ now.
• You don’t HAVE to behave the way you used to.
• And if your emotions get the best of you, and you feel like you’re going to explode… walk out the back door to cool off…
• And in the back yard, all by yourself, cry out to the Lord. “Lord, Your Word says that I died with Christ. I believe your Word. I am trusting in you to work in me… I cannot control my anger… Lord, I want to experience the reality of this truth in my life.
• Lord, please help me to understand in a deeper way—an experiential way—teach me what it means to be dead to sin. I need the power of the resurrection!”
• The Lord will help you in that. He delights when we come to the end of our own resources and cast ourselves upon His mercy!
• Your identification with Christ in His death is extremely practical in the home!
• Men, God wants us to know and believe that we really did die with Christ don’t have to blow up and live with the awful consequences of constantly blowing up.
• Home is where we really need to put these truths into practice.
• Identification with Christ’s death is PRACTICAL at home!

c. We are raised up with Christ and seated at the Father’s right hand.
• That’s where we are to dwell day by day…
• Our heart affection is to be there all day long… we are to THINK on things above…
• We are to live down here on earth as if we were already IN our heavenly abiding place!
• And ladies, you might have to deal with frustration, disillusionment, or disappointment when it comes to your earthly home.
• Perhaps things are breaking around the house… and there are no finances to fix them up.
• Perhaps there is a long list of things that need serious attention around the house… and your husband doesn’t have time to get to it… or perhaps doesn’t want to because it isn’t important to him.
• Perhaps there is some jealousy when you see the nice homes of others… and yours is a bit dilapidated.
• Wives have to deal with a whole other set of issues than men do… and they can be just as frustrating… anger provoking… and cause stress and anxiety.
• You could try to hold it all in until you explode… and cause constant strife in the home…
• OR you could remember your position in Christ… your new life hidden away with Him… think on it… dwell on it… read about it… talk about it… delight in it… your real home is in heaven.
• We are strangers and pilgrims… our earthly homes are but a tent.
• Keep on setting your affection on things above… not on things of the earth… until earthly THINGS grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
• Remember, you are a NEW creature now. You are raised into heavenly places and are thus ABLE to walk in newness of life—even if your emotions tell you otherwise. You don’t have to fall apart… you can continue to walk with poise through any storm…
• This CAN be a reality in your lives ladies.
• But it only becomes a reality through faith: as we BELIEVE what God says about our position in Christ.


1. Leading up to the section on the home, Paul speaks of putting off and putting on of Christlike character.

a. This is something that is needed everywhere, but especially in the home.

2. This is all linked to the fact that we died with Christ… therefore, we should put off the old qualities that characterized our old lives (vs. 5, 8, 9)

a. What could be more practical and helpful in the home?

b. This all stems from KNOWING our position: the old man and is dead and buried!

c. BUT… his nature is ALIVE: anger, wrath, malice, ill will, will continually try to enter our homes… like a roaring lion.

d. But when they do, RECOGNIZE them for what they are: manifestations of the old sin nature… things have no place in our homes.

e. Fornication and uncleanness: (vs. 5) – Nothing will do more damage to a Christian home than these sins… They are to be put to death!

f. Blasphemy (vs. 8 – evil speaking) and filthy communication are all to be put off. Don’t tolerate that in your home. Establish a Christian home. They don’t belong there.

g. Lying doesn’t belong there either.
• Lies ruin the atmosphere in a home.
• When a husband isn’t honest with his wife… or vice versa… when kids lie to their parents.
• It erodes trust… which is so important for a healthy relationship to thrive.

h. These old characteristics DO appear in Christian homes on occasion… but they are SIN.

i. When they crop up in your home, confess it to the Lord as sin… AND apologize to those you have hurt… and bring about a full reconciliation… right away! Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

j. “Putting off” old habits and sin is like pulling the weeds out of a garden. But a garden needs much more than weeds pulled out. It needs good plants to be planted with good fruit!

3. So, in your home, PUT ON the Christlike qualities listed here. (vs. 12-14)

a. Vs. 13 – Forbearing one another – putting up with the quirks and shortcomings of each other. We all have them… we all need to be forbearing of the foibles of others.

b. Vs. 13 – Forgiving one another: Home is ground zero for this truth.
• Home is where we say and do the most hurtful things to the people we love the most.
• Home is where we most often offend and get offended.
• Home is where we need to practice forgiveness more than anywhere else on earth.
• Kids can say very mean things to each other… and to their parents… and hurt feelings.
• At home, husbands and wives verbally stab each other and lash out with the tongue…
• Home is where we need to perfect the grace of forgiveness…
• AS Christ forgave you… so forgive others at home!
• He forgave us when we didn’t deserve it; He remembers our sins no more; He doesn’t bring up our old sins and rub them in our faces; He forgives us daily as we confess to Him; with God there is no final straw. His grace is broader and deeper than all our sin.
• And wouldn’t that kind of forgiveness be refreshing in the home?
• If parents didn’t constantly remind their kids of all their past failures… but forgave them…
• Wouldn’t it be great if husbands and wives refused to bring up all their past arguments in every present disagreement?
• Put ON forgiveness… AS Christ forgave you.
• Forgiveness keeps the air fresh in the home.

c. Vs. 14 – Put on love – this is the bond of perfectness or maturity.
• A mature relationship will be full of love.
• Love is a BOND… it holds a marriage together.
• Agape love is not a feeling or an emotion. Emotions are fragile and can disappear into thin air.
• Agape love is an act of the will… a choice to put others before self… sacrifice self for others.
• Home is the #1 place to sacrifice self and practice agape love.
• Home offers the most opportunities to do so… especially if there are kids involved.
• And parents, don’t expect your kids to appreciate the sacrifices for them… they are too immature to notice.
• They won’t realize what you’ve done for them until they have their own kids.

d. This is the NORMAL behavior for the new creature in Christ… one who reckons self to be dead… and ALIVE unto God… for the one who BELIEVES that he really is ABLE to walk and keep on walking in newness of life.

e. Are you CONSCIOUSLY practicing this on a daily basis? This is not dry theology; nor is it irrelevant ivory tower concepts. This is to be PRACTICED daily.

f. If you are not practicing this, don’t blame me if your roof caves in! A happy home takes EFFORT… work… energy.

4. The section on the home in 3:18-4:1 is not an afterthought with Paul.

a. In a sense, it is what he has been leading up to.

b. The context of our heavenly position is to be applied to our earthly home life.

c. Our real life is hidden away in heaven with Christ (vs. 4), but that real life is lived out on earth.

d. We are citizens of heaven already… safe and secure in the arms of Christ. BUT our feet are upon the earth… and we still have to get up and go to work in the morning…

e. Over time, as our minds, hearts, and affections are increasingly more focused on things above, (our heavenly position), our earthly condition will gradually be transformed.

f. As we behold the glory of the Lord, we are transformed into that same image, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

g. This transforms our individual lives as believers… but it transforms the home life as well. (Are you beholding His glory daily?)

h. The branch that abides in the Vine is transformed into something quite fruitful… always… no exceptions.

i. When we abide in our position… DWELL there by faith… believe it… set our affections there… live there… then we too will be transformed and fruitful.

j. II Cor. 3:18 – this transformation takes a LIFETIME.
• It is painfully slow and gradual…
• It requires us to be forbearing of one another in that painfully slow process of transformation…
• It requires years and years of being willing to forgive… which in itself is part of the transformation process…
• But we want it NOW… we want our kids and our spouse to be a full-grown image of Christ now… and it just doesn’t happen that way.
• Those expectations are way out of whack with spiritual reality.
• Perhaps your expectations of home life are not realistic. Growth takes time… the rest of your life…
• Stop trying to be God. Leave the growth to him. You can’t MAKE your family grow… that’s God’s job.
• Concentrate on your own heart… and let God be God in your home.
• Stop picking, nagging, complaining, finger pointing, and criticizing every little infraction of others… and let God change them…

k. That is what our homes need… God to be God. Then we can leave our frustrations in His care…

l. We are to abide above… as we live down here below.

m. M. Stanford coined the saying, Keep looking down.

n. That will transform your home… into a foretaste of glory divine… a taste of heaven on earth.


A. The peace of God ruling in the heart (vs. 15)

1. Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you”… (The Lord Jesus gives the peace). (John 14:27)

2. Eph. 2:14 states that Christ IS our peace! Isaiah refers to Him as the Prince of Peace!

3. He dwells in us… and His peace is CONSTANTLY available by faith… if we trust Him… as we abide in Him… we can have peace like a river flowing through our homes… even peace in the midst of a storm!

4. We are told to LET the peace of God rule in our hearts.

a. It is OUR responsibility to allow God’s peace to rule in our hearts.

b. Rule: control, umpire, be in charge…
• This is a command to SUBMIT to the reign of Christ who IS our peace… submit to the rule of Christ the Head… submit to God who governs and rules His Body in peace.
• Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. He is not disturbed by the chaos on earth. He dwells in the perfect, undisturbed bliss of heaven.
• As we submit to Christ and yield to Him… His peace rules in our hearts…
• We can experience that heavenly peace of God while we live our daily lives on earth… regardless of the turmoil going on around us.

c. We can’t make it rule in anyone else’s heart, but we CAN in our own.

d. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isa. 26:3)

e. In other words, set your affection and your mind on things above… where Christ is. Be looking unto Jesus… and peace rules!

f. Instead of spending all your time putting out all the fires of controversy at home, or trying to psychoanalyze one another, or trying to deal with problems in some other way, God says to simply let HIS peace rule in our hearts.

g. Forget about trying to win the conflict with your wife… or your husband… or your parents… or kids or anyone!

h. Let God’s peace rule in YOUR heart… and even if the other party still wants to fight and argue… NOTHING can disturb the peace of God when it takes root.

i. If they want to fight and argue and behave foolishly—let them! Don’t YOU fall prey to their behavior; YOU are to enjoy Christ… and let His peace rule in your heart…

j. We LOSE that peace when we are no longer submitted to Christ… when WE try to control events… when WE try to be God… when WE try to be lord…

k. We allow God’s peace to rule when we come to an END OF SELF and let God be God…

l. As long as WE are in charge, we will worry… be frustrated… frazzled… stressed out… full of anxiety… and much more likely to blow up… and create havoc in the home.

m. Once we relinquish our GRIP on things in this life to God… we can rest in Him… and experience His PEACE ruling in our hearts.

n. Francis Scott Key: Things that once were wild alarms, cannot now disturb my rest!

o. Remember, our life is hidden away up there with Christ. Nothing down here can disturb the bliss of that dwelling place… and that heavenly bliss can dwell in our hearts.

p. My how that would transform homes if we would simply DO what God said: let His peace rule!

q. That’s what our homes need: HEARTS that are ruled by God’s peace; solid, firm, stable, steady, unmovable, unwavering hearts… that refuse to be shaken by the storms of life… and defy the flames of controversy… a heart where God’s peace rules.

r. And when God’s peace is ruling in everyone’s heart – home is REALLY a taste of heaven on earth.

s. Abiding in our position… staying connected to our heavenly position drastically affects our earthly home for the good!

B. The Word of Christ dwelling richly (vs. 16)

1. Our hearts are to be filled with the peace of God. Our hearts are also to be filled with the Word of Christ.

2. The Word of Christ should DWELL (be at home) in our hearts at home!

a. The Bible… the knowledge of Christ should feel right at home in your home.

b. Red Sox fans feel free to talk about Red Sox nation in their homes.

c. How much more should we feel free to talk about Christ in a Christian home?

3. When Christ and His Word are at home in our hearts, then our earthly home life will be transformed.

a. Remember that the parallel passage in Eph. 5:18 and following speaks of the same issues, only it stems from a heart filled with the Spirit.
• Results: singing (vs. 19), thanksgiving (vs. 20), submission (vs. 21). (Wouldn’t that transform your home!)

b. A heart filled with the Spirit and a heart filled with the Word of Christ PRODUCES exactly what is needed for a happy home… Christlikeness… a submissive spirit.

c. Joyful, thankful hearts… gladly, freely, willingly submitting one to another in the fear of God.

d. This is what the $100.00 an hour counselors don’t want you to know! You don’t need them. You need Christ… right in the center of your heart… and we need His Word richly dwelling in our hearts.

e. If you have a problem or a controversy in your home, fixing the problem… changing the environment or the outward circumstances won’t last very long.

f. The counselors, even the Christian counselors spend all their time focusing on the problem… and trying to fix it.

g. We are told to spend our time focusing on Christ… and PREVENTING the problems!

h. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

• God doesn’t want us to waste all our days putting out the fires. He wants us to learn how to keep them from flaring up in the first place…

j. Create a spiritual atmosphere in your home that makes it less likely for fires to flare up. (Not a tense, dry, tinderbox: spontaneous combustion!)

k. All problems in the home that tear couples and families apart are spiritual problems that arise in the heart.

l. If we would put the time, energy, and effort into guarding our hearts as we should… what happy homes we could have!

m. Concentrate on Christ… filling your heart, mind, affections with Him and with things above… and the things of earth will grow strangely dim.

n. The answer to problems in the home is not to be found in winning megabucks; improving circumstances, or in changing your spouse. It lies in changing SELF.

4. God’s answer to the problems in the home is the CROSS!

a. To have a heart FILLED with the Spirit and FILLED with the Word… self needs to be dealt with.
• God’s method of dealing with self is the cross.
• Apart from the cross, our hearts will be full of self: self will; self’s ambitions; self’s goal and dreams.
• Our old self life needs to be nailed to the cross…
• That’s God’s estimation of our old man; he was worthy to be crucified… and by faith KEEP him on the cross.
• As long as we keep the old self life on the cross by faith… the new man empowered by the Holy Spirit will be FREE to manifest the indwelling Christ and His life and character…
• And wouldn’t Christ’s character be refreshing in the home?

b. That old man:
• Wants his own way; insists on winning the argument.
• He says, “I’m not going to let my spouse walk all over me like a doormat… she’s just using me… and I’m not going to take it any more.”
• The word says the opposite: “Turn the other cheek…—“suffer yourselves to be defrauded…”—to “esteem others better than themselves.”
• But we don’t like that word to richly dwelling in our hearts.
• Too often SELF is richly dwelling in his heart… seated comfortably on the throne… instead of the word of Christ which is all about the CROSS.
• When will we realize that our old man will ruin your home life.
» Sometimes God allows us to experience huge failures that we might LEARN not to trust in our own understanding or to rely on our own strength… but to learn to lean on Him… and walk by faith.
» Paul’s cry, “O wretched man that I am” led him to realize that his life is to be lived THROUGH Jesus Christ the Lord.
» Until we realize how wretched, pitiful, helpless and hopeless the flesh is (no good thing)… we will never have the kind of home God intended.
» If you want a happy home, the old self life MUST be dealt with God’s way.
» Failure is good if it leads us to the cross…
• Deal with the old man God’s way: not with Prozac or valium, but the CROSS… and by a heart filled with the Spirit and the Word of Christ.
• What Christian homes need more than anything is the power of the resurrection… and that is never experienced until we reckon ourselves to be dead. No death = no resurrection power.


1. We looked at this thought last week.
a. The entire life of a believer is a sacred ministry to the Lord… done in His name… as His representative… for His glory.

b. Whether doing the dishes… mowing the lawn… painting the fence… leading family devotions… playing baseball… in HIS NAME… as conscious of His presence as when we pray IN HIS NAME…

c. This ought to be the NORMAL Christian life, but it is RARELY experienced.

d. This means that our entire LIVES are lived as a believer/priest… dwelling in the heavenlies… looking unto Jesus our Great High Priest… yielded to His will moment by moment…

e. A life that revolves around Christ… around His Body, the local church… a selfless life… a life lived for the Lord…

2. What Paul uses as an introduction (of sorts) to the section on home life is not a quick fix, but a LIFESTYLE.

a. Thinking on things above… setting your affections on things above… putting on and putting off… letting the Word richly dwell in your heart is NOT what we are to do when the roof caves in… or when a problem arises in the home.

b. It is to be our daily lifestyle… our daily routine… our attitude moment by moment… we should be “constantly abiding… moment by moment by death reckoned mine…

c. Christianity isn’t a pill you take when you are sick. It is a life to be lived every moment of every day.

d. The Christian life as described in Col. 3 always results in a HEALTHY spiritual life… which translates into a spiritually healthy home life.

e. Christianity works. It transforms individuals and it transforms homes.

f. Stay healthy. Practice Col. 3. Don’t just try it out when you get into a jam, but LIVE it.

g. Everything Paul said about our heavenly position and our new life in Christ is to be incorporated into real life in our homes. That’s the next section!

The Role of the Christian Wife

Part One


1. In this section Paul gives a brief dissertation on the Christian home.

a. While it is quite brief, (only 4 verses—unless we include the exhortations directed to masters and servants) it is the second longest in the Scriptures!

b. It is surprising to me how LITTLE there is in the Bible on Christian living in the home.

c. There are LOTS of principles found scattered throughout the Bible that are certainly applicable at home, but only a couple of sections directly dealing with the Christian home.

d. My explanation for the apparent lack of passages dealing with Christian living in the home (and this is only an opinion…) is that Christian living in the home shouldn’t be any different than Christian living anywhere else!

e. Thus EVERY passage that deals with the Christian life needs to be incorporated into our home life.

2. And in this second largest section on the Christian home, notice that there is but ONE main exhortation directed to the wife… one directed to the husband… one directed to the children… and one directed to the father… and none to the mother.

a. Critics might assume that this incredibly brief section on the Christian home is pitifully inadequate to deal with all the complex problems that might befall a Christian home in the modern world.

b. Those critics would be dead wrong.

c. In my mind, I see something beautiful in the simplicity of it all!

d. Modern psychology is quite complicated, with all of its competing and sometimes contradictory theories, methodologies, and therapies…

e. God’s plan of salvation is simple. Of course it can be dissected into theological complexities, but it can also be boiled down to something simple enough for a child to grasp: “Believe and be saved.” It is beautifully simple.

f. God’s plan for the Christian home is simple too. And there are complexities that can arise in the home too… and complex relationships. However, it can be boiled down to one simple command for each person.

g. Christian living in the home is available to every believer… to every Christian family… new and older believers alike… not just the elite theologians who claim to be able to dissect the complex human relationships and put them back together in such a way that they work effectively.

h. God gives ONE main command to each person in the home. And if we would each OBEY that one simple command, our homes would be transformed!

i. Obedience to one simple command would resolve EVERY problem that any family will ever or could ever face.

j. This morning we want to look at the one main command given to the Christian wife: submit.

3. We are going to spend a little MORE time on the command given to the wives.

a. But the reason is not what you think, men! It’s not because I am biased or am trying to be unfair in the coverage!

b. Rather, it is because the role of women is under attack today and demands more attention.

c. In the world today, if a man says he loves his wife, he gets a pat on the back from the world.

d. If a woman says she submits to her husband in everything, she is ridiculed, scorned, and looked at as a relic from medieval days.

e. In other words, for ladies in the modern world it is MORE difficult fulfilling their God given role than men.

f. We want to LIFT UP God’s concept of womanhood and make it clear what submission is and what it is not.

g. In the local church, we want to honor women for being women!

Submission Defined: Wives, Submit Yourselves

A. The Term Defined

1. ὑποτάσσω – to place or arrange under, to subordinate; to subject one’s self, obey; to submit to one’s control.

a. This is a compound word (tasso – to place in order; to place in an orderly fashion) + hupo (under)

b. Hence, it comes to mean to subordinate, to place under the authority of another.

c. Strong’s: a military term meaning “to arrange [troop divisions] in a military fashion under the command of a leader.”

d. Submission is similar to but not synonymous to obedience.
• It is possible to obey a command but not be submissive… to obey but without a submissive heart.
• A hostage might be forced to obey their captors, but that is a far cry from the concept of submission. That’s called duress… perhaps with a gun to their head!
• Submission speaks of a heart attitude out of which obedience arises.
• It is possible for a wife to do what her husband says, but to do so grumbling… to do so for various reasons (fear, under duress, in anger… even hatred).
• But Paul is telling the wives to willingly and lovingly SUBMIT to their husbands… to be submissive…
• It carries the idea of surrendering one’s will to another…

B. The Command

1. The verb is present, passive, imperative

a. The wife is commanded to continually BE submissive to her husband.

b. It is a command, not a suggestion.

c. It is to be continuous behavior… a continuous heart attitude.

d. Be careful with the “passive” here.
• The wife is not to BE subjugated (from an outside source—like her husband!).
• She is to BE submissive.
• She is to “put herself” in that place… not the husband.
• The command is not to the husband to subjugate the wife, but for the wife to submit to the husband.
• The wife is to choose to willingly place herself in the God-given role of submission.

2. Eph. 5:22-24 expands this concept.

a. He adds here that the husband is the head of the wife. (Eph. 5:23)

b. He also adds, “In everything.” (Eph. 5:24)
• There is not a lot of wiggle room in this passage.
• This does not speak of submission when it is convenient or when the wife thinks it’s a good idea… or when the wife wants to.
• There is no exception clause for days when the wife doesn’t feel like it, or if the husband is acting like a fool.
• There aren’t any qualifications the husband has to meet before the wife is to submit to him.
• The only exception clause is found in Acts 5:29 – we ought to obey God rather than men. When a husband tells his wife to violate Scripture, she is to obey God rather than her husband.

c. It is not difficult to understand what Paul means. It is not a matter of interpretation. The language is crystal clear. Some think it is “too” clear.

d. Even those who oppose this teaching do not doubt what the words Paul said meant.

e. There is virtually no disagreement as to what the message is in this verse.
• However, because it is crystal clear, and because it is so vilified in the world, some have resorted to attacking the messenger, Paul… or the preacher who teaches this: me!
• Some say: He was a product of his time; male chauvinist; single man who didn’t understand women; archaic and no longer fits the modern world.
• The fact is that Paul wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost… and these words are God-breathed and profitable!

f. Submission is an attitude of heart that recognizes this to be so… that the husband is the head and the wife is to willingly and respectfully accepts and responds to that headship.
• Submission is not simply what a woman does, but what she IS.
• It is more of a description of her heart than her actions.
• It is her attitude of heart even when there are no commands given…
• The present tense of the participle in Col. 3:18 indicates that this is to be the constant attitude of a godly wife.

3. Notice also that the command is supremely SIMPLE.

a. It is not a complicated formula for a happy home.

b. There are no footnotes to the command… or an additional commentary on “how to” submit.

c. Psychology (even Christian psychology!) loves to give us a series or steps to try to make things easy for us… or how to take the stress or the pain out of it… some new techniques… or a prescription to help us deal with the anxiety of it all…

d. There is nothing of the like in the Bible. Paul simply says: submit.

e. The wife is given nothing but the plain, straightforward, simple command and is expected by God to obey: submit to your husband in everything.

f. And young ladies considering marriage should take a long hard look at this text before you ever enter marriage. Ask yourself, “Is this really the man I would want to submit to for the rest of my life?”

g. Submission in everything is the role of the Christian wife… so pray MUCH before even thinking of getting married.

4. This is one of those Bible commands that is despised by the world.

a. It is scorned, ridiculed, and hated in many circles today… sadly even by some who claim to be evangelical Christians!

b. Some have tried to get around this passage by stating that submission is the result of the curse and that in Christ there is no difference, and thus no submission.

c. Some have tried to cut this command out of the Bible, claiming that it was just “cultural” or that it was an expression of Paul’s bias, etc.

d. But it is in fact NOT a cultural issue. It is inspired Scripture! It is as true today as the day it was written!

e. It is just as true and relevant as Col. 3:19 – “Husbands, love your wives!” Nobody says that we should cut that verse out and discard it as “cultural” or “biased.”

f. None of us has the right to pick and chose which verses we like and which we do not like… which are authoritative and which are not.

g. ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is PROFITABLE!

h. But just because something is despised and rejected of men, that does not mean it is wrong! Isaiah tells us that our Lord Himself was also despised and rejected of men!

i. Truth is not determined by opinion polls, popularity polls, or current trends.

j. God is the author of truth… not men. Let God be true and every man a liar.

God’s Original Creation Order

1. The concept of submission in the New Testament speaks of God’s earthly order of things… everything in its place… orderly—just like the rest of His creation.

a. There is a chain of authority… a chain of command in the world God built.

b. God’s plan is for the local church and for His world to function decently and in order… and He has built in a chain of command for that to transpire.

c. When that chain of authority is broken, or turned inside out, (in the world, the local church, or the home) chaos is the result.

d. When the divine order is kept and honored, contentment is the result… and there is peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

e. And that is what everybody wants (peace, contentment, fulfillment)… but most folks go about it the wrong way… by being conformed to the world rather than being transformed by the Word.

2. In the home, the husband is the head and the wife is to submit. This is based on God’s creation order.

a. I Tim.2:12-13 – for Adam was first formed.
• This is given as the reason why women are not to usurp authority over the man.
• In this verse, the reason given is not because of sin, but because of God’s creation order… the originally perfect design and creation order of things.
• “First” = protos – can either mean first in rank or first in time.
• This is similar to the concept of the firstborn. The firstborn was not superior to other sons. Often he was a scoundrel!
• But because he was born first in time gave him first rank. It said NOTHING about his intellect, his spirituality, his morality, or his character.
• Vs. 14 – mentions Eve’s sin. But her rank under Adam existed BEFORE the fall.

b. Gen. 3:16 – The curse was NOT that the husband would rule over the wife or that the woman would now have to give birth.
• That existed BEFORE the fall.
• Before the fall Adam and Eve both knew their roles. They knew Adam was created “first.” They knew that Eve was his helpmeet. It was natural for them.
• There was no pressure on Adam to lead, and it was no burden to Eve to submit.
• Both did naturally what they were created to do. They knew nothing else. They joyfully accepted and fulfilled their God given roles as naturally as breathing.
• The curse was that now her position as wife and mother would now be wrought with difficulties because sin entered the hearts of BOTH of them… whereas before it was nothing but delight.
• Childbirth was not the curse. God originally told them to multiply and fill the earth.
• The curse was that now there would be pain in childbirth.
• The curse was not that the woman had to submit to the man. That was true before the fall. The curse was that now the woman would not be so willing to submit to her husband as before. She might want to rule over him!

c. Gen. 3:17-18 – Man’s curse was not the fact that he had to go to work. He worked in the garden before the fall.
• The curse was that his original position as worker would now be wrought with trouble.
• And now he had a wife whose fallen nature did not naturally and joyfully submit to his leadership as it had before the fall.
• Sin affected everything! And the curse has not yet been lifted, as we are all painfully aware.

d. But note that Adam’s position was as head and Eve’s position was to submit even before the fall.
• This role is not part of the curse.
• It is part of God’s original, perfect creation order… untainted by sin.
• Gen. 3:17 – in fact, the curse upon man was given because Adam and Eve swapped roles! Adam “hearkened” (obeyed) his wife.
• God clearly puts the blame of Adam for sin entering the world. Adam was in charge. He should have taken the lead.
• Instead, Eve led and Adam followed her lead. Sin turned God’s order and design upside down!
• Before, Adam always led Eve into righteousness.
• Now, Eve led Adam into sin.
• In that one act, God’s perfect order was violated, twisted, and distorted.

e. I Cor. 11:9 – the woman was created for the man.
• Again, it is God’s natural creation order that places men and women in such a relationship to each other.
• Read I Cor. 11:3 – man is in the position of head.
• To deny one in this order is to deny the others.
• To deny that the man is head of the woman is a denial that Christ is the head of the man.
• This is God’s chain of authority, and it is all ONE chain. Removing one link breaks the whole chain.
• This is God’s design… and it is not to be tinkered with.
• This is the order of nature… the order of creation…
• Vs. 8-9 indicate that God’s order of creating man and woman were designed to teach and reinforce this important lesson. God created Adam first and OUT OF Adam, He created Eve.

f. This is a divine order, and God does not want that order upset in the home.
• God made men and women different… equal in Christ, but different.
• They have different bodies, different emotional make ups, different ways of thinking, different levels of strength, different functions, and different roles.
• We do ourselves no favor by denying that women are different from men!
• The modern notion that the roles of the sexes are equal in every way is almost laughable… it is so contrary to the obvious! Men and women are different… by design…
• Men and women are different by divine design.
• The differences are not to compete with each other, but to complement each other… when each submits to his and to her God-given role.

3. Submission does NOT imply inferiority.

a. I Cor. 11:3 – God the Father was the Head of Christ.
• That does NOT imply superiority.
• Christ was equal to the Father…
• But in His earthly existence, as a man, God was His God and He submitted to the Father.

b. Luke 2:51 – Jesus submitted to Joseph and Mary… his legal, earthly parents. That did not mean that those mere mortals were superior to Christ… the eternal Son of God… the Creator of heaven and earth! Hardly.

c. Jesus submitted to various earthly relationships.
• Jesus submitted to the Jewish leaders in Israel… and thus to the Law of Moses.
• Jesus submitted unto the Roman government… human government was established by God. (Give unto Ceasar.)

d. His submission certainly did NOT imply inferiority!
• Jesus was NOT inferior to the Father, but co-equal!
• Jesus was NOT inferior to Joseph or Mary; or to the Jewish rulers; or to Herod or the other Roman government officials… and to the soldiers that nailed Him to the cross.
• He is Lord of all! Almighty God!
• And yet, Jesus submitted to every earthly authority over Him… even though He was the Creator of heaven and earth!

e. Earthly relationships do not last forever. In glory, there will be no male or female… no husbands and wives; hence, what we are discussing is a temporary arrangement… God’s order for life on earth in the present order.
• God has built law and order into His universe.
• God’s world has beauty and design… as well as law and order. They go hand in hand.
• Whether we are looking at a micro picture under a microscope… or a macro picture of the universe from Hubble telescope… God’s creation is a system of law and order… and of beauty and design.
• The beauty and the order are intermeshed… interwoven… a union.
• God’s plan for the home is no different. God’s design for the home includes an order… the husband is the head of the home… the wife is to submit.

f. The fact that the husband is the head of the household and the wife is to submit tells us NOTHING about the person… only the position.
• It does not mean that the wife is inferior morally. Often the reverse is true.
• It does not mean that the wife is less spiritual. Often the wife is more spiritually minded than the husband.
• It does not mean that the wife is inferior mentally. Her IQ may be light-years above his.
• It does not mean that her character is inferior. Sometimes the reverse is true.
• Headship vs. submission tells us nothing about the person or their character. All it tells us is the place they hold in God’s order of things on earth.

g. Gen. 1:26 – In fact, Adam and Eve were originally created to be co-regents over the entire earth.
• They ruled together… they both had dominion over the earth.
• Together they ruled as king and queen of planet earth! Talk about authority!
• But in their relationship as husband and wife, Eve was to submit to Adam…
• In fact, it was natural for her to do so, God never had to TELL her… any more than He had to tell the birds to fly or the fish to swim. That’s what they do!
• It was the way God made her! She was Adam’s wife; it was her NATURE! She knew instinctively to submit… and did so in perfect joy and fulfillment.
• What could be more fulfilling than BEING what God designed you to be?
• Reversing roles is as frustrating as expecting fish to fly and birds to swim.
• There are flying fish—but try pushing one off the Grand Canyon! And there are birds that swim… but try keeping them underwater! It doesn’t work. That’s not the sphere God created them to live in.
• You can try to defy your God given role, but eventually, it will catch up to you. God’s plan is best.

Christianity Elevates the Role of the Wife and Mother

1. Christianity LIFTED UP the role of the woman in the ancient world… and still does today.

a. Let’s not degrade this concept of submission as the world does.

b. Submission in the Bible does not mean slavery, oppression, or subjugation.

c. The Bible never tells the husband to “subjugate” his wife.
• That is what evil men did for centuries before Christianity came along.
• It is human nature for the strong to trample over the weak. (power, wealth, or position in the world)
• Because women were physically weaker, men subjugated them for many centuries… because they could!

d. Christianity revealed that a woman’s weakness and frailty is her GLORY! (I Pet. 3:7)
• The woman is to be HONORED because of her weakness! (honor = honor, respect, esteem, value; price)
• Peter’s point is that a weaker vessel is MORE valuable and ought to be honored as such.
• Compare a cast iron frying pan and fine china.
• The frying pan is stronger… the china is weaker.
• Because of that the china is to be honored… given a place of honor in the home… not the frying pan.
• China’s beauty and value are seen in the fact that it is fragile and delicate. That’s what MAKES it beautiful and valuable!
• Take the pan and the vase to a pawn shop!

e. Christianity is different from the modern world.
• The modern world tries to ignore the differences. (dishonest)
• Christianity is different from the ancient world which took advantage of the weakness of women. (immoral)
• Christianity is both honest and moral. It is honest and acknowledges the differences. It is moral and HONORS the woman for her weakness… God given beauty and delicate design!
• And God ORDERS men to honor that difference… not trample over it… or take advantage of it… or ignore it, but to HONOR it.
• I Cor. 11:7 – the woman is the GLORY of the man. (The man who is honest and moral will recognize this truth.)

f. In the ancient world, women were often treated like cattle, property, or slaves.
• Christianity elevated the place of the woman…
• Christianity restored the woman to her rightful place in God’s order…
• Gal. 3:28 – in Christ there is NO DIFFERENCE spiritually or morally between male and female! They are both of equal value to God. What a slap in the face to the cruel culture of his day!
• In our relationship to God, BOTH male and females are priests… and have equal access to God through the Spirit… no difference… no advantage…
• And even though in Christ, there is no difference, in the world, there is still a natural creation order… a chain of command.
• And in this chain of command, the husband is commanded something that would turn those pagan cultures on their heads: Husbands were to LOVE their wives more than they loved themselves! AS Christ loved the church!
• And men were commanded to HONOR the woman FOR her weakness… and see it as an asset and not something to step on.

2. The concept of women submitting to their husbands is hated in the world today… sometimes out of ignorance.

a. Today what often comes to the minds of men and women when they hear of this concept in the Bible is the awful travesty of the history of male/female relationships in ancient cultures.

b. They confuse the idea of subjugation with submission… they think of it as a master/slave relationship.

c. Or perhaps they think of Islam… where women are STILL treated like second class citizens… and the clerics teach the husbands how to beat their wives into submission.

d. That is evil… it is sinful… it is an awful abuse of God’s perfect creation order.

e. The feminist movement (women’s lib) was perfectly RIGHT in opposing and fighting against cruel abuse and injustice in the treatment of women.

f. It is no wonder that women fear and recoil at any mention of submission… because they IGNORANTLY associate it with the awful abuse of the past many centuries… and what continues to this day in some places.

g. They wrongly assume that Christianity perpetuates that awful abuse. It does NOT.

h. If they only knew how Christ LIFTS UP the role of a mother and a wife… and exalts it… and demands husbands to show love and to honor her FOR her weakness…

i. The woman who SUBMITS to God’s design and role for her life will find contentment and fulfillment.

j. The woman who rebels will be frustrated and empty.

k. When everyone in the home functions in their God given role in the home, as God intended, it is a thing of great beauty, order, design, and splendor… unmatched by any relationship in the world.

l. But let’s not bury our heads in the sand. There are times when even Christian men trample over their wives and treat them like doormats… as the evil men in ages past have done. It was wrong then and it is equally wrong today… even more so for a believer.

m. Colossians 3 tells us all how to make a few simple adjustments… and home can really be a happy place!

The Role of the Christian Wife

Part Two

The Heart Attitude of Submission

1. Defined: to rank under;

a. ὑποτάσσω – to place or arrange under, to subordinate; to subject one’s self, obey; to submit to one’s control.

b. This is a compound word (tasso – to place in order; to place in an orderly fashion) plus hupo (under)

c. Hence, it comes to mean to subordinate, to place under the authority of another.

d. Submission is similar to but not synonymous to obedience.
• It is possible to obey a command but not be submissive… to obey but without a submissive heart.
• Submission speaks of a heart attitude out of which obedience arises.
• It carries the idea of surrendering one’s will to another…
• Thus, it is to be done willingly… not forced… not coerced…
• The ACT of obedience is to come from a submissive HEART.
• Submission describes not so much what the wife DOES but what kind of person she IS.

2. It is linked to spiritual beauty. (I Pet. 3:3-5)

a. In this section, Peter is giving counsel to a godly Christian woman on HOW to win her unsaved husband to Christ.

b. Vs. 3 – Peter states here that the real beauty of a Christian woman is NOT found in her hairdo, her gold jewelry, or her fancy apparel.
• And by the way, Peter is NOT forbidding a woman from having her hair done up or from wearing gold jewelry.
• I visited a church where they believed that this verse DID forbid gold jewelry: Pilgrim Holiness Church…
• If the passage does forbid this, then it also forbids the wearing of clothing…apparel… which obviously is NOT Peter’s point.
• His point is that a godly woman’s true adorning, her true beauty does not lie in these externals.
• It is perfectly natural for a woman to try to make herself look pretty.
• I Tim. 2:9 – In fact, women are commanded to do so! In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel. (modest = kosmios = neat; well arranged; orderly; – our English word cosmetics comes from this term). Her clothing and outward appearance is to be well fashioned, neat, clean, well arranged—not a slob!
• Our passage in I Pet. 3:3 simply states that while a woman will naturally care for her outward appearance, THAT is not what makes her beautiful spiritually!
• The outward is NOT her true adorning. (Adorning = kosmos = order; arrangement; an orderly system; a decoration; used of the “world” as an orderly system).
• The adorning of a woman (that which makes her look neat, orderly, well arranged, beautiful) is NOT primarily the outward!
• If a godly Christian woman wants to win her husband to Christ, it is not her OUTWARD beauty that will do it.

c. Vs. 4 – It is the HIDDEN man of the HEART.
• It is her INWARD beauty that will attract him to Christ.
• It is her feminine, womanly, heart attitude of submission… that will win her husband.
• Peter’s point is that a man who observes this in his wife will have to acknowledge that she is a GEM!
• It’s almost as if there is a built in instinct in a man that recognizes when a relationship is right…
• There are not many women like her in the world. That’s what a woman OUGHT to be!
• There is something inwardly beautiful about this woman that RINGS TRUE… and her husband will notice it.
• Even without saying a word (vs. 1) her godly, submissive spirit sends a message: a right relationship to God makes earthly relationships right!
• When her life rings true, her message will ring true as well! This is the woman most likely to win her husband to Christ.

d. The life that rings true is characterized in two ways:
• Vs. 4 – a meek and quiet spirit before God. (Spirit = God-conscious part of the inner man). When God speaks, she bows… meekly and quietly—without any argument… without any backtalk. When God speaks, she says, YES Lord.
• Vs. 5 –a submissive attitude before her husband. She has a submissive heart before her husband.
• She acknowledges his leadership and willingly and joyfully submits to it… naturally… she doesn’t have to be forced.
• This is the TRUE beauty of a godly Christian woman. This is what a woman SHOULD be… God’s design.
• Submission to her husband is her hidden, inner adornment that makes her beautiful to her husband.
• Even the unsaved man in Peter’s example will be attracted to this inner beauty of submission… God made men to be attracted to that which is feminine.
• There is beauty in God’s original design in creation… male and female made He them.
• There is something supremely attractive about a woman BEING what God designed her to be.
• Peter’s point is that her submissive spirit is attractive to a husband.
• Her feminine, womanly submission is what makes her beautiful… not the jewelry and the fancy hairdo.
• That’s all fine in their place, but they are nothing compared to the hidden beauty of her heart!

e. A submissive heart is what makes a Christian woman truly beautiful… it is her real, spiritual beauty.
• The world says that submission makes a woman a doormat. The world says it makes a woman inferior. It will make her feel worthless.
• God says submission makes a woman beautiful and attractive to her husband. It is her most attractive adornment.
• It does not result in a feeling of worthlessness… but just the opposite: therein lies her real worth! It is in fact what makes her feel complete… whole… wholesome… satisfied… fulfilled…
• Don’t be conformed to the world.

3. It is linked to reverence and respect (Eph. 5:33).

a. Reverence defined: Pheobomai – to fear; to put to flight; to show reverence or respect.
• It is often used of fearing God – in the sense of showing deep respect and reverence for God.
• It is sometimes used of fearing people in positions of authority.
• The term is used in the Septuagint in Lev. 19:3 (of children fearing their parents) Josh. 4:14 (of the people fearing Joshua as they previously feared Moses).
• It speaks of acknowledging one in a position of authority (parents; Joshua; husband)…
• It is the respect shown for the person in that position of authority…
• An acknowledgement of, and deep, heartfelt respect for a person because of the position of authority he holds… is perhaps the best way to describe it today.
• It speaks here of a wife fearing (showing respect and reverence for) her husband.

b. In I Pet. 3:6 – Peter picks up on the fact that in Gen. 18, Sarah calls her husband Abraham “lord.”
• It was a term of respect… an acknowledgement of his position of authority and her submission to him.
• The acknowledgement came from a submissive heart.
• It was her overall attitude towards Abraham… it was how she viewed him…
• She lifted up or exalted, honored his position as head.
• She treated him with respect and dignity; she held him in high esteem.
• All of that is involved in the concept of fear or reverence.
• Most men will respond VERY favorably when the wife shows that kind of respect.

c. The first thing we want to note here is that verse 33 is the conclusion to this rather lengthy section on the role of husband and wife which begins in vs. 22.
• Vs. 22 – wives are to submit.
• Vs. 23 – the husband is to love his wife.
• As we noted last week, there is one main command to each. (submit; love)
• The one main command to each is repeated in vs. 24-25. (submit and love)
• In conclusion, Paul repeats the one command to each. However, he seems to use “reverence” as a synonym for submit.
• In some way, submission to her husband is likened unto fearing him or showing respect.

4. It is linked to humility (I Pet.5:5; Jas. 4:7)

a. In I Pet. 5:5, the context is not that of husband and wife, but the same concept of submission mentioned. (same word)

b. Here it is submission to elders – those who have authority by virtue of their age.

c. Hence, they are to be given deference, respect, esteem because of their position as an older person.

d. Those who show respect and submit to elders are to be clothed with HUMILITY.

e. In the Orient, respect is shown by bowing before a person. In Abraham’s day respect was shown by Sarah by calling him lord… and bowing.

f. Every example of this acknowledgment of a position of respect and authority is an expression of humility.

g. Submission of a wife today is an expression of humility.

h. In a sense, it is a bowing of self… and exalting the other.

i. They go hand in hand. Reverence is lifting up the other… and humility is a bowing down of self.

j. IN our culture, we don’t bow or call human beings lord. That is a term we use for Christ who is our Lord.

k. But there ARE ways that women can show respect, submission, and reverence to her husband… and it always involves humility.

l. In our culture a wife is to submit to her husband… clothed in humility (and so are we men!).

m. She does this by the way she talks to him… by the way she talks ABOUT him…

n. You can tell if a woman respects her husband or not.

5. It is linked to the fear of God (Eph. 5:21)

a. One who fears God dares NOT to step outside of God’s order… dares not to violate God’s chain of authority…

b. The wife is commanded to submit to her husband in the fear of God.

c. Fear in vs. 21 is phobos – noun; Reverence in vs. 33 is phobemomai – verb form.

d. A fear or reverence for God results in a fear or reverence for one’s husband.

e. The woman who genuinely fears God will submit to HIM first and foremost… and will submit to what He says.

f. And HE says that the wife is to submit to her husband.

g. A godly Christian wife will fear God; she will fear displeasing Him by not obeying His Word.

h. The fear of God LEADS a wife to reverence her husband… there is a direct LINK… it is all part of God’s chain of authority… and submission in ANY area stems from a submission to and fear of God.

i. So the woman (for whatever reason) who does not show reverence for her husband is not a God-fearing woman.

j. True submission is conducted in an atmosphere of the fear of God… which is the beginning of wisdom.

k. Paul says, “And the wife, see that she reverence her husband.”

l. Our relationship to God manifests itself in our relationship to others… especially to our spouse.

m. Do you want a happy home? Do you want to improve your relationship to you spouse? Then fear God and submit to whatever role in which God has placed you.

n. Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom… and it is the atmosphere out of which true submission arises and continues… and bears fruit… and thus fulfillment in your role as a wife!

Particulars of Submission

A. Unto your Own Husbands (Col. 3:18)

1. Paul commands the Christian wife to submit to her OWN husband.

a. Your own = idios – As belonging to oneself and not to another, one’s own, peculiar, unique… your own personal, unique husband.

b. This truth is repeated elsewhere in the New Testament.

c. Eph. 5:22 – your own husbands…

d. Titus 2:5 – obedient to your own husbands—obedient = submission, same word.

e. I Pet. 3:1, 5 – be subject to your own husbands…

2. This is not a command for all women to be in submission to all men.

a. It is a command for a wife, who willingly chose to enter into a one flesh relationship with her husband, to submit to HIM and not to others.

b. There are other realms where submission is involved (government; local church; police; etc.) But the husband/wife relationship is unique.

c. This is a special, personal, intimate, type of submission.

d. The reverential submission to the loving headship is the way the one flesh relationship is to be… God’s design.

e. When followed it makes for a wonderful relationship.

B. As It Is Fit in the Lord (Col. 3:18)

1. FIT defined:

a. fit, proper, becoming, appropriate

b. Submission of a wife to her own husband IS fitting… it IS appropriate… it IS becoming to a wife.

c. It is inappropriate and unbecoming for a wife NOT to submit… for the wife to take the lead and be the head.

d. It is inappropriate because it is out of sync with God’s original design.

e. But when everything is in its proper place, it is fitting and becoming. (loving headship; willing submission in the fear of God)

2. It is fitting IN THE LORD.

a. The concept of a wife submitting to her husband is NOT fitting everywhere!

• It won’t go over well in an office full of women.
• It won’t go over well in the left-leaning colleges and universities of today… unless they are conservative Christian schools.
• Not long ago, this concept was the NORM all throughout all of America.
• Now it is a minority view… it is even being rejected by those who profess to be Christians…
• To the world, this sort of behavior is considered inappropriate… archaic… Medieval… and is hated.
• Increasingly the culture and society in which we live sees submission as repulsive and even as immoral.
• The social engineers of our day are doing their best to wipe this concept out of the land… as Jezebel wiped out the worship of Jehovah in Israel.
• More and more we are seeing all around us that God’s design for the home does NOT FIT into the modern world.
• Be NOT conformed to the world! Don’t allow yourself to be seduced by the world’s view.

b. That which is UNFITTING and inappropriate in the world is STILL perfectly fitting and appropriate in the Lord.
• The believer has experienced a CHANGE of position.
• We were sons of Adam in the world…
• But we are now sons of God in Christ!
• This change of position changed everything…
» We DIED to the world and its ways. (Col. 2:20)
» We no longer think like the world.
» We are now ALIVE unto God and have been raised into heavenly places in Christ. (Col. 3:1)
» We are to set our affections (minds and hearts) on things above… and dwell in our glorious heavenly position.
» In the spiritual realm, things are very different than in the natural, earthly realm of men.
» It is from this heavenly perspective that we are to view our earthly relationships.
• Miles Stanford used to say, “Keep looking down” because heaven is our real home… where our hearts, minds, and affections are to DWELL…
• And from that position, as we DWELL on things above… abiding in Christ above… fruit is borne and our earthly condition is changed…
• It is changed by holding on to Christ the Head… and abiding in Him… and filling our hearts with our position… and the more our position in Christ the Lord sinks in… the more it will affect and produce fruit in our earthly condition… relationships down here!
• It will transform your marriage and your home life!
• If the Word of Christ does in fact dwell RICHLY in our hearts… and we are filled by the indwelling Holy Spirit, then for a wife to submit to her husband will be as normal and natural as breathing.
• Submission is fit in the Lord… in that sphere… In heavenly IN CHRIST.
• The wife is to submit to her husband because it is fitting in light of her heavenly position in Christ.

c. The Christian wife who continually focuses on things above… sets her affections on things above… seeks things above… and abides in Christ above… will find carrying out His will down below a delight rather than a burden.

d. The battle is to keep our hearts above and abide with Christ… and allow God to work in us here below… both to WILL (to desire and even delight in) and to DO (perform).

C. As UNTO the Lord (Eph. 5:22)

1. The wife is to submit to her husband AS unto the Lord.

2. This does not mean that the wife is to submit to her husband as if HE were God… in the same way she submits to God.

a. A woman is to submit to God in everything… no exceptions.

b. A woman is to submit to her husband in everything, but there IS an exception – Acts 5:29 – if her husband tells her to do something contrary to God’s Word.

3. This means that a wife’s submission to her husband is in reality a service UNTO Christ the Lord.

a. It is akin in meaning to the words of the Lord Jesus in Matt. 25:40: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

b. When a woman submits unto her husband… when she ministers to him… and she does so in the fear of God and for His glory… that service to her husband is received by God as ministry UNTO the Lord!
• Serving your husband is a way of serving Christ!
• Submitting to your husband is in that sense submitting to Christ.
• Ministering to your husband is ministering to Christ!
• This makes your everyday life a SACRED ministry unto Christ as a priest! Your selfless submission and service to your husband is a sacrifice unto Christ!
• When your heart is in heaven, it will transform your life on earth… from the monotonous, mundane, daily routines into spiritual sacrifices with eternal ramifications!

4. This truth is especially helpful for wives in those times when submitting to your husband does NOT come easy!

a. When the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the church, when the husband exhibits selfless, loving headship, putting his wife first in everything… submission is easy! Pleasant!
• When the relationship is as God intended, submission is a joy and a delight.
• But that assumes that both the husband and wife are filled with the Spirit and walking with the Lord… with the fruit of the Spirit evident in their lives…

b. But in reality, as we all know, that is not always the case.
• Some women have husbands who are not saved. Other women have husbands who are saved but walking in the flesh.
• The flesh can be very ugly and upsets the relationship—it throws a monkey wrench into the relationship.
• That can make submission VERY undesirable… even painful!

c. When a husband FAILS to live up to his God-given role and demonstrate selfless, loving leadership, it is often used as an excuse for the wife to FAIL to live up to her God-given role to submit.
• It’s bad when ONE partner fails to live up their God given role, namely, the husband.
• But it is doubly bad when the other partner retaliates by refusing to live up to her God given role!
• It creates a vicious circle… a spiral downward. The whole household is dominated by the flesh… Christ is out of the picture altogether.
• Oftentimes a wife will say, “I’m not going to submit to him until he loves me as he should! There’s no way I’m submitting to him until he changes and learns to treat me right!”
• But ladies, that’s the flesh speaking. And it is contrary to the Spirit. The flesh is ALWAYS contrary to the Spirit.
• The flesh loves to retaliate and to fight fire with fire.
• May I remind you of the WORKS of the flesh? Adultery, Fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, hatred, wrath, strife, envyings, murders, drunkenness and such like!
• Do you really want to aid the flesh in bringing all THAT into your home?
• Isn’t it far better to swallow your pride, go the cross, reckon yourself to be dead, and seek God’s grace and strength to be a channel through which the Spirit can manifest the life and character of Christ?

d. God’s ONE COMMAND to a Christian wife in Col. 3:18 still stands.
• Your husband’s bad behavior does not absolve you of your God-given responsibility to obey this command.
• The verse remains as is whether your husband is a godly, Spirit filled man who provides selfless loving leadership… OR whether your husband is mean, self centered, arrogant, proud, cruel, and verbally abusive!
• YOUR responsibility to obey God does not change with every change in his mood or behavior.
• His behavior can make your submission to him either delightful or torturous… but it doesn’t CHANGE your responsibility.

e. The Christian wife is to submit to her husband AS UNTO THE LORD… as a ministry unto the Lord.
• Submission is not based on the worthiness of your husband. It is based on the worthiness of Christ!
• And if your heart is right with God, and you are firmly planted in heavenly places in Christ, acknowledging Christ in you, yielded to the Spirit of God… then you will be ABLE to walk in NEWNESS of life!
• Instead of retaliating against his bad behavior, you can look right through that behavior… looking unto Jesus… and submit to your very unworthy husband AS UNTO the infinitely worthy Christ!
• Your service to your husband is a sacrifice well pleasing to Christ!
• Consider I Pet. 2:18-23 – the example of servants submitting to their masters.
» Anyone can submit to one who is good and gentle. (vs. 18)
» But it is thankworthy when you submit to the forward (evil; cruel) (vs.19)
» The servant or wife who submits to a cruel husband SUFFERS wrongfully… and does so NOT because the evil master or cruel husband is worthy, but out of a conscience for GOD!
» Look beyond the cruel human being and see Christ in glory! And submit for HIS sake!
» Taking this kind of abuse patiently is well pleasing to God and will be rewarded!
» Vs. 21 – This is our CALLING as a Christian… to follow the example of Christ—who suffered wrongfully…
» He did not retaliate or threaten. He submitted to the earthly abuse and committed Himself to the Father’s care… to the One who JUDGES righteously. God will judge all those who mistreat His people.
» God wants you to submit to your husband no matter what… and commit YOURSELF into the Father’s care… for He careth for you… even if your husband doesn’t… even if your husband cares only for himself.
» If you are willing to come to an end of yourself, your resources, your schemes, your plans, and leave them all as ashes upon the altar of sacrifice, and commit yourself to Christ, God will take care of your soul…
» Heb. 4:14-16 – Come to Christ’s throne of grace… seek things above… serve Him as a priestly service by submitting to your husband… Christ KNOWS exactly what you are enduring in that relationship…
» He too endured the grief, suffering wrongfully… He submitted to His Father’s will… was reviled… threatened… but He took it patiently…
» Follow Christ’s example – and commit the keeping of your soul to Him in well doing as unto a faithful Creator. (I Peter 4:19)

5. There are MANY Christian women who suffer in their relationship at home.

a. When a cruel husband treats you like a doormat and with harsh abusive language… don’t stoop to his level and retaliate. That’s the fleshly way of earth.

b. Set your affections on things above… look unto Jesus… focus on your heavenly position.

c. And from that position… in the power of the Holy Spirit, manifest CHRIST… walk in the power of the resurrection…

d. God will give you the grace and strength to turn the other cheek… to suffer yourself to be defrauded… to suffer wrongfully.

e. That’s the way of victory! Not I but Christ!

f. The wife that WALKS that way consistently, (not just once or twice to see if it works…) … the woman who is dedicated to manifesting Christ no matter what… usually discovers that most men will respond very favorably to that kind of submission.

g. He may continue to act like a jerk for a while… but when he discovers that your Christlike behavior is for REAL… and if it is going to LAST… it is bound to have an effect on him!

6. Remember ladies, you are to submit as UNTO the Lord… as a ministry to Christ… based on the worthiness of Christ.

a. We are here to serve the Lord… to pick up a cross and follow Christ… regardless of the cost.

b. We have the power of the resurrection available to us to do so.

c. Christ lives in us… and the Spirit produces Christ like fruit through us as we yield…

d. And that is what God wants of each of us: a heart that is so dedicated to Christ… that it is willing to suffer wrongfully in serving Him… manifesting the LIFE of Christ… to the glory of God.

e. If your ultimate goal is to make your earthly existence happy and comfortable, then none of this will work—because your motivation is entirely self-centered.

f. But if self is put on the cross… and your goal is to manifest Christ to the glory of God—then even those DIFFICULT times become OPPORTUNITIES to accomplish that goal… to make Christ seen in you… through suffering.

g. What a glorious manifestation of the character of Christ: loving the unlovely; giving respect to the undeserving; selflessly serving the unworthy;

h. That is priestly service that will not go unnoticed by our Great High Priest in heaven.

i. The husband who sees the REALITY of all that is BOUND to be affected… he has seen Christ in you!

j. Col. 3:23-24 – And if your husband is so thick headed that he does not see the beauty of it, it will certainly NOT be overlooked at the Bema Seat where you will receive a WELL DONE thou good and faithful servant!

D. As The Church Is Subject Unto Christ (Eph. 5:24)

1. The wife is expected to submit to her husband just as God expects the church to submit to Christ.

a. The church, members of the Body of Christ are to submit to Christ as Head of the Body.

b. God expects FULL submission of the Body to Christ the Head.

c. Our entire body is to be put on the ALTAR of sacrifice to Him. (Rom.12:1-2)

d. Paul and the apostles referred to themselves as SERVANTS of Christ… slaves of Christ… as an illustration of our responsibility to submit to Him.

e. Christ is our SHEPHERD. We are to follow our Shepherd and not to wander out of His fold… and not to listen to other shepherds.

f. We are to put on the YOKE of Christ… fully surrendered to Him and His will.

g. Another illustration of the submission of believers to Christ is the CROSS. Christ expects us to be willing to pick up a cross and follow Him. That speaks about being willing to abandon self interests in following Him… even to the point of death!

h. In various ways and through various illustrations God makes it clear that He expects the church to SUBMIT to Him.

2. The submission of a wife to her husband is to MIRROR that relationship…

E. In Everything (Eph. 5:24)

1. This shows the SCOPE of the submission expected: everything!

2. The church is to submit to Christ in EVERYTHING. So the wife is to submit to her husband in everything.

3. Christ’s will is to become OUR will… and when we know what God wants us to do, we are to DO it!

4. The husband’s will is to be the will of the wife. She is expected to comply… in everything (with the exception of Acts 5:29)

The Difficulty of Submission

1. I’m sure many ladies here today will look at the scope of this command and conclude that it is exceedingly difficult to obey!

a. And with all due respect ladies, allow me to suggest that you would all be wrong!

b. Submission of this sort is not difficult, it is impossible!

c. The present tense of the verb requires continuous action. That makes it impossible!

2. Another element that greatly adds to the difficulty of submission is a foolish husband…

a. Submission to authority is expected regardless of the circumstances in various realms of life.

b. Rom.13:1 – Government:
• Submission to government is expected of the believer, even if we don’t like the choices or the decisions of the one in the position of authority. (Titus 3:1; I Pet. 2:13)

c. I Pet. 2:18 – Servants are to submit to their masters.
• Submission is even expected if the one in authority is outright evil!
• Submission and respect for the position… even if the person is not worthy of submission or respect.

d. Of course, the exception of Acts 5:29 applies, but other than that, God expects submission to authority.

3. Rom. 8:7 – the carnal mind RESISTS submission to God’s law and order.

a. The fallen nature of man (and woman!) is UNABLE to submit. It is not just difficult, submission to God is impossible… beyond the realm of possibility.

b. Hence, the need for the indwelling Holy Spirit. Submission requires GOD working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

c. And God provides the power to submit in the person of the Holy Spirit.

d. This is the answer in the home too! The power of the Holy Spirit.

e. There is a natural tendency in our flesh to RESIST submission to God’s law and order… because we live in a cursed earth and we are all fallen creatures.

4. Everything is working AGAINST you ladies, in obeying this command.

a. The world – ridicules this concept… maligns women who submit… vilifies those who believe it… and does whatever it can to turn this command on its head.

b. The flesh – your worst enemy—your self! The flesh resists this command to the bitter end.

c. The devil – the enemy of God and God’s laws and order—is certainly going to do whatever he can to influence the world system to make it difficult for you to obey.

d. Your mind resists submission. It is foreign, alien, uncomfortable ground… contrary to your nature.

5. If that were not enough, there is something else that makes it difficult for a wife to submit, the most difficult obstacle of all: her husband!

a. In Eden, submission was natural for Eve. It was pleasant, joyous, and easy because Adam was what he ought to be.

b. Adam was a selfless, loving leader who always put Eve first. He honored her. She was his glory.

c. But when sin entered the world, everything was turned upside down.

d. Adam (and his sons) were no longer naturally loving leaders who always put their wives first.

e. We men learned to put ourselves first. Eve was no longer honored by Adam as she should have been.

f. Thus, submission was not a delight but a struggle.

g. And this scenario has been perpetuated for centuries and centuries!

h. For the Christian wife, God expects submission even to a husband who may be quite foolish; may make stupid choices and decisions with disastrous consequences… nevertheless, the wife is expected to submit.

i. If the husband had half a brain he would listen to his wife… and take advantage of her wisdom in areas where he might be weak (balancing the checkbook; dealing with the kids; etc.)

j. But if the husband refuses to listen and insists on plowing ahead with his foolish plan, the wife is to submit and leave it the hands of God.

k. This makes submission exceptionally difficult, because not all husbands are wise… not all Christian husbands are wise… and not all Christian husbands are willing to listen to good advice…

l. And to take this to a new level of difficulty. Some husbands are not only foolish; some are mean and cruel! Some husbands treat their wives like dirt… like doormats… some are even violent!

m. If your husband beats you—call the police! That’s a crime. The police are part of God’s chain of authority.

n. But if your husband is mean and cruel—abusive with language, call on the Lord… seek God’s face…

o. I Pet. 2:19-20 – this is thankworthy before God; the Lord will HONOR your quiet suffering for His name’s sake!

p. There are countless wives who are suffering like this—and sadly, sometimes even in Christian homes!

q. This kind of suffering and submission is a marvelous expression of Christlikeness… the LIFE of Christ manifested through your mortal body! (I Pet. 2:21)

r. Those Christlike women who suffer in their submission will be greatly rewarded at the Bema seat.

s. A foolish and cruel husband makes submission difficult.

t. But the Bible stands: wives submit to your own husbands!

6. It is an IMPOSSIBLE command.

a. Trying to obey this command will result in a life full of frustration, resentment, anger, irritation, and perhaps even depression.

b. Trying to obey this command will bring to a virtual halt, your happiness, your enjoyment of life… in a word, it is a MISERABLE life…

c. There is no way a Christian woman can obey this command consistently. You are doomed to failure.

d. And it isn’t good enough to say that you submit 90 % of the time. That is a miserable failure. It is that other 10% that counts.

e. Anyone could submit when the commands are reasonable… or in harmony with your will anyway… (Let’s go out to eat tonight…) that’s not the best test of a submissive spirit. It is when the command is difficult… contrary to what you want to do…

f. The only time submission to your husband really matters is when you DISAGREE with him! That’s when your spirit is seen for what it really is: submissive or unsubmissive.

7. It boils down to a life of never calling the shots… never being in charge… never doing your own will… always subject to another. You are to be subject to him in everything… every day. You are to submit to him as you would unto the Lord. And there are no exceptions, even if your husband is mean, cruel, childish, foolish.

a. To consistently obey this command requires wisdom, strength, and inner power that you do not possess. No woman does.

b. This is a recipe for a miserable life… IF you try to keep this command on your own.

c. What a Christian wife DESPERATELY needs is the cross!

d. There she sees herself crucified with Christ… dead to self… dead to self will… dead to the world and its ridicule…

e. There she sees herself as RISEN with Christ… and her new life hidden away with Christ in glory…

f. There she sees that in reality, CHRIST is her life!

g. It requires the supernatural power of God! And that is exactly what God provides through the indwelling Holy Spirit reproducing in us Christlike qualities…

Husbands, Love Your Wives


1. God gave one simple command to each partner in marriage.

a. The apostle gives ONE main command to the wife: submit.

b. He gives ONE main command to the husband: love.

c. If each partner would just OBEY this one simple command, what happy, well adjusted, Christian homes we would have

2. But SIN entered the world and threw a monkey wrench into human relationships. (Among other things!)

a. Sin affected the woman in such a way that it is difficult for her to submit to her husband; and sin affected the man in such a way that it is difficult for him to love his wife.

b. Apart from sin, this would all come simply and naturally as it did for Adam and Eve in the Garden before the fall.

c. Hence, SIN is the culprit… the problem is our sinful hearts… our fallen human natures.

d. When a husband and wife are not functioning properly, it is not a financial problem, or psychological, or a compatibility problem… it is a SIN problem… it is at its roots, a spiritual problem.

3. That means that the ANSWERS to problems that arise in a Christian home are not to be found in a manual on counseling, or some new psychological technique.

a. The answers are to be found in the pages of God’s Word… the Bible. It contains ALL we need for life and godliness.

b. It contains God’s inspired answer to the very issues and problems that YOU are facing in YOUR home with YOUR spouse right now.

c. Your problems are not different from anyone else’s. There hath no temptation taken but such is COMMON to man.

d. Here is the answer to ALL of your marriage problems: Wives submit to your own husbands; husbands, love your wives!

e. That is God’s way to escape! Whether you take it or not is up to you.

f. But don’t ever say that your problems are too difficult… or like no one else’s… or that resolving them is too complex.

g. It really is that simple: husbands love; wives submit.

h. Now that we’ve learned how to resolve every problem that could ever arise in our homes, let’s close in prayer :>)

Love Your Wives Commanded

A. Agape Love

1. Defined:

a. It is a selfless, sacrificial kind of love demonstrated actively in service for another…

b. It is a sacrificing of self for the good of another; putting others first; esteeming others better…

2. Present, active, imperative.

a. Active voice: it is something to be DONE… action… works…
• This kind of love is not something simply to be felt, or thought, or believed.
• It is something to be DONE… practiced… put into action.
• It is a love demonstrated in active deeds of service.

b. Imperative mood: It is a command.
• It is not a suggestion or a request.
• It is a command… we are ordered by the Lord to love our wives.
• There are no exception clauses, loopholes, no excuses and no exemptions.
• It is a command to be obeyed. To NOT love one’s wife is sin. Period. It is disobeying a command.

c. Present tense: continuous action…
• Loving our wives is not something that we do once and we’ve got it over with… with nothing left to do.
• The command to love your wife is NEVER finished.
• It is not something to be done now and then… on occasion… on your anniversary or some other special time. It is to be the daily, moment-by-moment practice of a Christian husband.
• It is ongoing, – for the rest of our lives
• It is a command that we are expected to OBEY every moment of every day for the rest of our lives.
• So be CAREFUL young men about jumping into marriage. When you say, “I do” you are committing yourself to selfless service to that woman every day for the rest of your life… and there’s no way out! If you’re not up for that, don’t get married.

3. God demonstrated this kind of love on Calvary (John 3:16).

a. God didn’t just sit around in heaven and FEEL love for the world. He DID something about it! He loved the world in such a way that it was demonstrated in DEEDS! He sent His Son!

b. It is a love that is bestowed graciously –
• It is given freely – as a gift –
• God’s love is not based upon the merit of the one receiving the love…
• God’s love is gracious: expecting nothing in return.
• It is a love NOT based on the loveliness of the one receiving the love.
• God loved the world… even when the world was spitting in His face… rejecting Him.
• God bestowed His love even on His enemies.
• When we were dead in sins… something God hates infinitely… yet He chose to place His love on us.
• There wasn’t anything lovely or even worth loving in the world… That’s grace!

c. It is a love that knows no limits.
• Christ loved us even unto the death of the cross.
• No effort was too great… no price was too high to pay in demonstrating His love for us.
• Christ stopped at nothing to show His love.

d. It is an act of the will… a deliberate choice.
• Love is a command that requires obedience… regardless of how you feel.
• Love is a choice – God chose to place His love on us.
• In this sense it is a kind of covenant love. A covenant is entered into by choice… by an act of the will… choosing to place your love and care on someone.
• Ex: Deut. 7:7 – God “chose” to love Israel; He chose to “set His love” upon them.
» His choice is equated with His love.
» He chose to enter a covenant with that nation and thus chose to set His love upon them.
» The marriage covenant is similar.
» Entering marriage a husband chooses to set his love upon this woman for the rest of his life.
» This kind of love is an act of the will—a CHOICE to set your love on the woman with whom you enter a covenant.
» Some marriages are prearranged and the husband doesn’t even KNOW his wife well. But entering into that covenant he CHOOSES to set his love on that woman and no one else.
» It is a choice… and act of the will.

e. Agape love is not the same as warm feelings.
• Christ died for the men who nailed Him to the cross.
• His love was not the same as warm gushy feelings.
• It was an act of selflessness… for the good of others… that He CHOSE to give graciously even to those who were so undeserving… like you and me.
• It was not a feeling. It was a planned, deliberate, premeditated, conscious, choice that God made to GIVE love to us.

