Colossians 1:3

A Prayer of Thanksgiving (Part I)

1. Vs. 1-2 contain the salutation to the epistle.


2. Beginning in vs. 3, Paul begins the body of the letter.

3. As he did in Ephesians, Paul begins by blessing God and praying for God’s people.

4. The sentence begun in vs. 3 ends in vs. 17. (Run-on sentence by modern English standards!)

5. Paul thanks God in his prayers for three things mentioned:

a. For the faith of Colossians in Christ Jesus

b. For their love to all the saints…

c. And for their hope which is laid up for them in heaven.
• Some may want to outline this a bit differently – and see only two causes for the thanksgiving: faith and love…and hope as that which motivates the faith and love…

6. This is a common trilogy in the New Testament: faith, hope, and charity or love.

The Giving of Thanksgiving (vs.3)

A. The Term: εὐχαριστέω – eucharist-é-oh

1. Defined: Thankful; to express gratitude; to show oneself grateful; give thanks.

2. WE: First person plural: Paul and Timothy his brother (vs.1).

3. Present indicative: indicates continual action…

a. Paul and Timothy prayed and thanked God continually for the believers in Colosse.

b. Paul prayed and thanked God for believers daily… consistently… week after week, month after month… continually.

B. The Form of thanksgiving: Prayer

1. The form of this thanksgiving was prayer; a prayer of thanksgiving.

2. Praying:

a. The sentence reads: We give thanks to God… praying…

b. Prayer is the WAY Paul thanked God here.

c. It was a prayer of thanksgiving.

3. Praying: proseuxomenoi

a. Present participle: continually praying…
• The present participle tells us two things:
• It tells us that the action is continuous (present tense).
• It tells us that the action of the participle occurs simultaneously with the action of the main verb: giving thanks.

b. Hence, the thanksgiving and the praying occurred concurrently. In other words, it was a prayer of thanksgiving.

c. Also, Paul continually gave thanks… and continually offering prayers of thanksgiving.

C. The Duration of the Prayer: Always

1. The present indicative indicated the continual nature of these prayers. The word “always” intensifies the thought.

2. Actually, the word “always” could be connected either to the prayer or to the giving of thanks.

a. It makes perfect sense either way…

b. It is grammatically correct either way…

c. And the meaning is quite similar either way… (since they occur together…)

3. It is mentioned often in the epistles that Paul prayed and thanked God “always.”

a. Eph. 1:16 – “I cease not to give thanks for you…”

b. Eph. 5:20 – “giving thanks always for all things…”

c. I Cor. 1:4 – “I thank my God always on your behalf…”

d. Phil. 1:3 – “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…”

e. I Thess. 1:2 – “We give thanks to God always for you…”

f. II Thess. 1:3 – “We are bound to give God thanks always for you brethren, as it is meet…”

g. Philem. 4 – “I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers…”

h. He practiced what he preached: he “prayed without ceasing.”

i. HOW could he pray always for all the saints in all those places?
• Consider his life… he wrote from prison! He had nothing but time. He chose not to waste that time in jail. He prayed. They could lock up his body – but his mind and heart were in the heavenlies… and he took the saints to the throne of grace daily.
• Consider his life when he was free… he walked from city to city… all over the region… and he prayed as he walked… praying for the believers in Colosse… in Ephesus… in Philippi… etc.
• We too should utilize our time like this… in prayer!
• Pray for the saints as you drive down 93 all alone and are stuck in traffic. As you do your exercise routine… as you wash the car… mow the lawn…
• Pray for the saints as you mop the floor or do the dishes. Pray for the saints as you do other tedious chores around the house. Redeem the time for the days are evil!
• We could murmur about the traffic… or complain about the dishes to do… OR we could PERCEIVE that to be precious time God has afforded us to PRAY… that our brothers in Christ might be strengthened… and would continue to walk by faith.
• We all know way too many believers who are no longer walking by faith. Perhaps things would be different if we prayed.

4. Consistency ought to characterize our prayer lives too.

a. It should be a habit… a good habit.

b. Prayers of thanksgiving ought to be daily…

c. Prayers of thanksgiving ought to continue in sunshine and in rain… in times of joy and in times of sorrow.

d. I Thess. 5:18 – In EVERYTHING give thanks. This is God’s will concerning YOU (and me!)
• Prayers of thanksgiving are not be sent to heaven only when God blesses us with good days. We are to continue our prayers of thanksgiving in EVERYTHING…good days and bad.
• This is God’s will.
• We seem to stress out over whether it’s God’s will for us to buy a Chevy or a Ford… whether we should buy the green house or the yellow house…
• I don’t know if it’s God’s will for you to buy the Chevy or the Ford – but I do know this. It is God’s will for us to give thanks to God… whether that car runs well or turns out to be a lemon!
• Continual prayers of thanksgiving – that’s God’s will.
• Are you walking in God’s will? Are prayers of thanksgiving coming forth from your lips on a regular basis?

