The Two Natures Examined


Natural Generation

(fallen human nature)

Supernatural Regeneration

(the new nature)

1. Rom.5:19 – by one man’s disobedience we were all made sinners – a fallen race. Adam’s disobedience affected all of creation! (Gen.3:18-19) 1. Rom.5:19 – by one man’s obedience, many shall be made righteous. (Christ was obedient even unto the death of the cross!)

2. John 3:6 – born of the flesh.

Flesh begets flesh “after its kind.” (Gen.5:3)


2. John 3:6 – Born of the Spirit… a spiritual birth.

Cf. John 1:13 – born of God

3. Ps.51:5; 58:3 – All are born in sin… from conception, men are sinners by nature.


3. Eph.4:24 – Created in righteousness and holiness. 

4. Eph. 4:18 – Alienated from God’s life.

• In this condition, man is incapable of fellowship with God.

• Is active & alive in the natural realm, but not the spiritual.

• Can be moral & religious, but is alienated from God & God’s life.

4. I John 5:11 – God’s life is in the regenerated believer.

• He is capable of fellowship

• He is alive unto God & spiritual things.

The unbeliever has only ONE nature: The believer now has two natures:

the sin nature. The sin nature & a new nature.


The Adamic Nature  The Divine Nature

Identical Terms:

• Sin (nature)

• The disposition of the old man

• The flesh (fleshly nature)

Identical Terms:

• New nature

• The disposition of the new man

• Divine nature

Defined: Corrupt human nature inherited from fallen parents by every child of the human race at birth, in the state of alienation from and opposition to God, His Word, and spiritual things. Defined: The holy nature supernaturally created in every true believer at the moment of saving faith, which always acts in perfect harmony with God, His Word, & His Spirit.


1. Adam’s nature (Gen.5:1-3) In his own likeness = in his fallen, depraved, human nature


1. Divine nature (II Pet.1:4) (we should thus be like our heavenly Father)

2. Inclined towards sin (Rom.7:23)

• Ps.119:36 – his heart was inclined toward covetousness.

• Ps.141:4 – his heart was inclined towards evil.

• He knew his heart and its inclinations, and prayed!

2. Inclined towards God (Phil.2:13)

• Cf. Rom.8:2 – the law (principle) of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus


3. Jer. 17:1,9 – Sin was “written” in the heart so deeply, it was their governing disposition. (R.Showers; New Nature)

• God’s law was not written in the heart of the unregenerate.

3. Jer. 31:31-34 – God’s law was written in their heart.

• This is a contrast to the old covenant, written on stone

• The external law becomes internalized in the new birth

• An expression of God’s holy nature is inscribed in the heart.

• It results in a new disposition – a new inclination to do God’s will.

• An inward, personal, knowledge of God (vs.34)

• Ps.40:8 – God’s law was in David’s heart – he was regenerated.

• Cf. II Cor.3:3 – God’s moral law becomes instinctive to the new nature

• Ezek. 11:19-20; 36:26-27 – New Cov.

4. Rom. 7:18 – No good thing in me. 4. Gal.2:20; Col.1:27 – Christ in me.
5. (How it operates) Eph.4:22 – Corrupted according to deceitful lusts 5. (How it operates) Col.3:10 – Renewed in knowledge after the image of God. 


The Old Man – The man or woman you were when under dominion of the old nature – the unregenerate man. 

The New Man – The man or woman you are once regenerated. The new man is now freed from slavery to his old nature, and free to manifest Christ through his new nature.

His Intellect

1. Incapable of understanding spiritual things (I Cor.2:14)

2. Minds earthly things (Rom.8:5-7; Phil.3:19; Col. 2:18)

3. Thinks evil thoughts (Col.3:5-8; 2:18; Matt.15:19)

4. A mind at enmity with God (Col.1:21)

His intellect

1. Discerns all things (I Cor.2:15)

2. Minds spiritual things (Rom.8:7; Col.3:2)

3. Thinks pure thoughts (Phil.4:8)

4. A mind submitted to serving God (Rom.7:25)

His Emotion

1. Deceitful and wicked (Jer.17:9)

2. Source of evil (Matt.15:18-19)

3. Loves iniquity (Rom.1:21,24; 31)

His Emotion

1. God’s love in us. (Rom.5:5)

2. Source of love

• For God – I Jn.4:19

• For Believers – I Jn.3:14

• For the word – Ps.119:97; 165

3. Hates iniquity (Heb.1:9)

His will

1. Does not choose to seek God (Rom.3:11; Gen.3:7-10)

2. Slave to sin (Rom.6:16-17; 7:23)

The sin nature does NOT will to do God’s will.

• Under dominion to sin (Rom.6:14)

• He knows no real freedom; captivity to sin. (Rm.7:23)

His will

1. Able to choose righteousness. (Rom.6:12-13)

2. Freed from slavery to sin (Rom.6:7,18)

Not free from the possibility of sin!

• Rom.8:2 – free from the “law” of sin

• Free because God judged sin at the cross. Our sin nature is a defeated foe.


The Old Man is DEAD The New Man is ALIVE
The Old Man – The man or woman you were when under dominion of the old nature. The old man is the unregenerate you. (The old man is dead, but do NOT assume that the old nature is dead!) The New Man – The man or woman you are once regenerated. The new man is now freed from slavery to his old nature, and free to manifest Christ through his new nature.
• Rom.6:3,4,5,6 – The old man is crucified. • Rom. 6:5 – the new man is raised up with Christ.
• Eph. 4:20-22 – Paul taught them that they have already put off the old man. He died on the cross! • Eph.4:24 – They were also taught that they had already put on the new man. He was raised up with Christ. 

• Col. 3:3 – the old man is dead. This death is not a process of dying daily. It happened once for all the moment a man receives Christ as Savior.

* Cf. Rom.6:10 – Christ died once for all.

• Col.3:1 – He is put on already. 

• The old man, the unregenerate you died when you received Christ as Savior.

• Faith unites us with Him in His death and resurrection.

• That old man is dead and can NEVER again arise. You can NEVER revert back to your former unsaved position.

• This death is not a physical or a metaphysical death. You are still the same person – but the old man becomes a new creature in Christ.

• The man (person) who was once favorably disposed to sin exclusively is now favorably disposed toward God because of the new nature.

• Gal.2:20 – The Paul who hated Christ & persecuted believers died, and a new Paul arose – one who loves Christ and the brethren! But the person was still the person who was born in Tarsus, Roman citizen, etc.


The Old Man  The New Man 

1. Col.3:8-9 – “Put off” = imperative. We are to put off the character or the deeds of the old man.

• Why should we put them off? (vs.9)

2. Eph.4:22,25-29,31 –

The exhortations to “put off & on” is based upon our position… what God did. He said our old man is dead, now live like it!

1. Co.3:12 – “put on” = command. We are to put on the character and the deeds of the new man.

• What does “therefore” refer to in vs.12?

2. Eph.4:24,32