4. Agape Love Is to Be Differentiated From Phileo.

a. In contrast to agape love (a planned, deliberate, premeditated conscious choice) is another kind of love: phileo love.

b. Phileo love is the warm, affectionate, emotional, and even romantic, love of our feelings.

c. Phileo love is sometimes called “brotherly love”—like the city of Philadelphia… (the city of brotherly affection)

d. It is the warm affection of friends, family, and spouses.

e. Phileo love is what attracted you to your wife in the first place.
• There was an emotional attraction to her.
• There was warm affection towards her.
• There were strong inner feelings towards her.
• This is the phileo love that brought you together in the first place.
• This is different than agape love.

f. God has agape love for the world.
• God chose to sacrifice His Son for the spiritual well being of the world… all the people in the world.
• God graciously granted this love to the world—freely—regardless of the unworthiness and unloveliness of the world.
• God made a conscious, premeditated, planned, deliberate CHOICE to place His love on the world.
• That love was demonstrated on Calvary.

g. But God does NOT have phileo love for the world.
• Phileo love is reserved for the family of God…
• Phileo love—warm affection—is reserved for those who are no longer His enemies, and are now reconciled… friends of God…
• Jesus did not feel warm and gushy toward the soldiers who nailed Him to the tree.
• God the Father does not feel warm and gushy toward the world that He has described as His enemies.
• James tells us that friendship and warm affection with the world is ENMITY with God.

5. Thus, agape love and phileo love CAN exist separately.

a. It is possible to have warm feelings toward someone, but to be unwilling to sacrifice self for that person. (phileo but not agape)
• That’s why the divorce rate is so high.
• People enter into a relationship based on feelings… (phileo love)
• And feelings are fickle. They come and go.
• People fall in and out of phileo love… because it is based on emotions… which go up and down… in and out… all over the chart—even in a good marriage!
• That kind of love is phileo – not agape.
• When a relationship is based on phileo love, it is as unstable as water.
• There is no guarantee that it will last.
• When it doesn’t last, it is an indication that it was based on phileo love, and agape love was absent!

b. On the other hand, it is also possible to have agape but not phileo love…
• It is possible to choose to graciously grant self-sacrificing service to someone towards whom you have no warm affections.
• Ex: Christ and the soldiers nailing Him to the tree.
• There are no limits or boundaries to agape love.
• It can be demonstrated to anyone under any circumstances…—it requires no warm affection at all.
• It is a conscious choice to be willing to suffer and sacrifice self in the service of another.

c. The feelings of phileo love will only take you so far.

d. The selflessness of agape love knows no limits.

e. God has BOTH agape love and phileo love for His children. That is the ideal. But they can exist separately.

f. The ideal in a husband/wife relationship is for BOTH to exist too… but they can exist separately.

6. The COMMAND in Col.3:18 – agape love is commanded.

a. The command is NOT for a husband to have warm affection or even romantic love for his wife. There are times when that is impossible.

b. The command is for the husband to grant agape love to his wife… and do DEEDS of agape love for her. That is always possible… regardless of the feelings or circumstances!

c. Agape love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. A Christian husband is to be filled with the Spirit continually… day by day… moment by moment.

d. The indwelling Holy Spirit enables the husband to be willing to sacrifice himself for the spiritual well being of his wife…

e. Agape love is the kind of love that causes a man to sacrifice himself, his own desires, his will, and his own self interest for the well-being of his wife.

f. The command is for each of us as husbands to continually and sacrificially do deeds of service for the spiritual good of our spouse… expecting nothing in return… offered freely regardless of the behavior of our spouse… and regardless of whether we FEEL like it or not.

g. This kind of love is expressed in DEEDS… putting her first; caring for her; protecting her; providing for her; esteeming her better than yourself…

h. In this command, God is not telling us what to FEEL; rather, God is telling us what to DO.

7. Confusing the two kinds of love.

a. I and every other pastor counseling couples in trouble have heard husband says repeatedly, “But I don’t love my wife any more!”

b. I’m not entirely sure what the motive is in saying that.

c. I don’t know what they think I am going to say in response to that… perhaps something like, “O you poor guy. You no longer love your wife. I guess if you don’t love her any more, you can’t have a marriage without love. Maybe you should find someone else that you could really be happy with!”

d. When a husband tells me that, MY response is always the same: “If you don’t love your wife, then REPENT of your sin and OBEY God and START loving her.”

e. If you don’t love your wife, it is NOT her fault. It is YOUR fault… MY fault.

f. The command is, “Husbands LOVE your wives.” Period.

8. There is no excuse under the sun for NOT obeying God.

a. The verse does not say, “Love your wife as long as she’s nice to you or if she lives up to her part of the bargain.”

b. Husbands, we are to love our wives regardless of their behavior!

c. Agape love is not based on the loveliness of the one loved!

d. Usually when a husband says, “I don’t love my wife any more” what he MEANS is, “I don’t have warm feelings for her any more. The romance and affection is over.” (No more phileo love.)

e. Well, God did not command you to have phileo love toward your wife. He does not command you to have warm feelings.

f. But He DOES command you to sacrifice yourself for her… to selflessly serve her… to esteem her better than yourself… and to do so continually… graciously… without regard to her merit or behavior one whit!

g. Whether your wife is treating you like a king or is spitting in your face and stabbing you in the back—God commands Christian husbands to demonstrate agape love towards her.

h. And God expects obedience whether we feel like it or not.

i. That’s what the Bible says.

j. The husband is commanded to actively and continually demonstrate DEEDS of selfless service for his wife… putting her first… and to do it for the rest of your life… expecting nothing in return… even if she continues to spit in your face.

k. There is no wiggle room for a husband to get around his responsibility to love his wife!

l. This command is present, active, and imperative!

m. Wow! When Jesus taught the disciples about marriage and divorce, they said, “If the case of a man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry!”

n. While they went overboard in their assessment, they at least understood the seriousness of the issue in God’s sight!

9. When a husband continually, genuinely, selflessly, and graciously does deeds of sacrificial service for his wife… over time, most women will respond!

a. It’s a rare Jezebel that won’t. Most women would melt with that kind of love bestowed upon them. It will soften the most hard-hearted woman.

b. We are not talking about one big expression of love, but an ongoing attitude and deeds of love… that flows like a river.

c. What wife in her right mind WOULDN’T want to submit to a man who continually put her first… esteemed her better than himself… was willing to sacrifice himself and his own self interests for her welfare… sought to please her in everything???

d. Only the Holy Spirit can enable a husband to continue this if the wife is unresponsive… but God WILL enable you both to WILL and to DO of His good pleasure… and it IS God’s good pleasure for a husband to love his wife.

e. And when a wife responds to that with willing submission… that relationship can be a taste of heaven.

f. But to obey this command, a husband is to COMMIT himself to this kind of service for the rest of his life… no matter HOW his wife responds.

g. This is the way of the cross… an end of self… and in losing our old self life, we FIND or discover an abundant life!

HOW Husbands Are to Love Their Wives

A. Even as Christ Also Loved the Church (Eph. 5:25)

1. A husband is to love his wife AS Christ loved the church

a. Christ loved the church even though the church does not always submit to Him.
• Husbands are to love their wives like that: even if they DON’T submit.
• Their bad behavior is no excuse for OUR bad behavior! Two wrongs don’t make a right.
• Some churches leave their first love, but Christ’s love for His bride never waivers.
• Our love for our wife should not waver either… even if she is not giving us love in return. That’s HOW Christ loved the church.
• The church age, like every other dispensation has been a colossal failure! Yet Christ loves the church.
• His love for us is not based on our love for Him.
• His love for the church is not based on the worthiness of the church.
• Whether the church submits or not, Christ loves His bride.
• We are to love our wives AS Christ loved the church.
• That is a commitment… a choice to place your love on the lady with whom you entered a covenant before God to set your love upon her… for better or for worse… whether she submits or not.

b. Christ’s love for the church is not based on what HE gets out of it.
• What does Christ GET out of this relationship?
• There is no comparison between what He GAVE and what he GETS!
• He gave His all… what He gets from us is quite paltry… miserably small!
• No, His love for the church is not based on what HE gets out of the relationship.
• And our love for our wives ought not to be based upon what we GET out of the relationship.
• Basing a relationship of what we GET out of it is pure selfishness… the opposite of agape love. Agape love is not selfish, it is self-less!
• There aren’t any “yeh buts!” with this command. (Yeh but if I do that, she’ll walk all over me… she’ll take advantage… she’ll get her own way… and what do I get out of it all? Nothing!”
• Love is willing to give everything and get nothing. That’s how Christ loved the church… and it’s how we are to love our wives.

c. His love for the church is everlasting.
• God said to Israel: I have loved thee with an everlasting love!
• We read of the love of Christ in Rom. 8: What shall separate us from the love of Christ? Nothing!
• His love for us never ends. His love for the church doesn’t end when the church sins, or when the church fails. It doesn’t even end when the church is not faithful to Him.
• His love for the church is everlasting. That’s how WE should love our wives.

d. Christ loved the church even when the church sought for other lovers.
• God said of Israel in the days of her deepest apostasy, “I have loved you with an everlasting love!”
• The churches have behaved no different than Israel. We too have committed spiritual adultery.
• Friendship with the world is spiritual adultery in God’s sight. In spite of the church’s worldliness… (spiritual adultery), Christ still loves her. The church is His bride.
• He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. That’s how Jehovah loved Israel and how Christ loved the church.
• That’s how we are to love our wives.

2. Christ loved the church by giving HIMSELF for it. (Eph. 5:25)

a. This shows us the DEPTH of Christ’s love: the cross!

b. He didn’t merely give up things; He gave HIMSELF… that means His ALL… His Person… His life…

c. He was willing to DIE for the church… to pay the ultimate price.

d. Eph. 3:18-19 – His love can be known (experienced) but it passes understanding (cannot be fully known) because it is infinite! His love knows no limits, no boundaries.

e. This is the degree to which we are to love our wives.

f. We don’t have the right to say, “I’ll go so far and that’s it.” There is no length to the love of Christ for His church. It goes on and on… and that is how we are to love our wives.

g. Do you want to learn about how DEEP God expects our love for our wives to be? Meditate on the cross.

h. The cross of Calvary is God’s standard of the kind of love husbands are to show to their wives.

B. God’s Method of Loving Our Wives: The Cross.

1. God’s standard of love for our wives is the cross.

a. God’s standard of love is not hard to achieve. It is WAY beyond hard: it is impossible.

b. And ladies, you thought your command to submit was hard?

c. The command God gave to husbands is far MORE difficult… because the standard has been elevated to Christ Himself! It is a TALL order.

2. We are to love our wives AS Christ loved the church… even to the point of death!

a. It is a selfless love… expects nothing in return… is a life dedicated to sacrificial service to her… it is a commitment to put her first and esteem her better than yourself… it is a choice to place your love upon her regardless of what you get out of it… it is an act of the will in which you choose to give your SELF for her good… regardless of the price… even unto death… and it is a commitment to do so every day for the rest of your life!

b. Before sin entered the world, this was Adam’s ongoing attitude expressed in continuous deeds towards Eve… and came as naturally as breathing.

c. It does NOT come that naturally to us today… not since sin entered the world… because SIN often dominates our hearts.

d. Sin is essentially SELF WILL… in defiance of God’s commands.

e. Instead of being filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit and manifesting the indwelling life of Christ, we instead are too often controlled by our sin nature, put self first… and manifest our old self life… and self will.

f. When it comes to struggling in my role as a husband… struggling to give selfless, sacrificial service for my wife, the biggest obstacle is ME… self…

3. Rom. 6:6-7 – God’s method for removing that obstacle is the cross!

a. The reason we don’t love our wives as Christ loved the church is because we love ourselves too much! Therefore, we don’t want to be longsuffering or experience unpleasant circumstances. (we don’t really want to manifest Christ—who was WILLING to suffer… when reviled He reviled not)

b. God wants us to bring that old self life to the cross and leave it there!

c. When we were saved, our old selfish man was crucified. He’s dead.

d. But his nature is very much alive and well in us all.

e. And because of SIN that dwells in us, we want to please self rather than others.

f. Therefore, if we are going to love our wives as we ought, we need to BELIEVE what God said: our old man is dead and we have been set FREE (vs. 7) from sin and a life dedicated to pleasing self.

g. We have been set free from sin and self to manifest the LOVE and LIFE of Christ… towards our wives!

h. When we BELIEVE God and yield to Him… the Holy Spirit is free to work in us and manifest Christlike fruit THROUGH us to our wives… namely, LOVE!

i. To love our wives AS Christ loved the church… to live up to that infinitely high standard is far beyond us. It requires supernatural power… and all the power of the resurrection… the power of a new life… is available to us 24-7 IF we will yield to God…

j. When we yield, it is God who works in us both to WILL (a desire) and to DO (the performance) His good pleasure… and loving your wife IS God’s good pleasure for you and for me!

k. Only a Spirit filled husband can fulfill this infinitely high standard: to love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.

l. God loves our wives infinitely more than we ever could… and His love can flow through us to her even when we don’t FEEL like it.

m. And over time… as we allow ourselves to be channels of God’s supernatural love for our wives, eventually, if there were no warm feelings… as we continually obey and yield, those feelings will come back.

n. The very WORST possible earthly relationships can be restored and become once again a taste of heaven on earth.

o. That’s what God wants for you and me… for our marriages.

p. When a husband LOVES his wife this way, ANY woman will respond favorably.

q. When agape continues unabated and unbounded—graciously—the feelings will return… and there is BOTH agape and phileo love… and eros love—romantic and sexual love.

4. The original spark in all relationships began with phileo love (warm affection; deep emotions; and romantic feelings).

a. And between believers, that phileo love grows into agape love… which knows no limits.

b. But as we all know, sin can destroy any relationship… no matter how strong the feelings used to be.

c. Sin can enter a relationship and turn a taste of heaven into a taste of hell on earth…

d. And the cross is the answer for all that. The cross brings about reconciliation between the sinner and God… and between sinful husbands and wives. It brings peace.

e. When sin HAS shattered a relationship… the way back is NOT phileo love. Don’t wait until the feelings come back. You might wait a LONG time…

f. Don’t just sit around and WAIT for that honeymoon kind of love to fall out of the sky—you are waiting for something that may never happen.

g. The way back is OBEDIENCE to the command to show AGAPE love to your wife through concrete DEEDS of love.
• The way to restore a broken relationship is NOT to wait for that original spark (phileo) to ignite all by itself.
• The way to restore a broken relationship requires ACTION on our part… DOING… deeds of love for your wife… obeying God’s Word.
• Confess your sin to God and your spouse and repent of your sin because it IS a sin issue.
• BELIEVE that your old man is dead and you are FREE from a live of self centeredness… FREE to serve your wife sacrificially as Christ loved the church.
• And OBEY… DO… PRACTICE love as God commanded you to.
• It might take a while, but the feelings WILL come back… that original spark.
• Just obey, and be committed to God to obey, and determined to obey no matter how you are treated, and no matter how long it takes…
• Just keep on loving your wife… and you might discover that the relationship will be restored much quicker than you ever imagined.

5. What God has required of husbands:

a. Is not HARD in the sense that it is complicated. It is exceedingly simple: One command: Husbands love your wives!

b. But it is hard in the sense that it requires us to come to the cross… an end of self… an end of a life designed to get my own way and please myself.

c. It is the crucified life… but isn’t that what you agreed to when you came to Christ in the first place? Pick up a cross and follow me!

d. It is the way of the cross that leads home. It cures the home too!

e. It’s the JOY of a resurrected life… but no one enjoys the power of resurrection without first experiencing death to self!

Husbands, Be Not Bitter

Bitter Defined

The Term: πικρός

1. It originally meant (in extra biblical writings): “pointed,” “sharp,” e.g., arrows or a knife, then more generally of what is “sharp” or “penetrating” to the senses, a pervasive smell “shrill” of a noise, “painful” to the feelings, “bitter,” “sharp” to the taste.

2. The term was often used in various ways in secular writings in New Testament times.

3. Men can be called πικρός (noun form) when they are “strict,” “severe,” “rigid,” “hostile,” or “cruel”. (Polybius, of Megalopolis – a historian of the rise of the Roman world used the word this way.)

a. Piercing in the way they used their position of strength or power.

b. This comes close to the way Paul used the word in Col. 3:19.

4. But in the New Testament, (other than here) the verb form is used exclusively of a bitter taste –

a. The other occurrences are all found in Revelation – bitter water, etc… or bitter stomach.

b. The harsh, sharp, bitter taste is used in a figurative sense to illustrate harshness and sharpness in other realms.

c. Obviously Paul uses the term in Col. 3:19 NOT of a bitter taste. He is not forbidding men to eat bitter things… to have a bitter taste in their mouth or belly.

d. Paul uses the bitter taste in a figurative sense.

e. There is a parallel between what a bitter herb does to the mouth… and what a husband often does to his wife.

5. Usages:

a. James uses the term twice:
• James 3:11 – it is the opposite of a sweet taste.
» Here the term is used as an adjective.
» It is used in a literal sense of taste… opposite of sweet.
• James 3:14 – bitter envying and strife.
» Again it is used as an adjective to describe envying and strife
» Here he uses it in the figurative sense.
» Strife is described as bitter… there is something about fighting and arguing that likened it to the awful, bitter, pungent, piercing taste of a dandelion root.

b. Heb. 12:15 – the result of a lack of the grace of God—bitterness arises and causes trouble.

c. As an adjective, it is used to describe a harsh taste to water, harsh strife, bitter, intense grief, bitter harsh words.

d. The term is used of a harsh strength… potency… pungency… ferocity, pointed, piercing, cutting, sharp—whether applied to taste, noise, or emotions.

e. Paul uses this term to describe the emotional effect that a husband can have towards his wife.

Against Them

A. The Preposition

1. The preposition dictates what is being commanded. Is he saying to the husbands:

a. Don’t become embittered inwardly BY of your wife…

b. Don’t show bitterness outwardly TOWARDS your wife…

c. Don’t be bitter (resentful) AGAINST your wife…

2. πρὸς: With the accusative (as is the case here) marking the object toward or to which something moves or is directed.

a. It marks the wife as the one towards which the bitterness is directed.

b. Thus, the bitterness of which Paul speaks is in some way unleashed or poured out by the husband in the direction of the wife.

3. Summary of definition: Bitterness speaks of that which is sharp, piercing, pointed—directed toward the senses. (taste, noise, emotions). It is the lack of grace, the opposite of sweet, and associated with envying and strife.

a. This sharp, piercing, pointed, harshness (that seems to come so easily for men) is NOT to be directed towards the wife.

b. That seems to the essence of the command.

c. The command is not: don’t BE bitter.

d. The command is: don’t DIRECT any bitter harshness TOWARDS her.

e. One is inward feelings; the other outward action.

f. It is the outward action towards the wife that is forbidden here.

g. The command is not “Don’t BE bitter” but “Don’t BEHAVE bitterly… sharply… harshly…

h. Don’t vent! Don’t be harsh, course, or rough towards your wife!

4. Most often we read this passage as if God were commanding husbands not to BE bitter inwardly. (embittered)

a. And we often think of this bitterness as a bitter feeling in the gut…

b. It is not a good idea to BE bitter or to feel bitter, but that is not the thrust of this command.

c. Feelings are not easily controlled… and they cannot be instantly changed.

d. The command is not for the husband to control his feelings, but for the husband to control his ACTIONS: his words and his deeds.

e. Repentance can change our actions, but not necessarily change our feelings… at least not immediately.

f. The first part of the verse (love) is not telling husbands what to FEEL but what to DO.

g. The second part is the same. It does not tell the husband what not to FEEL, but what not to DO.

h. God doesn’t often tell us what to FEEL. But He does tell us what to do and what to think.

i. If we are serious with God, we can change our actions and our thoughts instantly upon repentance.

j. But feelings don’t change nearly so easily… not after a long period of hostility.

k. The command does not have to do with the inner feelings of the husband… a bitter feeling in his gut. (Resentment, anger, frustration, rage, turmoil; etc.)

l. We are expected to OBEY this command even if we still FEEL bitterness in our gut!

5. The command is not to demonstrate that bitter harshness in the direction of your wife!

a. You may FEEL bitter inside. The feeling may seem overwhelming. You may feel trapped or enslaved to those feelings… without any way to release them.

b. And it might feel really good to vent it… and let it all pour out over your wife.

c. Especially if she is the reason you FEEL that way! You may feel justified in venting all this bitterness out on her.

d. But God says DON’T.

6. This IMPLIES that this bitterness is IN the heart of man.

a. Matt. 15:18-19 – this is not an exhaustive list.

b. Bitterness can also reside in the heart.

c. And God knows that some times the wife is the CAUSE of the bitterness in the husband’s heart.
• She might be a nag… a constant irritation…
• She might constantly be pushing your buttons…
• She might put you down… compare you to other men… insult, and humiliate you.
• She may show no respect and may not submit.
• In other words, she might STIR UP this bitterness IN YOU… she might be the outward cause of the bitterness in your heart.

d. Sometimes a husband can be frustrated and bitter just because of life in general. But sometimes it is caused by his wife.

e. The command in Col. 3:19 is that if there IS bitterness in your heart, DON’T POUR IT OUT on her!
• Even if she is the cause of the bitterness, don’t retaliate. Turn the other cheek. Suffer yourself to be defrauded. Be like Christ who was reviled but He reviled not again… when He suffered, he threatened not.
• Deal with the bitterness in your own heart and don’t express it in words or deeds towards your wife.
• If there are evil thoughts, resentment, anger, frustration, bitterness, etc, in the heart, then see it as a HEART issue.
• Confess it as sin. These sins defile a man.
• Keep your heart with ALL diligence.
• It doesn’t really matter HOW it got there. If it IS there, take it to the Lord in prayer! Cast your burden upon the Lord for HE careth for you.

f. II Cor. 5:10 – Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

g. Deal with that resentment and bitterness while it is still in the thought stage. Keep a SHORT account with sin.

h. Don’t give it time to develop and brew and fester into the word stage or the action stage.

i. Bitterness is a toxic, spiritual poison in your heart.

j. Get rid of it the RIGHT WAY… through confession… by yielding to God and being filled with the Spirit.

k. Don’t get rid of it the WRONG way… by pouring it out all over your wife… and contaminating your whole household!

7. The command in Col. 3:19 is, “Don’t pour that bitter poison in the direction of your wife!”

a. Psychologists often teach that one should not suppress such feelings, but rather VENT those inner passions or they will damage your emotional makeup.

b. That is NOT what God says. God says, don’t vent them, confess them as sin, and they are GONE!

c. They are not suppressed: they are removed as far as the east is from the west… and are replaced with a peace the psychologists are unable to explain.

d. Phil. 4:6-7 – Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.? ?And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

e. God can remove that inner bitterness… and replace it with Himself… and the joy of salvation.

f. But even if those feelings stick around for a while—don’t vent them… and especially not on your wife.

g. When you think of the one flesh concept it certainly doesn’t make a lot of sense to pour bitter poison on your wife… you are ONE flesh.

8. Bitterness poured out against one’s wife.

a. There are two possible ways to understand the term “bitter” in Col. 3:19: inwardly bitter OR outwardly harsh.

b. And since the command is AGAINST pouring that bitterness out on your wife… the EFFECT is exactly the same.

c. Harshness is not to be poured out against one’s wife.

d. And if a man has an inwardly bitter spirit, when that is vented against his wife, it comes upon her as harshness.

e. While the meaning might be slightly different, the effect on the wife is the same.

f. For that reason, some translators have translated this verse differently than the KJV.
• Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. (English Standard Version, International Standard Version, New International Version and Good News Bible)
• Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly. (New Revised Standard Version)
• Husbands, love your wives and be gentle with them. (New Century Version)

The Nature of Men

1. This command was not given to women or children, but to men.

a. Evidently God believed that men need to hear this.

b. We men tend to develop bitter, harsh, frustrated, angry, cruel feelings.

c. And we tend to unleash them at times… especially against one’s wife.

d. Hence, the need for the command!

e. This is not to say that a wife cannot do the same, but God sees this as primarily a problem of us males, and thus addresses men… husbands.

f. God addresses us right where we NEED to be addressed.

2. Present Imperative in the Negative

a. This verb construction could be translated, “STOP being bitter against them.”

b. It is a prohibition against an action already in progress.

c. In other words, it is as Paul ASSUMES that husbands in Colossae WERE already bitter against their wives.

d. He tells them to stop pouring out harshness in their direction.

e. This does not seem to be written this way because Paul heard of a particular case. Rather, it was because Paul understood human nature.

3. Eph. 5:23 – God created the husband to be head of his wife.

a. The kind of headship God designed is normal, natural, and GOOD for any husband/wife relationship.

b. It is a headship characterized by love… sacrificing self for her good… a husband who is willing to give himself, his all, for his wife…

c. It is a headship that is to reflect the manner in which Christ heads His Body, the church… His Bride…

d. It is a position of authority over the wife… as Christ has authority over the church.

e. The authority was given for the protection and care of the wife…

f. Loving headship was a wonderful thing in the Garden of Eden before the fall. But sin has changed everything.

4. Headship often goes to the head of a man… even a Christian!

a. Some men have abused their authority and behave more like a rigid drill sergeant than a husband.

b. Some men see themselves as head of the household in the same way Saddam Hussein saw himself as the head of Iraq… a brutal dictator.

c. I have cringed at the way some Christian men treat their wives.

d. Some men use their authority as an excuse to do whatever they want… to please themselves… at the expense of their wife and family. They have twisted the concept of headship to mean a master/slave relationship.

e. Raw authority without love can be extremely ugly… totalitarian… cruel.

f. Headship needs to be mitigated by love or the husband can turn into an oppressive tyrant, someone who is almost impossible to live with. I’ve seen that happen.

g. It is an awful perversion of the meaning of headship… an almost blasphemous picture of the relationship between Christ and His Bride, the church.

h. It is human nature to ABUSE authority and power.

i. A husband who is stronger and is given authority by God over his wife… can use that strength and authority to love and care for her… or as a vicious weapon against her.

j. The command in Col. 3:19 is: DON’T let your authority go to your head and start spewing out harsh words or deeds towards your wife.

k. An abuse of authority easily turns into insensitive, critical, treatment… bitter, unfeeling, severe, cruel, words… as well as a controlling, demanding, harsh, authoritarian attitude towards one’s wife.

l. This is human nature. It is what often happens when a husband is controlled by the flesh rather than the Spirit. (The fruit of the Spirit is love… gentleness… meekness…)

m. Paul gives this command to us men because he knew all too well human nature: He knows all too well what we men are capable of! O wretched man that I am!

n. There is nothing good in human nature. It is completely corrupted by sin. In my flesh dwells no good thing!

o. It is IN us to pour out all that inner bitterness and harshness on our wives. That is the fallen nature of a man.

The Nature of Women

1. Harshness can cause a woman to WITHER.

a. Ex: It can wither like a hothouse plant… they cannot handle a hostile or harsh environment. A woman, like a hot house plant, needs protection and care.

b. Ex: A harsh chemical can destroy a delicate veneer on a piece of furniture. The veneer shrivels up and is ruined.

c. The point is that something harsh can ruin or destroy… something that is delicate.

d. A harsh wind can destroy a city.

e. Harsh, impure waters can ruin metal pipes… or wear away stone.

f. A harsh dictator can terrorize a country.

g. Unmitigated harshness can do a LOT of damage.

h. Harsh, bitter words poured out against your wife can destroy, terrorize, and cause her to wither on the inside, emotionally.

• And the husband may not be able to SEE the effects of his harshness… the damage that he caused is inward… but God gives the command because the effects (though invisible) are real.

2. They are the weaker vessel. (I Pet. 3:7)

a. Venting anger and bitterness out on your wife is like confronting the fine china with the cast iron pot.

b. What happens if the iron pan treats the china with bitter harshness? What happens when these two items collide?

c. It might not hurt you, but it DOES hurt her.

d. When you yell at a man repeatedly, what emotions are evoked? Usually anger!

e. When you yell at a woman repeatedly, what emotions are evoked? Maybe anger at first, but she wears out more easily, and eventually withers up and shrivels—she crumbles emotionally.

f. When the two collide, the woman is more likely to get hurt.

g. Hence, this command.

h. This is part of the KNOWLEDGE that Peter wants husbands to know and to dictate their treatment of their wives.

i. They are different from men. Men are stronger physically and emotionally.

j. A husband may never lift a finger to hit his wife because he realizes he is stronger physically and it would not be fair or right.

k. But that same husband may engage in very bitter arguments with his wife… but that is just as wrong.
• It is wrong because he is also built differently emotionally.
• Even though she may be mean spirited and vicious in her words towards you… a man is able to handle them better because he is stronger emotionally.
• If that husband fires back with equally vicious words, his words can do MORE damage to her because she is the weaker vessel.
• Think of it as fighting fire with fire.
• The cast iron frying pan can handle the fire.
• But the dainty china cannot. It will break or melt.
• Men and women are not the same physically or emotionally.
• You KNOW that it is not a fair fight physically, so you don’t hit her.
• God wants us to KNOW that it is not a fair fight emotionally either.
• The husband is stronger and is responsible to take the lead in ENDING an argument… letting the wife have the last word… responding with a soft answer…

l. It is not a matter of superiority—any more than the iron pan is superior to the china.

m. But men and women are different… and were designed differently—for different purposes!

n. God commands us to dwell with them according to KNOWLEDGE… realizing your physical and emotional strength… and using that strength responsibly.

3. God provides PROTECTION for the weaker vessel by means of the stronger vessel. (Eph. 5:25-29)

a. Vs. 26 – Christ cares for the church by protecting us from dirt and infection. He cleanses us to keep us pure.

b. The husband is to protect his wife spiritually—to provide a safe spiritual environment for her… that she might be pure.

c. Vs. 27 – the husband is to use his strength to provide a wall of protection for his wife from anything that would hurt her or defile her spiritually.

d. The iron pan provides a wall of protection for the fine china.

e. Vs. 28-29 – the husband is to provide the same level of care and concern for his wife that he demonstrates towards himself… towards his own body.

f. The strong vessel is to care for and protect the weak vessel. That’s God’s design… God’s plan.

g. The man’s physical and emotional strength is given to him to provide care and protection AGAINST anything that would harm the wife…

h. A man’s strength was given to him to be poured out against anything that would harm his wife… FOR the good of his wife….

i. It is NOT to be vented against the wife!

j. When SIN controls our hearts, the very strength God gave to man for the GOOD of his wife is used to HARM the wife!

k. Thus, the delicate nature of a woman required the command of Col. 3:19… for the stronger vessel not to collide harshly with the weaker vessel.

l. That command is an expression of God’s love, care, and protection for the weaker vessel that He created.

m. The command wasn’t needed in Eden before sin entered the world. Adam would never have poured out bitter harshness on his wife. She was precious to him.

n. But it IS needed today. Adam’s sons are not so sensitive.

Be Not Bitter Against Them

1. Consider a likely scenario:

a. A wife is not submissive and begins nagging.

b. She learns how to irritate him… she learns all the buttons to press…

c. She’s never going to win in a fist fight, so she learns how to hurt him in other ways.

d. This is not the affectionate woman he married and he gradually becomes more and more irritated.

e. The husband develops bitterness on the inside.

f. So in anger and frustration he spills out all that bitterness on her… which causes her to wilt.

g. He’s striking back at her…

h. She in turn strikes back at him…

i. Poison has entered the relationship… and it destroys BOTH of them! They are one flesh.

j. She fills him with a bitter poison which is in turn poured out on her. They are both ruined… and on and on it goes.

k. It is a vicious circle that will go on forever until one person decides to go to the cross…

l. Col. 3:19 commands the husband to STOP that vicious cycle by NOT retaliating… by NOT spewing forth the bitterness in his heart all over his wife.

m. This command requires the MAN to take the stand and end the cycle… the strong one has a responsibility to bear the infirmity of the weak…

n. Even if she is the one who fills you with bitterness, don’t spew it back… don’t retaliate…

o. If she’s dishing it out, then take it like a man… and deal with it in your heart before the Lord.

2. A lesson from the Old Testament (Ex. 15:22-26)

a. Vs. 22 – The children of Israel have just experienced physical redemption from bondage in Egypt.

b. The very next thing we read is that Moses brought them from the Red Sea experience into the wilderness… to learn to trust God.

c. They traveled 3 days into the wilderness and found no water.

d. Vs. 23 – Then they came to a place called Marah and finally found water, but it was bitter… undrinkable.

e. Vs. 24 – They murmured and complained to Moses about the bitter experience he led them into.

f. Vs. 25 – Moses in turned cried out to the Lord.
• The Lord showed Moses a special tree and told him to cast the tree into the bitter waters.
• When he did, the bitter waters were made sweet.

g. What a glorious picture for us of what the CROSS of Christ can do in bitter experiences in our lives!
• Maybe a lot of bitterness has arisen in YOUR household.
• Perhaps your wife has refused to submit and has given you cause to become bitter.
• Perhaps your husband has not been obeying Col. 3:19 and has been spewing out harsh bitterness in your direction.
• And maybe, like the children of Israel, you’re beginning to think that God has brought you into this wilderness to die… there is nothing but bitterness there… and you can’t handle it any more.
• God’s answer is the CROSS… applying the TREE upon which Christ died to the bitter experiences in your life can make even those bitter experiences sweet.
• The cross: an end of self… an end of living for self… an end of trying to please and satisfy self… a new and abundant life dedicated to serving others…
• That’s what’s needed in your household and mine! Believers who BELIEVE what Christ said—that if we are to follow Him, we are to pick up a cross… and live the CRUCIFIED life…
• This is the life God has called BOTH the husband and the wife to live…
• But the husband is to take the LEAD.
• It is HE who is called of God to deal with the bitterness and harshness in the relationship… and put it away… by keeping his old self life on the cross by faith.
• Once we get public enemy number one (ME!) out of the way… those bitter waters will become sweet…
• And that relationship that had been nothing but harsh, cruel, bitterness will once again become sweet… and the sweet fragrance of Christ will once again fill that house…

h. Vs. 25c – It was the LORD who led them to Marah, not Moses.
• God allowed them to experience this bitterness to TEST them… to demonstrate to them what their hearts were like… that they might learn NOT to trust in themselves but to cast themselves upon the Lord!
• He tested them to see if they would love the Lord and obey Him…
• Vs. 26 – FOR I am the Lord! God tested them to demonstrate to them whether they love and obeyed God for what He GAVE them (sweet water—a pleasant life)… OR if they loved and obeyed Him because of who HE IS… the Lord!
• They failed the test. But God did not forsake them. He provided a way back.
• And they way back was by “applying the tree to their bitterness”… the way of the cross…
• They needed to learn that there is no bitterness that the Lord cannot sweeten!
• Vs. 27 – Elim!
• God led them to the place of bitterness to test them… not to harm them.
• They complained when they got to Marah…
• They assumed that they would have nothing but bitterness the rest of their days… but this was only a test from the Lord.
• What they DIDN’T KNOW was that right around the corner from Marah was another place called ELIM.
• And there were 12 wells of sweet water there… water of life… and 70 palm trees to provide shade… an oasis in the midst of the wilderness!
• God knew this all along… God wasn’t lost. God didn’t really want them to experience bitterness the rest of their days.
• God wanted all along to bring to Elim… but the way to Elim was THROUGH Marah.
• O how often believers come to bitter experiences and are ready to quit… to throw in the towel… to run to a divorce court… to forsake the ways of the Lord because they think they can’t handle the bitterness any more… so we run away into the wilderness on our own rather than following the pathway God set before us.
• How much better is it to run to the cross of Calvary! To by faith reckon our old man dead… crucified with Christ… and enter into the sweetness of the selfless and joyous resurrected life…
• What a pity to quit at Marah – when Elim is right around the corner!
• The cross is right there to turn the bitterness in YOUR relationship into sweetness…
• Are you willing to come to the cross?
» Without applying the tree they would have been stuck perpetually at Marah… with nothing but bitter water to drink.
» Applying the tree was the only way they would ever make it to Elim!
» Applying the cross to our relationship is the only way we’ll ever make to Elim too… to the place of sweet waters…
» The cross can transform a cruel bitter home into an oasis. COME to the cross… to an end of self today.
» And if you are NOT SAVED… come to the cross!

Children, Obey Your Parents


1. We have been looking at Paul’s exhortations to all in a Christian household.

2. First he addressed the wives, and then the husbands.

3. Now he addresses the children.

4. Paul gave one main command to each:

a. Wives: submit

b. Husbands: love

c. Children: obey

5. Following God’s simple instructions is the key to a happy, healthy home.

a. When these exhortations are followed, things run smoothly at home.
• Or at least as smoothly as possible in a sin-cursed earth.
• When everything is in its place and functioning as designed, the Christian home should function well.

b. When something is OUT of line, then things do not run well.
• Even when everyone IS doing their best to obey these exhortations, problems can and do arise. Obedience does not guarantee that the sun will always shine.
• But when the chain of command is broken at any point, turmoil is sure to follow… whether it is an unloving husband, a non-submissive wife, or a disobedient child.
• At each link, there is the potential for serious family problems.
• If any one link gets out of line, the whole chain is broken and it affects the whole household.
• Therefore, when the family isn’t functioning properly, always come back to these simple commands for realignment… like going to a chiropractor for an adjustment!

c. And children are an important link in that chain.

d. The fact that Paul addresses the children indicates that they were considered a PART of the local assembly in Colossae.

The Command to the Children: Obey

A. Obey: The Term Defined – ὑπακούω

1. ὑπακούω – Literally: “to hear under”…

a. The idea was that of hearing and putting oneself under the authority of that which was heard.

b. It thus came to men to hearken, and thus to obey… to hear and respond in obedience.

c. Acts 12:13 – the damsel came to “hearken” – to respond to what she heard.

d. Matt. 8:26-27 – the winds and waves heard the voice of God and responded to what they heard.

e. Children are to “hear under” – to listen and hear their parents, and put themselves under the authority of their parents.

2. Present, active, imperative:

a. Present: the verb tense indicates continuous action.

b. Imperative: the mood indicates that it is a command—not a suggestion!

c. Active: the verb voice indicates that it is the responsibility of the child to carry out this order. He is not to sit around and wait until obedience descends upon him from on high and he FEELS like obeying.

d. A child ought to BE obedient in heart… a submissive spirit.
• It should not simply be what he does when given a command.
• But it should be an ongoing attitude out of which obedient behavior arises. Active, outward obedience should arise from that kind of an inward attitude.

3. The Subject: children

a. The word for children here speaks not of age, but of relationship. (teknon).

b. Hence, it would refer to anyone living under the roof of their parents and are still dependent upon them.

c. In other words, this includes teenagers too… though we don’t call teenagers “children” in modern English in America.

d. But the term Paul uses DOES include teens.

e. All those born into a family—or adopted into a family—and are living under the roof of those parents are expected to obey.

4. This term OBEY is different from submission, the term used of the wife.

a. The wife is to submit (place under; arrange under).
• Hupotasso (submission) speaks of placing self under the authority of another.
• This speaks of the fact that a wife is to willingly place herself in her God given role… under the authority of her husband.
• A Christian wife is to submit to her husband.
• But if she doesn’t, it is not up the husband to MAKE her submit.
• The husband is not to subjugate his wife. The Lord will have to deal with her on that!

b. The term used of children (obey) is much different.
• This term is stronger and is more absolute.
• The child is to obey his parents… period.
• He is to listen and respond.
• And the parents are to see to it that the child DOES obey.
• There are no commands to the husband to MAKE his wife submit.
• But there are many commands to the parents to MAKE the child obey… for the good of the child, the family, the church, and society in general.
• That’s where discipline comes in.
• But the child’s responsibility is to obey.
• It is NOT the child’s right to choose whether he WANTS to obey or not.

5. Different terms used

a. Prov. 1:8 – “hear” – similar to the verb in Col. 3:20 – hearken and thus obey. He will not forsake.

b. Prov. 6:20 – “keep” thy father’s commandments. (keep: guard, to keep, to observe)

c. Prov. 7:1 – “lay up” my commandments. (hide away; protect; treasure)

d. Prov. 7:3 – bind them and write them on the tables of your heart. (They are not to be treated lightly… but valued… and treasured for the gems that later on in life they will prove to be!)

e. Deut. 27:16 – the opposite is seen here… (Treating an important issue lightly.)

f. Prov. 13:1 – A wise son heareth his father’s instruction.

g. A foolish son will hear with one ear, and it will go right out the other ear. And there are consequences for that.

h. But a wise son will hear… and will increase learning.

B. Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father

1. Eph. 6:2 – HONOR thy mother and thy father.

a. Honor defined:
• Honor, to fix a price on, to value, esteem, revere.

b. It is a broad term.
• It is sometimes used as a virtual synonym for obedience. (We honor his wishes by carrying them out.)
• Obedience is an expression of honor.
• But honor goes beyond the outward action to the inward attitude of the heart.
• As the wife is to submit to her husband and to show respect, the child is to obey both of his parents and to show reverence or respect… to honor them.
• If a child truly honors his parents, then they will VALUE them… and VALUE their words… their advice, their counsel, their care, concern, and all the thousands of other things they do for them…

c. That will be translated into obedience in the practical realm.
• If a child truly honors his parents, then he will obey.
• Obedience is to be carried out in the spirit of respect and honor.
• Obedience is to arise out of the esteem given to parents for who they are…
• It is possible for a child to obey the command a parent gives without showing any respect or honor to that parent.
• It is possible for a child to obey without having a submissive heart. (The child who was told to sit down was forced to sit down… but he thought to himself, “I’m sitting on the outside but I’m still standing on the inside!”)
• It is possible (and happens often) for a child to obey a command given by his parents, but to do so with a ROTTEN attitude.

d. The command to HONOR one’s parents adds a whole new dimension to obedience.
• This speaks not just of action (doing the deed) but attitude (the spirit in which the deed is done).
• And that will affect the whole atmosphere of the household, for good!
• It is possible for a child to obey the command, and to do so grumbling, murmuring, complaining, and souring the air.
• Or, a child can obey, with a right attitude: giving honor unto his parents.
• If the child truly HONORS his parents, then obedience will come quite easily.
• If there is no honor, obedience will be a struggle.
• The inward attitude of honor and respect will change the whole dynamic of obedience: easy vs. battle; bitter vs. sweet.

Parental Authority

A. Parents

1. Children are the norm in most Christian homes. (Gen. 1:28)

a. Marriage and childbearing were part of God’s original design… before sin entered the world.

b. God’s plan was to populate the earth with the offspring of Adam and Eve.

c. Most marriages result in children… but not all.

d. Children are a blessing to the Christian home. They are to be desired. (Psalm 127:3).

2. God sovereignly arranged for your parents to BE your parents.

a. It was God’s choice to cause you to be born or brought up in the home you are in today.

b. No one chooses what family to be brought up in. That choice is made FOR us… and it was by God’s sovereign design.

c. And as parents, it was God’s sovereignty that brought your child (that particular individual or individuals) into YOUR home.

d. God made all of these arrangements before the foundation of the earth.

e. The children you have are just the souls God wanted you to have… and to train… and to work with…

f. And kids, the parents you have are just the ones God wanted you to have.

g. So get used to each other! It is a long-term arrangement. It is not eternal, but long term… as far as this life is concerned.

3. Children NEED parents.

a. God sovereignly arranged for children to have parents because for the first couple of decades, a child is not competent to make right decisions for himself.

b. There are very few creatures that are born more dependent upon their parents than human children. What could be more helpless than a day old human baby?

c. Children NEED parents for a long time after birth—whether they want to admit it or not.
• They need them for food, clothing, shelter, protection…
• They need parents to teach them to talk, walk, and learn about the world in which they live.
• They need parents to teach them about the Lord and the way of salvation.
• They need parents to show them the right way to go and to warn them of the wrong way… a worthy walk.

d. Parents usually decide that which is BEST for a child.
• No one loves a child more than his parents. This is all by design.
• Whether they are saved or not, a parent is naturally going to care for a child. (A few exceptions…)
• Parents are better at making decisions than the kids.

e. When children get a little older, they begin to THINK that they are competent to make decisions for themselves, but they are not.
• Usually, wisdom comes with age.
• God gives young children into the hands of parents—who are obviously older and wiser.
• Children are born with zero experience or wisdom. They NEED their parents. And parents need God’s wisdom. (0ver 300 sermons on God’s wisdom in prayer meeting!)

4. The term “Parents” is Plural. (Col.3:20)

a. This is the norm for a Christian home—regardless of what our society says. (Of course there are exceptions to this – death, divorce, etc.) But the norm is still the norm.

b. This means that the child is to obey BOTH his mother and his father.

c. The husband and wife are referred to by God as “one flesh.” In a sense, a married couple is like ONE person.

d. When they speak to their children it ought to be as ONE person giving ONE command.

e. This means that mom and dad need to be on the same page when giving instruction to a child.

f. What is a child to do when this is NOT the case?
• Dad says be home at 10:00 and mom says at 8:30.
• Dad says don’t take the car but mom says it’s ok.
• Mom says “Don’t wear that skirt. It’s too short.” Dad says, “It’s ok honey, you can wear it.”
• That is confusing to a child and is worse than no instruction at all!
• Sometimes that happens because of a lack of communication. That is easily resolved. Talk!
• But sometimes it happens because mom and dad refuse to get on the same page.
• It is a good idea for parents—husbands and wives—to get together and THINK AHEAD of the kids of issues that are coming… and come up with a mutually agreeable way to deal with those issues…
• Ex: music, TV, what to wear, church ministry, driving the car, how late to stay out, boy/girl issues, money, homework, fads, right crowd/wrong crowd, etc.
• Plan ahead on how to deal with issues before they arise and take you by surprise!
• And be united in your approach.

g. Paul says that the child is to obey his parents!
• One flesh that ought to be speaking with one voice.
• Nothing is more confusing and frustrating than getting conflicting signals.
• If children are going to obey their parents as God commands them to… the parents need to be sending forth ONE clear command.
• The term “parents” is plural—but they should speak with one voice.

B. Parental Authority

1. The fact that God expects children to OBEY their parents implies a God-given parental authority.

a. The parents are part of God’s chain of authority.

b. God created a world of law and order… designed to have everything in its place.

c. And in the affairs of men, God has instituted order.

d. Eph. 5:21- 6:5
• Vs. 21 does not mean that every Christian is to submit to every other Christian.
• The idea of mutual submission results in chaos for any system that requires order.
• Imagine if mutual submission and obedience was the rule of life in the army!?! (If every soldier had to submit to or obey every other soldier! Rank is gone… and so is the order!)
• Rather, Paul uses vs. 21 as a topic heading for what he is about to outline in the following passages.
• For things to be in proper order, submission to one’s God’s given role is necessary. So Paul gives three examples of WHERE submission is practiced:
» Eph. 5:22 – wives obey/submit to your husband.
» Eph. 6:1 – children obey/submit to your parents.
» Eph. 6:5 – servants, obey/submit to your masters.

e. Part of this chain of divine authority is the responsibility of children to obey their parents.

f. Other links include teachers, police, judges, senators, presidents, etc… all authorities are the “powers of God.”

g. A child who learns to submit to the authority of his parents in the home, will most likely learn to submit to authority elsewhere as well.
• The lack of respect and obedience young people demonstrate in school to the government is usually a reflection of a lack of respect and obedience in the home.
• Children are to be trained to obey their parents in the home in hopes that they will learn to obey God later in life.
• A child that is disobedient to a parent CANNOT be obedient to God, for God said, “Children obey your parents!”

h. God’s chain of authority is not to be questioned, debated, or contested. It is to be obeyed.
• Hence, a command from a parent is not to be the beginning of an argument, a debate or lengthy questioning.
• A command should be the end of the debate.
• Obedience means obedience.
• There is one in the position of authority and one in the position of obedience or submission to authority.
• And when everything is in its proper place, the home runs smoothly.

2. Parental authority is to be executed in LOVE and grace.

a. The husband has authority over his wife. But headship does not mean dictatorship. It is to be characterized by Christlike, self sacrificing, love!

b. The parents have authority over their children too. But that authority is also to be characterized by Christlike, self sacrificing, love!

c. That is the KEY to a happy home.

The Extent: In All Things

A. All Things Means All Things

1. When a parent gives a command, the child is expected to obey.

a. There is not a lot of wiggle room in this command either.

b. Present tense = all the time; all things = all-inclusive! They are to continually obey all the time and in all things!

c. There are no days off. There are no private areas where they don’t have to obey. ALL things.

2. If a child only obeys when he WANTS to obey, he is not obedient. He is self-willed.

a. If a child obeys only when it is convenient, or if he feels like it, or if he agrees with the command, then he is not obedient!

b. Even if he obeys 95 % of the time because he is in agreement. It is that other 5% that really matters. That’s where self will manifests itself… and needs to be dealt with.

c. Obedience is really tested in those areas where the child does NOT want to obey. That’s the true test of his heart.

3. ALL things really means all things!

a. Of course a parent is to see to it that his child obeys God first and foremost… that he obeys the Bible.

b. But obedience also includes all matters relating to his meal times, school, chores around the house, dress code, diet, family standards, what they can watch on TV, what they can listen to, right down to brushing his teeth!

c. ALL things implies both the easy and the difficult… both the things he enjoys doing and the things he does not enjoy doing.

d. It is not up to the child to pick and choose which commands to obey.

e. This is not an occasional obedience, but a continual obedience.

f. The child may not see the point; they may not see the good; they may not see the purpose; they may not see the value; but they are to obey anyways!

g. It may seem unnecessary or unreasonable to the child; it may not make sense to them, but they are to obey nonetheless.

h. They might complain with great ferocity that it is cruel and inhuman to expect them to clean up their room. They may appeal to the Geneva Convention… but they are to obey.

4. Of course, a child is NOT to obey if their parents order them to do something immoral or illegal. (shoplifting; marijuana; etc.)

a. Acts 5:29 – obey God.

b. Eph. 6:1 – “in the Lord.”

c. Matt. 10:34-35 – sometimes faith in Christ causes a child to be at variance with their parents. They must obey God rather than men in those situations. (Cf. vs. 37)

d. This would be the case in a Muslim country today… or even in an American household where the parents have an inordinate hatred for Christianity.

e. But this is a rare event… especially in this country.

f. The norm remains: Children, obey your parents!

The Motive: This is Well Pleasing to the Lord

1. Keep in mind that these are instructions to a Christian household.

a. The Lord is well pleased when Christian parents train their children properly… and the children respond in obedience.

2. Well pleasing

a. This term means acceptable; well pleasing.

b. Except for one exception, this term is used exclusively of God’s attitude towards human behavior.

c. Eph. 5:10 – (“Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord”) we are to prove all things to be sure that they are well pleasing to the Lord.

d. Here is one thing we KNOW is well pleasing! Well-trained, disciplined, orderly, obedient children!

e. God delights in that.

f. And what a TESTIMONY a well-adjusted Christian family can be in their little circle of influence!
• There are families all around us who are hurting more than you might now. Many of them are LOOKING for help…
• Husbands and wives on the brink of divorce…
• Children out of control…
• What a testimony for them to see how a family filled with the Spirit of God functions! That’s refreshing!
• There is something very appealing about that… and it attracts attention to our Savior.
• It brings GLORY to Him. It HONORS Him. It gives evidence that Christianity really works!
• I would encourage you to invite your unsaved neighbors into to your homes… in homes of sharing the gospel to them!
• Your kids are a big part of that testimony… IF they are encouraged to obey their parents in all things.
• There are thousands of families who would LOVE to know HOW your family works… what an opportunity to present the gospel!
• A Christian family with well-adjusted, obedient children is a wonderful WITNESS for Christ in the community.

3. This is the proper motive for a child to obey: because it is well pleasing to His heavenly Father.

a. Even if your child is not yet saved, God is pleased with his obedience…

b. God delights in seeing homes that follow the pattern He designed for the world…

c. It is a reflection of God’s glory built into His creation…

d. God is pleased that His Word and His name are being honored in a home where there is at least one testimony for Christ.

e. Teach your children as soon as they learn words that God is well pleased when they obey their parents.

f. Children DO get pleasure out of pleasing their parents.
• When a child obeys and he SEES that it pleases his parents (because his parents are sensible enough to praise him for good behavior)… it encourages the child to more good behavior.
• Probably nothing Jesus ever heard during His earthly ministry was more encouraging to His heart than to hear His heavenly Father say, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
• The Son pleased the Father. And the Son Himself was DELIGHTED in pleasing the Father!
• God the Father wasn’t shy about letting His Son know that He was Beloved… and that He pleased His heavenly Father!
• Earthly fathers would do well to follow that pattern! What an encouragement AND incentive to our kids to obey and do that which is right!
• That child needs to know that obedience not only pleases mom and dad, more importantly, it pleases God.
• What a wonderful thing: a little child can please the eternal Creator of heaven and earth by a simple act of obedience!
• When that truth sinks in to the head and heart of a child, then pleasing his parents and pleasing God ends up pleasing the child… and it stirs up an appetite for doing right… so that doing right becomes enjoyable.

4. What do WE often use as the MOTIVE or incentive to get a child to obey?

a. We usually use the threat of the rod! Punishment! Fear of being spanked.

b. Maybe next time we can look at DISOBEDIENCE and what the Bible says to DO about it.

c. But the rod is not God’s incentive for obedience. It is rather a disincentive or a deterrent for disobedience.

d. But in Col. 3:20 Paul is speaking about OBEDIENCE.

e. God says, “Children, obey your parents FOR this is well pleasing to the Lord!”

f. This he mentions as the incentive for obedience is “pleasing the Lord!” (Do it, FOR!!!)

g. It puts a big smile on God’s face! That’s what we ought to tell our children! God is really happy when you obey! Kids can easily understand that.

h. This is a very POSITIVE incentive.

i. It is simple, yet profound!

j. And kids need to know and see that WE too are happy when they obey!

5. Eph. 6:1 – for it is RIGHT.

a. Here Paul gives children another POSITIVE incentive to obey: it is right!

b. When Paul speaks of obedience here (as in Col. 3) he doesn’t even mention the rod.

c. He mentions the GOOD aspects of doing good things!

d. It pleases God! It is right!

e. Vs. 3 – it may be WELL with thee!

f. Of course it is healthy to have a fear of the rod, a fear of punishment, and a fear of wrath. There is a place for that.

g. But that is NOT God’s incentive to obedience.

h. It is good to obey one’s parents because you fear being punished.

i. It is far better to obey one’s parents because you love them and genuinely want to please them… and because you know it is the RIGHT thing to do!

j. God delights in that kind of motivation.

k. Love is what makes it all work out in the home! And love is the fruit of the Spirit.

l. Eph. 5:18 – this whole section FLOWS out of that theme!

m. Children need to be ENCOURAGED to do what is right… to obey their parents… and for the right reasons.

n. When a child SEES that his father and mother are truly DELIGHTED in their good behavior today, that is motivation to want to obey them tomorrow!

o. When a child learns that his Heavenly Father is DELIGHTED in his good behavior today (because dad and mom are drilling it in!), that will motivate him to obey tomorrow… “FOR” this is well pleasing to the Lord.

6. Now there is a NEGATIVE side to all this. Children do not always obey!

a. Very often children tend to disobey.

b. One of the first words all kids seem to learn in any language in any country is NO! Nyet! Nien!

c. Paul gives basically three simple commands in each of these “family” sections in Ephesians and Colossians.

d. And he gives only positive incentives here—because his purpose is to speak of a child’s responsibility: obey.

e. Obedience IS positive.

f. Everything Paul mentions concerning obedience is positive in these chapters: obey FOR — it will be WELL with thee; it is RIGHT; God will be well PLEASED.

g. Virtually all the books I read on the subject spoke of the roles in family as such: fathers love; wives submit; but instead of children obey… they wrote of discipline.

h. An important part of child rearing in the Bible sections on the family roles is ENCOURAGEMENT to obey!

i. We are quite out of balance if we emphasize the negative and forget to encourage them to obey… and to show pleasure in their obedience… and to demonstrate to them the VALUE of obedience… and the REWARDS of obedience…

j. Human nature being what it is, we would be grossly misstating the subject if we left here… without mentioning the other very real possibility: disobedience and what God’s Word says about that. Next week, Lord willing.


1. You need to become a son of God.
2. But that does not come about by OBEYING commands.
3. It is ours by FAITH… not by obedience or works! (John 1:12)

Parental Responsibilities


Enforcing Obedience

1. Parents should be aware of what they are working with in dealing with their children.

a. The natural heart is naturally rebellious.

b. The fallen heart is rebellious against God and God’s authority… and thus, against parents.

c. Obedience does not come easily to a fallen heart.

d. It is a struggle. Don’t be surprised to discover that your child is no exception to this rule.

e. They come forth from the womb as little rebels… little heathens!

2. II Tim.3:2 – this was a characteristic of the ungodly.

3. Disobedience is to be punished… chastened…

4. Children are to honor their parents. They also ought to FEAR them… fear disobeying them… fear the consequences. (Just as we are to fear God—reverence Him and be afraid of sinning against Him!)

5. The parent is to see to it that the children obey…

a. The parents have to set their own family standards, rules, clearly define the boundaries of acceptable behavior, and clearly define the penalties for disobedience.

6. Consider how seriously God took this principle in the Old Testament:

a. Ex. 21:15, 17; Lev. 20:9 – stoned to death for hitting or cursing parents!

b. Deut 21:18–21 – a rebellious son—stoned!

c. Prov. 30:17 – mocking… eagles eating your eyes!

d. Prov. 20:20 – his lights will be put out!

A. Instruction

1. This means also that parents are to GIVE instruction to their children.

a. Eph. 6:4 – in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

b. Heb. 12:7-8 – what son is not disciplined by his father? The Bible assumes that fathers will discipline their children (instruct and train them).

c. Note that it does NOT say, “Parents, obey your children, for this is well pleasing unto them!” That is how many homes operate today. The kids rule… to the ruin of the home!

2. Orders to children need to be given in love.

3. Orders to children need to be CLEAR. (I Cor. 14:7-9)

a. Some parents are unclear in the commands they give to their kids. (“It sure would be nice if the cellar got cleaned.” or “Would you mind taking the trash out sometime?” or “Don’t stay out too late.”)

b. If your commands are that vague and ambiguous, how do you expect them to be obeyed? How could you ever recognize disobedience? How could THEY recognize disobedience?

c. Sometimes parents give orders that are indistinct, and thus speak to the air.

d. A clear sound is much better—with clear lines drawn.

Provoke Not Your Children to Anger

The Command: Provoke Not Your Children

A. Fathers

1. πατήρ – this is the normal word for father…

a. It is sometimes used of a remote ancestor or forefather.

b. However, sometimes in the plural, it is used of “parents.” (Heb. 11:23)

c. But the overwhelming usage of the term is that of a father – the male parent.

d. There is no good reason to understand this in any sense other than its most normal sense here: a father.

e. However, what Paul says certainly does apply to mothers as well.

f. And there is that possibility that he meant parents… mothers and fathers. Two translations of the New Testament actually translated this term “parents” in this verse.

B. Provoke Not

1. Defined: ἐρεθίζω –

a. To stir up, excite, stimulate, to provoke, incite, irritate, exasperate

b. This term is used only twice in the New Testament, here and in II Cor. 9:2. (In a negative sense here; a positive sense in II Corinthians.)

2. The tense: Present imperative

a. Often a present imperative in the negative can mean “Stop” performing the action. Here, that would be “stop provoking your children to anger.”

b. That is possible… but it does not hold for every case.

c. The main thing to glean from this is that it is a COMMAND.

d. And the present tense indicates that fathers (or mothers) should NEVER do this…

e. If you are presently provoking them to evil, then STOP!

f. If you are not, don’t ever start! The command is ongoing.

3. To anger

a. These words do not appear in any manuscript.

b. They were added by the translators to make it clear that the kind of provoking Paul meant was the negative kind.

c. It is likely Eph. 6:4 had a bearing on the translation here. A parallel thought appears there and the word Paul chose there DOES mean “provoke to wrath.”

d. It is good to provoke them to love and good works!

e. There are ways in which parents SHOULD provoke or stimulate their children… to be curious… to be readers… to love the Lord… to want to serve others…

f. But Paul had something negative in mind here… (Because he said DON’T do it!)

g. While anger is certainly one of the things parents are NOT to provoke their children to, by adding this word, the translators may have actually LIMITED the meaning here for many readers.

h. Other translations did something similar here:
• Do not vex…
• Do not make them resentful…
• Don’t come down too hard on… (paraphrase)
• Don’t nag…
• Don’t exasperate… (NAS)
• Do not embitter… (NIV)
• Do not aggravate…
• Stop irritating… (Wuest)
• That is eight different English words used to translate the term Paul used: ἐρεθίζω
• I listed them here (not to promote all these translations) but rather to give us a slightly different shade of meaning.
• The King James Version translators added the words “to anger” and we should know that the word Paul used was much broader than that.
• What I love about the King James Version is that when they added a word, they were up front about it and they TOLD us… by italicizing it!
• The other translators did not! They limited the term Paul used and DIDN’T tell us.

i. All Paul wrote was “don’t stir them up… don’t incite them.” He doesn’t say TO WHAT.

j. That leaves the door wide open for MANY applications to this passage… certainly one of which is anger.

k. But there are LOTS of other ways in which fathers could stir up their children in a wrong way.

4. Other ways children could be “provoked.”

a. To anger…

b. To frustration

c. To silently simmer

d. To irritation

e. To rebellion

f. To want nothing to do with Christianity

g. To run away and join the circus… or something worse!

h. To violence

i. To humiliation

j. To seek comfort and a sense of belonging “elsewhere” – even to the cults… or worse… drugs… crime… a gang… materialism…

5. Now I hope that no young people listening to this will USE this verse as an EXCUSE for your bad behavior!

a. When we stand before God, NONE of our sins will be excused on the basis of “he provoked me to it!”

b. That excuse is as old as Eden! The blame game started with Adam and Eve…

c. But God has never accepted those excuses. We are all responsible for our own behavior.

d. Don’t forget the message of Col. 3:20: Children OBEY your parents in the Lord!

e. Even if your parents aren’t behaving the way they ought to, God expects YOU to behave as He has commanded.

f. To excuse our bad behavior by saying, “It’s not my fault: my father provoked me… or “I can’t help it… my father DROVE me to it.” Those lame excuses will never get you off the hook before the Lord.

Implicit in the Command: The Father’s Authority

A. The Father’s Authority

1. Fathers are the heads of the households.

a. He has authority over his wife (vs. 18)

b. He has authority over his children. They are to OBEY him and his wife… the parents. (vs. 20)

2. Eph. 6:4 – The father’s role

a. Paul uses a different word for “provoke to wrath” in this verse.

b. Bring them up…
• To nourish up to maturity, to nourish, train, to nurture, care for.
• Used in Eph. 5:29 – nourish one’s own flesh = provide for its needs; take care of; feed; nourish.
• Those are the only two places this word is used in the New Testament…
• In Eph. 5:29, Paul states that the husband is to love his wife in the same way he cares for his own body.
• In Col. 3:21, Paul states that the father is to nourish and care for his children in the same way! He uses the same word.
• We take good care of ourselves. We make sure we are warm, dry, fed, clothed, and comfortable.
• We are to do the same for our children. Nourish them: that’s what the word “bring them up” in Col. 3:21 means.
• This is the father’s job.

c. They are to be cared for (nurtured) in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
• They are to be brought up in a particular sphere: nurture and admonition.
• The father is to set the tone and atmosphere in the home…
• It is to be an atmosphere of nurture and admonition.

d. Nurture: παιδεία – child training
• Strong’s: “the whole training and education of children, which relates to the cultivation of mind and morals.”
• It also includes the concepts of chastening and discipline.
• Heb. 12:5, 7, 8, 11 – the term “nurture” is translated “chastening” here. The emphasis in this context is on discipline… “spanking!”
• Heb. 12:9-10 – the author notes that we have all been disciplined or chastened by our fathers.
» He also makes an interesting and relevant point here: sometimes fathers chasten their children for their own pleasure…
» In other words, the child’s best interest is not always in mind.
» Sometimes fathers discipline because it feels good to lash out at someone…
» Sometimes fathers get frustrated and angry and take it out on their kids… and sometimes going overboard… being cruel… insensitive… even hateful…
» Sometimes spanking crosses the line and turns into abuse…
» Sometimes fathers say the cruelest things to their children: “stupid; you jerk; can’t you do anything right; I’m going to break your neck.”
• Think about how that comes across to a little one.
» Your son or daughter comes up to your knees or thighs.
» Imagine if you met a man that much taller than you? (He would be about 20 feet tall!)
» Imagine if a man that size began to spank you and he lost his temper and went overboard… he could do a lot of physical damage to you.
» Imagine a man that tall yelling cruel things at you at the top of his lungs and threatening you…
» That can be absolutely crushing—especially to a little girl… who is supposed to look up to her father.
• Fathers are responsible to chasten their children… but this passage states that fathers don’t always do it well… or carefully… or in the Spirit… sometimes it’s done in the flesh. We’ve all been there as fathers. Fathers are sinners too.

3. Discipline is the primarily the father’s responsibility… but it must be done RIGHT.

a. Prov. 19:18 – chastening causes them to cry, but it is good for them.
• Explain what a rod is… (applied to the rear end only).
• It is to be administered in LOVE… and under the control of the Holy Spirit… not in the flesh or in anger.
• The wrath of man worketh NOT the righteousness of God!
• If you’re that angry, take a minute to pray first…

b. Prov. 22:15 – the rod drives away folly from a child’s heart.

c. Prov. 23:13-14 – use the rod… it won’t kill him. (But don’t go overboard!)

d. Prov. 29:15, 17 – Use the rod: it results in wisdom for that child… and keeps the mother from shame later on… correct your son and he will give you rest. No discipline means no rest… agony… a life of regrets…

e. While BOTH parents are to administer discipline, the father, as head of the household, is responsible to see to it that it is being done. Much of it will have to be delegated to the wife who spends more time with the young ones.