D. The One Addressed: God the Father

1. His prayers were to “God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2. The word “and” does not appear in some manuscripts. (Not God AND the Father, but God the Father…)

3. The prayers are addressed to God the Father – just as the Lord Jesus told us to pray.

a. John 16:23-24 – Jesus taught His followers not to pray to Him after His resurrection. Rather, we are to pray to the Father — in His name… and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

b. The “form” of prayer He left for His disciples also used this address: Our Father who art in heaven…

c. Thus the prayer, “Dear Jesus, please help me…” is not according to the pattern of prayer Jesus Himself left for us!

d. As the God-Man, Jesus is the Mediator between God and Man.

4. Paul prayed according to the pattern left by Christ – he prayed to the Father… not to the Holy Spirit and not to Jesus.

5. It just makes sense to pray to God the way He said to pray.

First Cause of Thanksgiving: For Their Faith (vs.4)

A. The Beginning of the Prayer: Since We Heard

1. Since we heard of your faith…

a. Paul heard a message concerning the church at Colosse.
• He heard a message concerning their faith, love for each other, and hope they had for future glory.
• Vs. 7-8 – The report came from Epaphras…
• Once he heard this report – he never stopped thanking God for the saints and faithful brethren in Colosse.

b. I Thess. 3:6-10 – Paul heard of the faith and love of the Thessalonian believers too.
• This report brought him great comfort…
• It enabled him to live (vs. 8).
• It brought him great JOY (vs. 9).
• It caused him to pray night and day – continually – that he might be able to see them and minister to them personally.
• Reports that the saints were walking with God is what made Paul tick… it is what he lived for…his LIFE revolved around their spiritual well being.

c. Eph. 1:15-16 – Paul also heard a similar message concerning the Ephesian believers.
• He heard of their faith and ceased not to thank God for them in his prayers.
• But Paul knew many of the Ephesian believers. He had spent much time in the city of Ephesus.

d. But apparently, Paul had never been to Colosse. (2:1 – they had not seen his face)
• He had never been there… he did not know those saints personally…
• But he heard a report… all he had to go on was a report…
• And the content of that report was cause for continual prayers of thanksgiving.

2. Reports concerning believers walking with God brought comfort, joy, and LIFE to Paul…

a. John had no greater joy than to hear that his spiritual children walked in the truth.

b. As we walk with God and demonstrate faith – we too can bring comfort, joy, and encouragement to those who are watching…
• To the pastor and elders in the local church; to your Sunday school teachers; to the other members of your local church; to all concerned!

c. We all know how discouraging it is to hear that brother in Christ has fallen into sin… or has stopped going to church… and is no longer walking with God… it discourages others.

d. But it is an encouragement to hear a good report about the new church starting up in Manchester… or a new believer that is growing like a weed…

e. That’s the kind of Christian we should strive to be… one whose faith and faithfulness encourages others… Is that you?

B. Your Faith in Christ Jesus

1. This is the first of 3 causes for Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving: their faith in Christ. (and love and hope)

2. The thanksgiving is offered because they were genuine believers: they had placed their faith in Christ Jesus.

a. We sing the song, “Thank you Lord for Saving My Soul.” Paul’s prayer was, “Thank you Lord for saving their souls!”

b. Paul was thanking God because he heard that their faith was real… they were genuinely born again… they were saints… and faithful brethren… cause for thanksgiving.

3. Paul never met these folks – but he knew that they were believers… brethren… family… he rejoiced in that.

4. We too should be continually including thanksgiving in our prayers for those who know Christ in a saving way… for the faith of each member of this body… and for those in other assemblies who are born again.

5. Now no doubt there were some believers in the Colossian church who were hard to get along with…

a. Some who probably talked too much…

b. Some who offended the sensibilities of others by their speech, clothing, or mannerism.

c. There were probably some believers who were grumblers… some who had a bitter spirit… a few who were holding grudges…

d. Paul didn’t have to know ALL those details. He didn’t know all the funny little quirks the believers in Colosse might have had. Sometimes it’s better not to know… but Paul was thanking God for the fact that they did have saving faith… they had faith in Christ Jesus.