4. The Bible is clear that the father is to discipline his children.

a. The father is given authority in the home… authority to administer discipline.
• Sometimes authority can go to a man’s head…
• Sometimes as a husband, his authority over the wife can degenerate into a cruel dictator… when it is SUPPOSED to be a loving headship, which reflects the love and care Christ has for the church, His Body.
• But authority is easily corrupted into something it was never intended to be.
• It can occur in the husband/wife relationship.
• It can also occur in the parent/child relationship.
• The author of Hebrews states that as a fact in ch. 12.
• And I think this is what Paul is getting at in Col. 3:21.

b. A father’s authority and role as disciplinarian, when administered in the flesh, apart from the control of the Holy Spirit can and often does PROVOKE children in many unhealthy ways.
• Discipline is good, beneficial, effective, and spiritually healthy for a child.
• But it needs to be mitigated by the influence of the filling of the Holy Spirit on the part of the father.
• Love, gentleness, goodness, faith, self control… aspects of the fruit of the Spirit that are especially needed in administering discipline.
• When the flesh is in control… and the fruit of the Spirit is absent, a father is very LIKELY to provoke his children… to all kinds of evil!

c. Paul does not mention the father’s role as disciplinarian, but he sure does IMPLY it.
• Read vs. 20 – children are to OBEY their parents… and their fathers…
• That implies that the father is giving commands to BE obeyed…
• And that the father is administering discipline if the children do NOT obey.
• So though it is not an explicit link between the provocation in vs. 21 and a father’s role as disciplinarian, I think we see in vs. 20 an implicit link.
• Fathers are to teach, train, instruct, nurture, care for, command, and yes, spank, their children.
• BUT (Paul adds) – don’t go overboard and provoke your children to anger… or frustration…

5. In the process of administering discipline and training, DON’T be a drill sergeant! Be a father instead!

a. A husband is to be a LOVING head of his wife… careful to meet her needs and care for her… just as diligently as he cares for his own body.

b. A father is to be a LOVING child rearer too… careful to nourish, train, and discipline his children… caring for them just as diligently as you care for your own body.

c. A father—or any parent—mothers too—are to have a RELATIONSHIP of love with their children.
• They are not to be cold, heartless, distant, mechanical rule enforcers. (A mechanical automaton—like a hammer). That is not what a parent is.
• Authority needs to be in place and obedience to the rules is to be expected.
• But it is to be conducted in the spirit of love…
• Ps. 85:10 – “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.”
• There is to be a healthy BALANCE between mercy and truth… righteousness and peace… keeping the house rules and grace…

d. I have met parents who treated their children as if they were their drill sergeants instead of parents.
• “I’m in charge. I’m the boss. These are my rules. It’s my way or you’re out of here!”
• The slightest infractions are pounced upon.
• The punishment does not equal the crime. (overboard… and unreasonable)
• Sometimes rules are demanded just for the sake of forcing the child into submission… having rules for the sake of rules… rather than for the good of the child. (Administering chastening for the parents’ pleasure, rather than the good of the child.)
• Expecting rules to be complied with to the letter of the law… without regard for circumstances or mercy… (late because of a flat tire… or late by 10 minutes…)
• That’s ok for boot camp, but home isn’t boot camp; home should be a friendly, warm, loving place…)
• Home isn’t boot camp and parents should not be drill sergeants… but sometimes they behave like that.
• I think that is Paul’s main thought in 3:21 – parental authority gone bad!
» Authority that has gone to the parent’s head… and is not accompanied by love…
» Authority and discipline that is not administered under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

6. When a parent (father OR mother—both can be guilty of this)… is unbalanced and behaves like a drill sergeant, the child is likely to REBEL…

a. Going overboard on the rules (suffocating the child by keeping them under your thumb) can be just as harmful as going overboard in the other direction: anything goes!

b. Prov. 4:27 – “Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.”
• This is advice given by Solomon to young men. Walk down the straight and narrow path and don’t go astray in EITHER direction.
• This is good advice for parents too: don’t lean too far to the left (overly lenient) and don’t lean too far to the right (overly strict).
• Be balanced…
• I take Paul’s words in Col. 3:21 to refer to discipline that is out of balance… not controlled by the Holy Spirit… overboard on the strict side… which PROVOKES a child to evil… anger… frustration… etc.

The Result of Not Obeying the Command: Discouragement

1. Discourage Defined:

a. This word for discourage is used only once in the New Testament.

b. It means: to be disheartened, dispirited, broken in spirit. To be despondent, disturbed in mind; burdened.

2. Prov. 17:22 – ?“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

a. Here Solomon speaks of opposites: a merry heart and a broken spirit.

b. This broken spirit has lost its joy and encouragement… it is thoroughly discouraged… beaten down…

c. Prov. 15:13 – constant sorrow breaks the spirit… (If their father or mother) is constantly angry at them… constantly putting them down… constantly nagging… constantly haranguing… constantly irritating… overly critical… always pointing out the things they do wrong and never praising them for the things they do right…

d. Prov. 18:14 – He states that such a condition can be quite unbearable! His inner strength is gone… depleted…

e. If this condition is what Paul describes in Col. 3:21 (and I think it is!) — what a serious warning to us as fathers!

f. Our poor behavior as a father can result in dispiriting our children… knocking the wind of them, not physically, but inwardly… which is far worse!

3. No father… no parent in their right mind would set out to break the spirit of their child…

a.However, it DOES happen… God said so.

b. If we live in the flesh, and chasten according to our own pleasure (selfishly rather than for the good of the child), then there is a great danger that WE ourselves could be discouraging our children…

c. When a parent goes overboard with correction, discipline, and punishment, and keeps the child right under his thumb… the child could suffocate…

d. With a little breathing room, he would do much better…

e. And the older, more mature and responsible a child becomes, the more breathing room and freedom he should be given… age appropriate rules and discipline.

f. Treating a teenager like a toddler results in rebellion… just like treating a toddler like a teenager would result in chaos!

g. With no breathing room, kids tend to rebel and struggle to get OUT from under that oppressive thumb!

4. O how we as parents need WISDOM in fulfilling our responsibilities in the hardest job we’ll ever have: parenting!

a. The good news is that God does GRANT wisdom, when we seek it with all our heart! (Prov. 2:3-6)

b. O how we need to strike a wholesome, spiritually healthy BALANCE between discipline and love; law and grace; rebuke and encouragement; chastening and edifying…

c. Going overboard in either direction can be equally disastrous to the child.

d. Paul seems to acknowledge in Col. 3:21 that fathers (parents?) in Colossae are already aware of their role as disciplinarian.
• Hence, he seeks to add a balancing touch here… by warning us not to go overboard and thus provoke our children…
• Perhaps we ought to take a look at the Scriptures concerning how our Heavenly Father treats us…
• He chastens us when necessary… sometimes severely!
• Psalm 103:13-14 – He also knows our frame… He knows our frailty. He understands our condition and thus shows pity and mercy to us…
• God has a RELATIONSHIP with us… as an earthly father should!
• He is our example. God help us to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord… and that our goal might be to BUILD THEM UP… not to knock them down.
• We need to discourage them from evil… but an overly oppressive approach can also discourage them from good… just leave them discouraged!
• Our job is to ENCOURAGE our children to know God and walk with Him.
• And let them know that walking with God is a JOY and a delight… not a burden… not oppressive…

America, Slavery, and the Bible


1. Slavery has long been a part of world history.

a. Aristotle taught that it was in the natural order of things that some men should “own” others so that the “higher classes” could flourish.

b. In New Testament times, as much as two thirds of the Roman Empire were slaves (before the 1st century it was as high as 90%).

2. This is an especially touchy subject here in America.

a. We have a wonderful heritage as a nation… one we can admire.

b. But our heritage is severely flawed because of slavery… which (to our shame) was tolerated in this land for almost 250 years.

c. We are still dealing with the scars and wounds leftover from slavery.

d. This weekend is Martin Luther King Jr. Day – a time to acknowledge and appreciate the great work he did for our country to help heal the wounds left from centuries of slavery… in promoting civil rights for all…

3. The form of slavery in America was especially cruel.

a. While we would all agree that any form of slavery is bad, some forms were much worse than others.

b. Some slaves (like Joseph) had a very high position and lived better than most people.

c. But later, the slavery of the Jews in Egypt was severe and harsh.

d. There was a wide range of practices: from domestic servants, to indentured servants, to cruel and oppressive treatment as in Egypt.

e. Slavery in America was similar to the cruel form of slavery in Egypt… where the evil taskmasters made them serve with rigor, and often whipped the slaves to get more work out of them.

4. Slavery in America had another unusual element to it.

a. In Bible times, slaves were most often made by one nation conquering another… and they were usually of the same race.

b. The slavery in America had another ugly blot: racism.
• Slavery in America was more than social and economic oppression.
• It included racial bigotry. (skin color)
• This makes it somewhat different than the issue of slavery in the Bible… an additional layer of evil.

c. At any angle you looked at slavery in America, it wreaked of cruelty and injustice.

5. We fought a bloody civil war over the issue. We lost more American lives in that war than in any other we have fought since! (600,000)

a. And remarkably, BOTH SIDES used the Bible to support their arguments.

b. Slaves and abolitionists interpreted the Exodus story about the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery as a picture of what God thought of slavery.

c. The confederates gravitated towards the writings of Paul—such as our verse this morning. Slaves obey!

d. Both sides accurately quoted out Bible verses to support their views. Both sides felt justified… that God was on their side.

The Bible Used to Promote Slavery

1. Slavery was tolerated in America from our earliest days.

a. George Washington, the father of our country, owned slaves.

b. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence owned slaves.

c. Jefferson, knowing that he himself owned slaves, must have had a twinge or two of conscience when he wrote the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

d. Patrick Henry, the great orator who coined the famous slogan, “Give me liberty or give me death,” was a slave owner.

e. Slavery was legal in this country for almost 250 years.

f. The confederates down in Dixie had a lot of history to lean on in making their case.

2. “[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty God…it is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation…it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts.” Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.

3. He (and other confederates) stated that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible for the following reasons:

a. In their minds, the New Testament apostles seemed to condone slavery:
• Col. 3:22 – servants were told to obey their masters.
• Eph. 6:5 – servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling.
• I Pet. 2:18 – Servants be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle but also to the forward.
• Clearly the New Testament teaches that slaves were to obey their masters in EVERYTHING… even if their masters were evil!
• There is no emancipation proclamation in the Bible.
• The Bible never told the slaves to sign petitions to end the oppression and abuse… and fight it at city hall.
• The Bible writers did NOT urge the slaves to unite and fight against this awful injustice.
• The Bible did not encourage them to rebel… like Spartacus and overthrow their masters.
• The Bible says just the opposite! Obey and submit.
• The confederates used that as ammunition from the Bible to support their views.

b. Some have suggested that Jesus condoned the beating of slaves in Luke 12:47-48. Of course, that was not the case.

c. The Old Testament seemed to condone slavery too.
• Ex. 21:12 – death penalty for a murderer; vs. 20-21 but no death penalty for killing a slave.
• Ex. 20:17 – “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors… manservant nor his maidservant, not his ox…” Even the moral law of God recognized slavery.
• Abraham was called a “friend of God” and Abraham had slaves.

4. In one sense, there was an element of truth in what they claimed.

a. The Bible does NOT forbid slavery. It does not denounce it.

b. The Bible permitted Christians to own slaves.

c. I Cor. 7:21 – the Bible told slaves to be content in their present condition. If they could be freed, then use it. Otherwise, be content.

5. Slaveholders in the South clung to verses like “Slaves, be obedient to masters” to justify the practice of slavery.

a. For folks who grew up in a culture that was steeped in slavery for a couple of centuries… an economy that revolved around slavery… living on plantations that couldn’t exist without slavery… it was easy to “convince” such folks that all was OK.

b. And if you could throw in a couple of verses from the Bible, then they felt doubly justified.

c. Hundreds of thousands of such men fought and died in the civil war in order to keep their system intact.

d. Many of them were Bible believing, born again Christians, who had convinced themselves that they were fighting to preserve their God-given right to own slaves.

e. The Southerners quoted the Bible to support their views.

The Bible Used to Abolish Slavery

1. In the North, (for the most part) folks took the opposite view.

2. The abolitionists quoted from the same Bible to support the opposite conclusion!

a. They read from the book of Exodus how God sent Moses with a message to the Pharaoh (representing Satan and Egypt representing the evil world system!). Nine times this message appears in Exodus: “Let my people go!”

b. Ex. 7:16-18 – If they would NOT free the people from slavery, God would send plagues upon Egypt and destroy that nation!
• This was designed to let them know that Jehovah was the LORD of all the earth!
• It was designed to let them know what He thought of corrupt religion and corrupt practices—namely, mistreating His people through slavery!
• When the plagues descended upon the nation, it was evident whose side God was on!

c. Gal. 3:28 – The abolitionist noted that in Christ there is neither “Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” They claimed that God made no such distinctions and neither should we.

3. During the civil war period, both sides, the Union in the North and the Confederates in the South were both quoting the Bible, and both believed they were fighting for God!

a. On Sunday, they both went to church and worshipped God.

b. They all read out of the same Bible.

c. They both prayed to the same God for victory.

d. They both believed they were fighting for the truth and that God was on their side.

What the Bible IS

1. I’m sure we’ve all wondered WHY the Bible doesn’t denounce slavery.

a. Why did Paul tell slaves to obey their masters?

b. Why didn’t he write that say slavery is sin and make prohibitions against it?

c. The Bible denounces lots of other things. Why not slavery?

d. Those are legitimate questions to raise…

e. But WHY did God permit it rather than denounce it?

f. The answer is a bit complicated. You have to think. But if you are willing to think this one through, it is EXTREMELY encouraging to see how God works in time… and how righteousness and justice always win the battle!

g. God’s ways are not our ways. His way is perfect.
• We would be inclined to tell God to just give us a law! Outlaw it!
• But you can’t legislate righteousness. The Old Testament taught us that.
• The law was powerless to change the heart!
• Slavery is not mainly a legal or a political problem. It is primarily a heart problem…
• God chose to deal with this BLIGHT on society… NOT by dealing with the symptoms (slavery) but by dealing with the ROOT of the problem.
• The root of the problem is the sinful heart of man: greed, unrighteousness, bigotry, pride, selfishness. This is God’s way of dealing with slavery.
• God’s way takes longer, but it is better. God is changing hearts, one by one.
• The way to deal with slavery is to crucify pride and greed and fill the heart with the love of God.

2. WHY didn’t the Bible writers simply FORBID Christians from practicing slavery? The answer in part is found in appreciating what the Bible IS and what it is NOT.

a. In the days when Paul wrote Colossians, the Roman Empire had about 60 million slaves!
• These slaves for the most part were of the same skin color as their masters, having been conquered in battles.
• By some estimates, it was about 2/3 of the entire population.
• That means that the entire economy of the Roman Empire was built around slavery. To end slavery would cause the economy to collapse.
• The whole social stratum of the empire was built around slavery. To end slavery would bring social upheaval.
• Slavery was woven into the fabric of politics in the Roman Empire.
• Anyone suggesting the abolition of slavery would have been considered a seditionist… a rebel against authority… a political insurgent… and might throw the entire Roman Empire into political and social chaos.
• That is not the purpose of the Bible.

b. The Bible was not written to change society.
• There was much economic injustice in Rome, (and in America) but the Bible is not a book on economics.
• There was much social and political injustice in Rome, (and in America) but the Bible is not a book on political science or sociology.
• The Bible was not addressed to society, but to the HEART of a sinner… so that the individual might come to know God in a personal way and have a right relationship to Him.
• The Bible is a spiritual book – designed to teach us how to know God, live for God on a cursed and corrupt earth.
• Dan. 2:44 – God is not going to fix or improve the kingdoms of this world. He is going to establish His OWN Kingdom… and grind the earthly kingdoms (world system) to dust!
• Vs. 34-35 – the kingdoms are crushed and no place was found for them.
• Christians have been called OUT OF the world. Our job is not to clean up the world, but to fish men out of it.
• The Bible completely bypasses this world system and addresses the hearts of individual men.
• The Bible was not written to tell us how to FIX the world, but how to live in it and remained unspotted by it!
• Nothing in the world system is of the Father. (I Jn. 2:16-17)

c. Col. 3:1-3 – Don’t forget the HEADING to this whole section: Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth, for ye are DEAD and your life is hid with Christ in God.
• This world system is not our home. It is an enemy of the believer. It is antichrist and antichristian. A friend of the world is the enemy of God.
• Jesus said to Pilate: My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
• When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Peter had an earthly view, and took out a sword to fight. He cut off one of the soldier’s ears, and Jesus rebuked him.
• Eph. 6:12 – Our battle is not political, social, or economic. It is a SPIRITUAL battle.
• Our foes are not fighting a war on poverty; or against social injustice, or economic equality.
• Those are all earthly endeavors. (If the Lord leads an individual Christian into politics to fight for those things—great!
• But (Jerry Falwell notwithstanding) that is not the mission of the church!)
• We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers; spiritual wickedness in high places!

d. What would the world have thought of Christianity and the New Testament if the apostles took up swords FOUGHT against the Roman military oppressors? What would the world have thought if the apostles had formed marches and began signing petitions to have the emperor removed from office and they began fighting against the injustices of the earthly Rome Empire… including slavery?
• Christianity would have been reduced to nothing more than just another political uprising… seeking to overthrow the existing order.
• Jesus would have been seen as a revolutionary seeking political power!
• If the apostles began by seeking to overthrow the political, social, and economic fabric of the empire, Christianity would have been nothing more than some new social agenda.

3. Christianity is none of those. It is LIFE… abundant life in Christ!

a. The apostles NEVER fought a political or social battle.

b. They never marched on Rome. They signed petitions. They never demonstrated against the corrupt Roman emperor.

c. When the Lord sent His disciples into the world, He did not say, “Go ye therefore into all the world and clean up that mess! Improve society! Bring about social and political reform! Fight against corruption, injustice, and oppression!”

d. He said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel!”

e. Why didn’t the apostles denounce slavery and make prohibitions against it? Because that is not the PURPOSE of the Bible. That is not the mission of the church. That’s not why we are here.

What the Bible SAYS

1. Consider the awful injustices of persecution!

a. The emperor Nero was burning Christians at the stake! Human torches for his lavish parties.

b. While those awful acts of injustice against Christians were occurring, Peter sat down to write a message to the Christian soldiers. (I Pet. 2:13-17)

c. He did NOT write: take up your arms! Let’s march on city hall! Let’s demonstrate against the government. He did not write, “Down with the emperor!”

d. Instead, he wrote: “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man… Honor the king!”

e. Peter was painfully aware of the injustice in the land, and God was certainly aware of the persecution, but God’s ways are not man’s ways.

f. God had a different METHOD of dealing with injustice at any level.

2. God gave similar instructions concerning the issue of slavery.

a. Just as Christians were being abused and suffering injustice at the hands of evil men, so too were thousands of Christian slaves.

b. And while many unsaved slave masters were cruelly abusing their slaves, while many of these Christian slaves were suffering awful injustice at the hands of evil men… Peter sat down to write.

c. I Pet. 2:18 – Peter did not tell the slaves to unite and overthrow the corrupt evil masters.
• He did not encourage an uprising like Spartacus.
• Instead he wrote: slaves, be subject to your masters… and not only the good ones, but also the evil ones!

d. Paul also wrote the same thing in Colossians 3:21. Paul did not write an emancipation declaration. He too told the slaves to obey.

e. God had a different method of dealing with the injustice of slavery.

3. God’s message to Christian slaves: “If you find yourself as a slave, be the BEST slave you can be!”

a. Col. 3:22 – he tells them to obey and not just when the master is looking. (That’s what unsaved slaves would do).

b. Vs. 23 – do your chores heartily… not grudgingly and with murmuring. That’s what an unsaved slave would do. You be different!

c. Shine in the midst of darkness and injustice!

d. Gen. 39:1-6 – this is just what Joseph did. He found himself (because of the cruelty of his brothers) as a slave… and he chose to be the very best slave he could be. He found grace and favor with his master and was elevated!

e. Gen. 41:38 – it was noted that the Spirit of God was with Joseph.

f. Col. 1:27 – Paul told the Christian slaves that Christ lives in them! They should be different from the other slaves!

g. The other slaves had no hope. The Christian slave has a hope of GLORY!

h. Col. 3:1-4 – the Christian slave’s real life was not down here on earth suffering abuse.
• His real life was hidden away from his unsaved master.
• His master had no idea of what made him different. His real life was hidden away in heaven!
• He was truly a FREE man in mind, heart, and conscience… the truth set him free.
• His condition was unlike that of his master who probably lived with a lot of guilt and shame… because of his greed and cruelty. His master was the real slave… enslaved by his sin, greed, and selfishness.
• The Christian was not to obsess over the injustice on earth. Injustice will be here till the Lord comes!
• He was to rejoice in his glorious position, in Christ, in heaven!
• That was his real life… and in Christ there is neither bond nor free!
• A Christian slave in the first century with the right spirit and attitude would be a MARVELOUS witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.
• That would open MANY DOORS to preach the gospel… No doubt others would ask him a reason of the hope that lies in him!

4. This was God’s purpose for the believer on earth.

a. This is Christianity! We live in a cursed earth, but our minds and affections are on things above!

b. That motivates us to endure suffering, abuse, persecution, and injustice in a corrupt world…

c. It enables us to REJOICE in spite of it all… knowing that we have a hope of glory that others do not have!

d. This principle translates into all kinds of other injustices in the world too!

e. A Christian living in an oppressive Communist country is to be the best Christian he can be!
• In spite of abuse, persecution, and injustice, he is there to SHINE for Christ!
• Christians are suffering abuse and injustice in Communist China and elsewhere in the world today.
• His God given purpose is not to overthrow the government but to be a witness for Christ.

f. A Christian living in a repressive tribal oligarchy in some third world country may experience injustice. God’s command to him is the same: SHINE for Christ in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation.

g. A Christian living in the lower stratum of the caste system in India… is not to try to overthrow that political, socio-economic system either.
• He is to be a testimony for the Lord…
• He is to learn to be content in whatsoever state he finds himself… and not to murmur and groan like others.
• He is there to manifest the indwelling Christ to the lost all around him.
h. And even in our beloved country, there are STILL many injustices!
• It is hardly honest to say that a little black boy born in the projects in Roxbury has the same privileges and opportunities as the son of one of the Bostonian Brahman on Beacon Hill!
• Let’s be honest. While I believe our country is the fairest system on earth… it is STILL part of the world system and it is corrupt. There IS much injustice in America.
• Thank God for Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation Proclamation!
• Thank God for Martin Luther King, Jr. for the work he did on civil rights.
• But that notwithstanding, there remain many more hurdles in this country for blacks to jump over than whites.
• The rich have more power and more access to government than the poor.
• Christians today find themselves living in the midst of injustice… even in America!

• It was God Himself who established human government.
• Back in Gen. 9, God gave this responsibility to Noah and to mankind to follow Noah.
• Human governments, as imperfect, unfair, and unjust as they are, are still God’s methods of maintaining a certain degree of righteousness, law and order on earth.
• Rom. 13:1-2 – powers that BE are ordained of God.
• As Christians we are to submit to those authorities and the system of government established.
• We are not to undermine the government.
• Phil. 2:14-17 – Rather, we are to live a godly life and shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation.

j. There is NO governmental system on earth that is free from corruption and injustice… because all governments are made up of human beings… sinners by nature!

k. Whether it is the former system of apartheid in South Africa, caste system in India, persecution in Communist China, oppression in a Muslim country, or the vicious cycle of ghetto life in America… injustice is seen everywhere!

l. Regardless of which system of injustice the world has devised… the believer is to be heavenly minded and be content in whatever state he finds himself.

m. The Bible writers had nothing to do with the INVENTION of these human systems, all of which were filled with injustices of every stripe.
• The Bible simply accepts slavery and other forms of social injustice as a reality and thus tells the believer how to live a godly life in WHATEVER system he finds himself in.
• Of course it’s not fair! God never said the world system was fair. It is our foe as a Christian.
• But we have been sent INTO that world to manifest the indwelling life of Christ to men and women everywhere.
• And God gives the grace and strength needed to live the Christian life with poise and dignity, regardless of the abuse and injustice leveled against us.
• Christianity was never designed to change the world, or the corrupt systems of the world. The world is God’s enemy and He is not going to fix it. He is going to CRUSH it…
• Christianity was designed to change ME… and you… and the way we face the world… and the way we live our lives in the world… the way we deal with tribulations in the world… including injustice and abuse.
• Jesus said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

5. In Christ, the believer is truly FREE… in spite of the most abusive and oppressive earthly condition he may be experiencing.

a. I Cor. 7:22-23 – free in Christ.

b. The truth shall set you free…

c. Col. 3:22 – earthly masters may be masters according to the flesh (masters of your body), but never of your mind, heart, conscience, and soul! Ye belong to Christ and are free in Him!

d. This kind of freedom can be experienced by EVERY believer… regardless of which system of corruption and injustice he may be living under.

IF YOU ARE NOT BORN AGAIN… Then you are a slave to sin… and Christ died to set you free!

How God Dealt With the Issue of Slavery
In the Bible

Does the Bible Justify Slavery?

1. In the conflict in our country in the mid 1800’, the South felt that it did.

a. “[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty God…it is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation…” Jefferson Davis

b. They USED the Bible to support their practice of slavery… and they were dead WRONG in doing so.

c. They abused and twisted Scripture to make it appear so.

2. The argument is made that since the Bible contains an elaborate system of slavery, God ESTABLISHED the practice of slavery.

a. The Bible contains all the “how to’s” of slavery!

b. There are scores of passages that deal with the subject.

c. Some see in the sheer volume of these passages a justification for the practice… at least a tacit approval of it.

d. And for folks who were living well off the practice, they were happy to see a superficial justification for slavery, and were content to look no further. (Don’t confuse me with the facts!)

3. It is clear that the Bible contain so much information about slavery. But the issue to consider is: WHY?

a. This was the issue the Southerners were unwilling to discuss.

b. There is a good reason WHY there is so much about slavery in the Bible. Because in the days the Bible was written slavery EXISTED!

c. It was a common practice by virtually every powerful nation.

d. As much as two thirds of the Roman Empire were slaves (before the first century it was as high as 90%).

e. One Roman General brought back 50,000 conquered soldiers and sold them on the slave-block in Rome.

f. Many poor people SOLD themselves into slavery to pay off their debt.

g. Slavery was the invention of cruel, proud, greedy, selfish, malicious, evil MEN!

h. But since it already EXISTED and was so common, God chose to REGULATE it… to hinder and mitigate the suffering involved in this evil system. THAT”S why there is so much in the Bible about slavery!

i. The regulations on slavery should NEVER be considered an approval of the practice…

j. God didn’t INVENT divorce either. Neither did God invent polygamy… but we find them both mentioned in the Bible.
• But it existed and was common, so God REGULATED it… to prevent even more abuse and cruelty.
• Matt. 19:7-8 – And WHY did God permit divorce? Why did He regulate divorce?
» “Because of the hardness of your hearts!”
» But from the beginning it was not so!
» It wasn’t God’s original plan.
» It came about because of the sinfulness of the human heart.
» Ecc. 7:29 – Solomon lamented: God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
» But from the beginning it was not so!
• Why did God have to regulate slavery? For the very same reason!
• Slavery came into existence because fallen men are evil, greedy, selfish sinners who created a corrupt system which includes slavery that oppresses the poor.
• Because of the hardness of the human heart, God sought to REGULATE that corrupt system.
• The regulations should never be misconstrued as His approval on the system. Just the opposite!

d. God didn’t INVENT slavery. Sinful men invented it.
• If men had followed God’s laws, slavery NEVER would have been created!
• Ex. 21:16 – anyone who stole or sold a man was to be put to death. That’s God’s attitude towards slavery! It’s pretty clear too!
• But evil men did NOT follow God’s law and DID establish slavery.
• And slavery became firmly entrenched in societies all over the globe.
• Thus, when the Bible writers sat down to write, God moved them to regulate the awful abuses and injustices of slavery.

Consider what the Bible actually SAYS about slavery.

1. Slavery existed in all kinds of cruel forms in the world.

a. Aristotle referred to a slave as a “living tool.”

b. They were considered property to be used and disposed of like the rest of one’s property.

c. One philosopher wrote that “old slaves were to be used and then thrown into a dump.”

d. In the world, evil masters could virtually do as they pleased with their slaves…

2. The Law of Moses protected slaves from being abused by their masters:
» The slave was required to rest on the Sabbath (Exodus 20:10)
» Killing a slave was punishable by death (Ex 21:20)
» Permanently injured slaves had to be set free (Ex 21:26-27)
» The slave was required and to participate in religious observances (Exodus 12:44).
» Slaves who ran away from oppressive masters were effectively freed (Dt 23:15-16) The Bible prohibited extradition of slaves and granted them asylum.
» Every fiftieth year (the year of jubilee), all Hebrew slaves were to be freed, even those owned by foreigners (Lev 25:10) God protected poor families from being trapped in this system forever!
» The law made it clear that foreigners were not inferiors who could be mistreated (Ex 23:9) – for YOU were strangers in Egypt!; instead they were to be loved just as fellow Israelites were (Lev 19:33-34).

3. Jewish slaves: When one Hebrew owned another Hebrew as a slave, the law commanded lenient treatment:
» Slaves were to be treated as hired workers, not slaves (Lev 25:39-43)
» All slaves were to be freed after six years (Ex 21:2, Dt 15:12)
» Freed slaves were to be liberally supplied with grain, wine and livestock (Dt 15:12-15)
» These regulations and protections for slaves set Israel apart from all other nations, where abuse of slaves was rampant.

3. Consider how God goes right OVER THE HEADS of the slave masters.

a. Vs. 22 – the servants were to obey, but they were not to fear their earthly master. They were to fear God… their heavenly master!

b. Vs. 23 – they were to serve heartily… but they were NOT serving their earthly master, but the LORD! They were NOT servants of men! And that earthly condition of slavery is where the Sovereign God allowed them to be… and serve HIM.

c. Vs. 24 – they were going to be rewarded “of the Lord”! Their earthly rewards were quite meager, but their heavenly rewards would be spectacular!

4. Vs.25 – And by the way, that master will be judged for whatever evil injustice he has imposed! God is no respecter of persons.

a. God is not impressed with the cruelty of slave masters. But He is impressed with obedience and suffering for righteousness sake!

b. Paul gives us a glimpse of heaven’s perspective of the evil of slavery that existed in Bible times.

c. It enables the slave to endure suffering & injustice with dignity.

d. Slavery is outlawed in our land (thank God!) but we still have many other injustices to deal with in a cursed earth filled with 6 billion sinners.

e. Perhaps you have been called to endure suffering for R sake… called to endure injustice…

f. Earth’s perspective will give us one view of the situation… and can make us bitter and angry.

g. Heaven’s and eternity’s perspective will give us any view entirely… it will transform us… it enables us to endure with longsuffering and joyfulness!

h. God uses suffering, affliction, injustice, and persecution to train us… and to prepare us to stand before the Bema.

i. A heavenly mindset FREES the Christian slave from the drudgery of slavery to an evil master on earth… and enables them to see themselves as serving Christ… who is seated at the right hand of God…

j. And Christ who is seated at the right hand of divine power is not helpless to do anything about this injustice… but rather reigning… ruling… in Divine power and majesty… observing… taking notes… and ready to strengthen… and awaiting the time to reward faithful service… & judge all evil.

k. That godly Christian slave of the first century who served an evil master could do so with dignity… with a sense of living ABOVE his circumstances… because he realized he was raised up into heavenly places in Christ… and because he has a heavenly mindset… awaiting the Bema where all the crooked things shall be made straight!

Christianity Uses a Different Method to Conquer Injustice

1. Regenerated, transformed hearts! (I Pet.1:22-23)

a. The love of God!
» Instead of saying, “Down with slavery!” God chose to say, “Walk in love.” (Eph. 5:1-2)
» Rom. 12:9 – ?Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.”
» John 15:12 – ?This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
» Matt. 22:39 – “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
» I John 5:1 – a lack of love for one’s brother is an expression of a lack of love for God!
» Gal. 5:13-14 – “?For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.? 14 ?For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
» Matt. 7:12 – “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”
» Any one of these verses would suffice to bring an end to slavery…

b. A sense of brotherhood!

a. If slavery was SIN, God would have condemned it outright, but He didn’t. It wasn’t sinful to own a slave or to be a slave.
• In fact, Paul met a runaway slave named Onesimus and led that slave to saving faith in Christ.
• Then Paul sent the slave back to his master—who was a Christian! Philemon!
• Philemon 1:1, Paul calls the Christian slave owner his “dearly beloved and fellowlaborer” in the Lord.
• Philemon 5 – Paul thanked God for him and told him that he had heard of his good testimony – of his love and faith which he had for the Lord AND for all the saints… many of whom were slaves.
• Paul did not condemn Philemon for owning slaves. He praised him for his faith and love.
• But when Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon, he wrote, “Thou shouldest receive him forever, not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved!”
• Onesimus was WITH Paul and was sent to deliver the book of Colossians.
• Ultimately, the sense of Christian brotherhood, if understood properly, should have wiped out the concept of slavery among Christians.

Exhortations to Servants

The Responsibility:

A. Servants, Obey

1. Servants defined:

a. A slave, servant, spoken of involuntary service, e.g., a slave as opposed to a free man.

2. Obey: ὑπακούω – Literally: “to hear under”…

a. Definition: hearing and putting oneself under the authority of that which was heard.

b. To hearken, and thus to obey… to hear and respond in obedience.

c. Zodhiates: To yield to a superior command or force (used of the winds and waves obeying Christ).

d. This term was used of children obeying their parents.

e. Acts 12:13 – the damsel came to “hearken” – to respond to what she heard.

f. Servants are told to listen to their orders and carry them out in obedience.

3. Paul addressed slaves of the first century and told them to obey their masters.

a. Col. 3:11 – Paul just told these slaves that in Christ they were NOT slaves. They were freemen.

b. But in the world, different conditions exist and the Christian slave is to recognize that.

c. Thankfully, slavery no longer exists in this country.

d. So we don’t have the exact conditions mentioned here.

e. However, the exhortation, attitudes, and motivations given here apply to more than a master/slave situation.

f. There is good application to be made here if you are in the military.

g. There is good application to be made to the workplace.

h. There is also good application to be made for servants in the local church.

4. The master/slave relationship in the first century was the economic system that existed in that day in the Roman Empire.

a. That’s the way most of the work was done… the slaves did the work for the slave owners.

b. There was a relatively small upper class of wealthy people who ran the economy and businesses.

c. They used their slaves to do all the manual labor.

d. While our freedoms are much greater today, and our standard of living much higher, some things aren’t ALL that different!

e. Even in America today, there is a small group of upper class, wealthy, powerful people who own and operate the large companies and hire us “little people” to do all the work for them.

f. This is REALLY the issue that Paul is addressing in this passage…

g. Naturally Paul couched his exhortations in words most appropriate for the particular form economics in his day.

h. The system in Paul’s day was the master/slave relationship.

i. But the exhortations, attitudes, and motives that Paul promotes are applicable in ANY economic system: slavery, communism, capitalism, landowners and serfs, monarchy; etc. … any kind of worker or servant.

j. As a Christian, how should we conduct ourselves at work?

k. This is really the issue Paul is addressing here… even though it is worded in terms of the system that existed in his day.

l. This is what we want to consider this morning. How SHOULD a Christian conduct himself at work?

m. These principles apply first of all to slaves, but also to workers… and then to anyone in a system of authority… your job, an organization, even the local church.

n. Paul tells us how to behave in the position of a servant or a worker.

5. The command is simple: OBEY!

a. It is not simple to do, but it is simple to understand.

b. There is no wiggle room in interpretation here.

c. We are to do as we are told at work… follow the rules… obey the boss…

6. Present active imperative:

a. This was the ongoing responsibility of the servant/worker.

b. It is not a suggestion but a command.

c. To disobey is sin.

d. Think of the application to us today as workers and servants in the local church: this is an ongoing responsibility!

e. This means continual service to your company… or the local church!

f. The fact that you worked hard and did a good job yesterday does not give you the right to loaf or goof off today!

g. Your company hired you to work every work day… all day long… they keep on PAYING you, and they expect you to KEEP ON working.

h. God expects the same: a full day’s work!

i. This translates into consistency… faithfulness… reliability…

j. The Christian worker does his best… and he CONTINUALLY does his best.

k. Do YOU do your best at your job? All the time?
• Are you a reliable, faithful, consistently diligent worker?
• When you are supposed to be a meeting or in your office, are you there? Or are you hanging around at the water bubbler gabbing?
• Do you DO what your boss tells you to do, or to you try to SKIRT around performing your duties?
• Do you carry out orders or are you constantly coming up with excuses?
• We are to CONTINUALLY do what our boss tells us to do.
• That’s what God requires of us also. Our testimony is linked to this.

l. We would do well to apply this principle to our service in the local church too.
• Are we serving God in the local church?
• He has given you a spiritual gift to function in the Body and He has commanded us to SERVE. Are we?
• Are we faithful? Are we consistent? Are we reliable?
• Do you devise countless excuses why you can’t be faithful in attending church and Sunday school?
• We should examine our own hearts now, before the Lord examines them at the Bema Seat.
• Most of what we consider to be “good” excuses will probably be renamed at the Bema: laziness, spiritual apathy, selfishness, worldliness, pettiness, serving two masters… earthly minded… leaving our first love.
• We are to be constantly obeying and serving… it is a command and is ongoing. There is no retiring from the Lord’s service.
• Can you be counted on to BE there and perform your ministry?

B. Obey In All Things

1. Some jobs you like doing. Others you don’t. Obedience is expected in ALL!

2. The Christian worker doesn’t have the right to pick and choose which duties he will obey and which he will not!

3. He is to submit to authority… to obey the rules… period!

4. If you don’t want to do the job, get another job.

5. BUT—keep in mind that EVERY job has requirements and duties that are less than desirable!

6. What a poor testimony when a Christian does not do things he doesn’t want to do at work! What a great testimony when he obeys in ALL things!

7. This means obedience whether you think it’s a good idea or not!

a. The servant is not the master. The employee is not the employer.

b. You might think that this new responsibility they are giving you is foolish, unnecessary, and a waste of time.

c. But if they insist, the Christian worker is to obey.

d. Luke 16:10 – This means obedience in the little details… even if you see no sense in some of those details.

e. In the military, the foot-soldiers don’t always know WHY they are given certain orders, but a good soldier does what he is told.

f. A good soldier of Jesus Christ also carries out his orders.

8. Of course, sometimes it is IMPOSSIBLE to obey.

a. They may give you more work than is humanly possible! (So do your very best…)

b. They may give you a task you are not qualified to do. Let them know.

c. They may ask you to do something sinful or illegal.

d. But for the most part, it IS possible to obey.

C. Masters According to the Flesh

1. 1 Tim. 6:1 – they are to HONOR their masters!

a. That really sets the Christian servant apart from his unsaved counterpart!

2. Eph. 6:5 = fear and trembling…

a. The Christian servant was to show respect for the position of authority of his master.

b. This kind of respect ought to be given to those over us at work as well. It is part of our testimony.

c. That means we stay away from gossiping about and slandering the boss…

d. And remember, this was to be the case for both the good and the froward masters… good or bad, their position of authority was to be respected.

e. This too will set us apart from the other workers.

3. Note that they were masters (lords) according to the flesh.

a. They could tell your body what to do and where to be…

b. They have hired the services of your body… which includes your mind and your ability to use both your body and mind to do your job.

c. But they are not lords over your thoughts or over your beliefs.

d. They have no lordship over the inner man.

e. They are masters according to the flesh.

The Attitude:

A. Not with Eyeservice

1. Eyeservice:

a. ὀφθαλμοδουλία (off-thalm-o-doo-lia)– service performed [only] under the master’s eyes; service rendered only when one is being scrutinized or service rendered only for appearance sake.

b. Lit = slavery of the eye.

2. Work is not to be done only when your earthly master’s (boss) eyes are upon you… and you slack off when he is not looking.

a. This is the main point of the expression.

3. The servant/workers were not to be conscious of their earthly master’s eyes as they labored. They were to be conscious of their heavenly Master’s eyes!

a. This refers to being God-conscious all day long…

b. Such WILL be the case if we truly SEEK those things which are above… and set our affections and minds on things above!

c. We are indwelt by Christ as we work all day long.

d. The Holy Spirit lives in us… and enables us both to will and to do of God’s good pleasure throughout the day.

e. This should not be just a passing thought, but an overwhelming thought!

f. Christ is to have the preeminence in our minds and hearts throughout the work day…

g. This will TRANSFORM our labor… being conscious of His presence… of His watchful eye…

h. However, we should not think of the Lord as a spy who is trying to catch us doing something wrong… or being lazy.

i. We should think of the Lord as our guide, friend, and One with whom we can commune and to whom we can pray all throughout the day… a close, abiding relationship…

j. When we are RESTING in our abiding relationship to Christ, our bodies will be DILIGENT in performing our earthly duties.

k. That will transform your earthly, mundane routine into a sacred ministry… because it stems from a relationship to the Lord.

l. That will increase your productivity… motivate you to do your very best…

m. And often, your boss will notice it and appreciate it. And sometimes, it will even be to your earthly advantage in getting a promotion or a raise (though that is NOT the reason to obey!) Our heavenly reward is the real motivation to do our best.

B. Not as Menpleasers

1. Defined: courting the favor of men; people pleaser; one who tries to win favor… but it implies winning favor in a hypocritical manner.

2. If I thought I had to please the people here as a pastor, I would soon be in need of a straight jacket and a padded cell.

a. For to please Fred means to anger Tom.

b. To please Alice means to anger Bill… and that is endless.

c. The Lord taught me this lesson long ago: you can’t please people. Thankfully, that’s not my job as a pastor—or in any other occupation.

d. I am here to please the Lord. I KNOW I can please Him.

e. It is impossible to please people. People change; they can be fickle; moody; they misread your motives.

f. I find it quite liberating to realize that I am not here to please people, but to the please the Lord.

g. He never changes! That which pleased Him today will please Him tomorrow too!

3. Focus on pleasing people and you have 6 billion problems on your hands. Focus on pleasing the Lord… and you have ONE Person to deal with.

a. Mary knew that ONE THING was needful. Martha needed to learn that. The ONE thing was serving Christ.

b. Phil. 3:13 – this is the one thing to be concerned about at work… pressing towards the mark of Christlikeness.

c. Jesus said, “I do ALWAYS those things which please my Father.”

d. At work we are to do ONE THING: obey God… serve God… honor God. And the WAY we do that is to obey your boss and honor him.

C. In Singleness of Heart

1. Defined: singleness, simplicity, sincerity, mental honesty. The virtue of one who is free from pretence and hypocrisy; not self seeking, openness of heart; not having an ulterior or double motive. Simplicity, the opposite of duplicity; purity, sincerity. Equivalent to being faithful and benevolent; integrity, fidelity.

2. If our one goal is to please the Lord, then we can do our job with SINGLENESS of heart!

a. We have ONE real goal: to please the Lord by our labor.

b. We have ONE person to please: the Lord… and He said to obey your boss.

c. We have ONE direction to be heading… that way which is right and thus pleasing to the Lord.

d. When people at work are pulling you in all different directions… all vying for your time and attention… often with conflicting orders… just stop, pray, and consider the ONE THING that you should do. “Lord, what wilt THOU have me to do?”

e. Rather than trying to do everything all at once—and worrying yourself silly (like Martha), take it to the Lord in prayer… and leave your anxieties at the mercy seat!

f. Don’t lie or lead people on to unrealistic expectations… be honest… be true…be pure… be sincere… full of integrity.

g. That’s Paul’s exhortation to Christian servants: singleness of heart!

D. Fearing God

1. Obey and fear God not men.

2. The Christian worker should fear displeasing God.

3. Not giving your boss an honest day’s work IS displeasing to God. Be afraid of that!

a. Remember, your heavenly Master’s eye is upon you at all times! We are to obey and serve always!

b. If you work only when your boss is looking, then you fear men… not God.

c. If you work faithfully because you know your heavenly Father is always looking, then you are motivated by the fear of God!

4. There may be a time when your boss tells you to do something that is wrong and sinful… contrary to the Bible. (Lie; not follow the government’s rules; cheat on taxes; contrary to OSHA rules; etc.)

E. Heartily

1. Defined: ἐκ  ψυχήs – out of the soul!

a. Out of the inner man… out of the soul…

b. Out of the seat of the feelings, desires, affections.

c. This speaks of doing service with FEELING… with an inner passion… with enthusiasm… with gusto…

d. It means YOU are engaged in your work… not just your body being physically present, but you put your whole self into the job!

2. Here the apostle requires of workers not just external service (getting the job done—making 3000 widgets per day)… but to do so from the heart!

a. This speaks of putting yourself into the job… your heart and soul!

b. Doing the job with enthusiasm…

c. A word of warning for young people: this is a command. This also should serve as a warning: you should prepare yourself for a job or a career that you will be ABLE to do heartily!

3. We are to serve and obey from the heart… not half heartedly… but conscientiously… doing one’s best.

a. This means obedience without murmuring and complaining.

b. This means obedience even if your coworkers mock you.

c. Rom. 12:11 – Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.

d. Ecc. 9:10 -?Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.

4. This would eliminate laziness.

a. Yes, Christians can be lazy in their work.

b. Some workers might say, “Well, I’m just a grunt worker here. I don’t get to share in the big profits the boss makes. Why should I kill myself working for him?”

c. Well, think about what slaves in the first century got out of it… far less than we do today!

d. To work heartily means to give it your all! Do your best! Be diligent… not lazy.

e. Some Christians are lazy in serving the Lord in the local church too. (Sunday school teachers; ushers; pastors; officers; nursery workers.)

f. Some of the reasons we use to excuse our attendance at work OR in the local church might not fly at the Bema Seat.
• Tired, headache; back ache; sore toe…
• Would that hinder you from going to a World Series game if someone gave you free tickets?
• Oftentimes we lack the proper motivation to be diligent and faithful… at work or the local church.

The Motive:

A. As to the Lord

1. The Christian worker is to serve his company and boss AS IF he were serving God… making widgets for the Lord! (In a very real sense, he is!)

a. Boy would this attitude improve the quality of our work!

b. This would increase productivity!

c. Obedience is to be rendered not just so that you can get the promotion and make more money.

d. The main motivator: the Lord!

2. I Tim. 6:1 – This is part of our testimony before the world.

a. Doing your job as unto the Lord SANCTIFIES your job.

b. The NAME of the Lord is connected with HOW we do our job… the Lord’s reputation is connected to our service… whether we are faithful, diligent, honest, motivated, etc…

c. It makes our everyday job a SACRED ministry!

d. Yes, even if you make widgets for a living!

e. You are not serving men, but the Lord!

f. As a Christian worker, you are not really making widgets, or fixing computers, or teaching school, managing an office full of irritable people… You are a priest offering yourself as a sacrifice to God, a sweet-smelling savor in His sight!

g. You are a living sacrifice in the office, in school, in the factory, in the coal mine, in the medical lab, or wherever you work!

h. Work is a SACRED ministry to the Lord…

i. This truth gives meaning to the mundane… it elevates your earthly work to a heavenly service… with eternal consequences…

j. When we punch in each morning, we are really punching in to serve the Lord, and not men.

k. God sent us to that job not just to make widgets or manage an office, or fix computers, but to represent Jesus Christ… as His witness on earth… to manifest His indwelling life… His character…

l. According to the way we perform our duties at work, the name of Jesus Christ will either be exalted (for our obedience and diligence) or blasphemed (for being unreliable or lazy)!

m. The Christian slave of the first century who understood this truth would thus have the proper motivation to be the best slave he could be… in spite of the injustice and cruelty he faced… things that are higher, things that are nobler have allured his mind!

n. He wasn’t really working for his master. He actually had only ONE master: the Lord Jesus Christ. He was free from all else.

o. This is quite a motivator to do our best! Next week we’ll look at another motivator to do our best: the Judgment seat of Christ!

Earthly Service and Heavenly Rewards

He That Does Well Shall Receive a Reward (3:23-24a)

A. The Exhortation: Work Heartily in Spite of Injustice

1. Work heartily (Vs. 23)

a. Whatever you DO, DO heartily…

b. The first do is the normal word for “do.”

c. The second “do” is the word for “work” – energeo – to exert energy…

d. Whatever we DO (whatever the Lord leads us to do; whatever lot in life we find ourselves in) put energy into that job… into that career…

e. And do it from the soul…

f. It is a present imperative indicating an ongoing command.

g. We are to continually be putting our energies into performing the tasks at hand at our job…

h. This means without slacking off… do it wholeheartedly…

2. This was addressed to SLAVES.

a. The system of slavery was built upon injustice.

b. There really wasn’t anything “fair” about slavery.

c. Some people happened to be born into slavery; others were taken into slavery when their country was defeated by a stronger nation; others were kidnapped and made slaves.

d. It is the way the world operates: the strong and powerful take advantage of the weak.

e. And Paul never told the slaves to revolt against their masters. Instead, he told them to obey.

f. And not only obey, but in whatever chores they were given to do, to do them with all their might… to put their heart and soul into the job… no matter how menial… and not to slack off…

g. Some of the work slaves were expected to do was demeaning and degrading… insulting… humiliating.

h. Yet Paul’s instruction to them was to DO what their master said, and to do the job heartily…

i. Even though it wasn’t fair! They were being taken advantage of… treated with injustice… and cruelly at times.

3. This principle transcends the immediate context.

a. We noted last week that Paul couches his words in language appropriate to the social and economic system of his day: the master/slave relationship.

b. But this is certainly applicable to the economic system of our day too: capitalism.

c. There is a lot of injustice in capitalism too. (The best system on earth… BUT… it isn’t perfect.)

d. There are a lot of things that just aren’t fair in this country.

e. When it comes to privilege and opportunity, all men are NOT created equal… and that’s not fair. It is our ideal, but not exactly a reality.

f. Welcome to the real world. Of course things aren’t fair in a world run by fallen, sinful creatures. Satan is the god of this world. What did you expect?

g. But in spite of the injustices we may be called to endure, God wants us to accept our lot in life… and to do our best wherever He has planted us!

h. Think of the context in Col. 3
• Slaves were expected to obey their masters… even when slavery was built on injustice and many of the masters were cruel, ungodly men!
• Wives were told to submit to their husbands. There are many husbands who treat their wives cruelly… they are creeps who take advantage of the weaker vessel… and trample over them just because they can. The Bible tells the wife to “submit” — even when it isn’t fair! Some wives suffer much abuse in their relationship to their husband.
• Children are told to obey their parents… and sometimes parents aren’t fair to their kids either. Sometimes parents are childish and selfish… cruel… abusive. Yet God tells the children to obey…Stop and think about the thousands of children growing up in homes where their parents are drug addicts… alcoholics… care only for themselves… that’s not fair either!
• And maybe at YOUR job today things aren’t fair. Maybe the raises and promotions are given to those with connections rather than to those who do the best job… maybe there is racial bias… or reverse racial bias… maybe there you are being taken advantage of because you work hard… so they keep on piling it up on your plate while others slack off…
• Who ever said that life in this world was fair?
• Yet the Bible exhortation stands: “obey, and do your job with all your might…”
• That is often a bitter pill to swallow for those experiencing injustice and cruelty in this life.
• Knowing how difficult these words would be to those who suffered in this life, Paul encourages such believers to take their eyes off themselves and to focus on things above.

B. The Motivation # 1: Ye Serve Christ

1. The reason was given too: FOR they were really serving the Lord… not men.

2. The earthly master may not be worthy of loyalty… but do it for the Lord. He is worthy. Keep your eyes upon Him.

3. Paul seeks to raise the Christian slave ABOVE his earthly circumstances. You are serving Christ… who is seated at the right hand of the Father.

a. You are NOT a servant of men.

b. The eyes of the Christian slave were not to be on the earthly master, but on the Lord.

c. Col. 3:1, 4 – That’s our real life!

d. Our earthly condition is just a temporary sojourn… life here is but a vapor… and often unfair.

e. Dwelling on our earthly condition causes us to focus on self… and that often produces bitterness, resentment, anger, frustration, depression, and even rebellion. “Poor me!”

f. DWELL on your heavenly position in Christ… that’s glorious… That results in joy, fulfillment, and contentment with whatever lot we find ourselves in down here.

g. Attitude is everything. Dwell ABOVE the earthly… abide above where Christ is. That is our true home… our true abiding place… This world is not our home.

h. It is possible to have the joy of the Lord in our hearts even if our earthly condition is cruel and unjust.

4. This ELEVATES one’s service from the mundane routine and drudgery of everyday life… to a heavenly ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. The Christian slave is not serving his earthly master… but is serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

b. The wife with a cruel husband is not really serving him, but the Lord. (vs. 18)

c. The worker is not really serving his foreman or manager.

d. Being conscious of our real PURPOSE for being elevates our earthly routines into heavenly service.

e. “I am not digging this ditch for my foreman… who is constantly using the Lord’s name in vain. I am digging this ditch… or teaching this class… or crunching these numbers… or caring for these kids… FOR the Lord Jesus! I am serving Him! Therefore, I will do my best!”

C. The Motivation # 2: Ye Shall Receive a Reward (vs. 24)

1. And not only are we serving the Lord Jesus, but we shall be rewarded by the Lord Jesus one day!

2. The second motivating factor given is the Bema Seat…

a. There we shall one day in the future be rewarded for being FAITHFUL and DILIGENT in whatever lot in life we find ourselves today.

b. Our eyes should be on the Lord Jesus… and our attention should be drawn to the Bema Seat… where all the wrongs of this life will be dealt with in perfect JUSTICE, once and for all!

c. Every believer in Christ is enrolled in God’s university and this life is a test. Our tests will be corrected at the Bema Seat. There it will be exposed what we did right and what we did wrong…

d. Whatever we do, we are to do it heartily as UNTO the LORD… because it is the LORD who will give all their just deserts.

e. We should consider our earthly lives as a time of preparation for the day when we stand before the Lord…

f. In that day, our lives, attitudes, motives, intentions, and deeds will be examined by the Lord.

g. Eternal rewards will be given to those who were selfless, sacrificial, and dedicated to Christ and His Body, the local church.

h. A loss of rewards will be the lot of those believers who were selfish, worldly, carnal, and squandered their spiritual gifts and talents on themselves and their own families… and had but a casual relationship to Christ and His Body…

Description of the Bema Seat

A. What the Bema Seat Is:

1. II Cor. 5:10 – we must ALL stand before the Bema seat.

a. Bema = a raised place mounted by steps; a platform; a tribune; the official seat of a judge; a structure resembling a throne which Herod built in the theatre at Caesarea, and from which he used to view the games and make speeches to the people. (Thayer)

b. In the Grecian games, the old arena contained a raised platform on which the umpire or judge sat. From that platform, he rewarded all the winners. (Olympics – gold, silver, bronze stand together.)

c. The Bema is the place every Christian will one day stand before the Lord… and our performance as a believer is going to be judged.

2. The Bema Seat is to be distinguished from the Great White Throne.

a. Neither judgment has as its purpose to determine one’s destiny. That has already been determined.

b. The judgment seat of Christ takes place IN Heaven. It is for believers only.

c. The Great White Throne is for unbelievers only. EVERYONE who stands before the Great White Throne is cast into the Lake of Fire.

d. Both judgment seats are to determine rewards: a level of glory in heaven or a level of punishment in the Lake of Fire.

e. JUSTICE is meted out at the judgment seats.

3. The Christian will receive a reward at the Bema Seat.

a. Col. 3:24 – the faithful believer will receive the reward of the inheritance.

b. The Christian is an heir to eternal rewards… and those rewards are according to our works.

c. Rev. 22:12 – “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”

d. Salvation is according to grace.

e. Rewards are according to our works… whatever we have done… whether it is good or bad… right or wrong… for God or self… in the flesh or in the Spirit.

f. It will all be made manifest one day.

4. The Bema Seat occurs when Christ returns.

a. I Cor. 4:5 – when the Lord comes, He will judge our hearts…
• When Christ returns, He returns to the clouds and we are caught up to heaven with Him.
• There in heaven, we stand before the Bema Seat… and when we return with Him at the Second Coming… we are already crowned and rewarded for service in the Millennium.
• While there will be some sadness and regret associated with the Bema, it is primarily a day of rejoicing!
» It is sort of like a graduation day…
» Everyone in this class graduates… but some did better than others.
» Every man is praised for the good that he did… good works done in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and with a good attitude… for God’s glory.
• Some lived a carnal life and will not receive much praise… there will be some reward.
• Others lived a spirit filled life and will receive many rewards… crowns…
• This occurs at the coming of Christ for the church.

b. Rev. 22:12 – Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me!

c. II Tim.4:8 – “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day.”
• Paul knew that he had a reward coming to him… a crown.
• He would receive that reward “in that day”… the day of His coming.

5. At the Bema Seat, Christ judges more than our works

a. I Cor. 3:13 – What SORT it is the kind or quality of the work.

b. Even good works can be graded… good, better, best!

c. Was it wood, hay, and stubble? Or gold, silver, and precious stones? (Withstand fire or not?)
• Some of our works will NOT stand up to the fire in that day. Some will be burned up as useless chaff.
• It may not be EVIL, but a waste of God’s time.
• The saints gather together for prayer every Wednesday. The Lord may just ask you, “Why weren’t you there?”
• The saints gather to study the Bible for Sunday school. The Lord may ask you, “Was a little extra sleep really necessary?”
• The Bible says that we ought to be sharing the gospel with those around us. If we are not, the Lord may ask you WHY in that day.
• God gave you spiritual gifts and talents to be used to edify the Body of Christ. Read I Cor. 12. If you are not serving and functioning in the Body of Christ, the Lord is going to demand an explanation from you in that day.
• God gave us His precious Word. He told us it is more valuable than fine gold… more to be desired then honey… more necessary than physical food. If you are not reading it each day, How will you respond to the Lord when He asks, “Were you faithful in reading my Word? Did you demonstrate your love for Me by spending time with Me in My Word?” Why not?
• As a pastor I can’t MAKE anybody do anything. But I am duty bound before the Lord to WARN you that you will have to give an account of EVERYTHING you have done… and the things you did not do but SHOULD have…
• And the Risen Lord to whom we give an account is not the meek and mild carpenter of Galilee. He is the Lord of glory… read about Him in Rev. 1 – when John fell as a dead man before Him.
• I am not trying to scare anyone… but I am trying to shake us up out of spiritual apathy and laziness… and indifference to the things of the Lord… and to remind us that the Lord is COMING… and we must give an account to Him…
• I John 2:28 – Get ready NOW so that we will have confidence at His coming and not be ashamed! Some of our petty little excuses will cause a lot of shame in that day.

d. God gives us liberty to make choices in this life.
• We are free to make good choices. We are also free to make bad choices.
• God gives us the liberty to make choices in life, but He doesn’t give us the liberty to choose the consequences of those choices. Those consequences we will have to live with forever and ever.
• At the Bema seat Christ will examine and expose the QUALITY of the choices we made in this life… whether they be good or bad… what SORT of work!
• At the Bema Seat Christ will also judge the motives and intentions of our hearts behind all those choices.
• He will determine whether they were made for God or for self… whether it was in harmony with His Word or our own invention… whether they arose from a yielded heart or a heart full of self will… whether it was done as a sweet-smelling savor to Christ or done grudgingly and with a murmuring spirit…
• I Cor. 3:14-15 – The wood, hay, and stubble is burned up and there will be a loss of reward. (not of salvation)
• We can’t lose eternal life, but we sure can waste it… squander it on earth… and what a pity!
• Have you ever known a talented, gifted, intelligent young person who graduated from high school and COULD have gone on to do great things… but instead chose to hang around the street corner and waste his life away?
• It’s such a pity, because he had the brains to get into MIT or Harvard, but chose to waste his life… and will suffer the consequences of it later in life.
• Instead of being a doctor or a scientist… he ends up flipping hamburgers.
• This is sad in the earthly realm. It is an infinitely sad in the spiritual realm… when a believer squanders his Christian life… and wastes his life on foolish things with no eternal value. What a pity!

The Bema Seat and Justice

1. Heb. 6:10 – God is faithful and just… fair…

a. The Christian slaves of the first century had to deal with injustice every day. So do some of us.

b. God’s message (very loosely paraphrased) was “bloom wherever you are planted”… in spite of the injustice.

c. Remember that God will NEVER forget the works that we do in His name… even those works that went unnoticed on earth.

d. The fact that He is faithful and just is a two edged sword.

e. Nor does He forget the evil works that we have done in the flesh… even those evil thoughts, words, attitudes, intentions, motives, and deeds that no one knew about.

f. All will be dealt with in perfect, divine justice… and nothing escapes His notice.

2. At the Bema Seat, all shall get their just deserts—both the good servants and the bad.

a. All the cries of men throughout the ages like: ‘It’s not fair’ or “Why didn’t God DO something about my situation?”… will one day be put to rest forever.

b. ‘Why do the righteous suffer?’ God’s final judgment will settle that issue once and for all!

c. It’s not fair that I served the Lord faithfully all my life… I swept the floors at church… I shoveled the driveway… I taught Sunday school… I never missed a prayer meeting… and this other brother barely did anything for the Lord all these years… and he gets to go to the same heaven as I do? That’s not fair!

d. It’s not fair: I read my Bible every day, was faithful to the local church, witnessed whenever I had a chance, and walked the straight and narrow road… and this other brother lived a carnal life in the world… and seemed to do whatever he wanted… and he makes it to heaven too?!

e. It’s not fair! I preached Christ out of love… and this other brother preached Christ out of contention! It’s not fair that he makes it to heaven just like me!

f. It’s not fair that I break my back slaving away at my job and seem to have nothing to show for it… while the ungodly prosper in the world… they are healthy, wealthy, popular, glamorous, they seem happy, carefree, they seem to have it all…. while many believers have to struggle with poverty and even blindness or sickness! It’s not fair!
• Well, the carnal believer received his rewards in this life: earthly toys and trinkets which will all be burned up one day
• He was not willing to sacrifice himself in the service of the Lord in this life… But he suffers a loss of reward that he could have had in the life to come!
• He receives earthly laurels that soon fade away.
• You will receive a crown that fadeth NOT away! That’s the reward you will inherit!

g. Yes even Christians can get caught up in the “It’s not fair” attitude.

h. When we start thinking that way, it’s time for a serious attitude adjustment.

3. In one sense… from earth’s perspective, they ARE right. It isn’t fair!

a. If this world is all there is, then it really isn’t fair!

b. In fact, if this life is all there is, then dedicated, Christ centered Christians are of all men most miserable!

c. Why would any disciple want to pick up a cross and follow Christ if this life is all there is?!?!

d. BUT this life is NOT all there is! The resurrection proved that. And Christ is coming… and His reward is with Him!

e. From heaven’s perspective… in light of the Bema seat and the future rewards awaiting us, the suffering and injustices of this life are not even worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us!

f. One day, at the final judgment, all wrongs will be righted…. all the crooked things made straight… all the temporal, earthly injustices will be eternally rectified… once and for all!

g. So in the meantime, trust God in the meantime!

h. He is faithful AND just. He is faithful (He keeps His promises of future glory) and He is just (justice will prevail in that day!)

i. God’s justice and fairness on this issue is crystal clear: ‘Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap’. (Gal. 6:7) There are no exceptions to this rule. This is perfect justice… and even if our “reaping” doesn’t seem to match our sowing in this life, it will one day.

4. At the Bema Seat the FAITHFUL stewards will be given eternal rewards… and UNFAITHFUL stewards will receive a loss of rewards.

a. Those who endured injustice and cruelty in this life, and did so willingly, rejoicing in the Lord will be greatly rewarded.

b. It WILL be worth it all, when we see Jesus…

c. Rev. 4:10 – the rewards we receive for sacrificing self in this life are crowns that we cast at Jesus’ feet.

d. These crowns represent our capacity to serve and worship God… which will be our ETERNAL occupation!

e. Every believer will have SOME capacity to serve and worship God in heaven forever… but those who were faithful, diligent, Spirit filled, loving, gracious, used their gifts in the Body of Christ, witnessed to the lost, encouraged the brethren, and were Christlike will have a greater capacity… to honor, serve, worship, and glorify God forever.

f. Every star in the heavens shines… but some more brightly than others… and this will be the eternal condition of believers in glory!

g. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” (Jim Elliot).

5. TODAY is the day to make things right. The Lord is coming… it could be today. I want us all to have confidence before Him at His coming.

a. Are we satisfied with a mediocre Christian life? Or are we sold out to Christ?

b. It is simple to slide by and fool men. To be content to be a churchgoer… a Bible reader… and to be content just to be saved.

c. But one day the Lord is coming to reward His servants. NOW is the time to get ready for that day.

d. If there is some besetting sin in your life that needs to go… get rid of it! If there are changes in your life that the Lord has been convicting you to make, then make them! If there is an area of service the Lord has been leading you in, then follow His leading! If God is calling you into full time Christian service… then don’t put it off any longer. Say, “Yes Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

e. The Lord is coming. I want me and all of us to have confidence at His coming, and not to be ashamed!

And Ye Masters…


1. In this section, Paul has been dealing with the issue of submission to authority within the Christian household.

a. In every area, God expected each one to submit to the authority over them.

b. Vs. 18 – wives were to submit to their husbands…

c. Vs. 20 – children were to obey their parents…

d. Vs. 22 – servants were to obey their masters…

2. Paul also gives some instructions to those who are IN a position of authority.

a. Those in a position of authority were to be kind and gracious to those under them.

b. Vs. 19 – the husbands were to love their wives…

c. Vs. 21 – the fathers were to be sensitive to their children and not provoke them to anger or discourage them by being oppressive.

d. 4:1 – the masters were also to be just and equal to servants.

3. Rather than give directions which would upset the natural order of their society, and could potentially throw their socio-economic system into chaos (for which Christianity would have been blamed) Paul gave instructions to believers that would improve the quality of life for everyone… regardless of the system… regardless of one’s position… regardless of one’s lot in life.

4. For the past few weeks, we looked at Paul’s instructions to the servants… slaves.

a. They were to obey their masters

b. They were to perform their duties heartily

c. They were to do so with a heavenly mindset:
• They were not serving men but Christ.
• Although they received precious little by way of rewards for their service on earth, they would be rewarded one day at the Bema Seat.
• Even if they were being treated unfairly on earth, the Bema Seat would correct all that.
• In glory and throughout eternity, JUSTICE would prevail… even if it was noticeably absent in their present, earthly circumstances.
• Vs. 24 – If they did well on earth, endured injustice, one day they would get the reward that was coming to them.

5. Next Paul addresses the masters. He tells them to beware, because they would get what was coming to them too!

He that Does Wrong Shall Be Rewarded Too (3:25)

A. But he that doeth wrong…

1. Note the word “but.” This changes the direction of Paul’s discussion.

a. He had been talking about good rewards for good service.

b. Now he warns that bad service… poor work will also be judged and rewarded accordingly.

c. He switches gears from that which was position to negative: rewards for faithful service and good works TO a “reward” for unfaithful service… evil works.

d. It is also possible that this term “but” not only contrasts the two kinds of works… but also contrasts the two kinds of men: servants and masters.
• The chapter division implies that vs. 25 is to be included in the section on servants (beginning at vs. 22).
• The preposition “but” may indicate that Paul intended to end his notes to the servants at vs. 24 and begin his message to the masters at vs. 25.
• Actually, the warning about evil works is appropriate for both servants and masters.
• However, the fact that Paul amends that warning with the phrase, “And there is no respect of persons” seems to imply that he had the masters in mind.
• Certainly no slave would expect special treatment because he was a slave!
• But the masters might expect special treatment just because they are big shots! They were the power brokers and the movers and shakers of their day.

2. There are “rewards” for evil doers: whether slave or master… for as believers, whether bond or free, we are all servants of Jesus Christ…

a. Servants of Christ (bond or free) are to perform their duties with Christlike character.

b. As Paul wrote the book of Colossians, the issue of master/slave relationships was on his heart.

c. For while in prison, Paul met a runaway slave named Onesimus.

d. He ran away from his master Philemon, who was a Christian friend of Paul’s.

e. In prison Paul wrote the book of Colossians and had another friend, Tychicus deliver this letter to the Colossians for him.

f. Along with the book of Colossians, Tychicus also was to deliver the letter to Philemon and to deliver Onesimus himself to his master!

g. Paul sent this converted slave back to his Christian master.

h. Legally, Philemon had the right to beat, whip, and even kill this runaway slave… who evidently STOLE from his master as he ran away.

i. Paul wrote to Philemon and told this master how to treat his slave.

j. Philem. 8-9 – Paul did not want to ORDER any action. He worded his exhortation in the language of grace. (cf. vs. 14)

k. Vs. 16 – receive him not as a mere servant, but above a servant, a brother in Christ! An equal in Christ!

l. Vs. 17 – receive him in the same way you would receive me!

m. Vs. 18-19 – if he owes you anything, I will repay it! It is likely that this slave stole from his master when he ran away. “Put that on my account!” Christlike character — our sins were put on Christ’s account… and He paid them all for us!

n. Paul sets the example of HOW to treat a slave… treat them as Christ treats us! Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!

3. Roman law had to address the dual status of slaves: by nature they were persons, but from an economic standpoint they were disposed of as property. The head of a household could legally execute his slaves, and they would all be executed if the head of the household was murdered.

4. Christianity was not intended to change Roman law… it was intended to change the hearts of men.

5. And if your heart is not right before God and men… keep in mind that one day we will stand before the Lord…

B. Motivation: God Is No Respecter of Persons

1. The Bema Seat is a RAISED platform… but it is a level platform.

2. On that platform the slave and his master will stand on level ground, even if they didn’t stand on level ground on earth.

3. This was a warning to the masters… God’s judgments are JUST and equal! Therefore, treat your servants with justice and equity too.

4. We picture Lady Justice as being blindfolded and holding a level balance. That’s the best way to picture from a human perspective: blind to a man’s outward appearance, social ranking, skin color, and position in society.

5. But with Divine justice, God is not blind, but ALL SEEING… He sees all and knows all. His eyes pierce into the minds and hearts of men… we stand naked before His piercing eyes and nothing we have ever thought, said, or did escapes His notice.

6. The Christian master was to deal with his servants as fairly and justly as he would want the Lord Jesus to deal with him!

7. And the Lord is no respecter of persons.

a. At the Bema seat, every believer will stand on equal footing…

b. And every believer will be held to the exact same standard: Christlike character.

c. Did you manifest Christlike character in the way you performed your responsibilities on earth… and in the way you treated others… or not???

d. Was it Christ in us, or the flesh working in us?

Give unto your servants that which is just and equal (4:1)

1. In the first century, most slave masters considered their slaves to be property… as human tools.

2. This was a radical notion Paul proposed in the New Testament: treat them as people… and be fair and equal! (Wives, children, and slaves had virtually no standing before Roman law.)

a. Gal. 3:28 – there is no difference in Christ.
• Slaves and masters were brothers and shared the exact same POSITION and the same calling in Christ.
• The Christian master was to treat a Christian slave as a BROTHER in the Lord!
• That means that EVERY passage in the New Testament that tells a brother how to treat a brother is to be applied to the master toward his slave.
• Think of some of those passages: let each esteem others better than themselves… (Phil. 2:3)
• Look not every man on his own things, but on the things of others… (Phil. 2:4)
• Love thy neighbor as thyself.
• “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.” (Rom. 12:10)
• “Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility.” (I Pet. 5:5)

b. I Cor. 7:22 – the slave master (a freeman) was to consider himself a slave to Jesus Christ.
• Hence, he was not to do whatever pleased himself. He was to please Christ… who loved the slaves as much as He loved the masters.

c. Col. 3:17 – the masters were reminded that in whatever they did with their slaves, they were to do so in the name of the Lord… as representatives of Christ. They were to treat their slaves as Christ would treat them… in His name…

d. Col. 1:18 – And if Christ is preeminent in the minds and hearts of the masters (as Paul exhorted), then this too would change the way they treated their slaves. If that were the case, a Christlike heart would prevail in human relationships.

3. A spiritual relationship will radically change physical, social, and earthly relationships.

a. The New Testament never calls for the overthrow of a political system… or to change the social structure. It calls for a change of heart instead. (Do unto others…)

b. As Christians, we ARE slaves to Christ. It is the greatest relationship that exists!

c. I wouldn’t mind being a slave to someone who treated me the way Christ treated people.

d. In fact, if we were all slaves to men who treated us as Christ treated people… slaves to men who had hearts like that of the Lord Jesus, then we would be far better off… regardless of what century, what society, or economic system we lived in!

e. A Christlike heart would change even the WORST of human systems into the best of relationships!

f. If everybody had a heart like the Lord, (government officials; workers; employers; masters; kings; etc.) then it wouldn’t matter WHAT kind of government or social structure we had!

g. Imagine if you lived in the first century and Jesus Christ hired you to work for Him in his carpentry shop? What kind of an employer do you suppose Jesus Christ would have been? How would He have treated you?
• He would have paid you a fair wage… generously!
• He would have been understanding and compassionate toward you if you were sick.
• He would have been interested in YOU and in your family… how you were getting along in life…
• He wouldn’t treat you like a number or a commodity, but as family!
• He would have been more than a boss; He would have been a wonderful friend and counselor!
• And most importantly, He would surely have shared with you the gospel of God’s grace… and He surely would have LIVED the life before you… day in and day out!
• Wouldn’t it be great if, in real life, we could have a boss who was LIKE the Lord Jesus?
• That’s what Paul is telling employers or masters to BE!
• I wouldn’t mind working for Christ. In fact, I wouldn’t mind being a SLAVE to Jesus Christ!

4. The real evil of earthly systems does not lie in the system itself (slavery; caste system; capitalism; communism; totalitarianism; monarchy; tribal rule). The real evil lies in the hearts of sinful, selfish, greedy men.

a. If the hearts of men were like that of Christ, ANY system on earth would work… and it might even be a taste of heaven!

b. Wiersbe said: “The heart of every problem is the problem of the heart.”

c. The problem of injustice that slaves endured was not really so much an economic issue… or a social issue… or a political issue.

d. It was a heart-issue. That was the real problem… and remains the real problem of life in our world today.

e. That is how Paul addressed the issue in Col. 3.

5. Paul calls upon the Christian slave owners to GIVE unto their slaves that which is JUST and EQUAL.

a. Notice that Paul never tells the slave owners to set all their slaves free and bring an end to the systems.

b. Rather, Paul addresses the HEARTS of the masters… and tells them to be just and equal with their slaves.

c. Give = offer.

d. The masters were to offer justice and equity to their slaves.

e. Paul gives BOTH sides of the master/slave relationship.
• The servant/worker is to do his best and give an honest day’s work.
• The master/employer is to treat his workers fairly and give them just compensation for their labor.

f. Masters giving unto their servants that which is “just and equal” would include their wages: the laborer is worthy of his hire! Pay him fairly… even generously!

g. It would include the way they were treated.
• That would mean that slaves were to be treated as EQUALS… (Not in authority, but as persons.)
• In fact, the Christian slave WAS his equal in Christ!
• This would imply imposing the golden rule: do unto others as you would have others do unto you!

h. If Christian slave masters OBEYED this command and did in fact treat their slaves with justice and equity one might expect to see some unusual things begin to occur:
• Some of those slaves might be given their freedom!
• Some of those freed slaves might choose to remain with their master and work for him willingly!
• Either way, the injustice of slavery issue would be over!
• A Christian in a position of authority over others is expected to apply this passage: give unto them under you that which is just and fair! (fair wages; fair treatment; dignity; respect; justice)

6. Eph. 6:9 – Masters were commanded to do the same things unto them and to forbear threatening.

a. Do the same thing:
• Here Paul tells slave owners to follow the SAME instructions that he just gave to their slaves.
• Vs. 7 – with GOOD WILL (a right heart attitude towards others) perform your responsibilities as if you were dealing with the Lord Jesus Himself!
• The servants were expected to do their work as if they were serving the Lord Jesus Himself.
• The masters were to do the same thing: deal with their slaves AS IF they were serving or ministering to the Lord Jesus Himself, as His reprepresentative.
• Boy would that change things!

b. Forbearing threatening: (vs. 9)
• This is virtually the same context… a parallel passage to Col. 3.
• Here Paul tells the slave owners not to threaten their servants. (harsh, vicious, threatening language)
• Forbear: dismiss… send away.
• They were to dismiss any idea of threatening the servants…
• They were not to terrorize them verbally…
• Servants of a Christian slave owner should never live in fear or terror.
• Paul addresses part of human nature here: that it is human nature for men in positions of authority to let that authority go to their heads… and they tend to throw their weight around verbally through threatening.
• And in the context, cruel husbands sometimes threaten their wives and abuse them verbally. Sometimes parents do the same with their children. And masters did it towards their slaves.
• Cf. Col. 3:21 – fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged… same idea.
• It is human nature to threaten and to cause those under your authority to live in fear… to be terrorized by what you might do to them…
• It is human nature to behave that way… but it is also evil! It is sinful… and God hates it.

7. What great application for the Christian employer today!

a. The obvious application of the servant is to a worker or employee.

b. The obvious application concerning the master would be toward the employer… or an office manager… a business owner… or a factory foreman… a school teacher…

c. If you are in a position of authority at work and have people under you, God has a message for you in this passage:
• Treat them like people… not like numbers.
• They are people made in the image of God whether they are saved or not.
• And treat them with justice and equity!

Ye Also Have a Master in Heaven

1. Paul exhorts the earthly masters to be careful in the way they treat their servants…

a. FOR they also have to report to a Master in Heaven: the Lord Jesus Christ!

b. The masters were not only IN authority, but they were also UNDER authority… under the authority of the Master in heaven.

2. KNOWING: (4:1)

a. Paul wanted the masters to KNOW something.

b. He wanted them to keep this information in their minds and hearts as they dealt with their servants: that they have a master in heaven to whom they must give an account one day.

3. KNOWING: (3:24)

a. Paul wanted the servants to KNOW something too.

b. He wanted them to keep this information in their minds and hearts as they performed their daily chores heartily: they have a reward awaiting them in heaven for faithful service.

4. KNOWING: The grammar is the same in both cases:

a. Knowing = Perfect active participles
• This speaks to the fact that they came to know this truth in the past and they now stand settled in this truth…
• There was some truth… some settled knowledge that God wanted to be lodged in the minds of both the slaves and the masters.

b. The slaves: stood settled in the truth that they would one day be rewarded for their faithful service in heaven.
• This would enable them to be content even if they were not compensated on earth.
• This settled knowledge would enable them to persevere through injustices of all stripes.

c. The masters: they also stood settled in another truth: that they would one day face their master in heaven and would have to give an account of their actions to Him!
• And he is no respecter of persons.
• Cf. Eph. 6:9 – the masters were not to threaten KNOWING that they had a master in heaven… a Master who would not be impressed with the fact that they were part of the upper class!
• This is obviously a WARNING to the slave owners.

d. Notice the contrast in the truths that Paul tells them to keep in mind:
• Consolation to the slaves: a glorious heavenly reward! The thought of the Bema Seat should lift up their hearts and encourage their souls as they do their chores.
• Warning to the masters: a Master who treats them with justice… and will one day judge them as to how they treated their servants. The thought of the Bema would not encourage them, but instill in them the fear of God! A stern warning!

e. The connection between the main verb and the participle:
• Slaves: work heartily… KNOWING that there is a heavenly reward. AS they work, they are to KNOW this. What a glorious motivator!
• Masters: give justice and equity to your slaves… KNOWING that you have a Master in heaven. AS they deal with their servants, they are to KNOW this. This was a wonderful motivator… and also a warning!

f. Eph. 6:9 – KNOWING: the same perfect, active, participle as is found in our passage in Colossians twice.
• Paul calls upon the Ephesian masters to keep this truth settled in their minds as they deal with their slaves: YOU too have a master in heaven with whom you will have to give an account one day. And He is no respecter of persons!
• KNOWING this (keeping this truth in the forefront of their minds) will prevent them from threatening their servants.
• Knowing this will also prevent those here who may be in a managerial position at work… or a business owner and employer… or a person in any position of authority… from threatening… and will motivate such a person to treat them with justice and equity.
• Wouldn’t it be great to have a boss like that? (He treats you like a person; kind; compassionate; thoughtful; treats you honestly, fairly, and with justice and equity?)

g. Jas. 5:1- Here James deals with the subject of men in positions of power and authority treating those under them unfairly.
• The system here does not seem to be a master/slave relationship, but that of wealthy land owners and poor, peasant workers.
• James is really appealing to the Christian workers suffering injustice and fraud. But he also gives a word of warning to the wealthy… who may or may not be saved.
• James approaches the subject as Paul does.
» Paul did not call for the believers to change the system of slavery… but to change their hearts and the way they treated other human beings.
» James does not call for a redistribution of the wealth or property. Instead he warns the wealthy and consoles the poor, just as Paul did. He attempts to change their heart attitudes rather than the earthly system.
• Vs. 1-3 – James warns the wealthy land owners who have gathered much gold to themselves that their gold is rotting away before their very eyes… cankered… and their earthly joys will soon be turned into misery.
• Vs. 4 – they hired poor laborers to do their work and they kept back their pay fraudulently. The warning is that God hears the cries of these poor workers!
• Vs. 5 – the wealthy land owners who are living well off this fraud… they are rich and fat… are in fact more like pigs being fattened up for the day of slaughter!
• Vs. 6—they were violent, unjust, and seemed to get away with it in this life.
• Vs. 7-8—then James turns to the poor Christian workers and reminds them that the Lord is coming and His reward is with Him…
• The reminder of the Lord’s coming was a two edged sword – it served to console the poor workers, and it also served as a severe rebuke and warning to the unjust wealthy land owners.
• God wants both parties to KNOW that one day we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account for everything we did in this life… be it good or bad.

h. KNOWING: this is Paul’s way of telling both the slaves and the masters to be heavenly minded!
• They were to think on things above as they lived out their lives here below!
• They were to be settled in their knowledge of the fact that the future Bema Seat… standing before the Heavenly Master… our Judge… ought to have a profound effect on our present lives!
• As you live your life and deal with people day in and day out… KNOW this! Keep it in mind…
• Whether you are an employee or an employer… KNOW these truths…
• Being heavenly minded makes us BETTER workers and BETTER employees!
• Being heavenly minded also makes us better managers… and better employers.
• It makes us more diligent in our work… and more careful about the way we treat people under our authority…
• It is good for us ALL—regardless of our lot in life—to think on things above.
• Keep the coming of the Lord in the forefront of our thinking… as we endure difficulties and injustice in this life… and as we deal with people.

i. Our relationships to one another on earth ought to be carried out in light of that future day of judgment… where we all stand on equal footing before the Lord… and we will all be judged by the same standard of justice and equity.

j. Jesus said in Matt. 7:2: “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

k. Be careful about how we treat people and what we expect of others. That standard might be held to us one day!


Continue in Prayer

Continue in Prayer: Pray With Perseverance

A. Continue Defined

1. From: καρτερέω (kar-ter-eh-oh) strength; to be strong, steadfast, firm, to endure, hold out, bear the burden.

a. Used in Heb. 11:27 – he endured as seeing him who is invisible.

b. The term Paul uses is this term with a prefix that intensifies the meaning.

2. προσκαρτερέω (prahs-kar-ter-eh-oh) –

a. Zodhiates: To continue steadfastly; to cleave faithfully.

b. Strong’s: to adhere to, to be an adherent, to be devoted.

c. With persons it means to be loyal to… (Acts 10:7)

d. In the New Testament, 6 out of 10 times it is used, it is in reference to prayer to God and fellowship with the saints.

B. Continuing in Prayer

1. Paul commands the believers in Colossae (and in Salem!) to persevere in prayer.

2. The pattern of the early church – they continued in prayer.

a. Acts 2:42 – they continued steadfastly… in prayer.

b. There was a set time of prayer and the believers gathered together for corporate prayer.

c. This is what saints DO when they are together.

d. The early church continued steadfastly in prayer.

e. We are given a window here in the life of the early church.

f. Several things were important to the life of the early church… all spiritual in nature: the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship of the saints, the Lord’s Table, and prayer.

g. Social activities occurred, no doubt, but that is not listed as part of the life of the early church. They gathered for spiritual things… for prayer.

h. And they gathered together consistently… regularly… faithfully… they continued steadfastly…

i. Acts 3:1 – at the time of prayer Peter and John were there! Even before the church was organized, these church age saints felt the need to gather together for prayer.

j. Acts 4:24 – with one accord, they lifted up their voices to God in prayer. Acts 4:31 – and when they prayed, the place was shaken!

k. Acts 12:5, 12 – the church gathered together for prayer…

l. Acts 21:5 – saints gathered together on the beach and prayed as Paul departed.

m. The epistles give us the commands to continue steadfastly in prayer. Acts gives us the historical account of the early church that DID in fact continue steadfastly in prayer.

n. Prayer was an ongoing and integral part of church life… at least in the New Testament pattern… in spite of the fact that we are seeing prayer meetings and evening worship services closing down all over the country… due to a lack of interest in spiritual things!

o. The early church revolved around teaching and praying.

3. The pattern for the individual believer…

a. Paul addressed the Body of believers at Colossae and told them all (plural) to continue in prayer.

b. Individual believers are also to continue in prayer… in our private prayer closets… our daily devotion time should include prayer.

c. Col.1:3 – Paul and Timothy prayed for the Colossians ALWAYS!

d. Col. 1:9 – we cease not from praying for you!

e. I Thess. 3:9 – Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith.

f. There are MANY verses which speak of the fact that Paul and other apostles followed the example of Christ in prayer: they continued steadfastly in prayer.

C. Prayer in the Context of Colossians 3

1. Col. 3:1 – our heavenly position.

a. We have been risen with Christ and are seated with Him in heaven. (Cf. Eph. 2:5-6)

b. Paul tells us in Col. 3:1 to SEEK those things which are above. Seek things in harmony with the fact that we now dwell in a heavenly sphere…

2. 3:2 – our affections (minds and hearts) ought to be on things above.

a. That will radically change our prayer lives.

b. We might discover that instead of constantly praying about our aches and pains and bills, we will be praying primarily for spiritual concerns.

c. Spiritual concerns are mentioned in Col. 1:9-11.
• Filled with the knowledge of His will… (vs. 9)
• Wisdom and spiritual understanding…
• A worthy walk… (vs. 10)
• Fruitful in good works…
• Increasing in the knowledge of God… to know Him!
• Strengthened with HIS might… not our own. (vs. 11)
• To experience His resurrection power in our lives…
• Patience, longsuffering, with joyfulness!
• These are the sorts of things we are to be praying for…
• Pray for things related to our heavenly sphere in which we are to dwell…

d. Col. 3:3 – our new life is hidden away in heaven with God.
• Col. 3:4 – Christ is our life… and we are to abide in Him… where He is… like a branch abiding in a Vine.
• We are to abide above where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father.
• We are to dwell there… in our glorious heavenly position.

e. From that heavenly position, we will see life on earth from an entirely different perspective.
• From earth’s perspective, our biggest concern might be our aching back and the mortgage payment.
• From eternity’s perspective… from heaven’s vantage point, that lower back pain won’t be nearly as an important item to deal with as a bitter attitude that has gone on way too long.
• You can have fellowship with God with lower back pain… but not with a bitter spirit.
• From heaven’s vantage point… heavenly riches will motivate our prayers far more than earthly riches…
• God’s will reigns in that heavenly sphere… not our will… When we abide there, we will pray like the Lord Jesus in whom we abide: Not my will but thine be done!
• When we are abiding in our earthly condition, (that’s all we see… that’s where our affections are)… then we will pray for earthly things. IN our earthly condition we tell the Lord that we need this and that.
• But if we abide in our heavenly position… like a branch abiding in the Vine, we will discover that Christ is all we need. He supplies all we need.
• From that perspective, the CONTENT of our prayer will change dramatically…

3. Dwelling in that heavenly position will not only change the CONTENT of our prayers… it will also change our CONCEPT of prayer.

a. Prayer is a spiritual privilege… not an earthly ritual.
• As a young boy, I remember being taught a different concept of prayer.
• Prayers were WORKS that you had to do… laborious duty… painful exercises…
• At confession, if I was pretty good for the week, I was only given 5 or 6 prayers to say.
• But if I was really bad, I had to say 20-30 prayers!
• Saying prayers was a punishment for being bad…
• It was penance… a form of suffering to help pay for my sins… or so I was told.
• I wonder if there are believers who still have that concept of prayer… that prayer is a religious obligation… something that we HAVE to do whether we like it or not… because God ordered us to.
• That kind of prayer is nothing but the empty babbling of a dead religion… what Jesus referred to as “vain repetition.”

b. For the believer, prayer is the awesome privilege of being allowed to enter into the very presence of the Majesty on High…
• In prayer, we are approaching Almighty God… an infinitely HOLY God…
• This is at the same time, a fearful thing… and a glorious, marvelous privilege…
• It is not a duty but a delight… it is not an obligation that we have to perform, but an inner desire that craves to be satisfied.
• And it isn’t the act of praying that satisfies that thirsty soul… it is GOD HIMSELF who satisfies our hearts…
• It’s the Person, not the process that satisfies the soul.

c. Isa. 6:1-7 – The right concept of prayer is coming into the very presence of God Himself.
• No one can come into the presence of God (in person, in a vision, or in prayer) without being conscious of his sinfulness.
• If we are conscious of who He is… conscious of His holiness… then we will not dare to come to Him in a light and frivolous manner.
• We can talk to one another in a casual manner, but there isn’t anything casual about coming into the presence of the Creator of the universe!
• We are coming to the Divine throne of grace to speak directly the Lord God Almighty.
• Our biggest problem in prayer is forgetting into WHOSE presence we enter through prayer!
• God is not a man. (Num. 23:18)
• Ps. 50:21 – our tendency to think that God is like us… He is one of us… and we can therefore approach Him as if this were so.
• Prayer is not a believer on earth making a long distance call to a God is afar off!

d. Think of prayer as a believer who already dwells in heaven… walking right up to the very throne of our heavenly Father with a formal request… or a word of praise… or thanksgiving…
• This is to occur continually… in seasons and out of season… praying like this without ceasing…
• Continuing in prayer is an ABIDING relationship in which fellowship and communication with God is without ceasing…

PURITY: THE Prerequisite for Prayer

1. Purity…

a. Sin separates the believer from that abiding relationship of communion and fellowship.

b. The entire Old Testament sacrificial system was designed to teach us this important truth.
• There was only ONE door to the tabernacle: one way in: God’s way.
• God was distant and hidden away from the sinner.
• God dwelt in the Holy of Holies where NO man could approach. He was too holy.
• Only the High Priest could enter into God’s presence… and only if the sacrificial blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat…
• Because of sin… sinful men were kept at a distance from God.
• Only when a perfect cleansing occurred (symbolized by the blood of the sacrifice) could ANYONE enter into that Holy of Holies.
• Sin SEPARATED men from God.

c. Isa. 59:1-2 – Sin separates us from God’s face. He WILL not hear.

d. Ps. 66:18 – If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear our prayers… be they ever so flowery and erudite!

e. For an infinitely holy God to hear our prayers, our hearts have to be perfectly cleansed… 100% pure… nothing less will do. ANY sin separates us from God… whether it is murder or a bad attitude… or resisting His will.

f. 100% pure might sound a little intimidating. Perhaps some are thinking that we will NEVER be able to pray.

g. I John 1:9 – when we confess our sins, He forgives them… He forgives them every sin we confess… and He cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness… even those sins we are unaware of!

h. When a believer has honestly confessed his sins, he IS 100% pure in God’s sight, because God washes 100% of our sins away… covered by the blood…

i. I John 1:7 – and as we walk in the light- abide in Christ, the blood of Christ CONTINUES to cleanse us from ALL sin.

j. When ALL sin is gone, we are 100% pure in God’s sight.

k. God who is infinitely holy accepts us into His presence on that basis… and on that basis only… because the Father acknowledges the VALUE and the POWER of the blood of His Son.

l. Our heavenly Father receives us into His presence on the basis of the blood of Christ. He hears our prayers only when we are cleansed by the blood of Christ… by confessing our sins.

m. Then God delights in hearing our prayers. What father wouldn’t want to hear what is on the heart of his dear child?

2. A pure conscience…

a. From God’s perspective, in order for prayer to occur, it is necessary that our sins be confessed… for sin separates us from Him. He won’t hear us.

b. But from our side, we also need a pure conscience.

c. It is similar to communion in this sense… (Heb. 10:22)
• Let us keep on drawing near… (for there are continual influences to draw us away…)
• The Old Testament priest entered into God’s presence only one day a year and then left.
• The New Testament priest enters into God’s presence and we are to ABIDE there…

d. We are to approach God with a TRUE heart—no hypocrisy… open and transparent… a true heart is broken and contrite…
• A true heart has only ONE Master… and is surrendered to Him…
• A true heart before God is an undivided heart…

e. We are to approach God in a heart of full assurance.
• Full assurance means a heart that is fully confident in his approach to God… not SELF-confidence, but FAITH… confidence in the finished work of Christ which truly cleanses… and enables us to enter into God’s presence. No wavering on that.

f. We are to approach God with a heart sprinkled and thus cleansed and purged from a guilty conscience.
• The Old Testament priests were literally sprinkled externally with blood at their consecration service.
• New Testament priests are sprinkled internally… our hearts…
• This purging cleanses us from the guilt, shame, and burden of sin that would keep us away from a holy God.
• It frees us to enter into His glorious presence… with boldness and confidence!

g. A guilty conscience and doubt will keep us away from approaching a holy God in prayer.
• It is one thing to BE forgiven and to have our sins removed and our hearts cleansed.
• It is another thing to KNOW and BELIEVE that the blood of Christ takes away our sins… and buries them beneath the sea… He remembers them no more.

h. But we also need to know and believe that when we confess our sins, God really does remove them as far as the east is from the west… and that He cleanses us from ALL sin.

i. We are (whether we feel like it or not) 100% pure in God’s sight at that point! That is the ONLY way we can approach a God who is too holy to look upon sin.

j. This truth… and trust/confidence in this truth that FREES the believer from a conscience that would otherwise keep distant from God.

k. In the truly purged conscience, the barrier is removed…
• We have the awesome privilege of entering into an ABIDING relationship to the Living God!
• Nothing between my soul and my Savior!

l. This means that the new man in Christ can do what he naturally longs to do and he can do so unhindered:
• The new man HUNGERS after God… now he can continually FEAST his soul on the Lord.
• He DESIRES communion and fellowship with God…now he can enter in…
• He SEEKS things above… and DELIGHTS in God’s Word… now he can SEEK God’s face in prayer… and ABIDE in His presence.
• He can CONTINUE in that abiding relationship of a heart open to communicate with the Living God: prayer!
• He can pray without ceasing! In season and out of season!

3. A pure heart…

a. II Tim. 2:22 – calling on the Lord out of a pure heart.

b. Those who call upon the Lord with a pure heart is Paul’s way of saying a BELIEVER! That’s the norm.

c. A heart in full devotion… a heart totally surrendered and yielded to the Lord… Nothing between…

d. The heart of this believer is WIDE OPEN to the Lord.

e. A pure heart will NATURALLY call upon the Lord… all day long!

f. The believer who demonstrates a pure heart will naturally LOVE the Lord with ALL his heart.

g. His heart is wide open to the One he loves.
• Think of what that means with respect to praying continually.
• Consider the contrast between the man whose heart is PURE and open before the Lord and the religious man.
» The religious man (forced to pray as a form of penance!) 50 Hail Marys! Torture! Punishment! I had so many other things to do… taking that much time out of my schedule was a pain in the neck… but you’ve got to do it. It’s your duty. You did it… as a burden… a chore.
» The believer whose heart is pure and open to Christ has another mindset altogether.
» Prayer is not a duty but a delight. He LOVES the Lord.
» To the one who is in LOVE with the Lord, time in prayer is different. This one loses track of the time in prayer… 10, 20, 30 minutes go by in no time!
» We have a young couple here about ready to get married.
» Peter: if you had 15 minutes at lunchtime to spend with Caity, would you consider that a pain in the neck? A burden? A chore? Torture? Or, would you be thrilled and consider it a privilege to have that time and wish it were a whole hour?

h. I Pet. 1:22 – The apostle Peter tells us to love one another with a PURE heart fervently.
• How much MORE will a pure heart love the Lord fervently?
• A pure heart before God will call upon the Lord all day long!
• There is nothing between to hinder that abiding relationship of love.
• Prayer is as natural as breathing under those circumstances.
• It isn’t forced. It isn’t something that HAVE to do. It is the normal, natural life of the new man in Christ as he walks in NEWNESS of life.
• Forcing a Spirit filled believer to pray is like forcing a person to breath. If there is LIFE there, it comes naturally!

i. So if praying continually comes naturally to the new man, why the commands?
• Because there are so many hindrances…
• A pure heart can become polluted with other “things.”
• A pure heart can be defiled… a heart dedicated to Christ can be lured away to another master…
• THEN praying becomes a chore—even for the Christian… because his heart is not right. Now we can no longer sing, “Nothing between.”

j. John 15:7 – An abiding relationship to Christ and continuing in prayer go hand in hand.
• The branch that belongs on the Vine doesn’t always ABIDE on the vine. There IS something between the Vine and the branch. (Hence the command of vs. 4.)
• But the branch that DOES abide in the Vine experiences fruit… a spiritually fruitful and prosperous life in Christ.
• Vs. 5 – without that abiding relationship, we can expect NOTHING… because when there is something between us and the Savior, we can DO nothing on our own.
• Vs. 7 – but if we continually abide in Christ, we will be continually praying and continually receiving from the Lord!
• Of course that abiding relationship to the Lord has a remarkable INFLUENCE on our will…
• Thus it has a profound effect on the CONTENT of our prayers.
• In that abiding relationship, our will is submitted to His… and in a sense, His will becomes our will!
• We will be praying from a heavenly perspective… with eternity’s values in mind…
• Our prayer will not be, “Lord stop the pain,” but “Lord teach me THROUGH the pain.” Not just “Lord take away this trial,” but “Lord, teach me of your grace, power, and compassion in the midst of all of this pressure!”
• And “it SHALL be done unto you!”

4. A pure faith…

a. Believing that we CAN come into God’s presence in prayer will cause us to continue in prayer.

b. If we really believed that we had access to the Creator of the universe… One who has all power… and One who answers prayer… we WOULD pray without ceasing!

c. It is unbelief that causes our prayer life to dwindle down to nothing.
• We don’t believe what God’s Word says about prayer.
• We don’t believe God answers prayer.
• We don’t believe that our will counts in prayer.
• We don’t believe that prayer is effectual.
• We don’t believe that God can move mountains… or perhaps He can but He won’t.
• We don’t believe that OUR prayer will be heard.

d. Sometimes people who are desperate will try anything to get them out of their desperate situation. God refuses to be one among many things “tried.” That’s not faith. That’s desperation. That’s seeking to USE God to accomplish OUR will.

e. God refuses to be tried out like some new product on the market, to help cure whatever ails us. He demands to be trusted.

f. Prayer is not the believer telling God what to do. Prayer is bringing our requests to the Lord whom we believe is ABLE to do anything… and RESTING in the sweet will of God… believing that He knows best…

g. Whether the answer is yes or no… we can REST in His love, care, and wisdom—knowing that His ways are perfect.

h. If we really BELIEVED that God’s perfect will for our lives were accomplished in part through prayer, we would pray without ceasing… we would continue in prayer…

i. Even if His will involves trial and tragedy… illness and suffering… loss and failure… faith moves us to pray for His perfect will… and rejoices in the good fruit that comes from it!

5. When things are not right in our hearts, and we begin to back away from the Lord… when backsliding is in its infant stage… the first thing to go is prayer.

a. Long before we enter into gross sin… long before we stop attending church… long before we stand aloof from fellowship with the saints… our prayer life begins to diminish.

b. At first it is gradual and perhaps even imperceptible. We might not even realize what is happening at first.

c. Gradually the delight of prayer turns to duty…

d. The duty turns to drudgery.

e. Soon other things crowd out our time to be alone with the Lord in our prayer closet.

f. Before you know it, a godly habit of praying every day… has turned into “whenever you can fit it in.”

g. Then you notice that your ongoing communication with the Lord throughout the day has ceased! (The countless, silent, praises and thank yous and requests no longer occur.)

h. When that happens, it is the first indication that the heart is no longer pure…

i. Now there IS something between you and your Savior…

j. And that is the time to deal with it… before it develops… and begins to manifest itself in all kinds of other ugly “forms” and shapes… like no longer attending prayer meeting… skipping evening services… avoiding phone calls to other believers… then forsaking the assembling of yourselves altogether… and off into the world we go…

k. But we keep that prayer life fresh with the Lord… and ABIDE in a relationship to Christ wherein our hearts are replenished and refreshed by communion with Him.

l. The old writers used to say, “Pray through it.”

m. If that is happening to you, nip it at the bud before it develops into something much more serious.

n. Get your Bible out and read and pray right THROUGH all those allurements and attraction to other things… read and pray—wrestle with the Lord UNTIL the Lord blesses you… and your love for Christ is revitalized… and prayer becomes a DELIGHT all over again!

o. And what if, after praying and seeking for a long time for a return to a warm sensitive heart, that our heart still FEELS cold and distant from God?
• What if we pray all day? What if we pray for that all week? What about a year?
• Well, the Lord may be testing our heart.
• Keep on praying. Continue in prayer—even if you don’t feel close to God… (BELIEVE that you are!) Even if your heart feels cold… keep on praying. We are not to go by our feelings, but by FAITH… which rest in the facts.
• Keep on abiding in Christ… obeying His Word… worshipping at His feet… fellowshipping with His people… regardless of how we FEEL.
• And in God’s good time… when the time of testing is over… when by CONTINUING in prayer, we have demonstrated a love for the Lord based on faith not feelings, in God’s good time, the WARMTH will return. The relationship will be sweet again. Prayer will once again be a DELIGHT not a duty.
• Don’t stop at Marah (bitterness)… when Elim (oasis) is right around the corner!
• Continue in prayer. Pray right through Marah UNTIL you come upon Elim! Pray in season and out of season. Pray with out ceasing.
• Take your focus off the process (praying) and focus on the Person… the One to whom we pray! The sweetness will return.


God won’t hear your prayers UNTIL you are ready to BELIEVE on Christ and be saved!

Watch in Prayer


1. Last week we looked at the first part of this passage which deals with continuing in prayer: Praying with perseverance.

2. This week we want to look at the second part of the verse: being watchful and thankful in prayer: Praying with alertness and thankfulness.

Pray With Alertness

A. The Term

1. Watch Defined: γρηγορέω (gray-gor-eh-oh)

a. This word is formed from the Greek word “ἐγείρω” (eg-ay-roh) which means to rise up…
• Cf. Matt. 8:25 – the disciple woke Jesus up from His sleep.
• It is also used of raising up the dead.
• This term has all kinds of applications…

b. Strong’s: γρηγορέω (gray-gor-eh-oh)

– to watch; give strict attention to, be cautious, active; to take heed lest through remission and indolence some destructive calamity suddenly overtake one.

c. Zodhiates: To watch, to refrain from sleep.

d. Dictionary of Bible Languages: Awake, alert, alive, vigilant.

2. Various Usages

a. The term is used in a literal sense of being awake, aware, alert, vigilant…

b. It is used of a house owner watching for a thief.

c. But most often, its normal usage of being awake and alert in the physical realm is used in a spiritual sense… being awake and alert to the spiritual conflict going on around us.

d. It adds a sense of caution… not just “awake.” It is possible to be awake and yet, not paying attention…

e. It is possible to be awake physically and sound asleep spiritually!

f. It implies not just being awake, but cautiously aware of the spiritual conflict raging about us.

g. This is the sense in which Paul uses the term in Col. 4:2.

3. The Grammar

a. The word “watch” in our English Bibles looks like a command… an imperative. But it is actually a participle that carries the weight of a command.

b. It speaks of action that is simultaneous to the action of the main verb: continuing in prayer.

c. In other words, AS we watch in prayer… at the very same time, we are to be WATCHING… vigilant… alert… awake… and aware of what is going on around us.

d. Prayer is to be accompanied by vigilance, alertness, and awareness of what is going on around us spiritually.

e. And continual prayer means continual vigilance.

B. The Battle

1. We are to be WATCHING… awake… alert… and aware of what is going on around us in the spiritual realm.

a. Our prayers should be in light of the spiritual battle all around us.

b. Remember the context we looked at last week?
• Chapter 3 begins reminding us of our heavenly position… dead to this world and raised up into heavenly places… our new lives hidden away with Christ…
• As we dwell above, we are NOT to be oblivious and disconnected to the world around us.
• We are to be dwelling above, but watching here below!
• From that heavenly perspective… with eternity’s values in mind, we are to awake, aware, and alert to the spiritual battle being raged all around us on earth.

c. Our country is at war with a network of religious fanatics around the globe who seek to kill us and destroy our way of life.
• As a nation, we need to be ALERT to that and vigilant as long as the war is being waged.
• We would be quite foolish to adopt a Pollyanna-like attitude… and to assume that because we don’t see any soldiers over the horizon that we can therefore go about life as if we weren’t at war.
• That would be foolish indeed… suicide… in light of the battle.

d. It is even more foolish to behave that way in the spiritual realm…
• That is exactly why Paul warns us to be WATCHING as we pray!
• Pray in light of the battle that is being waged all around us… even if we can’t see it.
• We are at war in the spiritual realm… and our enemies are relentless… cunning… wise like a fox… and out to destroy us spiritually.

e. I Pet. 5:8 – vigilant = same word as watch… Peter warns us that a roaring lion is about to devour us.
• A lion is about to pounce upon us and destroy our individual walks with God… our families… the local church.
• And yet we have access to GOD Himself through prayer.
• We are surrounded by spiritual wickedness… and a roaring lion that seeks to destroy us… and at the same time, we can bring our requests to the throne of the Omnipotent One.
• And yet, living in the shadow of this roaring lion about to devour us, we find ourselves, like Pollyanna, praying for a nice day for our picnic… and for our sniffles to go away.
• What SHOULD we be praying for in light of the spiritual facts? (Spiritual protection; eyes opened; that we not take one step outside of God’s will; etc.)

f. Praying IN LIGHT OF the battle will affect the content of our prayers.
• An unsaved friend is on his deathbed and we are praying only for his physical recovery. What SHOULD we be praying for? (His soul!)
• Our lives are fleeting away as a vapor, and we are praying for a better paying job, or for our stocks and bonds, rather than praying for ways to be laying up treasures in heaven.
• We are concerned about our physical health and pray for it constantly, and ignore our spiritual health… and forget that we are engaged in a spiritual battle.
• If we were WATCHING… awake and alert to the spiritual conflicts all around us… the content of our prayers will change drastically.
• I appreciate the shift in this area I have noticed lately at prayer meetings!

2. I Tim. 6:12 – We are busy serving and doing in the local church, and forget about the NATURE of the battle in which we are engaged…

a. We are engaged in a battle for the minds and hearts of men…

b. It is a battle over doctrine and truth!

c. We should be praying in light of the battle that is being raged all around us TODAY.

d. We are not fighting the same battle that was being fought in the 1920s when German modernism was being brought into the churches… fundamentalism vs. modernism. (black and white)

e. We are not fighting the same battle that was being fought in the 1960-1980s… fundamentalism vs. neo evangelicalism. Black and white… and then gray.)

f. We are fighting a spiritual battle in the 21st century that seems to parallel the war our country is fighting: an amorphous enemy… that has infiltrated into our midst… with all kinds of doctrinal sleeper cells just waiting to explode… while everyone sits around too polite and correct to say anything about it.

g. What we have today is no longer just black and white… (1920) or even black and white with a little gray in between (1960-1980). Now the paint is splattered all over the place!

3. Acts 20:29-31 – I’m concerned about the battle for the truth.

a. It is necessary to warn about wolves… and to challenge believers to WATCH out for what is happening doctrinally.

b. A shift away from classic dispensationalism to progressive dispensationalism… and ultimately toward Reformed Theology.

c. MacArthur’s Lordship Salvation and Limited Atonement catching on in dispensational circles.

d. Rick Warren’s entertainment mentality is taking over the country… the seeds of which have been around for a long time… the attitude that was tolerated in the days of new evangelicalism has infiltrated and have been deeply embedded even in some formerly sound, fundamental churches.

e. Erosion of the doctrine of separation even in fundamental circles.

f. A drifting away from the great hymns of the faith, rich in doctrine, that have, over the years, proven themselves to be edifying… and towards newer pop and rock songs that are at best sentimental and shallow and at worst in error… and do precious little to edify the saints.

g. And all of these changes are taking place right under our noses.

h. And it isn’t just ancillary doctrines that are up for grabs.
• Now the evangelical world isn’t quite sure what the church is; (social club; entertainment center; country club; a family center; look at what they are turning the churches into…)
• What worship is; (dance; art; rock music; plays; skits; multimedia presentations; a show…?)
• What is the gospel? (is it a commitment? Is it getting healthy and wealthy? Are people lost or unchurched? What is the good news? Jesus died for you? Believe or submit to the rigors of discipleship?)

i. Things are changing incredibly rapidly all around us, and I am going to keep on pounding this pulpit to warn us, remind us, and to keep the battle FRESH in our minds, lest we become dull… insensitive… sluggish…sleepy… too involved in carnal things to even care about spiritual things… and unable to pray effectively because we are not watching.

j. Continue in prayer be continually watching!

4. Jer. 9:1-3 – Jeremiah cried out to the Lord… in a form of prayer… a cry… brokenhearted that the people of Israel were no longer valiant for the truth.

a. Jeremiah was watching: observing the spiritual condition of his nation.

b. He was watching… and he grieved over what he saw.

c. He cried out to the Lord… as one who was valiant for the truth… in the midst of a people who couldn’t care less about the truth or honoring God.

d. We should grieve as did Jeremiah because of the spiritual condition of the churches… many of which are no longer valiant for the truth!

e. We live in a day when churches are valiant for unity… valiant for big numbers… valiant for outward success… valiant for prosperity… but not for the truth.

f. This should be our cry and prayer to the Lord. God help us to be valiant for the truth!

g. That is our PURPOSE for being! We are God’s witnesses to the TRUTH. We are a light to the truth. And by God’s grace, some folks will be attracted to the truth and come to the Savior who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

h. What good does it do to win multitudes to an organization if we are not valiant for the truth?

i. While we are sleeping concerning the battle over the truth, our enemy is busy chipping away at the truth… eroding away at the foundation… a little here and a little there… right under our noses!

j. This is our battle. Pray in light of the battle. Watch and pray.

5. Eph. 5:14-17 – Another layer of the spiritual battle: a battle designed to lure us away to other things.

a. Paul warns believers to wake up… and Christ will give us light… light to walk in this world of darkness.

b. The world has a deadening effect on our spiritual lives.

c. The battle we face TODAY in America is a battle for TIME.

d. Vs. 16 – redeem the time—use it for God’s glory.

e. Today’s average Christian THINKS that he has less time for the things of God…

f. Our attention is being lured to other things…

g. More women are working today – making it hard to get things done in the local church. (Less energy going into God’s program…)

h. Men are working longer hours… sometime two jobs to make ends meet… (Less energy going into God’s program…)

i. Families are more prosperous today and thus have money to go on more vacations… taking off every holiday… every 3 day weekend… on our way to becoming what Paul described as “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” (Less energy going into God’s program…)

j. There are so MANY forms of entertainment for the youth… that children’s programs at church do not draw like they used to… kids are so busy with tennis lessons, art lessons, music lessons, karate lessons, soccer and baseball games… that they have no time for church activities and ministries.

k. With all of allegedly time saving gadgets, our generation seems to have less time for the things of God.

l. And the local church… God’s program suffers as a result.

m. Our time and energy is being spent elsewhere.

n. Hence the command: wake up! Redeem the time! Buy up opportunities to grow in grace, minister in the local church, and share the gospel!

o. Other things may not be evil or immoral… but from heaven’s perspective, they are not the best use of God’s time.

p. Instead of an expensive trip to Disneyworld, try going on a missions trip!

q. Pray for wisdom and spiritual understanding in the use of our time, energy, resources, and talents.

r. PRAY and watch… pray in light of this battle… oh, how the devil would love for us to squander and waste our time here on earth on things that have no eternal value!

s. Our adversary is seeking to deaden us to spiritual things… cause us to be lulled to sleep in the fog of this world…

t. Let’s PRAY that we as a Body might wake up… and be aware of evil days in which we live… and redeem the time!

6. Eph. 6:18 – this is the noun form of the verb in Col. 4:2.

a. Pray WITH perseverance… (continue in prayer)
• This implies that the tendency is to slack off in prayer…
• It is our nature to grow weary in well doing… especially in prayer.
• It is natural for zeal to wane… especially in prayer.
• Hence, the need for the command… persevere… continue in prayer.

b. Watching thereunto…
• And note that the call for watching and perseverance in prayer comes in the context of a spiritual battle.
• In other words, be AWARE of the spiritual battle!
• Be aware and alert to the fact that we are not fighting against flesh and blood. (Individual false teachers; men; political leaders; social workers.)
• It is a battle against SPIRITUAL wickedness in high places… demonic activity is behind all of the issues we face on earth… and in the local church…
• Doctrines of demons…
• Eph. 6:11 – put on the whole armor of God. The final piece of which is prayer.

c. If we BELIEVE that we are engaged in a spiritual battle… and that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual, THEN we will pray.
• If we believe that God answers prayers…
• If we believe that prayer is effectual…
• If we believe that prayer is God’s will for us…
• If we believe that God incorporates our prayers in carrying out His perfect will…
• If we believe that we have the authority and the privilege of bringing our requests to the very throne of grace… to the Omnipotent One who CARES about our requests… then we will continue in prayer.

d. If we don’t believe these things deep down in our hearts, then we will be convinced that prayer is a royal waste of time… and that our time is much better spent DOING something… MAKING this happen… getting things DONE… seeking to produce fruit on our own.

e. That is exactly what our adversary would LOVE to convince us of… to carry on God’s work in our own strength with the Lord. The devil knows (even if we forget) that without Christ we can do NOTHING.

7. Read: Pilgrims Progress.

C. Watchfulness and Prayer

1. We see the command to be watchful associated with prayer often in both the Old and New Testaments.

2. Neh. 4:9 – “Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them [the enemy] day and night.”

a. The Jews were AWARE of the fact that they were engaged in a battle. Theirs was an earthly battle… but rest assured, there were demons working behind the scenes there too!

b. Neh.4:23 – they didn’t even take off their clothes day or night except for washing… they were so vigilant. They were determined to be always ready for battle.

c. We too need to be constantly OPEN to the Lord and constantly alert and ready for spiritual battle.

3. Matt. 26:38-41 – Christ calls upon the disciples to WATCH with Him.

a. This passage brings together many of the issues related to watching and praying.

b. Vs. 37-38 – Christ invites them to wait and watch with Him.
• Christ was about to enter the Garden for an extended period of prayer.
• Christ’s soul was exceedingly sorrowful and very heavy.
• Christ was about to face the cross and He knew it.
• He was not afraid to die. That He faced bravely and courageously.
• Many martyrs have faced death and did so courageously.
• However, what Christ was very different. He was about to drink the cup of agony and suffering the Father had prepared for Him.
• He was about to BECOME sin… the sins of the world were to be placed upon Him. (II Cor. 5:21) (That never happened to any martyr!)
• God the Father was about to FORSAKE Him… (That never happened to any martyr!)
• This was an unbearable burden… and was the cause for Christ to sweat as it were great drops of blood.
• As the Lord Jesus entered the Garden to wrestle with these thoughts in prayer… He asked the disciples to wait for him and watch… be awake… alert… aware of what He was going through.

c. Vs. 39 – He fell and prayed that if it be possible the cup might pass from Him… but not his will but God’s be done.

d. Vs. 40 – After His prayer, He came to His disciples and found them sleeping.
• Jesus rebuked the apostles for not being able to watch for one hour… they were sleeping.
• What an amazing picture we have here of what is often OUR spiritual condition.
• A battle was being waged… Christ’s deepest and darkest hour before the cross… and the disciples were sleeping!
• They were unaware… oblivious to the battle being waged in the Garden that night…
• And when they SHOULD have been awake… praying… seeking God’s face… they were sleeping…
• The Lord was agonizing… and they were sleeping. Christ rebuked them.
• I wonder what the Lord would think of us today.
» There is a spiritual battle being waged all around us… for the hearts and minds of our young people… for the souls of lost men… for sound doctrine in the churches… for discernment between holy and unholy…
» And we are asleep at the wheel!
» Prayer meetings are closing down all over the country… due to a lack of interest… spiritual lethargy… sleeping when we should be watching in prayer.
» Believers are too busy doing this or that… to spend time with Christ in His Word and in prayer…
» Too busy and too entangled in the affairs of this life… that we have nothing left for the things of God.
» It is possible to be wide-awake and alert to things of this life and at the same time to be sound asleep with respect to the things above.
» Christ rebuked the apostles: “Couldn’t you pray with me for one hour?” Christ was about to DIE for them.

e. Vs. 41 – Jesus commands them to watch and pray.
• Jesus now tells Peter to pray, but not for Him, Christ; Peter was told to pray for himself!
• Peter had just claimed that he would be faithful even unto death. (vs. 33, 35)
• Now Peter couldn’t even stay awake and pray when Christ told him to.
• Peter was setting himself up for a big FALL! (vs. 34)
• The purpose: that ye enter not into temptation.
• Christ knew of the spiritual battle being waged… and the temptation… the testing… and the weakness of the disciples’ flesh.
• Though they may have had a desire to be faithful to Him, Christ knew their weakness… and their utter inability to carry out those desires. Hence, their need for prayer.
• Hence the command: watch and pray! We are weak! Our adversary is strong! How we NEED to seek the Father… and to rest in His strength!
• Instead of bowing in humble prayer, and seeking God’s grace in temptation… Peter boasted of his own strength and loyalty… and then fell asleep. Instead of praying (expressing confidence in God), Peter boasted of his loyalty (self confidence).
• He was asleep spiritually even though physically he was awake!

f. Vs. 43-44 – Jesus returned later and found them asleep again.
• Jesus wanted these men to learn a great lesson about prayer.
• They were weak in the flesh and really NEEDED to seek God in prayer.
• Jesus was the sinless, spotless Son of God. He set the example of One who in a time of great need could not have that need met by other men… the apostles forsook Him.
• Those inner needs could only be met through heart to heart communion with the Father!
• The disciples failed the Lord. Men will fail us too. But our heavenly Father never fails us. He is right there to meet our need… but not to the pompous and arrogant boaster… but the humble servant who comes to Him in childlike prayer.
• For the disciples and us, prayer is an acknowledgement of our weakness and of God’s strength… reliance upon His strength and power. That’s faith. And prayer brings us into heart to heart communion with the Living God.
• This we desperately need!

g. Vs. 45 – Then Jesus told them that He was about to be betrayed into the hands of sinners… the enemy was at hand.
• Satan had entered the heart of Judas to betray Christ.
• Satan was working behind the scenes to bring this treachery to pass… spiritual warfare… spiritual wickedness in high places…
• Christ knew that… and agonized over what was about to occur… and the disciples were sleeping.

Pray With Thanksgiving

1. We are to watch in prayer… to be aware of the conflict all about us…

a. And as we watch, there is much to cause us to fear… to tremble… and to be discouraged.

b. From earth’s perspective, it sure seems like the powers of darkness are winning.
• From earth’s perspective, things look SO discouraging that some might tell us NOT to watch… bury your head in the sand and pretend…
• Watching will just cause us to worry and fear about tomorrow.

c. Yet, we are not told to worry, fear, or fret, but to be thankful…

d. Why should we be thankful in wartime? Because the victory is ours—and we know it!

e. We are to be aware of the spiritual battle… aware of the fact that we are wrestling with spiritual wickedness in high places… satanic power leveled against us… but (as Luther put it) we tremble not for him!

f. We realize that in Christ we are already MORE than conquerors… that all of our foes were defeated on the cross… and be THANKFUL!

g. So even as we watch and pray… even as we see what APPEARS to be the powers of darkness winning the day… we can rejoice and be thankful… for by faith we know that the victory is ours already in Christ!

h. A heavenly perspective will cause us to be THANKFUL when others tremble! A heavenly-minded heart is a thankful heart.

i. Continue in prayer and be watching concerning the battle raging about us—but DON’T get discouraged! Be thankful!

j. From heaven’s vantage point, we can watch and be THANKFUL… knowing that Christ is our Captain… and we are more than conquerors in Him… and that He is coming at any moment! The darker things get—the closer is His return!

2. We can watch and pray with thanksgiving because of our LOVE for the Lord.

a. Even though we live in an age when we are told to EXPECT evil men to wax worse and worse… we are not pessimistic. We are the ultimate optimists: Christ is coming at any moment!

b. Watch for His coming! Pray that we might be faithfully conducting our Father’s business until He comes!

c. Be thankful that He is coming and His reward is with Him!

d. The heart that genuinely loves the Lord will be FILLED with thanksgiving… even when there is no fruit on the vine… for this world is not our final home!

e. What do you suppose a heart that is WIDE OPEN to the Lord and fully yielded and in love with the Lord is going to SAY to the Lord?
• THANK YOU… a million times over!
• Not: gimme this and that…
• But THANK YOU for already having blessed me with ALL spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus!

f. The self centered man who is earthly minded prays and is offended if God doesn’t gratify his desires with an instant answer to prayer…

g. The heavenly minded man is not only CONTENT with God’s answer, but beyond content, thankful!

h. If we are watching… paying attention to spiritual things… thus aware of our heavenly position… then we WILL be grateful!

3. Phil. 4:6 – thankful prayers are answered prayers.

4. Ps. 141:2 – thankful prayers are like incense that ascends up to heaven to God.

a. When ignited, they send forth a fragrance that is well pleasing to the Lord… sweet to His nostrils.

b. But simply putting incense in the spoon doesn’t cause a sweet smell to ascend to heaven. Incense must be IGNITED!

c. It must be on fire… and thus, our hearts need to be on fire for the Lord for our prayers to be meaningful. Dead, lifeless, cold, dry, dusty prayers are useless and ineffective.

d. It is the FERVENT prayer of the righteous man that avails much!

e. The prayer that comes from a heart that is on fire for Christ is a prayer that will be FILLED with thanksgiving!

f. This world is designed to put out our fire… and thus make our prayer ineffective.

g. Watch and pray… pray and watch… and keep your heart with all diligence… don’t let your fire go out.

h. Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.

The Price of an Open Door


1. Paul was in prison for preaching the mystery: that Christ died for the whole world and that Jew and Gentile are accepted by God on equal footing in Christ. (Eph. 3:6)

a. Last week we mentioned that there were elements of the gospel message which were NOT a mystery. (Death, burial, and resurrection of Christ).

b. The aspect of the mystery that relates to the gospel is the introduction of gentiles into the mix… as equals in Christ… and that the message is to be proclaimed to EVERY nation.

c. Paul was in prison for preaching the mystery of Christ.

d. He was NOT in prison for preaching that Messiah would die or be raised again. Isaiah preached the same thing!

e. Although it was not fully understood or appreciated by Jews in the Old Testament, it was revealed. Many Jews did believe in resurrection.

f. But there was one element to the mystery of the gospel that the Jews were united in hating.

2. Acts 22:1-2 – Paul defends himself against accusations by the Jews in the Temple in Jerusalem.

a. The crowd was silent and listened to every word he said.

b. He was given the floor to say whatever he wanted.
• They listened to him as he told of his educational background at the feet of Gamaliel. (vs. 3)
• They listened as he told them of his heavenly vision. (vs. 6)
• They listened as he told them of his healing from blindness (vs. 13)

c. Acts 22:21-22 – But as soon as he mentioned gentiles, they would listen no longer and began to shout for his death!

d. He told this Jewish crowd that God sent him to preach Christ (Messiah) to the Gentiles and that they too could be saved.
• That was more than that bigoted crowd could handle.
• They went into a frenzy! (vs. 23)
• Paul was bound and led off to be beaten,

e. And from there, Paul ended up in a Roman prison.

f. He was in bonds for preaching the mystery.

3. Paul was in prison for preaching the mystery: Jews and Gentiles accepted on equal footing in one body.


A. Praying Not for the Prison Doors

1. In Acts 5:18-19a: The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem had the apostles cast into prison for preaching Christ. God sent an angel to open the prison doors that the apostles might escape.

2. In Acts 12:7-10 – Peter was imprisoned for preaching Christ and God sent another angel to open the prison doors that Peter might escape.

3. In Acts 16:19-26 – Paul and Silas were cast into prison at Philippi for preaching Christ. God sent an earthquake to open the prison doors to allow Paul and Silas to escape.

4. As Paul writes the epistle to the Colossians, he writes from yet another prison cell in Rome.

a. He asks the believers to pray for doors to be opened.

b. But he is not thinking of himself or his own comfort and ease.

c. There was a definite precedent set for such a prayer. He COULD have prayed for God to send another angel or an earthquake… but that was not his request.

d. He wasn’t praying for the prison doors to be opened.

B. Prayer For Open Doors for the Gospel

1. Paul is in prison (again!)

a. But his prayer was not for the prison doors to be opened…

b. The request is for doors of opportunity to be opened SO THAT he might preach the mystery of Christ!

2. This was a completely selfless prayer…

a. He prayed not for comfort and ease, but that God would enable him to preach the mystery of Christ.

b. He was not requesting better living conditions; more visitors; or week ends off.

c. It wasn’t for medical attention or health care.

d. He had no thought for himself, but only for the lost… and for the glory of Christ.

e. In this he demonstrated the mind of Christ.

3. This was a fearless prayer.

a. This was a request is for an opportunity to repeat the very activity that that landed him in the slammer in the first place!

b. Not only was he not thinking about his own comfort. He was courageously ready to face even more discomfort!

c. Paul was suffering for preaching the mystery of Christ and as soon as he was given the opportunity, he was ready to do it again… and suffer the consequences for it.

d. Paul was NOT going to change the message.
• With a few minor adjustments to the message, he could make it palatable to the Jews and the Gentiles and thus remove all cause for imprisonment… but he refused to compromise!
• There IS an offence to the cross. Today men make adjustments to the message to make it more palatable to the masses… less offensive… less confrontational… and thus avoid the disdain the world has for the REAL gospel message.
• When the world gives accolades to a preacher of the gospel today—you KNOW he has compromised the message. (Billy Graham – Rome did not give him an honorary degree from a Catholic university because he preached the same message as Martin Luther!)
• Gal. 5:11 – Paul COULD have easily avoided certain issues (circumcision – Law) and thus there would not have been such an offence in preaching Christ… and he would have won the praise of Jews…
• But Paul was fearless. He refused to compromise his message in order to please the masses. He preached the MYSTERY aspect of the gospel: Gentiles are saved by faith WITHOUT having to become proselytes to Judaism!
• Humanly speaking, had he made a tiny adjustment to his message, he could have avoided the beatings and imprisonments.
• However, these so called “small adjustments” to the message were HUGE in God’s sight. They would have changed the gospel of God’s GRACE into a gospel of LAW.

e. Paul feared God, not man.
• Matt. 10:28 – Perhaps the words of the Lord Jesus came to Paul’s mind as he made this prayer request.
• These are words the Lord Jesus gave to His disciples as He sent them out to a hostile environment to preach.
• Matt. 10:16-18 – Men would NOT appreciate or tolerate their message.
• Vs. 22 – they would be hated of all men because they represented Christ…
• Vs. 28 – thus, they were NOT to fear men who could only harm the body. Instead, they were to FEAR GOD… who has power over both body and soul!
• Preaching the gospel in a world that hates Christ requires courage… a fear of God that overcomes any fear of man.

f. Paul was fearless as he preached Christ.
• This does not mean that fear of man never entered his mind!
• I Cor. 2:3 – When Paul preached Christ in city after city… (knowing the danger) he did so TREMBLING.
• He preached Christ sometimes with knees knocking…
• Of course as a human being he was afraid of being beaten, stoned, imprisoned, and tortured for his faith.
• But he never allowed that kind of earthly fear to overpower his fear of God.
• The fear of God enables us to OBEY GOD regardless of our human emotions and feelings.
• Of course a human being would fear what men might to do them on one level (taken hostage by Al Qaeda).
• But a God fearing man will be MOVED to action by his fear of God… not man. GOD is the driving force in his life…
• Paul refused to be CONTROLLED by the fear of man. He was controlled by the fear of God.
• An ignorant man might be fearless of men.
• But Paul was not ignorant. He KNEW the price. He KNEW the cost. He had experienced the suffering involved in preaching Christ…
• That made his courage all the more remarkable!
• It takes supernatural courage to stand up before a hostile crowd and preach a message you KNOW they will hate… and you know YOU will be tortured for preaching… and preach it anyway! That’s the good old-fashioned courage of the Holy Ghost.
• It doesn’t take a lot of courage if you don’t FEEL afraid.
• But when you KNOW the possible results… and you do FEEL afraid… and your knees are knocking… and you preach truth anyway—that’s the strength and courage of the Lord working IN and THROUGH you for His glory.

g. Paul asked prayer for open doors to preach Christ… knowing full well what the consequences might be. He was fearless… he refused to be controlled by the fear of man.

4. This was a Christ centered prayer. (Col. 1:18)

a. This is the prayer of one who though separated from His Risen Savior, is abiding in His love… and focused on things above.

b. Phil. 1:20 – This prayer request comes from the heart of a man who loved the Lord with all his heart and wanted nothing more than to magnify Him and make Him known… whatever the cost.

c. This is the prayer of one whose concern was for Christ… a prayer from one who saw the Risen Christ and was never the same again.

d. He was thrilled by the Person of Christ and was forever motivated to preach Him to others.

e. Christ had preeminence in Paul’s heart. His main desire was to lift up and magnify the Lord Jesus before others… to make Him known…

f. Hence the request: “Lord, give me opportunity again to lift up the Lord Jesus and manifest Him to the whole world!”

5. This was a prayer of faithfulness. (I Cor. 4:1-2)

a. He had been appointed as a preacher of the mystery.

b. He was made a steward of the mysteries of God and it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.

c. Paul had no intention of giving up his commission just because it involved suffering.

d. He had no intention of giving up his ministry or of changing his message in order to avoid prison, whippings, or beatings.

e. He was faithful to the Lord and to the message… and would not retreat… or compromise.

f. If being faithful to his commission meant prison, then so be it! If it meant another beating, then so be it.

g. Paul was NOT going to cease from preaching the message because of personal cost involved.

h. As soon as a door to preach opened, he was going to walk through it… knowing full well that on the other side may be yet another beating… another whipping… another prison.

i. Paul was more concerned about being FAITHFUL than free.
• It’s more important to be faithful than to be comfortable.
• It’s more important to be faithful than to be rich.
• It’s more important to be faithful than to be popular.
• It’s more important to be faithful than to have opportunity to preach to great masses of people.
• It’s more important to be faithful than successful.
• It’s more important to be faithful than to be healthy.
• It’s more important to be faithful than to be alive! “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Rev. 12:11)
• Paul was faithful… even unto death.
• That is Christlikeness… He was obedient and faithful unto death… even the death of the cross. (Phil. 2:8)

j. Consider the example of John Bunyan – imprisoned in England for preaching Christ.
• John Bunyan was a Non-conformist. (That’s what independent believers were called in those days—like us—he refused to bow to the errors of the Church of England.
• He was imprisoned for preaching the truth.
• In those days, jails were filled with Non-conformists.
• John Bunyan spent twelve years in prison, from 1660–1672. (12 years—his kids would grow up without him!)
• It’s one thing to sit in prison and do without for yourself… but he (and many others!) had to deal with the suffering involved in watching his wife and kids go hungry… become sickly… and unable to help.
• John Bunyan’s oldest daughter was blind… and he wanted SO to be home and do all the things that the home needed…
• And all he had to do was to cease from preaching and they would let him out… but he refused to bow.
• “The parting with my wife and poor children hath oft been to me in prison as the pulling the flesh from my bones… especially my poor blind child, who lay nearer my heart than all I had besides; O the thoughts of the hardships I thought my blind one might go under, would break my heart to pieces.”
• Here was a man for whom faithfulness meant more than freedom…

k. So too, the prayer request of the apostle Paul came from the heart of a man for whom faithfulness meant more than freedom… it meant more than life or anything!

6. This was a prayer of sincerity.

a. Paul was not asking this request to make him sound spiritual.

b. He was trying to impress men with his level of dedication. He MEANT it.

c. He was completely sincere when he asked that God would give him opportunity to preach Christ again.

d. He was READY and WILLING to preach Christ again… whatever the price.

e. Acts 16:27-31 – in fact, at Philippi, Paul had already PROVEN his sincerity.
• God DID open the prison doors and allowed Paul to escape.
• The natural inclination would be to RUN for your life… get away as far and as fast as you can!
• Paul COULD have run away quickly… but instead he lingered.
• As the physical doors of the prison were opened, doors of opportunity to preach Christ also opened… before he ever left the prison compound!
• And he preached Christ to the very man charged with keeping him in jail!
• Paul PROVED the sincerity of this prayer request at Philippi. God knew that he meant it!
• Now, Paul is in jail again, and his request is for more opportunity to preach Christ!

f. The other apostles demonstrated the very same sincerity and willingness to preach Christ… when released from prison.
• Acts 5:17-21a – they were arrested and imprisoned for preaching Christ. Then they were rescued from prison by an angel—who told them to go right back to preaching Christ… and they DID!
• Acts 5:27-29 – they were re-arrested for preaching the same message and again, refused to bow the knee.
• Acts 5:40 – they were beaten… and rejoiced to be counted WORTHY to suffer shame for His name!
• Acts 5:42 – they ceased not from preaching Christ.
• They could ask a prayer request like Paul with sincerity! They proved themselves sincere.
• Door after door was opened to these men… and regardless of the price, they kept on walking right through those open doors… to preach Christ.