6. Faith IN Christ.

a. There are two prepositions used to describe the relationship between faith and Christ.

b. Eis – a preposition of motion… “into” (going into something…)
• This is used in verses like John 3:16 – the passage literally speaks of believing INTO Christ…
• It speaks of the initial act of faith – putting faith INTO Christ…
• It sounds awkward in English, so it is translated “in” instead.

c. En – a preposition of resting… (not going into something… but BEING in already…)
• This speaks not so much of faith entering into… but faith resting IN its object… namely, Christ.
• They have already placed their faith into Christ, and now their faith rests in Him…
• This is the preposition that Paul uses in Col. 1:4.
• He speaks of their faith resting comfortably in Christ… on the Solid Rock.
• We might think of this as “trusting in”…

d. This may imply that Paul was not only thankful that they were saved… but that they were still trusting in Christ day by day… long after their salvation.

e. They were not only saved by faith, but were still walking by faith. (Cf. Col. 2:6 – this is a theme he later revisits.)
• We enter INTO life by faith… and our faith is to continue to rest on its solid foundation…
• We received Christ by faith – we put faith INTO Him.
• We are to walk in the same way – even so – by faith… faith should continue to rest in Him.
• We only need ONE initial act of faith to be saved (putting our faith INTO Christ).
• But once our faith is placed INTO Christ, it is to rest there… settle down there…
• Christianity is a life of faith…

f. Paul was thanking God in His prayers for the Colossians because they were LIVING this truth. He thanked God for their faith in Christ Jesus.

7. And note also the OBJECT of their faith: Christ Jesus.

a. Faith doesn’t save anybody. Only the Savior saves.

b. People in the world use the word “faith” incorrectly all the time… they speak as if faith itself had some merit or value. (You gotta have faith; keep the faith; everybody’s gotta have faith in something; have faith in yourself; and other clichés).

c. The world doesn’t understand what faith is… but WE should!

d. When it comes to being born again, often new believers worry about their faith… (did I have enough faith to be saved? Was my faith of the right caliber? A good enough quality? Strong enough?)

e. None of that is relevant in the least.

f. A person can have a ton of faith in his church… or a ton of faith in his own goodness… or a ton of faith in religious observances… but you will end up in the Lake of Fire forever – because your faith is resting on the wrong foundation.

g. Faith has no intrinsic value itself. Faith has no substance; no value; It only derives its value from the object upon which it rests.
• A man might have the utmost faith in a bank… and may put all of his savings in that bank.
• But it isn’t faith that keeps his money safe – it’s the bank! IF the bank is good, his money is safe.
• And if the bank is unreliable, he could lose his shirt – no matter how much faith he has in that bank.
• The same is true in the spiritual realm.
• Rom. 10:11 – “Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.”
» The one who puts his life’s savings in a bank that goes under… or the man who invests his life’s savings in a fraudulent get rich quick scheme – and looses it all WILL be ashamed. “How could I have been so foolish as to fall for that?”
» But the one who places his faith in Christ… a rock solid foundation… will never be ashamed.
» He will be happy and will be rejoicing forever that he made such a wise choice!
» Those who put their faith in a church to save them… or put their faith in religious observances… or in their own sense of self worth WILL be ashamed… when they end up in the Lake of Fire forever… and regret forever their folly – “How could I have been so foolish as to ignore the gospel message?” Ashamed forever.

» But none who put their faith in Christ will ever be ashamed.

h. The strongest faith in self effort will only condemn a man. But the feeblest faith placed in the Person and finished work of Jesus Christ will save a man forever!

i. The Colossians had placed their faith in Christ – and their faith was resting comfortably upon the Solid Rock.

j. Paul was sure that the faith they placed INTO Christ was still there… proof that the initial act of faith was genuine!

k. Col. 2:21-23 – their faith CONTINUED… proof that it was genuine… it wasn’t just a superficial, an instant outward display of faith… like the seed planted on rocky soil – that seemed to have life – but when the sun came out, it vanished away!

l. Their faith was genuine…it continued… and Paul knew that they were “saints and faithful brethren.”

m. And that was cause for a prayer of thanksgiving!

8. So why praise God for their faith? Shouldn’t Paul have praised the believers for their faith? After all, it was they and not God who exercised that faith!

a. Our faith has no value whatsoever. Its only value lies in the object upon which it rests… upon the Solid Rock of the finished work of Christ.

b. Salvation is of the Lord… from start to finish.
• It was the Father who sent His Son to die for us…
• It was the Father who planned our great salvation…
• It is God who works IN us both to will and to do of HIS good pleasure.
• It is GOD who promised “He that began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
• Hence, God gets all the glory for salvation – from start to finish.
• Paul wasn’t praising the believers for their mighty displays of faith. Rather, he was thanking God that their faith continued… as God assures us it will. Christ prays “that our faith fail not.”
• Gratitude goes to GOD for the salvation and continuance of the faith of the Colossian believers. To God be the glory… and to God be the praise and thanksgiving!