1. Paul wrote Philippians from a prison cell.

a. Most men would consider being locked in jail an extremely closed door.
• Paul had been traveling around the known world preaching Christ. Opportunities abounded in city after city!
• In the midst of a busy schedule… in the midst of a spiritually prosperous ministry… everything suddenly came to a screeching halt… and Paul was chained and imprisoned.
• It sure seemed like the doors of opportunity to preach the mystery of Christ were closed on him!
• But God is not man. His ways are higher than our ways… His way is perfect.

b. What we consider terrible tragedy and trouble in our lives; what appears to us as doors slammed shut… may in fact be doors of opportunity to manifest Christ in ways we never would have imagined… to people we never would have come in contact with…
• That which seems like the worst possible set of circumstances may well be unique opportunities to serve God and be a witness for Him.
• Hospital beds… nursing homes… laid off from your job… department closing down and moving to another building with a longer commute… flood… fire… a disease… an accident… could all be God’s painful but perfect door for us to bring the glorious gospel of Christ to someone we might never have had opportunity to meet otherwise.

c. There is a wise, sovereign, master plan behind all that transpires in our lives.
• God uses absolutely EVERYTHING in our lives as part of His own purpose and plan.
• And behind it all is God’s desire to magnify His Son… to make Him known…

d. So even if Paul was cast into prison and the prison doors close upon him… that did not mean that doors of opportunity to preach Christ were closed shut.

e. Of his imprisonment Paul wrote: “Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.” (II Tim. 2:9)

2. Phil. 1:12-18 – Paul’s view of his imprisonment.

a. We would do well to transpose Paul’s situation over our lives… and make application…

b. Vs.12 – “the things which happened to unto me”
• These things refer to all the recent events in his life: conspiracy against him; the shipwreck; the beatings; and finally his imprisonment.
• Notice that Paul did not dwell on all the bad things he had to deal with. He just said, “the things which happened to me…”
• Paul said these things did not just “happen.”
• Things never just happen in our lives either.
• They were Providentially designed by God… and with a purpose!
• The purpose was for the furtherance of the gospel.
• This is opposite of how things appeared!
• It seemed like these events HINDERED the gospel… yet Paul said they ADVANCED God’s purpose to further the gospel.
• Sometimes events in our lives that seem to hinder us from serving God may be just the opposite!

c. Vs. 13 – in fact, news of Paul’s imprisonment and WHY he was arrested were manifest in ALL the palace—territory the disciples would never have had access to! And in all other places!
• His arrest caused people all over the place to start talking about this new message about Christ!
• The fact that Paul was chained was not a hindrance to the gospel. It furthered the gospel!

d. In fact rather than hinder Paul from preaching Christ, it gave him a captive audience!
• There was a soldier chained to him 24-7! And they kept rotating in six-hour shifts.
• Every six hours a new door opened for Paul to preach Christ!
• Imagine being one of the soldiers chained to Paul. I’m sure they got an earful! I doubt if any soldier was ever chained to Paul for a six hour shift and never heard the gospel! I wonder how many we will meet in heaven?
• The Roman government paid men to listen to Paul preach the mystery of Christ!

e. Not only did the Roman government pay the soldiers to stand by and listen to him preach, but the government also paid court officials to study the charges against him: which was tantamount to having to study the doctrines of the Christian faith—the death and resurrection of Christ!

f. Vs. 14 – Paul’s imprisonment also emboldened other believers to stand up and speak up for Christ fearlessly!
• If God can give him the grace and strength to preach, God can do it for me too!
• Paul’s chain stirred up believers all over the empire to be more zealous in their witnessing.
• We might think that his chain would cause other believers to fear and tremble. It had just the opposite effect.
• His chain was no hindrance to the furtherance of the gospel.

g. His captors may have thought that by imprisoning Paul, they would silence the message he preached.
• That did not happen! In fact, it furthered the gospel!
• The gospel was able to penetrate into places it never would have gone otherwise: the elite Praetorian Guard and Caesar’s household!

h. Paul had a godly view of his chain.
i. He saw it as part of God’s purpose for his life.
• He did not complain or murmur.
• He didn’t resign himself to bitterness and solitude.
• He didn’t even ask prayer for the prison doors to open and for his chains to be removed.
• Rather, he saw his chain as opportunity to serve God in a unique way.

i. We too should see our chains as opportunities to manifest Christ and make Him known—in ways and places that would not otherwise be possible.
• Maybe you feel chained in by a debilitating disease… loss of vision… loss of mobility… loss of strength…
• Perhaps you are chained down with financial problems…
• Maybe someone else is chained up with family responsibilities… aging parents… kids in college… sibling in trouble… wayward child…
• Perhaps some housewives feel chained to their homes… and you never seem to get out of your neighborhood…
• It might be some men feel chained to their jobs… no time to do anything else…
• Rather than griping and complaining about how awful things are—why not see those chains as opportunities to be a witness for Christ and to minister to people no one else may have contact with!
• Chains do NOT MEAN that a purposeful, useful life is over.
• When confined, restricted, and shut in or shut out… do NOT sink passively into despair or self centered discouragement. (poor me!)
• Your life’s work is not over. Chains are but a new phase of God’s purpose for your life.
• Paul’s life’s work was not OVER while he was imprisoned. Not only was he able to witness to soldiers and bring the gospel into places never before reached — but during that time he also wrote Colossians, Philippians, Philemon, and Ephesians… which have blessed the hearts of believers for centuries…
• God turned Satan’s apparent victory against the gospel into defeat.
• Ask God for the grace, wisdom, and clarity of spiritual vision and discernment to exchange the murmuring for a “thank you Lord for this chain! Thank you for this unique opportunity to manifest Christ who lives in me to others.”
• Wherever we find ourselves in life… the things that happened to us didn’t just happen! They were designed for the furtherance of the gospel… that the mystery of gospel might be made known!
• And even if you don’t seem to have many opportunities to preach the gospel—we all have SOME.
• And your faithfulness to Christ in your chain might embolden others to be more vocal in witnessing for Christ.
• Faithfulness to Christ is more important than our freedom. It’s more important than our health. It’s more important than our wealth. It’s more important than family. It’s more important than our career. It’s more important to our comfort. It’s more important than life itself.
• God open our eyes to see and BELIEVE… and to trust in you in the midst of our chains… for your glory.
• Prayer is able to open doors…
» It can open prison doors. It can remove chains.
» It can open doors of opportunity to preach Christ.
» It can open the doors of a sinner’s heart.
» It can open doors of opportunity to serve God.
» Prayer can also enable us to preach and minister while still chained!
» AND, perhaps more importantly, prayer is able to open our eyes to see doors opened of the Lord… where we never saw them before.
» Be not discouraged by chains… the Word of God is not bound… neither is the God of the Word.


Making Known the Mystery of Christ


A. The Mystery of Christ

1. Paul defined this mystery earlier in the epistle. Let’s review.

2. Mystery defined: The term: μυστήριον (moo-stay-ree-on) – hidden thing, a religious secret, a hidden purpose or counsel.

a. The term does NOT mean something eerie or mysterious… or something hard to understand.

b. It refers to truth which, without divine revelation could NEVER be discovered or known by man.

c. A mystery was a secret hidden away in the mind and heart of God. Hence, it was no secret to God… it was part of His eternal plan. But it was a mystery to everyone else: men and angels!

d. Col. 1:26 – truth which had been hidden from ages and generations, but is now revealed.
• This truth was hidden in the mind and heart of God
• Hidden: apo-krupto (cryptic…)
• Strong’s: to hide; concealing, keeping secret; covered up; not revealed.
• To conceal that it is not made known until revealed.
• The term does not mean that this mystery was revealed in the Old Testament, just hidden… and hard to find… or hard to understand.
• It does not mean that this truth was there in the Scriptures… just hard to discern… and one would have to really dig down deep to discover it in the Old Testament.
• The verses of the New Testament state clearly that it was hidden in the mind of God and NOT revealed in the Old Testament Scripture.
• Paul gives us an INSPIRED definition of mystery:
» Truth which was hidden from ages and from generations! (Col. 1:26)
» Truth which was “not made known to the sons of men.” (Eph. 3:5)
» Even “the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations…”
» Truth which was kept secret since the world began! (Rom. 16:25)

3. The mystery was hidden, but is now REVEALED.

a. Col. 1:26 – “but is now made manifest to the saints.”

b. Rom. 16:26 – “but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets…”

c. The mystery is a secret no longer. God has clearly made it known in the Word of God.

d. And God wants ALL MEN to know this marvelous truth!

e. Hence, there is an element of the mystery to be preached to all nations. (Rom. 16:26c)

4. CONTENT OF THE MYSTERY: Basically, the mystery here is previously unrevealed truth about the Church… the Body of Christ…

a. The KEY element to this mystery is the fact that Jews and Gentiles should be fellowheirs, having been united together in one Body… on equal footing…
• Eph. 3:4-6 – Here Paul DEFINES what he means by the mystery revealed to him.
» He defines what “mystery” means. (vs. 5)
» He defines the particulars of this mystery: Jew and Gentile united in one body. (vs. 6)
» This was NOT revealed in the Old Testament. The fact that Gentiles would be saved was revealed.
» But the fact that Jew and Gentile would be united into ONE BODY… the spiritual body of Christ as equals was NEVER revealed in the Old Testament! It was a mystery.
• This was a remarkable truth… the depth of which we cannot fully enter into many centuries later.
» In Paul’s day, Jews and Gentiles were bitter enemies.
» Think of it as Jews and Palestinians getting converted today—and being brothers in Christ!
» Folks from northern and southern Ireland—brothers in Christ!
» Shia and Sunni converted to Christ—and brothers in Christ!
» Rich, poor; red, yellow, black, and white; bond and free—no more earthly distinctions—but all are ONE in Christ…
» This is what the world and the United Nations long for… and dream about, but will never achieve. We HAVE it in Christ!

b. The believer is IN CHRIST.
• It speaks of the believer’s UNION with Christ… in His Body… the church. (Col. 1:18)
• Col. 1:2 – the believers (saints) were IN Christ. That was their position as a Christian.
• Col. 2:10 – we are complete IN Him.
• Eph. 1:4 – This union was known to God before the foundation of the world – for He chose us IN HIM before the foundation of the world!
• Eph. 1:6 – accepted in Him.
• Eph. 1:7 – we have redemption IN Him.
• It speaks of a new relationship to Christ… risen and seated with Him in heavenly places…
• As a branch IN the Vine; a member IN the Body; we are IN Christ… and partake of all He is!

c. Christ in the believer… the hope of glory. (Col. 1:27)
• That is the riches of the glory of this mystery!
• Paul was excited to preach the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles…
• This was thrilling to the apostle Paul—and it SHOULD be thrilling to us too!
• Christ is willing to LIVE IN anyone who will receive Him by faith! He will indwell and enrich the vilest of sinners… IF they will receive Him by faith… repent – change of mind about sin, self, and the Savior.
• That is the RICHES of this mystery! The best part!
• John 14:20 – as Jesus was about to go to His Father, He predicted: “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”

5. The gospel message and the mystery:

a. There are some elements of the mystery truth that are for the saints. (Ye in me and I in you).

b. There are also elements of the mystery for the unsaved to hear. The mystery is related to the gospel we preach.
• This element of the mystery is PART OF the gospel presentation.
• The fact that God now receives Gentiles IS what the world needs to hear!
• The fact that Jews and Gentiles are accepted on equal footing in Christ IS what the world needs to hear.
• The fact that in Christ there is no difference between rich, poor, red, yellow, black, and white is a message for the whole world! All are accepted by faith.
• The fact that Christ died for the sins of the whole world IS the message we preach today. Our message is: Jesus died for YOU! The atonement is unlimited!

c. Eph. 2:11-18 – the cross changed everything!
• BOTH Jew and Gentile are reconciled to each other and to God by the cross.
• No more strangers and aliens. That’s good news for the world.
• This is the message Paul preached.
• He preached Christ. He preached His death, burial, and resurrection.
• He also preached the mystery of Christ – that the blood of the cross was shed for the WHOLE world!

6. Rom. 16:25 – The MYSTERY and the gospel we preach today.

a. Paul closes this epistle with a doxology about GOD.
• God is the One who has the power to establish us according to the GOSPEL… which is the preaching about Christ.
• Paul stated that now his gospel preaching is “according to the mystery.”
• The gospel Paul was then preaching was according to the mystery… truths NOT revealed in the Old Testament.

b. I Cor. 15:1-4 – However, the basic FACTS about the gospel were not a mystery. They were revealed in the Old Testament.
• That Christ would die for sin. (Isa. 53:4-6,11) (substitution; His death for sin; our sins laid on Him)
• That Christ would rise from the dead. (Isa. 53:10) He would be made an offering for sin… and THEN He shall prolong His days!
• Psalm 16:10 speaks of His resurrection and Peter even quoted this in Acts 2:24-27.
• Gen. 15:6 – the doctrine of justification by faith was not a mystery. That too was revealed in the Old Testament. Abraham is our New Testament example of justification!
• The fact that Gentiles would be saved was no mystery either. That too was clearly revealed. (Isa. 60:3) The Old Testament predicts many spiritual blessings for gentiles in the future Millennial Kingdom.
• These facts were not a mystery. They were clearly revealed in the Old Testament.

c. But there were NEW elements to the gospel that relate to this mystery… previously unrevealed.
• The fact that Jew and Gentile would be accepted in ONE BODY on equal footing in Christ—that WAS new! That was never revealed in the Old Testament.
• This truth is DISTINCTIVE to this age… the age of the grace of God… the gospel of the grace of God.

d. Rom. 16:26a – The mystery of the gospel is now made manifest. It is no longer a secret.
• God’s will is for this truth to be told all around the world!
• It was revealed to us through the Scriptures… and it is our privilege and responsibility to tell others!
• It is to be made manifest to “all nations.”
• This is in accordance with the commission the Lord gave His apostles just before He ascended into heaven.
• During His earthly ministry, the gospel had to do with the coming earthly kingdom… and the message was restricted to Israel. (Matt. 10:5-7)
» That was a message of national repentance, not individual salvation.
» That message did NOT contain this mystery truth.
» That message did NOT contain the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
» That message was NOT to be preached to all nations. It was restricted to one nation: Israel.
• God has a very different plan for this age. He wants this glorious truth about His Son made known to ALL NATIONS!
• Rom. 16:26c = for the obedience of faith.
» This was why Paul was made an apostle of the Lord in the first place. (Rom. 1:5) – FOR obedience to the faith among all nations for His name.
» Obedience to the faith = obeying the one command: BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ!
» II Thess. 1:8-9 – those who do NOT obey the gospel will be punished with everlasting destruction!
» Becoming obedient to the faith = being saved… (Acts 6:7)
» It refers to obeying the ONE command that God has given all nations: REPENT! Believe and be saved! (Acts 17:30-31).
» God winked at man’s ignorance in Old Testament times. But now, He COMMANDS all men everywhere to respond to the gospel.
» If you are not saved, God wants YOU to obey the gospel by putting your faith in Christ today!
» God has COMMANDED you to be saved! Jesus said you MUST be born again! It is not a suggestion.
» The mystery was revealed in order that this marvelous truth might be made known to ALL nations… SO THAT men from all nations might become obedient to the faith—that they might be gloriously saved!
• Thus, in Rom. 16:26, Paul makes it clear that the gospel ministry he was engaged in included this NEW revelation:
» Jew and Gentile in one Body on equal footing!
» That the cross abolished the Law and thus removed the middle wall of partition that separated Jew and Gentile…
» That Gentiles can be saved and have their hearts purified by faith without the yoke of the Law. (Acts 15:9-10)
» The message is for ALL nations!
» The Risen Savior is the Savior of ALL men…

7. The gospel and the mystery in Eph. 6:19.

a. IN a context similar to that Col. 3, Paul asks the believers to pray for him that he would open his mouth boldly to make known the MYSTERY of the gospel.

b. Paul delighted in preaching the simple facts of the gospel as found in I Cor. 15:1-4 (death, burial, and resurrection).

c. He loved to teach John 3:16!

d. But the gospel doesn’t end there. It just BEGINS there!

e. Preaching the gospel ought to include teaching MANY things about Christ… so that people can make an informed decision.

f. This is why I so appreciate the method New Tribes Missions has recently incorporated in their gospel presentation. They don’t start with an invitation to salvation. They start with Genesis 1:1! And it might take them a year or so of teaching before they ever get the place where they can have an invitation to salvation!

g. It is the American way to press for decisions now… to teach from the Bible for 20 minutes and then expect folks to walk down the aisle… with the last 20 minutes of stories, music, and emotional appeals to get a visible response… so they can put another notch on their belt…

h. It may be the American way, but it isn’t what one finds in the Bible.
i. Paul’s gospel ministry included TEACHING many things about Christ. Many gentiles knew NOTHING about Him!


1. Consider the context:

a. Paul exhorted the believers to continue in prayer. (vs. 2)

b. Paul asked them specifically to pray for an OPEN DOOR. (vs. 3)

c. The PURPOSE of the open door was that he might SPEAK the mystery of Christ. (vs. 3)

d. Then he states that he desires to make the mystery of the gospel MANIFEST… (vs. 4)

e. And he states that he OUGHT to speak it.

f. Paul wanted opportunity to speak the mystery of the gospel… he wanted to make it manifest… and he felt OBLIGATED to do so.

2. Vs. 4 – Paul recognized that he OUGHT to speak forth this message.

a. This implies a moral obligation on his part.

b. He expressed this moral obligation often.

c. Eph. 6:20 – he saw himself as an ambassador of Christ and for whom he OUGHT to speak!

d. I Cor. 9:16-17 – obligation as a steward of God.
• Vs. 16 – he could take no glory for preaching the gospel (as if it were up to him). He did so out of NECESSITY! WOE if he didn’t! He believed he would be chastened of the Lord if he didn’t.
• Why? Because he was commissioned of the Lord to preach Christ!
• Vs. 17 – if he preached Christ willingly, he would receive a reward at the judgment seat of Christ. But if he was UNWILLING to do so (with good reason in some places!)… It didn’t matter. A dispensation (stewardship) had been committed to him! He had no choice.
• Titus 1:3 – the gospel ministry was COMMITTED unto him.
• I Tim.1:11 – According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.
• Gal. 2:7 – the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me. Paul was a commissioned missionary… evangelist… sent out by God Himself.
• Acts 9:4-6 – Paul saw the risen Christ and Christ gave him his commission. (Cf. vs. 15)
• Rom. 1:14 – “I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.” He felt himself to be a DEBTOR to the gentiles… to preach to every creature.
• I Cor. 4:1-2 – “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”

e. We can see from this the DEEP sense of responsibility and obligation Paul felt with respect to preaching the mystery of the gospel.
• This obligation was not a burden, but was a high and holy privilege!
• And even in prison Paul was praying for opportunities to preach Christ.
• When Paul saw the Risen Savior, he was never the same again! He was a changed man.
• It motivated and energized him to WANT to preach Christ wherever he was… and whatever the cost.
• His commission of the Lord gave him a deep sense of obligation and moral responsibility to the lost around him.
• This is what he communicates in Col. 4:3-4.

f. We may not all be evangelists or apostles. We have not seen a vision of the risen Savior.

g. BUT… there is a very real sense in which we too ought to share this moral obligation to preach Christ… to preach the mystery of Christ and to make Him manifest!
• We can and we OUGHT to tell others about Christ!
• We have an obligation as one who has experienced the saving grace of God to tell others how they too can experience the saving grace of God.
• II Kings 7:8-9 – You recall the story of the lepers who discovered food… and enjoyed it themselves and began to hoard it… when they began to feel guilty and realized that this news was too good to keep to themselves!
• What a glorious privilege to KNOW Christ.
• What a responsibility to make Him KNOWN.
• Are YOU making Christ known? Do we tell others the good news? Or are we getting good and fat on the meat of God’s Word… and keeping it all to ourselves?
• This day is a day of good tidings. We do not well if we hold our peace.
• Why not take some tracks today and let your neighbor… your co workers… your classmates… your relatives know who Christ is and what He has done!

The Believer’s Witness in the World


1. Paul has been speaking of his heart’s desire to speak the mystery of Christ.

a. Paul had been commissioned of the Lord to preach Christ to the Gentiles… throughout the whole world.

b. He recognized it as a moral obligation to tell others about Christ.

c. He was a steward of the mysteries of God and knew that God would hold him accountable for this stewardship.

d. He was willing to suffer for it. He was in prison for preaching Christ.

2. He wanted the whole world to know Christ as he knew Him.

a. At the time of writing, Paul wasn’t able to walk about the world and preach Christ because he was imprisoned… confined.

b. But he knew that many other believers WERE free to walk about.

c. And he was concerned for their testimony in the world… for that would either open or close doors to preach Christ for them.

d. The next couple of verses speak of Paul’s concern for the believer’s testimony in the world: our walk and words.

Our Walk in the World: Walk in Wisdom

A. The Walk of a Believer

1. Walk – a term used to describe the general course of one’s life; one’s whole manner of life; conduct; behavior; lifestyle.

2. If our message is Christ, our walk ought to be Christlike.

3. Our walk is to be a WITNESS before the world.

4. The exhortation of this passage is that our walk be conducted in WISDOM… spiritually.

B. A Wise Walk – Paul mentions 3 channels for wisdom:

1. Pray for wisdom and spiritual understanding in our walk! (Col. 1:9)

2. Be faithful to the local church – that’s where God’s Word is to be taught in all wisdom for your maturity. (Col. 1:28)

3. Be in the Word that God’s wisdom might sink in (Col. 3:16).

a. In other words, the wisdom needed for a worthy walk comes from three places according to Colossians: praying, reading the Bible, and going to church!

b. Let’s be faithful… the end result is growing in a wise walk!

4. God’s wisdom is not to be stored in the head. It is to be LIVED! (James 3:13, 17)

a. To put wisdom into practical everyday life involves the discernment to evaluate circumstances and situations and make decisions that are wise, sensible, incorporating common sense, spiritual understanding.

b. A wise walk is one in which the believer lives IN the world… yet he remains unspotted by it.

c. He mingles with the lost, yet he remains separated from them morally and spiritually… in his mind and in his heart… his goals, his purposes… He was separate from sinners because He was separated UNTO the Father.

5. Eph. 4:1 – a worthy walk is a walk that consistent with our calling IN Christ…. our heavenly position…

a. Our calling in Christ separates us FROM the world and UNTO Christ.

b. Eph. 1-3 – Paul described our glorious position in Christ.

c. Eph. 4-6 – Paul then turns to speak about our condition… our WALK… how to put our position into practice in everyday life. What could be more practical?

d. Our walk on earth is to be a reflection of our UNION with Christ… our walk is to be governed by our UNION with Christ… empowered by our union with Him… in fact, to live IS Christ!

e. To live is no longer I but Christ. That is the walk of wisdom.

f. Others should see CHRIST in us.

g. Spiritual wisdom and understanding results in a life that manifests Christ’s life through our daily lives… His lowliness, meekness, grace, holiness, etc.

6. Eph. 5:15-16 – a wise walk is a circumspect walk… upright… a good testimony… a godly example of what a Christian ought to be… (shining as lights in the midst of darkness… and yet avoiding fellowship with darkness… vs. 8,11) That’s where wisdom comes in.

7. Perhaps Paul had the words of the Lord Jesus in mind as he sent the disciples out to preach. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matt. 10:16)

C. A Wise Walk Opens Doors. (in context)

1. A walk of spiritual wisdom is one that is characterized by Christlikeness… a mind saturated with His Word… a heart filled with His love and grace… affections that are truly settled on things above… a heart that is truly satisfied and content with a relationship with our heavenly Father… a life that rejoices in God even if there is no fruit on the vine… a life that is valiant for the truth… a heart that knows God and loves God and it shows.

2. That kind of a life will always open doors of opportunity to tell others about the Savior.

a. I Thess. 4:12 – being honest; hard working; paying your bills on time; generous to others; that’s an important part of out witness.

b. Being a regular guy… not some artificial religious show… holier than thou…

c. Taking care of your property…

d. Well-balanced life—not some crazy wild-eyed zealot always ranting and raving…

e. A balanced and sensible person. That opens doors!

D. A Foolish Walk Closes Doors

1. A walk NOT characterized by spiritual wisdom and Christlikeness.

2. Selfishness: unwilling to sacrifice; too busy in our own affairs to care about the spiritual condition of the lost;

3. Pride: holier than thou.

4. Laziness: A lazy or unreliable worker cannot effectively witness to his boss or co-workers!

5. Contentious spirit: antagonistic; pointing out the errors of their church; mixing religion and politics.

6. Dishonest: if folks in the office know that you are stealing from the company—whatever you say about Christ falls on deaf ears.

7. Imbalance: a gravitation toward that which is a bit kooky, controversial.

8. Offensive: I Cor. 10:31 – do NOT offend Jews or Gentiles!

9. That kind of folly closes doors for us to tell others about Christ.

10. Leviticus 19:14 – Moses warned against putting a stumblingblock before the blind.

a. How cruel and heartless? It’s hard to imagine the malicious intent behind such a thing…

b. These things were written for our learning.

c. We can certainly make application to the spiritual realm.
• The lost are blind spiritually.
• As it was possible for an Israelite to put a stumblingblock in the pathway of a person physically blind, it is also possible for us as believers to put a stumblingblock before a person who is spiritually blind!
• Our lifestyle… our words… our walk CAN be a HINDRANCE to a spiritually blind person coming to Christ!
• “If that’s what a Christian is like—no thank you!”
• When a Christian gets caught stealing… or it is known that he is stealing… or committing adultery… a hypocritical life… it gives the unsaved justification for not coming to Christ… (at least in their minds).
• “Why should I get saved? Those people are a bunch of hypocrites!”
• People say those sorts of things all the time… and if we KNOW this… how malicious is OUR heart… when we indulge ourselves in sinful behavior… knowing that it will be a stumblingblock to those that are spiritually blind…

11. A walk in wisdom will attract some men to Christ. A foolish walk will turn them away!

Our Testimony Before the World: Them that Are Without

A. Them That Are Without

1. This is a New Testament term used several times to describe the person who is lost… unsaved… a non-Christian… an unbeliever…

2. Perhaps the expression came about from some of the metaphors about the church: a flock; a vineyard; a cultivated field; a family.

3. I Cor. 5:12-13 – a distinction between those inside the body of Christ (saved) and those outside the body of Christ (unsaved).

4. Those who are saved are IN the household of God… the family of God. Those who are not saved are OUTSIDE the family of God.

5. And lest this goes to anyone’s head, we are inside the family of God by GRACE and grace alone. It has nothing to do with our worthiness, merit, or works. It is pure grace.

6. I Tim.3:7 – those in leadership positions are to be especially careful to be blameless before those that are without. God wants us to be concerned about our testimony before the lost. A poor testimony will turn people away.

B. The World is Watching

1. Those outside of Christ watch those inside Christ very carefully… and usually quite critically.

a. As saints we should be gracious to one another in dealing with our indiscretions. Love covers a multitude of sins.

b. But don’t expect that from the world. They are watching and will pounce all over the sins and failures of a Christian.

c. That’s why we need to be extra careful about our behavior in the world… because people are watching.

d. People are not only watching, but they are going to base their concept of Christ and the Bible on the basis of what they see in our lives!

e. No wonder we are warned to walk in wisdom!

f. Our PUBLIC life is extremely important.

2. At work: are you lazy? A grump? A complainer? A troublemaker? A gossip? Consistently late? Always trying to get out of doing the work? Do shoddy work? Do you stretch the truth? Cut corners? Work with eye-service? A procrastinator? Unreliable? Finger pointer? Those without Christ are watching to see what effect Christ has in your life… if there is anything to Christianity or not. OR —

3. In the neighborhood: Are you friendly? Helpful? Or are you always complaining? Yelling at the kids? Constantly in a dispute or argument? Do you let your dog loose on your neighbor’s property? Are you a gossip? Do you give your neighbors a hard time? OR —

4. Paul states here that our PUBLIC life is what the world sees… and we need to use great caution and care in our public life…

a. Much of what we do as believers is unseen by the world. (private prayer time; reading the Bible; family devotions; worship at church).

b. Unsaved people in the world judge Christians not by our doctrinal statement, but by our lives.

c. It is not what they hear us say, but what they observe in our lives.

d. The world values and is looking for honesty and integrity… and they are not so interested in whether we are premillennial or not.

5. It is important that our LIVES accurately reflect the message that we preach accurately.

a. We tell folks with our lips that Christ can save you from your sins.

b. Those are good words, but have little impact if we are slugging down a six pack of Bud as we witness… or if our lives reflect that we are still slaves of sin!

c. Illustration: drinking at the bar and witnessing…

C. Our WITNESS in the World (let’s consider some important truths that Pastor Carleton Helgerson loved to remind us of)

1. A witness in court (Num. 35:30)

a. This was one who was an eyewitness to a crime.

b. He testified about what he knows.

c. This person was able to SPEAK forth what he knew…

d. He spoke out of personal knowledge… what he saw or personally experienced.

2. The Heap of Stones (Genesis 31:48).

a. This heap of stones served as a visible sign of the agreement that was made between Jacob and Laban.

b. A mere pile of rocks was a witness – it served as a reminder concerning the covenant that was made between the two men.

c. From that time forth, whenever Jacob and Laban would view the heap, it would cause them to think about the agreement.

3. Acts 14:17 – The rain and fruitful seasons are called a “witness.”

a. They cause us to think about God and His goodness… His faithfulness.

4. Many other things in the Bible are called “witnesses.” A heap of stones, a song, rain, an altar, a stone.

5. We tend to think of a witness for God as what we DO… or where we GO.

a. A witness is a witness without GOING anywhere and without SAYING anything.

b. Its value as a witness is NOT contingent upon what it says or does… contrary to the way we usually think.

c. Its very existence is a TESTIMONY that causes men to think about something… draws attention to a fact…

6. The existence of the nation of Israel was a witness for God among the nations. (Isa. 43:10)

a. Israel’s value as a witness is described in terms that might seem unusual to us.

b. The purpose of God putting His witnesses in the world and God’s goal for that witness is that the witness might KNOW GOD.
• Israel was a witness because they KNEW God… not just about Him. They knew HIM!
• They were a witness because they BELIEVED God. They more than just believed He existed. They lived by faith. They trusted in Him and it was to be evident.
• They were a witness because they UNDERSTOOD God. (They had a growing and deepening understanding of who He is—growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ.)
• The nation of Israel fulfilled their purpose and function in the world simply by knowing the Lord… and trusting in Him.
• If they knew God in a deep, personal way… and believed and trusted in Him, they were able to fulfill their God given purpose of being His witness.
• And they fulfilled that purpose without going anywhere or saying anything.
• They were God’s witness by what they WERE!
• They were LIGHT in the midst of darkness.
• All God wanted of this people—His witnesses—was to walk humbly with God. “What doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8)

c. And when Israel walked uprightly, their very existence pointed men to God… caused men to think about God.

d. Deut. 4:7 – For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?

e. Their existence as a nation caused the other nations to think about the Lord… they drew the attention of nations around them to their God.

f. When Israel knew God and TRUSTED in His power, their witness was powerful and undeniable!

g. Example: David facing Goliath; Israel advancing on Jericho; or facing other nations. When they trusted in the Lord, God’s power and glory were manifested to all onlookers.

h. When they trusted in themselves (or the world or hired enemies to help them), their utter failure testified a lie. Their actions testified that God was NOT ABLE to help them! It led the nations to believe that their God was no different than any other god.

i. When a believer today faces the same trials and tragedies in life that unsaved folks face (we all live in the same sin cursed earth)… and face those trials with poise, dignity, faith, and do not fall apart… but trust God and receive strength and encouragement from Him—that is a persuasive witness that the world cannot deny.

j. That kind of a LIFE (a life of one who knows and trusts in God) has much more of an impact as a witness than passing out a thousand tracts cold turkey to total strangers.

k. Yet in churches which seem to gloat of their involvement in evangelism, we hear folks give a testimony that they gave out 1000 tracts… (Lost their reward; it may have little impact.)

l. It’s good to pass out tracts, but you can pass out 10 million tracts and not fulfill your God given purpose as a witness… unless you KNOW GOD… and trust in Him before the world…

m. But the little old lady who knows God and has a deep abiding relationship with Him… is a much better witness for God in the world than the one who distributes thousands of tracts whose life is shallow and shady.

n. There is such an emphasis in the evangelical world today on what we DO for God… and much IS being done in His name.

o. One is led to believe in those circles that one becomes spiritual by what we DO. (Our works neither save nor sanctify!)

p. It is not unlike the contrast between Mary and Martha. Martha was busy doing many things for the Lord. But Mary was busy getting to KNOW Him…

q. Being busy FOR God is no substitute for getting to KNOW Him.

r. God tells us what HIS concept of a witness is: one who knows and trusts Him.

s. This ought to be our EMPHASIS… and in fact, that IS the emphasis in the epistles… where God tells the church what they ought to BE.

t. Paul’s burning desire was to KNOW CHRIST and the power of the resurrection in his life. He wanted to be a good witness for Christ in the world.

u. And because Paul KNEW Christ… he also desired to make Him KNOWN… to manifest His LIFE.

• It is from that deep inner abiding RELATIONSHIP to Christ that real doors of opportunity to preach Christ are opened.

7. Acts 1:8 – Ye shall be WITNESS unto Me.

a. Israel failed as God’s witness in the Old Testament.

b. Christ sent His disciples out into the world—to the uttermost parts of it—to BE HIS WITNESS in the world.

c. Christ sent His disciples out to BE what Israel was intended to BE: God’s witness in the world.

d. The dispensation soon changed… the message was altered for the new age ahead… God’s program changed, Israel was put on the shelf… and the church became God’s witness in the world.

e. But the concept of a WITNESS did not change.

f. We are to BE what God intended Israel to BE… but they failed.

g. We are to BE witnesses by knowing Christ… and growing in a deeper understanding of who He is. (Col. 1:9 – pray to be “FILLED with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding!”)

h. The church is NOT like Israel in the sense that there is not just one church in one location surrounded by Gentiles… but in this age, God’s plan is for churches to be planted in ALL nations… as WITNESSES in MANY geographical locations.

i. A church is faithful to our commission IF we know God… and trust in Him… and have a deep, growing, abiding relationship TO Him.

j. And FROM that relationship should stem ministry FOR God. (Not the other way around!)

k. Notice the careful wording in Acts 1:8: it does not say “ye shall witness for Me unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” It says “ye shall BE witnesses unto Me unto the uttermost parts of the earth.”

l. Again, the emphasis is on what we ARE not what we say or what we do.

m. Doing and speaking FOR God does not make us an effective witness. But KNOWING God, possessing a deep UNDERSTANDING of who God is, and TRUSTING in Him does!

n. The last thing we want to do is to discourage folks from verbally witnessing for Christ.

o. But in all our speaking, let’s not forget what the Bible says… where God’s emphasis is: on what we ARE and who we KNOW. That is our value to God as His witness.

8. I Pet. 3:15 – it is our LIFE that functions as a witness for God.

a. Sanctify the Lord God in your heart: (Col: the preeminence of Christ in our lives)

b. The life that truly has GOD as its center… the one whose goal in life it is to KNOW Christ and to GROW in Christ… who is willing to suffer for Christ… and has a deepening spiritual UNDERSTANDING of Him… and who TRUSTS in Him… that person will draw attention to God.

c. That person is a WITNESS by their life… it is what they ARE… without opening their mouths… without going to a foreign field… that person is an effective witness for God.
• That life is like LIGHT… that shines in the darkness.
• Men will see the light of God in you. Some will HATE the light. But others will be attracted to it.
• As they BEHOLD your life, they will be forced to acknowledge God and give Him glory for your life.
• It is a sweet savor… a fragrant odor of Christ… that causes people to “smell” Him.
• We are living epistles known and read of all men who observe us. Men who have no interest in reading the Bible or studying theology… will watch us.

d. And there will be some living in darkness who will be curious about the light they see in us… attracted by the odor of Christ… curious about our lives… what makes us tick…
• How come your daughter was killed in an accident and you haven’t blamed God?
• How come you suffer so from that awful disease and have not grown bitter against God?
• How come you got laid off and you’re not grumbling about the boss?
• How come your kids are so respectful?

e. They aren’t interested in our theology. But they are interested in our lives! What we ARE… not what we say… or how many religious works we do… but what kind of people we ARE.

f. Peter implies that when that IS the case… when our lives are a witness because we KNOW GOD… others will ask us about it.

g. And notice that the conversation Peter envisions here is one prompted by the unbeliever… and what the believer says is an ANSWER (a defense; a response).

h. The believer’s life… like salt… made the unsaved neighbor thirsty… curious… caused him to think about God…

9. Apart from a godly LIFE where Christ has the preeminence… a life that KNOWS God in a saving way, BELIEVES Him in everyday life, and has a deepening spiritual UNDERSTANDING of who He is… what we say falls on deaf ears… all of our efforts in witness and ministering are but tinkling brass and sounding cymbals.

10. This is precisely Paul’s point in Col. 4:5.

a. A wise walk toward them that are without Christ… is a LIFE… a lifestyle… characterized by spiritual wisdom and understanding.

b. A wise walk before the lost is a life lived in their presence… before their eyes… that manifests that we know God… and that we walk in His ways… and that we trust Him… and have a deep relationship TO Him.

c. That’s a worthy walk… a walk that is aware of our heavenly position IN Christ… a walk that is GROWING in the knowledge of that glorious heavenly position… and a life that draws near to Christ daily in sweet communion within the veil.

d. Paul exhorts us all to walk in WISDOM toward them that are without… toward the lost.
• These words are in perfect harmony with Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus.
• A witness fulfills its function as a witness for God by KNOWING God in a saving way… (a regenerated life) by BELEIVING Him… (a walk of faith)… and by spiritual UNDERSTANDING (a deep abiding relationship to God… a deepening understanding of who He is!)
• Let’s make sure that we ARE a witness before we start witnessing!
• Next week we will look at SPEAKING (vs. 6). Here Paul speaks of the kind of LIFE out of which speaking up for Christ arises…
• So pray for that kind of walk… saturate your mind in the Scriptures that God’s wisdom would sink in and transform your walk… sanctify the Lord God in your heart… that you might attract others to the Savior…
• If we (like Mary—as opposed to Martha) concentrate on knowing Jesus Christ… and growing in our knowledge of Him and deepening in our relationship to Him… then we will be better suited to open our mouths FOR Him.

Redeeming the Time

The Terms Used

A. Two Words for Time

1. (Chrónos) – This word perceives time quantitatively as a period measured by the succession of events and denotes the passing of moments.

a. This speaks of time chronologically.

b. It speaks of moments in succession… the quantity of time.

2. (καιρος),

a. This term speaks not so much about the quantity of time but about the quality of time… or the character of the time… as in a “time of harvest” or a “time of refreshing” or a “time of judgment.”

b. “A strategic point of time.” (an opportune season)

c. Zodhiates: It is not merely as a succession of minutes, which is chrónos, but time as a period of opportunity.

d. There is really no English equivalent to the word kairós.

e. Kairós is the term Paul uses in Col. 4:5: a season; an opportunity; an epoch; an age; a particular KIND of time period…

B. Redeem Defined

1. Defined: ἐξαγοράζω

a. Strong’s: to buy up, to buy up for one’s self, for one’s use.

b. It is from the word agora (market place) (agoraphobia!)

c. As a verb agora means to buy; to purchase in the marketplace.

d. EXagorazo = to buy and take OUT OF the marketplace.

e. It is the term used of Christ redeeming us from the marketplace of sin… and delivering us from bondage to sin.

f. The term emphasizes taking it out of the marketplace; taking it home; using it up.

g. Thus, the term is a bit more intense than agorazo (to buy; to redeem).

2. The concept of redeeming time.

a. The phrase speaks of buying up opportunities that time affords us.

b. It speaks of buying up time with a certain level of intensity.

c. It speaks of redeeming, rescuing, or delivering time from being wasted… rescuing time…

d. It speaks of taking advantage of the seasons of life… of opportunities that various seasons provide…

e. A perfect example of the meaning of these two terms would be found in the growing season for crops.
• There is a time to plant and a time to reap.
• If one does not redeem the time (misses out on the season to plant)… it is too late after the season is past.
• If you wait until August to plant your broccoli, you are too late. The season is over and you missed the planting season for cold crops.
• If you take advantage of the planting season and grow your crops… then there is another season: harvest time.
• If you are busy doing this and that during harvest season… and try to harvest in December, you missed the appointed time. The season’s over and you missed it.
• You only get one planting season and one harvest season per year around here. If you don’t redeem the time… take advantage of the opportunity… then it’s too late.
• To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.
• Those seasons are to be snatched up… redeemed…
• As farmers are to redeem the time by taking advantage of the growing and harvest seasons… so we too are urged to redeem the time… the age in which we live.
• Use it or lose it!

Redeeming the Time: A Wise Walk

1. A Time to Walk in Wisdom Before the World (4:5)

a. Those that are without: the unsaved all around us.

b. They are WATCHING to see how we walk. They know of our profession of faith.

c. They are watching to see what kind of an effect Christ has on our lives. Is there anything to Christianity?

d. They want to know if Christianity really WORKS! Can it transform a life? Can Christ give peace and contentment to the heart, or is it just a religious show?

2. Eph. 5:16 – Here Paul gives us one REASON to use our time wisely: because the days are EVIL!

a. Note the context: (vs. 14-16)
• Wake up! Don’t walk around groggy… don’t sleep walk. Wake up and be alert to opportunities all around you!
• Redeem the time… make the best use of your time.
• It would be foolish to walk about and IGNORE the opportunities to speak forth for Christ…
• It would be foolish to be so sleepy that we don’t SEE the open doors all around us.
• That is our nature: to be sleepy spiritually.
• I John 5:19 – we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness (lies in the arms of the wicked One)—being lulled to sleep spiritually. And we too can be lulled to sleep by our adversary.
• Wake up… be alert to opportunities… it’s hard to see an open door with your eyes closed!

b. Redeem the Time Because the Days are Evil (vs. 16)
• There is a danger in living in the world and mingling with the unsaved.
• We are COMMANDED to go into the world and preach to the lost… but as we do, we are to beware of the dangers.
• The world is alluring… full of corruption and defiling.
• We are to go into the world but to remain unspotted by it.
• When we mingle with the unsaved and become friends, there is always the danger that instead of us winning them, they will win us to their ways…
• Eph. 5:8-16 – be careful how you walk in a world of spiritual darkness.
• We can become conformed to the world in an attempt to win the world to Christ.
• We are not to stay away from people in the world because there is danger involved.
• But we are to tread carefully… to be watchful… vigilant… take heed lest we fall.
• Wake up to the dangers and to the opportunities that are all around us in the world.
• The Ephesians passage seems to emphasize the dangers in the world, while the Colossians passage emphasizes the opportunities in the world.
• Together we have a well rounded picture. Wake up and be aware of both!
• Don’t let the dangers keep you away from the world in a secluded Christian cloister… and don’t allow the opportunities in the world to cause you to become oblivious to the dangers.
• The days are evil… but opportunity to manifest Christ abound! Where sin doth abound, grace doth much MORE abound! While darkness can be dangerous, it is also an opportunity to SHINE forth and to SHOW forth the praises of Him who hath called you…

3. II Cor. 3:2 – as believers, we are known and read of all men.

a. God has placed believers in the world to manifest His Son.

b. We are His representatives, ambassadors, witnesses, and epistles!

c. Wherever a believer is, in time, it becomes known that he IS a believer… and people begin quietly watching.

d. Whether it is at school, in the neighborhood, in the office, at the factory…

e. They might notice you pray before your meal. They might see you reading the Bible at break time. Maybe you gave them a gospel tract… or hear from someone else that you gave them a tract. Perhaps you mentioned going to church… or they notice you didn’t take a drink at the business meeting.

f. A believer walking with God will be noticed sooner or later.

g. Sooner or later there will be a differentiation between light and darkness. And once they know you are a believer… they will watch you and READ you… like a book.

h. They may never open a Bible, but they will read you.

i. That might make us feel a bit intimidated. It is quite a responsibility! Our lives are an open book.

j. But there is another way to look at this. It is also an OPPORTUNITY!

k. It is an opportunity to make Christ known by the way we LIVE!

l. II Cor. 3:3 – A living epistle!
• An epistle of Christ = a book about our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!
• Manifestly declared = this letter is not hidden. It is made manifest to all… the world is watching… and we make Christ manifest to them.
• Ministered by us – Paul and the apostles preached the gospel to the Corinthians and they were saved. Hence, they became living epistles through the work of the apostles… and thus they were associated with the apostles and with Christ.
• Written not with ink but with the Spirit of God – believers are like a letter… instead of men looking at the ink on a page… when they see us… they should see the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
• Not on tables of stone but on the fleshy tables of the heart—this letter is not like the Ten Commandments—etched in stone. It is a living letter… etched in our softened hearts… (Jer. 31:33 – the effects of the spiritual blessings of the New Covenant.)
• Before salvation, sin was etched in our hearts. Now, in our regenerated, new heart—the work of the Holy Spirit is etched… and our lives are transformed.
• A life transformed through regeneration sends forth a message… and that message is known and read of all men.
• As we allow the life of Christ to be manifest through our daily lives, our purpose as a witness—as a living epistle is being accomplished … regardless of the response of men.
• Some will respond to the light… and others will reject the light… but they will be without excuse.

4. Just by LIVING the Christian life under the power of the Holy Spirit, we are fulfilling our purpose for being here as a Christian: to be a living epistle for Christ.

a. The Lord has strategically placed us where He wants us… whether it is on the mission field of New Zealand, the Congo, or whether the Lord has placed you at Raytheon in Tewksbury… or Lawrence General Hospital!

b. As was the case with the Corinthians, every believer is a living epistle… and our lives manifestly declare LIGHT to the world of darkness all about us.

5. Thus, because of what we ARE in Christ… because of the work GOD did in us… we have the opportunity to manifest the indwelling life of Christ to those all around us.

a. We are to REDEEM those opportunities to make Christ known!

b. The fact that men are watching is an opportunity! Take advantage of it!

c. If you work at Raytheon or Lawrence General, your regular shift is a SEASON of opportunity for you to make Christ known…

d. And it is not just by passing out tracts… but by BEING a witness for Christ in that place.

e. By doing a good job; by being on time; by keeping your word; by being kind and gracious; and in a 1000 other ways!

f. BECAUSE people are watching, use that season and take advantage of that to manifest Christ… His love, grace, holiness, purity, kindness, righteousness…

g. Just by living a Spirit filled life… you are functioning as a living epistle, known and read of all men… and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

h. And the opportunity to manifest Christ through our lives will usually open doors… and create opportunities to SPEAK to others about the Lord too!

6. We REDEEM those opportunities BY walking in WISDOM.

a. A worthy walk… a wise walk… a Christlike walk will provide ample opportunities to speak to others about Christ.

b. When the door opens… walk through it! Redeem that opportunity!

c. Opportunities WILL arise if we walk in wisdom, with tactfulness, and are sensitive to the lost… being caring and showing the love of Christ.

d. We waste opportunity to manifest Christ by a walk that LACKS wisdom.

e. Men are reading us like an open book… and that is an opportunity for them to read about how Christ can transform a life…

f. But what are they learning about Christ if we are NOT walking in wisdom?
• If they see us being dishonest… lying… stretching the truth… being selfish… uncaring… and disrespectful… obnoxious about our faith… then we are wasting an opportunity to manifest Christ.
• We are manifesting the FLESH through our lives… when we COULD have been manifesting Christlike qualities produced by the Holy Spirit through our yielded members.

7. By walking in wisdom, we can “buy up” (redeem) every SEASON of life. There are various seasons in life.

a. In the season of youth
• As a young person, you have access to other young people that us older folks do NOT have.
• The students in your class… the kids that hang around your street… the kids on your baseball or soccer team… you have a unique opportunity to be a witness before them.
• Walk in wisdom! Don’t give them cause to mock Christianity by foolish behavior. Be an example before them. They are watching.
• Who knows? You might be able to invite them out to a teen event at church… and introduce them to the gospel.
• You have a unique opportunity to walk in wisdom before a group of young people and you have opportunity to lead them to Christ.
• Redeem that season of your life. Tell others about how Christ saved you…
• How many opportunities have you had to give God the glory before them… but you kept silent?
• How many opportunities have you had to invite them to a church function to hear the gospel… but you were silent?
• Time wasted is gone. There is no sense in crying over spilt milk. But you CAN take advantage of opportunities God gives you THIS week!

b. In the season of child rearing
• Some folks here are in the season of life where you are bringing up children.
• Redeem the time! It goes by fast and they grow up fast… and before you know it they’re gone!
• This is the time for bringing them up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord.
• This is the time to teach them by our words and by our lives what is really important in life.
• This is the time to teach them what God is doing in the world in this age: manifesting His Son through His Body… the Local Church.
• This is the time to point those young ones to Christ… and to bring them up to be WITNESSES in the world… children that walk in wisdom toward them that are without.
• All that means spending time WITH them. This is the season of life to dedicate to your children… the few years while they are with you…
• Your child’s LIFE is more important than a BMW.
• Don’t waste God’s time on things that don’t matter.
• Train them to be witnesses for Christ… in the classroom… on the baseball team… in the neighborhood…
• And, since you are in the season of child training… you also have opportunities to minister to other families going through the same season of life.
• What a fantastic opportunity that is!
• Just having kids in the neighborhood opens doors to witness for Christ!
• You get to meet people… on their teams… at PTA meetings…
• And many of those parents haven’t the foggiest how to bring up children.
• If you do what the Bible says (bring them up in the nurture of the Lord)… that will open doors for you to tell others about Christ.
• They will want to know about your kids… (How come you son did what you told him to without yelling?)
• What an opportunity to tell him about how to teach your son the Bible… and bring him to church… and how he goes to a teen group…
• That season of your life opens doors for you to minister the gospel to others in that same season of life…
• Redeem the time… take advantage of that season of life… and the opportunities it opens up for you to make Christ known!

c. In the season of old age.
• This time of life also opens up doors for witnessing that are not open to younger folks.
• Sometimes older, unsaved folks are not really interested in listening to what some young whippersnapper has to say…
• But they might listen to someone their own age… with years of experience under their belt… who have weathered many storms… and still have a gracious spirit about them.

d. And there will be seasons of infirmity.
• This too opens up doors of opportunity to be a witness before a whole array of people…
• Doctors, nurses, and relatives you otherwise never see.

e. The author of this epistle was going through a unique season of life: as an inmate in prison!
• Paul used that time wisely.
• He made Christ known to all those whose paths crossed his in prison.
• All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar’s household. (Phil. 4:22)
• The prison chains limited his outreach in some ways, but it did not close the door. In fact, it OPENED the doors for the gospel to penetrate into places it never would have otherwise traveled!
• Every season of life brings with it unique opportunities to make Christ known…
• And it is Christ the LORD who is seated upon His throne… sovereignly and providentially placing each member of His Body in a strategic location and surrounded by a unique set of circumstances… to extend His witness to reach those He seeks to draw to Himself.
• Redeem the time… take advantage of those seasons…

f. Each season in life comes and goes… like the time to sow and the time to harvest. And once it’s gone, it’s gone.

g. Buy up the time… and use it for the glory of God.

Illustration: imagine if a wealthy man offered you $1440 to spend every day. You were not allowed to save it, and what you did not spend, you lost. What a waste not to spend it! You could spend on yourself… or to help others… or for missionary work… anything! Well God gives every one of us 1440 minutes every day—to be used to manifest Christ for His glory. Buy up the moments!

Redeeming the Time: A Wise Talk

1. A time to speak the Mystery of Christ (4:3-4)

a. Twice Paul mentions his desire to SPEAK the mystery of Christ.

b. Just LIVING the life is not enough.

c. It is essential. It is vital and indispensable, but it is not enough.

d. Nobody ever got saved merely by WATCHING a Christian, without hearing the gospel message.

e. The message is also vital and indispensable.

2. BOTH (life and message) are ideal.

a. Just living the Christian life before the world—the life alone—cannot save anyone. They need to hear the gospel message too.

b. The message all by itself CAN save… but is usually ignored. The devil sees to it that there are 10,000 messages out there to confuse the average person. Very few people get saved by finding a tract on the ground and reading it all by themselves.

c. An accurate message coming from a life that belies the message often does more damage than good.

d. But when the true gospel message is delivered personally through a life transformed BY that message… where the hearer hears the message and SEES its results in a life… that is a powerful combination.

3. Not only should we buy up opportunities to BE a witness before the world, but we should also buy up opportunities to WITNESS verbally before the lost.

4. In a sense, time IS an opportunity to witness for Christ.

a. II Pet. 3:6-8- God has a plan to bring judgment upon this world one day. What seems like a long time to us is nothing to God. His judgment is coming and it is sure—even if (to men) much TIME intervening makes it seems like it will never come. It WILL come one day.

b. II Pet. 3:9 – the fact that much time has passed since the Lord intervened in history and brought judgment should not be misinterpreted. It does NOT mean He is slack concerning His promise of judgment. Rather, it means that presently He is being longsuffering… because God is not willing that ANY should perish.

c. Thus TIME in this age affords men with opportunities to repent and be saved!

d. II Pet. 3:15 – the longsuffering of God (the postponement of the inevitable judgment) is EQUAL to salvation!

e. This is God’s purpose for this age… TIME is given to men to be saved from the sure judgment.

f. TIME unfolds as an expression of the longsuffering of God.

g. TIME is described as the dispensation of the GRACE of God… a time in which God’s grace is offered to the whole world.

h. II Pet. 3:10 – But this day of grace will end one day. God’s longsuffering will come to an end one day… and the day of the LORD’s judgments will begin.

i. Then it will be too late. The door of opportunity to be saved will end one day…

j. II Thess. 1:7-9 – in that day, in the day of Christ’s second coming there will be no more time for repentance, but those who have rejected His grace will be judged and suffer everlasting destruction and condemnation.

k. Time is salvation for the lost… and that time is fleeting.

l. Time is opportunity for us… redeem it! Buy it up!

A Gracious Witness

CONTEXT: Our Gospel Witness

A. Speaking the Mystery of Christ

1. In Colossians 4:3-4 Paul speaks about his desire for believers to pray for him to have OPPORTUNITY to speak the MYSTERY of Christ.

a. Eph. 6:19 – preaching the mystery of the gospel.

b. This mystery is the previously unrevealed truth that during the present time frame, God is building His Body… the Church…. Jew and Gentile on equal footing in Christ.

c. This church consists of born again people… who are IN Christ positionally (in the body) and Christ is in them (indwelling).

d. Eph. 3:2-3 – Paul explains the dispensation of the grace of God…
• This stewardship was given to Paul, and we LIVE in an age during which the mystery of Christ has been revealed.
• This mystery is NOT to be kept a mystery any more. It has now been REVEALED.
• God wants the whole world to know!
• This is the age in God’s program to make KNOWN the grace of God.

e. The dispensation of the grace of God will END one day…
• And when it ends, it will be followed by a period of unprecedented judgment… the Tribulation Period… the time of Jacob’s trouble.
• Hence, there is the need for us today to let people know that they are on their way to Hell apart from faith in Christ!
• It is a most serious and sobering matter.
• Hence, the command in Col. 4:5 – to REDEEM the time… buy up opportunities we have today to make known what God is doing in the world today!

f. John 9:4-5 – Jesus knew that He had only a limited time on earth during His earthly ministry.
• He saw that time as opportunity to WORK… to preach… to shine forth as light… but He also acknowledged that that time would come to an end…
• He said, “The night is coming when no man can work.”

g. Our time is quite limited too.
• This is the age of grace… a time when God expects His Body… the church… to LIVE out a life manifesting the indwelling Christ…
• And God expects us to SPEAK forth this wonderful mystery too… as we OUGHT to speak!
• Time today from God’s perspective means opportunity to MANIFEST the indwelling Christ in our daily lives…
• AND that will attract some men to the light… and cause them to be curious and ask us a reason of the hope that lies in us.

h. As we walk in wisdom and LIVE the Christian life out in the world—doors will open… and when the door is opened, we OUGHT to speak!
• It is our privilege AND responsibility to manifest Christ in the time God gives us on earth…
• As we stay close to Christ… the indwelling LIFE of Christ our Savior is manifest to those around us…
• God will give us plenty of opportunity to let others know the good news of the mystery of Christ…
• And we OUGHT to speak… a moral obligation.

B. Walking in Wisdom (vs. 5)

1. As we walk in wisdom we function as His WITNESSES before those without Christ…

a. We haven’t all been called to the foreign mission field. But we have all been called into the “fellowship of His dear Son.”

b. And from that life of communion with the Lord doors will open for us to speak forth the glorious message: the gospel of God’s grace!

2. Our task is to draw near to Christ… a life that overflows with HIM… His grace, His holiness, His truth, His compassion for the lost.

a. As we draw near to Him… and LOVE the Lord with all our heart… opportunities will ABOUND to tell others.

b. And when we speak forth the gospel of God’s grace, it will come forth in the power of the Holy Spirit!

c. A wise walk will be a life that redeems the time and takes advantage of opportunities to speak up for Christ…

d. As God’s witnesses upon earth, BOTH are important parts of our testimony before the Lord: our walk and our talk.

e. We OUGHT to speak and tell others about Christ.

f. We also OUGHT to walk in wisdom… wise and sensible.

3. It is in this context that Paul mentions gracious speech in vs. 6.

a. Of course this passage taken by itself can be applied in LOTS of various ways.

b. Gracious speech is always a good ides.

c. But in Colossians 4:6, the context is our testimony in the world as ambassadors for Christ…
• We say that because Paul has been speaking about our walk and our talk with respect to telling others about Christ.
• He mentions “them that are without” (vs. 5)
• He mentions “answering every man.” (vs. 6)

Use Gracious Words

1. In a context of sharing the gospel, Paul says that our words are to be characterized by GRACE.

a. We need to be careful about our walk before the unsaved.

b. We also need to be careful about our talk before them.

c. Our walk should be wise; our talk should be gracious.

2. Grace defined:

a. Zodhiates: unearned and unmerited favor.

b. It is good will or a favor done without expecting anything in return; finding its only motive in the bounty and benevolence of the Giver.

c. Eph. 2:8-9 – it is the BASIS upon which God saves sinners like us!

3. Acts 20:24 – Paul refers to the gospel as the “gospel of the grace of God.”

a. Gospel OF the grace of God: grace in the genitive case
• Genitive describes or defines here…
• The gospel is described as a “grace kind of good news.”
• The gospel we preach is characterized by the grace of God.
• Grace is seen here as the distinguishing feature of the gospel.

b. The gospel MESSAGE is a message ABOUT God’s grace.
• It is not the gospel of the judgment of God.
• It is not the gospel of the wrath of God.
• It is the gospel of the GRACE of God.
• It is a message of good news for guilty sinners: GRACE is available through faith!
• The gospel highlights the marvelous grace of God.

c. Of course the gospel of God’s grace INCLUDES and will never OMIT the fact of sin and condemnation.
• Unbelievers NEED to hear that…
• It is an integral part of the message.
• If men are unaware of what God thinks of sin and what condemnation lies ahead, they see no need to get saved. Saved from what?
• But the fact that men are sinners on their way to Hell is NOT good news.
• It is a necessary precursor to the good news.
• The good news is that God’s grace is sufficient to deal with our all of our sin and deliver us from eternal condemnation! That’s good news indeed!
d. The gospel of God’s grace is good news to guilty sinners (like us) who are worthy of eternal judgment… but to whom God offers grace, mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life as a gift through faith.

4. Romans 1:16-17 – The gospel reveals the JUSTICE of God.

a. Some might object: the gospel isn’t just about God’s grace. It’s also about His justice!

b. Certainly Paul says that in this passage.

c. The gospel REVEALS God’s justice… in that justice demands that the soul that sinneth, it shall die!

d. The gospel of God’s grace never VIOLATES God’s justice. God is BOTH just and gracious… and so is the gospel message.

e. God’s justice demanded that sin be paid for in full… and Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world.

f. God’s justice was meted out on His Beloved Son. Christ died FOR us… in our place… as our Sin Substitute…

g. Rom. 8:32 – God spared not His Son! The full penalty for sin that divine justice demanded fell upon Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus paid it all!

h. The fact that God spared not His Son reveals the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in the gospel message.

i. But that does not change the character of the gospel as that of GRACE.

j. The gospel of God’s grace is good news for sinners like us.
• The infinite weight of God’s wrath fell upon the Lord Jesus on the cross… and He BORE it for us. That is good news of grace.
• God’s justice was eternally satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. (He is the propitiation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world.)
• While God’s justice was meted out on His Son, God’s grace is extended to us!
• While God’s wrath fell upon His Son, God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness is extended to us.

k. So while the gospel REVEALS righteousness… it is CHARACTERIZED by grace.
• Justice and divine wrath upon Christ… (revealed)
• Infinite grace extended to sinners…
• This was unthinkable agony for Christ… but it is good news for us… from our perspective.
• The gospel is all about God’s grace to sinners like you and like me.

5. Everything about the gospel is gracious!

a. Our salvation is on the basis of God’s grace.

b. We are the recipients of God’s grace.

c. The gospel magnifies God’s grace.

d. Once saved we become trophies of God’s grace.

e. The message is characterized by God’s grace to sinners.

f. We are to preach the gospel of God’s grace.

g. With this as a backdrop, let’s consider the exhortation in Col. 4:6.

6. God has chosen to communicate the message of His grace through individuals who have been transformed by His grace!

a. I Cor. 15:9-10 – Paul, the least of the apostles!
• He persecuted Christians and had them killed.
• He watched approvingly as Stephen was stoned.
• Then one day he was introduced to Jesus Christ… who was full of grace and truth… and was saved by grace… and transformed by grace.
• He acknowledges here it that it was because of God’s grace that he is what he is… an apostle and a preacher.
• He acknowledges it was God’s grace that was bestowed upon him… he deserved God’s wrath!
• He also acknowledges that whatever labor he is engaged in, it is God’s grace working in and through him AS he preached the gospel.

b. God has not appointed angels to preach the gospel of grace.
• Angels have not experienced the grace of God as we have!
• Angels know of God’s other attributes… (love; holiness; etc.) but have never been redeemed or experienced His grace.
• They are not as fit to communicate this truth as we are.
• God has appointed US… sinners saved by grace… to communicate this marvelous message to others sinners.

c. When Paul met the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus and experienced His grace, that grace gripped his heart in such a way that he was never the same again!
• He went about the world preaching that grace to others!
• He wanted the whole world to know that God is extending grace to them too! (Hence, Col. 4!)
• Paul wrote to the Colossians and told them that the Word of God should dwell in their hearts and that they should minister and sing with GRACE in the heart. (Col.3:16)
• The author of Hebrews states that our hearts should be established in grace.
• Grace ought to be IN the heart of one who has been saved by grace.

7. Col. 4:6 – The gospel of God’s grace is to be communicated by one whose heart has been transformed by grace, and that glorious message is to be embedded in words of grace.

a. It is to be communicated in a gracious spirit.

b. As God’s witnesses… as the ambassadors for Christ… we REPRESENT the message we communicate!

c. The message that “God’s grace can save you and transform your life” is to be communicated by a life that has been transformed by that very same grace!

d. If our hearts have been truly transformed by grace, then our speech will be gracious in communicating that message.

e. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

f. If God’s grace isn’t gripping our hearts… then the words we say might be accurate, but the message communicated by our lives might belie the words we speak…

8. It is possible to speak forth accurate information about the gospel, but to do so without one ounce of grace!

a. In Eph. 4:15, Paul tells us to speak the truth in LOVE.

b. In Col. 4:6, he tells us to preach the gospel in GRACE.

c. The fact that we need to be exhorted to do so indicates that we don’t always do it!

d. Sometimes we speak truth and lack love.

e. Sometimes we preach the gospel and do so without gracious words or a gracious spirit.

f. And that undermines the message we are trying to communicate!

g. If we come across to the person with a pompous, arrogant, holier than thou attitude, why should he respond to the message? (If that’s what the gospel produces, no thanks!)

h. In preaching the gospel, be careful with your pronouns.
• It might be accurate to say, “You’re a sinner.” But it’s more gracious to say, “We are all sinners.”
• It might be accurate to say, “Apart from Christ, you are going to hell.” But it’s more gracious to say, “Apart from Christ, we are all going to hell!”

i. We ought to put ourselves on the same level as they are… (not condescendingly) because we are no better!
• It might be accurate to refer to yourself as a saint and to them as a sinner… but it’s not very gracious. You are going to come across as arrogant…
• They are much more likely to hear what we have to say if we put ourselves on the same ground as they are… one sinner saved by grace talking to another sinner!
• One man put presenting the gospel this way: one hungry beggar telling another hungry beggar where the bread is!
• We are not just communicating the message of God’s grace with words, we are communicating a message in the WAY we present the truth.

9. Speaking the gospel of God’s grace is to be conducted in the power of the Holy Spirit… manifesting the LIFE of Christ.

a. When the Spirit is in control, our hearts WILL be filled with grace…

b. The character of the indwelling Christ Himself will be manifested through us. (His love for the sinner… His holiness… His truth… His compassion.)

c. A parrot can say words. But a parrot can’t communicate genuine compassion… an interest in the sinner’s life… a concern for his eternal destiny… a love for him…

d. That’s why God didn’t chose to send the gospel out by parrots or by angels… but by Spirit filled believers in whom Christ lives… sinners saved by grace.

e. Therefore we can speak forth the truth of the gospel, and do so with a genuine heart for the sinner!

f. We are to communicate the gospel with our whole being… intellect, emotion, and will… not just cold hard facts.

g. Christ’s love and compassion for him manifested through YOU… through your gracious words… your compassion… your concern… for Christ lives in us!

h. It adds more than just a personal touch. It adds a DIVINE touch!

i. II Cor. 5:20 – we are ambassadors for Christ…
• And when we speak as His ambassador, GOD is beseeching the sinner to be saved through us!
• It is God working in us to reach them!
• And when God speaks to a sinner, it is with compassion… concern… love… urgency… not willing that any should perish… a heart to see him saved!
• We are to be that yielded vessel… through which God speaks to the hearts of sinners… convicting them of sin… and convincing them to believe on Christ.
• God seeks to work through clean, yielded, compassionate, warm, living vessels… Christlike vessels…

j. Hence, our words are to be Christlike when presenting the gospel.

k. Luke 4:20-22 – When Jesus preached in the synagogue in Nazareth, the people wondered at “the gracious words” which proceeded out of His mouth.

Season with Salt

1. Seasoned defined: To prepare, arrange, with respect to food; to season, make savory.

2. Our speech (lit = logos = words) are to be seasoned… prepared… arranged properly.

a. In other words, we are to be careful about the words we choose…

b. When a woman prepares a savory meal for a guest, she puts a lot of work into making it taste right… adding just the seasoning… in just the right amount. She is also careful about the presentation… fixing up the table… making sure the dishes and silverware are shiny clean…

c. We should put the same effort into presenting the gospel.

d. We should carefully ARRANGE our words… and season the things we say… to make it as palatable as possible to the hearer.

e. One man put it this way: We are to be a witness, not a judge or a prosecuting attorney. We are to be witnesses of His grace… speaking forth the gospel of God’s grace in the dispensation of the grace of God… as living examples of His grace. Our witness is the whole package!

3. Speaking the gospel with words that have been SEASONED does NOT mean that we water down the message… or alter the message in any way.

a. Col. 4:6 is not talking about the message, but the MANNER in which it is communicated.

b. There is an offence to the gospel message… and there is no way to present the gospel and avoid that offence.

c. The message of the cross IS offensive to proud sinners.

d. Although the message itself is offensive, WE should not be offensive in the way we present the truth!

e. If people are offended, let them be offended by the message, not the messenger.

f. A host may prepare a meal of chicken and broccoli. Some people don’t like that and no matter how much effort you put into the preparation, they won’t eat it.

g. If they choose not to eat it because they don’t like chicken and broccoli, that’s their problem. You did your best.

h. But if they don’t eat it because they saw you chopping the chicken on a filthy countertop, and you left the broccoli worms on, and you presented the meal on dishes left unwashed since the last meal… that’s your fault!

i. When we present the gospel, some people will be offended by the message of the cross.

j. When we present the gospel and WE are offensive in the manner in which we present it, that’s our fault!

4. Have you ever heard the gospel being presented in an offensive manner?

a. I have heard preachers screaming their fool heads off!

b. I have heard Christians present the gospel in an obnoxious way… pushy… crass…

c. You can tell a person truth… but MAKE it offensive by the way you present it!

d. “You’re a filthy sinner and you’re going to burn in hell forever!” may be true, but it is a terrible way to present the gospel.

e. It lacks compassion… the love of Christ… concern… kindness…

f. There should be a lump in our throats as we present the gospel to an unsaved person.

g. It is not the kind of message to be presented in a light and frivolous manner either. This is serious business.

h. Treat him like a friend… someone you genuinely care about…

i. Instead of saying, “You’re a filthy sinner and you’re going to burn in hell forever!”… season those words with salt… be GRACIOUS in your message.

j. Don’t forget, it is the gospel of God’s GRACE we are sent to share.

k. Why not say, “God sees you and me and all of us in the same boat. We have ALL sinned and come short of the glory of God… but God in His rich mercy sent His Son to die for a sinner like me… and like you. God loves the world and isn’t willing that ANYONE should perish in hell… so He sent His Son to die for us and pay the penalty of our sin.”

l. You are saying the same truths… nothing is omitted or watered down… but they are presented in a gracious manner… well arranged words and thoughts… truth seasoned with salt.

m. The message of the cross has its built in offence. But that can be seasoned by a gracious spirit… putting yourself in the place of a sinner… showing concern and compassion…
• Paul says in Col. 4:6 that our words are to be “IN” grace…
• IN grace indicates not the CONTENT of the message but the MANNER of delivery.
• We can tell a sinner that he is on his way to the Lake of Fire in a harsh, demeaning, arrogant, self righteous, and cruel manner…
• OR we can deliver the very same truth IN grace… in a gracious manner.
• The message is the same. The presentation is quite different.
• Paul tells us that we are to deliver the mystery of the gospel of God’s grace ALWAYS in a gracious manner… IN grace… ALWAYS.

n. In a sense, we are like a doctor telling the patient his diagnosis and potential treatment.
• It’s a painful message the doctor has to communicate…
• It’s a message nobody wants to hear…
• But a little bedside manner can make it much easier to digest.

o. Paul admonishes us as we attempt to tell others about Christ, to exhibit a little bedside manner!

p. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt.

How to Answer Every Man

How to Answer

A. Context

1. As noted last week, verse 6 can have LOTS of different applications.

a. Gracious speech is always a good idea… in any setting.

b. Knowing how to give good answers is also beneficial in lots of different settings.

c. However, this passage is found in a specific context in Col. 4.

d. We want to look at the verse from that perspective.

2. Paul was asking for prayer that God would open opportunities for him to speak the mystery of Christ… the mystery of the gospel of God’s grace. (vs. 3)

3. He saw that as a moral obligation: I OUGHT to speak. (vs. 4)

4. Then Paul mentioned the need for a witness to walk worthy of his high calling… to walk in wisdom before the unsaved. (vs. 5)

5. He also challenged us to buy up all the opportunities we can to preach the gospel. (vs. 5)

6. Last week we looked at HOW to communicate the mystery of the gospel: in an atmosphere of grace… IN grace… with gracious words coming from a gracious spirit…

7. There is one other thought (an important thought!) that Paul included in verse six: that we should know HOW to answer every man.

8. This too needs to be understood in its context.

a. How to answer those who question your walk in wisdom.
• Our walk ought to both POINT to Christ and MANIFEST His life to those around us.
• This will cause some men to become curious as to what makes you tick.
• They may even ask you outright.
• Paul says that we should know HOW to answer them!

b. How to answer your gracious presentation of the gospel.
• Wisdom and grace go hand in hand. It is wise to be gracious!
• Ecc. 10:12 – The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious.

c. If our walk and our talk are what they ought to be (full of wisdom and grace), then God WILL open doors to speak.
• A foolish, obnoxious, crass, and offensive walk and talk disgrace the Lord… and close doors.
• But a wise walk and gracious words will open doors. It will create curiosity.

9. I Pet 3:15 – that kind of a walk and talk is part of a life where Christ has been SANCTIFIED…

a. And that kind of life OPENS DOORS.

b. People will naturally be curious and will want to know more.

c. And when they DO, we should be READY to give an answer. (?p?????a – a verbal defense; a reasoned argument.)

d. Peter and Paul agree: as Christians we need to know HOW to answer men who have honest, legitimate questions about our faith.
• And oh how we need both wisdom and grace in handling the precious gospel message…
• This is especially so since a man’s eternal destiny hangs in the balance.

10. Prerequisites to a proper ANSWER

a. I Pet. 3:15 – sanctify the Lord God in your heart… and reply with meekness and godly fear.

b. Col. 4:5 – walk in wisdom.

c. Col. 4:6 – let your words and your approach be IN grace.

d. So far what they’ve told us about how to answer says nothing about the CONTENT of our answer… but more concerning our own personal heart attitude: Christ centered; wisdom; grace; meekness; godly fear; etc.

e. This is HOW we ought to answer… as a vessel in God’s hands… yielded and surrendered to Him… emptied of self… and filled with the Spirit… filled with the Christlike character the Holy Spirit produces in us…

f. That’s how to answer every man!

g. That’s the platform from which we are to speak.

Every Man

1. “Every man” is not a synonym for “everyone” or “all mankind.”

a. Paul is not saying that there should be one blanket answer for all of humanity.

b. He is not saying that there is one generic answer that we should learn and give to everyone.

2. “Every man” = heni ekastw = “each and every one.”

a. It was translated variously as “each one,” “each person,” etc.

b. The difference is between the generic “everybody” and the specific “each individual.”

c. The implication seems to be that there are different people will have different questions… different concerns… different issues… which will require different answers on our part.

d. We should know how to answer each INDIVIDUAL.

3. We noted last week that God did not assign the ministry of evangelizing to parrots. But if there was but one pat answer we are to give to every human being, then maybe a parrot would suffice!

a. We noted previously that God has chosen human beings—sinners saved by grace—fallen, sinful creatures who have experienced the grace of God personally to tell others about that amazing grace.

b. God has placed each one of us as Christians in a unique circle of influence.

c. We all come in contact with people—but we all come in contact with a different SET of individuals.

d. And in that circle we get to KNOW these folks.
• We get to know somewhat of their backgrounds, their interests, their family life, their hobbies, their problems.
• Over time, a relationship with them has developed, and you get to really know them… so that you can read them.

e. And they get to know you… and trust you… a friendship develops. You can tell when they feel comfortable and are ready to open up and discuss spiritual things. You learn to know when to speak up and when to shut up.

f. Every person is different.
• And wisdom demands of us that we learn HOW to answer each individual person… in a way that is suitable to them… in a manner they can grasp, be interested in, in a way that captures their attention.
• This knowledge comes from KNOWING the person!

g. If someone asks you about your faith or about Christ, approach your answer from an angle that is sensible in light of the individual who asked.

4. Examples:

a. Matt. 19:23-24 – Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.? ?And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
• This is a great Bible verse in speaking to an individual about their need for salvation. Jesus spoke these words to the rich young ruler.
• It can be used effectively in presenting the gospel.
• However, if you were addressing a crowd of poor farmers in Zambia, that’s probably not the best way to answer their questions about heaven.

b. The gospel message is presented in the NT from various angles. (legal = justification; birth/life = regeneration; purchase = redemption; etc.)

• If you were speaking to a young couple who just had a new baby… speak of regeneration!
• If you were speaking to a lawyer—speak of justification.
• If you were speaking to a financial planner—speak of redemption.
• Wisdom dictates that we communicate to people in an appropriate manner. Speak their language!
• Expositors says: “They must strive to cultivate the gift of pleasant and wise conversation, so that they may be able to speak appropriately to each individual (with his peculiar needs) with whom they come in contact.’

5. Every man = every individual.

a. Everybody is different… and each one is to be approached in light of that fact. Be aware of the person.

b. Take note of their age (are they 6 or 60?)

c. Male, female? Rich, poor? Any cultural differences.

Different Answers for Different People

A. Acts 13:14-25 – Paul preaches at a Jewish Synagogue in Pisidian Antioch

1. Vs. 14 – the setting = Paul enters the synagogue in Antioch Pisidia on the Sabbath day.

a. This is NOT the same Antioch as the church that sent Paul out (vs. 1). The sending church was in Syrian Antioch. Now Paul is preaching in Pisidian Antioch in Galatia. (Turkey)

b. There Paul spoke in a Jewish synagogue. Thus, this is a Jewish audience.

c. Paul knew how to speak to a Jewish audience: He wrote, “Unto the Jews I became as a Jew!”

d. Thus, in a gracious spirit, Paul submitted to the custom of the day in the Jewish synagogue.

2. vs. 15-16 – The custom was to read the law and prophets.

a. After the reading, Paul was given an opportunity to speak (as he ought to speak!)

b. Paul knew the protocol there… and submitted to it.

c. He entered the synagogue and sat down and waited for the appropriate time to speak.

d. HE was very courteous and respectful to all.

e. When invited, he stood up to speak. The door was wide open for him to make known the mystery of the gospel.

f. And Paul knew HOW to address this audience.

3. Vs. 17-22 – Paul reviews the history of Israel to this audience.

a. What he said was right in harmony with the Jewish scriptures… and they all recognized his words as such.

4. Vs. 23- He used THEIR HISTORY to introduce them to Jesus Christ!

a. He linked the coming of Christ to the expectation of THEIR prophets… pointed to Christ as THEIR hope… a fulfillment of promises God made to THEM!

b. He identifies Jesus as a Savior UNTO Israel!

c. Vs. 24-26 – He lets them know that God cares for THEM and sent this word of salvation to THEM… to the stock of Abraham… and God-fearing gentiles—proselytes to the Judaism.

d. Vs. 27-29 – He explains how the Jewish leaders, way back in Jerusalem, did not recognize Him as the Christ and had Him crucified… as it was written in THEIR prophets!

e. Vs. 30-31- He then tells them that God raised Him from the dead and that there were many eyewitnesses of His resurrection. (He knew that Jews seek signs…)

f. Vs. 32- Then Paul declares the good news—the gospel—that the death and resurrection of Christ identify Him to the Jews as their Messiah!
• To prove his point, he quotes from Psalm 2, Isaiah 55, and Psalm 16… all of which would be familiar passages to this Jewish audience.

g. Vs. 38-39 – Then Paul boldly declares that they can receive forgiveness of sins by FAITH in Christ Jesus… and that they could never be justified through the Mosaic Law!

h. Vs. 40-41 – And he closes with a warning by quoting another Prophet, Habakkuk.

i. Vs. 42-44 – Many of the people wanted to learn more and asked him to come back.

j. Paul and Barnabas persuaded the people to continue in the grace of God… (as opposed to their age old attempt to be justified by the Law of Moses).

5. HOW did Paul preach to this PARTICULAR group of men?

a. He preached a sermon saturated in Old Testament scripture!

b. He brought them through Exodus, the dividing of the land, the period of the Judges, Samuel and the prophets, then the kings, culminating with the Davidic Covenant…

c. He quoted Psalm 2, 16; Isa. 55; Hab. 1:5.

d. The people he addressed were well versed in the Old Testament Scripture, so Paul took advantage of that.

e. He proved from THEIR own Scriptures how Jesus Christ was the One who fulfilled what the Prophets predicted… in His death, burial, and resurrection.

f. Acts 17:1-3 – Paul’s MANNER was to go to the synagogues and REASON (dialogomai – intelligent conversion; back and forth) with them out their Scriptures… proving that Jesus is the Christ.

g. Paul had developed a unique MANNER of presenting the gospel of Christ to the Jews.

h. It was appropriate for a Jewish audience.

i. Unto the Jews he became as a Jew… spoke their language… addressed them at a level that made sense to Jews.

B. Acts 17:22 – Paul preaches Christ to a GENTILE audience in Greece.

1. He uses an entirely DIFFERENT approach. (same gospel; different approach). This is a Greek audience. Notice the difference in Paul’s approach.

2. vs. 22 – he says that they are too superstitious

a. The English translation sounds like he was rebuking them for their stupidity… their folly… (It sounds quite insulting in English… not very gracious…)

b. Don’t make fun of a person’s faith or church…

c. That kind of language would have slammed the door shut on him!

d. The English words “too superstitious” has also been translated as “fearful of the gods” or “given to the worship of the gods”… “very religious”… “very devout.”

e. Paul said something like, “I see you folks are very religious.” It was NOT an insult.

3. Vs. 23 – Note that he did not assume they know who God is. They do NOT.

a. He used one of their altars to an unknown God as a platform to introduce them to the true and living God.

b. They acknowledged that there was a God they did not know. Paul took advantage of that fact.

c. “HIM I declare unto you.”

4. Vs. 24 – Paul doesn’t start with the law and prophets. He takes this group of men all the way back to the beginning and introduces God as the One who Created heaven and earth.

5. Vs. 25 – He lets them know that God is not worshipped through dead idols. He is the LIVING God—the GIVER of life.

6. Vs. 26 – He states that the living God is Creator of heaven and earth. He is the One who made ALL nations.

a. Note that he says God made of ONE BLOOD all nations.

b. Thus, he eradicates any sense of racism or bigotry that might exist between the Jew and the Greek.

c. God made only ONE race—the human race—which happens to come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors!

d. Every nation is made from the same human stock.

e. The Greeks had a tendency to be proud over their knowledge of philosophy; the Jews had a tendency to be proud of their knowledge of God.

f. Paul was trying to avoid an unnecessary clash here by letting them know that the Jews and the Greeks were all created by the same God… and made from the same stock.

g. Whatever hatred or bigotry might exist between their two nations, Paul wanted them to know that the message he was going to preach was unrelated to politics or earthly prejudices.

h. Thus, he wants them to know up front that the God of Israel wants to be THEIR God too!

i. He made ALL nations—Israel and Greece too. Paul is careful not to come across to these folks as a proud Jew.

7. Vs. 27 – Paul lets these Greeks know that the God he preaches… the Creator wants ALL of His creatures to seek after Him. He’s never been very far away!

8. Vs. 28 – Paul quotes one of their poets.

a. This was apparently quoted from Epimenides, a poet from the island of Crete. (Others attribute this quote to two Greek poets: Aretus and Cleanthes).

b. Note that Paul did not quote Scripture. These Greeks were not familiar with Jewish Scripture. It would be meaningless to them.

c. Hence, he quoted from one of their own poets—someone they were familiar with…

d. Why quote a pagan poet? Because what this man said was TRUE. His writings were not inspired, but this sentence was true… and served Paul’s purpose.

e. Paul knew that this would get their attention… something they could relate to… and showed respect to them…

f. Paul noted that we are ALL God’s offspring (meaning creatures). It does NOT mean we are all sons of God… or part of His family of redeemed ones.

9. Vs. 29 – Paul REASONED from that fact (living creatures came from their Creator) that God Himself must be LIVING and should not be worshipped with idols of gold, silver, or stone… dead articles… created by man.

10. Vs. 30 – He states that God had winked at this ignorance in ages past, but NOW (since Christ came—the final and ultimate revelation of who God is) God COMMANDS all men everywhere to repent.

a. Repent = a change of mind

b. Vs. 31 – Judgment day is coming

c. The resurrection of Christ is God’s assurance of the reality of the message.

11. Vs. 32-34 – there were various responses to his preaching.

a. But what a CONTRAST between the way Paul answered the Jews in the synagogue… and the way he addressed these Gentiles in Greece!

b. To the Greeks he never mentioned the Law of Moses or the Scriptures. To those without the law he became as without law.

c. Paul knew HOW to answer every man… different individuals… different backgrounds… and thus a different approach.

d. But it was always the same message: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ… and a call to faith/repentance.

C. Nicodemus (John 3)

1. Nicodemus was a well to do religious leader. He was educated in the Scriptures. Jesus approached him at his level.

2. vs. 3 – Jesus uses a term (born again) never mentioned in the Old Testament, but a CONCEPT this religious leader should have known!

3. vs. 10 – Jesus EXPECTED this teacher of the Scriptures to KNOW what the Old Testament said.

4. Vs. 7 – Note also, that Jesus told this religious leader (as religious as he was!) that he NEEDED to be born again. Religion cannot save. The law cannot save. But Christ can!

5. Vs. 14-15 – Jesus points him to an example from the Old Testament to define what faith is: LOOK and live!

D. The Woman at the Well (John 4)

1. This was a Samaritan woman who would normally be ignored by a Jew… but Jesus broke through that cultural barrier to meet this woman. (Vs. 4 – He must needs go through Samaria!)

2. The woman is shocked (vs. 9).

3. Vs. 10 – Jesus uses an ordinary aspect of everyday life to introduce spiritual truth.

a. She was seeking for water…

b. Jesus asked her for a drink…

c. Then He begins to speak about LIVING WATER.

d. He gained her interest with that. Drawing water was a chore she had to do every single day.

4. Vs. 13-14 – He used water to teach her a spiritual lesson.

a. He introduced her to Himself as the Living Water…

b. He spoke to her as a woman who was THIRSTY…

c. Her life was miserable and the Lord knew it… she LONGED for something better… something that was satisfying…

d. But her life was dry and dreary… and she had nothing that could satisfy the thirst of her soul.

5. Vs. 16 – she is told to go get her husband. (Jesus knew her situation.)

6. Vs. 17 – Jesus’ reply let her know that He knew her heart!

a. He knew all.

b. She recognized Him as a Prophet… not realizing He was God in human flesh!

c. Jesus spoke to her with great grace and kindness.

d. Jesus very tenderly pointed out her need of a Savior. Her life was miserable… unfulfilling… she was being USED by men… and cast out like an old rag…

e. His treatment of her was like the story of Christ dealing with the woman caught in adultery in John 8.

f. What a contrast to the way Jesus spoke to the Sadducees & Pharisees (ye snakes; vipers! Hypocrites! Whited sepulchers!)

g. Yes, Jesus knew HOW to answer every man… and He spoke to different men differently.

h. Jesus knew the hearts of the hypocritical religious leaders and rebuked them for their hypocrisy.

• He also knew the broken heart of this woman and how she LONGED for something better…

7. Christ offered Himself to this woman as an eternal Source of TRUE satisfaction… that for which her soul longed… He offered to her.

a. All she had to do was take a DRINK of the water

b. Drinking = an illustration of faith. How simple!

8. Vs. 20-24 – He pointed out the error of the Samaritan religion… but in answer to her question.

E. Different People Require Different Approaches

1. Oh how we need that kind of wisdom and discernment… and grace.

a. Jesus and Paul spoke differently and used different approaches to different people…

b. They considered their background… their education… their circumstances in life… their culture… their interests…

c. To the Jew he became as a Jew… to a Samaritan he became as a Samaritan…

d. What a contrast between Jesus’ gospel approach between Nicodemus and the woman at the well… the Sadducees and Pharisees vs. the woman taken in adultery… Bartimaeus… the rich young ruler!

e. And Paul used quite an array of approaches with the gospel… from Mars Hill… to the synagogues… to the Corinthians… he spoke before kings…

2. The business of bringing the glorious gospel of God’s grace is a supernatural work.

a. No wonder Paul PRAYED for wisdom!

b. Eph. 6:19 – he prayed that “utterance” may be given to him… (Lord, help me utter the right words!)

c. He wanted more than boldness… for boldness can be cold hearted and crass.

d. Boldness is needed… but so is wisdom… tactfulness… and grace… words seasoned with salt… KNOWING HOW to answer every man.

3. There is only ONE gospel message, but it can be presented to folks in LOTS of different ways.

a. Justification, redemption, reconciliation, salvation, regeneration, etc.

b. We have examples of the gospel being presented to Jewish men, pagan, religious, atheists, moral, immoral… to men, to women, to children…

c. Be wise and discerning.

4. But most importantly, DO IT!
a. Tell others about Christ!

b. Knowing HOW to answer every man does not mean we should not speak until we have all the answers.

c. It means we should pray for wisdom in speaking… and then speak up for Christ!

d. People don’t get saved unless they hear the gospel…and God has chosen US to bring the message to them.

5. Rom. 1:16 – And don’t be OVERLY concerned about the methodology.

a. The power is in the gospel itself… not in our puny presentation!

b. Do your best… and even if we fumble through it… God can use it to save souls… and glorify His holy name.

c. Present the gospel in wisdom, with tactfulness, accuracy, and grace… and leave the outcome with the Lord.

d. Present the gospel and trust in GOD to use His Word. Don’t trust in our own presentation.

e. Salvation is of the Lord, not us. Increase is of the Lord.

f. God is STILL adding to His church daily such as should be saved.

g. So try it this week! We are going to give each of us a tract to help us bring the message to those around us.



1. We now come to the concluding section of the book of Colossians.

2. In this section, after concluding the body of the letter, Paul sends salutations and short personal messages from various servants of the Lord to the believers in Colossae.

3. The first servant of the Lord mentioned is Tychicus… a name which means “fortunate.”

His Personal Character

A. The Beloved Brother

1. Tychicus was beloved of God.

a. This is one of the designations of a believer: he is beloved of God.

b. Rom. 1:7 – “To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints.”

c. God loves all of us. His love for us is everlasting.

d. This is our position as a believer: beloved! That is something to meditate upon… there is a depth is this statement that will take us all a lifetime and then some to fathom.

e. But God even loves those who are quite unlovable…
• He loves the whole world… that’s why He sent His Son to die for the world.
• God has an agape love for the world…
• But God does not have phileo love for the world. That is the family love and warm affection that He reserves just for His own people… those born into His family through the new birth.
• God has agape and phileo love for us.
• It is a wonderful thought to be doubly loved of the Lord!

2. However, it appears that Paul uses the term beloved here to refer to the fact that Tychicus is “beloved of Paul and the other believers.”

a. To be beloved of God is wonderful, but since His love is given graciously—it has nothing to do with us or with our behavior.

b. To be beloved of the brethren—that requires some effort… humility… selflessness… willingness to be defrauded… turn the other cheek…

c. God loves us all to the degree of infinity… but not every brother is so beloved by the rest of the Christian brotherhood.

d. We should demonstrate agape love equally to all believers, but we don’t.

e. Col. 2:2 – pray with Paul that our hearts might be knit together in love!

f. Col. 3:14 – Paul calls this the “bond of perfectness.”

g. To be a BELOVED brother is a tie stronger than any earthly tie. It speaks of the brotherhood of Christians in the family of God… and the affection that is part of it all.

h. However, sometimes the warmth and affection we should have towards each other is hampered by our own behavior.

i. Sometimes we make it HARD for others to love us…

j. Sometimes we are proud, selfish, gossip, we backbite, we harbor bitterness, we have chips on our shoulders, we have unforgiving spirits… sometimes we are cranky, irritable, grouchy, mean…

k. Yes, you and I are sometimes hard to love!

l. By our behavior and our attitudes, we do not always endear ourselves to the rest of the Christian brotherhood.

3. Tychicus DID endear himself to Paul and to the other believers.

a. He is called THE beloved brother.

b. A nearly identical verse appears in Eph. 6:21 and Tychicus is also called there “THE” beloved brother.

c. In both passages it is translated “a beloved brother”… just because it is an unusual expression.

d. The definite article appears for a purpose: to mark him out as THE one who was especially beloved by Paul and the brethren.

e. He’s the one… he’s the one all the brethren love.

f. That’s quite a statement!

g. The apostle John is known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” (John 20:2 – phileo love)

h. Tychicus is known as the brother “all the believers loved.”

4. He especially endeared himself to Paul.

a. He was beloved of Paul.

b. He ministered to Paul in prison…

c. He made great personal sacrifice in order to minister to Paul.

d. What a blessing from God! God gave Paul a friend who stuck by his side… when Paul’s life came to a screeching halt when he was imprisoned.

e. Many abandoned Paul… but not Tychicus. No wonder he was beloved.

f. There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

B. Faithful Minister

1. He was PAUL’S servant… (diakonos) minister.

a. He ministered to Paul’s personal needs while he was in prison.

b. God took care of Paul while in prison. And God used Tychicus to accomplish that.

c. Christ dwelt in Tychicus… and Christ’s love for His Body was manifested TO members of His body THROUGH members of His Body.

d. Tychicus was a channel God could use to minister to His servant Paul.

e. Hence, Tychicus was like a personal servant for Paul during those many months of his first imprisonment.

f. He came there to provide fellowship for Paul.

g. He came, no doubt, for some other mundane ministries: bring him fruit… parchments to read… inform him as to what was happening in the Roman Empire… perhaps to bring him some warm clothing… perhaps doing his best to clean his wounds—prevent serious infections… and restore his health…

h. This kind of brother we would ALL like to have.

i. Perhaps more to the point: this kind of brother we should all seek to BE!

j. “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.” (Prov. 18:24)

k. To be a beloved brother and faithful minister to the brethren does not require a high IQ… it does not cost a lot of money… it doesn’t require many special skills… you don’t need a degree from Bible college to minister like this.

l. It simply requires a HEART for God and God’s people!

m. It requires a heart surrendered to the Lord and willing to be a vessel… a conduit of God’s love and compassion… and to simply be available to be used of the Lord to accomplish His will.

n. Tychicus was that kind of a servant… of the Lord and to Paul directly.

o. He was FAITHFUL in his ministries to Paul.

p. His selfless, ceaseless ministry to Paul endeared him to Paul and to the other believers.

q. Paul was a special servant of the Lord and he too NEEDED to be ministered UNTO.

r. Paul is the name we all know… he is the great apostle. Anybody that knows anything about church history knows of the ministry of the apostle Paul.

s. But his ministry was supported… and encouraged… perhaps thereby enabled to continue… because of men like Tychicus who were faithfully serving in the background unseen and unknown by most men, but certainly NOT unnoticed by God.

t. And faithful servants like him working in the background are just as vital to the work of God as the famous ones like Paul or John.

u. There is greatness in humble service.
• Tychicus was just a delivery boy—but how important was that delivery!
• “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matt. 23:11)
• That’s God’s definition of greatness! Doing small things for the Lord is greatness in His sight.
• God doesn’t need any big shots. But He delights in using nobodies like you and me…
• Tychicus delivered the highest and loftiest theological thought ever written (Ephesians and Colossians). But no one ever would have read it without the faithful ministry of Tychicus.
• He wasn’t a writer; he wasn’t a theologian; he wasn’t an apostle; he didn’t establish churches; he was a servant—and the churches of Jesus Christ are much richer because of this faithful, humble delivery boy!
• Do not despise small things.

• For the local church to function as God designed, it requires lots of unseen service going on in the background.
• There are ministries that we all SEE (pastor; Sunday school teacher; choir; etc.)
• But there are lots of other ministries that take place and are NECESSARY for the Body to function!
• Some folks take time to come and clean the church…
• Somebody has to take out the garbage… wash the floors… mow the lawn… even do windows!
• Someone is watching the young ones in nursery that you may not notice…
• We have folks who meet together for prayer at their homes… to pass out tracts… to make hospital and nursing home visits… that no one knows about…
• Someone has to write the checks and pay the bills…
• And nowadays… maintaining the web site… recording and making CDs… printing literature…
• This God’s design… (I Cor. 12:22 – even the so called “feeble” ministries are necessary.)
• It’s the folks who faithfully serve in the background that enables this body to continue… that enables the word of God to be preached… who undergird the entire church…
• These are men and women with a spirit like Tychicus… willing to serve in the background for the glory of Christ… and may their tribe increase!
• Perhaps some of you folks have been attending Salem Bible Church for some time now and do not yet have a ministry… there are LOTS of ways to serve Christ through His Body.
• If the Lord so leads, speak to one of the elders or deacons—or ask anyone—we will find a place of service for you!

2. His Faithful Ministry FOR Paul

a. Eph. 6:21 – Tychicus with Paul in Rome during Paul’s first Roman imprisonment.
• From there, Paul sent him out on dangerous journeys to deliver important letters to the churches: like Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon.
• To get from Rome to Colossae:
» He would have to travel across Italy… and then cross the Adriatic Sea.
» Then he would have to travel across Greece, and take a ship across the Aegean Sea to get to Asia Minor.
» Then he still had another 100 mile trip on foot to get to Colossae.
• Paul could count on Tychicus. He was FAITHFUL.
» He entrusted 3 books of the New Testament with this man!
» Imagine the consequences if he was NOT faithful? The churches never would have had the books of Ephesians, Colossians, or Philemon!
» What good would it have been for Paul to write these wonderful letters if Tychicus did not deliver them?
» With such an important package, Paul sought a man who was FAITHFUL… someone he could rely on…
» I doubt if the importance of this delivery was fully appreciated by Tychicus as he delivered these letters. When he left Paul and headed off on his journey, it is doubtful if he realized that the pieces of parchment in his pouch would outlast the Roman Empire—be translated into hundreds of languages… and distributed around the world for many centuries to come!
» He saw himself as a delivery boy for Paul… and he wanted to be faithful in what he thought was a LITTLE task.
» Oh how important it is to be FAITHFUL… this is one of the greatest qualities a believer can have!
» Oh that we had more faithful servants in the little details of the Lord’s work!
» There are consequences when WE are not faithful too. On a much lesser scale… but serious consequences nonetheless.
• Suppose a Sunday school teacher doesn’t show up… or the clean up crew… or no one to work in the nursery…
• It has happened… and it can be disturbing…

b. Acts 20:4 – With Paul on His 3rd Missionary Journey.
• Tychicus was from Asia Minor.
• He went with Paul to bring the love offering from the gentiles to the poor saints in Jerusalem… who were suffering because of the famine.
• Tychicus, a gentile, went with Paul as a representative of the gentile churches.
• It was no luxury vacation trip either.
• Travel was difficult and dangerous in those days.
• He had to leave his job, family, and local church for months to accompany Paul.
• And Paul had mentioned several times that bonds and afflictions were waiting for him there. (Acts 20:22-24)
• Knowing all that, Tychicus willingly followed Paul to minister for him.

c. Titus 3:12 – Paul has been released from prison at this point in time.
• Tychicus is still on hand to help the apostle.
• Paul planned to send him to Crete to fill in for Titus

d. Sent By Paul to Ephesus (II Tim. 4:12)
• This is near the end of Paul’s life…
• This was Paul’s last imprisonment in Rome… and Paul is STILL sending Tychicus around on missions for him.
• To stick by the side of a prisoner—as Tychicus did with Paul—was dangerous in itself.
• He was a faithful servant—faithful to the very end for Paul… IN Christ.

C. Fellowservant in the Lord

1. He was a servant TO Paul.

a. He did errands for Paul… he served him by trying to meet his needs in prison… he delivered messages for Paul…

b. He was in a sense at Paul’s service. He submitted to Paul’s authority as an apostle… and worked under him as a servant for Paul.

2. But IN the Lord, he was a fellowservant TO GOD along with Paul.

a. Tychicus was a FELLOW servant WITH Paul for Christ.

b. They worked together … they were BOTH servants for Christ… the great apostle and the lesser known minister. They were equals IN Christ.

c. They were fellow slaves serving the same Master: Christ.

3. Working with Paul as a co-worker with a political prisoner was risky business. There were a lot of people who hated Paul… he was seen as a troublemaker by the Jews… and by the Romans… to them he turned the world upside down…

4. I Cor. 3:9 – as great an apostle as Paul was, he could NOT serve the Lord alone. He never could have accomplished what he did for Christ were it not for many other (often unnamed) servants working behind the scenes… aiding him… helping him… we are laborers together.

5. We are all familiar with the horrible sufferings of Paul associated with his travels. (II Cor. 11: 23-27)

a. Paul is known, respected, and admired for all that he suffered… and he suffered much.

b. But what about Tychicus? He chose to FOLLOW that man and function as his servant. No doubt Tychicus also suffered some of those things…

c. Tychicus doesn’t get the credit or glory… nor did he want it. He chose to serve Paul—knowing fully the potential dangers—and did so willingly… joyfully… selflessly… for the glory of Christ.

d. He was a faithful servant IN the Lord.

6. Tychicus was BOTH faithful and beloved.

a. That is a great balance.

b. Some men are faithful to the Lord… and stand for righteousness and truth… and yet are so stern and critical that they are not beloved of God’s people.

c. Others may be warm and affectionate and beloved… but are so at the expense of being faithful to the truth.

d. Tychicus was BOTH—well-balanced… faithful and beloved!

His Present Mission

A. Sent to Declare Paul’s State (Col. 4:7; Eph. 6:21)

1. Paul did not share his personal estate with the Colossians through this letter.

2. He sent Tychicus (and Onesimus) to do this for him… personally.

3. “All my state” = “All the things according to me.”

a. His concern for the Colossians—a desire to hear how they were doing.

b. His desire to see them grow spiritually

c. His desire to see them seeking things above… and that the Word would dwell in them richly in all wisdom…

d. His concern that they would be good witnesses for Christ in their city…

e. His present imprisonment… his needs… his burdens…

4. Unfortunately for us, Paul did not RECORD his estate for us to read in this letter.

a. He evidently TOLD Tychicus orally how he was doing… and asked him to communicate it to the Colossians.

b. Paul knew his writings were inspired… and that their audience would be wider than just the one church at Colossae. (Actually, these letters were originally to be read in various other churches in the region – 4:16).

c. Perhaps he had told Tychicus some personal information that he did not feel would be necessary to include the letter itself for all generations to read… though the Colossians themselves might be interested in.

5. Paul’s purpose in this was not to elicit sympathy or to use his sufferings as a fund raising ploy (as some do today!).

a. Paul simply wanted the believers to be praying for him… intelligently.

b. And to pray intelligently for someone—we need to know about them…

c. That’s why our church prayer meetings are so important. We really get to KNOW the needs of one another there… to support one another in prayer.

B. To Know Their Estate (vs. 8)

1. Paul, even while in prison, sought to edify the churches.

a. The condition of the churches was a constant burden on his heart. He bore it daily. (II Cor. 11:28)

b. Though his body was confined to prison, yet his heart went out to believers far and wide.

c. Paul is in jail for the gospel… and yet he continues to be engaged in promoting the spread of the gospel and the edification of the churches.

2. Paul longed to know how the Colossians were doing.

a. He agonized over their spiritual condition.

b. Col. 2:1 – he had a great conflict over them.

c. Col. 2:8 – He was concerned about the influence of pre-Gnostic cult that had infiltrated the city with their philosophy and vain deceit.

d. He was concerned that they might be taken in by the Jewish ritualism…

e. He had LOTS of concerns for them… (How many believers had defected with the false teachers? Was this affecting other churches? How widespread was this infection in the Body? Did it affect the morale of the believers? Were they discouraged?)

f. He wanted to pray for them too… and perhaps to keep in touch with them through letters… to help them grow in Christ.

C. To Comfort Their Hearts

1. They were experiencing great trials. Thus, Paul wanted to minister to them.

a. The false teachers stole away disciples after themselves.

b. This would have caused friction in the assemblies.

c. There would be families divided… some would be loyal to Christ and some to traitors…

d. There would be hurt feelings over discipline issues that had to be carried out… people polarizing and taking sides…

e. Paul wanted to send Tychicus to comfort the hearts of the believers… to wait out the storm and rest in the Lord to bring peace to the churches…

f. “That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love.”

2. Here is a great secret for living the Christian life and dealing with our daily struggles and trials.

a. Reckon SELF to be dead and buried. (The old man doted over himself… and HIS circumstances… over HIS finances… over HIS health issues… over HIS trials… over HIS troubles.

b. Reckon that old man to be DEAD.

c. And thereby we free the new man in Christ to function… the one who thinks on things above…

d. The new man who has a new mind—the mind of Christ: ?Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” (Phil.2:4).

e. This is the mind Paul demonstrated while in prison.

f. Paul did not dote over his own personal troubles or trials.

g. He sought things above. And from HEAVEN’S perspective—he saw the condition of the churches as being far more important… than his own circumstances.

h. Oh for a heart like that… for that kind of heavenly perspective!

i. With that heavenly mindset, we will be “looking on the things of others” to minister to THEM…

j. Aren’t we often just the opposite?
• We have trials and struggles and sit around complaining because no one is paying any attention to me, myself, and mine?
• We hold our pity parties… and look down on others as being negligent of their duties to me, myself, and mine!
• We begin to grumble about others: they have no love… they don’t really care about me…
• The mind of Christ doesn’t grumble about others. It ministers to others!
• That’s the mind Paul demonstrated. In prison—and suffering—he sought to comfort OTHERS in their sorrow and suffering.
• This ought to be the NORM for believers… Christ working in us both to DO and to will of HIS good pleasure… caring for His Body… dead to self.
• Ministering to others in the midst of his own suffering brought JOY to Paul in prison. He wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!”

3. They were also troubled by Paul’s imprisonment… (Cf. Eph. 3:13)

a. When one member suffers the whole body suffers.

b. Knowing that Paul was in prison for preaching Christ must have caused them sorrow and grief for him…

c. Perhaps they were also wondering if they were next!

d. Thus, Paul sent Tychicus to comfort them in all their anxieties and concerns… to teach them to learn to REST in the Lord… to SEEK things above… to let the Word of Christ dwell richly in your hearts… and to REJOICE in his sufferings for you! (Col. 1:24) Don’t worry—rejoice!

4. What Paul did here was quite magnanimous, selfless, and gracious.

a. He was in prison and had few friends like Tychicus… few people to minister to his needs.

b. However, Paul saw fit to put the needs of the churches at Ephesus and Colossae above his own needs.

c. 8:1 – Whom I have sent!

d. Paul sent the few faithful servants he had away on a long journey to minister to the believers in other cities…

e. That meant they would no longer be in Rome to minister to his needs…

f. This was a sacrifice for Paul… but he was dead remember… dead to self and alive unto God.

g. He wasn’t thinking of his own welfare, but the welfare of others. Paul denied himself to serve others… even in prison.

h. A lesser man might have reasoned that he had “too many problems of his own to worry about others… much less sacrifice for them. They should be coming to MY aid, not I theirs!”

i. Not so with Paul. He did not reason like the world. Christ dwelt in him and he manifested the life of Christ… even in sending his friend to minister to others.

j. And it was probably hard for Tychicus to leave him… but he obeyed and went.

k. God’s ways are not our ways… thankfully! God’s ways are perfect.

5. Tychicus was a delivery boy for Paul… a servant… not a name history well remembers.

a. But don’t despise small things. They are just as vital to the whole as the big things.

b. In the Revolutionary war, there was a shot heard round the world. But who knows the name of the man who made that shot?

c. Do you know the name of Charles Lingbergh’s mechanic?

d. Heb. 6:10 – the world will soon forget me and you. But the Lord will NEVER forget the works we have done in His name!

e. God never forgot Tychicus.

f. His short life came and went… and so will ours. Tychicus left this earth on God’s honor roll… a beloved brother engaged in faithful service.

g. May that be true of each of us here!

Onesimus, the Runaway Slave

Who He Was

A. A Colossian

1. He was one of you. (4:9)

2. He lived and worked in the city of Colossae.

3. We don’t have all the details of his life… but we do have some remarkable glimpses of this man’s life… and what we know of him is instructive to us still!

B. A Slave of Philemon

1. The book of Philemon was written about this man’s story… and identifies Onesimus as a slave owned by Philemon.

2. As a slave, he was an insignificant nobody.

a. He was nobody special in the eyes of men. He wasn’t royalty. He wasn’t a wealthy land owner.

b. He was a slave… which meant he was just a common worker. (Sort of like you and me!)

3. Slavery in the first century was pretty much an accepted part of society.

a. As much as two thirds of the Roman Empire were slaves (before the first century it was as high as 90%).

b. One Roman General brought back 50,000 conquered soldiers and sold them on the slave-block in Rome.

c. The whole economic system revolved around slavery.

d. It was NOT like the system of slavery in our country which was far crueler than the Roman system… though neither one was desirable.

e. It was not based on race, but more on nationality. Most slaves were either BORN into slavery or they became slaves when their nation was defeated by another nation.

f. Every economic system has its unsavory side… and in the Roman system it was slavery.

4. Onesimus was a slave owned by a wealthy Christian named Philemon who lived in the city of Colossae.

a. The book of Philemon is a letter written by Paul to his friend, Philemon.

b. Philemon was a member of the church at Colossae.

c. Paul knew him by name… Paul knew him by name. They were friends.

d. He was a fellowlaborer with Paul. (Philem. 1)

e. He was dearly loved by Paul. (Philem. 1)

f. Paul knew Philemon to be a man of faith and one who loved the believers. (Philemon 5)

g. Paul considered himself a partner with Philemon (vs. 17)

h. It is likely that Paul led Philemon to the Lord (Philemon 19)

• Philemon “owed Paul his own self.” (life)
• Paul had not been to Colossae, but he did minister for 3 years in nearby Ephesus… and all Asia Minor heard the Word through his ministry.
• There was some other great debt of gratitude that Philemon owed Paul. Some believed Paul saved his life. It is more likely he led him to Christ.

i. Paul expected to come and visit his friend Philemon in the near future. (Philemon 22)

5. Philemon, a friend of the apostle Paul, one who was saved through his ministry, a faithful member of the church in Colossae and fellow-laborer with Paul — had a slave named Onesimus.

a. This is the Onesimus mentioned in Col. 4:9.

b. What a fantastic testimony this man has!

What He Did

A. He Ran Away

1. Philemon 15-16a – Onesimus the slave ran away from his master, Philemon.

2. In those days, the slave-owner normally considered their slave a tool—a piece of property.

3. If the slave ran away, the owner had every right to hunt him down and kill him.

4. Story of Caesar Augustus’ friend, Vedius Pollio – congo ells in tank for disobedient slaves. One tossed in for breaking a crystal cup.

5. A runaway slave expected, if apprehended, to be tortured and die a very painful death.

B. He “Wronged” His Master

1. Philemon 18 – Paul implies that Onesimus stole something of value from his master when he ran away… a common practice of runaway slaves.

2. Onesimus “wronged” Philemon when he left.

a. Wronged = to act unjustly, do wrong, hurt, do damage.

b. Perhaps he vandalized and damaged his property before he left… in one last expression of his hatred for his master… out of frustration.

c. It is more likely that he stole valuable property as he ran away… to be sold for money to pay for his long trip.

3. Paul also implies that he “owes” Philemon… money.

a. He may have stolen money from his master.

b. Or perhaps Paul meant that he stole his master’s time when he should have been working for him.

c. There were various KINDS of slaves. (Indentured servants; some were servants to pay off a debt; etc.)

d. It is possible that Onesimus owed someone a large sum of money and had sold himself into slavery in order to pay off the debt… but decided to RUN before his time was up.

4. The exact details are not filled in for us… but clearly he had wronged Philemon in some way… and was in debt to him.

C. He Escaped to Rome

1. Philemon ran away from his master in Colossae, in Asia Minor.

2. He ended up in Rome.

3. It is likely that he ended up in a Roman prison… where he met up the apostle Paul… who was also imprisoned in Rome at the time.

a. Paul was imprisoned for being a Christian and preaching Christ.

b. Onesimus was likely in prison for breaking the law… perhaps stealing money or food just to keep alive in the strange city.

c. We know he met Paul in prison. It is possible that Onesimus was working there… it is more likely that this runaway thief was arrested and imprisoned for larceny.

d. One way or another – this was the Lord’s doing. His path crossed that of the apostle Paul – missionary to the gentiles!

Whom He Became

A. A Brother

1. Philemon 10 –?“I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds.”

a. This expression indicates that Onesimus was led to saving faith in Christ through Paul.

b. He was “begotten” – a term meaning “born.” He was born again while in prison…

2. Somehow, someway, while in prison, the paths of Paul and Onesimus providentially crossed…

a. It is not hard to imagine how this runaway slave—a thief—ended up in prison in Rome. (Thieves often end up in jail!)

b. What a marvelous story of divine Providence in the circumstances!
• Of all the cities to run to, Onesimus ran to Rome… perhaps thinking he could disappear in this massive city of perhaps 4 million people.
• Of all the prisons in Rome, he ended up right in jail where the apostle Paul was.
• And Paul just happened to be a friend of Philemon, the master from whom he ran away back in Colossae!

c. At first Onesimus (probably quite superstitious—as were most men of his day) thought this was a bad omen!
• He may have been a little afraid of Paul at first. (You know my master? Did the gods arrange this meeting? Are you going to turn me in? Am I doomed?)
• Think of the timing, the logistics, statistical likelihood of this meeting occurring… but nothing is too hard for the Lord. He is Lord of ALL!
• God put His hand on Onesimus. God was drawing this man to Himself…
• Thus the Lord arranged things such that Onesimus came in contact with the gospel of God’s grace.
• That’s what God does in OUR lives as well…

B. A Faithful and Beloved Brother

1. Onesimus proved himself to be a faithful brother to Paul.

2. Evidently, after he was saved, Onesimus stayed in Rome a while and ministered to Paul’s needs… along with Tychicus.

3. But when Paul was ready to send Tychicus back to Ephesus and Colossae, he decided to send Onesimus too.

4. They both realized that as a slave, he needed to be returned to his legal master… to make restitution.

5. Paul led Onesimus to Christ and had seen real evidence of a changed life…

a. He trusted Onesimus. He was a FAITHFUL brother and proved himself to be faithful and reliable… honest.

b. This was quite a change for a thief! Now he was honest… and Paul entrusted him with this great mission.

C. A Servant of Paul

1. Paul sent this man on an extremely important mission along with Tychicus: to deliver three inspired New Testament epistles! (Col. 4:8-9)

a. Interestingly, one of the other letters Onesimus delivered for Paul contained the following words: Eph. 4:22-24; 28

b. Onesimus stole, but Paul trusted that he had put off that old man and was a new creature — one who stole no more!

c. He proved himself to be faithful… a reliable servant for God and Paul.

d. Some time must have elapsed between his conversion and when Paul sent him on this mission of delivering inspired epistles.

e. Paul also sent Onesimus with Tychicus to let the Colossians and others know how Paul was doing… and to deliver the epistles.

2. Onesimus was saved… and right away, he began serving the Lord.

a. His past did not hold him back from serving Christ.

b. He was no longer that old man he used to be… old things had passed away.

c. He had a new life now… and that new life was yielded to the Lord and used of God.

d. He had been a servant of men. Now He was a servant of God.

3. Notice Paul’s attitude toward this man.

a. Onesimus had been a lowly slave… an unprofitable slave…
• He wronged his master. He was a troublemaker.
• He was a thief…
• He was a fugitive from the law…
• And in Rome he was an illegal alien and quite likely a criminal there too.

b. BUT—he got saved! He was gloriously saved! That changed everything!
• He was no longer the kind of man he used to be.
• His sins were forgiven… nailed to the cross…
• He was now a son of God…
• But Paul did not hold his past life against him.
• That’s what he WAS… but no longer.
• NOW he is a believer… a Christian… a faithful and beloved brother in the Lord!

c. Col.4:9 – “who is one of YOU.” And how did Paul describe the “you”… the Colossians?
• Col. 1:2 – saints and faithful brethren in Christ
• 1:13 – delivered form the power of darkness…
• 1:14 – redeemed through the blood of Christ and forgiven!
• 1:21-22 – he had been an enemy and alienated by wicked works, but now is reconciled and will be presented before God holy and unblamable and unreprovable!
• Risen with Christ and seated in heavenly places!
• He is one of YOU! He now posses the exact same POSITION in Christ as YOU!
• Don’t you dare look down on him for his criminal past… a runaway slave… a thief… a convicted criminal. He is now one of YOU!

d. Now he was profitable to both Paul and Philemon.

e. Now he was a new creature in Christ. Old things had passed away. (II Cor. 5:17)

f. Consider the Corinthians (I Cor. 6:9-11)

g. God does not hold a person’s past life against him when he becomes a Christian… and neither should we!

h. Rom. 3:22-23 – From God’s perspective there is no difference in sinners.
• Whether you were a thief and drunk — or you were saved at the ripe old age of six in Sunday school… there is no difference between sinners from God’s perspective.
• ALL come infinitely short of His glory!
• ALL need to be saved… and nothing less than the blood of Christ will suffice to save anyone (Al Capone or Shirley Temple!)
• And God saves ALL who come to Him in faith.
• And God makes all who come NEW creatures in Christ!

4. A Servant of Philemon Once Again

a. Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon to be his slave… (Col. 4:8-9 – whom I have sent…
• Philem.11 – Now Onesimus would be PROFITABLE to his master once again… as a working slave… and as a brother in Christ.
• After getting a taste of freedom in his journey to Rome, it would have been a hard pill to swallow to return to his life as a slave… but he did the right thing.
• He went back to willingly serve as a slave to Philemon.
• But going back to a life of slavery didn’t matter so much to him now. He was SAVED!
» He had an entirely different perspective on life now!
» He realized that in Christ he was FREE!
» I Cor. 7:22 – For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman.
» Onesimus was so thrilled about his new POSITION in Christ that his earthly CONDITION paled in contrast! (We should learn this lesson ourselves!)
» It didn’t matter so much if he was poor on earth, he was rich in Christ.
» It didn’t matter so much if he was a slave on earth; in Christ there was neither bond nor free.
» It didn’t matter so much if his earthly master mistreated him. He had a Master in heaven who loved him and died for him… and was interceding in heaven for him… and was coming again for him!
» None of those earthly things had the same impact on him any more. He was SAVED and thankful!
» The Christian today can also experience this joy. No miserable earthly condition can rob us of our JOY in the Lord… IF we dwell upon our glorious position in Christ! Saved! Saved! Saved!

b. Christ CHANGED this man!
• He never would have returned to his master apart from becoming a Christian.
• But when Onesimus got saved, his life CHANGED.
• That’s what OUGHT to happen when a person gets saved. They become a NEW creature.
• Old things OUGHT to pass away.
• Too often we see folks today who claim they have received Christ and their lives are no different than they were before. There is no evidence of life… no fruit of salvation…
• In the BIBLE, when people got saved, EVERYTHING changed!
• I love to see it when someone gets SAVED SAVED SAVED! And there is no question about it! That is tremendous!
• And years go by and they are STILL in love with the Lord! Still serving Him!

c. Consider Paul… when he got saved, his life turned around completely!
• I Tim. 1:12-16a – Paul’s conversion was a PATTERN of what salvation ought to be!
• Onesimus is another wonderful example of a transformed life—a new life in Christ.
• Has YOUR life changed since you came to Christ?
• Is it obvious and evident that you are a Christian?

d. Onesimus was sent back to his master according to the flesh.
• Now that he was saved, he realized what he had done to Philemon.
• He wronged him and stole from him.
• He returns now to make things right.
• God forgives our sins… but sometimes there are earthly consequences to our sins that need to be resolved according to the laws on earth.
• He stole and needed to make restitution.
• If a fugitive from the law gets saved, he needs to turn himself in… and this is what Onesimus did.
• He was owned by Philemon and as a Christian realized he had to return to his master and take whatever punishment was coming.
• When a person comes to Christ, he is forgiven all his sins.
• However, he may have to make things right with men… he may have some apologies to make… some debts to pay to men.

e. Slavery was ingrained in Roman society.
• The Bible does not directly deal with social issues, but with moral and spiritual truths.
• However, there is a hint in this story that Paul EXPECTED Philemon to not only receive Onesimus but to release him from slavery too!
• Philemon 16 – “receive him not now as a servant (slave) but above a servant, a brother beloved.”
• Philemon 21 – Paul had confidence that Philemon would obey the exhortation to receive him back… and Paul was confident he would do MORE than Paul exhorted!” (release from slavery?)


Three Characters:

a. Onesimus: a sinner (us)

b. Philemon: a master in a faraway land (Father)

c. Paul: an advocate for the guilty (Christ)

1. Onesimus the sinner:

a. He was a thief… a lawbreaker… a runaway from his master.
• We too are sinners… lawbreakers… wronged his master… a lost sheep…
• He stole from his master and owed a debt he could not repay.
• All have sinned…
• We too are lawbreakers… aliens from God

b. Onesimus had a debt he could never pay.
• Philemon 17-18 – “IF” – first class condition – assumed true

c. Onesimus awaited death if captured. His master had that right legally.
• We too stand condemned before our Master in heaven.
• We too will perish on our own.
• If you are not saved, the wrath of God abides upon you now… and eternal condemnation… (John 3:36)

2. Providence:

a. God’s sovereign providence saw to it that during his wanderings, Onesimus came in contact with the gospel of grace.

b. God arranged all the circumstances to bring this about.

c. God drew Onesimus to the message and Onesimus believed and was saved!

d. It is no accident that you are here today hearing God’s Word. Providence has arranged it all!

3. He repents and returns to his master.

a. Upon believing he was sent back to his master.

b. He went WILLINGLY! (Paul could not FORCE him…)

4. He has an advocate before his master.

a. Paul urges Philemon to receive Onesimus (Philemon 12)

b. Paul pleads his case before Philemon in the letter.

c. Paul is on the side of Onesimus (of God be for us…)

d. Christ is our advocate in heaven. He intercedes on our behalf. (Heb. 7:25)

e. I John 2:1-2 – Christ is our advocate with respect to our sins.

5. Imputation:

a. Paul agreed to pay the debt of Onesimus (Philemon 17-18)

b. Onesimus thus stood debt FREE!

c. On that basis, Philemon could receive him back.

d. He was to be received AS Paul. (Philemon 12, 17)
• Paul was a close friend of Philemon.
• To receive Onesimus back as Paul was quite a statement!
• We are received by God AS Christ Himself!
• Eph. 1:6 – we are accepted IN the Beloved!
• Because we are robed in HIS righteousness. (Rom. 3:22)
• Isa. 53:6 – our sins were laid on Him. (imputed)
• He became sin for us! (II Cor. 5:21)
• His righteousness is put on our account! (Rom. 3:22)
• This is truly amazing grace!

6. Martin Luther said, “All of us are Onesimuses!”

a. What he meant by that was that Onesimus is a perfect illustration of every sinner who gets saved.

b. He was a slave who became a brother in Christ. He was a slave who was set free in Christ.

c. That’s what the gospel does to men today too… “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

d. Isn’t it great to be saved? Set free? Knowing that your sins are forgiven? Knowing that there is a place reserved in heaven for you? You CAN know all this if you trust in Christ as Onesimus did… and countless other Onesimuses have done over the centuries!

e. Martin Luther was right. “All of us (who are born again) are Onesimuses!”
• This pictures the fact that the Father receives us AS He receives His own Son… because we are IN Christ and robed in His righteousness! The Father sees us sinners AS He sees His own Beloved Son! We are “accepted IN the Beloved!” What grace!
• What Paul did for Onesimus, Christ has done for us!
• Yes, as Christians, we are all Onesimuses!
• When a man, woman, or child puts their faith in Christ today, God takes all of our sins… the debt of sin we could never pay on our own… and puts it ALL on Christ’s account. He became SIN for us. All our sins were laid on Him… and He paid the debt of sin in full.


· The work has already been DONE. There is nothing left for us to do… but to BELIEVE it… receive it by faith.
· You and I are like that runaway slave… law breakers… guilty… and worthy of death.
· We have a debt of sin we owe to God that we could never repay… if we lived 100 lives.
· Jesus Christ offers to be YOUR advocate…
· He paid the penalty of YOUR sins in full…
· All we like sheep have gone astray—and the Lord hath laid on HIM the iniquity of us all.
· And like Onesimus, in the midst of our wandering, God in His grace and providence brings us into contact with the glorious gospel of God’s grace… that we might be SAVED!
· But unless we REPENT… change our mind… turn to God in genuine, humble, childlike faith… we will perish.
· But IF we come to God in faith, He will receive us… AS He receives his own Son, Jesus Christ!
· Christ has agreed to pay the penalty of our sins… and set us FREE from bondage to sin…
· He offers us as a GIFT of grace eternal life…
· And all this can be YOURS… by faith.
· Come unto Me all ye that labor and I will give you REST.
· All that come to Me I will in no wise cast out.
· God doesn’t see any difference in sinners… ALL are infinitely short of His glory…
· But that gap has been bridged by Jesus Christ…
· God has done everything He could to provide salvation for YOU and for me.
· Now it is up to us… to RESPOND in faith… to come to Christ by receiving Him through faith.
· Won’t you come to Him today and be saved?
· To reject God’s offer of grace is to be condemned to eternity in the lake of fire.

Marcus and Demas

MARCUS: He Followed, Fled, and Returned

A. Review of John Mark

1. He was a Jew (of the circumcision – vs. 11)

2. He was from Jerusalem.

a. John was his Jewish name.

b. Marcus was his Roman or Latin name.

c. Sometimes he is called John (Acts 13:5) and sometimes he is called Mark (Acts 15:37; II Tim. 4).

3. His mother Mary opened her home for prayer meetings (Acts 12:12).

a. The church in Jerusalem became very large overnight and the church met in various homes on occasion.

b. We know nothing of his father. He may have been dead or an unbeliever.

c. If he was saved and alive, one would think Luke would referred to it as HIS house, not Mary’s.

d. Mary did her best to bring up her young son John Mark in the things of God—and to encourage him to believe on Christ and be saved.

e. She held prayer meetings in her home and made sure her son John Mark attended.

4. I Peter 5:13 implies that Peter led John Mark to faith in Christ.

a. It was at Mary’s house where the prayer meeting was held as they prayed for Peter to be released from prison—and he WAS released.

b. It is quite possible that at that occasion Peter led Mary’s son John Mark to faith in Christ.

c. He certainly had good reason to believe God after that prayer meeting!

d. Perhaps Mary—a believer in Christ—MADE her son come to prayer meeting. As an unsaved young man, it might have seemed quite boring to him… not much interest in praying.

e. However, over time God gave this young man a stupendous, undeniable example of answered prayer!

f. When Peter came into his home that night—I’m sure he gave one inspiring testimony as to what God had done for him.
• John Mark MUST have been impressed with Peter’s faith and courage.
• Peter believed the gospel so deeply that he was willing to suffer and be beaten and imprisoned in order to preach Christ. That’s impressive.
• And his testimony of how God released him must have made an indelible impression on John Mark’s mind and heart.

g. That may well have been the night Peter led John Mark to Christ… for Peter calls Marcus his “son” in the faith.

h. It IS a good idea for parents to bring their children to prayer meeting—even if they do think it’s a bit boring. Even if they would rather stay home and play Nintendo.

i. It may be just the thing God uses to lead them to saving faith Christ.

j. Don’t let the kids rule the roost. It’s up to Christian parents to set the tone and the example.

k. I know prayer meeting is on a school night. But I’m convinced (through years of observation) that kids who come to prayer meeting faithfully still do well in school.

l. And even if they stay up an extra 45 minutes on prayer meeting night—the Lord is able to give them that extra oomph they need for Thursday morning.

m. God honors those who honor Him.

n. Some wonderful spiritual testimonies and times of rejoicing and fellowship occur during prayer meeting that are priceless…

o. That’s not to mention the nearly 400 lessons on Proverbs they could be getting as well… divine wisdom recorded for the young and inexperienced to gain discernment, understanding, and insight.

p. Prayer meeting was good for John Mark. It would be good for your family too!

5. Acts 13:1-3 – Later John Mark went with the apostle Paul on his first missionary journey. (vs. 5 – John = John Mark)

a. John Mark went along with Paul and Barnabas on this journey.

b. Remember, John Mark was the nephew of Barnabas—which probably influenced the decision to take him along.

c. He went as their “minister” = A subordinate, servant, attendant, associate in any work.

d. Evidently, John Mark was given duties to perform for the seasoned preachers, Paul and Barnabas. He may well have been responsible for supplies, food, setting up tents, etc.

e. It must have been rigorous work too… travel was not easy in those days. They did not traverse the country in an air conditioned Winnebago.

f. It involved a lot of walking; hiking; carrying heavy loads; in the elements; hot; sweaty; dirty; hungry; thirsty; etc.

g. There was much opposition everywhere they went. The gospel is a hated message. The Savior we proclaim was hated and crucified.

h. John Mark experienced much of this opposition as he traveled with Paul and Barnabas.

6. Acts 13:13 – Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark came to Perga in Pamphilia…

a. At that point in the missionary journey, John Mark QUIT.

b. We are not told WHY… we are just told that he returned home to Jerusalem.

c. He didn’t want to travel with the missionaries any more.

d. This happens often among missionaries.
• Becoming a missionary sounds exciting!
• Traveling to exotic locations around the globe…
• Grandiose ambitions of establishing a flourishing church in a foreign land…
• Young people read missionary stories of missionaries who led thousands to Christ… whole tribes who come to faith in Christ…
• It can sound quite attractive… idealistic… fascinating… thrilling…
• And folks who go on a two week missionary trip might experience a bit of that thrill… (seeing dozens of cute little Indian kids or Zambian children run up to you… ministering in their midst…) Even sleeping on the floor in a grass hut is different and exciting.
• But we get to come home after a couple of weeks.
• But real missionaries—those called of God—stay there… for the rest of their lives.
• If you have NOT been called to serve as a missionary, the novelty wears off in a hurry.
• Living in difficult, hot, dirty locations with lousy food… riddled with disease… unsanitary conditions… and no relief in sight—that can get to you after a while.
• Many mission boards have to deal with missionaries who return home after their first term…
• Some went because of an emotional appeal or a guilt trip imposed by a well meaning but misguided pastor or a visiting missionary.
• Missionaries come home because they didn’t really count the cost before they left… or God never called them to leave in the first place.
• They return home discouraged, defeated, dejected, and feeling like a traitor.

e. We don’t know the REASONS why John Mark returned home… all we know is the FACT that he left on a long missionary journey with Paul and Barnabas… and mid stream left the team and went home. He quit.
• It could have been more difficult than he expected.
• It could have been that he discovered he just wasn’t cut-out for that kind of lifestyle.
• Perhaps he discovered that it was more dangerous than he had expected.
• It could have been he was too immature as a believer to handle the trials and opposition along the way.
• It could have been that he left on impulse and emotion… rather than the leading of the Holy Spirit.
• Cf. Acts 13:3 – the Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas.
• Vs. 5 says nothing about the Holy Spirit calling John Mark.

f. We just don’t know exactly WHY he left.
• But when he came to Perga, he went home.
• And that meant that all the work he HAD been doing for Paul and Barnabas would no longer get done.
• That meant a great imposition on Paul and Barnabas.
• They would have to take care of all those chores and duties.
• That meant that the work itself would be slower… hindered… stalled… perhaps some projects would never get finished as a result.
• Paul was a man who was DRIVEN by his work… and the fact that Mark quit in the midst of the work was a hard pill for him to swallow.
• He saw it from a very different perspective than Uncle Barnabas did.

B. The Rift

1. Acts 15:36 – Paul and Barnabas plan the second missionary journey.

a. Evidently, John Mark had had a change of heart in between these two missionary journeys.

b. He wanted to return to the work of the Lord and minister unto Paul and Barnabas as he did before.

c. No doubt he apologized for any inconvenience he was to them before… and tried to convince them that things would be different now. He had matured. He had grown in the Lord. He was dedicated to the work now. He would not depart any more.

2. Vs. 37 – Barnabas determined to take John Mark with them on the journey (his nephew).

a. Barnabas was “determined” to do so. [determine: resolve, determine, purpose after deliberation] Barnabas had his mind made up to take his nephew.

b. The name “Barnabas” means son of consolation.

c. He was true to his name. He was a comforter; an encourager; one who tried to lift the spirits of others.

d. His nephew had failed on the first missionary journey but now he wanted to return to the work.

e. Uncle Barnabas—the consoler—the comforter—wanted to encourage his nephew to do just that: get back to the work.

f. Barnabas was DETERMINED to take him back and give him a second chance.

3. Acts 15:38 – Paul thought it not good to take John Mark.

a. The REASON: Mark departed from them on the last trip.
• ἀφίστημι – withdraw, remove oneself, forsake, desert, retire, cease from something.
• This is a stronger term than is used in Acts 13:13 – ? ἀποχωρέω – to go from; to depart;
”John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.”
• ἀφίστημι – Used in Heb.3:12 – lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief… in departing from the living God.
• It is also used in I Tim.4:1 – in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits.

b. The term does not mean that Paul felt that John Mark was an unbelieving apostate who departed from the faith and denied Christ.
• But it IS a stronger term.
• Evidently the apostle Paul saw Mark’s departure as much more serious a matter than Uncle Barnabas did.
• Perhaps Paul had in mind the words of the Lord Jesus in giving qualifications for disciples: “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”
• “He went not with them to the work.” (15:38c)
• There was work to do and Mark left. He left the work for the others to do while he departed to his comfortable home in Jerusalem.
• Paul saw John Mark as derelict in his duties.
• As far as Paul was concerned he abandoned the work of the Lord.
• Paul saw John Mark as a soldier who in the middle of a campaign went AWOL—a deserter.
• Paul saw the work of the Lord as too serious to take a chance on this young man again.

4. Here we see a serious rift among the missionaries.

a. Barnabas was DETERMINED to take John Mark.

b. Paul saw him as a deserter and refused to have him come.

c. The contention was SHARP between Paul and Barnabas over this issue.
• Contention: stirring up of anger, sharp contention, angry dispute.
• Paul and Barnabas split company over this matter.

d. Who was right and who was wrong in this matter? Paul or Barnabas?
• I don’t think either of them was right or wrong.
• They just looked at the matter from a different angle.
• Barnabas had a good point: If the young man repented and wanted to serve the Lord again, it is good to give him a second chance… encourage him in the things of the Lord. (Gal. 6:12 – restore such an one in the spirit of meekness!)
• Paul also had a good point: if he failed once, he could fail again. He probably wasn’t the very best candidate for the job. Paul thought it risky to take along a proven failure. Be wise as a serpent!
• Barnabas looked at it from a “people perspective” and Paul looked at it from the perspective of the work of God and the souls of men being at stake.
• This is a good reminder to us all: good men with good intentions often DIFFER… and sometimes sharply!
• And their difference—right or wrong—wasn’t the end of the world. God USED it.
• Instead of ONE missionary team, it resulted in TWO missionary teams.
• God can bring good even out of nasty disputes and separation!
• Paul went on to preach Christ with Silas and Barnabas went on to preach Christ with John Mark… and more people came to know the Lord!
• God can STILL bring good out of disputes and arguments among believers today. He is still God!

C. The Restoration

1. John Mark’s life ought to be an encouragement to us all.

a. He failed (like we do).

b. But he repented and returned to the work of the Lord and God used him greatly!

2. Even when he determined to return to the work of the Lord, he was hindered by Paul.

a. That must have been a great discouragement to him… what a blow that must have been!

b. But he didn’t let that get him down either.

3. John Mark returned to the work and PROVED himself to be a faithful servant of God.

a. Over time even Paul saw the value of this young man in the work of God.

b. Later Paul commends Mark in Philemon 24 – his fellow laborer.

4. An in Col. 4:10, Paul commands the Colossian believers to RECEIVE John Mark!

a. Don’t be afraid to receive him—as Paul had been.

b. It is likely that the rift between Paul and Barnabas was well known in Christian circles… and in Colossae.

c. Paul wanted everyone to know that reconciliation had occurred… and that Paul felt John Mark was now worthy of being received.

5. As a young man, John Mark fell and failed… but he later grew up and matured and became a useful servant of the Lord.

6. Have you fallen and failed?

a. Learn a lesson from John Mark.

b. If you have fallen—get back up and get back to the work of the Lord.

c. Don’t sit around licking your wounds and feeling sorry for yourself. You’re wasting God’s time! Redeem the time!

d. God is in the business of restoring souls and servants.

e. Prov. 24:16 – Righteous men fall… maybe even seven times! But they keep on getting up again.

f. Psa. 37:23-24 – a good man may fall, but will NOT be utterly cast down. The Lord will hold him up.

g. When we try to get back up there will be some (who with good intentions) try to console and encourage us like Barnabas.

h. There may be others (with good intentions) who may be a bit skeptical as to whether we are ready to return to the work.

i. Be like John Mark. He returned to serve where he could… where he was received… and PROVED himself faithful… and God honored him for that.

j. And even Paul—the one who was skeptical at first—later on had to acknowledge the wonderful work that God did in his heart.

k. Even Paul learned to see him as a valuable servant of the Lord…

l. “Take Mark and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry” (II Tim. 4:11).

m. The disappointment, distrust, hurt, and resentment over Mark’s departure was completely restored and the wound was healed. Relationships CAN be healed!!!

n. Men, women, and children who fail can repent and return to the Lord and be used of the Lord again.
• God wasn’t finished with Abram when he went down to Egypt.
• God wasn’t done with Moses when he smashed the tablets in anger.
• God wasn’t finished with David when he committed adultery.
• God wasn’t done with Peter when he spoke out of turn… again and again…
• Virtually every hero of the faith also has mentioned in the Scriptures some of their failures too.
• God doesn’t cast them away because they failed… nor does he cast us away when we fall.
• The good Shepherd RESTORES our souls and leads us to green pastures… that we might be strengthened and return to the work he has called us to do!

o. God sure had a great work for John Mark to do.
• He is the man who later was used of the Lord to write the gospel of Mark.

DEMAS: He Followed and Fled (Col. 4:14)

1. Demas is mentioned here as one of Paul’s friends and a faithful servant of God.

2. In one of the letters Tychicus was delivering to Paul’s friend Philemon he mentions Demas again—(vs. 24 – as one of Paul’s fellow laborers.)