9. Note that the Father in this verse is not called “Our Father,” but the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. This is an especially Christian title for God…

b. In the Old Testament He was often referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

c. Neither one of the Biblical titles for God are politically correct today… because God is linked to either Judaism or Christianity.

d. Today folks like to speak about God in vague, fuzzy, generic terms… so as not to offend anyone… and not to associate God with anything specific…

e. Yet in the Bible, the titles GOD uses for Himself are quite specific – and intentionally offensive for those who reject the truth.
• He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – NOT of Esau. (Jacob have I love; Esau have I hated!) That’s quite offensive to the line of Esau, wouldn’t you say?
• He is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ – NOT of Buddha, Mohammed, or Confucius… but of Jesus Christ! All others are “thieves and liars” Jesus said. Quite offensive to non-Christians… and designedly so!
• The titles for God in the Bible are designed to put the God of the Bible in a class by Himself. (I am the Lord – and there is no other!)
• Don’t be fooled by cleverly worded language – (There is only one God right? Therefore, we are all worshipping the same God – just by different names!) That is a lie.
• The God who is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the same god as the Allah of Islam… or of any other religion.
• There are NOT many ways to God. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way… (John 14:6)

C. Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Faith of the Saints

1. Paul prayed always for the saints, AND he prayed specifically… for their faith.

a. Eph. 1:15-16 – Paul ceased not praying when he heard of the faith of the Ephesian believers.

b. Rom. 1:8 – Paul prayed and thanked God because the faith of the Romans was spoken of throughout the world! They trusted God – and the testimony of that spread… to the glory of God.

c. I Thess. 1:2 – Paul thanked God because the faith of the Thessalonian believers was expressed in good works!

d. I Thess. 3:6-7 – Their faith comforted Paul in his time of affliction. Thank God for that! It’s a good reminder in times of trials to have a fresh glimpse of the fact that other believers are facing trials – and they continue to walk by faith! So can we… for the same Christ lives in us!

e. II Thess. 1:3 – Paul thanked God when he heard that their faith was growing!

f. Philemon 4-6 – Paul thanked God for his faith and prayed that the sharing of his faith would be effectual…

g. Paul was interested in the FAITH of the believers… not so much their sore toes and aching backs… but their FAITH. That consumed much of his time in prayer and thanksgiving.

6. The Ephesian believers — like the Colossian believers — like us here in Salem, had their problems.

a. However, there is always cause to thank God for their faith.

b. Even those believers who rub you the wrong way… or who may have mistreated you in the past… there is always something for which you can thank God concerning their walk of faith.

c. Don’t let the failures and frailties of the saints BLIND you to the good work that God is doing in them.

d. Paul knew of some of the failures of the Colossian believers… but he thanked God for their faith… that much was good and worthy of thanksgiving.

e. There is always something in the life of another believer for which we can be thankful concerning their faith!
• Are they still walking with the Lord? Thank God!
• Are they still reading their Bibles so that God is able to strengthen their faith? Thank God!
• Are they still clinging to sound doctrine… THE faith? Thank God.
• Are they still going to church? Thank God!
• Do they still look to God in their trials? Thank God!
• Thank God for their faith…
• In spite of their many shortcomings – God is still at work in them… their faith is still resting on a solid foundation.
• Thank God for the faith they have – and pray that it would be strengthened!

f. I Cor. 1:4-8 – Paul found plenty of fault with the Corinthians. But he also found many things for which he could praise God! And he did so… and let them know about it too!

g. Paul addresses some of the faults of the Colossian believers too. BUT — he also thanks God for their good points: faith, hope, and love!

h. It’s easy to gossip about them… point out their bad points… or to ignore them… Paul prayed for them and thanked God instead.

i. This is a good reminder to parents as well…
• As parents, it’s easy to constantly dwell upon the faults of our children… constantly pointing them out – even nagging… because you want to see them corrected. Your intentions may be good… but consider your methodology.
• Don’t forget to thank God for their good points… if they are believers, for their faith… as weak and feeble as it may appear at times – thank God for it!
• And it’s not a bad idea to let our kids know that we are thanking God for their good points too! They need that word of encouragement… not just constant reminders of their failures!

3. WHY should we pray and thank God for the faith of the saints?

a. Because Satan walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

b. Satan seeks to undermine our faith in Christ… and cause us to put our faith and confidence in SELF… to lean on our own understanding… our own strength… so that we will FAIL.

c. We all know believers whose faith has grown weak… believers who are no longer walking by faith… and are thus being lured back to the ways of the world…

d. Eph. 6:12 – Paul prayed when he thought of their faith – because he knew that the believers in Colosse – like us – wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
• And sometimes the spiritual wickedness wins the battle.
• They have lost the war – but they do win some of the skirmishes along the way.
• We have seen believers fall by the wayside in this spiritual battle.
• PRAY… who knows how many of US sitting here today might NOT be here… were it not for the prayers of the saints… that our faith fail not!