3. We don’t know for how long and in how many different places Demas served the Lord with Paul… but we do know that he was a trusted friend of Paul at this time.

a. And Paul was a diligent and careful planner.

b. When he chose men to serve with him—he was a bit picky.

c. He didn’t want just anyone… he wanted men who were faithful… dedicated… godly… who loved the Lord and put Christ first.

d. No doubt he interviewed and grilled men on doctrine before they were accepted to serve with him.

e. Demas no doubt went through an extensive screening process before Paul would take him on as a fellow laborer.

f. And evidently, at that time, he was approved and passed the test! Paul was impressed and pleased with Demas early on.

4. We have one more mention of this man Demas in Paul’s final epistle. (II Tim. 4:10)

a. What a different picture we have of Demas in this verse!

b. Years later, Demas did something similar to what John Mark did. He departed from the work of the Lord.

c. He departed because he loved the present world system.

d. Not all who start well, end well.

e. It must have broken Paul’s heart to have to write these words about his friend and former fellow worker, Demas.

f. Evidently Demas had a colossal internal, spiritual struggle taking place.
• On the one hand, he saw Paul and other believers suffering in a dingy prison for their faith in Christ… perhaps facing a death sentence.
• On the other hand, there in the bustling city of Rome, the capital of the world, he saw the lights that dazzle… the tempting sounds he heard… there was the glitter of fashion… the gorgeous gardens and the magnificent halls and palaces of the Caesars.
• In Rome, he had access to the plays, the music halls, the night life, the women, the carnivals and the countless distractions and festivities of that outstanding city.
• Over time, it got to him. He caved in to the pressure and the allurements of the world.

g. II Tim. 4:10 – World: aiwn – the age – the spirit of the age – the philosophy of the world: you only go around once—grab for all the gusto you can! Live it up! Live for today!

h. Demas didn’t want to live the crucified life any more. He wanted to live it up.

i. He became enamored by the world and the things of the world: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life! (I John 2:15-16)

j. Many a believer who started off well has been HOOKED by the same enticements of the world’s pleasure that hooked Demas.

k. As a result, Demas FORSOOK Paul…

• This is the same word as used in Heb.10:25 – forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.
• He left Paul and the work of the Lord just like John Mark did… though for a different reason.
• This must have been extremely painful to the apostle.
• It is always painful when folks we come to know and love in the Lord DEPART… and return to the world.
• Unfortunately, in the Lord’s work, it happens all the time.
• And in our age, we should expect it more and more.
• Cf. II Tim.3:1, 2, 4 – lovers of themselves (vs. 2), traitors to the cause of Christ (vs. 4a)… lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God (vs. 4).
• Note that Paul does not say they have NO love for God. They love God—but they love the world and its pleasures more.
• That is a debilitating BLIGHT upon the church of Jesus Christ in our age.
• The work of God SUFFERS as a result.
• It’s hard to find qualified folks to serve in the local church and COMMIT to being a Sunday school teacher, choir member, or any other ministry… much less a missionary… when they are MORE committed to personal pleasure.
• Demas looked at where Paul’s faithfulness landed him (in a dingy prison cell)… and then he looked at all the pleasures available in Rome—and chose to place his love on the world rather than on Christ and His ministry.
• He made his choice.
• In the earthly here and now—it seemed reasonable.
• At the Bema Seat of Christ he will see how foolish his worldly decisions were in light of eternity… what a waste of God’s time to pursue the trinkets and pleasures of the world that last but a moment… and loss of rewards forever.
• Paul knew the eternal consequences of the poor choices Demas made and it broke his heart.
• For the believer, it is suffering in this life… sacrifice in this life… the crucified life now… and the crown in glory!
• “So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my (earthly) trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown!”
• Demas was unwilling to lay down the trophies of this life. He was unwilling to pick up a cross to follow Christ. He had his fun in this life. He will miss out on his crown forever and ever.
• Oh, he’ll make it to heaven… but with precious little fruit… no crown to cast at the feet of the Lord Jesus in worship… no “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”

l. With no more information than that, one might wonder about whether Demas was a believer at all.
• Was he like Judas? A false disciple who pretended to walk the walk for a while and then quit because he was not a genuine believer?
• Was he like the folks John describes in I John 2:19?
• Was he like the seed that landed on rocky soil… sprout up… and then dried up.
• Did he depart from Paul and the Lord because he was never truly born again?
• The only information we have is that he followed for a while and departed.
• That’s exactly what we are told of John Mark too.
• I’m inclined to believe that he was a true believer… but a carnal, worldly believer who lived for himself rather than for the Lord.

5. But we don’t have the final chapter on Demas.

a. With the scant information we have, it’s impossible to know for sure where he stood with the Lord. (True believer or imposter)

b. There are lots of men and women like Demas—who started out well… and then departed.

c. Where they stand with the Lord we may never know. Only the Lord knows that.

d. Because we don’t know about so many folks “Demas” like followers today, we should believe the best and keep on praying for them!

6. God may have had a wonderful final chapter for the life of Demas too…

a. If all we knew about John Mark was the information up to Acts 13, we might wonder the same thing about him.

b. God gave us more info about John… but not about Demas.

c. Perhaps Demas too repented…
• Maybe he got sick of the empty chaff the world had to offer… and returned to fellowship with His heavenly Father like the prodigal son!

d. We just don’t know.

e. We have to leave Demas in the hands of the Lord. He knows all things… He doeth all things well. He never makes a mistake… never misjudges a heart.

f. There are lots of men and women who started off like John Mark and like Demas. They started off well… and then they returned to the world.

g. We ought to PRAY for folks like Demas.

h. We also ought to help encourage and restore folks like John Mark.

i. Maybe you ARE a John-Mark or a Demas and have departed from the Lord.
• There is no time like the present to repent of your sin—see the error of your ways—the wasted years away from Christ –
• Return to fellowship with Christ and His Body, the local church and bear fruit once again!
• Just like the father in the story of the prodigal son, your Heavenly Father is waiting for you to return… to receive you with open arms upon repentance.
• What are you waiting for?
• So you’ve wasted time on worldly pleasures and pursuits.
• Use what time you have left for the service of Christ… if you’ve forsaken the assembling of yourselves in the local church—be like John Mark.
• God may have a wonderful ministry for you as He had for John Mark!

j. God is still in the business of restoring souls… and drawing wanderers back to Himself… and transforming them into useful servants for His glory!


A Man with a Heart for God’s People and God’s Work

Epaphras: A Servant of God

1. He was “of you.” He was FROM Colossae. That was his home church.

2. He was the one used of the Lord to found the church in Colossae. (1:7)

a. The Colossians “learned” the gospel from Epaphras. (cf. vs. 6) (learned = discipled)

b. Some believe that he also founded the other churches in that region: Laodicea and Heiropolis. (4:13) (They were all only about 10 miles or so apart—tri-city region)

3. A SERVANT of Christ.

a. Servant: Strong’s – doulos: a servant; slave;

b. Zodhiates: one who is in a permanent relation of servitude to another, his will being altogether consumed in the will of the other.

c. Greek-English Lexicon: one who is a slave in the sense of becoming the property of an owner.

d. It was a bond slave—but used here of voluntary slavery to Christ in His service. It speaks of loyalty and dedication to Christ as LORD.

e. This is what EVERY Christian ought to be: a bond slave of Christ.

f. In 1:7 he is also called a faithful minister (diakonos).

4. In Col. 1:7 Paul refers to him as a dear “fellowservant.”

a. Fellowservant: sundoulos

b. Paul sees himself and Epaphras as fellow servants of Jesus Christ… both bond slaves of the Lord… both enrolled in His service.

c. Not only are all believers bond slaves of Christ, we are to consider ourselves FELLOW bond slaves.
• We are serving the Lord TOGETHER… not working against each other.
• There is ONE Master, and we are all to be carrying out His will and doing His service.

d. And in this verse he speaks of him as a “dear” fellowservant.
• Dear = ἀγαπητός—He was a beloved one—both of the Lord and of the people of God.

Epaphras: A Prayer Warrior

A. HOW He Prayed

1. Continually

a. This was his lifestyle.

b. He didn’t pray only when he was with other believers who were praying. He prayed on his own—always.

c. Col. 4:2 – he obeyed this command… willingly… naturally.

2. Fervently – ἀγωνιζόμενος

a. This is one Greek word translated “labored fervently.”

b. To contend for a prize, struggle.

c. To strive to do something with great intensity and effort.

d. I Cor. 9:25 – And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.
• It was a term used to describe the effort that went into athletic competitions.
• This is the kind of effort and enthusiasm that ought to be exerted in our prayer life!
• Think of the “fervency” that was in the air when the Patriots won the Super Bowl…
• Imagine if believers were as fervent in prayer?
• It is the fervent prayer that is effectual!

e. I Tim. 6:12 – Fight the good fight of faith. (2 times – verb and noun). This kind of fervency is to be exerted in our daily struggle for the faith… and to remain faithful to the faith.

f. Col. 1:29 – Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
• Notice that in the believer who is yielded to Christ, and IN and THROUGH whom God is working… there is still an internal struggle occurring… agonizomai!
• But the struggle is not of the believer struggling to accomplish the work… but rather of the believer struggling to TRUST God to work through him…
• It is a fight of the FAITH… for the flesh loves to try to take the reigns and do it all by ourselves… and leave God out. Our tendency is to trust self.
• It is a battle to remain resting and trusting in God alone to work through us—and that battle exists in our prayer lives as well…
• It is a battle to BELIEVE that God hears and responds to our prayers…
• It is an internal battle of the emotions, pouring our hearts out to God to work to accomplish His will…

g. Luke 22:44 – the very best illustration of this concept as relating to prayer is found in the Lord’s prayer in Gethsemane.
• “He being in agony (noun form)… prayed earnestly.” (lit = intensely).
• He sweat as it were, great drops of blood.
• This prayer was not a light little ditty… but it came from deep within His heart and soul…

h. Epaphras “agonized” in prayer…

i. Present participle –constantly: ongoing wrestling in prayer

3. Specifically (for you)

a. Epaphras was one OF them. He was from that city.

b. Of course, he would know many of those saints by name.

c. He would be familiar with the circumstances of their lives.

d. He would know some of the conflicts and battles they faced.

e. He didn’t just pray for believers everywhere around the world in a broad, vague, fuzzy, generic sense.

f. He prayed especially for those he KNEW in his home town… and those he loved.

g. He prayed specifically for them.

h. That’s why we mention specific prayer requests from a few of the missionaries that we know. We print up specific prayer lists… with names of real people… and the struggles they are facing.

i. USE those prayer lists and pray specifically!

j. How can you praise God for answered prayer if your prayer is “God bless the missionaries?”

4. For Spiritual Things

a. He prayed that the believers would stand fast in the will of God.

b. NOT: for a new job; better pay; sore backs and knees; new tent; increase in the flock.

c. Our prayer requests often focus on the earthly. His prayer request was for the heavenly—spiritual things.

d. When we seek those things which are above as we are commanded, we will be praying for things above too!

e. It certainly is not wrong to pray for earthly things (like food; shelter; health, and other earthly needs).

f. But with this caveat:
• That should not be the bulk of our prayers… we should not concentrate on those things.
• And when we DO pray for earthly things, it should be for a spiritual purpose: that God may be glorified in some way through the provision or answer.
» Ex: don’t just pray for good health—but pray for God to restore our bodies that we might be strong enough to serve Him…
» Ex: don’t just pray for a job—but for a job that you might be a witness for Christ in the exact place He would have for you!

Epaphras: A Man with a Heart for the People of God

1. Standing perfect and complete in all the will of God!

a. What an amazing prayer request!

b. He wanted the people of God to know the will of God and to walk in it!

c. He wanted the spiritual BEST for God’s people in Colossae.

2. He wanted God’s people to STAND. STABILITY!

a. Stand: to stand fast; made to stand; established; set in place.

b. Passive = made to stand. God does this. It is HE who holds us up and enables us to stand. Epaphras knew that… and prayed for it.

c. He wasn’t praying for the believers stand in their own strength… but that they would be MADE to stand.

d. Oh how we need to be praying for one another that we too might be made to STAND… especially in this evil day.

e. Eph. 6:12-14 – stand is a command… but it can only be done when we are protected by Gods’ armor… and we are are thus strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might… not ours. (vs. 10)

f. We live in soft days… wherein Christians in our land think it not even necessary to take a stand on anything… The tendency is to rather than taking a stand, to lie down… in complacency.

g. We seem to have such a spineless, wishy-washy brand of Christianity today. We NEED godly saints to take their STAND… Let’s pray for that.

h. Epaphras prayed for the believers in Colossae that God would make them to STAND… for they were under attack by an early form of Gnosticism…

i. What a great prayer for us to pray for one another! That we be not babes, tossed to and fro…

3. He wanted God’s people to stand in ALL the will of God… not just part of it.

a. All false teachers have “some” of the will of God intertwined in their false systems.

b. But having a “little” bit of the will and knowledge of God can be exceedingly dangerous… and deceptive.

c. ALL is an important term used in Colossians. It appears over 30 times.
• Col. 1:16-17 – for by Him were ALL things created and ALL things consist.
• Col. 1:18 – that in ALL things Christ should have the preeminence. Religious men might give Him preeminence in a few things…
• 2:9 – in Him dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead. Some cults say that Christ had “some” trace of divinity… a little spark of divinity.
• 2:10 – He is the head of ALL principalities and powers… not just a few.
• ALL is an important word theologically. Less than ALL can be disastrous and heretical. (Whether it relates to the Person of Christ, His finished work, or the knowledge of ALL of His will).

d. Epaphras prayed that the saints in Colossae would stand in ALL the will of God.
• Literally = in everything willed by God.
• Most of God’s will is revealed in His Word. ALL: Every jot and tittle in God’s Word is important.
• God’s expect obedience and compliance in ALL of it.
• False teachers are learned in promoting MUCH of God’s will. They can be moral… good citizens… good family people… but there are always SOME areas where they go astray from God’s will.
• The prayer was for believers to be standing in ALL the will of God… that every portion of God’s will for their lives would be realized. (God’s will for your witness at work; your family; your reaction to trials; your service in the local church; fruit bearing; learning His Word; knowing Christ and growing in Him…)
• There is a LOT to God’s will… and Epaphras wanted the believers in Colossae to be standing in EVERY BIT of it… nothing lacking.
• He prayed that they would stand fast in EVERYTHING willed by God for their lives.
• Paul’s prayers for the people were that they would be FILLED with the knowledge of His will… (1:9)
• This kind of praying puts God and His will at the center of everything.

4. Perfect: MATURITY!

a. Epaphras wanted the Colossians to stand PERFECT.

b. This does not mean he was expecting them to be sinlessly perfect.

c. Τέλειος – of full age; mature; brought to its end; finished.
• Perfect in the sense of not lacking any moral quality; mature in behavior.
• Of persons, meaning full–grown in mind and understanding (1 Cor. 14:20);
• Heb. 5:14 – But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age… as opposed to babes… immature ones.

d. The prayer of Epaphras was for the saints at Colossae to stand before God as full grown, spiritually mature adults… with a mature understanding of His will and His ways.

e. Eph. 4:13-14 – this was the heart desire of Paul for the Ephesians as well. (Notice the context of spiritual attack by error in both places.)

5. Complete: ASSURANCE!

a. Defined: (textual variation) (long Greek Word with 16 letters, and in some manuscripts one word has three extra letters giving it addition meaning – from filled to the full to fully persuaded.)
• Wuest: “to bear or bring to the full, to carry through to the end, to make full, to persuade, fully convince.”
• Lightfoot translates, “fully persuaded.”
• Vincent translates it, “fully assured.”

b. Cf. Rom. 14:5 – Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

c. Cf. Rom. 4:21 – And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

d. The prayer was not for believers to objectively possess the will of God (as raw data)… but rather than we would be subjectively PERSUADED by the will of God.

e. This implies a pure conscience—persuaded that we are standing in God’s will… persuaded from the Holy Spirit using the Scripture so that we know God’s will… persuaded that we are doing God’s will… persuaded that we are living God’s will… THAT brings a pure conscience. Anything less will cause the conscience to convict us…

f. It implies MORE than just possessing facts; it implies full persuasion… confidence… assurance… faith… trust…

g. This too is an expression of spiritual maturity… assurance! (Babes are tossed to and fro… they are uncertain; vacillate.)

h. Uncertainty lays a person open for enticement into error. Maturity brings a settled assurance. It is a knowledge of God’s will as recorded in His Word that brings that assurance to the heart.

i. This was also Paul’s prayer for the Colossians in 2:2 – the “full assurance of understanding.” (same term)

j. Perfect, passive, participle-
• The perfect tense strengthens this thought.
• The prayer is that we might come to the place of full assurance of God’s will and STAND there—remain settled in it!
• The passive indicates that it is the Lord who brings a believer to that place in their life of faith and it is the Lord who establishes us in that kind assurance!
• So if it is the Lord’s work in us—then PRAY for it!
• Pray for a full understanding of the will of God for your life… and that you will be SETTLED, established, and RESTING in it! (Not wandering, drifting, vacillating, but assured and stable!)

6. Epaphras had a heart for God’s people.

a. He knew how to pray for them and what to pray for.

b. He knew what they really needed… to know God’s will… to stand fast in it… and assured by it… and resting in it!

c. What a great way to pray for one another today too!

Epaphras: A Man Zealous for the Work of God

1. Zealous:

a. There are two words that appear here in the Greek in various texts. Some texts have one; some have both terms.

b. ζῆλος – to be hot, fervent; fervour of spirit.
• This is the term used in John 2:17 – “the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.”

c. πόνος – It is labor which demands the whole strength of man; pain, hard work to the point of tormenting agony

2. Paul speaks here of the hard work and/or zeal that Epaphras poured into those folks as he ministered in their midst.

a. He was zealous for the house of God in Colossae!

b. He labored with the labor which demands the whole strength of man.

c. Paul saw in Epaphras a man for whom the work of the Lord was his life… he poured his heart and soul into it.

d. He was zealous that the local churches in his home region flourished and bore fruit—real fruit of the Spirit.

e. He was zealous—jealous—for the purity of the work of God in that region of the world.
• I don’t really think I could convey to someone who is not in the ministry of the zeal Paul saw in the heart of Epaphras toward the work of God in Colossae…
• I think only a pastor could really understand what he means.

f. Paul was just as zealous for the churches he had helped establish.
• II Cor. 11:2-3 – Paul was “jealous” (same word as zealous in Col. 4:13) for the church at Corinth.
• He had a holy zeal for their purity –
• The closest way to describe this zeal is the holy jealousy a father would have for his daughter’s purity… that he may present her as a chaste virgin to her husband.
• Paul had that kind of holy zeal for the believers in Corinth… that he might present them prepared to stand before the Bema seat… and receive a well done!
• Read I & II Cor. Paul agonized over the spiritual condition of the believers there. He was zealous and jealous for them… that they would walk with God and not be destroyed by the adversary.
• He agonized over the spiritual decline he saw in some… in their lax attitude towards spiritual things… their complacency… their carnality and worldliness.
• Paul had a pastor’s heart.
• Epaphras had the same kind of zeal toward the church that he evidently had established in Colossae… as did Paul (Col. 2:4). They were jealous over the purity of that assembly of believers.
• Any pastor would have that kind of heart toward his ministry… toward the flock of God over which God has made him overseer.
• He was zealous—jealous for it… and wanted only that which would be BEST for them in light of eternity.

3. His zeal extended beyond Colossae to neighboring cities where churches had been established.

a. He was also zealous for the churches established in Laodicea and Hierapolis too.

b. He had labored much in that region…
• II Cor. 12:15 – Like Paul he spent and was spent on the work of God there.
• Phil. 2:17 – Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
• The more you PUT INTO the work of God… into a local church… the more zealous you will be for that work… the more jealously you will want to protect it.

c. Folks that are totally involved in the work of God and are zealous for it… experience certain things other believers who are only casually involved in the work never experience.
• The heart wrenching agony when things go wrong… the weeping over believers who like Demas turn away… the broken heart associated with young ones we have watched grow up choose not to walk with God… (Other folks might say in passing, what a pity!)
• The heavenly joy and peace that passes understanding through God’s hand of blessing… the real thrill of answered prayer… the delight in seeing people get saved… and believers returning to the Lord… and the pure spiritual pleasure of seeing God WORK in our midst… the thrill of seeing God build up His Body… (Other folks who have not poured their hearts and souls into the work might say, “Isn’t that nice.”)

4. Paul bears him record [is a continual witness to this fact] (present tense) that he (continually has) a zeal for you!

a. Epaphras was with Paul in Rome.

b. Philemon 23 – Paul refers to him as his “fellow prisoner.”

c. If they were confined together, Paul would certainly get to know this man well… to know his heart for God’s people… his heart to pray… his heart for the churches of Christ in home region…

d. Prison (confinement of any sort) could not preclude him from serving Christ and ministering to the Body of Christ! He was a prayer warrior for those saints.

e. Epaphras perhaps did more to minister to the spiritual well being of the folks in the Lycas Valley than many of the believers in Colossae who were FREE—but who did not have the same quality of HEART for the work of God!

f. Evidently Paul and Epaphras shared the same heart for the work of God.

g. Paul carried upon him the “burden of all the churches.”

h. So did Epaphras—at least for the region he was from.

i. The churches in that Lycas Valley were near and dear to his heart… as I hope the faithful Bible believing churches in the Merrimack Valley are to us!

j. He rejoiced with those who did rejoice and wept with those who wept.

k. Epaphras had a heart for the work of God.

5. God’s work in this age is the LOCAL church.

a. This is what God is doing in this age.

b. No wonder the local church is under such an attack by our adversary the devil.

c. In some areas of the globe his strategy is to persecute the church from without… (China; Muslim countries).

d. In this country his tactic seems to be to corrupt the church from within… watering down its message… blurring the lines of distinction between the church and the world… making it soft… carnal… worldly… businesslike… apathetic… irreverent… spiritually careless… and lacking spiritual understanding and discernment to even recognize the corruption.

e. May WE have a heart for God’s work—the local church—like Paul and Epaphras: willing to be faithful servants… dear fellowservants… prayer warriors… seeking things above… desiring each believer to grow in Christlikeness… and to stand fast in all the will of God… and to see God’s work GROW God’s way…

Fellow-Workers unto the Kingdom


This is the final section of the epistle. Paul writes a letter to the church at Colossae, and three of his fellow workers (Aristarchus, Marcus, and Justus) also send along their greetings and salutations to the Colossians.


A. Aristarchus

1. He was Paul’s “fellow prisoner.”

a. The most natural way to take this expression is that he too was imprisoned in Rome as Paul was.

b. And it is to be assumed for the same reason: for preaching Christ. (Not as Tychicus—the thief!)

c. Aristarchus was a faithful disciple of Christ.

d. The term indicates a man who is willing to SUFFER in the ministry of Christ.

e. Matt. 16:24-25 – the cost of following Christ.
• This is NOT the plan of salvation.
• We are saved by faith and faith alone.
• But once saved, God expects us to follow Christ.
• And following Christ… in a world that hated Him and crucified Him… means suffering for the followers—to one degree or another.
• Jesus says that those following Him ought to be willing to suffer to the ultimate—a cross—a form of cruel death.
• This does not mean that everyone who follows Christ will suffer martyrdom, but it does mean that everyone who follows Christ will suffer.
• There was recently a man in Afghanistan who professed faith in Christ and was about to be tried in a Muslim court… and executed for his faith… that’s persecution!
• There is a COST to following Christ.
• Aristarchus was willing to pay the price. He ended up in jail as Paul did.

f. I Tim. 3:12 – Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
• It is possible (it happens all the time) to be a carnal believer… and to avoid suffering for Christ’s sake.
• The world hates godly believers… because the lifestyle of a godly believer shines light on their darkness and they hate that.
• But the world doesn’t hate the believer who lives like they do… (let’s eat, drink, and be merry! Let’s live for today! Live it up—you only go around once!)
• But ALL those who walk in the Spirit and live godly lives shall suffer persecution… for their faith.
• Godly believers are suffering and paying a huge price in many countries around the world today: China; Muslim countries…

g. In America, we don’t suffer that much for our faith in Christ.
• Persecution seems to come in waves and in various locations throughout the history of the church.
• Paul tells us to PRAY for those in leadership positions so that we might not have to face severe persecution. (That we might lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.)
• God has blessed us in this nation. Keep on praying for it may not last forever.
• But even in times of relative ease, there is always SOME form of persecution that occurs.
• I Tim. 3:12 is always true—everywhere. ALL who live godly shall suffer persecution to one degree or another.
• In this land, it is more often subtle… laughter… mocking… by passed for a promotion… considered odd… rejected by family…
• It is a far cry from being chased out of your country… or burned at the stake… or imprisoned.
• But it IS a form of persecution… and expression of the world’s hatred for our Savior, Jesus Christ. They can’t get at Him so they get at His followers.

h. A true follower of Christ ought to be WILLING to suffer for His name’s sake.
• The degree to which we are called to suffer varies wildly from believer to believer.
• For a believer who decides to get baptized the consequences might vary from being executed… to losing one’s job… to being ridiculed by old friends.
• But we ALL should have a heart WILLING to suffer.
• Godly believers are willing to pay the price… and there WILL be a price to pay: one degree or another.
• Believers who are not as godly can avoid the suffering… through compromise and worldly living.
• To some who have professed faith in Christ getting up an hour early for Sunday school is too much to suffer!
• Forget about SUFFERING for their faith—some folks are unwilling to be put out at all in the service of Christ.
• They will come to church and serve Christ IF it is convenient… if it does not upset their busy schedule of fun things to do…
• They will help serve in the local church as long as it doesn’t mean any inconvenience in their lives… as long as they don’t have to sacrifice any of the things THEY want to do…
• For them coming to the evening service is a nuisance… a hassle…
• Signing up to help clean the church—that’s out of the question! If I’m going to clean up anywhere, it will be at MY house!
• The TRUE Christian life is a crucified life… a life of death to self… and alive unto God… a life not lived for self, but for the Lord and in the Lord’s service… as the Lord leads… regardless of the price—even if it means jail!
• Aristarchus was willing to pay the price in following Christ. He was a fellow PRISONER with Paul.

i. Serving Christ in our land does not involve overt persecution… but it DOES involve the crucified life… a life of self sacrifice.
• And if disciples of Christ are expected to be willing to pick up a cross… surely it is not too much for believers to be expected to be inconvenienced for Christ… to put themselves out a bit in serving Him… in going the extra mile…
• There is a soft and effeminate Christianity today that seems unwilling to suffer at all… and one must wonder whether it is true Christianity at all…

2. He salutes the Colossian believers.

a. He was not going with Onesimus and Tychicus, but stayed behind.

b. He stayed with Paul in Rome… perhaps not by choice (prisoner!)

3. He was one of the men who traveled with Paul on his missionary journey.

a. Acts 19:29 – He was from the region of Macedonia… and the city of Thessalonica.

b. He was seized along with Paul during the riot in Ephesus (caused by the idol makers unhappy with Paul’s message.

c. There Paul and Aristarchus could have been beaten to death… until the town clerk brought order to the crowd.

d. Acts 20:1 – From Ephesus, Paul left for Macedonia… and Aristarchus accompanied him there.

e. Acts 20:4 – Then when Paul went from Macedonia ultimately back to Jerusalem, Aristarchus was with him. They brought the love gift from the gentiles to the poor saints in Jerusalem.

f. It is likely that Aristarchus was there with Paul during his incarceration at Caesarea.

g. Acts 27:2 – he went on the infamous ship ride with Paul to Rome… which became a shipwreck.

4. Philemon 24 – Aristarchus is called Paul’s fellow laborer.

a. He was a worker… a laborer… a servant.

b. He was involved in the WORK of the ministry.

c. Eph. 4:11-12 – the ministry involves WORK.

d. Are you involved? HOW are you involved in the work of the ministry? What is your ministry?

e. If you are born again, God has gifted and equipped you to serve and function in the local church.

f. To have a gift and not use it for God’s glory in the local church leaves the church without a God-given, God-designed function. (Like a body without a knee or without a finger.)

g. And to have a gift designed to function in the Body and not use it also deprives YOU of fulfilling your God given purpose… and thus, it leaves you unfulfilled!

h. The Body needs YOUR service… and YOU need the Body’s ministry too.

i. Be like Aristarchus: a fellow worker! Join in and get busy serving the Lord in the local church.

5. Aristarchus was with Paul during some of his most difficult times!

a. The riot in Ephesus…

b. The shipwreck off Cyprus…

c. Imprisonment in Rome…

d. He was no fair weather friend… but loyal… through thick and thin.

e. Very often in life, going through such trials and storms together STRENGTHENS the bond between people.

f. On a human level—those who experience a hurricane together… or a flood…

g. In the spiritual realm… those who go on a missions trip together… those who go through stormy times together in a local church and stick it out to the end…

h. There is a sense of bonding and camaraderie that develops.

i. I’m sure that the difficult times Paul and Aristarchus experienced together caused them to be knit together in the Lord.

j. After so many years of serving the Lord together—a deep sense of true FELLOWSHIP arises.

k. This is God’s intent for our service in the local church too. This sense of true fellowship is DEEPENED and enriched by time and experiences.

l. There is naturally a much deeper sense of a bond of fellowship among those who have been serving together in a local church for 20 years as opposed to those who have been attending and serving for one year.

m. One of Paul’s desires for the believers in Colossae was that they would (over time and through various experiences) be KNIT together in love. (Col. 2:2)

n. That’s a good reason to be faithful in serving in the local church… it is a bonding together that does not occur with folks who are constantly hopping from one church to another.

o. Paul and Aristarchus had been through the waters and the fires together… and had many memories of God’s deliverances and faithfulness.

B. Marcus

1. Marcus is also called Mark… the author of the gospel.

2. Acts 12:12 –

a. He is sometimes referred to as John Mark.
• John was his Jewish name…
• Mark (Marcus) was his Roman name.
• This was a common practice for Jews in those days.

b. His mother Mary opened up her home for the believers to hold prayer meetings. (Prayer for Peter to be released!)

2. Col. 4:10 –

a. John Mark was a cousin of Barnabus.

b. Acts 13:1-3, 5 – This Barnabus was the man who was called of the Lord to go with Paul on the world’s first missionary journey.

c. When Paul and Barnabus went on their first missionary journey, they took John Mark with them. (We will look at that story at another time). (Cf. Acts 12:25)

d. John Mark accompanied Barnabus.

4. I Peter 5:13 – some believe that Peter led Marcus to the Lord.

5. Philemon 24 – he (along with Aristarchus) is called a fellow laborer.

C. Justus

1. Jesus is a common Jewish name. It is actually Joshua.

2. This Jesus (Joshua) was also called Justus.

a. Joshua was his Jewish name.

b. Justus was his Roman name.

c. Justus was Latin meaning “just” or “righteous.”

d. He would have been called Joshua the Just.

3. We know almost nothing about him except for this passage.

a. We know all about the good deeds of Paul.

b. We know almost nothing about the good deeds of Justus.

c. However, God does… and that’s what counts.

d. This is the way it is with MANY of our fellow believers.
• Some men their deeds and ministries are seen and known.
• Others, their deeds and ministries are not seen or known… except to the Lord.
• Many believers minister for the Lord behind the scenes… quietly going about their ministry… not blowing the trumpet before them to be seen of men.


A. Jewish – by birth or as a proselyte

1. vs. 11 – “who are of the circumcision.”

a. This means that all three of these men were either Jewish (Hebrews) by birth OR they were Gentile proselytes to Judaism… who then became Christians.

B. Fellow workers with Paul

1. These only are my fellow workers.

a. “Only” – This does not mean that there WERE no other fellow workers.
• It means that all the rest of them were gentiles. These men were the only fellow workers of the “circumcision.”
• While in Rome, there were only a few Hebrew Christians who helped Paul during his imprisonment.
• Most of Paul’s fellow countrymen rejected his Christian message. Many Jews openly opposed the spread of the gospel.
• Even many Hebrew Christians had a hard time accepting Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles… and did not offer him the kind of help that perhaps they should have.
• Some legalistic, Hebrew believers in Christ had a hard time accepting the uncircumcised gentiles, and they continually attempted to put these gentile converts under the Law…
• Thus they gave Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, a cold shoulder… sometimes preaching Christ out of contention.
• But there were three notable men from the circumcision—Jews who had become Christians—who truly understood GRACE… and thus they had wonderful fellowship with Paul and served the Lord together with him.

b. Fellow workers – that was Paul’s term for the believers. WORKERS!
• Every believer should be a WORKER… working in the Lord’s work.
• Of course it is God who works IN us. He does the work and He gets the glory.
• However, we as believers need to be YIELDED and willing for Him to work through us.
• God does the work… but so do WE. God uses our hands… our feet… our mouths… our skills… our talents…
• But we need to be ready and available for the Lord to use us.
• Are you available to be used of the Lord in any way He sees fit?
• What ministries ARE you involved with in the local church?

c. Let’s look at how often this theme appears in the New Testament:
• Acts 9:36 – Dorcas was FULL of good works.
• Acts 13:2 – Paul and Barnabus were called to a work for God.
• Rom. 16:12 – Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord.
• Rom. 16:21 – Timothy was his workfellow.
• I Cor. 3:9 – For we are labourers together with God.
• I Cor. 15:10 – but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
• I Cor. 15:58 – always abounding in the work of the Lord.
• I Cor. 16:10 – he worketh the work of the Lord.
• II Cor. 5:9 – Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
• II Cor. 6:1 – we are workers together with Him.
• Eph. 4:12 – for the work of the ministry.
• Phil. 2:16 – I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.
• Phil. 2:25 – Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour.
• Phil. 4:3 – help those women which laboured with me in the gospel.
• Col. 1:10 – being fruitful in every good work.
• Col. 1:29 – Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
• I Thess. 1:3 – Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love.
• I Tim. 5:17 –Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
• II Tim.2:15 – Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.
• II Tim. 3:17 – That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
• Titus 3:14 – learn to maintain good works for necessary uses.
• Heb. 6:10 – God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love.
• Ecc. 12:12 – much study is a weariness of the flesh.

d. The work of the Lord is WORK.
• It involves a LOT of work… ongoing chores… responsibilities… no end to the WORK.
• The work of the ministry involves much LABOR.
• For the work of the ministry to continue it requires many LABORERS.
• And whether it is in the mission field or in the local church, laborers seem to be scarce.
• Everybody wants the work to be done…
• Story: Three men named: everybody, somebody, and nobody. When it was time to clean the church, everybody thought that somebody would do it. But when it came right down to it, nobody ended up doing it!
• Paul was called to teach and preach the word.
» But for him to do this important job, it required LOTS of other people laboring behind the scenes.
» There was much work to be done… arrangements to be made… food… transportation… clothing… ordinary chores that were necessary for the work to continue.
» Aristarchus, Justus, and Mark were such men. They LABORED in the work of the Lord.
» For Salem Bible Church to function, it requires LOTS of men, women, and children laboring behind the scenes.
» To keep a church functioning requires MANY laborers.
» And in many churches, 10% of the people end up doing 90% of the work.
» The ratio here is a bit better than that… but it is still unbalanced.
» If that is the case, that means that 90% of the people are taking advantage of the labors of others and are NOT doing their share of the work.
» Ex: cleaning up the church. If a small number of folks offer to help, they end up doing it every couple of months. If every able bodied person offered to help… each person would only have to clean up once a year or so!
» I don’t understand why every able bodied person does NOT offer to help. Is it not your gift? Are you not led? My guess is that if we were truly yielded and available… the Lord would “lead” many more of us to serve… and that we might discover that we have the gift of helps after all!
» That is NOT the way it ought to be. The work load in the local church ought to be SHARED…
» We should ALL be laborers TOGETHER… co-workers
» The work of the Lord involves teaching Sunday school and singing in the choir—but also mowing the lawn, fixing a leaky sink, scrubbing toilets, vacuuming the rugs, changing diapers, making tapes and CDs, visiting, passing out tracts, setting up tables, going to the dump…
» It’s not very glamorous… but it is necessary for the work of the Lord to continue.
» Let’s pray that God would stir up folks HERE to become more INVOLVED in the work of the Lord… awaken us from our sleep and lethargy… and see the need to roll up their sleeves and DO the work of the ministry.
» The RIGHT % is to have 100% of the believers here involved in the work of the ministry.
» The right kind of response to a message like this is, “Hey, what can I do to help? Here am I send me!”
» If you are NOT involved and would like to be—we would love to get you connected to a ministry where you could contribute to the work of the Lord in this place!

C. Comforters to Paul

1. They comforted Paul by being an encouragement to him during his Roman imprisonment. (Those in prison need encouragement!)

2. Comfort = paregoria (not the most usual term for comfort)

a. Solace, relief, alleviation, consolation.

b. I Thess. 4:18 – the best way to bring REAL comfort to a brother… real SPIRITUAL comfort is through the Word of God.

c. Rom. 15:4 – For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

d. We need to be reminded of what the Bible says when we are down and discouraged… reminded of things we already know.

e. Were it not for these men who comforted Paul, who knows whether he would have been able to say, “I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.”

f. You and I can have a REAL spiritual impact in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

g. And you don’t need to be a professional counselor with a degree in psychology. In fact, a simple believer who knows God’s word is what is really needed. That believer can share the word and bring true and lasting comfort… life changing words… words of life!

h. Maybe you know a believer who is discouraged and could use some paregoric.

i. We have the Word—the Balm of Gilead. Use it to encourage others… spread that balm generously.

j. One little word of encouragement can change the whole direction of a person’s life…

k. It can cause a discouraged person who is about to throw in the towel and do something really foolish… to turn around… trust in the Lord again… regain HIS strength… and continue… and finish his course.

3. Fellow workers have a responsibility to COMFORT one another…

a. This too is part of the work of the Lord.

b. If the work is to continue… the workers need to be cared for… encouraged… comforted… exhorted… challenged… admonished…

c. Paul wasn’t afraid to let people know that he needed to be comforted… relieved… encouraged.

d. Being incarcerated can be VERY discouraging.

e. These men brought a bit of relief to Paul during his stay in prison… as paregoric brings relief to a baby teething.

f. II Cor. 1:4 – the ability to comfort others is usually learned the hard way… through difficult experiences through which we are comforted of God!

g. We ought to bear one another’s burdens… and thus lighten their load.

h. The greater our personal RELATIONSHIP to God, the better equipped we are to be a comfort to those who need to be comforted.

i. Paul’s friends had a close personal relationship to the Lord… and thus were able to be a paregoric balm to the apostle in prison.


1. UNTO the Kingdom.

a. Unto: moving in the direction of… toward…

b. This speaks of a future Kingdom—the kingdom to be established by Christ when He returns.

c. Rapture; Tribulation Period; then the Second Coming and the establishment of the long awaited Messianic Kingdom.

d. Note that these are not his workers IN the kingdom but UNTO the Kingdom.

e. Despite what our Reformed brothers say, the kingdom has not begun! The King has not arrived.

f. We are not IN the Kingdom presently, except positionally. We have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son… just as we are seated in the heavenly positionally…

g. Conditionally—we are on earth.

h. Nor are we advancing the Kingdom. We are certainly not establishing the kingdom by preaching the gospel.
i. There can be no kingdom until the King arrives!

2. John Calvin is typical of Reformed theology when he blends together the kingdom with the church dispensation.

a. His interpretation of Col. 4:11 – He says that Paul “calls the gospel the kingdom of God, for it is the scepter by which God reigns over us.”

b. They say that there will be no literal earthly Kingdom established by Christ—that the church is presently the Kingdom.

c. They teach that all promises to Israel of a future Kingdom have been cancelled—and spiritually fulfilled in the church instead.

d. The gospel is NOT the kingdom. The church is not the Kingdom.

e. The Kingdom is that future Messianic Reign of Christ established at His Second Coming in power and great glory… as ALL the prophets predicted.

f. We are not “picking on” the Reformers. They were extremely brave and courageous godly men who were used of the Lord in a mighty way.
• Reformers like Calvin and Luther saw truth in the Scriptures that had been hidden by Rome for many centuries.
• The truth they saw was essential: salvation is by grace through faith and NOT by works!
• They fought for that truth and suffered to proclaim it.
• We rejoice in their work and are the beneficiaries of it.
• However, when they left Rome, they took some of Rome with them.
• The issue of their day was soteriology… and they advanced that truth.
• However, ecclesiology was not the issue of the day… and they “unwittingly” took Rome’s view of the church—the Amillennial view—that the promises of a literal Kingdom made to Israel are being presently fulfilled in the church spiritually. The church IS the Kingdom.
• It wasn’t for another 300 years before the truth in this area was dusted off and brought to light by Darby and others…
• He saw clearly from a study of the Scriptures that the church is a unique dispensation of God… separate in every way from Israel, her law, and her promises.
• He saw clearly the difference between Israel, the church, and the future Messianic kingdom—as different programs of God.

3. The dispensationalist takes God’s Word at face value.

a. The kingdom means the kingdom as described in countless other places in the Scriptures.

b. The Kingdom is FUTURE.
• We have an inheritance coming in that future kingdom.
• II Tim. 4:1 – the kingdom is linked to Christ’s appearing—the Second Coming.
• II Tim. 4:18 – Paul was not IN the kingdom during the church age. But he did expect that the Lord would preserve him UNTO that kingdom… characterized as heaven on earth.
• II Tim. 2:12 – a wonderful promise to believers who endure suffering in this life: if we suffer with Christ in this life… we shall reign with Him in His future Kingdom! Awesome!
• Our reward in that future kingdom is based upon our faithfulness in THIS life. This life counts!
• II Peter 1:11 – all true believers of this age will have an entrance into that glorious future Kingdom. But those who were DILIGENT in their walk will be rewarded with an ABUNDANT entrance! (abundant = rich)

4. Thus, Paul’s point in Col.4:11 is that Aristarchus, Marcus, and Justus were faithful fellow workers UNTO that glorious future Kingdom.

a. They will receive an ABUNDANT entrance into the kingdom… rewarded richly for their willingness to suffer and endure in this life…

b. And they will be richly rewarded for their many labors in this life… though often unnoticed by men.

c. This life is a time of working for Christ… serving Him and often suffering for it.

d. Those who faithfully endure and suffer in this life will not go unrewarded. They will be ABUNDANTLY rewarded.

e. This was true for Paul’s three friends. It is equally true for us!

f. Rom. 8:18-19 – the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us.

g. The coming of Christ to establish His glorious Millennial Kingdom is a time of REVELATION… where the sons of God (hidden away in God now; unnoticed by the world) will be manifested for who we really are: SONS of the Living God! Awesome!

A Glimpse into the Early Church


1. Paul had written several letters to be delivered by Tychicus and Onesimus. (4:7-9) [including 3 inspired: Ephesians; Colossians; Philemon]

2. In these verses Paul sends some final greetings to believers in the Lycas Valley region… a tri-city area including the cites of Colossae, Laodicea, and Hierapolis. (4:13) There were churches established in each of these cities.

3. In vs.15-16 and following, Paul sends special greetings to the believers in the city of Laodicea. And he tells the church at Laodicea to read the Colossian epistle, and likewise for the Colossians to read the letter Paul sent to Laodicea.

4. Application to our daily lives does not instantly jump out at us as we read this passage, but we know that ALL Scripture is for our learning and ALL Scripture is profitable in its own way.

5. This passage DOES give us an interesting little window from which to get a glimpse of life in the early church. That glimpse is priceless!

a. What was the early church like?

b. Does it differ from what we see today in Christendom? If so how does it differ?

c. Does Salem Bible Church differ from the pattern for the local church we see in the epistles addressed to the churches?

d. Have the churches advanced spiritually since those early days?

e. Are the churches improving and getting BETTER or are they DETERIORATING?

f. This passage and others give us a snap shot of the church in the first century.

g. Some folks might be bored silly with this passage, but I find looking at old snap shots fascinating and illuminating!

ONE Church Per City

A. One Church Per City

1. Col.4:16 – “THE church of the Laodiceans.”

a. There was but ONE church in the city of Laodicea.

b. There were not several churches. There was certainly not a church on every corner.

c. There was ONE church in that city.

2. This was the case throughout the entire known world in the days of the apostles.

a. Rom. 16:1 – THE church in Cenchrea

b. I Cor. 1:2 – THE church at Corinth

c. I Thess. 1:1 – THE church of the Thessalonians

d. Rev. 2:1 – THE church at Ephesus (This is about 40 years after Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus—they did NOT start another church in town!)

e. Rev.2:8 – The church in Smyrna

f. Rev. 12 – The church in Pergamos

g. Rev. 2:18 – THE church in Thyatira

h. Rev. 3:1 – THE church Sardis

i. Rev. 3:7 – THE church in Philadelphia

3. Some of these were large cities… yet there was ONE church per city.

a. There was ONE church in Rome. Some have estimated the population of Rome around the first century to be nearly 4 million people! Yet, there were NOT two churches in Rome.

b. There was ONE church in Jerusalem… the starting point of it all.
• On the day before Pentecost, there was NO church there.
• Then suddenly, God sent the Holy Spirit and there was a church in Jerusalem… a very large church.
• Acts 2:41 – Peter preached a sermon and 3000 souls were added to the church!
• Acts 4:4 – the number is now 5000 men (not including women and children?)
• Acts 15:4 – Paul and Barnabus came to Jerusalem with an important question and were received of THE church.
• THE church in Jerusalem had ONE group of men leading the church—the apostles and the elders.

4. As uncomfortable as that might make us feel—one cannot dispute the facts: the New Testament pattern was one church per city.

a. It is probably impossible to tell for sure at what point in history TWO churches appeared in one city.

b. What we DO know is that we never see that in the Biblical pattern of a New Testament church.

c. Folks today might oppose this concept of the church from all different angles: financial; logistics; practicality; transportation; tradition; culture; level of difficulty; etc.

d. But there is one angle one from which one CANNOT argue this point: from the perspective of Scripture.

e. It worked for a very large church in the first century. There is no reason it couldn’t work today.

B. The One Church In Each City Often Met at Various Locations

1. At first the church met in the Temple in Jerusalem.

a. Acts 2:46 – they met in the Temple… and were considered a sect of Judaism.

b. Acts 3:1 – they held prayer meetings there…

c. Acts 8:1 – But eventually, the Hebrew believers in Christ were chased OUT of Jerusalem… and they were forbidden from meeting in the Temple.

2. As churches were planted in Judea and unto the uttermost parts of the earth, believers met in homes.

a. Col.4:15 – an assembly of believers met in the home of Nymphas.
• It is uncertain which city this church was in.

b. I Cor. 16:19 – an assembly met in the home of Aquila and Priscilla (Mentioned again in Rom. 16:5.)

c. Acts 12:12 – believers in Jerusalem met in the home of Mary—mother of John Mark—for prayer. (Or at least the believers in her part of the city).

3. They had no special BUILDING called a church building.

a. Quote from Lightfoot: “There is no clear example of a separate building set apart for Christian worship within the limits of the Roman Empire before the third century, though apartments in private houses might be specially devoted to this purpose.”

b. The early church existed and functioned WITHOUT a specially designated building.

c. Churches exist today without buildings too.

d. We have grown so accustomed to church buildings that in our vernacular, we often confuse the words “church” and “building” and use them almost interchangeably.

e. It is certainly not wrong to have a church building… but we don’t see such a thing in the original pattern in the New Testament.

4. This was the case because for MANY of those early centuries the churches had to HIDE… because of persecution.

a. Thus, erecting a building dedicated to Christian worship was impossible. It would have been burned down.

b. Therefore, they met in homes… and sometimes secretly for fear of the Jews or of the Roman authorities.

5. Obviously for logistical reasons—and reasons of transportation—in a very large city, the church would meet in various places and in private homes…

a. There were likely strategically located throughout the city.

b. We KNOW they held prayer meetings in separate homes (Mary in Jerusalem).

c. Baptisms would have been held in a river or other body of water.

d. Perhaps they had a regular schedule of Bible studies throughout the week in various locations at various times.

e. Acts 2:46 – Early on, before the persecution in Jerusalem, the Christians met in the Temple.
• But note that they met EVERY day!
• They must have had a schedule for their meetings… they probably did NOT have all 5000 of them meet every day.
• We just don’t know HOW it was all organized in those days.
• Note also that they went from house to house. (vs. 46)
• This was not MANY churches in Jerusalem—but ONE church that met in many locations.
• I Cor. 11:20 – “When ye come together therefore into ONE place…”
» This implies that the church in Corinth met separately at times for certain meetings.
» But for other meetings, they call came together in ONE place.

f. Thus, we see ONE church per city that met in various places for various functions.
• But the fact that they met in various locations occasionally did not mean that they were separate churches.
• They also met IN ONE PLACE on other occasions = for the Lord’s Table.
• They also had (as in Jerusalem) ONE set of men over them as leaders. Each location was not a separate church…
• Perhaps there were elders appointed to oversee each various meeting… and all under one central leadership.

C. Think of the Advantages of This Concept of the Local Church

1. It made finding a church simple! (If you find a Christian church—it was a good one!)

2. Church discipline – (If Tom is disciplined in church, there was no other church in the area to run to. Either he made things right with God and with his brethren in the local church—or he didn’t… and had no church and no fellowship.)

3. Evangelism (Believers worked together—planting, sowing, and reaping; instead of competing—and using the MacDonald’s approach to church planting!)

4. The “business” methodology used today would not have begun—there would be no competition between groups… no need to lower standards in order to attract people… no need to stoop to becoming people pleasers… and becoming man-centered. Instead, they could concentrate on pleasing Christ… being Christ centered!

5. Rom. 15:20 – Paul made his evangelistic method quite clear!

a. The principle is that you don’t build where someone else is already building.

b. That was the pattern for church planting we see in the New Testament.

c. However, that pattern was based on another New Testament principle that no longer exists in our day and age: the churches were all the same!

6. Resolving interpersonal issues (Believers were thus forced to reconcile with their brethren. There was no such thing as making trouble in one church and running to another.)

7. Clear line between truth and error (any “other” church was the wrong one!)

8. The local church would have ALL the members God intended for it to function properly.

a. Since there was one church per city—all the born again people of that city whom God intended to function together WOULD function together—instead of being divided up into 17 different denominational churches.

b. There were no church hoppers… no sermon sippers in those days.

c. There was no option but to stay put where God planted them.

9. Strength in unity (ALL the churches in the first century stood with one another and supported one another—instead of competing and throwing rocks). There truly was strength in unity in those days, because they were united around the truth!

The Churches Were All the Same

1. Paul wrote a letter to the Colossians, but he intended to be read by the OTHER churches as well… and thus the same doctrines.

a. This was also true of his letter to the Laodiceans.

b. It is likely that the epistle to the Ephesians was also circulated in that tri-city region.

c. Cf. I Thess. 5:27 – “I charge thee that this epistle be read by all the holy brethren…”

2. There is a little debate over the letter to the Laodiceans.

a. Fact # 1: we do NOT have a copy of it.

b. Fact # 2: We don’t know for sure who wrote it.
• It is possible that it was a letter written by Paul TO the Laodiceans.
• It is possible that someone ELSE wrote that letter and gave it to Paul to deliver for him… since Paul was sending Tychicus and Onesimus there to deliver letters.
• Some believe that the letter to the Laodiceans is the epistle to the Ephesians—since the early manuscript of Ephesians does not contain the word “Ephesians.”
• It is possible that it was a letter FROM the Laodiceans to Paul—and Paul wanted the Colossian believers to read it… so he sent it back to the region.
• We just don’t know with certainty.

c. Fact # 3: If Paul DID write this epistle, that fact does NOT mean that our Bibles are missing an inspired book.
• There were 13 epistles written by Paul in the New Testament.
• Naturally he wrote MORE than just 13 letters in his whole ministry which spanned many years.
• Not everything Paul wrote was intended by God to be preserved as Scripture.
• Our Bibles are NOT missing a book. We have all God wanted us to have.

3. The important thing to note here is that EVERY church was given the SAME teaching by the apostles.

a. The doctrines Paul recorded in Colossae for the Colossians was also the SAME doctrine he wanted believers in the other churches to read and learn.

b. I Cor. 4:17 – Paul taught the SAME THING in every church. He never worried once about certain doctrines not to mention here or there.
• Doctrines were not broken up into major doctrines and minor doctrines.
• They had no such cry, “United on the major doctrines; liberty on the minor doctrines.”
• That was unthinkable in the early church. They all believed and taught the very same thing.

c. II Tim. 2:2 – the SAME teachings commit to faithful men…
• There was no such thing in the first century—in the apostolic days—as a Christian church having doctrines that were NOT the same as all the other Christian churches.
• When that DID occur in Acts 15, and Paul heard about it (some born again believers were trying to put the Gentiles under Jewish law)… Paul FLEW down to Jerusalem and put his foot down. It was NOT tolerated.
• Believers were to believe the SAME truths everywhere.

d. Rom. 16:17 – If anyone began to teach doctrines CONTRARY to what the churches had been taught by the apostles, those teachers were to be rejected and avoided!

e. I Tim. 6:3-5 – believers were to withdraw themselves from anyone teaching contrary doctrines.
• There was ONE teaching that was the SAME in every church.
• And Christians were to have nothing to do with anyone who taught otherwise.

f. I Cor. 1:10-13 – Division in the early churches was not tolerated!
• The churches were expected to speak the SAME thing.
• They were expected to be perfectly joined together in ONE mind and have the SAME judgment.
• If division arose, the apostles quickly put out that fire…
• The apostles saw any variation from the truth as a dangerous leaven that would potentially leaven the whole lump. Thus, any variations from the truth were to be purged out… to keep the lump holy and pure.
• This is the picture we see of the early church.

g. What a clear testimony to the lost—ONE voice—all speaking the same thing about who Christ is and what we must do to be saved—and no question about which church has the truth!
• One seminary listed 9000 various Christian denominations in their database worldwide.
• How confusing for folks hearing about Christ and Christianity today. With 9000 varieties—all saying different things—no wonder people are confused.
• God is not the author of confusion. God did not divide His Body.
• This is the work of our adversary the devil.

4. Note the perfect UNITY among ALL the churches in the 1st century.

a. There were three churches in the Lycas Valley.

b. They all believed exactly the same thing.

c. They all read the same literature.

d. They all got along with each other.

e. The Body of Christ that God created was perfectly united together—it truly was a BODY!

f. Each independent local church was a manifestation of that same body in different locations.

g. And while the language, the foods, the style of clothing would be different from city to city… the DOCTRINES and the PRACTICE and WORSHIP were exactly the same!

h. I Cor. 7:13-17 – Paul explains to a Christian woman what to do in various situations relating to marriage: if her unsaved husband wants to stay or leave her.
• Note in vs.17 — Paul ordained all of these practices in “all churches.”
• There was no such thing as churches with different marriage practices.
• The SAME practices were ordained in every church.

i. Their unity was NOT a phony organizational unity that ignores truth. Their unity existed because they were united AROUND the truth!

j. They truly were ONE in hope and doctrine… one in charity!

k. The liberals and even the Neo evangelicals have been saying for years that “doctrine divides.” I think of some of them even think that that is a Bible verse!

l. In reality, in the early church, doctrine UNITED the early churches! That was their basis and foundation for unity! And they did not tolerate any departure from the truth.

5. There is STILL perfect unity in the spiritual Body of Christ… the church universal.

a. Eph. 6:4 – ONE body, ONE Spirit, ONE calling, ONE faith, ONE baptism! Perfect oneness in Christ.

b. That unity is not something that we MAKE via an ecumenical compromising spirit… the unity is already there.

c. Col. 3:11 – In Christ there are NO divisions but perfect unity. These are all man made distinctions.

d. John 17:20-21 – In His High Priestly prayer, Christ prayed “they all may be ONE” who “shall believe on me” through the word of the apostles.

e. The UNITY that God built into His church… the Body of Christ… was MANIFESTED on earth in the local churches in the first century… under the leadership of the apostles.

f. That unity existed because the apostles did not tolerate any division—doctrinal or otherwise.
• Problems certainly did arise—often. But they DEALT with them.
• They practiced church discipline and separation to purge out the leaven and corruption to maintain the PURITY of the early church.
• As a result, the purity of the early church was maintained.
» Every local church believed and taught the same things.
» They all practiced the same things.
» There was perfect unity among the churches in the New Testament.
» We read of individuals within one local church having friction with other individuals—but not between churches.
» There was perfect unity as God designed.
» The universal church IS one… united.
• In the first century, the individual local churches actually reflected that unity and oneness. How refreshing!

6. But we sure do NOT see that kind of unity among the local churches today!

a. Two completely different pictures emerge.
• Open your Bible and you see a clear picture of what the church was designed by God to BE—God’s pattern for the New Testament church.
• Then open your window and look outside and what do we see among the churches in Christendom? Nothing that even vaguely resembles it!

b. What DO we see in Christendom today?
• One church per city? (Or do we not see men building on another man’s foundation?—The McDonalds—Burger King approach to church planting.)
• All churches teaching the same thing? (Or do we not see virtually every doctrine in the Bible twisted beyond recognition by one group or another?)
• All churches practicing the same thing? (Or do we see churches filled with their own traditions and practices that have become firmly entrenched and viewed as sacred and unchangeable?)
• All churches working together in perfect unity under the Headship of Christ? (Or do we see 9000 various Christian denominations worldwide?)

c. The degree to which individual local churches reflect the unity of the Universal church has gradually and consistently diminished from the first century until now.

d. The Plague of Denominationalism:
• My oh my how we have departed from the original NT pattern for the church.

e. When we look out our windows, we do NOT see a church that has grown, matured, progressed, advanced spiritually, and has become more Christlike and purer in doctrine and practice… filled with the evangelistic fire and zeal of the early church.

f. On the contrary, we see 2000 years of corruption and distortion taking its toll.

g. Don’t ever look at the early church as undeveloped, unsophisticated, crude, and primitive. Rather, we should see it is pristine, pure, unadulterated, uncorrupted… straight from the Creator’s hand…

h. But that’s not the way it is any more… we are now slouching closer and closer to the harlot form of religious system described by John.

i. Humpty Dumpty has fallen—and we are now dealing with an egg that’s been scrambled for generations… and we will NEVER be able to be put together again.

j. We’re dreaming if we think that Christendom will ever go back to the original pattern of the New Testament.

k. Don’t think for one second that all the denominations are suddenly going to realize where they went wrong, fold up shop, and all the true believers return one united church in town where the TRUTH is taught and practiced in purity.

l. Every one of us sitting here today was born into a Christendom that has been under a gradual process of deterioration for 2000 years.

m. What we see around us in Christendom is looking less and less like God’s original pattern revealed in the New Testament.

n. In Acts and in the epistles we see God’s ideal for the churches.

o. But we are also warned about WHERE the churches are headed spiritually.

p. II Tim.3:1 – we live in PERILOUS times spiritually.
• Vs. 2 – lovers of their own selves (self esteem craze)
• Vs. 4 – lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God
• Vs. 5 – they have an outward FORM of godliness—but are empty, hollow, and powerless within.
• Don’t expect things to get better and better until Christ comes.
• Expect evil men to wax worse and worse!

q. Rev. 17:5-6 – the Lord will return one day soon to take the true believers home to be with Him!
• But the church “organizations” that men devised will merge into one fully corrupt unity… called the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
• Notice that this religious system FLOURISHES in the world—she is decked with gold and silver… and riding pretty on the beast.
• We should expect to see more and more success to that which is apostate… but there is no such promise or prediction concerning the true bride of Christ.

• Christendom’s super churches may flourish and prosper in these last days… and it shouldn’t be a surprise… and those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

7. But we are NOT to be discouraged by these facts.

a. God is still on the throne. I’m encouraged by that fact.

b. His plan for this age is coming to pass… and as scrambled as the spiritual scene appears from our perspective, God is still in perfect control.

c. This age will end as all previous dispensations ended: in failure!

d. And the darker things get spiritually—the CLOSER we are to the return of Christ. It is darkest just before the dawning of a new day!

e. Where sin doth abound, grace doth much MORE abound!

f. The church has a most glorious and blessed hope in the coming of the Lord Jesus (Titus 2:13).

g. As we see the spiritual corruption more and more take over in the churches, it ought to cause us to want to dig our heels in even deeper… and to be watchful and strengthen the things that remain… (Rev. 3:2)

h. And we shouldn’t develop an Elijah complex as if we were the only ones. God has reserved a godly remnant for His name’s sake all over the country and the world.

i. And while we will never be able to return to New Testament times spiritually (because the spiritual environment has changed so much around us)… yet we CAN and MUST do what we can to follow the New Testament pattern of a local church as best we can in the environment in which we live.

j. Acts 2:42 – And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
• How simple—pure—and refreshing!
• No lollapalooza meetings… just ordinary believers gathering to worship… and leaving from their worship to manifest Christ and to tell those who know not Him the gospel of the grace of God.
• I feel pressure from one direction or another every day… to change… to get with it… go with the flow… add something a little more fun and attractive to the church… to get rid of the old hymns of the faith and replace them with the cheap and tawdry pop culture music so popular today… to use a methodology that seems more successful…
• Of course some change can be good—IF the end result is an increase in holiness and reverence… and increase in the knowledge of Christ…
• By God’s grace we intend to continue following the pattern of the New Testament as best we can… in the environment in which we live. The air is polluted but we have to breathe. One cannot possibly avoid being affected by what’s going on around us.
• BUT — we don’t have to bow the knee to it all. By God’s grace we intend to magnify Christ… preach the whole counsel of God… function together as a living organism—not an organization of men… and to go from this place spreading the Word… the good news of the gospel of God’s grace… and working together with churches of LIKE precious faith… who have the same goals and purposes.
• This is becoming increasingly difficult in the age in which we live. PRAY for the leaders here. Pray that God would preserve us and the other churches in our little valley as a godly remnant of those who truly seek to bring glory to God.

The Epistle to Laodicea

The Epistle Sent to the Church at Laodicea in 60 AD

A. The Epistle (4:16)

1. Who Wrote it:

a. Some believe that the letter to the Laodiceans is the epistle to the Ephesians—since the early manuscripts of Ephesians does not contain the word “Ephesians.”

b. It is possible that it was a letter FROM the Laodiceans to Paul—and Paul wanted the Colossian believers to read it… so he sent it back to the region.

c. It is possible that an unknown person wrote that letter and gave it to Paul to deliver for him… since Paul was sending Tychicus and Onesimus there to deliver letters.

d. The most likely explanation is that it was a letter written by Paul TO the Laodiceans.

2. What It Said:

a. There is no possible way to know.

b. It has never been found and there is no point in speculating.

c. We don’t need to know. God did not intend to have it preserved in His Word…

d. But wouldn’t it be fascinating to know?

B. Greetings Sent to the Church at Laodicea

1. Paul sends greetings—not warnings or rebukes.

2. There is no indication that anything is wrong at the church.

3. Col. 2:1 – the only possible hint of concern for Laodicea is found here.

a. Paul agonized in his ministry of prayer for both the church at Colossae and at Laodicea.

b. In Colossae his concern was for the Gnostic like cult that sought to lure believers back to an odd mixture of Jewish and pagan tradition… and earthly laws… seeking to cause them to no longer seek things above.

c. But we are not told what his concern was for Laodicea.

d. It MAY have been a concern for the same thing—since Laodicea was only 10 miles from Colossae.

4. At the end of this letter, Paul simply sends friendly greetings to a sister church.

5. The DATE of Colossians is about 60-62 AD. In that year—all seemed well at Laodicea.

6. Paul and his co-workers friendly greetings to saints in the city of Laodicea. All seemed well in 60 AD.

7. About 30 years AFTER the letter to the Colossians was written and sent… along with the letter to the Laodiceans… a second epistle was sent to Laodicea.

a. We HAVE the content of that letter recorded in Rev. 3.

b. A lot can happen to a church in 30 years. Laodicea is a good case study to demonstrate that fact.

The Epistle Sent to the Church at Laodicea in 95 AD

A. One of Seven Epistles to Asia Minor

1. Rev. 2:10-11 – John hears the voice of Christ telling him to write 7 letters and to send them to the 7 churches in Asia Minor. (One of which is Laodicea).

2. Rev. 2:12-16 – Christ appears in His glorified state… standing in the midst of the candlesticks, representing the 7 churches… observing… and taking notes.

3. 2:17 – this is not the Jesus of the gospels… but the risen, glorified, Son of God! John falls before Him as dead.

4. Thus, we have a glimpse here of the heavenly ministry of Christ—the Head of the Body.

a. His presence is in the midst of the church… His Body.

b. He is carefully observing all that goes on in the churches.

c. He is pleased with some of what He sees.

d. He is disgusted with other things He sees.

5. The letters are hand written by John, but the letters are FROM the Son of God. Christ is the Author… John acts as secretary.

6. The letters are addressed to the churches but primarily to the pastor of each church: the ANGEL.

a. Angel: messenger
• Used most often of spirit beings, but not always.
• Sometimes it is used of human beings.
• Used of John the Baptist (Matt. 11:10; Mark 1:2)
• Used of John’s servants (Luke 7:24)
• The context has to determine what KIND of messenger.

b. If it is an angel, it cannot be a good angel, for Christ rebukes them. (Rev. 2:4)
• The rebuke is to the angel [thee = singular]
• It is not to “you” plural—the whole congregation.
• However, the attitude of the pastor is likely reflected in the rest of the congregation.
• For what the Lord says to the angel… the Spirit wants all the congregations to know as well (vs. 7)
• And the congregations are expected to take heed to what is said in the letters addressed to the other cities in the region as well.

c. Cannot be an evil angel or demon—for the Lord would hardly put a demon in charge of a local church.

d. It must be a human messenger—a man whose responsibility it is to bring God’s message to the church over which he has been called to shepherd… (pastor)

e. The angel of each church is held responsible and accountable for what goes on in that church under his leadership.

f. The Lord has words of praise, exhortation, and rebuke for each of the churches…

g. But for the church at Laodicea, there is nothing but rebuke. The Lord is disgusted with what is going on in that place.

h. Drastic and deadly changes occurred in that church from the time Paul sent his friendly greetings in approx. 60 AD to the time Revelation was written in about 95 AD.

B. The Epistle to Laodicea (Rev. 2:14-20)

1. Once again we are told that this epistle is FROM Christ.

a. He is the sovereign Amen behind all that occurs.

b. He is the faithful and true witness of truth. He IS the Truth!

c. He is the beginning of the creation of God.
• ???? – this term has two basic functions.
» When referring to TIME, it means the beginning.
» When referring to AUTHORITY, it means ruler.
• Actually, both concepts are similar in Greek, though not so apparent in English.
» The beginning point in time…
» The beginning of the line of time…
» The beginning of ANY line…
» The # 1 position in that line…
» The HEAD of the line…
» The RULER in that line…
» Similar concepts—all described by this term.
• Christ is called “the beginning” of creation because He is the CAUSE of the creation.
• Consider Col. 1:16-17 – “For by Him were all things created… and He is BEFORE all things…”
• He is before all things in both time and rank.
• He is the ???? – He preceded creation… and ranks ABOVE all creation… He rules OVER creation…
• He is the beginning of creation because creation BEGAN with Him!
• He rules over it; and by Him all things consist.

d. Christ identifies Himself to the Laodiceans as the Supreme Authority and Ruler over the ENTIRE created universe.

e. He is the One before whom John fell as a dead man!

f. They should LISTEN to Him!

2. Christ is nauseated with the Church at Laodicea (2:15-16)

a. He knows their works.
• He knows OUR works too.
• He knows the works of us as an assembly of believers.
• He knows the works of each one of us individually.
• Christ is STILL observing His body and taking notes.
• What would He observe here? In Your life?
• What kind of works would He see in us?
• Would He be pleased or disgusted with the works He observes in us?
• Remember, His eyes are a flame of fire… piercing deep into our hearts. He does not judge our works superficially (what we did; how many works; etc.)
• He judges what SORT of work we do… our motives… intentions… and the SOURCE of our works—flesh or Spirit…
• This ought to be extremely sobering to each one of us.
• What ARE we doing for the Lord? What SORT of service are we performing? Are we doing our best? Are we using the talents and spiritual gifts God has given us for His glory? Do we seek to excel to the edifying of the church? Are we reaching out to the lost? Are our works consistent… are we faithful? Can we be counted upon?

b. They were NEITHER hot nor cold.
• Jesus would PREFER that they be one or the other.
• Most see this statement to mean that Jesus wishes they were either hot (on fire in love for Him) or cold (antagonistic against Him)… anything but lukewarm — namely, neutral.
• That is certainly a possibility, but it is hard for me to understand WHY Jesus would rather have people cold towards Him.
• There is another possibility however, that seems to make more sense in light of the context.
» Context: Christ is rebuking them because they are so gone spiritually that they are UNAWARE of their spiritual condition.
» They thought they were doing well… rich and in need of nothing… but they did not realize the reality: they were actually poor, blind, naked spiritually!
» The issue is a lack of awareness of their true condition.
• Jesus wishes that they were AWARE of their condition.
» When a person is cold—he KNOWS it. He is very much aware of the climate around him… and he does something about it.
» When a person is hot—he KNOWS it. He is very much aware of the climate around him… and he does something about it.
» But when a person is lukewarm… he pays no attention to the climate around him. He is caught up in other things and is oblivious.
» That seems to be the point of Jesus in this text: The Laodiceans were oblivious to their true spiritual climate… and thus paid no attention to it…
» And were thus caught up in other things… giving no thought to the spiritual atmosphere.
• Jesus laments their total lack of awareness of the spiritual climate in the church… and He wishes they were aware…
• He wishes they were either hot or cold so that they would DO something about the climate… make some changes!

3. They were in danger of being vomited out of His mouth! (vs. 16)

a. This does NOT mean that they would lose their salvation.

b. Rather, it means that they were in danger of making their Savior SICK… and a loss of fellowship and rewards.

c. As a congregation, Christ was ready to reject it. (I will = mello = I am about to, ready to… unless…)

d. This is similar to what He told the church at Ephesus: that unless they repented, He would remove their candlestick.

e. A church is only a church if it is connected to Christ its Head. If the Head rejects the Body, that assembly is but a Christless, religious club.

4. Their TRUE spiritual condition:

a. Wretched – used only 2 times, here and in Rom. 7:24 – O wretched man that I am! (A believer who was defeated, powerless, and unable to walk in newness of life!)

b. Miserable –Used on 2 times –I Cor. 15:19 –“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable!”

c. Poor – figurative of their true spiritual condition…

d. Blind – they could not see the danger they were in!

e. Naked – They wore the finest clothing… but were naked spiritually…

5. Exhortations

a. Buy of Me gold tried in the fire that ye may be rich.
• These folks WERE rich in earthly treasures.
• But they were poor spiritually…
• They had lots of money… and earthly gold… but all their money and earthly gold was perishing. They had nothing lasting.
• Jesus tells them that there is a BETTER kind of gold—one that will last through the fire.
• I Cor. 3:12-15 – Paul speaks of the judgment of our works by fire.
» Works of the flesh: wood; hay; stubble; all is burned and there is a LOSS of reward.
» Works of the Spirit: gold, silver, precious stones; purified by the fire—for which there is an eternal reward… a crown…
» Some true believers will come before the Bema seat of Christ and have ALL their works burnt up… as worthless…
» They will be saved so as by fire… (vs. 15) but will LOSE out on eternal rewards in heaven.
» They had much gold on earth = they will have precious little in heaven.
» They HAD their reward in this life… the momentary, earthly, and temporal.
» They chose to heap up treasures on earth… like the Laodiceans.
» Thus, they make it into heaven, but they forsook their eternal rewards…
» And they are losers for being so short sighted spiritually… for there is no going back to regain rewards lost in this life.
» Instead of living with eternal values in mind and living for Christ, they lived for the here and now… for me, myself, and I…
» Saved—so as by fire… by the skin of their teeth… with little to show for it…
» This was the true spiritual condition of the Laodiceans—and of many believers today!
» Hence, Jesus WARNS them to BUY gold from Him.
· He uses language these merchants could relate to: BUY something from me!
· Buying involves and exchange of one thing for another.
· Buy – in the sense of Phil. 3:7 – But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.”
· There are works of the Spirit… heaping up treasures in heaven… using our time and talents and spiritual gifts for Christ instead of self.
· Those kinds of Spirit filled works will go through the fires of the Judgment seat and not only survive—but will be purified and rewarded!
· Selfless submission to Christ and sacrificial service done in His name will be rewarded in heaven with crowns… eternal rewards for the glory of God.
» Notice that Jesus exhorts them to BUY this gold from Him!
· Receiving this true gold from heaven… heavenly rewards… involves a sacrifice of the things the flesh loves: our earthly gold…
· That which we consider precious and valuable on earth… is often the PRICE for true heavenly treasures.
· There IS a price to pay for eternal rewards… sacrificing SELF on the altar… picking up a cross to follow Christ… a willingness to suffer in this life…
» Jesus presents them with a clear choice: He challenges them to EXCHANGE their earthly gold for eternal gold!
» And there is a price to pay: but one day we will exchange our earthly cross for a heavenly crown!
» The HEARTS of the Laodicean believers were in the wrong place.
· They treasured their earthly trophies.
· Paul had earlier written to these folks and told them to read the epistle he wrote to the Colossians: “Set your affection on things above, not on things of the earth!”
· Evidently, they did not take heed.
· Consider the words of the Old Rugged Cross: Cherish the old rugged cross TIL my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it someday for a crown.
· This is quite similar to the exhortation of Christ to the Laodiceans.

b. BUY of Me white raiment.
• The second exhortation was in light of their true spiritual condition.
• In the earthly realm, they were rich and were well dressed… fancy clothes… gold jewelry… all the best for themselves.
• Jesus said, “I know thy works.”
• The GOOD works of believers are sometimes referred to as white raiment… good works for which they would be rewarded in heaven. (Revelation 19:8)
• These wealthy believers had fancy clothes on earth, but in reality, they were NAKED spiritually!
• They looked GREAT from earth’s perspective… well dressed.
• But from Christ’s perspective, they were BLIND and did not see that they were actually NAKED spiritually!
• They did NOT have good deeds for which HE could reward them.
• Hence, Christ encourages them to BUY some white raiment from Him… an exchange of the earthly for the heavenly… a sacrifice of the earthly for the heavenly…
• Perhaps these wealthy folks were philanthropists! Perhaps they started foundations (in their names) for the poor.
• But philanthropy is the love of MAN. It is possible to be a philanthropist (a lover of men) and a hater of God… leaving God out.
• In fact, it is possible to “bestow all my goods to feed the poor”… and to have no love… and it profits NOTHING spiritually! (many bestow their goods to the poor to make themselves feel good… to make themselves look good… etc. It is actually SELFISH!)
• Love is sacrificing SELF for the good of others.
• One is earthly and of no profit spiritually; the other is Christ centered and profitable now and in eternity!
• Christ encourages these rich folks to be rich towards HIM!
• Christ suggests that this spiritually NAKED condition was SHAMEFUL before the Lord.

c. Buy of Him some eye salve.
• Because they were BLIND… and unable to SEE their true spiritual condition.
• This was their real problem: blindness.
• They thought they were rich. They could not SEE through the eyes of faith to see that they were really poor spiritually!
• They thought they were dressed to the hilt… but could not see that they were really naked spiritually.
• They could not SEE their true spiritual condition as God saw it. They were truly blind.
• They needed an “eye salve” to correct their vision.
• God wanted them to see SPIRITUAL things: “that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, ye may know what is the hope of your calling…” (Eph. 1:17-18)
• II Peter 1:5–9 – as soon as believers stop growing… stop hungering and thirsting… stop progressing from glory to glory… we go backwards… become blind and forgetful.
» There is no settling down and relaxing spiritually.
» There is no rocking chair for the Christian… no plateau we can arrive at and sit on our laurels.
» If Christ is our goal… then we are to be constantly STRIVING to go on to perfection… pressing toward the mark.
» Once we settle for where we are spiritually… we have begun the process of backsliding… regression… and blindness set in.
» It is a most DANGEROUS condition!

6. God was ready to CHASTEN them. (Rev. 2:19)

a. The church of Laodicea was an assembly of BELIEVERS.

b. They were born again… but extremely worldly and self centered.

c. This nauseated the Lord. He was ready to vomit them out.

d. He was ready to CHASTEN them.

e. The Lord LOVED them… they were His sons… but they were not loving the Lord. They were loving themselves.

f. God only chastens those who are truly His sons.

g. Whom the Lord loveth—He chasteneth. (Heb.12:6 – and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth.)

h. Chastening is an expression of God’s love for a wayward son.

i. Heb. 12:10-11 – God chastens us—disciplines us SO THAT we would respond to the discipline and partake of His holiness… and bear good fruit.

j. But if there is NO response to His chastening, God may even take the LIFE of a believer.

k. As John wrote, “There is a sin unto death.”

l. The church in Laodicea was getting close to that place.

m. Hence Christ exhorts them to REPENT! Change your mind… and demonstrate that change of mind with a change of lifestyle!

7. WHAT A CHANGE in just 30-35 years!

a. When the first letter to Laodicea was sent (60-62 AD), there was no hint of any problem.

b. From a solid church… to a very worldly, materialistic, pleasure loving, self-centered, fleshly church! In one generation!

c. Also note: Col. 4:14 – Paul’s co-worker, Demas! He too started off well. But later, by the end of Paul’s life we read, “Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world.” He too had become a castaway… disqualified for God’s service… and he lost his rewards.

d. God’s can’t and won’t use worldly people in His service.

e. Not long after the fall of Demas, the whole church of Laodicea was in the same danger.

f. Not all who start off well, finish well. Many fall away and become spiritual casualties in the good fight of faith.

g. Some fall away because they were never saved in the first place.

h. Others fall away because—as true believers—they made poor choices… and chose to live for themselves rather than for Christ.

i. AND there are consequences of that kind of lifestyle for a believer:
• Castaway… disqualified for service…
• Loss of rewards…
• Chastening hand of God…
• Taking one’s life…

j. This is the dangerous crossroad at which the church at Laodicea found themselves.

8. A PROMISE: The picture of Christ knocking on their door… (Rev. 2:20)

a. What a sad and poignant picture indeed!
• I “stand” – perfect tense (I have taken my stand)
• “Knock” – present tense… (He is patient)
• This is the TRUE picture of what was going on at the church in Laodicea.
• Inside was an established assembly of believers (a 30 year old church)… believers who were wealthy in the things of earth… whose focus was on themselves… a blind assembly who could not SEE their true condition… they were unaware of the spiritual climate all around them… they thought they had need of nothing. (self sufficiency!)
• Perhaps they had established very successful programs… meeting the needs of all the people… keeping everybody happy… and thus growing in numbers.
• Things SEEMED to be going so well when judged by sight… not unlike some of the wealthy and popular super churches of our generation.
• In fact they were desperately needy people: wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.

b. But most sad of all—the Lord had been left out of all their religious activities.
• Inside their place of worship they sat smugly enjoying earthly things… enjoying their well established programs… their dinners and festivities… content with the large number of people their earthly programs had attracted…
• But their successes were NOT the fruit of abiding in the Risen Christ. Their successes were earthly… the work of the flesh.
• On the outside of their place of worship was the Lord Jesus… knocking… seeking to enter…
• Interestingly, the name Laodicea means “the people rule or the rights of the people” (Laos – people; dikao – rule; judge; rights;)
• Whatever was going on inside—as successful as it appeared to be… it was NOT the fruit of the Spirit… and was thus, wood, hay, and stubble.
• It was impressive in the sight of men—but worthless in the sight of God.

c. And this was a dangerous situation spiritually:
• It was a dangerous situation because Jesus was left OUT of their fellowship… left OUT of the affairs of the church (imagine a body trying to function without its head—absurd!).
• And not only so, but Christ was about to spew them out of His mouth… they were about to become castaways… branches apart from the Vine… chastening of their Father… even unto the loss of life.

d. God’s GRACE: If any man hear my voice… evidently, they were not only blind, but most were deaf too… not listening to Christ.
• Christ promised that He would come in and SUP with any individual who would hear and open the door.
• This is not a message of salvation, but of fellowship and communion.
• Christ the Vine sought these broken branches to return to Him… to abide in Him once again…
• They were acting independently of Him.
• He was willing to receive ANY ONE of them back into the place of fellowship and communion… IF they would open the door.
• Is it possible that they could become SO blinded and SO deaf to God’s voice that they were no longer ABLE to see or hear? SO insensitive that they no longer listened? Impossible to be renewed again unto repentance? That was a real danger.

e. Christ is seen here taking a settled stand at this door. He is continually knocking… knocking without ceasing… with urgency.
• He is patiently waiting for the believer to repent of his selfishness and listen to His voice and let Him in.
• Even after all the terrible way they treated Him, He is willing to receive them back into His fellowship…
• BUT—the choice is theirs. They have to listen and open that door.
• Perhaps there are some here today who fit this picture: SELF has been reigning in your life… you have been a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God… heaping up earthly treasures and have had precious little time for Christ… no real, faithful service for Him… just a token moment for Him now and then… when convenient.
• It is time to REPENT… open the door and let Him in… into the CENTER of your life as LORD.
• The picture described is one of the Lord’s patience… but His patience won’t go on forever.
• If we DON’T respond, we may find ourselves in a very undesirable position: vomited out… a castaway… chastened… even unto death.
• God means business with His children. Don’t trifle with Him…



1. This man is mentioned twice in the New Testament: Col. 4:17 and Philemon 1:2.

2. Philemon 1:1-2 – Philemon was another book written by Paul at the same time as Colossians and delivered at the same time by Tychicus.

a. Philemon was a wealthy Christian man from Colossae.
• Paul writes to this man, who was a slave owner, to receive back as a brother in Christ a runaway slave named Onesimus.
• As a side note, Paul mentions here that the church in Colossae met in his house… or a portion of the church.

b. The most natural reading of verses 1-2 would lead one to believe that Paul is addressing a “household.”
• Philemon… (head of the household)
• Apphia… (presumably his wife)
• Archippus… (Presumably his son)
• And the church that meets in his house…

c. It SOUNDS like Archippus might be the son of Philemon and Apphia… but not certain.

d. It SOUNDS like Paul is writing to a FAMILY… who own a large home… where the assembly meets.

e. Archippus is also called a fellowsoldier with Paul.

3. We just have a few interesting tid bits of information…

a. It is possible to assemble these pieces in various ways… so we CANNOT say with absolute certainty (1) exactly what his ministry was; (2) where he ministered; (3) what his relation to Philemon was.

4. Possibility:

a. He was the son of Philemon and Apphia;

b. He was also functioning as the pastor of the church that met in their home.

c. He may have been the pastor to replace Epaphras—who had been the minister at Colossae… (Col.1:7-8)

d. But at the time of this writing, is in Rome with Paul.

e. Epaphras is sending greeting TO Colossae along with Paul (Col. 4:12).

f. Perhaps Epaphras was imprisoned with Paul and Archippus took his place as minister to the church… either temporarily or permanently.

g. Others think he was the pastor/overseer at the church of Laodicea.


1. Archippus received a ministry from the Lord.

2. Ministry defined: διακονίαn

a. This is the Greek word from which we get our English word “deacon.”

b. However, the term does not always refer to the official office of a deacon in a local church.

e. Consider its broader usage in the following:
• I Tim.1:12 – “putting me into the ministry”
• II Tim.4:11 – Mark is profitable to me for the ministry.
• Romans 11:13 – used to describe Paul’s apostolic office.
• Acts 12:25 – Saul and Barnabus fulfilled their ministry
• Acts 20:24 – Paul’s ministry of preaching the gospel
• I Cor.12:5 – differences of administrations (diakonia)
• Eph.4:12 – for the work of the ministry…

3. It seems quite likely that the term “ministry” used of Archippus was used in this broad sense… not the narrower sense of the office of a church deacon.

a. II Tim. 4:5 – make full proof of thy ministry.
• This passage is the MOST similar to that of Col. 4:17… in wording and meaning. (fulfilling your ministry)
• Here the ministry of Timothy was that of a pastor… in Ephesus.

b. For that reason, many believe that Archippus was functioning as pastor/overseer of the church that met in the home of Philemon… in the absence of Ephaphras.

4. His ministry was IN the Lord.

a. The ministry Archippus received was IN the Lord.

b. Paul relates his ministry to his POSITION in Christ.

c. IN Christ speaks of:
• The believer’s Spirit baptism into the Body of Christ.
• The believer’s union with Christ in his death and resurrection…
• The believer is sanctified in Christ Jesus (I Cor. 1:2)
• The believer’s position with Christ in the heavenlies
• The heavenly sphere in which the believer in Christ lives and breathes… our LIFE is there. (Col. 3:3)
• It is that sphere where the law of the Spirit of LIFE is operative in the believer… (Rom. 8:2)
• It is the sphere of victory—where the Holy Spirit always causes us to triumph IN Christ (II Cor. 2:14)
• Any man in Christ is a new creature. (II Cor. 5:17)
• In Christ no earthly distinctions exist: neither Jew nor Gentile; bond nor free; male or female; all one.
• The believer possesses all spiritual blessings in Christ. (Eph. 1:3)
• The believer’s high calling of God is in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14)
• The believer’s position IN the Lord (in Christ) is not a minor issue.

d. Our position IN CHRIST (and our ministry in Christ) stands in contrast to our former position IN ADAM.
• In Adam speaks of the natural, earthly realm.
• And yes, it is possible to conduct ministry in that realm!
• It is possible to attempt to conduct ministry from within that sphere… from the earthly… worldly… natural realm.
• The difference is between one who is absorbed with his position in the Lord… in Christ… and conducting the Lord’s work from that perspective (heavenly, holy, spiritual, Spirit filled, power of the resurrection)… — OR — conducting the Lord’s work from the natural realm… as those in Adam… who do not understand spiritual things… and are left with ONLY the natural… the earthly…
• The Lord’s work can become quite successful and prosper when conducted from the natural realm… when judged from the earthly perspective.
• One is thus forced to use business practices to promote God’s work… and those practices WORK… though they may be entirely barren of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus… devoid of the power of the resurrection… and FULL of wisdom, works, and the will of the flesh.
• The flesh can do a LOT on its own—but it can do NOTHING of any eternal value.

e. The ministry Archippus received was IN the Lord.
• The ministry of Archippus did not consist of what he did for God in the natural realm… using his natural talents… but what GOD did in and through him…
• The end product of ministry in the Lord does not magnify the genius of man’s skill and efforts… but it magnifies Christ…
• I Cor. 12:18 – Ministry in the Lord especially related to the fact that he was in Christ’s Body… a member of that Body… and equipped by GOD to function in that Body.
»It is a supernatural work of Christ the Head manifesting His life, power, wisdom, grace, and will through Spirit filled members of His Body.
»The moment a person is saved in this age, he is immediately baptized by the Spirit INTO the Body of Christ. (I Cor. 12:13)
»Right from birth, (the new birth) the believer is placed into the Body as it hath pleased Him. A hand is made by God to be a hand… a foot a foot… an ear an ear… an elbow an elbow… etc.
»The spiritual gift or capacity to function in the Body is part of the new birth.
»Of course that gift needs to be developed, grow, mature, be instructed and improved upon…
»That comes through time, spiritual growth, practice, use, study, etc…
»It is part of the new creation in Christ. (II Cor. 5:17)

f. The ministry Archippus had was IN the Lord…
• From the moment of his new birth, God had His hand on this man… to function in the Body as a pastor/elder/shepherd.
• Of course he had to grow, learn, and mature in order to FUNCTION… but God created him for that purpose in the Lord… in the Body.
• It was his calling… it was God’s design for his life… it was God’s work in him…

g. Eph. 2:10 – we are created IN CHRIST unto good works which God had ordained that we should walk in them.
• God called Archippus to salvation… and he called him to function in the Body… with a specific ministry…
• God had a ministry for Archippus… and God had good works all planned out for him to walk in.
• And as long as Archippus was yielded to the Holy Spirit… the law of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus would be operative in and through him… filled with the Spirit… and he WOULD walk in those God ordained works… and thus fulfill his ministry…

h. And by the way—the same principle holds true for every one of us in Christ.
• There are DIFFERENCES of administrations (diakonia)… but the same Spirit operating in us in the Body of Christ.
• As we yield to the Holy Spirit… the Spirit will manifest the LIFE of Christ in us and through us…
• We will be functioning in the Body as God designed… so that Christ, the Head, might accomplish HIS will in and through us.
• The key is to be yielded to the Spirit… abiding in Christ in communion with Him… surrendered to God… like putty in His hand… available… clean…
• When that is the case, EVERY member will FUNCTION as God created him to function in the Body.
• Every member will thus fulfill his own unique, God given ministry… and as a result, Christ will be manifested clearly through the Body… unto the glory of God.

5. Ministry IN the Lord—(especially a pastor) is not like any job in the world.

a. It is by God’s appointment… God’s design… God’s choice…
• Ministry is not something WE choose on our own… or get a degree and become…
• A degree from Bible college is no substitute for the call of God. 10 degrees won’t equip a man for service if he hasn’t been called of the Lord.
• He may be talented, intelligent, skillful in all kinds of techniques, but spiritually he will produce nothing but wood, hay, and stubble.

b. Ministry in the Lord is not a career but a calling.
• God does not always call those whom we deem to be most likely from man’s perspective.
• God called fishermen, a Pharisee, a shepherd, tax collectors, and a herdsman… to serve Him in various ministries.
• Their backgrounds and training differed, but they shared one thing in common: God called them to their ministry.

c. For the Christian, ministry is received as part of the new creation… upon entrance into the Body as a member… with a God given, supernatural capacity to function in the Body of Christ.
• That capacity is given by God, directed by God, empowered by God, to draw attention to God.
• It was received as a grace gift… not something we can glory in.
• We RECEIVED it. We didn’t earn it or buy it.
• Salvation was designed by God in such a way that it does not give the flesh or SELF one ounce of glory…
• Ministry was also designed by God in such a way that it gives NO opportunity for self to glory.

d. I Cor. 4:7 – “and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?”

e. Archippus received a ministry in the Lord. He had received a special grace gift… a capacity to serve God… and Paul writes to challenge him to TAKE HEED to that ministry.


1. Take heed = Blepo – take heed to; look out for danger; see to; watch carefully; pay attention to.

a. Often used as a “warning.” (Mark 13:5, 9, 23, 33)

2. Archippus—like every one of us—had received a grace gift—a capacity to serve in a ministry for the Lord.

a. But possessing a ministry or a grace gift—does not mean that God is pleased with what we DO with that ministry.

b. Such a gift is a valuable, precious tool to be used for God’s glory. Every gift is necessary and valuable to the Body.

c. Which gift we receive is up to God. What we DO with the gift we receive is up to us.

d. God GAVE Archippus a gift to function as a leader in the church—AND he is encouraged here to be CAREFUL about what he does with that gift!

e. Be careful with it! Take heed! Be watchful! Be mindful of the gift… don’t forget to use it… to develop it… and function as God intended!

3. Archippus is told to TAKE HEED to his ministry…

a. It may indicate that Paul felt there was a problem along those lines…

b. OR (which seems more likely) it may simply be a friendly reminder and warning that ANY minister needs from time to time.

4. This same type of warning was given to others as well.

a. II Tim. 1:6 – Paul sent to Timothy to stir him up concerning his ministry—perhaps because Timothy was prone to fear.

b. Paul may have seen Archippus to be in need of “stirring up” too—perhaps because he was prone to laziness… or being drawn away from his real ministry.

c. Acts 20:28 – leaders in ministry at Ephesus were warned to TAKE HEED to themselves first of all… and secondly to their ministry to the flock. FEED the flock!

d. II Tim. 4:1-5 – Take heed by preaching the word! (an exhortation from Paul)

e. I Tim. 4:16 – take heed to yourself and to the DOCTRINE… and save yourself and those who hear you!

5. Regardless of our gift and capacity to function in the Body, we ALL need this kind of challenge from time to time.

a. We all tend to grow weary in well doing.

b. We all tend to get lazy in the work of the Lord and need this reminder: be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord…

c. We all tend to get discouraged in the work of the Lord when things don’t go the way we had hoped.

d. We all tend to lose our zeal and enthusiasm over time and need to be stirred up—like embers cooling off and becoming covered with ashes… lukewarm!

e. In ministering to others, we all need to be reminded to take heed to ourselves!

f. And others might become so busy in taking heed to themselves that they need to be challenged to minister to others.

g. Perhaps some folks here today have slacked off in your service for the Lord… perhaps God has given you a gift and you have been hiding it under a bushel…

h. The result is that the body is losing out on that needed function… and you are losing out in the spiritual exercise and the reward you could have had!

i. We all HAVE a gift and thus a capacity to function in one ministry or another. Take heed to your ministry!


1. Defined:

a. Strong’s: Fill full… complete… full to the brim; make complete in every particular; to be permeated; carry into effect, bring to realization…

b. John 12:3 – when Mary took costly perfume and anointed the feet of Jesus the smell “filled” the house…

c. Related to the word for riches: supply abundantly with something, impart richly…

d. Acts 12:25 – Paul and Barnabus fulfilled their ministry.

e. Col. 2:10 – we are complete in Him.

2. Eph. 1:23 – used 2 times… the body of Christ is FULL of Christ… because He fills it with Himself….

a. He fills it with His life, love, grace, compassion, righteousness, holiness, the fruit of the Holy Spirit… Christlike character

b. He fills the Body, the church, AS WE yield to the Holy Spirit… and abide in Him.

c. As we do, EVERY function and God anointed ministry of the Body will be fulfilled.

d. God will accomplish His perfect will in the Body by FILLING each one of us… that we might FULFILL our God given ministry… and thus the Body is full of the fullness of Him who fills it! It is full of Christ!

e. Eph. 3:19 – We can only fulfill our ministry for Christ as we are filled with the fullness of God… God’s life and power operating in us to manifest the indwelling life of Christ.

f. That’s what men should see in the local church: Christ and Him alone!

g. When a visitor walks into a local church—a local manifestation of Christ—they be “convinced of all, he is judged of all: 25And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.” (I Cor. 14:24-25)

h. If we were all faithful in fulfilling our ministries in the local church… this WOULD occur… to the glory of God.

i. Hence, Paul challenged Archippus to FULFILL his ministry in the Lord… and that becomes a challenge to us all.

j. Nothing is more obnoxious than a minister that preaches himself… talks about himself… and thus fills the body with himself!

k. We are to preach CHRIST and HIM crucified—not ourselves!

l. The ministry, the message, the methodology, the manner, the emphasis is all on Christ… He is all in all.

m. Only THEN will God’s purpose for the ministry for the Body be fulfilled.

3. Archippus was challenged to fill his ministry full… pour his life into it.

a. Cf. — II Tim. 4:5, “make full proof of thy ministry.” “Give all diligence to follow it out fully.”

b. It would imply the need to be faithful… persevere in your ministry…

c. Not all ministers… not all pastor/teachers fulfill their duty as a minister.

d. Some are busy fulfilling duties their denomination requires… or trying to fulfill the expectations of the people… or to fulfill duties they have assumed or imagined to be part of the ministry… (soup kitchens; politics; social agencies; medical services; games, camps, clubs, etc…)

e. It is possible to be BUSY in trying to fulfill all these alleged duties… and at the same time to be negligent in carrying out one’s duties and responsibilities as recorded in the BIBLE!

f. ILLUSTRATION: Course in church administration… (Business Management 101)

g. We need to let the BIBLE define what ministry is.

h. Our ministry is not what we do for God, but what HE does through us. Our job is to be ready, available, willing, yielded, surrendered, a clean vessel He can use when, where, and how He sees fit…

4. The body does not lack for spiritual gifts… even Corinth was a gifted church! (I Cor. 1:7).

a. God has equipped each Body with all the gifts it needs to function.

b. The problem is not a lack of gifts, but a lack of AVAILABLE gifts.
· Some gifted members are living in sin.
· Some gifted members are too busy with the affairs of this life.
· Some gifted members are not faithful… not reliable.
· Some gifted members are not available…
· Some gifted members think it beneath them to be a servant (pride).
· Some gifted members think it above them to serve (false humility).
· Some gifted members are just stubborn… and self willed. NO!
· Some gifted members start off using their gifts and ministering to the edification of the body… but over time fizzle out and stop.

c. Fulfill: Present active subjunctive of plêroô, “that thou keep on filling it full.”
• It is a life-time job. It is NEVER finished.
• When God gave you a gift, He intends for you to use it until He takes you home!
• Jesus said, “I have finished the work you gave me to do.” (John 17:4)
• Paul said, “I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.”
• That should be our goal too.
• The ministry is a stewardship for which the minister will be held responsible and called into account…
• So, TAKE HEED to your ministry!


1. Paul was exhorting this minister to be faithful.

a. But note that he uses a very indirect approach.

b. He tells the Colossians (recipients of the letter) to deliver this message to Archippus.

c. He wanted the believers in the assembly to challenge and encourage their minister to keep on ministering.

2. Archippus was evidently a minister and had authority in the local church.

a. However, that did not give him the right to do as he pleased.

b. He was still UNDER the authority of God’s Word. Paul reminds him of his God given responsibilities.

c. Ministers are to be held accountable to the ministry. (qualifications)

d. Members of the body should exhort one another DAILY to be faithful… including the leaders.
· In doing so, each member is thus doubly reminded to fulfill our OWN ministries in the local church!
· Mote and the beam…

e. This was probably a great encouragement to this man: to receive a word of exhortation from Spirit filled members of the body… who had received this message from the apostle Paul himself!

f. One word can mean a lot to a person ministering for Christ.
• A fearful Timothy can be emboldened…
• A discouraged Archippus can be challenged…

Let’s all learn from this passage:
· Take heed to our OWN ministries…
· Encourage others in their ministries…
· Be sure that our heavenly position in Christ is the basis for our ministry down here on earth…
· Abiding in our Risen, glorified Savior… and experiencing HIS resurrection power operating in and through us as we minister in the local church—that we be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS might…
· Ministering in Christ… not in Adam… with Adam’s earthly perspective—natural talents and human wisdom…
· But be filled with the fullness of God and thus fulfill your ministry… and cause this body to be full of Him…
· And to manifest Christ as we ought…
· And let’s exhort one another daily lest any of us become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin!
· Oh yes, WE need to take heed to our ministries!


· Apart from the new birth, any service you do for God is considered “dead works.” None will save.
· (Have not we done many wonderful works?)
· BELIEVE and be saved today!

Remember My Bonds


1. Paul signs this epistle with his own hand.

a. Paul salutes the congregation in his own handwriting at the beginning and end of the letter. (1:1-2; 4:18)

b. He usually had a scribe write the body of the letter…

c. But he always signed it himself.

d. Kenneth Wuest suggests that Paul followed this practice because of an oriental eye disease he contacted on his first missionary journey in the lowlands of Pamphilia, where the disease was prevalent. (I have never been able to verify this information…)

e. Gal. 4:13-14 – Paul preached the gospel with a physical infirmity in Galatia. The Galatian believers were so grateful that they would have plucked out their own eyes for Paul if they could… This indicates a possible eye disease.

f. Gal. 6:11 – he mentions that he wrote a large letter. The epistle was not large, although he may have used large capital letters in writing it… due to an eye disease.

g. Paul often used an amanuensis—a scribe—to record what he dictated to them.

h. Romans 16:22 – I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.” (There is no doubt that PAUL wrote Romans – see 1:1)

i. Paul wrote the final words in his own handwriting… including his signature ending, “Grace to you.” (Rom. 16:24)

2. II Thess. 3:17-18 – this was the “token” in every epistle.

a. Token: sign, a sign that indicated something; a mark; a designation…

b. It was the apostle’s “signature” that served as a designating mark on ALL of his epistles. This token or designation was necessary because there were phony epistles being circulated in Paul’s name… and Paul wanted to separate the true from the false epistles.

c. II Thess. 2:2 – That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us.

d. However, it is likely that the final greeting, “Grace be with you” was what Paul meant here — as his signature trademark in all his epistles.


A. The Request to Remember

1. Remember my BONDS.

a. Bonds: chains or fetters that bound Paul to his prison guard… that he was forced to wear day and night.

b. Paul’s secretary was finished recording what Paul dictated to him—the bulk of the letter. Picture the scene.

c. Now Paul reaches his arm to take the pen and scroll from his secretary… and he again hears the awful sound of the clanging of his chains. Paul is once more reminded of his “bonds.”

d. He writes: Remember my bonds.

e. His readers wouldn’t hear their clang. They wouldn’t have slept with hands bound. They would be sleeping in the comfort of their home… and it would be easy to FORGET Paul’s condition… hence, he asks them to remember his chains…

f. Consider the simplicity and brevity of this final exhortation.

2. Paul’s bonds are mentioned OFTEN in the New Testament.

a. Often in Acts, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, II Timothy, etc.

b. If you were chained day and night in shackles—it would be hard NOT to think of those chains. Paul was human.

3. BUT—there is not one ounce of whining in his statements.

a. There is not a hint of frustration, resentment, or anger at the Lord for allowing his imprisonment.

b. He gives no tear jerking sob story…

c. Paul isn’t asking for their pity.

d. There is no long list of his awful deprivations… illnesses or wounds…

e. He’s not trying to put them on a guilt trip for never having visited him… (I have not seen your face in the flesh—he never went to Colossae and they had never came to him.)

f. He is not complaining about his lot in life.

4. In fact, he had learned (the hard way) HOW to be content… through experiencing difficulties through Christ and the power of the resurrected life! (Phil. 4:11-13)

5. No, Paul isn’t complaining about his lot in life. He simply and briefly asks that they would “remember his bonds.” It’s not a complaint, but a simple prayer request.

6. Far from complaining, Paul actually USES his earthly condition (unfavorable as it was) for at least four good purposes:

a. To draw closer to Christ personally…

b. To goad other believers to be faithful in their service for Christ…

c. To further the gospel message…

d. For the glory of God…
• Imagine if we ALL saw our trials, restrictions, and limitations from that vantage point… as opportunities for good!
• God can bring good out of any tragedy or calamity.

B. The CAUSE of His Bonds

1. Preaching the Mystery of the Gospel (Col. 4:3)

a. He preached Christ and ended up in jail.

b. Thus, his bonds became a daily reminder to all the believers of his love for the lost… his desire to see men saved… his belief that the salvation of souls was WORTH suffering for… it was worth being beaten and imprisoned…

c. Philemon 13 – “the bonds of the gospel.”

d. Eph. 3:1 – he was a prisoner for you Gentiles—because he sought to bring the gospel to the Gentile world.

e. Acts 22:21–22 – Paul was preaching in the Temple in Jerusalem, and the Jews listened to every word. But as soon as he mentioned gentiles, they would listen no longer and began to shout for his death!

f. From there, he ended up in prison in Rome.

g. He was in prison FOR the Gentiles… for the Ephesians… and FOR the Colossians… and also FOR us!

2. Godly in Christ Jesus

a. II Tim. 3:12 – “Yea, and ALL that WILL live godly in Christ Jesus SHALL suffer persecution.”

b. Paul lived godly and DID suffer persecution for it.

c. He was in jail because he loved the Lord—the love of Christ constrained him… and yielded his life to Christ and to the will of God—which for him meant preaching Christ to the Gentiles.

d. He was in prison because his heart was yielded to God… and he walked in obedience to the will of God… and made known the gospel.

e. His chains evidenced the godly desire of his heart to see men saved… and brought into the Body of Christ…

f. His bonds also served as a reminder to the believers of the first century of his love for the lost…

g. And more importantly, this was an outward expression of Christ IN Paul… the love of Christ working through him… Christ loved the lost and sought to win them…

h. When a believer yields his members to God—it is really the Risen CHRIST seeking the lost through us.

i. It was the love and life of the indwelling Christ being manifested through a yielded member of His Body.

j. I Tim. 3:15-16 – Paul taught us about the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in human flesh… this was true in the incarnation of our Lord—but it was also true in the church of the LIVING God… the spiritual body of Christ.

k. That’s what true godliness is: God manifested through US—members of the Body of Christ.

l. Paul lived godly and was persecuted for it. THAT was the cause of his bonds.

3. A Willingness to Suffer for Righteousness Sake

a. Paul’s chains loudly testified of that truth day in and day out… like the unceasing testimony of creation which without a word testifies of their Creator. Everyone in the Roman palace heard the testimony of Paul’s chains… and got the message—though the chains never said a word. (Making known the mystery of Christ is worth suffering for! The salvation of souls is worth suffering for!)

4. The Hatred of the World for Christ

a. John 15:18-21 – The world hates Christ and His followers.

b. The world system is an arrangement of ideas, belief systems, religious thought, philosophies, traditions of men—a whole world view that excludes God… and has Satan as its unseen head… the god of this world.

c. In the first century, that world system demonstrated its hatred towards Christ: “Let Him be crucified!” He was spit upon beaten, whipped, and ultimately nailed to a tree.

d. That is the attitude of the world to our Savior… both then and today.

e. But after His death, Christ arose from the grave and ascended into heaven—out of the reach of the world that hates Him.

f. Today the world cannot touch the Risen Savior who is at the right hand of His Father in heaven, the world CAN express their hatred for Him by their treatment of His Body… the church of the Living God.

g. Paul was in prison because he was a follower of Christ… one who preached Christ… KNOWING full well that following Christ could mean a cross—or a chain… and he was willing suffered the wrath of a hateful world.

C. Victory Over Bonds

1. But the expressed fury and WRATH of the world Paul was enduring was NOT a sign that the world was the victor.

a. The world and its god, Satan, thought that the cross meant victory for them. In fact, it spelled out their doom, for Christ rose from the dead and triumphed over them in it!

b. Gal. 6:14 – The cross did not mean defeat for Christ… nor does a cross or a chain mean defeat for the believer in Christ.

c. The World System that persecutes and incarcerates believers is a defeated foe.

d. The believer is more than a conqueror in Christ.

e. For the believer, the cross is OUR way of victory over the world system too… for there we were united with Christ in His death.

f. We DIED with Christ to the world and hence, the world—which had formerly enslaved us, has no more authority over us!

g. And the world was crucified to us!

h. Not the cross—or any other form of persecution the world uses to lash out at the church will never result in victory for the world. They are already a defeated foe… and by faith we can experience their defeat and our victory!

i. In fact, their persecution tends to strengthen the church. The blood of the martyrs is the SEED of the church!

j. The gates of hell shall NOT prevail against the church.

k. Paul’s imprisonment was actually a great VICTORY for the cause of Christ.

l. The book we have been studying for the last 3 years… the book that God has used to strengthen us… and believers for the last 2000 years… was written by Paul from prison!

m. II Tim. 2:9 – “Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.”

n. They could chain Paul’s body—but not his mind, heart, or conscience… and CERTAINLY not God’s Word.

2. Not only did Paul’s fetters NOT hinder the gospel. In fact, it helped SPREAD the Gospel!

a. Phil. 1:13 – through Paul’s “bonds,” the gospel made its way into the Roman palaces and to the Roman guards.

b. Col. 4:3-4 – Paul asked for prayer for him to be able to spread the gospel from is prison cell!

3. Paul’s position IN CHRIST also delivered a death blow to those who held him in bondage with fetters.

a. They could chain his arms and legs… but Paul’s real life was lived FROM a place where no chain could go.

b. He was raised up with Christ… and there are no bonds in Christ! (Neither male nor female, bond nor free…)

D. Good That Comes from Bonds

1. Learning to remember the plight of others.

a. This takes our mind off self and seeks the welfare of others.

b. Learning the Need for Empathy (Heb.13:3)
• We are members of the same Body in Christ.
• In a sense, we ARE bound with the believers in China who are bound… or those who are taken as hostages in Indonesia or South America.
• If the hand is in captivity—then the whole body suffers with it.
• We belong to the same Body—the universal Body of Christ.
• I Cor.12:26 – When one member suffers, the whole body suffers… especially in the local church…
• Showing this kind of empathy is greatly appreciated by those who are “bound.”
• II Tim.1:15-18 – Paul was so grateful for Onesiphorus who often refreshed him while he was in prison.
• Paul never forgot that ministry… and it IS a ministry to those who are “bound.”

c. Learning to practice and live this principle is a MOST valuable asset for the Body of Christ.

d. If we can learn to better function as a Body through the suffering of one member, the Body is much stronger as a result.

e. Thus, the enemy’s attempt to harm the Body (by binding a member) actually resulted in strengthening the Body.

f. Sometimes trials, calamities, and tragedies from the human perspective can be the very best thing for us spiritually!

g. Much GOOD came from Paul’s imprisonment.

h. This principle can be applied to many forms of suffering other than just imprisonment. (Shut ins; those afflicted with disease; those restricted or limited through the loss of a limb, eye sight, no longer ambulatory, etc.)

i. As being “bound with them.” That makes it very personal… and brings the body together.

2. Learning the need for prayer for one another

a. In a sense, this was a request for prayer.

b. Paul wanted the believers to remember him… especially before the throne of grace.

c. Paul was not asking for supplies… or money… or for political maneuvering to get him out of prison… or for the believers to take up arms to oppose the government for wrongly incarcerating him.

d. Paul simply says, “Remember my bonds.” Pray for me.

e. Paul TOLD them what kinds of things to pray for: Col. 1:9-11.

3. Added Weight to His Exhortations.

a. Philemon 8-9 –
• As an apostle, Paul could have COMMANDED Philemon to receive Onesimus… based on the weight of absolute, apostolic authority.
• Paul chooses instead to rely on the MORAL weight of the fact that he is the “aged” (elder statesman for Christ)… and a “prisoner of Christ.”
• There was a moral weight that accompanied his words as a prisoner for Christ.

b. Eph. 4:1 – he exhorts them “as a prisoner of the Lord” to walk worthy…
• That is a powerful exhortation.
• There is moral weight behind that.

c. It comes from one who walked worthily—and SUFFERED for his worthy walk!

d. Lightfoot: “He who is suffering on behalf of Christ has a right to speak on behalf of Christ”.

e. Paul was not writing from some lofty, ivory tower… or from a well respected theological think tank.

f. Rather, he was writing from a prison cell… He did not just read and theorize about suffering for righteousness sake. He lived it. He endured it.

g. His bonds added weight, respect, depth, and urgency to his exhortations… because he truly understood the VALUE of such a walk… and was willing to pay the PRICE for a worthy walk.

4. This weight bolsters our faith too.

a. Paul CLAIMED to have seen the risen Savior.

b. Paul CLAIMED to have received the revelation of the church directly through this Risen Savior.

c. If it were NOT true, it hardly seems likely that this man would allow himself to suffer in prison for that which he knew was a lie!

d. He could have easily have gotten OUT of prison at any moment by recanting… but he didn’t.

e. He chose to remain in jail and suffer the loss of all things for the TRUTH.

f. He KNEW it was true and was willing to suffer to the point of death for it!

g. That strengthens MY faith. It convinces me that this man did indeed see the Risen Savior on the road to Damascus… and did indeed receive revelation of the mystery of Christ from Him.

5. Learning the fellowship of His sufferings. (Phil. 3:10)

Philippians was another epistle written from prison.

In this passage Paul tells us another benefit that was his because of his suffering in jail… a benefit to his bonds.

The benefit is threefold:
• That I may know Him (deeper and deeper)… (vs. 8 – there is an excellency to the knowledge of Christ… excellency – ?pe???? – over and above; supreme; superior; higher) Paul wanted more of that… a higher, experiential knowledge of Christ… (not data)
• That I may know experientially the power of the resurrection… operating in him daily… the power of a resurrected life
» Paul wanted the same power that raised Jesus from the dead to be experienced by him in his earthly life…
» He wanted the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus to so control him that he would experience victory over sin; power to walk in newness of life…
» He had been raised up with Christ spiritually… and he wanted his heavenly position to have an effect on his earthly life.
» Romans 8:11 – “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”
» He wanted the Holy Spirit to take his mortal flesh and make it ALIVE—filled with the power of the resurrection… walking in NEWNESS of life…
» He didn’t want theory and speculation… but spiritual reality in his day to day life.
» He wanted the Holy Spirit to be operative in his body… to overcome sin and to produce fruit—Christlike character in him. (requires resurrection power)
• The fellowship of His sufferings… (fellowship = communion; sharing together) — not Christ’s sufferings on the cross but His suffering for righteousness sake.
» Paul shared in that… and it was to his great spiritual benefit!
» It is the sweetest kind of communion with Christ…
But those benefits were Paul’s ONLY as a result of “being made conformable to His death.”
• We are made conformable unto His death, as we RECKON ourselves to be dead with Christ…
• As the believer is willing put self on the cross by faith… thus identifying with the Lord Jesus in His death… and as a result, that union with Christ will CONFORM us… shape us… make us more like the Savior… who also willingly went to the cross.
• Depth in our relationship to Christ comes through suffering… or through being WILLING to suffer for righteousness sake.
• It is only as the CROSS changes us… as we identify with Christ in His suffering for righteousness sake… that we will ever experience this kind of DEPTH in the knowledge of Christ… a higher experiential knowledge… and the depth to our fellowship with the Risen Savior…
• AS we fellowship with Him in His sufferings… and apply the cross—His death to our lives… we are made more like Him.
• It is only then that we experience the kind of selflessness He demonstrated when He left glory for others…
• It is only then that we experience the same kind of sacrificial life, Christ demonstrated when He said, “Not my will but Thine be done”… when He died that others might live… when He was obedient—even to the death of the cross.
• This is to know Christ experientially… not just facts about Him learned in Sunday school.
• Paul could not share in Christ’s death on the cross—but he COULD share in His suffering for righteousness sake… and he did.
• In doing so, he was made conformable to Christ’s death—not His death as a sacrifice for sin… but in Christ’s death to self… exhibited in the incarnation… the selfless, sacrificial life—emptied Himself—a life poured out in the service of God for others… a life of love… and good works… an abundant life.
• There is a price to pay for a deeper relationship to the Lord…
• Whether we are called to suffer persecution or not is irrelevant. What matters is our heart—that we are WILLING to reckon SELF to be dead…
• That and that alone will deepen our relationship to Christ.
• Apart from being identified with Christ in His death, we will never experience the POWER of His resurrection in our lives… you don’t get resurrection power apart from death.
• YES—there was GREAT VALUE in Paul’s imprisonment. Remember his bonds!

Grace Be With You


1. 1:2 – He opened the epistle with this prayer/wish.

2. 4:18 – He closes the epistle with this prayer/wish.

3. It is SO important to Paul that EVERY epistle he wrote included this greeting.

4. And it should NOT be considered a meaningless cliché.

5. It was at the very heart of Paul’s ministry.

6. AND—there were issues at the church in Colossae that gave this formal greeting special meaning.

The Concept of Grace

A. Defined

1. Good will or favor towards someone; free, unmerited favor…

2. Zodhiates:

a. A favor done without expectation of return.

b. Divine grace: the absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God to men finding its only motive in the bounty and benevolence of the Giver.

3. Chafer: Lists seven fundamental facts about grace: (2 follow)

a. Grace is not withheld because of demerit
• Grace is not withheld because you used to be a drunkard or a prostitute; grace finds its greatest triumph in human weakness and helplessness.
• Grace is not restricted because of one’s past.
• But grace demands that we recognize that we have no merit of our own!
• Therefore ANYBODY—no matter where they’ve been or what they’ve done can be the recipient of God’s amazing grace.
• God does not refuse to bestow His favor on individuals because of their lack of merit. Actually, that makes them a perfect candidate for His unmerited favor!

b. Grace cannot incur a debt
• When God saves us by grace, we owe Him NOTHING in return. (Morally but not legally).
• Grace is unrecompensed favor—unrecompensable favor! Either before or after the fact.
• It is here that Christians often fail to grasp the true nature of the grace of God.
• When He saves us by grace, we do not OWE Him anything in return.
• We are not indebted to pay Him back. How COULD we pay Him back? What could we ever offer Him?
• That view of grace diminishes the work of the cross… as if they payment was not made in FULL… the cross was not sufficient and something more needs to be added.
• And this reverts us back to a works system. It becomes paying for salvation… after the fact.
• We often hear, “He died for me. I owe Him so much. I think I ought to give my life to him in full time service in return.” (Not the best motive!)
• If we have to pay Him back, it’s not a gift.
• And if that is our mindset, we lose the proper motive for Christian service… it becomes legalistic. (I’m serving Him because I owe Him—rather than I’m serving Him because I love Him.)
• We are not to serve God in an attempt to “pay Him back.”
• Salvation was FREELY given to us. Service is to be freely given to Him out of love… a manifestation of the indwelling life of Christ at work in us… a natural expression of new life.
• The RIGHT motive for service is the principle of indwelling LIFE and LOVE of Christ that constrains us.
• We ought to give our lives in service to Him—but not in an attempt to pay Him back for what He did for us. A higher motive is because we LOVE Him… and because it is the natural response of His indwelling LIFE.

B. Grace Stands in Contrast to Law/Works

1. In the Bible we see two distinct systems

a. Law/works/flesh…

b. Grace/faith/Spirit…

2. Law and grace stand in every way as polar opposites.

a. They cannot be mingled. (oil and water)

b. They cannot even work side by side.

c. It must always be one or the other.

d. Chafer: “The pernicious practice of attempting to merge the legal system with the teachings of grace results in a forceless law and a defeated grace.”

3. Rom. 4:4 – Justification is either by grace (freely given—no debt incurred) or by works (incurring a debt/payment).

a. There can be no compromise on this point.

b. If work is involved, then salvation is not reckoned of grace.

c. If we are working for our salvation, then any reward given (under those conditions) is not of grace… it is not coming from the benevolence of God… it is not unmerited favor.

d. Rather, our works would make God indebted to us! (I did this for you, now you OWE me!)

e. If one could work for his salvation, that work would make God indebted to the hard working sinner.

f. AND whatever reward he earns, is definitely NOT of grace!

4. Rom. 11:6 – Here, Paul states that God’s choice to save is by grace.

a. Any mingling of grace and works destroys them both.

b. Adding the tiniest “work” to grace completely destroys the concept of grace.
• Even if you charge a penny for a million dollar ring—it is NOT free. It is not a gift.
• A payment of ANY sort negates the concept of grace.
• It is not a free gift if we have to work for it.

c. Adding the tiniest element of grace to works destroys the concept of work.
• Grace means freely given.
• If salvation is freely given, then that eliminates any requirement to work to obtain it.

d. Clearly, it is one or the other. These concepts cannot be mingled. They are mutually exclusive.

5. Gal. 2:21 – “frustrating” the grace of God.

a. Frustrate: to reject; render invalid; refuse to recognize the validity of something.

b. To teach or believe that righteousness comes through the law is equal to frustrating the grace of God… rendering grace invalid…

c. It is tantamount to rejecting the grace/faith system in favor of the law/works system.

d. One system frustrates or renders the other invalid.

6. Gal. 3:12 – The law is not of faith.

a. Either I am working under the law to finish the work myself, OR I am believing that the work is finished and thus resting in the finished work of Another.

b. You can’t be resting and working at the same time. The two concepts are opposites.

c. The law is NOT of faith. Faith is not of the law.

7. Law and grace and two are entirely different systems.

a. John 1:17 – the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

b. Law was the rule of life during the Old Testament dispensation.

c. Grace is the rule of life during the church age.

d. Just as Israel and the church are to be kept distinct, so too we must keep distinct the huge differences between law and grace.

Grace: God’s Means of SALVATION

A. Salvation by Grace Through Faith

1. Gal. 2:16 – what could be clearer? (3 times each!)

2. Eph. 2:8-9 – maybe this verse is clearer.

3. Rom. 3:24 – being justified freely by His grace.

B. Paul Reminded the Colossians of the Gospel of God’s Grace That Saved Them

1. Col. 1:5-6 – and knew the grace of God in truth.

a. Vs. 5 – They heard the word of truth of the gospel—the saving message of Christ.

b. Vs. 6 – When they got saved, they came to know the grace of God in truth… true grace.

c. “Knew” = epignosko = a full knowledge of the true grace of God.

d. It is impossible to be saved without understanding of the true grace of God… (our unworthiness; our spiritual poverty; spiritually destitute and able only to cry out for His benevolence—grace… or we perish).

e. The Colossians heard of the gospel of the grace of God, came to a full knowledge of grace, and trusted in the God of grace.

f. This true grace stands in stark contrast to the law… to works… and to religious effort.

g. Paul calls it the gospel of the grace of God. The gospel is all about God’s grace.

h. One cannot be saved without understanding the gospel… and the gospel is all about God’s grace.

2. As Paul closes his epistle, he reminds them of the grace of God that saved them.

a. It doesn’t matter how long we have been saved, we should still marvel at the grace of God…

b. We were saved by grace and will forever be trophies of His grace. (Eph.2:7) (Not: trophies of our works or effort.)

C. Changing the Gospel of God’s Grace is Heresy

1. Acts 15:1 – Salvation by faith PLUS works.

a. Early in the history of the church this principle was tested.

b. The Judaizers were teaching salvation by faith PLUS they said you had to be circumcised.

c. This was salvation by faith plus works… adding the human requirement of circumcision.

d. It seemed quite innocuous. How could this be harmful?
• They believed in Jesus just like the Christians did!
• They believed that Jesus was God; that He died for the sins of the world; that He rose again…
• They believed it all.

e. They believed PLUS they obeyed certain requirements of the law. How could that be harmful?

f. Isn’t it BETTER to have faith and a little something extra?

2. Faith PLUS anything as a requirement for salvation is not better. It is far worse!

a. Adding even the tiniest “work” to grace completely destroys the concept of grace.

b. Adding works frustrates grace… makes it invalid.

c. It makes our salvation ultimately rest upon OUR works.

d. Grace is no more grace… faith is no more faith.

e. Faith PLUS anything else as requirement for salvation is in reality: unbelief.

f. It is like saying I do NOT believe that what Jesus accomplished on the cross was sufficient.

g. It believes the FACTS of the gospel (Satan too!)… but it does NOT believe that the work of Christ was enough… something MORE needs to be done.

h. The one who TRULY believes that the work of Christ was sufficient is able to TRUST in that work… REST in that work… and CEASE from his own works—by RESTING in the finished work of Another.

i. By ADDING any requirement to salvation—as tiny as it may be—it a declaration that you do NOT believe that the work was finished: there’s something more to be done.

3. Paul was outraged when he heard that something was being added to the doctrine of salvation by grace.

a. Acts 15:2 – Paul and Barnabus had a big argument with these folks.

b. They then went to the mother church in Jerusalem to settle this issue once and for all.

c. Acts 15:11 – The conclusion: both Jews and Gentiles are saved through the GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ… the unmerited favor of God.

d. The apostles saw this teaching as heretical and settled the issue for all future generations of the church.

e. We are justified freely through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ—totally apart from the works of the law.

f. We are saved by faith plus NOTHING. Adding anything to faith undermines the very nature of grace… results in a false gospel of works that DOES not save.

Grace: God’s Means of Sanctification

A. Sanctification by Grace Through Faith

1. Rom. 6:14-15 – ye are not under the law but under grace.

2. UNDER –

a. It is used figuratively of what is under the power or authority of any person or thing.

b. Luke 7:8 – under the authority of another… a Roman soldier under the authority of his superiors.

c. Under the law (Rom. 6:14, 15) = under the authority of the law as a rule of life.

d. Under grace (Rom. 6:14-15) = under the authority of grace as a rule of life.

3. In this age, the believer is either UNDER law or grace.

a. It cannot be a mixture of both… one or the other.

b. These two systems do not mix when it comes to justification… nor do they mix when it comes to sanctification.

c. The entire evangelical world is in AGREEMENT that justification is by grace through faith—or they are not saved.

d. The evangelical world is DIVIDED when it comes to sanctification.
• One portion of the evangelical world (knowingly or ignorantly) puts the believer UNDER the law as a means of sanctification.
• The other portion (us!) sees the believer as UNDER grace as a rule of life—and not under law at all as a rule of life.

e. This issue was addressed in Colossians and was settled 2000 years ago… (for those who took heed to this truth).

f. And this error does not divide neatly along dispensation vs. Reformed lines. This error appears frequently on BOTH sides.
• Many dispensationalists put believers under the law as a rule of life.
» But when they do, it is out of ignorance—for it is contrary to dispensational theology.
» It is out of ignorance of God’s plan of sanctification found in Rom. 6-8—based on our position in the Risen Savior.
» With good intentions, but equally wrong they do so.
» It results in a defeated Christian life.
• Reformed theology also puts believers under law as a rule of life.
» But with this system, it is not out of ignorance—it is PART and parcel OF their system of theology.
» It goes back to their refusal to distinguish between Israel and the church.
» It is not surprising that there is also confusion between law and grace.
• But the Bible teaches that the law is defunct, obsolete, finished, fulfilled, no longer in effect. (us!)
» We teach that the believer is NOT under the law—nor is he under ANY aspect of the law!
» Even the ten commandments are not our rule of life. The law is a unit. Either we are under that unit or not.
» We teach that the believer is not under the law period!
» Reformer Theologians look at his as lawless.
» To them, there are only two alternatives: either the believer submits to the law or he is lawless.
» We see it differently. The options in the Bible are: (1) under law or (2) under grace.
» GRACE to you!

4. How can it be that the believer is not under law?

a. It is BECAUSE of the truths that Paul has emphasized in Colossians!

b. We died with Christ – to the Law!
• That is at the center of it all!
• Those who ignore or overlook the importance of positional truth—open themselves up to legalism by default… ignorance.
• Every evangelical is in agreement that Christ died for us.
• But this vital truth is often rejected or ignored: that we died with Him!
• This truth is absolutely essential for living UNDER grace!
• One can be saved without understanding this truth…
• But sanctification is built upon it!

c. Col. 2:20-23 – we died with Christ which DELIVERS us from earthly legalism. That system does NOT satisfy the desires of the flesh! In fact, it puffs up the flesh! It is legalism, flesh, works, and as a system it stands OPPOSED to the system of grace…

d. Gal. 2:19-20 – we were crucified with Christ—and in this context Paul means crucified to the LAW.

e. Thus, the Law has no more authority over us. It required death to the sinner—and we died with Christ to the Law.

f. The law has nothing more to say to the believer. The law has no power over a dead man.

g. The law has been fulfilled and its penalty paid. Co-crucifixion ended our relationship to the law.

5. Being UNDER GRACE is NOT lawlessness.

a. Rom. 7:4, 6 – ye are dead to the law (to bring us into a HIGHER relationship!)
• Who wouldn’t want to exchange for a rule of life tablets of stone for the Resurrected Savior!?
• How can anyone think that the Law could have a greater effect on our heart… on our inner life… on our walk than the glorious PERSON of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
• The law came through Moses. Grace and truth come through Christ… He is INFINITELY superior!
• We love Moses and honor him. But we WORSHIP the Lord Jesus. He is an infinitely superior Mediator.
• Communion and fellowship with HIM will transform us from glory to glory.
• Attempting to produce fruit through the works of the law results in frustration and defeat…
• Don’t let anyone convince you with fancy arguments that to believe that we are NOT under the law means we are lawless. It does not.
• It means we are under grace—a new and HIGHER relationship to the Risen Savior!
• When Paul says, “Grace be unto you,” he wants the Colossians to remember this wonderful truth—cling to it—and don’t ever depart from it!

b. Col. 3:3-4 – being dead with Christ ENDS our relationship to earthly legalism and brings us into the heavenly realm.
• As a system, grace is higher than the law as heaven is above the earth!
• Its standards are higher. The law that came by Moses said “thou shalt not kill.” Grace says “Thou shalt not be angry at a brother without cause.”
• The law was given to Israel—God’s earthly people… It was a set of laws for a nation.
• Grace as a rule of life is given to the Church—the spiritual body of Christ… God’s heavenly people.

6. And living under grace also provides the believer with SUPERNATURAL enablements.

a. In the Bible we see two distinct systems
• Law/works/flesh…
• Grace/faith/Spirit…

b. Life under the law is associated with flesh.
• The law demanded holiness—but provided no divine enablement to accomplish it.
» In other words, the law was designed to demonstrate to all those under law how pitifully hopeless they were on their own to produce the righteousness the law required!
» In essence, the Law could not save or sanctify.
» The law condemned and shut every mouth.
• Those who attempted to produce righteousness under the law were left to themselves to do so.
• They were left to the only resource man has: the flesh… and thus it was doomed to failure.
• It was never INTENDED to last forever. (Gal. & Heb.)
• Rom. 8:3 – “for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh…” The law was WEAK because of human flesh.
• Its standard was perfect holiness… but the flesh was unable to attain unto that standard.
• Rather than conquer the flesh, the law only stirred it up!

c. Life under grace is associated with the Holy Spirit.
• Life under grace as a rule of life brings us into a gracious relationship to the RISEN Savior.
• Grace raises us up into a heavenly position IN Christ.
• And from that heavenly position, united to the resurrected Savior, we have the power of the resurrection available to us… and we are thus equipped to walk in newness of life.
• Rom. 8:3-4 – Life under grace provides the believer with the power of the Holy Spirit!
» Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God produces the righteousness of law in the yielded believer.
» Note that it is not produced BY the yielded believer, but IN him… BY divine power made available through life under grace.
» That which the legalist TRIES to do and fails—the non legalist—the believer under grace accomplishes!
» He accomplishes it by grace through faith… no longer trusting in his own flesh to produce something good.
» This believer instead BELIEVES what God says: in my flesh dwells NO good thing… and he instead CLINGS to Christ… RESTS in Him… ABIDES in Him… and thus His power is made available to us.
• Rom. 7:4-5 – The end result of that relationship is good fruit which equals the righteousness of the law fulfilled in us.
» The legalist (who puts himself under the moral law of God) CANNOT fulfill the righteousness of the law.
» The Spirit filled believer under grace (who is called lawless) DOES have the righteousness of the law fulfilled in him… apart FROM the law!
» When a believer is filled with the Spirit and with the fruit of the Spirit—against such there IS no law!
» So please don’t call us lawless or antinomian.
• The power of the resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit are associated with life under grace.
» Rom. 6:14 – Sin shall not have dominion over this believer.
» Why? Because he is NOT under law. (Read that again!)
» Life under grace is the ONLY way to experience deliverance from the dominion of sin (nature).

Grace in the Epistle to the Colossians

A. Paul Fought For this Truth

1. Acts 15:10 – The apostolic convention in Jerusalem concluded that the law was NOT to be added as a requirement to salvation.

a. But they also concluded that the law was not to be put on the DISCIPLES either… it was not for the believer.

b. To require the deeds of the law was to “tempt” the Lord and to put a YOKE upon men that was unbearable.

c. They concluded that the law was not part of the gospel—God’s plan for justification… NOR was it part of God’s plan for sanctification… for the daily life of the believer.

2. Legalism was one of the issues Paul addressed in this epistle. (Col. 2:16-17, 20-23)

a. The legalists were attempting to put the believers in Colossae under a different kind of “chain of bondage.”

b. This was one of the reasons Paul wrote the book.

c. It was a strange mixture of Gnostic like legalism combined with Jewish traditionalism.

d. Col. 2:8 – It resulted in a bondage of the soul… bondage of life… bondage to the traditions, philosophies, and rituals of men.

e. Legalism IN ANY FORM always takes us down from heaven and our relationship of abiding with the Risen Christ… to earth to the teachings and traditions of men. (From a place of power to a place of utter weakness—left to our flesh).

f. Though chained in prison, Paul was much freer than the cultists who had infiltrated the region.

g. Paul knew this marvelous truth. And the truth shall set you free. He was free in mind, heart, and conscience…

h. A proper understanding of and appreciation for grace found in Christ was the answer to every one of the issues raised by the false teachers.

3. The book of Colossians had a lot to say about fullness…

a. In Christ is all the fullness of the Godhead. It pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.

b. We are complete (fulfilled) in Him.

c. We are to fulfill our ministries in the Body… our ministries are to be full to the brim—because we are full to the brim with Christ…

d. John 1:14, 16 – Christ was FULL of grace and truth… and from that fullness we have all received.

e. Of His fullness have we all received the grace of God… found in the Person of Jesus Christ… and we receive grace heaped upon grace… like wave after wave of God’s grace wafting upon the shore… endlessly…

f. There is fullness of grace to be experienced in our relationship to Christ… an unending supply… because of our Union with Christ…

g. Paul received this revelation directly from Christ… and was experiencing this truth in prison.
• He had opened his mind and heart to Christ…
• The wider he opened his heart to Christ, the more filled with the fullness of Christ he became… the more Christ like he became…
• And the more the life of Christ was manifested in him, the more joy and freedom Paul experienced.
• What a strange thing. A man chained in prison was writing to an assembly of believers to teach them how to experience the fullness and freedom to be found IN Christ…
• This was necessary for the Colossians were in danger of being duped into bondage of their souls… a far worse kind of bondage than Paul’s imprisonment.
• Paul writes to let them know of the freedom they already possess in Christ… whether they are at home or in jail!
• And they can experience it by faith.
• Their real lives were hidden away with Christ in heaven… where the enemy could not touch them! No power on earth can harm us there.
• Our enemies can afflict and bind our bodies—but never our inner man… our minds and hearts and consciences!
• Paul knew about freedom because he knew about the grace of God that set him free.

h. What a fitting way for Paul to end his letter to the Colossians—a reminder of the infinite, marvelous, amazing grace of God.

B. Grace As His Final Word to the Colossians

1. When Paul closed his letter to Colossae with the words, “Grace be with you,” it was not just a meaningless cliché.

a. To Paul, it was the ESSENCE of our Christian faith!

b. We are justified by grace through faith and we are sanctified by grace through faith.

c. We have an endless reservoir of grace to be found in the Person of our Risen Savior…
• We can come to the throne of grace in time of need… and will find that His grace is sufficient for whatever we face in life on earth.
• It was amazing grace that saved a wretch like me!
• It was grace that taught my heart to fear.
• It was grace my fears relieved.
• It was grace that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home!

d. There is POWER in a life lived under grace.

e. There is FRUSTRATION and DEFEAT in a life lived under law.

2. Don’t ever change God’s plan. Don’t ever add to it. Don’t ever alter God’s plan. God’s grace is sufficient.

a. We need nothing more than what we have through God’s grace.

b. We are complete in Christ… beware of any religious system that offers you “something more”—something other than the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

c. Christ is our all in all. In Him we have all we need.

d. We don’t grow by addition (getting something more), but rather through appropriation of what we already have in Him… and we are complete in Him.

e. God’s grace has provided us with salvation, sanctification, and an abundant life.

f. The apostle Paul experienced the fullness of God’s grace… and he was never the same afterwards.
• It compelled him to preach the glorious gospel of God’s grace the rest of his life.
• It so gripped his heart he was willing to suffer in order to make this marvelous grace known.
• He fought to defend it and protect it.
• He hammered away at the false teachers who continually attempted to pervert it.
• He traveled the known world establishing churches based on the solid foundation of the gospel of God’s grace.
• He instructed believers how to live the Christian life… how to experience victory over sin… by grace through faith…

g. And when this grace really grips our hearts and minds… it will compel us to share it with all those around us… to share the glorious gospel of the grace of God… so that they too might come to know the grace of God in truth…

Pastor Jim Delany

(603) 898-4258